TITE O3fAL BSE : a 5DAY. IBER 17. " 1897. 11 CGMMtlAl AND F1SASCIAI Crtiu tr. ProTiritm Ktrkets Again ! * K Tiiir WHEAT , OATS , CORN EACH CLOSE LOWEB Train r l Ffmtarflf * * , Price * Vary- ln r n Trtflr. O rln r to > incr n Ittiru r Cotirrrnlnc Fro t and Drill rrlfa. CHICAOO. Xrr. Jt Grain mrf xrmrjjrts wen maun i smrV.abVe Ir tbtir -h.Uaa.ii tutorWJwat n.r fd mnm-wtiat IHntMaUoc clew * toy UHJwvtw * 01 UK * nonbn-rjn , * w 4 eHw * * \r ftw-jUae. Corn w e * jr an * clo f < \Q Sc Ivwer. Oan Mdtet4 e. PrwMtoK < taft. INK trrerwlar an * t4oe4 at wrt > - icanttalljMttthMitctit ftreB Wlt vruf lalrljKtrcntg at the ojietrtnp. eFj wial r J r th * December njitlonwtttoto t hanpnd. KUrUMfT t MBvC. and a lew HtnaU a > n * d < - at WfyfWikc , lurt tbt iB&r- uvt UtU a dowDwmrfl twa and in tit wsrt two "hours " tbe jirtce had it-tallied to # c. Tbt iw rthwKt Tii receipts of win-at vrrjr iK ry , otd that overHhaflpwra thing elht In Vbtway nf tr fAi 4evelojiromt * afTertlug i rct * to the ftrtrt twe Jurors. AT the imxnedtel * ojnltig the Brverr fr ra ibtwn bj Ui " r. wtiiM-.r nut 10 be rireviiHinr. i V T a imj-pe area of ttie mier trbfcat. wrnii- try CMHM nKJ cii inqrlni ; t nUne J rttf a trlfl * wver the noKlnp t rJw of tbe day l e- lirt , but that was fx tm lorjatl'i ! utjiJfT tiie jirwwiur * ofnheat boa pin In T ; ; rtatlon of u lalJinj ; nff tn Uie n rUj t Ln i4 jH t miionlr vert fur tin- } ) &rt oc tb * kidt wj tht liears. I > uluth r Hyr(3 ( lH < . cartoaflr of < BB of tliai ifumtiw ctant from utid hud iirtvinuhly 1'"D c-outitfd in jiortbwfftt itic'ijui , and bad ln-en bancht ut iSc ; r mjutn lor ImmndlnU dvllrerjof cutitract i ade. ThU was rloolif4 , l ow- iver MttmcBpoliF ruorh't d only tht rnofl- Tnt * jiurotit-r of C7 carE alibttucb tlit mlli- trt und difchTF of Uiat rtiy wtrtliUiwi 3 > i > yitm c ImixJiionie iuduccnK'-nt OV ovtr UecemtiFr jir1 * * for countrjlvator men it- hurry tbtir vb it to the front. Tlif r"pei ; .t. at tb * ivo MR nortbne Ti mar- lvts vert1,478 ! 8TR , atraJusl i.Stf carr a veeK agn ttitd l.iat cerp UMcorretiji niiJ ; any of thf jirtnjout year. Chlrapo rwetrtid 27i cars , comiiaiefl wiUi V37 cars Tuesflnj of la veil ; , and 12 * cars a y ar ago. Tb * F tuK o' contra t-t v H-t in Chicago In- cjfcawiS Irom Si3aoail 1m to l.BnHiO ( ( bu. , an tndlUoD during tbe * * & of P7I IHW Ira. Tb * ' . aranrt-s at w 1 bttt and flour from ! ! A.J- ii.ntic and puif jiorts wojf equal to rJte.Wtii I JBhfilK , Brndstrwt's fliTures en thf chunpt for the wwk in th * world's "iiblf made an ln- 'taw ol 4.MSXHKI liu. lor thf * et , or aiiDDt . iKm.lKifi I'U lewthau tb * addltlun erj rtfd. Vll n tbt-w lirures w re j Btfd tb * maiket li'-cume wront f r and May hdi-&nced to Winr. t-ut the bt-ar * . vert ; > < srRistentan * fiueliy w -re - thf jnarkt-i out. The lowest prioes ef fbe day were mbdt in tb * lait ten minutes cf tbe wi don. May dfcJinlnc to MS > c. It < l < wd at lVc fern wue dull and rather weal : under th inHueiipf of ht'Bvlr < B la vhest and tht i i ar. cold - r o ? fijinctaUon lisin ? ; vhat in cm > B"trd r. the latter thf ponn- trj iDOVKtDt n. w u iucrcaw. Pit transsac- tions were larpt-Jy in the way of chanplnp l > . -ci mbar duals to May at a silently loc - c rf-iuwd njirfBd Jlectdpts- were 5-H rarji An ntic elcarauffs. TindIHK > bn Cables were utiuhtLngf-d. May rani-HS IromS > % if to 2rf toid closed (8c ( lower at 2Cai.uVc. Oatf , were flniet u d Bt'-ndy comjiaiedwitn other ralc markets There was Rood buy- intr early by exjion bouses , and BtdliiiK by < 'ommi ! Son firniE. liut that fon.itlt uttid I'earljall the day'js tradinij. Catb de niuid v asaimlii rood. Rectn > t5 were 4M catrs Ma ? raiiped Irom in > c to Sl jc and closed H.f lower at aei3ti. There was u very c.t > 3 demand at a uc. ProviHious were Irrejrular and dull. The market started flrra tnoujrh. he jird by a better hop market. There was a l-j loiics , to llQnidate. i iclfcrs f-tdllnp TBtt3y of January ribs Prloes slowly cJnea. but Tetered later on llbtral mlsRlon hoiLtt buj"lnciiffiaIly of jiork. At the clos" .lanuary pork was a tiaa < - lower at IK.1'0. January lard a s-aaae hlcber a : I4.2ri 4.27M. , and January ribs o shade K > wer at } < 2IKr.4 r ? > Estimated rereipts TVednesaaj"Wieat. . 12n t-ary. corn 2U cars. oats. aK > cars ; ; u. ( KKj head. futures ranjj S as > . . I OP-.U. J Hlin. I . I CUosa. Wheat- | P4H liec.V"I ' 04 May. . . | rorn Xor _ 2f.H i'C 1'GH Oui Kay. . . lo-t 7 IS Jim. . . , E 3S4 Hec- . JSH t 30 < 12 JUT , . _ < i7 lee . 17 i it" Jau. . . . ' t lU ! t 17 NO. r. CfiKh auaUitlitiG v Te be rullouc : FLOrH dull , whiter FtrtiBhtB. J4.Tidfr4.60i clears. H iUtfPi 10. Fprlnc FJeciklt > Si.10. Ktniif- B.IIU hard paieutE. JU * . ( ia. Tl-HEAT No. ritrlng. Kr : Np. I njirlnc. CtfHlr : No. I reU Wgliwt c. < 7CIRK No , . SP.Sttiasc. OATS-No. i .c I. o. b. ; Xo. I wlilte , 2IK. JSTE-N * . I. i7e. . BAia-BPT Nf i. a.4f * t. o li. JTjAXSETElJ-No 1. a.warSl 104. TIMOTHT SEEI > ITlnie. .Bi. J'RO SION * Mew imrl. . j r lilil. . } * er 1W 11 > . U.lTttSlmrt J < TT WLHu. tibiirt cleiir BliJ * ' * ( limed ) . H.M * < KH. n'HIBirr T lfBH'rf' finished rixiflf. j > r fru ! . nit . BPGAKS m liial. Ii.M. cranullitel. Artloleh. I.t.rley liu . . On tbe 1'rtidtire ewhance tixJajtlie butter ma.rk.l w * . tirro. rn-anifTle * . , l-&rr ! c dairies , Cbeci * , Quiet , HipHc. EBC- . firm Ifcc. pnultrj' . fuow. tu.-l.t-5b. 8c. LJilcLfUR. tc. duul-K. KE\V YOHK UKBltAL MAH1CET. Q notation * of tlif I > uy < * n Griirrnl NETW TO1UI Nor. 11 FLOni Ketwljft. , ta l.lilt. . ev : > artfi. 10. nc bblK. . murkut ntvadrJ'Jf fttiur. gui . futitj. ; i. . liutl.- trbekt fliiur. M ud- . BfCKWHEAT-Pull ItrH Wes . . Xo. 3wrirteni. : . Wo. r.ARLEV C'ul at c. 31AKLBT MAJ-T QuM wwOfm WHEAT BwtUptR. W.W ; 1m. ctj-onr. . Im Kiiwt , wMik : Na J re * H lc < 9 < Monr ojwi > ea meud ) und uflrenrf * hlifclaljun rktileh rouotod utifler llElit nwiottlittlte upiwt mii rulfd buvr u'.i dJij uiflut'jtcvd br wiuill eKK > rt tTuAt * n t li'wr ' Ni. 7 n.ft. X > n niterUii.tt ut r HB 13-36c. c teed at Slt. . -1UGIHI bu. . ectxiru B7.MI , bu. Ko * > VCtjiUaiiK ujnuif MnMt ] cm Hmttll cw lot rwpeliWE. but briAr wltb Mbeul .ni lai.KtWl % CH r net lower ; ! CiHem ) * r. itttimt Hi I.Wr lm llil.f' Sl tCK U-lfcc. duted bt S C. * JAT * Kw eaiitK. 3C IIHI l > u. Ki > urt . W SW bu. Flint Qlllel. No. . SP c. OXhWK. guli < till ! < lmnd ( Hi HAT HUJ'S I"r Mute , tmmniou t * uiiulc * . 3MK crnr M.r li ! * u ui l frc. 17 ! ifif noKwt KM cavn , * * tr. lC orep 1M < T onip. LKATHSB-CJutat. mettk. -Tallow. oil -1'i.triilnum. rt * 4jrntud eluM4 Cr lie PwiiujrJvunl. ru < t , nutrUtf tvunuoU U fir Tlurln. i1t * > 0 > - Turj numlinn. . KK Otc. Ontton * * Wt . Jirten. eruoit o 1 , ntUlf 34 l . WJOUWT } . Sic. buuw uU. VIJTA1.P I'ir Iran v-unua * ui t JC.K n H I * Hrtt > 4. LJIKC ocrv-r quirt IMi 3 , uJ , HP KTVr unUed. Tin ( HIM * , tu 70 1.4 Itt M ) * rbA LMtd. fj-3 j jtf - ulrt a 7 wa * * * * W-BUiw' * * - . n tf oulet M M < Ud uid U.J * bket UtTTHR BWtR tTW iLia. v-rolora e r , B.rrr. lIP5 r nurl. < 4 ulrt : H.U ILU * T | > 4 > ol Murkrt. . . SJor M * i\-jsj MJS ReO. ertrik Jo- - * * * 1 * - I'urt miu n. * . eec -trc-ann AuO. t > H Hunt (4uucut. . uU. r fcf n. cleuniiaaiea. . I n a 1 mg J-ar mwairnrart nt fwrlii WLW S3 * n itf t JtlfHi < tfy SSv JIT1 Hl 'fflPJ'XL ' OtHl I'rIS "HluXT 5jHrt .N * . 1 rrfl , nnrflvm ' -f ftiM JLsnfTtcuxi tn'Hl n&r JP , % K t-rtt.l t ffrafly tn ; iVMtmh r r ! * ' r H r tf * fc.ruKry Krfcffr B * .M DMA IIA GIXMJIRAL , MARKETS. of Trnd - nnd Qnotntloiiii and Pnmrjrrodnrc. . tnnek. Ut Wl'TTEH Oiitmntrtj t l tr lt-&TJr cirt 10 erwnw-T 3 c. rnAiCbrti. . . Jet. en roerse. . . . . . . tar- . HAT rplundnuaiuit. : . . * > . Si l * rj * ier w. M. oolnr HH Htii lirtwDC tin ? Rt&l bhle Kbfi tiit beat. 6tdr t-cx > to-lni : top . . CELERT Oonfl mock. ! ( . . 4te ; mntOl. Sijr OJCJOVF Per bn. HHHOe KK.v < tHiinfl-ilcfc.-il twrjr. J r > . fWEKT ItTTAJUSf ! W * , t . f ABB A OK Horn * Brown. j r Ik. I. JtTATOlSS Homr la K-m. IUf i ; vt-otcm MWt. MQdc. CAtTJTlX > K-Ell-C.7. . nttTTS. asr . . , i. niitui- Jktirr vtnrtirf It .54 CUUvmt. B ll-Brw r. t a.w. o.lor 4o Jonettmnt. boxe . n. . 3SBW TORK OJtAri * P r MK. l rr lot * . if * r. ' ni. tin ' crin. c CRANUEKfUBS-OitH- * . j r bbf. Iwotwin bimet n wnn 10. CAUFORKIA AKT ooijoRArio I-KARS BI. x-ltiter n liw SS flut JT , ottrer vartet.1t * . tl.W > e TjtoncAju runrs. ORASaDt-MHUotin. jusb x. M.tW. L3BMOKS Mewluut , t4J54)4.H' . clioirt CBD- lerpe rtoct. ji r bunch. It OftffS.S. rof-aium-Kiw-d bunnhe * . 1 af , jier Hi. , lurire Bit * . Brnzilr JUST , . r. Ent01b wfOnutK luucr. Krft cbea. lcn iir t. jocruc II-T 111 l c. jH'eani. i iUI > efl l rpe , Hnfcc. Jumbo. 3Sr. lurrMclinrj nutn nx jr bu , iimtai. si .MI ) > pr bu. . ctr.oanotK. p < tr 3flS. K. TSff .t * : Jw-unutE. raw tifrr-V. nmirteo. B ffV-c. nas ImjitK ea tftntaercwn. . 34-lb. baroi . 1 crown. * t-lb Irtilf ; . Ife. t-lti tiax < ss , lie white t c. irRAlT Ptr bid. . H.WIC4.I.V. hUl bill. . It.Sl ( * MAJ'LE FTnrp rir e-ptt. rctiR , each U.K. . . Ftl ctaa , S'urr ji-r a z , f4I.W ; btlf-cul. cant , C. - quur ; cans K.Sti. PATES r r CO to 7Mb. lion * , u.Far. . Mb ai EE-Per lialf MA , SS.M. FREEH MEATS DRESSED BEET Buna nutitr weens. * c. Eond fni > guaneJT mcMdr peed blnflguurterE. t- . wtirtem rtetsUW&r. . Janpjliellen. . nHrf , rotifl bellerf. fc. rrnfl Iori-juartcrK ( netfers. tVf. crni'D liliiflauantrt , bejlwrj ; . K > t . ctiod const . fait BLEF C-UTP Tpntlrrl ittiii. 3r linneleim strliu Dr. ulrtp IUJIK 7r rolls M-r. rtrluln butts. B r. Kboulit r clode t > * * cnmp butta. r. r.teta wt.obl .tr ( Iddk EVt rumji butu J. " r Bteei obucl-.B , iac : CPW cbuckt 4Vc lnnelew chucks 4-rC. rr.w jiluteE , Sr. Meor jilBtef. S\rP. an1. Hltal. . rvc , UiliiB KD 1 Ur. loms , ICe I. 31f. . lalnR No 7L drIrlnln cnflR Nn 1. lie , rlbh. Jvo. 1 13r r.hK. No 1. lUrr. rlbt Nn 5. f.c. Mc-er munfle VS * . r w rounat rr M VrnutiS * shank oC , K c trlmtnlnci. 4r. ltf Bhatil.f. Sc. UratliK. jn-r dor. Mi' . FK H4breeias , jioIb. . . Uic. rwetlire ap ( calves ) jiur Ib . 4 > > i ktrlnry * jpr flas Sue rx tallf. &ch 4r llvcri ! IICT Ib. . Sr. lieart . ; > er Ib. 3t iiinpnet ; jM r Ib. . IT p. K TTCiX Laaiis "r Bheep. P r marttet rarl OimcJ. kc , liml racU inborn. lie lec uii3 BaflCltT. If. lamb lees. Sc. breasts eun Btrvs , Sr ; tmitmeK enrli 3e. 1'DB.E DrtBBeS jilcK. Blic : a ai a boM fit. tenoertolnR. ir > r. loins "c. Fpare ribs. 5c liasn ttausarr btittK PrtRboulBerf. . roach f.r. Ehnul- dern rklnneO. f-fec , trumnlncs r-fer loaT lard. uol rendered. R r b * ftfi. rlei-ned 4c. snout and earn 4r liBrlilionrtr rhecl : meat * 4 i. . nrcK bnnes ic jilps' UUls , 4i } ilucl.B. each 5p. cbti- terlincs. tic. hiiul . 4i h trt , Jier dns. . Sue. mnmui-lin. oarli 3r tnnrnee escb 7c : klamTK jier aoi. IBc. brains. i * flus. . lit , J'lps' led. jipf a s . 3f ? iveri > rBh * r HIDES. TAi-lOTV. 1ZTC. JDI'ES No 1 cri'tn bidit. , 7c , Ko. I crefin hld f.e. No 1 Belted In3t . . t-i-c ; IJn. I creen Failed lildw. . 71-c. No. 1 veU cull , t to U Ibs. Kt. N-o S vuil call. II to 31 Ibfc. . Cc. No 1 dry flint bluet. 01&1S. No. Cry flint id-let fclut. Nn. 1dry naltefl lildes HBlbt . piirt cur fi hlfltT. i c jier lli. It t tlmn li'lv ! Lurta. " "SHEEP PELTS Green KDltea. each UeTSr. creen suited hlicurllnr * ( fchonwouleS tan > tWn * , ; entai Sc ; firj sbei Hnpr ( thortwooleo early Kl.IiiF ) . No 3. lach Hr Cry Slnt ICanscr and NehrtFta butcher wonl jieltE jicr Ih. uctuuJ Ticlrbt. 44Sr. flrj Hint , K.aii.Uf end NebrasKa murruinv.oo ! juJtE. jier lb virtual welcht. 3t > 4c. Hrj Ssnt Colti-udn butcher wool jisltt. ; icr In. . nctualweight 48 > Sr arySlnt CDlimidti murrun wnoi Iulta. jrr Ib . actual weiplit. 3S4r ; leei cut oK , bt tt IE TIKI Kb to jisy. Irtlclu em them. > , LiOclr. < Venernl Mnrkt-ts. ST LnS. . NOT. 36 FLO-nt WeU ; unB un- rhancpfl " - - WHEAT Ixiwer. olosliic HaC lor Pet-ember an4 3Vt lor Kay V-lovr yenterflaj , May cn > "n fi Bteaaj and Bubwguratly aecltaea H c climlnc Vitb bwer at Ibe ton. Sjae. . 1'nvcr. No. 1 re ruhh ekia'nr. But. trach , MaiSlfTr No i herd CBMI. Hit Dcremb-T. Wfer May. W.c OOHN Futurtf deoltoed vlth wheat cliialnn Sr lar DfC-pmU'T xo a fco lor May Itelinr j'estei- 6ay Sliot. flull ana eaKlHr. No 2 mixed ccat. , ffir. IVnemlKr , 54ir , May. Si.c. OAT5 Futurt * Bull anfl eteafly. Jspot lower. No I mixed Ean elevatjir a'r ' : track. nSfl c Xiencmlier. i'P r. May. i3c afcl.efi. HTE Oulet ul4te. . FUMSSEEO HlRhrr ut S1.K ; . OORNMEVL-W 4tL BBAN Dun una rtronr ; raclrsfl. this Biau anS east tracU. Ic. HAT Ftlrly arthnnS -Jirm : jirElrlB. ST.S4 ? E.Mi. timothy. I7.weil > .W ) . BTTTEIl lawer ; creamery. ISfeeHc : Cairy. DGG = Hlphsrnt ICe. VTH1FK.T Qclet tt n.18. METAI l eafl , "flun. KX J eIlerR. S tlter li.wer J5.SO COTTONTIE ? K- PROnSHMJS Pork Fteaflntanaaro mwis. Jubblnp JtJSet > .r > ti. Larfl. firm , prim * Meha. H.in cbolce. J4li'HrKapon Omxea lotHi. enra short nliwr K . : rltir. JS.CTii BhortB. SS.7S. Dry salt mea-u. noxed > . fhonldrrR * .3T * : extra Bhurt clear J4.K7 r. . ribs. St. 1 * . RbortK. S.J5. IU3CE3PTS Flour. I nco ublwheat. . 71 00t > liu. . eorn C ( l bu . oats n ( WO bu SHIPMENTS Flour. 30 BWi libbi : vbeut. 000 bu earn. Gk.WW bu < * tR. 'M W bu. Vlfcllile Grnln niittr * NETV TORIL. Nm 3C Sjiealal cable ena tele- cmtiWr aipputrtitr to BuaHtr-et'ii cnverlnc thf ItrinRiiml 11 ilntB of UDCumulutlan. Indicate tlie laliowinc c.iuncfs In ii\Tdlable nuiillff ; lam Sat- urdaj- oomjiared v lib the iirepedtnc SaturBey . VTlieBt. rnltefl * taies and Canada , taut of tbe H "k ! ' niouiitalnfi. Inrrruf r K 34U in * bu ; afloat Jor ana In Euroj * . lner < "B e. 1 MO 090 1m : ! J-fir- lool dim Traap Ni'wiworld' f sujijily. ttrtal In- orvfcfe 4nr. wm be. Rum fnlted Stultss ana CunaBa ea l oJ tlif Rtiplg1 mountain * ; dc'e i-r 1 ii 2 ( UK bu Oath. Viitted tatee utid Canuda eui t of tht Rocky m > untain > . ItiM-imne. 1 114 Dull liu. Tbe miirt Imjiortant increHHefr In KtocliF of available whtut lu wert ; jiot Included In tut atiirlal iHlble t-upp'r Htatemejit. T ere S7t MK > bn. in nonh e i'rn Imerjur eJevutref. M W * bu al CJe\elana 4i ( i H ) liu In CldciiRO jimale ele- VII I-TJ anfl Uimi ' bu Mt AKIUTU O CorrfHi'inding decreassr liiflude 10Ef * liu. at N - O lean * . Ifitii WHi bu at varldQh MKnltc liu muruc ; ? vi'lhth 74 I'M bu. ct Of V t-CV und -.WK1 liu. tt Pan Huron. BALTIMORE Nor 1C PUOTK rnu - t > ti > . iMf bWK ; einxm * 2..SC bbU WHEAT Easier. NIHA Ii7tcD c-ml * ? r R MC * FI en tin r No 1' red K7I7W . rect'tite im. - TJC bu , exjinnt. lir ba. Miut.iern wlieut bv ! fflt H > c. Miutbern vbval. on crude CORX OuiM. Bjiot. SMtmir. reiHnjl . 2Wir , Xiivemt tr and l > ecemlr. new nr old 92 * * ra % t . Ht amer mixed V iiat it rlpu 11C - (34 : Mtatbem white. SI&Mc ; wiuthem yellow , a OATS Firm. No. I vliUi. , "tc lilB , 11 4Xi > bu ri-jintlk. X 03C bu. RTE PMrm. No t vn mrn ) M 4 c HAY Rixudr etnlpe ttmmbj nr..l . GRAIN 1'KEaCHTS Fulrir uetl - tor uteam- err | * ri-pl mum QUl . Mcum to I Herjioal , j r liu. . 40. Ht'TTBn SJeaflr Tanry cretraerj34S4c. . 1SOO ? 8mar. lre h Sic " CHEESE Faticj Kevi Turli * Ibc Grulu Ileljiti - nl Prliirliml Markrlo. MIXXKXJ-OLJS. Nov. 3C. Bwwliiu. Wnitu , 417 earfi < TflCAOO. NBT 3t BHWtitr tndlM"brnt in W.TT. attrn. Ma eai > ttuik. 4M car. cuir loll. Jon.ormw . Vliom , 1 ctr . ooru , car * IMU. . . * W curb. KAXRAS CTTT Not. 1C Rwv.lj.u- M oiu * . Nov. -Beerfj.tr : ITheat. 3 Nov. 1C RC.I-IIU 'Wheat. 1 Wf GKTK PBOR1A Nor 1C. RWH IIU ; CVirn. KM * hu woe. Ki-WK. bu . rye. uune wMhl ; > ITS blili vbmt. limit3Wiuii uu. ; QIRI. . . .k'l" bu : onU , St. I * , bun't. : . nmif. wuM.7. 3-51 * bills . ueae. Clnrlnnml WMP-AT-QuM- J fM . CORN-Pirm No. ! mixed Sic. OATS Pirm. No S m4. rsc. . SVK tHrxsii 4C1XC. PRAVJ3JON ? IAJ quwt ul MIL Bult W.Hat W-C. JUmir wi WH1SKT Oulrt ut ni WTTCB l > w tuscy tuwy M ratur. anKtr. rutbwvd nrvABia. 14fi Jkr. fuirr AfciTT 1MJTI4C TOL.ETOw K "WHEAT U . * r. KB. I wikn tBVr I MtUt MVc OOKK-Artvf Jvo. t mtud. SSc. OATS l di Xa. t ntx d. BTK bull . * . . . % KM . . ! . Cltr KAXRA.C crrr. XCT K.-ITHEAT i ar luirlf tu-tiif XL 3 imTd M4 > % * < Jti , lent ont aj- mix * . ttc Xo. . TVSrOc. Xi * 4 \ Xo 3 * a , S [ K HIT JCfl I CV t % a . fc JVi 1 rjirtne * , > , , * on * car Vm 'RK -m airr X- RTE Hictwir X 5 4t HAT-J I-III-T on Ucl - yjr * - - , n * prr.mf r HWF'- r ricJ - * -sk ir hat pt-ce iit. aalrr laeue. "If lit. . f 4n. 4 Wd Im . , - Vh-m mii im ; llnflnlo WTFAU3. X T , , Nnr H.- nnrthm oU. i iot , 6. H. Nn I w CWRK > t s r. OAT 3 . twlitM. . ML BAR1.ET Ptter fliOfi. pnrirs. RTB JCo S In nTi. . . Drtr lt I .T Orr Xtw -"WHEAT-- - - ? * * . c. ! * . I rt * S % I > tBiV . MS * . OOEJC-Wt. I Jie. RTE . * . riiMaOr-lptila I'rodnr * . Mnrkrt. nmAPBt-rmA. IT K. TTTBr Jrttrtf 1 * hither. Jcnrr T * K J t3T m-TJ- . BOO TVnier Iretdi n rW uti w it m flrra CUEES8 Ftrm. Pr-orln PBORtA. Xm- OAT * Bt i8x No I vhttr. "T'Jr. WH1SKT Hit * jinwf njilrnfc. F17S Sun rrnurlfcro AVln-nt Mnrkrt. SAN FRAISnWO N"f 3C 1THEAT . U . May 5.TOCK.S AAD 1IO.VDS. I _ Contlnn < . | > to L/rnd tlie Activity on llir Mnrket. NEW TORK. N v It T a y vor anotliw j- tnartmbly flan Say m tiit > Stnrt errhanrrTh only iqmru uT nativity were u * to m ntjml itlve JraaienvBm on tbe Jiort of jirofesirtotiuJ tmaerH. Tliey were jiotuMj manifest In Chlcaoe Out trtilph Jutuji"d uji and flnwn tlie r-l i > ; iil" a jiolm at a. time all day. bm ulwar * ut a letrt l law hi ntrtrt' Jirloe Ttic 6rlmertea < Vfl to ft jniliitp at otic Mm * , bet poverlnc 05 the rlotn- ten t t Btdrlr n-i IIMH only irartlnnal Tli" wea.knei n wf thi Ktiicl , and of other local RHf Ht * n IF our to Icarif a failure trf jilanf nll ppd to have l * -n ic rnntemitlatlnn for thf am lB lmll- Unn of * h > l--al CHIV ccmDiantes ntbent -wMfh ir-rr rat la rym ; > athy with rtmvnlMniwd O R MICH ! fi > ntiuu4 u. . l nfl the market In Jmlnt nf artlvlt ) and It * Ktrrnctli flurtnr the di b ! ji"a tbr retieral utrenrth of the market It nf at cine time joints , bul a reartlmi due In reallzlne Hales im a tilum turn lift Hi- net cuts f-artlonat Oth r of the Inauntria ] FUi-ks. nnta- lily tlie eott'm Ktosl.n. tubacro unfl Iratb' r } ire- foTTna , rtif * Hharjily on tmaeru puT iapen bul f nr tlip moBt iart. hnwet pr vere flm In The fac * of the auUnvi * * * tirlr * * txintlnulnp al * n p j-e le.-aar' * lc1 nil anj. lifter u pnm'.l fi"dltn Ju at the ni-nlnc Thlr aerllnp van In rvm- jiathyritt the bn vltie * of Ame-lcan P"tturrl ! * > f In lit ? Lnn8 m marl n. l mann -mif also a wilV-r in thlc marlie ; of Amenran Wn"l ; The Htr nirth of tbp railnind 1UH ppne-ally WBS dti * to the nmtttiu * l rtn3 * utl * > ok Jor bm < lti * B the pratn nim-nment liavuic le-n lenum-a tn force ana a very heavy nivem'Ti1 of eft-Mle bltijr r * prmed bi w mwente i r rnds Manhattan -WUF lieavr all a j ana at nt. Um flia It rl > - abo\- vnHterday p Un el. The rubi3mn l w-e nlur. . Ktmewhat ScnreBiiHl Ther wan - < news liearlnc on lther of tbwe prnjicrtlef. Tbe beary tone In Omana H1 one nf tit praucws was equally -ntli- out exjilHnatlnn Korttitrmt. th parent ittork rahiefl a liMni net. a alBdia Bocb Iblana TTie marliet WJIF iep * atn ! -narrtnr bcith iti tbfr volume of thf- dealinc KttS In the mnvHrn'-ni * if p " In a f < < - ca e price * show Zractlcms ] net to the flay The bnna market -was fairly active iu a Itnprovtiment for the mam part. Total Ba.l f 3a.im.IKKi. Vnltea States rnujitras 4s ana > s OT lower. Tbp r > - itnc P-wt'F LnnQon linanrlaJ calflpcram Bayf The mncb markets ware dull but e 8t loday CrmF il ntia InS'cn Ktoclipwere nntabli firm the former on piircmmcnt bnylnc ana the latter oa nqorw that the jir-stnaicp HavmeB banh may tjiply for p wer tn Invest tins-urn Amer ican * opened aulet una cloM.a mr llC Ttiertwiis a fhir lm\-tnF here Tiie lictomlci : tn Gr&na Trunl : continues. Tbfj.ris linureWHE qulut tnS thr Berlin nmrtrt Bteuay Thp lollo inwcrp the clnslnp Qnotctlmif on tbp leafiinr ctockc of tne New Tort A-tchlt-oa 9t.P i Om. . . . . . . 7C-H do plfl flo tita _ . . .l4n Ouio. . li'V 31 P. M..V51. U0 ! OanaflnPuclfic . . „ CPT. . Pacillr 3Pt Canaan'ioutiiKm . fix ISn Hallxvay PH CejitriJPaiiiflc. 32 do plfl SD Cbes A Ohio 23-K'Terab * Pacific - 3PH nhlcspo i. Alton 3& * "Union Pacllie t. r. fl'H C..B S.O P4l ( , T P D &G 7H C i E 1 IiSi Wana h. . . - _ . . . . . K\ C C C A S1. L. . _ . R l do Tiffl 37H Aopfa 75 ITTheHl i L E . „ 25v - - - i L.E I. i TT _ . . .I ASamt , Er . . . .ISO A JiloG American Ex . 130 do nia . . _ . tnlte.a Slavs Er. . SS Eri iewi 16 rro Es . . .110 ErlelMjiJa . „ . . . . .10 A. Ft. "VVarne . . . 105 A.do pia T8H Am. Snlriw - . . . _ SH Am SnirttB pld. . . . . 21 UllnnlBCsntrai. . . . 31104 Am ToBaeou. . Late Erie A. "W. . . If . do pfa H1BH. diipfa „ Iflii Pe.oplee Gab „ . . Hi LuteShor17S ! Con- > . Gut , . . . „ . _ ! ) ! LoulETiUe & Kash . " .r.M'Com. ' Cable CD . . . 170 Manhattan L d t * C i.P \ Iron . . . . . S0 t Net.Traction. . . HIS1 * ; dopa. . . . . . . * * B Iklichi ar. OflntrAl. lOs f Gen. Elsiric . . . . . . 3 * "i Minn i St. L rS .UlinoK Steel _ tn No Pacific i \1auH. \ . . . . „ . . . " „ K"it MoblletQnio 4 J do titfl _ 3(8 ( - Mo.E. i , T 3S 'Kat.Lin.OD _ lu-c do nta. . _ Sk Oreroo Imp. Oo . . 14 New Alb & Chi. . . . > ' Pacific Mail. HP'tt OopTfl ifik Pullman Pal IliB N.J. Central „ < < , Sllrei CarUficai ' , . . EB N.T.Central 1051. Staua Han ? t T.JH X.TCU1ASI.L 33 * . Suzar 12 ! - > dolKt jiia 74 i do pld 310 floSidjifd SS iT C. 4 iron. _ ifiij Korlolt -Western 1SH U. S. L atlier 7 Nei.Amer Oo. . . _ . . t do plfl 02 No. Pacific 1 f'H , D. & liubnsr . . . . IP-i do iila „ _ as i. do jila US = i Ontario A. W . . . . . IP "tVenle.ro Umoa. . . hint On. IL i X.r .sj o-thwtbtam 31 ! ! > : y Ore.Short Line . . . . IF l dopW 11)2 ) PittHOurc li > j HioiiranBe Went . . VS. E-euflliiC fJiiK do pia . . . iB " " ' ' bt Louis AS TV" . . 4H S L.AS.F. . . . - . . C < n dopfa 31) ) oo 1 tit pld f.S'i I St. Paul 2s doildpld OH , do oto 18HS- j.eoona . Total hales nf f-tiicto tuflur were 1K.50D Inidudlne Atclilnun pr&f-urea 4Guii , Cnlcacti , Burltnrton i : fulncy. 34.W * . l.iaipvni * & Nash ville. G.W MlRBDUrt Pacific. . .IDIi ; XortbPrn Pa- ctflt jo-Hlerrea. .335. RocU iBlana. ICJiS. St. PatJl 343to I'nion Pa"lfic. 2 .idf. Amprloan fit- baceu t IW * ; Bey State Get. S.M ! > . Peojiie's Gas , k.Slft. Cocaoliaatea Can. H.Kl. Sutrar. E7.1S ; . > f T irk ? ! oii - jJljirk - NEW TORK Nov. 3C MONET ON Bteuay at H * S jer aa. IUM loan S jcr cent ; clo-ed. l\ffZ Iff crait i ' PRIME MERCANTILE PAPEB-SH' * * 3 > cr j j cent j 1 1 STERLEVG EXCHAJCGE Eair. with notual biufliieff In banl.erF bills BI H St ftir aemand ] I tnd ut M-ISI , Joblxty fluyr : j M IB- ana U ) > n > * oanmiercial blllF , , SILVER ERTTFJCATES--ti4jis. ! RAJS SILVER B .c. MEXICAN lf LLARS4Cc. . GO-VEUXMENT IIO.VDS Firm. STATE WUNUS Dull RAILROAD HONDS-Firm. Cloblnr < juuu.uuto > on iuzia& verr ts 'ollBwr : C.S tievr4K rcr . . lt'7 i X. C. On 122 r. S. nf > w4 fOu..ll'7 i S.C 4k 302 H S h ror llf' .So. . Puoihc 3 t . . .137i r S ih COUP 11HV NaPOOlflC J8 ! . - S'lH E. S.-k.r r. . . . ! , Xo Pua.ac-b . . P1H r.Sf.farac 114 N. T. C i St. L JH .1 r.s r.K. oj.nii . . .IK IKvr Ck lIhtru f..h . . 11IH < N. tV onnol. . Ala. oluijt A. . . . 1(1IX. ( . W. D h. r. . . . . JIB Ala..clu.i B . .Itt m-e Xar.lBU . . . , .132. Ala..ciaakC . . . .IdU Oro.Xar. < ib . HBH Ala Oummry. . .1H1 IQ S. L. h t. r. . . . . laOi Atcblhuc t. . . - . nO iQ S L S V r. . . US Aicliltun a i 4b . r > . O Imn THI. t. r 1 : OnuonSa.SMidh . . 107 iO Imu r.k t. r . . . . i'J Caa Puulnc 1Mb .4 Paeinc o. ul 'SI .1ICV C.AO Fit. lllit Eaaamr 4k -4 C.H iD 4 k IHJ a G We. : im . . tilt D ili G Ihiv . .1 7 > S' . L. il M-Caa. . t.2. H.A.ILG 4b 7H Si L A S. r Gan 0 110 EUHlTtinn. IHW . . ] 0fl Si P Cou.aU 3SH BrleGna < k . . .71) 91 V C A.P. l.u 5 n El' . lib . .IHli'St ' PC i P. 6 * . . . . G H a.S A df. . .HlB & .C. nonlual . . . G H ts A El. in ; Mmtbem Kr f.b . . .11 ! ) BAT Cent fc . .lltlii S K. \ T. Ofc . . „ . . ( IB H.&TC ODD fiu IdJ T nanew stl. SS' { Iowa C Ibtt. . . . 1 > ! , Tut. I'.ic. L G.lvu U' E P outt t. r c i Tz P s lie- t'- > n P ! . t r . .IUM C p. 3Bib. HS Lt.NewOuai . .Km O P II A G IM * LAN Vnl .k . . > .4H tTkb iwf.t. . . . , . Mlbhaun tik . . . . 3UK Wuti Sttk . . . . . . . M E. i T 2di > . . B1H W Stourei. . . . .11(1 M F. AT 4k . K , Va Ciutturlttb. . . . . 08it K V C 1Mb . .Jl-5t Tt X J C. 6b US- , ' HOTOK. BALTIMORE. Xw. IL-ClearttiBt. S4C , . , njiiiit. tw : 4HL XEW TOHK NIH 1C. at annct , n4l.3k.a ! B. j PHILADELPHIA Nor It QearinpE. MEMPH1 XM. K CaeMtnjrt. tM.CM. bb- J54..K. Xrw Turk tiofcunw. MiUinc at . Nor -MoiM-y. . TV } > r vent : KVw Tort Kotiatipe. .f j < i > ir XBW OatLEAXS , Nw : CairtliirS27 C- . New TorL . i/jris. xor jc. < a * rtnet n.4itc.ui. uj. ktao * . > Mt 48 auatfr , MM } * r OMBI. Xew Tort Jfcc < imtUHi t d JJJbhLtid Nuv Jt C-swlM . J IMJM. X r Turk rtntKUnw 4dr ) ir oi.u.u. > ttuttad rtlti 14 Wr " - * M.t fe lUlHTHX 111 JCl.k OW.iUlll.1 t * XW TlM-4. BlBlUltl MuCi. . Mild U lilliJI * * JlTICe uf ttir ) x Cli.tU.uV l CSiicufSi MO ! . . Ui.- uud Matnti ItMi , Xurt * > OWaaiw a * Lutt L t ! X K Tmk Sluxiutt V. Jtrtw- n. Soutli mtt L. U . , oti American Srci > rltI < - In L.cnd > n. Xm : K Tin * market Iur Anxurteim i vut veLX u Uit i/jtwunc but al th1nw Beam lent * . th ma-lirt rarir v > tLr-toafrf l * Tlie lone war * * * af jr an. $ it dtxnii.iitf m jar-alt * IlnHon * t ck QnntntlntiK. SOFTCis ' KCall 1-jjBia , .Sf H t r pent im * 1 lali * HM r-i Jnc ji-f-- * fir rrV. . > i-inaii an tninmr . : Jf.7 I2fPI F.mc Trffl fl An Snrar ma . ) ] -r < A rn .r. ! me . „ t ? 41. . H * . . Omt IK . . * HeH ni A. AlMne 3M .U. . . Oral OK let C.il t Q . > > t > k-A..iHHi AUuiBr 0. M rnatitmrr . . . f'4 ' . . . . ( nmnul ffingtne. . M illmfcOB 4 nrimuti. } R- ) ! > Bhutan Sv * . . Jmtac \ Bontcn . . X > MexseanOontrat. . lfl < ] C.ilBnnn 4 Hrei4M > OM Oot ay . l&mfetiBenniai _ . . . It < 3us i. . . . . . . . aft InrMituB . _ is OBMHI Paatfie. jMta 'Ittatnua. . . . . _ . . SfH * \ ia Jticji- . ] i | . . _ JI'B 4Ttmtr PE . . . . * f * Htae Hh .t . J'orclcTD Xcn. 1C &xtliai * > r m Lntidfm , Kha Jer Dbccha. PAJUS. Nor. K.-Thre- r cent rentes 3IT tr for tin * cpmmu JjOXIiOX. JW. 1C. OrtJ If M-e W > Stuut Rnetnts Aj-rtt at Kf.Plfc Kt LlMKitu 4fat Heme. JW..SI. _ COTTOX MAUKCTS. I'm oralilr Arvrt. lir Cnblr linn a Mrnd-lnc Inflnenfe. TOKK. Nr. . It Tlie oottoc marUel QUlrt Int firm > 4 un aataucv of t ti > . lout J to S jmtntf of thi oneulnc pain but tume flpetSHHr rtrtinr ; und nharj-ly aB- vanrefl tc TT jut" * * 'with thf market finally steady. The caliT * nrws veras4J much liMtirthrn lonl.ed tor. 5'iuthero rint Tnarlietfwerp rejrarted to lip lireaktnc uj. . * n. tenun'raturr In the oouMi lamp tlireatenlnply low. w Itli a aroi > of Si to 46 deprep * all over tbp en- too lelt jireaictpa At tbp * iune time rer 4pu bi tlip jiorts Jell llpw estimate * * with vefllctlntit pcilntini ; to a conj nt a cm I > le let up in tbe near future , notably at New Orleans * > na Houston. In the aftemtinn tlie market was active unfl lor the most pan ae- riacdly Ktronc wltb coverlnr a more pnmounc-4 feature ttiuli li-J. l. en i.ln rv.m for nome time past MurLet etronp. miatfllnc. t nC net receipts. 12C bale ? : pnisf receipts , t.jiw tiales' erports to Qreat Britain. C WC baler to tbe ronttnrnt. WK liales fnrwaraea . K3 liule sales 4W baler. rto-h Tfi.Wl bales. Total toaa ; Net receipts T7.BTi lialw. exjHirts to Great Itrttaln. JI.48C l > klcs. t France It. WT7 bahf , tu the continent 31.ini ! liales total 3BH S 7 lia.l K ConsnUdhtca Net n 'iits 41C.tt balei . taqmnr to Great Ib-ltaln. M WC baler. t France. S4.8K1 luJes tn tit * cmi- tlnent BS47S titles. Tt'tiJ ntncr Scptero- 1 - 3Net r-celpts. I llf. . ROf bales ei- prirts to Great Brltuin. B71 fitd bal-r to France 171.624 iMile * . to the ctintltujnt 7 < r. fiB bales Futu-e- > ) > "nea tjulet una n-m al-K S.3W b&lPS January. Jf 71 : February. I&7R. Mnrrh : r. e AP-II jr. PS MBV. rr..M. .tunXT. . r. . . .iuiv. K ! > Ancnst ? ri < * 4. Nineml r KK , l > ccemb-r B. R CTrnea it ia < sale ISTi 3 K balw .lanuarj. ti. 7J. Feli-uarj. sruW ) ; March Si Si , Ap-n Sfi.W , Mat Jn9i. . .TunJtW. . July rC M Aupmn. ICC * . Sept'mt "r. JOIV7 SjKtt quiit anfi uti'-hanri-fl. miaailnc ! i3ima t 38-lhc ; mioS'inc ru'f f 3-3fir riHii cltwa meafir niiQdllliR. Cv' . niiaaiinr r"lf. CS. ' liales 4 < n. bfilcs. NEVV ORLaANS Nnr 1C CC < TTOX-Futu'- liaivv mvaav sali * 3S ( W" bil'H . Ken ember ? .4. nominal lM-embT S7i.M S3 Januari , K a * S4i' Feb-vmrv. Ju444ji . Ma-ch Tifi Ri > April. lu.Me .uT. May. St.-BKlpt.H' June. Ii GT. T. ( if Juh iii "n SiTS Spou me a < B8.1es Hi liOO balw o-ainary * MBc : pi > a orflinar } . 4 ll-3f.c. l > -w miaoitnr. f . nnfldUiic t MBc & > > & tma- ailns C MSc : niiaailnc lair , t ISOfic. SrceiptE. 3C7S' lial R.c- MC.SU haltr. MEMI'HIS Nm. 1C COTTON SteaBy mlS- aiing W c receipts < SII > btles shipments. S.4C bales , woct. 87 < * K littles : sales. C ( KKi l.leb. PT L 'T'lS Nin1C COTTV'N Ouiel. m8- ! aimc. t. r-JOi . Bales 45 Tbali * reoeijits 3 ; 77 ; bales s-hlpni'-nts H.D2r. "bales : Block. * ! 4T.D bales GALVESTON Ni > r ic COTTON Firm , mia- fllinc BV-- Ln"ERPOOL. Nov. Ut COTTON Spot falr a muna prlc * hic-her : Amcrieaji midi'.iEi ; . talr. SlS-SStl. poo" miaailnp. . 13-S5a ; American mio- aUn . lair S U-Sar low miafilinc. S a ; peed or- flinary 3fl oratnarj . I ll-ica The kales of Uie flay were li.WK ) liales. oj v liich I OOd liales w ere tor speculation ana rrport Jina Incluflt-a 10.EIK1 hales of American , BBr iptfi , 7T , OTC bales , In- clumc 6&.BK ) bales of American Future * o ; > pnea quirt with a mnaerate dnn-.anfl. anfi clfweB quiet Amerlran tniaailnc No ember. ! li-Mfl w-llcrf Deccmlier " ! i-Ma. January ana Feh-uiir' : ( M3 i.ellrrs F 'bruary ana Man'h. 504515 lfria buy ers March ana April S IR-W&S U-fcd k-ners Ap-U ana May S 11-f4 3 ll-aa ( buyers . Muy loia June 53I-WpK-Ma li yrrr ; Jane cn3 July , B34-W3 wllers July an2 Aucnst. S 3r-Ua hlj ] > . una Sept nflK3f lu-fA&t IC-Wfl buyers. Wool 3 BOSTON , NOT SC The woo ) martct tbUweek has lieen quiet. althou-A T aloes err fully at firm , if not a llttl * more iiu than laKweek. . Ther-iiaF. leen little doing In fleece wools. Ter ritory WTOilr continue to m" > twith "onuiderab e sale ana wneral po a sized Un F hove ) * en cleanea up. Holfle'p are mure firm in thulr views ana } "ff liberal rcmrepbiont are obtain- alile. The market fur Australian WM ! F IP rather quiet. Quotations Tur leadtnc det-crijitlons. Onip ana Pennsylvania iieeet. X ana abirre. MgaPrr XX ana above. 2Sc. delaine , 2"Se3 < ic : Nu. 3 fimbinc a Sli ! , No I c mbttg MJrShr Jtlchl- { ran TTipt'imKin , etc. . X &i4t , No 3 Michigan enmbinc SStNo 3 Illinois fombinG. 2fcc. No. 5 Mlchican foroiilnc t'kr. Xci I Illinult combinR. 2t.p , X New TorU New HunpEhlrt ana Vermont. ! ! 3fr4c ( { ! Nn 3 New Tori ; New HanipHhire una Ye mont. I7t. unwabhea mt-aium ana Kentucky ana Inaiana quarter-blooa cmmblnf ; 24i , Hd * . tucty ana Indiana threeHlBbtih-b.ia combtns. ! 144 Ti ( MlBBnurl quarter-tildoa combing , $ > ? ; MlBBourl three-"iElitliF-bioia combine.XffI4i ; hraia romblnc Mr lal.e ana Genrcia. "ic Tesat wfnilF * Sjirln meatum twelve -monthp ) , SOJi Br. Bftiurea jirlre < : i(6J ( : . hprtniT line < t\ielve mntithht. l"4nBc fccou'ea pritt. 5b $ c. Terrj- torj- wools : M mtana line medium ana fine 3B < 3 Ihr. rrtiurea prjre 4r gr.llr. naile CiftT.Ct. Ttali. -Wj-omlnc etc . fine meaium un8 line , KSTIc ; Hpourea jirlfe. MStlTJc. Australian wootp Srtmrea bu lE rornbin" FU- perftnt. 7l > 0T c. Hfourfia luiiji , . combine , pooa fS ft < * ht Kpourea baRU combing a\"eraTt. CSCic ; Queeiibluna combine C-c. AKTIVEJtl' . NPT. ir The -woai ntirtlnc snlei- openea here toda ) with a pno3 attenaance of IIUJCTE The demana was active ana the witb- d'rawalB wee larpe Fine wool * were n = caKlon- all.r lower , while croshbreflf ana lamb * , rulea unchan oa The latter , however vere in irooa requent. Followlnf : are the Faler in detail : UucnDt. AyreE 3 4 balet at KJWOc , JiomeviaBo. 26. balei ; at G&l ) tic. ST LOtTS. Nor. 1C. WOOL Qnlct ana nn- chanced. CoffeeMurketK. . NET7 TOH1I Nov 1C. COFFEE Optlonr ojiun * barul ; Bteoajnt c dec-Hue of ifjrjh jxilatR.i ruled falrljnctir * bm renemllj- weal : fuUnwtaR aaversti Burni > ean advice * ana larrc bi aL ut AmBterdam. pp'XTilatton verr rlert elimeo n'pn'rj- with ji"ioe Iti H * pinye net Inwer. lolea 31) ) lia R , Inoluami : Dt * eml"r , u.riii i CM. Jtlarrh. ; L7uu.Ml Si ] t in"e < - Rio easier NCI 7 Hi i. iiivolrCSri. . Nn. 7. jiibblnc ' < mllfl. iinmiji-l : 5Si Central American T * > tal waiebciuHe d4iver- ief > from the Xnutd ? tate . t 477 bai In ludlnc t MV liuri1 trrmi Nw T' rh New ya-lt BKirl ; t any. 74 747 bup > Vniied fluitf * < * ! . fin. nr. baeF. afloat for the fnltea Stutef. . 3C7.UOU basre ; tmaJ vlnlble for the- rna States K4 ii ImpK. acainin O(2 > K liupl. mtil year una K6.WT , 1mCP in HAVKE NOT 3C. OOFFBE ( " "luff-a weal : at a * SANTOS NIIV 1C OOFFEE Nomarlet owlnc t lioliaar in IlrasiL HAMBT'IUS Nov 1C COFFEE OpeneB - > ift * i pfp blcbiir. elT ( . ) d. MarcL nnd I'Mv-nilwr tint unchanged. 3klay. net deplliie of 3. tif . . Ncvem- li r. net uavaune < if \ pfRrleB ; , " 7 IH1 bac * 1UO I > E JAKEHUO. Nm 1C. OfiFFEE Hifll- day in Brazil , no tnarUet. Ruoeipu. lIJHUi bare- Oil Market * . OIL CJTT. I > a. . Xwv 1C credit balBnces. Kc ; oertlhcatet. ejoted a4 C7r. hhiprotJits. 331 ino libli. . runr Hi 7T4 bblF. CHAKLE5-TCIN S. r. Nor 3C OTLTur. . l ntlne nrm. Str wl.eS. "niwln. firm ana nn- chanrea SAVANNAH. Ga. . Nor 3C OILP SplrttB rvf turjt-ntlne murkm < i ) .i ! (3 firm at S fci with Mtlrr of C77 ctmij. nliih d lirm at * > c , with further - ther M.le of 3 * 1-411.1.1. ' ItuUTi firm ( .ales " 71 rimLK Ouute- ABC , It , S3 10 , E , JI : F. n ir. G r sit H n s. ; i n K K a.so : M. n 70 N KWG W.3P TTV K 711. WTLMINOTOX. N C . Nw. 1C OIL FplHtr nf tun > entlne urm SM.-fcr. Jttln. flnn. n.33 61.11 frudf lurj.f4iuiK. lam. K 41-81.10. Tar. firm M DT. . CALCTTTA. Ntn 3C.-OHJ1 Llnwea sjiot anB 7i tir m hand dtllrcrj- t. iO. Turj niUn Kiir- Hr , Zlt 1V . NCTT Vork Drj Goodk Mnrket. NEW TC KK Xm 1C There 1 * liitle tmouur- aptiinaiit in tlie art frdoet. marLnt. print * * to nil liiH > t nf emtoc pti ids iclll lennlur toward a luM. of pUibliitj tmB liuvfrt Uutic aCKumr u * ihte u4iantacc uf nacb lrr > TulKrit * Stin tlie Jium- Imr 4 > f hu > ert in Uie nikxlt > k < ' n HnuaJ kiid , tur traoe fir null iirdrk it n't uf larpe pmju - - tlnne Tne Hltuctmn in tvuoim trxidr Ir pmctl- okllr utinhauR d lilltinuwi t i-r - i * nut naarlj ( . much irrrctilarity in Uif Atnmna nor U tbe muia tb.fc * Vy wllwk Ilu < in nuriwn. the am * Hoc of iirine w nttll unawKlva ana the mar ! . ! HbowF many weak ; iliu.fn. even on a ba < 4i > uf tbt luu jirloefi now prei aiUnr Print eiothfr HHW ni okiaare In jinnti. the mark * * ! Hii. p m * ehanpc tbe 0 mna twine llrlil for Votli fflkjilM kli Jaiirktf. at utCl aiirt. IITHW PALL TUVBR. JAwir Nw W The prim ram- nikri : l is ul uut SuH tt S t-1tt ( or M.H inobet. vo.ui.re. XEW ORLEAXS Xm K SPGAR ( ijpn fc - tli KlefcAy at Ji-ttrPsr. ouMrMvpal ptrunr ; cn.t > - nlxed 4 1-K.jMV wiitlef , t UO * 4 , r.ytfHr i * 7-Wt MShtMiounAe. . DWtWi r M.ul. * * < - Minn ) ta-ttle tt * tf tit M4JH1 < . oentrtfucfcl , ttl lat. ornifi Koulr UI Vtettr Viu It-grGA * Oulelr- hart ! K1TW TOKK Xur It 8W.AB Raw. ttrm fc * v - a Dried J"riilt - . VJW TtMtK. VIM H CALTTViIlVlA PK.VIT- | U c utet t-Ar-r ruH , - Iniur wit * tray 1vuut Artcd. cilwu-jr Bfer fuicr 1 > 4 WPruli t V'uaa. tv t t ' anti auajry Apnci * K Horn' ' ? f1fe Mc lie. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bun of 3 'l CktUe and Hep cud "mditimt. FEEDERS STEES CHAR OF THE HEAVES Conntrjnn nilrd Tp rrlth Tlil > urt , lint Drmund I * Good tor L.tK > itfc Ilopm Go Cp a MckrL SOtTTH OMAHA , Kw. . l r tbe dayc tn < Ucal d wrrr. Cattle. Bc . H n-cs , 1R , M > t Lffii 1RU 1Rtt. 4ft kfcC 1.2 * tt. 1.8ET tt.U U S.iW 1ft. C.OB. X t umber S.7C l , < t t7U C . IK 2.7.1 ? S . I.U4 I,5 < 6 1.T95 November . S.WP t.f E.FK Kevember S . VTM M5J The tifdcial number : carf ef Ptoek lirtrnpBt la today by oacii read wn * : Cattle. Heps. Sheep CM X. t St. P. Ry . 1 Missouri Padflc Ry . S I Union Pacific Sfrtesn . 1 * * C. iX. . W. Ry . 1 I"E. . & M if. R. R. . . . . . . . Z7 H > I , C. . St. P _ M A : O. JSy . 1 S 1 ; iJ. 4 : M. R. R. R . K 13 C. , B. t Q. Ry . I KTc. & s J. . . u J C , R. 1. & P Ry. eart . * C R. L 4 : P. Ry , west - 1 II j ; Total receipts . .17 ? CS * The dlsjio ! moii of tbe day's rereiTts war us JttUowb. each t > yer puronuslng tht auin- lier of head IndicaUid : Buyers Cattle. Heps. Shee-p. Omaha P&ckinc Oo . 37 WS The G. H. Hammond Co. 3M 7 < I S * Sn-in and Company . - - W * l. * * * The Cudahy Pacldmr Co ta ! < H > 4Z R Beeker and Depan . . 2SC . . . . Vansant iCe . 46C . . . . Lolimaa & RcUischlids . . 2E. . . . . "VT L Stephen * . . ! C . . Ecnlonc Vnderwot 3 . . 137- . . . . Huston & Co . Kr-bbs i : Co . .TO Swift and Cc. . country . - H. Hamilton . HC L. F. Hnsi . M > Cudahy P. Oo K. C . S31 3d Left over . _ . P45 KK ) Xia- Totals . ciic 4.1-n ; tSk ! CATTLE There was a geeS lllieral run of cattle the receipts belnc larper than yesterday by seventy cars. The. market on tUllnc cattle WKS not much chanred 1700 yesterdaj" so lar afc values wert concernefl In tht lender market thwt- was oine little change. Quite a ronfl many fat s-teers were on sale , a pooo many of them corn-fed west erns. but there were also a few pretty de cent natives , - whichwere tio3 enough to bringH.Dh The market on fat cattle was in a very lair condition , values beinc steady to stronp and th trade fairly active. The ptitlwrs all seemed to want a few cattle. and they ve not long in effecting a clear ance. Butchers' Etock also said at JUM about steady prices , but buyers were complaining that the quality of tbe cows and heifers was about the poorest of the season. T-Te ! was. aothinr peed to syal : of. iinfl the bulk of the offering- was decidedly on the com- monifib order The demand was quite eoofl and the movement su2jciently active to ef fect lui eartr clearance. In tht feeoer division the situation was not quite so lavorable to the selling Inter ests. The countrjdejnand yesterday and tius morning 6id not quite corne up to ex pectation's and regular yard operator * , were feeling rather wt-tk. The result was. rhat heavy feeders for whith there is the least countrv demand had to Mil about 3rr ( lower The country seemsto be filled up on heavj cattle , and the cnH for such lfc " * 'Ty H111- ited in comparison to whtt it was a few weeks ago. The situation as regards lipht cuttle is somewhat different. There are only a few -coinlni ; forward , while the coun try demand is of quite liberal proportions This bus o direst tendency to keep up prices , and today when heavy cattle were , lower values en desirable litile cL-ttle were just about steady Representative sales : | STEEI15. * Co Av IT " Nn A' J'r. Ko. AT. rr a iss M a" ac . . .UTS M ? > o a BO . .IK : < ( * s. . . . HO < IK > is. . .IMS < r > tf t > j 14.- . 0150 50 C _ IMS t SO 3 1S1P f . .1S3 4 ED Jj ; . . . .llffl4 S j cows it . . Mti i s ; i..ic its : wo . . KM S i'O 3 _ 510 1 DO 1 1W * I 0 111 S li 3 _ 1W S U 1. . .1100 E 31- .BID S H ) ] _ 740 t 7S 3 1130 j | mo s on r..wo ; oo z 3u . .ll 5 3S 47. . . , 10 SU S..S13 = i . . Hl > : W I JO ' , . .UK i Ed 2 TO iGO 100 G S 70 | j C . . . at 3D 1 . . . Hill 4 CD 3 - 720 S M i. . . ES > S5J 1-- . B STlt 3 - SID S SO BTL.1.S. ; 70 i.ma > .35 3. 3ico i 30 i . . ism i IB i iao : to i. . .1131) S-00 S.1ST5 S3 3 - 14W 140 5. . . .use s so i.--ino : w i 3110 5 e , S.-3i J..1170 I M > CJLLTES 3 . . . ISO C 00 3 _ JS. C 110 li . . . 547 STOCKER5 AXD rEEDET.5. IB _ 5ET 5 Jo t. . . . SC Z W 20 - JS EM J _ Ctt SW 4k . . . WJ B70 ti. . . . * OS S 7I K . . . SFO S75 47. IC5 M > I. . . . -i-0 ! S 7S 37. . . . 07 430 I. . .CSSEi 3 - 770 S 50 C. . .315B SCS SCSTTESXERKS. TTESXERKS. No. Av. rr. JCo. Av , Px. S7 Bteer * - 3IS7 7S Scows . 30BC JS 1)0 ) S i-uTld . KS 5 SJ Scows . JHB ) I TiO llielfer. . . . f9 I f 0 4 OOWB . JOSO 3 Ml S 40 . . .IMS i CO 12 OOWE . # &G S 40 OtefUacs. . .USD rs 3fcpSer _ USB S 70 5 lesSers . KiO SW , TE. . . 1130 S 70 CJeeiert - 30SO SCO j * S5 S W ) i ' S 7S 3 f eefler 3JBO S 71 930 STL S fi-eflers 33S3 4M , . STS ; : t ningR. . .3 o if * CtiullE. 3UC 170 ItalUne ISO S lie i J tailingE 323 HIO 31. tww . 1C ! S 21) ) If teller. . . . TIB S Hi I. fwSers 31 46 S 71 3 bun 3210 I 76 31 TOW * M3 IM ) M 00-KB. . . . 3DS4 S SO r. TfcflFTE .3iM ( S 71) ) : ' CKtterr 13E. 570 S OOWK . 1380 S ID J taeer _ 3 70 SIS Tsteets 11M 4 W J It frieerB. laa < 00 33 I-OB-B. 30t S SO Ssieert. . . . .1MB S to t-Bteerr. . U7C E W ) . .IHS oo\-e IIST" r = 3 3 fi'ttfln-- . -JJiiO S 4 .lice SCI 17 tawo-E. IKS 4 tO 4Gm < ierc. . .13S1 4 Of I l tcer 13M 4 BO 3 fitter JIM ) | Uo 1KH > SCO r JluUn 330 170 I IWD 420 wn * SO 3 imu 34'0 1C. j i tuu . are STS : oBv-h. w ; r oo j OOL-OHAt-a. ' I rowc. ISO 175 3BtcerK _ . 1175 4 00 11 PBWis. . . .USE I X , S2 EtttrK 1 7 410 . . . . -J * * s 4 iSMrerc 114 S XEYADA. 4 bulls . 34ffi 145 3 liull. 5 DliVk. . lltTt ; ITS tnoWK. ( WO - l > ; 4 frpaur . . . . .38ie lit < : ifMSi-rt . w * r 7i H1A330 . IS * .J' ' J . . . Wi. Ill ) 57 WW = 71 SJildlt. . 1T7S I 4ft 3 telllr.r. . . . M ; 7ft 11 > uU K * I 7S IOCIWR Jtnd r 3d UK SMI } UU i 41) UH S 4U f It-Mltut. . .3JK S3 Wfiwdwt. . . .W I W > 5Jtefl < ! r , . . . MO S 71 . . . . ws S 71 wnxjoa ; liullk. . 13CO Mi t 1C r H ) 3 f dr. . . . 7 e S JJ t3i I 7t 4 fCBflMf. . . ! W 150 I. tiowf . 1 OK S II 4 WWJfc . . . 14CS t 41 1 f&M-r. . . . , &m > r. M 3 tUlinr . . . . 70 S S 1 bull . 377(1 : 50 ouvh . } Wfc III I rtwrf . . . . .JflW IS * 3 ball . IBW : K i iiun . . .jai. r 7t 3 UC-B- . law i a r i mm . 141 : a i oow-t , . u JTT. I l ) WF. . . . . . J * S . 3440 lit : . 3 -dtT. . . . W5 # IX 4 M irt. . 3C t Mi K . . .131s 7i UK t W I > -if-nr . ( Hili S 40 1CSI S fid . I. trt-orr 13W Ihl 31 nttwrt , . . . . ! : as , 4 lt u r . . 3 * i S fti 3 MIM-T . . . } ini i IM i rt. . . .IX S kfe 1 n 1 1 * - ! M 4 X , Valut * lujt. < W > Witi h > w r fur iwu iti ttie can , uniuununr > < V T u Bjnitn Uit u-l > wt ran murli liut fct \ataauf wilu/fui tniu tlir rMwiin * ut-r 1 * Uir aerruuiA. thf mftrl4 < i ttuL ciu wid vttt r ' " Ulj uc liitJjw li'ltj wt > AVvulnjwA unfl tin lux in unit iwW l lii - II * IIOJTF krM. Inin Oikmco tadi .t d n 4 Uit u4jjmntKlun niuil.fl u > tlml UK ecU Joktun- at Ua. pulm Her t V > f loiuitf jc tin- - llptn rMKQit * laid titlinsk AOHUUI * Tuf IUIB > < > > ' U.ft M vaii tl < - Imll : n H Tijr * B TeMordLr Uir n.usw wu IX tatt tbr liuU : wiiC U MS4rt.J JNB . 'H U > < tt > f JDMdlUH ) W . . Ttrf kxr-npr < if tli tiie wtl > ladur " it ntl.tmr tU.B jf * rdhj. lui H i lownr tlutc i. nalfl loAft ) UtrUc Wptmr HILII ktMr 111- lawMtluai two yean. pu. H.11 l w r time t uv yi n k o u < 4 ( t w lv r Uwo < lour krf Il urfmnliiUtt W.IM : XcA Ht. * Va. At. fit , I'r .MI WO J IS 71 .ytt 4(1 ( IX HP I Jl W.Ufr Vi i 9WI S X IX tor I SM , .ni MI s a . : i -rv U < l M ISt U. - 2 Kl > t SS ) . . . . f . L- - -j i n w is * in T. 5W * WT 40 * TTS C ! - " > W S K JSt 4ti I7H 4 .a 3ST J K jue s vr\t * > * j w w rw * 3B * PI J Sf IT 2HM > C9T. W JW J 71 .Mf W. I SM w t . . * i * K in 4't t X . W . . J * M . .H I * * * M < . Ml J T * n . nr i * > T. * . JBT WD * . Xf Kf t 3f tt..JB IX . 4 * JW S C . W 4 t * H . . . . * + . . . lit . . . . W H' ' t K if . mt n . . .rr , 3 * t w. > i * > * 3t ) i > r .m n s * . . m w > JOT . . . tj . . r M .m H * t n. . . IM sw r K .Mf sw t x > a . x 4c : x . . * 3 * JTT4 V r > * . ff J40 r 7S . . Nl > Ji * S"S M 3 - t * - . 1T W t 4t > 41' S * ( S . MC . S 40 K . Mt H } . J * Pref Ot D5 AXD E.VTW r . 4 . . j p > i , , . .r r w i . * . . . : mi i . 4 . . j t . w > „ . r . . „ . 4it. . . . . i * 4 . JIB M > t i. . M . * I-H r. . IM . . . T s < . . . . ir . . . t M < 4 . Mt JS l > . 3M > . t SB 5 . IK . . . J. * * . S . . . * T . o * . . . i * i. . rrt . r > K . . * * . . . f I . Mf . . . t * iJK . . . tS i . 3H . . r K * BB * 3t morlH * UTII ; tkrm. lJHr tlir . atr n to iii cl.fm taM were tan DSerrt l r No Av rr. * Imi-U * . „ . I4t u W IS tittlvr rpr . 1(6 4 i a iiht e lumlir . , 4 W wexte-si wetliKrt . . . . 1P1 4 a S7S Mcctrali vrarllnrn . 7J 4 40 CHICAGO LIV1I J.TOCKI 51 IUKET. Trnd < * In Ontllr A iilinn t - 1 at CHICAOO. Nmv 1C. Trnflr tn ruttlr WHS animated than UBUbl ut 3 mtfl > ' h ] ( ifli > r or- oHtie. Native livtl Mi n- Mild nil the VL ; trum Jl.K. to X. 0 lor pomnnm to tnwO dttwm-d In-tT cattle up te : nim K 71 t tt , S ( > Iu ! pa to < ctm hiitlU'ttiK lieetefi. the bulk : o ? tbe fciilf't. lieltif at J * 40 Clu-li-r drotF -vre- . rather ncarce BullK olfl larpuly ut trutii I 7t to XSJ. nno I-PWI. ana irtOTert Bt u wlAc rutuie iiT prlii * frnin n K. to MM. the lttcr Inr rholn Iit4ffn > Cklvek were unite lit trum SIiTS to If. r * Inr cuoA lull , The Ktocl-ur tna feeder truoe waf lalrlj artlx-e jit Irom u W. IP 34.IH ! . with u It cJniin Jwdcrt wtirtefl Kt trora } 4 40 to tt Bli Wetrtera runce meciT m ia n-iidllj u : Irani II W to S * S6 The denrnnd Jir hoct VHH rtth r MiutiS liriws veaLi'tied. kulw lurpely fchnwini ; k decline T ur jitr 3IH > Ihs. HacF ci-ld lurpflji at linm SS.S tp K it. roarpf parl.er Helllnp ot Jroffi IS li > to JS K unfl prime medium w ( tcht t Jrmn t : 4 to K Ml J'ict mild iBTcelul Irom . lli to It a. Sheet * rn-ld n-Bdllj ut from ti.w in V. ui : nr tittlieK. few BiilhF cliwve J4 , 7i while remi wila m frum SS oo tu H wi I > d vi-meii ihwj > i iia ui > to M 711 rutipe f..iefi > Ix-taj ; talulir ! et trmn JS-W to * 4.60 Ljinilw w ; re wuniea et Inrai J4W to JS.J7. for IKIOlo rrtrn rhiilpe. thr lwt lots lielnr iJlphtlj hlcher than her * . < lutare J'rlct * ere tor. . luph foTeedt rt. BeceljitiButtle. . Hliukd ; bops. 30 POO heud ; Id Otili lituC f-t. L < iui . L.iTrtnrli. ST liOnS NOT 1C CA7TlTEe.rel } > Ui. i ( W hend a ? which 3,3W > litvd wt * T s i. Mitjv- numts , 1 Ouo be&d , mnrl.- HH adr fur nmHpp , bii-w tt > d 10 : Inier far TiTHtif. ftir U fimry . tmlb of B&ies M Oifri 16 ar t rfl Ijf" ! and mvtTK , 7E.75j'l.tii. imiu M fiuleci3 < )44l > tr.-- * undw 1 < H > i piiunde. K 4i : * < .HI. . Imlu cif hairs. 8 , 70 fi It. Htcicl.ert. uid Itn-dcTB. ft.25as.lu , bait of saict , . IS ( H45i.lu. cnwx and liMterp II WKTM "n liulk of mwE. XI Wi S - . . canntnp tvnrfi Kl ICf. InUlB. iB4j .BU. Tesjuj unfl Indmo r-fcrR. fed. H.3C. oo\rs ana iiulfurK C.100 head iihljimrntK 1 WK' ' xoarLrt alKmt uteadj . lichi J2.3 [ > $ n 4 ( > miied. S..31 > gS iS. IIHB\T. JS. A-lBii FHEDI' EeretptE. 1.300 bead. jailimimtt. Tnarlr and I > t.nii .n flu I.Ji - 5t oV : Murt EAXSAS CU'J'V. Nov. ID CATTU5 E II B * heufl. l"Et crofleE flno. othrrs JVsun Htee-k. d.KTi OI' . Texnh ( K-WB K U Wi jrti 00 . nutlve COWF and . Bin-tcr und leederK. ifli.g4i : . . built. IlerHlntE 14 OOP head , murl. to shade hlph'Jr. tiult of culefc hem ieF SH.31 > ! @ 7. 40 , pBrliprr n * 3nT. 2r mired. i . llcht KZ&ZtZu. Turht-E , Si SHEET' HeceljitR 1001hfad marlietfirm. . 14 7T.i 7T iiuiiollK L.li e ' torlc. JS Nor 1C. ATTUS Herelmtv , 3IMheiid - KhliniiKDtE fair No qunuit.ip cbannp HOBS lieceijitfi. fi.uw. Fhtpin'-mB. 3.W > t > ; mn.r- lfi ojiKird quloi und cla."d man * , po.id to chiiip" medium and licnv.r , K f3. > & roixrfl. 15 41'S 4f CDmmnu llchtr. IS " i 4T. SHEEP Tterriiitfi. llphi. ihlpmtans none7imr - let Mronp ptKid 10 choice turutiB Su ffj % & 50 btmi- mon if. . medium lumlis. SS 758.75. commun fcl TP JI005TI75 TOltK NOT. 3C no trudinc < Vhlw oaulf Amerifjui Kteitrs t 10tr ll\t. reL-iBK-iaor h 4. Hfcir. ! exports , mt > IIBVCR Bf Biii Ti : BBO QUB.neTF oT t - CA1AT2S Rer-ntiitt , . 75 bencl ; leult. li.lttHffi BO. crtuwsfi. IS B-iei - 60 SHECCP AN1 > L.A.MS5 IlfP lt't6. IJfl head sheep EKf'jJ cr'i. lumhK. ti4i > i&C 00 HC aS RenetptE S7Chead. Inwer BWi&ZtJi Lli r MoV. . 1-OriFVlll.E Ky. . Knr 1C CATTLE R- c-'ljits. Six ) lirad. raerltet Blow on eununia cmflt * jinttvp on coofl cuttle HO35 Rf-cpijitr. t.5'10 ' bead marLet Fiend' bel polling ut SZ 40 SHEEP Marl : urtivtr , trtru laml-R 14 75Ji " 0 Cinclunntl LJSlork. . . Nor 1C HOG > AoU e ut UTi Strong ut $27DM.W. laml-B. tileadr Uecorfl nf repotjitE of live Mcicl : at the four prlnnlp&l inarUets Jor JCor > m > * f * If. Curtle HOCE Bhcrji Omaha . 4.3HE 4 " n I r.f Cblcaco . 6 o : I K ) IOI K- nani * City . IMfm 14 < * * K.II * St. Lnul . IM cine 31-0 1L.K B " jKTi < 'li.ser Teitlle Fiilirlc Mnrliet. KASCHESTEE Xin 1C f itht * md rams witJi a moflcrate drmanC. Rtafl "Start ) Pole" tn Tlie SunSny Bee ff you don't taVe it rfbip 1J * * > no . COLIJ. H ITT tli . 7'lilziir I Dmi - nnrt H iv to I > lKj * i-r < if It. la C33)landnr the philosophy of oolfiE cnfl bow to EvolS tbeao , a payricitii writinc tn E rollpiouE jouniul saysIn avoiding drtupttE. reonemlirr tout , Jcr tie people in poofl gtintirtl nsalth. tbt-y flo aol compare in fiEnger ith "close. " uonflnea. firvnt.- ! lz a air Wbere ooe jierswi "cetcbef colfl" from expoeuie to dreucht e i.oore will niel e the same uufleslntble czpturf by riding - ing Jc t crowfle-fi tlpntly cltn.eS elertrlc car Sitttr. ? for cc hour or two ID a crowded asaemb'y. or upending En evmioj ; w ! tli flourt und w inflow t thci ID t roam beated by rn-ttn , JurELce or t. move , tnfl l.pnttifl ty t Jttt ; or ttif cm , ciiee tbe BEme re sult Oxygen < v.bm tbunfli. ! ) ! , lite cotifl am. munition , keep * tbe permi IB tlie.fl : ; any Ibet of it phes tbem tbe oppnrtunity Jor uuobrtruf.eS tiotirity. and tgiui ) ttie mu- ooui flowt. P o } > 1i' . bowtver. aity live in un timneanre of frftb tir enfl no : unm be y rxjiDse tlieffibtlver , tnd ttiH Lave "ooldi , " Wbj Prom i ur jirMtot know lefipe H i > e < .nir 111-ti.y thtt t too ceiorour dl n of nitroctmous looflt. . fcuct ac meat tpcr fcin. tea. oBflee or JIOBUB jiroflut-ef oeruic pro ducts whit'U ieKwn tbe vitality w power of j j a ; tbe edit. An cneny la tit j 1 C C CHRISTIE E J FTHKET Vi C3ZKXCY. Chrislie-Stre&t Cominission Co Cuiiltal f.MI. < ( KI. < KJ. P i7'OCK..s. GltAl-V AM ) I'JIOt 1 > JOS , J& ES E. BOYD & CO , , Telephone 1039. Oinoha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PKOVlSIONSandSTOCKS BOXKD OF TKdDE I ln"n virw te Ofcictco and Xm Turt Corre ] iuiioe U Juui. A. ULrrrt. i. Cu. Weare Commission Go- OLD COLOM UI I LOIN C. , CHICAGO. Mtnit > ei-s Cl Ir co Jotrfl . , J Treflt J.iriOt 1SE2 CrdB , Pronsions an. S. T. Mods Orders Cjitt aufl i uture DeVvery Sc. i ltd , Oinub.ii Ollit-r , Itooiu I , N V , Lllr nidi ; . . . . . PlioueMil. . . , . I'LOVD J. CAMHIICLL , rrtr' Tf Ji.rttrt * . . wit thta wrtkpost ih tttaCKrttn TrMh Tipnr Jn Jront Tlif reran It a parnraiar'r ' t > l - r-ltiatf or TWf ' eoii ' II JPBwnnia irt'ia tlip : fcwiji tb * ff > 'l of tbr tatni * ei ' K.-M K t m-nnfl i-r tniiiJJe > . 1 > tuntii.t pinttj ci pin j bt * thy ifi mrjiuiic'M art tvl - .v 1 h ti ( ! tr swre a * tlllM Ml e * * * Of * T lltfcck V.r tb tortrri. snfl prrTlfi * . B& at itifltrrf nT otr- p i Jor mttiuti ] ' . mr fur tbr nw , . ' Hp'h ceJU t 4 Mnot prmi.nlp Ir repe 1 j ; , hr attack : it flwf Tr > r Tlif SutiotT T ef 5-tjaS Hnj > e 'I. fetl uttir.T 'T.-B OMAHA tttc MiBIGAL StRiC-jl tell ' - . ! 'n ha Nfb , f WTuns and Printe and all VE.K > FSS L'f Ctl end l > lMWl > E.f f niUII K'KIiE jimtnancnilr ml 1 } eu'fC iu ieri eutw BL-'iCiI" AXJ 'KX ! ! > i-Mi * R HOT Spots 1'n. . eh 5 > i-r 'uu7 \ i n * { mr ] mma and Hn. . oltwa Uiiirntirbl' ftaauw * ' Tmm Wte nrfHm J l VOt'S IM'ti Utj Hi 'raianirrlwetii. . % N'lrbl En Iwrtmtfc IXMW of Vital ' Mdi niattf M. i > > we olox-l to htmitiew or Muar * . nirc nvnta ] trrnin or rri f. MCirAi Kiriq ; n ] it > tnlOfllF lift i > r T-mn Omaha Mis.11 and Snnuc. ] Ii E. "V\ f ur ICiC uiiil leaflet , CASE Onr rurr If jHT.iittir r. titint a jititt .ilnr tip Canct tTs.ltC lP srai * upi iit r n n mfl ) & ; niw Ji ftltirt. l t tiri'critjJtip ynui rant Jui * vi "hu utr.l jml > iiiML rtidwrr-M tilt ! M-tm ta-niip cru i TUiui tt rurt-m n'ttu.a fc.li mimrv Ihtt r win ! " ) o n rtmw liirr Iur tni.v TTirilf nkli flt > ! ! ' Iklld * f Vll t1'1 tlit ft"itfttl tlTT tUttl * CTf ktid liii < il titli * vlUtt lii'Tf i' v/t iihi i > * u * < t w r rlihl- iLiirt tin v-iirlC Intl. raf * ln-i mr Iftc r Urnti-flr W.J1 it.rt curii V rtif HI * Ti.il | --tii i l i > utifl rvt tltt 4 'tttf'tm V I t Ti.iV 1 lit * t tU f < hi.1lttf-I JllHt' ? M tlK * . 1 i u tin intMti rmiiuMit i > i MOjkm lift , ir er IHHII kliln I r ( ,1'fr m r tijuii tfiinm-u * * * ivtinl lu our trr jmtn jitfcptlrt * ltli tt.t * JTt nitric Kr-nirflji i * iin t w.i nuTrt RHt"UtCTl Ittll llllUm HOT NtTOItr l - ttl'H ' JP bltPUlll iiot It will ul * IP ri U . ! > tisn t1 nu it.L * JIP Hiuiir * 4 I Ifwiliif jnur timitrr V ( TJi-.Ti.nUH t ru'i or Tftctid ivcry tinlit" hjiC ut v-i hmi b * njnitutmi ID jimif t , tJ < ti l.nnii-.n ! liwciiie nl Ji-SOO.iUXt , li ii > jtirtrriTy Uw > i.ti hti vil i tin Tta-.uiciit BJTiutir v imr iifti i uttiiir in untJ i it' nip nin > ur nmtirr ti\r tilt.tMv.ii ir unin'iUMi.j ttttlicuirl ton bitnot ? mrum. nt > one liu * jttsitl tuuiL. HUT mtittf-j Jii nut viuar ity cui f-4 > curvn tu 11 i "j it duwt abt-K. ln rHtlcutr nut I'-U-tfjaJ Mi.titittip our * fTr.Jou uf. tmiiiiii-iir iticu. rurrfl vhi lib * t r > < t't i * nuiat ! i Xr runi tD Hit 31. 31 iHiHtu ( Hi mi1tu air * I * CH nut u v i wnf > a vurid n ! nuliot iur tnmi iiifiiib. : Btrtxli tiu It * i u .IT jiikmt-d vimt nil. ' yminfli i mic mf" * Uirmiplj yur nurt lUrciti niU"ou iniict * > * > tt mnuit. ilM-rmutiian m ItDiut und .1 m.th liur luliuir ' > - fnijauiiin en * .nj itu i of tlif bnfl twillnp til r'-i * i - di'pn-HHiirti nuln * in IltUdlir Sdllf-- , ( > U llL f 111 tUltll 1l V ttl tTilltHv V llD urt mui i4iitl "u-Mnp tnnicur ? iuc JKI UKL flinulfl tin- lmi.rMurvM.iiU tb uic uircn it Uic rno Iio.tt1u.jio wrnc. All rt * j thj'iitt M'lrt M-HIHC lii tuulu turn- Pint. " \\t it * iu tli * 111.wi ncrlu * ' " QP lUJ il , out IH-V t i IUL t ut Jl It COOK REMEDY CO. , ] 4p M a tui 1Itiiij.e. Ctirag-o , 111 RUPTURE CURED V ! I . ! j Ko Dffiantlsn From Business. Ve idta tt. . ' ! .Tsi > ia3 > s or PATICX-S PILES CURED la Seven to Ten Days \\lthout Pain. OKI. Tui/sTii-vr I > ia > TKt WDrx. THE EI..PSRE RUPTURE CURE AKD KEDtCAL IHSTITUTE , ( Bnerawwrir. to THE O. E Itm.T.r.K. OO J 932-933 New YolLife Building , Omaha. Ctl ] or w rue 1 > i c.rriuun. i'CEmiKK SEr. Tbis rr.rorfiy > ein { ; la. Je > rifd directly to the thf . reqnlreB 129 cr * . of diet. Cnr > -d in 1 to ft c.c.r * * . Kaalt i.l * sold oi.t ar Co 5i IS C.cr 1Kb unl S-n-ttt Onit.tit. 111 tlie f.prliic " 111 l.e Trfinendou . 7 lie limn jrnliiilil < - buKlnfut. Tiiil l > e Ixi T'r'fixi jidrZu t3 in null MerrlinxidlKisi } ? Kuil in Ftiruli liint : Foml uiid Suj-jillen tu I lie iiiu7lluil < - fil Cluld Sl.rr , . In flifirl. u cs-ii T il 7'rjnlinc. MerrJin- tlle r. IK ! * t ai lilji linivf ut-Kk. It tut * * . > InJti it vi 111 lie fco in ] > . Tlie Alaska Tra3sp3laloa ! snd Der8l3piD8.it Company Tt. m..e : t.if flemiano v ul liver unfl ojicrctf lt OWN < TU MlIIt > , O47MJ UAfCt.es ON Tin : 11 KO.\ . Cniixirtl > ir lt on 11 lintif t > ; ieciull5 aaajitea iur 2iaiMetictir buuine. * carr } ' . UiC ti * thai cuUTitrj ii , imnieiibt uuuurt uf HVf- JI-IKS AKt * Dwl"H'2JtlKT for tht mlnerr. , u > well fumibhiiir tberii TIlAJCt.11 irT fur ihtmuMilvti uiu tbuir c"i'dt ana eetii ] TRAI'IXa ETATJONS LI dHterm.1 ji ur.te An cijijiurtuiutr IF uCered any in'PMin. be they tit kmali ur lurpnitmn tt but nuiri'iof utuct < c thlt onnijian } ' uui PART3TTATE In tbe IE\OH > JOl * DIXIDEMJb. rure to le tanie * wiUilti tlie nc iSmimth. . MIAKCt. AUK OFKJ-ltliU j.'l rfn.U UACH. par value niiD-HaiHiwuUjie. . ana will be uT.eJed Iur L Umitea time uwj. IJ NK fc'/OCICs ! lurporUofltjirit Vf > lle iiuiiifruut rtr. bna banUfe iiui i t-u-jicnupA trant ; * ui * tttioii uiid trudlne nie tai iinur tun in Uit btu uf lullurrt Thltl : L U KM uf ih * tnun aoturatiltinvuMnmtiu ufiured ti.t public. Thr iiiiuriiumttirfr aiKi tnutU.hu , < tor > wi arttua * tiuotea witb thik cuoiiui > are men uf vide ex * * .ietnttiff it , tttinlUJ uiiaurtal.liici- meu vbut.a . ziuine * are HUtfHileiii ( : uara > i4tnOS the Etauau-fl ( If till IH.HIi'illlJ . If VI ! ALttKT C ULATZ jTtt. Vbt BUitz Brew , Cou. H''N WM E MABCJK. Uutt * Sttu * Prn.ter iniiiou. G Eim'ARLiE I'aw. TruOic MBT C H i Ii > ( K GIIHU.SI-.U rij-VK A.HBCHT. uf Cba. . 3Ztu4ner i. Co , CHA H JtUcaiWELL. Tratflt MET. C 1. A.L. . J' Jl iKunuL Muulei Ciilciico W C UIKKAHBOX Oee'l PASS Apt. . C X. CL AT I' R R Cinciuiiutl B W GRimTH Jv * . TtrHt XU"Blnt. \ . VirLabui c : MiM TKELi A OT1L liatf elrbtwtn j/tai with Etielby ln-iil. Kbtslbyiillt Ind 3 M PH'LUIPh BI T rinn Xktmnal Bank. V ii-t'burc Mitt Ana nutidreak uf utbejr fQUtllj tinimlnent. Aaareai ana nn-Ul ll. mnney ] myable it > tie fiBii ifonspDiioiioii otia Dsneiiijira co f"i lir cur. Anil ilurrii and Dt-urLcru CHICAGO. ILL. EKNYROYAL PILLS