THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE i ESTA1JLFHIL.ED JV2TH 1 ! ) , 1871 , OMAHA , SATURDAY MOUSING , V EMBER Irt , 1807 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENT. GREATEST CLOTHING EVER HELD It's the result and outcome of the largest spot calh clothing deals ever engineered and successfully Send for pulled through "by any firm west of New York CiVi More suits and overcoats changed hands and Send for for less money in proportion than ever did "before. Our Ottr 16th $ Douglas Illustrated Illustrated Catalogue Catalogue Not only will we close out today the entire WORTH HIGH STANDARD CLOTHING WHICH BUT ALSO THE ENTIRE SPOT CASH PURCHASE OF FINE CUSTOM MADE HIGH GRADE BF 'W7 sale for the first time. Which go on today Hn'f ' a Dollar Nine incuts buys These were made toy the very best tailors in Chicago for the finest city trade. All thoroiighly well put together. buys HOYS' ' Boys' 25c Wool Clothing that will fit wear well hold their shape and won't fade. Most of these" satin lined with fly fronts , etc. $ ioosi.25xsr.50 ; Knee . In fact , every little detail has foeeiifaithfully attended to do that we can confidently iirge yon to buy any garment AH wool Knee poms Pnnts. in this sale knowing you will get a supreme bargain. TODAY we place on sale 1,2OO men's stylish , strictly all -wool Suits. They come in double and single breasted sacks. The quality of the goods comprises the very latest shades in brown and green plaids , mixtures and stripes , in imported and domestic Worsteds , Cassi- meres , Cheviots and Homespuns ; also black Clay Wor steds , 18 ounce goods , made double throughout back and shoulders , half lined with Skinner's satin , guaranteed to wear for two seasons not a suit in the entire lotthat ever retailed for less than $12.OO or $1S.OO. "We have all sizes and guarantee a perfect fit. Select the pattern which strikes your fancy , and it only costs you today $7.8O worth fully $18.OO. It Will But it is Only Worth v.O Fully Cost You $15.00 Fifteen Today Dollars This is the grandest lot of over 800 all wool Suits , made in sizes from 34 to 44 , double breasted , straight and round cut sacks , strictly all wool Scotch goods , unfinished Cheviots in blue and black , and neat plaids and mixtures , also fine Cassimeres in good heavy winter weight , newest style and elegant - gant fitting Suits ; we can recommend these as being - ing good value for $10.00. but today they go at. . . . For today we offer some of the grandest and highest grade all wool imported Clay Worsted , Scotch Cheviot , English Worsted and Thibet Men's Suits , in sacks and cut away frocks , all double stitched and lined with silk goods being double over shoulders and chest , combining service , .style and beauty To appreciate these val'ues we Bolicityour inspection. Remember , for today only $0.75 2OOO Boys'and Children's 500 BOYS' LONC * OVERCOATS Sizes , 3 to 15 years PANT SUITS ULSTERS Strictly All Wool SUes , 14 to 13 yours REEFERS All made up in the latest style , Finnic A IjOOTIJALL WITH EACH ONE. SUITS , niado In Juniors , Vostco , Middy , or double breasted sucks and straight ' All Wool Reefers in Roofer nnd plain double breiistod styles , and round cut sacks , Bgys' in plain uiid funov mixtures In Chev All wool fabrics In AStrukliun and chinchilla , with . iots , unfinished Worsted Cr.ssimerus A brown Toot Hall nnd gray with mixtures uacu i.ult.1 . /reefer storm'collars collars , , uxcs vulvotcollnrs 3 to 1C or III n I ntt _ 111/ and 18 ounce black iriay and brown clay \jortli up to 8&.00 ( to ut worsted BOY'S LONG Hoys' tlklu fit urado Melton mill KtaSKlT REEFER * flucuiitly timdu , elrea 3 to Hi yearsworth PANTS SUITS all wool blue and brown Ages 14 to 10 Cape Overcoats Mudo of the flno'.t all wool cheviots , Every suit worth double the money tweeds , casBimei'Cj , homespuns , 'in the Ilovb' all wool Imported Caunlniero lutfhl ufTecMs of Ki-uy , brown and 3 - - AND A FOOT BALL WITH p uliln uiul nilxturuj , uxtra --Vtl OVERCOATS . EACH SUIT. well in idivfin In HID lielgut $4.90 4 to U oars. or fiiflilon , nil K ut fI.UO . A I'oot Hull \vltli awry bult BOYS' STORM ULSTERS , sizes 200 BOYS'JUNIOR SUITS 100 BOYS' CHINCHILLA ' 6 to 20 years , inndu of nil wool ( rluzo , Shut- > . BOYS'ALL WOOL In gray and brown REEFERS braided Undi and Culnclilllasi..iill colors , - collars KiMEE PANTS plaids and mixtures I gilt button a with or without vests warm and borviccablo very SI 25c. 39c. 50c to a. garment go on Blo At . . , _ . # l > JkA..M jilBb < lhia gss3sg3SE3Eav.il1 y Today we put on sale ulsters and overcoats and the price we ask is only the real cost of the goods not in cluding the excellent making and linings. Some are lined with Italian serges , others with wool cassimcres ; they are all made in the latest styles , sewed with tested silk , and made of all wool Beaver , Shetland , Chinchilla and Irish Freixo , in all co'ors. ' We tell you that these garments are sold .elsewhere for $10.00 and $12.00 and you will bu convinced that it is a fact when you see them yourself. Ask to look at them today , at $5.00 each. These gar- . me tits are is but'five ' sold elsewhere for ten and dollars twelve dollars These are all wool Kersey , Melton and Beaver , some lined with Skinner's satin , some with Italian lining and some with cassimere lining , all elegantly made and guar anteed to wear two seasons ; they are made in single and double breasted sacks and long storm collar ulster ? ; they go for today at the phenominally low price $7.50 $ : ir : 111 this lot we give you the choice of some of the highest grade overcoats and ulsters made in America in black blue , brown and drab ; also light colored cheviots Kersey and Meltons.lined with Clay worstedheavy Italian serge , Skinner's satin sleeve lining ; " they are all made in the lat est style ; not a single on6s that is not worth $20.00 - VII liuiiKlit fur N | > 1 ' "Mli AT liHSH TIIVX IIU.K ITS VAM K. Xv T In fo nw -r ' ' 111 iioNltloii lo < iO > r HUC'll VIllllfH. All the MEN'S Two All the MEN'S all dear ! and a half wool dollar llceco lined GO AT All tlio Mon'ti All Wool , Dollar and All tlio MEN'S rlbbod , Half plain and plain and natural ribbed wool US ! If B Mtt ilo/m .Men's \\liltc uiul Colored Laundered Shirts. Men's $1.25 White Laundered and colored bosom white bock icd Shirts , Men's Colored Laundered Regular dollar Shirt , with col lars and cuffs detached , go at 35c