Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE < nr ui \ DAILY BEE : TTE DAY , NOVEMBER 30.
0 Wc and Heavy ShipiMiiis BeraH
in L Ttr Prims
Pull In 7 > iiiirrnttir * Van lli - Onlj
' % n tinMnrkt1 l'nvor1tlr
to AVbrnt , lull Hint \Vnft
CHICAGO. K v.TTh . t wm weak
a. ' the Htan tnflar Mid hardly
fi't for tit * worfw , MI Ion * the
lat-tpfl. Al tte cJof Hwrcrabw
1 .wcr and MRItMTlVc lowrr.
tutilr * * M6 teavjworfl : > rihipt tit were
ttn tnalo factor * in the flrclln ? . though tlif
txinm * MDnenc of tr te eon tribute * note
o in titwwar4 fe * weahHM.1. Oth r mar-
I.IM w re wMtU In Hyrrttmthj' . Cl rn ] M
> - and cat * le , FrttvlKlonii vfert uti-
ctiantrpd t f.c l wr.
Bulls hi w'hMU were &vn a Imfly blow
rifrht at the Btart bj- the enormous world's
Bhipmetrtn , wMrh , ItiototfinR India , amount *
cd to 8.M3 , * bimbeU. Tbf effect was setin
In the opnlnc flfmrep. May starting % c
Jower at MSc , and lowly dfdined to sn c.
It recovered for a Mhort time to 31c , but
noon turned weak a pain. Di-rember wan
wen weakfr. utiirtlnp Jc lower at STVfce ,
and Hellinc off without a Mop to H7c. In
neither ojitlon WHB tliere anything but
mattered liquidation , lint theJe was an
alnuiKt utter lack of support , and a decline
was InetHtable.
L.lverj > n l was % d lower to start with ,
due. it was said , to MIC unlooked-for In-
creaR * . in Russian nhtpmentfi , which last
week nmountpd to 3,2Wi.Ot ! > bUHhelB.
The quantity on ocean past-ape was also
reported l.WO.M buxhels heavier than It
was a week BKO , and the northweetern re-
reluts were Etlll too liberal to be other than
liearlsh In thrtr eJT ct , althouch Minneap
olis and Buluth reported only 1,442 cars.
apiLlimt 1.R7C thf Mondey prucedln ; ; , but
torlay'p reduced number was stll ! lHTj ( ; card
more than on the correnpondlnp day of
Only one feature of the early news affect
ing wheat was pen lder'd favorable to the
liulIB and that WBR the blc drop In the
tempi rature. But this was almost entirely
J'rlmary markst receipts were ns encour-
uKlncly heatT to the b urs at , at any time
durlnc the reason at 1.524.7(2 ( busTiels for
the day. aiiitnm nU.KT. " liuhhels a year uco.
CnlraKP alsa contributed Its quota iof beaj-
ish Ktatlstlcs. KecelptE were IM cars ,
UCTitn.xt onlj17 < i last year , and local ele
vator storks increased STS.OiW bushels.
Th > visible Bupnly Inrreawd WS.WK ) bush-
> ls lam week , compared wttli a decrease
the Rlmilar wi-pk a year ago of 1,0 7.0'M )
buHlielB. The total visible now Is 33Kifi.GOO
Imshels. apulnst jS.yH.OOO bushels last
Picurcs on the export movement arrest
ed the dct-.lne for a time. Atlantic seB-
liuard cleuranppB since Saturday amounted
to 73 < i.K' ( bushels.
I'arlg odvlc-i-s to St. Louis were to the
effect that France would require about 20.-
lioo.ow bush * IF of wheat between December
1 of this year and September 1. 1KB.
The English visible -was reported to lhave
a.-c-reaned 141,009 bushels , notwithstandlnc
-verics ! ! from English farmers last week
ver much heavier than usual.
After the posting of the closing Liver
pool cables , which showed lV fi"i-d decline ,
lor.c wheat beuan dribbUnp out acialn. May
Fradttnlly sold down to Rtflxc. "Ut wa =
brltiBinc St'SfiSO'Wo at the close. December
u.lined to JtBc. a.nd closed at that price.
Porn was < asier from the start. Tlie ac
tion of wheat and a W decline at Liver
pool were chiefly responsible for the
rciurse of prices. Elevator interests were
tiTiderttte sellers of both December and
May. and there was quite genera ! selling
< : December by commlBslon houses. Shorts the principal buyer ? Heceipts were
377 cars. Atlantic clearances were SXMKl' '
bUFhele. 1 he sjiread widened to S c. May
rnnced from 2PS S i c to y.X S\fC. and
c owed % -c lower at L'S gc.
Tht market for oats was dull and unln-
1 resting , though steady In comparison
with the other grain markets. Business
cotiKlsUd chiefly of changing from De
cember to May. and not mt'ch of that. The
break In wheat had a depressing eflt-ct.
but tracing wns too narrow to admit a !
rnur'h decline. Receipts were 4 m cars. The
visible supply Increased 2T.3,0.0 bushels.
May ranged from 2ff ! 'Vt > c to inT cand
r.osed Vc lower , at "lv ( fi c.
Provisions , though very dull , were firm
during the greater part of the day , with
prices averaging a little 'higher. ' Prices
fiir hogs higher , and foreign advices
wt-re "more favorable. Toward the end
the market felt the prevailing depression in
ivlt . B r > rl ct.f-Mr.1 lin r l * cnm * >
about unchanged at . .
EMlmated receipts Tuesday : "Wheat. 50
cars. corn. K3 ! cars ; oatH , 01)0 ) cars ; hogs ,
S7.WO head.
Leaumg futures ranged as fullows :
Xrtlclcfa. . I O ; > "n Hlrh. ' .Low. | Cloaa. | Sat'y
NOV. . . ! P7W.
Dec 1 IT. H7 j
Muy. . . 111-U
Nor . „ ! 20
Muy . . . 2UH
Dee. . . . 204J
liny. . . l-'lM ,
7 neB 7 2S 7 ! C
Jun . . . B .2H , t < 17U
Mny. . . U 40 S 40 h 42V
Deo. . . 4 1S . 4 07 407 4 rju.
JUTI . . . 4 J 4 a7 i ! 4 Il'-Si 4 Ui'H , 4 iC !
Mny. . . 4ID 1 4 7H 4 411 4 4''lt
Dec . 4 17i 4 : r. 4 If.
Jan 4 IT ! , 4 10 ! 4 IS 4 17k HS
Mny. . . 4 HI ) 4 HU ! , 4 .10 4 .10
No. i.
quiitHtlonn were ae lollowR :
FIX > L'B Hnwdy.
WHEAT No : fiirlnc. K fefllc ; No. S
, , : u , No. ! mil. MtlS7ic.
< -.iKK-Mo. . t. S5i Wic.
, i TS No. S. 8 % iC , 1. o. b. : No I white ,
4x < . No ! wr.lle , " <
JVE No. I.I8C. .
TIMOTHT HEEn-1'rlme. jS Ci
I'RfCSnwOXA Mass porh. pe.r bbl. S
lur.l. j.or 1W Hie. . M.20 4.Kh ; ihurt rl ld c
( li. . > ! < - i. M : : M. < r > ; dry Mltud Miouldere
: < 7 : , W. on. kin , t clwir HlJcn ( uoiccdl. H 4HM.60.
SI ' 3AKS rut loaf. K.M. crHnulutud. JT.i.
FJour. trtflH. . „ _ . . . . . . . . 11. oou II.OIIU
\Vhoa ; . UU - . i24.1llll hO.IIDU
Corn. 1)11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CillM.OilU n7H.tllU )
Oat * . , bn-- . . - . . . . . . - - . . 7IIH.OIIB 74b.UIH )
l.urli.J.bll 40.01) ) | )
On tlie I'roouee ei"liuligf. today tli * butter inar-
lt'l wa lirm. onti.m rliic. l.'ijt . . dairlet Utf
2 ! > i ( ? .i * tM : quiet at h4l W ( Kufc. trvfih , ItiV.c.
L.lvr pouitn. MwiiU1 ; turkey i- Hcblckeru. . , it ;
KprlllCM , tf vC. dUCKH. fift.1 * T1 ;
fluiitlllinilf. of tlir IJnj u Crurral
NEW TOKK. Nov. 2 * . FtiOl'B KLOVIPIK. K.-
7 libU. . expiirt * . i.47 lil'U. uulet und Ivww ;
ert u.HtH.i" ' . wimur iia-Utntm. : ivijuiir
wlnt r low rajtm. tt.kuit3.1U. Kje Jlaut. dull ;
Juli ) . t.7S4 > 3.ft. llurUwtaat Hour , qul t M ILJt
tfl 5U.
- ' at
RYB Wnok. No. i wmtern ,
liAHLBVWait' t 4
} 14.RLEV MAW Dull ,
IHL : fiKjr
bu . W"1' . itmrkKt oultx ; No. 1 , We. Pjitlui
oiivned WHl. uuder l nrliit cubl ii , iurnlgn toll-
IHL unil blc nwlkwnu r o tl > u > unit < twUo d ull
die wltb few iiioeiilionh. Inlluuuoed furtlmr U ) '
litl'uiilatliinii lutd llclit KKIMITI dwnaMl : oi Md 3 ,
iUVc lit lowxr : NiK'sniber clubod ut > Hc ; D -
Jinnlwr. l- & iic , 1'luw.d 7 ? L.
O > KK KewrttiU. IQT BW bu. . UKparti , S0.4M bu. ;
fiK.l. we W ; Nu. ; . X3u. Oitiuu | niKrnvd outty
under prwimoto ut lurpt-T . doclindwith
vhsui > Ml l" * r < W i ttnd OI > MH > VifHur net
lnn r. HwnxatHir , SH c. oluood Sl c ; MK > - . MHV
.c . otow < X Vc.
. * . * > u. , vxiHirtt * j 4 T bu :
t. 3 Vc tiptluuis werr dull mid
( na-urKlKOf ikll U . eluMln uucliuncvd ; I > ne n > -
twr cliMMid HI SrS.6 *
HAY Quiet , otaiiplnc. H i . pfiod t * clwlce.
HOIBFirm . nut * , common tc. cttalwt 1HIJ
rroii 4lt < f. ' l w ; tlro ' * * < I87 orep. *
Vuritic cuin t MW. oroji , tf c. ItrK crop. 6Vc ,
1 OuTfedton. lie ; Trai * . ISe ;
. li&ikc.
LEATHER Quint ; bea > luck ole. Iluenot
B rf mwui ) . family.
10 W ' rctni mm , S7.iHx8 .vu. lxf imjns ,
- Nl'Nirk l. r .tKttuai Out menu. Bttsudr :
rTcUvd Iwllla K. nr7.CTW mcUMd chauldeni.
i57 ( , jiieUed lu-niii. H.S T.Sw Lord , tiuiier
nrlme no m. : vreiterc meara , M.4U ; rcttnwl ,
oulrt TarM more ctlre tneu. H-1WJK.WI ; liort ,
clB r. * lO. lrtt w funillr JU. & u.w. Tallaw.
flull cttr , S J-36c. oount-y 3WC3S.C. af to
ntudj- prime crude. S .
jirtiiie j'flln Petroleum cla0 ftt fflc 1HS.
jUMto Knlnrd. usmmnn 19 nuoo , tt 40
01 . nrm at none
Iron , wummu cacy ut JCU bid ,
LUui copper uulrt at ' C WO.
i'd Tn : ln' . nf r" imi
< iiiw K M DC am . ! i .i , . u i
< | Ul - t C Ti bid ti Pi linked ! n * . , .
IT v. .
* m \ \ white
< * * ;
.II. .
* * , mil Mctfmi .
I * * * . matin 1 ran : IMt
FlHI f 9Htf * ) ' * ftttiflL. | A9Mf , twtflrfl. ZJc.
Conilltlon < if Trn lr nnd Qi
in Slnjile ntxl I'nnrj Produce.
BOO * fltrlrttr tmih. 17r.
BITTBBmmuB U > t tr. MHlc ; rhnie
tmncf. 14tnr ; Minmtar UPMIM f ) . Sti- ,
oir * f t m to 11 * Ibc. , qunt'd at If :
Inn * md FOKTW . : .
im PorLTHT OrtrtpMm , HWc : tir-
. . , , , .
riOB Nt ! Live. 7 c. d-fcfl liWmmi not
HAT DTtlHWj. K.M. mldlmiQ. R.W : .
.P > ' tire Ktr . . color tnnke * th prlee on
h r : INrht bkli > * Mil the Imn ; cmlr tar
brine top ) il turn.
CELKBT-Oooa mock , largo. le ; tmiM.
bu. . PiQUiL
-rrtctHI : m * r. ixabu. . ,
I-OTATOBS IVr bbL. C,7 .
CABIIAOB Hntne Bmwn pw m. .
TOTATOEP Home prown. 49 c
muck , i 47nc.
- . pit Imc. tl. .
AI'l'LR.e Winter wocfctua * . f > , CuHtornl *
Ben flower lies' * . tLWK5i. * ; Colomdv Jmm-
th n * . tKrne * n To
CliANBKRHIEP-J'rtwi ! . l r bbl. , rr. : Vis
rntmln lleli A Hugle. S7.E41.
Owid winter Nell * . tt.M.Mb.
Mb. bastirtm ,
ORAJTOB& Mexican , per IKJX. J4..W ; Louis
iana. M.S8
USMONP-MifwlniU ! . 30 . > * . . SOU , . ' *
[ O : California. 3W. I.BMflS7t ; 3IW. JS.TTHN. : . " . .
BANANAS Chtrtec. lunre mock , per bunrh.
J5. HJ .IS ; m-aiurn-nliea Iwnchw. S1.7MK.BO.
NVTP Almonds. l r lb. . larce Bl c. 14ffl.V.
, .mills , iier In. , ll r. Bncllsh walnuts. PT Iu. .
fun-y. soft shell. Mr. RtanilRras , HMWlr ; nil-rtii
per Hi. We. { " van * . jKilinlmd. Innre. Iffflttc-
Jumtm. lc ; Isrire hickory nuts. .S per bu.
nniull. M per Im. ; cuooanuiB. l r 1W. IS.75
4.W ) . tieHnutR. raw. MKc ; manted. Mrf. > xc.
nopiniporte < l Tnno. S cn > wn. 14-1 tt. Imsefi
UUP ; K crown. 41U. . iMistes , ISe ; S-lb. boxeh. EVi
lief Ixis. .
HONET Choice white. l r
KKAt'T-I'iir bbl. . J4.w N.K : half bbl. . XJnQ
" * 49.
S1AI'1.T3 STUrr rivcal. . cans. cnrh. ST. ! '
cat. cans. pure , jwr rtoz S1S.BO ; baU-RiU. cant
JC.IJ : quart cani. , M.30.
DATE ? I'er 60 to 7 > i-lb. boses , f.tjc ; Parfl Mb
CIDISR rer half bbl. . JS : blilB. . J5.50.
rncsH MCATS.
PRnSSni > EHEF Ooofl native ntcerti. 7c : coofl
forequanens. Bteerii. nr , peed blndqtiarterB. dc ,
western steers B < ! Hr : fancy lielfers. r scpooti
heifers fie. Rnod forequartere. heifers , r * ; r : poofl
lilnilguurterB. bulIexE. fcVsi. . coed cows , B" > iC. toll
Cows. * r.
BEEF CCTP Tenflerlolns. IBr : boneless strip *
IH- . strip loins. 7c : rolls. V c ; sirloin butts FV.
shoulder clods. Bc , rump butts , S ge ; Bte"
shoulder plodt , pi-r ; rump butts. F c : steer
rhucks. rp " ; coft chuclzs. 4 ac ; bantUctiS cnucks
4 > r : cow"plates. . 3c : steer plates , Sfer ; Hank
Bleak. ( % c , loins. No. 1. 14r ; lolnh. No. i JO c.
loins. No. S f > c : Blrloln ends. No. 1. 6c ; ribs.
No. 1 , lie ; No I. M c : ribs. No. S. Cc ; stee.
rounds. 7dc. cow rounus. < Hir ; cow round * shanl
off. Stee. trimmlncs. 4ir. ; beel tihanus. Jr.
brains , per dns. . a c ; rweetbreads. per lb. . 10-
sweetbreads < calve ) . per lu. . 40r : kidneys , pe ;
am. , 3ac : ox tails. euih. : 4c ; ltem. . per lb. . Sc.
hearts , per lb. . 3e ; tjnpueB. per IL. . U.TSC.
M1TTON Lambs , 7e. siieen fnf market
racks ( lutiK ) . * i. hotel racki < ( Bhortl. llr ; leRf
and euddkfi , ! < e ; lamb less , fir , breasts BiiU
Btetrs. 3c , tcmcues. ench. 3c-
I'ORK Hrefsed pigs. S c ; drcased hoes. Sr
tenderloins. 15c : loins. 7c ; spare ribs 5c ; Imrn
fiiiUKUpiliuttE , OUr ; shnuldiTB , rouph. n" : Hhnul-
dcrs. skinned. PHtc : trlmmlnek. f' se ; leaT luri' '
nut rcndwed , r. c : heads , cieuned. 4c. snout and
ears , 4e ; buckbones l * r ; plieek meutu. 4fet.
neck bones. Se. pips' tails. 4c. plucks , eucb. ti * .
ehlttejllnRS. 6c : bocks. 4e ; nDortK. per dcz
: . " . ( . stomachs , each , 3c : tonpues , each. 7c ; kld-
nej-s , per doz. . lot , brains. ] icr daz. . lie ; jilp * '
feet , per dos. . Sic , livers. uch. 3e.
HIDES-No. 1 preen hides , 7c ; No. S preen
hides. 6c. No. 1 railed hlfl.-k. Wir ; No. I preen
halted hides. 7 > jc ; No. 1 veal calf. B to 12
Pic. No. : veal culf. II to lo Ibs. , ic
SHEEI' I'ELT ? Green waited , each
p-een ult < Hhearltnps ( sheri wmiled eailj
skins , earn KK . drj shearltnps ( short v'oolt
carl > Bktnhi. No. 1 , cuch. c ; dr > - Jllnt. Hansa
and Nehrufka liutciier wool pelts , per Ih. , artu ,
welptit. 43c. dr > ' flint. Kansainnd NeliraaU
murrain woo ! ilis pr lb. . uctual weight. 3 i
4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelt& , pt
! b. actual wcipht. 4ffuu ; dry Hint Colored.
murruln wool peltE. per lu. . nctual weight. 3ff
HORSE HIDES Each. , tl.1i"HM < Z
TALLO-Vf. GIlEASE , ETC. Talmv ! No. 1
: * : tullow. No. - .
jc Jijp ; rouph tallow. ! - < - .
w lilte preuHc , rteei' c ; yellow und brown prenut
mtS Beer ( black or In-Dwni K OOfiSO 0"
utter. $1.5ne > k.CC : mink. 5.00 ® j.W ; beaver. n. (
UC Cli. Hkunk. Ur. 135 , Sue , mutUrat. 3c , 5c. 7c
raccoon. I5O60e : red fox. Kcfra.3 : prey lei
5..PBOP. wolf ( tlmher ) . : , " ® : . > ; wolr Ipralrl
I'oyote ) . Iu4fc , wildcat. lOCSlt ; badger , D40.-
Bllver fax. . SM. ( JS. . { < )
M. l.onif. Cenenil Murkft.
IxiIISK ° -FLOITR-Quiet. . mead-
unchanped ; patents. $4.7oe .fO : BtralphtP"
u } ' ana J'uC tor December. Jlay OJWIH
lover , decline ! } -c more , rfovered tha
and then declined Hie. clouinp ' ig' , c ulwve tl
hottom Spot. eudy. No. 2 red cash. el vato >
Wr ; trucl : R7 fi7ic ! : No I hard cosh SGr De
i-cmlMjr. WH.C. Mej. asSiSrM - .
CORN Futures hhowed an almost steady dc
cllne troin the opening and at the close heller
were jc below Saturday. tlioiiKb May \\tn thei
* c IMIOW the liotlom. Spot , meady : No. I tus *
'S c bid. I > ecemhcr. 24 c ; MRJ 27Vc
OATS Futuren dtil ! nnd Iruptlonally Inwer. !
sympathy with wheat alii iruro. SIKH , lowut
No. Z cawh. elevator , W&c ; .trouk. amia c NCI
: white , cah. S4r ; Ieffeml r , ! 0c ; " May , SVji-
RYE Stronc. 4C14C-
FLAXSEED Lower. S1.01.
rK > ItNMEAL Steady , SI. 40.
BRAN Stronp. oust track , sacked , t4e-
HAY Firm , prairie. Jl-WSS-Si ; Umothy , JSft
10.0. _
Ht'TTER Steady , creamerlS ® ic ; flair }
IXKJS Hlchcr. 17ic !
_ METALS L-ud. dull. K.rt. Sp-lter. dull.
S3 . "HHellers. .
I'll VISIONS Pork. Quiet ; ntaudard mess Jol-
blnc. JRJS S.M. Lard , easier , prime steam
M.fin * ; chole * . J4 It ) . B con. boxed luu. cxtru
short clear , Iu.K'n&i. ' ' . ribs. , . choru
" " ' "i.TB. Drj' ult meats , bnxed nti'jul u-rr
extra ehon rlaar. $4.7T4-t.B7 ( . rib-
' * " : shorts. JT-.l"1- * " . * " .
REHTEIIT ? Flour. 4Wn. bhlB. : wheat. C3.00
bu. : mm S .iMio bu. : outs , ru Ctu bu.
SHITMBNTS Flour. 4. 0rt bbls : wheat. K CO
bu. ; oorn , U7H.i ( bu. : oats , 12,0141 bu.
llnltlimire Market * .
MALtllMORE , Nav. 31 FLWB Dull . west
ern pup"tlne. IS.Mifeil.lii , western extra. 13.454 ?
4.2W ; wentern fuOTib' . 4.5I M.7 : : winter wheut
iratentp. J4.Hi < iT. in. sprlnc w.iaat patents. I.Mii
T. : : , , Hjirlnc wheat struiphu , J4.iUtK..UU ; reoelpte
4WHHI l.bls. ; eKJions. S4J bbl * .
WHEAT St B ! y : De-emlmr , 77.eMc : steamer
No. Z red. K'ifW * ; reiiuiirtu , S7.7S3 hu : . -i.ii.irt > -
U6.K ! bu : Miullmni wheat , by nample
Hiiutliem wlifut. on piBde. W > V > @t > S iC.
OORX Eaw , apnt * ® 3ta" . Jnomh.
Dpp * ml er , tf tl SHLic ; December nr Nnxemb r
new or old. KiCH' r. reeflipts. 13t > .2i7 Im . > uth
em whitcorn. . ZK > v't huutham yellow 33 ? 34'
OATF-Flrm. No : whHe. ! C Ve. No
uilied. S Z7ireurt . SUK3 bu.
RYB EuKi r ; NJ. : weittem. S3tr , receljitb
.sa IHI.
HAY 8tead < : Choice timothy. tlS uiKed.
BRAIK FREIGHTS Fl-m. meam in LIverptMil
I > er bu 4 % c. Deoeml > er ; Cork , fur ordure , p .
quarter 4s TM-eenilier
Bl'TTER Steady . fanry creamerj- . 232-c
BOGS Steady. tw u.- * .
CHEESE Market Muck heo - ; fancy Nen
York Urgt , Mn ioc ; lave- New Yorfc. tmtll
Knntmti City GT-uln nnil
KANRAP rrrr , NOV. = .
luwer. rathnr weak ; No. 1 hurfl. UKNo. : . " . SU
lie. No. 4. 7fi0Bc ; No , 1 red. S c : No. 2.
Xu. a , BMMarNn. . 4. f& + c ; No. ! uprtnc.
Br , No. S. M4l * > Wc. .
CQItN Riwdy , No. 2 mlre , 24,8940 , liatw fu
peel A 1.
OATS AP'iv. aliout Uhlctef : No. I wh te. 3
HYESluady t 41c.
HAY AiuK-p stvudr : ehotoe timothy. K.tHt
k.TJ nluiloe prairie. H.M.
Bt'TTKR Sumdy * wriptf moderate. or am r >
It * * * : dtttn1J4VI5C. .
BGOS-Aetlvt , flnn ; * nwh calidl J , ] 7t ; utorage
Ite.RBTEIITV Wheat. 1H.899 ! . ; JTJ U'.S 0 bu
oam. 12.8X0 bu.
HHIPMHKTSWheat , , 90 bu , ; oorn , 41. * ' ! " bu
oat * , none.
\t w Orlt-Bu
StwidJ I ark mew , utanAarA. H c Lard retme
tierce Hie. Biixod moau , in Halt houlil * > rM in
Billet , 4\c ; banon. cl ur rib tOec. Ci c. Hanu.
r. c. . ftiyCWH
noFFHB I mil. lUo. ( M-diEnrj- ir.
FLOini Extra fiuicr , MH
nCIRNMEAL Quiet , tl.60.
1HIAN Quint. CfcfrWc.
HAT-Eat - ; Wlnit. IliJ&M ; cbsiee. lli.H *
CORN Steadr No J mcUei white
niU J. afcMSr yeHow MtMtlc.
OATS Steady Nu. : imcked.
I'.ICE Quiet ; ordlcary M >
Urrrpuul Murt'et.
sbon out. uttniv at 91 * . Long clear ralddhw
llctat mvadr Lt M < M. lace ctor nildd'.vk
lm vr meudy &t 5 , Khun a ) w Uaak * Mead )
ut Xm 6d Lurd. prlmr w * un > firm at au hi
Baoon. ulecr Iwlllef , II to 14 Ibi. Una at J3f
. HEAT-Bpot , Jfu. L uonlwrt wiring , dull a
id KWd
COIllf Spot. Anwlcan ailcrd. Btuody ut 3c
3\a miuusibur qul t at i * I a Jauuan uui
m u n a.
Th bnuoru of trheiit ito Uposl fjr the
" ' ' ' * * ' ' ' " ' " '
. . . ' . . , .
'l 1 < n A ImP'lf 1' ' ' " "
riurlnniitl Mitrkpt.
Ki XrLot'K PuIU
fBttiit ) . IR JMIMTK
COR * Arti "Kf. . . s rntHl
OAW mraft ? . N , , ; itild. . > Mi- .
qnlet at M M TOrnn. Bt *
_ „ . * KT Stotifly t 11.11.
Bl'l'lttN BaT-
BOQE-Flrm nt W * c. _ _
CHIJBSB rinti. ( rood t Jtrtni * Ohio tl V 1W
Ornlti ltel.l nt PrlnHitnl
ST. lOflB. ? . . R-mrtrni : inn * . W < * .
Ko . . -
. K T . Renrtptii : tfhw * . W t r :
oom. 77 aitv. a . 7 * - . Rt n ! t t "
Wbmt. > n cut * , mm. Hi cm , net * . M >
I Tt.tTH. Xtn- . .
19OfltA KmHnTl > illi : Cnrn. . * > hna.
adc. M. * " * nm. : ryv. now , Tt-hMiy. 71 Wrtn. .
vlma. i.snn tun. iShnmiontif Corn. W.tBC hu * . :
amta. IXOBd hiw. , rjre. nonr ; whtrj , l.Rft bhh :
now. .
TOLBDO. Nw. . WTCKAT Artlre but lower.
No. 1. C HI I and IXTemlH'r. t3\t
CORN Low r but H'tlx-e. No. I mlxefl. S7c.
OATfi Dtill not irtMidr : Na. I mix * * . VHo.
HVB-AoOrt. hut lower : No. I mhv , > ec.
CtOfHH SEED Active but steady : prime cash
and Peermbe17 > 4. ,
I'hllmlelpliin Proflnpr.
PMILADEU'HIA. Nov . BtTTBll Firm :
'ancy western creamery. SSe , wertern prints.
BOOP Firm : frenh nearby S l < 4c ; wr tern ,
CHUESE Vnrhanp'd.
Drtrolt Mnrkct.
TJETIKMT. Nov. . WHEAT No. 3 while ,
; No. I r * * , ! ' < ; t > ceml r , Wfer. May. K > c.
OORN No. I mixed 27r.
OAT5 Nn. S white. N c.
IlTB-Na. I. 47c.
Prorln Mnrkrt * .
PBOIllA. Nnv. CORN Stf nflr : No. I. riftie.
OATP 3t"fldv : Ni. J white , SHC.
WHISKY Market steady ; hlph proof spirits.
1.1ft ; alcohols. S2.21.
Snn AVIn-nl Mnrlirt.
BAN rnANTlSro Nov. S. WHEAT Firmer ,
n eeml r. tl 46i4 . Msv. J1.4I.
BAHL1ST S udy. December R7"ir. May. 5 j ,
STOCK. * . A\D IJO\I > S.
Market Open * tvlth un Ailvuurc. lint
TOKII Nov. 20 There wns an nr-
pumulatlon of commission house orders In the
market ut the o ; > nlnp this mornlnp. which hnd
come In over Sunday as a result of the strenptli
dljplayed by the stock market on Saturday. Tin
quotations for Americans were also run tip on
the London exchange before the ojienlng here
As a rpni > quenre thr market opened with quite
an animated buylnp movement and advance ot
a marked f ruction along1 the line. But lim l uj -
ers of Friday and Satur y Immediately set
aliout realizing their profits nnd the advance
came to on untimely end. The motive offered
for the selling wns the withholding : of tlie de
piston of the Nebraska maximum frelghl cap-
by the supreme coun There were occasional
rallies uur'ns Ihe du > . Sucsr mounting Ftrnncl )
upward , afler a preliminary decline , to tlie ex
tent of almost S imlnts. There was very heavy
peculation tn this stork durlnp the day. selec
untlnc to one-third of all sales , or over
Hi shares and Us price closed unchanged
from Saturday. There was some buylnp for th *
London account on the decline to cover eon-
tracts made in London ut the early higher level ,
nnd this alst- helped tn steudy the market. Th
early weakness soon overtook it and "was thi
prevailing tone for the balance of the day , net
derllnes reaching to neur a. point In many lead
ing stocks and exceeding that in spaclal cores
Manhattan was markedly -vieak nil duy and
suffered a tiff loss of IV People's Gns .lso de-
velo | d lute weakness * uid lout nearly a point
on the dnj. The groupers xvcre quite consplcu
.iu In the decline as In-lnp most Immediately
interested in the Nebraska fr'lpht law. As a.
result of the lively realising movement and th *
irtlve n r"lntion tn Sugar sales of slocks ran
up to near SPfl.Wi shares before noon , s Jlpure Ir
excels of ar.y total dcy'r tmdmg far several
The continued strength nf sterling excuar.
attracts much attention , tn view of the siutur
uf the International balances. Posted rates wer *
\dvancei * &r fur Imth long and Ehon sterling
There Is B feeling that the Investment l'U'lli | ;
.f long exchange , the leaving of funds due or
nulunce In Interest abroad. nd the arrivals of
= eld from San Fran lscd from Australia ore not
lufucienl combined to account for the strenptl.
f exchange nnd that there Is much li&fnle-
lHnp of hlch class American wcurlties b >
Euri pean holders for tranEfer to this hide r.r
-he water then on the surface appears. The high
level of prlPL-s for this grade of securities RUCH
tci confirm this \iew.
The very heavy Increase In th loans nf clear ,
luc house banks , amounting to over S4.WO. ] io
us shown in Saturday's bank statement. Is. alti
being -lo ey ! scrutinized. Tlie explanation thai
he lncreae was contieeted with the fnlon PB-
-lllc company's pavment to the government doet
ot entlrrly cnver the ground , as the expansion
-.f loans previous to November 20 was already
-ullii-lcmt ! to account for that operation and wan
-ttrlhuted to It. Saturday's stntement seems tt
indicate that the payment to the government
which was left on deprwlt in the hanks , hue
Hlrearty ten t Immediately repluc"d In loans. ' -
he 1'nlon Puclllc reo'Kanlzatlon committee v
upposed to hnve already secured all needcu
'unds b forp lust Mon' y' payment to the sro\-
"rnment It Is dldicult 10 account for this large
iliwrptlon of money in vlevr of the known con-
rtition of the money market , demand for mone >
lietnc verj' < 5 U * n1 fl parttn nts.
The bond market was quite r-ctlve end broad
nd price * were higher tn almost all capes.
Trial sel s. II k" DCOfnlted States old 4s. rep .
re W higher hid. the 6s V htpher bid nnd thr
new 4s u. higher hr" . Th"re were sales of the
new 4s coupon , at 12SH , the highest on record.
Tl e Dventnp Post's Luudon nnnnciol cnbu ?
gram : The Mock markets were quiet today n *
n whole , 'but consols were still rising. Amen
pans had a steady oiienlnp and became llrmer.
hut sapgei off nt the cloce. The tone , however
wns better than tt has l en for dnys past. The
" 800 000 of Itidtu treasury blllu have
l.eeu tiixen In six months' paper at 2d over 2
hut the money market It easier The Paris bourse
hnd n dull openlnp. but closed firm.
The Jnlloim.K were tne clnatn ? quotation * on
he leading stocks of the New Tart exehanee
today : _
\trhlHon 1SK do ota 140
aoptd ! ! 7 k St-P.4. um 7G'
Halllmorei Ohio. . 1 ! ! ' do pa ( 14 ,
CanadaPacinc. . . . S0' . 9UP.M.AM 121
CunadttSoutnern ! i"t So. Pacific . ' 0
CnmralPaeiac Ill f-o. r.ullwnr P"
rheH iouto . . 2iH do pfd an
Chlcn-oi , Alton. . . . 1C1 Texas K Pacl&c. . . . Ill
R II I Q ! P4i < "OiilonPacluctr. . ' 'H
CAE.T C2Si n P.D.4G 7 ( ,
f C. C SL St. L. . . . B-'f ; Wnbash n
rtopfd 7s I rte ptd 17V.
D-.1 .vHudson . . 10S Wheel , i L. E. . . . I'-
Hoi L. A V 154 Wtietu. A L. EL plC "
Den. 4 UioG ll t , Adsii * Ex inn
donlfl 44 lAuiurlcim Ex 117
Erie innwi 14ilrntted ( Ststen Ex. . 41) )
ErlelBtpfa SB | Wells Fanro Ex. . . . 112
Pt. Wavnn . . . Hiy iA. Cot. Oil 21'
OreiitSorlunrnpta 13 l do pfd .3-
Hopfcinr Vall v. . . 4 * , Ain. Spirit * . - . . . - '
Uilnoii > Central JIHK Am. Siiirlth pfu IH
Laf.e Erin iW . . lfi * Am Tooaeoo 0
do pfd 111 * - do pic .330
Lar.eHhore . . . .170 .Peoples' . Gad iij1
Louisville i NuBh r,4i.j.Cons. t lih IBj
Munhattun L 101 tCotn. Cable Co 175
Mirt. St. ItV 114WCol.F. | .Vlron 11 !
Mlchlpan C mnil..lll M flo pfd * + HI )
Minn. & .St. L . . . . tt | Gon. Cleutrle ! 1T
dolmnfd r = 7 lUltioli-5U-ol 41
Mo I'aallic > * 4 LoClode liat . . . . . . 41
Mcihlle.vOhlo . . . . US iLeutl R
Mo.K. i. T 121 < do nta JOB
do pta m 'Nia. Lin. Oil IM ;
Chlciipo Itid. i. L. . . Hv'Orwon Imp. Do Ifi
tOJd ) , in Puuific Mail 2 y
N.J. Ceuirul h4i Pullman Pal. . . . . . . 170
K T Central lOHVi Silver C ratlniiif . . 8H
X.T.Cnl. A 91. L 18i Stauft.Jtope & .T. . . . 4 ! .
Uolm pfd 78 Siicar IWJ *
uo2dpta Rl So PfO 11-
Norlolk Jt Weatarn 13 'T ' C. A. iron i'4
Ko.AmHr.Oo 41 * U. f > . Luillher 7
No.Puoltic 1 K' do ! d 03 *
do pla iSniC. A. Bubber : 311
OumrloV 16t * > do pld fiE
Ur . K. i Nav . . . H4 W rn Union. . . . P '
cirti. Shon Line lx KiirtUwwrtern 121
Pltthburc 3li7 < l douM 1114
liaudinc "IH Rio Rraud * Wi-sj. . 4
Ilimklhlaiid F7 i iii > ) ifd /.I
St. LouifiS.W 7H IChUaipo , G. W It'K
doptd SB iS. L. iS. W 4H
IW do j.ld "
All u wmfntE puld.
The total kales uf Hto-U-.t. toda ) were 3R 100
hare * . Uicludlnp : Atflihvn , 4.140 ; ChlcHpo
Hurlinirton iCfutncy. . jirefejred. M.Jflt : Lnulk-
ville A. Nanlivllle , fc Hf. Uun.-iattan. r : 770 ; Met-
r iuutHli 9tre t railway. S.ST > 4. Mliwiuri pacllle
C.fTC. New Jarwy Centrul. C.ftK ) , New YiirK
Cantral X.4i , Reading. C.SW : Northern Pacific
preferred. U.3S& : Rock Island. i.MC. rH. Louis
& San Fr ncl a > 3d prrf rrefl. 43S4 : sH. Paul.
y.US * : Tllluli I'uclfir. trUHt reralpth , L.3JHI ; Pei-
ple's GUK ll.4 D , Saear , J U.OT : Amurlcan To
bacco. : . ? li.
DnHton Stuck Qrnitulliink.
IlOSTClN , NutHt fall limni. ( MM IHST cant
time lour * . rW4M ) ier rant. Cladng prio * * Jur
tock . tilings and nuiunc shares :
A.T.ikP . 12 k W
American Hucar. . 1K4H Went Eud via - . HH
Am SUtrar Id . . ITiV W. Blue . S ' i
BarStauOa * 1Be , . Elet 1U . 105
IkUJ Talulihene. . SAr > > u. Bloc. PtO , . . t > V
IiuhtDDi Albanr. fir Atoutbon tilti. . . . I7
fiOBiun A .Muiuc. . } fi N Eur. 4b . nt
C..H.JLU . HI WIB CBUI lib . 1X4
Piujhtiurc . fi4 t iUuuui Mlniur Cj M )
Geuanil Elootrio. . Sin Atluntlc - „ . S
Illjuoib Suwl . . 41i HofeUiu A Maatsa l 34'-
Mexican Ouulrai. . ' - ' Iluuei. lie < ton. . . . 4UC
N V. aKK . Si : ( XJumuJi UesJ-l
Ola Colony . ] c4 Ceutuuntbl
O. S > . i , . Ih Kuumare
Uudtiur . 1C Okwola
Diiloo Puoiue . St Wol * rlne
ecur tle In Ltuiiliiii.
LOKDOK XIH 3tTbe nmrknt fur Amwicaji
! MPuritM wfe utroiH ; but \MwUm d later. Til *
tune vac dull uix ) tbf denwtMl Fii raH - llplit-
! cn1 i > rU .Vonej SlnrUet.
Efcujat IVHt var OHUI . 1 M luuu. 1WJ per u ia
ploMid Bt * IHir cunt
r nt
BTERUN3 EVHAWGE Flnr with a"tu
buHiuen at bcuke-b Uilli ut Jlb. iM.W fur ue
ttr\1 "AN I * > l.LA
. } iVEr.VME.VT HI
. . .
Ho. MlUtc 1 V . . .1J1H
o. Pwrttle M > . . . 9t
u B l T . . . . 1X1
1L B t r
. Iran. * Mk. v r..lW
. Imn
of '
4 * .
st.T .vi x
. - .
Til 'suit. ' C .V r IHIO law
. . . BJit 9t.-ir i.VP 6tt . . .11BH
I. B .tS. A. B . . . .1114 tS. 6. notirund . . . > 4
R. H. AS A. 9d . .1"4 StuUlidBT llv ts . . P2H ,
I. ft T Onnt. i % . .limS.ft.iT i . . Hfl
I. JLT. tleoa ( H. .JUS ; THBb4P'W n-t S . K
own C Inln . . P'H'TPX ' Pne L S lBt H7"4
; P Con. , t. r . . . MVt T K. Pas lie 2a : H > *
IP.lHtBtr. . .lilt , r.-r > IBM . . . .1D1H
ji.NewCan.4h . .MHt 'DatH. ' HiG lats 4H
LAN.Uul . H * Wab. IB : fis . . .10SH
W0t > .
. . . . . . .
M.K. A. T. 48 . . . Sii Vo. Oalurles . . . C71 *
< . Y C. IBIB. . llHH.Va.iaMHrr . Hi *
Snn Frnndxco Mlnm
SAN FRANCa.TO. Nov. MThe oMieinl nKmlnp
luntatlon * un nilnlnE Ktocks uidio were as lo > -
DWS : .
A.U * 7 IJt la l
AltihtCon 7 iJtmtlce 4S
! l lcher „ 21 LXenean „ . . : il )
Sestifloloher. . . . til jOcoldBntal Con. . . . 12U
lulUou. . . . „ 11 lOuhtr. . . „ . . „ . . . _ 7E
mirrtonia _ . Ill > Overman 7
: hallanroDon. . . . Bt ) IPotoBt 41) )
Ctmllar. 40 | Saroc „ SOI )
ounanuce. _ 7 'Sle.rra ' N-vaaa. . . . Bfi
Oon.Cul.Va. . . 1U5 Sliver HIU 1
Con. lintM-rlal.- . 1 'PulnnCon ' 2ii
CrownPoinu. . . . ir > iCtahCon R
oulciA Cumr. . . . 15 * 'TellowJaetin ' ! ln
4S IStunnanl lil )
Silver liars , 6 < ic. Mexican dollars , 47S47V4C ;
drafts ( slphti. If. , telepruph. 17U , .
> e v ViirU Mliiinir tlnntntlnn * .
NEW YORK. . Nov. SS The followlnp are the
closlnp mlnlnp quotations :
4ft Oafirio sfii )
: rown Point. 20 Onair 170
Cnn. Cal. i Va. . . . 100 Plymouth h
"toaflwoou lit ) OulckHilv-1. . . . . . 301 >
Souldi Curr.v IH lOulotmlver nti. . tWU
l&le&Mornross. . 141) ) 'SlorraNBVuta ' . . . f.r.
: o - . : itlKi ( Stanaara IS.
IrouSllver to , Union Con SO
Mexican no iTollow Jactal . . . . .10
Lnndnn StocU ( luotntlniin.
LONDON. Nov. S . 4 p. m. closlnp :
! ! : | TI M.T'iuii : cnmmon. . .
3011101s. ncc't US' ' * K Y Central
Can-Pactnc K 'Puniibylrnuta. '
3rlo „ . . 16 IlHiialmr
WAI.Mex Con. new 4s. . US
: U. Comrui 104 * AtfhNou IS
Meitcan onttnarv. . itiHL.iN St ;
BAH K1LVEF. Steady at 17 > , d per oz.
MONEY 3U M i-er cent
The rate of dlsDounl In the open market tar
shun und three months' bills is 3 per cent.
rlnum-lnl .Notei. .
CHICAGO. Nov. SI1. Ciearlnps. S19.S4a.12 : . New
York exchanpe. GDc p-emium. posted rates , S4.M
und f4.8fi. Stoekr vtry dull ; very few lines
were handled. CloalnpVest : Chlcnpo. V2
Ulamona Match. 14 % : Lake Street L. IflV A
York Blspult , CS . Strawhnard , 17 bid. South
Bide L. ( K , rity Ittllway. ST.
NEW YOR.K. Nov. Si. C.learlnps. > Bl.llS.r.7fc .
alatioeB. M.7C7.1M.
IIOSTOX , Nm. SS. ClearlnpE , tllD8.S < W ; bal
ances. 1.337 S73.
? T. LOriS. Nov. S3. Cleorlnps , SK.sGl.S39 : bal
ances. J47ti.r,17. Jloney. 51 * i r cent. New
York exchange. S5c piemlum bid. EOc premium
MEMPHIS , Nov. SS. ClearlnpE. J4as.ol7 : bal-
onees , J33.560. New York exchanpe , eelllnp ut
par.BALTIMORE. . Nov. S9 ClearlnpB , Jl.9S9.4r *
balanceb. t3 fi,4.i8
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. S9. Clearings , SI MS
S41. New York eschonpe. bank , par ; comm T-
clal. J1.S5 per I1.IM ) dlseount.
CINCINNATI. Nov. Sa. Money , ! \ K i r cen ;
New York exeluinBe. 4nc premium. Cleanups
Fort-lrrii Pliii
LONDON. Nov. S9. The amount of bullion pon.
lnt < . the Ilanl ; of England on balance lotlaj .
rlW.WKl. Gt.ld IB Quoted at Iluenos Aj-res tofln ;
at 177.61' : Lisbon , 48 , Rome , 115.02. Bar pnld i.
auoted r. ' 7S . .
EEU1.1N. Nov. S ! ) . Exchanpe on London. 2i
marks 17 jifn.
PARIS. Nov. S3 Thrtt ver cent rentes , IMf
S3c lur the account.
BOSTON , Nov. S3 Following are the Quota
tions for leading descriptions :
Ohio and PemiBylvanlu , lletjcc. X and above
S7S8c , XX nnfl XX atiove. SSesOs : Delaine. 31
( jtSlc , No. 1 eombinc 3riEli , .No. E combms. ST
S&c : Michigan. Wueunsitu utc. . X3I Hchlp
S38S4C , No. 1 pamhlnK. Mlshloin. S7@S3f. NJ.
Illinois pomhlng. SSSf. .Noi S. Mi 'htgan. SSc.
No. S , Illinois pombins. SSc : X New York Ne
Hampshire nnd Vermont. .JSJiWc : Nu. 1. New
York. New Hamnhiilrr aiii ) 'ermclnt. Sic ; De
laine. MlPhlpan. S7c. Kentucky und Indians
quarter- blood combine. S ! " 24p. Kentucky ani !
Indiana three-elphthK-blw l - combinp , 24BSjr
llspouri quarter-bl iod eumbtnp. lie , Missouri
tliiee-elphths-hlood coralline. aS4t , braid comb
inp. Sir . lake and Georgia. SSt- , Texas woolH ,
sprlnp Medlterrnneai ! ( twi-lve months ) . SlgSSr
snrtnp line ( twelve months ) . 17 "lte. hcoure.
price. SjOiZ ir : territory woo * . . Montana line me
dium and fine. Hi riSc : s-couted price. 4SS49r.
staple. LSiifoTie. tTtan , Wj-Jminp. etc. . medlun.
and line. lS6'17c. scoure.d prlre. 4Si&"i''c ' : si p
K lr ; Australian wools , -ncnnred basis comb
Inp superfine , Gl Oc ; poofl C60 < Sc ; peed comb-
Inp averape. CSirCiic , Queensland cnmblns. C.c.
ST LOnS. Nov. SVOOl ! - < Juiei Blcady-
m-Slum IVitW : llph ; tint : , 1317r. heura line
& 14C tuli washed SSfiSOUc.
LONIiON. Nov. SS. The wool Bale * were con
tinued today with a peed attendance The of-
ferlnpk Suturccy nmounteB tc S.SSS balee , ant.
of thin numher 1.7W bales were withdrawn. Tc-
dov't offerlnps uppreputed IS.SOS bales , of whlc-
St'O hales were witluJrawn Greasy new cl
wool was in better supply und sold at lute rates
Seour 3s weie tirm and wastlnc de criUlons )
Jtlll ruled Irretrulor. The continental and horn"
buyers oi ruted freely und Ame-irans bid
Etronply lor their sons. Their purchases lot
the day amounted to about 500 hales. A peed
selection of Cape of Good- Hope nnfl Natal wools
sold at late rates. The ptneral tone of the
sale was firmer The salet. In detail : New
South 'Wales. S.COf , bulee ; sooured. "dfris 4V-d
preany. B tWd. CJueenslana. C 7SP hales , ( tenured
lB 4d. creasy. ri-iBijd Vlrtorta s.4te bales
urefl. 7lLdfi-ls Cd ; preosy. r.u8uQ. poutl
Australia. MB bales. preOKy. & 6'PMd. ( New Zea
land. Sett bb.le > . scoured. KidSTls Id. Brecey. C ©
8HS. C.ujie of Good Hope and Natal. B57 hales
scoured , "V-d&lE 4d. pi easy. r47"4d ,
Coirt-f MnrUctK.
NEW YORK. Nov. 3t.-COFFEE Option-
opened steady at ar advanee of it points on bei
ter caiilas. smaller Brazilian receipts , fair wart-
boute 6 > ! lveriis and muderate forelpn buylnp
but luter eased off under renewed stillinp Ir
local trnders In the ahsense of sustained suj *
port from outside source ) . . Closed quiet at nt
aflvaiire uf f. paints. Sales. 1C.SSV bapa. Inuluilln :
Heoemhcr ut .4IHit.liO ; Marrh. JS 7 < 5.S8. Spr.
noffee , nteady ; N . 7 Invoire. CI P. N't , 7 jobbing
( % c ; indltl. quirt : Cordova. SV 'K r.
Total tvarehciuse delleverler from the rniteu . 11J hags includinp 'Mt from Nev
York. New York strK'k tiiduy. 481.414 bus * ; Tnltf
SateB Wf ! . . fix ( KUt l iBe. afloat lor the tlnlte
States. 450. i IIBBS : total vlclble lor the Tnlt .
States l.ltfli.iwi liact. apnliutt SM > W lines las
lear and eeil.te : Itara In IBS.
SANTOS. Nm SH-COFFEE-Flat. sooi aver
age Aantoi. 7.7oO rels. reoelnts. JO W lues , Moul ,
l.W . * ) .liBKfc. Weekly : ColTee flat ; o" avefttK
per 16 kilos. 7 75i rtiK. j-ecelpu durlnp wee ! .
1K.UKI Imps ; Bhlpments tu United States. 41.M
bops. Mock , 1.141) ) COO buee.
qulHC No 7. Itlo. 7.S50 THIeKclmtiRe. ; . 7 l-Wl *
rrofclpth. 14 PCO hups , el ared fo rthe tlnlte"
Stiuef. . lOUKi Uae * : cleared lor Europe. . 1.1 *
baps : Mock. 45 : . GOO UBKh. 'Veekly : CoBee uulet
cxehunve staniltu-d. 7.SKO rels : receipts during
wi-i-l ; . ST.ItuO | IUR > , giilpmeniH tc mited Hlutet
M.WiO Imp * . Mock 4S , DU > Iwpc.
Oil Mnrk- .
OIL CITY Pa. . Nm. 3 Cred't ' b lnm e * . IS
eortlfteateii. first K | . C7Hc : h'chest ' liid , ( Kip
il e < l. C7r I > IA KlitnmoDts V.D IM bbU. : runi.
1IH.471 bills. . sal c. SW * 4.1.1s. BI K7c.
CHAKI.DJTON. s. c. NOV. s * . OILS-
tine. murke.t tinn at fee ; juilae. .none. Kwtn
linn : MU | * . none : A , U. C. D. SI. 10. E , F. SI. IK
G. l. : H. Sl.STi ; 1. UM ; K. S1.4U , M. ll. 0 , N
K. < t. . WG . * ' . K.7B.
SAVASWCAH. Ga. Unr . OILSi Spurts tur
pentine. tlrm at SOMP bid sal H. 747 bblfc ; le-
etilptK , 1.1(7 bliln. Kmln , firm and utielianEed
Billet' . MK blilF . r c lpt > . 4.141 hlilK : A II r. T ) K F. . i. G. w.r. . B n.x < i . K
. ! : M. tJ.Ttt. N. .1S , WG. JS.4 ' WW. .
WlLailMBTON K f. . V"v. . Calf ftilrl-
of tuniMitloe , lirm ut * * * . < * * > ! c Jlnoln. Hle rti
at Il.lMH.3n. Crudi luirtnlilit. nteony at 11.4 &
! > ' . Tar qul. " n < .
nnnnl dul ) a ) 84 * SB. TurvenUpe
lirm fci X * M. Roaln onflimnn meadr ui 4 *
CA1/"FTT 'na OIl.S-Lliwee.1 Knot 15 *
Inu mliw Me ltd fr
VmSKltmLi. K v 2fc.OIL * TliT ntln
vMrit * . wumdv at 34 * . Ko rn. > < tyoiBman , laeaay ti
4f H.O.
Xr ' Y rU Urr < ; o ri
VEW YOHK Nor Utphf An' peed * marke
npemtd with dull feuturi f jfn all urados mid t >
itmtanry toward weaknwt. dtaplaywl In ill cut
ion ilwHi a was thiin - - > Hi Inp the who )
nf butt mmk It 14. j ix * , . < l tlmt iwvcral laryt-
hoUMW eave Mituimuied M mduc'i'tt Ir ine |
fitroe * of MtUatttMui mid Hpruli. ainl tluil n mini
imr uf nuuiufnolur r te . 4 * 011 pivit * re r < m
leaiLtaUup dwUMid curu > lnuat uui * th re I
a ehiwee for Ui Iwttw vMW , tb ue r tuture
ThUIt U r < 91 in IKnrj'jfim raider luwum
oundltiuifc unt until uo ) .aune a * tl * uJtuiKio
obawwc tlMn u sun Hkel - u > IM aui etawu
Isi cuitio * ! nuod at le vt In wtwletiii u * *
worttU d * tlie market is AL& | fttstu-el nii )
vtuple rntbinv tbe ( l nmtiif > i Jiwn ire f " :
line * of br 'wn 4:1.1. . > itruit < ' " ' * r.tini : ,
nil al 'fr-if witbot > t a piurkeii u < D tnu r n
in uuy pru .te ,
Fair Esa of ( fettle Bejwrtwi ftt tbc
Cb - < - -
for tbr llt-rf M - T * ntid
Oilirr ftrndm rollon Hoc *
Mr one nuil HltrbiT.
OMAHA. N v. S.-EM ijits for
tbt fluj-s liiatoatvti were :
Cuttle. Mor s * * t . Hcry -
November r mi MB ! S ? 1
XovembtT i l.W u.U 4.BH1 3k
November K l.SM ) t,6uO WO . . . .
' 91 4 .Mi , , ( ! * l.faC
3)1 ) 4.5s * KS 1 , I . . . .
1,017 r,708 L C
Jovember 31 ) fcflOO SSC
< ovembor IS 1.91H 4.041 l.HtO 27
" "
. . . - 4.4HO & ,8S ; 2.BR7
November 17 5.1(2 ( 4.C2 1,417 ; 1C
" " ove-mber 1C 4,305 4.IS5 2.ISS . . . .
CoVembar 16 2.C1B 2ttS ) 1.ST.7 . . . .
November 11 4S6 t..BSC 1.2 ? .
S'ovember II ! ZPOS 4.SS1 1.O2 IS
The official number of cars er stock
brought Iti today by each road was :
Cmttle. Hops. Sheep. Horses.
. . M. A.St. . P. . . . 3
Mo. Pacific Ry. . . . . .
' P. System 15 C 2 S
E. or M. V a . .
C. A : P , Ry 1
. . St. P. . 3vl. A : O. 10 u 4
B Ar M. R. R. . . . as . .
B. A : Q. Ry
C. & St. J. . . . . .
R. I. & P. . east . . S
C. , R. I. At P. . west „ 1
Total receipt * . . . 1 ( H7 10 S
Tlie disposition of the day's receipts was
at. follows , each buye.r purchasing the num.
ler of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Omaha Panting Co 2flO
G. H. Hammond Co. . . . 3G5 70S
wilt und Comjiany 273 . . . . 513
Cudahy Puektnc Co. . . . no 5
r.efker Ac Pecan 1 ( .
Carey r.S
- . Rotihtichlldti. . 2S - .
. 1. Stephens . - IBS
Hill A : Lewis Co 40
flenton A : Vnderwood. . . 32S . . . . . ,
jiuston At Co i . . . . . .
1. Hamilton 73 . . . .
Denis A : Wolf IN
Swift & Co. , country , . I
1'uda.hy. Kansas City 40S
Plankmton , 177
ilher buyers 41 . . . . 18
-.eft over 500
Total 1U2S 2.S7S ! )31 )
CATTLiE There was n tair run of cattle ,
eighty-nine fresh loads b-.lng reported in
.he yards , but ot the same time there was a
lulling off as compared with a week ago of
rlose to 1.000 head. While there was quite
a showing of natives , a considerable proportion
tion of the receipts consisted ofwesterns ,
several trains belnp Included among the re
ceipts. The central market was very
' 'atisfactory , viewed from a seller's stand
Baef steers were In peed demand and sold
freely at peed , strong prices. The buyers
'vidently wanted the cattle and It did not
lake them vtry lonp to clear the yards ol
11 desirable offerings.
Only about a tialf loads of cows
and heifers were offered and the mast of
them were only common to medium stuff.
The demand was ac.ive and thev were ah
.Hold in peed season at strong last week's
prices.Some cows and steers sold up ta
The market on Ktockers and feeders was
u.lo Strom ; and the market fairly active.
Spsculators wire pretty wall sold out at
the close of lost week and In consequence
were tolerably true buyers today. Before
midday the yards were practically cliared
jf everything. Representative sales :
No Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1GTIC J400 1. . . . 7EDS3 0 1..1HO 13 7B
. . . . 9 8 4 S3 1B..14H 435 2 ! K3 4 41)
16..HW 445 B..1ISS 890 5..HIS 4 CD
15..TIKI 4S 6. . . . 9S4 43 a..IDS 431) )
24 . . .1T2 4 SO I2..1IS5 4 CD 3..JC10 4 6n
SG..U3G 4CTi IB.-1045 460 CO..1439 4 70
C. . W3 3 SO 9..137S 4 30
1..1IBD ISO 4 1012 S K K 9S7 3 CO
4. . . . 8S7 ISO C..K71 310 E..11H 815
JB..1017 3 20 * lr. 4 < i 34a S1..10U S50
i mo : FO A..loso s 33 n nss 345
1..15SO 323 1..U50 335 C..1CCS ICO
3..HID 300 i. . . , S2D 300 S.--lWH S S ,
l..l D 435 G..131S 300 3 1Z1D 3 K
1. . . . 780 SS = . . . .43 : ! 23 C. . . . CC 2 M
1. . . . r.70 3 2S 1. . . . 790 340 1. . . . 7SO 371) )
1. . . . MO S 30 C DSB 3 20
1. . .1410 2C 1 1570 340 1..11SO 173
I..KM 260 4 1112 2 B ) 1 1180 SB'
1..1UW ) 340 .3 1400 i EO 1..1760 300
1 1230 3 l > 0
2..1GK 2 EO
1. . . . 220T.7S ; . . . . 110 S.7B i. . . . 530 3 M
0. . . . B70 370 1. . . . 740 S 63 6..795 400
1. . . . 640 3 HO
So. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
IK tcllnBK..1243 ! > 3 33 54 talllnpE..13SS M.0
CJ Ii3erB. . . . WC 375 22 leaders. . . . 645 S S3
1 now „ CO 223 C caws K7 2 CO
3 cows 1013 2 7u 3 taIHncs..lCSw 3 Si
Scows MB ! 333 WIwderK. . . . ECS 400
1 l > ull (31) ( ) 2 CO Scows E14 233
1 bull 1150 2 Bl ) 2 bulls 1111 260
1 bull CIO 2 SS tc.-iWE 1'14 3 tO
1 oow 7 336 1 cow 820 335
D COW 960 3
3 feeders. . . . 760 350 71) ) fejars.C2 4 23
IB steers 1143 30
1 bull K7I ) 2 ) 2 cows. 1O1 275
8 cows 070 225 II steers 12:0 : 3 5
10 feeders PC S 71 72 feelers . . W5 350
10 feeders. . . .1330 350 123 feeders 1133 SEE
4 COWE. 9.u 2 CO r tailing..UK 300
HI Btrert 12:0 345 3SI feeders 10S7 2 G
1 bull SB ) 2 CO 38 balls 12C2 2 SZ
3 bulls. 1373 S BB 1 bull 1090 2 B5
1 fe dtr. . . .1USO SVU 4 6teerK..I 5 340
3 COWB 113C 3 BO 40 feeders..nOS 3 CD
13 Eleera. . . . 1340 3 K-
8 news. 625 265 1 heller D7' ' ITS
Itailtnc 750 285 7 bulls. 1W5 2
4 heifers 547 S 25 15 cows ll 3 t 25
1 latllnc 71U 8 25 10 heifers. . . . C93 330
2 cowt 77B 340 2 1rrdelB..10JO S DO
3 feeder * . . . J6 3 SB 4 heifers 777 3 CD
34 ftirdHTR. . . . GTS 3 75 12 leader * . . . . fcOs 3 IV
47 ffedcra 951 3 Du 40 feeder * . C70 4 10
HOOB Becelpw of bacn war . Homcwbai lorcer
ilmn IB usual ut thin polm on itie fimi day of
the \vttl ; , thlny-Beven lnad l.olnc eounlefl In.
The miu-t t WUM etront ; to uc bltrher nnd rva-
fiimabli active until the clone , when It weuken-d
Ht'Rvy hocB xold Iirlnclpully at J3.3ri. i\a uCBlnm
U.2o@9.3' > on Saturday. L.lchl wetRhtt. Sold ui
UB bleb as S3.45. the top Ixitnc thr Bumi ae ui
itie ulo i > of laai wwl. . . The average of nil the
aim WOE So UlfihT ihan Stturday. Kcprtwentu-
tlve Baled'
No. Av. Sli. I'r. Na. Av. fih. I'r.
U 47B . . .J3SB 4S .SIS 180 K 3li
7 SS. 1 S 57UK 3 1 120 S 3I >
5i 3C ISO 3i7 4B J48 i'10 33 >
40 4DB 321 J2K US J 3 3 > 0 3 3l >
IDS W6 410 SSt & t3 Kl 33. .
* i jsr ? i 0 ss K an 210 s 3"
I * . . . .JI16 48 M JS. ) 40 PS'
a jam S3 ro jnc ( o s ai
K 3 JCft S39 4t 331 . . . 381
l 2J4 HO 320 & 'R 10.1 3311
16 2M 200 J 32t ill ) S 3 >
H IM . . . 3W St JW 54J 3
S < 3M 48 I M 41 371 . . . 33) )
S 2X0 160.3 aft fii. S7J 120 3 S .
$4 .24 40 sao B an . . . s
H a . . . 3X6 7 2T5 M S 41) )
M .HO IH ) 3 M 71 Mt . . . S'K
( n X'V . . . SM 51 UK . . . E4-
15 rissAinps AXD ENDS.
4 2M . . . ISO I 4S2 . . . 323
WO SO * t 24 . . . B
5 WC . . . -K 2 -0 . * 40
I S- . . . S I- 15 . . . S4H
. , , . . . . Tltw1 ' < " > * prnttv dwuot run of ,
hhtwi , but the oYnnna wa * uood at the ttanit
Um About fvoryttilng r-ild narty mid at Jum
N > ut punidj prlaM. Il jir iMimatlv tuiloii :
j0 AV. I'r
HI eulU " > * J * >
M w tBm * * * S "
U native * WM 14 40ft
IX lurtii * fw 151 S SO
M iwtlvr laroUi 77 4 5o
CcilrtV - utlr IIui. Ti'iitlrur- More
CHICAGO. Nor. M Til * cold w ith r ! mfd
to lnin | morr vigor to trade in cattle toduj
and wile * were brlcV. at Btuud.v prl'-et fur the
B n rul run. with eholoo lwrvr In quluk de-
maud at ttrunc Iiriocb. Beef tAnat sold largely {
ul from M.40 to H.U > . the ] iuar < rt litt.
around U.1 > 0 and > 4 , und tanor Ctarlctmuk hnll- ,
day breve * llnc wnrtli. Jniro & . lu S3 Ml Tne |
Hooker mid Jtdr trade way latrly unite w.tti
M > l fc HI frum IS to I4.W Vortliurn lad Texun
floor * won- gun ted at frura It 7i to M 41) Bull' >
cow * , aud lielfr were In good dvimindt
tMidf iirlmc the taupe U-UIR from $115. fir
comniun cutniiHn to } 4.M > tor extra helfun. ,
f tvc w re unctwOB 4. toe Iwot 114I4C inr
from JiTtjL. JCCO. VVwoeni jmnge W uri liroupht
from 85.Ui to 34,40.
Tbr wek tatt 6 off wlUi > Ue ty of Hoc * t& ;
U > ) mu utul un active d niund for tbcm at
udvuii'-lnc ii-lrnit I'rl'-w mid utroncw and |
lurgelT from * Wr li , b jn r ISO Iht btcbiir
} kinc 4 < iU ild tit from JSSE Ir ni"b fcU'J 1
, .rtme uliipiunc loti lirouBtiJr jn (3 tu to W 8u.
.lie creuter j.r' uf 'tie lwfrj > Hif the ttcaie * I
* ' ' tr P r
wnfc t i ! 'un' '
m fnm I : ti 14 K T i >
lnmlM > * r m M t o li * nd n trir > ti < I"
l r t Imnlir lifrnHTM K ! Wtl * * "f > > i nnd
UtflV * ri.un < ) toy nrlom wiff * Wrl.t H- i ri.
port ithf1 V TT Milabtr ik'tmriH $ < i
* -t. l.tinln l.lvr Stoi'U.
of wtifh I Mv h * ( [ w rr Tumi * m ijv
1.1 * * bc d nmrtirt nte Ar f 1 * ti f nry
* Mi > l > lnK "d wnn ntfvrt 14 l" < r %
nf KM. M * i IB. Hi i p. MI IMP ? ntia
butrhcr w 7T > e < 77 . Init * nf null * * 4 f 9 I
4. < K > . nevm ano > r iw1 ibm. . . .e4.v. i.ulk of j
4. > . halt. nT mMi WT * Hlf < mw unfl
a WIN M > . Tex w and Indten trtwm.
ram' ' uifl hetfvrK. U 1 4M. .
BOO ? R ft > t . f. . w h ie. KMr
bwtfl. inmrttrt tlrra. utronir imd urtlvr lurht.
. * . rnlnrtl. nn t.M > : hnry.
. WEEP Hrrrltni f > " hd. . Milpmititit
hmfl. nmrkvt nmr. mttlvr mtrttnnn t : "Oir
4.K. mil * and l.urk KWfMK. Ktn-Le KMT
l.W . Ivmbx. K Wet 71
niKilU Iilv < * MorU.
IlKtit ; uhlnwntii. none nt rk qttcrt hlj
peed tt > jirtm * mren > * . ! > n0i .l ( > . lair l" >
dlure nrpm. H44N7n. ntnimon to cand nnrkcni
HOOS H--tylits. ] 2. MO brad. nbliimentK. ! . * '
hntfl. nmrkn nrtl e Biifl Pl r hlrti r. Rood tc
pholrr medium d li . M4ti0i.HI' ' . mlxrS.
4f > : cumninn llr it . tt.4 * 4K.
BHEEr HecplHtu Hcnt. rMfm-tiHi none , pnoa
to oholtr Uml Jf. w 0fi.llr . foremen to medium
lambv J4. i < M 71. , mmmnii nht > | > . U.34R 71
KnnxnK CltjLlvt - M cli Murlirt.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. SS.-rATTl E-HecelftR
R.KUO head : murkPt ftwid.v : TYxn * ttt eni r..r-sr
4.2n : TrJHH cow a , tl.JBf 3.K ( > : tmtlvr nteen Sb ctvtf
4 S. native cor-r nnd hetfrrs tl.JKfH w. iitori"rF
nnd -drr * . J3 n4.3D. bullB. SI.OOffZ.B' '
HOOP HwHpU k Itfi beH tnnrk < * t mmdn. .
2 ic hlRber. bulk nf rotes. j.SB I.4n. ) ienvt i > i-na
. H.2R 34' . . mirffl nn1 llph's r. . ! ' " * " 4'1- .
. . .4'i034J.IK . S3.nV3.a7h.
ecniHii. S. ( ) hmil. markrt mrartr to
; lambii. S3 l"lt.7muttmin. . i.r
> Tnrfc l.litStorU. .
NEW TtmK. . Nov 28 HEEVES-nrrrlpr
5.317 ; native ntw rR. t4ff& . Hlac * Hhd oxrn S TT. r
4.HI ; bull * . K 7513 l dn rowg. il.Katf : 40. l ti-
bl * quote American Merrt at UVti ? ! ! : . n Tricer-
utor lH f. y * < Wt c. no crpnrtH.
CALVES Rwplptn l.PTn. vcalB. faff ; | rn
er * . SMfm.KO ; wtvterrift &ff8 4r.
KHEISP AND LAMIIC llwelptR. 8,444. Bhi'i'i )
1414.7 % . lambs IJ. 0 ( C.SO.
HOC55 ISerclptK. 14 47t > . firm at Jt.eo8.iO. !
J-tork lu Slulit.
Hrwird of rw lpt * of live ntnck at the four
prlnclpnl marbftii fur Novomlwr E ) .
CattleHnri ! Shirr
Omnba 2.171 2 S7n I- !
Icuoo 1651 * * 41 Oi I'.11.111
innaB City „ . RUB9 Kl > .n sn i
Bt L.-JUIB C.4. C.soi > r.i'P '
TotnU 38.n71 C7.S71) 14 rs
l.KliUi 1II < - Live Stock.
1-OriSVILt.n. Nov. 28. CATTL.E Rernlius
ZJfC bend , market active and unflmncei !
HOGS Rect'lutE. C.OOO beufl : marlrt ; e.'r
all hiw * from ISO lb" til ) . 18.47. . UR.Hv ifi.u >
3.25 r340. much. t2.S5@I 10
SHEEP Receljitk. 60u ht'Hfl ; marUrt Btruiuti !
Ciiirltiiintl Llv - 5t ok
CINCINNATI. Nov. 23 - -HOOS-Ai-tlv.-
CATTLE Active. J2-SRO6.10.
SHEET Stronc. K BOSH.50. Lanil . f. i c
M'fttre CWi in ut IN si ii ii < Htiii
OMAHA OFFICE Nov.Thr m.i-k. -
day W-BII nil In the beerF' hands ti ; \ ! . ! r
utrcnpt honed by easier cabled , bettrinh Hti > 'i > -ti i
and ninrterate liquidation , which nm the prlft
of Dererolier do m 39 c and May Jt c ttiut. di-
mtntK.ilnr. tin December prumluin over Mu > " - -
whlrh m < dnuht. WUB a surp-lde to must "l
pwvers of the recent antics of the Iie"etnl > er
However , there if one more flay , or plents of
time to squeeze any whu may yet lie linear-
Ing tn that month without Bufflclcnt wheat of
the projter crude to till their rate * with.
Co-n lr t \r upim n ( lecreafe of 1.2 000 bu.
tn the visible supply and an eccccs 4tt shipment *
today of SO. ( If bu. over the day's ravlnts.
while nntp helfl their own upon a decrwise nf
2B3 nno bu &n1 on exw-w of receipts over tb
s.ilpmentR nf 350 owt bu
" \Ve Irtilteve both these cereals a imrchnce fnr
a better price by Hpnnc. with a juwKlblllty of
a minimum Iocs prior to that time.
> ncnr Mnrlci'tv.
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 29. ST'GAR Oin k " -
tle. stendy at 2 ,5T2Tiic. , rentrtrucal. llrro. prnnti-
lated. 4 1-10 mir. whites. 3 n-l > i 4lir vnIv.n !
SUfT3 13-lGr : seconds. 2 3 c McIarF R. op-i
Utiitlc. meady Bt HgSc. centrlfucal. EOFat 4 ®
lir. Bj'rut ) Ftuiidjat 174f2tr. (
CINCINNATI. Nnv. 29. St'GAH Steadr- hard
rene . . .
LONDON Nnv 20 Sl'GAR Ileet Bupar No
vember. SB : t n BUmr. ne"eml > TI > iTh. ! < 3ft
NEW TORK. Nov. 2S PTGAR Ruti . lirm.
fair refinmc. 2 W6c. ecntrtfucal i-C tf t , : " t
rellnea f.rm ; crushed. 5r. jioxvaered. r , S-lfir.
prnimlnted. He , ntnuld A. 4t c : standard A. 4V- .
confectioners' A. 4TnC , cut loaf. B , c , cubes KVr
Cnllfornlc IJrlf-d FrnltK.
FRlnTS Apples , steutly. other flrli-d Irults
quiet : evrjioruted apples , common. &i7c. prime.
r . . wire truy. 7V- : wood dried , prime KV v.
choice S'sc ; fancy , f"it'J * r I"unes. 3H@Sr , pr
Ih. . as ta size and quality Apricots Royal ,
718'Biic : Moor Park "sifllc I'eacheK. unjieeled.
7S10c ( ; peeled. JSItSn per lb.
Wilt-mi Ailflrf-KHfti -orerln -c-lslntnre
ATLANTA , Ga. . Nov. 2 > . Hon. James
"Wilson , secretary of agriculture and Dr.
J. Li. il. Currjapent of the Peabody and
Slater educational funds , .were . the puestr
of the Georpia lecislature today In joint
session the members of the peneral af-
s Hnjby ) listened to ad-dresses from these two
dlstlncrulf'ed men. Secretary Wilson pjioke
on the pursuit of agriculture as a science ,
while Dr. Curry appeared as the champion
of Intellectual development. Dr. Curry de
voted his arpumeat mainly -o the camrnon
school , but the tone of the address was
favorable to the Georgia university.
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wires to Chicago end New Tort.
Correspondente : John A. "Warren & Co
J. L. BOYD & CO. ,
Prorisioos and Slock
1416-1418 Farnara St.
Ordi'rs taken for 100 buthels und -upwards
C. C. CHUlSlin. E. J. STREET.
President. Vice-president.
Cdrisiie-Slfeet Commissioo Co
Cnjiitiil pr.O.OOO.IKI. Fully Piiiil.
Tflejiliotie IWlT. . .
. . . . Oniuhuib. .
Wesre CoEntnEssEoct Go-
OLD C'OLO.M' Iiril.DI > fi. CH1CGO.
Mt-nibt-rB Chicago Board of Trifle Biiict lbC2.
Grain. Provisions an3 N. Y. stocts.
Orders Cush and Future UeBvery Bohcited
Oiaaliu OlfiiT. Iliidiu 1. > . V. Life Ill
. . . . 'I'licilKKil. ! . . . .
. . & CO. ,
110 Board of Trade BidgDinah
Ilraurh Ofliro : JOSbJI St Linr-oln Neb
Ur uruuy'fc wonderru. Irikti
Invicurutor lite b-reuumt-
renifd ) ' tot Lout ilunm-oil.
L vrrcoiuev prunib iur : iwi
unu fct i' ull uunuturul |
tl-uint und iowefi. All kniull , I
vruk orp u enlartod iinfi
Bf. ntrhened SuH rurt. by I
ren.tlii : (1 u fctatud imcli- {
Uff rouiulnlne CO pills , care- ,
i.iT conipounaed wi. ; be
tent tr nuU ) fn.m our Ubur- ;
utorj or we will /urniWi fcU j I
. pu' I.BBtB tor Ji , wlUl 6
Olil Ur. l.r lj , ; i . .jt KTEE tu cur * or I
lUT'Ki ' r&i : niinij refunded All i tiori
3 4. L > bO cuea conlidentiai mill cundi fint ,
ri ti ; ui in irunliunt free from iibftiTvmion
Add-fki "TKSTAi. 1IED. OO _ Lownll. Mu -
fHimedy I.einc In-
d. Clitvrtly to ttia
of tbiiMi
rt-Q Kir-en x. -
r-T tilet. Cw
jrn ) rant - -d in
Drur Co. , S. E. Cnr icib iini
ntm Strnett.
A TTrttlrtt Oti rntrr in CTKr
ttr .MOMZV Kill I Ml JU > .
* < r > fcfff * nr rr - i ft - * mini i x n
Jiy rt * iw ! llrtlir * nu- < - * t u v * tu tr m \ - \ \ < \ i . i
fine : wr pivr thrann * v > tic rtii'mitrOIUM < ttd
* n li * 'f u 14 i
thi wwM ! lnrftpMr : h t tunitirlr flriwrt'r
win n. curt M'ltii i .i tbli | vttimthni unn m > t i ,
r nn.kriiti Ki .tnt * M 'MO.
M tttf mont ratHmiit rlum li r rr-r hf ru ml >
trlf f In out ten tcn
i etr Mrnt * fljV IA * tpr ti mu t
tht | itrttifli , - r taflhln l fcH ! H " 4U < t )
. ttnt ntKlv nui utrmic rwn-Mitrf < rpu nlmuid
i tot hfltfc * < ir tr ? tMr rri.trtfx A , m ink * no ebau'f i'l
hwiiif your mcmrr V r rii umpf t - rorr or n- fund
rfnrr onllar attd * * v > f IIHP n riiutiHin to i'ntlrrl
fctof tltiirifc ) t cllnc ot fr& * > O. < MH . ] 1 If i rfrrtly
* ! * h Rli wlir vrlll try ihr tmhtnwrit. HrTTtofpn- *
lj r Jm-ti vutttiiT * U' ' nd i yinc out your mmirt ior
Qlftirt > nt tmktmniMn ( ] Hhnupli 7 on htr tint jrt c urrd
irtt otic hfw imtti lfH.our IIM-IMA ptnirt * fc tr nn ;
mnt-m < m wntli rnu tr t . om rhrotilf iirfH i ir
rnr * * * MITH ! in thtrt > to nlitotj U yv I
rtmn ki nt&ntiiitf ; our n iu n itm at
\Vrlir w for it&mrft fcnfl rtfltNu > t
cnml * Jnv hr ptrpti prnnlfmum tr rrlrr to thrik
It ro t * you nntr iKMtnn- < clttnir . Itli ! * < yod
worw of nunrriiijr ttiitn inrtiibi ptmlti1 > C It * "U jv
niampt ! hut nn * yntir nBupinc 'tiC > r through rtir
r n iirirlicviKII your * v > "r' < " " anfilniMw "f l" "
* nir tliTtmt iniitvu * i ttrftr In mouth r u'Ummlr\m In
hone * unfl iotiiu , Imir talUnr out eruption * ( * n nj
iwrt nrtlir iK d.r tpelimr r rwnenu Ufpmrtoti r lntn
h id or ImiitH. t-ou liato tiltlnif - ti vniitc Thonf vlio
i.rr romtfcuU.T : &klh mnrcury &nc ) .otA li nliouid dli *
rotitiunt iu C'on < > tant uik of ttirwr dnur * vlH tun > ti
lirlnc nnrrf btid r tlnp tUt-vrf In thrrnrt I Hi n't fall to
wrtiw. All porni i nu.rinr ( nt p , li d tit vlatn inTnh
njtw V tt Invit- the m. t rijrlU luvrucmtio t anQ wli *
Hu kli in our ) K' er to aid rou in IL AdorrM ,
141iiMa < oni ( . ' Tempie. Chicago 111.
a well
Man of
Me :
/ u
ruonnrcK Ti.r AHOVX
. . .
| .r > v.w l \ . I -
nll } < ir 'ijii iw * . J-'n JJIChulr UnrMrmorr Lmii- \.j'Af $ vy J
ion , < flc. caun.d bT IIHK uncpm , civio - -
Tipnr and elao to nhmnknr. orcunB nnd aulcklj but
KUrolr rmtorof. Jjost Afctnlrontf in old or ynuiic ,
EnBily rtirrlrd In - nt pooknt jTirr f J. " < > l ] > acknc ,
Bii lor f A.flfJ wif/i o l ? * flpn ptarOM < fr fonirr or
innwrjTw / nd * < ' IIOV'T rtrT AF l rrTJOK , nui
lu < m on huTluc INSAP3 II Jnur druccl'l hue Dot
tnt tt V" riH Mtnri II tir liuiri
POD utctlil tiin J-rtipr ivtetf * . ill. r nur * r a
Vuni A. txi. i nr ! "th und Ixiuplaeii Fts nnfi J .
I'ullur & 1.0 A Iloiiciiiww. . OMAHA. Nil
Tint front.
I lii ir.n' HpllM CUT tr IP Onvs Krrrr rrtnrnB
1 -tl rii ' < none i ai' ' > Kuf pr > r tn K plMr nenli'11' '
( t.M.liiiH . rnrii o Tw uwti-mt wl'h fu' illrrr.r
' lUl- . . u t i , { , U " i < i-iirt . f. Molllttinrt.f
ij-icln 1. .KH.t , . K. , ui. I niiiri t-llin ! IVruti
; Pmti. t iiuii'i , - . n I ) nrlcl , Music ?
Vnlrt Il..i istft r.jr < .hniiMI"h. _
Home Industries
I'urclinhlnc ; Good * niiidr ol tlie Fol.
lu-nliic elll n .ltn Puctorlt-K.
< Suoi 8sorr Omaha Ter.i and Awnlic : Co. }
MLimfucturerr teutu. uwnlncK. Juiihem laUlcc *
und Fi'inf inuclintoslie = . rents lor rent. 1.11
Funmm St. . Omnha.
Cur load Bhtpmeuu muile In our own
frutoj CHIT , . Blue Rlhuui. Eiitt Exnort. fiennx
Er-port and Farollj Eijiort dellverco to . ! ! parU
of tht ctly.
AVlTI\nt.L Bit OS. < t SMITH CO.
1'cvjnc , Sewer nnd Bulldlnc
Capacity. 10C.OOO per duv OSIce and yard U3
c.nd Hickory Stb Tcleutione o ; . Omaha Nehw
Mnncfji-aiinr of Galvanized Iron Cornlcet , Qn'-
vanlzed Iron SkyliBhu Tin. Iron uml Slttt
F.oannc Afeni for lannear-i Steel Ccllins.
1C1V1D-J2 Nort'u Elrvento etreel.
Crucl'sr Uunururturcrs.
- WOIIK.S. 1 21 lr iriiuin St.
Dj'ulnc and cleaning uf pannenta end tuoclB of
rverj liekuriji'iou Cleiimnc of line cunuents a
Flour. Meal. Feed nnfl lirun 101S-1S-17 North
17tt Struct. Onm.-m. Knit. C E. OlacU , inanaccr.
Iron uml Ilruxk FdunOiTK.
MtriUfocturerk utid .lnl.l.ert of Muolilnery. Gun.
rrnl rcpalr.riE u > 1501 lira and liOS
JucKnon sirvrt xiniana Nbb.
t VIEULIXC inox womcs.
Munufacturerc of Architectural Iron Worh.
Oenertl Foundry. Uuchlne tuid Blucktnittll woru.
Enpineeri. . " C : ! ! - ! . * tar Fire I'roof Iluild-
InBR Onice tniS wortK : V. P. Ry and fi&utb
17th uueet OnmhH
Uanufiirtureri ul jiroeeek row llnmcd oil.
kettle holled llnweo mlid prorcw pro und 1'n-
cuke , cr-jund and tcri' itr < Hax e d Sot
W9j L. CJ. DOIT.
* * ulncturcr Lounmi. Couchek.
.luhlier of Hnniiz Beat unJ Feather * 411113 H.
Ultti Dtreet
ManufaoturKrii of Mch crude Munrt f , 13'5-J
NlcholBi fStreet. Omtlia.
Clothlnc I'v * < 0 if uu Orerallr
J. H. EVAXb ,
Cxclutlvt cuitoa bn ) tiillorn. : tll Faronm *
r > ored. Btami > d und Jriunurfi Tinware , Qrso.
lie Iron. Hollow "Wtr etc.
1MB l > umam hL OMA.HA > EI1.
Vunsuttirtururs of Viuncor Ptcklei
Uustnrdc f'eierr cud Woroesttrxmrr Suuce
AXU i AltniAGES.