T1IM OMAHA DAILY HUK : Tl i , > AY. NOVKMBRlt 80. 1H07 , I CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST : FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . . H i I. L i i i - i , . . . AIINOH MH.NTIO.N. Cooper , Flro Ins. , 6 Pearl , tcl. 372. Harry Murphy. co .l and wood. 37 Main. BchmIJt's bar i-cllcf photoa arc the latest. Gpeoncr Grocery Co. , 323 Bway. Tel. 314. I Di. Shrl-rr. ilontltt. Mcrrlam blk. . rom 246 , I F. A. Miller of Shelby was In the city Eundfty. i 8. F. Shlck was a visitor In the city yes terday. / Ii. Mmclc of Creocent lu In the city on /business. W. A. Meyer of DCS Molnes Is In the city Oft builnpfo. Mlssw Mllca of Macedonia are In the city lor a few days. , George Bogart of Shcnandoah Is In the city on business. R. II. Noyca of Missouri Valley la rcgls- iMul a : the Grand. J. C. and R. Harrlgan of Macedonia are registered at the Kiel. You run no chances by sending your laundry to the Bluff City. T. Dolan of Salt Lake City , Utah , U In the city on a visit to friends. McPhcrtor. Heed , cut flowers and de signs ; offlco C Pearl St. , tcl. 372. R. Campbell , postmaster at Keg Creek , Is In the city on his way homo from Idaho. C. C. Hazen , dcntlat , removed from the opera house to the Dr. Plnney office. 214 Pearl. 9. S. Snydcr nnd wife of Hastings , Neb. , wcro calllns on friends In the city yester day. day.Star Chapter No. 47 , Royal Arch Masono , meets this evening for work In the master's degree. Buy meat of the Wclker Meat company , 221 South Main street , and get premium Btamps. There will bo a demonstration with colored lantern slides at the Camera club rooms tonight. Mrs. Gcorgo B. Rex left yesterday for n month's visit with friends and relatives In Shcnandoah. The Monday Musical Choral eoclcty met 7csterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. I ) . Macrne , Jr. The best is good enough for you. Noth ing less. Send your work to the popular Eagle Laundry. 721 Bwny. Colonel n. B. Dallcy , who has been con- flned to his homo for the last few weeks , IB reported as Improving. Carlson's freshly Ground cornmc.il , best to bo had ; call for It at your grocer's or at C. Carlson's Wash. Ave. mills. ' Colonel C. O. Sumders went to Avoca yes terday to look after the criminal docket , Svhlch comes up there today. George A. Llston returned to Anamosa yesterday , after spending Thanksgiving with his parents on Fourth street. Dr. John Green , who has been sick for < i few days , Is being cared for at the Woman'o Christian association hospital. E. A. Blanchard , formerly of this city , has returned hero to live. Mr. Blsnchard of late lias been looitcd at Sla&berry , Mo. i The next mooting of the Ideal club will be held at the residence of Mrs. Stevens. All o ( the other meetings of the club will be held. Miss Clara Troutman returned Sunday evening from Maukato , Minn. , where she has been spending Thanksgiving with Miss Zoo Hill. 1 * . N. Homes was taken from an Omaha motor train yesterday and locked up on the charge of Intoxication and disturbing the peace. Justice Fcrrler yesterday united In mar riage Edward Kratz , age 21. and Ada M. Putman , ago 19. Both parties arc from Omaha. Mayor Carson and Mrs. Carson gave a ( pleasant party on Friday afternoon to cele- .brato the tenth birthday anniversary of their eon Hiram , Mlle Dennis and Sarah McCall obtained a tnarrlago license yesterday and were made husband and wife by Justice 'Burke. ' Both ore from the country. 'i A. E. Bowring of the McCormlck Harvest ing Machine comppoy , who was taken eick in this city , was able to return to his home in Grand Island yesterday , i Congressman J. A. T. Hull and George 'A. Qulmby of DCS Molncs are In the city on business relative to the affairs of the Iowa Building and Loan association. The Derthlck club met last evening at the residence of I. M. Trej'aor on First avenue. Jlcadeesohn ! and his works wcro considered. .The meeting was one of the mas' Icterestlnff of the season. A dangerous runaway was stopped yester day by nn accidental fall of one of the horses upon an Icy pavement. The team belonged to Spetman Bros , and was starting up Pearl street In the direction of a largo number of teams and carriages when the horse fell and was dragged half a block by the other horse before the speed was stopped. Lena Larscn , a domestic In the family of [ \ . M , Lundgard , was taken to the Clarlndi asylum yesterday after being adjudged in- BE e by the Insanity commissioners. The un- fortunatc young woman has been an Intnato of the Woman's Christian association hos pital for several weeks , where she .was sent by her friends when she became ill. Acute melancholy and Insanity followed her Ill ness. No tidings has been hoard from John lUw- ecll , the prisoner who escaped from Con- etablo Balrd In the Hock Island railway yards a week ago. Tbo last heard of the young man he was walking back from Weston - ton , where he left the train , and the officers confidently expected that ho would return .voluntarily and put himself In their custody again. They are forced to believe now that ho has taken the chance to escape that was BO providentially placed In his way. No word has been received from him by his parents at Oakland. Olllcer Covalt had n bad fall on East Wash ington avcnuo yesterday afternoon. The ac cident was caused by a loose plauk lu a side walk , which tilted up as ho stepped upon It. The ofllcor lodged a complaint In the sidewalk - walk department of the city government , and found that several other citizens had called for the same purpose , The walk la built of four-foot plank laid on stringers , and lias become come- dangerous ; owing to the hoards becom ing loose. The accident brought up the sub ject again of prohibiting by ordinance the laying of any more such walks. The major ity of the cases where accidents have re sulted that called for damage suits against the city have occurred on such walks , M. A. Wolfe , former secretary of the Young Men's Chr'stlan association here , has been pending- the Thanksgiving holidays with his family , Slnco the closing of the Council 1)luffs ) association Mr. Wolfe has been doing good work for associations In Cedar Haplds and Oakaloosa. Before he returns he will Jook over the field here occo moro and c - deavor to discover eomo means of reviving the Council Bluffit association , Ho feels that the city needs the aid of the association more than ever In Its history , end he has found that all of the original workera are ready again to try to place the association upon Its feet , fl'ho debts of the old at-aoclutlon are the stumbling block In the way of reorganizing , .and tbcro la a prospect of EOIIIO special effort being made to take care of these- obli gations without calling upon the regular workers , whoso energies could then iio con fined to the- work of the new association. G. B , Viavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion frco. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 , Health book furnished. 320-327-323 Merrlam fclock. N. V , Plumbing company , Tel. 250. CASTOR ! A Tor Infants and Children. INVOLVES A BROAD ISSUE Suit Against the Omaha & Council Bluff * Eailway Company , RESPONSIBILITY FOR AN ACC.DEN7 Victim Tumble * Dinvii Minim nt Went Hint of the llrlilKc mul Her llnlhcr Suit to Hi-cover Judge Green returned from his "brief Thanksgiving holiday nt his homo In Green field and reconvened the district court yes terday , The law assignment was again taken up and the court and jury assisted the at torneys' In the effort to discover the liability for an accident that occurred on the Omaha & Council Bluffs Hallway and Bridge com pany's bridge during the Ak-Ear-Bcn parade In Seotcmber , 1890. The Incident Is presented to the court 'by ' a couple of damage suits brought against the motor company by Syl vester Holllngsworth of Henderson , la. , whftie 13-year-old daughter Bessie tumbled down one of the stairways on the western end of the bridge and suffered a broken knee. The opening statements of the case made by the attorneys gave minute details of the acci dent and how It occurred. Holllngsworth brought two suits against the company , one In the name of his daughter , cl.ilmlng $10- 000 damages , and the other In his own be half , alleging $2,500 damage from anxiety , care and loss of the services of Ills daughter. The contention of the plaintiffs Is that while the arcaway was undoubtedly private prco- erty the company was negligent In permit ting the ( icoplo to break into it , and also negligent In not having the stairway pro tected by a strong Iron gate. The defense will set up that the pMlutllls wtro tres passers on private property , and , having 110 right to ba there , the cotciiauy has no re- Bpinfllblllty for the accident. A great deal of testimony will bo taken by both sides. The company will make a strong fight to obtain a liberal Interpretation of its liability for accidents on the bridge where people disre gard the rulea and regulations provided by the company for the protection of the pub- 113. Daring the afternoon Judge Green made a new assignment of the law causes which will be prcrmilgated today. The Windsor Savings bank began a suit ycstenViy against J. It. Klro and others to secure payment of notes aggregating $1,000. Foreclosure of a mortgage upon twelve acres of fruit lands given to secure the notes Is ankcd for. Judge Green's decision In the suit Insti tuted against the city by J. J. Shea Is ex pected to be handed down this week. AM. IIK.VDV KOR TIIK KI.KCTIOX. Mllinuvn Modir I'coptiIlnvo Kvery- tliliiKI'riimrcd for Hie Volt * . TJO o flic ! a I ballots were bunched up and made ready yesterday for tomorrow's special election. The final arrangements for the con test were finished and now the motor ccm- ixiny Is waiting with a mixture of confidence and anxlc'ty for the result. There Is no anxiety about a majority of the votes cast being cast for the measure , but the fear is that the total vote will be so light that It will net give the company's proposition the hearty endorsement detlrcd by It. Tbo of ficial ticket Is a very complicated aff.ilr. It Is simply a air.all sheet qf paper with the crdluanco printed upon It and headed In large type : "Shall a franchise bo granted to the Council Bluffs , Luke iManawa & Euc't Omaha Construction company to construct find operate a street railway on the streets , avenues and public places of Council Bluffs ? " Beside the proposition 1 a square marked off for "yes" and "no. " The ballot Is BO small that but little time will be required to count the total vote of the city , even though an ordinarily heavy vote Is cast , and It is ex pected that the result will be known within an hour after the polls close. The question of special policemen to serve around the polling places was brought to Wio attention of .Mayor Oirscn yesterday by nu merous applications for appointment to the places. The applicants supposed the mayor had the authority to appoint them and were greatly disappointed when Informed that thu law provideJ for the appointment only whoa the corporation asking the franchise nvjde a , written request. Up to noon yester day no such request had been made. The matter had not been called to the attention of the company previously and when 1t was the decision was announced that no such oillcers would be appointed. No trouble 'is an- tlclpated and the presence of the tin-starred policemen is deemed superfluous. Attorney Tlnley spent all day yesterday holding luformol meetings about 'the city. Ho encountered little opposition from any source aii'l ' his chief work lay In arousing sufllclcnt Interest to get the mem to agree to get out and vote. It wag a little odd that the only men who were frank enough to declare thflr Intention to vote and work against the or dinance wcro those who Jiad conceived the Impression that the company was asking a franchise authorizing It to operate a steam tramway all over the city. Although the mat ter 1ms been before the public and discussed In the newspapers moro than almost anything eteo for mcnths , there were many people found who had this Impression. When It WES explained ( hat nothing but electricity could bo used In all parts of the city with the exception of the present line to Like Msnawa thc-se men innounceil their willing ness to vote for Iho measure. Several meetings wcro hold last evening for llm purpose of working up Interest In the election. Cool < > -llulI man CIINO , W. H. Cooley and Mrs. Bertha Bellman took a change of venue from the police court yesterday to Justice Vlen and the hearing of the charge of adultery Icdgcd against them by Mrs. Coolcy was commenced at the begin ning. A demurrer was Hied by the attorney for the defense , alleging that the informa tion was faulty for the reason that It was Issued by the city clerk , who Is the legally constituted clerk of the superior court. The demurrer was based upon the tcctlan of the stututo that provides that In all prelim inary hearings the Informations must bo received by a Justice of the peace or une other lawfully constituted court , and the power of the city clerk to entertain the ompalnt ! and Issue the warrant was at tacked , The Justice held that the contention was good , and sustained the motion to dls- mlsi the care. A now Information was Im mediately filed ani the hearing proceeded with. It Is the first time that tmch u ques tion has been raised , and naturally consider able Interest was awakens ! by the decision of tao Justice of the peace. If It proves to bo good law , as It Is generally conceded by the attorneys to 'be , It will make It Impos sible hereafter for a criminal case to bo started In the police branch of the superior court unless brought under the city ordi nances , none of which can bo state cases , The state put up a very weak case during the afternoon , ami unless some stronger evi dence Is forthcoming tcday the charge that "Mrs. " Cooley has brought against her hus band and her old time friend and neighbor , Mrs. Bellman , will fall. IOVUI'M KxpoNllUni Krnl < I > | HIIIIV. Hon. A. V. Collmau , appointed by the Iowa TiansmlsslMlppi Exposition commis sioners to take charge of the fruit exhibit that the etate will make at Omaha next year , arrived In the city from hlu home In Coming lest evening , Ho U hero for the purpose of furthering the objects of tlio commUslon and will probably meet a largo number of the Council Bluffs fruit growers' today. After bin conferences with them he will go to Omaha and meet the exposition management. Mr. Collman demonstrated hla fitness for the position and his ability to do the work rcQUlreil when ho was put In * * " jhnrgo of the Iowa fruit exhibit at the Columbia exposition , Mr. Collmnn lins taken hold or the TrnnsinlMlsslppI exhibit with even Rrcator enthusiasm than ho felt In the former , anil with ample time and the certainty of abundant means ho fcctn confident that ho will make It the great success Iowa people dcelro It to bo. Stnti * Institution . The legislative Investigating commlt'ee , charged with the duty of visiting and making thorough Investigations of the condition of the various , state Institutions , reached the city yesterday for the purpose of holding a session at the I own School for the Deaf , hear ing any complaints that may bo made against the management and making a thorough Inquiry Into the condition of the Institution. The committee consists of Thomas llcnly of Ft. Dodge , Claude n. Porter of Cetitcrvlllc , Frank P. Mcrrlam of Hopklnton nml L. A. Wllklns of DCS Molnes. The committee will make Its report direct to the legislature. The entire year has been spent In the work , the duties of the committee requiring a visit nnd extended Inquiry Into every state Inntltutlon. U Is supposed that the mem bers will go from here to Glcnwood and look Into Dr. Powell's minagomcnt of the Insti tution for the care of feeble-minded children , I'oiillr.v Sliow 1 1 1ml y. The 'fifth annual exhibit of the Western Iowa Poultry , Farm and Garden association will begin today at the building formerly used by the Durfco Furniture company on Middle 'Broadway. ' All diy yesterday was devoted -to the work of getting the exhibits ready , and when night came the lower lloors were filled wMh coaps and cages of crowing fowls. The exhibit promises to bo one of the largest and finest the association has ever made. The officers who Imvo charge of It nro : J. M. iMatthews , president ; W. S. Koellne , vice president ; H. J. Vaugban , BCC-O. tary ; AVlllUm Arnd. treasurer ; N , Swanaon , superintendent ; N. M. Pusey , solicitor ; Board of Directors. 'C. ' Hater , W. S. Kcellne , AVIt- llam Arnd. E. D. Sharplcss , C. A. Bono , T , J. Shtigart , H. J. Vaughan ; executive commit tee , J. M. Matthews , N. M. Puaey , O. Youn- kcrman H. J. Vaughan , J. I , Ltitz , C. Hater , Thomas Bowman , (7r INI in lo Ulipliiy. The ceramic display made by Miss Olla Cook at the Gr.ind hotel last night attracted much Interest nnd drew n largo number of visitors. Mls'a Cook had some ninety odd pieces of the finished work of her -brush on exhibition. During the evening nil of the artists in the city called nnd enjoyed the exhibit , Including nil of the members of the Ceramic club. Miss Cook will continue the display this afternoon and this evening. A yard of roses or other flowers In the winter time Is certainly a great luxury , but that Is just what wo are selling , and they arc almost cs natural as life itscit. Call and look over our large line of Prang's and other panel pictures. C. U. IMlnt , Oil nnd Glass Co. , Masonic Temple. TKI.KRIt.IMI1C UIll2vrriI3S. Donu'Htlr. The first snow of the season at St. Louis fell yesterday morning- . Ijand has been purchased at East Liv erpool , O. , for n new sheet mill anil steel plant to cost } " . " > O.COO. One huntlrc'd and thirty clonk makers and tailors went out on a strike In New York yeslerilny. A party of northern bankers , capitalists nnd cotton manufacturers , Is making o tour of Inspection through the south. John H. Dame of Denver has been locked up on a charpe of Insanity , supposed tc have been caused by reading the testimony in the Luelgert caso. Frederick McHenry KIlchliiK , formerly n Wall street broker , was yesterday .sen tenced to live years In Sing Sing for lar ceny from his clients. Vice Consul Breck at Berlin hns resigned and will return home. Mr. Day has been appointed to the vacancy subject to the approval of the state department. Senator Lodge , member of the senate committee on foreign relations , says the first thing the committee will do will be to confirm the annexation of Hawaii. Twenty-eight brokers In New York city have been Indicted for keeping bucket shops , but when arraigned pleaded not nulfty , and will fight the case In the courts. The Atlanta Clearing House association has issued a call for a convention of all the banJicrs in the soulli to bo held at At lanta , December 13 , to consider the question of currency rc-for.ni. John C. Carr , one of the big race track men in New Jersey , 'has announced that the fight for malntnlnance of horse racing In thnt state during the next five years has been abandoned , A body of armed men are searching for Ii. M. Bumgardner , who shot and killed A. M. Lambert , a railroad engineer , at Aslic- vllle , N. C. T.io governor and the railroad company each offer a reward for the mini's capture. Lillian Ilussell , Delia Fox and Jefferson DeAnslle made ihelr first Joint appearance In the Columbia theater at Chicago last evening in the opera "Wedding Day. " The audience was the largest seen in that city in two ytar ? . Lulu Werney , a 11-year-old girl living near Silver City , N. M. , was outraged and murdered Saturday night. The crime is supposed to have been committed by n Mexican , Ambroslo Garcia , who has not yet betn arrested. Three Poles -who pleaded guilty at Bal timore to passing counterfeit Eilver certifi cates for J10. have been sentenced to ten and eight years in the penitentiary and six months In jail respectively. The light sen tence was given to a woman. Hlchard HeiUMck , colored , who claims to have been born In 1777 , appeared before the dc-partmcn. c'f ' charities at Pittsburu yes- terd.iy , accompanied by his wife and daughter , and uskel for aid. He was as sured that he would bo cared for. The oiili-Ial vote for the state of Ken tucky nt the last election hns just been announced , and gives liutluy. republican , 1G9.C7S ; Shackflford , democrat , 187.4S ! ; Hindman , national democrat , 9,583 ; Parker , populist , 7.37J ; Wallace , prohibitionist , l,7S.'l. An Indian woman , who had been trav eling In foreign lands with a show has been left stranded at Stockholm , and Tier condition has rendered her mentally un balanced. Her brother In this countiy lias fonvnidcd the means with which to bring her -home. The War department yesterday made a teat of Koine armor , by using two different kinds of iiroji'i'tlli's , at a nigh und low velocity , anil the test is said to have been satisfactory. Another test was then made of a nuw proji-ctilo as to Its penetrating powers , tht' tame armor being used , and Uio latter was penetrated. This teat Is also said to liave been satisfactory. Foreign. The British bark Cerdlllt-ra is reported to have foundered oft Valparaiso nnd four teen of Its crew supposed to have been drowned. Kmpcror William has granted permission for the performance Of "Johannes , " which had been ruled against because the subjuct was biblical. A dlfpatch from London says that nn unknown vi'ssol 'mis been wrecked on Boul der Hocks , at Berwick on the Tweed , and all the crew drowned. The German steamer Calnbrla , from New Origans to Hamburg , before rcporti-d ashore In the Kibe , lias boon hauled off and lowed to Hamburg. Sam Lewis , a notorious money lender at London , linn hrouglit suit ngulnst Lord William Novlll and 'his bondsmen to re cover the sum of 11,113 pounds which hnd been louned him. Dr. KletBch , a son-in-law of Valentino Blatz , thu Milwaukee brewer , gave u Thanksgiving dinner at Berlin in honor of ihls teacher , I'rof. Vlrchow , who made a speech on "American Science. " The British steamer Kspnrto and the Krcncli stc-amer Noel collided In thu Knjj- Mali channel Sunday , but no lives were lost ' 1'ae Ksparlo afterwards foundered , nnd the Not ! was beached at Dungenncos In a Kinking condition. Archbishop Ki-nns , formerly rector of the Catholic university at Washington , was re ceived by the pope yesterday , who con- uruttiUUccl the blHhop upon Ills abnegation In withdrawing his nnmo from the list of candidates for appointment ns archbishop of Ntw Orleans , and also uiion Ms scries of sermons In English which ho Is now deliv ering In Ronif. Alilintt Knt mul < iriiKK > * . HALTIMOUH , .Mil. . , Nov. 89 , The llrst boxIng - Ingboutu held within the city limits for moro than a year took place tonight Intho assembly rooms of 1ho Academy of Music , under the auspices of the Kureka Athletic club , The star bout of the evening i.vus between Joe Gnnz of Baltimore , colored , and Stanton Abbott of England , The latter was fat and Ganz found him an easy mark , knocking him. out In the fourth round. IDZAS OF SECTOR ALLISON m i Iowa 8titsnnn : TalhH Wb.at Ho Thinki Oonrasi Will Do. HAWAIIAN TflEATY S'wiLL ' BE RATIFIED ii No HCVCIIIIC I < f > nlMlNtlnn ; , He Ilcllcvoi Will lie Atti'iuijiW , nt Icn t Xot Until l.nio ( it ( lie DUDUQUE , la. . Nov. 29. ( Special Tele. gram. ) Senator Allison leaves for Washing. ton tomorrow , in an Interview tonight hi said no rovcnuo legislation would bo passed at least until late In the session , as It couli not bo foretold accurately until ther what legislation , If any , would bo necessarj to bring the revenues for the next fiscal ycai up to the disbursements. This year's call mates had failed because the extent of Im partitions during the pendency of the Ding Icy bill had not been fully realized. Hi believed congress would not consent to thi retirement of the greenbacks , but may pro. vdo ! that they shall bo rolsaucd only In ex change for gold. This ho would consldei unobjectionable. He believes the senati will ratify the Hawaiian treaty by a ban two-thirds majority. lUM'OUTS OP IOWA IJ.VXlvEHS They Siiy Time * .Vrir Clooil mill tin Fur mo r Ar > Xcnv I'roMiiorotin. SIOUX CITY , la. , Nov. 29. ( Special. ) . < great deal of Interest has been shown nmonf bankers In Iowa Irt regard to reports fron the bankers published In an eastern bank ers' magazine showing the condition , of busl ness In the state this fall. The bankers generally orally report times greatly Ir-.proved am business good. . In all lines. The farmers an plying off old mortgages aud In many case : making new loans In. . order to deal heav'.or It llvo stock or to purchase now land. Jamci F. Toy of the farmers' Loan and Trust com pany of this city , having branch banks it thirty towns of Iowa < \nd Nebraska , sold' ii rcsponre to Inquiries : "Conditions have uu dcrgnne a wonderful change In Sioux Clt ; aud the surrounding country during the pas twelve months. Our deposits have stcadi ! ; Increased , and a larger share of obligation ! have been token up. There is a good domain for money on Iowa farm loans. Only reccntl ; we placed SiiO.OOO for eastern parties at G pc cent. 1 have watched the growth of our s'.ati slL'co the early days , and In point of devel opmcnts of her wonderful natural resource ! and the steady udvancomcnt In values li farm lands , I think she can compare mos favorably with any other state in the union and I consider nothing safer for those whi have funds to Invest than our farm mart gages. " This corresponds nearly with the genera reports. Oi'hler McCorlnlclc of the lowi SMto National of this city reported that hi had noted a good increase In deposits wlthli the last six months andi loans hove shown ( proportional advance , The manager of tin Clearing House association hero reported at increase of clearings of from 75 to 100 pc ; cent. cent.B. L. Welch of the Bank of Deulson re ports : "I have noted an' ' Increase of 23 pe : cent in our deposits , since last spring. Ou : bank makes a special feature of Iowa farn loans , and we handle $ l,00 | ) per month it this line , acting for cast'crn Investors. Cus tomcrs of this bank have lately1. shown a de cided Inclination to reduce their loans. Qulti a good deal of money bas , been advanced t ( the cattle feeders In' 'this section and oui farmers are at present busy In the corn fields. Merchants of 'Pehison report a gooc trade , considerably In excess of last year We have more eastern capital than wo cat lend at 0 per cent. " ' Henry Haag of the City Bank of Jeffersot reports : "I have noted quite a material in < crease In our deposits and a geol many loini have been paid off. We have been lending our funds very freely to cattle feeders , wh < hive Invested largely In this section.V < arc in the midst of the great corn belt , alsc lalse cattle and hogs. Very little wheat raised , ondAhls Is poor quality. " The cashier of the Citizen's Bank at Wcsl Sldo reports a falling off In loans , the customers showing a desire to cancel then Indebtedness. The only demand for monej Is for cattle feeders. The cashier of the First National hank at Woodbine reporte that deposits average $20,000 ahead of lasl year and loans $10,000 to $15,000 larger. Fanners have made a considerable reduction In their loans and merchants are enjoying a good trade , their sales averaging 33 per cent moro than at this time last year. The de posits of the Citizens' State bank at didder liave increased 25 per cent in the last ninety ilays , and loans about the same. The bank is supplying the farmers with more funds tc engage In cattle feeding than last year. The assistant cashier of the Maplcton bank says that farmers eeem anxious to clear up their obligations and the merchants report a de cided Increase In their usual business over last year. "There Is no disputing the fact , " lie says "that good times are a reality with us , and I think confidence has been fully restored among our people. " The cashier ol the City bank at Ogden reports : "Our de posits have shown quite an Improvement In the last six months perhaps one-third more , Loins about the same , with an in clination on the part of our customers tc pay off their debts. Wo have no hesitancy In lending our funds to cattle feeders , anil liave quite a good amount with them at present. " Reports from many other banko'E of the state simply continue the story here given. Heavy Suit tor OTTUMWA , la. , Nov. 29. ( Special Tele gram. ) A Bensatlon was created In Slgour- ney , Kcoktik county , today by the filing of o suit for $ .10,000 damages against S. W , Urunt , cashier of the Kcokuk County State bank , one of the prominent democratic poli ticians of the state , The suit Is brought by I' . Li. Wood , .1 prominent citizen , for alle mt- Ing his wife's affection. Mrs , Wood Is a prominent worker In the church and was al ways highly respected until recently , when her husband sued' her for divorce , connect ing der ) with Brunt and charging them with undue familiarity. A decree of divorce was granted the husband. It Is understood that ho and his wlfo became reconciled and began living together , which' was followed by the suit brought today. 'The ' reconcllmc-nt oc curred after the judge-had granted the decree of divorce , but before 'it 'had ' been recorded. Brunt Is wealthy aiid'Tiqa ' a largo family. I'rult All-in Ifi'Ur thi' Sriilts LlAVRNI'OKT. la. , 1N6v. 29. ( Special. ) John Temple , on old/'nureerynian ' and fruit grover of this city , 'has 'discovered ' what he believes to be liio Sail Jcso scale on trees jud vines growing lu .this city. He noticed the Binall white scales on a climbing rose and Investigated , IJo ' found that It had made Itu appearance 6i | { rec end shrub : In several adjacent yards , , AB 'the government has spent a great deal , , of money flghtlnj this peat of the orchids the matter will be Investigated end steps up taken to stop Its spread. _ i j _ Moiilironifi-y County .Sueiir IlceU. HKD OAK , In. , NoV , 29. ( Special' , ) J. S. Stewart of Garfield township sent samples if BUgar beets grown on his farm to the ex- icrlment station at Ami's and Is well pleased ivlth the munu. The beets averaged 1 iour.il lOVi ounces , trimmed , and the test showed as follows : Crude sugar In Juice , 10.CC per cent ; pure sugar In Julco , 12.91 per cent ; substance not sugar , 3.1C per cent ; -iiirlty , 77.49 per cent ; sugar In beets , 12.27 per cent. _ A U \ MV Trlul ror Xiivnk , CEDAH RAPIDS. la. , Nov. 29. ( Special Telegram ) Torn II. Mllner aud J. J. Ney. ittorneyii for Frank A , Novak , who was laet iveek convicted of murder la the second legreo , in the cMctrict court today filed a moilon asking the court to set aside tin verdict and' ' allow the defendant a tiew trial Thirteen reasons are net up , all cMlmlnf errors In the record. The motion will bi argued the latter part of the week. A nexM fact came to light In the Xovat case today. During the latter part of tin trial Novak transferred his Watford propert ; to his wife. Efforts have been nvido to kce ; this secret , but today It leaked out. i to tlic Utrforniittory. CEDAH UAl'IDS , la. , Nov. 29 ( Special Telegram. ) Nora Dotson , aged 9 , and Mlnnii Urundlgo , aged 15 , were today sentenced t < the Mltchellvlllo reformatory for girls t < servo until 21 years old. ( The girls havi been carrying on shoplifting and had carrlci' ' away nearly $100 worth of goods from va rlous stores In the city. Oooil ItiiOm'MH III tin * Wont. P. W. Bennlnger of DCS Molncs , la. , li In Tacoma , Wash. , representing capitalist ! who hold sotno $90,000 of city warrants o Tacoma , which the city claims have nnc < been paid. "Wo bought the warrants It good faith , " said Mr. Bennlnger to a Tn coma Ledger reporter , "Just as nnyom would buy any negotiable paper and we bo llovo wo have rights that the courts will sus tain. Wo hope to secure the rehearing whlcl has been asked for and arc confident that li we can get It before the United States sir premo court wo shall win the case. "Iowa Is In pretty good shape this fall although the hog cholera during the las ! year caused some very heavy losses , but tin corn crop was large and the dairy Interest ! nro prosperous. "iJehraskn , too , Is doing well , but capl tal Is slow to go In there now under theli populist legislation. We shall not loan an. other dollar under their present stay law which Is full of delay and vexation to tlu lender of money. "On my way out I found business vcrj much Improved In St. Paul and Minneapolis and on stopping at Spokane I learned thai the farmers generally were paying off mort gages In eastern Washington. I nm mucl pleased to learn that the financial condition : In Tacoma are much Imp : o veil In everj way. " A Ilusliii'NS K.\l | < Tllllrlit. The town of 1'rlmghar , la. , will try a business experiment , beginning December. 1 , of Interest to other towns , writes a corre spondent of the Harshilltown Tlmcs-Repub- Mean. On and after that date general deal ers will neither sell nor buy butter and cggfl. The creamery butter and egg dealer ( one firm ) will pay spot cash to the farmero for all they bring in , and supply families In town , presumably for tosh also. This wil be watched by other dealers elsewhere , for any merchant can figure his profit durlnq one year as very small on this class of goods. 'The Looker-On prophesies the rock on which this deal will split will bo consumers having to buy of one firm or the farmers. Incident ally , It can he mentioned there will be a lot of mad women who cannot get "trade out" prices for their butter. Eggs are eggs , but butter Is not always butter. IlMVtliIMVM \ < ( U'M. A proposal has been made for the estab lishment of a good club in Dcnlson by the Germans of the city. A duster factory at Montlcello Is the largest In the world. The wing and tall feathers of turkeys ore largely uccd. The Congregational church society of Lawn Illtl , In Hard n county , has been enjoined from carrying off a church at New Provi dence. Twenty-six shot were taken from the arm of J. F. McVicker of Mapleton , who got In front of the gun shot off by IM. Henry while both were out hunting. Prof. John A. Craig , late of the Wisconsin experiment station , has been elected to the chair of animal husbandry at the Iowa Agri cultural college at Ames. Mr. Carpenter , who has been Investigating the Indian mounds at Oneota , Allamakee county , recently found In one mound a bone awl In perfect state of preservation. George Johns , a prominent .stockman of Ida Grove , Is on trial , charged with steal ing two steers , and the oise has excited con- sldcrablo-intc-rcst , owing 'to the prominence of the defendant. I The deep well at Holstcln , from which the town obtains Its water supply , commenced flowing muddy water last week and 'It wao discovered 'that a row and stronger vein had broken Into the well and the water supply Is better than ever. David Brant , member of the legislature from Linn county and for many years con nected with the Cedar Haplds newspapers , has taken charge of the Clinton Herald for Frank W. Mnhln , who expects to got an ap pointment as a ccusul. Frank. M. Hoeyo. proprietor of the Perry Chief , and B. P. Carroll , proprietor of the Bloomfleld Republican , are to get postofllces by favor of McKlnley. Arthur Willis , who was a candidate for the postofflce at Perry , Is slated for a deputy marshalehlp. Not all the creameries In the west are pay ing properties. The Mead creamery , near Waterloo , which had been In operation for nineteen years , Is go'ng out of business. The co-operative creameries have crowded It out of Its field. A Waterloo dispatch states that by actual count there have been 487 new bulldlnga erected thus far In 1897. The greater part of these were residences , but at least a dozen brick blocks are Included. Next year wo will sec a fine seven-story offlco building on the east elde ; also a 'new hotel and a modern opera house , all cast side projects. Clinton county has a number of success ful women farmers. Among them Is Mary Balrd of Bryant , who has for many years successfully farmed 1GO acres , doing much of the field work herself. Maria. Teeple of Baldwin tills her eighty-acre farm , doing the entire work herself. Mrs. Swan of South Grove runa a dairy farm and deals In stock. There are many other Clinton county women who own farms and exercise supervision over the tilling of them. Charles Crawford Is In Fort Dodge from Chicago proposing to build a hotel on the following plan : The building to cost $75,000. Of this amount certain local capitalists are to put up $25,000 In ready money ; Mr. Craw ford Is to give the hotel site aud the stone to be used In the building , together valued at $25,000 , and $25,000 Is to ho borrowed on the completed property. Mr. Crawford Is to have a half Interest In the building and the local capitalists the other half , the joint owners paying off the $25,000 mortc'igo. Town I'rcHH Comment. Sioux City Journal : There Is n'o ' "bitter ness" in the contest for fpeakcrshlp of the Iowa 'house ' and there ought not to he. Sioux City Times : The best manufacturing plantK In Iowa , are those which have grown up with the country ; and probably the rule bolds good everywhere. Kcokuk Gate City : A populist senator favors a law to keep railroads from offerlc III in passes. Ho has evidently .been studying the situation In all Its aspects. Denlson Rovlow : Governor-elect Shaw Is low passing through one of the cruclcal teats of his administration that of making ap pointments. There are always moro disap pointments than appointments. Mr. Shaw's Friends should unite at this time not In trying to further their own. Pclflsh ends , but In aiding aud supporting the governor-elect ivlth iholr best and most unbiased Judgment , Sicux City Journal : The packing business is certainly coming to the ( Missouri river. It Is probably true that a gcrat iiizny cannot ; co why packing should be done at Sioux Jlty , Omaha and Kansas City , ratbt-r than it scores of the cities both east and went ) f the Missouri river. But that Is not the material point. The Important fact Is that IICEO wh ? nro packers do sco why It should 10 to , Davenport Democrat : Charles O. Plummer , ho former bookbinder and printer of Davcn- In Heart IliMfiiNi * II WitrkM lII.-t > UiiKiv , "For years my greatest enemy was irganlc heart disease. From uneasiness fnd palpitation It developed Into abnormal ac tion , thumping fluttering and choking ecn- iatlons , I Jr. Agmaw'g Cure for the Heart save Instant relief , and the tad 0ymptocn tiaye entirely disappeared. It la a wonder worker , for my case was chronic. " Itcv. L. 3. Dana , PltUburjf , Pa. 37. Kuhn & Co. , 15th end Douglas ; Sherman & McConnt-11 Dtui : Co. , 1513 IJodfie Bt. port , -and later the gr wer of fine frulfo MI of own , Is n candidate for state librarliu It Is understood thnl Oovcrnor Shaw ha not yet pledged the place to any one ; bu It Is known thM several candidates hav been working the field for signatures to thcl petitions for some time ever since the ncx govcrirr announced thai a change Is to b made. Civil Scr\lcc imv Attain lit Court. TUKNTON. N. J , , Nov. 20-Judgo Kirk Patrick , In the I'nltod States circuit coun today on niipllcntlon of Lawyer Scinpli granted nn order directing Internal Itovcmii Collector Isnnc Moffatt of Cnnulcn to shov cnuso on December s .viiy a pcrmanrn Injunction ohould not Issue restraining hln from removing without n hearing three o his acputlcn , It. Page , W. J , Casper nm Henjnmln I' . Worthly. The effort to re strain the removal of thejie men l Imsri on civil service orders made by Prcplden Clove-land and President McKlnley. Thcr nro two rontllctlng opinions on the quefl lions Involved , Judge Jackson deciding tba the men coulit not be removes ! without i hearing niiil Judge Jennings taking the op view. lU'fiiM'H ( o Intorrfrri * nltli lloyrott. DHT110IT , Nov. 29.-Judgc Ho.'mrr of th circuit court today declined to Interfcr with a boycott by employes of n mlllln ; firm , -temporary Injunction Imd been Ii sued restraining tlie IJnIKvny Teams ! or.- union and Trades Council from unlnwfulr Interfering with the business of Jacob Heel & Sons. Judge Hosmcr stated ho wouli make > the Injunction permanent so far n violences or disturbances nro concerned , bu could not Interfere with "pcncc.nblo tllsltl butlon of boycotting circulars or other le Rl'.lmate means employed by the unions ) ti uccompHs > i their purpose. " ilU-Hl l-NUtti" Triuixfcrx. The following transfers nrc reported fron the title and loan olllce of J. W , Squire. 101 Pearl street : Sheriff of Pottnwattamto county to ICdwnrd W. Nnsb , part of lot 7 In 2i-7."i-4l. ; nml part m > U sell 2:1-75-44 : , nnil part so' ' , seU 23-7.1-I4 : s il $ 4,73i Ellzji Crawford to O. W. n. Wester- ilnhl , lot ! > In block 11 , Uecr's HUbd. Council liliHTnv ; d 4fl Sar.iti H. H , Uohrer to O. W , H. Wcjstenlahl , lot 1 In block 13 nml lot 111 In block 2S , Uecr's subd. Council HlUffs ; w d JM Edwin D. 'Hnki-r , Jr. , to Kllzabctli Oarlowskl. lot 1 In subd. lot G3 , orlRlnnl iilat. Council llluffa ; q c il. . I Martin Nelson ami wlfo to Lars Nell Hc > , i ncU lot 12 lu block 3. Hallroail ndil. Council HlulTs ; w il & F. M. Maxwell and wife to J. W. KVITSOU , lot 19 In block 3 , Carson , In. ; wil im A. K. Wilson mul wife to CMnrles AndercEOii , part 11014 seVi 21-7I-4U ; n c il st District Township of Hnnlln to V H. Perry , part 111-14 15-75-42 ; q c d. . ] Kdwln D. linker et al. to Kllzabpth Garlowskl. lot 1 In subd. lot G.1 orig inal pint , Council Hlurrs : qi c tl ] Itobert W. linker and wlfo to Kllz.i- both Garlowskl , lot 1 In subd lot Co , original plaet , Council HlulTs ; U c il : Ten transfers , total $6,17 : FflES TRIAL TO ANY HONEST MAM The Foremost Medic il Company in the World in the Cure of Weak Men Makes this Otter. HAIM'V MAIIItlAGIO , IIi\ITII , 1J.\ . Kit til' AM ) I.OXC ! MPH. Ill nil the wniJil today In nil the Iiistury ol the wnrlil no iloctor nor Institution hns tri'nto. . ' nml restori'il HO ninny men ns hns thn fiu et n JIliDICAL. COMPANY , of IlafTulo. X. Y. SCIENCE TRIMMING THE LAMPOF LIFE. This la title to the fnct that lh ( > copmany con trols some Inventions nnil discoveries which have no equal In the whole realm of medical srlenre. K < > miieii deception ) ian heen practiced In lul- rertlslnR that this grand old company now makes a Martllng offer. They will send thtlr maslcally effective np- pllnnce nml n month's course "of restorative remedies positively on trial , ullhout expense , teeny ony reliable man. \ot u dollar iici'il lie pnlil uiilll IT- xultN an * Uno\vii (11 mul iii-UiiiifvIoilKi'iI liy ( Iio iintlrtif. Th' E ie Mi-dlcal Company's APPI.1ANCB AND ItK.MDDlKS have been Inlketl or nnd written about till every man has hennl of them. The hlKhext meillenl authorities In the world liavo lately commended them. They possebs marvoljus iwwer to vitalize , < le- velcp , restore nnd nustaln. They create vlKor , healthy tlsme , new life. They Flop ilmins that pap the energy. They cure nil effects of evil ImbltB , excesses , ovci work. They Rlvc full KtienRth , development nnd lone lo every portion nnd orsun of the body. Failure Impwslhle , agt no bunler. Tills "Trial Without Expeniw" olfer Is limited to n short time , and application must bu madeat once. once.No C. O. D. Fchcme , nor deception ; no expo sure n clean biiplm-sB proposition by a company jf high llnnnclul and profexxlonal f-tandlnir. Wrlto to the Kit IK MKDK'AI. f'OMPANV. nuffnlo , N. Y. , and refer to their offer In thla nnper. \Vu will Bond roan llva (5) clnr trial trcr-tmout nt ttio French Ueaiear CALTHOG fri'C , l i > IV U. H'.J cinj a ICEn.l guarantee that L'ALTlios nlll RTOP IMirliarem and IIinlMlani , CUUKHnrnnfilorrlic'U.VuHrocclc , and Jtr.MTOUi : l.u.l Vlcur. Q H cost * you nnlhlnf to try It. VonMOhlCO. COI Bfcl"urrlripJU.riii > l ii > ll,0. I'KOPOSAI.S POll COAIv-U. S. INDIAN Service , Kosi'bml AKfiicy. S. I ) . , November S , 1S97. Sealuil iiropoa.'ils , endorsed "I'ro- )0snl for Coal , " and addressed In the. un- lerrlgncd nt Ho.scbuil , South Dakota , will > e received lit this agency until 1 o clock ) . in. of Mond.iy , Dcci'inber 0 , lt > 97 , for fur- ilshln urnl ( R'UviTing- the lionrdlnK school , under uhnrpo of this tinency , two nindred IOIIH (809 ( tons ) noft coal , Colorado unip , or cciual. Bald conl immt bo clean , 'ree from Hlate and othrr Impurities , wulKii ! ,000 llm. to the ton , and must he delivered is required by tlu > underslipiPd during the Iscal year fmllni ; Juno XO , 1S9S. All coal ifforcil for delivery under any contract will > o subject to n fluid limpc-cllon. The rlKht a reserved to reject any or nil bids or any iart of any hid If ilccmi'd for thu bent In- crests of the service. Certified Chcclis. Caoh bid must bu accompanied by u certl- led check or draft upon omo United States IcpoHltory or solvent national bank , In the 'Iclnlty of tin ) residence of thu bidder , mnilo Kiyuhle to the order of thu Commissioner if Indian uffulru , for at least D per cent of ho amount of thu proposal , which check > r draft will ho forfeited to the United itato.s In case any bidder or bidders rocelv- ns nn award shall fall to promptly execute . contract with KOOI ! nml sufficient Biiru- lex , otherwise to hit retunuil to tlm bidder , lids accompanied by cash In ileu of a ccr- Ifloil check will not he considered , Kor ny further Information apply to C'liarlcH 2. McChetmey , U. 8 , Indian A Kent. NIG IS 20 23 ii 27 SO D2I Try Grain-OI TryGrain-QI Ask yott Grocer to-day lo * how you n pftckagoof QHA1N-0 , the wow food drink that takes the } > 1nca of coffee , The children limy drink it without injury as well 03 the adult. All who try it , like it , GllAIK-0 has thnt rich seal brown of Mocha or Jnvn , but it is made from pure grains , and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. J the price-of coffee. If ! cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by nil grocers. Tnstcs like Coffee Looks like Coffee Insist thfit yonr croccr give * you G R Al N > O Accejit no Imitation , Searlos & Seavles. SPECIALISTS IN PRIVWEJI8HK8. WEAK SEN SEXUALLY. Alt I'rUitta Dl'cnie ! ) ft ni oritcrt of Ale 11. Treatment by Mull. CcuMiItntiou Free. SYPHILIS Cured for Hfo nml the poison thoroughly cloanied Ircm UioByMom. Spurmatorrlipn , Seminal WcalinciR. Lost Man hood , NlRlit KmisHliiim. Peonynl P.icultltii. Fo- mnlo WoaknpRs , nnd nil ilcllcntn disorders pecu liar to cltlicr BL-X , imKltlvoly cuml. VlT.r.3 FISTULA nncl KKCTAh U1.CKIIS , HVDUOOKI.H AND VAKICOCKLK p crmaiictiUy and nuccunstuliy cnrv < I , Molhoil now -iu tl unfnlilinr. fri&furead6leetnu ± . by new method without p.ilii or cuttlnir. Call on or nddrciiB with staint > IIO S. 14til St. . DRS. SEflRUS 8 WM. O.V.AIIA , MSB , K < > r Niili > Only liy .JOHN MMHOH , in Main St. , Co u n ! ! IllulVx. Dr. CARL ENGEL OI'TICIS. > - - > JIAI.V STUI3UT , In I'lumcr Dulldlng. . . . . 'IVli'iilioue . T DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. DR. Ii , E. ROJE5 , 'DENTIST Iloiini " - - , Mcrrliim llloeU. Talso Elevntcr. SPECIAL NOTICES i COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * October 20. HOT. FOU RENT , SAM-3 Olt Til ADR IY ION.\m > KVKltr.TT. I'OU niiNT-UoUEca In Council Hluffs 115. ou per inonlli c'horiv Hill and unu acre of Krounil , fruit nnd iMrden. 112. f > 0 Per inonlli New etore room , MxCO , on Itroadway. [ 9.00 per month ir * Thlnl St. . C rooms nnd barn. tii.00 per inonll-itli | M. anil Ave. 11 ; Rood barn. 17.00 per month120 Uroudway , stare room. IG. ( > 0 per inor' . . BOB ( jinliiini nv miu , C rooms. ( J.OO per mrf ' .n 1TB HMirc strict G-roum houiu. II .DO per r onlli llouev on Ninth street. Al'Iti : P tOPKUTV (8.33 ( per month A Will Irnr-rcfcil 5 nrres 2 miles from tu\ui. will Hike ont-hulf of the lent In woi k. POll HAI.E nty Propcrtv MOO Good houpe. tin : ; . _ ! > ) nnf. two lot" Kit Fifth u\c. , monthly pnymenii , , (7 prr monlh. ( ZOO Good hiiUFe uiul lot on A eniii II , between UlRhth nnd Ninth KIH. , ? . ' pi r month. (200 ( Good hou > o and lot on Clh nveniic , between 2Mb nnd ZOtli etu. , monthly Fnynicntu , JO per month. 15 lots In AVrlcM'B add fur 2alc at n very low price. PAHMH roil SAM3- 125 per ui're210acre fnrni , i mllea west of Grl - weld , eiiHtcrn pnrt of 1'ottawiittamle county. ! 25 PIT nnre 10 ncies oj Kiel furniinf land north of Neoln. 2. . per acre Well improved IfiO-ncro farm cast of Lovcland , I'ottawnttnmle cnuril } ' . :25 : per acre < 0 nerea of need farmlni ; or fruit land. 3 miles from Klilney. Krcmont county. ! 25 per neie SO ncics of KOO'l fiult bind , with nmull lioun ) . north of llurnhorK. J'rcinont COUIllJ tj per acre40 ncres of h'ood bottnm lnn < ] , gome timber. S milon rriuttof city llmitn. 120 per acie W ncies of Rfiul bottom land , 1 miles fouth of Council Illufff. 0-ncrc tracts of land 2 tnlU's eout'-i nf Hoiitn Omnhuj will take part payment In city prop erly. Inoil farmn for rent. Apply lo J'ZONAIII ) HVKKBTT. 1 I'enrl Bt , , Council Illuffn , Iowa. 15.00 per acre 49 nciea of eooil land In Jlonona county. Jve und tcn-ncro tracts near the city for ( .ala cheap. ] oed , cheap Ncbraelia binds for talc. VIII M'll any of the above iirnjinty on small payment down , balance In ten mmual pay. HientB. Ither irooJ farms for rale. 'XVIll lake part Iradt In clly propel ty or smaller farina , balance Ions time , annual paymcnio , iwnu.iNos , i'iYunFAHM ' AN ? ) QAU'DKN lands for eulc or rent , Uny & lien , U 1'earl street. IONKY TO I/DAN TinnrfKI ) HATH ON llrst-clntH Improveil farmx and Inildn rltv property. Apply to Jus. N. Ca ? > ady , jr. , 2:1 Main Instructions. Alhln Hiittor. 3JS llnmlwny. llermiin incthwl of Dresden c'oiiHCivulury , 7 W. " 8QUliiVB ' GIT V AND TAKM I.OA.NM. im AU'TATr ATiAitaAiN , "A HMAI.IV HUT well i-HlnblUhed and lemuneratlvu mereanlllu butlneta. Imiube of I ) . W. Oliu , 133 1'i-iirl et . Council IHuffiT , la , SOMETHING REAL GOOD ( FOUH FLiAVOIlS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. Made for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * * * John G. Woodward & Co , kWlioloyaIo .Manufacturing ConfcctioncrH. Council Bluffs , la.