THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871 , , TUESDAY MOKNISTG , NOVEMBER 21) , 181)7 TWELVE PAGES. SLNGLE COPY ITVE CENTS. STRIFE OVER TARIFF Spanish Protectionists Strongly Oppose Any Concessions to Onba , AUTONOMISTS CLAIM IT IS NECESSARY Bold it is Absolutely Indispensable to Homo Rnlo. GOVERNMENT IS BETWEEN TWO FIRES Declines Thna 1'ar ' to Take the Public Into Its Confidence. WILL NOT YET DISCLOSE ITS POLICY Council of Mliilxtcm Connlilrm ln- tlio I'rcptiHftl ItcfomiK ami Ap prove * All Kxcciit the CliiUMO Itelnllnif ( e Turin" * . ( Copyright , 1S57 , by TrcM Publishing Company. ) MADRID , Nov. 22.--New ' ( > York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Protectionist ' And political opposition to the concession of tariff autonomy to the West Indies Is assum ing formidable proportions In Madrid and the provinces. Barcelona protectionists have sent the gov ernment telegrams deprecating the sacrifice of ' .he colonial market to the autonomists. They also rent Inft.ucntlal deputations , who are to be received today by Sagasta and Moret and tomorrow by the queen. The conten tion , which Is backed by a majority ot tbe Madrid preps , Is that Spain must Insist upon tlio ruban tariffs maintaining a margin of protection ot 20 to 40 per cent for thei prod ucts ot the peninsula , chiefly because Cuba will never be In a position to pay the Interest and- sinking fund of debts contracted to fnce the present Insurrection , which Spanish tax payers will have to undertake to do , as the Imperial treasury guarantees colonial loans. ( They also say the colonies are not worth keeping If Spain surrenders the markets of Cuba and Puerto Rico to foreign competition. Representatives of the autonomist and re formist parties publicly declared today that a tariff autonomy is absolutely Indispensable for sincere home rule In the West Indies. They argue that the colonies must have con trol of the tariff because , Hke all American commonwealths , It will be the principal Eource of revenue to the Insular treasurjv The government declines to make known how far It will go In tariff autonomy until the council ot ministers approves and the aucen signs the decrees. The general Imprcs- clon Is that some restrictions will be put upon the powers ot the Cuban Parllamen. over tariff. Autonomist reforms in Cuba and Puerto Rico proposed by the minister of the colonlci were approved by a council of ministers this evening , excepting the clause regard ing tariff reform , an examination or which the government decided to postpone , by Senor Morel's desire , until tomorrow , when th deputation from Barcelona will have had nn opportunity to explain its opinion on this matter to Senor Sagasta and other members of the government. Minister ot the Colonies Moret received today the deputa tion of Barcelona protectionists and told them h.0 would sooner withdraw from the cabinet than assent to a postponement of Cuban reforms or assent to limitations of tariff autonomy that might compromise the prompt pacification ot Cuba. He added that bowould consider the policy In cabinet. .Whilst fully rscognlzlng the Importance of cUshln interests he deemed the Interest of peace to be still greater. He advised them to carry % their /jrlevances to the premier end other ministers , as the decision did not rest with him , bin'with the council of min isters. Conservatives other partisans ot Wey- Icr , whose family and personal friends are o alarmed nt the prospect of the Imposing turbulent ilcmor. . fitlon , now advise him to continue bis Tpyage to his native province , the Balearic Islands , where an equally en thuslastlc but less of n political welcome la being prepared. ' " ARTHUR E. HOUGHTON. TO t'UiiciiAsn rn U-K. I'aiiilo CoiiinilNKloiieil liy Illaiivo to liny On tlu > liiNiirKeiilN. HAVANA ( Via Key West , Fla ) , Nov. 22. General Pando started by train from this city on Saturday last. In nrder , according to thu official announcement , to take charge of the campaign against the Insurgent * . Ho was acrorapauled by bis full staff and was escorted by tt company of artillery. But It Is tatcd on very good authsrlty that General Pando ba ? been colnmlsslo.icd by Marshal Blanco , the captain general , to enter Into communica tion with tno insurgent leaders , 'ivlt'i ' tha view of arranging for pence. This statement Is based on accurate knowl edge of all the facts lu tbe case. General Pando did not leave this city until be had taJcn steffl calculated to further the object which Marshal Blanco has In view. General Pando , after a consultation with the captain ccnoral , first brought about the release from confinement of Damlen Cabellero , who has been Imprisoned on the Isle of Pines for come tlmo past , for. It Is alleged , actlug as a ttiy for the Insurgents and bringing about a disaster for the Spanish troops at Caoio , province of Santiago do Cuba , General Pando further furnished Caticllera , who Is the grandfather of Rubl , and who Is looked on as being the backbone of tbe ln urgent rooic- inent In the province of Santiago de Cuba , with a considerable sum of money and caused him to bo landed at Manzanlllo , province o ! GantUKo do Cuba , where a good liorso was Qlaced at his dlcposil. General Pando's peace emissary was also fuiulehod official documents empowering him to Act In behalf of the Spanish commander , and from Manzanlllo Cabellero made his way secretly to the Jlguanl hills , where Gen eral Rabl bac his headquarters. General Pundo instructed Cabellero to offer General Rabl a high ruuk in tbo Spanish army and a large sum of money to be distributed among the othtr Insurgent leaders ot that part of Cuba , and , in addition , a large amount of money for himself , In the event ot his suc ceeding in arranging terms for peace. Be Idea this Cabellero was Instructed to Inform ( ho Insurgent leaders that the Fpanlsb au thorities undertook to honestly establish the new autonomist regime If the leaders would accept the propositions made them. Although Cabellero has not returned from Santiago de Cuba , confidential advices which reached the Spanlah official ! hero teem to indicate that Cabellero has BO far be n un- uoceiatul. U U underatood General Rabl .fc s replied that he bollevei a luccesaful o ( the war In favor oi the insurgents Is approaching ; that the Cubans , with the aid of the United States , will gain their in dependence , and that , therefore , ho prefers to contlnuo fighting the Spaniards until the final victory U won. Cabellero also negotiated with General Du Valon , the French leader of the Insurgents. There seems to bo no Intimation as to the result of CabellM-o's negotiations with Gen eral Du Vaton , although it may be Judged from the attitude assumed by General Rabl that the peace negotiations are likely to fall flat In Santiago de Cuba. General Pando , In the meantime , while act ing after consultation with Marshal Blanco , has put other Irons In the fire. In the hope of prevailing upon the Insurgents to come to terms. He has been and Is still In nego tiation with three leaders of the Cuban revo lution , and has been endeavoring to induce them to go to different Insurgent c in : > 3 , there to use their Influence to bring about peace , on the promlco of Cuba baing ac corded a really autonomous form of govern ment. These three mtn were ilso offered money for themselves and were to have boon furnished with large sums of money to dis tribute among their friends. But It Is un derstood they have up to date declined to be come agents of Pando , alleging cs their excuses that they have no Influence with the Insurgent leadcrc of the day , and that they would be risking tltelr lives if they ventured Into the Insurgent camps. In some quarters It Is believed that this reluctance to accept t'ae overtures pf General Pando is duo to the fact that the insurgents are anticipating some strong eters in their favor when the United States congress meets. It Is generally admitted that General Pando Is somenhat mortified at the non-success of his plans up to the p'csent , and has In formed the three Insurgent leaders referred to that he doubts their sincerity , and lie dl- rectlj gave them to understand that he was of the opinion that they were opposed to the soverelcnty of Spain over Cuba , and had no desire to assist the Spanish authorities In their efforts to b-lng about a peaceful set tlement of the troubles. The Cubans pro tested that they were sincere and repeated the excuses they had already made for their non-compliance with the requests ot the Spanish general. The latter , although some what disappointed , It Is understood , will con tinue his efforts to come to an understanding with the Insurgents and the military autho-- Itles believe the best way to do this Is to Inflict upon the enemy a signal defeat which General Pando hopes to accomplish. On the other hand It Is believed the In- surgents have similar plans though from an opposite direction , and with n totally differ ent object InIew. . If current reports amors the friends of the Insurgents arc to be be lieved tbe revolutionary leaders hope to strike a decisive blow at Spain before congress - gross meets as an encouragement to their friends In the United States who are urging a recognition upos the part of the United States government of the belligerency of the Insurgents of Cuba. Dr. Jose Congosto , formerly Spanish consul at Philadelphia and now secretary general ot Cuba , Is continuing to lose ground in public favor as a result of scmo ext aordlnary statements whlch he has mode to the Spaniards here. Senor Santos Guzman con siders himself and his family much insulted by certain remarks of Dr. 'Conqosto ' , and It Is said that the n w secretary general has not heard the lost of the affair. Congosto Is alleged to bo displaying considerable igno rance of administrative affairs , and ot having In consequence failed to fulfill many of tbe duties of his office. iFlnally , the utterances of Tr. Congosto , If correctly reported , are likely scon to be sharply resented In Madrid. Ho Is alleged to have remarked that Spain had until now followed a policy of spoliation In Cuba , and that the Insurgents were Justi fied In acting as they have done. While this may be. perfectly ( rue such a remark from u prominent official Is not likely to pass with out notice at the Spanish capital , especially as It ts added that the employes of the secre tary general's office protested against the re mark and have taken further action In the matter , BLANCH'S ALLEGED COMMENT. Regarding political utterances , a stace ment made by Marshal Blanco shortly after his arrival here Is being much commented upon. Ii seems that 'When ' the superior of a religious order , residing at Guan'taooi , near this city , called on tbo now captain gen eral In order to weltome him to Cuba , Mar shal Blanco , during < the course of the con- \orratloa w-hlch followed , said : "Cnl > Divine" Providence la able to save Cuba. " Whereupon the distinguished priest reported"If ve must confide only in Di vine Providence and have no other means to conquer the Insurgents then we are lost.1' The sympathizers with the Insurgents have been making considerable capital out of thin Incident , claiming that tiio remarks of the captain general Indicate that he has nu faith In the success of his mission. Furthsr proof of this Mate of mind upon the _ part of Marshal Blanco appears to be furrTlshtd In a statement which Is attributed to him when ho replied to the welcome ot the Mer chants' association. U.on | that occasion tbe captain genera 's ' said to have asserted that Spain could keep up the fighting until after April next , and it by that tlmo the Spaniards were unable to restore pcaco at any price he ( Marshal Blanco ) would return la SpJln. Incidentally this sentiment is credited to several other generals who have arrived here recently from Spain. The answer of the Insurgents to Marshal Blanco's decree favoring the resumption of grinding sugar cano has been the burning of Iranunso cano fields In tbe Augar district of this province in the neighborhood ot San Fellpo. A day or to ago the sky in that dl- rt'Ctlon wus red with the reflection of flames. Shortly after the president's dispatch re garding tbo peace negotiations of General Pando was closed it became known that two of the prominent ex-Insurgent leaders re ferred to as having been In communication with the Spanish commander had been In duced to start for Manzanlllo In another ef fort to Induce the Insurgent leaders of San tiago de Cuba to arrange for peace on the basts of autonomy being granted to Cua. Official dispatches from Matanzas announce the release ot Senora de Roca , mother of the Insurgent , Jose de Roca , and several other prominent people who have been im prisoned there for some time past. General Pando has arrived at Matanzas , has visited the hospitals there and has or dered tbe distribution of 1,000 rations of food dally to the reconcentrados. La Lucha in an editorial today says that in spite of all the proofs of friendship Spain has given tbe United States , in a manner without precedent in history , It has not re ceived in exchange from the government of the republic anything signifying the purpese of that government to put a stop to the de parture ot filibustering expeditions from tbo United States. Continuing , La Lucha cays the more Spain yields tbe greater enthusl- ( Continued oo Third Pace. ) * COMPETITOR CREW ARRIVES Recently Pnrdoned Political Prisoners from Oaba Beach New York. SHOV/ EFFECTS OF LONG CONFINEMENT Arc Orec e l wtlli n Cortltnt Wel come li > ' Their Friends nnil < ! lve Their Storlc * iif Their NEW YORK , "Nov. " 22. The steamer Sara toga , from Havana , having on board the released - leased members of the Competitor filibuster- Ing expedition , entered the harbor today. The men are 'Cnptaln ' Alfredo Laborde , William Glldea , Oaa ( Melton. William Lcavitt and Charles Belnctt , an Englishman. The five men were In fairly gooi health and excellent spirits on. reaching quarantino. j Captain Labordo suffers somewhat from' ' paralysis which he contracted during his long t confinement In the Cabanas fortress. j j I Joseph A. Springer , the United States vice j consul at Havana , was also a passenger on the Saratoga. Mr. Springer declined to talk for ' publication. The released men wore the clothes In which thev t were clad nt the tlmo of their capture on April 23 , 1S96 , at Berracos , San Cayetano , Cuba. Another happy passenger on the Saratoga was Julio Artcago y Quesada , the young Cuban Insurgent who was ordered to bo shot by Wcylcr , but was pardoned by General Blanco , friend of the prisoner's father. The six men who had escaped the fate of the Vlrglnlus captives were greeted upon their ' arrival In Now York by an enthusiastic crowd , who gave them a hearty welcome. The poor wretches were too weak to respond to the cheers which had been given In their honor. Captain LaBorde's brother was one of those assembled on tbo deck. The meeting between the brothers was a touching one. The friends of the others c-ied with Joy as they grasped the hands of the released pris oners , whoso eyes were sunken , faces pallid and forms emaciated. Representatives of the Cuban Junta were also present and they added their greeting to the men. GAVE UP HIS SECRETS. This Is the story which young Quesada told tonight concerning his release : "While a member of the army corps In the Plnar I del Rio district I became possessed of Information , to the knowledge of which I think I owe the saving of my life. . "Last March I wandered about half a mile away from our hosyltal teat In search of come herbs , of which I desired to make medi cine , when a detachment of Spanish Infantry captured me. The nolso of my struggle to J free myself aroused my twelve companions and thev rushed to my rescue. During the flKht my friends were beaten , and one of them was killed. "After the conflict was over I was bound and thrown on the gromd and beaten un mercifully. I was told It I would confess where my comrades had their dynamite stored they would stop beating me. This I declined to do. and seeing that they could not force a contcsslon from me , they sent me to Ar- ismlsa orison , where I was tried and sen tenced to be shot. 'It woa at this Juncture that my knowl edge stood me In good stead. Two prominent Spanish generals , one a brigadier general , whcso name I do not care to mention , and General Arolas. principally concerned them- sehes in my release. They feared me because thev knew I had disclosures to make which would ruin them. They thought that if 1 had to die I would tell what I knew. TRAITORS TO SPAIN. "These men are either bare cowards or their desire to hold their positions over- oime their scruples. They were la cot slant communication with the insurgent genenlt having written letters to them which I taw- while In the Plnar del Rio district , In which they stated that they wanted to make ar rangements by which Spanish soldiers would not be attacked In the districts controlled by them. In return the Insurgents were to have free access to the trocha and be per mitted to pass at will. This proposition was accepted , and In this way we were able to keep In constant communication with Gomez , Maceo and Garzla. "We had about 5,000 men under command of General Nunez , while the Spaniards had between 40,000 and 50,000 , yet we were well able to cope with them. " The friends of Young Quesada were sur prised to learn that he had secured hio re lease by giving away a secret which be trayed the allies ot the Insurgents In the Spanish army. It was this and not General Blanco's love for the late Prof. Quesada that secured his pardon. Another member of the crew Is Ona. Mel ton , the newspaper man , whoso Intention was not to participate In the war , but report the situation. In describing his capture and sub sequent treatment Melton said that when the first fchot was firedi by the Spanish gun boat ho arid two of his companions lowered u small boat and tried to escape. They were pursued and captured a short distance from the shore. On board the gunboat thcji were cruelly bound with ropes and were prodded with sharp-pointed sticks , which punctured their flesh. They were afterward thrown Into a cell and fed but once a day. After tbe first six days the prisoners were permitted to see Consul Williams and were fed twice a day , but Just the sort of food It was MeltonIs unable to say. It barely supported life , that was all. SURPRISED AT A PARDON. Of the respite Melton said ho and bU com panlous were placed In a large cell , contain ing forty other prisoners , both political and criminal , in the Cabanas fortress , and there he remained lu trembling and fear. Last Thursday afternoon ho wan taken out of the dungeon , as ho supposed , to be shot , but In the corridor he met General Lee , who , to Melton's surprise , Informed him that all tbe Competitor's prisoners were pardoned. Then hn and his comrades were placed on th Saratoga , which brought them here. When arrested Melton weighed 165 , but now he could not pull down the scales at 100 pounds. Hn will remain hero about a week and will then return to his home. Captain Laborde , sneaking of his prison life , said ; "The stories of cruelty In Spanish prisons are utterly unfounded. I b-ave been there long enough to know. Tbe Jailers were as kind as could bo expected , and Matteo Fernandez , the warden of Cabanas , wus es peclally kind and considerate so much so that we called him 'father. ' We knew more about what was going on than you did. How did WR learn ? Well , I can't tell that , as it might hurt these I have left behind. Yes , Amerlo-a gold went a grtat ways. I got a little money from time to time and I guards , who did not receive any pay while 1 \\us there , were always gratified for anything I gave them , and I was amply paid for what they got. " Two members of tbe Competitor crew , Dr. i . j E. Bordla and Telgadft Mas'so , both Spin- tards , are still In prison In Cuba. Their release - lease , It Is said , has been prornlsed. n.MPKHOH WILLIAM AUtlKVFfS. | . Knl er'i Snnir > nvr rn mvrt Into the- Krrnch SemuUil , LONDON , Nov. 22. The PaHs correspond ent of the Dally Chronicle says : The name of Emperor William Is now per sistently connected with the Dreyfus affair. It IB currently reported ! that at the time of the trial he wrote to M. Caslmlr-Pcrler , giv ing his word of honor OB a man that Dreyfus had not betrayed Frnc < e for the Germans , adding that , If neccssar : , he would give his "word as nn emperor , > Ith all its consoler quences. " President Casltnlr-Pe ler communicated [ _ 1 this to the luuiuct. Boo i afterward Dreyfus . j | i | was condemned. Emperor William , much I ] I hurt j , Instructed the Gorman ambassador at ' Paris to ask If the Incriminating documents ] : 1 had been procured on German territory. M. Caslmlr-Perler ( made a guarded reply , but , In i view . of the fact that ho had been kept In Ignorance by the cabinet ot what was going ton ( and had to sanction the sentence upon Dreyfuc despite the kaiser's word of honor , ho j decided to resign tbp presidency , nnd selr.ed the first occasion which occurred , namely , the overthrow o | the Dupuy cabinet. The Gaulols says It was In order to a\ci't grave consequences arh ng from Empeior William having given hli word of honor that the court martial was he d with closed doors , and ccitaln documents , In accordance with the request of the emp ; ror , were not pro duced at the trial. PARIS , Nov. 22. Ex-President Casl- mer Perler In an i Interview today declined to confirm or deny the story old today by the Paris correspondent of the Dally Chronicle Regarding the con nection of Emperor William of Germany vlth the Dreyfus affair } , The arrest of Major PaTiflln do Saint Mor- rel , who Is now undergoing a month's rig orous confinement to hrt ! quarters , has. led o a serious wrangle between General Billet , he minister for war , andGeneral Dolsdeffre , .he chief of the Frenchheadquarters' staff and whose name haa been ? , mentioned as suc- -cssor of Count MontebellS as French ambas sador to St. Petersburg ; . Major de Saint lorrel Is the aldc-de-winjp of General Bols- deffre and was punished Jecently with Major " orclnetti for his attitude In supporting the aKltatlon In favor of reo ] enlng the Dreyfus case Major Forclnettl , j w'jo , was governor o : the military prison of : Cherche-MIdl , was punished by being relieved otylils post. DU.VTII POIl TEX rOMCR''OFH ' < ICIAIjS. Severe Penalty lu Storifor" " tlie IjyiichcrH ot Arroyo. CITY OP MEXICO , Nov : 22. The great rial ot Arroyo's murderers Is over , terminat- nz this evening with the sentence of death pronounced on ten of the police officials and policemen concerned In the butchery of the lanless wretch whose audacious attempt on ha president caused so profound a sensation icre. The Jury was out over seven hours , eturnltiR Us verdict at S p. m. , and Judge Blares delivering sentence-at about 8 o'clock. The prisoners stood up and tbe gendarmes nrescated arms during ttie deliverance. The court room was crowded to the'utmostcapac- ty , for the closing scenes In the trial were most dramatic. Vlllacenilo and Cabrcara took the verdict cooly , as , In fact , did all the iris-oners. Bellldo wa's sentenced to eleven months' Imprisonment , and Cucller , > wh8 bought the knives at the order of his master , he late Inspector General Velasquez and also Bravo were acquitted and set free. The condemned men do not yet seem to realize their perilous position. Their lawyers watered an appeal In each case. Public opin ion sustains the verdict. GUI2CIAX GOVI3UVHKXT DEFEATED. IJoule DccIilcH Atlvi"- ely on Investi gation of the I.nte War. ATHENS. Nov. 22. In the Boule today ths government was defeated on the ques tion of presenting a committee of Inquiry Into certain Incidents of the war. It Is be lieved the cabinet will recommend dissolu tion of the chamber only as a last resource , but the various political leaders who have been Interviewed on the subject maintain that the present chamber Is powerless to deal with the situation. The decision of King George is awaited w-Jth anxiety. S trail nnd HlN .Vcw Hook. ( Copyright. 1S97. by Pret3 1'ufillshliifr Company. ) LONDON , Nov. 22. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram , ) Stead , who is at present staying at Trayllng Island , Sus sex , replying to an Inquiry as to where he got the facts for his new book about Tam many and what made him 'suddenly change his mind about Croksr , telegraphs : "I have not changed my mind about Crpker. My book Is based on the Lexow- report and ex presses no opinion on Crokor. " AiiHtrla Mny Try 1'rnti'ctlon. LONDON. Nov. 22. The ) Vienna corres- spondent of the Times , telegraphing In refer ence to a semi-official Inq'ulry Just opened In reference to the Austrian foreign trade , cays : "Unless a marked change occurs In the Dolttlco-economlc views prevailing here. It U likely that tfio defensive measures agalntt American protectionism , wtilsh arc regarded ES among the most pressing 'necessities of the immediate future , will themselves bo of a protectionist character. Gorman TroopH ut Caiicii , BERLIN , Nov. 22. A dispatch from Canea to the Cologne Gazette Kays that the German embassy at Constantinople has notified the International squadron that a fresh detach ment of German troops will shortly be landed at Canea , to replace the German contingent , consisting of an officer and twelve marines , that embarked on the Kaiserlp Augusta last week after the German flag had bce.n hauled down from the international ? redoubt. lilt ? Whnrf niMii LISBON , Nov. 22. At t o'clock a big masonny wharf , haingfrontage of 309 meters on the river Tagus , opposite tbo cus tom bouse , suddenly subsided and completely disappeared In the river bed. An official ex amination has disclosed1 tbo 'fact that the wharf , which was recently constructed at a cost of 50,000 , rested onmud. . Soundings to tbe depth of thirty-six meters revealed no olld foundation. INmorw Are Anulii Coiutlrtvrlnir. LONDON , Nov , 22. The "Roma correspond ent ot the Daily News , saya : "J ami able to assert on the best authority that the powers are discussing the advisability of a naval demonstration in the Dardanelles or a block ode ot Constantinople If the sultan does noi yield with respect to autonomy for Crete , ant especially wth | regard to withdrawing the Turkish troops , " Story I'rnnouiii-vil Untrue. LONDON , Nov. 22. The ParU correspond ent ot the Dally News denies that there Is &ny truth whatever in the report that M Ccslmir Perler's resignation of the presidency of the French republic wcs In any way con nected with tbe Dreyfus affair , and contempt uously dUmlsEtB the etory es "mere flim flam. " i I CAPTAIN | ' LOVERINC'S ' TRIAL Oonrl-STartial Investigates His Treatment of Private Hammond. WITNESSES TESTIFY TO HIS SEVERITY Allecrc Hint the Cnptnln. KlcUrit the 1'rlviite , Profiled III in Midi n Snoril , mill OlhrrnlNC MUtrrnU'il Him. CHICAGO. Nov. 22. Captain Leonard A. Loverlng of the Fourth Infantry , stationed at Fort Sheridan , appeared before a court * martial at that pest today to stand trial on the charge of "conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. " The specific chaige Is causing Private Hammond to be dragged over the ground by the heels from the guardhouse to the office of the regimental adjutant after Hammond had refused to walk. The court was an hour late In convening because of a delay In the arrival of Brigadier General ( Wade , the presiding officer. A cold wind from the northwest blew across the parade grounds and Private Hammond , who otood without an overcoat on the porch of the Officers' club , where the court was held , under guard of three soldiers , wrapped In icavy array ulsters , shivered , while his teeth chattered and his face turned blue from the cold. The four men stood In the falling snow for almcst an hour , the guards with ; helr bavonets leveled toward the prisoner , until Lieutenant Williams , who had been notified of the delay , took pity on Hammond and ordered him back to the guardhouse. Hammond was thin and pale and his appear ance Indicated that his Imprisonment had told on his health. His army overcoat was at Plattsburg , N. Y. , where he left It when 10 absented himself without leave , and there was none for him at Fort Sheridan. The first witness was Lieutenant John J. Bernard , the officer of the guanl on the day Hammond wca dragged. He testified that he ordered Hammond to appear before the sum mary court and that the latter refused to go. tie exhausted all means to get the private to go before the court and these being un availing he reported the matter to Captain Loverlng , who was officer ot the day. "Did you hear Captain Loverlng use oaths n his language to the prisoner ? " Judge Advocate Hunter asked In questioning Lieu tenant Rernard. "I heard him say , 'D n you , come out , " " was the answer. The lieutenant was unable to state posi tively to the court whether Loverlug kicked or stabbed the prisoner. ORDERED BAYONETS USED. Corporal New , who was corporal of the day on October 9 , but who has since been reduced to the rank of a private , was the next wit ness called , and stated that Loverlng , as officer of the day , sent three men to Ham mond's cell with orders to prod him' with their bayonets If bo would not walk. "Ho said ho , would dto before he would w-alk , " said New , "and I then saw Loverlng kick lilm twice and prod him with his sworJ. " 'How much force did the officer use ? " asked the Judge advocate. "He kicked him pretty hard , so hard at least that Hammond felt It and rubbed his side , " was the answer. "How hard did Loverlng prod the prisoner with his sword ? " was the next question' . "The sword must have passed through Hammond's clothing , " said Private New , "for he crjcd 'Don't do that. ' When the prisoner had been dragged down the guard house steps I saw Loverlng prod him again. That time it was in the hand and I saw the blood trickle from the wound. " Sergeant Bralnerd was called and gave a minute description of how Hammond was dragged feet first over the sill of his cell , then down the guardhouse stone steps , 100 yards along the walk , down over the curb , up again to the walk , down again and across the road , over the opposite curb , up the steps to D company's quarters , then down over the curbs , and finally up the steps to the adjutant's office. "How did Hammond look when he ar rived at the court ? " -asked Colonel Hunter. "Ho was crying when the rope 'was taken from his feet , " answered the corporal. ' 'His pants were worn through to the skin , and when I returned with him to the guardhouse he showed mo the cuts made oy Captain Loverlng's sword. They were nil biEcdlng and were deep. " Corporal Ward jyas the last wltnes ? ard his evidence corroborated that of Corporal New. An adjournment was then taken to 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. MIMSTUU CIIAUUKII WITH 'MUHDKIt. llov. A , K. MorrlKoii to AIIH T for IIUVlf < - ' DraUi. TOPEKA , Kan. . Nov. 22. The Topeka po lice have arrested Rev. A. E. Morrison , Methodist , ot Panhandle , Tex. , and are hold- lug him on suspicion of murder until the sheriff can arrive from Panhandle and take him homo for trial. Fcr several monthn Morrison had been engaged to Miss Whittle- sey of Topeka , whose family Is prominent here , and they were to be married hero dur ing the holidays. Frcm the Information the police have re ceived It Is supposed that Morrison Is the same person , as the wife of a minister of the some name died suddenly at Panhandle , TQX. , October 8 , under circumstances which pointed to poison , Morrison admitted to Chief Steele that ho was from Panhandle , but said be did not know bow a charge of murder could be made against him , unless It was the out growth of criticism that was heaped upon him on account of his wife's death , At tbe Wlilttlcaey homo the family ob jected to allowing reporters to see Miss Wblttlesey. One of the brothers explained that Morrlscn was their schoolmate In Illi nois twenty years ago. WOODWARD'S i.o.vcj YH.MIS OK ( 'it i. MI : SvtluillrilVenlthy I'roitlc Out of .Mll- MOIIH of llolliirH. NEW YORK , Nov. 22 , William C. Wood ward , also known as "Dig" Hawley , was found guilty today of attempting to extort blackmail from Samuel W , 'Brlgbam , a son- in-law of millionaire William C , Schermer- horn. Woodward ha an International repu tation as a swindler and boaeted on the wit- nee- stand today that a * "tbe Llone Mua- grovo" ho had obtained ? 1,000,000 from wealthy Englishmen in London at cards and iby other means , Ho alfoaid that ho had been arrested thirty-seven times In the thlrty-ieven years of his life. This , he said , was the first time In all his career -that he bad faced a Jury , ! 'rr \\lnn. . T. PAL'L , Nov , 12. The United Stales ajtpella-o court handed down a decision to day In live case of tbe Minneapolis Tribune against the Associated press ) , deciding In favor of the Associated press THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Fortc.- for . Fair ; Wnrmor ; Southerly Winds. Page . 1. Spaniard- Out- Over Cnlmn Tariff. Competitor Crow ArrUc * nt New York. Court Mnrtlnl of Cnptnln I.ovrrliiR. Autocratic I'opocrntla ItoturnliiR llonrtt 3. Itecrptlon to Secretary Jtrlklejolin. Ottawa Foot llnll Trnm to I'lny Here. 3. Hitch In Arbitration Negotiation * . 1'eoploVnnt I'o'tat SniliiR' Hunk- . Tlmrn U I'lnccil on Trial Again , 4. Kilttorlal mill Cotninont. C. Hearing on I.lvo .Stork Itnte * . rrelileney of the Union r rlllc. Omaha liar- the Slot Marhlno * . Valuation on Omaha Heal Kntiito. ' ' . 0. Council lllulT * t.mMl Matter- . NoMik Trial Is Nearly I'.nitcd , 7. Ne - ( lleaneil from the ( Ircatcr Went. 8. 1'liiT anil 1 1 cm i > nt the Kxpotltlon. I'xpo-ltlon llaiullcaiipetl hy the Strike. 0. Nervy l > rapn from I.lhby I'rl-on. Trial of llonry llolln'Homlincn. . 1'ollcoGrt After the I.oeal Thlete * . Comptroller Hold * Unclaimed Warrants , 11. Commercial anil financial Ncivs. li. ! New De-ten * In Table Linen , Temperature at Oiiinlini Hour. Detr. Hour. Den. n n. in . lit . 1 1 > . in . -S O n. m . i. ( i : p. in . - ! > 7 n. m . -t a p. 111 . : i- N n. in . - - -i ii. in . : t" n n. m . -r. o p. m . : ti 10 ll. Ill . -VI ( I l > . Ill . - ' 11 n. ill . -I ( 7 | i. m. . . . . . -S n m . (1 ( S p. ill . -II II II. Ill . - " > I.IKU LOST ix nan AT : . MTN. Mnvoii , SufToi-ntfil liy SmoUc , In HiiriH-d. BALTIMORE , Nov. 22. The entire con tents ot tiio five-story building at 317 anl 319 North Howard streets , occupied by Wil liam H. Scott , popularly known as "Great Scott , " as a furniture store , were today de stroyed by fire , in which one woman , Mrs. Susan E. Maxou , 1336 Mascn street , lost her life. life.Tho The Interior of the building occupied by Mr. Scott , which Is owned by Michael F. McCormlck , was also completely demolished , although the four walls remain standing. The total damage to that and adjolnlng prop erty Is estimated at about $135,000. The Insurance on Mr. Scott's stock is $ S1- 000. Mr. McCormlck's loss on the building Is estimated at $30,000 , of which $23,000 Is covered by 'Insurance. The less of the Pol lack Furniture company and Potthast Broth ers Is net known. STREATOR , 111. , Nov. 22. The largo de partment store of D. Helnan & Co. and sev eral -adjoining buildings were destroyed by fire tonight , entailing a loss of aijuut $250- 000. The fire was caused by the explosion ot a lamp in the millinery department on the second floor and started about 6:30 : o'clock. A strong wind aided In spreading the fire to other departments and the whole Interior of the three-story structure was soon a seething furnace. The postoffice adJoined - Joined the store and was completely de stroyed , the loss being- about $2dOO. H. F. How-lands' furniture stock and building was on fire several tlnves , as wero'the stores of M. Purcell & Co. , dry goods and groceries ; Julius Moses , clothing ; Abe Levy , boots and shoes , and the Union National bank. Plate glass windows for a block were ruined. D. Helnan & Co.'s loss is $200,000. Their Insur ance Is not known definitely , but is estimated at about $23.000. Other losses are : H. F. Howland , $3,000 ; M. Purcell & Co. , ? 2BOO ; Julius 'Moses , $2,000 ; Dr. C. R. Taylor , den tist , In Helnan building , $3,000 ; U. L. Keat ing , building and loan agent , $2,500. Most of the latter lossts are covered by Insur ance. I RICHMOND , Va. , Nov. 22. A private telegram from Northampton county , on the eastern short of Virginia , states that the handsome colonial residence of Lieutenant Edwin S. Jacobs , U. S. N. , retired , was burned to th ? ground about 0 o'clock this morning. Lieutenant Jacobs estimates his loss at about $75,000. FENDER , Neb. , Nov. 22. ( Special. ) A bnrn and Its contents , consisting of four hcrscs , hay , grain , harness and other farm equipments , belonging to George Eggcrs , liv ing six miles southeast of this place , were entirely consumed by fire last night about midnight , causing a loss of about $400. Cov ered by insurance. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. . Nov. 22. ( Special. ) The general merchandise store of T. J. Welch at Jackson was destroyed by fire this morning about 4 o'clock. A lean-to on the building filled with grain , owned by Pat Barry and Frank Davey , was also destroyed. The buildings were owned by Frank Davcy and were both Insured , ts was also tbo stock of Welch. MELBOURNE , Victoria , Nov. 22. As n re sult of the flro which broke out at 2 o'clock yesterday morning , and destroyed within three hours an entire block of buildings , bounded by Elizabeth , Flanders and Swanson streets and Flanders lane , with the exception of two buildings on the Swanson street front , the Insurance companies lose $3,650,000 , of which $500000 will fall on British companies. Australian companies will lese the remaining amount. sn.vnit suitvicn TO .YASIIVIM.U. Ci Million ) Ilcc'clvoM lUuiil filft from TeniK'NueeV Ciijiltill. NORFOLK. Va , , Nov. 22. The presentation of a handsome slhcr service on behalf and In the name of the citizens of Nashvlllo , Term. , was made to the gunboat Nashville at the navy yard this morning. The ceremony mony took place on the main deck In the presence of the ship's company. Com mandant Farquhar and other officers of the yard , with a number of feminine guests , wit ncssed the presentation. The address on be half of the citizens of Nashvlllo was made by W. D. Hutchlnson , Commander ( Maynard of tbo gunboat responding. Addresses were alto made by Congressman Galncs and ex- Congressman Washington ot Tennessee. OMJ JAII , iiun.uvKit is CAi'i'i IIID. : U'lllliini .MooreViiulfil III lencln oci < l , IM llcnrri-HU-il. HELENA. Mont. , Nov , 22. After three dais' chase through the mountains Sheriff Young of Park county and posse today cap tured a mulatto , eald to bo William Moore , who. with four Bellefourcho bank robbers , broke Jail at Deadwood , S , D. , October 31 , The capture was made near Mammoth Hot EDrlnes , in Yellcnvstcao lark , Moore U wanted for the murder of t\\o woodcboppcrs. ifiil * of Offiin V - MeUov , ' - - At Uoston An lyed Catalonia , from Llv > erool. At New York Arrived Obdam , from Rot terdam ; Ancborla , from Glasgow ; Georgia , from Liverpool. Sailed Amsterdam , for Rotterdam. At Copenhagen Arrived Slcllla , from New York , for Stettin. At Hamburg Sailed Phoenicia , for New York. At Philadelphia Arrived I'ennland , from Liverpool. At aibraltar-Arrlvcd-'KBUer ' Wllhelm II , from New York , for Naples and Genoa. PROTESTS IN VAIN Popocratio Returning Board Ooolly Ignores Republican Objections , QUESTIONS CONDITION OF THE RETURNS Irregularities in Office of the Secretary Exposed to the Board , SMYTH BALKS THE PROCEEDINGS Objections from Attorney General Check Unpleasant Revelations , POHTER ADMITS IGNORANCE OF AFFAIR Unalile'to Tell 'When ' lleturnn Were llcci'lvert or Who Tn in tiered v llli the Kiivrloim In I 11 In UUloe. LINCOLN. Nov. 22. ( Special. ) The etoto canvassing board met at the office of the sec retary ot state this afternoon to canvass the vote of the siato on the election of one Jus tice of the supreme court and two regents of the university , and Immediately upon the convening of the board a protest was filed , signed by Ed R. Slzcr , P. J. Keller and other republicans , objecting to the canvass of the vote because of Irregularities on part of the secretary of state. If the protest was filed with the Idea that It would receive serious consideration by the beard the Idea was a mistaken one. If on the other hand , It was Intended to put the secretary ot state and his deputies on record as having violated the statutes It was a perfect success. It developed two otter facts that have heretofore been strongly hinted at that the business of some of the state officers Is being conducted In a very loose manner. In nuny cases with no record made of matters of vital Import ance ; and also that , were It not for better counsel and steadier heads at board meet ings. Auditor Cornell and Treasurer Moscrvo would ride through the business with whip and spur , regardless of protests or what they term technical laws. BOARD OPPOSED THE REQUEST. When Mr. Kelley had finished reading the protest and asked that the secretary of etato bo sworn and examined as to the opening of the ' abstracts , there was a manifest deslro on part of a majority of the board to prevent his from being done. Governor Hoi-comb , as chairman of the board , admitted that the aw had been violated , but doubted the au thority ot the board to do other than accept the , abstracts as they found them. Meaervo and Cornell wanted to deny the request ot the , proteatants without any consideration whatever. Porter said , he would like to make a stafement , but Smyth objected to thla be cause tbo protest madoTio definite charge of fraud. Uy vote of the board Mr. Porter was prevented from making the statement , and the work of opening the returns was com menced. When Mr. Sizcr made specific ob- lectko to the counting of Adams county At- ; orney General Smyth fell Into a very care fully prepared trap , when he moved that the Protestants be put u'.ion their prcof as to the tampering with the returns. This was ex actly what was looked for , and the secretary of state was called and sworn to testify In the very manner as requested In the pro test. test.All All through the examination the members of the beard showed much uneasiness , and both Meservo and Cornell made many at tempts to cut the matter short , but their motions were for the most part Ignored by the chairman. KELLEY PRESENTS THE PROTEST. The beard convened at 2 o'clock and or- nanlzed by electing Governor Ilolcomb chair man. Tlio abstracts from the ninety counties were placed upan the table , wheel Frank J. Kelley presented and read the following pro test , slsned by Edward R. Slzer , Charles O. Whedon. J. W. Johnson , A. W. Field , John P. Maulo and Frank J. Kelley. To the Governor , Secretary of State , Au ditor of Public Accounts , Treasurer and At torney Gonrrnl of the State of Nebraska , Board of State Canvassers of the Votes at the General Election In Nebraska , Held November 2. 1H 7 : Gentlemen As citi zens of the stnte of Nebraska Interested In preserving1 the purity of the ballot nnd the inalntfininco of the law nnd the prevention of frauds In elections , we desire to cull your attention to the Infraction of the law by tbo hecretary of state and the employes of his olllce relative to the custody nnd fafo keepliiB of the returns of mild elec tion fiom tbo various counties of the state , of section Ki of chapter xxvl , entitled "Elec. tlons , " of the Compiled Statutes of Ne braska , which reads ns follows : "The abstracts of votes to bo canvassed by the Hoard of State Canvassers shall be kept In the ofliccof tlio secretary of state , and shall only be opened In thu presence of Hiirh hoard nt the time provided In tlio following section. " TIP ) "following section" provides for tha meeting of the Hoard of State Canvassers on the third Monday after the election. The election having- bon held on Tuesday , No vember 2 , the third Monday the reafter would be November 'ii , H97 , Wo Imvu HatlHflud ourselves by examina tion , Investigation and Inquiry that Instead of following tftls plain provision of tlio law and not opening the returns until the meetingof your honorable board and In your presence and on the date fixed by law Iho secretary of state lias opened a largo number , If not all of Urn returns , subjected them to his personal examination , and where hei Ims seen lit lias returned them to the various county olllt-crs for the purpose of liavint ; changes made therein. Such unlawful action and willful violation and perversion of thu letter and spirit of the law ought not to go unchallenged or stand without rebuke. OUJKCT OP THE LAW. The object of the law Is to llx a tlmo and place when and where tlio people of the state , or so many of them as desire , may attend to wltnc'HH thu opening of } ho returns , the canvass thereof , nnd the dec laration of tlui result and to provide a lil h tribunal who sliull perform this Important function and pass upon and declare tha result. The usurpation of this great right , privilege nnd duty by nn Individual oltlcer or Individual , and its performance In secrecy opens the door nnd affords an opportunity for the pfrpetrutlon of grofcs frauds , such as have brought Into disrepute HO many of the southern states and created a menace to free government. If the returns contain mUtakrs , manifest errors , or any matters needing elimination , correction or amend ment It Is not for the secretary of state or any other person to i > ass thereon or to suggest modification. The return * are con clusive upon your honorable board ; your action In passing- thereon Is merely minis terial , As was said by the supreme court of Missouri in Mate against Steers , II Mo. , 223 ; "When a ministerial officer leave * his proper sphere and attempts to exerciw