8 THE 01NFATTA DAILY 1H3B : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 1-t. 1897. QUEST OF THE ART DIRECTOR rainier * and Sculptors Arc to Rcceiva Personal Encouragement. MR , GRIFFITHS GOES AFTER EXHIBITORS Will Vl ll Art On tern mill l.nln r lth he Divinely Inniilnul In lle- linlf nf tin * Oninliii In accordance with the action ot the ex ecutive committee of the exposition at Its last meeting Art Director OrlllHlis will ranko Hn cxtenilca trip , starting this month , In the Interest of the exposition and for the pur pose of Increasing the already fine exhibit Of pictures which lias been thus far secured. The art director will go first to Chicago to Visit the art exhibit , which will then ho open , and will select from this collection the best and moat suitable works of art , after which ho will KO cast , visiting Philadelphia , Xe\V York and lloston. all of which will hava art exhibits In operation , and here the collection tor the exposition , will be further Increased. Following this Mr. Griffiths will go to Eu- roi.o , visiting the art centers ot England , Franco and Germany , and endeavoring to in duce the' most prominent artists at those places to send their best work to Omaha for exhibition , In this mission Mr. Griffiths ex pects to he very materially aided by the movement to create a fund with which to purchurto a number of the pictures which will bo sent hero for exhibition. A number of prominent men have signified their willing ness to pledge themselves to spend a certain amount of money for pictures or other works of art after the exposition Is over , am * thU Is expected to exert a powerful Influence on artUta to send their best work hero. The amounts thus offered vary from $250 to $1,000 anil It Is expected that a fund of ' $10,000 will thus bo created. It Is said by'expcrts that artists would rather sell a picture tlun rc- celvo Miy award that might be offered. The purchase plan has been tried In other expo sitions and has proved u strong inducement In securing good pictures. Dlnlrli'l of Cnlitinlila CoiiiinlNHloii. 'Prof. ' J. II. Gore , who was the commissioner for the exposition to the llrusscls exposi tion , has notified President Wattles that the commissioners of the District of Columbia have appointed a Transtnlsslsslppl Exposition commission to represent the District , consistIng - Ing of himself , as chairman , Prof. Powell , superintendent of the public schools ot the District , aii'l Mr. Fischer , u prominent art dealer ot Washington. Prof. Gore says tile exposition commission has applied to the commissioners of the District for an appro priation to carry on the work of making an exhibit at the exposition and the District commissioners have drafted a bill providing for an appropriation of $10.000 for that pur- poc , which will be presented to congress with the request that it bo enacted Into i ; law. \ ( < 'N of < hr [ < : \i > ( > . l < ion. Mrs. Helwig Muller of Now York has ap plied for space for un exhibit of ceramics. A. Caramanna of Venice has applied for space for an exhibit of art goods , including ceramics , pottery , etc. Anton Adamek of Vienna , has been ap- polnted as commercial agent for Austria to represent the exposition. The Pasadena ( Cal. ) Novelty works has applied for space , In which It IK proposed to set up machinery anl manufacture novel ties of California .woods and other materials. 12. O. Ililstead of Omaha has been ap pointed commercial agent of the Department of Exhibits to visit eastern manufacturers of machinery and securo-exhlblts. James T. Heywardt of Baltimore , Md. , writes that he has a complete -working model of n silver mine operated by electricity and he asks for a apace 23x30 feet In which to Install it. Secretary "Mlschke " of the Colorado Exposi tion commission has notilled the Department of Exhibits that he will be In Omaha about November 22 to make final arrangements for space ror tno umornuo cxniuit lu accord ance with the action taken by the commis sion at I to meeting a few days since. The Cereal .Machine company of Worcester , Mass. , has applied for a space 30x90 feel for Installing Its machinery for the manufacture of so-called "health foods , " and also for n "new era cc-oUInK school" In which these food * will bo pro -ired amd lecturer given to demonstrate the new methods of cooking and Its adv-ntages. Montgomery , " \Vard & Co. of Chicago , who linvo taken space for the erection of a build ing on the bluff tract , near the Bite selected for the Illinois building , have notified the Department of Exhibits that they have the design for their building completed , but will make several changes In it to make It liarmonlze with the Illinois building. On recommendation of Art Director Griffith ! ! , Kraiik Duveneck of Cin cinnati , 0. , has been appointed to jiaas upon pictures and other works or trt which Ohio artists wish to ox- lilblt .it Iho exposition. K. T. Snow of Phil adelphia has boon appointed In the same capacity for Pennsylvania on the recommend ation of Mr. Grllllths. c.viti , .1. KOJISIIKIH ; ASIMIYMATICD. [ Foilml Dt-llil III HIM Ilnoiii lit ( lie Slule ll.il.-l. Carl J. Forsborg of Ilockford , Minn. , came to his death at the State hotel , Douglas and Fourteenth streets , from s- jihyxlatlon. Forsborg wae on his way from Minnesota to Lincoln. Ho registered at the hotel Fri day inornlng uml went to his room shortly after 10 o'clock that night. About midnight Nlgl't ' Clerk George Do Franco chanced to pass along the hall on which the room occu pied by KaraborK wus located and heard jiroan * Issuing from It. Ho attempted to awaken the occupant , but failed. Nothing inoro was 111x10 until noon yesteruiiy , when a chambermaid detected the smell of gas com ing from the room and informed Iho olllco. When the door waa opened Foisberg was ( omul dead upon the bed. The gas hod been blown out. The nimalus were taken In cbarKo by Coroner Ilurkctt. letters In the dead man's grip revealed the fact that ho Jiaa a wlfo living In Ilockford , Minn. , and ulsu relatives named C. A. Sid well residing at Iloldrego , and others named Johanscn a JCw.rnoy , An Inquest will bo hold by the coroijer. . The deceased's relatives have beet notified of his death. lIOIIII'NIM-Kl-l-N' 10\CIIIVsll \ IN i .Via the Missouri Pacific railway on Tuesday Novcmlier Hi , to points In Arkansas , Kan sas , southwest Missouri , Oklahoma , Texas nlso to certain points In Virginia , Tennessee Kentucky. Alabama , etc. For further Infer inatlun call at city offices N. 15 , corner 13th & Farnam fits. J. 0. HiIbUlM'I. : T. P. GODFUKY , A. G. F. & I' . A. P. & T A Dr. Stevens , the noted specialist on chronic diseases , baa located permanently in Gram Island. His practice In that line Is seconi to none in the utato. The meeting of the Needlework Guild o America for thu distribution of the garments donated will ho held un Tuesday , Novembe Jti , at 2:30 : p. in. , at the house of Mrs. J.V Van Nostrand , 657 South Twenty-sixth street The presence of all otllcers Is Imperative. Al contributors arc cordially Invited. Don' : rurtft-t IU The MUourI Pacific Hallway IB running a Fail Limited Train to St. Louis , Mo. , leav Ing Wcba'.tr St. depot dally 3:05 : p. m. , reach Ing Kancus CUy same evening : arriving a Gram ] Union Station , St. Louis , 7:20 : the nex morning. No cliangu c ! sirs o ! any class Night Expri.so leaves 9:30 : p. m , , arrives Kansas City G:2b : a. m. For further Informa tlon call at company's ofilcct , N. K , corne J3lli and Farnam or depot , 15th < ind Web iter tr U. TIIOS , V. GCWFKBY , J. 0. I'HILLIPPI. I' . & TA. . A. O F. & P. A. D , Ha i , Hie florist hat n large nmnbc ot chryiintliemumB for ? a'i < In 7 K and ! > Inch poti. In blontn and bud > , 1S13 Vlnton It. Tel 770. Frank Yodlco , Ilia tailor , has moved to 101 McCngue block. wiio WKIIH iiuxnnv , I'ri-frr Kntnlilrx nml IlrlnUnlilrx in Ale re Dollnrx nml Cctiln. IlurplarB were abroad In the land agiln Fri day night , but their hunger appeared to out weigh their greed for Jewels. Sometime near 3 o'clock' In ( ho morning a pantry window In the residence of S. M. Sadler , 527 Park avenue , w n forced op/m and two men crept In. They set about 'a thorough ran sacking of thov house. The remains of n departed chicken were found -In the Ice box , together with nome cold ham , plenty of bread and n generous supply of milk. Supplied with these eatables the burglars adjourned to the cellar and brushing off the top of a soap box spread out a regal repast. After gorging themselves at the expense of the host , who slumbered along unconscious of the treat ho was providing , the men went back to the pantry window previous to mak ing their exit. Then suddenly remembering there might be some money In the house one of them located Mr. Sadler's trousers and extracted | 2 , considerately leaving him a dlmo for cor'fare. The ge'ntlemenly thugs then made their oxlt. The next place visited was the house of C. M. Powers , 533 Park avenue. As In the first Instance an entrance was pained by forcing off the catch to a pantry window , The men went through the house , but finding nothing to their Ilk- Ing concluded the night's business with a raid on the Ice chest , where they Imbibed a large quantity of milk. Mre. Sadler wes aroused during the visit to her residence and thinks she was Instrumental In scaring the night prowlers away. A freight car loaded with bars of bullion cotinlgncd to the Omaha and Grant Smoltlng works was broken Into In the lower freight jards and thlrty-ono bars taken. Their value was about $250. The police located nineteen bars at the Junk shop of William Harding at Twenly-flecond nnd Izard streets. The pro prietor says the stuff was sold to him by a couple of strangers , The police have a clew to tl.o location of the rest of the stuff , which IB said to Imvr been sold to another Junk dealer. To Cnllfiirnln , IVi-NOimlly Cninliii'd-il. Tourist car excursions for California leave Omaha 4:35 : every Thursday afternoon , via the Burlington route. Arrive San Fr.in- cifico Sunday evening , Los Angeles Mcnilay noon. Tickets , $10. Berths , $5. Full Information mation at ticket olllce , 1502 Farnam street , Call or write. J. B. Reynolds , city passen ger agent , Omaha. Ili-yn'H riirl.sliiiti * Olfer. In order to bring people early for Xmas work , thereby giving them and us plenty time we've decided to give free November l&t to December 1st with each dozen cabinets or larger photos a dainty gold bow knot frame. In Itself a handsome Xmas gift. Our work Is belter than ever. This olter Is the best we've ever made. Come early. I1EYN , Photographer , 313-15-17 So. 15th St. IMS Dlj.VTll. VKII'KIl I.V MYSTEUY. I'tillcr I'nnlilito Cnllu-r thu Threads \Ii-liolM * Story. The facts surrounding the death of James Nichols nro still veiled In as deep mystery as at the tlmo his body was found In the river. The police .have . been working on the also for several days , yet they have been unable to locate the dead man's trunks or any of the money which he was known o have brought with him from Hamburg , a. It la thought possible to locate the watch vhlch was taken from him and working o this end' ' Fred Cowles , the dead men's ormer clerk , will uccompany a special of ficer around the city In an Inspection of the lawn shops. The police claim they would be placed In a Itiandary even should the murderers be lo cated. This would arise from the fact th.t although everything tends to show tint Nichols met a violent death It would be nest dlftlcult to prove this. The body when ountl upon the sand bar at Gibson was n u badly decomposed condition. After a lasty examination by C roner Burket it was ntorred nt Forest Lawn aud no survey of the remains with the view of finding the caus-o of death has since been made. An effort was made by the police to have the county attorney direct that the body be exhumed for closer inspection , but for some reason this request was refused. In case .ho perpetrators of the crime were arrested , t would bo necessary to prove that Nichols cnino to his death by violence , and this In ho present state of affairs the police would ) o unable to do. The \ < > vr Lillet ? Short : MiuUril. Nothing that the Ingenuity of man has so ar produced so thoroughly Illustrates the vonderful advancement in car construction is the equipment ot the Lake Shore's new -limited train , which leaves Chicago every day at 5:30 : p. m. To Boston aind New EngMnd passengers : All of the luxurious appointments of the Lake Shore's new Limited arc at the dls- iosal of travelers to Boston and New Eing- and points without extra charge. The Limited leaves Chicago every day at " > :30 : p. m. . reaching New York at C:30 : p. m. , Boston 9:05 : p. m. , next day. B. P. HUMPHREY , T. P. A. . Kansas City. Mo. , C. K. WILDER , Ass't G. P. A. , Chicago. With tht > Army. Mrs. E. D. Thomas , wife ot Captain Thomas of the Fifth cavalry , who resided In Omaha at the time this regiment 'was sta tioned at Fort Omaha , In the early 70's , Is visiting the family of John Wilber and re newing old acquaintances in the city. Leave of absence ; for fifteen days , to take effect on.or . about November IS , has been granted Lieutenant John T. Nance , Sixth ca\alry. Fort Robinson. Private Frank J. Mason , troop D , Eighth cavalry , tried by court martial nt Forl Mcade , S. D. , for desertion , has been sen tenced to bo dishonorably discharged and confined to one-ami one-half years at hard labor at Fort Logan , besides forfeiting all pay nnd allowances due him. The same sentence Is also Imposed upon Private Charles L. Redmond , trosp E , lEIghth cavalry , also found pullty of desertion. Hess & Swoboda , florists , 1411 Farnam St. Phone 1601. Come and sec .our chrysan themums. Palmer House , Grand Isl d. Nat Brown , pro HOT WATER- HAG Forms the bfst remeily for toothache , ear- nt-lio , fnct- ache , Riumiifh ut-lio. In fiipt nny kind of in. iiclu * . Wf poll a llrst-olnss hot water bau , 2 qts , for 50c. A good 2-quart Fountain Syringe 40c. Our rubber gooJs nil nu.\ Sherman McDonnell Drug Go st. Omaliu , Neb , I.ucly Cli-rU In AUt-nilniioe. The Whole World ought to UBO A dovlco thtit clofos doors with out any slamming nnd keeps out dangerous drafts Wo null the B'ount , Eclipse and others- Every t-JiecU jrunr- nntped to give tnUsfaution Sen them. Ja3. Merion & Son Go > loll Dodge Ht. DECLARES BONDS CARRIED Exposition and Funding Issues Receive Handsome Endorsement at Foils. COUNTY BOARD ON THE PROPOSITIONS n Announce ( lieIltMilt of the Klcotlou niiit PrvmiKC the Snle uf the Si'CiirKlrN to I'roMiu-ctlvc liivi'iitorn. u\t the meeting of the members of the loard of County Commlssloneiis , held ycster- ay morning , the stamp of official approval vas placed upon the bond propositions voted pen at the recent election. This was done by special Attorney Uccket preparing the fol- owlng resolution , vrhlth was Introduced by Commissioner Klerstcad anU unanimously idoptcd , Wheicns , At the general election , held In Douglas county on November 2 , 1SS7 , Uiero vas submitted to-the electors of said county a proposition us to whether the Uonrd of bounty Commissioners of said county should 1(5 Authorized to Issue and sell the bonds of s\ld : county In the sum of $100,000 , for thu nirposo of aiding In the Trnnsmlsslsslppl and International Exposition , to be held in Omaha In > lho year l&us , and , Whereas , Said proposition received more nan two-thirds of all of the votes cast on aid proposition , as shown by the ottlclnl uturns and canvass thereof , and wild iropositlon was duly adopted and the Joard of County Commissioners of sold ouiuy were thereby duly authorized to Esue said bonds nml sell the snme , and apply the proceeds for the purpose aforci < : ild ; now , therefore , bo It Resolved , That the proposition authorizing ho Hoard of County Commissioners to FSUO 'and sell said bonds wns duly adopted at snld election und said proposition is icreby declared to have been adopted ; and 10 It further , Resolved , Thirt the county clerk receive > lds for said bonds upon notice , given In ho usual manner , until the first day of Jecombcr , ISO" , and that ht report said bids o this board , this board reserving the right o reject any and all bids. On the funding bond proposition , sub mitted at the recent election , the following vas Introduced by Commissioner Klerstead ind adopted by n unanimous vote : Whereas , At the Kenernl election held In ) otiKlas county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of November , 1S)7 ! ) , 'there was submitted o the electors oC said county al proposition is to whether the Hoard of County Commls- loners of said county should be authorized o Issue funding1 bonds In the sum of J1SO- KH ) , said bonds to be sold and the proceeds hereof to be used for the purpose of pay- i\K off and discharging certain outside In- lulv.edncFH of said county , and consisting of udgment and audited claims growing out of he attempted sale of a portion of the poor arm tract , commonly known as the Douglas addition to the city of Omaha ; and , Whereas , Said proposition received In Its aver more than the majorky of the votes cast at said election , as shown by the otliclnl canvass of said votes , and was duly adopted , and the Hoard of County Com missioners was thereby duly authorized to . Mils and soil said bonds , for the purpose aforesaid ; now , therefore , be It Hcsolved and declared , That the proposl- lon so Issue and sell said bonds was duly adopted and the clerk of the county Is icreby Instructed to call for bids upon said lends In the usual manner , and to receive ilds therefor until the 1st day of Dccem- > er , 1SI7. and to report such bids to this loard , thlH board reserving- the right to re- ect any and all bids. EX-CLERK MOORES1 CLAIMS. County Auditor Tate reported on nine more of the claims of Frank E. Moores , ex-clerk ot : he district court. Ho reported/ the amount claimed at $5,914.07 ; overcharge , $2,088.11 ; audited at 53,82C.BG , as the amount ot money duo Moores on the claims referred to. On , ho claims heretofore filed the aggregate was $33,020.63 , against which the auditor reported an overcharge of ? 14,088.39 , leaving a 'balance duo Moores of $18,941,2.1. Against this amount Moores claims an offset which ho Prices that won't be forgotten tliat are continually bobbing up that's the reason wo have so much trade. People are contln- lally finding out what a good stock we rcecp. Then we knoA- how to run our busl- 1CS3 economically wo knowiwhure and howe : o buy and this helps to make our prices the lowest. Ladies' fine Jersey Leg-sings 81 OO Misses' line Jersey Leffglriss Sl i Child's line Jersey Legging ! ) " 75 Hoys' line Tan Goat Leggings 1 U5 Child's flue Dongola Hii'.ton ' Shoes 0 to S 63 Child's flno Dong-ola Lace Shoes S to 11 98 Misses' line Dongola Lace and Hutton - ton Shoes , U',6 to 2 1 25 Ladles' Warm Lined Slippers 48 Ladles' line Heaver Cloth Slippers. . . . 118 Ladles' line Dontoln Lace Shoes 1 To Ladk'S * Viet Kid Luce and BiKton Slioc-H 24S Men's line Satin Cnlf LIH-P anit Congress Shoes , $1X0 and 200 Hay A * line Satin Calf L.tce and Congress Shoes , J1.25 and 1 45 SHOE DEPT. says more that ! tvlpcs out the balance charged against him. i-The report filed today was referred to the ) Judiciary committee for further Invcstlgitlonji The Omaha Law gcbool sked to bo allowed the use of the courti-rooms In The Ilee buildIng - Ing for the purpose 0 | conducting classes and teaching , the plan -4-lng to hold a night school. CommissionerKtcrstcad said the county leased the rooms In The Dec building for court room purposes only , The applica tion was referred. Official bonds of a .number of the justices and conetables-clect presented and re ferred. | i * * $ The register of .deeds was authorized * ad ditional help to complete the work In the office , that the recording may all be com- nlcted when the office Is turned over to T. S. CrocKei- , register uf Jlceds-elcct , on January 1 next. Consideration of the Uenson Incorporation matter went over without being considered , none of the Interested jxirtles appearing be fore the board. Chairman Klerstcad of the Judiciary committee says that ho has Inves tigated the matter and will report favorably upon the application. L. S. Skinner presented communication , saying that D. M. Havcrly , county clerk- elect , had promised to appoint him as deputy , mcnt. The board , considering the matter pre- ment. The board considering the matter pre mature , placed the communication on file. The claim of Sheriff McDonald for his serv ices In the execution of Claude II. Hoover' WIIB withdrawn. The sheriff had presented a hill for $100. Mary Rockbud was ordered sent to the Soldiers' and Sailors' home. James 13. Ebersall was appointed Justice ot tlio peace to nil the vacancy caused by the death of Charles lirandes , dcccascr. EbereaH was elected at the recent election and would have been Inducted Into office on Janaury 1. Fred W. McGlnnls was appointed constable to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. R. Wilson. McGlnnls was elected at the last election and would have taken , bin seat on January 1. St. I'vtcr'n Cluirr.li Knlr. On Thursday of next week n fair under the auspices of St. Peter's Catholic church will open at Crelghton hull. It will con tinue nine nights , closing on Saturday , No vember 27. llev. Father English , who has assisted In arranging for the-fair , promises Unit it will be umiRimlly attractive In nil its details. One uf the main features will be a nightly concert by the Kort Crook band. Another will Vie a band of twelve darkles , who will give a nightly cuke walk and Indulge In other demonstrations which may be classified under the hotid of "plan tation pastimes. " You can't ' afford to risk your life by al- lowln. ga cold to develop tiito pneumonia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain euro rtro afforded bv One Minute Cough Curt- Cnniliiftrti Kxournloim to California. VIA. UNION PACIFIC. Leave Omana every Friday , 3:30 : p. m. , reachIng - Ing San Francisco Monday , 9:45 : a. m. Cor respondingly fast tlmo to Southern Califor nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other Personally Conducted Excursion Route from Missouri Rt'-er. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street. Mrs. 1 * . H. Omaha's -Popular issliowinpr a fine line of SMALL HEAD UK ESS for THEATER WEAR. Call and sec. Wo ulso buvo tho'POMPAHOUR ' HAT. K3f Bo sure and not I J52O miatuko the place f ID O U Gi liX Acorn. < . . . Steel Ranges j t'se lets fuel , weigh more ami wenr longer thnn nny range on the inaiKet , unil are known the world over na the IIKST HAKKIIS .MAI ) 10. If you Intend to Imy a Steel Halite you J nri > d Inok no further. You know Hint Arurn Itanues are nil ilnlit. niul uur prices arv lower Hum KOM < IB of like ( | Uillty can be ttniiKht for eUeuheie. AVe woulil like to huvc you InvestlK'-ite. j John tesie Hd& . Go , 2/107 / Ginning Streui Slllt ; Over three thousand homes in Omaha and vicinity are made happy by ths R.idiatit Home'iStovss which they contain. , Radiant Home-Stoves UHQ less coal than other hcntoi-s. Radiant HomeStoves arc powerful licatcra untl easily regulated. They Will kcoi > fires three tlnys wltlicittt. nttuntiun. Tried , tested andHrluinphant. The 3,000 users df Hiuliant Home Stoves in Omaha are our reforoneeti. A ( good is always imltaled. Bo sure and pot tlio RADIANT HOME N Agents . . . I4fh and Farnam Streets. nt'.v now.v nv uncici.nss IIACICM.W Mrx. S. I' . Wllmni Iliiillj- Hurl While Cnm ln tin * Slrrot , Mrs. S. P. Wlteon ot 1718 Dodge street WAS quite bftdly hurl by being struck by ti hack at Fifteenth and Farnam streets about 1 o'clock. She wes crossing the street when ho vehicle dashed around the corner. The > ole of the carriage struck her In the buck nd threw her to the ground , where she was rampled upon by one of the horses. While the woman was still under the iors\j ' feet passersby rushed to her assist ance and pulled her from under. She was almost paralyzed with fright and It was 1m- losalblo to tell how badly Injured she was. Icr body was badly bruised and her back was wrenched. Jack Klrby , the driver of the hack , at- empted to get away , but was prevented by ho crowd which gathered about. Ho wes arrested and oharged with reckless driving , ooctatore of the Incident say that ho drove round the corner at , a high rate of sveed. 1IOMKSUKKI2US' ISXCUHStO.V. Tiir iliiy , A in1(1. . Via Hock Island Houte. For full Information mation call at city ticket office , 1323 Far- nam street , or write C. A. Iluthcrford , Q. A , P. D. , Omaha. Hnil Too .Mm-li Cum. The police have arrested two boys , ngod 1 iinil 13 years respectively who RHVC the mmes of Wllllo and Kilille 'hiivllck. The > oyn were foil ml down In the market square with a large quantity of chewing KUIII In heir possession. A third boy , who wns also well supplied with gum , escaped. The ; um > la supposed to Imvo l > em stolen from he candy wngou of I ) . J. O'Urlen. On Sale .Momlnyovntilior 22. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 11 , 1S97. OMAHA TENT & HUHHEIl CO. Omaha , Neb. : NIGHT TELEGRAM. llnvo ptirchnped live tliouvniu ! Imllps' nml Rents' Ine mncklntoslips. A close out from the lixrRect nanufncturer of lloston * Got n snap. Ailvcrtlce n. The Hee. They will be on sale Monday , No vember 22. A. H. RAWITZEU , Manager , Omaha Tent & Rubber Co. , 1311 Farnam , V. P. Chlodo. ladles' and Bents' tailor. 1012 Capitol avenue. Our garments fit. A. D. T. Co.-.messengers ; furnished ; bag gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel , 177. Hamilton Warren , M. D. , cclcctl" and mag netic physician ; special attention to diseases of women and children and all obscure ami ong-standlng diseases. Rooms , 503-4 Shecley jlock , corner 15th and Harney. Union I'notiiL. "Tho Overland Limited. " The most SUPERBLY EQUIPPED train west of the Missouri River , Twelve hours quicker than auy other train to Pacific CoDst. Call at Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St. Honest goods , lowest prices my oltn for years Hubermann. Jeweler , 13th K. Douglas. Dr. WIIcox , dentist , room 501. lirown blk. IT'S APIEASURE To come In contact with a iluUor IIC'H so differ ent from n "Hoc. " He tnkcs an Interest In your cafe nml uses Ills' liofct ability to Ret you well and1 Is not Kiillty of ugltiK > = ncli ineltKKls as arc resorted to liy Doc , \vhope only nlm In life Is to- Fee lio\v much lit- can net out of ynn. AVe are pleased to knnw there are n , number of doctors In Omaha whom \ve ha\'e hail the ple.is- ure tomeet anil fully approve of the Ktnmi we have tnltcn nsaliift the 2x4 1'ets anil thete fllk- Imtted I'lURKers. l Kyptlnn Ixitus Cream lOc Williams' 1'lnk Tills 33c Hot Water llarrs COc Kamlly Syrlnue 50c up 1'nlnu's Celery Compound W- Illrney's Catarrh 1'owiler ; . . . 33e Pyramid I'lle Cure , 35c I'e-ru-na 75e Vine Kolfifrn 75c Duffy Mult , Whiskey 5.110 IMerce's Kuvorlte Proscription G2c S. S. S IDc IlnnyrKll Water ITic Wine of Marlnnl 1'Oc ' Fellows' HyixiphoFpliites Jl.tO South American Kidney Cure 78o Carter's IJver Pllls > : . . ' : ISO All-'nck's Porous Plasters 9c Cnrllelil Tea 15c l a ( Jrlppe Coiiffh Syrup 2oc Syrup of KIRS , 32c CUT PRICE DRUGGIST Illtli nml Clilcniio StM. Do not fall to rend our n.a this week. Q-OO-OOO-OCO o-o-oo Your pic and have. It. You cannot nPRlect your teeth anil keep them. And you'll need your teeth If you shouldn't manage to keep thenv- morc than you'll need your po ! If you don't eat It. Sec the reason of It ? rnliilt-Ns Kxti-acllnii ! ; ; N * Sllvt-r Alloy Killing * .lOo Q ( illlll I'MlllIKH ' l.OO lll X Nsw York Dental Go > OH. C'IKMM-.I [ { . JKP | , IGlh and Douglas Hts. Over Ojrtwrlxht'sShoo Store , I.nJy AtlciiJunt. \ Sunilnyn 0 to 1 p. m. 6OOOOOOoOOOOOQ Mothers If you wish your dntishlurs to bo Ilidcnendi'iit of the dn'ssniaUcr. Call at llooni 403 , Karbacli Building. Mine. Yale's COMIM.nu.\TAHY LECTURE ON Scientific Beauty Culture AMI PHYSICAL CULTURE THIS VAIiU SYSTUM. Next Monday Afternoon NOV12MIIUH J5TII AT 1 ! O'CLOCK , A.T BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE lloorH Oprll nt 1 O'clock , CIIIAMl MUSICAL I'UOCHAMMIS. Mmo. Yale's Lecture will be given compli mentary to the Indlea of Omaha. Tickets nro now ready at box olllce of Hoyd's Opera House. They shov.1.1 be secured In advance as many will be turned away. I.NVITAT10.V. Ladles , you arc cordially Invited to at tend JIme. Yale's Lecture. TICKETS FREE Klndlyl be seated promptly at 2 o'clock. SOUVHMHS. Whitcomb Riley , THli GRHAl'NA'lIONAL POET Will Appear in one of his Popular Readings , from His Own Works , at The Boyd , THE CHIEF LITERARY EVENT OF THE YEAR FOR OMAHA. TII13 AHT OKI'IMMIU.VT OP1 THU AVOMA. VS CM II WIM IVI3 A SHHIKS nv STICK HOl'TI- C0 > KISVIKU'S. Of modern sculpture at the First witlonnl Church , 19th and Duvniport Stu. The series comprise * six subjects , ns fol lows : Nov. 20 , Mediaeval Ciureli Sculp ture. Dec. IS , Tin1 I-isiin School of Selup- ture. Jan. IB , Donntello. Fell. 12 , Two Monuments of Florence Cnmimnllo nnd the Bronze Gatc-s. Mtirch 12 , Michael Angelo. April 9 , Thorwnldscn. Single mlmlpsion , 23e ; children , lOc. Course tickets , Jl.fO. _ Here is what you want ut this tiiuo of the year SHERIDAN COAL because in good for nny purpose fjr.-itos , cooking und heating. Clean ns hard coal. Victor V/hite. l0n ( ! I'arnuni. i Tolophon i 127 iWlMiiiiiliilllH Crockery Are Gathered Here. A representative collcellon of the world's pottery productions a mute but clifiudit story of the newcBt In ceramics. There are modest pi-Iced dinner eels from American potteries thorp are some new doslcns from Havllaml and all priced at about half. Hero's a hint ot ( hem Finely decorated bread and but/ten / Plates , , . . , lOo Thin Cup ? and Smiceis. In flno decoration > Ho After Dinner Cups and Saucer ? , lOc. 25c and 49o Oatmeal Sets , in Kngllah Folcy , worth 75c , at 25c \ \ HDDIM ; AM ) IIIUTIII > AY GIFTS i.v i\niicss vAitu-yrv. The 1319 99 Cent Farnam Store Street 'Pfices- . Wo are Belling pianos o low that our competitors are astonished and wonder how It can be dcie. Thu answer Is very simple We buy for spot cash , In large giiantltlis , save coverul hundred dollars in exorbitant store rent and pay no , coroml Bon ! to outside nHigKers , thus giving the customer every advantage to secure a II rat clans bargain. Fine Walnut Case I'lano . J25.00 Sterling Organ . JIB. 00 HosewooJ Klmball Upright , only . ? 75. 00 F'no Mathushek J'lano big bargain. Baby payments every Inwtrument fully guaranteed. We carry the finest and only new stock of .Ivors & 1'ond , Kmerson and Voso & Sons I'lanos In the city. Pianos Foe Hcnt Cheap , SCHMOLLER& MUELLER , 105 South 15th Street. Telephone 1625 A. 0. MUELLER , Timor. AMtSUM13.\Tj * . BOYD'S THEATRE SONIUV MONDAY NiGHTS TUKSUAY WKDNK3HAY BIG BARGAIN KATINEE WEDNESDAY-25c-50c The lllc Double Slur Attraction RICHARD GOLDEN KATHERINE GERMAINE lu thu successful opcni coinliiuo MJW siMiri.vi. MM\KIIV _ lly Walter IlurrUlge nml 111 linrd Mareton. lly illle. ArnnMI , 1'rcmler. ArU.MK.VTKI > OllmsTlt.\ _ Trof. 1'oletz , Director. Hpoolal reduotlo'i Inprleos 25c-OOc-75c-SI.OO I'axtoii & Ti'k'pliono 1031. 1031.TODAY BEGINNING WITH MATINIilJ TODAY Monday Tuesday First Omalm Presentation JACOB LITT'S LATEST MELODRAMATIC SUCCESS lly II. UHATTON DONNELLY- The best Kvcr WrltliMi of New York Life. .V I'letiiroNqu * ' mnl TlirllllimI'laj - .SupiTl Miiinitoil and \t-ti-d liy Sd-onfNl Cunt Uvi-r S In Moliiilriiiiui. Ili-Hl Ilukt-rrril Si-ntN SWiBOc mid 7.c. I'inton & Btirquss , Managers TI-I.1-IM10.M3 1531. | ! | COM.V.ENC1XI1 Mtlll Ift 3flRTQ FIIIDAV IlUV. Ill , , .M.TIKITLIU1AY : & SIM ) VY. rum ORIGINAL COMEDY CO. , Presenting tlic reigning New Yoilt sensation MADE KAMOt'H AT THIO IIIJOV TIIKATUH. NK\f \ YOItK CITY. PfHIMJ A CtiNSKriJ. TIVK llt'.N OK SIX MONTIIH 1IY THli SAM13 CAST WHO I'llKHUNT IT 11I5IIU. oil Null * Uii\iSI : ) VY Creighton Hall , November 18 to 27 inclusive. Grand Concert each night by Fort Crook Band Grand prize cake walk by Harris' troupe of twelve darkies. ADMISSION 25o , Art- You OrllliiK I ten ( I > ' ti > Hi ) In ( lit- CHRYSANTHEMUM : SHOW , Cniiiiiiriii-lnu liinilil > , NOV. 15 TO 20. AilnilxNloii5t ! | L'hllili-ftl. Illc. ' 13th aol Street. OrfUt i' NTiar.'AOAT.I \ : ) . Anicilcuu -lnn. t'J.OO pccthiy up hurouuiin plan , 11.00 per day u . , JC. 3JA11K1CL , Jt bO.V , 1'rup * .