Dmihit. I > cc. B. 1S17. OUR CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS are of the more substantial and useful kind Winter wearables that are always appreciated by the recepient Our stock is complete in every detail and.we made special offerings for Monday buyers. COATS AND Now Russian Dlou&o CAPES Con la. We hnvo nome beautiful ( torments In Runslan Blouse Coats , In velvet and fine kersey , Indies desiring ( in ex clusive novelty should not full to BCD them. JAPANESE SILK SMOKING JACKETS Just received Homo hamlRomo Hllk em broidered Japanese smo'xlntr Jnckots ; wakes nn nccep nblo Christmas present ; price , $ rt.OO each. INFANTS' EIDERDOWN COATS Hpnutlfiit white Eiderdown coats for Infants at tt.60 , $4.0) anil V .W. INDIES' HOUSE WUAPPBRS-In calico ice at J100 cacli ; In fleecy outingHan - neb nt ? ! . % , 51,60 anil $1.73 each. LADIES' MUFFS-Electrlc seal at $1.M. $2.50 , W.OO , M.BO , Jl.OO ana M.09. Monkey fur muffs , beaver mufts , Ilu'slan mar ten muffn. Krlmmer muffs ana wool seal muffs at low prices , LEO(11NOS ( AND \Vltli the snow comes FASCINATORS the demand for log- K i n g a. W u hnvo til 0111. Ladles' blnck knitted leggings , 8oc ; Misses' black knitted leggings , GOc. G3c and 73c. Chlldron'H black knitted leggings , 40c , We. COe and 73c. Shield leggings for little folks , 7."c. We have , too , a full line of warm wool fascinator * and Ice wool squares. * Do you want ) a nice Angora hood In grey or white for a school lrl or younger child ? Wo have them from $1.00 up- ' ward. h KID GLOVES Thofrlovonrtof human bamU is at Its highest possibility when milk ing Foster Gloves. Finest selected skins , richest colorings , pret tiest embrolderlngs the shaping mid sexy- Ing done by hands that know no tnnstcr In art. Better gloves for wo men there are none. Then wo have the Trefousso clasp glove In all the new colorings. See the new Jewel lace glove , the nret- tlcst fancy Klove yet proJuced. White place with colored stitchlngs niul Jewel hooks to match. Price , $2.CO per pair. UMBRELLAS Whatis more accept able ns a Christmaj jiroscnt , for ultlior lady or gentlemen , tlian a nice Uinbrclhi. Our line Is now complete ) with the n ca nst styles , and this Is the best time to select one. CS-lnch silk umbrellas , steel rods , silver trimmed handles. ? 2.50 , $3.33 , SI.IO. $4.50 , $3.PO and $0,00 each. ZC-lno'i In black twilled silk , steel rods , crooked natural wood handle , 51.50 each. ffi-lnch black union taffeta silk , natural wood handles , silver trimming , $2.50 CflQh. In the bettor Dualities we have a lurpre _ line -.vlth beautiful Dresden handles at $1,53 , $1.03. J-UO and $1.cO. 26-Inch silk , umbrella with real Ivory and solid silver handle , $7.CO each. SC-lnch , ftilk : with neurl and solid = 11 'tr handlej 3.00. und others with lai cy. handles at $10.00. 5U.OQ and $12.00 ca'h. ' : "We also have some' Very' pretty effects In changeable silks at ? 3.CO , $ J.75 , $1.00 ' and $ j.00'each. Thpso nre'Just a few of the many styles from i.vhlch to choose , MUFFLETS Wluis are they ? $1.00 EACH A knitted worsted throat and lung pro tector , np easy put on ar.d taken pff as yur fat. No man w arl ig /enlng dress can afford , to be without It. Just the 'thing for ladles light , neat and handy : doesn't mu s tha hair or disarrange the clothingSlip - ) Into the pocket ; when needed you f Imply snap It around your n ckv Just the thing for skating doesn't Induce perspiration and gives absolute protection against cold I'Uce , $1,00 each. MONDAY'S On sale Monday. SPECIALS Fancy novelties , twenty varieties ; not n , color missing for1 Monday ! to ba accu rate , they arc worth 40c ; Monday , 29c. S3 to 42-Inch T > ldo In mixed effects , nnd Invisible checks , twenty-live pieces bought below market price. No need to say much about these goods , only qomo early It you expect to get any : regular pride , 33V4c to 40c ; Monday1 , I5c. BROAD Specially adapted for tnlloi- CLOTHS made gowns. A flno textureotoft , rich elegance that SlvcB a torv > that comes with no other fabrics , selected from the world's best manufactures , all colors and black , special value , $1.00. Regular $2.00 Cloths for $1.50. HAND. KHRCHIHFS Not a tray full , but our shelves nro load ed down with the host values \vo have over before shown. Ask us for a linen . handkerchief and you nre sure to get linen , Wo have marked them at prices to quickly move the big quan tity. Ladles' all linen embroidered handkerchiefs - chiefs ; also hemstitched and embroid ered : special values at 2Gc each. MEN'S Plain black and plain FURNISHINGS. white satin suspend ers , $1.00 n pair. Plain black and plain white satin sus penders with g-old plated buckle. $1.50. These suspenders , when painted or em broidered , make lovely Christmas gifts. Wo also have ft nice line of fancy BUS- ponders at $1.00 and $2.00 a pair. Fancy plaids at $3,23 a ipalr nnd hand embroidered satin suspenders at $3.00 a pair. FOR THE BABY The Double Vo Baby Wuist. An exqulslta- little garment , beautifully made of a soft llnlsh cambric , with l > earl buttons nnd nIcicle safety pins. It Is made of single thlnckness ma terial strengthened by the bands of the Double Vo attachment , to inhtch underclothing derclothing- , diapers and stockings can bo directly fastened. It Is easily laun dered. For a little baby there Is noth ing daintier , simpler or better ; 50c each. RIBBONS FOR HOLIDAY TIME Cord-edge , double- faced Satin Ribbons nt prices wonder fully low. And now these very ribbons are most wanted of all. They are for wear and for fancy work heavy all silk ribbons bens , satin both sides , corded edges , and the colorings are beautiful. An endless variety of Homan stripes and plaids In 'both ' nar row and wide widths. 'Noix- plaid effects Inlnch ox Ide , all silk' ribbon ? , suitable cither for fancy worker or hair ribbons , 7c per yard , ART Imperial Passopar- DEPARTMENT tout Photo Frames , ready for mounting , at See. each. Improved photograph frames nt 73c each. Stamped linen iwlth calendar cardboard mounting and easel support at 23c each. Stamped linen with thermometer card- hoard for mounting and easel back at fljc ach. Frr-o lessons In art embroidery pvcry Wednesday mornings from 9 to 11:30. Pin cushion frames In a variety of shapes and sizes at 10c , 12'c , isc and 20o each. NOTIONS A few of the many thinga wo offer. Nlco for Christmas t'ifts. Some pretty curling Irons with silver handles at 83c , . Jl.XJQ purl $1,00 catll , Dainty little silk linen boxes , contain ing silver mbilrltdil omurolflory scissors , emery and thimble , $2.0Ucach. _ Ncciila cases In many''styles unil-color- Ings at 23c , 33c , 50c , 73c , ' 30c nnd $1,00 ( rach. Robert's razor steel scissors , from 3 to 8 Inches long-nt BOc , COc- < G3c-75c , 83c , 83c , $1.00 and $1.10per pair. Every pair war ranted , Dresden toilet sets , with and without tray , at $3.25 , $1,50 , $3.00 and $3.50 each. REMNANTS Of Silks , Novelty Dress goods. On sale Monday. Goods from cutting the chosen things of complete stock , all arranged and marked at a lowt price for quick selling. TOWELS Satin Damask , extra largo size , hemstitched. A really good COc grade , Monday at 23c. BED SPREAD Imnortcdspc- ciailyforyour holiday buy ing. The newest , most delicate autumn prints , ilnln- tv In colors , all hemmed ready for use they're hon estly vorth $3.00- Monday they will be each. CHRISTMAS If you're going to make LINENS ' Ghristmns presents to housewives. > Take our -word 'for It , nothing will be more acceptable than Llnen Ware , nor will you find anything- moro comfort able to buy than the offerings we've prepared for you commencing oMnday. Here are a few of the pleasant prices. Damask Dinner Sets "Very line satin double Damask cloths , 2V4 and S yards long , with a dozen napkins to match , at $4.73 , $3 00 and $6.00 pelset. . DOWN With covering of Satino in QUILTS neat designs , little weight and much warmth $4.00 each size , G\G feet. Down quilts , of excellent quality and In handsome new designs o satin , $3.00 each , slzo JxC feet. Down quilts , with line grade filling and covering of finest French satin at $ G.SO each , slzo 0x7 feet. Down quilts , with best grade fllllnfr and covering of finest satin In exclusive French design. $ ) .00 each , slzo 0x7 feet. Down qulltp , beautiful silk coverings , both sides , Interlined , $13.00 and ! J1S.OU each , size Cx7 feet. . -f - . DOMESTICS 'Cold ' weather has como at last , And It seems that every lady Is buying or making comforters. Wo are headquar ters for both and can furnish material at low prices- . Good , quality robe prints at Cc and 7c per yard. Cotton Batting Fine white , fleecy bats at Sc , lOc , 13c , 13c and ISc a roll. Extra fine wool batting at $1.00 per wound ; only two pounds to a com forter. Prime live geese feathers at 76c per pound. 'ft/ . / < ho slightest cxpcaitre. Dr. L > ipponl , H U added , has forbidden his holiness to take part In a-ny tiring function , cmd , therefore , the program mapped out for the ceremonies rwhlch wore to take place on the sixtieth an- , , . .1. , , . , , , , nf tnp flret mas3 of Leo XIII. have been abandoned. THIS 1'iu.vcnss. It'iittirv < l"f < * u of KtiKlititil Gclvlirnfo Her h'H't-Third Illrlliilny. ( rtpyrl&ht , ISOT. lij- llioHnoclaUM Proas. ) LONDON , Dec. 4. All the members of th family of the prince ot Wales and several of > the friends of the heir apparent have Hcon at Saudrlnghiim throughout the past ( week , where the blrSluluy of the prlncesa f Wales was celebrated on Wednesday last with gioat IU.MI iiuuab. luu imnecSdyno vrat , tiuiii uumu.jci- , loa , loiulvul jn.iny l > re &nts trqm all parts ot the world. The revelations of the promissory note CIBO hoird boto.'e the lord chic : justice of Eng land , Lord HusBcll uf Klllcnvecn , In the queen's bench district of the high court of justice , thla week , have created a painful Im pression und much Hymrathy la expressed { or the marqula ot Abergavcnnyhoso fourth son , Lord William Neville , ha/j been brought forward In an unenviable manner , nvuoroas hla father Is generally respected. Hugh de drey S-iymour. the sixth nianiula ot Hertford , has joined the ranks ol ahe mombera of the aristocracy who have been obllge < d to quit -their aucvatral lulls. Ho lias just Informed the authorities of Al- cestra , Warwickshire , near wlllcli his seat , Bagley hall. Is situated , that , owing to his decreasing Income nnd Increasing expenses It Is Impossible for him to keep up the lull end -therefore ho will b ? obliged to rent it , Ex-Empress nuscnlo Is contemplating publishing a Ufa of her husband , the lite Emperor Napoleon III. During her visit to Queen Victoria thlj week the widowed cm. press discussed the mt'lter with her majeaty , ( but the latter pronounccxl herself as strongly opposed to llio pioject , The Engllih SewlnjJ Cotton i-ompany , n combination of fifteen thread ft mm In op position to Coileav R brought out on Thuw day with a capital of 2,7r.0.000 ( $13,750,000) ) , which was twlcu ntiUicrlbMl lu Qlo gow alone. There hai been n mysterious murder In London. This tlmo the victim Is an old shoemaker In Longacreck , with alleged nihi listic affiliations , and the crime has added to the general dissatisfaction wllh the metropol itan police. Within the last two years there have been eight unexplained murders , besides numberless burglaries , In which an Immense amount of property has been stolen. The racing season Just ended has produced some Interesting figures. In the list of win ning owners for 1897 , Mr. John Gubblns. the wner of Galtec iloore , winner of the Derby ( the first Irish horse to win thai race ) , and he winner of the Two Thonsmncl Gu'ncas , anil ' I.oger , ao well as other big events , heads hs list with 22,730 , otwhich sum all but ' 03 WES won by GalteeMoore. . Leopold do 'othsehlld , who headed the list ot winning owners In 1895 and 1S96 , Is second , with 17,484. The prince of Wales , who was second end In 189B , Is now third , with 15.770 , which brings up the prince ot Wales' total for the last five yoam to 34,741. Lord Hoacbery won 15,574 ; M. Lebaudy , 13,886 ; the duke of Devonshire , 10,290 , and C. D. Rose , 10.227. The American contingent shows up fairly well. Plerro Lorlllard leads with C,3D4 ; his partner , Lord William Uerosford , winning 7,807. August Oelmont won 232 ; Hlchard Croker won 1,052 , and James H. Kocno , 365. Among the others , "Mr. Jersey , " otherwise Mrs. Lily Lungtry , won ti.G14 ; II. M. McCal- mont , 7,204 ; the duke of Marlborough , 100 ; Lord Dunraven , 702 , and the duke of West minster , 4,218. From the British consular reports It appoara that Germany Is bsglnnlng to seriously rival Franco as a champagne exporter. The mak ing of sparkling wines In Germany has lately been brought to such perfection that German wines of all brands now rank nearly equal with French champagne , and the price la much lower. Their export la chiefly to Amcr- lea , Great Britain and Belgium. The French method of manufacture has been dsnarally adopted in Germany , this being cnnslderoJ caay. owing to the fact that the largest cham pagne business In France la partly In the hands of Germans. It ls expected that tlio Khalifa Is disposed to conclude peace with Kgypt nn condition that ho bo granted hereditary control over Cordovan and Darfur md that all his ad herents ibo pardoned , 'llio dervish leader la also said to bo ready < io evacuate- the whole Nile valley , to recognize tlio suzerainty of , . .UE ! BEE Voting Contest FOR. . . Queen of the Ice Carnival nlY CHOICE FOR QUEEN POLARIS ISBallot Ballot HOXBJ located ntMUlard Hotel. Ceo Bldg , Klnir Pharmacy , 27th ami Umvenxvortli utx. : Clias , A , Tracy's , 16th and Douglas ; Blirader's DruirStoic , North 24th and B xvnrdists. NORRLS & LOVE , Cnrtilvnl Maulers. DEC. 5 This ballot must Uo'dcnoslted within 3 days from datn. Cnupona iruy be mailed within two days to Carnival I-U't , Be * Oltlcu. Oinnha. Queen Victoria and open his domain to Brit ish commerce. The most important theatrical event ol the coming -xveek xvlll l > c flto first presenta tion , on Monday at the duke of York's theater ofthe comedy , "The Happy Life , " by Louis N. Parker , author of "A Vagabond King. " The play will Introduce to the London stage a noxvcomcr Curlotta Nllsqn , a young Amori. can of most attractive personality , xvho Is said to glvo proijilso offinehistrionic ability. . This fall aeasoa la likely to Ibe memorable , among other reasons because ono of the foremost popular and financial successes Is "Hamlet. " The old tragedy with Forbes Robertson as the young prlnco continues to bo the chief feature of London's theatri cal menu , dividing honors In the- matter or popularity with "The Llttlo Minister. " Henry Irvmg's tour of the provinces haa been a series of social as xvcll as artistic tri umphs , with receptions , addresses from mu nicipal bodies and dinners. Ho xvlll reopen his own theater January 1 xvlth his son's play , "Peter the Great. " Charles Frohman has decided to bring "Tho Heart of Maryland" xvlth Leslie Carter and the entire American company to the Adelphl theaitcr. William Gillette xvlll also appear In London In "Too Much Johnson" about tlio same time. Military Club lliHKiuctMVylrr. . PALM A , Island of Majorca , Dec. 4. The Military club yesterday .guvo a lunch In honor of General Wcyler , the former cap- talu general of Cuba , The military gov ernor of Marjorca xvas among the guests. When General Wevler entered the banquet hall the tand played the royal hymn and the general , stopping the music momentarily , Oh , How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Blood. " A very severe pain cnmo in my loft linco , which grow worse anil worse , and finally a eoro broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain 'rom my thigh down was maddening. Largo , hard , purple spots appeared on my leg , I suffered In this way tor years , aud gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading ot n case like mine cured by Hood's Baraaparllln , and she advised ma to try it. I began taking it and when I had uacd a few bottles I found relief from my buffering. Ob , how thankful I am for this relief I I am stronger than I have over boon In my life. I am in the best ot health , hare a good app tito and am a now man altogether. " J. P. MOORS , Lisbon Falls , Maine. Sarsaparilla - parilla Is the best In fact tha Ouo True Illooil Purifier. Hood's Pills euro lfliver Ills. 3 couU , propcasd a toast Jo . . . . qitesn regent , whi/Ti w a enthusiastically re Ka/ ceived. ADVICKS ItB iA\t3l > i'UOM ATSIC \ . O 00 of nn'fi'rrhlp ' "f "IC Tnl > . VICTORIA , II Cu Use. 4. The following Al.iskan < advlcR4tnnrd brought down on the steamer Oirohn , 3II < > h arrlvr-1 hero Wednes day from JuntMtP.itFalya' and Skagxx-ay. , The ChllcootMSrfllroail & Transportation cdmpany cnd&iMonM to build through tlio townsito of TaM'fl 1 ftas" resisted by n large force ot' Sun netmg in thd Interest ot ilwly & Wllsorf.K&p original locators ot the townslte , xxtio fced U to wlthilraw. In the melee n man named Peterson accidentally shot himself , luljlcllng 1 .serious Wound. I In connection with > he. disputes over the ownership ot the townsltca of TaljM and Skagway , United , States Commissioner Smith haa decided that.J h American cltUun can take up any ifrthriproved Ijml and hold It It he shows au Intention to Improve H. Steps have bean taken for the organiza tion of SB municipal govennrient at : Skag- ; When Lake Dermett froze vip n number of loaded boats were caught In , the Ice. nrooks1 paclc train made Usvay ox'cr iho White Pass last month with the ther mometer' 22 below zero. Brooks says now that the -trail Is broken lib will keep It open all winter. , - Captain A. P. f'endleton of Boston was a passenger on the Carona. He claims to have located a largo pocket of garnets on the Stlckccn near Fort Wranple. Flr < - In a Culinii TDTVII. HAVANA , Dec. ! . Ne\xs has been recolx'&l hero of a terribleflro which occurred yester day at Jaruccn , a town of about 10,000 Inhabi tants. About > 11D houses xvcro destroyed xvlth nearly all their contents. No accurate esti mate of the amount ot damage done can ba made. Hundreds of families have been ren dered homeless and the situation at Jarucca Is very distressing. The flro originated la an accident. lA VKIIY SEV12UE AVINTEU. Avtlou of WiilvoH niul Other AVllil Anl- innlR liiiltcntc.H It. CHAMBERLAIN. S. D. , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) The flight of xv-lld animals from the region west of the Missouri rlx-er to the gulches and timbered tracts along that stream Indicates , In the opinion ot hunters and Indians , that th& xvlnter will bo aulte severe. During the last texv weeks largo numbers of wolves have taken refuge ou American Island , opposite here , and their nightly yelping can he heard In all parts of town. Even xvlldcata seem anxious to rendezvous near the towns and settlements , where , foraging Is undoubtedly better than In the thin-settled sections , xvhoro they usually make their home. The other night a xvlldcat xvaa killed near a citi zen's hen coop In North Chamberlain. The animal , which Is being mounted for the pur pose of being preserved , xvas very large , and XXMS doubtless driven Into the city by hunger , as It xx-as exceptionally gaunt and tliln. To Publish StrrlliiK'n Hliwniihy. HURON , S. D.vDec. 4. ( Special. ) Friends of the lite Hoii ! William U. Sterling mot hero and orgarfze'd ] the Sterling Memorial association , havltiR'for its object the publi cation In book form , of a biography ot the deceased , together xv th his speeches , pub lic letters , etc. The . officers of the associ ation are : Alexander C. Johnson of Water- to\x-n , prcsldentLR. O. Richards of Huron , vlco president ; 'A1B1. Kith-edge of Sioux Falls , treasurer ! " W. C. Foster of Huron , secretary ; executive committee , R. J. Gam- 'blo ' , Yunkton , T. B.1 McMartln of Sioux Falls , Julian BqnnetT of Watertoxvn , Kirk 0. Phillips of Deadwood , L. E. Gaffy ot Pierre , C. N. Her'rled of Eureka , Lev ! McGee - Gee of Rapid City" , A. W. Campbell of Ab erdeen , WllllamORenfpr of Deadxvood , Coo 1. Craxvford , J. 'B. OllvoV ; ' A. TV. Burtt , H. R , Saaborn of . t - " * Ifope to'I'rtyOOnt In Full. CHAMBERLAIN "STD. ( , Dec. ' ( Special. ) J. Leslie Thompson , receiver of the Cham berlain National bank , xvhlch failed during the panic of 1893 , pursuant to on order issued by Judge Carland bf the federal court , haa otfcren the assets of the bank for sale , ami gives notice that any of said assets remain ing unsold on January G next will bs sold at public auction in this city , commencing on that day and continuing until all the ascpfs are disposed of. The depositors In the bank have already received nearly the whole of the amounts duo them , and it is believed the sale of tho.remalnliig'assets xvlll liquidate the bank's cutlro Indebtedness. Stoclc It a litre Ilnrneil Off. HURON , S. D. , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) George A. Fessem'en reached home Wednesday from the Sioux Indian reservation , xvhero he has been slnco early In September , Inspecting government surveys. He was accompanied by Richard Porter ? Frank McClure , Jesse. Steele , John Rldenour and William McDonald. Mr. Fcssenden says stockmen have bid a splendid season and cattle enter the the xvln ter In flno condition. A largo- section of grazing country xx-as burned over , which necessitates some ranchmen sending their stock to other localities'for 'the ' xvlnter. The burned district 'la about forty miles long by fifteen miles wide. Cold \\Vntlicr nt Huron. HURON , S. D. , Dec. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) This closes the tenth day of the most severe xvlnter weather experienced lu the stateso early In the season for fourteen years , the temperature ranging from nine to sixteen degrees below zero , touching txx-enty below thla morning. From four to six inches of saoxv covers meat of the- state ea t from the Missouri river to the Minnesota. line. No suffering U reported among stocker or settlers. The Northwestern train from the south xvas live hours late tonight. Convicted on Second Trial , HOWARD , S. D. , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) Judge F. B. Smith held a special -term of court in Howard Thursday to try the case of Webb Dean , accused of grand larceny. The case xvaa tried last week , but the Jury tilled to agree. Thursdayp a verdict of guilty us charged xx-as rendered and Judge Smith sen tenced Dean to eighteen months in the Sioux Falls penitentiary , | InteruHtliii ; DEADWOOD , S. p. , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) An Interesting decision- has been rendered by Justice Fuller o { _ .the supreme court , In the case ot Salmon , against Lathrop of Ver- mllloD , In fsieJd , that a tax eale showing that two'oi1 mpro lots were eold to gether as one tract "and for a single con- slderatloD , la voiil-w ( Mimon * TWliilI Olllvorn. HURON , S. D ' 'De'e ' ! ' 4. ( Special. ) These officers for Huron | j dg % No , 20 , Ancient Or der of Free and Accepted Masons , xvere In stalled last , ovenlner J. A. Cleaver , W. M. ; Horgrevo Klppax , 9.'VV } ' . ; George T. Grove , J. W. ; Edxx-ard J. Miller , T. ; BruceM , Row ley , S. ; Asher F. Pay , iFrank Brumxvell and D. W. Smith , T. , { . //a Two Sent to Jail. HURON , S. D. , DOC.-4. ( Special. ) Judge Campbell has coitfm fried to Jail Leo Hen- drlcks of Hltchcock'for selling liquor without license. Ho xvlll gev'3la term of txventy-flvo days. Judge Cook'sAfsb ' committed to Jail a well known taug-h , known aa Charles Siuitii , to axxalt the sitting ot court. Ho Is charged xvlth grand larceny. i Klrt'H < if DIIJ- . BEATRICE , Neb. . Dec. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) The farm residence of Edxvartl Co- jurn , located four miles north of Beatrice , was destroyed -by fire yenterday together xvlth all U contained. Tlio fire started from a defective flue , The loss la $2,000 , with > co The property belonged to K. J. Butler of Beatrice. ( Ji-tn .Sl.vU'iui KANSAS CITY , Mo , Dec. 3.-Murder In : ho Bt Gond degree w is the verdict returned at B late hour tonight In the cose of Dr. Jefferfon D , fJoddaru1 , the druggist , xvho shot nnd killed Fred J. Jackson , n laundry- man. In the iipnrtmenta of Jackson'H xvlfe ut : he Woodland hot * ) . T'i > cane xvaa given to the Jury at 1 o'clock thlh. afternoon. Thu verdict of the Jury tlst-it the penalty nt six teen yearn In the state penitentiary. AMENDED IMPOSITION BILL Now Mea < u o Provides for Exhibit by fish Commission , ' DEFECTS IN FIUST CilL CORRECTED Senator Allen tinil .llororr Hnvo I tic Hill In niul Will Introduce It on WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) Senator Allen and Representative Mercer , who will IntrMuco the bill cor reeling cert.i'n features of the Omaha expo sltlon bill In their respective bodies Mon day , have been provided with a incmoran rlum as prepared by the committee ot the government board oh legislation , The bit as prepared by this committee provides for an exhibit by the Fish commission , and as there Is no provision for the appointment of such representative , tnp bill authorizes the president to name a member of the board. As a measure ot economy and to permit of prompt action In case any other exposition Is authorized by congress , to fol low closely on the hces ! or the Omaha fair provision Is made authorizing the preeiileu' ' to order exhibits sent , after tlio close of the Omaha exposition to euch other exposition direct without having first to return them to Washington. The bill Is also amended so as to permit of 'the purchase ofmy ex hibits to complete those which would other wise show gaps and to purchase articles and materials necessary In preparation of the exhibits. As the original act does not make provision for the employment of eultablo pereocs as officers , agents , etc. , as assistants to the board , this feature Is remedied In the new b'll ' amendatory to the old. Certa'n changes are made aa to the transportation as It may be necessary to ship exhibits Iron points other than Washington , a number of exhibits haying doubtless been stored It Nashville. Changes are also made so nc to provide for actual expenses of the boari for travel and per diem allowance 'a ' lieu o ; lelmburscnieut for actual expenses for sub sistence Heretofore officers of the army and navy have been allowed amounts allowed to of ficers of those departments while traveling under orders , but as- provided by the amended bill all members ot the board wll to placed on the same footing. The bll further provides for details being made fron departments of the government of respon sible persons to care for and return exhibits their salaries to be paid as 1m case of ar.j detail. There Is no change made lu the amount of the appropriation. AS TO POSTOFFICES. The report ol the supervising archltec shows that the whole amount appropriated for the Fort Dodgs poetofdco has been ex pended , and that the total expenditure for the Fremont oflico has- been made. In rela tion to the Omaha postofflce , there laus been a total expenditure for the year ending Scp- itomber 30 , 1897 , for the Omaha postollicc court house and customs bouse of $80,061.68 leaving ot the ? 1,300.000 appropriated actually available fl 9,711.3l Of the $150,000 appro priated for the Omaha exposition there has been expended by the architect's office ? 97.42 leaving cash available $49,902. For the completion of the Sioux City postofflce t&ero Is siilll available of the $275,000 appro priated $31,765. The Sioux Falls , S. D. , of fice la completed and the entire amount but $300 of the appropriation expended * . As to the South Omatia ofllce , there Is still available $83,980 after the purchase money has been paid on the site. Working drawings are now being prepared and advertisement for bids will bo nude within a fortnight. XOI\H 41 f tlio Army. WASHINGTON. Dec 4. ( Special Tele- .grani. ) Th , ° movement recently undertaken to have the president retire Paymaster Gen eral Stanton rte make way for a friend of Senator Proctor has been abandoned anl It Is now understood that Stanton will be al lowed. to remain at the head of the pay de partment of the army until January 30 , 1899 , tCio ago limit. While Colonel George E. Glenn , stands second in order of seniority Lieutenant Colonel Asa iB. Carey Is due to retire July 22 , 1899 , six months after Stanton , and It Is thought he will be made a brigadier general nnd placed at Ciio head of the pay department for -that length of time. Second Lieutenant Arthur W. 'Chase ' , Second end artillery. Is relieved from further duty at the United States artillery school at Fort Monroe and ordered to join hfs battery. Captain John H. Duval , commissary of subsistence , has been ordered to report to Lieutenant Colonel William II. Nash , as sistant commissary general of suslstence , St. Louis , to act as assistant in his office. Sergeant William A. Tabor , troop K , Third on-airy , now at Jefferson 'Barracks , Mo. , will ba sent to Whlpple Barracks , Ariz. , for the benefit of his health. The leave of absence granted First Lieuten ant Frederick ilartb , First artillery , is ex tended ten days , PurtnliiliiK to I WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. ( Special Tele gram. ) Postmasters appointed today : Ne braska As'iton , Sherman county , W. A. Wilson , viceA. . N. Conlilln ; Sacramento , Phelps county , J. E. Vermilion , vice C. N. Morgan , resigned. South Dakota Arlington. Klngsbury county , George Heed , vice C. B. 1'armelee , removed ; Esmond , Klngsbury county , W. G. Sheets , vice T. G. Pement , remove 1. Iowa Oswego , Woodbuij county , B. F , Bayne , vice C. N. Vauglat , resigned. I'lviitV of I'oNtmiiNtt'rN to Confirm. WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. The senate will have the confirmation of about 738 presi dential postmasters In Its hands during the present month. All hut 100 of those have been made by the president slcco the close of the extraordinary session ot congress. The postmaster at Detroit Is one of them. Of the remaining 100 cases , forty are ready to bo sent by the president to the senate at the opening of congress , and sixty others are expected during the month , Delinle Tre-iity In I'ulillp. WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. Tliers Is a dispo sition on the part of BO mo scnatora to > have the debate on the Hawaiian treaty open to the public instead of In secret session , aa is usually the case when a treaty is being con sidered. It Is understood also that the Ha waiian authorities hero would look with favor on such a move , as they feel that the fullest publicity will bo belpfuB to the treaty. TriniNfor < ( f 31nrlnt > N In AlilxUn. WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. Captain J. M. i'oung of the United States marine corps lias jeen ordered with tbo- United States ma- lucs from the Sltka , Alaska , barracks , to funeau , Alaska , to assist the United litotes llstrlct Judge and the United States marshal n keeping order during the term of court , hcro. Delirium MuUliiK Oli'o. WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. Belgium now hna an output of 22,000,000 pounds of oleormr- garino per annum from fifteen factories. Consul Morris at Ghent , who represents the fact to the State department , saya there is a scrupulous government supervision of the methods ot the manufacture * and of the raw products. MrmlnTM ( Ji-ci-t Hit' SjiiMil.'i'r. WASHINGTON , Dec. 4 , Speaker Hettl was at the capltol today greeting the Incoming members and talking over the prospects of tbo approaching session. The -members who have arrived stem to agree that there Is little or no prospect of currency legislation , crce ' - niul 'I'urkey nt IVncp. WASHINGTON.'Dec. 4. The Turkish lega. lion today receive- . ) information that a definite treaty of pcaco between the sublime porto and Greece had been signed tcday. ( .riinlril l'iiM | iorH , WASHINGTON , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) W. C. Blly anil Charles Oroasu of Madison , Nob. , were granted pcssports today through the efforts of St'nstor Allen to make a trip to Germany , They sail Tuesday , " GIVEN BY DR. SHEPARD. Symptoms Most Frequently Presented by Ca tarrh Sufferers Expert Treatment With a Prompt and Permanent Cure at a Nominal Fee-Rate a Month Trial Treatment Free to Those Applying in Person. Oreal numbers of pef.p ! * lifter from the inn- llgn polfons of rntnrth , ns from other subtle chronic tunl.-ullin. without nny correct ur defin ite lilca of the nnlure of their ntnir-tlon. Th < - fol lowing sjmplons hnve l > ril carefully nrranitru to cnnble ivmny un > rcra to unilerMnml It I * that nllsi them. Mnny illsf.isc- < known umltr \nrlous tpeclllc names , nrp rcnlly ut n o'litln and nature. Kvery i > rt of the mucous memtirnne. the noio , tliront , eye * , cars , ticnd IIIIIR" . stomach , ll\cr , lioweln , kidney * und blnit- tier , nip subject to ( license nnd blight by en * tnrrh. The [ infer courao for sufferers In this : IlciuV these j-i > n > lom * carefully uvetnituk tliofto that apply to your rate niul brtiiR this with you to Dr. fhcpnrd , It 5011 live nway from the city send them liy mull nnd n > k fnr mnll treatment. In either Instance the untlent tuny lie nssuicd of Hid niieeilloit relief nnd qurc posslblo to en- cil mcJIclnc. CATAIlltll OK IIKAI ) AXIJ TllllOAT. The moit prexnlent frtrm of catnrth nnil re sults from nrulecteil coltUi "Is tlio brenlli feliM" "In the valco hujliy ? " "Do Jou Milt Up slime ? " "Do j-ou nclic all over ? " "Do > ou lilaw out ncnln ? " "Is the nose slopped up1' "Do jou snore nt nlRlil ? " "Doe ? jour nose tlUchnrpe ? " "Doen the nosn bleed enjlly ? " "Ii tlicre ticklingIn the thront ? " "Does crust foim In the nose ? " "fa the nos * fort nml tender ? " "lo jou meezo n Brent deal ? " "Is this xxorse toxxnril iilRht ? "Docs the nose licit nnd burn ? "Is there pnln In front of lie.-ul ? " "Is there pnln ncrrss tlie ej-rs ? " "Is there pnln In back of head ? ' "li your tcnro of micll .IcnxliiK ? "Do > ou Imxxk to clour the throat ? " "li there a dropping In the throat ? "Is tlife tliroat dry In the morning * ? "Are j-nu losing jour sense of tnstc ? "Dn jovi bleep with the innutli open ? "Doe * the nose flop up toxxnrd nlslit ? Thla form of catnrih li the enMest u cure. IlfitfiieNM niul oar triiulilcN rofiult from cnt.irrh ininNliiK MliinK tlie ISim- ( Iiflilnu liiln- Hint leiuls from tin * iliront to the cur. "I * your lienrlngr fnlllng ? " "Do jour ears ill c.inrm ? " "Do your ears Itch nml burn ? " "Are tlio ears iltji anil ncnly ? " "Ilaxe you pnln bchlnil the ears ? "Is there n throbMmt In the ears ? " "Is tlieie- buzrlng vouml heard ? " "Uuou have ringing In the earn ? "Arts there cnckllnu rounds heart7 'Is your lienrtns Imil eloudv rtays ? ' "Do you linxe earache occalonnlly7 "Are there sounrti like steam cacaplng ? " "Do ears hurt xvlien you bloxx- your nose ? ' "When you blow your no e do the ears track " ? "Do nolsci In jour ems keep you axxako ? " "Hear betten some days than others ? "Do jou cnnitnntly hear nol ei In cars ? "Is he-irlni ? xvoise xxhen vou Imxe a cold ? "Is roaring lIKe a xvaterfall in llio head ? " CATAllIllI OP THIS IIKOXCIIIAI. TUII13S When catarrh of the heail and thtont la left unchecked It extends down tlie xxlnilplpe Into the bronchial tubes ami after axxhllo nttncks the luncs. "Have jou n cough ? " "Are j-ou losing fleMi ? " "Hnvo j-ou n pain In the side ? " "Do j-ou take cold easily ? " "Ii j-our appetite xarliible ? " "Hno you 8tltehe * In side ? " "Do jou couuli until j-ou pas ? " "Are you loxv spirited nt time- " ? " "Dou you rnlte fiotliv malerlnl ? " "Do j-ou spit up jplloxv matter ? ' "Do you cousli on Rolm ; to bed ? " "Do you couKh In the mornlnRs ? " "Is your cough short nnd hackliiK ? " "Do j-ou spit up lltt'i- cheesy lumpi ? " "Haxc J-ou n dlpRiist for faltj- food ? " I "Is there tlcklliiK behind the palate ? " "Hnxej'iU pnln behind breast bone ? " "Do j-ou feel j-ou are sroxvlnR weaker ? " "fs t.iere a burnlnpr pnln In the throat ? " "Do you cough xvorsfl nlsht and mornliiK ? " "Do jou hnxe to sit up nt night to get tireath ? " If j-ou haxe these pymptoms jou have catarrh ot the bronchial tubes. SIOSSO.WIXS TIII3 ClI.VMl'IO.VSHll' . Trliini ] > liH Over All OiiioiiLMitN | III the 'roiirilllmoiit. NDW YOniC. Pec. 4. By defeating Champion Frank C. Ives tonight George Slosson won the series In the billiard tour nament for the championship of the world. During this series "The Student" hns won against nil of his opponents , taking four games. Tonight's g-ame was one of the finest exhibitions ever given heie. Schaefer takes second place with three Kames xvon , Ivcs third , Daly fourth and 3utton. who lost all his games last. Ives wins the best grnnd average prize and the average prize and the prize for the h'.uti- cst run , which la the record HO. Score : 1VQS o , ZU , V , o , U , - . tt , u.i. . * " . . " - * t 0. 23. 7 , 2 1. 0. 13 , 1 , 53. 4 , 0 , 3. 13 , 24 , 0 , 0 , 13 , 23 , 2G , 0 , 20. El. 2 , 31 , In , G , 0 , 21-493. Average8-Slos on , 12S-41 ; Ives , 120-41. Highest runs Slosson , 97 : Ive < t. C2. Time of game : 3 hours , 20 minutes. Anti-Foot Hull Hill 111 S 'W Yorlr. NEW YORK , Dec. 4. The Kvcnlnp ; Tele gram says ; Soon after the legislature meets nt Albany next month an anti-foot ball > lll will be Introduced and pressed lor rassasrj. Joan TJ. Hurnctt. deputy clerk of he nsscmblv. who haa charge of the 10- vi&Ion of bills. Is preparing the anti-foot ball bill for Introduction nnd has written o the governor of Georgia for a copy of he measure recently considered by the eglalnture of that state , but declines to say ! or whom he Is acting. rici-iiinii CycllNt ConiliiR. NEW YOHK , Dec. 4. August I ehr. the famous German bicyclist who for nine years ins been the undisputed champion rider of Jermany , will sail on the steamer Travo rom Bremerhaven December a ) . It Is cx- jected ho xvlll challenge both Hald and Michael , limit ItnciJonfireiicc 'I'llInVt > ( > U. NEW HAVKN , Conn. , Dec. 4. Cttp'uln Whitney of the Yalu navy oald today that he Yalc-Harvard-Cornoll boating confer ence will probably bo hold next work and he mutter of a race might be settled before ho holidays. Shnrkf1,1nry of JHIrleH. SAN FIIANCISCO , Dec. 4. Thomas J. Sharkey , who calls himself the champion heavyweight puelllst of the world , this afternoon refused to sign articles for n fight vlth J. J , Jeffries. California WuntH IMii-nNiiiilM. POHTLAND , Ore , , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) Da vid P. Macy of San Francisco , representing ho California fish commlsalon and author- zed to secure 400 Chinese pheasants , IK in the city , having returned from a purchasing trip lown the valley , Jlr. Macy has thua far ob- alned 210 birds. Not having the full num ber ho Is authorized to purchase , ho will Merc-fore make another effort to secure birds j his week , ibis next objective point being | jugene. The birds he already Jiaa secured j x'ero purchased at Hoscburg , Jefferson , I Turner , Salem ami Wooilburn. It is'tho in-j cntlon of the California commission to stock hat state , and with this end In view Mr. lacy wag directed to procure the blrda. The ) hcasants will bo protettted by law for two ears and possibly longer , before any shoot- tig will be permitted , aud as the cllmatu ot jallforula Is suitable for their propagation t la believed they will multiply rupldly. A Mi-Ion ( jroniTH * TriiNl , IIOCKY FOItO , Colo. . Dec. 1. ( Special. ) n accordance with the suggeatlou of the iclon growers as expressed la a resolution passed recently at their meeting In this city ocal organizations of melon gro\xcn ) are bo ng formed In the towns of the Arkansas val. or , and the mulotv growers of I a Junta xvlll icet In a few day * to organize. It 1s pro- > oacd to got all the melon growcns ot Uiu val. cy Into Iccal organizations work I UK In Iwi- tony * o that they may rojp the grratesit hen- > fl ( from Iho Imlustry which U growing In mjy Stance. iDVl'lllflltH tit OlM-llll VfMNI-lH , I > C'C.t , At Now York Arrived America , from London ; I'lioi nlclu , from Hainburp , Bulled I i Totiralno , for Havre ; Vocnilani , for tottcrdiun ; Fulda , for Nitplen ; ICtruriii , for verpool ; lltclu , for Copenhugen ; I'.itrl.i , or llunilium" ( IforKlc , for CopoiiluiKtn. At Itottrrilum Arrived AiiiMti'Mluin , from Ncxv york. At I'hllailBlphlu-Salled-WiUDlund , for . At Liverpool Arrived Armenian , from toutoii. At Olnngow Arrived Hardlun , from Mon- real. > , I At flnn Franclsco-rArrlveil Steamer City I f Peking from Hong Kong iind Yokohama. . ' At Havre Halled Lu aaacofiu- , for New | 'ork. At BoutlmmiHoa-Sallca-Ht. Loulu. for New Yorlt. OATAIIIllt OK Till * Ktn.M'.VS. Cntnrth of the kidney * results In txvo xxnvq. llrt. by tnldng cold ) second , by oxctxmtk of thi Kldnej-s In SfpnrntlnR the poisons from the lilooj which hnx-e been nbsorbcd from cntnrrh , w.llcl1- nlTecta nil orRnns. "Do jour Imnds nnd feet sxvell ? " "I" thin more notlcenble in the iituinlnst" "Aro J-HU cold and clnhimy ? " 1M there t" ln In small of luck ? " "In the mine < Inrk und cloudy ? ' J there nhu ea utter cntlng ? 'lias tlie iitrvplrnllrm n bud odor ? " 'Is there vmtllness under the _ Ate there dark rings nround tlie eyes ? " I 'Is the nklti pule nnd dry ? " 'Has the skin a waxy look ? " - I Do you toe unptensnnt thliiRS xxhlle sleep ? " j | 'llnve you chilly fcflluiss dawn the Kickt" "Do the Joints pain and uche ? " "Do tlio tecs feel too licaxy ? " CATAHItll OK T1IU I.1V13II. The llxer Is nffecteil by catarrh through th itl ease extending from the stomacii Into th tubes In the Itxer. "Are you IrrltabTu ? " , "Are you nervous ? " "Havo you no eiurRVT" "Do you lin\o cold feet ? " " "Is your memory poor ? " "Do you Kft tiled easily ? " "Do jou Imxe hot Hushes ? " , "Is your tjeslRht blurreil ? " Can you clnln | xxhrre ? " "llaxo you n pain In the bark ? " "Is your llcsh pott nnd ilnbuy ? " "Ale your vplilts loxv nt times ? " "Is there r. InjthltiK utter cutlliK ? " "Ilaxe you piln nruuiul the loins ? " "Do jou hax-e RurKlliiK In bowels ? " "Do you luxe lumbllnR In baui'ls ? " "Do you suffer from iialnu lu temple ? " "Do } ou haxe i > nlillnili | > n of the limit ? " "I < there n Kenernl feellnir of lassitude ? " "Do these feellntu nlTert your memiiry ? " If j-ou , iaxe these symptoms you haxu catarr * of the ller. . ' CATAUHII OK TDK V Catarrh of the stomach Is usually caused liy snalloultiR pM otioui mucu . xUilcli drops dot > from the henil imd tliroat nt night. "li there nausea ? " "Are j-ou coitlxo ? " "IB there xomltlns ? " "Do you belch up was ? " "Ale jou llfiht headed ? " 'Is jour tongue coated ? " 'llnxo jou x\ater brn h7" 'Do j-ou hawk ami spit ? " 'la there patu uftei oatlnR ? " 'Are jou nervous and \\e.iU * > " 'Do j-ou have sick headac'.ics ? " 'Do you up lifter enlliiR ? " 'Is there disgust for brenKfnM ? " 'Haxe j-ou distiras after eatlnR ? " 'Is jour throat HfeJ x\llh tllme ? " 'Do J-ou at times liaxe dlnirhoc.i ? " 'Is there lush of blood to the head ? " 'Ih there constant bad tnstu In the mouth ? " 'li there Biiaxvlnit sensation In Htomncli" " 'When you Ret up tuddtnly me you dlzzj " 'When j-our stomach Is eniplj da jouu foci fnlnt ? " "Do jou belch up material t.iat burn" throat ? " "When stomach Is full do j-ou feel dL-i > H.-.ed' " > If J-ou haxe these pymntomi X'ou luxe rnturrh of the stomach , or xxhat H common v tailed d > n- jiepala. - . . . C. S. SlIKPAllU , M. 1) . , | | 3onultlng mill AsHorlnlrN. | | physicians 110OMS 311. 312 & 313 N'B\V YORK LIFE BU1LDINO , OMAHA , XK13. Otnco hours D "to 12 n. m. ; 2 to . " p m. Evenings Wednesilaya and Saluidaya only C to S. Sunday 10 to 12. CUBA TO TARE A BACK SEAT Administration Will Wait a While Eoforo Taking Action. MAJORITY OF CONGRESS OPPOSE ACTION Disposition to AI1 MV SpiuilKli Ministry to UemonMlrnteVluit It Cuii Ac- eoiillillHh TiMViiril I'licl- fjliiK- the I.ilnnil. NEW VOniC , Dec. 4. A special to the Herald from Washington says : Pro Cuban sentiment Is strong In both houses ot con gress , but the disposition of many of tha senators and representatives to delay action pending the trial by Spain of the new yollclos of the Sagasta ministry and the influence of tlio administration and of the conservative leaders In both houses will DC- able to prevent any action. are the conclusions ur- rlved at as the result of conversations xx-lth practically all of the senators und repre sentatives xvhn have arrived In Washington. The , men talked with tcprenent all parties ana shades of opinion. Out of twenty-eight sena tors seen foutteen are against action of any kind by congress at this time. Six arc in favor of action , but do not believe It In pos sible and eight are unreservedly in favor of Immediate action. Among the members of the house of leprc- sentatlves seen the prcgortlon of those In favor of action Is rather larger than among the senators. Tills I ? accounted fnr In a largo mcasuic by the fact that a m-ijoilty ot those seen are democrats and ( Kpullsts. H must bo berne In mind , however , that the house of representatives Is practically ponpr- less to act In opposition t.i the will of tliu speaker rod the perty trailers , if they are tit - ported by a laigo percentage of thu mem- bensh.V. The speaker und Uh'tlraan Ultt of the committee ou foreign uftalrsuo cruaaivl to action. The opposition majority of that commlUco In in accord xvlth Sir. Hltt. anil thu speaker , backed up by this committee' , can hold any Cuban resolutions back liulellnltuly unless the pressure for octlun should bccomo much stronger than It Is at the prescut tlmo , SiiiuilililiOXIT Ki-nliii'l.y flirlnt FUANKKOIIT , Ky. . IJOf.l.Oovornof Ilrndli-y 1ms tccelved no request , ho KnyH , from hid daughter , who In at Washington , to appoint MHH | Itlcliardaon to chrliUt'n llio battleship "Kentucky , " und that umltr all the ( Itcumstances ho could not noxv ap point -MlK.s Hlcli.-inlfon. uyen If hit Uatih'lit''f had urccd him to do ho , but the xvhola affair xvlll bo arranged shortly to suit everybody. A n oilier UII-HIIK | | | In 1'rdMjil-i'l , SAN FItANClSCO , Dec.l.Tho latest mall from Guatemala convoys the Informa tion that 1'rcsldcnt Danlos Is threatuned with another uprising , liuhlnd the move ment l wild to hu Ocnoral Castillo , wno partlclpntfil In the recent uprising. A GOOD PRACTICE It VouVniit n Coitil Aiii'llff > nml I'l-i'- After each meal dlccolvo ouo or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In tin ) mouth and , mingling xvlth the food , they conistltute a perfect dlgcatlvo , absolutely waft for tha most Kcnultlve stomach. They digest the food before It boa tlmo to ferment , thus preventing the formation of KJHmil ke-.plng the blood pure anil frt'U from the poisonous products of fermented , lialf-dlgflsted food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tallinn make the com- pluxlon clear by keeping the blood pure. They Increase lleeh by digesting limit , forming fouilu. Stuart' * Dynpppsla Tablets Is the only rein- oily designed especially for the euro of atomath tronblo and nothing1 cite. One disease , ono remedy , the aucccuful physician of'today Is iho sjujclillst , the uc- ci'siful medicine U the medicine prepared especially for ono disease , A whole package taken at ono tlmo would not hurt you , but would limply tie a wa t ot Kood material. Over nix thousand men and ) women in the , atato of Michigan alcno have bvtn cured ot Indlcslli | and dyspepsia by the nto uf Stu- urt'a Dyxpupsla Tablutn. Bold by all druggist * at CO ccnta lor full vUed package. Send lor free book on atomach to Slum Co. , Mars'ml , lllcli. AV , A