THE OMAHA PAlIiY IEEE : SIT 1)AY , yOVBMHEU 7. 181)7. ) WILL ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Commissioners Place thn Don&los County Bonds Upon the Market. DROKER3 TO BE GIVEN PLENTY OF TIME -Vlloivccl Until Dccpnthpr 1 In Sntimlt Tliclr IlIdH for IflSSO.OOO Worth of Exposition nml I li\K llunilii. The county commissioners yesterday took the first steps toward Rolling the fund ing and exposition bonds , voted at the late election , Commissioner Klcrstoad Intro duced tli5 following resolution , which was unanimously adopted : ItcBolvril , That the county clerk bo nnd la hereby limtructod to receive bids up to De cember l | 1897 , for the J1SO.OOO funding bonds nnd the $100,000 exposition bonds , its author ized by the vole of the people nt the elec tion held November 2 , 1&97. It Is believed that by bringing the bonds to the attention of the public at once , plenty of bids will bo received by the data men tioned , The bonds will thus b disposed of early and the money will be available. The board did not order the bonds printed since the official canvass of the vote had not yet boon reported. The board also failed to net any for a committee of the whole meeting to lay plans for the expenditure of the exposition npiro | < prlutlon. This was also delayed on account of the fact that the result of the canvass was not yet made known. From th : figures now available , the ofllclnl count will show that both propositions carried with a fair sized majority. On next Tuesday at 9 o'clock tbo cu nil i oners ami to icitnty attorney will meet Receiver Thomas H. McCaguo of the German Sivlngs bank In order to reach some sort of Hcttlcment over the dispute regarding the $19,000 of county funds that are tied up In the bin ! : . This was done upon a written ton request from the receiver , similar to ono made a year ago , upon which no action was taken. The receiver claims that there Is In the nelKhhorhool t > f $40uOO In , taxes which should ho returned to the bank. For some tlmo before It closed the bank dealt largely in buying property at delinquent tax sales. Of the property thus bought some J40.000 worth has been or will be declared Illegal by the courts and the sales will , therefore , bo set aside. The greater part of this prop crty consists of poor farm lots. IJie receiver maintains that the amount must be paid back by the county , and , therefore , has refused undOr Ilistructlon of the court , to turn over to the county any dividends duo on the county's deposK. VIEWS OF COMMISSIONERS. The county commissioners admit that this amount of money should ho refunded , but they maintain that the iccolver must look to other parties for the greater part of It. Of tliu $40,000 the county received somewhere between one-fourth and ono-thlrd , the bal ttiico being turned over to the city for city taxes and special iiBsessments. The comnils Dinners are willing to give the receiver credit for the actual amount the county secured but they say If they gave more they wouli be guilty of divergence of funds. Therefore they insist that the lecelver must look to the city and other parties for the remainder. commissioners ate supported by a re cent decision from Judge Dickinson. In a suit recently decided ho held that the county could be asked to refund only such portlot of the amount icallzed from tax siles us 1 actually iccelvcd.The rcma'ndcr ' , which was turned over to the city for city taxes , must bo recovered from the city. The county clerk was authorized to cm ploy mi additional clrrk for four weeks a a salary of $75 a month to rewrite the as Bossmeut rolls of South Omaha property to correspond with a recent opinion of the county attorney. This was that South Omaha was entitled to four asscssorshlps , and , ac cording to this , four assessors were elcctei at thu last election. ' In the past all o South Omaha was In ono district and bu ono assessor was elected. A request from Register of Deeds Elsassc to employ six additional clerks to bring the records of the office to date by the time hit ) term expires was referred to thu llnanc committee for Investigation. The ofllca I about eight weeks behind. The additions recorders will bo pi Id by the piece. The petition of the residents of Benson asking that their town bo Incorporated as : 'Village , was referred to the finance com nilttce. The quarterly report of the register o deeds for the three months ending Scptem ber 30 , 1897 , showed that the collections fo the period w-rc $2,122.83 , and the disburse menta , $1,707.50 , leaving a surplus of $415.35 According to the monthly report of Super Intcndent Wright of the poor farm , the mini ber of the linrutca at the institution In created six during the month s > t October ther * being 113 there now. Thn teen were received during the month , four wcro ills charged , two transferred and ono died. The board adjourned to next Saturday. Small < > ! ! ! , tale pill , ocst pin. Do Witt' Llttlo Eaily Risers cure blllou .noss , const ! patlon , sick lirailacbu. Road "Simon Dale" in Tno Sunday Bee If you don't taka It. subscribe now. AVOIIKI.M ; ON TMH rot vrv Hir CiMiiiiy Oil ill ill I UN I oner Kln-nlrml Sny Until lloiiil I'ropoMltloiiM Curried. The oiinflFsere arc still ut work on the returns turns of tint county election , but they hav not reached a point where any definite- figure are available. County Commissioner Kiel stead has kept an unoHlchl tab on the vet on the two bond propositions and say a tha both carried by safe majorities. County Clerk lledflold Is having a recor I.t'pt of the blank and iejected ballots on th bond propositions , but it Is the opinion o Rnveral attorneys that these do not cut tin llgurc. The attorneys afasert that there Is n question tint to carry the pioposltlons enl i entires the specified majority of all th votea that am actually cast ono way or th other on the proposition. SURE CURE FOR PILES. KOIth < - Cure of I'lU'M. Il not only Intensely painful , dangeron < o lift * and cry expensive , but In the Ugh of modern medical research and sluce th discovery of the Pyramid i'lle tire a surglca operation Is wholly unnecercarCy. If yoi have any doubt on this point kindly rcai the following letters from people who kno\ th'it our claims regarding the merlin of th 1'yramld i'llo Cure are bornn out by th facts , rKom N. A. Stall , Itldgit Head , Nlagar CN. . Y. : I received your Pyramid I'll Cum and tested it last night. It did m more good than anything I have evr fouiu yet , nnd remember this wus the result o ono night's treatment only , From I'ennV. . Arnett , llatesvllle , Ark. Gentlemen Your l yinild I'llo Cure ha done mo no much good in no short a tint tint my Eon-in-law. Captain T. J. Klein o Fort Smith , Ark. , has. written mo for > ou ctldri'sa , as hevl liM tn try it aim. From A , K. Townsend , Dimvlltc , Ind. : liavn boeu t" much benetlttod by the I'yiamli I'llo Cure that I enclose. $1 , for which pleas send a packagn which I wish lo give to friend of mliiu who surfem very much fron plies. From .lohn 11. Wright. Clinton , DoWlt Co. , llli. : 1 urn so well pleased with th I'vrnmld I'lle Cure that I think It but rlR" to drop you a few lines to Inform you Its ef frets have teen all that 1 could ask or wish From P. A. Druton , I.lano , Tex. : den tlp'ncn--The Pyramid Pile Cure has don an much good for me that I will ray for th honflt of others that after using only In l y I am better thai > I have been fein in nth * . The I'trimui I'lle ure li prepared by Th Pyramid Drug Co. of Albion. Mich , and 1 Is truly awonderul ( remedy for al Iforms o piles. So Ri-wt has been the number o testimonial letters lecelved by them from a parlH of th country that they havn derldpt to publish each week a number of such let tnra and nocr use thn sarao letter twice , hu onlv frt-uh lottere will bo published , All druKKlits recommend the Pyramid I'll nire. a * they kuow from what their cu to * R > y that no remedy given ucb gen eral cat'xfartl c . SOME COMIMO COtNTY OFFICKHfl. frn ChoKcn ( n Hrrrn nn Trpnxnrorn nnd Clprkn. A partial list of the county ofUccrs chosen n Nebraska last Tuesday Is presented licre : Thiyor J. A. Snjdcr , populist. Knox A. W. Crandall , populist. Pierce E. C. Haas , democrat. Webster C. D. Wcllo , populist. Stanton J. K , Kenney , democrat. Howard 1-5. 1C. Kelm , fusion. Cumins Henry W. Phillips , fusion. Chase W. T. Bross , fusion , Johnson Charles B. Strong , republican. Dakota Charles M , Boronsky , citizen. Dodge J. M , Krcadcr , republican. Cedar . Brown , fusion. Scward . Wise , republican , Hitchcock James Crewra , populist. Kearney . Gormely , populist. Klmball P. McGInnls , populist Otoe . Urowcr. reptibllcam ' York Warren T/incaslcr , fusion , Washington Glaus Mcncke , democrat. Clay Guy W. Socord , fusion. Jefferson William Bonawltz , fusion. Sloux'-Thomas Holly , fusion. Sherman . Patton , fusion. Keith H. A. Patrick , fusion. Valley Adam Smith , republican. Sarpy Samuel Startzor , democrat. Pawnee . Anderson , republican. Wayne J. M. Cherry , fusion. Colfax J. P. Daly , republican. Saline Frank L. Donvood , republican. Lancaster John Trompcn , republican. Ilcono Osborno Patterson , fusion. Harlan H. B. Dow , -populist. Dundy J. T. Richards , republican. . . Garfleld C. W. Hennlch , populist. Douglas John W. McDonald , republican. Dawes Charles Dargan , populist. Detlcl J. 'M. ' 'Brunt ' , democrat. Perkins George 'Cackle , populist. TREASURERS. Johnson H. N. Llbhy. republican. Colfar J. W. IJusch , . democrat. Dakota J. F. Learner , citizen. Dodge C. 0. Bos , democrat. Douglas George Hclmtod , republican. Cedar . Suing , fusion. Seward . Remington , fuslonUt. Hitchcock T. H. Brltton , fuslonist. ' Kearney . Frank , populist. Klmball L. W. Blcknell , republican. Otoe . Llnyd , populist. York . Johnson , republican. Washington Jnmes Phitz , republican. Clay Theonoro Grlcsa , fuslonlst. Jefferson S. M. Bailey , fuslonlst. ChaHO F. Hoffmolster , fuslonlst. Sioux Charlo.i tllehle , fuslonlst Sherman . Baduia , fuslonlst. Keith-E. M. Senrle , jr. , republican. Valley W. B. Keown , republican. Sarpy Charles Dchrends , democrat. Pawnee . Strunk , republican. Wnyne Phil Kohl , fuslonist. Saline M. F. Frantz , fntlonlst. Boone F. B. I'cttlb'ino. republican. Harlan D. A. McCiilloch , populist. Dundy Philip Marshall , republican. Garilcid-S. II. Powell , petition. Dawes William F. Hay ward , popu'.lst. Deuel Fred Sudman , republican. Perkins Nels Johnson , republican. Thayer A. C. Post , republican. Knox E. L. Plschel , populist. Pierce N. Nccken , fuslonist. Webster C. D. Robliiboti , republican. Stanton Aggo Axen , republican. Howard Christ Apple , fuslonlst. Cumlng Herman Koch , fuslonlst. CLERKS. Johnson S. A. Leach , populist. Dakota George C. Bllle , citizens. Dodge C. A. Manvillc republican. Cedar . Janal , fuslonlst. Colfax Nell H. Mapes , county clerk. Seward . Snpplger , fusion's ! . Hitchcock C. L , Allen , republican. Kearney Paulson , populist. Klmball Henry Voglar , populist. Otoo . Christie , republican. York . White , republican. Washington Watt Gouane ! , republican. Clay George Mitchell , fuslonist. Jefferson E. L. Cllno , republican. Sioux M. J. Bluvelt , fuslonlst. Sherman . Mlnshull , fuslonlst. Keith Ed Wlnslowi republican. Valley U. B. Kokes , republican. Sarpy J. R. Wilson , republican. Pawnee Johnson , republican. Wayne John Coyle , fuslonlst. Saline J. W. Shcstak. fuslonlst. Boone H. F. Lehr , republican. Harlan S. L. Roberts , populist. Dundy W. F. Wood , republican. Garfleld T. G. Hommett , populist. Dawes C. F. Wardlaw , populist. Deuel Jackson Gyger , republican. ' Perkins A. B. Wllcox , populist. Thaycr F. J. Blrss , populist. Knox Phil B. Clark , populist. Pierce R. A. Pawney , populist. Webster J. P. Halo , populist. Stanton R. Y. Appleby , republican. Howard Frank Folanskj , republican. Cumlng Henry F. Klokc , fuslonlst. Chase Harry McClelland , fuslonist. ; Arnold's Hromo Celery cures headaches , lOc , 2.ric and 0c. All druggists. TO EVl'KUTUX TUB COMJIinSSME.V. hoil fiin-H H ill H TIIK of ( 'iliuiiercliil Olul ) . The regular 'monthly meeting of the Com mercial club next 'Monday evening will be made the occasion for an. informal dinner at which the Nebraska members of congress will be the guests. The object of bringing them together Is to afford an occasion for expressing to them the appreciation of the club for their efforts in 'behalf ' of the ex position , the Indian supply depot and the various ether enterprises in which Ne braska Is Intcreated , and to discuss with them what will bo required during the com ing year , Aside from this It ia hoped that the Htvfllal features of. the evening will operate tp promote a closer acquaintance between the guests and the business men of the "city. The sttppw will bo served promptly at 7 o'clock , and will consist entirely of Ne braska products. After this the following t astB will be offered : Intioduetory J. II. Dumont , president of Commercial club. Toist MiiFter Hon. John L Webster. Hon. Dudley Smith , commissioner gennral for the TruiiMmlsMssslppl and International Kxtnoriltlpn to DrlUiln "Other Lands Than Ours" Hon. Wllllnm Neville , president Nebraska Exposition commission "Nebraska at the Exposition. " lion , n. H. Mercer "Nebraska at Wash ington " Hon. W. V. Allen " ebracka at Wash- liiB.on Future. " ' lion U. D. Sutherland "The Greater Ne- br.iakn. " Hon. John M. Thurston "Tho Oate City. " Solo "True to the Lust , " Leo G. Kr.itz , accompanied by IS. Harnlscti. You can't cute consumption but you can avoid It and euro every other form of throat or lung tioubio by the use of One Minute Cough Cuie. WP.MI K.MMV.V Tiiinvns > 'riun. ! Our of Them HUH Srrvril Snitrncr ( or .Munler , A quantity of stolen goods was recovered from a den of thieves near Fifteenth and Capitol avenue yesterday afternoon. The material consisted of several bolts of silk mid an amount of woolen dress goods proba bly worth In all $ GO , The silk has been Identified as bomo taken flam the silk and llnrn department nf the W. R. Bennett com- yany. The proprietor alto identified the men in whoso possession the goods were found us homo who have been loitering about the store. The latter are William Wade. Wil liam Fernlcy nnd William Ellis. Hills did not take kindly to the mimniuns of the law , and had started a drxneiate struggle with Detective Dempsey when Sergeant Cov caused a diversion in the real. A skeleton key of approved pattern was found In ills possession and he was recognized by the detectives as Kid Vmcli , who was given a term for nmrdir a few yearu ago in Minne apolis , Minn. The panel workerti secured a few daya ago were found at the same loca- ttcn. I'rlHiiiium 1'lfiul .Vot The following named prisoners were r- ralRued before Judge Baker yesterday and pleaded no/ guilty : S. L. Good , charged with daylight burglary ; Frank Thomas and Alfred Knapp , burglary ; Bud Morton , grand larceny : Walter S. Phelps , grand larceny ; John Miller , larceny from the person ; Maud Jackson , larceny from the person ; John IJrown and Lew Price , assault with Intent * o Inflict great bodily Injury ; J , D , Hogan having burglars Implements In his posstt- ; alon. Subscribe for The Sunday Ilee and nit Anthony Hope'i great itorjr "Simon mte. " Balduff furnishes a lunch a la carte that has no equal in Omaha- Omaha's best people patronize 1520 Farnam St , Ilavo you tried Ills CHEAPEST PUCE IN THE CITY The most complete slock of < lms * . The imwl cnrcful prescription clorkn. No subslltutlon in medicine * . Kvpry tiling us represented. All llallentlnc's llemcillca ( not merelj' IllifU- nmtlsm Cure ) at nny hour day or night , C ! 3 for Uc. Cutlcura Sonp . . . . . . JJ ° Castnrln , ctnulne . * . l * ° II. & II. Soap . 10a Hcott'K Kmulilon . sjo Mellln'g Kncxl . < = MaltcJ Milk . . . 39o Syrup of Flcs . , . 32 ? llurntej Talcum Poder for Infnnln , JOc , 3 for . . . Uc Tr.infpnrcnt Glycerine Sonp. 5 cnkes for . lOo Uellucp Sonp , $ large cnkcs ( or . 23o ( il.OVr.U'S ! ) ( ) ( ! MU1)ICI.\KS. Mnnrre Cure . . . . . . . . . * . . 45c AVater . 45o These nrc Standard Oog Remedies. None others no ioud. A full line of paints and glass. J. A , Fuller & Co. , CUT PRICB DRUnOISTS 14th and Douglas. What's the use of overwork ing your self at any time es pecially on wash , and iron ing day ? All because your stove needs-re pairing it will save time , fuel and ill temper if you call on the Omaha Stove Repair Works , Tel. 9GO. 12O7 Douglas St. Protected Order Woodcraft Popular and Progressive of the World Capabla Dt mttcn HVuifpff. ( JiJirf/tff , .V'b. Our popular and original features commend the order to favorable consideration. $500 to $ .1,000 Hciicfits at Death. Graded assessment rates. A J100 monument placwl nt the of every deceased meml > er. Payment of HRsesMnentH and dues cease at the end of 20 to 30 years according to HBO at Join- Inff. Emergency fund Ueeps assessment nt a minimum. SO.OM members , Jl.COO.OOO.UO losses paid and over bOO monuments erected to date. ADunnss : J. C. HOOT , SOVITI-IKII ( "iiminniiili'r , or JO1IX T. V.VTUS , SuvrrrlKii Cleric. ShiM-ly Illoulc , Omaha , Null. PUPILS SUBSCRIBE STOCK Interested in the Boys' and Girls' Building at the Exposition , CENTRAL SCHOOL LEADING AT PRESENT Aliout One-Fourth of tinScliuolH Hi mill tlit * Ili'Hiilt IN Very l < > thu The first reports ot the work accomplished by ' "Ilally Day" at the public schools has been made out and It show's a very grati fying result , But little more than one- quarter ot the schools havb < reported whllo thu amount o [ stock .subscribed has been IC21.2G. This amount from thesu schools may yet bo Increased to eomo extent , while the publication of the subscriptions already made is expected to Influence ) the other schoolsMo try and make a better showing , Some of the larger schools ore among those not yet re ported , A vigorous but friendly rivalry has sprung up among Ihe Kiiools nt the city to see which shall head the list ut subscriptions to the stock In the Girls' and Hoys' building at the exposition. This was strongly In evi dence yesterday in the otllcc of the secre tary of the Woman's Board of Managers , when the returns commenced to come In from the ( schools where "Ilally day" was ob served I'YIday. Nearly every school In the city requested more time to collect sub scriptions and soni9 of them served notlua that they were not yet readv to turn in what had been collected and wanted to take further time In order 40 Increase the amount. Some of thi * bchools bad not beMi reached by the women appointed to visit them and explain the plans of the Woman's board re garding a children's building , and these schools did not have a rally Krlday. The pJtroncsaeE appointed for these bchoalu will visit them during the coming week and they will have a rally on Trlday of thU week. sunscniiTioxs HKCKIVED ANY TIMB. An error HOB made In The Dee Friday la announcing that no subscriptions for Jtock la this building .would be received after that day. Subscriptions .rill bo gladly re ceived by the Woman's board at any time be fore the exuasltlou opens , but it U desired A fhild can buy as cheap as a man. s' medium grade shoes arc nvin-ulo largo in the nnklcs but the spcclnl llnu TVO are now showing at $1 7fi nro mmlo Itiiit llko the hitrhor m-lettl ones tl.o stock is caftHully solcctcd-skcs 8 to lOi-nt 51. GO 11. lo 2 SI. 75. Wo nro offering the boil 3 shoe i i for ladies that is shown in Otnnhn wo know them to bu superior vcnr- ? ing shoos shoosA. A. D. Morse 1517 Douglas. Now is the time to buy while we are selling them at these prices Iluys a men's nil wool box coal- $5.75 black or blue mackintosh , For n man's mackintosh black or $1.95 blue , Kor 11 Indies' nil wool 2-cnpo blnck or $4.75 blue mackintosh. For n ladloV ono-cnpo mackintosh $2.95 black or bluo. For u misses'2-c.npn nil wool cashmere $2 65 nmcUntosli blncl ; or bluo. HVi'w thr l > f l miff Mf//r | / itvrk / " llu'jbff Jlinit. * , .S/io ' . mnl .Irllr.i In > fir foirn. OMAHA TENT & RUBBER CO. , Tel. 88.1 lm : Farnaui. It hasn't gone up it hasn't gone down and cold weather is right at your door i r better have your coal bin filled while the price and weather are right we give you 2000 pounds of Hard Coal for $8.50. 208 South 10th St. , IJrown Block. Tel. 402. from a man whose Plumbing and Heating work we have done , spoken to his friend who is building or repairing , may bring us a prolitable job. And that word is spoken just because wo give otu1 customer u better job than he ex pected ; n little more than his money's worth \Vo'll mulct1 as good u friend of his friend , too. Telephone 1270. 1110 Fitrn mi St. that all stock subscriptions bo paid In before December 1. In order that plans 'for the con struction of the building may be formulated. The amount raised by some ot the larger schools is a surprise to the most sanguine supporters cf the scheme. The principal of one school In a residence district sent word that the pupils In her building had raised a fund of over $200 , but wished another week In which to collect more money. This school did not make , iny return to Secretary Ford , hut will make the report when the schoil Ins been thoroughly canvaSsed. From another of the largo buildings came the report that the patroness appointed for that building had not yet made an appearance and consequently no rally was held , It WHS stated that subscrip tions had been collected amounting to nearly $200. $200.Tho The manner in which the children are tak ing hold cf this master Is most gratifying to the members of tlo | JVoman'fl board , and they are quite cnthusla lcflvor the ptoof that the children's no-v assured. SCHEMES fTOi ( RAISE MONEY. All kinds of schemes have been practiced by the school children to accumulate fund * to bo placed to' , the credit of their re spective rooms. The' most elaborate ef any jet made public-Mas tb-t evolved in the minds of someof , tlm pupils of the Central school , being a phinrgraph entertainment. Ono of the boys In , the Eighth grade was the possessor of r ( jiljqnosraph and an enter tainment was arranged in which this Instrument - strument was the tiitlneipal performer. Tickets , - ots were secured nd the e were sold for 10 cents each. A number of active c nvassers were soon at worlraml ; every p r < on havl-is occasion to pass "If ; Hho nelsjlib-rhcol was asked to pay tribute : ' V ° the subscrlp'lon fund by buying n tlekol. A roam In another school held a Band of Mercy eiitertainaieil and various dcvbes wsre practiced to adi tn the funds. Numerous Instances were related hy the toichers of the different schrcls of methods adopted by the little tots to earn money with which to buy stok In the Children's build ing. All soria of "odd jobs" were undertaken and many a penry was turned by dolns chores about the 1'oure. A number of the schools turned In tliolr subscriptions to Secrtiary Fold jeitcrJay and others retained ihe entire collection In order to make ai gooJ a showing as pos sible all at one time. Tito following Is n list of those schools which made tliolr returns yesterday Schools nnd I'rln"'paK Amountn. fas * , Mlm Mary U. Slmond * , . . $2UtW Central , Miss Reno Hamilton Ollfton Hill , Ml' Jtonetle L Wood ward 17.14 Columbian , Ml * Margaret VJnrent. . . as 01 Comenius. MU Ellen M- White 3C.OO Dupont , Miss fruncts liutterlleld 5.20 SPECIAL WATCH SALE Solid Bold wutclies . . $20 to $100. Gold filled watches $10 to $40. Solid silver wnti-ho 33 to 23. Chiittulnln watcho from Jo to J39. Watch repairing u specialty , nil \\orK wurtiintcd. A. MANDELBERCi N. 13. Cor. ICth mid Farnam Sts. Send for Illustrated Catalogue of Silver Novelties. Franklin , Mlrs Sarah 13 Thompson . . . " 000 l.othrop. .Mr * . Nora H. Kunmn 12022 Train , .Miss Jpimlo M. McKoon 12.1S Webster , JllsH Saille I' . I'lttnmn 111.37 Dodge , Mr.V. . H. Allen 10.00 Mrs. Holyokc's ( I'rlvuto school ) 10.73 Total . JC21.SB TUAVKI.IXO MISNVT A IIIJILIUXO. Will ICxIalillNh II < > a < liiiarl < > rH oil MIC I\IM > MIIII CroiinilM. The traveling men of Onnjia have formed an organization designed to secure represen tation for the profession at the TransmlsalB- slppi Exposition Riid lo Insurn a place where members from all sections may rendezvous for rnntteig of ImatncsH or pleasure while at tending thn exposition. A permanent organization was effected hy the traveling men Isnt night nt the Commer cial c'uh anil olllcers wcro elected as follows : Julius I'eyclfo , iiresldent ; K. S. Streeter , vice president ; \V. H. Ilutln , secretary and treas urer ; \V. A. Stone. M. Mojer , J. U Houston , M. W. Hayloy and J. F. nominal , executive board. It was decided that a traveling mcn'ri building should he erected on the exposition grounds , ' the building to teat about $1,000 and to bo used as headquarter * * for all travelIng - Ing men visiting the oxpnjltlon. A meeting to perfect further dctai's of tlie organisation and to agree upon methods 'of parrying the objccto of the organization Into effect will be hold In' room No. 413 Dee build- in ; ; next Saturday evening. "COTTON IIIJI.T" sHFuilUS SI'AOK. ii ltnul : in MM Inii IlH | > luy lit I KipoHltlnn , The St. Louis Southwestern railway , bpt- ter known as "tho Cotton Holt Houte , " lias secured 2,000 feet of spans in the Agricul ture building and will make a comprehen sive display of the resources of the country clang Its lines. General Passenger and Ticket Agent E. WIi Dannie and Industrial Agent J. St. Koslowiky , have been In the city for euveral dayn In consultation with Manager Hruro and Superintendent Ilarill c-f thn Department of Exhibits regarding tlu details for this display. The negotiations were conclucd : yentcrday , and arrange ments made for thu space referred to. Mr. La Daume says Ills road will make nn ex hibit which will remove the erroneous 1m- presalon that seems to prevail Out In the territory traversed by thu road llttlo but cotton can bu raised , The St. LouU road aaEsei through the southeastern part of MUsourl , through I Arkansas In a diagonal direction from north. ) cart to southwest , passing through the center of the itnto , and cuts across the jiorth- THAT 8TUTTHAWTI5U fop men-finest SANITAHY WOOL In the worldjntro UN IEUW1AU soft A n s t r n 11 n n wool In the deslr- nbli ) fashions nnd weights to aidt nil physl * cnl nnd ullruatlo dlffuronccs tins nn unqunl- lllou nnilorttomont of the lundlnj : Phyxiolnna nnd scientists of the world. "Tiiiit Stutt- Ktirtor is sold nt old tnrllT prices nnd hns nl- wnys , tnulor emiul cotHlltloiis , represented more value for loss money tlmnothor niukes. CAUTION t ' 'That Stutt ( nrtor" la for enlo only by us In Oinnhn. The gen uine hns the words "Improved System Stutt- gnrtcr Normnl Sunltnry ITuderwotxr'1 stump- ud on every gurmont. We also show a grout variety ol oilier underwear ut all sorts of priuos Williams & Smith Company Tailors and Furnishers , 1401 Farnam 7 eon no OOOI ) 100 niG'AliSfor 010 A US for 25c 20 ; Our goods arc always fresh. W. C. NORRIS , Cut Price Cigar Store , 0 Fnriiain. THIS is no department store fake but a legitimate effort to place in your hands the best value for the least money. We offer you a strictly high grade , fully warranted line of Scissors and Shears , \vorth in any first class house from $1.00 per pair up our price for a short time only 250 to 500 per pair. See our show window. Carter Hardware Co. , 1405 Doiif-las St. Do you Drink ? T T Have you ever tried our It is the best coffee ever sold at that price some 300 cof -I fees are not as good. OMAHA TEA & COFFEE CO. 1407 Dmiglus. west corner of Louisiana , having a terminus at Shreveport , and extends into eastern Texas. Mr. l.a Ilauine my a the exhibit will contain a complete collection of the various kinds of lumber found In this region , show ing the material "In 'the ' rough" and alxo In. a finished condition , and will also Include every variety of fruit , grain and other agricultural and horticultural products , In proof of the claim that this section of the country Is one of the most fertile spots on the continent. In addition to making arrangement for space for an exhibit1 , Mr , ha Daumo sug gested that the exposition prepare an ad vertising car , covered with banners announc ing the exposition and accompanied by men to dlstrlbuti ) literature awl talk exposition. He said his rruJ would gladly haul such a car over nil parts of the line without ex pense to the exposition for transportation , lie also made other generous ennresslpnn to the exposition along the tiamu liberal llnea. \Ot 'M ( if III ) ' l.'XMlxlllll. | The Mcnmculh ( III. ) I'ottery company has opplkHl for 200 feet of tpace. The Whltely Rxerclser company applies for wall space for an exhibit of Its apparatus. Thu Val. Illatz Droulng company of Mil waukee Is negotiating for xpuca for an ex hibit. Miss Nettle. C. Ilcaton of Morrlsin , 111. , IHS applied for space for an exhibit of em broidery. Carl I ) . Flncler : of Llssa , Bohemia , lian asked for upaco for tin exhibit of Carlsbad novelties. U. I' . Heed & Co. of Hochester , N. V. , 1ms applied for eighty fret of spate for un ex hibit of boots. * Ocorge Koch of Erfurt. Qerir.any , haa made application for xpacu for an exhibit of knit ting machines. The Illoch Dllllard 'Js'j'o ' ' campany of Clovcland , O. , has submlu i a design for lit ) proposed exhibit. The Cortland-Howo VvnlllaUtit ; Steve com pany of rortland , N. Y. , has applied for in cxiilblt of stove * . The Cudaliy I'acklng lompany has sub mitted to the Department of KxhlhlU an elaborate design of Its propo.iei ] cxhlliltu. Charles II , Newhul ! of I'rovldcnce , It. I. writes to the Department of ijxhlbliH for particulars iegar < lii- ! ( a collectlvo exhibit from Ilhode Island. A branch of the Department cf KxhlblU Ins been opened at No. ID Hue St. Martyrs , I * rlt , with Frederick Mayor , editor ot The Nineteen Hundred , In charge. The Department of Kxlilblts has received notice ikut GunnUon county , Colorado , wlil I erect a separate building for its display and will * H'far before the Colorado Exposition commifeKlon at its meeting November 9 and m he thi. nccrosary arrangements , The Wisconsin agent or the expedition Bends the application ot the J. I. Cuso' Threshing Machine company for 2,000 feet of space for an exhibit of agricultural ma- chlncry. A. I' . Orreley , nctlug commissioner of patentn , has notllled the Department of Kx- hibltH that the patent omco will assist the der-irtment In creating a apeclal oeetlon of intents and will give notion , through the Official ( Jazotte , a publication Issued by the patent olllco , that invcntora may enter1 models and working machinery In the ex position and compete for special medals nnd I diplomas. \V U May , commissioner of the fisheries . tectlon of the Department of KxhlbltH , U In | the east arounliiK Intrrost among the flsu . producerB and dcalern In the oxjiosltlon. and Inducing tliom to make exhibit * . The nowfli t iapers ) of Clou center , Mass. , contain notlccrt I of ha ! visit to the principal fishing port un this continent. He has also bron In many i other eastern cltloa and riports sent , to tha ! department Indlcatn that lie 'la meeting \vltu i flattering Bfcec-j-s. nisflgurc-meir for ilte by uiirns or scoldi may bo avoided by uflng Do Vltt's WIHj Hazel Salvo , the crcat remedy for piles ami for ell klnda cl ores and tliln OM VII V IS TO IIAVi : \ ri.OXVKII .SO\V | | ( 'lir.i sniHIii-iiiiiiiiN tn Itil''rnlur ( > N tit tin * ICilillill. Omaha Is lo havu a cliryH-ar.thcnium tlioiv. The floilath of ililt ; city liuvfr detcnnlncd to satlffy the growing demand for an exlilbl- tloti of the Japanioe boautlCH and a shov will be njirnnd November 1C In the wtorc- loom on DouglQH Htrcet near Sixteenth , re cently ocetipltd hy Mrs. J. Hcnsnn , Thin action nan decided upon at a meetIng - Ing of Hie llorlstu of thU city held Krlday. It wan learnich' after careful ( anv sn of the situation , that Omaliu HorUtn are nn\ * growing all the vnrlctlfs of I'liryHiiitlin and urrar-gcments wcroagrtrd upon ly a collection will bo exhibited. ViiiiilnU ut U'orlc , ' ' * Krlilajr a number cf valuable carriage * and buggies wern left standing In front of A store ut Hid corner cf Klflcculh and Dodge stieets. Yesterday the owner found that during the night vaiiials had dccoratod Iho rigs with thrlr InltliU and other uuperlluoui .yinbols , Tiio work wan done with snaip knives and ovrr $ r > o damaiics wen sunlalned. There IK no clew to the perpetrator * , Subscribe for 'I lie MI n nay .ire and re' ; 3 Anthony Hope' * ureat at ty"S.raon Dtle , "