THE OMATTA DAIIjV BEE ; MOIST DAY. NOVEMBER S. 1807. I COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MI.Mtll Mi\TIOX. " Cooper , Kho ln . , C I'uwl , tel. 372. Harry Murphy , coil tiil wood , 37 Main. Schmidt's bar relief photm arc the latest iJi Shrlvcr. tlentl t Merrlam blk. . rom 245 Mr A. J. iMnndolhall Is visiting relatives In I'attonsburg , Mo. S. B , Cro * * nml wife of I'crry were vial- torn In the city yesterday. C. II. I'cttlt & Co. Hard and soft coal. 2323 West Headway ; Tcl. 330. Mini llrltton ot Grlswnld Is the guest of the Misses Inman of this city. Mct'hurxon tt. Itcoil , cut flowers and de- Blgrn ; ofllrn C 1'earl St. , tol. 572. Satisfaction guaranteed at the reliable Bluff City stcjm laimilry. I'hone 311. AVIlllnm Ilacnn and Charles Johnson of DCS i.Molncn were In the city yesterday. " C. 0. Ilazcn , dcntlHt , removed from the opera house to the Dr. I'lnney office , 214 Pearl. C. 0. Jamison of Minneapolis In vloltlng his brother , W. J. Jarntaan of First Avcntic. W. K. L lchcr of Mcrrlck county , Ne- braikn , Is the guest ot L , . 11. Cousins of this city. Captain Phillip Lccffoll linn returned from Davenport and will make hla homo In this city ngaln. Carlson's freshly ground cornmcal , best to ho had ; call for It at jour grocer's or at C. Carlson's Wash. Avc. mills. Mr. iMrc. Ji McDermott of Harrison street are entertaining Mrs. J. J. O'Houkc and daughter of I'attonsburK , Mo. IC'cctfon lit over.Vo breathe caoy once more , Iletlrr take time now to send that bundle down to the Haglo Laundry , 721 Uway. Chester F. Htcphcnson of Kansas City Is visiting friends air ] relatives 'lii the city , Mr. Stephenson Is on old Council llluITo boy. boy.Mrs. Mrs. Victor 13. Bender Is BUfferliiK from a cpralned ankle , caused by a slip while nteiiplng Into a carriage In Omaha on Sat urday. Council mufti people can obtain copies ot the International art series. "Ireland In ) Mctiiies , " by calling at the Council Uluffa office ) ot The Hoe. No. 10 Pearl street. W. It. llando received n telegram Mst evening nnnnunclng the death of hla mother nt Knlamazoo , Mich. She has been 111 for ( several months and Mrs. Hondo has been at tending her. Itev. A. It. Caudle , the pastor of the Cen tral Church of Christ , occupied the pu'plt of the new church yesterday. H's ' family la with him and they have made their home at 321 Avcnuo l'\ Hert Secley of the firm ot Sceley & Seclcy left last evening for a visit In his old homo In New York , where ho ha not been for sixteen jcars. 'lie will also visit the iraiblo and granite quarries In Vermont before his return. Kx-Secrctary IM. A. Wolf of the Young j ( Men's Christian association ot this city Is here for n few days. The latter part of this week he will go to Oskaloosa to assist in the service : ) of the association at thai ] ) lace during the week of prayer. Fire broke out In a barn last evening be longing to Henry Dunn , at 1-100 Third street , and completely dcstrojcd It , with all of Us contents. Two horscH were In the barn at the time , and although the most strenuous | I efforts were made to get them'out by the people who were attracted by the lire , the animals wcro burned to death. The barn contained several tons of hay and a quan tity of grain. The otlgln of the flre la not ] | known. The tire was not discovered until ' the building was enveloped In flames. C. D. Vlavl Co. , temale remedy ; consulta tion free Omco hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 326-327-32S Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing eomrmny. Tel. 230. Money to Loan Reduced rate on flrat class Improved farms and Inside city property. Apply to Jos. N. Casady , Jr. . 23C Main St. CmivitNN of Hit * Vote , The Hoard of County Supervisors TV ! ! ! meet In the olllco ot the county auditor today for the purpose of canvassing the vote cast In the county last Tuesday. More than ordinary Interest attaches to the count for the reason' ' that It may change the fate or two of the I candidates , the rival aspirants on the repub-i Mean and democratic tickets for the oflke of1 the county superintendent of schools. On thoj face of the retuins Prof. Sawyer , the fusion [ ! candidate , has five votes more than his re . publican competitor. Several Irregularities liavo been discovered In connection with the I returns from some of the country precincts , I and It these uhould be found to be ot such a character as compel them to bo thrown out j ! It will elect Prof. Paulson , the republican. . In this event a contest would certainly fol-j low and a complete recount of the ballots ; would have to be made. This count will un doubtedly show a great many defective bal lots , for It Is known that there were many In the various tireclncts In the city that were counted which should have been thrown out it the letter of the law had been followed. City Council M The city council will meet In adjourned session this evening. At the meeting on last Monday night but llttlo of the regular busi ness was transacted , the council adjourning early for the reason that nearly all ot the members were obliged to discharge ofllclal or seml-olllcla ! duties ut the polls on the fol lowing day and expected to bo kept out of their beds the greater part of the night. \oli > ( * of niKsoliitloii. Notice Is hereby given that the firm of Pair & Weber has this day been dissolved , G. A. Weber having sold his Interest In the business to E. W. Pair , who assumes all obligations of and will collect nil debts owing to the firm. 0. A. WEUEIl , E. W. PA III. WE GUARANTEE COZvE'S HOT BLAST HEATER To list : one.third less fuel than any under draft soft coiil stove inndc. To give a K0od base heat and an oven heat never before . t seen with soft coal. To hold lire perfectly and to burn hard em 1 economically. With n cornl flna it Is clean as a ly.ise burner. See It running at our store. COLE & COLE , 41 MA.IN STREET , HILTON nODQEHS & EON and OMAHA AGENTS. n ITTI 1JPllVPT rviopinr BAlTlJ ! , AdAIttST DISEASE Oity Authorities Plan for au Energetic Campaign of Extermination , QUARANTINE TO BE RIGIDLY ENFORCED CIINCH lit ConliiKloiiN DlNvnno Will lie ami WntulitHt with .More Cure Tlimi liver Hereafter. City Physician Cleaver has announced WB Intention ot beginning a campaign against all persons who are found violating the quarantine laws. There Is.a . belief prevalent among local physicians that the conditions are excellent for a serious outbreak of con tagious diseases In the city this winter. Dlsoascs of a diphtheritic character have been unusually numerous this fall and the danger Is believed to be increased by the fact that a majority of these cases have shown an unusual degree of virulence. Per the first time In many years adult patients have died of diphtheria. Ono patient , a strong , hearty man of 35 years , was at tacked and died In a > few days. Cases of membranous croup have been numerous and unusually fatal. Many cases of scarlet fever have also been reported. It was largely owing to the recommendations of the chief health ofllccr that the mayor ap pointed G. W. McCrary to act as special policeman with Instructions to devote all hla time to the work of enforcing the quar antine regulations. Many people have shown a disposition to disregard the rules ot the State Beard of Health , which re quire the quarantining of all cases of con tagious diseases. The posting of the cards on the houses Is no longer objected to , but the disposition has been , to regard this as being sulilclent. Children of the families have been permitted to play on the streets and the adult members 'have not permitted the presence of dangerous contagious dis eases In their homes to 'Interfere ' with their dally Intercourse with the 'world. Hore- nfter , especially In cases of diphtheria , the rules of the state board will bo vigorously cnfcrcsd and the quarantine will be made effective by the prompt prosecution of all persons who clsregartl Its requirements. \V. C. A. lloxiiltiil Itcpiirt. The Women's Christian association hos pital report for the month of October shows : Number of patients admitted , 10 ; number of charity patients , 2 ; number of patents dis charged , IS ; number of patients now in hos pital , 1G ; number of operations , 8 ; number ol' outside cases , S. In the training EchoDl for nurses the num her of lectures given was eight. Class work twice per week. Number of nursss attend Inf,1 private cases not In the city , four. Miss Viola Tlpton has been fully accepted as a nurs ? . Three probationers were ad- milled. The nurses In the graduating class were four Miss Emma A. Snlvely , Miss Cora Blcknell , Miss Augusta Turk und Miss Ha'.t'o ' Smith. Prom Mrs. Sarah B. Rohrer , treasurer , Iho finances show : Receipts Halnnce on hanJ October 1 , $102.07 ; from h'splta ! patients , $310.90 ; other sources , $20.10 ; total. $571.07 ; expenditures , $364.13 ; balanca on hand , No vember 1 , $20G.94. The commissary management was faith fully superintended by Mrs. James McCabe , assisted by Mrs. A. Bolllnger. The receipts were larger than for any previous month in the year , $71.60. The consignors were : Mcs- dames Joseph B. Reed , E. E. Hart , Frank Kecllno. C. M. Harl. John Short. A. P. Palk , F. S. Thomas. L. W. Ross , Nettie J. Hunt , W. C. Estep ( third order for year ) , J. M. Flagler , J. M. Oursler , M. M. Arthur , R. N. Merrlum. L. C. Hammer , S. M. Wil liamson , P. Stlmson , C. G. Saunders , N. G. Stack , P. T. True , Mary Maloney , S. W. Besley , N. JI. Green , . Vogier , Allle Bol- llngor. George Carson , Philip Moomaw. Nan- nto Fuller , Mary Hardman. Geo-ge Gernsr , JJ. D. Edmunson , N. M. Pusey , J. G. Bradley , E. C. Brown , J. S. Blanchard , J. H. Jack son , E. J. Scott , Mary Towsley. G. Vogier , Misses Dr. Mary Tlnley , . Nelson , Helen iSprlnk , Mattlo Gibson , Koto Rlley ; Messrs. John Sullivan. George Dallcy , Eriill Hoscli , J. Percgoy , Younkcrmun & Co. The dona tions for each day from friends ot the hos- pita ] consisted of California peaches , one box ; apples , llvo bushels ; vinegar , two gallons lens ; sweet elder , two gallons ; salt pork , ten pounds ; Jelly , ten glasses ; milk , five quarts ; grapes , fourteen baskets ; oysters , two gal jlons ; grape juice , ono dozen bottles ; sweet potatoes' , three and one-half bushels ; to matoes , two bushels ; ess pMnt , ten ; lettuce , fifteen heads ; ham , one ; plums , ono case ; soap , two dozen bars ; quince preserves , one crate ; air cushion , one ; crutches , one pair ; bandages.MRS. MRS. ROBERT J. MACBRIDE , Corresponding Secretary. CiiHh 'I'll I UN. At Letchford & Graf's. G07 South Main street , today : Plain beef roast , Oc and 7c ; boll beef , 3V&c ; plain steak , 7c ; pork steak , So ; pork loins , 8V4c ; roast pork , Sc ; bacon- , S'/ic ; lake trout and whlto fish , Sc. Shell Tlire-iiti'llH the J. J. Shea has served notice In a sernl- offlclal manner upon the members of the executive committee ot the Council Bluffs Transmlsslsslrpl association that while ho Is In the Injunction bnslncss , ho will Icok after the crpcal that has been made to the city and county for an appropriation to assist In defraying the expenses of the city and county exhibit at the exposition. He has notified the members that he will enjoin the city council and the county board from making any appropriation for any such purpose. Just what effect the threat will have on the city and county officers cannot now bo told , but It will certainly not deter the asso ciation from carrying out Its plans for a big exhibition next year. The sentiment all over the city and the county Is very strong In favor of the plans as now outlined by the committee. The members of the commltUo are all business men , but they ore spending their time and their money In the general Interest of all , and are planning to secure the greatest possible amount of benefit from the exposition. The plan ot selling an ex position buttcn of a novel and characteristic pattern will bo pushed vigorously , and It it believed that several thousand dollars can bo raised In tils manner , but thU will not remove the necessity for asking financial aid from the city and county , Iliillfiiliiuifr'M Iliiril Full. II , C. Hattenlvuier wna found between 1 and 2 o'clock yesterday morning suffering from an ugly-looking wound In life head and covered wllh blood. It was first thought ho had been the victim of a thug and had been assaulted and robbed , but It was found that ho had fallen and struck his head against the corner of a sleigh In his carrhgo ebop en Fourth street. Ho went to hid olllco on Saturday evening for the purpose of fixing up hla books and after working a whl e lay down on a couch to take a short rest. He dropped asleep and It was nearly midnight when ho awoke. He was chilly and went to the back part of the shop to get some kindling to build a fire. In returning he stumbled and fell , striking hts head heavily against Iho edge of a sleigh runner. Ho was knocked BCIISO'ISS and does nof know how long ho remained unconscious. When ho realized his condition ho had just strength cnought to reach the street and stagger Into ono of the buildings In the vicinity , which are kept open all night. A physlclin w s called and an examination showed ihct a branch of ono of the temporal arteries had been cut and that In another hour might have b'cd to death If ho hid not been able to got help. Ho was reailng comfortably yesterday , with prospects of being able to return to his business In a few da > a. . . Rov. J , H. Weber conducted services yes terday morning at Fifth Avenue Methodist church. A good sized audience was present. "Light" w s the general theme of his talk yesterday morning. Ho told In a very plain let their light ' shine hov ) In ptople this world " eavore that men < l to may see their greatness and said that If tb. y e talf M anxious to let the world know that they were ChrlstMns and hml Christ to Rlorlfy the world would bo In a far different state to what It Is today. In a quaint ay ho told how Christians acted under provocation , ana by Illustration lie showed them how they should act. He thowoi ! how Ino nststcnt many parents are In the punishment of their children Vvh'le provoked to anger. Ho Impressed upon the minds of his congregation irrony llttlo faults which they have It * their dally lives nnd think them too small to notice , yet they ttand out In strange contrast to the teach- Incs of Christ. SoHnl n < n KM nil Ilonio. The friends of Mrs. Thomas Pilling were accorded a very pleasant social afternoon and evening at the comfortable frame house In Garner township on Thursday. They met there during the afternoon and wcro enter tained by an old-fashioned quilting bee. The farm house U one of the most comfortable and commodious In the county , and It was still further beautified by the presence of a great number of conservatory plants nnd flowerst At the conclusion of the quilting the guests were ushered Into the dining room and entertained at dinner , spread In the elaborate and generous style ot country life. The guests were : Mcsdamcs Lizzie Dillon , Mary Host , Mary Sinclair , Mattlc Hancock , Amy Gregg , Maude Greene , Minnie Prohardt , Tlicda Mahood , Mlnnlo Frohardt , Jr. , Lizzie Garner , Mary Greene , Mary Stclnkopf Llzzlo Proctor , A. C. Rauch , Eva Hitchcock , Misses Adelaide Gregg , Jessie Pilling , Lllllo Dillon , Jcnnlo Gregg and Laura Williams. Ono of the latest things In art Is the life sized colored photographs at the Council Bluffs Paint , OH and Glass company's store. Framed with an ornamental gilt frame they are positively one of the prettiest pieces of decoration that you can buy. Do not forget the Augusta Grove No. 1 second social hop on Nov. , 18 , 1S97 , at Wood man hall. OKAH'S CII.V.\CiS AUB WB.VKKH. IliirlliiKlon Mini \ot So Certain of ] | | N Mneei-KMoi In dip Senate. DES MOLNES , Nov. 7. ( Special. ) Thj newly elected Iowa legislature Is being a good deal discussed , from various points of view , since Its membership has been defi- nltr-ly known. The spcakcrshlp contest , al ready opening and promising to be wide open In a very short time , has started the dis cussions , and various other questions , among which the senatorial Is prominent , have been given attention. Members of the senate who wcro elected last week will take part In the election of a United States senator to succeed John H. Gear In 1900. Members of the new house will not have a chance nt the senatorial contest unless they are elected again In 1899. There were elected last week twenty-one members of the senate , of whom thirteen arc republicans and eight deiiuerats. The republicans arc : G. M. Titus of Muscatlne and Louisa coun ties. ties.Thomas Thomas A. Cheshire of Polk. William Eaton of Page and Fremont. Warren Garst of Carroll , Greene and Sac. W. C. McArthur of DCS Molnes. Ilirley Finch of Humboldt , Bcuna Vista and Pocahcntas. W. C. Hayward of Scott. D. J. Palmer of Washington and Henry. E. G. Pcnrose of Tanm and Benton. W. B. Perrln of Chlckasaw and Floyd. W. R. Lewis of Keokuk and Poweshlek. J. J. Wallace of Hardln Hamilton and Wright. C. W. Mullln of Blackhawk and Grundy. The democrats are : .F. E. Malloy of Dubuque. D. A. Young of Lee. J. R. Gorrell of Jasper. ( Elected in 1893 as a republican. Went over In 1S9G to the silver republicans and was re-elected as a fusion candidate In 1897. ) L. R. Bolter of Harrison , Monona and Crawfoid. J. M. Emmert , of Cass nnd Shelby. W. A. Mclntyre ot W-ipello. D. A. Lyons of Howard and WInnlshlek. W. L. Wlls-o.n of Clinton. The Gear and Cummins men have not been making many claims since the elec tion , 'but ' the latter are commonly consid ered to have the beat of the situation , though It Is hard to tell how the new repub lican members stand. Titus Is regarded as a Gear man ; he comes from strong Gear territory and the assertion that he Is for Gear is not questioned. Cheshire of Polk is for Cummins ; he will be Mr. Cummins' leader and personal representative 'In the senate. Eaton is for Gear ; Garst 1s an en thusiastic Cummins man. though it Is pre sumed In case of the candidacy of Dolllver ho would 'be ' for him as long as ho should he In. It. McArthur Is for Gear and represents the Burlington man In the same \\ay that Cheshire stands for Cummins. Parley Finch , who moves up .from the house to the senate , Is understood to be for Cum mins , as against Gear , although , being from the same district , he would be under the same relations to Dollivcr as ( have been tuggosted as applying to Garst. This , how- over. Is the case with most of the new members ; if their homo districts should produce candidates they 'would ' toe expected to give a complimentary support to them. Hayward Is said to 'bo ' a supporter of Curamlns and Palmer Is known to 'be ' for Gear , having been nominated after a hard fight In which the Gear and anti-Gear feelIng - Ing was the dividing line between the fac tions. Pcn.roso'8 position Is not positively known , but he la said 'by ' members of the legislature to prefer Cummins as against Gear. Being from the Fifth congressional district It Is supposed howould stand by Cousins as long as the complimentary stage of the * fight continued. Perrln , who , like Penrose , comes back for his second term. Is an uncertainty. Lewis Is slated as a Cummins man , and Wallace , al though nobody Eccms certain of his attitude , 4s put In the same column , Mullln of Waterloo lee la aUo put In the list ot uncertainties , but ho Is not from Gear territory. In case of Henderson's candidacy ho would be for his homo man till ho dropped out , after which It Is uncertain where ho would go , The Cummins slatcmakers believe they have the best of the argument with him. To summarize , ( ills list places four In the undoubted Gear column , six In the Cummins column and leaves three uncertain or un known , with the Cummins people claiming the best chance of getting them. The Gear Influence ) will , on the whole , be much weaker In the next house than 'In the last. In the southern part of the state a number of Gear republicans huvo been defeated by democrats rlgiit In the strong Burlington territory. 13LDORA , la. , Nov. 7. ( Special. ) Hon. J. H. Funk of Iowa Falls , who has Just been re-elected representative from this county for the fcurth time , la no\y a candidate for the speakershlp of the next house. His leadIng - Ing opponent , W. W. Cornwall of Clay county , was defeated at the last election. He Is a fplcndld speaker , u shrewd politician , anl having been chairman of the ways and means committee ot the houee at the two last ses sions of the legislature , has got a big pull Hiere. Ho Is a strong prohibitionist and has been very prominent In the fight over this question. Ion aetvx > 'otex. IH-s Molnes people are ananglng to give all the poor of that city a supper on Thanks giving day. The first snow of the season fell at Webster City Friday morning. It followed a violent wind stcrm. At daylight the wind went down and the air became warmer , followed by tnow. v John Patrick Murphy , an escaped cnvlct from Jackson county jail last April , was captured at Indlanciiolls , Ind. He was an Important wltiucs In the Eckerlebe trial laut February. Gene Pinery , a wtrkraan on the Ineanc asylum at Cherokee , fell forty feet from the top of the administration building. He struck en his feet , hi caking both ankles and In juring him Internally. , At a meeting of the Oskaloosa Board of Hea'th Thursday , In connection with the city council , an order n > io rassed cloiDg | all of the five ward school buildings on account of fear of dlphtherli , no death from which has occurred. Thursday night , with elaborate ceremony Rev. Dr. Fowler , D.D. , was Installed pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Clin ton. Among the noted divines from abroad ted their assignment In the exercises were : Kcv A. P. Cooper , modomtor of the prcs- ' bytoryj * presiding ; officer , ' TIM nr. Kayo , LyofiK Installation jiriycr. Tie * . Dr. Ilurksl- ter. Cedar Rapids , address tl the pastors ; Rev. Dr. Avcry , Vlntoa , Mr s to the people ple ; Rev. Dr McCaslln , CcfMV Rapids , ser mon. The church was croWndd. ' The people about RuthVcd , P.ilo Alto coi-tity , nro searching for . 'A ' ihsn who com mitted a crlmlnil assault , on a child 7 % yearn old. There Is mlicX oxcltcment and severe treatment will be.Klvjen . Iho man If found and Identified. , , P. C. "Murray , a liquor dealer of Dubuque , lent evening made nn assau/i , pa United Stttes Collector Kelly , editor of the Sioux City Tribune. 'Mr. ' Kelly left , , toe Sioux City the same evening and'.not seriously hurt , Murray had been arrested for violat ing the revenue law and laid his trouble to Kclley. William H. Duggan , democratic candidate for sheriff In Dubuque coupty , and defeated by 138 votes will contest Haudcnschlcld's election. It Is believed hundreds put a cross ta the circle at the head of Iho democratic ticket and one before Haudenschlcld's name. These ballots cannot bo counted for Hatldcn- schlcld under the new law , The twenty-first annual state convention of the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior tloscd Its three days' sess-lon at Cedar Palls with final reports ot committees anil the election of officers for the entiling year , which resulted In the election of the following ! Mrs. A. L. Prlsble , DCS Molnes , president ; Mrs. L. P. Parker , Grin- nell , secretary ; Mrs. C. E. Row , Grinnell , treasurer. A syndicate ot capitalists has purchased Mound farm , near Cedar Rapids , the former home ot the late Judge George Greene , con sisting ot GOO acres. As several of the men In the syndicate arc railway men It Is sur mised that the land wilt be used largely for shops and round houses for the Milwaukee road , as It Is known It contemplates estab < lishing shops there next year. The North ' western has bought several hundred acres ot land south of the city along Its line. It will bo used In trackage , yards and a new round house. Tuesday evening the convocation of the deanery of southeastern Iowa , diocese of Iowa , will bo called to order In Hope church at Fort Madison. This deanery , or district , Includes the counties of Muscatlno , Washing ton , Louisa , Keokuk , Jefferson , Vnn'Buren , Henry , Davis , Wapello , Lee and DCS Molnes , taking In the larger cities ot Muscntlnc , Washington , Ottumwa , Keokuk , Burl'eigton , Fort Madison , Palrfleld , Mount Pleasant nnd What Cheer. It Is expected that the rectors of all the churches In the district will be In attendance , all , or nearly all ot them , arriving the evening previous. Rev. E. C. Paget of Mufcatlne Is doin of the. district , and Rev. Dr. W. K. Berry of Fort Madi son Is honorable secretary. Kendall Young , who bequeathed Webster City his estate of $200,000 , was burled In the cemetery there , lie died at Battle Creek , Mich. Thursday afternoon In placing a hugo granite monument on the grave it was neces sary to move the corpse to keep the hcavyi weight off It , and In doing so workmen dis covered the fine metallic coflln In which ho was supposed to bo burled was nothing but wood. The end had decayed and the top was noticeably rotten. The body was pro- tared for Interment by a Battle Creek un dertaker , and there Is much feeling In re gard to the deception , as Mr. Young was uni versally loved and respected , , and his exec utors ordered and paid , as . they thought , for as flue a oiskct as .could bo purchased In Battle Creek. i i The work on the United States flsh hatchery at Sprlns Branch , near Manchester for this season was brought to a close last Saturday. Workmen , have been em ployed there all summer grading , making parks , seeding , laying sodi etc. A new load has been opened .from the Spring Branch creamery , south to the grounds , thus affording a very convenient and easy access for vehicles as \ velas pedestrians. Besldet the different driveways made ot broken stonr and gravel , sidewalks have been constructed from the rustic bridge , near Hie main en trance , to the several buildings. The six buildings , which are built attcr the summer style , are very attractive. The boarding house and private dwelling are built on two hills facing each other , while the hatchery buildIng - Ing , ofllce , barn. Ice house and tool house oc cupy the valley betweem ' 'Speckled'-1 trout , bass , cropplc-s and several other kinds of ( ho finny trlbo arc In process ot hatching at the present time , anl It Is expected that by next bummer the hatchery will be operated to Its full capacity. The parks and three large ponds will , with nature's assistance In the spring , make a very picturesque scene and add another laurel to Delaware , the finest and fairest county In lona. Read "Simon Kale" In The Sunday Bee. If you don't take It. subscribe now. Surrounds the Dentil. HURON , S. D. , Nov. 7. ( Special. ) Father Desmond ot St. Martin's Catholic church here went to CSvour yesterday to hold funeral services for the late Peter Sweeney , who formerly lived with bis par ents 'there. ' Mr. Sweeney went to Tacoma , Wash. , and engaged In business , seemingly doing well. A few days ago his father , who resides In Cavour , received word that his son was shot on October 22. There Is a mystery suroundlng the death of young Sweeney that his parents are endeavoring to solve. It appears that Immediately follow ing 'the ' shooting a young woman went to a hospital , engaged a room and with the enme revolver with which she sent the fatal bullet Into Sweeney's 'body ' blew out her own brains. As yet no reason has been assigned for the tragedy. Subsrlbe for The Sunday Bee and read Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale. " Indian Irrigation Canal. SHOSHONG AGENCY , Wyo. , Nov. 7. ( Special. ) Work has 'been commenced on the construction of thrco largo canals which will be used to Irrigate the lands of the Indians who have taken land In severally upon the Shoshone reservation. The most Important of the ca nals Is taken from Big Wind river near St. Stephen's mission. It will be five miles long. six feet wide and eighteen Inches deep , and will Irrigate several thousand acres of flno land. All of the work upon the canals , ex cepting the surveying , Is being done by the Indians. Subscribe for The Sunday Bee and rea < \ntuony Hope's great story "Simon Dale ' Ilole-lii-llie-Wall ItiiHtlci-H Senller. CASPER , Wyo. , Nov. 7. ( Special. ) A visitor to this place fiom the Holc-ln-the- Wall region says that but fifteen or twenty of the original band of rustlers remain In the country. The lenders of the outfit , Har vey Ray and Jim Currle , have gone to the British possession ! } audwl | ) not return. Six ' members , Including TOU'K O'Day , two Rob erts brothers and Walter Putney are In Jail or 'the penitentiary , four'have ' been killed and others have left Iho country. It Is be lieved the capacity of the rustlers for serbuu harm Is ended. , UININC IN THE BLACK HILLS Ilnrdin Company Makes tlio Dirt Fly in the Two Bit District. MACHINERY FOR THREE MAMMOTH HOISTS Old Mexican A dime TiiUrn ( o I ml Ionic n 1'crlinl of Twenty Yonrn of 1'roNpi'fHy In Store for Thin Properly , LEAD , S. D. , Nov. 7. ( Spcclal.-Thc Two Dlt mining district Is one ot the liveliest camps In the Hills. The Hnrdln company has every available team In the county at work hauling the carloads of machinery from this city out to the camp to be used In the crnstructlon ot the three nvimmoth steam hoists on the property belonging to the Chicago and Two Hit , the Orcat Eastern and the Great Northern Mining companies. Men and teams arc also at work grading the sites for the buildings. The hoists which are In use are guaranteed to raise 300 tons 600 feet In a mlnuto and three-quarters. With the Hnrdln abaft , four hoists will soon bo In operation within 2,000 feet of each other. As soon as an organization can be perfected two other hoists will be ordered , together with an air compressor , which will bo operated by a 200-ton horse power en gine on the Great Eastern property. A flue three-story hotel Is In course of construction , eighty feet square. The water supply Is ex cellent and Is sufficient for a largo sized city.A . A largo number ot Individuals and syndi cates Is developing ground near the dis trict , prominent among which arc the Deadwood - wood Development company , composed ot Deadwood business men ; the Two Hit Im provement company , whose stockholders are the employes of the Golden Howard com pany ; the Elkhorn company , employes of the Elkhorn railway ; Russell & Hlgby , Colonel Allen , Judge Uon : > ins , Herman Blschoff , C. W. Mather , and all the old timers of Spruce and Two Hit gulches. TWENTY YEARS IN BONANZA. There are two old words used In Mexico and Arizona , "Horrasca" and "Bonanza. " The former Implies 111 luck or hard times , with a determination to keep pegging away , and bonanza bis come to mean special pros- perlty. There Is a cheerful Mexican miner's proverb which runs , "As many days as you spend In borrascn 5011 will surely spend In bonanza. " Two Hit has been In bormsca twenty years and It would seem that It has passed Into the bonanza period. A fine body of ore has been struck in the bottom of the May shaft on the Union Hill property. A small seam of ore has been fol lowed in the shaft almrst from the grass roots , and It has now opened out Into a vein seven feet In thickness. TJio ore Is an Iron pyrites , similar to that found In the Hnrdln shaft. Assays have been nvidc OR high as $73 a ton gold and will average $20 a ton. Superintendent Grable has confirmed the re port ot the strike , which , however , has not been developed sufllclently to determine Its size. A shaft on the top of the hill , which was sunk 340 feet , will bo put down deeper. The Kllpatrlck brothers of Newcastle , Wyo. , who recently took a bond on three mineral locatlrns on the north fork ot Little Rapid creek , have nmdo a good deal and arc opening up a rich vein of ere which will yield from 40 to 50 per cent copper. The ledge Is forty feet In width and of unknown depth. Extensive developments will bo made on the property this winter. There are several other valuable copper prospects In this dis trict , which will , no doubt , when exploited , give as good returns as the Kllpatrlck prop erty. The Union Hill company has Just completed the payment of Its monthly pay roll at the Galena mines. The sum ot $24.000 was paid , which fairly makes the people of the little camp run over with riches. A good share of this money goes to Deadwood , where It U dlubursed among the business men and merchants. BIG SALES RECORDED. It Is encouraging to look over the register of deed's books and note the big sales of the past few months. Last week several claims were recorded In the Two Bit dis trict , which had been sold by James Hardln to the Great Northern Mining company for a consideration ot $91GJGG.G7. ( Another deed at the same time was entered , transferring the Golden Crest group of claims , owned by- Frank Weber and George Johnson , to the Golden Crest Mining company for $500,000. Good paying ere has been struck at the bottom ot the deep shaft on the property of the Annie Creek Mining convjany. The com pany has been at work on the shaft , which Is nearly eighty-six feet deep , nearly a year Opciations have been stopped several times because of the tremendous overflow of water to contend with. Assays on the ore have made returns ot $34.10 to $158.84 per ton In gold. Superintendent I. J. Galbralth has gone to Plttsburg to confer with his com pany and to purcllaso heavier rrachlncry , In cluding pumps and a steam hoist. In the Yellow reek district two rich veins of ere are being worked on the McShaw mine , ono of which was discovered only last week. The Wasp No. 1 and 2 are working Inrge forces of men acid are taking out a high grade of ore. Both mines are Improving rapidly as developments go on , both in nlzo of the ore bodies and the value of the ore , Some rich ere , is also being taken out at the llttlo blue mine. Several other companies are working steadily , showing the camp to be a gcod producer. NEED OF A SURVEY OF THE HILLS. The report of the surveyor general , Just made to the secretary of the Interior , says that no surveys have been made in the stale during the year. Considerable space Is de voted to urging the need of a thorough sur vey of the Hills where mineral locations arc being made. The report says there Is urgent need for an examination of the mineral sur veys In the state and for connecting mlncial monuments with regular surveys and for this work a request Is made for a larger nt'pro prlatlon from the government. There Is a district west of Bear gulch , ex tending Into Wyoming a few miles , that Is attracting considerable attention just at pres ent and la undergoing a vast amount of I permanent Improvement. One of the most promising prospects Is owned by Lead 1 i i parties. A tunnel Is being run to meet the contact .of the slate and granite and nu-i i mcrous quartz stringers have been encoun tered that aaFay as high as $55 a ton. A car 1 track Is being laid Into the tunnel. It Is ex pected that a fine body of ore will bo reached in a short distance , , Ono of the big companies at work In the Two Bit dhtrlct Is ( he Deadwood Mining and Development company , composed of forty , of the business men of Deadwood. The com pany was organized In January , 1890 , ty Frank Zlpp. It owns about twenty-eight acres of land adjacent to the IlarJIn prop- THB < 0\'LY } ' GENUINE IIUNYAM WATER BEST AND SA.FEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER ProMcrlboil iintl uiiiifail'pil ' for ; i4 years liy all tlio niPrtlriil niitliorltles for CON. STll'ATlOX , DVSI'KPHIA , TOUPIDITY OK TUB LIVKU , HEMOUUIIOIDS ' as well as for all l iiiU't'l ! $ ' ailments rcsultlnc from Indiscretion | u diet. "It lit re > iiiurlailil > - nml cxuriillemully uniform In 1 ( eeiiiiiiNltln. | " British .Medical Journal. "The iivololjiyi- nl ) Hitler \Vntrrn. " fly iMiiiMliinl In < -iiiiiiiiNltloii | , " - Lancet. mis is , \vixiiLi.ssKWmFcwiimi3.ucKAST. . C A UTION i > < ? that the label bears the signature of the firm Andreas Snxlehner. IOWA GARNISHMENTS. n , Wou-re.sldeatRof Iowa HOW liuva no oxoraptious under the new Cole which vrout Into of fojt October t. We can COLI I'CT HAD AC. COUNTS as of oul , aK lt. t MARRIED or SINGLE I emplpyw of RaH- A ways , fcxpress , Telegraph , Telephone and Sleeping Car companlps. NASSAU INVESTMENT CO , , Council Bluffs , la crty iid Is valued At $2S,000,000. A hits been sunk lo a depth ot ISO feel , which trnssm through the satno farmntlons as the lUrdln abaft. StMUS I.KSSO.NS Ol. " TUB BM'.CTIO.V. .South Ditluitn I'opntUI * Itrlinkril for IllttMtNO INtrllKftttNlltp , MITCIIKMi , S. D. , Nov. 7. ( Special. ) Mr r. I ) . I'ower * , In speaking of the result ot the election , Mys : "Contrary to what oiiRht to be , the Judi cial election throughout the entire ntnto has bomnKeil on partisan lines , anil as Mich wo may and must estimate the results. In mnny districts the flRht ffbm etart to finish h > ls been wholly on party lines nnil If no other result has been attained than this , 'that the party miking party affiliation a test ot fit n OPS tor a judicial rosltlon ought to be dofeateiV. ' The correctness ot this has bom "fully demonstrated In the result of the election of last Tuesday. The populists of South Dakota In their judicial conventions forced this Issue on the voters of the state , and It has been signally and righteously ro- bilked. The result ot the election lias dem onstrated the assent to existing cctulltlona ot returning prosperity , as predicted by re publican speakers a year ago. In Bouth ! X\- kata It has been a. vindication of the policy of the present Administration more than a successful partisan Judicial election , whllo In other dates the result shows that 'eternal vigilance' Is the prtco of political supremacy ns well as liberty. "Ilryanlsm still lives , the currency ques tion Is not yet satisfactorily settled , the de faulters arc not yet all brought to justice. These and ninny other Issues arc , It dead , wonderfully active corpses. "The changes within the last year from populist 'majorities to republican majorities , ranging from 500 to l.GOO populist n year ago to about the same number republican ma jority last Tuesday , conveys Its own con clusion In a clear and lucid manner. " , Clinrc 'il Tflth Killing ; IIU UAWnON , Ore. , Nov. " . Thomaa Nulty was arrested this afternoon by n detective on suspicion of hsvlng murdered1 his three sisters and brother on Thursday last. TO CUHt : A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Urnmo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It falls to cure. 2oc. FOKUC.VST OK TODAV'S AVKATIIISII. Day AVIII lie I'nrtly Cloinly ltli VurlulilfVliulH. . WASHINGTON , Nov. 7. Forecast for Monday : Nebraska nml Kansas Partly cloudy ; variable winds. Iowa nnd Missouri Threatening weather and rain ; warmer ; southerly winds. North Daltota and South Dakota Gener ally fair ; northerly winds. WyomingTlirentonlnp weather , with light snows ; northerly winds. 1ex-ill llri-oril. OFFICE OF THE WBATHEU BUREAU. OMAHA , Nov. " . Omaha record of rainfall nnd temperature compared with the corresponding spending day or thu last three years ; 18)7. ) 189C. 1S9.-1. 1S ! > 4. Maximum temperature . . . 46 30 33 E2 Minimum temperature . . . 40 22 31 43 Average temperature 43 iG ! ,14 48 Ualnfall 01 T .29 .10 Hecorel of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this iluy and since March 1 , 1M17 : Normal for the day 41 Dellcli'iicy for the day 1 Accumulated excess since MurcVi 1 473 Normal rainfall for the day 0-1 Inch Di'Iieicnoy for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 17.S9 Inches Dellclcncy since March 1 10 f > 7 Inches Kxcess corrrsp'g' pciloil ISM 4.37 Inches Dellcloncy correspg poilod ISO.'i. . 9.97 Inches Uvitortn from StnMutm at M i > . in. , 75th incrldlilll time , T Indicates truce ot precipitation. I * A. WELSH. Lrtcnl Forecast Oniclnl. PERFECT AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refinement for over a-quartcr of a century. Searles & Seai'les. SPECIALISTS IN WEAK MEN SEXUALLY. All Private Diftcascs S Disorders of Men. Treatment by Mill , CotiHiiltntion Free. SYPHILIS Cured for life and the poleon thoroughly cleansed from the Hyatcin. SpermatorrhPii. Seminal WoaknesH , Lost Man- hood. NlKht Kmlsilons. Uecayoil Faculties , Ko- male Weakness , and ull dellcntu dlsordcrn pccu- liar to either BCX. positively cur l. 1'lLKS FISTULA and HKCTAL ULCKHS , HYDKOCKUJ AND VARlCOOELi : p ermanontly and auccoaafully cured , Method now nnd unfailing , Cured at home by new method without pain or cutting. Call on or address with stamp 119 S. 14th St. . DRS. SKIES I SERIES. . . OMAHA , NEB , For Sale Only by John Under , 13 Main St. , Council niuffa. DR. t , E. ROE , _ DENTIST rtoom azy , ucrrinut JJIOCK- , Take Elevator. * * t fse NEEDLESS SUFFERING. AVhj- Will rrnplp Kinlurc Se > Mnch Wlipii It C'ati lie KnMlly AvitldeilT "Tho great American trouble Is No ono realize * this more thin the miser able sufferers who drnet out painful exist ences. The hody requires help , strength and assistance. It calls for nulrlmrnt , but meets no response , because the stomach Is unable to tllRestt neslmllate and turn Intw blood food that Is forced Into It. WJnt then can the poor sufTcrtr do ? It Is useless to take more food , because the broken-down stomaeh cannot take wre of what It already has. has.There There can bo but one answer to this qucs * Urn , and that la to ass'nt the stomach to properly do Iho work for which It ws cre ated Do you ash how ? Tli ? answer la sim ple. There can bo but one way , nnd that Is to help the stomach to help Itself. Not by drugs , not by mineral washings , not oven by inatMglnR , but by constant nnd healthful stimulation. In this way nlono can the overworked stomach .bo restored , There Is but ono pure , healthful and medi cinal stimulant now known to the public apd1 the profcislon , and that Is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. This whiskey should bo taken cither before , after tir with the meals , , and you can readily see how by gently stlmulAt.- Ing the stomach when the food Is taken , It enabled the stomach to digest the food nnd thus prevent dyspcpria and the trouble * which follow In Its wake. It will bo well for every reader to rcmom- her these truths nnd < ilso to remember that It Is the only medicinal whiskey which can bo depended uprn to accompM h just what you most require. MEMGAL Anil Surreal laslitut ) I fln5leiiln ) St.,0111111m , Neb CONflUtTATIONI Chronic , Kcrvous anil Private Diseases nnd all WIJAKNiSS : nnd IHSOUIKilfSof HYDItOCIinK niiit VAIUCOOKr.K iK-.imiiomly unit mtcccHHfiilly I'm < > il In ovrrv e'imj. 111.001) AND SKIN IllHriiHcH. Sere SnalM. 1'lin- eM , Saroriila.TiiiiiniH , Tetter. lU'mnii uml Illoo.l I'olHou tlioniuirhlv ell-mined from the Hjtm. . NRIIVOUS Debility , Vu-rmatorrlu | > .i , Somln.1 LOMBUH , JslKiit KmlHnloim , Loss of Vital Powers lUTiiuneiitlj nml Hpoitlllv umiM. WBAK MHN. ( Vitality Wonh > , nmile HO ( > v too plots ni > llc.ttlon to littMhipHH or Kiiuiy : twvero niiMital xtr.itii or Bilefs SKXUAb r.Xcr.SSRS In inlilillu Ufa or from tlio cfteots of AouUiful follies. Call or wrllo llu.ii * today , tlox 177. ! Omaha Medical and Surglcil Institute 0 S. W. Cor. 16th anil Uodtre. ( OH BYMIIL1B ) A. Written Ounrnntrc to CUItK IWEIlV cAMI : or nioxirv iiruM > ii > . Our cure Is permanent and not a pnlchlncup. CABCI ircnti'it tin ycArsRKo hm otic vet Kct'iin Minpton since. ] i > UoKcribltitf ) out can1 fully ivecan ticnf jo by mall. Muluctfhc fnu ramchtioiiKKuaraiitru locu i-eorirlunil all money. Those nho iirtl jr to come heic Tor trt'at- inrnt can do wo and uv will pty railroad fore both wajs Biulhoul I'lllc ' nhllf heiv { fHelnll toou-o. U'c ctml- Kiicu I he" 01 hi toracfuo that nur.TIarflc IKotiU'dy \\ill n > t curt' , Wiltr lor full rmitlciilan * and set llio evident e. Wi'know thutyoutmtLt | > ttrHl. Justly to lee , us the most eminent plifcttnii lm\o : ie\or been able to ulvc inoio than triupomtv icllef. Inour ten j cart piarllct * with thin Mniflo fltometty It lisa been most Ulnicult to oci cotiu-1 he prrjucllc en acalnxt all rollrU nH.olU'i | ( ) . Uut tinder out t-tiotitf pLntnntrc ) ou fliould iu4 heyltnlc to * ry tMftiemedy. You takenu chance ot tuning jour inom-yu Wo Kimmntro lo cine or refund c\erv dollar nnd a > vi'e hmo a reputation to protect , also financial imcltjiitf of IS3OO.OOO , it Iti perfectly nifi'totilithorlll try the treatment , llcrctufotyou have liccn t titling up and na > lnir out your money to ? dtifeicnt tHatnu'ntBfind alt lion trh > ou airiiot ctcuied no onu ha pnld hack ; our uioncv. Do not vrat > tc HII.V tnoremoi.fv until you try us. OI < f. chronic. uei -Fcntca caxc * eurtMi In thlity to ninety tlayn. IntcvtlKRto out fi'mncjal Mandlni ; , our reputation as hutltiehB mcii. Wrltu UR for naiiR'it ard nddiotca of thonoo have cured , ujio have given permUslon to refer to thru. It eoNtR ) oil only i-D ntre to do t hla t Itlll rave > u I r\ world ofpuHVrliifC ftoni mental ktraln t itidlf > oure man fed "hut may > our ell > prtn Mitrcr through yuir OH n ntKlf Kt'nccl if j our pymptonifi are pimples on 1 are , nero throat , mucoux jtatchoK in mouth , rheumatism la bone * and Joint * , hair falling out. viuptlotut en any Eat t of the hody , feeling of ct neml dcprcuhlon. palnf In ead or bone : * , jou hate no time to wiisle. Tliot-c Aha are conxtuntly taking mercury and pomMi should dis continue It , Constant UKC of IhrKo dni t * will fUtely fl bring Boit-shtid eating tilcem In the end. Jhm't fall to write. All correfciKindeneo rent fenled In plain envel M ope * . Wo Invite thu in OH rigid Investigation and will do all In our po er to aid j ou In 1U Address , 4 COOK REMEDY SO. , Chicago , lit YES , SAll 1 IIEYE .HEiR'D OF THE GREAT TRANSMISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION- READ IT IN THE DAILY BEE THAT THE KUXNEL "SENDS ME FROM OMAII1. O. R. GILBERT CO. SueeeHNorN to ( Jlllx-rt Ilron. , Onialin , MiintifiietiirerN of Fur Garment ? , Rugs. Etc 15(11 ( IMrny , Council IlluffN , In. Dr. CARL ENGEL OKFICK , r. 5 .M.IIX STJllilST , In I'lunicr Building. , , , . .Telephone . B. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. . . . .CO.VFIMSMISVI'S. . . . SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS * * /V/V > W WV > NyVV X VC\/\XV\V > A Orte.btr 20. U9T. FOH IlKNT , KAI.I3 OK THADB IIY . KOIl ItKNT-HouEes In Council Illuffs JI5.00 per month Clit/ry Hill and ono aero of gruunil , fruit and Kunlcti , 112,50 per month New tre room , 20x00 , on H llranilway. 19.00 per month If ; ' Third fit , , C rooms and l > arn , > SiO ( per month 15th HI. nnd Ave. It ; Rood barn. J7.00 per month,120 llroadway. utoro room. $6(0 per mur , , IM ( Inilmm avenue. C room * . tVOO per luc.n ICC Itldy Mrcct tt-room liouic. 5.W per nth House ol , Ninth Hired. ACHE * ,01'KHTV 18.33 per innnlli A wll lini.r' crl c ncri'8 2 milts from town , will talie mil.half of the rent In woi k. FOH KALE-Clty 1'rppertv HOO Clooil hou e , liar ; . ! t-t infl two loli Kit rifth ave. , monthly pay mem a , JI jirr month. J200 Oood houfu nml lot on Avenue II , between Eighth nnd Ninth Hl , , (5 per month. { 200-Uood linute and lot nn Clh uvenuo. between 25lli and 2Cth MB. , monthly pnjmmlB , 10 per month IS lolH In Wright's add fur gale at a very low price. PAllMH roil 8ALE- J25 per acre ! 40-acre farm. 4 mtlei west of Orl . weld , eastern part of I'ottawuttamle county. J23 pt-r acre to acrei of BOO I farmlne land north nt Neola. J25 pi r acre Well Improved IHO-aere farm east of Lnvelunil , rnlliiwaltamlc rounly. m | .cr Hcre-40 acri-B of K''i l farming or fruit lam ! , 3 miles from .Sidney , Fremont county , 125 per acre 30 ucics of uood fruit land , with m ll home , north of Hamburg , Fremont eounty. 125 per acre 40 acres of Rood bottom land , some timber , ! ! mllen routh of city limits. 120 Per acre-20 ncieB of ncod bottom land , t miles Plinth of Council llliiiTx , JO-ncro tracts of land 2 miles south of Bouth ; will take part payment In city prop. Oood 'farms for rent. Apply to LKONAHU KVEIIETT , 10 I'earl St. , Council llluT ( , lov a , 115.Mi ptr acre , 40 acre * of food land In Monon county. Five nnd ten-acro tracts near Iho city for sale cheap. Oood , cheap Nebrafka hinds for pale , * * Will tell any of the above property on small payment doun , balance In leu annual pay- IllflllS. I Other gooJi farm * for ale- . Will take part trad * In illy properly or smaller farms , baiunco Ions time , annual payment * . UWELI.INUS , F7lUrr | FAHM AND QAIIDGN Tlie Itotlnnon Conxrvatury , Coun cil H Infix la. Correct M thodi. I * - ยง oii , to cents and upward , " * tor srwjutus. "