Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 1UCK. SATURDAY * NOVIflMlMail 0 , 18. 7.
MI.VOII jii\Tin.v ,
Cooper , Flro ln . , C Pearl , tel , 372.
Harry Murphy , coil ami wood , 37 M ln.
Schmidt's hjr relief phottw are the latest.
rii Stirlver , dentist Mcrrlam blk. . rom 248
McPhcrion ft llecd , cut ( lowers and do-
nlgr.B ; office C Pearl St. , trl , 372 ,
Satisfaction guaranteed nt the reliable
niuff Oily stcitrt laundry. Phone 3H.
C. 0. , dcntlnt , removed from the
opera house to the Dr , Plnney ofllco , 214 Pearl.
Carlson's freshly ground cornmcal. best to
> o had ; call for It nt your grocer's or at C.
Carlson's AVnsh. Avo. mills.
KIcctlon In over. Wo breathe easy once
more. Bo'.tcr take lime now to send that
bundle down to the Kaglc Liundry , 721 Ilwiy.
Council Bluffs people can obtain copies of
the International art series. "Ireland In
Pictures , " by calllnc at the Council Bluffs
office of The Bee , No. 10 Pearl street.
Kldtr T. W. Williams will lecture on
"Ht'irt-felt Ilcllglon" at the Latter Day
Balnt's church Sunday evening. Those who
fotl that wo need more of Christ In all the
walkn. of life will do well to attend the
services. Bvoryhody Invited.
Mrs. Kate M. Klscr was granted letter *
of administration yesterday In the estate of
her deceased husband , C. C. Klser , the Union
Pacific railway conductor. The application
of the wldfw showed that the personal and
realty of the estate amounted to only about
? 253.
Ilov. J H. Weber , "tho Tornado" evan
gelist , will bo at Fifth Avenue Methodist
church on Sunday morning and at 1 p. in.
Great me < Jlngs ! Bvcrybody come. No ser
vices on Saturday or Sunday night , the Sun-
flay night service will be at Broadway
The Postal Telegraph company has brought
EMU in the miperlor court against H. V. Innta ,
asking that a judgment rendered In the
court of Justice Vlen be set aside anil
that an Injunction bo Issued restraining the
execution of the judgment. J. 1) .
Sampley , formerly with the Postal
company , was sued by Innls for $92.50 , and
Iho company was garnished for the amount.
Mrs. Potter , a representative of the com
pany In this city , presented a letter from
the company stating that It was not In
debted to Sampley , but she failed to make
n proper formal answer In the case and
Judgment was rendered against the company
for nearly the full amount.
In the district court yesterday Mrs. Mar
garet O'Lcary was granted a divorce from
iicr husband , William , generally known as
I * VDoo" O'Leary , on the grounds of desertion.
hi 'Among the witnesses who were called bo-1
fore the court was Police Ofllcer J. M. Mur-l
| ) hy , who testified that ho had ordered
O'Leary to leave the city about two years
ago. O'Lcary was < i well known hack driver ,
and Murphy testified that occasion for the
order was an Incident that occurred a few
tays prior , when O'Lcary took a traveling
man In his hack from Council til lifts to
Omaha. In the hack \\aa one of the hack
driver's friends. After the journey was lln-
Inshed the traveling man discovered that
ho had been "touched" for ? 10G. Ho reported
ttho Tact to Murphy and Informed the chief
of pollco who Issued the order for "Doc"
to leave the city. At the time there was
111 a sensational story circulated by his friends
{ hat ho was mysteriously missing. When
last heard of ho was living In Texas.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C.
Health book furnished. 326-327-328 Merrlam
N. V. Plumbing cornsny. Tel. 250.
Sir. Wi-licr'H Ui-vlviil MoptliiRH.
The revival meetings Uiat are being con
ducted by Evangelist Weber at the Broadway
Methodist church are increasing In Interest
each night. The church last night was filled ,
ever1 Ecat being taken.
Mr. Wc.ber Is unique In his manner and
jnetho'ds of work. lie docs not preach In the
ordinary sense of the word , but ho talks to
the people. Ho takes the plainest thoughts
and applies them , In the plainest way. Ills
Illustrations are taken from practical life.
The service last night began with a twenty-
minute song service. In which the magnifi
cent choir of Bovcnty-fivo voices rendered
excellent service. The evangelist based his
talk , on the question : "Arc you saved ? "
Ho argued that the question Is not Are you
a .Christian ? or Are you a church member ?
! Ho attempted to show that a Christian is
Christ's life In spirit and In life. Christians ,
Jio asserted , are not found at the dance or
the theater , nor do they play cords. These
things belong to a worldly life , end have no
tart In the Christian's experiences.
At the conclusion of his exhortation he
extended the Invitation for all who desired to
receive the prayers of the congregation to
rlso , and thirty-five or forty stood up.
Tomorrpw at 10:30 : and 3 o'clock the evan
gelist will hold services at the Fifth Avenue
Methodist church and at the Broadway
church In the evening.
, ' Xotlut * of DIxNolutlon.
Notice Is hereby given that the firm of
Fair & Weber has this day been dissolved ,
G. A. Weber having sold his Interest In the
business to E. W. Fair , who assumes all
obligations of and will collect all debts owing
to the firm. G. A. WEBER ,
Have you seen , those dark green oak plc-
lure frames at th'6Council ' Bluffs Paint , Oil
and Glass company's ? They are lined with
hit. a narrow gilt moulding , which makes a
jroty contrast with the green. Take a bright
colored pastel picture and frame It with ono
ot these frames and you have a * beautiful
piece of decoration.
Money to Loan Reduced rate on Drat class
M-KT Improved farms and Insldo city property.
'Apply to Jas. N. Casady , jr. . 236 Main St.
To use one.third less fucf than
nny under draft soft coal stove
mnde. To nlvc a good base heat
and an even heat never before
seen with noft coal. To hold lire
perfectly and to burn hard coal
economically. With a good flue it
is clean as a base burner. Sec it
running at otir store ,
O.ty Attorney Gats Ready to Answer tha
Shea Pctitiou.
HIM Urn mill .SHJ-H .VolliliiK , lint tin-
Auditor tilvi'M Out ti _ KliiMi
of tinKlnniu'liil" Stiitc
f the City.
City Attorney Hnzclton has commenced
preparing his answer to the petition for an
Injunction fled by J , J , Shea on
Thursday , and Is very confident that
the city's showing when the case comui
up for hearing will bo such that the court
will not sus'aln Shea's c'alm for a restrain
ing order. The course that will be taken by
the dcfcrao was not divulged.
The finance committee of the city council
and Finance Clerk True were busy yesterday
checking up the treasurer's hooks , but found
tlmo to talk a little about the suit. The
general opinion was that It might bo the
means of Increasing the clty'o tax burden ,
even should the application be denied next
Monday. Mr. True has handled all city
warrants for a number of years. When he
first began to buy city warrants a few yeirs
ago they were hawked around the country ,
and selling at a discount of 20 per cent.
Within a year ho had reduced this to less
than 10 per cent , and for the last alx or
eight years the discount has not been greater
than G per cent. Ho Ins had no dllllculty In
securing eastern capital to take care of thcao
warrants. Early this year the bids for the
larger warrants were at par , and In the
middle of the summer Mr. True was obliged
to send back over $8,000 which has been
sent to him for Investment In city warrants
, for the reason that the warrants could not
I be obtained. Those warrants have been held
for many years by tlo | same financial houses
and none of them have over been put Into
judgments against the city. Mr. True and
the finance committee feared that Shea's
threat might force these eastern capitalists
I to take prompt steps to place their warrants
[ In judgment. In that case the city wou'd
have to levy Increased taxes at once to take
i them up , regardless of the constitutional
limits of the city's debt. "Nothing but evil
can como of Shea's action In whatever way
you look at It , " sajs Mr. True. "It's a
menace against the earnings of all of tha
members ot the flro department , the police
department and every city employe , for Us
effects must bo the depreciation of the war-
mil to with which they nro paid. Many
employes have kept their warrants for the
last two years , and tha threat Is also against
their savings. "
City Auditor P. L. Evans was asked by
many Interested cltlzcrs for a statement of
the financial condition of the city at the
present time , and his books were open dur
ing the greater part of the day. In answer
to the great demand for positive Information
ho prepared the following- statement of the
situation on October 1 :
General fund warrants. . $142r > 03.CI (
Special funds warrants , . 72.12
Water fund , warrants. . . . 53,375.00
Total warrants out
standing . . $19j,9oG.7S
Regular city bonds . 301,40000
Intersection sewer bonds 67OCO.OO
Intersection grading
bonds . 32r,00.00
Intersection paving bonds 140,5 0 CO
Total intersection bonds 21G,0O.CO
Special assessment sewer
bonds . 7,70000
Special assessment grad
ing : bonds . 20,000.00 '
Special assessment pav
ing bonds . Co.OOO.OO
Total special assess
ment bonds . 93,300.00
Gross city debt , October
1. 1S97 . . . . C3GG5G.7S
Cash balances held by
treasurer Oct. 1 , 1S)7. ! ) . S4.9G7.91
Net city debt Oct. 1 , 1S97. B51.GSS.87
Obligations not Included
by 5 per cent consti
tutional limit :
Intersection bonds . 246,000.00
Special assessment bonds 93,300.00 339,300.03
Total included under 5
par cent limit . 212,358,87
Assessed valuation for
levy of 1S98 . 1,914,891.00
Five per cent of assessed
valuation . 243,744.70
Leaves the debt within
the 5 per cent consti
tutional limit by . 33,35383
The sum of $58,000 in cash was transferred
from the county treasurer's ofllco to the city
yesterday afternoon , whlcn represents the
amount of taxes collected up to November
1. This will reduce the total debt Just that
much , and the report will show In addition
that over $8,000 worth of bonds have been
paid since October 1 ,
A comparailve statement of the city's total
debt at the present time with previous yeara
as far back as 1893 makes a still better
showing of the careful end successful man
ner In which the financial affairs of tha mu
nicipality have been cared for since all of
the departments of the city administration
have been under republican control. In 1893
the total debt was $882,341.42 ; in 1894 it was
$885,924.42. ; In 1895 It had been reduced to
$812,813.09 ; In 1S96 to $764,266.75 , and on
March 1 , 1897 , the reduction had brought It
down to $638,129.32 , and the result of the
hammering process had further reduced It
to $636,656.78 on October 1. The November
report will show a still further reduction
of about $70,000.
Every dollar of this debt wa-j Incurred
while the city was In the hands of the demo
cratic party. The first part of It and the
greater part was contracted under the ad
ministration of W. R. Vaughari. Many bonds
eold during that administration drew the
ruinous Interest of 10 per cent , and the bonds
vero sold at a corresponding discount. All
ot those bonds that were drawn so that It
could bo done have been refunded , some as
low as 414 per cent.
A comparative statement of the expenses
of running the city administration since 18S8
furnishes strong argument In support of the
claim of good business management. From
that year until 1891 the gross expenditures
over the gross Income for current expenses
ranged from $40,000 to $10,000 annually and
during these years the greatest Income the
city has ever had ivas received. For the
'ast five years the expenses have ranged
from $19,000 to $12,558.48 less than the Income -
como with greatly reduced receipts. This
year the savings will bo proportionately
lareo ,
HH Hit * Kxroutor'N Heiinrt ,
In the district court yesterday the report
of W. A. Maurcr , one of the executors of
the estate of the late John Dobany , was the
subject for considerable dlscucslon , The re
port was objected to by H , C. Cory on. the
general grounds tbit It showed a lack of
disposition on the part of the executor to
care for the debtors of the estate. The re
port showed the collection of a large amount
of money , nearly $8,000 , and no payments
upon claims filed within the first six months.
It showed that there had been paid the sum
of $1,100 to two of the heirs , and that $1,500
had been paid out for repairs on the property
of the estate. Cory apd W. S. R'llrd ' , the attorney -
tornoy who represented him. hold severil
claims against the estate , and this was the
cause ot their objections. The court refused
to entertain the objections but agreed to
make an order to the effect that the money
received hereafter from the estate should
bo first used for keeping up the repairs ,
paying taxes and Insurance and the balance
to be applied on the payment of claims. W.
A. Maurer , as trustee and one of the exec
utors , was allowed $50 a month from July
26 , 1895. In approving the report of Executor -
utor Maurer the court took special occasion
to commend the excellent management ho
had shown In caring for all ot the Interests
of the large property that had been consigned
to hit * care. The other executors are W. S.
Keellno and John Dohany , jr.
Retd "Simon Dale" in Tno Sunday Dee
U you don't take it , subscribe now.
Siiilila | II , Mj iiMcr'N A | > | 'M < ' . li > n for
Ult.riu' Set fur llciirlnu' Today ,
The National Ilulldlng and Savlnps asso
ciation of Rcone , la , was given a degree ot
foreclosure In the district court yesterday
aRDinst I'li'llp J. Leo and others.
Tha entire day yesterday wr.s taken up In
the hearing of a coupla of land squatter
caccs , In which W. S , Mayno Is the plaintiff
and Jnmrs Mclntceh and others and James
F. Reed and others are the defendants. They
have looitcd upon tracts of land In Crescent
township belonging ( o Maync and are en
deavoring to acquire life under the home-
1 stead net , claiming that the land was form-
Jcrly the bed of the Missouri river and Is con-
I Gcquently government domain subject to
, honic3tcad entry. Thn cases will occupy the
greater portion of the time today.
| I The divorce and big alimony cases of
I Sophli 11 , Mynster against William A. Myn-
ster la oct for hearing today and may bo
reached during the afternoon. In her peti
tion Mrs. Mynster has averred a great many
very sensational things and Mynstcr'n answer
has been oqua'ly filled with Interest.
Judge Orcen'a assignment for the next two
weeks Is an follows :
Monday , November S 108 , J. F. Smith ct nl
ngalnst John Evans ( special ) ; IB , Herman &
Ilrown against J. W. Latham ; 48 , Peregoy &
I i Moore against M. Ooldstclo.
1 Tuesday. November 9 04 , Hammer Lumber -
| ber Company against M. S. Ilcnner et nl ; 101 ,
I George W. Llpo agaliut W. F. Slodontopf ct
a' ; 120 , Poitawattamie County ag.ilnnt Dutrow
et al.
I i Wednesday , November 10 87 , Mcch'n Sav
ings Hank against Carrlgg et al ; 3. M , E.
| i Street against Reed , County Treasurer ; 121 ,
Husman against llouquctt.
Thursday , November 11 0 , M. E. Street
ngalnst City of Council niuffs ; OL' , Conrad
Selpp Bridge Company against Johnson ; 119 ,
I George Qrecn , Guardian , against Mabel Kent.
| Friday , November 12 118 , D. C. Redman
j ngalnst Fremont West ; 143 , Llnder & Filter
j against John Ltndt et al.
Saturday , November 13 109 , Schncckloth
against J. W. Davis ; 107 , Carothers against
, Robert Wlllard.
I Monday , November 1C 106 The United
, States Mutual Life Association against Wll-
s-n et al ; 117 , Edinburgh Lorn. Investment
j Co. pgalnst Davldtson.
I Tuesday , November 1C 125 , Secretary SavIngs -
i Ings and Loan Association against Bockhoff ;
i 137 , J. W. Squire , trustee , against Bowen ;
1136 j , J. W. Squire against Aylesworth.
i Wednesday , November 17 139 , Bristol Sav
ings Bank against Juild ct al ; 171 , Bcnton &
Underwood agilnst Charles Peters ; 145 ,
i James Malonc against Lake Manawa Railway
I Company.
! ' Thursday , November 18 10 , Julia E. Officer
against Empklo Hardware Company.
Saturday , November 20 53 Charles Greg
ory against Wright & Raph.
Council IllulTN < ; ! < < Cluli Will Hold
HcKiilar Weekly Mi > i > tliiKH.
The Council Bluffs Glee club , a new musi
cal organization that gives considerable premIse -
Iso for the future , has been organized at a
meeting held for the purpose. It has been
decided that the club should meet for prac-
tlco In Mueller's hall every Thursday even
ing , and Prof. J. II. Slmms 'was unanimously
chosen director of the club. Prof. Slmms
has ability to a degree , thoroughly under
stands music and Is a most efficient leader.
Under his direction the Council Bluffs Glee
club will soon rank among the best musi
cal organizations In the west.
Among those who were present at the or
ganization were the following well-known
vocalists : Melvln Gould , T. V. Edwards , C.
n. Loach , Herman Rosch , Arthur Wilson ,
Fred Murphy , E. A. Ingoldsby , C. R. Pettlt ,
J. T. Monfort , Fred Showalter , Perry Badoi-
let , Tom Treynor , C. S. Haversfock , C. A.
Rlley , C. B. Altchlsco , Phillip Paschel , Da
vid E. Stuart , W. L. Thickstun , W. L. Doug
las , Jamca Mulqueen and W. S. Rlgdon.
Milrrln e IilueiiNVX.
Marriage licenses have been Issued to
the following named persons :
Nnmn and Residence. ' Age.
Charles Gciber , Howard , In 21
Dora M. Walton , Howard , la 18
Peter C. Hansen. Council Bluffs 27
Anna M. Uang ; Council Bluffs 21
Fred Klepper , Council Bluffs 31
Laura Kessler , Council Bluffs 2G
James Anson , South Omaha 30
Maggie Morrison , Perry , la 27
Jacob Washington , Council Bluffs 3o
Hattle Douglas , Omaha 22
John Olsen , Sioux City 2S
Bertha Parson , Sioux City 2G
Arthur Brown , Omaha 23
Lucy Johnson , Douglas , Kan 21
Fiiot' nail.
Council Bluffs High school meets Red Oak
High school at the Field Club park today at
3 p. m. Council Bluffs defeated Red Oak
two years ago and was defeated by Red Oak
last year. Red Oak held the state cham
pionship last year.
The Council Bluffs boys have not been
scored against this season so far and are
anxious to uphold their record.
Sullivan , the grocer , has Just received a
direct shipment of bulk oysters from Balti
more , which ho Is selling at a reasonable
figure , considering the quality of the oysters.
It Is not the price , but the quality that talks
In this case. 311 Bway ; Tel. 161.
FIri'K of a Hay. -i
HOWARD , S. D. , Nov. B. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Catholic church and priest's resi
dence burned at 9 o'clock this morning. The
flro caught from the stove In the church.
Loss , $6,000 ; Insurance , $3,000.
DENVER , Nov. 5. Temple Emmanuel , the
Jewish synagogue at the corner of Twenty-
fourth and Curtis streets , \\a.s totally de
stroyed by fire this afternoon. Loss , $35,000.
WEST DOVER , N. H. , Nov. 5. Fire early
today destroyed property here valued at $60-
000. I
Subscribe for The Sunday Ilee and read
Anthony Hnpe's great story "Simon Dale. "
Twenty TlioiiNiinil for a .Mini * .
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. 5. Special. ) H.
I ) . Carpenter and party have returned from
a four months' surveying trip In the Grand
Encampment region , where a number of town
ships were surveyed for the government. Mr.
Carpenter reports that easterners who have
had experts In the Grand Encampment re
gion are Investing money In claims and that
the prospects are bright for the establish
ment of a great mining camp. Cleveland , 0. ,
capitalists , who have been Investigating the
region , have purchased a $20,000 mlno and
will develop It.
Will Ilu Tried' ' for Murder.
CHEYENNE , Neb. , Nov. 5. ( Special. ) Ed
Feare , a railroad man of Laramle , died yes
terday from Injuries received October 17 at
Hanna , where he .was assaulted by "Herder"
Meager and "Kid" Snider. Fcare was
knocked down and pounded over the bead
with a revolver and kicked In a brutal man
ner , Ills assailants are under arrest and will
bo tried for murder.
Heavy Snow In Illack IIlllN.
LEAD , S. D , , Nov. 5 , ( Special Telegram. )
Very heavy snow has fallen In the northern
hills. Reports from the northwest cattle
range are that cattle have Buffered consider
ably. Cattle on the way to Hello Fourche
to bo shipped will bo affected worst.
MIMIIIV * 1'rolilliltlon ,
ATLANTA , Ga. , Nov. 6.-Tho Georgia
senate today defeated n measure , which If
passed would Imvo hud the effect of making
Georgia a prohibition Btute. Tha bill bus
been pending In the legislature since last
year and has been exhaustively argued.
The vote on the bill was 18 to 23. It Is
undrratood that the majority against the
passage of the bill would have been pro
portionately much greater In the house If
the measure had ever reached that body.
Curllulc Acei'iil * .
ALBANY , N , V. Nov .B.-Former Secre
tary of the Treasury John G. Carlisle today
notified Secretary Proctor of the Slat ? Bar
association that he would accept the in
vitation tendered him to deliver the next
annual address before the association's con.
ventlon on January 2J2 , , , ,
BIG FORCE 1)1' ) ' ! IiAT \ WORK
Denver Comwn ; PutsiiraiL-irTQ Plant in
Carbon Ootinty. Wyoming.
T o 'I'lioiixiiiut Ar.ri'N of
iv COIM-NO ( iVll'ilVlilcli Aoi-
, * r , Si'vittt } K | > > toACntlH to u
Dollnr nml
< 1
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , tiKov. 5. ( Special. )
J. C. Teller of Denver 'reached ' from the
Drush placer fields In Carbon county , where ,
under bis direction , a Dtcivor company la
putting In a pinnt to work 2,000 acres of
rich placers , A largo force of men has ben
put to work , getting out timber for build
ing flumes and sluices and by spring , It la
expected , owrk can bo commenced washing
the gravel. The gold found Is coarse and
averages " 5 cents to $1.50 a yard. The com
pany lias put chased L,000 , acres cciil controls
1,000. The fields arc on North llrush creek ,
seventeen miles from Saratoga.
Complete Vote fur Slunv mill"\Vliltv ,
Coiiiiuirt'il with l.uxt Yi'nr'N.
DES 'MOINES ' , la. , Nov. C. The following
table shows the total vote of the state by
counties , as compiled by the auditors of the
different counties :
Shnw. White , ley. Ilrynn.
Ailnlr 1,751 1,7.13 2,127 1.U4G
Adams 1,340 1,6:0 1,730 1,701
Allamnkec 2.175 1,702 2,471 l.SUT
Appanooso 2.7VJ 2.3U5 3,010 2,1)40 )
Atiduhon 1,4H : 1,31'J 1,703 1,417
I teuton . . ; . . iUd7 ! 2,537 3,601 2,570
lihickliUAk : to:0 2U5 4.G13 2lfi7
Uoone 2,552 2.MI 3,741 2,801
Urcmer 1,757 J.i'JJ ' 2,116 1,701
ISuchunnn Iiu7 ! 1,9S'J 2S 3 2,2M
liuenu Vlstil l.MJO \ > n 2,3tS ! l,17b
llutler 2,121 l.IOO 2,070 I.3T2
Clll.loun 1,749 1,148 2.G3S 1,280
Carroll 1,748 2,30 ! 2.0CG 2,417
CttSS 2,450 1.S70 2 , ! > 5'J 2,240
Clilur 2,283 2.1S1 2,717 2,128
Uerro Gordo 1.M5 1,130 3,018 1,401s
Cherokee l.C'.lj ' l.lSii 2,313 l,4lil
Chlo'.Uls.lW ' 1U)1 ) 2,111 1,907 2OSl
Clarke 1,501 l.SG'i 1,010 1,517
Clay 1,400 7fil l.SM ) 8.13
Clayton 2,4fJ ! 2,792 3,302 2,910
Clinton -1,033 4,542 3,584 4,310
Crawford 1.7G7 2,392 2,1S'J ' 2,3 %
Dallas 2,405 1.S33 2,326 2.31G
Davis 1.E07 1,91 ! ) 1 , 32 2,307
Decatur 2.1G9 1.96J 2,2iiS 2,3J2 (
Delaware 2.12 ! ) 1.SS1 2.799 1,778
Dc-S Mollies 3,203 3,510 4,519 3,711
Dickinson b71 ! 4J2 1,131 517
Dubliquo 3,731 ! 5,244 0,203 0,570
Emmet SIO MS 1,429 559
Knyette. 2,7M 2,337 3,522 2,822
Floyd 1,671 1,4il 2,743 1.4U1
Franklin 1,071 7lO 2,439 SH4
Fremont 1,756 2SOt ; 1,918 2.S57
Greene 2,023 1,439 2GOt5 1,629
Orundy 1,473 1,297 1,891 1,206
Guthrlo 2,072 l.MG 2,511 2,23) )
Hamilton 2.3JI 1,167 3,071 1.3JO
Hancock 1,111 1,043 1,975 1W7
Hardlii 2GS ) 1,338 3,575 1.5GS
Harrison 2,409 2,712 2.S39 3,211
Henry 2,277 1.G33 2,774 2,092
Howard 1,495 1,288 1.929 1,607
Ilumboklt 1,512 700 2,010 7S3
1 < U 1.2J4. J , 97 1,473 1,421
Iowa l.BCO 2.U2 2,391 1.93G
Jackson 2.232 2.C51 2.7GS 3,019
Jasper 3,318 y,240 3,713 3,279
Jefferson 2,057 1,420 2.47S 1.77J
Johnson 2,965' ' U.5S5 2,910 3,170
Jones 2,5S * . > 2,158 3,037 2,143
Kcokulc 2.7IS 3,135 3.1GG 2.S91
Kossutll 2,1SI ! , 1,923 2,930 l.Wil
Lee 3,53(1 ( 4,532 4.M7 5,15.5
Linn 5,462 3,591 7,335 5,283
Louisa 1,677 I.C07 2,035 1,331
Lucas 1,484 ' 1,297 1,839 1,621
Lyon 1.17H 1,136 1.I3GS 1.4C4
Madison 2,111) ) i l.G'io 2,313 2,221
Mnhnbka. 3,440. 3,3974.25G 3,974
Marlon 2,354 , 2.797 2,741 3,119
Marshall 3,273 , .2,170 4,541 2.G2G
Mills l.fcSt ' 1,750 2,153 1,953
Mttdnell 1,040' . ' ' 'S05 2.49S 1.031
Monona 1,301-1 "i,5 B 1,520 2.538
Monroe l,51l'J,7CO I.MO 2.0SG
Montgomery 2,2S2 iJS23 , 2,927 ] , 34
Muscatlne j. < 2,80) . U2,55fi * 3,627 2.SG3
OTirlon 1,631 , 1,476 2,421 ' 1,302
Osceola 765 ' 791 1,094 7 7
1'nne 2,740 1,870 3,213 2,390
Palo Alto 1,278 1,414 1,595 1,547
Plymouth 2,013 2,026 2,623 2.392
Pocuhontas 1,381 1,401 l.SGG 1.377
Polk 7,308 5C6 11,127 7OS > 7
Poitawattamie . . 4.7S2 4.4GG 5,810 5,4CI >
Powushleclc 2.1SO 1,696 2,969 2,013
Ulnggold 1,820 1,109 2,209 1.651
Sac 1,767 1,231 2,513 1.3SG
Scott 3S2i , ; 3,314 6,459 4,032
Shelby 1,731 2,050 2,019 2,173
Sioux 2,338 1.G20 2,811 l.kl'S
Story 2,743 1,243 3,630 lfSO
Tallin. 2,009 2,393 3,03-1 2.59G
Taylor 2,154 l,7Gf. 2.4GS 2,293
Union 2,118 l.SSO E > .196 2,425
Van Huron 2,220 1,833 2,478 2,076
Wapello 3.GGO 3,373 4,319 4,041
Warren 2,337 1,969 2.S2G 2,214
Washington 2,379 2,121 2,882 2,292
Wayne 2,009 1,907 2,101 2,113
Webster ) 2G7) ) 2,211 : ! , G91 2,557
WlnnebaBO 1.LXJ9 679 1,912 714
Wlnnoshlek 3,063 1,814 3,422 2.0T5
Woodbury 3,956 ' 3,271 6,201 4,876
Worth 1,318 50G 1.G9G 584
Wright 2,073 929 2,932 1.13S
Totals 221,533 193,507 289,293 223,741
Shaw's plurality , 30.SSS.
The vote of the middle-of-the-road popu
lists , national democrat and prohibition tick
ets was not reported from all over the coun
ties , but the various committees estimate
their total votes as follows : Populists , 5t > 30 ;
national democrats , D.434 ; prohibition , 10,692.
With these estimated the total vote of the
otato Is 440,160. This Is a decrease from the
total vote of last fall of 81,387. In spite of
this decrease Mr. Shaw received a larger vote
than was over cast for any republican candi
date In Iowa , except McKlnley. His vote
Is 15,841 larger than that by which Governor
Drake was elected two years and 17,734 more
than Governor Jackson received In 1893. On
the other hand , White's vote Is 13,937 less
than the vote given Molest In 1891 and * 25,000
less than the democrat and populist vote cast
that year.
The popocratlo campaign this year was
the strongest ever made by that pirty for
state ofllces , and the results , as shown by the
above comparison , prove that Iowa does not
show zny tendency toward free silver. The
campaign on the part of the republicans was
fought on the St. Louis platform , and Mr.
Shaw discussed the money question In his
speeches to the exclusion , practically , of all
other Issues. Concerning the result , ho says
that the democratic galna do not indicate an
Increase In the free silver sentiment , what
ever Bryan and his followers may claim.
DlHtrlcl Court ( > I > < ; IIN at IM'il Oak ,
KED OAK , la. . Nov. G. ( Speslil , ) District
court opened yesterday , Judge A , n. Thornoll
presiding , The Hanner forgery case will
como up again , the Jury at the first trial
falling to agree ,
Isaac Thompscn , city/street sprinkler , will
sue the city of Ited Onfc.ilo cover loss sus
tained by him In rilllttaUhrouKli a defective
bridge with his sprlUkUui ; wagon. He has
been unable to wo-k sltu'e the ! and
seems to have good tTQUiiQB for his rlaim.
.Slot MiU'lilni' /fiU-roil Out.
HBO OAK , la. , Nov. J 5. ( Special. ) Slot
machines are a thing rat'-the past In Mont
gomery county. YeaJfiriJJiy the grand jury ,
which Is now In EOS a foil here , ordered all
machines taken out at tmce. Merchants who
neglect to do this will bs prosecuted. Thu
movement meets withGeneral , favor as thu
machines were becoimagj too ipopular with
young men and bilys-B/ |
IOVUI'H "InviirilVW" of IlllnolN ,
CLINTON , la. , Nov i-AdJutant General
Wright has been In lVj9Jj ) | and Fulton today
Investigating the alleged invasion of Illinois
by Iowa tn ps during- the Woodmen riots.
Ia > tn T HoliK. .
While Messrs. Henry and Paul Harl of
Clinton were out driving Monday near Clin
ton park one line broke and the hortes ran
away. Doth iwcre thrown out , Henry strik
ing a barb wire fence , badly cutting his loft
eye and bead. Paul was knocked senseless
but escaped Injury.
Two arrests have been made at Independ
ence for the murder of Night Watchman
Doxsle. killed by burglars a week ago. They
were Joe Hurley and Jack McQrcady , two
local boya , McGready belongs to a good fam
ily. The arrests were made by Plnkerton
detectives. The town Is nlghly excited.
Last Friday W. M. Crouch of Marshall-
town deserted his 20-year-old wife and their
two email children. Left without means and
with mauy debts starts her la tbo face Mrs.
Crouch Into yesterday afternoon took two
minces of laudanum In nt. cllort to cn.l her
life and troubles. Prompt work by o pliy | .
cltn 8 veJ her life.
" "The southbound passNiRor trnln on the
Orrat WrsU'tn was held nt Waterloo while
T. n. lUley , the conductor , was brought Into
justice court on complaint of n triveting
man by the lumo or Anderson. The conductor -
ductor was charged with larceny of a tnilo-
ape book belonging to iilalntlff. The Justice
continued the rase until the 10th of this
month. The compauy had given Instructions
that this book should ho taken up anil de
fcndant claims that ho was only performing
his duty.
John Ucckley of Sterling was out hunting
Sunday with his two brothers. On their
return homo , about 3:30 : In the afternoon ,
ho stopped to light his pipe and the gun
foil to the ground , struck an obstruction and
was discharged. The full contents struck
the young man at the lower eml of the
breast bone , lie was taken to his homo
and medial attention given him , but his In
juries were fatal , and ho died at fi:15 : after
intnnsa suffering. The young man was 23
years old and much respected by all win
knew him.
You can't make a. new arm with Salvation
Oil , but you can cure the bruises with It. 25c.
South Omaha News .
The trouble of locating the fruit stand of
Sam Dusif has at last been settled by Conn-
cllman llennett allowing the stand to be
placed on a vacant let he owns at the corror
of Twe&ty-slxth and Q streets. A couple of
mouths ago DIIEC , who Is a one-legged vet
eran , applied to th" council for permission to
locate a candy and fruit stand on city prop
erty nt the cast end of the Q street viaduct ,
The councllmen know that the granting of
such a. reimest was not strictly In accordance
with law , but they thought It better to stretch
a point than to bo compelled to keep the old
man all winter. Business men on Q street
complained and kept right nt It.
Tralnor of the Third ward also kept up the
agitation by doing all ho could to prevail
upon the council to revoke the privilege
granted. Several committees were appointed
to try and find a suitable location for Duso ,
but ho knew a good thing when ho saw It
and refused to move off Q street. When
Councilman Dennett announced his willing
ness to allow the old ! nun to occupy his lot
until spring the council gava him a vote of
thanks for settling a very troublesome mat
IiiK DaiiuimClillniN. .
.Mayor Knsor was engaged yesterday after
noon In Investigating the claim for damages
died by Mary A. Johnson. This
claims that she was walking along Q street
one rainy night and stopped Into u post hole
near the sidewalk. The hole , she asserts ,
was filled with water , anil theic wns no Indi
cation on the surface that a hole existed. .
The claim for damages recited a long list
of Injuries. Including sprains , brulsss and j
broken bones. The accident Is alleged to i
have happened only a few days ago , and yet I
the woman brought the claim to the city
clerk's olllcc herself and appeared to be In i
the best of health. In casa the claim Is
pushed the city will maku a hard fight a'ld
ctfers of a settlement will not be entertained.
Held ( o DlN.rlct Court.
Tom Plazek was tried In police court yes
terday afternoon for cutting William Semlock
with intent to do great bodily injury. Ac
cording to the testimony the two met at a1
house In the Fourth ward , where a wedding
celebration was on. 1'lazek started In to
make trouble , and Semlock made an attempt
to maintain order. Plazek was thrown out of
the house by Semlock and his friends. An
hour or two Inter , when on his way home ,
Semlock was attacked by Plazek and cut on
the left side oS the neck with a knife. The
wound was not deep enough to bo dangerous .
but was quite painful. Judge Chribtmann I
bound Plazek over to the district court for
further examination.
Hlft lltrtlKluy Honu'iiilxTcil.
Jay , Laverty , cashier of the firm of Gar-
low , Kelly & Co. , was most agreeably sur
prised on his return homo Thursday evening.
It was the anniversary of his birth and Mrs.
Laverty had quietly invited Messrs. narrow
and Kelly and a number of neighbors , so that
there was quite a Jolly company. Good cheer
was the order of the evening and included
an elegant repast served bv Mrs. Laverty.
Those participating In the happy event were :
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Garrow , Mr. ard
Mrs. J. D. Jones , Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Huddle-
son , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hlbbard and Captain
and Mrs. William Kelly.
Street C'ciiimilhuloiicr llnxy.
The street commissioner has been ordered
to make a largo number of improvements ,
among them being repairs to the west side
of Twenty-fourth street , at the intersection
of U street ; repairs to the sidewalk on Twen
ty-fourth street from Q to V street ; to place
Twentieth street between S and V street * !
a imssablo condition ; crosswalks at Nine
teenth and Washington streets and Twentieth
and Washington also at Thirtieth and U
streets. Onllnfmces have been ordered drnt'cd '
providing for the construction of a sidewalk
on the south side of M street from Twenty-
fourth to Twenty-fifth streets ; also n walk
on the north side of V street from Twenty-
fourth to Twenty-sixth streets.
The city -engineer has boon Instructed to
establish the grade on Thirty-second street
from tj to H streets. Several property owners
Intend building this fall or In the spring
and desire to have the grade established before -
fore active ocrntlons commence ,
Mnliir CUP fut ( he Hour.
Chief Smith of the lire department has
taken steps to collect from the Omaha Street
Hallway company the coat of the hose damaged -
aged yesterday by n motor car. While the
hose was laid across the street a motorman
run hb train acrcss It , tendering It useless.
Onicer Deters saw tnc motor coming anl did
his best to nttract the attention of the motorman -
man , but failed , and the wheels of the heavy
motor crossed the hose , cutting U lu two
places. The damage will amount to $5fi ,
which thu street car company will bo called
upon to pay.
to ( ! Tituotlirr.
It Is understood that an effort was undo
yesterday afternoon to harmonize the factions
In the democratic party. The result of the
recent election showed the leaders that some
thing ought to , ie dccic. There was a meet
ing between Mayor Hnsar , Tom lloctor and
other party leaders and the differences gene
over In detail. No conclusion was arrived at
but It Is understood that both factions will
have to make cenccsslora Another meeting
Is to bo held In a tow days , when the matter
will bo taken up again.
\o l.nw for tinC'tiMC. .
County Attorney Daldrlgo was In the city
yesterday afternoon. When atkcd about the
Van Deck matter and what action If any
would bo taken ho said that as far as ho
was concerned milling would bo done. Mr.
Daldrlgo claimed tint while there was a
law against the. Ill treatment of children , no
| provision was made for punishing persons
who 111 treated and neglected iidtilts.
> ln li- City CoHslp.
Jake Klein Is quite sick with a fever.
Miss J-rslo Copclaml of Wood Hlvcr Is here
visiting her parents.
Yesterday the letter pirrlcrs appeared In
their new winter uniforms.
Frederick Duller dlol last evening at his
residence. Twenty-fifth and Q Mrpets.
P. J. Murray his returned Horn DCS
Molncs , where he spent a yctr or more.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
J. Seykora , Twenty-second and S streets.
Mrs U. O. Olmstoid Intends spending the
winter with relatives at Cambridge , Neb.
There Is a movement on foot to trv and
Induce1 the railroads to erect a suitable union
depot here.
A meeting of the Union Veterans' union
will bo held at the olllce of Judge Howe
! : evening.
Miss Jennie Paulson of Jntesbtirg , Colo. ,
Is the guest of her aunt , Mrs. J. 0. Nelson
of Drown park
The frame work for theSchlltz storehouse
at Twenty-seventh and L streets , was being
placed In position yesterday ,
Ccngrcsannn DavlJ II. i.Morcer was In the
city for a sSort time yesterday afternoon
shaking hands with his friends.
South Omaha has ten public school build
ings with an enrollment of nearly 3,000
pupils. Sixty teachers are cmplovcd.
Twenty-one girls and twenty-three boys
were born In this city during the month of
October , making a total of forty-four blrthd.
The National Live Stock exchange will hold
Us annual session at Sioux City. December
3 and 4. Delegates from the local exchange
will be elected In a short time.
Mrs. Combs , who has apartments In the
.city hall buildfng , reported to the pol co
yesterday that a sneak thlof entered her
rooms and stole $3.RO in money.
Vance Lane , general manager of the Ne
braska Telephone company , spent yesterday
aftcrnom IP the city , figuring on some im
provements to bo made to the local office.
Excavations are being made for the now
sausage factory at Cudahy's. This building
will bo five stories high and the Intention Is
to complete It before extremely cold weather
sets In.
The 11 lira rr entertainment given at the
Methodist church last night under the au-
Eplccs of the High School Lltcinry society
was a very pleasant affair and a financial
si'cee = s.
Members of the Beard of Education yes
terday afternoon Inspected the now addition
to Hawthorne school and will most likely
accept the building at the next meeting of
the board.
The managers of the different packing
houses complain about the filthy condition of
the alloys at the stock yards and say that
after a rain It is almost Impossible to get
through them.
The Hospital and a Fearful Operation.
Hospitals in greatcities are sad places to visit. Tlircc-
fourths of the patients lying on these snow-white bcdso
are women and girls.
Why should this bo the case ?
Because they have neglected themselves ! 'Women
as a rule attach too little importance to first symp
toms of a certain kind. If they have toothache , (
they will try to save the tooth , though many leave
even this too late. They comfort themselves with
the thought that they can replace their teeth ; but
they cannot replace their internal organs !
Every one of those patients in the hospital beds4
had plenty of warnings in the form of bearing-down (
feelings , pain at the right or the left of the womb ,
nervous dyspepsia , pain in the hinall of the back , the '
" blues , " or some other unnatural symptom , but they did' '
not heed them.
Don't drag along at home or in the shop until you are finally obliged to
go to the hospital and biibmit to horrible examinations and operations I
Build up the female organs. Lydia E , 1'inhham'n Vegetable Compound will
save you from the hospital. It will put new life into you.
The following letter shows how Mrs. Lyncss escaped the hospital and a
fearful operation. Her experience Hhnuld encourage
other women to follow her example. She bays
to Mrs , Pinklmm :
" 1 thank yon very much for what you have
done for me , for 1 had given up in despair.
Last February , I hud a miscarriage caused
by overwork. It affected my heart , earned
me to have sinking spells three to four a
I day , lasting boiuctimes half a day I
'could ' not bo left alone. 1 ilowed con
stantly. The doctor culled twice a day
for a week , and once a day for four weeks ,
then three or four times a weelc for four
months. Finally he said I would have to mi-
dergonn operation. Then I commenced taking
Lydia 15. I'inhham's Vegetable Compound , and
after one week I began to recover and steadily improved until I was cured
completely. Uv taking the Pinklmm medicine , I avoided an operation which
the doctor said I would certainly have to undergo , I am gaining every day
and will cheerfully tell anyone what you Imvo done for me. " Mas , Taoa.
LYNESS , 10 Frederick St. , Kochester , N. Y.
Non-resldeutH of Iowa now Imvs tie exemptions under the new
CoJc which went into effect October 1. Wo can COLLECT BAD.AC
COUNTS as of old , aRaiust'MAnRlKD or SIMil.H employes of Rail-
wnya , Express , Telegraph , TelophoMc and Sleeping Car companies.
NASSAU INVESTMENT CO. , Council Bluffs , la
M y MMiM MuiMa MMa
How ninny Imp.
py niatrinee ties
nrc daily cut nstm *
clcr by the Rtim
destroyer , death.
How many women
go nuUnntly to the
nltnr , only to pass
n few shot t montlia
> of nRony nml pain ,
nnd then go clown
to early grn\ts.
There Is one cnuse
of thU ever-rocnrriiig trngedy. No woman
should enter the mnrrlairc stnte without
some knowledge of the physiology of the
female oigam of reproduction , nnd of the
necessity of keeping them nlways healthy
mid vigorous. iKitorance on those point *
dii graven for thousands of happy brides
but a few months' journey from the nllar.
There is n sure and-specdy icnitdy nt hand.
The most marvelous medicine ever discovered -
covered for women Is Dr. 1'icrcc's Kavorite
i'lescriptioti. It It the discovery of u most
eminent nnd skillful specialist , Dr. K. V.
Pierce , chief consulting physician to the In
valids' Hotel nnd Surgical Institute , nt lluf-
falo , N. Y. It acts directly on the delicate
organithat make wifchood nnd motherhood
possible. It makes them hc.ilthv and
strong. It cures nil weakness nnd disease.
Taken during the expectant period it In *
surc < a healthy baby nnd makes parturition
ca y nnd almost painless. Women who
wish to know all about the " Vuvoritc I'rc *
Bcripllon " should write to Dr. I'lctcc.
Mrs.V. . Holilnioti , Sprlnclillt.Cuinlicrl.iiul Co. ,
Nova Scutla. writesI feel Hint 1 cannot say
enough about your ' 1'nvoilte I'rcscrliitlon ' I
\vn < ciiiifliicil on the Sth of April , nnd 1 was onlv
sick about thirty minutes In nil. I can truthfully
ay thai your medicine worked womleii In my
caie. Although the pltvslelan was In the house
I did not Rcciu to require his nld I mil Roitij ;
nronnd doing my own work nnd before I hnil to
keep a girl three months till 1 was nble to do my
work. I recommended the medicine to n lady
friend of ntltie nml she Is taking H. She expect *
to become n mother next month. "
Constipation if neglected will lead the
most robust to the doctoi's office. The
blood ( jets loaded down with impurities
which it deposits in cvcrv organ nnd tissue
in thu body. Seiious illness is the inevi
table result. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation. They are ptnmpl nnd
pleasant in their action. They never giipe.
They cure permanently , and are not mere
temporary palliatives. _ Dtugplsts sell them.
If yon accept-something said to be "just
as Rood , " you will regict it.
if on i.vrmiNAiMJ nxmifN u , rsn.
< I ItIdSM > 1MIU\ KVI'S
ColiN , I'ouuliH , Sort * Tliroal , Inlliii'ir/.n ,
llrimchll Is , I'miriiionla , Stirlllnu
of tlu > .lotills. liiiniliaKO ,
KHKl \TIStl , M-31 It M.til \ , IIKVM-
Aciin , TOOTH vein : , \STIMI \ , DIK-
i.'ici IT mu : vriim ; .
liid > Mi > M < Itnub Itcllff Is a Sun- Cure
for KV.TJ I'nlii , SiirnliiN , Ili-nlson ,
I'aiiiN In ( lie lliii'L. Cln'Nl nr l.linlix.
It MUN tlit > h'lr.Nl anil Is Hie Only
Tlmt liutanly stups the must cxriutl.itiim p.iins
iillaja InlUiinnmllim , an.I cin..i l.muuni
wnothcr of tin- Limns , KUmuch. liuwus t.r utiur
glands or inK ins , l > > one application.
A. half to a traupuunful In half a tumbli r nl
\\ator lll In n few mlnulra cure damps.
S | > iiins. Hour Stomach. Heartburn. NUUIUSIP ss
Slci'ilfF. ] iifK , Kid ; Headache. UlniihnM , Pj in
tciy , Culle , Flatuk'm-y and all Inleinal palnc
There Is not n luueillnl audit in lh nrli\ \
that will cure finer nntl nRtie and all other
malm If us. lillloiis nnd other fe\eia , aided by
ll.MV.VAY'S PIM.H. so iinlikly ns HAii.
WAY s HIA Y I : UEF. ; c IOUIB sold by
Itnaw.iy & Co. . New Veil , City
: > : iim st.
& Searles.
HlfDI'fl '
All Private Diseases
& Disorders of Men.
1 rcatractit by Mail.
Consultation Free.
Cured for life nnd the poison thoroughly cleansed
from the-system.
SpermntorrlKM. Seminal Woalmoiq , Lost Man
hood , Nlirht Emissions UOC.IVIM ! I-'acultlnt. Ku-
male Weakness , and all delicate dlbordcrn pt-cu-
liar to either Bex , it'mltlvolv cnn-il. I'lLKS
AND VAlllCOCnLi : p ernruiontly and successfully
cured. Method new and mifalllnff.
; tt homo
by new method without pain or cutting. Call on
orauurt'oa wun siami
Sui'ci-Nsiir.s to nillii-rl Ilro * . , Oniiilia ,
AM )
Mil n il fill'I lire I'M of
Garments , Huesi Etc
l.-.OI ItiMiv , Council lllnlVx , la.
In Pluuier Dulldlng.
. . . , 'IVIcjihonc- . n ,
DEI. Ii > E. HOE ,
HOOIII2 : \ , .Ucrrlnin Illooli.
TnUe ISIctalor.
Octulivr I'D , It'j ; .
iio.\'Aiti : ) i5Vi3iuTT
KOIt HKNT-JIji cH In Council miffs
J15.0D PIT month-Cherry Hill unil uno iteic of
Kiiiuiiil , fiult mill Kniilrn ,
> per month New etorf room , SOxCO , on
ta.m per niontli-ir ; ' TlilrJ St. . r , oem nnj barn
} . ( X ) p < r nicmlli J A Kiilrmount iivcnuc , C loomo.
, .00 JUT inontb12U llromlwiiy , ntorc room.
JO.ffl per mor'-MO ( Jriilinm uv nui > , C rooms.
} i 00 per inU' .H ir,0 Jtlilf" tn-Pt O-rnorn house.
tt.oi perr _ < mlh lloueo jii Ninth street.
JS.3J per month A rf ll Imp ; .veil t acria 2 mlln
from town , will laKu ont-half of the rent In
work ,
roil HALi : City Property
JIOO Oooil lioiife , linin , Blied nn ( two lol 2jl |
Hfth me. , monthly payments , J7 ptr month rt
J00-aood lioiine and lot on Avenue II , between.
iiKhth : and Ninth Hl . , jr , pir month.
J-OO-tlood hoimo and lot on Cth uvonnu. brlwrtn
/-In and iCtli tin , , monthly nayim-nls , (0 per
" ' " Wr'Bllt'B ' " for f"10 al ° very low
1'All.MH KOIt HAI.i ;
| ! 5 per acre 240-acre farm , 4 miles west of Orln-
weld , eastern part pf I'oUiiwmtamlu oounly
ofl'Ni'oTu ' " " " ' ' * ° f K ° Ul 'urmlnt' l nU north
< *
"cr < V ! of KOO.I an in ,
lh of 1'rcmoiil
10-acro tracts et land 2 mlleii nmi , rt
Oinuhu ; will tala. , lart i""m.nWn'cffy
flood farms for lent. Apply to
I'r'VKUCTT' 10 l ' r' ' Council
" ! " ' " ' < 0 " " ' " ' ° f Iahd
Ki.hU"j"'i ' le"-re 'rBc '
. for
flood , I'lieap Nebraska lund for nalt-