THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : gt&TDAY , DECEMBER 5. 1807. 23 I 8I NdWRLDI I . . WXXX > X- < < < / ! ' VVVX. > k'VN > 'VVV'V jlf c < sx > v > vv ' > yry / y xx > x > x > v ? > P General Apathy appear * In complete control of Iho blcjclo trade. Not In nvo years has there been such widespread Indifference In trade circles regarding next reason's models. The reason to obvious Too many entered the bUBlncni last > oar , and paid considerable for thrtr experience. A majority of them took In bicycles as a business ( Iyer. They were novices In the business , and w'cro not particularly choice In their selections. To them appearanccn was everything ; quality uecondary consideration. Their prices wcro clistlc ; It stretched nnd contracted according to the elzo of the purchaser's pune. Such methods of business Inevitably lD.1 to nnanrlat loss , and countless members of these who have been pinched retired from unfitted to wcro n business venture they will bo all handle This cleaning out process H Is not trade. the bolter for legitimate probable the trade will experience anything past. Hut with the llko the boom of years business rtatrlcted and In competent lianas there IB every reason to expect satisfactory returns for 1S98. of the League of Th . national assembly American Wheelmen meets In St. Louis , teb- U Is estimated that the number o ruary 9. will attend the assembly who will So abouTsGO and the meeting Is ooked forward ho ward to with Interest by v yrWor o The tlrst dayor the wheel In the country assembly will bo devoted entirely to good road work , with a. dinner to follow. * no tor dta- othe subjects will bo Jrousbt up < iiK3lon ThUt lo one of President Potters , ebb cs and he will Insist that the arrangement the ctter. 0 ° < - ment bo carried out to the rha rmen of clalH of the league request heir reports - different committees to have the prliKe.1 . and In the hands of , ho dele- ports to the asserabl } . mis days prior ten rites mTwm simplify matters considerably and finish. tlicl-work the delegates to cn.blo unnecessary delay. What amendments wl'hout be cannot action for ments will cotne up of them ha\o as told at thin time , as none jet been proposed. Morr'fl ' SVclah of Newark. K. J. left his bicycle in front of a store while buying a of shoes , and when he returned to the itre . Ho reported his t the wheel was gone. loss to the police. An alarm was sent out. mood and Welsh went homo In a disconsolate On opening the street door he found a joung his niothc. man trying to sell a wheel to showed him that the wheel was his A glance . and ho grabbed the thief , who.begged . own. hard to bo released. He had offered It to Ho said that he was Mrs Welsh for $12 starving having eaten nothing for two days Mr * We'sh told her son that he was lucky In wheel and pcituaded him to let get. ng his , the thief go. Consul General Haywood reports the roads around Honolulu excellent for bicycling , as a o also climatic conditions. There are 1,500 wheels row In the Inland and the number of , wilblo rlJers is placed at r.,000. The Amer- an bicycle alone Is sold , and the duty on It is 10 per cent , which makes the retail price of a blcytlo there , since the reduction , from ? S5 to $100. A brake device , for which there may be considerable demand nnd which will be offered cs an option on one or Uie iws standard models , Is an automatic brake Similar devices will appear on many or next jcar's models The hrako consists of a spring expansion ring on the rear sprocket working within a frlctlonal drum. The braking of the wheel Is brought about by back-pedaling , which opens out the spring nnd brlugd It Into contact with the brake. The Instant bach-pedaling ceases the spring toiuracts and the wheel Is released. No power Is lost in releasing the brake and the action la Immediate. When wishing to check the speed of the machine the firnt Impulse of the rider la to back-pe < lal , the effectiveness of which Is greatly multiplied by the action of the brake , the action being so natural that after a few dajs' use the rider becomes unaware of Its existence and tt the i > ame time enjojri Its advantages. The brake Is especially valuable to women In diueciidlnn steep grades or In an emergency where a sudden dismount is required. The prosresalv e disposition of the Jap anese U shown ( by the statement that the caiprefs and the women of the court have taken to cjcllng and enjoy the recreation r-vry plc&'ant day. The emperor has built rr dlent bicjclo paths around the Im perial gardens for the use of the women THa Is an advantage possrsied by Japanese v.omon over their Chinese sisters of the uppor- class The horrible deformity of the fcot of the latter would not permit them to enjoy the glorious exhilaration of cj'cllng how over , oven If 4hey had cjcles and cjcle patLi galore. Jimmy Michael's challenge , l uoa not Ion > , ago offering to ride any man In the world a pa'Cd race for any amount of money has been accept' 1 by cablegram by Arthur A Chas * . the ra JOIH middle distance rider o England The cablegram also stated that Chase was willing to ride Michaels for anj sum of money the midget cared to name The result Is a syndicate has been formed It Chicago for the purpose of backing the WcUh wonder for nothing less thin $25.000 a sltje- The amount of $50.000 Is a remark able sum for two riders to compete for and It la hardly probable that a hall will bo found larso enough to nqcommodato these who would want to sec the contest. Hi PICO will be paced end the pacemakers tisei will be unlimited. Women who use cbamoM leather for clean leg > mJ polishing their mach'ars may bo glad to kcow how to wash the leather when dirty If It Is ucshcil with soap and water and rinsed and dried It will become stiff am hard and almost useless , nut If It Is washoc with soap and water , and the eoip Is no ringed out It will dry a soft and serviceable as when new- . IIHKI.S AM ) I'UIOKS roil 'OS. Top mill liottnni riKtirrv SVIu-ilult'il for lilt * .Season. The manufacturers who hnvo thus far an nounced their prices for ' 9S , says the L. A W. DulloUii , uavo cither inido a reduction or have added now models at lower figures or have done both of these things. The new clulnlesa Is out at $125 , which Is the top figure , and the gradation Is gradual down to $50 , wnlch Is a low figure for a roilly good machine. Tlicr.i will ba others sold for less money , but It 1s Important to remeube that mich wheels are cheaplj built to eel dicvip , nnd are presumably worth m tuor than la aakoJ ( or them. 1'or two years pas the failure of good corn-cms has thrown Int ihn market rtuuiy excellent wheels that sole below their real value , but business Is now on a moro stable basis , and tbo only wheel lli.ely to cell at very low prices will b cheaply constructed wheel * . Americans generally bavo a knack of put ting the best foot forward , and ( America blcjclu mal.ers are iibundantly able to mak their cheapest production ! rival In outvvar appearance the most carefully and cxpen filvelj- constructed w keels , u U sometlmca dlfllcult for an export 4o decide accurate ! from a superficial examination Ju t tb chancier and value of a wheel , and It i practlrally Impocclble for an Inexperience ! jmrckaner to do o. A cheaply constructed whirl U a poor , cxpomlvo and dangerou Investment. Tbero u latle In tbo appear ance of a machine that U a guide to Its tru character end liict guarantee now beln merely noinlcal , the standing and cxporlenc cf the nriltrr , and1 4bo character of the sell lui ; agent will need greater consldcratlo lleduced IIU prices tncaii reduced discount to agrnU , particularly on the bolter wheels and clu observance of Hit. l-'or aorno tlino i > a t the makera , vtbo turn out ttbecU for the jobbing trade , with differ mt uinuylaUs ( or each dealer , aod wbo sup ly greater or less quantities to smaller cwJers who- put their own names on them , iavo sold these "trade wheels" at net prices , nl have not uttempted to place any "list" r "retail" price on them. Kach dealer landllng them has been free to make a re- all price biaed on cost , felling expenses and uch profit ati h < \ thought ho ought to have , r could obtain. These wheels are generally f medium or lower grades and this method it selling Is In favor with jobbers with allied radcs who handle blcyclo. The Implement 'rado Journal urges It for bicycles , and says uhat the buggy trade has been much more atlsfactory sln"o the makers of these vc- ilples dropped list price * from their printed natter. There hos been talk of extending ho plan lo high-grade bicycles next sal on , ami It seems moro than probable that omo nunufacturcrs will try it. cvct.nn TO niit wnnnixo. \iiil Thru the Ilrlile Proinlneil Her 11 ii ilni mloxr to Hide .Vmiln. Through a maze of trucks and vohlclfn of all kinds which choked Chambers street "rlday morning , rclattn the New York Vorld , a vvheclwoman carefully threaded her vay. In front of tbo Stewart building two men stood. "Keep cool , Jack , " eald coo to the other ; 'she'll be hero all right. " In another minute the girl a-wheol hove a flight and brought up to the curbstone vlth a smiling face. "Aro jou ready , Anna ? " queried Jack. "Yes , or I wouldn't be here , would I ? " Then Jack took hold of the wheel and rundled It over toward the city bill , while ho girl In the short skirts followed with his companion At the city hall the latter assumed command He called Joe , the boot black , to guard the wheel , and then led ho others Into the marriage "bureau. Alder , uan Wund soon appeared , and the usual entries were rcide In the records of the lurcau. The girl described herself as Arna , undawall. 24 jcars old ; the man as John Cunningham , 2S jears o'd. It took Alder- nan Wund exactly sixty-seven seconds to make Mlts Lundawall Mrs. Cunningham and then the party left. Behind this clt > rail wedding lurks a pretty little romance The brldo left Now Canaan , Conn , on her wheel Wednesday , end rode every Inch of Iho way to New York. It took her seven hours to pedal the fortj--nve railed. She went to a friend's , where she spent the night. The next morning she donned her blcyclo costume and rode down to the cltj hall. hall.John John Cunningham Is the family coichman of John H Downcj , the millionaire builder of the Astor estates , who has a countrj place at New Canaan. When the famll > left town last May Cunningham was taken along Mrs Downey needed a maid , and the little Connecticut town was hunted over nlth the result that Anna Lundawall WES secured for the place Anna and Jack fell In love and a month ago , when the Downcys decided to return to town , they had agreed upon a plan of future domestic bliss. There were only two difficulties ta the way Jack hates bicycles llko all true horsemen , while Anna loves them. Jack is a Catholic and Acaa a Protestant. Anna agreed to glvo up her wheel on the day of her wedding , and Jack promised not to ask her to change her reli gious faith. Thus the two obstacles were smoothed away Hut Anna decided to bid adtcu to her wheel by riding every Inch of the way from New Canaan IIAVR wiiiiiMi iinroininn ? V Mnrlccil ( "liuiin < - Oli orieil In U'licoJ- IliKCll IIHIi'H. What has become of the perscas who two years ago flers'sted ' in criticising wheelmen because of their seeming lack of civility to ward pedestrians ? Wo refer rartleularlj. sajs the New York Sun , to the Individual" vho maintained that the old-fashioned , free- landed salutations from cyclists were paln- 'ully ' and unnecessarily low , and that some- ; hlng would have to bo done to correct the jlcjcler's Indlffereace to his fellow men When It WIM found that the act of lifting the ia"t or saluting with the hand might endanger the wheelman's life. If ho were an unskillful rider , some of the sticklers for conventional ly declared that every rider ought to possess a hat-raising contrivance that should be self- cpeialing. or set In motion b ) pulling a string > r pressing a button. Accordingly , on the llth of March , 1800 , etters patent were granted to a citizen ol the west for what was called "a saluting levlce " When attached to the head It re- leved the wearer of all manual exertion In cident to lifting his hat upon meeting an ac quaintance when his hands wcro otherwise engaged. A mcro ncd would start the ma chinery Inside the hat. which would be sud denly hoisted about a foot above the head by an apparatus suggestive of a self-dumping coal cart It remained at rest for a momc-at. then described a ccml-clrcle and settled back upon the cranium. This Jjck-ln-the-bo Invention doesn't oo- peir to hive had a very cordial reception In New York Hven In Iston. where the stlfl and comfortless "blcyclo nod" was first heard of , the apparatus has not been received with much enthusiasm. What to the cause of 4) ) this ? Have wheelmen reformed and become moro thoughtful and courteous than formerlj or are their critics of two years ago content with a bare nod and the good luck not to be run down by scorchers' ' It Is not Improbable that the true explanation Is that a major ! * ) o.1 the fault finders now have wheels of their ow n. so nicvciti : roit THI : < IUIR\ . The Iluleli rrlvy Council Di-clliifn to I.i-t Wllhemlnci Hide. A dispatch from Amsterdam 6a5-3 that while the joucg queen. Wllnelmlna was with her mother recently In Vienna she became passlcmtely fond of blc ) cling , and 'brough' home a splendid machine. She cnjojed the sport for a time In there ro > al garden , and then her mother was seized with harrowing scruples a < * to whether It was In accordance with propriety for the queen to rldo a wheel , She submitted her doubts to the queen , who laughed at the Idea and declined to relinquish her wheel The matter was therefore referred to the Privy Council , which was specially sum moned to consider It. The council dellb erated the question \ery carefully and ex haustlvely , and finally concluded that such recreation wan Incompatible with tbo dignity or the throne. It n'.ffo based Its objection to the queen's riding on the risk ahe ran of being Injured The council concluded to Implore her sra clous majesty not to expose her preclou. llfo to this danger The queen pouted , bu obeyed , and accepted a gift of a Shetlam pony , on which she sought solace. WIUIMM ; CIIAIT. Puck : "How did you manage to ree off so many miles on j-our cyclometer ? " "I attached It to my gas meter. " Courier-Journal : Trlend When did you begin taKIng lemons on tbo wheel ? Novice Two days ago. Prlend How are you getting on ? Novice Most of the time. Detroit Journal : Jt was morning. Drawing asldo tbo curtalm , he gazed out upon the world. "Ah I" ho esclalmod " , estatlcally. "More now ] I shall finish shoveling off my fire century today ! " CblciKO Peat "I ' ; suppose you're looking for a chalnle3wheel ? " "No. I'm not. I'm looking for a harmleu one. " Washington Post : The possessor of a chainlets bicycle will at once become ta ex- cltulve as the person with the appendicitis. Chicago necard : "Hobba lac quit the har ness fcuslneea since bicycles arc o popu lar. " "What Is he doing' " "He I * mskln ? mllklng-stools ; ho rays hi" doesn't think : anything cm bo Invented that will run the cow out of her job. " Detroit Journal : "Ah , there she go s In her barouche. " "Yes. she's not In the least ostentatious. Sbo can well afford to ride a clninless bi cycle , but she prefers not to parade her wealth. " To bo sure , there was the hul o In oatu : but , upon the other hand , there were re- pilrs. " " \Vlilnicrln oT tilt * \Vlu-ol. Omaha's professional racing men have un doubtedly won moro money on the path dur ing "the " past racing season than those of any iher mid-western city , end yet not ono of hem made enough out of racing to tide him over the winter and until the racing season j f 1SUS opens If any of them did win enough hey failed to save It as xhey arc Just now ; all laboring eally BO as to have something mo.-o than MOW balls to eat during the wln- er. Seger end .McCall have charge of the ce at the exposition grounds , and are keep- ug It In shape for skating. Ga-lke Is w-ark- ng at his trade , paper hanging nnd painting 'Yedcilckson ' Is selling ov rcoate In one of he largo clcthlng houses 1'roulx has charge > f the repair department of one of the lead- ng blcjxle stores. Chirles Hall Is ciKimcl- ng bicycles for the same concern. Vlisll lall has departed for his home In Missouri , and George Mlersteln Is In the evuit acting as pacemaker In the middle distance match races that arc being held there. This all fees to prove that there Is little or no money o bo mad o at bkyclonaclng In the mid-west. In Iho first place , the prizes offered are so imall that If cno man was to vvln > them all IB would by no means be rich ; then again hero arc rarely ever moro than two profes sional cveals on a day's program and there ire two racing men after every dollar that s put up , so U can readily be seen that un- cas a change Is brought about In some way he time Is not far off when mld-wrstern rac- ng men who can got a steady position at in > thing lso will abandon , racing cnHrelv. Of the riders who followed the mld-we-Kcrn state circuits. T. H. Cummlngs of Marengo. a. , probably won mere money than : ny other rider , with Fl yd McCall of this city a clc/io sooond Willie Dc-Cardy of Chicago won the most on the Kansas circuit , but as he did not follow Nebraska's circuit he wasdeprlvoj of first place among the western money wlr > ncrs Unless prizes are Hrger ucrt season and there are more professional events upon the programs of the different meets we may expect tto ee many of the old time racing racn abardon the game and turn tholr atten tions to something more remunerative. The Tourist Wheelmen are making prepara- lens for tliolr annual banquet , which Is to be held at the Mlllard hotel shortly after the middle of the present month. At these gath erings each jcar the runs of the previous seasons are ridden over In the mlnJs of the members who assemble around the banquet boaid. Tbo racing season Is reviewed and a general good time Is alwajs assure 1. This year's banquet Is In charge of H. C Hartry and members.of the club who intend to par ticipate should let him know as peen as con venient Prominent local fter-dlnner < - spcak- prs will bo on hand and after the banquet a musical and literary ( irogram will be had. Lincoln members of the Nebraska division , League of American Wheelmen , seem to have a grievance against Omaha and are airing It In a. cycle paper published In that city. Thej allege that In the recent League of American Wheelmen , state election their candidates for office were knirod. as the > ore pleased to term It , and that Omaha was resoonslble for It. But to one on the Inside of the matter It Is apparent that no one but themselves are responsible for the defeat of their candidates. In the first place they nominated for the office of secretary-treasurer a joiag man who Is practically unknown In Nebraska wheeling circles and who has never done anything for the division that would merit his bchig elected to the position over such a well Known and popular wbeeliran as Dr. r. C. Allen of Beatrice , who has been working for i [ ho Interests of the division for the last five jcars. Then again Lincoln can hardly ooect Omaha members to support Its candi dates after the way it treated Omaha in the fight for the state meet of 1S95 If that chy expects to have the state officers chosen from among Its members , let thTn increase the membership enough to elect them , as Omaha I ; < is done. As to Mr Mllmine , Lincoln's can didate for representative { o the recent elec- lon , ho was defeated bj' onlj' three votes , and ; hat was not the fault of Omaha membero , nit due to the fact that his opponents , Messrs. Finch of Grand Island and Hanscn of Kearney are two of the most papular wheelmen In the state. Colonel Harry Hartry of the Tojrht Wheelmen has organized n tug-of-war team and announces that he stznds rtadj to ac cept the challenge UsucJ by the Turner Wheel club to pull any team In Otaaha. He hopes to have the match arranged to take place before Christmas at Turner hall , and t is his Idea to charge a small admission ana' to use the proceeds for a grand smoker In which all wheelmen In the city will be Invited to participate. The Tourist team consists of such heavyweight strong men as Frederlckson , Mather , Uarnum , Adains , Peterson , Proulx , Charles Hall , BIllj Mar- dls and Tom Spencer. The Omaha Wheel club will doubtleas organize team to pull the wln"er of the Tourist-Turner match. Notice-Members of the Nebraska Di vision League of American Wheelmen- : You are rordlally invite * ! to lie pre s.nt at the Installation of officers next Wednesday evening , December S , at S p. m. at the Del- lone hotel , Pritermlly , D. J. O'iminN. Chief Consul. Whllo the above notice Is directed to league members. Consul O'Drien announces that any and all wheelmen who are Inter ested In the good work of i'he organization or who are thinking of Joining will be wel come. After the installation of office the meeting will be addressed by prominent lo cal wheelmen and others and plans for In creasing the division membership will be discussed. Mr O'Brien has received some valuable suggestions from I'rcsldtnt Potter of the national body which he wtahej to place before the members for their con sideration , and all members and wheelmen who hive the best Interests of the organiza tion at heart should not fall to be present to lend their encouragement In the fight for good roads , clean streets and 'cjcle paths. Ncd Reading , the soldier blcjcllst , who Is stationed at Font Crook , left for New York City the first of the week , where lie goes to participate In the grand International go-as- jou-ploasct six dajs' race , which started at Madison Square garden at 12 01 thh morn ing. In list j ear's big race , held at the same place , Heading succeeded In winning third place , and while there Is a much larger field of entries for this year's event , Head ing Is In much better condition and should bo able to land close to the top at the end of the trcck The hl&'Wco closes at 10 p m. the coming Saturday night. William Martla. whW . nil old-time local wheelmen will rcmenffccj as a racing man who first sprang Info prominence In this city by winning a lOO'mlfe amateur r ce In the old Coliseum b ckrtfnnlS91 , and who his won. fame * aid fortune Iri America , France , Italy nd Australia . .iHfeew g arrested In the latter country liri month for slugging a brolher cyclist. Ho was convicted and pente-need , to a term In the penitentiary , the Judge retiming to Id mrn'bff with -a fine und Imposing the most etir * > me penalty Mar tin has been wlanlcg pr'tty much of every thing In Australia ton the last two jears. AVhlit unit K * t'ollowrr * A general Interesl In the game of whist Is taken by the women of Omaha. The rolU of the organized wh'st ' cluts of the city will show probably a larger eiimber of women members than men Neither Is there any lack of ftlMll among them and several have expressed the opinion that In a general tour nament the names of wornM would come out near the top One organ'zatlon ' of women which devotes Itself to 'C-lenllflc work In the silent pime is the South Side Whlat club of sixteen members Another Is the Forest Hill Whist club , with a membership of tweatjwhlth meet * evcrj other Wednesday at the homes of Its members The l st ses sion was srent with Mrs George W Llnln- ger and a profitable afternoon wis spent. Three prizes for excellent play were WOD by Mesdamcs CornUh , Barnard and Doherty The women who have an associate member ship In the Oir.'iM Whlat club aie also tak ing steps to reach a high standard of play Besides fl)8tematlc training on their own account they propose to bring to this city a woman whUst player of national repute as Instructrtee. This Is Miss IH&ilo Allen , a sketch of whom appeared as the leading ar- tlclo In the current number of "Whist. " Miss Allen 1 the daughter of the famous pla > er , nufus ( "Uncle Dick" ) Allen and was born and bred In a whist atmosphere When Cavendish visited Milwaukee In 1S93 he se lected her to tie his partner through in ea- llro evening , the only similar compliment he over paid to a woman. In 1893 Miss Alien entered the Minneapolis tournament and carried off nigh honors. It was there she received the tltic of ' The Whist Empress " Mca Allen lives In Chicago and Is In all respects a western woman. The elpht-match for the American Whist league trophy waa pla > ed at Phlladclph'.i last week. The Philadelphia team wen by the score of 3J to 1 from Cincinnati The PhUadelphUna showed strength end science and were fortunate In their plajs. while their opponents appeared to rather poor ad vantage. Clial vrlth Clu-MH IMnjiTt. J. W. Show alter , the chess champion , left Georgetown , Ky , last week to coach the Yale men for the coming Intercollegiate chc'f tournament en New Ysar'a day. The match will come off In New York between Yolo , Harvard , Princeton and Columbia college. * Mr Show alter will rorcam In New Haven i until the bolldajs , and "liortly attorward will iay ! a match with Plilsbury. _ . " Plans are being m-ade for the grind Juollce chess tourney to bo held la Vienna as one of the many celebrations of Francis Joset h's fiftieth anniversary on tlfo throne. The con test will be exclusive In , point of skill , and only winners of prizes In previous great tour naments will be admitted , Under this ruling the following American 'players are eligible Stcinltr , Plilsbury am | L'r.iscliuetz. The following game vm played by Joshua j L. M-eCutchecn. a well knbwn chess export oi western Kng'and. ' It.wa , plajcd with a Lon J don chess club member known as the "Grub- , ber. " and. as the Tlme-s reirarUa , Li really - \ brilliant piece cf work. I White MrCutchcon. ' ntark Grubber , i I I' to K 4. < ' lip to KI. . ! 2 I' to K III. . t 2 1' takes I' . I 3 1C Kt to U 3. - P to K Kt ) . t 4 Q Kt n H C. [ 5-rP to Kt 5. I r-Kt to K 5. . 5-Q checks 1 fi P in ' C-V takes P. 7-Q takes P. T-ip to Kt 7 ( chit ) , s Q takes Q. S-i-T takes II ( queens ) 3 Kt to Q D. 'OS-Ut to Q U 3. 10-P to Q I. DU to K 2. 11-Q takta U ( chk11Kt takeQ. . 12 Kt to D C ( chk ) . White's followinp moves arc either Kt takes 1' . mate , or V to U C , mats. The follow Ing situation , recently pres-eated by a New York Sun problemUt is aa Inter esting and not easily apparent t.vo-mover Problem No. S. Whits to play end mate in two moved. WHITI : . IJI.APK Problem N'o 2 Is done by Q to Q 7. Solved by Hobert Lirdbcrg , Orraha ; Dr C II Know lea and E. L Lufltn ! , Glenvvocd , la Probleirs and suggefltlotis are invited from amateurs. Uin-Mllr.ns unit ViiHV.erh. NORTH PLTTIJ Nov. :9. To the Sport- inj Eiltor of The Ree Tcur geit'emcn were plains seven up , the usual game o ! part ners , oieh side Is nine , the Scalar turns a Jack , the opposite side from ( ho dealer j holds the ace , wbo goes out ? This U to decide a bst Please answer In neit Sun- day'd Bee. To the Spon'lng Editor of The Bee. PUase answer the following Tour men arc phyln ? seven up , tsn points. Eirii are nir.o apiece Dealer turno Jack , cppcsltc holds ace. Who wins ? Answer Jack goes out. OMAHA. Nov. 25 Tft the Sporting Editor of The BeeTo decide an argument will you swto In the sporting department of Sun- da > 's Bee what the weights ( maximum and minimum ) are for the different classes of ftstlc artists heavyweight , middleweight , etc. ? J. A. P. Arswcr Heavyweight , IIS ar.d over ; rald- dlavveight , 16S and under : vveltervveight. U5 and under : US' ' twelght , 133 and under ; feath- CTuclpht. 118 and unjer , bantamweight , 110 and under. OMAHA. Dec. 1 To the Sporting Editor of The- Bee Will > ou give the scorcH of thb foot ball games between Iowa and Ne braska in 1S9C ? A beta that the scores of the gamca were 0 tqJtTind 6 to 0 la favor of Iowa. B bets thal'ftAa won both games acd tcado a very largo ecore In both. Ans The scores ttfenuoned in tbo above The pleasure of living is in living well not living / / / . Throat , jjpouth and -x eyes are. riiirecj'by ) tobacco jj\\ \ the system is generally / poisoned by it. Don't Stop Tobacco SUDDENLY and rack the nerves. Use the tobacco you require and take BACO-CURO , ( it gently weans ) . If you do this , strong , healthy nerves and a clear brain will result. It will notify you It is the original when to stop by Guarantee Remedy removing the de edy- ( Money re sire. Write for funded if it fails to PROOFS of Cures. cure. ) SOc or $ l boxes , 3 boxes ( guaranteed cure ) $2.50. If your druggist cannot get tt , we will send it. Eureka Chemical and Manufacturing Co. , La Crosse , Wls. are correct One g.imo resulted 0 to 0 and the other C to 0 In favor of Iowa. OMAHA Nor 24. To the SportlnR Editor of The Uee I was pbiyini ; a gtmo of crib- ba < f with a friend who held < in eluht and thrco nines with a term spa turned up Ho assorted ( that the hand counted eighteen , while 1 can only too seventeen In It Which of us Is right' S ADAM3KY Answer Seventeen the pond counts and no moro. OMAHA. Dec. 1. To the Sporting Editor of The lite : Kindly awwer In Sun day Ueo to decljo an arnument Did the Wealcyan liniversltj foot ball team of Lin coln , Neb. defeat the University of Nebraska on November 13' If not on this date , ha the University of Nebraska beoa defeated by the Wcslcjans this foot ball season ? Thanking jou very kindly , M.V. . R and T. N. Ana. Wcsloyan did not ptajr the > Unlver- p'.ty of Nebriska on November 13. The only time that the two teams came together was on October 23 , when Nebraska won by a score of 11 to 0. I'mor Clinruv In Suin-rom. Cut this out and take It to jour druggist and pet a sample bottle free of Dr King s New Discovery , for Consumption , Coughs and Colds. They do not nsk > ou to buy bofcro trjlnfj. This will show ) ou the great m-rits of this truly wonderful remedy , and show jou what can bo accomplished by the regu lar slzo bottle This Is no experiment , and would bo disastrous to the proprietors did they not know It would Invariably cure .Many of the bist phjslclans arc now using It In their practice with great roaultfl , and are relying on It In moat severe cases. It Is guaranteed. Trial bottles frco at Kuhn & Co.'s drug stare. Regular size 50 cents and U.OO. .MAMIKIl C ( lis TO CltlKK. One In rulillrlx ThrmfTTpil In Ui-i- ! > > u Yon HIT Woman. On one of the principal downtown streets In , Milwaukee a woman vvaa seen one even ing laflt weelw roundly chastising a man vlth an umbrella. After severely belaboring him about iho head with It for several ict-onds she went on her way. not stepping to enjoy the cheers of the ( spectators. The subject of her wrath vvaa one of thoie creatures who are known a * "mashers. " The story a told by a friend of the woman Is that while s.i nci walking along Hrcadvvaj , on her wa > to the iiewsbo > s' art exhibit , a man wearing a polished beaver and otherwise neatly attire 1. fuprsachcd her atid said : "Good evening" The mm appeared to be about 33 or 10 jours of ago and was apparently respectab'e an 1 the wonnn thought he had ir.ide a mistake She nall.ed to Wisconsin street anl thi-o west. Sh discovered tint the man was fol lowing her. He tnproachod her for the Ret - end time and repeated his remark. Here it v/as light and she thought he must have aeui his mistake this time. The man dro.rcd behind and the mw A Business Man Ruins His Eyes When ho UTS ' em after the sight becomes defective , without the aid of proper Rlassos Don't do I'1 If your cyt > s trouble you have them attend'd to at once liy a Scientific Oculist. Wo ' .vll ! test and lit them at a reasonable co-it If > ou don't need classes look at our h indsomo and superior f-.ock of Open Glasses , I.orgnettL-.s , Chains , etc , for ho.Iday gifts. TheAloe&PenfoldCo LEADING SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN'S. Opp. l'ii-\"ii Hotel. 1 IDS I'ariiaiu St. TAMFRECKLESAHDSUNBDHH , detrau from fine leaturcs The ilaliy use 'it VouJb o's I'acml soap FaUal Cream and Facial I'uwilir will rcn-ler the ( omplexionUar oft , and beautiful A samp e uf net ) cf Wood. mry'8 racial Soap , Facial Cream racial I dr nd Dental Cream uttl"lcnt fortnree w e s use mailed on nceipt of ? ) ' The t , - ular'ze ' fo a % er > w.ierc. lie JOHV \VifOUbUHi Uer matolozlst. 1 7 West K < i St N V _ . UN nn > ! all Stomach i ! TwuMc * nui.'kly re- 1 llevcl nnil curcO Ly FLOHAI'I.'nXION. Samilo little tree ] > r nil or DrunKlsts. Every drop It worth Hi vrlKht la eolj when } ou r.i-cd Ir A Idross , I'runltlln ainrt. Dept. ] s : Mew t'orJt. frightened woman went on She hurrlpJ over the bridge , lioplnp she would now be unmolested The man n4 following , however , nnd finally ho placed hltnuclf di rectly In front of her Jtwt on > o lte Olmbets ' People walking by noticed ths occurrence Tor an Instant the two stx > i ! faring each other. Then the wjtnans llt'le OR ire stiftened The t band In whl. h lie MAS hjlJliK an umbrella I was sulJcnly Mised anj as suddenly do- | itcended , the umbrella striking oqiMrelf Iho pollthc-l beaver , which w knorkcd from the nun's hoaJ and went splnnlnc do n th Rtaim loading to the barber shop underneath 31 the Kmplre hall An ( > nrovlng yell went DP vl from Heveral bijs on the street < ind cveryou * | l else shouted with laughter ns 110 muhor. " " who. v holly surprlscJ s'.o 1 a i ireJ , with PJ-M and niiuih wile OPLII I nichment , rci.eivinK the imnlshiucnt ha ] 'r deserved. requirements are perfectly met in Wool Soap. There may be more expensive soaps but none better. / / is ab- soliitcly pure. For the bath it is pleas ant , soothing and delightful. There's only one soap that won't shrink woolens. You MY MAMA I WISH MINE must choose be USED HAD. tween no soap and LAST OPPORTUNITY DR , HQHNE'Sjfseitf jfseitf with an order $2O Etootrlo fora $10 oo Sell , not Bolt for only later tha n / / ; i riy days ftoin date ofm paper. DR. KORNE'S We make thifl Snrolal ' I * ntu't ! Unpre < < < ' Offer to Quickly fcwr ImproTcd Introduce mm Obtain AgtritM In > e\v Louilltluu. ELECTRIC BELTS To nufckljr totr > lnc and tltam * ffrr.U in at many nrw Ic-callUe - * u pottifcjo Warranted to ruro * U for 9 > ( UMonly. our No 4 I > r I lorn t > cw Ja.c-oT J fler&W * 20tO Dtctri without medicines , aJrcrtmmcnt to prt on * of cirt * l r > lt * tt a iiomJi. * ) i rlw 5ttr la tk * IIU- ( be folio * tor/ofoar boila hue we ttffrrrd to tll UU licit al iti/fc prltr , tut Me want an nnt in jeer lo AUtr. ) nd w * btllrve that If yea toy a Ittttyoa Will txio * r U [ lea * 4 uith it that foa will eitLrr act 21 car f r.t or > elp u to get one &rl at 9 en Kftarabrr , tf * Ilelt w re cffcrinf yoo fi > rBly (6eMscvrto I Pr H me * aU anl otn l tr If any tacmtcrc * thfaruiljr Nummary fr e wlh | nfrj ualelttlt. It ltt U.tIJU w mutafacture i f irt tie fctalcn Karth acd-wt raik no ei-cpticn to t&l < * U > m Jt W hi > e toll fanodre4f , yn tSouaod cf thftn cptoilrw Therft K not a family l/ut * * t at l auM hav cne of Ib * Iklti , as it u the bcv an ! chtapcit doctor anJ jron do t.c.1 hate to gootjt cf the houit to _ , _ \eitralgla f tlt It will li t you t ur y ri with [ rt ( . riart nl will MT ttitlf fn 5c < tcrt4IU Jr- rt will only pi TO ft a , tnal , ai tL * nunj testitu iuli which wt potLibin onrcatalone M trill prore YOU RUN HO RISK IN DEALING WITH US. Ifrctrt Tioitblca IT * do act a k toarbd > In adiaarr. jtg * ; morj If yrawint en * ej Ihest j w are irfe tJjr nllllni townl a U jour i ; * r t i [ tcu cfHc * CO Do that 7f > tiean > e and eiamice it fie * cf any r t juit ihenrti * a if you cam * Into our utSet or ffomioanr * ior and if you ar * i rfrrtjMiifltd ) with it i > irth cx * presi * frt the f-rtce of tL Belt and < ipre * * t larve and t i * it &th'nri it will U r tamed to i C nnrUir r t3cr I * isido you tfcintLit > Ueuethccnly TVrHror * Ir If j-OTjwiih to nd eah with ordfrtrc will rrriiay all etprct * charrti Tarjtiil JUer and truarantt * th4 I > lt to h c a-tlr aitrreifril * l or forfeit | lee f * ) Throat Trouble ft WE HAVE HOW OFFERED YOU AH OPPORTUNITY OF YOUR LIFE JH < Inei/ Complaint * anl if yoo do net It ) < m iBtjrt.4 tcirjfcrH a * irtihal ) nr . tbii I < It it ach a fir It ( cctai nJYv * to My thai w are toiUinicz lotitn bo jnc < ttitlt ti chcaKr t introdueth ra mnc rl& . in thu w y thin t ? Mai UareJJnf men tod-ttfor ai 12 jrou want cut ( .1 * win CTJO7 OX7Q ? < en < l to ui witii jriMir want m &iaj Ui iBcbti Ixia t dUy Orifr to&y If " " etberwbo you may forjft it Cold JJji/rr ml/If * Complaint * HORHE ELECTRIC BELT & TRUSS Co. 1'ttin * in the 112-114 DEARBORN ST. , CHICAGO , ILL. , U.S.A. P S If you fc T * uotiMfor an Qettric r t { 4 * * * * La&l er fail this IWff/.IIC9SC8 tti mnt to some CQ that you know who it n t nj yln < j&f4 Letlth Hy ill this yea wU fatortUn and ui W want arxMlaratio e ery loc&t.ty to ho JJfen titul w * n fttt itevly emjloymeDt W cnly employ thoi * who hate cuc4 * ur and can > rak of their merit * fiout pertonal * sp ritnr * REfER CD ) lit > oar rvlUUIity we reftrtoany EsrreuC , any Hark in Cljwsro , and tb irioy thouiiadt jJlcmr W * Unttxi hut * vrlw ' cr Uectrie Iklts ladJlrpliuirrs duriczth * put ft yen Something * to be Proud of. This is a great baby. Every baby is. Especially every first baby. Proud indeed should all parents be to whom laughing , healthy babies come. And parents have much to do with their babies' health even before the little ones are born. A puny , sickly mother can't have a strong , healthy child. Her weak ness will show in her baby. But a mother need not be sickly. It is her duty to be well and strong. And to prepare for baby's coming. Wine of Cardui gives mothers perfect health. It puts the delicate genital or gans in condition e or ea' ' " to do their work /&jtt comparative ease. properly. It Following child drives away all birth every moth leucorrhcea and er ought to have similar troubles. Wine of Cardui. When there is Nothing is so morning sickness good t o insure or any other dis speedy recovery. order of preg The whole system nancy , Wine of needs its invigorating - Cardui is the saf ating influence est and best rem then. Thousands edy to use. It of women also reduces the pain _ . take it while nurs- P-ts - * * * * ; T 14 i vn-5 * * wv * i and danger of < & ingthcirchildren. child-birth. Then It supplies need the little one ed nourishment comes into the for the baby. And world well equip it fortifies the ped for life and mother against the mother passes the disorders and weaknesses and nervous troubles from which so LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. many women suffer. It keeps her in condition to for a4rlco In cawi requiring fpc- give her baby all the attention it requires. . , . cUldlrtctlont. < ulilre | .lrlnKijnip- loms.xuJdi' Adtiforv / > /r-arlm/ntt The ClwftunuocaMedicineCu. , Tena. Sold by all Druggists , $ J.OO per bottle.