. \ .IMUM ; I TTTTfl OMAHA DAILY IJJfl'K : " . NOVEMBER 14. 1H07 , 11 Ul1 UMIIA10 JoLbois Hftvo All tbo Business They Can Well Tafco Care Of. COUNTRY COLLECTIONS GIHERALIY GOOD I.tve Stock CnmcH Kort r t In Oontlly ilicrH , Imt Corn In ilolnic IlC'lil llnt'li 111 the Conditions GovtrnltiR trndu hnvc uniler- Cuiio very little chiintc during the past two weeks or more , go Unit In * consequence thcro IM little In tlho way ot news to offer , ns Ilktcoiiilltloiis nre presumed to produce IlUe reHiillH. U U iilmoill ncoilleja to pay that jobbcrn In Omnhn without exception iiro ilolng u most gratifying business and n rrent many urn actually cnnvdcd to 1111 orders n rnpUlly us the goods ure wanted in the country. Ilcporln from nil commcrclixl centers would fec-ni to Indicate that business In the vartoun ncutlons of the country Is In n MttlBfiictury condition and much Improved to what It wns u few weclt ago. Jobbers In this loailUy , while greatly plriKiod with the present comlltlon of busi ness , Runt-rally feel tihnt It Is not what It might bu lr lhs weather were n little more Hcasonablc. A It Is , the farmers nre making the most of the mild and pleasant weather nnd arc putting their corn In cribs , BO that the country towns nre almost de serted and the country retail trade nc- cordhifily dull. Uetnll merchants , how- fivcr , are t = o shoit of goods and so Mure that there will be a demand for merchandise u little later , us soon ns the weather Is too cold for the fanners to work In the Ilflds , that they nro buying regnrdlcss of the present demand. It Is duo to this fact that the jobbing trade Is holding up KO well at a time when the country retail tradt ! Is generally admitted to be none too active. The retail trade In Omaha'Is greatly Im proved over what It was a short time ago nnd consumers are buying' " quite freely even If the weather Is very mild for this month. Most of them realize that the Heason Is now so fur advanced that most nny day winter may bu expected to close down without warning. Collections b > lh In the city and coun try arc fairly good , and money appears to be reasonably easy. MOVE.MKNT OF KAltM PRODUCTS. Grain men complain that tliorc Is almost nothing doing In their line , The farmers appear to be busy In their llelds and more Interested In peeing the new crop under cover than In marketing any part of It. AH yet no new corn to speak ot has gone for ward and criilu men estimate Hint there IH Ktlll UO.OOO.CWO bushels of ol-.l corn In the Hiate , mil homers no not seem inclined to let It go. Considerable of It was cribbed by speculators , who nre unable at present prices to get out whole and who are for that reason Inclined to hold on In hopes that some turn of the wheel of fortune may bring them out. The same disposi tion to hold the corn Is noted in Kansas nnd what little corn In being iccelved at Kansas City Is said lo come mostly from the Grand Island In Nebraska. U Is llirured that the cattle feeders will be able to take care of a very large proportion ol the Kansas corn crop , and a great deal ol the NfbniHkn crop will go lu the same way. While the farmers are holding Uielr cert they are sending forward their cattle quite freely , and nearly 20.COO head arrived nl Sou Hi Omaha the past week. The season of r.ingo cattle Is now about at an end and In their place the fanners of Nebraska are wt'dlng In their corn fed cattle , pome of them -.hi same caltle that iwcnt oul of the yardn rf fcedeiH sixty to ninety days ano. Speaking of feeders It m.-iy be something of a surprise to the general reader to know that since July 1 , li",2f.s ! cattle have been sold lit South Omaha and taken hack Into the country to be placed on corn feed During the snmo time last year the num ber sold was HO.flTI , showing1 a very declde < gain In favor of ISfll. Of the number shipped from South Oma'in about one-half , or It round numbers 100000 head , were for Ne braska points. Thai does not by an > rrcnns Include all the cattle that -will he placed on feed liV'.hls state. There are large numbers of native r.ittlo that are raised am put on feed by their owner or are sold to n neighbor -without ever coming to market Then there are thousands of cattle that are broupht do.vn from the ranges nnd soh oul to < : hc fanners nt the different statlom- along the line of railroad. Itwould be In torcstlng to know how much money the farmers and feeders of Nebraska have spen for cattle this season , but U Is Impossible even to approximate It. It Is safe to day however , that they have expended In rouni numbers t.1,000,000 for the cattle which passed through South Omaha. When these cattle are returned In the shape of beef they will weigh from 1.200 to l.HH ) pounds per head , thus representing Ii the aggregate many millions of pounds o beat OMAHA GHMfillALi S1AHICETS. Coiiilltlim ot Triulc iiiul fliiotittloiiN oil .Staple mill Fniiey 1'ruiliice. KOGS-Good stock , UQKc. 1IUTTEU Common to fair , lOifllc ; choice to fancy. ItfflTc ; ecparutor creamery , 23c ; gathered creamery , 21c. VEAL Choice fat. 80 to 120 Its. , quoted nt Sc ; large and coarse. 4IT5c. LIVH I'OULTIIV Hens , 61fUc ; cocks. Sfflc ; sprliur chickens , i > cr lb. , DWQCc ; ducks , C7c ; tur- keVB. kJ9c. PIGKONH Live. 7ri ; dend pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , JG.OO : midland , S5.50 ; lowland , 1500 ; ryu utrnw. ( I ; color makes the price on liny ; light bales tell the best , only top grades brine top prices. prices.VKGETAHLKS. VKGETAHLKS. CKLKIIY Good te > ck , large , 40c ; Email , 25Jf iOc. iOc.ONIONSI'er ONIONS-I'er bu. . 43 < fiOc. 1IKANH Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.40. BWKKT POTATOIW Per bid. , } 2.25 2.M > . CAIlllAGrv Homo grown , per lb. , lUOlHc. POTATOKS Homo grown , 40ffl33c ; western ( tock , CrtfT70c. CAUL1FLOVEIl 3.75. KHUITS. Ql'INCKS-Cnllfornln , per box , 11.25. APPLIW Winter stock , J2. { I3.00 : Jonathans nnd fancy varieties 3.25 ; California llellellower , boxes. SI.CO ; Colorado Jonathans , bones , II.C3 , NU\V YOHK UKAl'iS I'er 9-lb. basket , 13e- larse lots , K"ic. 1'I.UMH Idaho and Orecon , 7Ccff$1.00. CUANIIKKIlIKS-Caiw' Cod , per bbl. , I3.IO ; Wlscoiinln. boxea , Jl.Wf71.10. CALII''OUNIA AND COLOUADO PRA11S Hood winter nellls , | 2.00ir2.2J ; other varieties , tl.'M'if I2.W. THOPICAL FHUIT3 , OHANGIW-MexIcan , per box , J4.M ) . " inns , jl.JS4.,0 ! ; choice Call fornla , J4.00. 1IANANAH Choice , larse gtock. per bunch. I2.00Q2.23 ! medium.Blzed bunches , JU'CflMW MISCKI.LANICOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , lariio size , Kffll.'c ; Draclls , per lb. . IOc ; KnKlI'h walnutH , per lb. . fancy , ot cliell , He.tandards. : . lOttllc ; lllberts , lb , , lOa ; pecans , polluhed , liirgf , UiflOc ; Jumbo. fer ; luigc hickory inits , 11.23 per hu. ; fiiuill , ll.CU per bu. ; c < K'oanutn , per 100 , U,7oTI,00 ; peanuts , raw , t\0 ! > , ii < ; ; rousted , CijGVic , KIGS Imported fancy. 3 crown. 14-lb , boxes. 154c ! ; S crown , 44-lb. boxes , ICc ; i-b. ! boxes , 2Ca tier box. 1IONHV Choice white. 13e. KltAUT-Per bbl , , J ( . ) m.23 : half bbl. , fl.SOit' 2.40 , MAI'LK SYIlUP-I''lvc-gal. cans , each $2.3 $ ; Kftl cans , pure , per doz , , S12.W ; half-gal , cans , 18.5 ; ( | iiart cans , I3.r,0 , DATUS-I'er CO to 70-lb. boxes , Mfcc ; Fard S-lb. Loxett. He. " - half bIJ. , J3.0D , KltKBII MKATS. IlKKr Good native steers , 7c ; good IIKKI * CIJTti-Tenderlolns. 18c ; bonelem Blrlp. . Jc ; Urlji Iclm7c ; rolls , Mic ; sirloin butts , 8Uc ; nhoulJer clods , t'.jc ' ; rump bulls , otic ; ilur nhouldtT elod . fi'Jc : rump butts , She ; fleer chuck" , fi&c ; Cow chucks , 4Hc' boneless chucki , , , "lOc'l sweetbreads ( ralvra ) , per lb. , 40c : kldiifys , per do * . . SSc ; ox lit Se : loninie's , per lb. , JJHc. jh'TTON Lamb . 7o ; sheep. CVici market racks ( loiiB ) , Bo ; hotel rucks Uhori ) , Uo Ic s nnO adales , c ; lamb lcu . 9c ; breasts ana stews , 3c ; IOIIKUK , each Sc. POIIIC Droisej pigs , Mjc ; dresfed hogn , PCI londrrlolns , I5c : loins , 7c ; spare ribs , bam KAUBime liutto. cHc ; ihoulders , rnuKh. f i ; shouU iklni t..tV4cj trlmmjiiKS. 5 ! c ; leaf .lard. . e..tomaclii. . each Sc ; tongue * , each 7c ; ki I'r do * . , lOo ; brnln . pec dot , 15cj pi ' { Icr Joi. , c ; llu-ni. each Ic. CotTi'f InrUclM. NKVf VOnit. Nov. 11 COKFIiK-Oidlons miriied aulet with price * 5 points higher ; ruled Snner on coverlns nn4 Itivntmmi buying ta J'J'i. ' ] . ; uropcan iuotatlons | , moderate receipts at lllo and Hantos and Itft dUposltlon to sell n > ot roffee' closed limctUe , HJ10 points net advance ; rali-s. ' 5.-W _ t K * . Incluaini : JX-f nber at 15 W ; rnrc - - * 1Uu , vteady ; No. 7 , Invoice cwcNo. . 1 > J'ibblnir. 7c , Mild , dull ; Cordova uc'l4o ; total \var houce dellvvrlei from th l nlted Btatcs. 1 > .W3 bam , Including 15.970 ban frow New York ; New York ilocfc 489.000 baci titatru tock , ( ll.kCT bug * ; slloat for th Btatci , UO.OOO Uci taul vUIbl * ( or tb , , . . n , ns .ml , < " < ir and 1. M.SV ) t > ag In HM. UANT03. Noi. n.-CXJKKlB-qulfti good vtniKc Hnnto * , i.60 rcl ; receipts , Z4.009 bnici ! Iwk , I.IS7.W ) bng . HAMIIt'lKl , Nov. IJ.-CXl'FEK-OpenKl < pfg. iind clo d at a net Advance of UO't PfK , ; , tn.Oft ling * . HAVRE , Nov. IS.-COl'-pEI Opcnrrt Irregular nd ? , I Mghcr ; at 12 in. unchanged ; enle-n , 17,000 ng . RIO HE JANEIRO , Nov. U.-COKFEE t ndx ; No. 7. lllo. sttndy nt 7.5M rel < ; receipt * l.u"0 bn(3 ( < ; cleared for the United Stales , u.ooO ings ; clcnred for Europe , 74.000 lines ; itock , 42j , > COTTO.V .1IAIIK UTS. Itopm'tN Lmil to LIIHK of Sfvcrnl I'lilnlH. NEW YORK , Nov. 13. Very dl.'COiirnuInK pub. Ic and private cables led to n uenk opening or cotton nnd n decllno of 31)8 ) polnt > on the U t cull. The Live i pool cables were much worse han looked for , showing ft net loss of 4-G4Qj-C4d. According to private cables the English com- nlttce on maiket Is In n demoralized tcml * anlcky condition n the result of Increasing crop ttlmates , tuppotted by n heavy movement ! Pol- owing the opening call there was a further loin if Ifi : point * on Kime positions by wny of nil- untmctit , nfter which there wns n reaction of 1 < 5 points en meut positions , with the market liialljt mendy nt u net lonn of tiJ6 points. Mid- llliiB , ! % ; net receipts , 775 bales ; gn.t-,8 , 8 416 ial ( ; foiwnrded , 3.6S9 bales ; sales , none ; tork , 3.775 baits. Total today : Net receipts , 57tiO mlcs ; exports to ( Ircat urltntn , I , r78 bales ; to ho continent , 31,938 bales ; stock , S7733 bnles. Totnl since Heplember 1 ! Net receipts , 2,954,073 mles ; export * to Orcnt Ilrltaln , 013,095 bales ; to /ranee , 227,143 bales ; to the continent , 93.233 mles. Futures opened weak ; sales. 13.COO bales ; January , J5.62 ; February. J5.C6 ; Match , 15.71 ; vtnk" f * /i wiif M-S * iciuutri , tif.iKt. i7 * | > Ul. COllOn closed easy nt unchangrd prices ; middling up. ands , BT4c ; middling eulf , Hc ! no rales. NIW OHMAN.S. : NOV. i3.-coTTON-Futureii. pulrt ; rales , 25,000 balca ! Novcmlwr , JS.a , nom- innl : l ) < ? ccinler. J5.20yi.2t ; Jaiiuarv. J3.27W1.24 : . ' - „ - - . , - . March , JB.37O3.3S ; Ap'll , o.2ff543 ; May , J5.47tf-5.48 ; Jun ? . 15.5257663 ; July , | o.67fio.f,8. Sales , 6,000 bnles ; ordinary , 4'.ic ; peed oi-dlnary , 4Hc ; low middling , 4 15-lCc ; middling. S'Jc ' : itood middling , 6V4c ; middling- fair , Sc ; receipt * , 14,475 bales ; stock. Drt4:67 balis. ST. LOUIB. Nov. IS.-COTTON-Qulet , 1-lPo lower ; mlddllni ; , GE-lGc ; snlcB , l.COO bales ; re ceipts. 7s.0 bnles ; gross shipments , tj.85. > bales : Block. 42 233 bnles. MH.M1MUH , Nov. 13. ( .XJTTON-Ktendy ; mid- dllnK. u'.ic ; rei-elpln , 0,117 Uiles ; Rhlpments , 4.S1S bales ; muck. 87,13:1 : bales ; rales. 3.4 < bales. LlVmtPOOL , Nov. 13. COTTON Spot , milet ; prices lower ; American mlddllni ; , fair , 38-10,1 ; irooil mlddllni ; , 35.-Ijd ( : American mlddllnB , 3732(1 ( ; low 1111(1(1111103332d ( ; peed ordinary. 23I-32d ; onllnary. 223-32d ; sales. 8.010 bnle" . of which 510 hales were for speculation nnd export nnd Included 7,700 bales American. Itccelpts. 34.01 bales. Including 2.1.400 bales American ! Futures opened easy , with a fnlr demand nnd closed Irregular : American middling L. M. C. , Novemlier. 3 S-Cld. buyers ; November nnd De cember. 37-Cld , sellers ; December nnd January , 3 7Hd < , Hellers ; January and Kebrnnry , 37-Cld , sellers : February nnd March , 3 7-fllIT3 8-Old , wl- lets ; March nnd April , 3 S-6I3 3ld , pellers : April nnd Mnv. 3 9-lICf3 ! 10-0d ! , value ; Mny nnd -Tune. Jin-fi4 3ll.tld ( , buyers ; Juno nnd July , 3 II.M4I312-6ld , buyers ; July nnd Auirust , 313-Cld , sellers ; August nnd September , 3 13 Cl } ? 3 ll-CUl. buyers. Oil MnrketH. OUj CITY , Pa. , Nov. 13. Credit balances , C5c : ccrtlllcalcs opened nt 67o bid and closed nt 70o bid ; sales , 11,000 bbls. NK\V JOHK , Nov. 13.-Oir.S-Petrolcum , crude , no market ; nominally S."c. HAVANN.MI , On. , Nov. I3.-OII.S-Turpentlne , flrm nt 2aHc ; enles , 1,000 bid ? . ; receipts , KO bbli. Hosln , market closed rtrm with nnles o ( 3.COS bbls. ; receipts. 3.033 bbls. Ouote : A. II. C , D , 11.10 ; U F. JI.15 ; G. J1.10 ; II. Jl.2,1 ; I. Jt.35 ; 1C , Jl.r,0 ; M , J1.70 ; N , J2.03 ; W , O , J2.30 ; W , W , J2.7D. CHAlll HSTON , S. C. , Nov. 13. OII-R-Tur- pentlnc market Ilrm nt 290 npked. Hosln. firm and inirlianRCd. LtVlOItl'OOU Nov. 13.-OII.S Tallow , prime city , steady nt ISs. Cottonseed oil , I.lvfl'pool rs- fined , dull nt 15s. Turpentine spirits , steady nt 23s M , Hd'ln. common , steady at 4s 3d. I.ln- ; ced oil , 14s Oil. LONDON , Nov. 13. OII S Turpentine spirits , XIMV York llr.v CoodH AInrlfcl. NKW YOHK , Nov. 13 The dry Roods market closed without clianne In any direction from the dull conditions which have prevailed durln ? the week. There Is n dearth of store trading nnd the mill ! ordeni throuRhout the entire week have been light. The weakenlnc In common goods shows no abatement. 1-ilnt cloths closed par- tlculr.rly weak , with little Interest manifested by buyers In the market. In woolen and worsted Roods the situation Is unchanRCd , It beln ? Im possible to purchase nny larRC amounts of goods for lf.09 , since sellers will not exhibit ntyles on market prices as a rule. There Is n sllxht amount of trading In light welshts still , "in staple cottons the market shows no decided firmness. I-ilnt cloths closed very dull at 2 C-lCc. Sunnr MarkvtN. NR\V ORLEANS. Nov. 13. SUOAR-Open ket tle , steady nt 2'iO2T6c : centrlfuRal. linn : gran ulated. 4 l-lCf4 Ao ; whites , 3 H-lC < Ij4Kc ; yellows. 13-tCc ; seconds. 2S3 1-lCc. Molacses , open , . 3 13-1Co. Hcllncd. Ilrm ; Btnndard A. 4T6C- cut loaf. C5sc ; crushed , 6ic ; powdered , 6'Jc ; granu lated. Gc. LONDON. Nov. 13.-SUOATl-Iect. November. 8s lOVid ; December nnd March , 9 : < id : Cnl- cuttn Unseed , spot nnd near nt hand delivery 35a 4Hd , Troulile In So I ( Hern1 Oriiluiii lloine SPHINGFIEL.D , III. . Nov. 13.-Tho com mittee appointed In behalf of tlhe Grand Army of the Republic to Investigate the charges of mismanagement at the Soldiers' Orphan home at Normal has made n report to Governor Tanner. In part It Is as fol lows : lowsVo " \Vo find that the dissensions between the contending parties have extended to the subordinates of the home and tihnt there fore It Is alaolutely essential that whatever changes nre made should extend to txjth sides In the controversy nnd bo made ns speedily IIH Is consistent with thd selection of suitable successors. Part of the report wns made orally nnd It is Impossible to learn what this was. Governor Tanner has taken no action as yet. _ AliNcoiidliipr MroUcr SurrcmlcrH. BOSTON , Nov. 13. George F. Gage , senior partner of the wrecked brokerage Ilrm of Gage & Fellon , has surrendered to thu police and was arraigned In the su perior court on the charge of embezzling $5,400 from Thomas J. Scollen. Gage left Boston n year ago. At the time ho was suffering from brain fever , brought on by the excitement attending the Impending collapse. Since that time ho had traveled all over the country nnd has been in Mex ico. Ho wanted to return , however , nnd through his counsel It was arranged that ball should be placed at J2.DOO. Gage pleaded not guilty to Uio Indictment and furnished ball. \otlilngr fin- the UOKIIH Lord , FIT/GERALD. Pa. . Nov. 13-"Lord" neresford , the fugitive from Justice , will not be a penny richer for the death of his wealthy father-in-law , Alexander I'clky. Lascelles married Miss 1'elky last May against the vehement opposition of her father and Immediately 1'elk.y altered his will and left his property jointly to his brother and Plster In Rhode Islaifd. Re vised estimates show that the estate amounts to 1100,000 , The will makes pro visions for Mrs. Lascelles If she ever "gets rid of her hypnotic husband , " Jury DIxlicllevcH Simclicx'M Nlory. nu.NVBU , Nov. 13. The Jury In the case of Frederick K , Sanchez , who killed his wife In the Colorado house In this city October 30 , returned a verdict of pullty of murder In the llrst degree today. Sanchez's defense was that ho accidentally mot hl wife In a nightmare. Imagining a rornieV had entered his room. Her life was Insured for Jl.OOO. _ Sliilt Out Independent Shippers. NKW YORK , Nov. 13 The Fleshers Trade Protection company has sent a circular to ship owners saying that after December 1 the members of the organization will not purchase United States or Canadian live Block carried by shipping companies which transport live stock for Importers not he- longing to the organization , Cycle ( 'oiiipimx Iteeelver HeportH , CHICAGO , Nov. 13. The assignee for the Fowler Cycle Manufacturing company , In solvent , tiled an Inventory of the assets and liabilities of thu concern today. The total assets are valued at $223,737. The llablllllm , consisting of accounts and notes payable , are $211,467. making excess of assets over liabilities of H2.270. _ Klrciniiii JumpH Into the Firebox , MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 13.-A special to the Journal from Mandan , N , D. , says that Joseph Williams , llreman of the Northern 1'uclllo transcontinental train , has com mitted suicide by Jumping into the , tire box of his engine. Heforn the engineer could pull him out his head and shoulders were consumed. rM May SlrlUc. CINCINNATI , Nov. 13.-A Parkiysburs. W. Va. . special to the Times-Star eayu : Chief Arthur , It Is understood here , will ordtir u. strike on the Ohio River railroad Tuesday unless the discharged engineer * , Tuylor. BUli'sley , Uartcll and Creel , or * re- Inatatcd. COSJIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL * May Wheat Shows Gonsidcrnblo Weakness , While December is Moro Steady. UNEASINESS DUE TO SIR CF INSPECTION Corn mul OntH Arc Dull , Kncli lit n Lower Figure , While I'rovlMliniN Arc Tnmc ami Ainu Lower. CHICAGO , Nov. 13. Whcnt wns slow throughout the day nml very Irregular. December closoe\ \ , where It did Friday , nt 4ViO over Mny , nnd ni 94 > , ic. December shorts showed some unenslncss growing out , It Is paid , ot the strictness of the Inspec tion department. Corn wns dull anil prices lost ' ,46c on the elny. Onts showed n de cline of We , the market closing nt the low est Ilgure. 1'rovlslons were featureless , a shndo lower than Friday. Pork , lard nnd ribs were 2',4c ' lower. The speculative ! trnde In wheat opened dull nnd for the , first hour the trend wns downwnrd , the most weakness , however , being In Mny , which sold % o below the close Inst night , while December kept steadier nnd sold only > jc below the close yesterday. Mny opened at S0\tc \ nnd sold i to Wlie , while December touched 93T4c. The Liverpool market wns again tutno nnd seemed Inclined to sell off some , while tul- vlces from New York said that the frost dnmnge In Argentine wns slight nnd the outlook for a good crop favorable. Trade wan dull for n time , but luter speculation became more active and there was n rally of % c In .May nnd lu In December. The de mand for December became quite brisk and It was rumored thnt the bull clique was bidding It , when the shorts made nn effort to cover , which gradually sent the price to UlTsC. nnd Mny moved up to SO'tc in sym pathy. A rumor that wheat received from Dulutih had been rejected by the Inspection department contributed to thu alarm dis played by the December shorts. The ex- porta from both coasts for the week aggre gate D,445,000 bu. . against 5,590,000 bu. the week before and -l.twI.COO bu. the corre- . upending week last year , nnd Hroomlmll of the Corn Trade News cabled that In order to keep up present stocks he would have to Import between now nnd April 1 nixt 1CO-100,000 bushels of wheat. Cables also reported that the Russian ports on the ne-a of Azof wore being1 closed by Ice , cut ting off Husslan supplies , but the report had more effect here ; apparently than It did at Liverpool , which ltd many to doubt Its reliability. There was a sharp break dur ing the last hour nnd May sold off % c to SOc nnd December lost Hie , selling down to D.Y&C after having sold at Dlc. The weakness abroad and the dull and narrow trade caused the early buyers to sell out , and bhe market belns so weak that lonfs were not disposed to carry holdings over the Sunday holiday , this selling contributed to the weakness. At the close May -was OOo bid and December SIVic , or 4V4e over May , where the difference last night wns only Corn was dull and heavy and at the close ? ic lower for the day. Trading In the pit was largely In the way of changing Decem ber to May at the existing difference. The latter Is so satisfactory to the elevator people ple that tlioy can only be persuaded to part with any when ' .to premium over December Is bid by n shipper. The opening price for May was ) 'i < fi"OVic It sold at 2aT4J/30c and closed at 20c bid. Oats opened firm nnd for a while prices were higher. Good buying by New York and the Ilrmness In the cash market In fluenced the buoyant feeling. I-nter , how ever , the UrmueFs gave wny to weakness , caused by liquidation on a moderately large scale. May opened nt 22c , sold at 22V6c. de clined to 21v o and closed with sellers at that price. Provisions were duller than even their ordinary state of depression. Changes In price were so small as to be hardly worth recording. December pork yielded to the weakness to the extent of 2'tc decline , lard for December lost half ns much nnd December - comber ribs decllneel 2' c. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 135 cars ; corn , 430 cars ; oats , 410 cars ; hogs , 43,000 head. Leading futures ranged ao follows : ArllcU-H.I Oiian. | lIUIi. I Low. | ClQM. ' Wlieat- Nov. . . 04 04 (14 Dec. . . . B4 94' < May. . . VOH uo OU l > * Com Nov . . . 2BM Dee. . . . 2(1 ( % JO hi May. . . 2UIi-iu : ao Oats Dec. . . . 20U SUM May. . . 2'J 21W fork Dee. . . . 7 32 7 .17W 7 H2S 7 35 37 Jan. . . . B ar 8 as 8 30 8 35 35 Lard Dec. . . 4 20 4 17 } 4 20 20 Jnn . . . 4 sax 4 35 4 32H. 4 35 35 Sh'tUlbH Dec. . 07 3D Jan. . . . I 32 ,30 , 4 32K 35 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUK Steady ; winter stralKhts , J4.5004.CO ; clears , J4.3'MJ4.4 ' < > ; oprinff specials , $3.50 ; Minnesota linnl patents. J4.U005.CO. WH13AT No. 2 Fprlnff , 87fl90c ; No. 3 spring. Sic ; No. 2 red , U44tic. COHN No. 2. 2C ii)2CT ) o. OATS No. 2 , SO'.jc ; No. 2 white , 23ic ! ; No. 3 white. 23T(23'Ao. ( IlYK No. 2 , 47VJC. 1IAIIL.KV No. 2 , 2CS26WC. KLAXSEED-NO. i. ti.oi. TIMOTHY 8KI2D Prime , J2.43. rilOVIHlONS 1'ork , mesa , per libl. , $7.357.40. Lard , per 100 Iba. , { 4.22 > i. nacon , short ribs ll'lfs ( Iwfei. J4.ril4. ! : ! > 5. Dry Baited shoulders ( boxed ) , 14.iMJ4.50 ; slioit clear sides ( boxed ) , J4.C2Hitl.75. WHISKY Distillers1 nnlslit.l foods , per gal. , J1.18. SUOAIl Cut loaf , J5.14 ; granulated , J3.21. On the Produce exchange today the butter market was steady : creameries , 15022'/ie ; dairies , 12fi20c. Cheese , tS',4e. ' Kits * . Mm ; fresh , 18c. Live poultry , quiet ; turkeys , ao ; chickens , SVSc ; eprlng chlckenii , "c ; ducks , 7'/40Sc. ' M3W YOIIIC 4JI3.M2HAL MAUIC12T. ( ItiotntloiiH of the Dny on u lie nil CoilllllOllItlCN. NEW YOUK , Nov. 13. FLOUH-Ilecelpts , 31 , . CIS bbls. ; export ! ) , 17,24 $ bbls ; ( | ulet but steady ; Minnesota patents , f.5.40 ; bakers' , $4.20W4.CO. win ter patents , J5.000C.25 ; winter strnlghts , J4.C4f 4.70. live Hour , dull , J2.65JJ3.40 , latter for fancy , lluckwheat flour , nulet , Jl.15ffl.SO. IIUCICWHKAT < iulet , 37 3SHe , COHNMEAISteady ; yellow western , C2c. IlYE Steady ; No. 2 wehtern. DOUe. ItAIU.KV Hteaily ; feeding , 2k".4c. " IIAULEY MAIVr-Qulct ; wealeril , 55flKOo. WHEAT Heceh t , 220.1W bu , ; exports , M.208 bu. Spot , firm : No. 2 red. SSTic , Opilons opened weak under bearlfh cabltw , laler iidvancel shandy on covering Induced by higher north western markets nnd closed firm at Ho advance tu &e decline , latter pn May ; May , ii3Vii93c closed at S3Hc ; December , C ? tja7 3-l a ; closed at WTtc. COHN-Ilecelpts. 48,750 bu , ; cxinrts , 167,7f5 bu. Ppot. ( inlet ; No. 2 , 31 lie , Options opened steady und advanced slightly with wheat , afterword caning off under realizing anj closing ' , ic net lower ; May , 33o ; December , 32fcft33l4m ! cloned ut 32He. OATH lierelpti , If2,000 bu. ; exports , 3W.2I7 bu. Hpot , Ilrm No , 2 , 2SUc. Options dull , but steady , at 'lo net advance ; December clewed at 2CUc , KKKD Steady , HAY Quiet ; chirring , 40345c : good to choice , COSr'de. HOI'S Steady ; utate , common to choice. 1693 crtp. 4fCc | ; lf G crop. C { | ; US7 crup. 14 Ke ; I'ttcltlo coa t. U95 crcn , 40Cc 1WO iron , CifJc ; ItaT crop , 14B17c ; Ixindon market , IWlWfu , HIDEH Steady ; Oalvehton , 15c ; Texas , dry , 12472V4o ! : California. 17flSc. | I.KATHKIt Steady ; hemlock sole. Iluenos Ayrts. light to heavy weighty , 2040Slic ! , WOOI-Hl iily : llrece , 2tijJlc ; Texas , 13ST17C. I'UOVIHION. * Ileef , uteady ; family , .0)fllO.COi exlrn mei-s , 7.fOC(8.00 beef mim , JSJ.Wj22.ro. Cut meutu , Ilrm ; plekled belle | > , JO.5DiiS.ro ; pickled thoulderi. 15.75 ; pickled hams , t'Mlf 7.75 , I.anl , quiet ; wrvtern steam cloeed at fl.t ! ; rellned , quiet. 1'oik. dull : mee , Jy.25ft9.ai ; Blurt clear , JlO.OOfc 12.23 family , Jll.WHlI.Oo. Tallow , Meadkr ; clly , S'.tc bIJ ; country , S'.tw 3Uc , BB to nuallty , OIUS I'etroltum , rteady ; United lo ed at 70c tdd. Hoi-ln , tti'a'Jy ; itralned , cemmon to font. 11.40 1.45. Turpentine , easy , 31' < ; 3o. Cotton- veed , dull and weak , prime crude. ISc ; summer yellow , Sic ; butter oil , 24\iC:6ic \ ! ; prime winter jellow. 2 > ,4Pn'Sc. lUL'lv < lulel | domestic , fair to extra , 4H06UC Japan , 4Kl'J' c. MOl.ASHFXS-Qvilet : New Orleans , ojien kettle , good tn choice. 2.'W31c. PKKIOHT8 Sirring ; cotton by team , Mci grain by ( tram , 4\r. ; METAI.S I'lg Iron , quiet ; southern. 10OC J : 11.25 ; northern , 110.00012.22. Copper , dull ; brok en' , J10.87'j. I ad , steady j domestic , J3.M , Tin , plates easy , Criilu llffi-lptH at rrluclpal MiirUrtx. CHIC'AOO , Nov. 1) . Uectliiti ; Wheat. 1ST car > : corn. S09 can" out * . JC9 cars. Killmatcd Monday : Wheat , 135 earn ; corn , 450 cars ; can , 410 cum. BT. l/lt'IS. Nov , 11. necrjpti : Wlitftt , 02 enr . MINNCAl'OUS. Nov , 13. Itccelpts : Wheat , CM car * . DUI.UTH , Nov. U. Receipt ! ! Wheat. 32 cart. 1'KOIUA. Nov. 11. Hccelptt : Corn , 17.00 but. ; out * , Z3.WO bu > . : rye , none , whUky. none ; wheat. 2,404 bui. Bhlpmcnti ; Core , 1,100 bu > . ) oati. . ' 1m * . ; rye. none whisky. $ bulg , ; whtnt , I I COO bus. KANSAS CITY , Nov. IJ.-Hectlplh : Wheat , 1SI cars. ! t i | St. I.otilx ( irttvrnl .jntrn. ST. IjOflfl. Nov. -KlXMIjTictlvr. | . glfndy. WHUAT Iwcr , claslng He1for December nriil % fle for Mny tielow yesterday , Mny upmnl So lower , Improxcd Vic , fell bnck4c , advanced He nnd then declined "UTUf , closing with buyer * ftt that. Spot , Ftendy : No. S red cash , elevntnr , f'fi'ta bid ; trnek , WiflWie ; No. 2 hard cash Docemt'er , 97c ; May. . lXt < N Itefler for futures. .In .sympathy with wheat , the market closing easy with pcilcrs ( it the bottom. Spot , nrm ; No. 2 mlttd cash , S6 lc : December. KC23V1 ; May. JTUtKfc. OATS Kuturcs , firm tor n .time , but the late decline In other grains weakened this market , which cliwd Irregular , fractions either side of yesterday's close. Slot , higher ; No. 2 mixed cnsh , elevnlor. Sic luked ; trntkt Hg21'Ve ; No. 2 white cn. h , MflSJ'io ; December , Nic ; May , 23c. IlYK Steady. 48c. rtjAXSKEl ) Hotter , I1.01H. iXMlNMKAIStendy. . 11.40. I1HAN Rlning : Mcke l. Mlabln nt country points. ISc : east track. 45c ; this side , 4Si.45J6' > c. HAY Klrm , with steadily lnrrea lng demand from the nouth now that the yellow fever quar antines have been lifted ; prajrle , | 7.60JfS:3 : timothy. 70100. , I'TrEH-KIrm ; creamery , 194J2l > 4c ; dairy , 12 . K(1(1S ( Steady. 15c. WHISKY H.19. COTTONTIKS-Mc. METALS l > end , dull , J3.M. Spelter , lower , offered nt J3.S2'4. I'HOVISIONS t'ork , nulet : standard mess , Jobbing. J8.2JW8.V ) . Lnn ) . lower ; prime leam , H.10 ; choice , 14.15. tlacftn. extra short clear ( boxed lots ) , J5.JJ ; rllw , IS. U ; shorts , J5.7S , Dry salt meals ( boxed sboulders ) . 15 1214 ; extra , short clear , I4.87'4 ' ; ribs. t5 ; shorts. J3.2S. IlKCKtlTS Hour , f'.O'X ) bills. ; whcnl , t',001 bu. ; corn. M.rw bit. ; oat , 13.0O ) bu. SHII'aiUNTS Hour. C.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 14,000 bu. ; corn , 81,000 bu. ; oats , fl.OrtO 1m. 1 Unit ( more .MiirUct * . nALTIMOnR , Nov. 13. ri/JL'U Dull nnd un changed ; rectlpts , 12.C34 bbls , ; exports , 14,700 bbls. bbls.WHBAT WHBAT Steady : spot nnd month , 7Wa97",4c ; December , 97Ufl971ic ; May. Ole bid : steamer No , 2 , 92lI32',4c. receipts , 1 ( < 3,22 ! bu. : exports , none ; Enuthern wheat , by sample , ! )2i9Sc ) ; on grade , 92 ! $ I97 c. COIIN Klrm ; spot month nnd December , S2T4O 33Uc ; steamer mixed , 3031c ; receipts , C0.22II bu. : cxirarts , 370,372 bu. ; southern hlto corn , 31W35c ; southern yellow , 31i3lc. OATS Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 25o bid ; receipts , 23.227 bu. i exports , 377.CKJS bu. HYE Firmer ; No. 2 western. 54VKf54\4o \ ! re ceipts. 6.080 bu. ; exports , 16.993 bu. HAY Steady ; choice tlrvotliy , 113 asked , OHAIN KnEiailTS-Qulet nnd unchanged. 1IUTTEI1 SteaJy nnd unchanged. EGOS Firm nnd unchanged ; fresh , lie. CHEESE Steady and unchanged ; fancy , large. Iilvi-i'pool MM rivet H. I.IVBrtPOOU Nov. 13. WIIEAT-Spot , No. 1 red. northern spring1 , Ilrm , 7s GVid. OOHN Spot , American mixed , nulet , 3s 2d ; November , quiet , 3s ITii' ; December , dull , 3s S'.id. I''I.OUIl St. Louis , fnnev winter , stendv. l"s 3d. HOPS At London ( Pnclllo const ) , 4 lOsflC 10s. 10s. PROVISIONS lleef. dull ; extra India -mefs. 67s 6d ; prime mees , COs 3d. I-ork , dull : prime mess , fine western , 4fs 9d ; prime mess , medium western. 4.1s. Hams , short cut , 14 to IB Ibn. , dull. 31s. llacon , short rib ? , easy , 34s' long clear middles , light , easy. 3Ss ; long clear middles. heavy , easy , 37s C.1 ; short clear backs , easy , 33s ; clenr bellies , dull , 40s. Shoulders , square. stoadr , 29s. Lard , prime western , steady , 22s Cd. CHEESE American llnest , white nnd colored , dull. 43s. City MiirkolN. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 13. WHEAT Opened steady , closed U6Ie lower ; No. 1 hard. S..o ; No. 2. S2fiSI'ic : No. 3. WIS2c : No. 4. 7777 ! > o ; No. 1 red , ! ' 2c ; No. 2. SOfiflle ; No. 3 , F9c ; No. 4. Kc , poor Me ; No. 2 spring , 8HfS2c ; No. 3 , 79SOc. COUN Mnrkct about steady ; No. 2 mixed , 23T23'ic. ' OATS Market firm , but nlow ; No. 2 white , 22c. It YE Market firm and unMmnccd ; No. 2 , 42c. HAY Market active" " nnd tlrm : choice timothy , JS.rOf7S.75 : choice prairie , J'.lK'S' . IIUTTEIt Market quiet ; crcnmery , 19J22o { ; dairy. 15C17c. I - EOOS-Mnrkct very tlrm nt ICc. CINCINNATI. Nov. ir.-FLOUR-Dull. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2-red92c. CORN Sir inn ; No. 2 mixed , SG'.ic. ' OATS Strong : N" . 2 mixed , -22c. IlYK Firm : No. 2 , 47c. PROVISIONS Lard , stenfly at $4.20. Hulk meats , steady nt 14.63. I3ncon , firm nt $0.13. WHISKY Quiet at J1.19. llt'TTER Firm. ' EOOS Firm nt IG'.ic. ' , CHEESE-Stcady. Cnllfonilii Ml-leil Frultfl. NBW YORK. Nov. 13.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Quiet ; evaporated apples , common , Off 7c : prime wire trny. 7 lc ; wnipl dried , prime , 8'lc ; choice. SJfro ; fancy. .9gOJlc. I'nmes. Cf S'ic ns to size and nunllty. Apricots , Royal , "fTf'.Jc' Moor 1'nrk. 9fllc. " 'Peaches , uii'peeled , 7J10c ; peeled , 1217c. Toledo MurUi-lN. TOLEDO , Nov. 13. WHEAT Lower nnd easy ; No. 2 coEh , 93ic : December , 94".c. CORN Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27c. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed. lic. ! RYE Firm nnd higher ; No. 2 cash , 48e. CLOVER SEED Steady ; prime cash. J3.23. Detroit MiirKclN. DETROIT. Nov. 13. WHEAT No. 1 white , 92 < Jc ; NCI. 2 red" " , 92 ic : No. 3 red , 83c ; Decern- ber. 93ic ; May , 95'ic. CORN No. 2. 2fc. OATS-NO. 2 , 23Uc. RYE No. 2 , 4S'ic. I'rorlii MnrkctM. PEORIA , Nov. 13. CORN Higher ; No. 2 , n ' OATS Firm ; No. 2 white. 22c. WHISKY HlBh proof spirits , J1.19. STOCKS AXIJ IIOXDS. Trnilliiic O.ulc't , Imt I'rlcfM Rciicrnlly Movf I'jiYViinl. NEW YORK , Nov. 13. Th * bears exercised no Inlluence In today's market for securities nnd made no apparent attempt to do so. The bear clement wns , In fact , engaged In buying flocks to cover short contracts over Sunday , the gen eral Hrmndir , In the tone of the mnrlict admonishing ishing them to protect themselves. Thus re lieved from bear pressure nnd helped by the covering of shorts , prices moved riulte uniformly upward.xThere was no Brent animation to the trading , but some of the buying was called of n substantial sort. The coalers continued to display strength on rcpirts of a pending agreement to rcMrlet the output nnd on the more treasonable weather that lias come to prevail. New Jersey Central and Delaware & Hudson cnch rose 2 points at one time , but both reacted , the latter losing nil of KH Kalns , The Drangem nlso showed gains. Rock Island being especially strong , lluylng of these stocks wn partly In anticipation of n prmilble de cision by the supreme court on Monday in the Nebraska maximum freight rate case. The opin ion Is almost universal In Wall street that when the decision does come It will be In favor of the railways. The day's ( rains In this group of stocks arc near a point. Sugar made further progress toward recovery nnd r.tte at one time 2 % per cent nhovu hist night's close , Us net K'lln being 1 ? per cent. TlilH stock nKnln absorbed nbout one-third nf the dny's total transactions , with sales of over 3C..OOO thaies. Rock I.ilancl wns tie ! only other stock on the list to show rales of over 10,000 Blmrca , und IlurllnKton nnd St. Pnul added to this would comprise all showing over C.OCO Khares each , The bank statement created little Impression , nx It Indicated no change In Ilio condition of the money mnrket , und the Increase In loans and deposits had still left a substantial Inert-tine In thn surplus reserve. Notwllhstniidlng Minip renctlnnx nn Monday nnd again on Thursday the level of prlccn for BtookH Is substantially higher than It was a week ago , and net gnlnn nre over 2 points In n largo number of the lending railway shares , Thn Industrial sharea , notably Consolidated Gas and Sugar , linvo not done sowell nnd the former In 81 } iKilnta lower , Hugar ilwwn n net decllno of Hi oplnts , which Is a rcwtrji of 34 from the lowest of tha week. The , fclocjt linn been far In the lead In point of n < ; ( lvlty all through the week , and Its depression < lm hlront-ly Iniluenoil the whole list nt tlme bn sympathy. Thu re- cnvirlPH shown In thn geflerul , list nro ( ho mom noteworthy In view of Hie/activity / nnd we-nk- ni'KS of Kugnr. ' " * " Th conlei-H were aim jqillteHconspicuous ! fea ture's , breaklnB heavily op Mlfiday on reports of overproduction nnd price , , rumnir. nnd lli con tinued mild weather wltlr rrrfall demand. On Wo-lnesdiv enme the d" IUIIii' of the anuellate division of New Yorlt's rlipnjinf court , altjrmlng tlio dfcls- | of f lower qoiirt r < hat I lie nttomey general's petition wan InHiiniflJiit In unnnnt nn order for the presidents nf ( hVJ-pnl ruinpanlen lo nppenr before n referee foriih nrlntf un'lor the null-trust Inw of ( he Bin ) . " . , , , ; fie ) ImpreF.nlon pre. vnllwl In Writ street l rouyhnut WeilnrBduy that the court's dcclslan llml'Wen that the nntl- truHt Inw was unrnntlllutlonair thus overlhrnw- Ink- the law as a whole. r.rrjtrl'Jaw ' was directed not only ngnlnnl the coiilnCanppnnles , but nls' ' > ngalnst th Industrlnl npirrcAitlonB of capital , nnd the Mnok of nil lh"ii "ii'rj ' > orntlcnii mounted Hlringly upward In prlctvaorw-JicWB of thp d ( - clflcn. , „ j , fllch stref * has I * * en JucV 1ui upon the de- r' lon of theBunreme court of ( he United Stale * dellvcrf-d last Monday which denied the rlfht of ( Interntnp | f'mnmerce cnmmlMlnn to en- fnrre rnteH iilimlulely under Ihc long and short h lll cl u e where water rnle rre In rompell tlon. Dealer * In rallwuy securities ward H'e decUl-in ns cf irrent Iniim4ancp In that It tends tn enfrrce the rights n' ratl > va > ' | i tn fix ( heir own ratw AH It restricts the nuthnrlly of the Inter- ttatu Cnmmerce commission It Is nUi Inoked tote to sllmtllntn the nilvocnrv by that body of n raMwny prmitn ? b < ll , which pUlwnv owners nnd mnnarers nro Inclined tn regard ns a panacea for thc'tj financial Ills. * T'ie 'i two judleln ) declrJons were coupled with reliable Information from Washlnetein thnt Hi" president nnd memlwri" of the cnl.lnet reimrded Spnln's replr to I'nKed Plates Mlnltler Wc'id- ford's note friendly , nnd thnt confidence van felt thnt there would IH * nn accaBlen for a rupture with Pimln over ( he CuWD iuestlon. Th < * sronir nnd aggressive tone Imparted to speculation tiy theiw factors ( rave hope that u sustained umvard movement of prices had be gun , Hut Thursday's reaction , due tn u Iwtler comprehension of the ncwe of ( Im Albany de cision on the Bntl-tni > t law , and tu reullzliig Bales , davhed thes hopes. The tnarktt continued nrm on the Kent-rally favorable outlook for business ns redecte ) In the journals of the Iron , lioot and shoe and dry - trades , ana on the continued high averoKt nf railway earning. . Trip heavy decreases In November of Irmt ycnr led to some nppr h nlon I of similar result * this ye.ir. Hut trntlla return * for the nr t week In November relieved nrpr < - henslon on thl teore. Fifty rend * report sm In. crensc In earnings of 12S per cent , but with one- more tuslntss dny this year thnn ln. t. Thli t lit pnrt due to the coming forward of the cotton triulic delayed by yellow fever quarantine , tn an Increased grain movement Imruced by higher prlcrfl and for which lime Ims been a heavy movement of soft coal. The In-creasM In c rn Ings of the bituminous conl roads for the first week In November run from 50 to UO per cent and o\er. Confidence Is felt In the outlook In the money market , which continue * fhiy. The payments tn the government by the t'nlon ' Pnclflc com mittee , nhlchnlrcndy have amounted to $7SC4,5i5. hnvo crcnted ttd 'ripple In the money market , owing to the arrangements for depositing the ; inymfnl In national banks , which deposits give the bonds In corresponding amounts ftt Washing ton as security. The fame measures. It I * felt , will prove equally e-mcnolous In preventing nny flurry nt the time of the payments of the re maining amounts due. Trading In low-priced railroad bonds has been nctlvc erurlng the week , and prices have nil. vnnced from 1 to 2 per cent In many cases. Total sales , * 8S60COO. The New York Evenlnc Post' * London finan I cial cablegram say * : "The stock markets were 1 ulet , but firm , texlay. American * were good , but he close wns a fraction under the best. The broker who I * a bull on American * , nnd whosu financial dimcultle * were referred to yesterday , failed today. Money Is distinctly easier. ThU Is partly due to the release of JC2W.POO In Jap. ones * money from the Hank of England. There Is n dIMInct Increase In the amount of American bills offered. " The folloninn were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York exchange today' Atchlson I'M SUP. ft urn 7Uii tlopM U7 > ( dn pfd 141) ll.iltlmora A Ohio , . l'-'i St. P.M. AM 121) Canada Pacific 81 So. Pacific 10' < CnnndnSouthern. , f'3M So. Hallway Wf , Ce-ntrnl Pacific ! ' . ' * { do | ) M 2HU Chcs.&Ohlo 21 Texan , v Paclllo. , , . 10 Chicago A , Alton. . . , IBM Union Paclllo t , r. . 21 0..11..Q IJ4 U. P. 1) . AO 75 $ . . . . . 1 C.O.C. * SLL. . .1,1 do pfd 17JIS dopfd , , . . , tt Wheel , & L. E. . . . iM ! 1.Hunaon Wheel..t L.E. jiW 'So Del. ti.lt Vf Ail.Tim Kx 1S5 Den. , V Rio (1 ( I1W Amiirlcnn Ex Ill ) dnpfd 44 fi United StnteH Ex , , . 40 Krlo ( now ) 14)4 ) \VGllnl\inru Ex..Ill ) Erlclatprd , M A. Cot. Oil 20M Ft. Wavnn Ill .I do nfd TUH nrt-nt Nnrthorn ufd. 131W Am. Spirits. ' K'l Hooktiiir Vnllnv. . . . BM Am. SplrlM pM SOW IlllnotHCantr.il. , . . 1UU > 4 Am. Tobacco BUS LnkoKrluAiW. . . . Iflij do pfd lOPHj dopfd I'.Dj Pe-opio'a Gnu. . . . . . . DflJi LaknShoni 17C Conn. lJaa 1HH IoulHvlllo , t Nnsh , fiS Com. C.iblo CO 10U Manhattan L Dbjf ! Col. F. A Iron " Mel.Traction ItlH'.il ' do pM 70 Mlchliran Ci > ntr.\l..l02' Oi-n. Eli > ctrlo 3H Minn. & St. L Vfl' IllluolB Steel 42 dolHtufd HI il.lCloilo G.IH 40 Mo.Paclllo sun Lend. Rl Vtl ! dopfd Mn.K. AT Ill Nat. Lin. Oil HIM do pfd yi'44 On-iron Imp. Co 12 New Alb. A Chi. . . . H Paclllu Mall HO do pfd 21 Pullman Pnl 1U8 N.J. Cimtr.-il B"J < SIlviT CurtltlcatoH. . 57 N. Y.Cuntrnl 1U5U Stand , HOIK ? .V T. . . . -14 N. Y.Chi. ASI.L. . itt : < Suear 130 dolHt pfd 7 I do pfd 110 do''dpfd MI ) T. C. .t Iron " ' " 'H Norfolk A Western IHW U. S. Leather 7 No. Amer. Co 4 do pfd HlVi No. Pacific Ink U. s. Utibbcr JCiJs do pfd S2H do pfei ( in Ontario A W ISM Western Union HUM Ore. K. iNav : I4 Northwe-Hturn I''O Orv. Short Llua 17W dopfd 10'2 Plltsburg ion lllo UrmidoVoat. . . . 1'J ! Kcadiiiff 82 do nfd u ( ! Knclc Inland 8llU Chi. ( it. Western. . . 1SH St. Louis AS.W 5 tl. L. Jit s--tn Fran OH dopfd II ) dolHtpfd ( ill St. Paul 02K Uo'Jdiifel HDH do pfd Total tales of stocks today , 122,099 shares , In cluding the following : Chicago , Ilurllngton & Qulncy , BS" ; Louisville .V Nashville. 2,033 ; Northern Paclllo preferred. 4.150 : Rending , S 4."iO ; Rock Irlnntt 13.C03 ; , t. Paul , iCCr > : Hay State C5ns , 3,485 ; l-eolde's Gas. 5,220 ; Sugar , Si.SlO. Xciv YurU Jloiu-y 3tiirkvt. NEW YORK , Nov. 13. MONEY ON CALIr- Nomlnally , lUJiS per cent. 1'RIMH MERCANTILE PAPER-aifclTUS per STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , with actual business In bankers' bills nt tl.S.V.i'iN.Sa'H ' ' tot demand nnd J4.f2-5i for sixty days ; posted rules , J4.S3i,4 nnd JI.S3'4 ' ; commercial bills. t4.B2iU2i. HAU SILVER S7jc. MEXICAN DOLLARS 4 ! < < , c. HONDS State bonds , dull ; railroad bonds , Ilrm ; government bonds , firm ; new Is , reg. and coupon , 127 % ; 4s. reg. , 112T6 ; coupon , 1134 : 2s. OSit ; Gs , reg. , 112 % : 5s , coupon , 113 % ; Pacllie Cs of 'SIS. 102 % . * second assessment paid. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : tl.S. n w4n. r f. . . I'iTfl IN. J. O. fia U.S.new IHCOU. . . l'J7U > K. C. ( ! H U. S,4s.ros ll'JH N. C. 4s 102 U.S.-IB. coup , litk' : So. Pacific lats. . . . 117 U. S. 28 , ros No. Paclllo SB U. S. o . ro ? 112H No. Pacllie 4s U.K. " , s. coup I ISM N. Y. O. A St. L. is. District : ) . 03H N. & W. Us Aln.'claas A IDS N. W. ConsoU . Ali.clim ; : It 10i N. W. Deb. BS . IH ; Ala. , class < } 100 Oro. Nav.lBtH .HIM Ai. ! : Currency. . . US Ore. Nnv. 4a . . . . us AtClllHUM-lH O. S. L. OH. t. r. K'HW AtchiHon neil. 4n. . . O. S. L. flu. t. r Canada So.'ndH. . . 107M O. linn. 1stt. . r. . . . ! ( ) ' . ! Can.lMcllic iBtB 4t ! o. Imp. os - , t. r 40 C.&N. P. tr 53 110V41 Pacific fas of'93. . . 14)2 ) M C.A O. Tm 10 < % Kj.vllne 4B C.H. A.D.-ms ll.G.Wult Istl H1W D.&Il G. iHtf .St. L. , t I. M. Con. r 8.1U I.tll.O.4 ,1011 St. L. AS. F.GBii.tl. EaHtTitnn. Ista. . . 7UW St. P. ConsolH KrluGou. IB U.S St. P. C. Jt P. tsti. . . P.V.tD. . Is. t. r. . 1. . St. P.O. Jk P. 5u Sen. Klt'C. 5s ldf : s.C. nondind O. II. S. A. ( Is Sdlllhoni Il7. .1.1. . . . niii ( } . II..VS. A. ' 'dj. . , Ill ) S. H. AT. Us o n H..tT.Cont.S3. . . . , lOI'd Tonii.iieWHatiis . . 8T.i IL&T.C. con Ol. . , Tex. P.ic. L G.lat-i 9.ii Iowa C. IHH 871. Tex. Pao. US' . 2d3. . 27 K. P. con.t. r. U.P. IBII K.P. IHIH. t. r , ion U. P. U.iO. iBti. . 47 Lu : New Con. ! . . H4' < Wab. lilt 'a L..tN. Uul 4i ion Wai ) . 2ds . 79 MIsHOiirl OH West Slioro 43 .110 M. K. JtT. 2l V.i. ConturleM. . . UQ M. K..tT.4s Va. deferred. . . Hositoii Sloclc UiMidilionx. HOSTON , Nov. 13. Call loans. 3iff4 per cent ; time loans , 3JJ4 per cent. < Moslnu prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : A.T.A3. F 1 M W. F.lec. pfd 61 American Susar. . HI ) Ed. U103. Ill 1(14 Ain.sngnr nfd . . . 110H Gen. Eloc. pfd. . . . 81 UnvStato Oas 2W AtclilBOn pfd - ' . " * Hell Tuliiphonc. . . ! il , AtuhlHnn 4H Rr ) } IIOBtoiiA.Malno. . . . lil.'i General Ek'C. TIB. . 100 C. . It. A. 0 li M AllouozMlnluirCJ ( II ) Fltclioun' Dtt. Atlantic 22H ( Icneral Kloctnc. . lllOHton Si Monluiil 131 IllmolB Stool. . . . 44 j.'Julio.t Iloaicii , . . . ' .MX Mexican Contr.il. . ( ' N. Y..V N.K 81) ) ICciile-nulal 1RH Old Colony 1H4 Frin"Klui I7H O , S. L 17lt Kcarsarye. . 7Ii Rubber URsbolar . . . . . . . . . . 35 Union Pacific Oulncy 312 WcBtKml Tamarack l'jr \VVBI Cud ptd no Wolverine ) 151i W. Eitio Sun Frnnrlxoi ) Mining < luntntlnim. SAN KRANCIFCO. Nov. 13. The oniclnl clorlne quotations on mining stocks today were as fol lows : Aim llalo.v Norcross. , 141) Alpha Con 0 2K Kentucky Con 2 Ilelchcr . 81) . ' ( CXIC.'III 41 IIOHt.t llololier. . . , 41 Ocrlilent.-U Con , . . . iir Bullion . . . II Ophlr. Caledonia . 2M Ovuriiuui . ChalleiiL'ii Con . H2 Potosi . Chollar. . r t ) Sav.uru . HH Confidence . 02 07r Con.Oal.AVa . IK ) Silver Hill . r Con. Iinn-ii'Ial . - Union Cou . : IH Crown Point . -1 Utah Con . 10 Kxcmxiuer. 1 Yellow Jacket . an 34 St.inil.irU , . IDS Silver bars , GGKc ; Mexican dollars , 4G@46'ic ' ; drafts , Hlght , H'.ic ' ; drnfts , telegraph , 20c. Nf v York Jllnliif' ( tuiitntloiiH. NEW YORIC , Nov. 13. The following arc the closing mining quotations : Chollar. AO Ontario 201) ) Crown Point. . . . . . . 2.1 Oniur. HO Cnn.Cal. A Va. . „ 100 I'lymoutli H Doatlwoou UO Uiiltilcsllver 101) Gould & Ourry V3 OulaltBilvcr nfd. . . UDO llalei Norcro33. . iin : Hlorr.i.Nova'la. ' . . , HO llouii'staKO IIUI ) Sland.ir.l 10U IronSllvcr ' . ' 0 Union Con 32 Mexican. 25 Yellow J.UKUt . . . . S VVtM-lcly IliinU .StTltl'inrllt. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. The weekly bank state. merit shown the following changes : Surplus , re serve , Incrt'ni-e , ( DM. 92" ; loans , Ineieare , tl , 281,110 ; specie , Iru'ieiiie , Jf.-O.o'jO ; legsl tenders , Imrenre , ( f''O.Si)0 ) ; ( IcpoBltH. Incieiihe , | 2 'JS8.7W ; circulation , decrease , $17 , MO , The banks now luM 121,705110 In excesi ) of thu ieiulremcnts | of the 2V per cent rule. | . . ; ; ,1 l _ A MI i-r I ci : ii .Src-nrltli'K In I.iiniliiii , IX5NDON , Nov. IS. The market for American pccurltUH opened ( Inner and continued KO all day. Hulls were early buyeiu , The closu was steady ultli u moderate tieinund. I1ERLIN , NaC. 13. Exchange on Ixindon , 20 maikH 35 pfgu. for checks. I'Miuiiii'lal .Voti'H , NEW ORLEANS , Nov. JS.-Clearlngs , Nov , 13 CUarlngs , tlCS32S:6 : ; bal- ancvs. fl.7ti3,5a . IIALTLMORE , M.I. . . Nov. 13.-Clearlng , $2fC4.- C37 : balances , 1121,811. PHILADELPHIA. Nnv. 13 Clearings , } 11- 4W.3 < ) ; b.ilancs , ) I.K-8 Ml MEMPHIH , Nov. 18 Hearings , 1)83,412 ) ; bul- nnces , r.i,2'i2 | ; New York cirhunKV fcelllng al ' ' 'sT. IJOI'IS. Nov. IS. Clearing * . J3.SH 016 ; bal ances. (557,841. Miney , &OS per cent. New York cxchance. imr bid , 21c prrmlum asked. NEW YOR'X. Nov. 13. C'le-arlngn , I10C59.7C1 , balnnvui , tfi.\9"K. \ { The c-nportB of speck- from the port of New Ymk 'for the week amounted tu SI,7S3 In K < dil und t81 .4l7 In Bllvcr. The Imporls were ; Gold. 162,114 , ; silver. I84.C03 ; dry Kuod , $1.3firC3 ; general mcrchun'IUe , t.748U7. ( IIU'AOO , Nov n.-CK-arlngi' , J17.H3.CKW. New York eichanse , JOe Mvinlum : posted rates , * ( .83iil.trtW. ( Nvw York lllwult and Booth tilde I * strung and In demand ; others quiet. Closlnir : West ( 'hlcaeo. JW OHkcJ , WU bid ! Diamond Match , 143Vi ; North Chicago , ? 1SLake ; Street L , 17 ; New York UlccuK , C4 ; Bl raw board , 50 Vi ; South SUe L. C ; City lUUhvay. Z& OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Only a Hftndfnl of Otittlc , but Good Snpply of LIGHT WEEK ENDS WITH A LIGHT RUN llnniUnl of Cuttle on Siilo 1'rlrrn u Little Stronurr Lime \lrUel , CliiNlttK tlic Work nt n Liimi. SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. IS.-Uecclpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , Hones November 13 4S5 6CfK ) 1,125 November IS J.OOS 4.SS1 1,033 15 November 11 3.C1G 6,019 3.7GJ November 10 C.6I5 MWi 1 S9 26 November 9 2,702 6,345 1.4CO November 8 3.4SO 2r > 91 719 22 November C 55 ? 3,399 November B 2,114 3.705 1,7 ! > 3 &S November 4 3.949 4.D02 2.S33 November 3 4.734 4094 S.433 . . . . November 2 2.915 2,243 1,923 . . . . November 1 5.995 1.11C I,9i3 64 October 30 D1S 3,5)9 ! ) 950 1 Kecclpts for the week with compnrlsoiin : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Week ending Nov. 13. . l'J.273 30,523 lO.td Week ending Nov. . . . 1M.31S 19,212 1C.W2 Week cndttiB Oct. 30. . M.SSS 24.S11 9.OS Week ending Oct. 23. . 22.2S2 22,48 : . 2j,2oS Thu olllclnl number of ears of stock brought In today by cnch ronet wns : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. o. , M. & st. P. ny s o. & St. u Hy i Missouri IMelllc Ity B Union Pncltle eystom s S 3 C. & N. AV. Uv 2 ! ' . , 13. St. M. V. lly 1 17 2 S. C. & P Uy 1 C. , St. P. SI. & OrUy. . . . 3 9 11. & M. U. Uy G 25 C. , H. & Q. Uy 4 K. C. & St. J. Hy 3 fi C. , U. I. & P. . enat 6 C. , H. 1. & P. , west II Total Hecelpts 20 SS 5 The disposition of the day's receipts was us follows , each buyer purchasing the- num ber of hcnel Indicated : Htiyers Cattle. lle > KS. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1.U27 G. H. Ilnnunond Co 221 ll.iO . . . . Swift and Company. . . . . . 1SS I"i20 2ji Cudahy Packing Co SS 750 703 Vansant & Co 'I J. U Carey , Huston & Co i < -A ; " " Id it. llainiiioiid , 1C. C tO Cudahy I' . Co. K. C C9 7SS . . . . Other lluyers 15 . . . . - " ' Total BG7 5,731 1,174 CATTl.,15 As a general thins cattle values show llt'.le ' change on a Saturday. Today the regular program was sdlijhtly varied and bee-f cattle sold a little s'.remger. The- eltmund proved to be more brisk than u.Miial nt the closeof the week , especially so on the part of OIK- house , which took the most of the eai.tlo here. Tno l > r cos paid were a little stronger tlan yesterday , the bulk oC the cattle selling at $ I.'i,04.jo. ( There were no cows or heifers here lo snrak of , ami not enough to milieu any test of the marltci : . The Uo or three loads on sale brought about yesterday's ! prices. The supply of Eloekers nnd loeilora was also small and there was very little dolnj ? in that department ot the market. In spite of the very marked disposition on ulio part of the packers to bear beef values , cattle sold fairly well the , past week. During the early part of the week the ten dency was lower , but during tliu latter halt the market on tidy cattle firmed up and at the close of.ho week was iodine higher than the week before. Heavy and rough cattle were slow nndweak on a gooel many days , and It Is predicted that owing to the number of such cattle In the country prices nre likely to rule lower than on lighter ca-.tle. In other woros , a good many expect that good light and medium cattle will sell ut it premium over the heavy. Cou-s and heifers were gooel property all the week and sold freely , values at the close of the week being stronger than at the close of the previous week. The general tendency of the feeder market was lower all thu week , heavy and coarses cattle suffering the most. Choice little cattle - tlo were In the best domnnrt , and values on such held up remarkably well. Repre sentative sales : 5,100 : 325 t. 1. . . . 530 273 1. . . . 800 360 6. . . . SJ6 385 1 1410 230 1..143i/s'30 2..1150 283 : : : . 3 i. ' , Ky = i ie r. (1ft ( 2 103 5 00 . srocicnits AND FEEDERS. 14 . 182 375 4. . . . SOD 375 C. . . . 843 3M 1 " " MO 400 1..1010 350 8. . . . ! > 5 380 NKIIHAHKA. Vo Av. IT. No. Av. IT. 'l 1U1 | . 1300 J2 35 1 cow . ! 'CO ' J2 73 2 bulls . 1S 23' > - 4co B . 933 325 'cows ' .815 250 SCOWS . 9i3 3 2j 1 TOW. 70 25D ll.clfer . 7iO 321 COW8 . 985 250 1 feeder . 1050 390 1 ciw. . 10'JO 2G HOGS The hop market today experienced n revtrse of about 5c and the close im heavy WPlBlits wus weak nnd v\mv \ nt the decline. The liotH cold at 3.22' < , ® 3.43 , with the tiu'k of the sales at J3.3003.35 , while on yesteidny tlie most of the IIOBS biouKht $3.33.4 ( ( , The iivoraRO of all the Bales was 3Tio lower than yfbterday. The heir market of the pact week opened nt n Kosd ctlft advance. IIOKH Belling on Monday nt the lilKll point of the month to date. On Tuesday nil the advance and more , too , wim lost , the decline for the day being 15c. On WeilncKilay the run rite t lost ICc , remained about steady on Thursday , advanced SfllOc on Friday , but dropped back 5e nt the clu of the wech. Tim week closed with values on an nveniK ? lOfflSo lower than the elope of thu prcvlniib week. HOKH are now > cllnK ! Just nliout where tliey wcio ono and two yenrs aKO. Three yearn ago that Is , In November , ll > 94 the tmrliet was JI.OO per hundred higher , nnd It was over J2.00 per hundred higher In 1S93 and 1S52. ltei- ) rerentutlve hales : No. AV. Hh. I'r. No. Av. fih. I'r. ' 4 ! ) . 410 120 J3 22Vi 64 . 2tO 201) ) J3 35 f,2 . 308 bO 32" 48 . SiO 310 333 H . 3GS . . . 323 57 . 308 120 335 3.1 . 30 BO 32714 Cl . 310 SO 335 ft . 300 40 3 SO 101 . 318 400 335 47 . 311 M 3 30 Cl . 294 120 333 65 . 31C 120 330 53 . 309 ICO 333 K . 334 W 330 47 . 347 f.0 335 55 . 3 % H 330 f > S . 292 ICO 333 53 . 360 200 3 SO 41 . 281 fcO 333 52 . 314 fO 330 40 . 314 40 3 35 57 . 3320 ( 330 52 . 2S > 8 120 333 M . 34 4SO 380 C9 . SHU 80 333 43 . 32G 40 330 71 . SSI SO 333 K . 317 f > 0 330 Cl . 243 40 335 52 . 318 . . . 3M CC . 230 . . . 3 37t \ , 32 . 24 ? . . . 330 M . 319 200 3 37V5 30 . 431 . . . 330 38 . 2CO 40 S 37Vj 45 . 3C9 120 339 Cl . 21 * . . . 3371,1 47 . 331 120 330 f3 . 5SO UO 3 37',4 10 . 2M 120 330 46 . 320 ICO 337V SO . 357 120 330 (4 . 301 ICO 3 3714 47 . 3.14 . . . 330 67 . 278 40 3 37Vi 65 . 290 S40 330 M . 298 KO 3 37'i HO . 331 . . . 330 71 . 21.1 f > 0 3 87' ' ! 4K . 3SX ICO 330 51 . 271 SO 310 K9 . 313 25.0 33214 ' 57 . SCO 120 340 tl . 331) fJ 3 S2'/4 C7 . 247 . . . 340 50 . 333 M 332 > , a 75 . 200 80 340 CO . 311 ICO 3 3214 72 . 21G HO 341) 56 . 307 240 33214 55 . 2 < S . . . 340 61 . 297 40 333 57 . 279 . . . 340 C . 298 2M > 335 10 . 209 . . . 340 C7 . 317 40 330 C3 . 300 10 340 30 . 328 . . . 335 01 . W > d . . . 340 M . 311 120 335 70 . 2-JO . . . 342' ' ! 4S . 801 . . . 335 78 . : i7 80 342' ' f,8 . 321 M 335 38 . 14 ] . . . 343 55 . 290 80 335 Cl . ISC 40 345 1 > IOS-OIDS AND 15NIH. 1 . 540 . . . 22.1 2 . 335 . . . 330 1 . 4CO . . . 235 3 . ! 83 . . . 330 5 . 4.-.8 ICO 3 M 7 . 270 . . . 3 3J 3 . 440 40 323 4 . 2 2 . . . 335 1 . 370 . , . 323 2 . 245 . . . 340 1 . 410 . . . 325 B . 204 . . . 349 5 . 330 . . . 330 HIIEIJI1 There were a few lonilti of thcep Ir the yard * and muttora Bold quite readily u ulrnriK prlreu. ltc-ietciitallve | : rules ; NH , Av. Pr. UO western uethcri . its J3 10 522 wejlern yearling . 87 430 20 ypitrllng wpthem . , . ID 4 to 237 yearling wtthent . 0 4 49 S | . l.ciulH I.U.Sin < ! . - , BT. I/UIH. Nov. 'ATTJK-Ilwelitr | , TO head , of which 383 heiidveru Trxanu ; nhhi montn , 2.0W head ; market , uleady ; fair ti > lancy 415 ; Btockertf and fei-drrn , t2.25 < j.10 ) ; bulk c wiles , * 3 ( 4(4.01 ( ; n WH and lu'lfcrB , } 3 00 4 50 bulk of town , 42.50fJ.2Sj | cannlnu cowii. tl.70if , ; -,0. bull . (2.rij3.f,0 ( ; T sni and Inillan uli-cru Krnm. I3.10ft3.95i fed , 11.43 ; COWH and helfcrn 12 2'73.30. HOOK Her > lpt , J.COO lifnd ; nldinncntt , 3.3M heiult rnaikrt , slenilv ; Ilicht , | 3.403.50 : mlicd (3.2TI3.50 ; heavy , i3.ir(73C5. HIIKK1 ! Heci'lplK. C * ) liudi ( hlpmentH. ron maiket , Rtratly ; native luuitona , I3.CO 4.2S : culls nnd tuicko , 11.6033.25 ; ttockcm , )2.4' ' > 6325 ; lambu M.COQ5.75. ICIIIIHIIH city I.lvc Stuck MurUet. KANSAS CITT , Nov. IM h * 4i murkft unchanged : only rcUII T i § M r . : -fl.i. , Tcxns cons. Ji native ttttrt. tl.OMi..rv nntnc c.i ! < and htlfrrn , tl.OoU .oo > stcvken nn.l fierier * . tS.P9U4.IS ; tulli , > . 11OO9 nrvclptn , t.POO head ; Market wonlccri bulk f fxlFi > . f.rtt > .47H. lifnvln. W.J.U75.IHU > ack r . | j.M9X4Sj mlted. IJ.Ji'fi.VtlH : lUlitu , itSJnJ.W : yorkCTF , UJ7'44i ( , tO plRH. fi.tOU3.45. S1IKKI1 Itprplplf , i , "n hrnili market llrm | UmbJ , nnittnK , C'HIC.VCO 1.IVI STOOIC MAiucnr. ot Cnttlo UtMuly to Ship nnil I'll or. H I'nll. CIItCAHO , Nov. 13-llic cnltlo markrt wan Mt.iJy nndincli.inRfd for the dny. The lilRlier prleCK ilnrlnc the wock w ro duo to diminished rccclptH , nnd nn report * nhow plenty of rattla rtndy to tlilp n irnctlnn may ! > e lookdl tor , Bx trim , LVMU-VWi choice utrorii , J.VO''flS.a ; fair Mi-t stecri * . i4.30tf4.5j ; cuinnion , 13.7504. fS ; caw * un.l hc-ireri. ! 3ofl3.7S. l ndo In hi'RS nnn slow , prices nvcrnnlns tn louer. Littoral recolptu nr ctpeclftl rlKht nlonit and pncKriK nix1 Inklnu n very uuIriHiulrnt tnnd. Th.1 qunllty or the icv lpt rtintlnuos to Improve nnd u R.KK ! innny fat heavy ImKx are cumin ? . l > ' < ilr lit oliotco , M.4' < tt3.co : heH\y iwcklnir , U.UJ > 3.4.ucoininon to choice. JJ 3H.1 < t ) : Rood to choice , Sheep wore In Rood drni.ind , with prices un Umnirwl. Rhcc-p we-ro unlalilp nt W.W4T3.W for > thu I'toKM natives np tn l4.7T > frSOQ for tha test , 'Mterns ' selllnc nl U.MKT4.75. innstly * t JJ.7GW . .jrt | in Imp slivep nre se-nrcc and few sales nr ninUe nt high nV ; Jl,7f > . Tlic sonsou for shlrplnir stock frim the iniiRns Is niittly ended. I imbV we-rc In di'innJid nt 44C if.Si ( ) ) feir the ) poorest te > the 1" > 1 Mocks. lte-vils | | : ( . ntlle , 1 , ; < X } hrnd : lie s , 17.CKV ) hradl sheep , G.tXW head. liullniuiiiiilli ll\i < SleirU. INDIANAPOLIS , Nov , 15. PATTLl' lWcelpli , 1CM heiid ; shipments , fair ; market eiulct nnd un- chatiKed. HOilS-ltecclpts. 3.700 lirnil ; rhlimcnts | , ! . ( > head ; mailie-t i trails' nnd 7Uc lower ; irtiod to choice medium and heavy , Ht.TfifM.rJi.i ; mixed , | 3,4MiS.f > } ; ceimmon IlKhts , J3.MMta.5T , . Sllii-i' : : lU'ci'HHK , UK it ; shipments , none ; maiket ipilet ut unchniiKed prices. \ < % % v ViirK lli-o Stuolc. NKW YOUK. Nov. HIIKVUS-ltcceliits , < O licnil ; lui c.luliKc In e-uhleii ; cspoiis , l.V4i Ueeve-s , ' 25 ylirrp nnd 3.MS quarters of beef , C'ALVIW-ltecelpts. 23 head ; veals , J3.WIf3.00 per hundred ; crasre-rs , J3XlfilZ.I. H1IKKP AND LAMIlS-Hf-elptB. ! ,42J head : IIOUH Itvcellits , 2,872 head ; lower ut J3.COJ5 3.W. llllli''ilo I lv > - locl.- . lltTPAI/5. Nov. 13.-CATTI.K All coni-lsncil IhroiiKh. HUCi ) Yorkcip , Rood tn clinlro. J3.67'iB3.CO : rnuKlm. $3.1Cff3.3i ) ; ps. ! } 3.Crir3.TO. mini * ! * AND LAM1IS C'liolcv , J.VSOaS.SK ) ; culls to eiimmon , J4.7MT3.ro ; theeji , JyMco to Fclecte.X wcthen. J4.Wij4f5 ; culls n runnnun , J2.7o 3.t5. Stock. LOIMSVILLK. Ky. . Nov. CATTLK-Un- chaliKi'd. HOr.S Uee'Clpts. 1.72S hrnd : market weak nnd fc lower ; heavy IK RS , J3.40fl3.4r , ; light , J3.CO ; plUi S3.2."OT.iO. ! S1IBI3P I'nchnliBi'd. riticliiiiull 1.1v < - Stock. CINCINNATI , Nov. 13. HCK1H Active nt J2.i/i i\\TTI.K Steady at f2.25irrt 10. SIIEEI' Stondy nt J2.7.Mir4 M. LAMI1S Sternly nt } 4.f01JB 75. I'll 11 mil-1 | ili I n I'roil lire. ritlIAIii. : HIA. Nov. 13. llUTTEU-Un- ehariri'il : raney wertern creamery , 23Uc. KOOS Firm ; frcs'.i neaiby. 21c ; rresli western , 20c. 20c.CUKES CUKES E Steady. Slock In Sl lil. Urrnrd of receipts of live stock nt the four principal maikctB ror Njvendn-r 13 : Calllo. Hops. Omnlm 4S1 ChlcnKit l 2M KnnmiH City 101 St. T-ouls COO Totals ; .3S5 3J.2SO Sclirocilcr Slay Co lo Ohio. COI.UMUUS , O. , Nov. it.-Thc : AVulson- freumlt. iiulillHhcil by the Joirplilnum , a German Honmn Catholic collrsc IUTO , snya thnl Mpr. SehrociU'r , who rccontly rcslRiictl from the chnlr of thcolopy In the National Catholic university \Var.hliiRton , has been offered n olmlr In the Jnscphlmim and will prohahly accept. If s o , the paper utiites the Joscphlnum will ( -ct the JM.OOJ collected for the university at AVashhiKton hy the German Cntho'.lc Knlghta of Amurlua. 1'Vvor Ilcporl Xol So Kiici > uriiKl > iK. NBW OHL12AKS , Nov. 13. The yellow fever situation nt 1 o'clock today was not .13 good as yeHterrtay , hut It was not had by any means. At that hour thcro had been three cases reported and ono death , ISdtvnrd 1 * . Mitchell of Carrolton. The weather Is cooler , quarantines are bclnjj relaxed and business Is Improving slowly , but stiri'ly. Mobile reports four new cases. Hazel Smith , Kate Hcasly , Henry Hoogo and S.V. . Cobb ; no deaths. Coincx ( lul for Klnt loncy. nOISB , Idaho , Nov. 13. The Ilolse Senti nel , ofllclal orsan of the people's party of the state , announced In Its last Issue -that henceforth It will lly the banner ot flat money Instead of free silver at 1C to 1 , the attainment of .the latter being considered too remote to have the desired effect In muzzlliifr the monopolies. Senator Ileltfeld has Fccured a contiolllng- Interest In the Sentinel. Decide lo Continue the Strike. nUACHVIM.B , III. , Nov. 13.-The miners hero decided late last nlnht to resume the strike and remain out until the question of arbitration with the operators Is settled. Six hundred men attended the meetlnpf and the vote wns unanimous. Tlie < miners' oJll- clals asreed In the belief that a settlement will bu had next wtek , as the opcratora are willing to meet them. IliilKliiKT the TC\IIH ( liiiiriinf Inc. AUSTIN , Tex. , Nov. 13. Governor Ctll- ben < oii today Issued a proclamation filvlnR notice that on and after November 15 ho would raise the quarantine against Now Orleans , Memphis and nil other yellow rover Infected points In Louisiana and Mis sissippi , Inasmuch as he docs not now ap prehend any further danger from the epi demic. . Colil Coinlnu from A UN I rill III. SAN KHANCISCO , Nov I3.-Advlces re ceived In this city convey the Information that the steamship Mnrlpo.ua , from Sydney and Auckland , duo hero November 18 , car ries % 0tCO in English rovt reigns , equal to M.fXO.OCO , consigned to two Ircal I links. This Is the fourth shipment during thu past four months , making the aggregate received this fall from the same source about J10OJO,000. J. L. BOYD & CO. , Grain Pro'/isioos ' / and Stocks 1416-1418 Farnam St. OriU'ra taken for 100 bUBhulu anil iipwards. will lie Interested In our MARKET LETTEIt and SIX DAYS WITH KIM ) COTTON , cither of which will be unit free LII request , STUART A PADDOCK , BANKERS AND i ROGERS. 00 IIROADWAYI . . . . . . . „ _ . , 3.VJ ! IROADWAY.NI' ! " OHK , I1OHTON. MASS. I IIILADELI > IIIA , "A. . AM US ItUIUJJNU. ! " ? / JIUIKUINO. WAHIIINa-lON , D. C' . , 1J33 K BT. , N. W , & GO r , , Tcluphonc HUM ) , Omnlm , Neb 1 A COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS andSTOCKS IIOAKI ) 01' TIVI ( > K' Dlreet wlre to Chlcaxo nntl New Yorlt. CorrffpondcnO ; John A , U'urrfn & Co. OLD COLONY II I ! I Ml I X , CIIIOACO. .Meintir ! Chicago Hourcl of Trade since 1SC2. Grain , Provisions an I N. Y. Stocks OrdiTH CiiHlt nml ] < 'uturu Delivery Bollcltcd. Oiullliil Olllef , Iloiiiil 1 , \ , Y. Llfu IllilK. . . , . 'Pimm11(11 ( . . . , KLOYI ) J. CA-UIMIKLL , Muililtfcr. C. H. MAGOON & CO. COMMISSION B OXiRS Stocis , Grain aod Provisions 314 South 15th St. OMAHA , NEB ,