tATLY ) 11 , Omaha , Dec. 10 , 1S97. The Of philosophers who donotpractice what they preach. It is said that it should be so , as the good suffers as much as the bad Good mcr- merchandising like good philosophy must stand on facts , LOAKS Wo soil Ilimisands of Indies' cloaks , that la n fact , tlioro must lo ) a rensort for this nutl Indies know it is a good ono. The first IB Everything wo have is new and stylish. Second roiaon Wo sell thcao now and stylish Cloaks oven cheaper than other stores sell old garment * . SPECIAL. bargains In Children's Ilcefera 0 nnil 8 years sizes vrlco $3.75 , $4.00 and $5.00 worth $5.00 , $0.00 and $10.00. SPECIAL bargains In misses' Coats 14 , 10 and 18 years $3.76 , $5.00 , $7.50 regularly sold nt $5.00 , $7,50 and $10.00. Ladles' Capes from $3.75 to $15.00. SPECIAL BARGAIN A flne Astrakhan Cloth Jacket , In black , body all silk lined at 5.75 worth $10.00. OSTRICH AND Mnko nice Christmas PLUMAGE BOAS gifts. 20-Inch OUrlch Boas $2.50 , $3.00 , $4.00 , $ i.50 and $0.00 each. 27-Inch Ostrich IJoas , $3.00 , $0.00 and $8 each. 30-Inch Ostrich Doas $5.00 , $ C.OO , $8.00 and $9.00 each. 45-Inch and 51-inch Ostrich Boas. $15.00 , $15.50 , $17.00 and $18.00 each. 45-Inch Plumage Hoas 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 and $2.75 each. KID Dainty hand coverings arc GLOVES those bountifully mtido gloves for women. In blacks ami whites nml delicate shades of pearl , slates , modes , tans , and In fact almost any color you may wish. The genuine Foster lace and the Tro- foUEse clasp Gloves arc our specialties. See our now Jewel Lace Glove , embroid ered In colors to match the Jewels price $2.00 per pair. HOLIDAY HANDKEU- j CHIEFS - \ > . -s A Christmas without handkerchief - kerchief : ? is like the play of Hamlet - lot without Ilamlut. Profiting by former experiences have bought wbit wo believe to be the graad- est collection of Handkerchiefs over brought Into this city. Handkerchiefs for men , women and chil dren and all so modestly priced that you can well afford to dip deep Into this * Handkerchief matter. Ladles' all linen Handkerchiefs hand embroidered all new patterns 25c each. FLANNELS Prices are advancing all along the line , but wo continue to offer many nttriictivo items at the lowest prices yet touched. Cream White- Flannels at 20c , 23c , 30e 35c , 40c , tjOc , COc per yard. Eiderdown Flannels 30c and 45c per yard. Cotton Swansdowu hcridsome new de signs at 15c per yard. French Flannels for ladles' dressing sacnues wrnpeprs and fancy waists at GOe per yard best grade. CORSETS 537 W. C. C. corset. The very latest made low bust and sborl hips made in black and drab sateen at $2.00 each. Ferris' child's Good Sense Waist with supporters attached at SOc each. MEN'S FURNISHINGS A few sugges tions tor useful Christmas presents. KM Gloves extra value at $1.00 and $1.50 a pair. Mocha Gloves unllncd or with n. light silk lining $1.50 a pair , "Foster" Kid Gloves In black , hrowns , tans and English rod $1.50 a pair. Silk lined Walking GIovos-$2.00 a pair. Hoys' Kid Gloves sires 4 > 4 to G % $1.00 a pair , Men's gold plated Link Cuff Buttons 75c , $1.00 nml $1.25. Gold plated Shirt Studs SOc and 75e a set , Hoys' gold plated Cuff Huttons rovers- able ends 25e. Men's Silk Garters 25c and 50c. The "Elghmle" Shirt either laundered or unlaundercd $1.00 each. Good quality Whlto Laundered Shirt 75c. The "Monarch" Colored Shirt to bo worn with white collars $1.00 each. "Coon" brand Collars 20c , or 3 for 50o. "Domino" Collars 4-ply only lOc. Linen Cuffs at 20o or 3 for SOc , 25c and 35c a pair. Complete line of now Neckwear at pop ular prices. UNDERWEAR Wo carry - ry the Portage "Knit to Fit" < Underwear in combina tion suits and separate garments. Strictly all wool and roc- ular made. Combination Suite In | ) tnk , blue , black and natural $5.00 each. Separate gaiments In sarno colors $2.50 each. Tights In black and colors $2.50 each. These garments are all made with ex pansion shoulders , expansion hips and perfect fitting waists. HOSIERY Ladies' Superior llslo thread hoso. High colored tops with black boot la all sizes 35c. Ladles' stainless black Cotton Hose ex tra fine quality with high spliced heels ami double soles only ISc , 3 pairs , SOc. Wo have a very good ladles' t > laln black eeamless Cashmere Hose narrowed nuklo and foot 25c. Hisses' black ribbed Cashmere Hose with spliced knees and double toe and heel 50c pair. Children's black ribbed Wool Hose seamless with double sole and heel ; in all sizes 18e , 3 pair , 50c. NOTIONS Wo are showing a magnifi cent line of Shell Hair pins. Made lull rounded and handsomely fin ished. They como In black amber and shell straight and crimped at lOc , 23c , 35c and EOc per dozen. Sldo and Pompadour Combs the proper color and marking of genuine shell Is closely imitated wo have them at lOc , 12V4c , , 15c and 20c per pair. Ladies will do well to consult our offer ings If Interested In hair ornaments of any description. RE.MANTS The DRESS GOODS Remnant counter will bo very rich in choice material for Satur day's trade. Many good lengths are to bo found. BLACK AND COLORED Dress Goods Remnants many of the choicest pieces llnd their way here and whether in eklrt or waist lengths are marked so ante to assure proirot selling. Agents for McCalls Bazuur Patterns lOc and lee , None higher. HOUSE PASSES Tllia I'UXSIOX 11ILI- . All AiniMitlmiMilx Offered liy DemocrntN Are Huleil Out. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. The house today passed tiio pension appropriation bill with out amendment and adjourned until Monday. The amendments offered by democrats to correct alleged existing abuses were all ruled out oil the point of order that they were now legislation. As passed' ' the bill carries $141,263,880. The debate Itoday covered , a wide range. It touched not only the question of our pen sion policy , but that of civil service reform , and the receipts and expenditures of the treasury under the Dlngloy law. On the latter question Mr. Dlogley made on im portant statement in which he expressed1 the opinion that the receipts would equal the expenditures before the close of 'tho pres ent fiscal year and predicted a surplus of $10,000,000 next year. The civil service law was savagely at- itiickod by several members , notably by Mr. Brown , republican of Ohio , and Mr. Llnney , republican of North Carolina , and was warmly defended by Mr. Johnson , repub lican of Indiana. Just before the close of the session Mr. Hilt , chalrm/m / of the foreign affairs com mittee , attcmptel to secure unsnlmcus con sent for the bill prohibiting peluglo toiling by American citizens , 'but ' objection wus made. It will , under agreement , however , bo considered Monday. 11 AS is iMisTOKimna S.VI.AIUKS. HOIINU- Dill Wliloli I'l'OixiNcn .Some. Itiullual ( JliiuiirpN. WASHINGTON , Doc. 10. The bill for the classification o [ pojtnfllon clerks In first and , second-class offices was Introduced In the house by Mr. Lorlmer of Illinois. Dy Its provision thoau holding the olllco of assistant postmaster are to receive CO per cent of the salary of postmaster ; second assistant , 3D per cent ; secretary to the olllclal postmaster , from $1,200 to $1,800 ; cashier , auditor , su perintendent of malls , superintendent of delivery , superintendent of registry , and superintendent of money orders , 45 per cent of the salary of the postmaster. Assistants ot thcao last named , and superintendent of the stamp division , foreign malls , money order division , second class matter , uml of rating , Inquiry and supply department , and Inspector of station , $1,200 to $2,400 ; bookkeeper - keeper , accountant and finance clerk , $1,200 lo $1.800 , etc. This grading applies 'to all first class olllces. lu necoud class offices assistant postmas ters or-chief clerks are to receive fiom $900 to CO per cent ot the postmaster's salary , and all clerks are to bo appointed at $500 , and Increased annually $100 until the salary Is $1,000. IIUMOCR.VTIC CAUCUS IS GALLED. Will Consider Culm , linn-nil , Finance ami IluiiUi-utc } ' . WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. Chairman Rich ardson of the democratic caucus today Issued a call for a caucus of democratic members and delegates of the house to meet In the hall of the house on Tuesday evening next , at 7-30. The caucus will consider the- four eubjects of Cuba , Hawaii , finance and bank ruptcy. As to the action on these a pretty general understanding has been reached among the democratic leaders. On the subject of Cuba , the sentiment Is practically unanimous In favor of a resolu tion favoring the recognition of Cuban bel ligerency ; on financial questions , the caucus probably will take a position against the several pl-rraa of financial reform recom mended by Secretary Gage ; opposition to the bankruptcy bill Is alee contemplated by the caucus ; on the question of Hawaiian annexa. tlon it will be practically unanimous against annexation , either 'by treaty or legislatlca. HI3.VHIXIJ 0\AVri-SCALI'JSIl HILL. Goninerec" Cimimlltee Doolilon io I'jmli I lie- Sherman Meaxuru. WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. The house ocm- mltteo on Interstate and foreign commerce has sot Friday , December 17 , at 10 o'clock , for a hearing on the anti-scalper hill. ( At today's mottling of the commerce com mittee It was decided to press the antl- scalplng bill Introduced at the extra session by IteprcscntiUlVB Sherman , and all parties Interested have been notified to appear on the da'te ' mentioned. The Sherman till ! makes unlawful the wle , barter or other transfer of any klnl cf railway tickets by any per sons not showing certificate of authority from the common carrier over whoso road the 'transportation ' Is sold. AurnliiNt Civil Service. WASHINGTON , Deo. 10. Representative Peamei of North Carolina has secured sev enty-two signatures to the paper circulated among republican members of congress for a conference relatlvo to the civil service law. It was decided to hold the meeting In the rivers and harboro committeeroom - room on Sat urday evening , Dnlly TrtMtHiiry Statement , WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. Today's state ment of tbo condition of the treasury shows : Available cash 'balances ' , $237,960.192 : gold reserve. $158,549,774. . . .I HE DEE Voting Contest FOR. . . Queen of the Ice Carnival MY CHOICE FOR OUKEN POLARIS IS . Ballot Boxes located at Mlllnrd Hotel , Bee Bldg , Klne Pharmacy. 27th nnU Leavcnworth sts. ; Cbas. A. Tracy's , loth and Douglas ; Shrader'a Drue store , North 24th and Bewurd sts , ' NORRIS & LOVn , Carnival DEC. II This ballot must be deposited within 3 days from date. Cnuponv rray be mailed within two days to Carnival Dfti't. Pee Olllce. Omaha. \ MOVE TO POSTPONE SALE Attorney General Takes Action in the Kansaa Pao'fio ' Oaso. DEFERS TO THE WISHES OF THE SENATE I'ri.Hiieet tlmt the Ilnllrond 'Will .Not lie H.I M < ) eovinfcer 1.loiul ! - Icy OtOeriMl t I'rviutrc tbPeiiJoti. . WASHINGTON , TWX5. K. Attorney Gen eral McKcnna has Ukcn cl IPS looking to the postponement of the ulo f the Kar.sas Pa cific. As soon as ho rcecl cd a copy of yes terday's senate rcsolu'lon telegraphed Its substance- Special Counsel -Governor Hoadlcy ot Novy York , with a , request that ho prepare at onec a motion asking for a postponement for sixty d > s. or until f.bout February 15. The attorney general also telegraphed the president a synopsis of the resolution. Up to- noon today' Mr. McKenua had heard nothing of the reported decision of the reorganization committee , as etatcd by a New York newspaper , to offer a guar antee bid. . of $0,303,000 , the amount of the principal ot the government claim , nor would the attorney general say , In speaking of the matter today , what would bo done In case such an offer was made before- the mo tion for a postponement was filed. There Is no reasonable doubt that this offer , If It had been made prior to the adoption of the ecnato resolution , would have been accepted. It may be , It Is eald , that the president would consider himself bound. In courtesy to the senate , to ask for a postponement , Ir respective of any offer that might now be made , that ho might ascertain the views of the leaders In congress upon the acceptance of n bid ot $0,303,000 , ohould. It'bc made , nnd act accordingly. The attorney general today expressed no doubt that a postponement would bo granted by the court upon the showing the govern ment would bo able to make. In addition to the very potent resolution , that the sen ate , representing the people of the whole country , had requested this action , there was another , ho said , of little less Impor tance. Other rcaponslWo parties , outside of the reorganization committee , were just now taking an Interest In the Kansas Pacific road with a view , no doubt , to becoming bidders If their Investigations warranted such a step. Who these parties were the attorney general was not at liberty to state , but all things considered , he thought the reasons for a postponement were ample. In the meantime the preparations for prc- ecntlng the question to the court , should the reorganization committee , who are un derstood to be the owners of a large share ot the first mortgage bonds , object to the delay , will bo proceeded with. Ux-Governor Hoadlcy was requested by the attorney gen eral to confer with the committee today and wlro him any conclusions reached. Representative Powers of Montana , chair man of the house committee en railways , slid today 'that ' there was not likely to bo any strong oppealtlcn to the move toward post poning the pile ot the Kansas Pa'ciilc rail way. Tno subject will bo taken up before the .houso committee at Its next meeting , a postponement resolution having been Intro duced by Mr. Fleming of Georgia. Chair man POW.TS feels that the postpcncment ecu do little or no harm and Is therefore dis posed to acquiesce- It. sciir.um-G spoi'M oiuvs ACCOPNTS. Accounting for the Veternii 1,1- limrliiii'N Alleceil Shortage. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. An Investigation now being made between the ofllclals of the congressional library and the ofllclals of the Postotrtco department promises to throw a great deal of light upon the recently widelj discussed shortage of former Librarian Alns- worth It. Spofford. It will be remembered that on Investigation by the Treasury de partment about a year ago showed Librarian Spofford to bo about $30,000 short In ha ! ac counts. Few people who knew him looker upon tills at the time as anything more than an evidence ot clerical negligence In his de partment. Now It appears that a large part , If not all ot this deficiency , which Mr. Spof ford promptly made good out of his own pocket , will bo accounted for by a great batch of old money orders , which the absentminded - minded librarian forgot to cash. The Postofllco department gets a great many records of money orders from post masters which are never presented for pay ment by the parties receiving them. The number 01 tnesa uncosnen oruers auuresseci to the librarian of congress U perhaps greater than all of the others combined While Mr. Spcffonl was la office Mr. Metcalf chief of the money order division of the PostofTico department , would notify the libra rlan that there were orders on hand whlcl ho should cash. Sometimes ho would got a few In response to these notifications , am sometimes not. Since J. Russell Young has been placet In charge ot the library , however , ho ant Flrat Assistant Postmaster General Heatl have made a systematic search of the old II brary records , und tucked away In ono place or another they have unearthed hundreds o old orders , which the former librarian hat put asldo and apparently forgotten , and more are coming to light every day. Just wha the total sum will amount to has not ye been established , but It probably will come near wiping out the discrepancies In Mr Spofford's accounts. Some of the orders date hack twenty-two years , and one of the larg est was for $3G. Many of the orders hav expired by limitation , but they will all b paid by cash or warrant on the treasury , nm the money will bo turned over to Mr. Spoffon up to the amount that ho has paid out li rectifying his own accounts. LOCAL GOVKK.\MEXT FOR IAHI/O.VA IIIII liy DeleKHtu Siullli I'ropoNCM WASHINGTON , Doc. 9. Delegate Smith of Arizona Introduced a bill today which provides for a rather radical change In the conditions now existing In that territory. It provides for the election on the first Mon day In November , 1898 , the following terri torial officers , who shall hold offlco for four years unless otherwise proacrlbed by the legislative assembly of the territory : Gov ernor , secretary ot state , auditor , treasurer , attorney general , superintendent of public Instruction , ono chief justice and three as sociate justices of the supreme court. These officers are to have the same powers as such olllccrs now hold. All other terri torial officers are to bo appointed by tbe governor , by and with the consent of the territorial council. The salary and comA - A LITTLE SUFFERER Face , Hands nnd Arms Cove rod With Sorofulous Humors How a Cure Was Effected. 11 When ilvo years old ray Httlo boy had scrofula on bis face , hands and anna. It vma worst on bis chin , although tbo sores on bis cheeks and bands were very bad. It appeared in tbo form ot red plmplos which would fester , break open nnd run end then scab over. Alter disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense Itching and tbo little sufferer bad to bo watebed continually to keep bim Jrom Bcratchlnt ; tbo aorea . AVe became greatly alarmed at bis condition. My wifo'a mother bad bad tcrofuln and tbo only mediolno which hail liclpd her \vas Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give Jt to our boy and wo noted nn improve ment In bis case very noon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's BaranparlHo tbe humor bad all been driven out of ba ! blood and Jt 1ms never since returned. " WlUJAM lUirrz , 410 Boutb Williams St. , South Dend , Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparllla of al drugglsW. Bo sure to get only Hood's. > r 111. cureMverIlliiCAirtntska S FlllS e-uytuoj.2r.ue. , i.euu. pfnsatlon nt L/leao / officers ahull bo pil'l at the fluicf ondMn' the msnnar prescrlbsd hy law. At present the governor and secretary arc appointed hy iho president of the Uultcrt States and confirmed by tha senate , The ther offlcors ' % ilfltd arc appointed by th ovcrnor and /onflrmed by the territorial 6uncll. .Mr. Smith's bill would glvo local Bit-government to Arizona. umcnn M OKS TvF"CANVIOUIS. . lottlit About Hi ItrliiK Suereanfully ( irovtit \elirnnUn. . Dec. 10. ( Special Telo- ratn. ) Ccngr jiijian Mercer , having re- clved numerous requests from &ls constltu- nts asking for'lnVormatlcn as to the pcasl- Illty of raising canalro ( In Nebraska , called pou W. H. Smith , superintendent ot i.Iic jotanlcal gardens , to obtain his opinion hercon. The superintendent Berlcusl } oubted It this plant , . v.Cilch Is now used xtonslvcly in tanning , could bo Eiiccesstull > rown In Nobr.iflRa. Congressman Maxwell made hli maiden speech In the house this afternoon. He poke for about live minutes upon his amonJ- mont Incro.slng the apprpprldllon tor pcn- Icns from $141,000,000 to $163,000,000. Ho ellverccl his speech from manuscript nnd lu o low a tone of voice- that those wltlilu our or five scats from him could na , icar a word. The spcetii , however , wns voll prepared and consisted ot n strong pita or pensioning nil deserving old soldlew wh _ are now suffering from d'Uabllltles. He also ntroduced a bill o punish bribery , Intimi dation , etc. , .at elections. It provides that any ono who s/liall brlbo or attempt to ItiHu- cnco any elector In giving hla vote or hallo : at any election hld pursuant 'to < ho laws , of the United States sfoill , on conviction , be mprlsoncd In the penitentiary net over om car and bo fined $1,000. The person bribed s declared to bo a competent witness , and lot liable to prosecution under taa ! act. fho bill also provides Imprisonment of nai more than ore year for any creditor , master , employer , overseer or agent who. . attempts. o cc-srco or Intimidate- any electors , debtors or other person under their authority to vote contrary to tbclr Inclination or deter ilm from voting. The subcommittee ) on Indian affairs of tlu- louse today agreed to appropriate" $10,000 or a steam heating pltnt ut the Genoa In dian school. This amount was carrlc < d In ho Fifty-fourth congress , bull larsed throug i mistakes In the luinner lu which the ap- iropi-latlcn was Indexed. Senator Allen stated today tliat bo would attempt to pass the bill appropriating $50,000 or an Indian congress til Omaha titxt year curly next 'Week ' nnd hc-ped to have It In the houte before the holiday recess. Itepre- sstU'Hlves ' of the Indian office are enthusl- aUloilly In favor ot the measure , realizing what a civilizing Influence It will have on the trlbea 'that have uftus far held out against education. I Messrs. C. C. Flanshurg , G. 31. Lambert- EOH urU John II. Ames of Lincoln , who have jjen In Washington for some time past waiting upon the supreme court to take up the case of 'Stuart ' against Haydcn , left for Nebraska today. ToJ'iEistcrs appointed : Nebraska Carle- : co , Thayer county , William It. Hall , vice M. V. De-iver resigned ; Elk Creek , Johnson county , N. H. Llbby , vice C. A. Phelan omoved ; Hcsklnsi Wajne couo'y , Ludwig Zlemcr , vlco W. Zutz resigned ; Somerset , Lilncoln county' , Gebrgo Turuer , vice Alex Green removed. Iowa Essex , Page County , John Carlson. BANKING COJIMITTISR DISAPPOIXTED Secretary Oute ISinlmilles IIIi Iilens -Severn ! lllllH. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. It was stated lu reliable quarters about the house of repre sentatives today that Secretary Gage had made his purpose known not io embody his financial views In one comprehensive bill , butte to cover special subjects In a number ot special bills , some ot which would go before the house ccmmUt'e 0.11 tanking and currency and others 'before ' tha committee on , ways and means. The banking and currency committee had .formally Invited the seorotiry to J preseirt ablH cov ering all the' ' phased of finan cial reform suggested in his recent recom mendations to congress and the desire ol members ot the committee was to itreat the subject as an entirety. For 'that ' reason there was considerable comment when It was stated that Mr. Gage would divide the subJect - Ject Into several bills , some of which would go before Hie ways and means committee. It was this last feature which occasioned : ho liveliest comment owing to the sharp con tests between the ways nnd means commit tee and the banking and currency committee respectively to control legislation designed to bring about currency reform. This feeling found expression on the floor of the house the second day of the session , and after a spirited contest between Mr. Dlngloy and Mr. Walker , the chairmen of the two com mittees , the matter was compromised. The waya and means committee felt it had car ried the day and nt Its meeting on Wednes day the formal Invitation iwas extended to Secretary Gage to present a 'bill ' ibased on his recommendations to congress. When Secretary G > Jge this afternoon was Informed ot the reports in circulation about tbe house ot representatives , ho eald that ho had not yet made up his mind whether to submit bis propositions In' ' one , two or three bills. His plan might be better under stood If divided , but ho had not yet decided about the matter and was otlll at work on the proposed legislation. When Mr. Hill was asked as to ILho report ho said he could not say what the secretary would determine to do. The latter .tad re ceived an Invitation from the committee ou banking and currency with such courtesy and said ho would appear before the com mittee ell an early day. While Mr. Gage did not outline what ho would do os to framing ing- ono or rnoro bills , yet the 'Impression of Mr. Hill was that the secretary had under consideration bills of several phases of finan cial reform. IftSio secretary -concluded to adopt this plan it Is said 'that ' the bills providing for bonds , refunding 'tho ' public debt and placing a tax on circulation would go to the ways and mcsn-s committee , while bills for 'the ' establishment of small banks In rural communities , allowing circulation up to the par value ot bonds deposited nnd ether phases directly connected with the banking business would go to the committee on banking and currency. FOU WKSTIJII.V WKATHKIl STATIONS. Secretary WIUon Auk * for Iiiurenneil AiiiiroiirlntloiiN. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. The members of the house committee on agriculture have had a conference with Secretary Wl'son ' respectIng - Ing the Qcedf } of the Agricultural depart ment nnd liavo b pn hformed that the sec retary desires Increased appropriations for weather stations In' ' , ( ho west and In the vlolc.lty of the Gfoat l > akes. The establish ment of addltlonaf , forecast Stallone , the eac- retary th'akg , would be groitly to tbebono - flt of the fruit Industry of California , which auffera considerably1 whan there are not proper warnings' of , approaching storms , while on the lakesjextra stations are needed for the protection \ , the maritime Interests. Another branch o\ \ the service vhlch re quires more money Is that of tbo micro scopic division \\lilch--lnspcct3 meats designed for export. The forcd1 now available Is in adequate , the Becretj > | jBayg. } I'llUiiInViNien > Inventor * . WASHINGTON,1' $ * , 10. ( Special. ) Pat ents were Issued -tcnlay to Inventors In Ne braska , Iowa and' ' oujh Dakota as follows : " Nebraska Helen"iljaum , Omaha , combina tion tabla and deak-Frank : Rrxleben , Wayne , locking pin or bolt ; Thomai S. Ferguson , Omaha , egg carrier. Iowa Mojestus J. Cus-bman , Waterloo , apparatus for mlllclng cowa ; Freellng H. Hedrlck , Gllddcn , nut lock ; John H , Fore man , St. Lucas , fence waking machlro ; David Fontney , Otho , fracture apparatus ; Frank F , Funk , Kinross , fruit gatherer ; William F. Gould , DCS Moinco , balancing ollJo valve ; Thomas Green , Davenport , wrench ; Lincoln G , Hall , Uurllngton , bicycle brake ; Kdwln 8. Jcfcraon and J. N , Kyle , Mount Vernon , wire stretcher ; George A. and J , K. Lock wood , Charlton , ( tern winding and setting watch ; IMwIn J. Nixon , Ite-d Oak. Inkstand ; GeorsQ E , I'ooler. Ce < Tar LI luff , tmvliig machine ; J.jmea I'rcntlce , Cclcs-burg , straddlerowheel cultUm'or ; Gharlex A. Webster , Independence , blow pipe , South Dakota Charles G. Brunei ! , Ouster , fuss cutler , splitter and crimper ; James M. Fuller , Sioux Tails , teoJci- for tractlaa engine gine- FAVOR THE INDIAN EXHIBIT botUra Bccoived by Senator Allen Rcccm- memling the Plan , PRODUCED ALONG WITH THE BILL of ( lie Dpitnrtmentn Offer oil ( it Help AloiiK tliei Sehetue for n CoiitreN 1 nf Iteil .Men. WASHINGTON Doc. 10. ( Spcclil. ) The following letters In relation to the bill ap propriating $100,000 for a congress of rep resentative families of Indlau tribes next jcnr at Omaha were Introduced by Sena tor Allen at the tlmo he presented the bill , which has boon referred to the committee on Indian affairs : Hon. Wllllnm V. Allpn. United States 6en- RU : IJtnr Sir Your rnvor of the 3d lust. wn" duly received. This dcp.irtmont will cheerfully co-opernto In any well- devised plan that may bo mloplod to carry out the schema for providing- Indian exhibit , ns sUgRpfltoil by you. nt the Trnnsmlialsslppl and International Exposition , H should , liowcMr , be understood by the friends of Hip plan that to provide , such an exhibition will Involve , a very large expense , nnd will require ix special nppropilntlon by congress , na the eh\ro : of the present appropriation as signed to the Department of the Intel lor Is only JIS.CCO. ft sum barely suniclcnt for the ordinary exhibition already authorized. I mill refer your letter to the ctmnnla- slonpr ot Indian affairs 'for bis opinion re garding the practicability of scum Ing the co-operation ot the Indians and for the es timate ot 'he probable expense Involved anil will lulvlso you further regarding the matter ut nn early date. Yours truly , C. N. I1LISS , Secretary. Smithsonian Institution Bureau ot Amorl- r n Kthnoloev , Washington , Dec. 4 , 1J97 Hon. William V. Allen. Chairman , Committee on Forest Reservation und the Protection of Clame , United Stntcs Senate : Dear Sir In response to your letter of the "d Instant 1 beg to mnkt ! the folio wins 10- ply : I am of the oiplnlon that groups ot Indians from rejected tribes of the United States could be mmlo very attractive und Instruc tive by Installing them In dom'olles of their own construction made of the materials ot their M.MI collection. The structures them selves would be a novel feature anil exhibit the deftness with which they protect them selves from the Inclemency of the weather. If , then , they wore Induced to bring the materials necessaiy for carrying on their primitive arts and engMge In the making of articles for sale on the ground ? , the. . arts themselves would lie of the greatest Interest. Living * on the grounds they would neces sarily engage In their games and ceremonial Institutions and the exhibition of Indian life thus produced would be of supreme Inter est. est.By such moans the arts nnd Institutions of savage life would be vividly portrayed to 11 huge body oC the people of the United States , who would thus bo able to understand more clearly the nature and characteristics of savagery and the problem .which is pre sented to the Indian department In the en deavor to lift the aboriginal InhJblUnts of the country into the status of civilisation. The general government from Its organiza tion more than a century nso has been steadily attempting to accomplish this pur ree. In which it hns expended more than KOO.OOO.CCO . and In lieu ot these efforts it has by treaty stipulations purchased the huntIng - IngPTOUIHS ! of the tribes , leaving In their possession small tracts of land at reserva tions which they are gradually Inducing the tribesmen to take in eeveialty , Ths great body ot the people nece'sarlly have a very Imperfect Idea ot the nature of the task -which has been imposed by law upon the Indian department. Such an exhi bition would be of Inestimable value. I am , with gieat respect , yours coiillally , J. W. POWELL. Hoibert Welsh , secretary ot Indian nights association , writes as follows : Hon. William V. Allen , Senate Chamber , Washington , D. C. My Dear Sir : Your favor of December 2 with enclosures relative to your proposition that n congress of the Indian tribes of the United States should be held next year nt Omaha In connection with the Transmlssis- slppi and International Exposition , has just reached me. I heartily approve what I take to be the spirit and purpose ot this meas ure , and 1 quite agree with , you in think ing that If carried out under direction of the secretary of the Interior nnd with Ju dicial bafeguards , that it will prove of great Importance in illustrating the progress the Indians have made and are making under the present system of education nnd civili zation. " I believe your project deserves high com mendation and strong support. I trust that It will receive both and that it will be carried Into practical operation. As I un derstand It , there would be presented to popular observation the striking- contrast between the original savage condition of the Indian under which he Is BO unfit for con tact with civilization and the present state of moral , mental , and , so far ns civilized requirements are concerned , physical de velopment , to which the. rising generation of the Indian race is now being brougrht by the generous education which the gov ernment affords , nml In which missionary and philanthropic bodies have aided. There is no better means of reaching the popular mind , and touching the warm and true in stincts of the American heart , than by such an object lesson as this. It Is because the better class of our people ( have FO long remained In Ignorance of the possibilities ot Indian education and civilization , and of the wronjis which have been Inflicted upon the Indian race , that these people have been In so many Instances the prey of de signing , avaricious or ignorant men. Dur ing1 the last twenty-five years remarkable progress lias been mndo In the work of Indian civilization and In raising the stand ard of our national treatment of the red men. Such a project as that which you have Wndly brought to my attention It seems to mo would reveal these changed anil hopeful conditions with the clearness and vividness of a panoramic picture. What the Indian Is In his natural state , and what he may become through intelligent guid ance and care , would bo shown at a glance to the thousand' * who would visit tills ex position. In no way could prejudice be more quickly disarmed , mistaken notions bo corrected , or n fuller sentiment than now supports the measures of the govern ment for the education and protection of the Indian be secured. Of course such a project would have to be , carefully guarded fiom the designs of persona who might bo disposed to divert It to personal schemes of money-making notoriety , but that danger , which is always a real ono In connection with great projects , would no doubt bo amply guarded against by the secretary of the Interior nnd his assistants , to whom the execution of the plan would be intrusted. Hcgardlng the details of your bill , you are better fitted to determine than I am , I will only suggest that the Washington agent of our associa tion , Mr. Francis 13. Leupp , might call on you to confer on this subject ; If ho can lend you any aid I am sure he. will gladly do so I write In my Individual capacity , and not officially , ns secretary of the In dian nights association , but I think I am safe in declaring Hint the opinions which I now express on this subject will bo en tertained by every member of our execu tive commltUo anil of the members of our society. Personally , I most sincerely com mend your project , under the qualifications specllled , and I wish It the fullest success , CIIIXAMAX'S I'HIJUMAU POSITION. IliixIiii'HH Ui > ver e I'reveiit III * He- tiirn to Thin Country. WASHINGTON , Dee. 10 , A singular Chinees case has como to the attention of the Treasury department. A former mem ber of the Chinese firm of Hong Chung & Co. , merchants of New York , now desires to visit China and later to return to this country , As a merchant ho was not re quired to register under the act of 1893 , but meeting with business reverses ha Is now compelled to perform manual labor. Under tlio regulations made pursuant to the provisions of our treaty with China , pro viding for the departure and return of Chi- HOBO laborers , ccrtlllcatca of registration must bo furnished In each Instance , The matter wss refcrrttJ 1o the solicitor of the lre sury , who holds Out the Chinaman has no right to return , should ho leave the coun ry. Another question Involved In the case , nil which has not yet been passed upon , Is whether the Chinaman Is legally In this country , HAWAII \\S cTlil , 0SHHIUI " V\ . 1'rexent a Profit AprnltiM Aimevntlim of Tlielr iMlniul * . WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Tim ilnlng.itlnn ot native Hawallans which has been In Wnsh. Ington for the last few days called at the Stnto department today and wns accorded an Interview with Secretary Sherman. There were tour present : Hon. John Kault. pros- ! ilont ot the Hawaiian I'.itrlotlo league ; Joseph - soph Holcluhc , K. C. C. , secretary and gen eral of Llluokalanl and a commissioner of the lonRUilion. ; . David Knlaiiokalanl , presi dent of the Hawaiian association , Hul iCa- lal.ina , and William Auld , secretary and com- inlsalancr ot the Hawaiian association , The Interview lasted only a few minutes. They presented the secretary a memorial repre sented to bo In behalf ot 20,000 native lla- wallans , protesting ngaln < st annexation , or , nt least soliciting a secret plebiscite of the Hawaiian population before such a course was determined upon by the government of the United States. Secretary Sherman treated his visitors with courtesy , and , with out makliiK any promises , said ho would lay the petition ibcforo the senate , which body now had tha annexation treaty before It. Ac cordingly ho submitted the document to Senator Hoar , a member of the senate com mittee on foreign relations. The delegation of Hawaiian natives which Is hero In opposition to the annexation treaty called upon several senators nt the capltol today to urge their vlows. They have attempted no canvass ot the senate , Init say they have received cor.eldorable en- courngcincnt. Senator Davla , chairman of the committee ) on foreign relations , declines to divulge his plans , but his friends In the senate say that ho will bo governed lu his action largely by circumstances and that ho expects to get the treaty up within the next ten days. He has now no purpose of abandoning the plan of considering the treaty na such and of at tempting to secure the saino result by leg Islatlou , STOPS TWO HOURS l.V AVASHIXHTOX. Cleveland SpendH the Time In Ills 1'rlviitu Cur. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. Former Presi dent Grover Cleveland arrived ! n Washing ton this afternoon , en route to South Carolina lina on a hunting trip , Although this was the first time Mr. Cleveland had been In Washington since he left the Executive Man sion last March , he did not leave his car during the two hours It wag In the city He- was met at the Sixth street station by Captain II. D. Evans of the lighthouse board General Anson G. McCook , United States ir.'irohal ; A. A. Wilson and two or three other 'ritlmate ' friends. Mr. Cleveland said ho was enjoying ex cellent health. Ho declined to dlc'cuas poli tics or public affairs , but laughingly sug gested that he might have some Interesting stories on duck shooting to tell upon hi : return from the south. He Is on his way to South Island , about thirty mllea from Charleston , S. C. , where hevlll be the guesi of General E. P. Alexander , the distinguished chief of the confederate artillery forces ai the battle , of Gettysburg and now president of the Georgia Central railroad. Ho loft Washington at 3:40 , accompanied by Oaptaln E\uns , General McCook acd Captain Lam- bertson of the lighthouse esrvlce. Mr. Cleveland amd General McCook wll remain In camp for ten days or two weeks Captain Evans will remain with them for a week , and will then proceed on his pro posed tour of Inspection of the lighthouse establishments along the south Atlantic cni gulf coastra as far as Galveston. Ho will be absent probably until March. COMPARATIVE PIUCES OP GIIA.I.V Croi Circular Iimied l y the Deimrt- inenl of Aurleulliire. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. The Agriculture department today Issued the following : The department's special wheat Investi gation is still lacking- few Important re turns , but the general result will be made public Monday. The department's llnal es timates of the production of the priuclpa crops are based principally on the Decem ber returns and In accordance with the de partment's- practice they will not be made public before December 13 at the earliest. The only Information now available re lates to the average farm price of certain products on the first day of the prcsen month. The farm price of corn ns Indlcatoi averages 26.3 cents per bushel , nrzalnst 21.5 cents last year ; that of oats , 21.5 cents og-iilnst 18.7 cents last year ; that of barle > 37.7 cents , ntrnlnst 32.3 cents last year ; tha of rye 41.7 cents , against -10,9 cents las year ; that of buckwheat 42.1 cents , apalns 39.2 cents last year that of hay , JG.63 pel ton , against $0.53 last year. The averages of products not given are withheld for revision , ns are the estimates of the acreage of winter wheat and rye and the condition of these products. WIM * PROSUOUTI3 A COAL COMIII.VK Department of Jnxtlce Taken Inltln- tlve AcraliiKl n Trnxt. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. The attorney general oral today directed United States Attorney II. 8. iFooto at San Francisco to file a bll In equity against the Coal Dcaleis' aesocla tlnn of California , for violation of the nntl trust law of July 2 , 1890. It Is stated tha the association Is composed of retail dealers o San Francisco and has for Us object the control of tho.retal trade. The constitution and by-laws of the association , which have been under conslderatloi in ; h" ueparimoii of Justice for some time , arc said to disclose the fact that the members are bound under severe penalties not to sell coal at a less price than Is fixed by the association , am otherwise to observe i" o * Its rules. \ov n for the Army. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10 ( Special Tele gram. ) The following assignment of officer to regiments are announced : Captain George II. Sands , to Sixth cavalry , troop U ; he wll Join his trocp January 20 ; Coptalu John S Mallory , to Second Infantry , company E Flrat Lleutccwnt John II. Bennett , to Secom Infantry , company I. Ho will Join his com pany. Additional Second Lieutenant Henry M. DIchmann , to the vacancy of second lieu tenant. Seventh Infetitry , company I ) , He will join his comiany. Leaves of absence : Captain George F Cliaso , Third cavalry , two months ; Captali Colvllie P. Terrell , Eighth Infantry , seventy five days ; Lieutenant Kenneth Morton , Thin artillery , forty-five days , llrltvht Outlook for Voneyiieln. WASHINGTON , D ec. 10. The Uliltod States minister at Ca'racas has written tins State department denying the report that a revolution had broken out In Vonf-ziiela. The Iiullactlons are , the minister adds , that Venezuela is about to enter upon a more prosperous career than It ever before en joyed and emerge from the business de- prtEalon which has prevailed for the last three yeare. I > I < elN I.eaivex for SI. I < uuln , WASHINGTON , Dec. 10-Wr. Kckcls , the comptroller of the currency , left 'hero today for St. Louis , where ho will deliver an ad dress next "Monday " evening before the Com mercial club , 'Hlver Tonehe llvconl I.oiv 'Wilier. BT , I.OUIS , Dee , 10. The 'Mississippi river has reached the low water mark of Ib6l. The gauro flood nt zero at 7 n. m. today. As sistant Local Weather Observer Ilerndon n. y.s the'prospects are that the Horces In the IlllnoU river are breakingnnd this , ( with the heavy ralnn In the central valley , will make a decided rise. -PERFECTION ( MODERATION IN PRICED n SO GOOD 111.health is the Sword of Damocles " I that linng * ftuspciulcd | bv n clcmlcr threat above the heads ol thousand * of men. In i the cnd-of-the-ccnturf } rush anil crush , men forget nntl ncftlcci I everything but money. 1 getting. They forpct tli.it tbe facility for money ccttiutr is in the long run dependent upon n sound mind in n sound body. The mnn who It too bu y with bis business to npare n inor mcnt to look after bis health , will cventu * ally lose both health nnd business. A mnn may be in too bis n hurry. The man who would be permanently successful should take time to cat , time to diRcst his food , time to sleep , and time to look after the most precious endowment his health. Dr. I'icrcc's Golden Medical Discovery is the best-known medicine for the over worked man or woman. It keeps the ays. tcui toned up. U makes the digestion per fect , the appetite keen , and the uowcls rep- ttlar. H makes blood pure , rich , life- divinfr blood and lots of It. H builds flesh I and muscle. U invigorates the nerves. Thousands have testified to the benefits derived from its use. Druggists sell it. " 1 have used miltc n number of bottles of yout medicines and nave received n prcnl deal of benefit from them , " writes Urban Hoirell , H o. , of Tnllin.invllle , Wnyne Co. , Pn. " In iSSo I took six bottles of 'Golden Medical nl'coxcry'nnil It cured me of the salt-rheum so tlmt it did not break out ngaln. " "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" is a well named book. It is nil that its title implies. It has proved n daily help in oycr n million families. The book contains 1,008 pages over 300 illustrations. 680,000 copies of this book have been sold at 81,50 each. Now nn edi tion , in heavy paper covers , is to he given away to whoever will send si cents in one- cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Address , World's Dispensary Medical As- sociatinn , Buffalo , N. Y. A copy in fine cloth binding may be bad for io cents cxtw. PliMiiIny. Piieiiintmlii. PIC , nmcti other iilastomtulHooTc.irMlovo. Only the genuine cfiectlvo. Price , H ! > cents. Recognizing- superior qualltlfs of this machine , the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition have adopted It exclusively. Embodies best points of all other machines and has many features distinctively Its own. Write us. DNITED1YPEINMTEH HID SUPPLIES Cfl. , Jdlll I'liriinin .St. , Omnliii. 20n r.lli St. , UCN .MoincH , In. DUFFY'8 PURE MALT WHISKEY All Drugglato. AHUSISMIi.vrS. P.i.xtoii K The Qmghfsn .V.nunucrs. TV I. 1531 TODAY , it ! TOMCiHT , Hll5. L Intioilitulii ? DELRflORE AND WJLSON and a host of others. IS _ IMVOItlTKS - K An Avalanche of Fun A Whirlwind of Mirth. Music and Beauty. Matinee Saturday. Prices 23c , GOc , $73c , $1,00. Matinee prices 25c. 3Gc , uUc. - - . S IliirnoM , O/-V-V I IVuto.i BUYLF , ' . _ Toluphono 10'a. Cniiiiiit'iiulnir SU.V. IJKC. 12. MATI.VK13 SIJXDtV. Everybody's Fmorlto Comedienne , Jolly Nellie McHenry In tlie enchanting cffcrescent lyrical comedy , A NIGHT IF HEW YORE liy 11 ( lrnllni : Donnelly , author nf "A MBlit nt the 'cirrus " Abiolutcly tlio funlCht furco 75balcony. ; . TTo. COc. Matinee. 25a ami COc. ' asnts now on snip. n & , M.rs. Ij. IIJI.- _ SIX IOHIOl"i Pr.llKOIMIM KM. Cmmi.eneliin . Sl'XDAV M IT. , ! ) ! : ( . JU. nviivp OK nvnvrs. AMKIUCA'S I'-AVOIUTi : COMIMJIAN. I-HICINT.S im : NIW COMIOY : , THE HOOSSER DOCTOR Hy AwiuslUB Thomas , uullur of "Alabama , " ManaKcincnt'or Mr. Duncan ll ! liii'rltoii Pilcca JI.CiO.7Ec. lialcuny , "Cc. SOc Mutlm-p , Ka. HKATH NOW ON HAI.1J f-tftSi I'AXTON _ Tol. 1'JIO. Only T o Mure I'ei'foriiMineen , TODAY , BlHU. ' 1OXHJIIT , 8ll5. "The llrit KCiiulne urtlstlc lilt of the tcnson , " New Voilt World. A SOUTHERN ROMANCE. DEAUWUIj BCKNr.IlY. OUIJAT OAST. lNTiiU:8TINCJ : fi'lOltY. lljII. . li. Valentino , foUndtJ on IJjIly Illubco1 * book , IN COD'S COUNTRY. Ilutlre production direct from Fifth Avcnua T'rr1cc ' - ! ' ' , 11.00. 7c ; Halcony 7c 60c. Matinee I wir floor , 75c. Me ! liaU-ony , COc. Kc. GUILI/S Oon&ert fate S. i : . Cor Kith n nil Unveniiorl Six , COXCI3IITS UVKHY .MUIIT TiJIO TO IB. Mutlni-es Tuesday , Tlmrsd.iy und Saturday , 23) ! Tlll.H WBHK'M ATTIIAOTIO8l Wrotho and Moore , Irish Comedians nnd Fun Makers. I'urlta and Georgia , Llllputian Bkutch , Helen Elcano. luEIe Iiaymond. Ella Klrchner , Soloist. iciiicnxHit's I'ADY oiioiircyriiA. IIOTUI.H. THE MILLARD 13th and Douglas SU. , Omtih CUNTKALLY 1OOATKI ) . Amorlcuu plnn , l.60pcr ! ilay up. Kuropouu plun , 11.09 per < luy up J. E. MAIIKKL & SON , Props. BACKER HOTEL. TIIIUTiHXTH AXU JOXKH BTIIUUTS. ItO room * , tatlu , ( team lieat and all modern convenience * . Hated. ll.M and | : .W ptr duy. Table unexcelled. Bptvml low rain to rHfUl.il boarders. DICK 4UtTU. M u * r.