Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Ho Recalls Very Little in Regard to Hi9
Reports to Wafhington.
Otrrilrnftn nnil I.onn * ntul Discount *
.Mmlilleit nnil Mnc Tliounniiil
Uollnrn Overlooked In Due
{ Uejiort Entirely.
LINCOLN , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) redeul
court evened at 9 o'clock this morning , and
P. M. Darscy again went on the stand. At
torney Sawjcr ran over a list of overdraftB ,
asking the wllncfis whether In his opinion
tlicsn should bo classed as overdrafts proper
or undcr'oans and discounts. When the
Item "Dorery Bros. , $2,092.17 , " was read Mr.
Dorsey said It should bo placed under over
drafts , Mr. Sawyer showtd that In Dnrsey's
report to the comptroller on September 10
there vsan only $888 In overdrafts , whereas
there should have been $9,888 , Dorsey having
entirely overlooked the above mentioned over
draft In the natno of "Dorsey Bros. " und
( several others. Mr. Sawyer also asked It he
did not leave out this Itun because ho did
not want to shock the comptroller with so
largo an overdraft. Dorsey claimed not to
have scca the Item and that he had no wny
of telling when a report might bo called for.
Ho thought Mr. Hlgglns might have made the
mistake. When asked wny the overdraft
of $9,888 should have been reported $888
ho said ho didn't know. Dorse's memory [
seemed very defective , and he answered
questions very reluctantly. A long recess
had to ho taken for Dorsey to look at his
ledgers before ho could answer questions
a to other overdrafts.
In the adjutant general's office a detail of
officers has been appointed ur an examining
board for the purpose of examining officers
of the Nebraska National Guard on the new
military t de. The board Is composed of
Colonel Glnin , Major Decker of the rlrst ,
Captain Campbell of the Second , Captain Hcr-
polRhelmer of-the First , and Lleutentnt Eager
of the First. This examination will ho held
In Lincoln Saturday , December 11 , and those
who will take It are Captain John M Mc
Donald and Lieutenants William H Klnncy ,
Kdxvln E. Onlvcr , W'llllam F. Schultz and
Otiiman J Abbott.
In the Madlsan county district court Iler-
gtr tires , brought suit the Norfolk
Sugar Boct company to recover damages by
rca-fon of the sugar beet company not living
up to its conttort In regard to the price to
bo paid for beets , and gst Judgment
$2,000. The Norfolk Sugar Beet company
now bring1 the case ta tUo supreme court.
Ro > r Joe Jones delivered two strong scr-
tanas at St. Paul's church yesterday , the
ntniso being filled to overflowing both times
I-u th afternoon he spoke before the Young
Mrn's Christian association In the University
Miss Jennie Zeep , a young lady employed
as a. domestic in this city , died quite unex
pectedly ra Saturday after a brief Illness
Her father arrived from Eustls jestcrday
and this morning , after a short funeral serv
ice here , took the remains homo for burial.
District court opened today with an over
loaded docket. Judge Cornish has eliarco of
the law and criminal docket. Judge Hall of
the law and Judge Holmef of the equity
docket. Little moro was done than to get
ready for an eight weeks' term.
W. J. Bryan came to the front today with
* subscription of $100 to the auditorium fund ,
/which / makes the total $7,450.
At the meeting ot the Woman's club to
day the program was given by the civics de
partment under the leadership ot Mis. Reh-
landcr , who opened with a well pre.ared
paper on , the "Nature of Government. " Mr.
Hajdn Myer contributed a musical number ,
consisting of two pretty little songs. Mrs.
Vf. J. Bryan gave an informal talk on "Why
Women Should Study Civics. " Mrs H. M.
Bushnell reviewed the Hawaiian situation
end gave an. Interesting description of the
Islands. Miss Frances-Gage closed the pro
gram with an Instrumental solo.
TECinismi TO n.vvn TBLEI'IIO.VKS.
PropuxlUoii lc Ilnvc Home Compuii >
Operate n SjNtem.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) An
effort is on foot to organize a home company
In Tccumseli to operate a system of tele
phones. Already the enterprise has received
great encouragement , and It Is quite probable
that the company will bo organized. Each
member of the company pays a portion of
the expense of putting up the poles , etc. , and
buys his own instrument and battery. A cen.
Aral station will bo organized end a wlreman
employed , and after the expense of getting
the Hues in working order have been met
each member will then only ray his share of
the current expenses. The projectors believe
that with forty subscribers the expense of
phones after race put In need not Lo over
$1 per month for business houses and 75
cents for dwellings.
Judges Still and Lotton of the First dis
trict have Issued the following court calen
dar for 1898 : Court in Gage county , January
19 , May 3 id September 20 ; Jefferson cojnty ,
'April 12 , Juno 14 and October 4 ; Numaha
county , January 15 , Juno 24 and November
IB ; Johnson county , February 4 , May 10 and
November 29 ; Pawnee county , January 19 ,
Juno 21 and October 4 ; Rtchardocm county ,
March 29 , Juno 7 and December 6 Follow
ing Is the list of petit Jurors who will he
called on to servo In Johnson county at the
November , ' 97 term : Alfred CorN , J. A. Ben-
tier , W. P. McCoy. W. S. Balrd. M. C. Jfc-
Aulllffe , Edwin Howorth , C. W. Roberts ,
Charles Brehm , J. C. Hawkins , W. L. Paine ,
li. Vf. Lantz , a. C. Carmine. W. L. Marshall ,
Paul Pohlenz , O. L. Damon , Charles Shull ,
W. 0. Miner. S. A. Mauley , E. Estcs , Fred
fitlnson , E. W. Sampson , William Hurvcy ,
William Folk and Marion Plllmore. The
docket will contain about eighty-five cases ,
Ix or seven of which will be criminal cases.
Tccumseh has been struck with a build
ing boom this fall. The Park hotel addi
tion Is now about completed. Allen &
Itruudago's now brick Is well under way anil
the contractor hopra to have It enclosed
within ten days. The improvements on the
Chamberlain block are completed. W. H.
llaesctt has Just finished a largo storage
shed at his lumber yard. The Dillon resi
dence Is finished , In fact building and Im
proving buildings ficcm the order of the
day here.
The republicans In Johnson county man
aged to elect six out of nine of the assessors.
Following are the new officers ; Ncmaha
precinct , ' 4J. F. Pope ; Lincoln , T. E. Rob
erta ; Todd Creek , John BartclsS'estern ; , C.
B. Smith ; Vesta , W. L. Clark ; Maple Grove ,
Charles Haupttnan ; Sterling , E. R. Kopcllen ;
Spring Creek , W. H , Borso ; Helena , Henry
( Court OpeiiM lit Kremlin * .
' Ihc Te-gular Jury term of the district
( court convened thin morning , Judge Mar
shall presiding. The first case for trial IB
a breach of promise case of Olarles Barge
daughter of J. J. ( Barge , formerly county
J luiples , blotches , blackheads , red. rough ,
oily , wothyBklu , Itching , sojly scalp , dry ,
thinami tailing hair , and b.xby blomiidies
prevented by COTICUHA Boxi- , the moat
effective skin purifying and beautifying
goap in the world , as well as puicst aud
ewoetost lot toilet , bath , aud iiun > ery.
< ur U * U throughout lh wld. POTTO Die *
IpClOIi',8ol.l > r pi.Bo4toii.l ) . B A
eW"M l rr nl F Ui on"m lUdftt . , f
Judge of this county , agtinut Dr tlaaUtn ,
proprietor of the Fremont 'hospital ' On ac
"count of the ntandlng of the partita the i
lease has attracted considerable attention , i
rrhe doctor admits hla engagement lmt
claims that It wns released by content of
the plaintiff. A number ot letters have been
Introduced and his signature to them ad
mitted toy thf doctor and the case will
'probably ' last a couple of days , Jeff Wise ,
alias "Big Mlko" Wagner , will bo tried
this term foi shooting Pargctcr , ntatlon
agent ot the Union Pacific at Noith Bend ,
In May last. The officers have a strong
tasr against him. Since he has been In
jail U has developed that Wagner Is an.
rxpert electrician and particularly well In
formed on burglar alarms I
Complete thi ! CIIIIVIIHN ,
BROKEN BOW , Neb. , Nov. S. ( Special. )
The canvassing board completed Its * work
Saturday , Post received 1.130 votes ; Sulli
van , 2,027 ; Kaloy and Drydcn , 1,138 ; Von
Forell and Kenoner , 1,302 ; district Judge ,
Goslln , 1,397 ; Sullivan , 2.0SO ; county treas
urer , E. P. Savage , republican , 1,367 ; H.
Inmax , populist , 2,1B3 ; County clerk , W. C.
Hlxon , republican , 1,150 ; Rlchtmejcr , pop
ulist , 2,027 : Register ot deeds , George O ,
Watcis , 1,547 ; C. II. Jcords. populist , 1,113 ;
iherlff , Walter George , 1.G59 ; Tom Leisure ,
1,801 ; toiinty Judge , J. A. Armour , republican ,
1.G43 ; H. J. Shum , populist , 1,184 ; M. C.
Wnrrlugton , democrat , ; county superin
tendent , O. II. Mody , republican , 1,476 ;
Tooley , 1,995 ; county burveyor , E. S. Bishop" ,
republican , 1,449 ; Limb , populist , 1,935 ;
coroner. Dr. T. II , Anderson , republican ,
1,513 ; Brnwn , populist , 1,772.
llellci ne Note * .
BELLEVUE , Neb. , Nov. 8. ( Special. )
The Teachers' reading circle hold Its regular
monthly meeting at the homo of Mies Jcsslo
Fljnt Saturday afternoon , with eighteen
visitors nnd members present. The subject
was "Lowell ; His Life and Writ Ings. " and
several able papers were read. At the close
o' tlio program Miss Mary Lawrence , In
structor ot literature of Bellevue college ,
gave a very Interesting talk along the line
of the afternoon's work. Among the teach
ers present were Misses Suslr Heron and
Jcsale Ireland of Gretna.
Mies Ellrabeth Palmer of Blair Is visiting
at Tlnley Hall this week.
Fred C. Phclps left last Wednesday for
New York where ho will enter the medical
department of Columbia college.
.Court ill Tleentur.
DDCATUR , Neb.Nov. \ . 8. ( Special. ) L.
Alken , the plaintiff In the "case " of Bank of
Decatur against L. Alken , has taken an ap
peal to the supreme court. The case was
tried this week ( before Judge IFawcott In the
district court at Tckamah and Alken was
defeated. The bank held a mortgage on
some horses ami buggies belonging to the
plaintiff which it sold , the stuff not ii Ing-
Ing e-nough to cancel the debt.
Mr. and iMrs. William Burk , a young
couple living at this place , have agreed to
disagree This Is the sixth time they have
parted durlrg the past fiscal year.
A fev cases ot diphtheria have been re-
pni'ted hero The disease Is of a mild na
ture and the doctors feel satisfied that the
worst is ever.
Hurt In n
STROMSBUKG , Neb , Nov. 8. ( Spechl. )
An old man named Sandell had a lunaway-
last night , throwing him from a cart and
breaking hlf arm and le-g. It Is feared he
has no chances of recovery
A meeting was held by the farmers and
business men Saturday night who discussed
the question of putting In one more creamery
at this place. It will be operated on a co
operative plan and will have all of the latest
Improved machinery and conveniences. If
promise of milk from 500 cows Is secured
the plant will be put In at once. Hon. C. H.
Merrill his a successful creamery ID opera
tion hero now , but owns all hie cows , and
the farmers are getting anxious to get a good
market for their milk. .
Trouble O\rr I'Mrc Department.
YOUK , Neb. , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) The dltll-
culty between the city council and the fire
department , which has arisen over the re
fusal of the chief of the department to
furnish the required bend of $500. threatens
to become somewhat serious. The council ,
at Its last meeting. Issued a manifesto to
the chief , H. V. Hyder , proclaiming that
unless his bond was forthcoming upon or
before the date of the next meeting ot the
council , the office ot chief would bo de
clared vacant. Chief Hvder has declared
that ho will persist in his refusal to give
bond and that if the council declares his
office vacant the members of the department
will resign.
Court nt York.
YORK , Neb , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) The fall
term of the district court , which was set
to convene today , will not open until next
Monday , November 15. Among the cases
that will come up at this term are the
$10,000 damage suit brought against the city
by Pearl Munson tor damages sustained
through a defective street crossing ; the hear
ing of George Henry , the notorious bank
swindler , who was1 recently arrested at Rock
Island , 111. , and the trial of L. W. Bailey ,
charged with bootlegging. Judge Sedgwlck ,
who will preside at this term. Is now holding
court for Judge Fawcctt at Omaha.
Thief Cnnprlit.
FREMONT , Neb. , Nov. 8. ( Special. )
Sheriff Kreader received word Saturday
evening that Fred Andrews , alias Lawson ,
who was sus ; cted ot breaking Into Chauncy
Brown's house , near Ames , and stealing a
bicycle , gun and other articles , was In David
City. He went to David City Saturday night
and returned Sunday afternoon with his man.
The wheel and most of the other goodrj were
recovered. Andrews was arraigned before
Justice ot the Peace Wlntersteeii this mornIng -
Ing and pleaded gul ty , waiving a prel'mlniry '
examination. He was bound over to the
dl&trlct court for trial.
Short on lee.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) The
Ice dealers of this city have exhausted their
supply and are seriously studying the ques
tion of how to supply their customers. Baker
& Wei's have shipped In from Grand Island
and Schuylor , but can get no more. It wao
the extreme hot weather In Juno and July
and the unusually long , mild fall that hats
run them short.
The residences of 13. C. Hockenburg and
M , C. Calto both In the First ward , were
quarantined today , a case of diphtheria being
"reported In each instance.
.Short Term of Court.
SIDNEY , Nob. , Nov. 8 ( Special Tele
gram. ) A short session of the district
court was held here today , Judge H. M ,
Gilmrs presiding. There was no jury Im
paneled. Ctarlle Martins pleaded guilty to
forgery and was sentenced to eighteen
months In the penitentiary. Several mort
gages were foreclosed and half a dozen for
eigners were naturalized.
Flicman. Applegato and 'Brakeman ' Ploivo
were scalded this morning by a pocket blow
out on the flue-sheet of engine 675 , while
near Sidney , The burns are not serious.
> vliniNluiu NevvH .YotcM.
Corn In Colfax county Is not turning out
an much as expected.
W. T. Howard , a former proprietor ot the
Schuyler Sun , bis repu 'chiiBO'l the paper
from Mr. Hulln.
IMllor Powers of the Pierce Leader waa
the democrat candidate for county clerk ,
but WBH defeated.
Scarlet fovcr Is prevalent at North Loup.
Three children In the family of H. H ,
Thorngato have died.
Editor Broweu ot the Bertrand Herald Is
credited with a determination to mart a
third paper at Holdrego.
A 14-year-old son of John Hybln of Ord
had a painful accident befall him ou last Sun
day evening , While feeding the horses ono
ot them snatched at an armful of hay ho had
and bit oft a portion of hla upper Up.
The Hamilton county Woman's Chr.'stlan
Temperance union will hold a semi-annual
convention at Qlltner , beginning with an
evening session , Friday , November 12 , 1897 ,
the Glltrier union furnishing the program.
A Holdrege sportsman killed a coon the
other day and lu company with a few friends
had a coon supper at ono of the restaurants
In the town. Another party of returned
Bportemen gave ( heir friends a duck supper.
Dan Kalmer , an old bachelor rraldeut of
KaUniazoo precinct. MadUon county , com
mitted sulcldo last Friday by ehootiUK him
self with a shot gun. He left the bouse
about 10 o'clock and nothing was known of
hla .wkercabouu uutU tbo am
when his brother found him near the barn ,
Some queer bets were made nt Stnnton on
the election ot Tuesday. One In particular
was that the loser la to ride a cow down the
street , whllo the winner leads the animal.
Another man Is to beat the drum during the
The "corn stock" disease which wns BO
Fatal to cattle last year Is again reported to
be killing otock northeest of Nellgh. Charley
Smith has lost several hpad , John Mumm
tour and a farmer near Plalnvlcw seven
As Charley Carter of Gordon was coming
around the corner ot the houeo the other
day a younger brother shot at a cat and
2hurley caught an even dozen bird shot In
ito leg , which ! > e still retalncs as a souvenir
of the occasion ,
J. C. Chudcmclka of How ells did a big
juslncfo at his sorghum works this season ,
In a run of five weeks , much of the time
night and day , ho made over 3,000 gallons
ot choice oorghum , having ground cane for
In the neighborhood of 200 farmers.
The Hallowe'en sport at Leigh of last Sat
urday evening was brought to a sudden and
somewhat tragic ending. Several bojs were
at the Nye fe-Schncldcr lumber yards , where
Walter Nowers , a youth of some 15 or 16
> oara , who was In the crowd , was acci
dentally shot by Rd Fisher , another of the
crowd. Hd had just appeared on the scene
and Walter , with the other bojs , were hid
ing behind ono ot the. lumber sheds. Ed
thought to scare them and pulled up his gun
and fired around the corner of the building
where the bojs were. The wad struck him
on the nose and glanced and struck the
right eye. The Injury was found to bo quite
a sovcro ono and Inflicted Intcp&c pain upon
the lad.
Tribute to ( he Crent Klwhternrnliint
Sim or- .
ALTON , 111. , Nov. S. The1 Lovejoy monument
ment In this city was formally dedicated to
day. It was sixty jears ago jeaterday that
Lovejoy was assassinated In this city be-
cmiso ot his outspoken and fiery editorials
agalmt the slave trade. Lovojoj's remains
would liavo been lost had It not been for
Thomas Dlmmock of St. Louis , who had the
grave located by an old sexton , the only per
son who know where his coffin was burled.
The colllii was placed lu a vault until a suit
able lot could bo secured and here a molcat
scroll now murks his resting place. Tno
hundred yards to the south is a ninety-foot
shaft erected to his memory by citizens of
Alton and people of Illinois at a cost of
$30,000. The exercises today had to be
changed on account of the licav > rain. In
stead ot being at the monument the exercises
were held at the Temple theater In the pres
ence of a large audience.
Socnil UlNtltiKriililieil DemoerntH In
the Old ( "onipnii- .
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. S. The Pioneer
Press special from Helena , Mont , , says
"Judgo Henry N. Blake , master In chancery
at Philllpsburg , Gnanlto county , has sold all
the property of the Golden Scepter Mining
company at Qulgley , Including mines , 100-
stamp mill , electric trnmway water rights
and townslte , to J. M. Keith of Mlssoula ,
cs trustee for the reorganization committee
for $451.529. The property will be operated
by a new company recently Incorporated ,
composed principally of creditors of the old
corporation. Grover Cleveland , William P.
Whitney and ex-United States Senator Hlg-
glns of Delaware were Interested in the old
Shin * Will lie Sent to Sen for IteKnlnr
liulli liliuil Ilrlll.
NEW YORK , Nov. 8. A dispatch to the
Herald from Washington sajs : As further
evidence of the peaceful condition of the
relations of the United States and Spain ,
Navy department officials point to the
program adopted by Rear Admiral Sicard for
the next month. Reixitrs to the ships will
occupy some weeks , but as each Is put in
condition for service Rear Admiral Sicard
proposes to send It to sea for Individual
drill. It is expected that the squadron will
remain In New York until about the middle
of December , when Itwill proceed to Hamp
ton , roads , which will be the base of the
squadron's winter evolutions.
DeiitliM of n Dny.
LONDON , Nov. 8. Amy Sedgowlck ( Mrs.
W. B. Parkes ) , the actress , Is dead. Amy
Sedgewlck was born In 1837 , and appeared
as Lady Macbeth , Juliet , Rosalind , Opholla ,
Peg Wofflngton , and Lady Teaalo. In 1858
she was married to W. B. Parkea , M. D ,
but was left a wldo.v In 18C3 ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 8. General James C.
Duane , 73 years of age , a member ot the
Aqueduct commission , died at his home hero
today of afoplexy. General Duane was a
graduate of West Point in the class of 184S ,
and was instructor of engineering in the
United States military acudemy from 1858
until the breaking out of the civil war. He
served with dletlnctlon with the Army of the
COLUMBUS , No * . , Nov. 8.-Speclal.- ( )
Patrlck Cassln , one of the old settlers of
'Platto county , died at his homo In this city
yesterday aged 74. air. Casaln located In
thla 'county ' In 1874 and it has ever since been
'his ' home. He leaves a wife , three sons
and three daughters. The funeral will bo
held Tuesday.
BERLIN , Nov. 8. Dr. Henrlch Wclner
the eminent jurist. Is dead.
BERLIN. Nov. 8. General Von Werdcn
died Saturday at Gorlltz In Prussian Silesia.
WESTERLY , II. I , , Nov. 8. Ex-Senator
Nithan Fallow Dlxon died at his home here
late tonight , after an illness of about three
w ccks.
> e v Corporations.
PIERRE , S. D. , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) Arti
cles of Incorporation have been filed for the
lirulo Cattle company at Klmhall , with a
capital of $25,000 ; Incorparators , E. P.
Ooluiier , B. F. Ochsner , W. H. Ochsner ,
Charles Ochsner. W. L , Drury and W. N.
Orcutt ; for the Jlcrculca Gold Mining com
pany at Dcadwod , with a capital cf $5,000-
000 , Incorporators , John Walker , John Roth-
ermcl , Robert Maur , Gcorgo E. Gooch , Bcn-
tou E. MarencfcS ot Chicago , and Fred S
Harris of Deadwood ; for the Atokadas Min
ing and Development company at Edgcraont
and Omaha , with a capital of $50,000 ; direct
ors , Joseph M , Metealf , W. H. S. Hughes ,
James B. Kelly , Omaha ; Daniel J , Uurke
and Joseph Krledlough of Edgemont.
Moody county was the Ilrst to get In with
election icturns or. the late election , get
ting Its returns into the secretary's office
yesterday. The other counties have until
the 22d of th'fl ' month to get In.
Up to the present there have teen 400
stock brands filed in the office of the sec
retary ot state under the brand law passed
last winter. The state brand commission
will hold Its annual meeting In January
and theao who desire to have their brands
considered at that meeting would do well
to get them In ,
Suit . \KnliiHt n ClreiiN.
YANKTON. S. D , , Nov. 8. ( Special. ) The
fall term of the circuit court opens In this
city tomorrow. A civil action will bo taken
up , over which considerable Interest here Is
manifested , the Leon W , Wushburu cate.
Washburn's circus went to pieces hero about
two mouths ago und Hie entire train , consist
ing in the neighborhood of tMrty cars , waa
held a week under attachments Issued by sav-
orul of the principal actors for wages In
volving about $500. The matter was finally
adjusted eo that the train with the circus
paraphernalia pulled out , but leaving nearly
tbe entlro body of employes stranded and
without money. About twelve of the per
formers have remained here awaiting < ha
trial. Mr. and Mrs , Washburn , together w-lth
Mrs , Lulu Kelly , are now here from Cincin
nati to attend the trial. It U understood that
Mr. Washburn will endeavor to show that the
majority of the circus was owned by Mrs.
Lulu Kelly of Cincinnati , although It was
conducted under the name of Leon W. Wash-
burn , .
Work on the MlnHOiirl Ghiiiuiel.
YANKTON , S. D. , Ntv. 8. ( Special. ) Tbe
work upon the Missouri opposite tills city ia
beginning to tell. The channel is being
driven from the Nebraska to the Dakota
chore , which , when completed , will give It
the position it held for years prior to tbo
flood ot 1881 , when the bulk of traffic for
Yanktou and yolott up the river waa by
M ) TH IVSKlUtSI UlTIIOtT \ Till VI. .
lii < lher > Drclnlntt Menl-l'iCtt ' I IKIII Clill
Service later
CHICAGO , Nov. 8 A special to the
Tlmos-HeraU from MartlnsUirg , W. Va ,
sajs :
"Judgo John J. Jickson funded down a de
cision today which liolda that transfer can
not without trial tie madV'widor ' the civil
service law because It lsequivalent to re
"Judge Jackson Insists that the appoint
ment of a man to a federal , position under
the civil service law gives htm a right In
equity to the i > ! nce which ho Is not forced
to surrender , save for CBUEQ.
"Judge Jackson remarkti in hla document
that the leaving ot discretionary powers In
the hands of the hceu'a .wt departments
makes the civil service a dbad letter. Ho
remarks that there Is no 'doubt the civil
service low Is entirely constitutional.
His second finding U that congress has
never delegated to the president and the
commission legls'atlvo power.
His third point declares that the Internal
revenue service has been placed upon the
merit code and ho also holds that any at
tempt to change the position and rank of
officers in civil service departments la a
violation of the law.
Ills final holding Is that a court of equity
has a right to sit In such a case and has
the Jurisdiction to restrain the appointing
power from removing the officers from their
positions It such removals are shown to be In
violation of the civil service act. Ho there
fore ordered that the men who had been
shifted from a good salaried place to a
smaller salaried place should bo reinstated.
The government authorities hero declare
the ruling of Judge Jackson will cause great
contusion , a.a Its findings arc far from what
had been expected. He practically has held
that the fact that a man gets a civil service
place under the government gives him u
right In equity to the salary and emoluments
ot the office , which Is above the caprice ot
the head of the department. According 'o
Judge Jackson It Is Illegal to shift a man In
offlco unless the salary and emoluments
shall bo the same. The Change of assign
ment , ho says , Is equivalent , In fact , to a dis
missal , which cannot happen save under
chRTRps and a fair trial.
This case here , which resulted In this
opinion , was brought to reinstate a United
Stales storekeeper or guugcr In the revenue
service. When the changes In West Vlr-
Jglnla were agreed upon for October , a daj
storekeeper at the Hannls distillery of this
place was transferred to a position of ad
ditional storekeeper. The storekeeper , who
for three months had been on duty as addi
tional storekeeper , was laid off , and a rein
stated storekeeper was assigned as da ) sto-e-
keeper. The withdrawn ganger was also
layed off and a reinstated ganger assigned
to duty.
By Injunctions the collector and all others
were enjoined from Inte-ferlng with the ofH-
cors who had been on dutj. The cases were
argued bcfire Judge Jackson on October 18.
KIlIii ) IN I'Ultl.Mlim VM'12 OK 1JLTY.
Olllcer Shut Willie SliiulimliiK : a Sup
posed HnrKlar.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Nov. S. Patrolman J. T
Pronder was killed tonight at 7 o'clock while
he waa shadowing a supposed burglar who
bis entered the wholesale whisky house
of L. Stclnau. Th& officer saw a man enter
the building and followed. When the officer
struck a match he was tired upon five times
and died In a few minutes . ,
Early this morning the buripcss of Stclnau
was placed in the hands of f. receiver and
Olllcer Ponder knew thej house had been
closed by the sheriff when Fie saw the man
enter the building. The police intimate that
some member of the flrm.cnd.eavoring to se
cure money from the vjiult , entered and ,
finding himself discovered , lulled the onlj
ejewltncE'S. who was Offlcpr Ponder.
Stelnau was immediately placed arrest , and
is now being subjected to ( examination. Other
members of the firm are under arrest , am !
the investigation has created a tremendous
sensation in the city.
When the receiver left the building this
afternoon he locked the big vault and turned
the combination. After the assaislnatlon the
vault was found unlocked , and a bunch of
keys wera picked up neap by. All who are
under arrest deny knowing anything , about
the tragedy. " i ,
Annual .Scuslon of the General
l > ly nt IvnulNi Hie.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Nov. 8. The members
of the gcne'al assembly of the Knights ot
Labor will begin their twenty-first annual
session la this city tomorrow morning. This
will be the most Important gathering of
laboring men ever held In Louisville- and
will be attended by upwards of 100 dele
gates from every part of this country and
the district assemblies of foieign countiles.
A preliminary mooting of the executive
board was heldj this afternoon at the Wll-
lard hotel for the purpose of arranging the
details of the coming convention. AH the
sessions will bo secret , even local membeis
being banpd , and the attendance on the
door being limited stilctljl to delegates. The
meeting will last about ten djys , and It
Is said that motters of the gravest Impar-
tance to the order will come up for set
Among the Important members already
upon the ground arc J. R. Sovereign , genera
master workman ; T. W. McGulre. of New
York , grand worthy fo-einan ; John W. Hayes
of Washington , grand secretary and treas
urer , Andrew D. Best of New York , H. B
Martin of Minnesota and Daniel Brown o ]
WiirrnntM Culled In.
ICHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Nov. 8 ( Special. )
The last of tbe warrants to the amount of
$11,000 , which were Issued by the county
in the spring of 1895 to purchase Heed
grain for farmers who had suffered from
drouth the previous year , have Just been
called in for payment.
l llolilups ArrcNtcil.
The quiet neighborhood about Twenty-
fourth and Chicago streets was moused
nt 2 o'clock thla morning by a number
of revolver shots and the rapid running of
men. Charles Hopper of 3015 Webster
street was on his wny home when 1m was
assaulted nt Twenty-ninth nnd CumitiK
streets by two men , who demanded his
money. Hopper showed fight and was
doing nicely when Olllcer Honk appeared.
The robbers lied , pursued by the olllcer ,
vvno llnully brought them to n h.ilt at the
Ilrst n.imi-d location after a summons from
his revolver. Hopper IA B not hurt nnd lost
no money.
The prisoners were found to bo mere
boyo , but decidedly bud ones. One wns
Frank Gibson and the other wns Pied
Fibber , a colored boy , who assaulted and
seiiouHly Injured n bnkcr at Twenty-
eighth nnd F.uimm streets some tlmo ago.
They deny any connection with the affair ,
though Fisher positively Identified by
Hopper ns 'his ' nss.iilant.
The boys were prlvntely Interviewed by
Cnpt.iln .Mostyn , but remained firm and
claimed they were slmpy | on their way
homo v\ hen the ofllcer ute tep In their pur
suit , j
Formation of rtrw r < ililne ( .
ST. JOHNS. N. P. , Nov.iIt Is expected
that Sir James Winter , lender of the party
victorious In the recent tiuieral assembly
elections , will take olllcciwjthln the next
few dityn Tie Wlnicr cibinei ' * II1 prob
ably bo composed ns follow * ; Sir Jumes
AVlnter , premier and attorney1 general ; Mr.
Alfred Morlne , receiver .generali Mr
Thomas Under , surveyor KWternl ; Air. Alex
ander Iloblnson , colonial secretary ; Mr ,
Woodford , ehairmnn of tho.JJaurd of Works ,
and Messrs , Charles Dawoand George Shen ,
who will enter the cabinet "without port
folios , j ,
.NolarloiiN Ontlntr IvUleil.
MUSKOGEE , 1. T. . Non 8.rtCharIle Clif
ton , nllits "Dynamite Dick1 , " the notorious
outlaw and leader of a baiid'of bank and
train robbers , wns killed yesterday nt the
house of Sid Williams , fifteen miles- west
of Cheotoah , by Deputy Marshals Luvvsan
und Hussle. Tlio olllce-rs were In waiting
and when "Dynamite Dick1' arrived they
called on him to suriendur. Ills answer
was a rlllo shot. The olllrers then opined
fire , shooting the desperado fifteen times
und killing ! him Instantly ,
Miirxliiil ICIIlH n le.
WESTON , W. Va.r Nov. -Milton Hick-
man , leader of a gang of desperadoes , was
shot nnd killed near a church by Deputy
United States Marshal Pader and a large
posse today. The tight was protracted and
rader and uKo IIAO of Hiekmnn's sane ,
were wounded , Hlckman left the mourn
ers' bench to engage In the llglit. He was
a postolllix robber and the leader of a
dangerous gang. The affair was in the
mountains near 24udaiety
( Continued from First Page , )
resigned. They will bo succeeded , respect
ively , by Senlior Baron OORSC , a member of
the council ot stale , and Scnhor DMz Costa.
Count Macedo was only recently Appointed
minister of foreign nffalrs In succession to
Scnhor Sovhoral ,
u.vwnox MI iinmum IN JAII , .
TlionuiM \ < ily ( TnUen to ( lie JolU-ttc
I'rlnon ,
MONTREAL , Nov. 8. Thomas Nulty , aged
21 , brother and confessed murderer of the
victims of the Havvdon tragedy , was taken
to Jollottc Jail today. Tom and two older
elstcre had frequently quarrelled , and It
appears that on Thursday ho had a row
with the oldest girl , Rlbabeth. Words had
jccii succeeded by oatlis and blows , until
Tom Urovo his sister out of the house. Then ,
according to the confession of the crlmo
nade by him , he followed her to the barn ,
threatening to murder her.
The second sister , Annie , arming herself
with a kcen-bladcd axe , followed Tom , resolved -
solved to protect lior sister from violence ,
even It she had to use the axe. Tom
turnd sharply around , and before she was
aware , ho came suddenly upon her. A
jrlof struggle for the -weapon was followed
uy Tom creating the axe from her hands
and striking savagely at her neck. Ills
woodman's skill did not fall him. The
teen weapon was burled In her neck and she
fell dead Just as the horrified Elizabeth ran
up to see what had happened. As Elizabeth
turned to flee , the murderer remembered her
as the first cause ot his crime and resolved
: o carry out his original Impulse of revenge.
Ho chas > ed the shrieking girl to the barn
and struck her also iwlth the axe , felling
lior as he had done poor Annie.
Tom then returned to the house and forced
open the door , which the two other children ,
had barricaded , and killed them as he had
the others.
MI.VISTHll TllltlJVrmS IllJieilhltT1I. .
UliU tlml CoiiMllttilloitnt KIM eminent
May lie SiiMiiemleil.
VIENNA , Nov. 8. On the resumption of
business In the Uclchsrath 'llcrr ' Abramo-
vlch , the acting president , strongly de
nounced the riotous proceedings which have
marked the sessions of the house for some
time past and expressed tlio hope that the
proceedings would toe of a more decent na
ture In the future
The representatives of the Geiman pee
ple's party , the German progressist party ,
protested against the declaration made by
the minister of finance on Saturday last at
a meeting ot the budget committee at which
ho pronounced a grave warning at the din
ner of the suspension of the constitution
unless the provisional compromise bill is
The minister , after explaining that the
compromise would already have been
finally concluded but for the existing differ
ences respecting the proportionate financial
contributions ot the two countries , said he
would deeply deplore the result If political
( circumstances compelled the government to
.enforce a compromise by other than the
( parliamentary means ; but ho explained
there were circumstances which were ma
terially stronger than all forms
After the representatives of the paitlcs
mentioned had protested against this dec
laration they strongly denounced the threat-
icned suspension of the constitution. The
speakers were uproariously applauded.
ciincic KKi % cu-iu 5ssiv\ -viii\Ncn.
Porters In Drelliiiiul Will Strengthen
tinTlcM Which Illntl Them.
ROME , Nov. 8 In certain political cir
cles it is believed that the object of the
visit of the Austrian minister for foreign
affairs , Count Goluchowshy , to the king of
Italy at Menza Is to Introduce into the
Dreibund treaty additional clauses to meet
the conditions created by the Fmuco-Rus-
slan alliance.
Wlitillnt ; Dk > SiivliiRi Company.
TORONTO , Ont. , Nov. 8. The directors of
the Farmers' Loan and Savings company of
Toronto have decided to recommend to the
shareholders the gradual winding up of the
company's business by means of voluntary
liquidation. This action is taken owing to
the depreciation of Torctito real estate and
the holding by the company of largo blocks
ot unproductive property. The depositors
and bondholders will suffer no loss. The
assets , including uncalled capital , arc $2G60.-
000 , while the liabilities arc $1,353,000.
I'unlNlinieiit for Mhel.
BERLIN , Nov. 8 Pastor Naumann , leader
of the German National Socialists' society ,
has been fined 300 marks with an alternative
of thirty daja' Imprisonment for libeling
Major von Schonbeck at Oottlngen. The
writer criticised Major von Schonbeck's
action In procuring the dismissal of a reserve
ofllccr on account of Komo alleged remarks
of Emperor William concerning "officers
who belong to political parties. "
ArehhlxhopH Vlxlt the I'niie.
ROME , Nov. 8 The pope granted a lengthy
audience today to the archbishop of St.
Louis , Most RPV. John J. Kaln , and the orch-
blshcp of Montreal , Most Rev. Paul Napoleon
BiMEchml. His holiness Informed the latter
that ho would shortly publish an encyclical
addressed to the Canadian oplscopals ol
Manitoba on the school question in order to
vindicate the right of Catholics In that
province to religious teachings.
( til n r M lit I nc for Yellow Ke\er.
COLON , Colombia ( via Galveston ) , Nov. 8.
Owing to the continued prevalence ot yel
low fever at Kingston , Jamaica , the Colom
bian government is enforcing a quarantine
against all passengers by the Rnyal Mail
Steam Packst company's vessels for the
Isthmus of Panama and Pacific ports. The
mails are also detained for fumigation.
tlplioIilH ( "rlxpI'M Contention.
ROME , Nov. 8. The court of cessation has
quashed the proceedings of the court against
Slgnor Crlspl , the former premier , In connec
tion with the bank scandals on the ground
that the courts are Incompetent to deal with
the charges , but that they must be dealt
with by parliament , which was the conten
tion of the ex-prcmler.
ClreekH > 'eu < \HMlMlniiee l ,
ATHENS , Nov. 8. The British minister
to Greece , Mr. E. H , Ergeton , has returned
heio and Is distributing clothing , etc. , to
the destitute. Thcs-sallans. It has been do-
clded to appeal to Em ope zcid Austria to
ralso the sum of 20,000 hterling ( $100,000
with which to relieve the terrible distress
existing In Greece.
Iletiirnlnir from IlnilHon liny.
HALIFAX. N , S. , Nov. 8. Tlio steamer
Diana , which went to the Hudson Bay coast
last spring with a party of government fcur-
vcyors and scientists , whoso duty It waa to
dctcrmlno the feasibility of Hudson Bay
route.- ) for ocean steamers , passed through
the strait of Canso yesterday on its way
back to Halifax.
Appro * UN H ( iolil hliiiiilnrit.
LONDON , Nov. 8. According to a npecla !
dispatch from Shanghai the emperor o !
China and the Board of Revenue have ap
proved a memorial presented | n fuvor of
establishing a gold standard and proli'tlt-
ing the export of gold. It Is doubtful , luw-
cvcr , whether this will hare any practical
htnfe or Mriri * Deelureil ,
RIO DE JANEIRO , Nov. 8. The govern
ment announces today that it Is generally re
solved to continue Its activity In the uup-
prcsElcn of disorders and ad a precaution *
tlio federal district of Nlcthcroy , whleti In
cludes tbe city of Rio do Jar.elro , Is finally
declared In a elate of siege.
Celfhrnllnn KnilN In n Illol.
PRAGUE , Nov. 8. The celeb'ratlon of the
anniversary of the battle , of Welssenburg
yesterday was of the stormiest description ,
and later thousands of people made a demon
stration In tbe streets. There were a num
ber of conflicts with the police , end many
people were Injured ,
Ilrltlxli Cnil | 11 re I'rot IxloiiH.
SILMA/ Nov , 8. Various reconnaissances
and foraging expeditions from the camp ol
General Sir William Lockhart In the
llalnilan yalley yesterday ; captured , some
45 Years in Business
Interrupted by Heart Disease ;
Restored to Health by
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
.7. TI3IIUY , In ( lie fnniitmT nnil
z umluttnkltiK business : U I'rntts-
burs , N. Y. , for forty live yeniH ,
vviitps us follows :
"It fdvi's mp iiiui'li plwisnto to write
and oxpivss my jir.itltu'ile for tlio bt'ii-
cllt roL'oIvcd from Dr. Mlk" ' Heart
Cuio. In 1W)1 ) and 'W2 my lu-.ilth falh-d
mo. I wii < * treated by a local jiliy.slclnn
for In-litt troiibh1 brought on by a loiif ;
standing ease of Indigestion and an
over indulgence In smoking. My pliy-
sii'inu iHonounced my case Intermit
tent and heart weakness. My ajtetlle
was below , my rest InoKen by
the Intelmlttent and Miiotboilng feeling ,
and I suffoied irom frequent sliaip
l > atns around my be.ut. 1 giadnally
giew worse under tins iihyhlelan'.s treat
ment until 1 was unable to look nilor
my business. In tbe spring of ' ! > 2 1
began taking , l"r. > . Miles' Heart Cure.
When 1 had taken tlnee bottles I felt
greatly impioved and could look after
my business inteuvsls. feeling lik a dif
ferent I continued tlio remedy
for some time until I was fully reMored
to health aud have always recommended
it to many of my fiitmils with excel
lent results. "
Weakness of the heart is frequently
caused by tobacco. It is not noticed
at ilrst , but always makes itself ap
parent by occasional sharp pains , In
termittent , or spasmodic llntteiing , es
pecially from sudden emotion , excite
ment or unusual exertion.
MILKS * HIAUT : rnur : u n
heart tonic , gradually building up
and strengthening the heait's mus-
elos ; not .stimulating them to overexertion
tion followed by a collapse ; but giving
to the he.ut a steady noimal action ,
enabling it to perform its duties evenly ,
exactly and continually. It is nn en-
peelally beneficial remedy after a de-
piessing attack of I.a GilpiK\
Mis. Hannah Wheeler , of Warsaw , N.
Y. , writes ; -"In 1SI ! ) , following a seveio
attack of La fiilppo. 1vas taken with
heait disease In the Avoist form. Our
physician pionounced my CM so hopeless ,
said I could not live. I siiflVrod severe
attacks of pain in my left side niul
shoulder , followed by smothering spells ,
shoitness of breatli , intense pain In my
head and prickling In my aims and
hands. I would chill so that my teeth
would chatter , while perspiration would
stieam off my face and neck. During
thu-e > ears 1 spent large sums of money
for physicians and u-mcdies , but found
no benellt until 1 commenced using Dr.
Miles' New Heait Cure and Nerve and
Liver IMlls last summer. They have
pioven a success , and my physician says
there Is no teinedles better than Dr.
Miles' . "
Dr. Milj.s' Keinedlos are sold by all
druggists under a positive guarantee
Hist bottle benefits or money will be re
funded. Hook on heart and neives sent
ftee to all applicants.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Klkhart , Inil.
Health. I
largo supplies of provisions without opposi
tion until they were retiring , -when the In
surgents udopted their usual guerrilla tactics
with the result that the British forces lost
three men killed and seventeen wounded.
The loss of the enemy was heavy.
Cliumlierlulii'H Opinion of Tnmmiinj.
LONDON , Nov. 8. Right Hon. Joseph
Chamberlain , secretary of state for the colonies
nies , who was Installed last Wednesday ab
lord rector of Glasgow university , speak
ing this evening at the banquet of the Glas
gow corporation , contrasted municipal Insti
tutions in Great Britain with those 'In the
United Statts. He said that In New York
the government of 3,000,000 people had been
handed over for four years to a "party
whose object Is avowedly to get the greatest
amount of spoils. "
1'OHtpoiif Competitor CuMf.
HAVANA , Nov. 8. Trial by court martial
of the crew of the Amcilcan schooner Com
petitor ot Key West , Fla , , which was cap
tured by a Spinlsh gunboat on the north
coast of Plnar del Rio on April 25 , 189C ,
which was to have taken place today. Ins
been postponed owing to the sickness of the
president of the court. _
Kamllir In numpi-nii IliiNHln.
ST. PETERSBURG , Nov. S. A terrible
famine is raging In the province of Arch
angel , a government post of European
RUEala. Many have already died of starva
tion. The pcjoole wander about reduced
almost to skeletons , their heads swollen to
the size of baskets. Tea is the only means
ct bubslstcnce.
Wi'jlt-r rontlniii'N IIU .Journey.
HAVANA , Nov. 8. An official dispatch
received hero from Porto Rico announces
that the Spaalfih steamer Montscrratt , with
General Weyler on 'board ' , which left Hav
ana on Sunday last for Spain via Porto
Rico and which put Into Sandlego de
iCuba owing to a mishap to Its machinery ,
left Porto Rico yesterday afternoon.
Trouble for Kri'iit'b In M
LONDON , Nov. 8 A special dispatch
from Paris says ; Alarming Information from
the Island of Madagascar has reached the
French colonial olllce. Large 'bands ot well
armed , disciplined rebels are scouring
( Madagascar and cutting off isolated French
Mount VCNII\IIH ! AHIvo.
NAPLES , Nov. 8. ( Mount Vesuvius Is In
great activity. A mass of lava Is pouring
out of the Atrlo del Cavallo crater , 'Which
opened In 1S95. Two wide streams are
( lowing down In the direction of Vltrova ami
Hiano del Ineatre.
\ 'v\i Lord Major limlnllcil ,
LONDON , Nov. 8. The new lord mayor
of London , Horatio David Davits , wag for
mally installed In office at the Guild hall
today with the usual ceremonial , succeeding
Sir George Faudel Phillips.
fiooil Cropx , \ riKxprrtcd. .
BRISBANE , Nov. 8. In Queensland the
area of planting U double that of last year ,
and many crops , It It * estimated , will yield
forty buchela to the acre ,
IlrrrturK > ( o Pill n Vum-iiiu-y ,
NEW YORK , Nov. 8. A meeting of the
directors of the Paeillo Mail IUIH been rulk-U
for November 17 , when a 8iicce nor will
bo chosen to 1111 the vacancy In that lioanl
caused by the death of Jo ? < < ph Itlc'vardHon ,
Chinlea II , Mncy of Coster , Mucy & Co ,
Is mentioned as the new director. It Is
said that the resrulur semi-annual dividend
of 1 jw cent will be declared ut tlil meet-
Alderman Kllloil.
CHICAGO , Nov. 8 Alderman Henry Lu-
dolph of the Sixteenth ward WUH run. over
and Instantly killed by a passenger train
pn ttHi Chicago & WonUwtstern ,
this evening1. Alderman Luilolph was on.
his way to the city hull to attend a meet
ing1 of thu council when the accident oc
ClicroKi-CM Obji-ct tit Interlopers.
CHiLSCA , I. T. , Nov. 8. The Cherokces
nre much opposed to having their ter
ritory occupied by Interlopers. A request
has been mmlp to United St.iteB Indian
Agent Wisdom liy Chief Mayes ot the Cherokees -
okees to ask tlio Di pnrtment of the In
terior foi authority to drive 217 Intruders
from the Cherokee nation. If necessary
troops will bo asked for.
Fair InehriiHKn : with irtlierly nnil
Vnrliilile WlnilH.
WASHINGTON , Nov. S Forecast for
Tuesday : i
Tor Nebraska , South Dakota and Kansas
Probably fair ; noi fierly winds , becoming
For Iowa nnd 'Missouri ' Shower * In the
morning ; clearing In tno afternoon ; colder ;
northerly lAlndv ,
For Wyoming Light i.iln or snow ;
warmer ; vtriable winds.
Signals are dlnplit } * * ! on Lake Michigan
and Huron and nt Mnrquoto : und Sault Ste.
Marie suctions.
loenl le 'nril.
OMAHA , Nov. 8. Omnhn record of rainfall
and temperature compared with the corresponding
spending day or the lust tlneo years :
1K07. 1898. 1E91834. .
Maximum tompeintiiro . . 41 30 3C 48
Minimum temperature , . (0 1 ! )
Average temperature . . . 42 21 30 41
Rainfall 01 T .00 .00
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha , for this ilay and March 1.
1SU7 :
Normal temperature for the dny. . . . . 43
Excess or di'llclency for the day. , , . , , , . 0
Accumulated excess slni'O March 1..473
Normal rainfall for the dny 01 Inrn
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall Hlnco March L. . . 17,90 ( lichen
Deficiency since -Marcli 1 .1000 Inches
ixci"5H for cor. pi-rloil , lfcH ! ! , . . . 4 'II Inc'liea
Deficiency for coi. period , ] 8n.,100l ! Inches
HeporlM from .Stntlonx nt K p. in. ,
"Mil incrldluii tlinf ,
, partly cloudy .
North 1-liittc , cloudy .
Halt Jrfilte I'lty. inirtly cloudy
lieyinni1 , rlcar .
Uuiilil Oily , ( .louily .
Huron , clear . . . .
ChlcUKO , nilnlnt ; .
\VlllltIcii , partly cloudy
8t. l.ouU , clujr .
HI. I'.iiil. clear . .
Davenport , ralnlni ;
Heh nn , cloudy .
KiinsnK Clly. mining
Hiurc , rlouily . . . ,
Illmmirck , cleur
( laUmtmi , partly Uinnly
IndlrnteH Uaoc ill recliiltatloit.
U A WUI.K11. cal I'orecatt OIIIcUL
Tbo famous Appliance nndltcmcdlei of
tfie Kilo ilCMtlcul Co , now tor tlio llrBttlino
olfered on trial without oipt-nso to uny
liontattnun. Hot u dollar to lie paid
la uilvunro. Cure Klfecta of Errors
nr Hxceesca In Old or Youw/ . Manhood
Fully itcftorcd. How to linlnrgo and
Btrt'UKllituWealr , Undo ; clr > lil Portions
of Uuily. Absolutely unfaillnif Homo
Trentincnt. No C. ( > , I ) , or other scheme ,
Aplalnotfur byafliiu of