Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Wheat Opens Weak , bnt Closes with
App rjnt Strangth and Activity.
Km Hi ? Wlirnt Shipped li MI""I"R
a lirndi' , nnd I'nllliiK Of !
lit l-'iiriiii'rV IJi-llvrrleii
Are tinCmiMn. .
rillCAOO. Nov. 12.-\Vhent started weak
today , Init closed with nn appearance
strength and nctlvlty. Mny < * c lower nnd
December c higher. The December option
\\tin helped hy the fnct Hint some wheat
being shipped here Is missing grade. He-
ports that farmers' deliveries In the north
west were fulling off was the bull fnctor
In Mny toward theclose. . Corn closed n
xhnde lower nnd onts Uo higher. 1'rovl-
slons were weak and closed 2i4f7',4c ? ' lower.
Wheat started at sellerH oP May at from
Sic down to Wic and very little changed
hands nt over Wkr. ! Tills , compared with
yesterday's closing price of SHic. The fail
ure of the Liverpool market to respond to
the bullish tone with which this market
closed the day before was chiefly responsi
ble for the He decline. That market opened
nt but WC/ld advance nnd had even lost
this by thu time trading commenced here.
Northwest receipts were large compared
with la t year's figures. Minneapolis and
Duluth reporting V21 cars , against 919 a
week iigo and1. . " ) ! last year. Chicago got
ol cars today , 141 a week ago and -19 the
fllmllnr day of the year before.
New York wired shortly after the openIng -
Ing that they had selling- orders there from
the continent for December wheat , but
other New York messages nnd private
cablegrams from the continent were llrtn
In their tone. The price gradually sank
and touched ftO c before It had over He-
rally. It did , however , recover to fllUc by
about 12 o'clock without receiving anything
strikingly encouraging In the way of addi
tional Information.
The Atlantic and Gulf por's returned
clearances for the ilnv of 500.000 bu. wheat
and flour together. The 'total receipts for
the day at primary western markets
nmountcd to 1.052,001) bu. , against Bll.f/io bu.
rt year ago. .Minneapolis stocks ot wheat
for the ivseek are expected 50 show nn In
crease of 1 n < > lfKV ) bu. and Duluth an In
crease of 200,000 bu. The general guesses
here on the change In the week's risible
ran from 2.fix ) , yi to 2.VMOCO bu. Increase.
The weekly review of the sltu.itlon by the
Modern Miller was rather bearish , but
n. tip that preceded Its detail that Itwould
be bullish In tone started the price from
around ! W4c to li"c. After the Modern
Miller report the price sagged back to WVfeo.
but near the end of the soslon assurances
from most reliable sources In the north
west were received to the effect that there
was a marked fal'.lng off In farmers' de
liveries and they were "today not over half
what they were n week ago. That Information
mation and the fnct that some of the Duluth -
luth wheat -which has been shipped here
lately Is tnls lnir n grade caused a sudden
revival of the mnrkct's previously waning
strength. IVrombT.which \\iit hanging
neglortod around M'ie , responded to the
bidding for a llml * ed quantity for a sudden
spurt to ni'sc and May , from nround WAr.
rose to flic. Closing trades were at Sl c
for December and fOviC for May.
Corn vns weak during tht > morning ,
largely through sympathy with wheat.
There iwns some selling of December by
elevator people which resulted In a slight
widening of the spread. Later In the day
the market was supported by the urgency
cf th.- shipping dimnnd. one cargo sellIng -
Ing 'Ac over December. Cables r.vere 'Jig d
higher Receipts were 372 cars. May ranged
between "O'c and 30c and closed n shade
lower at SOUflTOTfec-
During most of the session oats -was dull
and riislir , In sympathy with wheat and
corn. The Corn Trade News cable reportIng -
Ing Russian oats poor and an advance at
New York started shorts to covering , and
considerable outside support also developed ,
which put prices frao lonnlly above yester
day's close. Cash r.vas Ilrm and sales at
slightly better ( prices. Receipts were 2C.I
cars. May ranged between 22'ic and 21 4c.
closing Kc higher at 22'i.c.
Provisions .were decidedly dull and weak.
Prices were slightly higher at the opening
on account of the higher prices of hogs.
There wore moderate offerings at the ad
vance , l > tx the market -was too narrow to
tnkc care oven of this , and prices slowly
declined. At the close January -pork was
r-7'iC lower at { S."i. January lard 2'/4c lower
nt $ ) .32'jfi ' 1.5. ) and January ribs 5c la.ver at
Jl M'.fc'ii ' I.Si.
Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 75
cars ; corn , 43' ' ) cars ; oats , GX ( ) cars ; hogs' ,
2C.OOO head. ,
Le-uiMiK futures ranged aa follows :
Articled O)3n. | | IHrh. I Low. I Clota. lYuatdy.
Nov. . . ni
Dec. . . .
Mny. . . ( I09J-U1
No v . . . JOM-27 'OH lieu
Di-c. . . . UOH - mi J7
May. . . 305.
Uec. . . . JO JO' ' * 20KMM
May. . .
7 17m 7 an 7 .17W 7 43
Jan. . . . H 43 815 8 : > _ > . 8 4i ! > a
Deo. . . 4 274 4 174 4 20 4 221 $
Jan . . . H7H t 3-J4 4 35 4 M7M
Dee . 4 3S 4II ) 4 ; > 7 4 : io 4 33
Jan. . . . 4 III 1 IU 4 U i 4 41)
No. 2.
Cash nuutnllons were as follows :
I'Liril-Sti-ady : winter patent * , J4.SOff3.00 ;
strulKlits. JI.40JI I.CO ; cprlni ; specials. $3.00 ; eprlnK
patents. J4.70i/3.00 ; bakers. JJ.OM1/3.CO.
\\HEAT-No. 2. S7'Ui.M'e ' . : No. 3 , spring. S4'/i
CST'.si' No. 2 red. lUiiffWic.
COUN-uVo. 2. 27(2714c. ! ( *
OATS No. 2. 2' ' > > ic f. o. b. ; No. 3 white , 22MT
23 0.
HYE-No. 2. 47'ic.
KLAXHEBD-No. 2. S1.0T1.0t.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime , 13.63.
I'llOVlSIONrf Meps pork , per hbl. , J7.3..if7.40.
I ml. per Id ) Ibi. . JI.:2jW1.r ! . Short ribs slJes
iloo.ilJl. > . jri.S. . . Dry i-alted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
II 75I5.tO. Sliorl clear sides ( boxed ) , JI.C2i > y
t si , .
WHISKY Distillers' finished poods , per Ral. .
J1.IS.rOAIl Cut loaf , 15.14 : Kraniilaled. $3.11.
of tin * lny mi CiMirr.-ll
NEW YOHK. Nov. 12.-l''IjOfH-llecelpts , 23.-
V34 Mils. expnrlF , ll.T'Ji bbls. ; steady nnd mod-
era' 'ly active without chunce In price , llye
flour , ( .ti-iiily. lluekwheat Hour , steady.
IH'f'KWH BAT ull. '
IlYE-Oulet : No. 2 western , SOc.
HAULEY MALT-Qulet ; western. KffCOc.
WHI-3AT Heeelpls , lk9.S73 bu , ; exports , KS73
bu Siml , utruaV ; No. ! red. ! )3 ) ie. ( ) jnlon
openej weuk under disappoint Ink' cables and fnr-
lKn f"-llln . rallied on covering ; ami wus < i
but \ery steady nil d.iy , clonlni ; i.iil'ic ' net
lower. No. 2 red. November , closed nt We ; De
cember.iiS6rJ"o ! / ! ; clo eil al PG e.
OOIIN llecelpts. 14.425 Int. ; tpoits , 3S.419 bu.
Fpot. Ilrm ; No. 2 , 3l > ic. Optluns opened Meady
ami were Ilrm all day on hlKher cables and ex
port demanl , closing uneliaiiKed to Uc net hlKher.
Xuvemlr clotvil ut K\c ; UecvnUicr , KiiK'nc ,
cloned al 3lic ,
OATS-llecelpH , :04.M > > liu. ; exporU , 10.911 bu.
Mpol , Kleady : No. 2 , ? SU5Hr. Options , dull , but
firmer , at * o net adtance ; December closed at
HAY-Quiet anJ easy ; gooj to choice ,
HIDES Steady.
IVOOIQulvl. .
I'HOVIKlONS-lleef. fteajy. Cut im-alu , nrm.
Lanl , dull : western iteam , 11.50 ; rellned , quiet.
1'ork. eaiiyj me , s.:5ri .00 short clear , J10.OT
1S.25 family , 11.1 1J.OJ. Tallow , oulet ,
Ol US-Col lim eJ , CVilI. IVtrolcum , quiet.
Holn. steady. Turpentine , Ilrm.
HK'IJ Steady.
' 'Ef-Slendy
easier : Uraltn , ' llS.CiHIJ " 5 ; jiluie'j. market
weak. t ? > ellir , dull , I4.10 I'lg Iron , war
rants. oasy. 10.75 bid. and } t.60 ! diked
IirTTKIt-Hecelpn , ] .OIpkK > . ; market steadyi
estern creamery. Htfrjc. Ki ns , tte ; factory.
CHEESK-Ilecelpl. . 3.4JO pkei. ; market quiet :
lame , while , Seplember. S4c. inall. white/Sep
tember. UC ; Urpo. colortnl , September , Sfe :
iinall. CO onM , Stplember ic ; Urse. October.
Pic : Kiiall. Oclober. S 4 c : Hutu iklms , 6tf7c ;
jiarl fkirnn , 6M4 | HC. full klm . SBIc.
iO(18-IJer ( lpii. ( X5' ' ) ukita. . market iteady ,
itatu and IVnnjylvanla , Oic , vteiilern , tic
Hiiltlmorr .Miirki-lk ,
HAITIMOHE. Nov -FLOl'lt-Dull. . iin
el n5a.iJ < . 'l1 ' ' l""S I > W : iwrt , i. 3 bbl .
; steamer. No. : rd , s'i 9iic : re
ceipts , M.3il 1m. ; oulhern whest , by sample , i
ff9io. siuihom. on Knul . 9JSSSc ,
COHN-Btrongj sfot , D mUr , UCttKc ! No-
vemt ) - , S2SOKB ! srte mtr mltM , nonup ; re-
ftpi * . 1W.71K tiu i mporis , bi. ; mu
white v > rn , JOffSlej muthern yUlnw. italic
ntm ; N'D. 2 whit * .
Eat'tMi '
UY1 > Klrmi No. 2 VMtern , He ; recelpU , S4-
: > 1m
HAY .Quiet ; eholr * tlmotlir , IV nsknl.
OIIAIN KIIK10HTH Steady , but rather oui't
- - .
IH'TTKUstffldv , ti
iflfl ( Vlrm. frc h , 21e
CIIBKSK Stmjly. fancy. Isrcc.
Conilltlon of Trnilr nnil
in . ' 'tuple nnil I'nnp1'rniluco. .
inOS-Oooil Mock. HfllSc.
llUTTKH-Common to fair , loailc ; choice to
fancy. HB17c ; separator cieamery , We ; gathered
creamerSle. .
VEAL Choice fat. t ) to 10 ltd. , quoted at 8s ;
large and coarse. < QSc.
LIVI7 IHIfLTIlY Hen" . Rfje' : cock . 3fT4f ;
sprlns chickens. jr lb. , 5HW6c ; ducks , Ctf7c ; tur-
kev * . tycc.
riOJXl.NS Live. 7M : dead plecons not wanted.
HAY Upland. JO.W ; midland , J5.M ; lowland.
1100 ; rj'o straw. 14 ; color makes the price on
hay ; light bales sell the best , only top grades
bring top prices.
Cr.LEUY-Oood stuck , large. 40c ; small , 2Jf
30e.ONIONSI'er bu. . 4MJ65c.
HKANS-Hand-plcked nnvy , per bu. , J1.40.
HWIKT : i oTATOia rr bbi. . 2.wft.M.
CAlHlAOKS-Home grown , per lb. , IHfM'.tc.
1'OTATOKS-Home grown , 40ff60c ; western
stock , WH70c.
QtiNCKS California , per/lwr. tl.ZJ.
A I'1'LK.S Winter stock. J2.KBJ.OO. Jonathan- "
nnd fancy varieties J3.25 ; California Ilellellowcr ,
boxes. J1.60 ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes , II. C.
NBW YOHK aUAI'KS Per 9-lb. basket , Uct
large lots , IZV4C.
I'LfMS-ldnho nnd Oregon , 7ci7JI.CO.
CllANIlKIlUIKS-Ca | < Cod , per bbl. . JJ.SO ;
Wisconsin , boxes , II.IQR1.10.
winter nellls , jXi2.S ( ; other varieties , J1.SO&
OIlANdlJS Mexican , per box. J4.50.
LKMONS Meiulnas , JI.25U1.W ; choice Cali
fornia , JI.OI ) .
HANANAH-Chnice , lanre stock , per liunch ,
J2.00j2.2J ; medliim-slied bunches , J1.7.1Q2.00.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large site , HfilSc ;
Ilrazlla , per lb. , lOo ; English walnuts , per lb. ,
fancy , soft shell , ic. standanls , lOJTIIc ; tllberts ,
per lb. . lOc ; pecans , polished , large , iiilOc ; jumbo ,
12c ; large hickory nuts , il.23 per bu. ; small , tl.'iO
per bu. ; coroanut ! per 100 , J3. 73l. 00 ; peanuts ,
raw , CftSiic ; rousted , Cjjfi'ic.
FIOH Imtmrleil fancy. 3 crown , 14-lb. boxe ? .
12 c ; S crown , 44-Ib. boxes. 15c ; 2-lb. boxes , 23c
per box.
HONEY Choice white. 13c.
KIlAUT-IVr bbL , Jl.lOgi.ZJ : half bbl. , J2.50 ®
2.41) .
MAPLE SYnUP Five-gal , cans , each J2.23-
gal cans , pure , per doz. , J12.W ; half-gal , cans ,
ie.Z3 ; < | liart cans. 13. M.
IJATK3 Per W to 70-lb. boxes. 5V4c ; Fard 9-lb.
boxes , 9c.
CIDEIl-Per half bbl. . JJ.OO.
UIIESSED I1EEF Good native steers , 7c : good
forequartcrs , steers , Cc good hindquarters , 9.
western steers , CiiOiic ; fancy heifers , 6'tc ; gooi
heifers , Cc ; good foreijuarters. heifers , D' c ; gooi
hindquarters , heifers. SUc ' ; good cows. o-4c : fair
HEEF CUTS Ten-lerlo'lns. Ibc ; boneless strips
9c ; strip Iclns , 7c ; rolls. S'4c ' ; sirloin butts , SV-c
shoullcr clods , RHc- rump butts , CHc ; steer
shoulder clods. Stic ; rump butts. SHc ; steer
chucks. Sijc ; Cow chucks. 4'4o boneless chucks
4Uo ; cow pl-tes. Sc ; steer plates. 3',4c ; Hank rttoak
C4c ; loins , .So. 1 , He ; loins. No. 2 , loijc ; loins
No. 3 , Sc : sirloin ends. No. 1. 9c ; ribs. No. 1
lie ; ribs. No. 2 , 8'ic ; ribs. No. 3 , Cc ; steer rounds
7Hi- ; cow round' . GHP ; cow rounds shank off , 84c
trimmings. 4Vic ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains , per doz.
35f ; s * > etbreids , per lb. , lOc ; sweetbread'
d-alves ) . per lb. , 4'ic : kidneys , per doz. , 33c ; ox
tails , each 4c ; livers per lb. , Sc ; hearts , pc
Hi. . 3c. tnngues , per lb. , 124c.
MfTTON Uimbs , 7c ; sheep , C'Jc ; market rack
( long ) , Sc ; hotel rackn ( short ) , lie , 1"3 and
saddles. 9c ; lamb legs , Oc ; breasts ana slews , Sc
tongue * , each 3c.
POIIK Uresseil pigs. 5'Jc ; dressed hogs , uc
tenderloins , 15c ; loins. 7c ; spure ribs. c. ham
M usage butts , Ci c : shoulders , rough , 5o ; shoul
ders. fklnned. 5 ! c ; trimmings. EIJC ; leaf lard
not rendered , fi c : heads , cleaned , 4c : snout nm
ears. 4c ; backbones , I'.ic. cheek meats. 4'ic : necl
bone * . 2c : plgV tnlls , 4c : plucks , each. Sc ; chit
terllngs , 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. . 25c
stomachs , each 3c : tongues , each 7c ; kidney ?
per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs' feet
per doz. , 23c ; livers , each 3c.
St. I.oul.x Ccin-riil
ST. IXt"IS. ) Nov. 1 ! . FIXJUH Quiet , easier
patfnls , | 4,0 Q 1.7.1 ; sir.ilghti , JI.40tf4.5C ; clar
J4.0W4.15 ; medium , J3.50Sf3.75.
WHEAT IrreRUlar , closing o lower for De
ci-mbiT. but May l-l o nbovc yesterday. Ma
opened UO'ic. lower , went of ! He niDro , nd
vancpdSc , lost that nnd then regained U subs-
iiuenily , closing ' c below the top. Spot , higher
No. 2 red cash , elevator , SC'.iC bid ; truck , 975iasc
Nn. 2 hard cash , SOSSSc ; December , 'J' c ; Mu >
I.OUN After selling off > ic for December nn
'Jo for May there was ' .lc recovery. Decemtie
dropping - - > 4c Inter , but , the close was tirm. wit
buyers ic lo cr for December , with May th
R.ime as nt the cljsc of yesterday. Spot , stron
and higher ; No. 2 mixed cash , 2C'4c bid ; De
uemU-r. S..i.c : May , 2Ssic.
OATS Futures , strong , but sellers held off
Spot , quiet , but higher ; No. 2 mixed cash , cle
valor. Wic ; track , 21c ; December , 20jo bid
Mny , 22V 22'ic.
HYE-Qulet , 4Cc.
FLAXSEED Steady. Jl.
tXIUNMBAISteady. . JI.M.
HUAN Strong and higher ; snckeil , cast' track
4S'iR5-V ; salable track , this tide. We ,
HAY Firm for choice nratrlu. Ji.WflS.CO
timothy. JS OiWlO.Oi ) . . . _ . . , ,
HUTTBIt Finn ; creamery , 15G2l'c ; dalrj
BOOS Higher. 15'ic. '
HAC5GINC1 6 iW7Uc.
METAI/S I-ead. Ilrm , J3. i3.C5. ! Speltii
noinlnil. J3.f..lH3. ! > 74.
PHOVISIONS I'ork. standard mess1. Jobblnr
JS.2Ji8 50. t-ard. sle-ady : prime sieam. Jl.12'4
choice H.17'4. Ilacon. extra short clear ( boxei
lots ) . J5.2.1 ; ribs , J3.C2Vi ; shorts , J3.75. Dry sal
meats ( boxed shoulders ) . J3.1214 : extra shor
? ? ? &ri ! "JKortbl.ftfheat. . 71X ( >
bu. ; corn , 50.0. ) I . ; . . ta.
bu. ; corn , 08,000 hu. ; oats , IS.C" ) ! ) bu.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12. WHEAT Hard , ac
live , about le hlshcr ; coft , plow ; No. 1 hard
WeNo. . 2. S24 it4c ; No. 3 , SU6SUo ; No. 4
77fi7 'A < > ; No. 1 red , 9i < " . No. 2. Sic ; No. 3
* vy Uc ; No. 4 , SOfiS4e ; No. 2 spring. 61GS3c
" COH'N Steady , early , closing ' , ic lower ; falrl >
active ; No. 2 mixed. 23023lic-
OATS Active , steady ; No. 2 white , 22c ,
HYE Firm ; No. 2 , 42c
HAY Active , very tlrm : choice timothy , JS.5
fiS.75 : choice prnlile , J7.Wii7.25.
HUTTEH Common grades plow , others steady
creamery. 19022c ; dairy. 15f17c.
BOOS Firm ; fresh candled , 13H c ; storage
12fji 13c.
HECE1PTS Wheat. 2S , & b'J. ; corn , S2.WO
bu. ; oats , 10,000 hu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 131 , ICO bu. ; corn , 214,500
Clni-lnnull MiirUflN.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 12. FIXUU-Qulet.
WHEAT Finn ; No. 2 red , nominal at 924c !
COHN Strong ; No. 2 mixed. 2G
OATS Film ; No. 3 mixed , I2c.
HYE Steady ; No. 2. I7c.
LA tin Firm nt J4.23.
Hl'LK MEATS Firm nt JI.C3 ,
IIACON-tJulct at JC.15.
WHlHIvY-Stendy nt J1.1D.
EIJOS Firm nt 16ijc.
Crnlii lli'ri-lplM nt I'rini'lpli
ST. IXII'IS , Nov. 12. llecelpts : Wheat , 100
'MINNBAl'OLIS. Nov. 12.-Ilecelpts : Wheat
550 cars.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1 ! . llecelpts today : Wheat
SI cars ; corn , 372 care ; oats , 2C4 cars. E'tlnmtfi
car lots tomorrow : Wheat , 75 ; corn , 439 ; oats
SOi ) .
DULUTH , Nov. IZ.-Ilecelpts : Wheat , 271 cnrs
PEO1I1A. Nov. 12. Itecelptu : Corn , 31,600 bu ,
oats , il.300 bu. ; rye. M ) bu. ; whlbky , 150 bbls.
wheat. 1S < 10 bu. Shipments : Corn , 10 MiO hu.
oats , Sl.lCfl bu. : rye , none ; whltky , 1.S73 hbls.
wheat , none ,
Liverpool .MiirUi'ls.
inline wentern , steady at 2s Cd.
WHEAT Spot , No. i red northern , spring
Ilrm at 7s. C d.
fOIIN Noremtwr. steady at 3s JUd ; Decem
Iter , steady at Z * Slid ; i-pol , American mixed
nrm nt 3s 2 > id.
FI-OL'K St. Louis fnncy , winter , steady n
lOa 3d.
HOI'S At I < ondon ( I'acinc coast ) , steady a
JJi ltsip 5 10s.
TolfilnMiirliflx ,
TOLEDO. Nov 12. WHEAT I.nwer. steadier
casli. 9lc ; December. 95c ; Miy , S3Hc.
COHN-Dull. steady : Nu. 2 inlxvtl , 27c ; No. 3
SCc ; Difember , 27 < c ; May , 304c ; No. 3 yellun
OATS Dull , slcndy ; No. 5 mixed. We ; No.
white. S3c : No. 3 white. 5Jc
UYE-Dull. steady ; Nu. ! . 4SHc ; No. 3. 45c.
CIX VBUSEii ) Vcllve , vlruily : prim * cash
13.9) ) ; December , I3.v > ; March , J3.J ) bIJ.
DETHOIT. Mich. , Nov. 12.-WHKAT No.
white. 2c ; No. S red. MHc ; December ,
May. 94c.
COHN-No. 2 mixed , 26Hc.
OATS-NO , j white.
HYE-No. J ,
. Prorlii
PEOIIIA. Nov. i-COUN-Market firm un
higher No. ! . 26Uc.
OATS Market firm and higher ; No , i while
WHISK Y-HIgh proof spirits. J1.19.
I'hllailrlphla I'roiluci * > llirUcl.
fancy western crramery. ! Hc.
l-XJOS-Flrm ; fresh nearby , ! lo frenh wsutern.
but steady.
\I-TV .
NEW OIlLEANd. NovlOa | 1'HODUl.TS- ,
Steady. Pork , old , M.Ii. Laid , rellned tierce.
M. Boi Hl meats , dry fait ilioulder * . JJ.1JJ , ;
dM , t .7S. Duron. cl * r MM Fides , U.7 ,
' it" ' . " 11 "Utllr ( cur J' * ' ( * > w' M
! Ul ° - orJInarr t < i low fair sq e
Higher , tr fancy , ll.&nrl .D. P -
. ! nt Jl.CO.
IIIIANQul t XI 66 * ? T
HAY " Firm ; prime112.0)913 C ! rhoUc. JH.M
jl" ' V )
fOICf - Steady No. white. M.-k. d 3-.03Cv .
mixed. ; r < - yellow. 37c.
OATH--Steady ; Nn. I , Mcked , : ' * <
HICK Easy ; ordinary to good , sNfMVfcc.
llufTnlo 'MiirUi-ts.
HLFFAIX5. N. Y. . Nov. IJ.-WIIEAT-No 1.
orthern spring , old , vpol , ll.Ol'i. new , 9oV- ;
S'o S , winter. K'vc.
COHN-No. 2. nmf3np.
OATM-No. 3 nhlte ,
HYE-No. . Jpot , Clr.
Sun I'rnnrUiM ) Wlirnt llnntntlon * .
PAN KIlANflfCO. Nov. i-WHKAT-Wcak ;
Vrember. JI.4S'i ; May. ! ! .
1IAHLBY Inactive : December , 8Vc.
Inrkvt Ijpnrrnlly Very Tninc nml
NEW YORK. Nov , 1 ! . Today * . " ! flock market
was entirely without .animation at any lime. The
preliminary drive at Sugar and one or two
subsequent raids against that stock failed to
dlnloilse nny large offerings and the subsequent
dealings In that flock showed greatly diminished
activity and firmness of tone. It * losses were
nil recovered nnd the cloe showed a net gain
of a unall fraction.
The low price for the day , which was 1JC * ,
was a new- low point on the present movement.
Sugar was eatlly the leader of the etocka nnd
absorbed some strenglh on accounl of the approaching
preaching cold , snap. They were helped also by
repotts of rfstrlcllon of oulput toy Individual
companies. New Jersey Cenlrnl led this group
and ndvanreit nt ono time JU iwlntc , but closed
at a reaction of nliout a point , Consolldateil
Had lluctualed wildly , rlflns t points , receding
414 nnd closing nt a net decline of I'4.
ouuide of these the fealurcs of the market
were without particular Interest. There was
some continuance of telling for the London
market , especially of St. I'anl. and Ihls was
nboul Ihe only unfavorable faclnr In Ihe news
of Ihe day. The result of th" day's trading Is
to bring the level of prices back to about the
same level as that held before the very sharp
decline of last Friday.
The upward tendency today In the general lUt
was af lsted by Ihe conllnued favorable char-
ncler of railroad earnings reported for Ihe first
week of November. The increases were espe
cially marked In Ihe relurna of smilhern and
soulhwestern roads , which are presumably af
fected by the heavy cotlon movement , due to
trnllle now coming forward which has been
delayed by yellow fever quarantine. The South
ern railway led In the amount of Its pain with
nn Increase of IG2.470 over the corresponding
period of last year , Ihe percentage of Increase
being about 17. The Central of Georgia , with
an Increase of (23,377 , shows the higher per
cent made of about 20.
The activity of the coal traffic I * reflected In
nn Inerense of } I",66S. or over 27 per cent. In
lha earnings of the Norfolk & AYeslern and of
its.303 , or over 10) per cenl , In those of the
gains are a point or over in some of the
grangers nnd other prominent stocks nnd arc
nearly 2 points over In the coalers.
The bond market was moderately active al
higher prices. The new I.nke Shore 3'ts soli ]
at 103'i , the highest on record. Tdtal sale. " ,
Jl.430.1" ! . United States registered 4s nnd the
51 * roupon were advanced U per cent bid and the
new 4s 'i per cent bid.
The Evening Post's London financial cable
gram says : "The stock markets were lifeless
today nnd a ) trifle lesi firm. Mines were better.
The dullness In Americans here Is partly due to
dllllcultldi of n dealer who Is a bull on Ameri
cans and who recently lost heavily by the sharp
nnd unexpected fall of certain Industrial shares
The failure may be announced tomorrow , or It
may blow over ; It Is really nothing- Important
Americans closed above the lowest. The Paris
bourse was dull and the Ilerlln market steady
Tim following were the closing quotations on
the leading stocko of the New York exchange
today :
AtchlHon St. P. & uni 70K
do pfd 27H do nfil 110
llaltlmorc.V Ohio. . ! ! ! ! < SUP. M. A M 120
Canada Pacific SOH So.I'aclHc 10
Canada Soiilhum. . 62 So. Hallway 1IV <
Central Pacific. 12-T do pfd 2ii' :
Chi-H. AOlilo tl'J ! Texas it Pacific. . . . lim
Chicago .V Alton. . . . 1ft < < , Union Pacific L r. . 204
C. . H. .tQ IT. P. D. fiQ 7
C.-'cE. 1
C.C. C. .t St. L , < 1o Dfd 7'M
ilopfd fO Wheel , .t L. E. . . . -'M
Del. & Hudson . Wheel , .t L. E : pfd H
lel. L. .t W. . Hid Adams Ex Ifi.1)
Den. .V Hlo G 1IM American Ex 11.-I
do pfd 44V { tTnltcd States Ex. . . 10
Erin inowl in Wells Parao Ex. . . . 1011
Erie IHIpfd ' . A. Cot. Oil 1011HI Hi
PI. Wayne HI. ) do pfd 71M
Great Northern pfd. 13'J Am. Spirits. 8 J
Hoeklnr Vallov. . . . 5VAm. Solrlmpfd 20H . . . 1H ( > ' Am. ToBacco SDH
LakeErlu.t W. . . . do pfd Hindi
do pfd 118 U Peoplo'H Has D.-i
Luku Short * 171 Cona. Oat 1SU
LoulHVlllo & Nash. 54 Com. Cabin Co . 175
Manhattan L ! ) n Col. P. A Iron
Met. Traction ID''Is ilopfd ? r
Michigan . 1UU Oen. Eb-etrlo '
Minn. & St. L VS nilnolHSIeel so'
do lt > t pfd h3 ft , L.iCJeJo Gi
Mo. Pacific CsHILead 3I1 ! (
Mobile A : Ohio at do nfd HI.
Mo.K. .t Tile lm : Nat. Lin. Oil 10 ! <
ilo pfd 3-4 Oregon Ini ] > . Co. . . . . 13 > t
Now Alb. A Chi. . . . SM , Pacific Mall 20l
do pfd 21) Ipiillinan Pal 1IIH
N'.J. Central Sili H i Silver Ccrtlllcntes. . 07'n '
N.Y.Cumral IO.-.IT'Stand. ' Uoiw .VT. . . .
N. Y. Chi. .V SU L. . 134Siiiiar |
dolst pfd 71 I do pfd
ilo'Jd 3' ' . .
pfd | T.C..Vlrou 24ls
Norfolk .t Wusiern UHi IU. S. Leather
No. Amer. Co 4 do pfd
No. Paclllc 1M V. S. Hiibber 10
do pfil 1 do pfa Of.
Onlnrlo.V W 3.r > K Wenlorn Union
Ore. It. .VNnv 34 i orthwestem K'O
On- . Short Line 17 ! dopfrt 102
PlltHourg 1(14 into ( irtnduVcHt. . . . Jl
lluadlnj 21MI do pid . - . All
Uovk Iiland 83 > t , Chi. (5t. Wi'sloni. 13
SI. LoulH It S.W 4H St. L. .t San Fran
do pfd do I Hi pfd r.liu
St. Paul OL'Ki do'-'d pfd - ou
do pfd
second assessment paid.
Total sales of flocks today were 217,104 shares
Including : I-oulsvllle Nashville , 4.DSOMini ;
hattan , 4.SOS ; New Jersey Central , 5.3CG ; North
ern Pacific preferred , 3,015 ; Northwestern , 3.J15
Heading. 4,730 ; Hock Ii-lund , 11.377 ; St. Paul
22,330 ; Union Pnclffc , second assessment paid
3.C32 ; Ilay State Ons. 5i)20 ) ; People's Gas. 21.010
Consolidated ( las. 3.433 ; Sugar , bO.CSO ; Chlcag
Great Western , 3.723.
Xi > w Yorli .Money
Steady nl I i2 per cent ; last loan , Hi per cent
closed. li.irlJHT cent.
cent. Sterling exctiange , strong , wlih nctua
business In bankers' bills at H. 'ifi'l/SJ'i for de
mand nnd at J4 W p-l.d 'i for sixty days ; postix
rates. J4.SI4f4. ! : commercial bills. JI.S2.
HAH SILVBK 57'ic. '
HA 11Hi IAD HONUf Slrons.
Closing quotalluns on tiunils were ns follows
U.S. now4s. r-'ff. . . .l27 'N. ' J. U. jo . 112 (
U.S. new lncoii. . . .l27h'N. ' C. ( in . 1U (
11. S. ( H.riv 11SU N. C. Is . 122
U.S.jH.coup llilliiNo. 1'ae.lllo ] Hti..l 17
am No. Pacific 3i . B-4K
U.S. Av.ra ; 114 , No. Pacific 4 . lll
II. S. Bs. coup H4l < iN. Y. C. A St. L. 4 . .lii ( :
District : ) . 033 . lOUH'N AW. IJH . 12m ,
Aln-clauiA . 101 IN.W.Consols . 14S
Aln.claH-tll 1IH IN. W. Hub. BH . 11(1 (
Ala.cli8sO : 100 loru. Nuv.lHtn . 1114
Ala. Currency. . . IH lore. Nav. 4H . . . . 113
AtehlNon-ls HiDf'O. S L. ( Is. t. r. . 120K
Atchlsona-il. 4H . . . ri lo. S. LSs.t. r . l)2 i
C.inartaSo.'iidH. . . IIIT IO. Imo. IHIB. t. T..102
Can.l'aeitiu iHtB -1 141 n. Imp. Bs. t. r . 41
C.AN. 5s IKI IPacllloOH of ' 115. . .10' ' '
C.AO. r.H 101H llomlln ; 4s . K4H
C.II.AD.4HiS 1(11) ( ) I K. ( l.WfBt iHts . . . . H1W
D.AH R. Ihts 74St. [ I * AI. M. Con. . H.1H
D.AH.O. IH 100 JSU L. A S. r'.Gotl.lJ. 1 10V ,
EastTuiiit. Ists. . . TllVjISt. P. ConsuU . 13H > <
KrliiGun. 4s US 1st. P. C. A P. Uti. . . 11 H
F. W.A D. 18. t. r. . ! Olil.St. ! P.O. A P. 5s . 11U'7 '
Sen. Kl'jo. r a in. I | S. C. noiifund . 'I '
R. H. A S. A. IN. . . .lOSMiSomhornUy. 5 . . . . ni > i
( i. II. AS. A.JiU. . . . ! ) ! ) | S. U. AT. ( In . HO 4 iToim.niMV Hot Us . , Ht' ' (
II. A T. C. con 08. . Tux. P.ic. L G. 1st ! II. 1
Iowa 0. IBIS Tox. Pao. liy. 2d . . 27i
K. P. eon. t. r U. P. IBIS . 1014
K.P.lHtHt.r 100 U. IMI.&d. lati. . 4iHJ
La. NuwCon. In . . 8tV. Wab. IHI.'IH . 1I51 (
LAN. Uu ! 4s 100 | Wib. : 2di . 77W
MlHSourl OH . 01 VWat Slioro 1 1 . . . .110
M. K.AT. 2ds flSH'Va. ' Centiirl . 00
M.K.AT.4i . HHi ( Vu. ilofurre.l . 'JK
llDHtOII SKll'lv ( ) lllltlllilIIH ,
HOSTON , Nov. IS. Call loans. 2Hff3 per cent
time loiuis , J4 per cenl. flosln prices fu
feljcks , bunda and mining shares :
A.T.AS. P IUJ4IW Eli-iJ. pfd SI
American Snar. . 1'jnUiKd. Klna lit llll
Ain.Snear Dfd . . 110v | ( ! un. El ? . pfd. . . . HI
UavSlalu ( ia ) , . . . . Ift-lU
Uell Tuluplienu. . . 2.15 N. Bug. OH . ll''S
llohtoni Albjir. VI1 Conisr.ll Eh-c. SH. . HKI
llOHton.t.Malna. . . 1I1.1K Allouuz MlnmsrOj CD
C. . II. Ji Q ui' : Atlantic
Kltohbur/ 1)3 ) I lluBlon .V Mtiiurvil 1H.1 |
Illinois Slnel. . . U llutto.V llOHtcn. . . . 2lli !
Mexican Cuntrul. . SH CalninclA Hecla. . 439
N. V..V N.K HI ) Icenlonnlal 10l
Old Caloiiy 1HK4 Franklin
O.S. L 17M , 174
Hubbcr Ifli * , Osccola
Union Pacific ' 'OH Oulncy 112
U't-ht Knit II-J iTamaraeK 124
West End pfd HIU Wolvcruiu 15V.
IV. Eiun 21HI
NIMV York .AIInlnK Iliioiatloim ,
NEW YOHK. Nov. 12.-The following arc th
closing- mining quotatluns :
Chollar AU Ouurio mil )
Crown Volnt 23 riDiir. 73
Con. Cal. ft Va. . . . ! ( ) ( ) I'lymoutt H
Dcudwoou H )
' '
Could Curry 30 OiiloUailvnr'ufi ! . ! nnu
Slorrn Nairali. . . . f.O
llomouaxe 3uuU ISi-inrtard 130
Iron Silver ' . ' ( I tlnlon Con 32
Mexican 33 ! Yellow Jakut . 32
Illiltnnil Irat In-r
CHICAOO. Nov. 12. The fhlcago Shoe an
Leather llevlew of November 13 will say :
"Tha hide market hld strung with the bl
packers rold ahead on native steer nnd ro
hide * . Hrandeil hides were not In demand thl
week , but I he packers will not matte the ( light
e t concessions. The email supply and hig !
price of lil'Ien hove prunipt'd the tanr.e-ii t
nuke a determine ! stuud for the full quota
tlon V * < 1 for leather I.ljhr mitlre cow hides
yrtta ohl this xvcek t IW.o and th * heavy * nd
light selections told toir U r Tkl 10V In coun
try hides tnid rumen * of tales of buffi at
JHc " i
' Snn Frnnr co MtntnK Utintntlnnii.
SAN FHANC1SCO. Nov. IS.The offlcl * ! closing
qu.italluns on mining stocks tuday were n fol-
l'IW ' i _ _
All.i n Jiill.i T. . . 3
Alpha Con S . .fnmicv 30
Andei 27 I Kentucky Con t
Ilelcher 3 * " .11
' " Occidental Con. . . . 1BO
llulllnn . . . in ODhlr. 84
cnlolonia Ill overman S
Challence Con 30 I'otosi _ . nt
Chollar. r > 3 Havaco S8
Confidence 02 fcofpion 3\VA Ill ) iSlorra NerAda. . . . C5
Con.lmperial a 'Sll ' cr Hill 6
Crown Point 27 ] ( Jnlon.COu 38
ExchfMUrr. 1 i Utah Con „ HI
louldACurrio. . . . 33 YpliowJacXoi 33
laleA Norcro . . _ 1M ISlniidnnl. 105
Silver bars , M.Vc ; Mexican dollars ,
draft ! , sight , 17'ic : drafta , telegraph. lOc.
Slatrinont nf nllnk of Vrnncr.
Lonilon Stock Utiotntlons ,
IJOXPON , Nov. li. 4 p. m. closing ;
Con olii.m'.v . .112 16-lOISt.I'anl common. . . H4M
Consols , aco'l 113 N Y. Central OSk
Can. Pacific BW Pennsylvania
Erto Head I n r M
Eric 1st ofd Mcx. Cen. now 4,9. . tlO
II. Centra AtClllHCn 13
Mexican ordlnarr. . 17 > t
IJAU SILVER KSil per ounce.
MONEY 24 per cent. The rate of discount In
the open market for short bills , IT4 per cent ; for
three months , 2T . per cent.
AiinTlcnn SrPtirltlfH In Lonilon ,
IXNDON , Nov. 1 ! . The market for Ameri
can securities varied but little all day , owing
to the Inactivity of operators. The close was
with a generally light demand.
I'lnniicliil MII < CH.
HALTLMOHB. Nov. 12-Clearlngs , JI.6I3.4SI.
balarx-es. J3S7.C07.
HOSTON. Nov. i : . Clearings. J19.597. 4SS s bal
ances , J2I01.417.
NEW Y011K. Nov. ll.-Clearlngs , J13,22S,730 ;
balances , } ,687,781.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. U. Clearings , H2iC-
74C ; balances , J1,2S2,7C3.
MEMPHIS. Nov. 12. Clearings , J343.420 ; bal
ances , 1103,223. New York exchange , telling at
[ iar.
iar.CINCINNATI. . Nov. 12. Money , ! ! 4O per cent.
New York exchange , 23J40c ( premium , ClearIngs -
Ings , Jl , 770.230.
NEW OULBANS , Nov. -Clearings , $1,734-
! > CO. New York exchange , bank , par ; commer
cial , J1.23 per Jlt > dlrcount.
ST. l/JUIS. Nov. 12. ClnarlnRs. J3.M3.029 ; bal
ances , J071.SJ9. Money. CBS per cenl ; New York
exchange , par hid , S3c premium asked ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 12. Clearings. J1SS57,2CO. New-
York ; exchange , SOo premium ; posted rales , JI.E3'4
nnd J4.SC14 ; stocks dull and feolureless ; closing :
West Chicago , ! bid ; Diamond Match. Hi :
North Chicago , S29 bid ; I > ake Street L , IC'i ; New
York Hlscult. C3 ; South SISe L , 63 ; City Hall
way , 25Vi IjU , 23D asked.
I'orclun I'liiniielnl.
ItEHLlN. Nov. 12. Exchange on London , 20m
33pfg for checks.
IX > NDON. Nov. 12. OeM Is quoted al Huenos
Ayres today at 17S ; nt Lisbon , 4C ? ; ; 'at Home ,
1'AltIS. Nov. -Three p r cent rentes. 103f
13c for the account ; exchange on London , 23f
lS\ic \ for checks.
After CoiiMliU-rnliU- iltiit loll I'rlt-o.s
! > liiiiii lliully.
NEW TTOIllC. Nov. 12. Thd action of the cot
ton market was anything but satl'fnctory to the
rank and file of the bulls. Starting steady ted y
with prices 2 points lower to 2 points higher.
there was an interval of hesitation Immediately
following call , utter which the market slumpeJ
badly. The spot market lit Liverpool peemed lo
have cut loose/ from the market for futures , the
latter showing a net advance of 1 lo 2 imlnts
Instead of the net advance of 5 points expected ,
while Epot cotton held a gain of 1-lbd nnd re
ported talcs of 13.0W bales. .Heavy receipts at
ports and Interior towns -contributed to the weak
ness here , with the amounticomlng into sight
considerably In excess of curlier estimates.
The failure of yesterday's frost predictions to
materialize In the cotton licit was another ele
ment of weakness. At the lowest level prices
showed a loss of 10 lo 16 points , wllh the market
llnally stendy at a net 'Jos * of 11 to 14 points.
Sales tol'ay were Ihe htfavtert In many months :
middling. 5'nc ; net receipts , none ; gross , 4.2SS
bales ; export * to the cpnllnent. 50 bales : for
warded. C bales ; sales. DK ) bales : spinners. 200
bales ; Mock , 7S.40S bales. Weekly : Nel receipts.
2.0W ) bales ; gross , 4G.U20 , bales ; exports lo Great
Hritiiin. bales ; to l-'iance. 1,67'J bales ; lo Ihe
continent. .1.203 bales ; forwarded. 2.4J3 bales
sales , 4.713 bales ; spinners , 912 bales. Total to
day : Net receipts , 01.630 bale * ; expoiti lo C.real
Ilrilaln. 1V.92I bales ; to the ctmtincnt. 7.563 bales ;
flock. $79,653 bale ? . ComolliV.iled : Net recelpls.
405.F35 hales ; eiporls In Great llrltaln. 131,123
balci ; to France. 7,733 tialesi to the continenl.
127,633 bales. Total since .September 1 : Nel re
ceipts. 2.S97.079 biles ; export * to Great Ilrilaln. bales ; to Trance , 227,143 bales : to the con
tinenl , 661.295 bales. Kulures opened steady ;
pales 14,410 bales ; January. J3. * > 3 : February.
13. SO ; March , J3.SO ; April. J5. ! > 6 May. J6.01 ; June.
i'j.07 ' ; July , JO. 11 ; Augus.1 , JO. 13 : September , J6.12 :
November , $3.70 ; December. J5.70 ; futures clofpil
hteady ; January. J3.CI February. J3.74 ; March.
53.79 ; April , J3.S4 : May , $3.v > ; June , J3.93 ; July.
J3.94 ; August , } < > .02 ; November , J5.03 ; December ,
J3.64. Spot cotton , enpy. mldillng uplands.
313-10 "middling gulf. 63-16c : spot closed quiet ;
middling uplands , 5'c ; middling ; sulf.6i.ic , ; pales ,
y.OO ) b-iles. The following are the total net re
ceipts "f cotton at nil ports fince September 1 ,
1S97 : Gnlveston. 7S9.4S3 bales ; New Orleans , 6CS.-
7i > ' < hales ; Mobile. 104.7.S2 bales ; Savannah , 510,297
bales ; Chni lesion , 236,314 bales ; Wilmlnglon. 173-
4SS bales : Norfolk. 217.831 bales ; U ltlnuire , 10.413
lules. New York. 20r32 ! bales ; Hoston.30.0BS
bali > ; Newport News. 3. CSS bales : Philadelphia ,
19 5J9 bales ; Ilrunfwlck. 55.051 bales ; Pensacola ,
19 147 bales : Port Hoynl , 31,424 bales ; tolal ,
2.E97.078 bales.
NEW YOHIC. Nov. 12.-COFFEE Options
opened sleady al 5610 polnls advance , European
and Urazl'.Hn cable. ) l > elng bellcr than expected
and I'nlted States waiehousc deliveries contln-
ulng large , causing covering and some Increase
In upeculallve demand ; following call prices
furlher advanced 5010 polnlx ; closed sleady al
n nel advance of 5810 polnls ; sales. lO.iCK ) bags ,
Including Uo'embcr al 15.30 ; March , J3. 7383. 83.
Spot. Hlo. quiet ; No. 7 , invoice. 6c ; No. 7 , Jib
bing , 6T > c. Mild , dull ; Cordoia , S'.tffllc ' ; eale.- . .
f.0) bags Maracalba , 100 bags Savanllla and 2 > M
bags Central American ; tolal warehouse deliv
eries frum Ihe t'nlted Slatts , 10546 bugp. in
cluding 19,078 bags from New York ; New York
mock today , M3.979 bags ; United Stales pluck.
632,430 bags ; alloal for the L'nlleil Slules. 320,600
bags ; lolal vlsllile for Inn United Suites , ! . ' 02.4 J )
bags. agalnl 69S.3'2 bags lost year and Dn.CVj
bags In 1S93.
SANTOS. . Nov. It COKFEE Quiet ; goal
average Santos. 7.600 rels ; rect-lpth , 26tCO , bags ;
ptock. 1,111.00(1 ( bags.
HAMIJUHO. Nov. 12. COFFEE Opened > .i
pfg hlglier nnd iclnsed nes unchanged to M Pfe.
.ilgher : pales. M.OTO bags.
Sleady ; No. 7. Hlo , 7.500 reii ! : cxchanse , 7'kd :
receipts. 10.COO bags ; cleared for Ihe United
Stales , 10.000 bags : cleared for Europe , 7,000
bags ; stock. 437,000 bags.
I1AVHE , Nov. 12. COFFEE Cloeed un
changed ; sales , 23,0ul bags.
NEW OULBANS. Nov. 12. COFFEE-Hlo , or
dinary to low , fair , kfy''c.
Wool MiirKfis.
HOSTON. Nov. 12. The Hoston Commercial
llullrtln tomorrow will FJI > ' of the wool marketi
The market Is off. Terrltjry. Oregon , loday's
and California wonls are alike enpler , Ihe
scoured basis of domektlc wool i > f an X grade
having dropped 2c the tcaured lb. from extreme
rntm. I left llreces and Australian are still very
Ilrm , but Monlevldeo Is selling freely at 21c ,
ngalnsl 23c asked some lime ago. The luncn
llrnn believe Ihe reacllon cnuped unqueMlonably
by warm wealiifr and nn-ll tales of cl ilhlni ;
will ! bul temporary and refute to sell wool at
current rales.
The sales of Ihe week arc 2,326700 Ibs. domes
tic and 1,475.000 Ib * . forelnn. agalrut 2'JJI.tO ) Ibs.
domestic and 4.349fiOO lb * . foreign last week
nnd 3Hn ! < > Ihs. domr tlc and 1.701,000 Ibs. for
eign for the pame week lupt year.
The sales tu dale show an Increase of 97-
6y ceo Ibr. domesllc nnd 12S.OT.3 . sou Ibs. foreign
frrm Ihe sales to the spnii * date In l&M.
The recflpls f > date show an Increase of 126-
027 Ibs. domcsllii and 333f"ii Ihs. foreign.
ST. IjOUIS , Nov. 12. WOOL-Qulct and un
changed. >
XIMV York 1)r > - . ( iiioilN .Miirket.
NEW YOHK. Nov. li. There have been no
further changes In the dry jtnods matket , Ihe
gtncral lone of Hie market irmaJnlng decidedly
dull , with few buyers jire ent ID cun ummato
store trading. Mall ordt-rv ore aUo scanty , anO
the general trend la toward a continuation of Ihe
quleiudc which has prevailed for Ihe last few
weeks ,
In woolen and worsted ( roods there Is no change.
Supplementary buying for rprlng demands la
very light , nnd there Is Ilitle encourugentenl In
Ihe market as It stands today.
In Maple cottons llie. m.irjcet continues dull ,
wilh Ihti demand for brown nnl blenched goodn
very small tven at the low price recently1nado
by Jobber * for leading lines of bleached cottons.
Agents as yel have made no change to correipoml
with those new prices , andin many cattn are In
a | K > ltlon lo withstand tha pret ure brought
about by this mcani.
Print clothes ore quiet at 2 5-16c. In prints the
market Is Hill vtry dull.
tle. meady at JUfti c ; , nrm ; gran
ulated , * { ; IHc ; nhltes. 3 ll-1604'.ic ' ; yellows , : fi
83 13-16c ; teronils , Sfi3 1-lCc. Moli.isc , oiwn
kettle , steady at Kfr'jOc ; goo > ] grades rcarce ;
centrifugal , Cfill ; ; tyrups , sleady ul 2)ti ) * . > r.
UlNDON. Nov. n.-SUOAH-IU-et. November.
Es VI ; December and March. 9J ? jd.
NEW YOItK , Nov. 12.-SL'OAH-Haw , flrm.
Iteilned. film.
Ciillfnrnlii Itrlfil Kriillx.
FHt'lTS-Qulct and Headier ; evaporated ap
ples. common , 107 ? per lb . prims wlr * tra > .
, ? 4c : wood dried. 8SC ; choice. Sbe ; fancy. &
V. prunfu. sesiic per lb. . as to size and qual
ity. aprleou. Hoyul. 704Hc ; Moor Park. dttlOc.
peaches , unpeeltd , 70104peeled. . 12ttllc per lb.
. TixllliTrjnlc. .
MANCI1EHTEH , Nov. 12Hcths tnj yarn *
were steady wMU a beur fttllns.
Run of Oftttlo Tnlls Off Qrcatlj , But Hogs
Hold On Well
Trr to 1'orcr nn Advnncc ,
but ( Inly Snoercil In Holding
I'rlcoi Steady HOKN Co IU >
1'lvc to Ten t'ftitn.
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. l-Hecclpt8 for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. llog . Sheep. Horses
November 12 2.00S i.SSl 1 , * 2 IS
November 11 3,616 G.U19 3,761 . . . .
November 10 0.615 o.Wl 1.&S9 Z6
November ! > 2.762 f.,345 1 00
November 8 3.4SO 2,5 ! > l 719 2J
November G 657 3,399
Novembers 2,114 3.703 1.793 5S
November 4 3.W9 4W2 2.S.13
November 3 4.7UI 4.094 8.4.53
November 2 2,915 2.S43 1.9IS
November 1 5.9U3 1,116 1.973 64
October 30 91S 3.M9 9oO 1
October 29 G.K3 4.C87 2,047 51
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. H'RS. Sheep. H'scs.
C. , iM. A St. P. Hy 1
Missouri Pacific Hy. . . . 0
Union Pnclllc System S S Z
C. & N. W. Hy 1
R , K. & M. V. 11. 11. . 20 12 1
C. . St. P. , M. & O. My 19 4
, & M. U. R. 11 20 21 . . 1
C. , 11. & Q. Hy 1 4 . . . .
K. C. & St. J 17 7
C. , R. I. & P. Hy. , 13. . . 3
C. . II. I. & P. Hy. , W. '
Total receipts S3 67 3 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.-
> cr of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. S-Mccp.
Omaha Packing Co 4.S . . . . .
The G. H. Hammond Co. 207 C31
Swift and Company . . . . 243 1,030 4S6
The Cuduhy Packing Co 263 1,207 HO
R. Becker and Ocean . . 1W
J. L. Carey S
Lobnuui & Rothschilds. . 319
Krcbbs & Co 49
Livingston & Shalcr 1
L. P. Husz 41
Denis & Wolf 7 . . .
Swift & Co. . country j" < 36
Ilaijimond , St. Joe . . . . . . . . . . ' '
Hammond. K. C 523
Sioux City . . . . 44 . . .
Cudahy i..i..i. . . , T > r * ! . " f * An7 TiKi ; . . .
V-UUilllJ X \-w. ( aw t > vi
I'lanklnton , Olllttnukco 199
Other buyers 400 2.4M
lA > ft over 103
Totals . . . 2.199 5.030 3.5S7
CATTLB Receipts of cattle were light
today , little more -than half as large as
yesterday , nnd of the eighty-five loads re
ported In nineteen were consigned dlrecl
to packers. The market as n whole was
quiet and little changed from yesterday ,
thu trade being practically devoid of any
new or Important features.
Salesmen generally wanted a little more
money for their eornfed cattle , and ns
their Ideas were somewhat higher than the
views held by buyers , the trade was not
particularly active. Still the cattle kept
selling and a reasonably early clearance
was effected. The most desirable kinds
brought fully steady prices , some llttli
cattle selling up to J ) 53. Rough and com
mon kinds were slow and weak.
The best grades of cows nnd heifers were
free sellers at steady prices , and as there
were very few licre the trade was soon
over with. Common nnd thin stuff wasj
neglected to some extent , and was inclined
toward dullness.
The fresh supply of stockers and feed
ers was not very large , but speculators
had a good nviny on band. Another fnct
that was against the selling interests was
the neur approach of the end of the week
All Inllueiices were on the side of easier
prices , and me tendency of values is stead
ily downward. The. country Is still buying
but not so freely as was the case a while
back. Yesterday llfty-scven loads were
shipped Into the country from the yards
Representative sales :
No. Av. 1'r. Xo. Av , 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
43..1137 } l 35 1..1410 54 M l'J20 | 1 50
r,4. . .1249 4 60 IS. . . .1432 4 2.1 33..1291 4 DO
: > . . .1115 4 30 40..HG4 4 rr ID. . . . S30 3 60
1. . 730 I CO 15. . . .1178 4 25 4..1237 4 CO
C..119S 4 t > It _ W2 4 15 45..1033 4 13
103..1203 4 4'J ' 21..10S7 4 S3
. . 810 3 CO 1. . . . S70 2 M D. . . . SI3 2 00
. . Sfc ! 3 00 IS _ 845 2 .10 1..1W > 0 230
. . 943 2 CT i. . . . so 3 : s 2. . . . 1220 3 33
. . 915 2 40 8. . . . K ! > 2 4' ' ) 2 S3
. .1220 3 30 1..1140 3M . .1140 4 00
. . 900 1 83 5..1210 3 13 .11UO 3 15
. .10SO 3 30 1..1MO 300
Cl)7 33.- 1. . . . 790 3 CO" 1. . . . 430 4 !
C70 3 05
3 CO 1 1130 223 1..1140 2 23
. .1243 3 25 1 SSO 2 CO . . 2 7 *
. .1330 1..1IM 300 . .1110 3 25
. .1430
. .1C20 2 10 . . .1430 403 1..13CO 3 SO
. . so 2 25
. . SO 4 M 1. . . . 150 5 73 5 50
. . CIO 300 2.710 370 S..537 . 4 to
. . 525 4 00 43. . . . 557 4 0 } 3. . .1010 3 CO
No. 1'r.
1 springer $27 09
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
2 cows S10 2 SS 1 lillll 1430 J2 S3
1 cow 1170 3 23 13 heifers. . i0 3 40
2 cows 1120 3 40 1 ptccr. . . . . 920 3 60
7 feeders 932 3 60 20 steers. . , . .1200 3 0
1 steer 1020 3 90 1 steer. . . . .12CO 3 SO
K } cows 700 2 70 79 cows 101 ! 3 20
44 liclfora 10:2 3 35 40 rough 1212 3 40
280 feeiJers.-lOIG 3 C5
13 lilllls 1050 2 4) 2 bulls 533 3 23
IS cows. . . : : . . S7IT 2 33 2 cows lrt.iO 2 33
4 cows fF2 2 33 1 bull 14CO 2 35
1 liull 14W 2 ! 5 2 COWS 95 3 10
2 cows 9C5 3 10 2 cows HOD 3 15
1 cow 030 3 15 ] cow 1000 3 15
U cows HIS 3 15 1 bull 1320 2 W
2 feeders 710 3 25 6 feeders. . . 914 3 23
12 feeders. . . . 1104 360 33 feeders. . . 840 3 55
2i feeders E31 3M 1 feeler 7PO SCO
3 feeders. . . . 11CO 370 81 feeders. . . S66 3 "M
27 feeder * . . . 922 370 3 feeders. . . S33 3 M
33 feeders - J.C3 . 3 65
1 1 steer. MO 3 15 7 feeders. . . 30 3 40
100 ferdi-rs. . 870 4 00 2 cowe 913 225
1 cow 10CO 250 1 cow 1130 2 Ul
II cows 1114 3 10 1 feeder 750 3 73
. , .1MO 2 35 1 cow . 940 300
4 tailings..10 * ) 3 CO 323
0 tailings..1141 3 23 44 feeders..1031 3 0
54 feeders _ 1020 SCO 91 feeders..1027 3 M
17C fee.lcr . . . ff ? 3 SO
HOGS Hngs looked up tills morning , the mar
ket being 5c nnd In some cases lOo higher than
yesterday. It was active nt the advance nnd
the offerings were nil taken In a very short tlm .
1'rictlcally everything was old and weighed
un ! > y th < middle of the forenoon.
Tin- prices palJ ranged nil the way from f3.21
to } 3 43. hut the great bulk of the loads went
at > 3.3r.f3.40. Volerday very few loads went
above $3.35 and ther * wore a oed ninny nt J3.I5
In fact over half of nil the hogs fold yesterday
at jl.30 or under. The averjgc of nil the files
lo.lay was 64c higher than yesterday , but 15c
lower than on Monday and 6c lower than a week
OKU. Representative ealee :
No. AV. HI1. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
52 330 40 W 25 Cl 317 120 3 37"4
1 ! 301 . . . 3 3i ) Cl 303 243 3374
10 323 . . . 330 17 SOI 120 3371 ,
43 390 so 3 so 47 376 . . . 3 7 ?
15 431 SO 3 SVj 42 S03 3 3714
12 SM M 3 SPA 41 332 80 3 3714
49 537 240 3 S2H M 271 ICO 3 40
4U SC2 200 ,3 32Vi 70 2S2 120 3 40
63 340 ICO 3 33 C3 J 1M 3 40
7'j 33C 440 3 35 (0 93 240 3 40
sco 3 35 H 254 . . . 3 40
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
ta'.s\t \ 200oo 3 S3 OT 2 > S 3 40
( J ) 310 : oo 3 3.1 CC 230 3 40
50 5C7 (0 335 C3 271 so 3 40
51 S28 so 333 71 2S 3 41
44 333 2SO 333 Cl 319 3 40
17 312 120 335 U ) 250 f. 41
53 307 SO 3 35 ci : ; u JO 3 40
fO 312 1:0 335 54 SOO 21' ) 3 4' )
40 3C3 to 3 35 C 273 160 8 4' ' )
45 35S 40 335 il 320 160M 3" 40
SM 335 45 2CS 40 3 41
, : co io 3 3Iti M 541) ) 3 4J'i
.129 W 3 37 H 51 310 iiiBO 3 42'i ,
JOI W 3 37V3 74 243 BO 3 4JH ,
314 ICO 3 37" i M KM 40 3 41
300 240 ] STU CO 222 120 3 45
, JJ SO 3374 D9 ! < a 12) 3 45
M 32 * 1C4 3 37',7 K 241 1W 3 4'i
M 21 > S ICO 3 S7Vj C7 2C5 3 45
U 295 120 3 3IVi 59 "W 40 3-
45 SCu 80 3 I
1. 3 3SO 3 32H
1 330 7 341 3 93
1 210 3 25 1 320 40 3 4214
J SM 3 23 " 3 K
S 3X1 3 33 .234 333
5 352 3 V 5. . . .328 3 DC
7 4. . . .317 3 40
243 40 33i 2. . . .220 3 49
5 3M . . . 333 . .Z36 3 43
1 3fO . . . 335 1. . . . .234 3 DO
8 IU . . . 333
BHEEP The market on mutton sheep \iak
active and steady and the frenh recelptu flunked
hands lea : ' . ! > - . There wan ( | Ulle a ttrlnK of
fi-eiUr held over from ywlcrdax , bul buyer *
and feller * feemtnl to he nparl In Ihelr Ideas
und they did not move off so readily. Hep.
rmtnlallvo feali :
Nu. Av. Pr.
1 buck "SO 13 00
3 native netheri 183 3 75
107 yearling * 73 4 30
HIS lamlw , f eder 61 4 SO
M native lamb * 113 4 50
InilliiiiiilMillx Live Stork.
1,0X1 head ; shipments. SCO licaj , market Heady
an < t lf > a hlrter : cnod to prim * Mfern , IIS5O 1
-10 , fair to medium steers , Jl.soffl.SO ; common
a cooJ itocker * . Jl.RHltJ. i
HOOS-Hecelpts heailj rhlpmonts , l.f > I
hesdj market plugglM ) . hut all changed hnnl
t nn advance of r < 3 , good to choice medium nn 1 '
heavy , JX. i' < HfJ' ; mixed and liemy. H.iv > | ,
J.W ; oomninn lights , JASMfJ.f" '
SHEEP-llecelptn. 1 Mo head , shipments. 1'-0 .
head ; market active ( it tin Mvnnee of IM/Mo. I
Koo.1 to choice lambs , JVC09S.M : common ti
medium lambs , } ] .7.0I 73 , common sheep. J210
Slilpiucnt of Cnltlp
t'litiNiinlly Illuh Prlcr.
ClUCAHO , Nov. It-There wan an e
ally stronB caltlo market for Friday. Hujvrn
were eager tn purchn o and there an further
advance of lOc. Numerous wiKs occunnl al M
and upwnrd and n sale uas ma.le of twenty-
of IMllnl Aniru * lecrs. avetaglnft
1S 4 iwunds. nt tS 45 , which Is the highest price
mid in a long time. Iwite nilr * wennt JJ.TSff
5.4J for common lo fancy t > ccf sleer * . the bulk of
the cnltlo selling at JlSotjSlo , nlth n few
eoarse.feil Tt-xsns at J3 I0ff.r7 Hulls sold
mostly at J2.4MI3.73 ami calM-s were steady a-
B.oOUI.M ; TVxns grass co s and ulcers 'ld nt
li 1SII3 SO and western rangers advanced lOc , the
be -itlllng for U.5 < > .
Tliero was nn nellvp Oemaml for hogs , ns all
crnrtes nnd prices niled strongnnd largely 6c
lilgher Ihan yesterday. Sales were Rt an ex
treme range of JJ.SOtfS.'O. Ihe bulk of Ihe hoes
crossing Ihe i > cnle * nt J4.4i > 3.w , while pbts
went largely at J3.33C3 S3. The late market was
Trading In sheep and lamb * was * animated nnd
prices showed tt further Improvement of lOo.
Sales were > on a Kinls of J3.i ffl.S.for native
sheep , nnd J3.WTTI.W for western rangers , while
Ted westerns brought II.6MI4 75. Lambs brought
(4.00fli.a ( ) , with plenty of Mies around Ji. (
llevelpls : Cattle. S.SOJ head ; lings , Z5.W ) head.
shcvp , 10.000 head.
St. l.oulM Live Stnok.
RT. lriS. . Nov. It-CATTLE-necelpts. 1 200
head ; shipment * . 1.2)0 ) head : market 10 lilgher
on lw l nalhes , others steady : Texans steady at
yesterday's advance ; fair to choice native ship
ping and export slcer * . J4.3.ff5.3 . bulk of sales ,
fl.Jjf(4.S. , ; ilre ivl bee ? and butcher steers. J3 n
JfS.KS : bulk of Mies. II.S01JI.W ; jteers unJer
1.1X.IO iwunds. J3.MWI.35 ; bulk of sale * JI.OCiN.2o
stivkers nnd feeders , J2.00S4.10 ; bulk rf sales ,
JJ. ff3.CO : co\vs nnd heifers. 4MVOI Mi- bulk of
cows , J2.C3fi3.40 ; canning cow , Jl.oa2.fnbulls
JJ.2MJ3.2S ; Texas nnd Indian Heers , grans , J3.IJ
W3. . fed , 11.13 ; row * and heifers , J2.5Si3.2 : .
HOGS-Hecelpts. 7.iV)0 ) bend , shlpnitnis. S.90
head ; markel So higher ; llKht. J3.43lf3.33 ; mixed
J3.4 < iif .50 ; heavy. J3.53fr3.C3.
SHEEP Hecelpts. l.loo houl ; shipment * , IfO
head : market steady ; native millions , J3.60iil.30
stockers , } 2. 4013.0) ) ; lambs , Jl.2.63.75 . ; Texas
feeders , J3.50.
XIMV York llv > Stuck Mnrkrt.
NEW YOHK , Nov. 12.-HEEVES-Hecelpt ,
4.470 head ; native steers , J4.33T4.93 ; staK" and
oxen. IZ.75WI.50 ; bulls , J3.Onii3.S3 ; dry cows , J2 ri )
573.10. Cable" quote Amerli-an Pteers al inIJ
H'ic ; refrlgeralor lieef , RiJiS-\c : no exporls.
CALVES Hecelpls , 401 head ; veals J.1.iv > 3
S.K ) ; grasscrs , J3.-OOff4.23 ; westerns. | 3 ( < Oni.C2H.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Herelpts , 3.842 head ;
In till IH utnnitv * uhniMi tt fwiii i 7 * . li * i. . * i O-.TA
C.M. .
ItOOS-llecelpts , 3.0C1 liend ; dull at JJ.70JH 00.
KniiHUM City LlviStocK' .
KANSAS CITY , Nov. l-CATTLi-lteoelpt : .
5,0i head ; market stendy to strong ; Texas uteern ,
i.15T4.20 ; Texna COWK. 2.15PJ.TO ; native steers.
} 3. Hi : , . > ; unlive cows nnd lielfer.i , ! 1.0 > W4.M ;
stiK-ker.i nnd feeders , J3.00Sj4.3j ; hulls. Jl.T3ff3 ; S.
1IOOS llecelpts , 10 OW j market strong to
5c higher : liulk of Mies. $3 41'WS.M : hen\le . J3n !
ii3..V ) ; packers. J3.2I3.4T' . ; ; inlxe.l ami llRhls ,
J3.3" ; Yi-rkers. > S.S01i3 53 ; pigs. } 3 1 503.45.
Sllinr Heeelptn. ' . .rtoi ) head ; strong ,
active ; lamlis , J4. 4 5(3.73 ( ; muttons , } : . ; 50i.M.
I-IIH ( ISlllTlllo LlviSloclc. .
Nothlng doing.
1 1OC5S Yorkers , good to choice , } 3.C8-3.TO ;
roughs , common to gool. JJ.15W3.30 : nlgn. com
mon to cholc , J3 cr.fl3.TO.
SHKii' AND LAMIlS-LamKi. choice to extra.
} .i.SOTi5.DO ( ; culls to common , f4..V > ! | ! i..V ) . Sheep
choice to selected wethers , J4.00S4.55 ; culls id
common , 53. " . " > { f3.C. .
LoiilNvllli * Llv < - SliH'U.
IiOt'ISVILLK. Ky. , Nov. , 1 ! . PATTLK lle-
crlpts. I3. > ; mnrket dull nnd 'unchangeii
HOtiS llecelpts. 4.7iO head market Be up nnd
all good hogs selling at J3.S3 ; pigs. J3.401T3.DO ;
roughs. J3.0flff3.iri.
s5HKir : Unchanged.
Cliicliniiill l.lviStock. .
CINCINNATI. Nov. l-HOOS-Actlvo nnd
strong ; J2.90ii3.TO.
Steady nt ! : . : : > ) .
SHii3r Active nml strong at J2.Mg-4.50 ;
lanibH , strung , at J1.5.Mfi.73. |
Stock In SiKlit.
nocnrd of rcci-lpts of live stork nt the four markets for November 12 :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha . 2ons 4 Ml 1 0'I2
Chicago . 2,500 23.0J > 1 10.0H
K.insiui City . s.roi 1ft ftW 1 Of )
St. LjiulB . 7rr ) l.luo
Totals ll.TOS J7.3S1 13,132
In tin * SprliiK will ! > < Tri'nu-iiiloti.i.
' 1 lie iiio t | iroflal > lo biiiliu-NN will In-
III TraiiNiiiirtiitloii mill lli-rclitiiiillNliii ;
anil In l-'iirnlKliliiKT Food mill .Siiillt | > N
lo the iiiiililtinliof Cold SeekeTM 111
Nlinrl. 11 Ki-iiernl TrniliiiK , Mcrenii-
tll < ! II Dll St I'll 111 Shl | ) IlllHilll-M.H. II1I1N
no In ' .ID II will lie NO In 'Its.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
To meet this demand ulil own and operate Its
> V Till : VI ICOX.
Coniiccllnur wlili UK own line r Ini-yrc-
mill niiiunillc'i'iit Oc-enii Sli-n MH-I-H.
epeclally adapted for pabsenger bualnees carryIng -
Ing to that country un Immense amount of SUr-
I'LIis AND IJyl'II'MKNT for the miner * , ns
well an furnishing tliPin TItAN.TOHTATION
for themselves and their goods and establishing
THADINC. STATIONS at dilferent points. An
opportunity Is offered any peifoii. be they of
small or largo menus , to buy shares of Btoclt
In this company and I'AIlTKII'ATn in the
turc to be earned within the nest ISman'.iis.
.sii.vitios AKI : in'i--iiin AT yi.oo
par value , non-nssivsable. anil will be offered for
a llmlipd time only.
I'aylng larger dUhlends. While numerous far.
lnnn hanks and banl H have euspuiued , trantpor-
Uitlon and Hading companies were ne\cr teen
Iu the Hat of falluies. This ktoi-U le one of the
motl desirable Invc-stmentb offered thu public.
The InciiiimratdiH iiml Hiockholderf who nr > - 'on-
nected with , this company are men of wide ex-
peilencc In similar underlaklngk and men whore
names are xulllclent guarantee of the standard
of the company , to wit :
ALI1P.KT C. 11LATZ , 1'reu. Vol. lllatz Urew. Co. ,
HON.VM. . K. MASON , United States Senator
from Illinois.
D. (5. KDWAItDS , 1'nss. Tralllo Mgr C H &
I ) . It. It. . Cincinnati.
FItANK A.HKCHT. of Chas. Kuettuer & Co.
CIIAS. H. HOCKWKLL. Trnfllc Mgr. C. I & U
1 1. 11. ( Monon Home ) , Chicago.
W. C. HINKAUSON. Oen'l 1'ABS Agt. , C. N. O.
& T. I' . H. It. . Cincinnati.
H. W. OIUI'TITH. 1'res. Klrst Nat'l IJank.
Vlckeburg , Miss.
FIIKH A. ( JTTU. past olghteen years with Shelby
Hank. ShelbVlle. ! Ind.
J. M. ( 'ashler First National Hank.
Vlck'burg. Miss.
And hundreds nf others equally prominent.
Addrefcg and make all money payable to
tie Aiosko TfQiSfloiioiion end Deveiopini Co
KlxhiT llullillnufor. . Vim Iliirrn nml
Di'iirliorn SM. | OIIICAfiO , ILL ,
. ,
10,10. Omaha , Neb
Plre-t wires tu Chirago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
Memlwra Clilcafio Hoard of Trade ulnco 1EC2.
drain , Provisions anJ X. Y. Stocks
Orders Cash and Future Delivery Bullclted.
Omaha Ollli-f , Hiiiini I , .V , Y. LUu III ill , ' ,
, . . . .MMiiiiii1)111. . . . ,
FLOYD J. CAMI'IIHLL , .Miniiitf < > r.
1'resldent. Vlcrrecldent. .
Ghfislie-Stfeet Conmissioo Co
Clllllllll > r,0l ( ) ( ) . ( ) ( ) , | . < uy | I'nlll.
'J'eli'Iilioni- ( ! ! ) , ' , ,
. . . . Oiuiiliu , Neb.
Hl'DTAN h ttlrfntsi nf dl
ro. ch.trB In
mtJIo - trrnt. a ) > , 11 D-
that has T A N < . !
bc n prciluced
* nr combU A N . nrr
nntlon of druhw , i ) ni
tlflanv Th < 11 U 1J V A M
: ure plnir-.i-v
trrntmrnt it u n T A : *
the : ure <
Jllltlo nn.l . ail tlun cf , 'ti ' ,
of men , fu ,
Is it
me Jr for look fiah
mtn. HUD- intt ) ths
VAN euro. at nuothcr
11 1' D Y A N
It V D T A N curts
rpcrma. hair In line
orrhof * . ) ut , dlmneia of
H U D T A N light , nnlifi In
urn rrema- the hiail and
r r , weak memory. Ion of olcc , tnnte or rmdl.
HUDYAN cures sunken cv s. ntuntril growth ,
ratpltatlon , Ihortners of lirrnth. ilyrprptli fun-
ttlimtlon nnd llntulency. Hl'DYAN cures neak *
n 9 or pains In the small of the back , loss at
muscular power , gloomy , melancholy foreboding *
and disturbed sleep.
1HJDYAN can lie had from th" ! Doctors of th
Hudson Medical Institute , and from no cnc clii.
You need Ht'DYAN'hen the taelal ncrvm twltcn
as tnerc Is certain to be an Irrltntlon at their
centers ol the brain. You need III'DYAN xvhen
there Is n decline of the ntrve force , because thl
decline shows n IncK of serve life , and may 4t *
velop Into nervous debility nnd then Into nervcu *
prostration. If you have harrnticd your neivei.
If you have knotted or knnrled them , If yuu hnvi
abused your nerves , to straighten yourself out
) u will uic HL'DYAX No one else can give
you HUDYAN except the lltid on Medical In-
tltute. HCDYAN cures vnrleolcle. h > drocele 1m.
potency , dlulncsti. fulling srnsntlons. blues ,
despair , sorrow and misery WIllTU FOR nitl-
Stockton and Kills St. ,
Ban Franoliro.
( OH 8YIM1IL1B )
Ounninlpo to CVUK r.VEHY
CASK r .IIUMY iiruMiii > .
Our cure la permnnent nn < l ) iot a pitching up. ( 'uses
trenlcil ten jear ! iio Imve nrtri revn n > ) iiiplun flncc.
llyilc > rilhlnB > ouri' e tllll ) MI > ran Heat } ull liy mull ,
! ml c gi o I lie i-Hine t rouit innn niiteo to euro or nM niul
all inoiior. Those llo r' l ) ' tu eoine hen * fmHral -
inrnl do su and wen-Ill my raimad latr bothw ji
aiul holil bill' , while hero [ f > .e tall loire. . Woclml.
It-nee Ilieuolld loracare that uur .llil lc Ilcme-ilV
wllViut cuif Wilte f" > r lull pnilldilius nlnl Kel tlio
evlitiinre U'elnu\r : tlmt .imiule'kfptlral. Jtl tly ollK > ,
as tinnioft eminent phynU'lan * tiate nexer IK-CI ) able
to Ritn muie ti.Kii irii ) | oa lellef. In our ten jean
luaetlee-with thl .1l ulr Iti-mrdy H li 1.1eiimost
illlllcult loitM'if.nnp llin pi Jiullc-CMtpalnht all i tM"\lleil
ii-rlllcj. llul iinrlrr our Mining uii/imile.\oil ; fliould
no ! hfllAteto * r ) tMirnieU > . You lake uti elioneuol
lohlnt : > our money \ve gtuualiU-e to cui-c or ) Ttund
e\iTv iliiliar nml ' < e hima rei illation to protect ,
al o ilnnnilnl ii.icl.lnit of sr. < H ) . < ( ( ) < ) . U IK i-crfcctly
aletcinll Mini will try the tri-a.lnelit. lleivtofon > ) ou
have iKen | iiithur P " ' " ' I'a.iliiB out jour money for
OllU'lvnl llealnicllli-aiul lltliongh jollalenot jetcurcfl
no one lift * puld ImrU * our inoiu-y. Ito not waste any
tnoivtnoiser un'li you Iry us. ulcf.cliionlc. cicep > iateu
rakes vui-eif In thlity to ninety ilnys. InvenlKote out
tl-mlirlal utaiiillng. uur repntallun a Innliien ini-n.
VVrllu in for names und addn ea of the wo h a
ctirtil. ho hnvi- given peimllun : to leler to then.
It costs yom nlriiO'laKe loilotnlm It Mill fare yea a
vorlilof pulterlii ? fiom menial ctialn , Mid If you i l-a
murileduhat i a > your oir iirlng ulfer tlirouBhyeur
ow n IH glltrenre" II j our M mplonis ai i plmr lest on Ineo.
sere tluoat. mueout ( "atcf.e * In mouth , rlii-'ipmllmi In
bones anil joints , holr faUlliK nut. eruption ) en aiu
pail of the lioily feeling of gt-neiai tl plt l lln , palni > la
head or 'loni-n , you hate no time to wrthle. Ihosiwho
are i-im < tiintlr taUIng niaitury nnd jHitnth phoulil ul -
eonllnuelt Constant u-e of tlie e ilnigit will purely
bring surcsttml tmllng ulrerit In theena. Don't fall to
wilte. All correipoi.deliee fent naled In plain inrcl-
open.D Invlle Hie mokt rlcld IntenttRatlon ana \tli
Uo all In our IIOM er to aid yuu lull. Addic&s ,
GOOK REEflEDY SO , . Chicago , UL
Iseoldttnilor positive Written 5 nrnntco ,
fill Errors , or Uxcossivo Uo of Tobacco , Opium ,
nr Liquor , which loads to Misery , Consumption ,
Insanity and JJooth. At. Htorn or by mail , $1 a
box ; six for 55 ; with written cuarmitco to
euro or reninil money. Sample
ace , containing Cvo days'treatment , witli full
instructions , 5 cento. Ore f r.inplo only sold to
each porflon. At store or by mail.
Label Special
Extra Sttcngth.
For Irapotcncy , Lose _ .
1'fiwpr , Lost , Aianbnoil ,
Htcrility or narrennoBBl. .
,51 a box ! oir fnr f ! > , with-/ !
; ivrttcn ]
My ITU Dllliiii Ilriiir Co. , S. K. Come *
Kith mill Kiriiiiin Sin. , ( linnliu. Ai'l ) .
Dr. Orady'a wonderful Irish
ImiKorutur. the Krejtut-
remedy fur Ixit Manhood ,
overcomes pri-nuturencM
and fctopti ull unnatural
drains and lo ex. All tinall.
wnik oig r.H enlarged and
birtngihened. Hufferers , by
rvmlttliiK $1 11 scaled pack
age containing CO r'Hs ' , care
fully compounded , will ba
tent by mall from our labor
atory , or we will furnish elx
. - . . - - pa-'kagc for JS , with a
, / r
Ohl lr. ( .riuly ofAHANTHK
to cure or
Success for On years money refunded. All letter *
2uou u .ured. confidential , and aoods icnt
with lull Inttrustlona free from ( brervatlon.
Address , CYKSTAL MKD. CO. . Ixiwell. Mass.
Private Diseases
yo YnnrHlIziwrlcnco.
10 Years iu Umulia.
Hook Kroe , Connnlla *
tion 1'rno. IlozT&S , ot
1-Jth and I'arram Bth
A I.I : f-'trtotit IHitititi t' lllua Mini ,
orr. iBJCOloucy.inoepl.MneM.ttQ.c/uMyl
l Abu > bud oilur Ljt .ci onj lujiv
cretloa * . Thv vutttiltt atttl surttii
, mlore IxJil Vitslltf In old or ioan ' , and
I upon httrintf tbo fzenalua Aja : TiblJti. ThV/
eared tboutantU &uJ w lll euro lou. \ \ ci a
nrlttn Kuurantfa to cfrtct a cut * In rmili
or refund ihu raouejr. I'rltaOO caul * jmr pnckauo. or
UptrkauM ( full tr ilinin l for 9'l.Oi. Jl/ rail 1.1 a
< : ' r
flrWSSVQ ; .
{ 'or ial In Urnuha oy Jaiae * l'ofylti , tOl M
16th ! ) ( ,
it Co. , 15lh pnd IOUK | Str i ,
UM IllgOfor unti turil
dlicDarxei , lafimauilloos.
IrrJuilc'Ui ' or ulwr llot
uf tuuaaus iut lirsaM.
! llt i , and n r > trlo.
In pl ln
Ureol jr ual