2 TIO5 GRATIA DAILY "E : MONDAY , aK 0 , 1807. FRUE TO THEIR PRINCIPLES Populist Isadora Disin tlio Sheldon Propcs'.tion Freelyi KO SURRENDER TO THE DEMOCRACY Mil rI I it Wnrren I'rotcxln mill Seiuiliir niiiii-i-N I'll ! liiM of \ " > Sort Midi ( lie lloiirlimifl. LINCOLN , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The discus * ! on In ptoulht circlets which was preclpl * fntcd by the lottcr of Heprpsentntlve Shel don advocating iho consolidation of popullM. democratic ami silver republican parties nnd their mcrfilnK Into union eaucusses , primar ies nil conventions , is only bediming to T'arm up The official populist organ for this week contains two more Inntalltnenls on the subject which will prolnbly keep the fires ft-Koiug for some time to come. The general drift Is opposition to ony consolidation unless it IB c consolidation of the democrats with the populUts and under the populist banner end a doc Mod objection to anything that may savor of the swallowing of the populists by the democrats. Ono of the letters Is dated from Falrbury and Is signed by Marvin Warrcc. Mr. War ren Kiys ! The people's party of Nebraska will hnvo no trouble at nil about fusion IT from this tlmo on for ctaht months It Inaugurates ami works vigorously nn cduc.itloniil cnm- pnlRii Htrlctly on Its own tmtlonnl pint- form , thereby ili-clarlng the truth , thu whole truth , nnd nothing but the truth , nnd ilcclnrlnK It so plainly that everybody , so far : is possible In the RUitc , Bliull luar It , This douo , mid what , will be left ot the fillver democracy and silver republicanism If anything , will not bo niroRnnt or trouble , some about turtiiH. There la no use of de ceiving ourselves anil concealing the fact thit In winning our fusion election cam paign we beciimo muzzled on the one nil- important doctrine of out platform and tenfts , the non-coln-rtilemptlon of paper money. If we do not get down to business mid brine thlt iloctilm * forth with panel lictwe'Mi election campaigns , vvhtn shall wide do It and what will prevent It from Koltifj Into obscurity nnd the ptrty to nothing ness ? He- goes on to Insist that there Is only ono way for the populists to maintain their position , and that Is to force the sllvcrltes to the support of the doctrine of absolute Irredeemable paper money Tree tllvcr Is nothing but a makeshift , and If the demo crats * do not wish to accept the truth1 ? which populism teaches further fusion with them U no better than compromise with the gold plutocrats Mr. Warren concludes with the following pathetic appeal for Irre leen.able paper : In n word , there Is no possible relief for this countiy from Us hardships so long as our papei nioiiej Is redeemable In coin , nnd this I am UMilj , to iirilntaln In public de- bite. I would l > y ill me ins gl\o to silver nil the utmost money functions uiu.illy with Hold , but tli.it of itself tan bilng us no relief from hardships , liu * only a slowing up In n smill measure the Increase of the Immense Indebtedness of our people to I3rltlsh anil other foreign capitalists. Wi ns a party should push right ahead by showing to thi people these things STHWAUT SKINS TII13 DEMOCRATS. The other contribution Is fioni the pen of ox-Senator Stewart of Crawfo-d. Mr S'cuart says ha wants populism , pure and simple , nnd ho objects strenuously to the Sheldon scheme and Incidentally to ull Kinds of fusion. Ho BIVS ho has put In ton or twelve years of hard polltlc.il work in the propagation 0 [ populist doctrine , \\hlch he asserts Is God's truth as apprehended by men \\ho have the courage to become Its prophets anil perhaps It-j martyrs "Do > ou think" he asks , "that this body of men will turn hack twenty years > ind advocate what they know to be false for the salte of beating the other fol low ? " If they would ho says they arc knaves "On the other hand , " he continues , "can jou pick up the democratic party iiul slnke It loose fjom Its political shrine and prophets of twenty yoirs at QUO lift ? If so , do so , anil woill welcome thorn , nut remember that In thh getting tcgc'hcr pro ceding theie must be no laying aside of the truth for error , no sacrificing of Justice 'or Injustice. " \Vlth this Mr. Steuart proceeds to give the democratic rwttj In Nebiaska a veritable inmlastluK. Ho BIJS. On thli Issue we i lee-ted a firmer governor and the leading dumorr.its of this state arc responsible for the ciltnlnil stulllng of the ballot hot In Omihii until GOTO friuilulent votes -were cist thvrc'ln to ilefeit him and scat a democrat. The leglalit ire electeil on that Issue w is true to Its pledgee .mil pissed ix maximum freight law and this democrat vetoed It , This net has cost the people oC this state In excess fi eight over % i 000.000 , which overtops the republican defalcations In the same time about $3,500,000 Now iwe hold thu republic in ipnrty responsible for the acts of Its. olllcl iH beeiube they have not ropudlitcd and punished their men. Have the demoer its icpiidlited and punished their criminals In this matter ? Is It not a fact that four years later they endorsed the acts of this usurping and un lawful governor by nominating him for con gress nnd refusing to support a populist and Mr Uryan and the World-Hei aid fought valiantly to send him to coneiess ? I ha\o never heiri ) that they were sorry or but what they mould do so aguln. About the tlmo that Itoyd was looking for an cxcu e to veto the maximum rate law laiRo peti tions , alx foot tall with biotson , were sent to Lincoln by the c.irlo id to urge him to veto It nnd thus give the raids n chance to rob the people of a couple of millions an nually , among them Fame of the most prom inent lenders of the llvr democracy. The farmers , who are the- class most Interested , could not got even one of the places on the Board of Transportation , anil jet this Is called a , populist \lctory and fi eight rates are going up higher e\eiy few weeks. Xo-w. Brother Sheldon , I guess vou will recognize these few Mttcmenl * as facts , and I have only touched on i few And thla Is what populism with a democratic tap on It brings ubout. i Mr. Stewart's letter , like Mr , Warren's letter , concludes with n Ugorous onslaught against redeemable paper money and de clarer that on tbit question the populist and democrat parties are going In evactly oppo site directions and sa > s that unless the democrats drop thu cry of coin redemption the popullstb ulll have to tlnow them o\er- hoard. HOW AT LANSING TIIHATIUI. The Lansing tluater , Iho leading play house of the city , was this morning before daylight dlnmnntleil of i rt ot 1'a furnishings , almost n riot accompanying the work , nml as n result J. V. LanbiiiR , late halt owner ; L. C. Ilurr and Hoscoo Pound , his attorncjK , and a score of laborers wore today arrested Th trouble Is the outcome of the sale of the property under foreclosure a week ago Mr , Lansing claimed there was a conspliacy to dcfiaud him at part ot his holdings. The dtstrlc coat I , ho\vc\er , continued tlia sain on Bitutuay end declared thp title InvcsUd In the purchaser , William Oll\cr , of New York. Dotwcen 1 and 3 o'clock Lansing's attorneys and a number ot atngo hands gained entrance Cure alt llvvr illi , b.lous- nr.si , lio.iil.u'tu' , soui stomach ach , Indigestion , constipa tion. Tiny act rully , ullli out paluorcrli > . hniil by llrtniitliti. ( JJ centi. Tli * only I'Jll-i to tuLu ultli HuoU'i and bcgarji to remove the srono-y an 1 chairs , Agents ot Oliver were notified , and In the controversy which followed them wa a per sonal collision bet neon the attorneys of the rival clal-ra tits The police quelled the il < - turbanco about thr > time It began to he in * tcrc ting. Warrants were swosn out and the Ldhslrif ; pirly was arrested , being re leased on boll IHHMI n ifiTirr MJTTTit IU * < IMSS. SlKiillli'iint riiriircx fritni < lurnr < < iry n ( ( Irnnil Inlnnil GRAND ISLAND , Neb , Dec. 5 ( Spcc'al ) The campaign In the local gusar factory will closfl about Chrlstnlas , nnd will this year break all previous re-cords as to the tons ot beets consumed nmlioutput of sugar. Ovrr a week ago the C 000,000 pound maiU wtis passed. Mat sear the fictory close 1 down on beets on December 23 , at whlf-h time It hail only 5.000,000 pound ? manufa-- lured The campaign began about n mouth enrllcr this year. The following figures will Klvo nn ldo of the progress the Industry Is making In IStO there \\cre produced 730,000 pounds of sutyJr from 5,000 tons of bets , for v.hlch the farmers were paid $20,000 In 1S91 MOO.OOO pounds from 11,500 tons of b ets , for which the farmers \vcrc paid Jlfi.OOO. In 1S92 2,110000 pounds from 13,000 tons of beets , for which the farmers were r'i' ' < l $52,000. In 1SD3 1,833,000 pounds from 12,000 tons of beets , for which the farmers wcro paid $18,000. In 1894 , beets shipped to Nor folk , 11,000 tons , for which the fanners were paid ? 70,000. In 1S05 303,000 pounds from 35000 tons ot beets fcr which the farmers were paid $130,000. In 1S9G 5000,000 pounds from 35.000 tons , for which the farmers were Plld ? 17G.OOO. This jcor the output of surar will ccr talnly border close on 0,500,000 , while the total tonnage will be about 45,000. 'IVriiniMi'll ( * iii-t Voles. THCUMSHII , N'cb , Dec. fi. ( Special. ) In the district court hero late last evening the jury In the case of the estate of G W Har mon against the Tecumseh National Hank came In without a verdict , after being In the Jury loom since Thuradnj afternoon. In 1801 George "W. Harmon , no\\ deceased , de posited with C. A Holmes , at that time president of the Tecumseh National bank , a check for $5,000. ilra.nn on a bank at Auburn The monoj wow never p ld back to the de positor or his assigns with th ° exception ot a small nmount paid by Mr. Holmes Nor was tnc transaction ever entered on the'books of the btiuk The Harmon estate sought to rcco\er the nioncj from the reorganized bank The case was tried in the district court hero Mine three > ears ago and the lunk lost It won taken to the supreme couit , but was reminded to the Johnson county district court for re-trial on error Thi ! officers of the banik , as It Is now organized s ear that they ne\er recehed the money and contend that the amount was left \ > lth Mr Holmes as a personal loan to the old banking firm of Russell & Holmes Court adjourned today i-mtH Januarj 3 , but Judge Letton will ho here December 23 to look after some matters needing Im mediate attention mCMONT. Neb. , Dec. 5 ( Special. ) A cl\H service examination for the positions ot clerk and carrier in the Kremont postofllco was held at the city hill jcstrrday under the dliectlon of Mall Carriers r. M. Rosemau and K S. Mllterllng. THO applicants took the examination for carrier nnd three for clci k. The funeral of Mrs. August Turstcnau , who died hero yesterday , was held from the Lutheran church this afternoon. Mrs Flir- stenau was 77 years of age and a nati\e of German j. Sheues six children , one of them bcu ! William Ftirstenau , a well known farmer of nidgeley township , and twenty-eight grandchildren , Farmers and cattle feeders north ot the city report an unusually large loss of cattle Hils fall from what has been callel corn- htalk dlsea&e. Ono man lost thlitcen head from a bunch ot about a hundred that had been permitted to run In the stalks. The stalks Imo been very diy , but It Is thought tint the snow of lastjWeek will moisten them so that not much further loss -will occur. Olllci-rn of Secret Onlorn. DMERSON. Neb , Dec. B. ( Special ) A lodge of nojal Neighbors , the woman's aux- lllarj of the Modern 'Woodmen , was ornarlz2d last evening by Mr. and Mrs. Wlnterburn ot Wayne , state organizer. The Modern Woodmen ledge last evening elected the following oflicers for the ensuing jcar G. A. Isenheig , V. C. ; W. G. Mcrtcn W. A. ; II. II. Stolzo , banker ; John Estague , clerk ; Julius Bondeison , escort ; William Stottlmim , watchman ; Frank Paul , guard The Modern motherhood ot America , by their delegates. M. White and U. S. Cane , organized a strong lodge of thit order at this place The oflicers arc : C. C. King , worthy president ; Sol Smith , secretary ; Mrs III , Scott , treasurer ; Harry Engelen , worthy \Ice president ; M. M. Engelen , watch man ; P. H. Scott , conductor. \VorUiiit-ii CIi < > < > ( > Officer * . HUMBOLDT. Neb. , Dec. C. ( Special. ) Huraboldt lodge No. 5 , Ancient Order United Workmen , last night elected the following ofllcers for 'the ' ensuing year : E. A. Tucker , M. W. ; L C. Williamson , foreman ; J. J. Thompson , overseer ; R. Barg , recor der ; W. H. Till , financier ; C. E Nlms , receiver ; P. M. Williamson , guide ; W. N. Hlgglns , instdo watchman ; B. V. King , outside watchman ; George Reich- ers , trustee ; Drs. J. H. Morris and L. B Allen , medical examiners. The Workmen will hold a semi-public Installation in con nection with the Degree of Honor early in January , nclli'vneole . BKLLEVUn , Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The Teachers' Reading circle mot with Mi/is / I'lynt Saturday afternoon , with a good at tendance. Mrs. L. M. Guttcry presiding The subject foi the afternoon was "Cmirson and His Works. " A brief biography ot the Illustrious writer was given and the 10- malndor of the session was devoted to the discussion of his " " essays on "Friendship" and Nature , " special attention holng paid to the style nnd purpose for which they were written. The next mooting will bo held in January. * < IMI VriirM for lllBTMllly. IIAVCS OENTfiR , Neb . Dec. -Special. ( . ) Dr. Frederick Koynolds. the Trenton dentist who was tried inero on the charge of bigamy was convicted and sentenced to seven years In Uio penitential y , Ha married Lllllo J Caulk , n school teacher In Ilajcs county against the protest ot her parents am fiiends , the joung girlVippoirlng to be thor oughly infatuated \vlth him. His first wife who was living at Dillon. Mont , , hearing o the marriage , came to Nebraska nnd instl tuted the prosecution. < i. A. II. OlMi-i-rr. . lUTl'LR O1UJ-BK , Nfb. Dec. B. ( Special. ) J. W. Vunco post No. 272 , Grand Army oi the Republic of this place , held a meeting > cstcrday and elected the fallowing otllcers J L A\er > . C. ; W. W. Craig. SVC. Oeorgo Worthtugton , J V C. ; William Low Jr , S. ; J W.Stlrk , chaplain ; W. A Barnes 0 D ; L' . G Dennis. Q j C A. Headman , O O ; F W , Richardson , adjutant ; Thomas Decker , color bearer 1'iMHilUt l'iiPIT Snlil , KAIRUURY , Neb. Dec , B. ( Special. ) The Jefferson Oouuty Journal , the only populist . . .IKE BEF. Contest FOR. . . Queen of the Ice Carnival MY CHOICE FOU POLARIS IS _ . - - Ballot Boxes located at Mlllurd Hotel. Boo Bids. Kliitf 1'harniacy. 27lh and Ucii > en\orlh t . ; Chns. A. Trac > ' , ICth and Douglas ; Shrader'a Drug Storf , North lh nnd as aid sta. - tNORIUS & l-OVKi Cnnilviil DF.C. 6 This ballot must bo deposited within 3 days from date. Coupons tray bo mailed within two days to Carnival Dtp't. , Boo Office. Omaha. I paper In the count } , was sold afternoon t public t ilo toy C Q DeKranee. the rtccl\or There was only one bid for the property anil It ttas s ld to W. r. Cramb. who has been conducting the paper for some 1 months under n lease The price was $350 , \rri-MliMl for Aswntilt. AUAPAHOn , Neb , Vac. 5. ( Special Tel egram. ) Lait night Albert Younji was ar rested and hurried to Homer C'lty on n com plaint chargliiR him with assault with Intent to commit murder He had become Intoxl- ont'd parly In thn "nvnnlm : and later Ooclaroil ho would RO homo nnd shoot hta mother. Constable Olsbrow Interfered to prc\ent and received a severe knlfo wound In the hand. To lltiom .Snclpt\ . nni ) ChOUD , Neb. Dec. B Special.- ) - The jouiiB women of Ued Cloud'a IOU Imp orgaiibed an Tlp-lo-ilato club , with a mem bership of tw-bnty , with the object of Uecp- Ins society \ll\e durliiR the winter sasau. Kriday oenlng Uiey gave their Initial inrty t'nentv-nvi the ho.ne to about - joung men at of Mrs. n. 0. Talbot. Court nl Norlli IMntti * NORTH I'ljATTC , Nllb , lsc 5 ( Spoclil. ) District court Is no\v In session , Judge Qrlmea presiding. llawllns , the Unuly Island murderer , was acquitted yesterday. In the case ot Dr Duncan , Judie Cooley made an effort to got him out of Jail on a writ ol hibcas corpus , but failed. Ho will bo tried next Monday. I' > Hi In n Unicorn. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Dee. 5 ( Spe cial ) N > slan ledge , Knights of Pythias , selected the following oflicers for the ensu ing year : Dr. J. Imo Sutherland , "C , C. : N. W. Thompson , V. C. ; 12. S. Scarson 1' ; John Alexander. iM of D ; C. n Frullck. K. of U. and S ; P. W. Ashton , T. ; N. D. Platt , M. at A. SIIIMV nt hl Nt < b. , Dec. 6 ( Speclil ) Snow- has been falling hero for the last three dajo and the thermometer has ranged fiom zero to ten degrees below. Tully eight inches of snow are now on the lo\cl. I2mi ! of the Storm , JUNIATA. Neb , Uee. G ( Special. ) Last night ended one of the coldest spells and the longest snowstorm wo huxo had for many jeaie in December , NclirimUn Slate I'nli ci-Hltj \ol < vs. Chancellor MacLwn's lecture tour to ncrth- western Nebraska was marked by laigo attendunces und great Interest by the g neral public as well as school teachers. Dr II D. Ward of the Zoological depart ment has beeni chosen associate editor of the Zoological llulletln , published at Dos- too , Mass , and also of Archives de Paraa- Itologla of Paris , Prance. Mr A F. Matthew * of the New Vork Sun staff 1ms gl\eii Interesting lecttncs be fore the chss In journalism , on newspaper nuking1 ami Charles A. Dina. He has been h rc collecting material for special article- . . The English club of the Unhersity passed resolution ! , at its iret meeting appreciative of the action ot Chancellor MacLean In be- curing fiom the unlveisity authoiitles of- ncUl iccognltlon ot the club as oneo the unheisit ) bodies. The Board of Hegents meets Tuesday. Regents. ICaley and lladley , ivhose terms cx- plio nejft .Iinunry , will meet with the beard again at that time. IJoth of them will take with them the cordial good will of the unl- \cislty on their retirement from ofllce. The winter agiltultuial school opens De cember 2S The object ot thla bdiool Is to fuinlsh a goad practical Cngllah and sclcn- tllic eduoitlonlth special reference to farming , stock raising , fruit grow In ? and dairying for those who cannot undertake an extended lourse. The lectures on chll engineering by Am- diew fioscwater glow la Interest and at tendance Hia lecture Monda > night en "Water ard Tire Pi election" was picked with solid Information upon the oul Ject , and was listened to with as much attention by the Lincoln city council as bj the under- giaduates. Prof. Uirbour of the gcc-loglcal depart ment received last week from G. W. Ham mend of Yarmouthvllle , Me. , a collection of 500 specimens of concretions from the Con necticut valley , some of them valuable. Mi. Hammond obtained a number of specimens from the Mori 111 cojlectlcui while here , ami this Is the second collection sent by him In exchange These will bo placed In the Morrlll collection. The Graduate club of the university holds Its fall meeting December C A paper on "The Modern German Novel ' will bo read by Miss May Chamberlain , Miss Kathleen Heam will have an essay on methods of teaching Ixitln to beginners , Mr. J. W. Sear- son will present bis views upon "Patou's Theory of Social Forces" and Prof. George B. Howard of Leland Stanford university will maUe an address. olirnxKn NtMtH Nod's. The creamery at Ohlowa has been supplied with new machinery and will start In busi ness again. Louie Schmidt of Clearwater has been held for trial on the charge of selling liquor wltn- out a license. Bassatt people complain of an excess ot drunkenness In that town In spite of the fact there are no saloons In the town. The Shumway bo > s of Lyons were out hunting last Prlday und Killed 151 rabbits. It was doubtless a very good nay for rabbits , . The Ponca Journal Ust week completed Its twentj-flfth > ear , during all that time laav- ing been under .the management of William Huic. The Geneva Signal last wecK published a twelvo-pago Illustrated edition descriptive of the town und Its many advantages. It was a very creditable number. Two boys named Bullock of Loomls went rabbit hunting with a revolver for a woipon. They got no labblte , but ono of the boys shot the other In tlio leg. The Grand Islind sugar factory began neaily a month earlier on beets this ) ear than ever before. It will close down In about two weeks with the run a week and a half longer than that of any previous year. Hog rliclcra has been playing havoc with sonio of the b\\lno herds in toe western part of Sarpy county. The disease seems more fatal than ever before , and sweeps the cn- tlio lierd wherever It stilkcs. Two weeks ago Stephen Cunningham lest a flno herd and within the last week J. H. Laagdon of Gretni has lost nearly 100 head , A very serious accident occurred ono day last week to the little babe uf Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stowell of Paxtoii. The mother tied the child In a rocking chair and went out to milk the cow , leaving the chair near the fltove. While out the child worked Itself loose from the chair and fell line the oven and terribly burned Itself before being dis covered. J. A. Perkins of Antiquity , O. , was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physi cians for the euro of eczema. He was quickly cured by using DoWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve , the famous healing salvo for pllea and skin diseases. DIAMONDS .SIKM : TI > in : IN DCIIA.ND. llvitort J.oxKL'H of Valuable StOIIOH tO tillI'llllCf. . Dr , H. A. Lebel. made a professional visit at 1119 Davenport street and was perauadcd to stay longer with the result that ho now lacka a $50 diamond plu. The Inmates of the house , John Strom , Lllllo Strom and Mary IJajne , were arrested and charged with grand larceny. Lcbel saja ho met the women In a South Omaha saloon , In which city he practices as a thlropod'st ' Hta ser vices were engaged and he called at the number named jcatcrday afternoon. During his stay there the pin disappeared In a way ho cannot explain Tim house wait care fully searched by Detectives Sullivan and Hudson , but no trace of the property was found. Another diamond pin valued at , $40 was loat jetterday by a lodger In the Douglas block. The Janitor had given a stranger lodging at his rooms during several nlghta for hla cervices in helping about the build ing , After the latter , whoso name Is J , F. Fa * , had visited the lodger's room , a tlo containing the pin was inltsed , omceri fal lowed Fox to the room ho had been uulng dt 002 South Sixteenth street and found him In the act of burning the tie. Part of It v\80 recovered and Identified. The pin Itself j ! could not bo found , Fox was charged with grand larceny. ? ! * ti Thlity-SiJcEntries _ Start Off at Sjund of Pistol Eliot. WORLD'S ' SPEED EST MEN AMDNG RACERS r > I'liolfUMml I'popli' lM ninlili. In .MlllllNIIII Stll.l. | ( In file II ( o SOU tillOlU'llhiu of tinlll llMMll. 8 07 _ L. NMV YOHK , Dec C At 12-15 n. m Starter Hddlcv ahl fired the pistol and the thlrty-slx men , were off In the six-day bl- cjcle race at Madison Square girdcj. The , } rode In nine coluuiie , four men In each Hale , the wlnnei of last vear's contest , led the llrst lap , ard Klce , who came second In last j ear's content , led. the first mile. Tlmo for first mile. 2 28 2-3. Jlmmlo Michael joilo two miles In 4.022-5 bqforo the big event was started. He- tied I U Chicago la-door record , Twelve thousand people cheered the riders at the opening Three hours before the time- for starting fully 3,000 persons Interested In the coulee were gathered la Madison Square garden. Every few minutes the gathering was en larged by persons anxious to see the forty men down ou the program start In what wilt probably he a record-smashing race. The contest , which Is announced as for the championship of the world , will last 142 hours. A dozc'i nationalities are represented among those entered 111 the big lace. The spo'dlest distance men to compete ore- "Teddy" Halo , who won In 1S9G , Joseph S Rico of AVIIkesbarre , who fed himself on plo and ice cream while he covered 1.SS2 miles In list j ear's contest ; "Ned" Ileid- ing , of the United States army , stationed nt Tort Crook ; Albert Shock , the German , who has ildden In more slx-diy contests than any other living man ; Gaston Hlvlerre the Frenchman , who has ridden 637 miles In , \ day ; Prcd Titus , the middle distance speeder ; Peter Golden , the old time six-day walker nud amateur champion long distance runuur , and a host ot the fastest riders In the world. The American Cycle Racing association. which Is managing the racing , has olfered $4,200 In prizes to bo divided among the best eleven men at the finish. The winner will geti $1,300 and the championship of the world. The big sauccr-llko track Is nine laps to the mlle and Is bmkcd seven feet at the end. It was built by Charles W Ashlnger , ono of the contestants. It Is a bettor traclj than that of last jcar and it Is believed by every one of the men best calculated to know , Hie rliers ! tncaiselves , that tie old rceoid will goT To > score at 1 o'clock was : Nnniei. Miles Laps Clntles W. ailllep , Chicago . 20 .1 n C. Smith , Saintoifl . 13 3 1'ieil.I. Titus , No\v Vorlt . IS 2 I'd A ml Hilc , Ireland . . . . . . 1U 5 Joseph S. Hlce.Vllkpsbure . 17 1 Albeit H. Scboch , Brooklyn . 13 k Gnston Uhlciio , Ptaiico . M 7 Tied Schlncfcr , Chicago . 15 3 M.uirlce Vomlwjnd , Helglum . . . . 1" 3 A Stephane , ntffenne , France . 16 3 Thomas A , Blrrtaby , Doston . 17 7 Osiar Julius Svwdcn . 13 2 Udvv ird Uedilinsfr Omaha . I > I Ihn ton lihikcsloQ , Boston . n 4 James Uustced , Jersey City . ] ( i fl 1'dwaiil DP icon , Ireland . 17 0 AV H Hliks , Brooklyn . 17 0 Charles W. Aslllnser , New Hopp. O. 17 0 Kied Foster , Germany . 17 3 Frank Waller , Germany . 17 1 H. W Pl' > iconoston . 17 1 D. Mc'Ltod , Scotland . ll > * G Andrew Johnson , LOUR Island. . . . If ! " , Tinnk Albert , New York . 10 0 Peter Golden , NPW Yoik . 1G 2 H. D Kikes. Glens F.ills , N. V. . .17 1 Leo Baclte , Scotland . Hi I Louis J. Kinn , Uloomflold , N. J. . . HI 1 Albeit nnterman , Gtjm.ui > . 1G 3 J. 1Uraj ( colored ) , New Yolk IT 7 n. C. Moore , I'hllul Iphl.i . Ifi S J It Gannon , New YoiK . Hi 1 Stephen FnHon , ' 'Jersey Cltv . i IK J Hurley Davidson , Cumuli . It ) 2 Geoige Cm tw lights EiiKlnnil . 1C G At llo , the end of the first hour , Smith waa leadinghavics twentv-fl\e miles and 1 lap to his credit , Bir.uihlnt ; the previous re-cord of twcntj-three miles , made by Lin coln of Hiigland last year. A few minutes later Fallen fell on the Fourth avenue side of the track , Divldsou , Pierce. Julius and Foster piling on. top of him , making a nasty spill. Several riders went over Foster and ho was bully hurt. Ills nose was broken and he had to retire from the race. The othcis continued ivns MV \iir.Nc.is : SffKliiKItiMfiiKe for lll.s Dr font nl Hie 'I'ouriiiiiiicnl. NHW YORK. Dec. 5 Frank C. Ives , smarting under his defeat by George F. Slosson last nlqht , has Issued a c'liullonge to Slosson for n match game of billiards arcordlnp to championship rules , which nre that tlid Rime shall be played within slx.ty dajs of the Is-rtie of the chullengo , for a stipulated amount , nnd shall be COO points In taso Slosson Hhou'd wish a chnnpe In the mlfs Ives afireea to play him a frame of 3,000 points , &oo point * each night for six nlBhts , and will vvager J" > .OCO to % irfX > that ho cnn defeat Slosson. In behalf of the challenge Ives luiH pi iced a eheck for $2'jO In the hands of a billiard company as n forfeit. MOTIinit M'ICIM.HV STIM , IIVIN ( . . Knil of I.lfo Is i\icetcil at Any lloilli-nl. CANTON. 0. , Dec. 5 Mother McKInley has passed the fourth day of her Illness and entered upon the fouith night with the spark of lifo still burning dimly. There has not been a material development In her cube today. Tlicie Is still a possibility that she may survive the night , or even longer , but those who have been at the bedside most con stantly have the least hope of such n result. The patient has taken no nourishment since Thursday. It cannot ho admlnlst ° ied by ordinary methods , nnd thp c.ise la one In which heroic methods of administering food are not regarded as justlfhble They could not restore health , and would b distressing and annoying and might hasten the end WASHINGTON , Dec. G. President Mc- Klnley , acompanled by Assistant Secretary Day ni rived In Washington over the Penn sylvania railroad at 7 45 o'clock this moni- Ini ; . He > was met nt the station by Secre tary Alger , Secretary Dllss and Secretnr > Porter , and driven to the White House Arrangements Mvo been made for the re turn trip to Canton tomorrow evening. The president , Mrs.MfiKlnley and a pirty of half a dozen close i .friends and relatives will leave Washington , at 7 20 o'clock , occupy ing a special car dttached to the icgular Pennsylvania raHr'oid trainii.nd arriving In Canton about )0' ) ' ojclock Tuesday morning. Dl'lldlM1 Of II 1)11) . JUNIATA , Neti . ' Dec. G ( Special. ) Mr. Markley , a farmer living two miles north of town , died yesterday morning , after an 111- neus of many years , < ifrom paralysis. Ho was an old settler bore KMBUSON , Neb. , Dec" . 5 , ( Special. ) Mrs 0. IJryce , vvifeiofla prominent farmer and stockman , living > eight miles north ot here , died yesteiday otdlrlght's disease , D13RL1N , Deo'GProf. . Ungon Zlutegraff , the well known African tiavoler. died JCH- tcrday at the Uldndiof Teneriffc , of malaria. VIENNA , Dec. C.H Admlral Ilaron von Stcr- ncck , commanUGr-Inrchlcf of the Austro- HunKarian navy died today of syncope , DKNVI5R , Colo. , Deo. S. Lorenzo D. Rondplbush , the well known tnlnlng mm , died earlthH morningHo was born In Blooming Valley , Pu , , and was M years old Ha leaves n daughter , mho IH the wlfo of Harold G. HenderKm , nn Ingllshmun , Jiul lives In Sussex. Cnglaiul , and 11 ran , J M. Hondelbush , who la a bculptor and lives In Parla. SIIIOMI | > I | to Hi * MITT ) mill Siullli , MILWAUKii3 , AVIs. , Dee. C. Two men , susiwctcd of being Christ aiorry and James Smith , tlui much-wanted Chicago murdiTerg. hiivu been captured at Western Union Junc tion. } | < > \ fulfill * of Ore il ll VfnuflN , lri > . , * i. At QueemstciAin Sailed Umbrla , from Liv erpool , for New York. At Havre Arrived Ui Champagne , from Now York. At New York Arrived Werkemlam , from Amsterdam ; Le Hretiigni' , from Havre. Sailed Furneslu , for Qla ! sowr. j vicr.s woTiiiju VRUY rvsr i'v t nlon rnolIlK < ; i-l n Third ttrcnrd of SKI > -1liri-i' 'MIU-M nn Hour , Yestcnhy the Unlcn IMcinc did It apiln. A sticci.il tMln , c rrj og a theatrical com pany \vas shot from North Platte to Coun cil tlluffs , 294 miles In 2S6 minutes , wl'h nine minutes dead time. The train 1-id bein deMjed by a wreck on iho Union Pacific Denver & Gulf , and was delivered late to the Union Pacific at Julesburg Kngloecr Jake Smith with piislno SSS , imde the run from North Plalto to Grand lalaml , 138 miles In 127 minutes. Trom Grand Island llugl- nccr Pcto CunnlnRham took the tuiln wl'h engine 1S01. and stated It over the 1GO miles' to Council Hluff * In 159 minutes , losing live minutes at Portal , where the seiuatihoro WTS apilnst him and a Missouri Pacific train held the cross ng Time was nlso lost getting through Onuln and across the bridge The tlmo tor the run shows ftl C miles an hour WS 3iaSlc fo South Omaha News. The stimp Mies at the tfostoirico here dur ing the month of November amounted to $3,930 70 For the same month ot 1S97 stamps to the value of $3,272.46 were sold. T\\S [ \ is nn Increase of $ G5S 30. In speaking about the business of the olUce Postmaster McMil lan siys there has been a BtiMdy Increase in the business since last spring. Ilo con siders the showing made something to bn proud of , as It Is a much larger Increase than over noted In ono month. Aside from the large Increase- the stan o sales , there has been on enormous Increase In the money order business ; In fact last month's busi ness In thla department Is nearly double that of the concspoudlng mouth a jcar ago. Money In largo and small amounts is dally being sent to foreign countries and this , It Is chimed , Is something people do not do unless times ore good. Owing to the largo Increase In the busi ness of the money order department It takes nearly all of ono man's tlmo to nuke out the orders and properly attend to the cus tomers. The need of additional olllco lie'p becomes moio apparent every daj. Post master McMillan sajs If the government would allow him a stamp clerk , he could get along very ulcely for awhile , but the way business has been for the last few months makes It very hard for one ticrsco to attend the stamp window , the money order depait- mciit and the registry w Indow A request IMS been made for additional help , but so far no attended has been pild to It. In the free delivery department the eight carriers are kept busy during the eight hours the ) are ca duU and In some cases It Is necessary to hurry In order to complete trlcis In the specl- lled time. The addition ot three carriers was a great Improvement to the service. Koiniil Dfiul In UlN 11 I'll. The dead body of J. Waldccker was found In a room at the Hlley hotel on Twenty-fifth street at 3 o'clock Sunday morning. From all afoearances the maji had been dead for a number of hours , possibly for a couple ot davs. It Is not known whether death re sulted fiom natural causes or from drugs taken with etilclilal Intent. Waldecker ar rived In the city Wednesday or Thuisday of last week and put up at the Hlley It was understood tfat he had no means , but Pro- pi ietc"- Humor agreed to let him stay until the loom was needed. Just before 3 o'clock > esteri'ui > morning n number of guests ai- rl\pd at the hotel and as all of the rooms wore occupied an eirplojo was sent to wake WalilecKer and Inform him that his room was needed for guests The door of the room was found locked and bolted. When it was broken do n the body ot Waldecker was found lying on the bed perfectly cold. On a Gtand near by stood a. couple of battles , one hiving contained whisky and the other some unknown compound It was stated at the hotel that Waldecker had not been seen about for a day or two , but nothing was thought of that , as itvas si-cHioscd that ho was out looking for work Friday was the last tlmo he was seen In the hotel ot'Jce and it that time he com plained ot feeling bully , but did not say what he thought was the unttcr. Coroner IJurket will investigate the case today. T'roKriiiu for I lie Council. A meeting of the city council is to be held this evening anj some matters which have been dragging along ror borne time will como up for final disposition. The or dinance piovldlng for the changing of the boundary line between this city and Omiha will bo read for the thhd tlmo and undoubt edly passed , as there appears to be no opposi tion to the change. At liio last meeting a number'of ordinances provicini ; for t'lo ' lav ing of cldewalks all over the city were passed under a subpcuslcn of the rules. Mayor Enaor his not as yet attached his signature to these documents and he stated last night thit he would not do so until he had talked the natter over with < he commit tee on streets and alleys The ma > or Io op posed to the lajlng ot sidewalks where a peti tion bigned by property owners Is not pre sented. In some casra tils is Impossible on account ol the large number ot non-resident property owners. The funds set islde at the commencement of the fiscal jcar for street repairs have been drawn upon hcuvlly of late and for this reason the mayor favors holding back for a few months. He thinks that there will bo plenty of tlmo In the early spring to lay sidewalks In parts of the city where there Is no1 very 'heavy trafllc and for tnls reason the ordinance } , passed at the last meeting may be returned to the council without the approval of the executive. Fur llullrovior > I'lxIciiHloii. It Is thought that the completed drawings for the Improvements at the South Omaha brewery will arrive this week. There has been Berne deliy In the matter , owing to n number of chingcs being made after the first draft wad subir.I'ted. ' The plans for the refrigerating apparatus and looms aie com plete and have been turned over to Mr. Jetter by the architects. In order to bo ready to start work as soon as the plans arrive the hauling of brick will commence this morning , According to an estimate made It will take In the neighborhood of 300,000 bilck for the proposed addition to the bicivery. The brick will bn hauled to the brewery , BO that work can proceed when the weather peimlts Slnco Hie llrst an nouncement of Improvements at the brewery was made a number of changes hnvo oc- cuiied and the cost of the completed work Is now estimated at $30,000. This Is $10.000 more than It was at lirat proposed to ex pend. Doiillliiif'N I'lluhlflil Pllll. William Donahue , who Is employed In the lard department at Cudaby's , met with a painful accident jederday morning. While walking along the edge ot * great pile of sale meats Donahue's foot slipped and ho fell quite a distance. In fulling he struck on a projecting railing , which 1s on a level with the second floor , aril bounced off , finally landing on tita ground floor. Donahue fell n distance of thirty feet and those present say that It Is ! iwondcr ho was not killed A dLJccated spine Is the most serious result ot thu fall , although the attending physician , Dr. McCrann , ls satisfied that then * are also Internal Injuries. Donahue Is A single man and boarded In the Third wild , At his re- queot Dr. McCrann conveyed him to the hos pital , where ho now Is. Unless serious In- terrnl Injuries present theinsolvea the ncct- uont will not result fatally. Employes uf the telephone company ro kept on the Jump these days stringing now lines and miklni repairs to the lines now In service. Within the last ten days a largo numbers of orders for telephones In business plflocs and resiliences hnvo b'cn received. The placing of a private system of fifty Icle- P1.0H03 at the Cudahy plant Is still going on , hut it is thought that this work will bo com- pl 'ti-i1 within the next vvfek According to advices received from the east the work on the now aw Uchhoard for the local exchange will bo computed within the ue\t six weeks ( Julio a number of | Mrty clreult lines are now being built here , the low rnto of fered by the company being the Induce- in cut. > ivv ItnlfM on Milk. The now rates for hotels and restaurants agreed upon by the recently organlrcd milk dealers' association will go Into eff'ct today. To such places x two gallon cnn of milk will be sold for SO cents , with a slight reduction wheru lirgo quantities nro taken dally. All of the local milk dealers nro now mem bers of the association and it U predicted that the quality of the fluid sold will ad vance as well ns the price Tuesday evcji- Ing the association will meet for the purpose of adopting by-laws nnd otherwise perfecting the organization. ( Mly The rcgulai monthly meeting of the Hoard of ICducatlon will bo held this evening. Hobcrt Parks has gone to Slout City to as sist In the construction of the Cudahy plant at that point. George Parks writes from Slouv City that ho bus 200 men at work on Cudihy's now packing hoits" and that ho will put on moro men this week. Henry Mies has a young lamb that will rat tobacco out ot a person's hand. Mies says that It will keep him broke buying chewing tobacco for the animal. Thomas Hatflcld , who lives at Twenty- ninth and H streets , reported to the police yesterday that his residence had been eu- torcd by thlcvrs some tlmo Saturday night and $17 stolen. Yesterday's lies was delivered to South Omaha subscribers without being rolled In older that the olllclal blrdspyo view of the exposition might not be wrinkled. The d ° - mand for copies of The lleo nnd supple ment yesterday far exceeded the supply. Ice cutting nt Seymour lake will commence today. The Cudahy Packing company will place a largo number of men at work In ad dition to the force now employed there Saturday the Ice was scriped In order to bo ready for cutting today. The Ice la about eight Inches thick Mrs. Mary lllrd , Harrlsburg , Pa , says , "My child is worth millions to me ; yet I would have lost her by croup bid I not 'in vested twenty -five cents In a bottle of On Minute Cough Cure" It cures coughs colds and all throat and lung troubles AMUSEMENTS. "Hogan's Alloy , " the latest norseuslcalliy In three acto appeared at the Creighton yes terday afternoon and evening The pei form- once Is very much what the name Indicates a roaring farce , with many ridiculous scenes , which are supposed to be a part of the every-day life of a c.nall : corner In New Vork Cltv. It Is full ot musical specialties songs and dancta , and abounds In fun throughout. "The Yellow Kid" Is a leading feature of the performance and the work of young Tlddlewlnks and hla petit com panion , John Dugan , afford consideiablc amusement A number of very pretty glrlb add much to the aggregation. Stuart Hobson will begin a two nights' en gagement at the IJoyd theater tonight wl'h his revival of Shakosp are's "Comedy of Hrrors. " Mr. Hobson is the embodiment of the droll , mcrrv , mirth provoking twin Dromlos of Syracuse. His success in these parts lias been most enduring In enumeia- ting the wide ranges ot Mr. Hobaon'a suc cesses a piominent place must be given to Bertie the Lamb , the cential character in Bionson Howard's comc.ly "The Ilcnil- etta , " which will be given tomoirow night Each production will bo mounted with spc eial scenery. Mr. Hobson U supported by Ms wife , formerly known to the stage as May Woldron , and by a largo and compe tent company. ' 'Tho Broadway Girl , " which will ba seen at the Creighton next Thursday , Friday anil Satin day Is said to be a bright , crisp , hllarl oils o\travagan/a with the refreshing novelty ot a plot , something decidedly new in the farce comedy field. Dclmorc and Wilson the stars of the organization , are known at two very capable entertainers. "A Southern Romance , " which comes th Boyd's next Friday and Satuulay evenings. , with a Satuiday matljie" . Is a dramatization by B. B. Valentino of Dolly Bugbeo's Ken tucky Idyl "In God's Country. " The Htory told In the play Is said to bo ot a kind which goes straight to the heart and awakens the noblest Impulses by that subtle touch of nature that "makes tlio whole woild kin. " A motherless young girl , refined , gen tle , of noble Instincts , lives with her father In one of the quaint old country homes foi which Kentucky Is famous. She Is about to I marry a wealthy young man of the world f at tha wish of her father , wlio Is In greatly i reduced circumstances , but mooting with her father's gardener , flho falls In love with him and elopes with him. It turns out that the supposed gardener Is a nobly born gentleman In disguise and then comes n return home , paientlal foiglvcncss and happiness , the cur tain falling upon a scene of exquisite beauty The scenic equipment of the play Is de- sciibcd as very beautiful and the company as the best that could b gotten together In Now York. SC.\NMI ! > lliull > Hurt. Adolph Lliidcmann , a newsboy , locolved painful Injuries ycHteiday inoinlng from a fall In thp basement of The HPP building With spvctal otlipr ) > oy hf was sitting on tin- sill of a larpi" window facing thu nlley wbli'li Ispiovldcd with double doom foi tin- admission of coil A hcullln oci-uind nnd LlinlPniiiiiii wan till own against the doois with such force UH to open them HP Uil about ten fuel lighting bqunrply upon the- Iliemnn bPlovv Ills vvilst was spialncd nnd ills bntlc was Hcvorely vvmirhul Hevv.m attended b > HIP rlty physician and taken to his home , 2021 Noith' Twenty-foul th street Ill-Ill IIM lllKMIIC. Frank Wnldln was arrcsloil hint night on the charge of Insanity Ho visited the police station 111 thu afternoon and com plained Hint his wlfo had left home with another man and had Utei been brought back1 dpad , The coioner hart just luen ln- p.itched to the location , Sixth and 1'lnce strt-otH , when the woman huKolf anivcd and Htatpd that hpr hucbaml wns Insane Ho Huffinrt a similar altac'k last spring when lie wnndired away ami vvns found after tevcral months In Ml < hlgan. John ( iriint'N Illrlliilii ) . John Grant , supeilntendpiit ot the Giant Paving1 company , vva 5S yeaia of uge Bat- urdny , nnd In commemoration of the day of IIH | birth vvns glvc-n a Hurpilsc by thone who have been his iiH.slHtuntH during the year Saturday evening thty cillcd nt Mr Ginut's ri'sldt'iicu , Inking him completely by surprise , nnd leaving as a token of thru iHtc'cm a huudhome li-athcr roi kcr. Mm. Grant had provided n dainty lunch for the occasion. Till- ONLY GliNUNIIl HUNYAD1 WATliR BEST AND SAFEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER Prescribed tintl npprovwl for . ' 11 yuuia by all Hie inudlcnl tiulhoiltU'S for COX- STIl'ATIOiV , IJY.SIMjrSIA , TOUl'IDITV OK TIIK LIVJJU , I1KMOUUIIOID3 ailinuiits icMiltln ftoui Judlhcretlou In diet. nsvc ll us for nil UlwliTil "It IH roiiiurl.ulil ) nml exi-i'iilliiiuilly uniform lit fin i-oiiiponllliiii , " lirltlsh Medial Journal. "Till ) lu'otatti } o f nil Illllcr AVilli-rB. " eUllNllllll III I'OlllpONllloil. " OUUINAHY nosi : , OMviUfJi , vssrui , inufoitu IIHI\ICIMST. AUTION Sec thai the label bears the signature of the firm Anclreas Saxleluier. Don't Stop Tobacco * fl < l < Jnj ! n 1 r ffc DIP T fr M T l * lurO.UHO , the ftnlf rnr * while bOiiK tofcmo. ti > f. rripl l tf 4 n hfttn jtM * i r er u . 6tGently W'onns , AMI aim. co. , u i- , , . A Pointer ! To thevse- who liavp the good pcnso to Uke pains to preserve their pjcslglit. Good eyes are Injuicd b > glasses not suited to them , and the eyesight eventually destroyed. Don't bu > Rlaeacs from any Cheap John. Como to out ov.- pert ocullt't nnd ha\e them acloutlllcally tested nnd proper glasses will strengthen the cyislRht. TheAioe&PenfolclCo LHAU1NO SCIRNI'IFIC OPTICIAN'S. ( ) | ii. I'll-v I on lloti-I. I ( OS b'liitiam St. No Dotontlon From Business. \Vc refer to HivnutDS OF PATHNII 11 HI n PILES CURED In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain. GNU TUKATMUNT Del S TUB Wol'K. THE EWJPinS RUPTURE CURE AMD MEDICAL INSTITUTE , ( BuccBwiorn to TItU O. JJ. MILLKIl 00. ) 932-933 New York Life Building , Omaha. Call or writ" lor circulars. I'ACII. . SO\P vr AND i . i ii i unM. . AMl'o ' Q PaxtoT & llurqcss , lelpphano I91J Dec. 8th and 7th STUART MniUBCmint Mr ImnlPl V Artluii MondnjcnltiK I OMM > \ OP 1 lUSOll Mr ItobMjn ns Uromlo of Sjraiutu mid 1J oini of Supported I'J Mn. llolison anil an oMillcnt l"r1ccs-Ixi cr lloor 1 TO SI 00 Ialcoi ! < > Jl 0) , 7DcV biats now on F.ilc 1'AXTON A. Ill HOI > 8 M inngDis. Tulcpbono W. C. A. BF.NEFIT TO 111 11,11 CHIMHIIIVS OHIMIVSUSn IIOMH. Thursday night , Dec. 9th OMJ .NK.II I * OMV. Siinif . " ( > < iiX ) of Oiiiiilin'N fnlr Inillct lime iH'i'H rrlionisliin for Hirrr < ! for Hie I , VIJMINhTHKIi SIKIU. < lu IIrut of ItH Ulml CM IT Kl > ' " I" Omiiliii. Iti-nn-nibiT s < > utN < > on mile TucNiln > ' iiioniliiK , Ore. Till , at ! ) n. in. VN th - - iniiiiv rntt'i-tuliiiiifiit lll iiii-Ni-nt \ -l -iiliir 'H nml llniirniMiMlN vote to tinChllilri'ii's OrpliiiiuiKi * ! ! > IioiiNf nliiiiilil ln > anil iiiiiloulitcilli > \ 111 llllfil. TU-UclN ijtl.OO , 7. > u nml r > llu. I1H1 > I < 'I'H , U. C. \ . BOYD'S THEATER NORDIC A. m"r } IIASlZ'Si IlilH I'm mini 'if ijn ( . Uoolllco open OHO ihiy III udv mil foi ro- sorxlns ii'.its for tlic-su lltl 't < l'ik'i > > - J2fO , ? JOO , ( fl 00 Te Creighton i > ji T ( > MdllT Siir . VlllUnci' VVi'ihii'Nilllj Sirilnl | I'liuilKi'liirnl ol Ilir ( oiniMl.1 < > - I'loiu * Hint linn J. I'll I NIMIiirl. . | | | HK ) > Intf ail.MDIti : .V I.IMIN VIII)1 > ' ran's Mky JHrr 0f 7 r SI.OO. 1'iJci'niitt * ; trc not * The Grei hfon I'.ixlon ' l' < I J 31'iu TS no \ \ , llltlGlluUllll , ' DELMORE AND WILSON and ,1 host of otnuiH , IK i vv oitrrr.s IH An Aval.inrho ol Kun A Whirlwind of Mirth , Miihle i ml Hi nily l'rlc < s 2-K , We , f73c , Jl W. M itlneo price 25o. IJac , 600. IKI : GUILL'S S i ; . ( Jnr Ullli nml Ilin i-iiiioi t Sl . CONIHTS nvnitv MIJIIT 71:10 : 'io ) - Maiiiiec-3 TucHilay , Itiilrmlny and Hniunlix , . 31 Tlll'tUiK'.S .tT'l JIACTIONHi AN.N'/V K H.I AN Violin bololit. IIIHNi : MII.I.IIH hrprano 1'1'IIITA-l.lttlo (5ji | | Khower , . nnnir : j'i/iwiu-chiiii HIIIN : HIJOAN Bouhrctte IJUNAII MA hone nnd nance , 'S I , Vli THE MILLARD tilth find Douglas StH , , Oniiili cnNTKAfXY I.OOATii : ) . Auii'ili'unpluii.JiS.I'Opur duy mi. Kuropimu phui , fl.OQporduy up J. B. MAIWHI. & SON , Props. BARKER HOTEL. 'I'lllHTUK.NTII AM ) JONKH STIIISKTS , HO roomi , Lathi , ntcaiii beat und all modern co'\enenci ! . 1U ( . II UI and 12 00 pir day , lable unexcelled , dptcml low ruin * to regulal boarder * DICIi WITH. Manager.