SPECIAL NOTICES -nlN ror llirun column" lit' UiKrii until Ili I" . * ' ' ' " anil until H i > . ' r thc mill itimlnj edition * . AiU iTllHi-i-N , liy ri'fitirMltiK nnni Ill-roil I'hi'i'U , run lintt * niiMtrra ml- ilrc-NxciI lo n n u in lie rot I UIT I" ct\rv > t Tlio HIT.IINU ITM Mil tttlilrmieil will tic ilolHcrvil on iiri'xciilnllint < > ' tlu check mil ) . Knti-N , 1 I-ac n v oril flrt InioTllonj lo n enl Hirrrnflrr. Xiillilnw InUcn for II'KM ( linn S5c for Ilir lr t IUKCT- tlon. Tlicxo fuliiTllnuniunlx niiiNt be run c'onxrciil > cl > - . SITUATION I'OSITION , 1IY YOItNO MAN 25 YHAIIS OF OKC , MnRlo lincl eight > cars' retail experiences can Klve Bood references , poMtlon In wholc- al home preferred. A , 10 , Ueo , , ,1V t. WANTliD , HV YOttNO MAN , OPPORTUNITY lo earn room nnd board outnlde of working liourn ; bc t references , Addrcia A " ' iini.r. CANVASSERS TOTAKi : OIinKIlSSNCW LINE of 'work ; no heavy Rood to carry : salary r commlfslon. C. I' . Adams Co , C2I So. IClh Bt. IJ 70J AMisunN ron CIOARS. i2i A MONTH AND expcnuem olU firm : experience unnecennry , Inducements to customers. C , C , ItlMion & Co. , St. Louis. H-,04 ONI : HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH , ALSO liberal comml'iloim , to good deputies or orsan- lern. Imperial Mystic Legion , For particu lar nddreas Henry C. Akin , sunicmo rcKent , M'.Cnguo btilldlnu , Omaha. 1I-M4H N22 WANTED. CAiirr.NTniis. TO Kr.r.i' AWAY from the Exposition grounds until matter- ) are eetllcO , Carpenters' Union. H M700 WANTlJt ) , I-OUIl OiaAR.MAKnilS. INQUIIUJ of O. IJ. Godfrey , 1'remont. Net ) R M938 11 WANTNI > . TINNIIR , STIADY : wont ? ron thp rlslu innn , Address Thco J. .Stecn , Si. I'aul , Neb. U M214 0 WAJfTRII PfiMAI.K HEM' . 100 QIRLH roil AM , KINDS Of WOIMC ; IJ to 17 week , Canadian Olllcc , 1522 DouRlnB. C 703 WANTKD. ami. ron OINIRAL HOUHI : work. Apply at MO South 2Glh AvenueCMC73 C-MC73 WAN mo. ami. ron OUNI'RAL IIOUSK. work , fnnll ) of three Call 2MC N. ISth nl C M984 10 DOLLARS A WI3HK TO A GOOD COOK and laumlrcis Appl } at 1CI I'ntk nve , Council lllurf * . C MOST 8 WANTED , AN KXI'IHIIKNCRD Sr.CONl ) CURL. one willing to awlst with the care of children Appli Mis W H. McCord , 2201 Ciss St C-103 GIRL , aiNiiiAiHOUHHWORIC : , qt'icu 2020 St Mar > ' Avo. ' C-I01 WANTP.D , A GOOD GIRL roll GIINnilAL honspvvoik. Applto 2710 Howard Bt. Bt.C C 223 10 VVANTHD. A onoD UIIIL ( No oTiiuiw Nnr.i apply ) 191 < ! AVIrl Kt C-MC G . 'on m\Tiiousns. 1101 SI a IN AM. I'ARTS OI'TlllICITV. Tim O r Davis Company , loO'i Fnrnnm D 7CC nuNr.wA & co. , ios N ism ST. 11 707 not'sns WAM.ACI : , nitowN IILOCK. K.TII and llnii la I ) 709 CIIOICP. noimns AND COTTAOHH ALL ovru city , $ : > lo J73. I'ldellty , 1st lloor N Y Llfi . D 700 IlOt' VS , rOTTAGTIS . < L RTOIIP1 ? AI.I. PARTS of clly nrfnnan & Ixivc Co. , 130 I'axton Mock IJ 710 LAUGH M6 > T M'CAC.ri : . I'.TII AND nonon. iiorsrs. rr-ATS. avuviNimo D 712 r roii RINT : nr.Mis r\XTON IU.K D 713 -T. n Biii'nwoon. j N v iiri : D 711 roil nnxT. Tlioirn I'-I'OOM nr.TAnrnD modem house. Inaulre 2JI8 Capitol A\cfnr- ! D 715 MOVING 1TOT" KHOI.O OOODt AND 1'IANoq Om Vnn S. Stonisc Co , 1311V4 rnrnain. Tel 1V > 3 , D 710 TWO i.\i on imi'ins IN DUNnnn I cheap COS Hoe Mile. _ _ D-j 717 elrToo"jonnr.N 2103 worth Ht JIOTKI-S , { .TORUS. TIRMIS. I'AXTON IU.K D M400 -nooM IIOIWP. VIAMI STPTTT > io ; NOW , ID-room IIIMIBP Park avenno J3"i : hrlck ; modern W I. Relh > . 334 Chamber Commorrc S30 NOTITH .1VTH AYR . T.IOHT.noOM HOL'SR In Mrt rln repair with furnie bith nnc ! barn. Apply at room 4J7 Roard of Tndc 7-T'OOM "TIIAJI 'IPTKD I'l.AT. HOWARD Ranck. Art 1C10 ClilniRO St. 1JWRI.T.INO FOll RTiNT 10 ROOMS. AT.T rnodorn lmprn\ftn ntp 32d nnd rnrnam , T22 nl o ,1 rnom cntlncp. JC CO. rltv water ; on ror linePcxtcr I. Tlmmni , 401 Hfe D MO iioi'sn rf < i PO 2vm ! ST 10 ROOMI , MOD ern 54000 per ino'itli. Rjron Reed Co 970 ron RTTJT ri.navNT S-R OM IIOMSR win nil mndont Improv rmrnls HrBi-rln-w ; No 4 ij 9d s * l'pt * li' ° rnmllon cill at Natlnna Clolhlnp CD. , cor. 14lh nnd DouKHs H _ WW g rnn nn'T MnnrTpj I'OI' P or TV ROO M s nlcelv rurnl'lfil IncIudlnK piano full nl nnc nl 1MO Lothrrp nt. D M1S3 10 C ROOM MOIvhtlN COTTAfll ! AT 413 NORTH lilh ft fZO 01 n month * 5 rnnm modern Hat HW , 1'pcinc St SlOro per mrnlli App'y to W R MclUe I t Nat'l Ilk. IllrtB. D-Minfl io AND JH ooTT\nrs : , KTH NTAR : RAN- rroft , > W brick Hat , m-xlcrn Wm'fon fin4 Rro lililp D M1SC S TO RIMT , OMB or run I'INRIT IIOMI S ON Park c\pniii > 14 rooms , nnelv llnl'hed , newly impcreil nnrt rpfonftructeil tlirnuRlumt steam lif-at nil Inly mo'lorn rc'pnn'bl irnt to rich pnrly , Jclm Grant. Rpe RulldlnB , D MI02 9 .ROOM iiot'SK ! S'4 MIAMI t"uo. nlnled nn I pipeicd. W I. Sctby , S1I Roard of Trde. . l ALT , MOnilHN UNi:01'\Lin. : HTi\M TIKAT 7-ronm iKiiwe. bent condltlonu ApplR Tl7Jrd JI3N Slth D-M17-1 8 C-ROOM MOHI'.RN COTTAOIJ AT 411 ! NOUTI 13th PI. J'0.00 n month C-room modern ( iHt , 1105 1'acldo St. . $10.00 pe month 4-ronni mndfrn flat 1721 fummlnci HI J100 Apply tiV R MelKIe , let Nnt'l Hit. RlilR D-M100 _ - T 6-HOOM MODnilN KI.AT Horth Kt. D-CS3 NZO1 ron IIOOMS. BTUAM HIATID : ROOMS. CM so i3Tii ST r. 352-NH s KIIRNIHHII : ) IIOOMS TOR HOUSIKIKPING : fnr man nnd ulfc ; rint taken In bonid , 31 N. 17th. K-96I TtniNiannD ROOMS TOR RKNT "MO North Jid. 15-M975 12" " " " "Ti.T".r.T"nu TWO anNTi.n&inN , ciAsT POR. relaln hnth. hot water , i-teain heat ; lacatlon central. Artilr * V . Ree. K-M993 - ROOMH. At/'OVi : , UAV window ; steam licat , 411 Not Hi nth.E . E M9S1 12" KM NORTH 19TH ST. ; rilRNISIIED HOOMf Jtas. bath , funntre. _ K-913 I. ' TO OKNTMSMAN AND WIKB. T1IIU5K KUR nln'ifO rooms for llcht liouieLfepliiK. ijas to\c heat , bath. Address A 3. Rco orflcft , i-iooo _ _ FRONT ROOM. 3702 N , 1ITH ST. . II V Til : < .xl < o lll" grounds. n MWI 8 _ NicRi.Y rtiRNrsiun ivoo\T roii GENII. ! : m n In l > rl\olo family , 1IUO Capitol A\e. n-oi ; o PU , IIRATHD FURNISHnil KOOMR' : ITtT \al family , ; ? 2C 1'arnam R M203 9 * FOR HKNT-r NISIIKD ROOM AND AlZ cove. All molcrn. J4 N , 19th. IV-m 17S 9 nNTlNICii.Y Kl'RNISIIRD J'llONT llOOM .n modern com cnlcnce * . C21 So. 17IW t. rt'RNisHKn ROOMS , n co. me ARNAM. R-M831 10 * IIOOMS AMI IIOVUIJ. BTRAM HEATIJD ROOMS W llarnef _ _ JfANDPOMR SI'lTK 1'ARl.OIW. ITRXI rr unfurnlthfd alco athtr loom > \v ( " ' Th ROM 2W Hurntv. I.M U 1'uiiMsnnn IIOOMS AXI > IIOAUD. ( Continued ) 't'RNISHED ROOMS. MODERN S1J S Z'.TII st. r-cu .Alton S. E CORNER ROOM. 26" > 8 DOUGLAS. IOOMS WITH ROARDj STEAM HEAT. t'TO- Din 121 Danport St. I' M 3 IKAt'Tiri'I.I.Y Kl'RNISHED ROOMs ! > wly , neatly furnlxhed rooms , all moicrn con- > rnlencci , with or without board and enl } lUf mlnulrjnlk from the po tofflce , considered but furnhhed prUate boarding house In the city and respectfully request Inspection : n fine home for tirofcMlonal men , lcncher . clerks , lc. A llrst clou table , am In n position to KUe cheaper rates at thru time than nny ono else In the city ; applicants must furnhh refer ences ; only a few roomi left , call an 1 ( [ ft my prices nnd ln p t rooms and jotl will undoubt edly mak n change. Mrs. It , Ixidlnghnm , 1911 Davenport Bt. y M 8 MODERN RRICK , ROOMS . < ND HOARD , J3r,0 up. KH N. 19th. F M90S 9 * JEWI.Y ruiiNisiir.D ROOMS WITH RO A R D. Hot nler heat , 2402 c ss. r M03I 10 * NICELY KITRNISHED 1'RONT ROOM , ern conveniences , prlMito family. ' " 2 H. 23th st r MJ'i 9' .AllGK PJlQNT ROOM. WITH ROARD. 2013 Douelni. r M195 S 1l.EASANT ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS table hoard. 316 So. 2lilli St. .I'-l05 12 * Tim JIERRIAM-riRST-CIASS rAMIL-Y HO- lei , 2-lh and Uodce sts. I-m 174-20 * N PRIVATE l'AMU.Y , WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1919 Dodge , 1' M22I 9 * FOll UI5 > TSTOIinS AMI OKKICKS. 'OR RENT-IN THE RK1' MUll.UINUt ) np large corner room , 2d floor , with \nult and ptlNatc olllce , water , etc. OnelarRC front room , 2d llsor. divided Into two rooms by partition , water , etc. One large corner room , 2d lloor , wlthault , water , etc. 3ne front room , divided by partition , third floor. 3ne corner rosm wllbault. . third floor. One large room , third floor , with partition divid ing1 It Into one laigc room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two large ground lloor roams , fronting 17th St. , with vault. Ono large ground floor room on Parnnm St. , large \nult. Severn ! small rooms on fourth floor , with vaii'ts. ' All these rooms'are heated with steam , electric lights supplied , with first class janitor rcrvlco. Elevators run day and nil night ; building strictly ilreproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 104 , lice building. 1 193 'OR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND TUDOR olllce , HPI > ImlliUtie. water , steam heat , elcccrlc light nnd Jinltor service. Apply to Superin tendent , lite building. 1-197 Oil RENT-TIIE 4-STORY RRICK 11UILDINO at 916 1'arnam St This building has a fl-eproof cement basement ; water on nil floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Dee. 1 110 WANTED. AGENTS , LOCAL AND GENERAL ; new article. Rood seller , excellent profit ; male or female , salary when proven etllclent A. I. . Gray & Co. , St Louis , Mo. J M974 D5 * PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO , 908-910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding. 31 710 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1511U FARN'M. TEL r.5S M 720 I'RANK EWERS , STORAGE , 1214 HARNEV. Hauling and pacKlns. cneapcst rates. Tel OJG M 721 WANTBD TO IIUY. CASH TOR OMAHA SAVINGS RANK ACcounts - counts Wallace , S12 Rrown lllk , ICth & Doug N 722 HIGHEST PRICE PAID TOR OMAHA R.VV- Ings Innk ccitincates In answering please state amounts offered. Addrcps W C2 Hfe. N 123 N-21 OMAHA SAVINGS APCOI'NTS Pl'RCHAKED foi cn h H. II Harder 1st floor New Yoik I.lfc Illdg- . N S3S ron su.n iioii&Ks AVIJ u vco.vs. iECON'I ) HAND CARRI VOES ALL THE TIMT nt Urummond's. ISth nnd Harney. nnd the largp t stock of reliable rew carilnges and har ness In the cltj. Pleased lo hive \ou call P-M1S7 N-14 FOR S U.K MISCKI.I. VNHOl'S. SAWDUST. HULK OR SACKED-CRHiniNG and hoff fincc. C. R. Lee , 901 Uougln" aginQ73 Q-73 2ND-HAND RICYCI.ES. OSIAIIA I1ICYCLE TO 7 " > ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO AT GREVT sacrifice ; call or wilte nt once. 2611 N 17lliiv Q-M1E9 13 TOR SALE , $900 CO 7 PER CENT TIIIST MORT- gare duo In B years ; good security. W. L Sclby , 331 Hoard of Trade . Q M13S S ' I'OH SALE JUST P VTENTED , NOT INtroduced - troduced ; best sel'lng novelty over Invented In demand jear round , territory or full con trol. no faKe , no humbug. Address llox 14G , Norfolk , Neb CJ 163-11 * I AM OHL1GED TO SELL MY TYPEWRITER , Smith , In good order. A 1 , Dee. 0 ! * 3 C * CI.AIHVOYAVrS. PROI' . WHITNEY IP YOU ARE IN NEED of good ndvlce learn at once from the v\orld- renonwned llfo reader thc way In which > m should travel ; reads joui life from the cradle to the grave ; lovers , husbands and wives rr- nulled . . . . . Speedy marriage to the one of jour choice. Ixist or stolen articles rtcovered ; charms am nil kinds of nmulet ; thousands htvc consults nnd loirned the tiuth Ladles tOc ( 'ill a KU Iloward street , cornsr ICth and Hownri streets , hours , 9 n. m , lo 9 p. mS S M3C3 N19 * MAbSVRR , I1ATHS , HTC. MADAM .SMITH. 1315 DOUGLAS. MASSAGE fleam baths T M919 9 * MEDHVATED \TI1S. . SEA. SULPHUR , MAS- ease. Mme. lirls on , ftom Purls , 107 N 12lb st. T-SS7 N21' IlATIIrt. MASSAGi : roll LADIES AND gLiillemcn I iura Elllnin Ciounso Uk. , 119 N IClh si. , room 12 ; assistant wanted T M216 13 * MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HA'111 imilois ; ixbtful und curative. 417 S lllh up stairs. T--M22S 14 * MADAME AMES. 1'ORMEKI.Y OP ST LOUIS. gives massasc and mnknctlc trratmenta me.ll- citvd vapor baths ; expert opeiatom L'u3 N , ISth ut. , upstairs. T MS27 S * I'KIIMKN VI. . VIAVI OR UTERINE TROUUI.ES 3IG-8 REE b'dg , nlijslciau , consultation or leilth boo < rea U-7S4 RATHS , MASSAGE. MME POST , 319'j S. ISTH. U 7.'j RUPTURE CURKD. NO DETENTION FROM business ! , no pilji , we refer to hundrids uf casis cured : piles tuied by a single , pilnlMs tirntniciilt Cull or write The Empire Uupturu Cure and Medical Institute , kucceisois 13 'Jim O IJ. Mlll'r Co. . 932-3. N. Y Life IlldK. , Omaha. U 7JO CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND RE- iialn-d ; day or night ; dress nulls for hire. Punlorlum , N. E. cor. Hih and Painam Tel. OC3 U MS47 THH JOY TAILOR SYSTEM SCHOOL OF drens cuttlnL' . 403 Karbich lllocU. IJ-MSIO-JJM SURE DEATH TO COCKROACHES-IP YOU send > our name and uddrrm I will call and I Kuarantee to tld sour lioute complrtel ) , llotei unit ivstaurantn a specialty , II. Relntclirc.btr , 1944 South 10th St , V ! ' 2S 9 * SITUATION WANTED RY AN EXpilRN enccd man as chipping or billing cleik R t of references. Address A 7. IKo , U MK2 8 * .MOMJY TO I.OAX Iin.U. 13STATI3. MONEY TO IX3AN AT LOW RATES. THE O , F. Davis Co. , 15W Farmm St , W 727 ANTHONY I.OAN S. TRUST CO .315 N Y. L , < iulck muncy nt low intia for choke faim lanita In Iowa , noitlieiii Mlsbourl , eastern Ncbraskx. \V 72S _ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV prci > crty. W. Pa in am fomllh & Co. , 13iJ I'arn'm W 730 MONEY TO LOAN. HEM IS , PAXTON RlW W 7 J MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OM VIIA properly. Pu y & Thomn * , 07 Ut. Nat , Uk bide \V-73i SIH IWl CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Uarvln Jiron , 1C11 Karnam bt. W 733 e I'KH CENT MORTGAGES IX1R SALE. PROP- rly of non-residents cared for by W. R Melklo-Klr t National Rank bldg. . Omaha. W-733 _ _ MONEY TO IXAN ON II'PROVF.D OMAHA rval < tat . Hitiman , { .ove Co. . Pin ton Rlk W-731 tlOO.OO AND UP. K. D , WEAD. H & UOUaMlT W-S30 N ( , MO.XHY TO i.oAV riiATTni.s. MONE YTO LOAN ON rfRNITt'llEri'IANOS. horses , waRons , etc . BI lowest rate * In city ; nn removal of goods , strictly confidential , you can pay the loan off nt ny time or In nny amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . ioti s. ISth St. JC 73fi IIUSIMSS TO OIT : IN on OUT or HUSINKSJ oo TO J. T. Gibson , Cli First Nat'l Hank- ' " ' " „ I'LANrT STOCK & QOODWIM. OP A VAVINO wholesalp , mfc A Commission business for nlo. present find protective Incrensp of the bunlno s temlera It tmpoMlble for present mnn- BKCM to Rive It tultlclcnt attention on account of other biiilnem ; rare chanc * for n couple ot huitlcm. J3.OW.00 take * It. W. C. O. 311 IVir- A MSU rou SAM : , A ISO-IIIIL , . NOHDYKI : AND MAII- mon mill. Wnter-povver enc of the finest mills least expensive to keep up.Mill located In northeastern Neliraikn , In a spletiltil wheit section IIa n nne exchance artd local Im l- ness. nnj a welt-pstabllsheil eastern nml western - ern trade. Mill U In perfect nmnltiK order , nml In at precent rentlnR for ft cn h rental ot T2.000 per ycir. A rare opportunity for par ties with a little cnpltnl lo invest nomc ot It where It will brine good returns , CorrvMiomU once solicited. Aildrcus V. O. Hot GAS. Omana , Neb . V MU110 A OOOD 1'AYiNO nnu III'SINISH : : $7W CASH. Imlnnce , nbout tlOD , on timer It 1 > a bargain. Addrosi A 11 , Il" < > Y IS' roii SALT : CHKAP. IP sou > NOW : CASH only : stock merchandise and fixtures In south ern Nebraska , Rood huslne'a ; established trade ; J900 required. llox R03 , Omaha. Y M150-0 * FOR UUn LAND. 4 BTATCa , FOll OMAHA IMP. property , will assume Incumb.W'm'son. C04 Hee bldn. 7.-MB47 A $ I.EOO IQUITY IN AROOM COTTAOH , east front , Georgia Avc. ; a snap ; part trade. Y 41 , Ree. 55-M193 9 COMI'KTUNT STENOQUAl'IIEH OWNING MAchine - chine will exchange work or give course of In structions for furniture , carpels , plino 039 So. ISlh. 55 M2W 8 * FOR SVI.U KUAIj KSTATK. ICOUNTZn 1'L.ACK HAHGAINS , JI.&OO. $3,750 TO tCGOO. J. J. dlbson , Cll I'lrst Nat. IJank hide. UK 733 IIOUSKS , IJOT9. I'AIIMS , LAN'DS , LOANS. Geo. P. UemU Real Estate Co. , I'axton Jilocit. ltn-739 I'ARM LANDS , C. I' . IIAItltlSON , 912 N. Y. 1 , IIAnOAINS , HOUSES , IO3T3 AND TAnitS ; sale or trade. 1' . K. Darllns , uaruer ink. HE 741 LAHOE 9-IOOM MODEIIN HOUSE , IS 000 ; easy terms. Inquire on premises , C09 S 2Slh Slrect. RE-MI49 BEST 200 ACHE I'AIIM NEAU < OUTH OMAHA at H valuation A. Pierce , 2o02 Itlondo St. UE M819 S ILL EXCHANGE CLEAR IXJTS AND CASH for equities In vacant lot * and Improved prop crty. Hnsllnns , 212 S. 14th St. RE M933 SIIOHTIIM > AM > A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIPB. 742 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGLAS. 743 MCCARTHY'S ACADEJIY , 17TH A. DOUGLAS. OS1-N9 II H HOYLES , COURT REPORTER. PRIVATE les ons , day and evening. 407 Dee HldffMSS4 MSS4 TYPEWRITERS RENTED , $4.00 PER MONTH. 1613 I'arnam St 743 TYPEWRITERS RENTED , $400 PER MONTH , sIcnoKrapheM assisted lo positions free. Thc Smith-Premier Tjpevvrlter Co , 1C23 I'arnnm St. , Omaha , Neb JI ICO \VV\TI3DTO HOIUIOW. WANTED. $2-1.000 " , Y13ARS. C PUR CENT nmple pccuilty. Addicts ! O. box C38. Omaha Neb ISO 10 H. MAROWIT2 IJ3ANS MONEY. 41S N. 16 ST. 747 COAI < > I1URLINGTON NUT. llEsT , CHU'APEST PRICE 53 75 per ton. 'Phone S43. Harmon S. Weeth C'o. 523 N9 LOST. LOST , PREIGIIT RECEIPT ROOK ON DOUG , las st between 17th and 20th ; suitable reward to findei A. Hospa. Lost M932 11 LOST , 11L\CK 1'OCKETHOOK , CONTAINING money and Hee carrier carda. Revvanl for re turn to llee olllce. Lost M1S3 9 * LOST. GOLD HAIR PIN ; RETURN TO MADIson - son hotel , 21st & Chicago , and receive reward. Lost SI225 S CIVIL KVGIMSEIl. 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE ON R R LOCATION , U. S rivers nnd harbors and clly work Alva J , Grover , 318 South luth St , Omnha ' Tel. 1G25 127 11 TAILOR Timi3IIXI3S. WANTED. TAILORS TO DlfY THEIR WOOL- eni nnd trimmings from the Eastern Woolen nnd Trlmmlns Co. , 1314 Douglas StM636 M636 N26 SUWIiVG MACHIXnS AMI NEW HOME , nousnnoi.n s , WHITE SEW. IHE machines & supplies. 1514 Cap ave , Tel. 1374. . so M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 CUJIING. TEL. 1331. 744 HORSES WINTERED , REST OW C\RE. RATES Jo 00 per month. W. E. On ens , 3C07 Ocnler St JISE2 3u WANTED. HORSES TO WINTER. llESr OI care , rates reasonable AilJrit-s p. o Hex 45 descent , Iowa 927 IJ 2' I'vinvrs. b"ea * ' - " Attorneys. . - * - . . . .ap..jn.Ma Omaha , Nib. nraiich nfnce at Wa > hmton ! , I > . C' SenJ for free Advice and Palent Bool : See Sunday Ueo for our Mnchlns ljvvmntr copyrlRhtcd U37 Telephone * C23 S.ifi's-Snfo A. J.oek InJ , J. DERIGHT&CO- , Sucecsiora to A. L. Dome & Co. , Western AgentB. Tol. 6311. 11 H ! Fiu-iium , Oinulia POS'lOFIMCIS XOTITK. ( Should be read DAILY by nil Interfiled ns chatiRes may occur at any t mo ) Tori'lBii inn Ha for the week eiulliiR Novem her liltli , 1S37 , ivlll close ( I'JIOMI'TI.Y In a1 cascK ) m the drnera ! I'ostonlc 3 follows i'Ancii.s POST MAILS close ONI HOUIl J5AULIiit than clotiiv ? time shovvi be I o iv. TUESDAY At C n. m for KUHOPn , IK . B. Truvc * . la SouUmmpton ( It-Stew fo Irelnntl muat be directed "per Truvo" ) Wii3NJS AY At 7 a m ( jjp'.ementu : > 9 a. m. ) for 13UI5OPE , i > er a. H , Pa ilk * . \ia r'oiithiimpton ( U'ttcrs for Ireland must b directed "per PurU" ) ; at 9 u. m ( supple military 10:20 : u , m. ) for I2UHOPK. per B. s. Teu.onlc * . vU QueenstoAii ; at 10 u m. for HELGll'Sl Qlr rt , per s. s. NootrtlAnJ , via Antwerp ( letters must be dlruptcil "per Noordland" ) TJU'JISDAY At 7.00 n. m. for RUROPE. utr s. H Rlsmarek * . via Plymouth. Cher bourg ami Hemburg ; ut S a. m. for NKT1I- iULAND3 direct , per B. u. Kilam , via Arnitenlnm ( letterstJaH bo directed "per IMam" ) , ATUUDAY-At I'M n , m for Rt'UOl'i : , per a s. Cnmvinla'i | vln , Qiieeimtown ( lot- tcri for Frnnce , Snlaeilnnd , llnly , Spain , Portugal , Turkey , 1-sypt nnd Ilrltlsh Indln must bo dlrecteil "per ratnpanln" ) , at 7 n. m. for KHANC1J. SWITZKUI VNM > . ITAIA' , SPAIN , POllTt'OAL. Tt'HKKY , naYPT nnd imiTISH INDIA , per s. , Hretaijne * , via UtwreJIettcr- oth"r p-xrti of Kuropo muMt.lw.dlreetcd "per Ln HretitRne" ) : at S n.AjHUfor Nr/rllKR- IjANDS direct , per - > , Ilotterdam , via lloticrdnm ( letter niltft bo directed "per Rotterdam" ) : nt S n.Afri. rfor G13NOA , per s > . s. Kiilier WllholniUI Jletters must bo directed "per Kaiser Wllhelm II" ) ; nt 11 a. m , for NORWAY dln-Ct , per s s. Tnlng- valla ( lettera must be fflretted "per Thing- valla" ) . j , PRINTED MATTER , ETC , German 'steamers snlllnir on TUe i1ay * tnlaVPrihted Matter , etc. . for Germany , nnd Specially Addressed Printed Mailer , etc. , for other puts of Europe. .Ameri can and White Star steamers pn Wednesdays , German steamers on T.uirsdnjs , and Cunard , French nnd German steamer * on Snturdayu take Printed Matter. * td , for alt countries for vvhlcli they are advertised to carry mill. \ftei ; the clo lnR of thcj Suiiplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named hbove. addltlonil sup plementary ninllt are opened on the piers of the American. English , IVench nnd German steamers , nnd temalrt bpen until vvllhln Ten Mlnuten of the hour of sailing of stenmer. Mull * for South Hint O < 'iitrnl Ann-rlcn , ' \Vint Indlt-H , Kto. MONDAY At " 3 v m for IIUIAKK , PUERTO , CORTES ! and QUATE.MAhA , steamer from NCTV Orleans. Gsr I SDAY At " 3 p. m.1 for COSTA RICA , per steamer from New .Orleans ; at 9 i > . m for PORT ANTONIO , 'per steamer from ] ! oston. WEDNESDAY At 2:0 : a. m. for PORT ANTONIO , per etenmer from Phllftdelphli ; nt 10 a. m ( supplementary 11 n. m. ) for CENTRAL , AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) und SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per H. . s Alllanca , % la Colop ( letters for Gua temala must bo directed "per Alilanca. " ) : ai : 11 n. m for PROQRESO , per s. s. San Aiipustln ( letters for Other ports ot Mexico ice must bo dlicptcd "per San AuRUStln" ) : at 1 ip. m. for CUDA , per s. s Seguriinca , via Havana. FRIDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , per s. s. Slbcrlin from Philadel phia ; at 2 p. m. for PORTO RICO direct , per 'i s Arlcadln SATURDAY M n 30 n. m Nupplemon- tnry 10 n. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s s. Mndlana ( letters for Grenadi , Trinidad nnd Tobugo must be directed "per Madlana" ) ; at 10 n. m. ( stip- plemcntaiy 10:30 : a m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVAN1LLA , nnd CARTHAQENA. per s. Alnl ( letters foi Costa Rica must bo directed "per Altai" ) ; nt 10 a m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. 'm for HAITI , per s s. Alps ; at 10:30 : a. m. for CAMPECHD , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , ( per s s. Seneca ( letters for other parts of MP\CO ! and for Cuba must bo directed ' per Semtea" ) : at 11 n m ( Supplemen1 nrv 11:30 : n. m. ) for VENEZU ELA and CURACOA , also SAVANILLA nnd CARTHAGENA , via Curacao , pur s. Venezuela ; nt U m.f for GRENADA. TRINIDAD nnd TOnAGO. per s s Grenada ; nt 1 p m for TRINIDAD , TO BAGO and CIUDAD BOLIVAR , per s s. Curacao ; at S:30 : p m. for ST , PIERRE- M IQUELON , per steamer from NortJi Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , nnd thence by Btcamer. clo e nt this olllce dally nt SSO : p. m Malls for lMlib.iielon , by rail to Ho'ton igid thence by steamer close at this olllco ilall ) nt S.34 p m Malls for Cuba close nt this olllpo dally at 7:00 : a in for forvvardlnR by ste-imere salllnn ( Mondnjs and ThurBda > s ) fion ( Port Tninpi. 1'la Letter imlls for Mexico ice City , overland unleta sprciilly nddre sed for de pitci bj steimcr.i close nt this ofllce ilully at 12.Oi ) m ; impftr jnulla at 0.00 a in Registered mall closes * atAl.CO p. rn. previous day. - TrniiN-I'iiHIIc IliillM. _ r Malls for China , .Tip mland Hawaii , per t .3 Copi.lc ( from San Francisco ) , clobo here dally up to Novemiurlgth | At C 30 p. m Mails for Australia ( except We = it Aus tralia ) , Nc-\ Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , ipcr s s Wnrrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here djilly taf ter November * 3th and up to Noven11)pr'15tli ' at C:30p : m. Malls for China and Japan , per s g. Ctj- lumbla ( from Taromn ) , close oere dally up to November " 21st nt G.20 p. m Mnlls fnr Hivvaii , per s s Australia , ( from gan Franclfco ) . close hertfrtUly up to Nov"em- bcr. 24111 .U ( i.30 p m. Mnlls for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from San I'rnnclsco ) , close heio daily up to November 24th at C-30 p. m. Malls foi China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s s. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to Novem ber * * ath at C-30 p. nj Malls for Aus tralia ( except those for West Australia ) , \vblch are fonvardcd via Europe , New- Zealand , Haw-all , FIJI and Simoan Is'.amK per s. s Marlposa ( fiom San rrnnclsco ) , close bore dally up to December * * 3d at 7:20 : 3. m. , 11 a. rn , and 0:30 : p. m. ( or on at rival at New- York of s. s Campania with British mnlls for Australia ) . Trans-Pnclflc malls are forvvnrdcd to port of sailing dally nnd the pclieilule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit. Registered mall closei nt 0 p. in. previous day. Postolllce. New York , N. Y. , November 5 , 1SU7. ; CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. UAII.UOADS. RURLINOTON & MISSOURI River Railroad-"The liurllns. ton Route" General Offices , N. W. Corner Itnih nnd I'arnain Streets. Ticket Oince. 1502 Farnim Stieet. Telephone 230 Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Stieets , Telephone. 118 Leave. Arrive 8.35 am 9.35 am liOT pm 7 45 pm 11.30 um CHICAGO BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The nurl. Inglon Route" Ticket Ofllce. 15i)2 rarnam Street. Telephone 230 Depot. Tenth and Muson btrects. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive 0:03 : pm 7J5 : am ! ) :4S : am 4 15 pm 7:50 : pm * 7:53 : am " 11:40 : am 5.JO pm 2.SO pm tANSAS CITV. ST. JOSEPH & Council Hluffs Rallrond "The llurllnslon Route" Tlcltet Olllce 1C02 P.xrnlin Htreet Telephone 2M Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele , pionc. 123 Leave , Arrive. Kansas City Day Ux. . . 005am 5 : < 0 pm Kansas City Nlslit Ex. . ' 10:00 : pm CJO : am UNION PACIFIC "llin OVER- Innd Houte"rViaeneral ofilces , N I ! Corner Ninth and farnam Streets Clt > Ticket Olllce , 1J02 I'arnnm Street. Telephone. 310 , Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Strcels. Telephone , I2S. , v Leavt. Arrive. Tim Overland Limited"'r' tor Denver , Salt UlUe , i. o vveslern points 8:20 : um 4lj pm Past Mull train for--- Denver. Halt Lake. Pnclfln coast and all i , vveitprn points , , t. . . , 3:30 : pm ' 10.20 am Lincoln , lleatrlcn nnd 0 .1 Stronnbure llxprcsa. . . / c00 pm 12:10 : pm Keainey iin t , . a'fjfi.OO pm 12.ZO Pm Dally "Dally cxeept Buiilay. ( Council liluff * Locnl-I.e.iven , 0-40 n in : Ci50 n. m . 7.50 n in . .25 a. m vjt-/ti u m. .8:15 : p in : 4.JO p. in , 6:55 : p. m. Arrives C'20 n m ; 7.20 a. in , S a m , i-a ) : , m. : ll Sla , m , 3:10 : p m ; SiJO p m.j 8,05 p m , IQMf n m v/PtocK ISLAND s. Paclne Ifpl.road I "The Great Hock TjTOid Houte" Ulty Ticket 'OHfce , 132 Fnrnam Street , > 1e1 p > ioi ! . 123 Depot , T < nth f n < iiu. Mason streets Telephone , 1S /r Leave. Arrive. , * „ . . > , . . . . . * ' > < > Pm * 1 ! " P'n . . . w. . . Crlrrado P lns , Pueblo Denver and vvtst . . . . . . . 1:35 pm " 4,03pm ChU'iKi , Dei Molnet andRe > Ro K UUnl 7:00 pm 8 15 am AtUnilc iinesl | : , tor DCS Mtlnes ti.il raittrn ( ohiis 7:00 : km 3 ; > Pm Llninln. Falrbury anj Rcllevllle . . . > S 43 pm " 10:40 : am Pallj- . " Dally e ret CHICAGO MILWAfKUU f. ST 1 > aul I.nUCUy 'llc't't nmet JW4 1'arnam Sliect Tflepbono. 231. Depot Tentli al11' Mnson ttrcctf. Telephone. ' Lrave. Arrive. C.slcago Limited Kt. . , ' : ij pm k.05 iim Oniaia ai.d Chleaso ! - * M:0u } am 1:50 : pin D.illy. WMJASH RAILROAn-TICKtrr OFKJCE HH I'nrnara Sir et. Ttlcii'ione * 23 Dtptt. Tmtli end Maicn aiitcts Telephone il I-eivc. Arrive. St. Louli "Cannon lldll Cilurti 4:3a : nm 11:3) : ) am Dally. HAII.ROMIS. ( Continued 1 1A Railway my TtcUet 1401 I'ninnm Plreel. Teleph.ine. Ml. Dfpjt. Tfnth nml Mison Streets. Telephone , L avo. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St Pnul nnd Minneapolis 5:10 : nm 10:15 : Pm Missouri Valley , Sioux Clly . . . . 7:50 : nm 9:05 : pm Uennlson. Carroll , Wall Uikd . . . . . .I. . . . . . , . . . , , . 7:33 : nm 9:05 pm Knstem llxprtss. DCS Molnen , Mnrslnlllown , Cedir Itnpld , Clilcaco IOM5 am 4tIO pm Atlantic Tlytr , Cnlcniro nnd Knst 4MS pin 4:10pm : Fast Mall. Chlrao to Oninlm . . JttO pm Missouri Valley , Shiix City. St Paul , Mlnnc- npolis Limited 0:55 : pm 9:5 nm Omihn.Ohleniro Special. 6:50 : pm 8:10 : am Dullj Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , ST PAUL , M1NNC. npolls * Omaha Railway General ofllce , Nebraska Dl vision , rcternth nndVbiler StrecM city Ticket Olllce , 1401 rnrnam Street. Tilepbona 6CI. JUfpot. Fifteenth nnd Webstsr Btreet > . Telephone , 1(53 ( Leave. Arrive , filoux City Aeconimodn. S:50 : nm S:20pm : Sioux CUV" Accommoda. " 9:5 : > ) nm :20 : pm lllalr , Umerson Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlnpr- ton nnd Rlwiinflcld. . . , 1:00 : pm 11M am Sioux CltV. Manltatb , St. Pnul , MlnnenpolW . . . fi:1S : nm 9:10 : nm Kmcr on PassenRor . . . . 5:10 : pm 8 45 nm Dnl'y. " Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. " .This train stops nt slntlnns Plorcnca lo So. lllalr , Inclusive , Sundajs onlj ! on week da > s So lllalr only. ! "IJX CITY At PACIPIC RA1L- road General Onice , United States Natlonn' Rank Rulld- IIIR , S , W. Corner Twelfth and 1'nrnnm Streets. Ticket Olllce , HOt rnrnam Street. Telephone. 651. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Sliejts. Telephone , 14J8. Irfive. Arrlv o Sltiur City. ManUnto , St Paul , .tllnnedLoils 6:15 : pm * 9:10 : am Dally. r."MONT , ILKHORN & Missouri A'nlljy Railway Gtn. eral OlMcci , United States Na tional nanK UulldliiK , HOUUI- nam Streets Ticket Onice , we t Corner Twelfth nnd Par- 1401 Knrnam Street. Ttlephone , D6I. Depot , I < 'lft tnth and AVebvter Slrcctf. Teltphone , 14'S Leave. An he. Black Hills , Deadnood and Hot Springs 3:00 : pm * B:00 : pm Wjomlng , Cafper nnd DouKlas " 3:00 : pra 5:00 : pm HnstliiRS , York. * David Citv , supeilcr. Geneva , , i\eicr nnd faevvarn. . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Ntrro k , Wo.t Po nt and 7.50 nm " 10 23 urn Kicmont. . , . . , , . . Lincoln , \VDIOO ! nnd 7:50 : am "lO am Fremont I'romont Loc.il " 7:50 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. ' "Sunday only. " " DMly except Raturday. " "Dally except Monday. PACtl'lC RAILROAD General Ofllccs nnd 'llckcl Of llce. Merchants National Rank Rulldlns 1224 I'arnam Street , lelcphune 104. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458 Leav e. Arrive. Nebraska , pm . . „ . . „ , St'.V ° . " ! ? O-.SO pm 6 00 nm Nebraska Local . " V30 " " " 8:45 : Qm Dnlly " DTllv Ex. Sunday OMAHA , KANSAS CITS HAbTCRN RAIL road Omaha .1 St. Louii Railroad "The O. K Routp" Ticket Olllce. 1115 i-'arnam Street. lolephone. 322 Depot , Tenth and Mason Slieets. Telephone , 12s. Leave. Arrive Patton'bure Klrksvllle , Qulncy Local C.40 nm * IO:4a : pm St. Louis. New- York Limited 4:30 : pm * 11:30 nm Dally. THI'i I'U7.7.Ln CI.UH. Puzzle solving and puzzle malclnR are as old as the hills , affording a constant fund of Instruction , entertainment and amuse ment for old nnd young. The wits are sharpened , the intellect brightened and many a long evening Is pleasantly and profitably vvhlled away. The Bee has ar tanged for the use of tun Puzzle club dur ing the remaining vvrks ot this > car , Its use thorpafter depending largely on the In- tertst manifested. Our readers are cordially Invited to contribute to the department puzzles of their own making , consisting of anagrams , deletions , transpositions , chamdcs , enigmas , numerlcals rcveisals , decapita tions , curtailments , squares , diamonds and everything of a , like nature believed to be Interesting. To stimulate Interest and Ingenuity prices ore offered for the best lots of original puzzles contributed to the Puzzle cluu dur ing the period ending December 31. The con test Is open to the readers of the Puzzle club everywhere , and they are urged to send In the icsults of their efforts. Tor thc lot of live or moro original puzzles which shall bo deemed the best will be given a handsome copy of Shakespeare. It Is the Avon edition , containing nearly 900 largo pages pi luted from laige , clear type , twenty-flvo full-page Illustrations , a glossary and other attractive features , making It one of the best editions to bo found. It Is well bound and Is very desirable. For the next best lot is offered a copy of "Tales from Shakespeare , " by Charles nnd llary Lamb. This Is a handsome volume , ornamentally bound , containing over 400 pages and ICO Illustrations. To compete for these prizes five or more original puzzles must be submitted , but they need not all be sent In at once. Any nom do plume may be used , but the name of the contributor must accompany the puz7lesnot ; for publication , but for the Information of the editor of the department. All mall should bo addressed , Puzzle Edi tor , Omaha Bee.J. . J. CHARADE. The ONE has TWO behind the hills , And gone to rest ; Brilliant , variegated hues Light up the west. Thus TWOS the ONE In splendor grand The eye's delight ; The TOTAL grandly ush'rlng In Appi caching nlplit. 2.-DIAMOND. 1. A consonant , 2. A foim of the verb to be. It. Surface mtasuiements. 4. The lading ot a bliip or tullioud car. 5. A bird of prey. C. A lemlnlno pronoun. 7. A con sonant. 3. ACROSTIC 1. An English poet i nd novelist born In 1830 2. A celebrated Mexican general and politician , 1753-1S7G. S A volcanic mountain celebrated In holy writ. 4. A f.imouii Amc'i- Ican opcintle Hlngcr , died In 1MU. C. A mili tary people Inhabiting parts of Russia. Rending downward , the Initials .spell the given name nnd thc finals the surname of a well known EngllMi theologian , hyrYm writer and author. He was born In 1C74 , dying In 1T18. 4.-SQUARE. 1 Saccharine. 2. The largest of all the mammals , 3. Consumed us food. 4. To chooHu by demonstration or ballot. D. Sorts of rude habitations. 5-METAGRAM , ( Example Fray , bray , Hay , pray , dray , Bray. ) "And now , " said the bicyclist , In ONE dismay , "my wheel inupt po to the shop for repairs. Thera was a big TWO a few blocks away , and us a scoicber naturally HkoH a TWO , of coursi ) I went lo It , and at a rat tling good puce , I can tell you ! Hut the roads were bad after that hard rain pools of mud mid slush nil along the way anil the fltst thing I knew was In a. THUEE. I lloundeipd out of It finally , but hud no Hoonrr done so than mv wheel picked up a bunch of old niHty 1'OUR , which got tangled up In the spiockct. the upshot licln Vhnt I came out with a skinned t'llmw and a busted FIVE And now I'll have to SIX another wheel to go on that run today , all of whleh makes mo K1VEU , FELIX. G.-NUMEIUCAL. 5-4-8-7-1 , a chivalrous companion 510Gl8J7 , an expression of alfjctlon or regard ii-4-3-12 , an obstruction dreaded by boat men. 2-3-11-12 , to Hiibpend from a height , 7-11-3-1. a very small Insect. fi-n-3-1-8-4 , a winter sport. a-3-6-1 , Immense , 0-1-10-1-7 , to smart nnd burn. 3-s-C-lO-l , to cull upon The WHOLE Is coming teen und Is a time for 7-8-9-10-11-12 1-2-3-4-5-0. 7 DECAPITATION. ( Example Crate , rate. ) A man may bUiove that a girl's heart IB Ills , Think chr'a ONE and continue to woo , Only to ilnd v.'nc'ii he asks her to wed. All ho gets for hist pilns Is the TWO , S-SQUARE , 1. Lubricated 2 To toughen or harden by exeiclse. 3 , Profit or gain In money. 4 Did v.-ron ? or mada a mistake. 5. Certain Instrumtutti of writing. AiifcwrrH to thesj puzzles will bo glvci in xt v.et-k. Hend In your con'rlbutlons and help to make the Piuzle i-lub attractive Do not fear to nubmlt your Ideas. ? niall r'11 , > < Ue pill , cost pin. Lie Wltt'i Little Early Risers cure blllou-ness , conitl patiou , s'.Uc lirxinicbu. tM TT ! IMTPX1T Umiltr SIilTLEMENT WORK "catnro of University Lifo that Ooramoniis Itself to the Public , STUDENTS WHO HELP THE POOR PEOPLE Grntiiim Tnjlor llniisiIn SnU Crock IliiltoiiiH llviMiincn 11 tins en for Lliioiiln'M 1'ovortjHlrk'Ucii I anil Unfortiimttc. LINCOLN , N'ov. 7. ( Spoclfll. ) Tlio ottlemcnt Is n cotup.nutlvoly now Inst'tutlon ' ot the University at Nebraska , which hail Us beginning In tlio effort ot the Christina asso ciations io do sorao homo missionary work among tlio poorer people ot the city. Tlio iiculty thought It too worthy ft work not to bo shared by tlio whole university nnd steps \oro taken last year to Interest the whole student body. Tlio rcmilt Is a collcRO sot- lenient , after the plan of those In CIilcxiKQ nml other cities and maintained by the joint efforts of faculty ntid students. At n mae * ucctlng of the students at the opening of his university jear reports by the various committees appointed lost jcar worn he ril. raf. Kessler , who , with I'rofs. AiMms nnd lodgtnan , had been most active In thc work , gave the financial report , and Mlsq Whltlns. Imlrman of the student committee , told io\v iho work had firogiesscd , The Httar rtv rt was especially Interest- UK. The committee hired a Infuse on the Salt battnms. In the most squalid district of ho city , at the corner Ot Kluhth ttid X streets , and put It ) n 'dnrgc of Mr. nnd MTU i'onquct. Various subcommlttres were ujv x > lnteJ , books and periodicals collected [ or i circulating library and students \olun- : eercd to take chnigo ot clabses which wile organbed. There have been especially good lasses kept up In English and German and i sewing clabs , whoso attendance aveiagod fifty women and girls. Perhaps the best feature Is the reading oem , kept open late enough In the evening : o nviko an attractive and profitable place for crowds who would otherwise have no eglllmatt' amusement within their reach jlttlo cluldicn partlculaily nro kept from the dangerous pastimts of the stieets. This Is jut the merest sketch of what has been a ivork productive of more good than can be counted and only one eldo of It. The other s the effect It must neccssailly have on the students who contribute In vnrlouu vvajs for Its support and take nn Interest In the man agement nnd teaching. The house lies been named the Oraham Taylor house , after the Chicago leformer , whom the commlttco Is now taking steps to eecuio for a lecture on the work. The committee appointed at the mns. ) meet ing to represent tlics Indents were : M'sa ' Whltlns , Miss Dluiniarc , Mr. Kuhlman and Mr. Hawksby. The faculty named 1'rofs dossier , Ilodgman and Swo7ey. Others who linvo done much to help are Mr. Searson nnd Mr. Boomer. UNIVERSITY Or NRBKASKA NOTES. Clean athletics or ncno at all Is the mottc put Into practice this season at the univer sity. Mr. Hastings , the new director of phvsical culture , has shown nn Intelligent interest In athletics and the joint athletic board of the faculty nnd students lm\o so co-operated with him that there Is a new era In athletics Games and exercises of nil sorts receive attention and thc numbui of students Interested is gicatly Increased. All students onteilng Into competition for events , Including foot bill mem , have to undergo a physical examination They have to maintain at least an average grade of Echolarbhlp. The defeat of the Missouri team last week cby a scorevpf to 0 may In pirt be attributed to the new discipline. A new feature Is the oventf between the fresh men arid sophomore classes that took place rn Saturday. The public has shown an In telligent Interest by offering prizes to the extent of $2o A new thousand has appeared of the second end edition , revised nifr ) enlaigcd , of the Introduction to the Logic of Algebra , with Illustrative exercises , by Prof. E. W. Davis of the unlveislty The continued eucccss of this book would Indicate that the advanced method of Instruction used In the university In making progress elsewhere. The logic of alqebia. Is a peculiarly useful and Invigor ating discipline. The Interchangeable In- stiuctlon In > geometry with that In algebra FO that the geometric illustrations can con- otantly bo given of algebraic princltles , Is spreading from the university throughout the high schools of the state. Mr. C. U Weldeman , while looking after the completion of the new city well at Thlitleth anil A streets , found that the work- mcr.i were bringing to the surfJce numeious concretions , which resembled small petrified canon balls , These weio found at a depth of twenty-eight feet below the surface , and show plainly that the Dakota cretaceous has been pttuck. This Is the finest water-beat Ing stratum In the state. Mr. Weldeman do nated his "find" to the museum , where rec ords of this kind sro kcpt It seems strange that the state of Ne braska , which was pre-eminently the home of the antelope , should at this late diy re ceive Its first specimen of this Important animal , which lo on the eve ot extermination. The gift of a stuffed antelope comes to the museum through the generosity of Mr. J H. Agcr of the B. & M. Mr. Agor has al ready madia many other contributions to the state museum. KlIlIdltiOMMl ( ( > N. The average attendance at the public schools of Chicago during September was 194CIC , an Increase of 12,890 In a year , Philadelphia Is short of school room , yet the authorities arepiylng $2 a day each to thirty men and five women to drum up truants , The success of the textile schools In the nearby towns Ins led New Bedford , Mobs. , to appro rlato $2CODO for the establishment of ono within its cnnllnus. Another $25,000 will he received from the state. The public school children of Washington aio to celebrate "Admission Day" on Thurs day , November 11 , tint dati > being the o'ghth nmnlveioiry of the ndmlsblon of the IJver- qicen state , as they style It , Into the union H will cost the city of St. Lou's ' $100,000 this year to supply all HH FchooK with free text books , and being leluctant to expend n miieh money at once , the elty will only make a beginning of It , intruding to maUe the supply complete In time. Tlio Philadelphia Record says that this jear's students In the University of Penn sylvania are particularly full of dovlltry Fights , rushes , sign-stealing , and nil .sorts of mischief have been llfo , and the police have certainly had their hands full. " The announcement Is mmlo that the Unl verslty of Virginia will hereafter bo kcp opan all year. The jt-ai will bo divided Into foui quartero , or terms , beginning tin 1st davs of January , April July > ind October No student or Itistructo'r vvlll bo cxpoetet to work at the unhcislty moro < than nine months of tlio tvc-lve unless he HO doblios. The University of Mlnsourl receives $23,02J finm the estdto of the late Jorn C C'onloy under the operation of a law recently pasbti by the lcgi 'ature ' , which provides that II a man dies leaving no father , mother or dliect lineal descendants ; a certain per rent of his estate , excluding any amount ; left foi clarities or religious purposes , must go to the Staff university. Prcf Thurston of Cornell university announce * that hwuftcr graduate's coming to Cornell from the best technical schools must begin thc senior year , Instead of rank Ing as giaduato students , nhllo the gradu atcH at the avvnigo technical rollego cai rank rnly with these beginning the junto joar , Instead of ranking us seniors Thl action IB bared upon Urn claim that the 811) ) ley college of mechanical engineering out classes all other engineering schools by a full } u r's work. The effects of ha-1 licailng , says Osc ; Chrlslman In the Northwestern Monthly , are rmlto disastrous to the school room. On can almost with certainty say that every dull child , every vicious child , every Btuplil staring child has dufectlie hearing In Ugh or stroiii : degree , Ono very careful hues tlgator Is so Impressed with the itsults o his investigations that ho demands tha "every Inattentive child should hive hi ears examined. " To show that I am no overstating Ibis some of the results ivll be given , reported prior to 1893 , so no on can aay that these aie overdiawn picture J child-study enthusiasts. Sexton , iu New "ork , found icvontr-MRht defective uplln among C70 examined , only ono of whom was known ttx bo dent by Ills teacher. South Otimhu Mows Todny a commute of the city council will ; o to Omaha to consult with a committed ppolnteil by President ItltiRham ot th ) mnlia council In reference to the proposed tralRhtenlng of the boundary lljio between ho two cities. U Is not thought there win o nny difficulty In coming to -agreement n this matter , as the olllclals hero rcnltza ho necessity for action of some sort and It s known tlmt the Omaha councllmcn fav'or ho lima proposed by City Knglneer Koso- vatcr. The dispute If nny will ho over Ilontarf precinct. The Omaha onlclals dc- Irc to ilo something with this precinct and Ither Include It In the boundary lines ot ) mnha or South Omaln. It Is thought the ouncllmen In this elty will not favor the nncxatlon ot the precinct to South Omaha , 'he expense would amount to n great deal uoro than the property Is worth. In the first place It would necessitate the creation if an additional ward and the election of two nero councllmcn. Thta would bo quite nn tern of expense as the salary of the addl- lltlonil councllmcu would amount to JGOO n year. Aside from this , sldovvnlks would mvo to bo laid , flro plugs located nnd pollco > rotcctlon provided lor. At present thcro ro only twenty-one votes In the precinct nd that la not enough to warrant the ox- 'cndlturo ' of nny Inigo amount of monoy. Clontarf district comprises nbout thirty- Ivo ncrcs and lies almost wholly In South ) mahi , but for nil of that the annexation of ho precinct la not favored by these who are ntcrcsted In this cltv's welfnie. I2uM < Shir IniDi-iiv ciiH-ntH. Illdo for giailing I street , from Twelfth to Thirteenth street , Uvo been advertised for ami vvlll bo opened by the city council nt the Hooting to bo hold November 15. The work of circulating the pctltlcn for this grading and pushing the matter has been done by nombers of tlio Kist Side Improvement club. This club IB doing nil It cin to open n good roadway to the llurllngton tracks , ns It li understood that when this Is donu a HSR station vvlll bo established. With n elation nt the foot of Missouri avenue , persons do- ilrlng to travel via the Huillngton will avoid ho necessity of going to the depot In Omaha. In case the business warrants It the llur- Ington manageis have promised to erect a station and have all trains make regular stops. The Improvement club Is still work- i'ig away on the piopotedi street car line to 3nmha , and It Is expected' that the company will bo oiganlzcd and/ even thing ready to nsk for a franchise nt the election next Aptil. These Interested oiy that there Is no doubt but that the proposition will carrj- when put to a vote. Ilex-tor MiiKrN nu i\pliiiiallon. : Jn connection with the death of Henry Van IJcek , mention ot which was made In : ho papers last week , County Commissioner Hector said last night' "Tho old man came to mo for transportation to Otturawa , In. , Jiul I told htm that I would give It to him , but urged him to wait until after election is I was very busy looking after my Intorcsto n the campaign Mr Van Beck said tint ho rtas peifeotly willing to wait , but told mo that ho waa anxious to get nvvay ns ho had 10 place to stay , his son William bavins turned him out of the house. 1 then g&vo : ho old man an ordur on a local boanlln ; ; house Keeper for his meals and lodging until such time ns I could attend to the matter of obtaining tiansportatlon He accepted the eider nnd stajed at thc bowling house for a few dajs. There was nothing said abut his remaining until af'cr election that ho might vote for me. " N will Not CInif. The druggists have given up the Idea ot closing for three 01 four hours on Sunflay afternoons during the winter. A petition was circulated Saturday and nil of the drug gists , with one ex.ccptlr.iri , signified their wlll- to sign the agreement Unless all u'gu the scheme cannot be curried out and so the matter has been given up Last year an attempt was made to Induce nil the drug. gists to close Sundajs , but the druggist who Is obstitnate this year prevented uay action at that time. I. Ivo Mnclc i\cliiinni' MtM'tliijy. There will bo a meeting of thc Live Stock exchange this afternoon for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the annual con vention of the National Livestock exchange. This jear the convention will bo held at Sioux City on December 3 and 4. It U thought that quite a number of the mcmbcro of the local exchange will attend the session of the national body. Miigrlc City CiosNln. Harry Rotlichlld is laid up with a bad cut on his right hand ard arm. Edward McVey was burled yesterday after. noon at St. Mary's cemetery. The funeral of Patrick Butler will bo held at St. Agnes church this morning. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barnum , Twenty-fourth and P streets , n son. The Union Veterans' Republican club will hold an Important meeting this evening. Mrs. John Freldt , wife of Klro Chief Frcldt of the Hammond company , Is dangerously 111. A sen has been born to Mr. and Mrs. George McKornan , Forty-Sixth and H streets , Sol Ooldstrom boo returned from Iowa , where ho spent a week looking after business nutters , i L. P. Walker reports to the police that a black fur robe was stolen from his cbuggy Saturday night. A meeting will be held at the Young Men's Christian association parlo s Tuesday even ing for the purpose of founlng .a. club to discuss social and economic questions. A gasoline stove at the homo of IJ. S. Dlmmock. Twenty-fourth nnd J streets , ex ploded yesterday morning , causing a small loss by tiro. Mr. Dlmmock carried the burnIng - Ing stove out of doors before any gicat damage - ago had becu dene. American Mrt > Corseis aru zhu Heat. .v OK \HI.M ; FOR sicic , iKf ruction for 'I'lioMiI'lcpui'lnn' for ( lie WurK of > nrHi' . A COUIBO of Inatiuctlon for women and girls who wish to fit themselves for the proper c.irc of sick persons nnd joiins chll- dien vvlll begin , next Krldiy night nt the looms of the Young Women's Christian as sociation , by whoso educational commlttco It is offered. The work h under the dliect charge ot the Visiting Ninscs' association , and will bo most CRiofully pUnned. AH announced by Mrs , Tovviio and Miss Mlllard at a pirllml- nnry meeting held I'llday night , It will con- slit of lectures by specialists , IIIIIBCU and physicians , who will , whenever possible , accompany - company their Inntnatlon by ilemoiiNtrtttloa of methods , Among the topics already cn- nouncci ) are the follow Ins Care of Infants ; scientific value of foods and their adapta tion In < llsoau ; medicine ; use and abuse of the faintly medicine cheat ; emcrgencim ; what to do till thc doctor comes ; toilet of the sick ; hygiene of the tick room ; huvv to bathe dress and prepare the bed ( if a per son too Rick t'j be moved ; care of special oiEcc , as consumption , tvphold fever , croup ; bandage.H and nntUeptic dressings ; contagious dliicubr-H ; detection of defects of vision , and care of the eyes. The lectuies v , 111 follow each other at In tervals of two vvc-oku , beginning next Friday night at 7:20 o'clock with the lecture of Dr. Tonne on "Contagious Diseases. " Kach lec ture will lie followed on Ilia succeeding Fri day night by a quiz covering the point * made by the lecturer , so that there will be meeting of the class every week. "Jafir " ' ' 'T't Zff isoa