Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1897, Image 9

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Values That
Boy's Heavy Wool
SGth and Douglas KNEE PANTS
With RfW'QSU'Tf ' REEFER Omaha ,
Every E95yn or OVERCOAT TODAY.
Has Furnished Us the Opportunity to Offer a Series of Bargaihs Such as Omaha's Clothing Wearers Have Never Seen Before.
2OOO Eoy& ' and Children's 500 BOYS' LONG OVERCOATS > Manufacturer's Entire Stock of A OR AND S&LE in our
Sl/os , 'I lo lo
yonra PANT SUITS ULSTERS Boys' and Children's CAPS
trictly All Wool Sires , 14 to 19 yours REEFERS Ou our Now Scoomirioor On our Now Soooad Floor
All made np In the latest style , Finnic FOOTBALL WITH F.AC1I ONE. In this lot is , everything that's now 500 Dozen
SUITS , made in Junior ? , Vi-stpc , Middy , or double breasted sacks and straight Boys' All Wool Reefers and nobby , inuludinir children's Tains ' colored lnrk
and round cut packs.
and double
in plain breasted styles , All wool fabrics in ne\rlllinM \ und chlnchllln , with and Turbans , boys' Golf Caps , Brighton washable
plain and fancy mixtures hi Chc\ fftkff ) icefor colliirs , velvet colliirs or
lots unllnishcd lirnwn nnd limy mixtures Ov jf , 3 115 Caps , Windsors In fact all the
, Worsted Ciuslmcros with . . htorin collars lines to new SATEEN
lu > ot Hull Ka worth .
and 18 ounce black and brown up tofj.OO fa ut
worsted cr > av clay shapes all WAISTS
BOY'S LONG llity-s' highest crude Motion und i
trimmed with
KtJtlbKjT R EPER oli'jrniitlvi AT LESS THAMVHALF
li du , sizes a to 10 ycuri\\nrth * 7. ! > 0 white braid
PANTS SUITS if untight in the regular
llliyb' nil wool bln and brown way
Ages M lolO- Cape Overcoats 25c
Made of the fluent all wool cheviots" ,
Every suit worth double the money twuods , cassimori's , homc.-puns. in the JBliys' all wool Imported Casitlnoro
latest plfoiMii of pray , brown uiitl itieonlsh '
AND A FOOT BALL WITH nluldi Iiiul nilxtuies , uxtra ( \ fi ti&ft\ , 4 to 14 years. Boys' Blue Flannel Waists
EACH SUIT. \vull niftdb.unt In the height xk/t3 CranR i
cif tashlmi , all K < I at $ l.lil ) ijrs CBS - n"fl ftH i Non-Bhrinkablt )
A Koot IVill with usury suit SJ " HOYS' STORM ULSTERS , sizes with patent waistbands. . . .
200 BOYS'JUNfOR SUITS 100 BOYS' ' 6 to 20yt > : irs , nnida of all wool frle/.o , Slict-
In and brown Inncls and Cnlnchllliis all colors ,
gray REEFtRS braided collars K.vJEE PANTS Boy * ' IlighoHt Grade- All Wool
plritls ntul mixtures 1
with or .vltliout vestn warm fjllt nnd button borvtucnlilu n very ' .ari * t and ni rianiiol SHIRT WAI3TS
ages 3 to 81 garment fo qn sale at 75c and 98c
i ?
35B $ $ m at LESS than HALF ITS VALUti.
nOO.lo , MKN'S wl.ltn . nnd col-
5"NovoiA before vvero we In position to offer oi.-d LA'Miitni ( ) : > SI I HITS.
buch bargains. yiV'i'i- ' 1-5 VJ'IUP | l" un < lorwt
Ml I It I b and colored bosom
si nliltoluKllodSlilrts-
All the MEN'S Two All the MEN'S ALL
Men's Fine Gentlemen's vqry fine Dollar and a Half WOOL , Dollar
lest Suit or Overcoat llcocc lined
! ei
in Otnaha for $5. ( | UNDERWEAR
. comprising all wool b'ack clay worsted made of the fiiiest imported and domestic , plain and go at
Today wo off or 250 i\fon's Suits , made in double half satin lined worsteds cheviots & fancy worsteds , inoHidiniy 20 ounce clay worsted
or single breasted t-aeks , in the newest shades of cassimeres , in all the newest shades in cutaways , aho the'r latest hhatles of Brown and
brown , mixtures , plaids or checked patterns ; also plaids , m'xtures nnd cheeked patterns these suits brown mixtures wrcry one of them a peed S1S.OO Men's
200 Men's Kcrbcy Overcoats , in blue , black , brown will the most economical buyers also suit also sorao of < the finest Kersey Overcoats ever
und gray , with heavy Italian lining , and 150 men's men's Kersey , Bcivorand Molten Overcoats satin shown and 150 double Freiv.o and Kersey Ulators , Colored
Irish Frieze Ulstors , in black , gray and brown , lined garments , guaranteed to wear two seasons , lined with all wool worsted suiting the above , Launder'dl
linfd with all wool cassimoro in und double breasted , medium und short
, a garment that will single J8to
all worth from ? 820
give you good wear and keep you warm. Any of lengths they are regular $12.00 garments pro garments are * " " , today " All l .the , M EWS-KH > -
the-nbovo are worth $10 ; they go today at $5. today at $7.50. only they go at S9.DO. , , . $ * "V T WOOL"D3llarand lcdY > hat- ,
a Half plain and ural wool , regular dollar Shirts ,
with collars and cuffs
UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR detached , go at
. .
IggESBcSSSiiSa rt.ef * ? ? KZ\mHtfttt
500 extra heavy i '
Ladies' Suits
JACKETS I 60 ladies' 50O Handsome COO hats to select from
with hiKli Klcnin collars , f Trinimad Hats In the newest colors , all
worth { , fur Saturday at- New Suits
all the latest style , tarn
made either ' . i\cw Nobby Shapes
100 A I Wool 200 to select from O'Sh.intcrs , braided ,
Beaver Cloth Russian in 'strictly all crowns , trimmed with many of them
Jackets B ottses , wool novelty , ostrich tips , aigrettes
In L'li'un and bliicK' , noucle or a two and ornaments , i ea 11 y Velvet Matlc Hats
him silk llnml , lutust or Fly Front toned mixed woith Jo 00 , on Ealo at
c'ut , nil sl/cs , worth
$ T.fOonsulunt / $ > , fl ( ) . . Reefer Style , oloiiKing cloth , J2. 88 trimmed with ostrich
made \vlth largo tip : ) iiiul long plumes , on
2UO Curly llouclo satin lined plain colored sale ti { F W.
. .
! ,
.ickcts-r-uti | ]
lined throughout , in sailor collars ,
nil iniido in I ho , trimmed ; all-
ut lati'Mt $7,00 slyly , on sale navy , royal blue , ages , at $8.75
brown and
A ni > w lot of gray ,
Russian Blouses blacU , many of Aigrettes ,
lined In all throiiBhout color * , plain us or 1th braldtd lic.ivy * , them worth up New pattern hats worth bale Ifie ate ,
on -o
satin duche.sfe In bright colors' , lo $35.00 , on on display for . "this -
nro positively the ncncbt ' '
Children's and Misses'
s.ile Kusslan liloiiscs In Omahn . , on PLUSH CAPES sale at sa'e atJ$9.98 and ] ,000-\iills | to tiolcct
nt and J15CO.
"O Real Seal Plush Capes trimmed with SAMPLE JACKETS frt in in nil colors 1C
$12. SO and $15 braid and Jet , , edged -with renl thlbet fur , $12.50 'I on Halo at . . . - . /
on tale at JG.9S and $ O.PS. A } 3,00 ELKCTRIC d t ' ' Jackets
Children's and Misses' Famplo , no
lie A two liljko. In : royal bine , KreeiiH , ll.ivaww S6.98 and $9-98 on sale at $1.25. . , . , . . . H B g"M two alilco , in all ugos , on sale at $5 00 , $7.50
nnd WfteU. . In plain Kcrncy or tilmmcd with IIOUCLI ! CAPHS NI3\V KUU COLLAIIKTTUS In D rid 89.08. IllituU ParintH
lirald , HtnipS lind buttons , all of them lined GJ InillfH * handsome Houclo Capes , ( the latest styles , nt $300. $750 , so hlyllsh now , 39c
tl'roimlioiit with Heavy K.itln dnehesse , trimmed ' , \lth thi' best qunilty ofy . , 00. uotili H noon
,1nd J22
jnaiiv of them'north up to $2500 your choice thlbot , madu u\ltli empire ! > ack , In-l J12.M $5 00 , $7 5O and $9.98 on sulu ut 'J'Jc . , ,
at J17.50 . , tended to sell at JT.f.O . , on B.ilu at , . S5 , S7.50 , SI2.SO , $22
Saturday's Bargains in the Stationery Iii the < Saturday's Sale Grand Special Immense Ribbon.
Connforter Drapery Department Bargains Carpet IN THE Yarn Thread In fiusomont. Sale Bargain in Basement.
Bargains. 200 line hlih ; class I scs Curtains from the for Saturday- Departttieiit Silk Thread , all colors and black Ic a 300 bolts pure silk No , 22
. Lessor flro , worth from $3,50 lo $3.00 a pair ; - Department xpool ,
Ribbon of rainbow
all colors the
theie are Irhh 1'olnt , Tambour , Ilrussels ef Hest 200-yrtrd Sfnchlno Thread , - \ brands ,
" 00 Imnd knottei' Krench Sateen Comfort- fect , Lace Inserted and r.ll lilgh class gooda ; Frou : a locnl dealer "o buy their entire Grand special sale of strictly All Wool In- to select ' from , 2'ic u spool. bow woith
' . . stock of , In . - . C9c yard , oil Host grade Ice Wool , all colors , black and Ilrooks' best 100-yurd .Mnqliino Thread , Ic , 250 yard , go at
cm , fU'ed with snow wblto cotton batten they go at $2.00 a pair. surplus Envelopes they arc t. y > o t-.i LEcj pna , a Hjiool.
worth $ : ! .50 , go at $1.76 , square- high cut , In Ilaronlal shapes and new French patterns , 3Sc yard , nil Host Knitting not Yarn , 15o n Bkeln. SCO-yard spool lOu UuHtlne Cotton , 3'-ic ' a
ImmensQ bargains In Scotch Nottingham weildlng plate Envelopes , alfo No ? . G to 10 lo- riQitners uurman Knitting Yarn , 22' ' c spool ,
ImmeiiBo bargains In while Rcnulno Call- co Ou.uinu , worth $2.0 ikilr , all full size , finl Knyelopcs , worth 15c , today your choice * 1,000 remnants of Moquctto Carpet , IVi Knrio bulls pure Silk Crochet Bilk , Co a
fornli lllaiikola , worth J5.00 each , go nt n-'ies wlilo and ? YJ yards long , KO at for l'ao per package no limit , buy QB many yards In letiKth , for rueu , worth up to 12.25 , Snxony Yarn , Eo a skein. ball , ' 7ic yd
I2.0S a pair. $1,25 per pair , as you want as long as they last. all go at 98c { or entire rug. . , , \ji.rii.aniown , lOc a skein. whlto Itest nnd firude mixed Crochet colors , 'Cotton 3'/&c ball , nil , colors ,
trer Offered
Men's fine sole welt CalfSkin Men's Oxblood Winter '
Winter Tan
Imported turn fine Kid Toadies' fine turn und \\elt sole Men's calf lined Vici Kid Men's
nee Shoes , coin too , with pat Hutton and l.nco Shoes. Hoches. Skin Shoes in all styles of Weight Shoes and Men's Shoes double soles
ent tip leather , ' heavy
Lace Klioc3 cr plain tip , funuy ter nmUc same ua sold olse- light double so'e
foxed , all vlure ut $5 , go ut toes whjch others sell for Tan Shoes for winter wear Shoes upper so'd ' English cut si me as sold
ncedlo too exactly
Welt same as
Shoes , nuidp by Thoa. necdto too Welt 75 All styles four-fifty and five dollars we regular four and a half value elsewhere for five we sell
I'lant to rvtull ut 3.60 , LJ | | olc Hutton Shoes , made $2.50 $100 All sizes elsewhere for five dollars go
90 at . . . . , . . . . . , by Thoj i'.ant to retail . sell for three. we sell for three dollars , sit three and half for three and a half.
. a
at 3.W , go at - *