10 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 11 , 1897. SPECIAL NOTICES WAVMill SITUATIONS. EXPEHIKNCKD DlinSSMAKim DE3inE3 rewlnR In families. COi North ISth St. " rosmoN WANTKO nr vorxo honorable position. Address tJ 4 , . 1'I.ACB TO WOHK FOR nd room liy > < nmif man. Adlress WAXTKD MAMJ HUM1. CANVA8SKIIS TO TAKI3 OIlDimS ! NI2\V UNH of work ; nj heavy Roods to carry ! alary or commtaslon. C. F. Adami Co. . 521 bo. l h , St. U"JJ BAI.R MIN ! "roiTcTfjAnS. * l5'A MONTII ANfD Mpenses ; old nrm : experience annecessary ; Inducements to customers. C. C. Illshop & Co. . Bt. louj" . _ _ _ " ° 3i- WANTFJl , AOHNTB ; 20 TO J2S A VTEEK SUnK capital needed : new Roods new to workers : no ! every mlUr needs It. II. plan : lolti nt sRht : f k. Co. . hex 42 . Cincinnati. Ohio. D nXPKIlIKNCKD DIIUO SAl.nS. WANTRD , AN terrllory , lijr rn"n for NH.rnfka nnd contliruoui prominent mamifacturer of Pn.nrmnccutlwl * . lensth of nc- Btite nxc , married or single , qualnlance on territory , amount of * le . " 2ry expected , etc. Address W , " 1 Thomas. Clilcajo. nlP cAIlPKNTIillS , I'I , VNKHH3 AND Ukcr ? wantpd. Moron " " . " ! " ? fl8 , wnnt nr - Seattle , , llulldcrs , of Wnsalmttpn In western - cliiV mechanics who nre experienced ern river ftenmcr construction , for work on fourteen Henmern and twenty-four barges now Iielne built by them nt Seattle , Ansh. . . for the Yukon Company. Andrew F. " ' " " " . , J * ? ! : dent ; nil of these vessels to b complete nnd In service on the Yukon rlxcr. Alaska , .next iprlns ? WflKe * 33 cents per hour. Steady work In a comparntlvely mild climate nt S'nltle. We arc prepared to offer free transport at on from Seattle to the "Klondike" to a llmlteil number of first-class mechnnlcs , who will re main In our employ until the completion of the work. Apply In perron nt our office In Seattle. Wash. , with unquestionable recommendations As to ability. Only first-class mechanics , wlt.i their tools , wanted. T.ie facts nre stated nbove. and wi have no time to carry on cor respondence. Motan Ilros. Co. , Se TOUNO MEN TO I.UAHNnAniinil THADR 'lnK demand nm nR barbers for Rrnduntea Kro ot thl system : 5 Rradunlci placed this weeknt Bnod waRoa : only elcht week * " atnudto complete - In two ' apprenticeship fcn-ed years' two Inonttn ; : n offer sjwclal Inducement now \w \ prcwntlnK complclo outttt nf tools ; l ul' catnloBiie nmlltd free. Molar System ficliinl , Clark nnd Van lluten sts. , r WANTIin. KBW SAIiKSMUS. PllllMANEM position , season Just opened , staple \\nf. \ \ salarj' or commission with expanses. I-uh'.IU1 " ' . . 11 . Co. . ChlcaKO. n-M3.B ' pntPA OOVUUNMI3NT POStTIONS-DON'T for the tiostonic- ether civil ? crvlc < > examina tion without peplnir our lllu'trnted cntnlociie of Information : n nt fr-te. rolumblnn CorTv on ence Collom- . Washington , D. C. D-M375 ! ! > VANTKD. TWO FIUST-CI.ASS TKA AND clear snleimen ; uioli-'R to write unless vou liave an putaM'iineil trad' In thcve go iU In ? f i Hrtn , II. C. Fl'her , Chlcnun. I1-M371 .0 1VANTUIJ I HJIAIiK HUM * . ioa amus FOH AM. KINDS OF to K week. Canadian OITIce , 1522 DoURlas. TVANTHD. Oinij FOH OnNRHAI. "OHSR work : family of three. Call at cncc. ! K N. as I h street. _ Cj-Xl 2VJ jl \VANTID , emi FOU ciNniiAi > HOUSE- walk In family of two. 523 South 20th street. C M320 11 WANTED. A rOMPKTANT Gim. FOU OEN- er.il hotiscAVork ; references requlreJ. Mrs. n g. linker. 11M S. 32d Ht. C-aiS-l" * _ WANTED. Oini. FOH OnNKllAtt IIOUSE- worU : no nnshliiR or Ironing. Mrs. Jas I ! Melkle , 2117Vlrt st. _ C M52S 12 WANTED. A NUIISU GIIH > , 1131 S. SOTH AVE. . C 33S-12 I.\UinS WANTKI ) TO TIIAVHU AKD AT > - pilnt nitcnts for old established houw per- mnni'nt nosltlon : Jin per month nnd all ex pense * . 7. , l > ox 731 , ChlcnKO. C M373 11 FOH KHXT IIOIISES. HOUSES IN ALL , PAItTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davln Company , 1303 Farnnm. D OS'S ' JIOUSK3. I1ENEWA & CO. , 1C3 N. ISTH ST. D-M6 FIDELITY 1IARC1A1NS. ONLY A FEW LEFT : 824 N. 27th Ave. , T rooms , bath , closet , hot water , Kas. furnace. fine condition , only J2' ' } . 073 N. 27th Ave , , 7 rooms , bath , closet , hot wnter , cistern , furnace , cemented cellar , 2i"i feet front- nRe ; nil rooms to be pilnted and papered. 120. 1028 S. ! 8th St. , 7 rsoms , city water Inside und cistern : entire hnui" newly inpered , ncnt , JM. J9H N. 28th Ave. , 8 rooms , city water Inside , J300 being fpent for repairs. Kent , { 12. 1C22 N. 31st St. . 5-ioom ! 0ttnfie , cUtcm , Jo. S501 Corby , 7 room * , city water , cistern , birn , S10 5707 Cnldwell St. . B roonrf. city water Inside. 110. jj'3 S. ISIh St. . 4-room cottase , city water , } 9. 712 and 711 S. 16th St. , 7-room Hats , bath , closet hot water nnd Kas , 120 to Ji. 1015 Izard St. , 4-nnm Hats , city water. * 7 to $9. We have others. Fidelity , 1st tloor , N. Y. Ufc. D M104 HOUSES , WALLACE , DflOWN nLOCK. 1CTH nnd Dounlaa. D-S37 itOUBES , COTTAGES & KTOUES. ALL 1'AIVTS of city , llrennan & Love Co. , 219 S. 10th. D-939 I UGE LIST. M'CAQUE , 13TII AND DODGE. D-910 HOUSES , FIATS. GAItVINl IIHOS. , 1613 FAU'M D-911 HOUSES FOU RENT. I1EMIS , PAXTON I1LK. D-912 KOUSHS. J. SHKUWOOD , 423 N. V. MFE. D 313 MOVING HOtJSF.HOUD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Vim . Storage Co. , 131P4 Fnrnam. Tel , ) B3D D-915 IIOUSB. SOS SO. 2STH ST. , 10 ROOMS. MODern - ern , J19.CO per month , llyron Heed Co.D . D OIC HOUSES A I.I. 1'AUTS. WE AD. 10 & DOUarAS. D 473 D15 BTEAM HEATHD HOUSE , 2011 IIAnNIiy. D 109 D1J FOn KKNT I.AUOll NINp-IlOOM HOUSE near California and 2M Sts. ' , all conveniences ; with or without barn. Inquire tW N , Y , Life bulldlnir , D M9 FOU HUNT. I.AltGE S-IIOOM HOUSE , MOD- crn ; No , 1329 Park R\cntit * . Inquire at 2134 B I3 < 1 Mtect , or call telephone 1227 nfter C tfelticlt p. in. D Mllfi HENT. MDDEUN S-HOOM HOUSE. 222i ) Chlrneo , Kr . Illnswalt , Darker block , HOUSE. EIGHT ROOMS , NOUTII IIANSCOM park ; everything modern ; also six-room cot. tage W. I * , felby. Hoard of Trade , D M321 1 FOR RENT , KLKOANT R-llOOM HOUSE , AI.I. modern liniiniveinenta. Per Inrormallon eall at National Clithtne Co. , corner Uth & D-'uirlns St , D-513-12 FURNISHED HOUSE , 8 ROOM3 , KO1INT7.E Place , AVlit St. D M3M 15 rou IUMTKuimsiiisn IIOOMS. KUX7ANT ROOMS , IN PIMVATE FAMIT T. Cl Nt Uth. K-M13I 11 * TWO I.AHOI3 FRONT ROOMS , ALCOVE , HAY window ; steam he-it , 411 North nth. K M1W 11" t rURNiailED IIOOMS FOU LIGHT HOUSE , keoplns. IC03 DodRC < St. j : 237-10 * UOOM3 A.VU 11OAH1J. BTUAM H15ATKD WITH . Ilnrney , F 340-D-i : * TUB UKUHIAM , FIRST CLA3iI FAMILY HO- tol. Utl ) uutl Dodge St . r MT-J7 TAKi : SHERMAN AVE , CAR TO N. W. COH r vf Exposition KTounda and put up at tlio SnrnloK.i ; b.t J a iluy houie ; boarders , 13.60 to JOO ; llrut week , 52 ; one meal free ; wo mo making it rvnutHllon now , after the Exposition ci-n v/c will maku iioney ; all modern con venlenccii. Telephone I'.ai. F M733-D-J3 \VAIUt ROiTTr"noOMS. WKKU. Ill Korth lath. F-m 10 NK\VLY I'UUMIPHED ROOM3. WITH HOARD ; hot water heat , Sioa Cas atrcet. F 170 J3 > " ET.KOANT FROJIT ROOJIB. STB A SI flrm-flaai board. 1 > M Capllol Av * . FURNISHED PKONT HOOJl. MOID- rrn convenlcnc i pilvatu fumlly. 70 : a. lath tre t. F 3UJ-1I' ItOOMIl AND HOARD , bTWA HEAT : PRICES rgasomvblf. UIl IVavcnpgrt. ' IN WITH OilFM3 board. 1HJ Dodse , F-M3 18 * VOllUKMVSTOHMS AX1 > nnNT- K ISOOM IN QIIOUND KLOOH onico. iieg VulUlInu ; waUr. lfam heat tiectii" llclit an-1 lanltur iervl : ? . Apply tu Hup. rln- Itndcnt , lien building. | -JJ7 FOH HEt.T Till ! i-STORY PRICK ni'H > mN < > at tl Fnrium Rt. This building nao n nrpro r mgt tnihrramt ; wnter w all jlacn s * ' n ' HI , tt FOH iiKVT sronns AXD OFFICKS. ( Continued. ) roil RENT-IN THR HKR IlfIMINOl One larc corner room , W floor , with vault nml private office , water , etc. One largo front room , 2d Moor , divided Into two noms by partition ; water , etc. One Urco cornir room , 2d floor , with vault , water , etc. One front room , dlvMed by partition ; third floor. One corner room with vault , third floor. One large room , third floor , nlth partition dlvld. Ine It Into one large room and two smaller ptivnto rooms ; wiler , etc. Two Inrpe Ktound floor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Several small rooms nn fourth floor , with vaults. All theio rooms are heated with fctenm , electrlo IlK'its. supplied with first class janitor service. Isolators tun day anil all night ; bulldtna- strictly nrcproof. Apply to Superintendent , Itcom 104. Hca building. I-19S HOTELS. STORE ? . ilEMFs , PAXTON lTuK ? I M400 AISI5.VTS WAXTHD. OOOD LIVE AtlfcNTS , LADIES OH GENTLE- men. can make big money. Ile t holiday article on the market. Room 10 , 1623 Fainnm t. J.ni-238-ll AGENTS MAKE J6 TO 18 A DAY SELLING our popular prior * ! cameras ; most profltnbln aicentV line on the market : general nnd loml aura I a wanted. Ln , Crome Camera Co. , Jf 19 I.n Croc , WIs. J M301 12 AOENTS WANTED. APPLY PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Ins. Co. , JV. V. Teed , , Rcn'l aqt. . 310 Boo bldff. J M239 J4 AOENTH MAKING ! 0 TO JSO A WEEK : OU17AT- est lurentn' seller ever Invntttd ; listli cn.nvn-v slni ? nnd Renernl nKcnts needed : full particulars hy mall. Monroe Mfg. Co. , X16 , Ln Crom WIs. J-M374 12 STOHAr.13 , PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSn CO. . 905-910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding , M-94 ? OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1511H FAHN'M. TEL 1B9 M-919 FRANK EWERS , STORAGE. 12U HARNEY. Haullnu and packing , cheapest rates. Tel. 911 WAXTI3D TO HUT. WANTED , A MEDIUM SIZE FIREPROOF imfo for cash : give dimensions nnd price. Ad dress C 9 , Hee ofllce. N XI253 WANTED. 1,000 POUND SINGLE AND DOUDLU driving horse ; pacer preferred ; full particulars. O 18 , lice. N-3GO 10 FOH SALRFiniMTIJH13. FOR SALE , ONE P. P. STEWART HEATING stove nnd one two-burner gasoline stove. In quire 20M Emmet St. O-M333 12' FOH SAMS SAWDUST , HULK OH SACKED CRIUHINO and hoiT fence. C. U .Lee , DOL Douglas. Q-931 2ND-HAND BICYCLES. OMAHA HICYCLE CO. Q-9M LATEST STYLtSJ LADIES' CAPES AND .IACK- ets , cnpy payments ; drop postal , \vlll call with B-tmplc. E. Hlr h. 1C29 Kyr.er Ave. Q 900 D27 HARNEY & 11ERRY , SKATES. 33C TO } 3 50 ; skates sharpened , ISc. Omaha Ulcyclc Co. Q-926 GOOD SECOND-HAND SAFE CHEAP. Ill S. 13th. Q M30 21 FOR SALE , POSTOFFICE CASE. ISO CALL boxpi , 21 lock boxes , eniy terms. Also for ral , or trade. ICO acres of land In Hitchcock Co. . Neb. Address 1' . D. McCormtck , Gretna , N'eb. Q M503 12 PATENT UPRIGHT PIANO. E17 S. 1CTH. Q-M31C H COlinLERS' SINGER SEWING MACHINE , nearly new. Ed Morrison , Springfield No/ ! . Q-317 11 * NEW HICYCLES FOU SALE LESS THAN factory cost. First cliss fewlnu machined from US up. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 13th Harney. Q M29o Jan. 0 FOR SALK , YOUNG , FREPH JERSEY COW. 4C02 Center St. i > M330 12 * CLAIHVOYAXTS. PROF. WHITNEY AND PROF. PIERCE. THK celebrated clairvoyants , palmists , typewrltlni ; , s'nte writing and materialization mediums : the like has never been seen In Omaha ; the spirits write your .message on a typewriter or n slate ; gives namex , nge , dates and place of birth ; tells all the secrets of the pact and reveals fie inyHlerles of the future ; parties wlsiilmt to en- gngo n sitting should make engagements In advance : thousands crowd thee wonderful medlumV olllco nnd nil declare that they have no equal : lovers , husbands and wives icunlted ; speedy marriage to the one of your choice ; law business , of. ; they have no equals ; Eeancm every night ; BO nnd get n. messaRe from your departed friends ; offices nnd private lesldence , 1522 Howard St. ; reading ) ) . Ladles , 50 cents nn.l up ; readings by mall , Jl nnd J2 ; clairvoyant remedies cure : they will cure you. Profs. Whitney nnd Pierce see signs. S ICO 10 * SPIRITUALIST SERVICES , SUNDAY , 20 : AND 7:30 : p. m. , Morand'B hall , Hnrncy. Mr. Hull , great debater nnd theological scholar , wll lecture , followed by Mrs. Clara Ferris , r * > le- bratvd teat medium. Small admlss'on. S-MC2 12' PllOP. WHITNEY AND PROF. PIERCE , THE phenomlnnl mediums , arc here u > stay. Prof. Whitney , the clalrvovan' , amnda without a rival nnd l Indorse * ! by both press nnd pulillr. This creat medium 1 c.irs the teputat'on of beln' , the strongest nnd the finest magnet medium In the world. There arc mediums of all kinds' nnd classes , but when you have tire opportunity of sctMnpr such work ns this medium does you will aiy , wlthnii fear of contradiction , that 1'rof. Whitney lias nn rival In hl line of work. U the dcnnce * . which nre held three nights In every week Tncsdiy , Thuisday nnd Sunday evcmlngs you con come nnd receive a meysaKt. from your decen-sctl friend or relatives , either bv slate or tyrewrlter , nnd ree your friend * ror.n forth from spirit land na plain ns If they wer\ In life. Trrisn testn are beautiful nnd are just as rcnre sented. No doubt you have nt different times when * ri id Ins tlio nowspapern noticed the ndvertlsfments of different people who claim to do the sain" worlc that Prof. Whitney enumerates In h'a ad vertlsement , but when you call at thtlr oillces you fall to see these tests carried throtiah. Thnrc In no ncsertlon mnd < by Prof. Whltnej that he will not mike good. If you nn skeptical , or Inclined to he , RO and be convinced of the truth of this. " > > nnd eammunloati' with your f.ithiT. mother sister or brother. This Is the oppoitimlty nf a llfn time- , and It must Lc sen In or&ir to lw appreciated. 'liindreds of our Omaha r < "oplo hive- consults Prof. Whitney nnd havi- had their trojblfB , Irlnbi nnd tribulations ernd en cd lonln ; a < on- lentrvl mind nnd a happv heart , nnd nil pronounce - nounco him n ph > * nonilnal ma.ster of his high art. At the seance of Wednesday nkht last n oertnln lartv of this city rt'oognlied her huHband , who eamo to her In full Term nnd Vrought her beauti ful rrse.s. Thin was n , mot ronvlnflng fst nnd nnv perton doubting thi truth of this fthiuld go and bo convinced that It Is no humbug. At ut twenty other pi-ojilo ro-elved cnmmunlci- tlons fn > m their departed f-lmds thi same evening1 nnd nil pronounced It the moit wonder ful tot. ! , meeting they ever attended. Thn clalrvoiant readings by 1'rnf. Whitney ni trw nnd coir ct In every particular. II * ie'id your past , preient nnd future from the cradle to tha KMVC. 'nin hnpplnosa nnd contentment now In llio homes of manxIn Omaha In due to the powers of this wonderful meillum. rialn-o\anr. lending * by mail cnmplet" . Lad'es , Jl nnd gentlempn f2. Write nt once nnd l nrn what the future holds In store for you. Doii't delay , n delays nre itoiniMlmes fntnl. Send jvir , month nnd ilati > nf your birth , nnd In r.-- tunx you will geb n nkcteh of yur Ufa crm plote. Prims nt thr rniro ; I/iill " . m r nt , ami pents. Jl Pr f. Whlln v and Prif , Plc-re , 1W2 Ilmvnrd nt , , oor , nf ICtb St. , Omnlia , Neb , Ollli-e hours from 9 n. m , to 9 p. m Diagnosis of dlreasc fivi . rV > e slsii. S M3T8 12' ? IAS > Ai : , 11ATII.S , IST MME. HRISSON OF PARIS GIVES ALL kinds medicated baths and mamam107 N. 12th St. T M232 J.4 11ATIIS. MASSAGE , l.AURA ELLISON. CrouiiKo blk , , 119 N , ICth rt. , room 12. itn'talr/ . 11 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MAPSAdE HATH parlors ; restful , and cur tlvi417 S. llth , up. stairs. , . T MJ75 12" MME. , . Howird rt , 11 ' ) . T MKO } ! MADAM t < MITH. ' 1513 DOUGI S , MARSVOE steam baths. ' . - T S39-13 * IM'MtSO.VAI. . VI AVI CO. , UTCUINII TltOUIlLES. 34H-8 11EE Hldz ; physician , consultation or health buoU free U - CLOTHES CLl : A N E o Pltr. SSED AND paired : dny or nluUt ; ilrcp.i sullu for hire. P.niloiluni , N , K , Cur , Uth and Farnam. Tol. 9W. U 333 _ * " _ MME. LA iuut"vAVOR AND MTriSAGM buth . UU Fnuianu IJ Htj > i D ; LITERARY APSI TANCE ; JSANl'SCRIPTS Pfpiirvd. rcxlnod pr coireeted ; Utfra of all descriptions vrrlttrn : expetlenfwl newavniMT man in clmrref all business ronridi-ullnl , Ad- drfjn P. O. Itox M7 or call for Intorvlcr.- otnce , 411 llc bids. I' 173 JJ ( Continued ) 1'iuvATE HoMtTroii t.Ai > 7n3 nnroun AND during ronnntfnent. liable * ndoptnl n < l cared for. ! * > Cumlnfr. U M207 13 TO A1.A8KA-ANY ONC WISHING TO PKNtJ experienced miner to cold fields consult i : . 11. Clyne , room iW , Omaha National hank. MOM'JV TO I.O.VX llKAIi CSTATR. ONtrr TO IJOAN AT I/JW IIATIIS.T llis O. V. Davis CO. , IMS Fnrnnm St. W MO VHTHONY LOAN & TUUST CO. , 31S N. Y. U | uulck money nt low rates for choice fnrm landi In lena , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 957 1.0AN8 ON IMl'MOVHD A UNIMPIIOVIJU CITY property. W. Fnrnnm Smith A Co. , 132) Fn''m FUOM 1CO L't'\VAnoT F. D WBAI > t 1STU ami Dotirhx" . W 15 1)14 MONUY TO IX > AN. 1IKM1H , 1'AXTON MONKY TO 1/J.VN ON IMI'HOVHD OMAHA teal cntatc. Drennnn-Ixjve Co. , SID S. Kill. W SCO $100 "oo.oo srnciAU FUND TO LOAN ON tlrst-class Improved Omihn properly , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. " f fill CRNT MOnTaAQK3 FOR RALK. erty of non-resident * earcil for bv W. JJ. Mclkle First National Hank bide. , Omnlia. W 063 < t PKrt CHNT MONKY , Jl.COO AND UI'WAUnS. on tllt-eilitcd Improved Omalm real mtnte. lie mis. Pnxton block. W 1)23 ) MONF.Y TO IJOAN ON iMpnovni ) HR A i , estate In Omaha , Council Dluffs and South Omaha. Puspy & Thomas , 603 First National Bank , Omaha. W M106 MOXm * TO I.O.VX CIIATTIII.S. 119 TO J10.000 TO LOAN ON iiousrntot.o FUHNITUIIB AND PIANOS , HOUSES. WAGONS AND CAniMAaUS. WAHKHOUSB nEC'KIPTS. ETC. at lowest rates In Omnlia , South Omaha and Council niulTs. No removal of BOoJs ! strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at nny time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MOnTOAOE LOAN CO. . COS South 16th St. Tlin OLDHST , LAUGHS ? AND ONLY INCOR- 1'OIIATUD IX3AN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 9 l IIUSIM2SS CHAMCI3S. J900 CASH WILL HUY A STOCK OF STAVl.H merchandise anil llxttircB In southern Nebr. toxvn ; cheap rent ; regular custom ; excellent chance for actUn man. I1. O. llox SOI. Omnitii , Y 302 10 TO GKT IN Oil OUT OF UUdlNUSS UO TO J. J. Gibson. 614 First Niit'l UanlYS65 FOR SALK. RH-STAURANT. JOHN .TACOII- * on. ICO I No. Uth St. Y-MD27 16 * FOR SALK , A aOOD PAYING HOOK , STA- tlonery , confectionery , tobacco and chnr store In Sheridan , W > o. Address I ock Hex 12. Y SI34S 12 FOR HUNT. A F1NH RESTAURANT. PARTLY furnished of hotel on nuroptnn plan. Call nt once at No. 1CS-10 North 13lh St. Y K9-1I * AN OPPORTUNITY OF INVESTING J4.000 AND taklns It nil out the llrst year and then having a better business than when btarled. Want a man to take one-third Interest and control on sainty. Please do not ansncr without you moan business , as this Is no fake. Address C 20 , lice. Y M3CG 13 FOR SALH. HnSTAl'RANT AND LTTNCH room ; 8 alpcplnj ? nxms ( n connection. Address I ck Ilex Sil , Valley , Neb. Y M377 12 FOR I2XC1IAVGI3. WILL nXCUANdi : VERY clear vacant Omaha lots for Chteaco property. Address with full particulars. Box 202. Omaha. . Z Mk04 DRUG STORK WANTED. FOR WHICH WE will trade city property and some rash. "K. " care of Carrier 83. Omaha. Neb. Z M30S Jan" I'OH SALK IIUAI. ESTATE. KOUNTZE PLACE I1AIIGAINS. J2. . " . 0 , 13 730 TO 50,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 1'lrat Nat. IJanlc bids UU SKI FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON , 012 N. Y. L. Rf : M1&I-U16 * HAROAINS. HOUSES.LOTS AND KA RMS ; Halo or trade. F. K. Darllns , liurker lilk. RE 9Tf J5 LAND ; ' 97 CROP P'D. Tilt ! PIUCU. W'M- son. Hoc Hlds. It E 543 HOUSES. LOTS.FARMS , LANDS. LOAN'S ; also lira Insurance , lietnls. Paxtori block. RE M971 FINK FARM OF ICO ACRES 75 MILKS WEST of Omaha : In cultivation , well Improved , 2 miles from station ; ( rood alfalfa land ; will b ? sold cheap. L. L. Johnson & Co. , room 53 Darker block. Omaha. UK JUC'J 14- FOR SALE. TURNER RANCH. f32 near Columbus , Neb. , J33 per acre ; $ " > 0 down , remainder on mortgage 7 per cent * AddreiR Owner , 2C3 Woodland ave. , New Roche'.lo. N. Y. RK M3.11 12 LOO AN VALLEY FARMS AND MKRCHAN- dlse. Iluntsberger & Clements , Lvons , Ne braska. RE M3K1 HOUSES WIXTIJUUO. HORSES WINTERED ; 11EST OF CARU ; UATKS } 5 per month. W. E. Owens. SCOT Center street. -MIG3 Jan3 * GOOD STAI1LES , BEST OF CARE. SI AND JO month. A.V Phelps & Son , 207 New York Life. Tel. 1054. M-242 IIEST CITY REFERENCES. NO. 1 CARE Kuarantecd ; (4.00 month. G. Ruslmrt , Mat and Popplcton Ave. M-4'0 DI4 SHORTIIAXn AXD TYPEWUITIXR. A. C. VAN SANT3 SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIKE. 872 AT OMAHA HUS. COLLEGE. ICTn & DOUGLAS 075 II. 11. I1OYLES. COURT REPORTER , PP.IVATC lessons ; day and evening. 407 Hee Uld ; . 974 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE * ISOYIVS theater. M313 Jan7 LOST. LOST LADY'S BLACK. MARTEN 5UIFF l ; ft In Ilan-icom park ear Monday fortioon Upward If returned to Alfred ( ' . ICfnnedy , room 203 First National bank LOST. JERSEY COW. LIGHT COIXlR. DE horned ; about to calve ; $3.V ( for return to 1 i"J H. 32d A\e. L. T. Sundcrland. J < B 2S1D IX1ST. A PARROT , FROll 311 8. SCTH ST , ANYone ono llnllif. : please return and receive a 10 ward ; has a deformed fcot. I < est 333-10 * LOST. PARCEL CONTAINING PINK DRKSS pair slippers and utoclilnKi. Kindly teturn to this oldie. Ixist M370 11 PA U'MIROKI'.RS. II. MAV.OWITZ 1-OANS MONEY. 418 N. 1C ST 077 DIlKSSMAKIVn. ENGAGEMENTS TO DO DRESSMAKING IN families collclted. Miss Sturdy. ZMl Da\cnpor St. -J31-D-IS TY1M3WIIITKIIS. WE KOLinT AND FI'RNISH POSITIONS FOI StimoKr.iplieni free. Tlio Smllh-Premlci' Tyno wilier Co. Telephone , 128I. 007 MUSIC , AHT AXI > ELM01U5 11ICE. VIOIINIST , FOUMEULY SO- loin Ulrr Com erl < * ' > . , will receive puplli ; highest references , i.'all Arcade hotel , room C ; 4 to 8 p. in. , 755 D23 KUMXITUUK IMCICI3I1. M. K. WALKIN , Zlll CIJMINO. TEL 1S3I. 070 ci.octrrio.v , MRS RALPH E. 8UNOSRLAND. 1513 S 19TJ St. . ulll tnUu u few in" ! " pupils , 324 Dll SEWIXO lAClll.VICS AXn SUPPLIES. NU\V HO.MU , HODSEHOLD . WHITE HEW. Inc machine S : Buppllcs , 1311 Cup. aw. Tel. 1371. 873 CO.VT N NUT. HKST ClIKAI'KrtT. PRICK J3.75 p r ten , 'Plionc 4 . H.irmon \Vioth Co. \VAXTRDTO ItOUROU. PARTY WILL PAY NINE PKR CENT ( SEMI. annual uiupcii > ) for SW ) to } xt . on luidj rental rrrpcrty Sciurlly ample. Annwir toon. il 41. 1AV , -M XOTICU TO CO > TRCTOItS. . NOTIC'P. TO CONTnACTOKS. Scaled \t\ilt \ \ for the construction of tlio Hortlcnllunl r , l. ( ' -s , on HIP Kxposltlon rroumls will bi r . iv a until 10 o'clock u. in. Snturdnj' , ' li > . . . * ir IS , 1S97. I'lnns nil FpeclllcatlotiH can bt seen nt the l > o- p.irtment oillco , corner ISth and Spencer ts. , or sots will be rurnlahtd bidders nt oat. The right Is reserved to reject nnjor nil 'Ida. F. I' . KIUKKNDAMj. Mnr. GrMi nnd Bld'nn Dop't , Trnnsmlasls- slppl nnd International Kxp. UN1T10D STATlntcMTOUnT , KOTl the District of Nebrnskn Oliver Ames , Sicond , et nl vs. Union Pacific Knllwny Company et nl ; Cuitral Trust Company of New York.vs. , St. Jostrih & Ornnil Island Rnllroiul Gompnny nt nl. Upon rending llio rtpthlono of the Knnsna City & Omaha Itajlwny compiny. Kllas C. Henedlct , the-Cejflrnl Trust Commny of New York , FTptIi\rtcU 1' . Olcott nnd others or n llnal settlcmoiit. of the nvicount of the receivers nnd a dlmrlbutlan of the funds nnd proceeds or th ( > property of the St. Joseph & Grnnd' ' Inland llallroad Company n their hntiila tn 'HIPSC cases , It Is hereby ' fcMored that all pcr- ons who hnve or'dlhlm nny Interest In or lun upon nny 6T a\Jch funds or property as creditors of Uthi7 said receivers or ns creditors of slicirnllrcad ; company or In my other way lllr-rvcrllled , stntpmcmts of ho natures , < luts of accrual and amounts of tliclr re pcctl > ' ( Halms with William D , Cornish , Special' 'Master ' , nt Omaha , In the State of N .braAka.on or before the first lay of ' .May , A. "D. MS , and that If nny of hem fall to do So { hey nnd each of them so falling shnll ( bp Jjarred from sharing In ho benefits of.itli < j , distribution of the noncys nnd proceeds of the property of he said railroad company that now are or icreafter shall bo Iri the hands of said re ceivers In these tfnijts. Any party to these suits nnd any party who flics his claim In accordance with thh order may lllc an answer to the claim of nny other parly hereunder with said Ma ter within thirty days after May 1 , 1SS3 , and nny contest the same. All clAlms nRalnst or upon these funds nro referred to said Special Master , who will hear them nnd report Hie amounts lustly owlnp theron nnd the order In which they are lawfully cntltlul to payment. . This order shall bo published forthwith once In each week lor four successive wt'ckH In the Omnlia Hee- , Which Is pub lished In the City of Omaha , Nebraska , nnd In The Independent , which Is published n the City of St. Joseph , Missouri. Ijet 11 copy of this order" be served within thirty days from this date upon the re ceivers of the St , Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company , upon the Union 1'aclllc Rnllwiiy Company , upon the Central Trust Company of New York , upon the St. Jo seph & Grand Island Hatlrond Company and unon the Kansas City & Omaha uull- way Company. Each of these parties may Illo answer * ) to cither of the petitions on which this order Is based on or before the 1st day of February , 1S9S , and the petition ers may reply thereto on or before Feb ruary 20 , IMS. All the questions presented by tbn petitions 'and answers not hereby disposed of ar , referred to said Special Master. . WAI/I'KH ' H. SANHOUN , Circuit Judge. December S D Jl , 1S97. U-1S-23 IN THIS CIRCUIT COURT OF TII13 UNITKO STA1KS FOR THE DISTRICTS OP NKURASKA. COLORADO. WYOMING , UTAH AND THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF lOtt'A. P. Gordon Dexter , et nl , trustees , complain ants , vs , Union Pacific Ry. Co. . ct ul , de fendants. Notice of time nnd place of payment of first mortfiaKC bonds of the Union Pacific Rail road company secured by Its mortgage dated November 1 , ISO ) . Notice Is hereby given to the holders of all lir.st morlRnpe bonds Issued by the Union 1'aclllc Rojlroud Company under the mort- [ ; aio of said company dated November 1 , 1SG5 , nnd the Interest coupons upon such bonds , that I will be prepared to pay nil of the above described bonds and matured coupons thereon , then outstanding , with In terest tboreon to the date of such payment , at the nnnkliiK House of the Mercantile Trust Company of New York , at No. 120 Broadway In the City of New York , N. Y. , on the anil day of January , 1SSS. This notice Is Klvcn und r the direction and upon the authority of the linal decrees of foreclosure of the mortgage securing said bonds heretofore entered In the above en titled cause , which decrees provide that , "No bolder of any claim to bonds or coupons of the payment of whloh notice shall hnve been FO ylven , who shnll fall to present the same for payment at the time and placc specified , shall be entitled to the payment of any Interest thereon nfter that date out of the proceeds of the said sale , or the ad ditional sum furnished to the Master by the DurchiHcr. " Notice 1 therefore Riven to Hie holders of all such outstanding bonds and coupons that no Interest thereon after January 20 , 1S9S , Will bo paid by me. ' 'fWM. D. CORNISH , ' ' ' * Special Master. Dated November aHh , 1S97. ' , , D-4-ll-lS-m StocU hold ITS' M OFFICE OP [ .iBE-CLARKE-ANOUEESEN Hardware Co.-Ornaha , Nebraskt , Dec. 11. 1897. > Notice Is "hereby r.lven to the stockho'd- era of the Le-s-Clarkc-Andreescn Hardware Co. that the nnntml meeting1 of the stock holders of the company will be held nt the ofllctH of the sijil.ccirjpany. . 1219-322M523 Ilnriuy street. In the city of Omaha , In the state | of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 11. A. D. .IMS. . at thru ? o'clock p. r.i , . for the purpose of clcctlrKf a board ot directors for thu comp.uo to. crve during the enau- InR year and to rrnnsnct such otlur liuslnrss as mjy be presented at surh meeting1. n ! J. I EE , President. Attest : W. M. GLASS f , Secretary. * ' Dlld 32t NOTICK. ( Should bo road DAIJ/i Ty all Inteicstcd , ns changes may occur at any time ) Foreign malls for ti > o week oiullns De- combcr llth , 1S97 , will close ( I'llOMl'TLY In all coses ) nt the CJriieral Postoliloo us fol- lou-s : PARCELS POST MAILS oloao ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shonn belo.v Trniiiu-Atlnnlli ! SATtJRDAYr-At 3M : a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Campania * , via Quce-nslown ( It t- ter.s for France , Switzerland , Italy , Fpaln , I'ortUBnl , Turkey , Egypt and BritUii India must bo directed "per Campania" ) ; at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUAGL , TURKEY- EGYPT and IIUITISH INDIA , per s. s. Lit 13rctngno * , via Havre ( letteis for ether parts of Kuropo must b ? directed "per La Irotano" ! ) ; at S a. m. for NBVIIEULANDS direct , per s. s. Spaarn- dam , via Hottetdam ( lettcr must lie ill- rretPd "per Spaarndnm" ) ; at 8 a , in. for OKXOA , PIT a. B. AuBUste Victoria ( letters - tors must be directed "per Augustu'lc - lei la" ) . PRINTED HATTER ETC. German Ptcnmera Falllns on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for Oermnnj , and Spcdlnlly Add csted Prlntud Malti.r , etc. . for other paita of EJITPB. Ameri can and Wlilte Stnr rleamer.i \Vednejidn > B , Herman ( teamera on Thursdays nnj Cnnjrd French and German cteameu : on Knturilnyi taKd Printed Matter , etc. for Hli eonn.r.eji for which they tire advertised tn e.nry mall. Aft r the clorlns of the HuppKir.entiry Truni- Atlantla MnlU named abo\c. mldltlmal aup- plcmentury mill me opfiiud un liie iilfs nl the Ai.ierlc.in , Er 'ish , French nnd German meamers , nnd remain jpen until within Ten Minutes of the hour of eallln ; of uteamcr. MnllH fur .Siiiidi ninl Contvnl Aiiii-rlon , U'C.Nl IlllIlfK , ICIi' . SATURDAY At 10 u. m. ( supplementary 10:39 : a. m. ) for FORTUNH ISLAND. JAMAICA , 2AVANILLA nnd CARTHA- OENA , per s. s. Altai ( lottets for Cnxtn Rica must be directed ' . 'per Altai" ) : nt 30 a. in. Uuplermuntary 10M ; a. m. ) for HAITI , per 9. p. Alpa ; at 10:30 : a m for CAMPICCHE. CHIAPAS , TABASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s. s. Yucatan Metiers for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bu dirt-clod "pnr Yucatan" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , pi-r . o. Portia ; nt 12 m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and TO- 11AC1O. per H. H Grenada ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney : at 8:30 p , m. for ST. PIKRRE-MIQUEUON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malln for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by kteamer , clotu at this cdcv dnlly at j30 ; p. m. Mails for Mlrnivlon , by rail to Itoiton and thvnro by clcum r c'cn ' ; at thU onicc dally ut $ :3it pn. . Ualls for Cul > n close nt this o : ce dally ut 7p : ) a. in. for forwarding tyeteanifrB sailing ( Mondayt and Thursdays ) fiom Port 1 miM , 1'lu. Mnlla fur Mexico ice City , nvoilanj. paleia cprolally nddresjed for dlfpatrh by .jtefmer. clrte nt ihln oineo dally at 230 n. re. ap1 2o p , m , "He lstered mat ) coies ! at CWm. . preiau day , Mnlln. Malls for AmtrtlVf ( cxrept West AUH- tr.ilaNew ! 7 'aand. ! Haunll and Fiji Islands , per . s Acrant ; ! ( from Vancouver - , ver ) , coac ! MnM-y oftcr December "d1 and un o Pecealier 6lh at 0:20 : p , m , MulM for China. Jarvin : .ind Hm\all. per H. f. City of Pekln ( irrgn San Francisco ) , close hero rtnl'y up to .HccembtT l.'t'i nt (1:30 ( : p. m. Mtl : * * forii.Ch'nn and Jupin. per t . t. Tacotra ( from T.irosna ) clo * here d.illy up to Pcojniber U2th at 0:30 : p. in. Malls for Hnwu'l. prr a Austra'la ' ( Trom San FrKnMtc . close h'sru dally up to D rrrrj-cr ' ti at 0:30 : p. m , Mai's for HIP ty-il-'w JH in-'ii , per nhlp Tropic ll'.rd ( fn-n San Fnnc'sco ) , clore heri > riil'y- t \ > 'o'D"Ttcr Kh at C-.sO p. m , M. 'it ' t ' " -1 -1 J ' * n ( apo-laiiy addressed OE.J ) , . - s , . . Jvaiprcia of India ( Continued. ) ( from Vancouver ) , co ! < p here dnlly up to December "Jilli : it f n p. m. Mnlls for Atiitrnlla { except iho e for West Alls- \ trnlla ) . which are forwarded via Europe , Now Hfnl.ind , Hnwill , Fill nnd S.tmonn Island ? , per s. s. Monnn ( from S.in Frnn- cl co ) , close hero dally up to December 31st nt 7:00 : n , in. . 11 n. in , nnd C.CO p , m. ( or on nrrlval nt New York of s , s , c'nm- pnnla 'With llrltlsh mnlls for Australia ) . Trnnn-PocllSo mnlla nre forwnrded to port of Falling dally And the schedule of closing H nrrniiRcd on the prraumptlon nf their unlnter- rnptel nvptlnnil trnnslt. neclnlcrcd mall eloie nt 0 p. m. previous day. Tostoillco New York'N. Y. , December n , 1S97. CORNEtiUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. HA11.HOAD5. inmLiNcvroN & MISSOURI Itlver Itnllroml "Tne Hurling , ton lloute" General Om e . N. W. Corner Tenth npJ Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket O.llcc , 1502 Fnrnnm Street. Telephonn 2JJ. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Telephone 123. Ijpfivv. Arrive , SS3 : nm 9:35 : am 4:03 : pm Lincoln hocnl " : ( > : pm 7M3 pm 11:20 : am CHICAGO , ML'llUNOTON A Qulncy Unllroad-"The Hurl- liiKton lloute" Ticket Olllce. HM Farnam Ktreet , Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth nml Mtuon Streets. Telephone 12S. Arrive. 7fi1 : nm 4l.i : pm 7S3 : am 6:40 : pm 2:50 : pm KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH & Council muffs ItalltoHd "The llarllnBton lloute" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone 250. Depot Tenth and Mafon Streets. Tele , phone is. . I enve. Airlvc. Knn aa City Day Ex. . „ 9:05 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Ex. . 10:0 : > > mr. 6:3U : a n CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE- opolls & Omihn Ilailwnv Gencial ofllcca , Ncbrnnka Di vision , Fifteenth nnd Webster Htieeta. City Ticket Olllce , Hrl rnrnnni Street. TJlerhoT1 , JJepot. Flfttenlh nnd AVebater Streets. Telephone. 1I5S. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommoda. * SSO nm 8:10 : pm Sioux City Acrommodn. 9SD : am S.2J pm Illnlr Emerron. Sioux City , Ponca Haitln- tuon nnd nioomlleld. . 1:00 : pm " 11:53 : nm Sioux Cltv , Mnnka'.o , St. Paul. Mlnmapolla . G:15 : pm n:10 : nm Emeicm PnsscnKcr . S:10 : pm 8:15 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. This train stops nt stations Florence to So. Dlnlr. Inclusive. Sundays only ; on week days So. Dlalr only. FHi.MONT , ELKHOUN AND Mlssoourl Vnlley liallnay Gen eral Olllces , United Ktati'M Nn- tlonal IMnls Ilulldlnsr , Sonth- we.st Corner Tnclfth and Fnr- _ nam Strests , Ticket Olllce 1101 Fin mint Street. Telephone. 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone. 115S Leave. Arrive lllnck Hill ? , Donilw oed and Hot Springs . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm WyomlnB , Casper nnd DoURlai . 3.00pm 5:00 : nm Hunting , York , Divld City , Hupeilor , Geneva , Exeter nnd Sewnrd. . . . * 3:00 : pm 5 CO pm Norfolk , West Point nnd Fr-m ; > nt . 7:50 am 103 : nm Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd Fremont . 7CO : am 105 : nm Fremont Local . 7:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally ' .xcept Saturday. Dally except 5lcn'1ny. CHICAGO & NOUTHWESTEHN Hallway City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone HOI. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Strcet . Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Mlcsouri Vnlley. Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis 5:40 : nm ' 10:43 : pm Ml siurl Valley. Sioux City 7:30 : nm 9:03 : pm Di'nnlson , Carroll , Wnll Luke 7:00 : am 9:05 pm EcHcin Express. Dei Molnes. Mnrsnalltown , Cedar Kaplds , Chicago " 10:43 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer. Chicago nnd East. 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pin Fast Mall , Chicago to Omalm * 3:10 : pm Missouri Vnlley , Hlnux City , St. Paul , Minne apolis Limited * 5:53 : pm * 9:25 : nm Ormha-ChlcaRo Special. C:30 : pm SL'l : um Daily. Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC HAIL- road General Otllces. United States National Hank Ilullil- Ing. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Stieets. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telepnone 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele phone IKS. Arr'VC' ' SIO..X Cl y. Manknto. St. ' Paul. Minneapolis . . . . C:13 : pm 3:10 : am % VAHAHH IlAinnOAD-TICKUT OFFICH 1415 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone. 522. Depot , Tenth nncl Mason Ptrei-ts. Tflephnnp. 123. * * * * * * St. I ul. "Cnnnon lull" ' < : rOpm ! ! : nm CHICAGO , HOCK ISLJ\ND & I'nclllc nnllrouil "The Oicat Iloek Island noute" City 'Ikket Oilier. 1323 Fnrnam Street. Te'cphnno 4S. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , TclcDhone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Chlcauo nnd St. Paul Vestibulcil Kxpii- . . . < :50 : pm 1:15 : pm I.lnroln. Colorailo SP'BS , Pueblo , Demer und weft ' .15 pm 4:25 : pm ChlcJKo , Df , Mclnea & Hock lalanil * " : CO pm 6:15 : am Atlantic express , for no s Molni'H ar.u fail- cm poinU . " 7:21 : am 5:33 : pm Lincoln. Falrbuiy and i lbrvllle "r. : nm " 10W nm Dally. Dnlly except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVEH- land lloute" General Olllces , N. E. Corner Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce , K03 Farnnin Street. Telephone JIG Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. - . . o.- Telephone 128. v " Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" s &K80 .4:45Pm : Fast mall train fur Den\er , Bail Lake. Pnclnu conet and all western poln-B 3:20 : pm ' 10:20 : nm Lincoln , lleatrlro and Htronnbuw E\prees . . " B:00 : pm 12:20 : pm Ke.irney Expre 5CO pm " 12:25 : pm Dally Dally except Sunday. Counril muffs Local Lca\es , 5:41 : n. m C:50 : n. m ; 7:30 : a. m. : SZ"i : n. in. ; 10:1. . u. m. : 2:15 : p. m. ; 4M : p. m. ; 3:53 : p. m. Arrives , G:20 : 11. m.j 1J : ; > n. in. ; fc n in. . 9:23 H. m : 11.30 n. in ; 3:10 p. m.j 6:4 : < > i > . in. ; ! ) : f3 p. m. ; 10:43 : p. m. MISSOl'Ul PACIFIC HAIUIOAD ' Oenernl Oltlcea nn 1 Ticket Oillclleivlianm National llink Ilulldlns , 12JI F.imam Street. Ttlenhone 101. Depot , Flftfcnth unrt Webitcr S reel/ . Telethon > 143 $ . . „ , . J.ea\e , Arrive. KanmiB and Nebrpuka I.lniltcil . . , . 3:03 : pm "I25j ; pm Knr.snH City nntl St. Iul Kxiuc . 9:30 : pm 0:00 : nm Nobrnika I-oeal . 4:33 : pm 8:43 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MIMVAVKEi : , < 4 ST. Paul llnliway City TUIiet Olllcp. 1M1 Fjrnuin Mrr.t. Telephone K4. Depit Truth nml Mason KtreftH. Trley.on * lit. I-eavo. Arrlvr. I.lmlle.l Ex. . . . 5:45 : pin S:05 : am Oiimnii unU ChlcaKO Ux lllM : om 1M : pm Dally. AndSnrgicallQstltut ) IGOJJPocUoHu.Oriiiilm , Neb CONSULTATION ITJHK. Chronic. Kcrvous and Private Disease.5 I niiclnll WRAKNUSS kKM I ana DisoimuH.sot lv.c.rj HYUHOOtfLKmid VAHICfKJEnr. ( lU.'iiiaiiiinily 411 HULfurtHfully fiirwl In livery c IHU. IlLiiOU ANIISKIN 4)I CJiHBt. Boia Spot" . 1 111 ! i > . Scnifuln.TiinioiH , Tctlur. KMUIIW unJ Ulool 1'olMiu llmmuirlilv r-liuumuu from the Hymem. UKUVOUS Ui'blllty , Speriiiatoriliim. .Snniliuil LObbl'B. KlBllt KlIllHHlOUH , { MM Qt Vital I'OWOM liciiiianuntlj and hp 'illlv cnnvl. i ( Vitality WeaU ) . miiilu nu ny'io'o iiloso appllcatloii to bUHlncba or nttul > : mivoro nienUl " * traln or urluf ! HKXUAJt KXCKS3K3 111 mliiaiu llfu or Irom Vliu otfcotn of youUjful follloa. Call or wrlto tiiam today. UOX277. Omaha Medicil and Surglcil Institute BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. It Is toUl of King Solomon that ono day ho was strollliiB outside the pJlacc when i ho heard a butterfly say to Ills wife : "With i ono strokeot my WUR ! 1 could knock down this entire palace. " Without watting to hear more , Kins Solomon returned to Ute r > iace ) , ami. suiiimdnlng his councilors and his ofll- cers of stato. he ordered the arrest ot the butterfly at once. Palo and trembling , the butterfly wiw brousht before the kliiR. The king charged him with the treasonable re- nvirk. The butterfly jilcnflcrt guilty. "Hut , 0 Rroat klnR , " went on the butterfly , "you arc ft married men yourself , can you not Rucsa why I said It ? My wife was unusu ally Insubordinate Hi la morning , and It was necessary. In order to maintain any sort ot discipline , that t prove to her how great wns my power. That Is why I rnld It , Rrc.it king ; not from treasonable motives , but tn order to maintain my marital au thority. " The story goes that the king dis missed the butterfly without oven eo much as ii reproof , The story also goes that when the butttrfly returned to bis wife , ami she asked , "Well , ami what did the King want ? " ho replied , "To beg mo not to do A future queen ot the far-off Island ot era In the form ot fUworsj tea Jars , salt rel- lara anil other useful bits can bo fouciO , cu li having Its own tiieclal charm ot form and execution , A now spcclca ot hen rarty has come Into VORUO which entails much merriment. U bcnrs no rcscmbUnco to the tlmo-honorel lilcxi that tea ami chit-chat , gossip nml smart hats constitute the necessary ml- Juncts to these particular gatherings. Tha Interests centers about o real live hen , ot feathers , her chicks nnd her eggs. This imty originated In this fashion : A young brldo and groom took a house In tlio suburbs ami went to housekeeping. A mil- chlevous friend called to see them , nnd dis covered on the premises A dpkertcil hcnnerjr , which suggested an Idea to his fertile brain. Ho nt once communicate- ) UUa to other frlemls , who arranged set ctly far a genuine hen pmy. On a plwMii ; ' > the InvltcJ guests met at the railway iii.l n and pro- ccciled In a body to the now ,1 am , Kach on carried n live hen , a chick or a dozen cgg for hatching purpose * . The sccno which occurred when thlrty-sl * guests arrived with thirty-six Installments for the hennery was decidedly hullcrout , When the llttlo hostess recovered brent ! ) she produced her chocolate cups nnd te . § FRHNCH l"l"e" " " ' ' R OM HAPTPP.AAR t White Is extremely fashionable this season , anil Is especially liked for house gowna. A most charmliiB model , Illustrated above , Is made of ottoman cloth of an Ivory- whlto shade , trimmed elaborately with gold and silver embroidery. The skirt Is un- trlmmcd , and has across the front a flounce which forms a double skirt. The waist has a full front of Ivory surah , which forms a hlouso ot the belt. At the neck Is a square yoke made of the embroidery ; two long U'bs , also trimmed , with embroidery , fall down on the skirt. The tack Is tight lUtling , and has a deep bisque wltli embroidery. The cut of this comfortable and graceful gown is given In a paper pattern Issued'by Harper's Bazar , where It appears. Small sleeves , prettily draped at the top , have ruffles over the shoulders , and arc finished at the wrist with whlto tulle frills , while the draped collar Is also of whlto silk tulle , finished at llio back of the neck , with a full bow. A violet satin ribbon sash goes under the long side tabs , and ties In front with bow , and ends that reach to foot of the skirt. This goviia can. bo copied In silk , cloth or cashmere , and la extremely graceful and smart. Illika in the South Sea hns been born In New York. She Is the child of John F. Hobts , nn American , but king of that half- clvlllzcd place and is now about a month old. She came Into the world at the home of her maternal grandmother , Mrs. Collln. 105 Bast Thirty-sixth street. She Is the Princess Illyuda , her mother being miecn Mlallo , who was Miss Ella Collln of New York. About six years ago John P. Hobbs. a citi zen of South Carolina , was cast upon the Island of Illika. Ho lived among the natives , for ho could not get away then. Ho taught the uncivilized people many things and In structed them In arts unknown to thorn. So , when a year later their king died , ho was chosen to rule over the four Islands. Mr. Hobbs had a commission to the World's fair and to the Atlanta exposition. While In Now York last year In May on his way to Australia anil his far-off kingdom , ho met I ' Miss Ella Collln end made her his wife , wife of King Oumalea of Illika , and postponed his trip to this kingdom , nut now , an noun as the tiny princess is able to go , the royal family will begin the Journey. The natives of the Island of Illika arc akin to the Simoans. It Is suld Mr. Hobbs ouco refused an offer by England of 15,000 and a knighthood for Ills llttlo kingdom. While the selection ot a wedding gown In olwaja a momentous corslderatlnn , zayu an exchange. It Is Interesting to note thut the cholco of whlto for wedding dresses H com paratively a modern fashion Tlin Unman brides wore yellow , and In most ea/stcir > countries pink Is the bridal color. During the middle ugts the Renaissance hrldivi were crimson ; and most of the Plantagi > ni'l nnd Tudor iiucens were married In tliU vivid line , -which l still popular In p.irtft ot Ilrittany , where the bride Is usually dreiscil In crimson brocide. It was Mary Stuart who first changed the color of bridal gar ments. At her marrlago with Francis II. of Franco , In 1G53 which took place not ho- fore the altar , but befoie the great doors I of Notre Dame she was gowned In a white brocade , with a train of pain hluo I'cralan velvet , six yards In length. Thh Innovation caused qulto a stir In the fashionable world 1 of that tlino. It wa not. however , till quite tin end of the sixteenth century that pure whlto the color hitherto worn hy royal Krniicli widows became popular for bridal garmt'tilB In England. - " Oarctul liouseku'pers slip a Ums. round cover , open t both ciida , over tliu feathers ol a gcoil dtiEter , and keep U sstunillng. brasii iipuurianst , when , not In UHC. Thn cover Is himply a usrrow , deep cuff of I llcltltis , hemmed top and bottom. ThU iot nnly keeps -ihe duster Iron ; fsettlns dusty. hat nrvKi-rria the aprlns and lifeof the 1 feathers. U Is tau earn ard not tha un : of j utinslls tint lU'terinlnen tlU'lr Jojgtb of usrv- lew. Mr . Kmll/ . Miller , a Sprluijiiel'J woman , who haa been living aiuonj ; .tho Uvllann for a number of yearn , lia returned to the rant , und said In a recent odArt-is : "It la dllilrultto get acquainted with Indian women anil to a stranger they seem dull , but rnco oao goU acquainted with them there U mum to indicate- the poseiwaloa. 6t real cbarac'.cr. " .lapaiiem ) ullvcr occupies a prominent pl.ico In tlio .artistic boudoir. CoKeo and tea trays of chasiU silver , with c-up holUera ot tbo name material , are duo specimens of ork'ual : > : klll lit jnoUU work. Koron , or Inceuau burnvrs tit silver illlsrco , ornamented with dsl'ilf toiiclic * of unamcl ; trayc , boxoa , vaini ! t. x auJ baud-ln la ! , & ( ioous ami Iruit tv . - blscultfi , and tlio groom showed himself a man of resources by offering a "prize for the most laughable Incident connected with the purchase of the fowls. One ct llio rules of this now game IB that the hens must not be sent by i-xpress , ijor- tcr or other means of conveyance , but must bo delivered by the purchaser. It is sug gested that these feathered donations would prove a great success In charitable affairs. Lady Holland , In her memoir of her father , Sydney Smith , gives an amusing Hory. It happened1 nearly fifty ycara ago , but It has not yet lost Its point. "Have you never observed what a dislike servants have to anything cheap ? They bate saving their master's money. I tried this experiment with great success the other day. Finding wo consumed a great ilral of soap , I sat down. In my thinking ob.ilr nnd took tlio soap question Into iconsldcra * tian , and I found reason to suspect that wo were using a very expensive article , when a much cheaper ono would serve the purpose better. I ordered half a do/on pounds of both corls , but took the precaution of chang ing the papers on which the prices were marked before giving them Into tlio bands of Hetty. " 'Well , Ilttty , which tcap do ; 'ou flnd washts best ? ' 'Oh. pkuHC , tlr , the dearest , In the blue paper ; it rnakrj a lather aa well again as the other. ' 'Well. Hetty , you nhalj JiHvayt have It , then. ' And lints the mv- uuspectlug Hotly tavid mo oomo pnuiulu a year mid wjshed tlio ciotliqi butter. " Ucv. Anna Hhaw of Chicago hopen soon to bo appointed a policoman. "Iould rc'licT bo u policeman than be president. " > ho aya. "Tho ono cryitiK reform that IM now nsoilcil In Now York and Chicago la 200 uniformed nonitfi policemen to walk the Htrei > (3. If Mr. Van \Vvck or Mayor Harrison had iko knov/l- i > dge of o.xiHtlng Hoclologlcal ccnilluijtm which they ought to have , and which 1 hupu tla-lr Bur.ceHsor will have , woman shcuM I.e an uc- tlvo pollen olllcer. If thcso ontlGmcn want to know wliero to find women to fill the plncos , and nil them well , I could tell them. From the ranks of the Salvation Army and the American VolunlcerK could ba ob tained on abort notice 200 women , whoso res- iMicu on tbn ntrvcts of ClilcogD In uniform would do more toivaid the elimination ot crlniQ tUan many tlmcn tbo number of men , " There is a Class of People I Who ixro Injured by the two of uof- feu. llccontJy thcro has Iwou jikiccd 2 in nil the jfrocory ptorcs n now pro- = pftr.ttlou oalliitl GltACN.O , iimdo of = jiui'o ( jruhu , that takes the jac ! < > of I'Offi'O. The uiof.t ilelloato btomach ro- cx'tvn1 ! it witlwut dUtrubii , nnd but fuw I'rtii toll it from coffoo. It die not cost owr < " much. Children innydtiult it with great bou. ollt. 10 cents and 26 ventage * pack , it. A kforOltAIN-O. Qrain = OI Z I nl4ilmtourroceTlrc8jouOI'AIK-O | ; : 'f :