Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Wheat , Largely Without Support , Takes
Another Considerable Drop ,
C rn In Alitril lijSiMrrnl Minor
Cfiiini-N , lint rinnlly Succiiinlii mill
On IN Pillion Pruv IxIniiK Dull
mill IrrcKiilurlj Iivvi-r ,
CHICAGO , Nov. G Wlicnt hnil a further
decline today of Ho for Uecombcr nnil He
for Max. The inniket xvn ntlll suffcrlnR
from the effects of the sharp break of yes
terday and \viis nt times almost totally
without nupport. Corn nnd oats , strong1 In
thomsclvps , Buffered from the extreme de
pression In wheat niul closed at small decline
cline- * Provisions had the Himillc'it trading
for months und ehovvcil IrreKUlur declines ut
the clone.
There vvns n srtnt contrast between the
wheat market of Thurxdny nnd that of to
day. Yesterday the trade was puzzled by
the remarkable changes nnd could scarcely
keep pace with fill the news at hand. To
day the pll was Htupld. Opcnlnp trades In
December ranged from 9 1 Vie to 9IV4c , or
% { 2'/ie nbovo '
/ yesterday's close There was
Bump Dcromber for sale early , but nothing
like the offerings yesterday They were suf-
llclcnt , however , to cause a dot line to ! )2)ic. )
TliLs was followed by u decline to fc ! , nnd
another dccllnu to ! > 1 c. May salts were
nt .Olfte to Ulc , to OlVSp to Wc , and laid
Ul'/iC ' < t > under last night. 'J he market
weighted Itself without tiny display of sup
port by the clique. Liverpool W.IH llrmer
than expectid ut the opuiilm ; at only Vift'id
decline. 1'cirh was up n little and llrm
The strength of the foreign markets was
the factor In the small opening advance.
Ciilciigo recilpts wen111 uirs , against 91
Inut year , while Minneapolis and Uuluth
not so , compared with ay a jeur mo.
Ihrro wns an addition to the rail receipts
nt GhlcnRO and nnolhir cargo of Wl.BSO hu.
No. 1 northern spring was Inspected Into
( .tore. The pilmary market receipts vvcie
l,15c-,000 bu. , compaied with only 731,000 bu.
the corresponding day of the jenr before
AUnneipolls wired wheat stocks will
It crease 1,504,000 bu. for the weak Uuluth
claims u decrease of 4V,000 ) bu The bulls
have little to honu In the visible supply
outlook for Monday. The olllclal bo.inl
showed CO.COO bu. northein spring lnsp ° cU'd
from liiku or ctinul. It iilno showed 43,000
tin. of the simo wheat transferred from
private houses The break In New York
Htock4 on the uneasiness over Cub in
tis'a helped weaken whe it , us foi days the
best bull point was the heavy exports
Wheat and Hour clearances from llvo ports
nero r > 7JOiO bu. on top of 702000 bu yester
day. 1'ilvate messages gave MJ.Oufl bu of
wheat cleared at Ci.ilve.Mtoti The St. Louis
rlulm that the Mlssouil rcpoi t makes the
vhent condition 51 per cent and acreage
21 per cent short had no InlluiMice After
midday there was a return of the c'arlv
Tieavbifss. lipcember settled ilown n little
to W\c , and May sold at WV4c A New
York messsago claimed thlity-llvu boatloids
woiked for expoit The market became a
Illtlo llrmer mar the close. December i illy-
! ng to 9T5MC and .May to 90y4'iiH8e ' ! ) Those
were the final prices
Corn was cxtn mely dull and rather weak
Local condition * * rather favored higher
prli-cs and caused some advance during the
morning llicelpts were light SOS cars. At.
Inntlc port clcMianocs were II1) ) 000 bu 'Hie
rilns were expected to still further curtail
the movement from the country. 'Iho wnk-
ness of wheat ultimately provided , how
ever , nnd modoiate liquid itlon caused prlc s
to totic'h fho lowest pi Ice for two months
Decembci ranged from 2 ( . } c to 2j > lc , nnd
closed > Mi > 4i ? lower nt 2 > W i2Cc
Oats acted In much the sime way as
corn. T > iiltig orders wei < > quite- plentiful
for a time after the opening and prlets
were llrm and slightly higher Longs llqul-
ditcd later , stalling a reaction on which
tluae Was free general selling The cash
demand -was gooil , thouglh smaller than of
late. Receipts were 244 cars The weak
ness In vv heat was the factor In the de
cline. December rnnped from lO c to WVi ®
19c , and closed He lower at 19ft 19c.
1'rovlslons were viry slow , outside trade
being almost altogether lacking. The mar
ket was weak , Influenced by the henvlncbs
of the grain in irkrts The opening was
steady , but a little pressure to sell < le-
veloptd , nnd as no support was flvcn prices
Kraduilly receded , There was a good cash
trade. At the close IVrembT pork was
MlVH\uc \ lowcrnt $7i2 ! ( ( i7 , " > , rccombei 1 ird ,
2 . < ii5c lower ut ? l 20Ti ( I 'JJii , nnd December
ribs , Be lower nt $4)2' ) < .
llstlnmted receipts Saturday : , 110
c.irs ; corn , 510 cars ; oats , 275 cars ; hogs' ,
20.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlclcal Upaii I ItUh I LaClo \ - > o TYoatdy" !
Nov. . . m Ot
Die , HIM V-f OJlf 04
Nov . . H5" HIHii
Dee .
Miy . . Id yori
Dce 10 1 < 1IHCT <
M ly . .
Deo. . . , 7 II ! < 4 7 fl7) ) 7 r.2- ! 7 H7
Jan . . . H & 7"S ! s s ; H n 8 rT ,
Deo. . 4 21 4"i 4 20 2Jh 4 2f
J in . . 1 41) ) 4 ID 1 13 4 41)
Doc t 15 1 IS 4 12'a ' J-'W 4 47S
Jitn . t 47n ! t 60 4 l-4 4 47n !
No 2
Cash nuotntlniu wire as follows :
riXl ll-lliiflcr lOc concessions quoted
WlIIIAl No. i. sprliiR , Mi'.Jlrfe , No 3 sprlne ,
Slfi'JSc. No J nd ! > 4c
COIIN-No 2 , 25'4c.
OATH No 2 13W" fob ; No. 2 while , 21 ®
4lc , No 3 vvlilti' 2il4STi3Hc
Il\lJ-No. 2 47c.
IIAUI-KY No . ' .
'llMOrll'V SEED Prime , J.'Cj
I < lllVlhlONB MCHS poik. prr bid , $7 50S7.V !
I rd , | wr IM Ibs $1 25pli > S lort ribs sides
( loose ) , $ l25tfIU3 Diy ultul Bhouhkix ( boxed ) ,
$1 vr.Jild ) . chort clcnr sldt ( boxd ) , $173.
\ \ KlblCY Dlhtlllirs llnlehed h d , p.r gal .
} 1 11.
SfOAUS Cut loaf , $314 , grantiliiteil $321
On Hie I'lndiice exihimge led ly tiic butter
nun Lot v\n > > llrm , cuanuiku 15'/i23c , dallies
IMtKe rhiiM , iiutit t ! , ) ( Si.e Ekgs , lui | ,
lie Llvo poultry nukt tuik. v
chlcKenH , Ce , uprlnux , 7c , ducl , , 71 8
4tuiitalloiiM of Ilir llnnu ( Ii-iii-rnl
* ClMIIIIIOllllll-N.
NCW VOlllC , No5PIJl It-lii-ulpls , 25-
72S bids , c-xports 10/01 bl V. MnrUet moder-
nti-ly nctlvr und uoiiK nt lower prices , Mlmu-
oti pati'lllc , Pl'lliJMlluia ' > ota biluirt. 1430
Cflt.3 , vvlnlei rtuilkhlii , tl COIN 71 , winter . s-
tru , IJIOfiJUO winter low Kinlis , J2W < J IO.
It > > - Hour iiukt , fam > inj 3Jj
lloui , kttndy nt tl 404J1 Ul.
mr < K win : v/i-iiuii t 37j/iOc
COIIN MliAI.-Dull ,
KliViil ; ! > , No l' woltrn 4V
llAHI.m-I'll m. vviKctii 2'i lilil
ji.viti \ : \ .M \ iiDUII 111 r,7jiMi'
WIIIIA'l'-lliitlplH S5.7JO bu , exports. 140.S78
bu , spot u uU No I icd , cnic Ontlins ujiena 1
eavlrr , und wllli fivv i-xccpllons showed a weal.
tuidoncv "II il' ' Inllupjiced b > unmllsfnclnry
rubloi , Diiuill r.\it | ) ih-mund , ri-ncwul IHIIIII Iliu
of December ind llkht rpi-cuhitlvo vupporl , nnd
clOM-u Vt Tic nit lovvei , Iho latter un Dcctm-
lur , Ninrmbir nt ' ) > ( , Du'embcr ,
It'lGfili.'y.c' ' , cloulnir nt t TnC
COIIN Ilici-lpiu I.7tiu0 bu , cxporla , 11C.7J7
bu , spot , < iik > , Nu , i , 1:1.1. Opilona oponui
Ktcidli-i nnd ndvnmcd un ixpoit drmund und
IlKht icci-lpts , but buer i-usi-d elf , with vvlicnt ,
ctoslna ; pull ) To net lowers Jsmembcr closed
ul nl'njc ' , Dwrmbtr W l5-i ! , < /3.c | : doling nt
OA'tS-ltfcelpU , 20I,1X ( ) bu , 17C i37
bu . M' t , iUUI. | .No t W-f Op iiiikt
nnd i US ) In Ihe fueof lil t\init | puivhafces ,
closing Wi' net luwcrj Dcioinbti.
rlonlnh at 21\c ,
. . , .
Clicltr f 0-/7"l. )
JIOIVhluidi , ( .tnte , common to choice , ISSS-
, rep 4oc , WH ciop , Bjjsin , 1M17 crip , llfMfT :
1'iclllo iiw l. IS95 crop , 4ffk HJi crrp , iil > Se :
1SJ7 eiop. llullc I imlon iniikit , uiliWs.
HJIJES-flujjt ! I3ilve ion l3fKeTexas dry ,
| JBl ! ' e. Ciilltornln , I7 IPe-
LEVTMEU Quirt , hemlo K s. . lo , lluenoa Ajiei ,
lluht ! > htnvy wilKhtH. 2nHfr21iie
jlI'TTEH-Hen-'ptii. 1.450 pkg mirket 'en. | > ;
nMtmi creamery , I * 23V , ' . EUtlnn , 23 a'ic !
factory. lOCflSc.
CllErSE-ll ll't . 1,558 pkgis , marUel nulct ;
lurse white , 8'ic , stnill. white Jto. laret ,
colored , We , ( mail , colored lOtOJVici part Bklnu ,
6Uff7e , full nklma , JHtflc
KaOS-llflPli , e SOS rkg market uteady ;
BHle and Pennnylvanla. lSlt2ie , weitern. 20c.
pllOVIPIONS-Ileef. kUndy. family. $ > OOO
(000 ( , boC liiimi $ ! IOWI2D. parket. $ ? * M.
Tut meat" . tead > : pickled bellies. $6.J7l , 8nO ;
jliUled boulder * . $57J , plckl l linm , $7.J5fflS 0)
t ird. dull ! wentern tenm , closid at Jl 57I + . re.
fined , quint. Pork. Heady : ines , $ SSOO t3 ;
ilnrt flfnr , $ l 00fli:60 ; family , $11 ( OQi : li.
rallovv , ea y ,
OIUI I * * n > ] utn. dull ! rennvylvanla cru4 ,
nominal. if. Honln Mendy. utrnlnrd. rommim
tft ! . J1.404M 45 Turprntln * utrady , SOifSO'lc.
OlloioiVMl. vvenJ < nnd lower on u vmall trade :
fi\m \ erwlt , 19c : prlint cruda , fob , mllli 140
prim * mimmcr > tllow , Zlfcfl&t eft Rummer
ow , Jig2i'c i
UK -tjulct. I . fftlr to txtrn , 4Ht ? Uci Japan ,
LAST1 ! Quiet , New Orleans , open ketl.c ,
to rh.he , stiady , 2VTJ-31C.
KltniOltT1 * t Irm , by Menm cotton Me ginln
by steam , 4W
METAI-rt Plr ( Ir-oiv nrrnnti ( baniselenlv ,
$ fl * ) III I and $ ? 9i B ked I ike copper , dull.
$1086 bid and * 11 asked Tin very o.ult , $ U6i
bid nnd $1170 ni kfd Hntllcr , quiet. l 10 till nnl
$41) ncked Ix-nd exi hang * very dull nt $3 SP4
bid nnd $39214 asked bDkera * unclinngcd , $373.
Cniiittlliin < > f 'I null- unit Quolntloni
un tiuilr niul I'micy PrniliiiM1.
EnOS-Oood Hock , ISc.
lltnTEIl-Common to fair , lOOUc , choice to
fancy , HftlTc ; epnr.itor creamery , 23o ! gnthcrcd
creamery , 2Ic.
VEAICholce fat. SO to 120 lb , quoted at 8cj
large nnd coarse , 4S5c
LIVE 1'OULTHY Hens. SUcj cocks. S04c ,
spilng chlekens , per Ib , Ac , ducks , GQ7c. tur-
kevs. fW9c
I'latJONS Uve. 7M. dead pigeons not wanted
HAY ( . 'plant ! $ GOi ) . midland , $350 , lowland ,
$ jW ( , rye straw. $1 , color makes the Juice on
hay , llcht bales sell the best , only top grades
bring top priecs
CELEHY Oood stoik , hrge. 40c ; small , 23f
, . .
stuck , CDftfoc.
UAUL.I1 LOWEn-$3.73.
Ql'INCES-Cnllfornln , per box. JI.2.1.
APPLES Winter stock , $2 G5f3 | W Jonathans
and fnney varieties , $3 21 , Oillfornla llellellowcr ,
boxes $1 GO , Colorado Icimithalis , boxes , $ lt > 3 ,
NEW \01tIC OHAPES-Pcr 9-lb. b.lfket , 13c ;
laige lots , 12V4C
PLl'MS Idaho nnd Oregon , 75cQl 00
CIlANIIEIllllIM-Cnpe Cod , per bbl , $3.50) )
Wisconsin , boxes. $1 Wfl 10.
winter ncllls , $2 CWU2.23 , other Varieties , $1.90 { | )
} CO
OltANOir ? Mexican , per box , $1 10.
l.KMONS-MeJflnni , $1 23 4 50 , choice Call-
foinla , $4.00
IIANANAS Choice , largo stock , per bunch ,
$2 008-J.25 ; medium-sired bunches , $1.73f2.00.
NUTH Almonds , per Hi , large size , llffllcj
Ilrazlls , per Ib , lOc , English wilnuts , per Ib ,
fancy , soft shell , 13o sUMidard , lOf/llc , lllbcrls ,
per Ib , lOe ; peering , polluted , laige , ! iflOo , Jumbo.
Uc , large hickory HUH , $1 25 per bu , small , $1.50
per bu ; ecroanutu , per 100 , $3 7504.00 , peanuts ,
raw. If/Hie , roasted CIIG'ie. '
PIOS Imiiortel fancy , I crown , 14 Ib. boxes ,
12".c , B crown , 4Mb boxes , 13o. 2-lb. boxes , 23e
per box
HONEY Choice white 13c
KllAUT Per bbl. , $4.00 1 J3 halt bbl , $2.30 ®
MAPLE SYHUP rive-gal cans , each $2 23i
gal cans pure , pir doz. , JI2.0) , half-gal , eans ,
$0 21 , quart cms , $3 " 50
DAT1SJ Per GO to 70 Ib boxes , 6'ic. Tnrd 9-lb
boxes DC.
CIDEIl-Pcr half bbl , $3 00.
\nii-rU-nii Si-ciirltli-N In Lniiiloii.
LONDON , Nov. C Ihe market for American
securities opened easier , then Impioved then
gave way again and closed weak , with n
generally light demand New \ork belling aided
the downward movement.
rill'Sit MEATS
DIIESSED 11EEP Good nnllve uteera "c good
forequarters , steers , Cc good hlndiiiiartcis , 9' ,
vvejtein steers , tfiG'4c , fancy heifers. ( iHc , good
lliii : % c'l'TS Tcnderlolni , ISc , bom-less strips
Do , strip loins , 7c. tolls , kK.cs sirloin butts 8'ic ,
shoulUi clods E'ic , rump butts B'ic , steel
shoulder clods , B'fcc , tump bulls Slfcc steer diticks ,
530 , cow chticlvs , 4Vac boneless chucks -Ifc ,
cow plnlcs .ic , stei-i plates , o c , Ilink Bli ik
CV4c , loins , No 1 , lie. loins No 2 , 11)140. ) loins ,
No 1 , Sc , sirloin ends , .No 1 , Oc , ribs , No 1
lie , ribs N'o 2 S' ' c , ilb $ . No 3 , Cc , steer lounds
7Kc , cow rounds 7c ; cow rounds slnnk off Sc ,
trimmings 4\c , beef shanks , 3o , brains per doz
ic , ivvdatbrciuls , pel Ib , lOc , swcetbreids
( calves ) pci Ib , We Udnrjs per doz , 33c , ox
tails each 4c. livers per Ib , 3c , heatta , per
Ib 2vc , lonRUes per Ib , 12'/5e
JIl'llON l.imbs 7c ; sheep , Cej nnrket racks
( long ) , 8c , hotel racks ( shoit ) , lie less nnd
saddles , ic , lamb legs , 9c , bieasts and stews , 3c ,
tongues , e ich Ic.
POI5IC Dre sed pigs Co , dressed boss , B'4c ,
IciderlQlns , 15c. loins , l c , spare libs , 4 > ic ham
nausaKc * butts , C1 c , shoulders , rju h , Be , shoul
ders , skinned 5'ic , tilmmliiBs , So"eaf lard ,
not rendered , u c , ln-adv , cl < mid , ( c , snout and
onrs 3c , b-ickbones lijc , clink meats 3c , neck
lioni-s , 2e , plK ' tails , ic , pltuKs , lach Be , chit
terlings , 6e , hocks 4c , henrts , per doz , Kc ,
stomnchs , each 3c tongues eich 7c , Kldnejs ,
per do/.MOc , bmlns , per do ? 15c , pigs' feet ,
per doz , 23c llveis nicli 3c
IIIDHS No 1 green hides. 7c , No. - green
hides , Be , No 1 salted hldca S'c ' , Ho 2 green
silted hides , T c , No. 1 veil calf 8 to 12 Ibs
Sc , No 1 veal calf 12 to 15 Ibs , Cc , No 1 dr >
( lint hides , DQ13 , No 2 dry flint hides , fculuc.
No 1 dry salted hides SfilOo. pirt cur'-d hides ,
He per Ib lets than fiMly curea
SI1UI.P PIIL-TS Qrccn salted , each loS o.
green silted shearlings ( short wooled early
skint ) ciich ISc , dry shearlings ( shoit wooled
earb skins ) . No 1 , each Gc dry Mint , Ivansig
nnd Nebratka butcher wool pelts , per Ib . actual
weight , 4f5c , dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pells , per Ib , actual weight , JSJ4c ;
dry flint Colotndo butcher wool pulls , per ID ,
actual weight , 4fl5c , dry flint Colondo murrun
wool pelts , pfr Ib pctnnl weight , 3Q4c ; feet
cut off , as It la usei t.s to pay freluls : on them.
St. LoiilH ( t'iioi-iil Market * .
ST LOUI , Nov. 5 rLOimtak. . pitents ,
$ t SO&l ! )0. ) strclghts $4 5S54 C3 , cleir , $ l,13iif
4 30 medium , $3 5001 73
WlIEA'l Lower , closing 1'tc below ycsterdiy
for December and H e for May . December opened
' . " lower , fold off > tc more , up V4c nnj later de
cllned Ic closing ftc ilwve the bottom hpot ,
higher No 2 cash , elevator , 9iB4c bid , track Us
flM'e , No 2 haul , cash , 'We' , Decembei. 97'4e ,
May 9 e
COltN The late weakness In wheit , together
vilth the seml-demoralUed stock market , adversely
Influenced the fpeculatlon nd prices declined ,
cloclnx with Deiember V c and May ' 4o below
jisterdiy bpot. easy , No. J , cish , _ ' 4Vac : Decem-
bir , 24 c bid. May , 27'c.
OATS December steady , with Stay lower
t-pot higher and In dermittl , No i cash , ele
vator , 20o bid ; track 20Vjffl21c , No. 2 white , cash ,
2JUp Decimber , 20Uc ake < l. May , 21 > ( c.
1 L vXbEED Lower at $1.0 < ) ' 5.
( X3ItNMEAIStcndy at $1 40
Hit \N Dull , but quotably unchanged ,
TIMOTHY 8EED-l'rlturJ fO.
1IXV rimi for choiceKtades , prime , $7 00 ®
I ! CO , timothy $ S 0019 70.
l SlMdJ . cieameij. l 824c , dairy , 12
UtlOh rirm at 14c
POt'I/llt I'nchanged ; 'hlcketn , Ciic , duck >
( .fflu'jt gerpe. Ge , turkey f , tUS'io
METALS Lead , dull , $3.72' $ ( .ellers. Spelter ,
lower $3 91 sellers
I'ltOVlSIfXHPork , sli'ndj . stindiid me" , ,
Jobbing $3 MW < 50 Lird , quiet prime sleant
$4 lj , choice $4 10 Huron Ibojied lols ) , extrii
shoit clear $3 J7' , ilbt , $1 02'i shorts $1 87'
Diy fill meats ( boxed ) , sliimldErs. $123 , extra
Bhoit elenr $ > ribs $1 I2'i. MioilK J3 21
IIECEI1"1H I'lnur 1 UK bids J wheat G7,0(0 ( bu !
cirn " > roe bu , oats 220i'0 bu.
bIIlPMEMrioui , 1,000 UbU wheit , 31050
bu , coil ) , 30.0W bu , oils , JUNO bu
Iliilliiiiiii iVlnrlii'ls. .
11ALT1MOUE , Nov 1 i'LOUIl Dull , un
changed ; receipts . ' 1 Sil bM * , exports 17 2Jj
' WHEAT Quiet , Hint , 67'tfl.)7aC ) , Dnemlur ,
7Vfi'iT ' > ic Miy ' > iV.e nsKeil slf liner No i r l
9P4JIJ2 , exports. 91 SJs bu . muthirn win it , by
simple 9'Wc ' : . H utliuil , m KtilJe IJfi'lT'si
lt > . , N Siinl ) . spot 3PfMV Novemlit 31\
fl | ' , i Di-umbi , ntv or nld J15J1JH | mixed
2i'4iii-J'ji . reie'pls 120 4H till , i xpi rt 81714
bu iwiiilh-rn vhlte t-nn 3"I(3lc ; southi rn yel-
, } \Trt- ' . No 2 while western , 27 J27'i.c '
r i fll'ls G7 S > 3 1 u esportH , 40 iW ) bu ,
IO E Ilirely sieids , No 2 vvistein 53'jc , re
ii'Iptu , ! ) .3W Ini eximt * . 17,111 bu
IIV > -ti idv fo- the Isttir Blades ; choice
Urn tb < , ttiWtlUn
( iltAtN ritEKHirs Ititen higher for Hteim
IB panels fnlily active ; stenm tu I.lvrip ol pe-
bu 4'vl ' Novi-inbir , Cork lor nrrttis , pn quarter ,
IIIMTEnleidv i fiesh cceancry | ,
l-On-i rirm. ficsb , ISc
C1IEE-I2 Steady ur'cliingid , fumy .NcivioiK
% IM > Orli-iinn Vlnil.clN ,
hteudj PmK old S\e Laid iilliifJ tierce ,
4e Iloxid meiit dry salt sruiihlerH. 5'ic , , nldts
44illnmii clou rib tldo * , t c ILimn , choice
nuitir cured ROSKjC ,
COI TEE Ulo , ordinary to low fitlr $8 ' 5K
riXllin-Illglici , extra fano' , $4 Cuffl ' ' ( , put-
intH $5fiifll110 )
COIIN MELQnkt nt $1 G"
\N-Oulct at icg,7c- ,
HAT firm , prime $12 Wdill.OO ; cholc-c , $1100
{ ill W.
COIIN Steady Na 2 saiKiM , vvhltn , DGo mUed ,
SMiS'i . yellow , 37 J COTS
O\TS Steady , No enckej , 2''se
lllCE-rirm , tmllnnrjJo good
Clniiliuitill > lnrl.i-l .
' CINCINNATI , Nov -n/Otlll-QuIi t. fancy ,
$ ( SOOI 53.
WHKAT-Dull , No t red 92V/C
COIIN- firm , No 2 mined 2V. (
OATS-QuIrt I'Ut llrm , Nu 2 mixed , 2IH21e. !
11YE Steady . No S , 4Ic-
PHOVlSIONH-Lird , easier at $4.15 llulk ;
meatii. qtilei nt JlfU. 4iacun , tteady at J'j la.
WHISKY .Steady at $1 19.
Ill'TlEllKlrm ; fancy Elgin creamery 23c ;
Oilo fancy erpurator , IMfJI.'o ; caihored creiimj ,
Stir. Mi-Dull } hard roflnn1 , JU035 t5.
EdflS- Steady ut 15" ,
CHEESE firm ; good to prime , Ohio flat , te.
Tllll-llll > lu-ITt .
TOLEDO. Nov -\VIIEAT-Dull and lower :
No. t ci h. 94o ; December , itl'ic.
COUN Active * nd | il lier : NO J mlxid 2t.Uc.
OATS Dull and lower. Nu. 2 mixed , ISc
IlVn Weak to loner ; No. I , 17140.
CLOVEHf KEI > Artlin and higher , prlmn cauli
and Nov ember , $3 25.
pIL UiKhangtd.
rally lo lower ru ! ' r thtr urtcttlcd. No. j
hard Me , No 2 , l , MI No 3 , 7a Il"lS " < ! No. i
7 e79Vti , No 1 red llftil , No ! , > " , No 8
We nne tar white * t S3c No. 4 , 7l81'i < . . N * -
fp'lng SOc Not 3 7 c
COIINMnrket nrni and nbuut stendy. No t
mixed ! HJ23'4C
OATS-Mnrket nrm and slow. No. 1 white , Jlc.
m H Mnrkrt utendy , No 2 , lie , ,
H \ \ Market llrm demand strong ; choice
tlmoln , $ < BO , choice prairie , $7 M.
lit TTEIt-MarKet r sy. receipts heavy ; cieam.
cry , l 22e dairy , ! Mrl7c
EC.OS-MarkM nrm at UVtc. . , . . .
HHCEH'TSheat. . UT SUO bu ! corn , 31.400
bu , 01 lit , lo nee bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat , MOM bu ; corn , 37,700
bu , , oats 1000 bu ,
Cirnln ItriM-lntx nl Principal Mnrkotn.
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 6-Itecelpts : Wheat , 745
CHICAOO Nov -ItecelpH tolay : tthont.
144 cnrs , crrn , 803 cnrs , oats , 214 cars Esil.
mated receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 630 cnrs ; corn ,
ISO cars , iiais 200 cnrs. . . . . . „
ST , I/MTIS , Nov 5. Hecelpls- Wheat , 12 cars
Dt'l.fTH Nov S llecelpti ttheat 201 cnrs
KANSAS CITY , Nov t llecelpts ! Wheat , 21)
cirsPEOIHA. . Nov. B Ilecelpts ; Corn , 48 OCO bus. ;
oM , 34,111 bus. ; rve , 1W bu , whl ky. nonei
wheat 4 2ifl bus Shipments : Corn , 14.0 bus.i
oats , 23.000 bus , ; rye , none , whisky , 745 bbls i
wheat , none ,
I.UiTiHiot Cruhi nnil 1'rov IsloiiH.
LtVEItPOOU Nov. E WHEAT Spot , No. 1
northern , spring , dull nt TCs 3d ,
COHN firm , December , dull nt 3s r < , d ; .lanu-
nry. dull nt 3s 4.1
PLOtTIt St , Ixiuls fancy winter , ntnrnt lOa 31 ,
PIIOVISIONS Ilacon , short ribs , firm at 37s.
HOPS Pacific coist , nrm nt 43 Ci.
ni-lrntl Cirnln Mnrki-l.
DETHOIT , Nov. \\HEAT No 1 white.
P2'4c , No 2 red , 924c. ; December , 93Vc , May ,
9l'ic. '
COHN No 2 mixed , 23Hc.
OV.TS No 1 white , 22c.
mi : No 2 , 47140
I'lillnili-liilila Proiluii'Vliirlfrl. .
PHIL \DELPHIA , Nov. 5. llUTTEH-Steady ;
fancy vvestein 2H4c.
EOOS firm , fresh , nearby , 20a ; fresh west
ern , lie
CHEESE-Qulet but steady.
I'i'iirliii VlnrKi-lM.
PEOUIA. Nov. 'i COIIN firm ; No. 2 , 23c.
OAlS-flrm , No 2 white , 21U021'ic.
UYE-Qulet No 2 4 c.
v\HI8KY High proof spirits , $119
Sim FriimliteoVhont nnil Itnrlov.
SAN fltANCISCO Nov r. WHEAT firmer ;
December. Jl 4G'4. ' May , $144
11AHLEY Quiet ; December ,
PiMir of Tronltlc IUi Spiilii IH n Very
Proinllli-nl Pin-tor.
NEW YOHIv , Nov. ' . . The stock mirket under
went a course of very drastic liquidation todiy
as n result of which prices are from 1 to 4 per
cent lower than they were last vveek. Tint thli
cour e wis helped nlong by professional bear
pressurewns made evident by the very urgent
covering movement which developed In the llnal
half hour of Hiding , and which rallied the prices
of a great many slocks over 1 per cent from the
lowest point touched , iiduclng by so much the
losses which would otherwise be shown by the
Oay's trading , Utit the recovery nt the close was
on n greatly diminished volume of bulne s nnl
was apparently affected by the temper try with
holding cf Itqulditlng ctTettngs , as v as dine once
or twice pi vlotisly duilng the diy only to bo
succeeded by rinewed liquidation nnd decline
Hiiro Is no doubt that the motive of a laige part
of the selling was the In lief that relations be
tween the I'nlted Mates atic.1 Spain were drifting
toward .in open ruptute 'Ibis has been a beir
argument for some time In the stock m irket nnd
Ins bun quite effective In depressing prices when
ever anything that could be construed ns .or-
roboi.illvcevidence wis offered. Apprehensions
on Ibis score ucelved n Potentlil stimulus front
the action of the New \oik Clntuber of Com
merce yeptenliy In nppeillng for nn Increase
In the artillery force of the Lulled fctates army
as nece-"Mry for the adequate protection of New
Yoik nnd the proper operation of Its hiibor de
fences The published expressions from the late
United States minister to bpaln , disclosing the
character of the lAplonntlc relations between the
two countries , and his outspoken advocacy of In
tervention by the tTnltel Mites In Cuban affairs
Inti nslfled the sentiment ot apprehension among
the security holdeis The near nppionch of the
convening of congress nnd the belief tint this
event was to cryslallze the govcrntnent'8 policy
toward Spain made the prospect more \lvld to
traders' eyes Some continued apprehension re
garding the heilth of Ihe president of the Sugar
company mide that stock with its poweiful In
fluence on the whole mirket partlculiily vvcik
'this comblnitlon of facials vvas conclusive In
Indti Ing m inj large holders of securities to un-
lo id un < i i the convlcllon thai no Immediate re
covery In pi Ices of any large dlmcnMons Is likely
to occur There was a flood of relllng orders und
very little disposition lit any quirter to buy As
a nsult enoinious blocks of stocks were allowed
to go for almost any price they would
bring In the llrst rush of liquidation
Prlcis were offered dovv'n very widely
before- eliciting nnv buying The extreme decline -
cline In Consolidated Oas re-iched 9 pjltilH , In
Sugar B } , . In Lake Frle & Western preferred
5V4. In LaKe Erie & Western common I and In
Manhattan 41 * Tlnrcvvns scarcely an actlv"
stock on the list that did not recede nt least 2
pilntH lelow last night's level There ms n nisi
lo sxll Imnrts as well and lo ses of between 1 ind
i points weie frequent all through the list. The
fact that the liquidation wis not pnitlclpited In
nt the opening wi < v due to the fact tint London
prices of Amerlcin securities advanced nllghtlv
The enotmous Interi'-ts nt tint monev centnr ire
usually sj well Informed In Internatlon il nITilis
tint the absence of apprehension there had the
effect of st ulylng prices here momentarily The
fact vv is no , lost sight oO either that tin re was
buying foi L ndan account In this mirKet at al
most nil stages of the decline After the opening
hct prlcis fell In Lordon to the New York
parity. There was nothing to iccount for Hi"
hiidenlne nl Ihe close but the covering of shorts
Aside frcm the general weakness In bonds the
feituro of tint market wns Ihe strength of Kim-
sis Piclllc consols which covered 1'4 per cent
fiom vesterdiy'a price The ilavH Hiks were
$20730)0 United States bonds declined ' ® } for
all Issues
The Evening Pi st's I.indon financial cable
gram snvs ' The stock markets v ere Idle but
steady ted ly. except Americans , which were till
ind demorilbrd at the epjnlng Dealers tooK
the fall quite climb. Indeed M1ny IxiUght be
lieving that the n lapse hid gone far enough
'Ihen New \oiK welling onteis enne pouring In ,
with imports of democratic gains , of Hnnn i's
vacitlon of n senate seit. of the firm note of
Spiln to Washington Consequently a further
slump , and the iloso was mai the lowest The
other maiKets wre feitureV'S The Pa'U bouise
wns firm and Ihe Herlln market steidy "
The follovvlni ; were Ihe closing quotations on
Ihe leidlng stocko of Ihe New York exchange
todiy :
second assessment paid
Total mles of stocks today were 695 SCO share * ,
Including : Atchlson pit-ferml , 17,790 , ChesapenkB
.v Ohio 10,871 , Chlc.igo llurllnglon fi ijuinc- }
tl 0:0 , Illinois e' 3.M1 , Ixmlsvlllc A. NiiHi
Mile , 1S7VO , Manhnttm 1. . 13110 , Mlsaotirl Pa
c-ltlo , 17,2-4) Missouri , Kunx.iH & . Texas preferred ,
3 ijio , Now Jirnej Central 0,700 , New lurk Cen
tral , 10.141 , Northern Pa-lflc , swat Northern Pn.
cllio piefcrrcd , 24,4:9 , Northwest Terminal , 4CF2 ,
Onl.irtii AWcstcin. . 4910. Heading. 1J.715,1 HocU
iHlund. lil.O , HI Paul , SI.C.,0 , Hculhcrn Killlwuj
piefcrrc-d k,110 , TCJ > UJ w I'ailllc , S.-VC. Union Pa-
clllc , Miriul artessment paid , 12 "M3 , Wubfish
prefcrreJ 7 4HU , American bplrlln 3 493 : American
Tobacco. 1704o , llay State Ga 0016. Clilcaso
aim , 30170 ; 15.rural nicctrlc 4 4S5. I.ncli-de Oas
3010 , U'ud 5.100 , Pa I lie Mall , 54 > 0 , I'lillriKin
Palace 2 Itw , Sutar Sj WO , Trnneisee C'cal and
Iron Il,3j7 , I'nlted filntcs leather preferred
3 , t ) , Wealcrn Union , 11,00 , Clilcago Oreat Went-
irn , l.-'TO.
l.oiiiluii StnU ( liioliitliiiii.
IX3NDONNov _ ' B. 4 p in Closing ;
Consols.ui'y. , liav < | Ponnu\lv'inli , , lift1- ,
Consolb aco't 11J111 Uo. dln * . . . . . . . ) ' *
III Uoiiir.u. ltlHt'Mu.T ' CJD , uuwti UiHt
Mi > Mcanunliniry 17i | viohlupn. . . . . . . . 1,1
sulMul common , ll.'JI'I.N. ' . . . . 01 * (
N Y nmirii It'll.1 * !
11A11 SII VKH Quiet ut 2C'irt per oz
MONnV-2hOS'l per cent
The inlr of dUcount In the open market for
gliort bllU la i i-lCti.'H ptr cent , ( or three
months' I , 3 ll-lu per ctnt.
r.ol.l I iiuoti-d at lluenos Ares today at
17C.M , at I.u-bcn , 4T'4 ' , ut Home , lOflSi.
> i' v \nrl. liiiu-5
NEW YOllh. Nov. 1 MONEY ON
Ea y nt IHO' per tent ; last loan , 2 pvr cent ;
clotvJ at IVid- per cent.
31EUUNO nXCHANGK-nrm , vrlla actual
f > iin rrniu'lKi-o MlntiiK Unntiitloim.
SAN rHANCISCO. Nov. r-rthe olllclnl closlni ;
quotations on mining stocks toda > were ns fol
lows :
Silver bars , BT'Jc , Mt-xlean dnllus ,
drafts , sight , 17'i.c ' , dritta , tclcmaph , Me.
NIMV t uric lllnlnn ( ItiolatliiiiM.
NHVOItK. . Nov fi The following arc the
closlns mlnln ? quotntlon :
I'lllllllC-illl Not
DOSTON , Nov. 5 Clcnrlnga , tl9,2li)53 ) , bal
nncei , H 9SG.II8.
IIMjllMOltt : Nov. 5 Clearings. J2 Sir 403 ,
balances , $290,038
NEW YOIUC Nov , 5 Clearings , $110,457,510 ,
bilnnce < ! , $8 COu 413
I'lIII.XDnui'HIA , Nov. 5. Cltf-ulnsi. J13 233-
45S , bilmcet. fl sr..CoO
MEMI'Ills , nv 3 ClinrlnKs J349.152 , bil-
nnce s , J177.1J3 NevxoiU exchange , selling at
CINCINNATI , Nov. 3 Mono. 2'i6 p > r cent
New kik excliingfuSje premium cleirings.
NEW Oni EVVS , Nov n Cle-ulns" . } 1C10S1 ,
New Yoilt osclmiBC , bnnk , pir , eommercial ,
J1.J5 per $1 000 piemlum
ST. IXH'IS. Nov. 5 CleirliiRS , $ 1,822 3 IS , bal
ances , $ lill73 Moncs , riffS pel cent New York
exchange. 2oc discount bid. pir nsltcd
CHICAGO , NO\K 5 tlenflnffS. , ? lq.43S977 , I > Vw
ioilc oxUmnKU Sjc premium. . Posted rates ,
Jl S3I3 and 4ISGV : Almost the entire stocl ? list
W.IB vci > w < ik In f > ) inpitliy ulthV'nIl ttrect ,
cl-isliiK : \\ebt Chlcaito , U7. Diamond Mitch , 1"G ,
Like bliCLt I * K\i , N . .vvotk Biscuit Gl ; Strawboard -
board , 31'j ; bouth Sldo U Gp'4.Ota Os , lOHi
PoroiKii rinnnulnl.
BEllLIN , Nov. 5 Exclnnge on London , 20
tmrks 33H pfg for checks
LONDON' , Nov. 5 The. jmouat of bullion gone
Into the Kink of England un 1/4 ! nice todi > vvaa
M > , COO
1'AUIS , Nov. 5 Three per cent rentes , 103f
52'/4o for the account lljtclmpte on London ,
23f ISc for checks.
Prli-i-s I'niU-cti-il li > lliMliip : for Iii-
Aosliiu-iil , lint Do Not Oc-t
NKW lOIlII , Nov. C , I > lv crpool cables at
hand when the cotton market opened were dis
appointing , nnd the llrst tcall * had showed a
loss ot . ' ® 4 points , with , thH tonc steady. Later
Ihe maiUet rallied on covers by some of the
more conscrv alive bears , who had hchedukd
their deals for J375 as Ilia Hovering biil ? The
market wns helped furlher'by some Inviutment
buying attracted by the low prices I ick "of
frost tonight for the BOUtliwo t started renewed
covering early 111 the afternoon , prices further
advancing 1 to 2" points on this support. I iter
Ihiuldillon of early purchases caused a , uliarp
reaction , with the market finally stqijly nt
net unchanged to 3 points lower Closing
prices : Jununi } , $374 , rebruai > , Jo 78 ; March ,
:3W ; Apill , 53 bC. May , J391 ( June f. if , July ,
f" > .98 , August , JfOl , November , JjCi , December ,
J3 CJ hpot clobed dull , middling uplinds , Cc ;
middling gulfs , Ci c , middling Gc , , net lecelpts ,
none , tress , 4'ilj bales , exports to tie con
tinent , 1.7&8 biles ; forwarded , S41 biilen ; sales ,
70U balcb , block , CCU2j bale"Vieklj , Net
receipts , . ' ,701 bilfs , gross , 38,202 lultli , exports
tn Gieat llrlt.iln C WO bales ; 1 ranee , . ' , > 3 ! bales ,
continent , 5,707 bales , forwarded 1S.OSJ bales ,
biles , 1,903 bales , spinners , 201 bales 'Ictil to-
da > Net lecelpts , 71 , ( 3 biles , exporta to Great
lliltnln , 20941 bales , Prance 1S.SIJ bales , con
tinent , 21 C)3 ) balut , stock 773 7W bales. Con
solidated Net receipts , 363,31 ! biles , exports to
Ore-it lliltaln , U7,7Ji bales , Pr.mce , f2 IU bi'es ,
continent 90 ' > 7J > bales Total since ijeptember
1 Net receipts , i.4Jl,243 bales , exports to Oieat
lirltnln 2D2 hoj Inlcs , Prance , 219.7C4 Imles , con
tinent , r.3a C42 biles Pollowlng arc the total
net receipts of cotton at all potts rlmu bep
tembei 1 , IF97 : Onlvefton , C72 uJ7 biles , New
Orleir1) SCI aj I ales. Mobile , t'J : o'i ' bales ;
h-ivnnnili 439 131 bales , Chirleaon 03469 balea ;
llnilnston 137 CH bales. Norfolk , Itii IIS nics ,
IHItlmoro. 7,511 bales. New ioik ik 911 In fa ,
Hi Eton , Jl 4' J bales , Ncwuoii , News 3 3JJ bllcn ,
Philadelphia , 10,907 bales , lirunsvvlck , 41 3 J
bales Penpncoht 19117 biles. Port Itojal , Jl,4 4
hales , total , 2 4 1 213 bales
uvnnpooi , NOV -POTTON spot , in fair
dtmuil , p-ic s Icvvor Am ilcan ml'U nt. S9-15I ,
tojd mlddllns. 39-J2iI , grol middling 3'4d ' 1 uv
inlddllnK , 3'ad ; good oidlnary , 3d , ordlmrj ,
. ' 13-ICd The saleB of tin- day were lO.GiX ) lnle
of which 1,000 liikH vvi-ro for speculation mil c\-
poit i-nd which includel (134 bnlt > n of American
lutniiB opened iiulet with a pun dinmnd nnd
closed Bteidi , American m ilJIIntf. 1. M c , No
vember J 11-iilSiJ M Old , sellers , November nnl
December , 3 09 C4 3 10-C4il , buveru , Dfcimber nnl
Innuiir ) , 3 09-CIU 13-61d. lu > ers , Januaij and
Pebruno 200-fi4(3 D CU , btileis , 1 cbinary nn I
March 3 10-CliffJ 11-C41 , Hellers : March upd April
3 11-Cld , bu > ers , April and Mn > , J 12-0 f3 ? 13-141
selleis , Ma > and June , 3 JI-Clff314-54d sellers
June and July , 3 14-R4J/3 15.61 } buyers. Jyl > and
AuLiti-t 311.Cld lu > cra , AUgust and Fi-pl'mter ,
31CCI 317-Cld. buyers , -
NiOUI.IIANrt. ; . Nov T COTTON Ensy
fcalcs. 8,700 bales , crdlnary. ! > " . K3vuidlnarj. .
lte , low middling , 5 l-llic , inltMl'nt. B tc Kr Kl
middling. 59-ltc middling fnlr 513-10 ? , rece'pla
13983 baits , slwk , IM.W biiliti Consolldatod
statement He elp s ret , rOiail rnlM r-cpjils ti
Orrnt Ilrllnln , 1:7,717 bales , Prance , (2 41J bales
continent , 9)S7S biles , stock , T7a,7v * Inks
rutuirH elend ) ; Biles , 304' bales , November ,
J533'i/5n , Decembi-r. J5 Jlf(3 ( 33 , Jiinunrv , * 3J i
8 W , IVbruiiO' . 3 1435 45 ; Mircli J3 49 3 60 ,
April. $ j 54ft3 K. Muy , J5 5906 CO , June , t ! 010
5.G1. July. t3C96371
MClllMIlH , Nnv S-COTTON Sleadj. mid
dling , 69 c ; reritpls , 1,933 bales , shlpme'ntu , 1,9.1
bili-b ; slock 70281 tales , sales 3W ) brvlen
HT UDUI8. Nov. 5 COTTON In filr demand ,
middling , 57-lCc ; calm , U7 bales ; rnelpts. 5t7J
baliH , Bhlpments , J.8S1 laics , sfck 31.741 Vnbs
UMA'H rON , lex. Njif , -COTTON Quiet ,
nilddllnir , Sigc
NI3W Ou.i\N8 | , Nov 5-fti-crelarj Hester1 *
statement of the world a vMbl. * cupply nf cotton
tliown IIM Increase during HIH ) week just closed
of 241 ! W balei , agalnit an Inornate for the snnm
tlm last yenof 173237 bales and an In reafe
yfnr b-fore lam of 10) 28.v Ti total vlIble lr
2 723 f 87 liHin ngalnit 2.48fMl , balea Idft week
and 3225211 bates last jear Of Ibis the total
of American cotlon Is 2.140,557 baks ugalnit
2.M93C1 biles last week n.nd :31II balm
jfar , and all other kinds .Jt5/0 ( biles , ngalnrt
U300Q biles last vveek and'JoO ICO bales lat sear
The total worlil'ti vltlble uppj > of cotwn shav.r.
an Increase compared vvltli luvt vveek of 211 22n
li-ilfn ant a decrease compared with last Jfar ot
4' < 9,624 bale . \
\Viioi > iurJ > ct * .
NHW YOUK , Nov 5. \ \ OOIQulet , ncece ,
Zirrsio. Texas. 13017c.
HT. IXITIH , Nov -\v.OOr.-QubM but steady
and umnanged , heavy line In medium combing
Missouri and Illlnoli , 13j Jc ; Kniifin and Nc-
brotl.a , 103104o ! ; Texas , lv&l c ; Tcirltory , 19
cHlcr TcMII < - Trnile.
MANCIIK8TEII , Nov , -Clothi and yarns
qulst , with a moderate Inquiry ,
Rnri" for Iho Day Small but Not Loss than
Supply niul Dciiiiiiularlj - runnl mill
lliinliifNM SomtMt lint SliMt
Upon Klriiim : and C'loxe
Pull ) Mend } .
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. B-Uccelpts tor
the da > s Indicated were
Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Horses
November r. 2,114 3,7oi lr 1 5S
No\-ember 4 3,919 4 , i 2.SVJ . . . .
November 3 4.7JI 4091 s.4" .
November 2 2,9iri 2.2H 1,9M
November 1 5,995 1,116 1.9i3 61
October JO 91S J&U9 'JjO 1
October 29 C , J I.M7 2,017 51
October 2S 7,1.315 3W > 1 . . . . 21
October 27 6.053 4191 2,539 6
October 28 4'Mfi 0.539 3,113 . . . .
October 25 6,367 l.SSt 1,001 7
Octobers 1,154 4.2SO ! i53
October 22 2,917 4.CC3 2.2J7 . . . .
October 21 > 3.722 4bOi CCS 2J
The olllclil number of cars of stock
brought in today by nch rend was :
Cattle. Hotrs. Sheep H'r'a.
C. M. . St. I' , lly. . . . 2
Missouri t'aclllc tty. . . . 6
Union faclllc Svstem 24 10 0 -
T. , U .v. M .V. U. 11. . 21 lr. 2 2
C. , St. I5. , M. & O Uy. 1 3
H. .t M. 11. U. 11 27 14
C. , H A : Q. Hy 1 3
c. H. i. & . P. Hy. . n. ?
c. , it. i. AC r ny. , AV.
Total receipts. . . . . 77 M S 2
The disposition of the dav's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing1 the num
ber of head Indicated :
liujcrs Cattle. HOKS _ Sheep ,
Omaha 1'ackliiK Co 22 & 51 . . . .
The a. H. Hammond Co. 04 KOJ W3
Swift and Company 211 921 Mi
The Clldahy 1'ncklng Co. Mi i l
11. Ilccker and lc an. . . . 103 & HothbChllds. . I'll '
Hill & Lewis Co -133
Krtbs 4 , Co n
Dennis fc Wolf 2o
Cudahy 1' . Co. . 1C. C. . . 4,9 :
Other buyers 9 . . . . JiJ
1W 3j (
Left over
Totals 2,513 3.3SI 1,793
CAT1 Ln Ilecelpts looked small today , as
computed with previous dnjs this vyeek , but
no Hinaller than Is to bo expected as tno
vvctk di.uvs to a close The market , as a
whole , was devoid of any change of special
Interest or Importance , values being \ery
nenilj steady on all klndf.
The supply of corn-fed steers was not
largo and the quality avetage was not
overly good , but thete was one choice
load that vvim equal to or superior to any
thing seen In the yards In some time Snort
time cattle are commencing to conic for
ward , and from now on arc likely to cut
quite n llsiue In Iho trade 'Iho maiket
on fat cattle was slow but steady.
Butchers' stock was In moderate suppU
and sold quite freely at just about estar-
' not many fresh stockeis and
foedeis heic , but speculator were well sup
plied. As usual , toward the last of the
week , the demand was none too brisk , nnd
the mukct was a little slow and Inel tied
toward weakness , except on the best kinds
of light stuff. Representative sales.
No Av. Pr. No Av Pr
77 cows . S70 $2 SO IS t illlngs . IV ! $1 10
1 stags . . . . StO 3 25 41 heifers . 719 3 30
10S. feeders. . . 773 410 4SjeaillnES 519 433
CG cons . 911 2 SO
4 cows . . ECO 250 20 co s . . . 1' > 3 315
7 sirs 1e1191 J 30 2 sirs Tex .1335 330
2 feeders . . .1130 T 50 S7 Urs 'le1074 1 15
17 feeders. . . 1113 ISO 17 steer * . . 1250 3 S5
3 cows . 1039 2 75 2 cows . 1039 3 23
2 heifers . . . . 7 0 3 0' 2 steers . . 1100 4 10
21 tailings. . . .1200 3 2"
1 cow . 1020 3 J5 2 steers . 1120 3 DO
1 feeder. . . .1370 3 71 IDAHO
2 cowa . . . . 770 2 00 4 tilllngs . . . 12 1 00
i bull . 11:0 2 40 4 linings . . . rn 3 n
n co s. . . . . . 91G 2 G5 16 heifers. . . . fiS 3 10
3 bulls. . . . 111G 2 75 40 feedera . . 4GI 4 CO
Icow. . . . 800 300 30 feeders . . . 413 400
21 steers . 744 2 K 1 feeder . 9CO 350
1 stag . ESO 3 00
HOGS The hog market opened strong and
closed about steady with yesterday The tride
was fairly active and u reasonably early eleir-
anco was effected
The hogs sold at $3 3W3 51 with HIP bulk nt
$3400345 , the same ne yesterday. Tor three
days In succession hogs hive told In piuctlcally
the same notch , In fact there has been less thin
4c variation In the avenge price since the big
advance on Tuesday , The hogs sold today 7 % ( .
better than a week ago nnd at the hlghebt
aveinge price since Monday of last week Rep
resentative sales
12. .
53 .
4S .
27. .
5b .
II .
CO. .
21 .
6J .
41 ;
fS .
Gl .
C .
1 .
5 .
3 SHEEP The heep market closed lower yetter
day end It vvas weak and low to lay , llipre-
eentatlvo fnlea.
] M western wethers . t , , . S8 3 f
101 western wethers . . . 99 3 K
III western wethera . Ul 3 il
1'J western wethers , . . 84 3 61
ciucvuu J.IVR .viocic
Ctiltln Mim Hi KH . \etltfSlifi-ii
1 Slow i * ! ' anil liini'tli i * .
CHICAGO , Nov 5 There vvas a light supply
of c title In the pens , but the demand wan B'OVV
and prices were no lielter. Sales worn at an
extreme range of )3 (5 ( lo $525 for the pojrctl
lo Ihe best lots. The stockei nnd feeder trade
uhowel considerable animation , but Ihe buying
wan largely by spuculatnrit , prices ruling rteady
for desirable c title Uulfci sol I lit from tiM
to $3 30 for feederu and at from $2 M lo $1 for
bolognas Caws cold largely at f'om It 75 to
$3 29 and heifers at from $3 to $ | COM a showed
no chance Texua cattle fold off n little and
western1 rangeru broke about lOc good to c lolce
sleers selling nt from $1 to (4 25
Tilde In hogs wns active inday nt about
Thursday's late prlcm Heavy packers Hold at
from $3,25 to 1' W and prime bacnn hogs at
frcm $3C5 tn $3,70 , the bulk of the offerlnga
crossing the rcalcu Bt from $3 45 to $3 C5 , The
market Hrm
Ihe market far kheep nnd limbs wn slower
tie lime being wet and sales were largely
a dime lower than the vrtek'a best pricey Na
tive theep moved oft at , from $2 In $275 for th
pooriut lo $1 50 nnd $4 CO for the best while
western rm > , e flocks Inoncht from $1 lo $4 3 * >
Lambs void actively at from $375 to $583 and
a feu prime ( elected lambs b'ought tl 90 to
C yearlings going for $404 to $5
lec ( lpt Cattle. 2560 head , hogs , 23,000 head ,
tilui'p , 12.000 head
M. I.oiilM llv " Tln.'k.
BT l < Ol'I8. Nov 5 CATTM : Receipt * 2 300
head ; pilpmtnUVO \ head Market steady ;
fair to choice native shipping and export uteer * .
$42 1520. bulk ot f3lei (4 55fl.j l ; tirriud btef
* TA bulclitif Mletrn , 11 MM K , bulk of sale * .
strsigno , * u * undrr i too ibi , $34011155 , tuiw-
i > f rales S3 OW(4 20. sturktn and feeder ) ) , $2 ti
C4S3 ; bulk of ale , I295Q > .71 > ; COM * and
hclfcrs. t200 74r. , bulk ot cavtf JJ W-JS ! S3 can-
nine com , $1 sootCO. TeiaK nd Indlin iiteertt ,
> 3 0094.00 , bulk of nlP , $ cons nnd
helferK , $2 10&3 5S.
IIOOS Hf.'ftpls S500 head , i hlpm nt , 1 & )0
head Market barely Mendy lluht , $ J 6ij3 70 ,
tnltisl , $3.2lfXCO , heavy , $ J.60flJ70.
SHEEP HeiclptK l.Otx head , ohlpmentn , nnnCj
native mutton * , $ lee 42S , culls nnd buiks ,
$2 25ff3.W , lambs , $4 20P5 73.
tnillntiiuiiill * t.lvc Sleek ,
tNDtNAPOI.IS , NoS OVTTM3 Hecclpls ,
I ISO bend , lOilpmentii , (100 head no t\nf steers
nnd others dlnuult to sell at ) lower prices ; ( rood
to r > rlni ( steers , $4 0 , > J > 15 , fair to medium steers
$ J3Hf4G3 , common to good mocker * $2 2o 3 25
HOGa-llecelpt * . 6 BOO head , fhlpments. 1 PM
held. Market active , nil fold nt 2'sc lower ;
good to choice medium nnd heavy $1 fOtM 6i < ,
i1,1' ' 1.nl111 . , heavy. $360HltO. common lUhts ,
$3.5ST3 65. i
SHEEI'-llpcelpi' . 600 head
. , uhlpmrntii , 50J
bend Mirkrt active ! H old ; good to choice
J * ss ° 5 40 > nimon to medium lambs ,
Cu , common sheep , $2 00 J2.73
KANSAS CITY , Nov. K , CA1TLK Receipt ? .
GOOO liwid , market steid > , Texas sleers $2 S'tt
4 10 , Texas cows $2 'iOH3 bS , native steers , J3 70W
BOO ; native cows nnd heifers , $20W.lO ( ; Mock
er * and feeder * . $273fII50 , bulls. $2 25f 3 55
HOG1 Hecelptit. 12 COO head , market Mistily to
slronif , active , bulk of sales , J1.4'4f3 ! > 2U. heav
ies MIOJJ350 , picker * $13'if3GO. } mlxef. M 4S
Jf3GO , light. J34S3.C7i4. Yorkers , W 6S 3 GPc.
pigs , $1 4003 53.
SHEI7I * Ilecelpts , 2000 head , market tcady i
limb , $4.00f5 75 , muttons $2 40JJ4 5J
VN < - Turk lt\i > Stocl.- .
NEW YOIUC , Nov. B IlEEVEa-Uecelpt * . 4230
head , native steers , $ I.OOV1.05 : slags and o\en.
$2.714 ? 60. bulls , J2.S.1U1 21 dry cows , 01(1
3.10. Cables rjtiote American Meer * nt llffllijcj
refrlgcralor beef , SUdjv'Vis , no export' Calves
receipts , $9 held. Veals , $ j OOJfi T5 , grassers , $ J OJ
( T1 'I )
SHKEP AND tAMHS-ltccelpt8. 3967 head
sheep J3 OOR4 01 , lambs J3 Otiitf. 73
HOGS ItrcclptD. 1.C42 head , llrm nt $3 SOlfl 10
ISiiMt HiilTiilo 1,1 % e * iloi'k.
EAST llUrt'AIX ) , Nov C CATTLE ralrlv
liOOS Yorkem , gv > d to choice , Jl RllJI.'i ;
roughs common lo gitrd , $3 30f3 51 ; plp , om
mon tn choice , $3 SViT1 1 >
SHEEP AND \MI1S Choice to extra $1 C3ff
575 , culls to common , $471iT325 Sheep choice
selected vvi-thers $4 u"0 > ! "It culls , JIWii4:5
IIIIIH | % Illo l.lvc Moe-K.
IXJU1SV1LLE , Nov. B CATlLE-Steady nnd
HOOb Market ndvnnced Co on light weights ,
but stead ) on others , heavy hogs , $3 CO , lights ,
$370. pigs $32Xiiro
SHEEP AND LVMllS-Steady and unchanged.
Cliii'lnnntl l.iti * Stool ; .
CINCINNATI. Nov -HOC.S-Market active
nnd steady nt $3 OOffS 75
CMTLE-Mirket strong nt $2 21T3 10.
SHEEP Mniliit strong nt $225iUlUO , lambs ,
active at $1 005)3 GO
Moi'U 111 SlKllt.
Ilecord of receipts of live stock nt the four
pilnclpnl maikcts for November 5 :
Cattle Hiw = Slnip
Omaha . . . 2114 1705 1711
Chicago . 2500 2' (00 1. Ui
KutiBis City . BOO ) 12000 2000
bt Louis . , . 23CO 35)J ) 1000
Totals Hill 4S.C05 1G,7 ! > 3
Nciv YiirU HIM ( iiioilM VliiiUcl.
NEW \OltIC Nov B The conditions In dr >
toods ale iirnrtlcally unchanged , there being no
Impioved f ( ituie In anv btatich Some of the n
suits In tin1 week's trading ImVe luen highly un
sallsfaclorx , as wns the case ycstenlay v\lth print
cloths , which were Fold nt 2 15-lfi. lower than the
lowt-M ilts v\tre of extras to the extent of
onlv B 000 pieces nnd It Is reported tc dav that
there Is a strengthening In the position nf mitui
fncturos nnd finther bids nt Ibis llgure have
been icfuscd The silei ot the week In prim
cloths have Jeen light ind will prnbibly fmU up
to a very sniill total , odd gno Is being gen t
ally featureless Prints me still imcillsfictotv
Htnple goo Is being In cMiedlncly quiet demind
with ptnctlcillv unihangod pikes and T-onabl
fancies pirtlcularlv out of the mirket potni
lines nre coming In for a fair degne i f attention
from bujers In woollens and worsteds then htis
bein no dtcreise In the demand fur t t fonable
gooils and imnufncturera me kept bus n i m
tricts mide eirlkr , with nothing set as yet w 1th
rigud to goods for IMS Silks she less ic
llvlty tlnn ihev did n v\eek or two nto stiple
lines being In quiet reijuest ind fancies In Ing
bought only lo fill out dtpleted lines lohbcit-
throughout the ccuntrlejnrt fair bu lne s nnd
retillers ire suffering from 1 lack of i > cisonibl
CiilTfr VIlll Ki'tx.
NEW YORK. Nov 5 COrfTE-Optlon *
opened stendv nt 10 points idvinte on firmer
European rabies , llaht foreign nnd gone new
local buying snnller Italllnn receipts anl filr
Uniteil tates v\arehouse deliveries tiirmd raPle-
In afternoon under loci ! llqtil'itl n , closed
barely Meady it iut adv nice nf 0 to 10 points
siles 20 too Ings Including Decetnbi r $ > 70p
571 , Tunuiry , $3 7rJ1 S3 bpot coffee Illo nukt
nnd steady Mild quiet , Cordova $ > SnTTll 00
sile-i 1 000 hits Illo No 7 , < pnt nt tt , 0 4iO
bigs Sivinllli pilvite terms , 4i'0 ' bigs M ira
cilbo prlv ite terms
SV.V1OS Nnv 1 COITEE Wcik pnoil nver
age Pintr ) 7 rOO re's nnmlml receipts , 21000
bags shipment * 1 191 roe bags
HAMIII'ItG Nov r > CO1TEP Opened hlghci.
cli-ved with n net Liln or HWlpfe
H1O IE J VNEIItO Nov 1 HOPPIT-Steidj ,
No 7 Ulo 7310 rels i xrlinngeil. . re elpts
11000 bigs , cleire ? for the I'nlted state" IGOio
bigs cleared for Euirpe , lOOiX ) bigs , stock 40S
( XW bigs.
1LU UE Nov. 5 COITEE Closed ttcidy
tales , 30 OCO bits.
Siilinr VInrlii-t.H.
LONDON' Nov 1 HEET SL'GAn-Dull , De
cember nnd March , Ss 10' ' d '
NEW YOIUC Nov r , SUfiAll Itiw nominal ;
filr refining , 3'JC3 ' l-lGc , centrifugal , 9C test ,
3\iff1 11-lfc llellneil teidv , mold A t'ji ,
Btundird A , 474c , confectioners' A 4' c ; cut leif ,
5 iC criiFlietl 5 c , powilercd 5c , , ; ranuliUd ,
Gc , cubes 5 c.
NEW CHILEANS Nov .1-SUG Ml leidv ;
open kettle , J'lJTI e cenlrlfiiril srinulated
41 ICfilte wnlles 3)Jffl'c yeljown 11-Kff
Z\e econds 23 l-16e Mo afne- open kettle ,
good grides scarce at lV&3'e ' iintrlfu il , Eleady
at 5S11c , syrup steidy at 23c
7m-K tir
Oil > - >
OIL riTY Pi Nov 5 Ciedlt Inlinces flc ,
certlllcnles pnlen at C7c ; ililprmntF , S 0 > 1 bbl ,
runs 101 U"i bids
CHAIILESTOX S. C Nov 3 OlI/s Turpen
tine llrm 27140. Hosln Ilrm
SAVANVMI On. NoOH S Tmpentlne
firm 2S c bid sales 9 < 7 bills , rec. Ipts 1 Oil !
bbls Ilii"ln firm F lc none receipts , 2 "i > D
bbln niintitlons unchnngeil ,
WILMINGTON. N C bim 1-OILS-.Sprll |
turpentine quiet , 27'X.iI2Re ' | Il"sn | dull Jl.rijji
1 20 Crude turpentine rlpulv $1 40WI 10
I/5NDON Nov 5 OlUS-rj leiiltn lln-ieil mi.u
nnd near at hind delivery , 3I 91. Linseed cakr ,
i.6 10s , Turpentine Fplrlls , 22 * Jd
Miiiilllii lleiup nl Ioiiilon.
LONDON , Nov 5 Manila hemp 11 11s
c. c cmusTiE. E r STREET.
President Vice-President
Chrislie-Street Commission Co
Br.O.OOO.OO , I'lillj I'ntil.
Tvli'iilioni' 1(11)5. ( .
. . . . ( Iiiinliii , Ni'li ,
JAf.iES . . BOVO & GO , ,
Tuluphonc 103 ! ) . Omaha , Neb
Dlrert wlren to Chlcato and New York.
Correspondents John A Warr n S. Co
OLD COLONY III II.DIM ) , < < JII ( < \o.
MetnliiTH ChlcaKo Ilq.iul of Tr.ule lnco l'G2
Grain , Provisions anl N. Y. StocKs
Ordern Cash imtl Kuture Dellvory Sollrlted
Onililiil OllliiIliiiilll 1 , .N. V. LlfiIllillt ,
. . . . .M'liiiiuDili . . . .
| . 'llll ) J. O VMI'lliil. ,
WHO TiiK.vra ALL
Private Diseases
UtabuM * and OUordtr nf
20 VrtnriiKzperlcnco
11) VearHin Dmiiliu
tmssm z
liib and } raam Bt ,
Ht'DTAN I , turtnesi of flit ,
( IP grvatett re. charge In M
mtdlo - tirM- a > . HUD-
nfnt that hui TAN cure ,
> prtnlticoil looses HUD-
jy ny comb ) , TAN curt *
nation of phjr- ilralm , and
lclan fhn II U D Y A M
= IUDTAN rem. iures plmr > lf > B ,
idln trrMment II U D y A M
: ures the .lc. jures il'tr-H *
Jllltlcn nnil ail. Ion of i pir In ,
eases of men , bii'ifuln ,
IIUDTAN In Inablltr la
remedy for look frankly
men HUD- Into the cyei
TAN e u r e i of nnotlier.
tr raknen H U D Y AN
It tl D Y A M cum headmen *
curc pcrma- hair falling
orrhof , nit , dlmnci * of
11 U D T A N light , noises In
lures prcma- the haail an *
-an. weak memory , loss of voice , tnitn or rmdl.
HUDYAN cures sunken even , Blunted Erowth ,
palpitation , shortness ot breath , dyspepsia con
stipation ami flatulent. ) . HUDYAN cures weak.
net * or pnlns In the small of Ihe back , loss ot
musculnr power , Rloomy , melancholy foreboding *
anil disturbed sleep
HUDYAN can be hail from th Doctors of tb
Hudson Medical Institute , nml from no one els § .
Yon need HUDYAN when the tiulnl nerviM twitch
as trtere Is ccrtnln to be an Irritation nt their
centem ot the brain , "iou need HUDYAN when
there Is n decline of the nerve force , because thli
decline shows a lack of nerve life , mid may de
velop Into nervous debility and then Into nervoua
prostration. If ) ou have Imrrnnfil jour nerves ,
If you have knotted or knnrled them. If > on hav
abused jour nerves to FtrnlRlitcn jourselr out
} ou will use HUDYAN. No one else can glv *
you HUDYAN except the Hudson Medical In
stitute HUDYAN cures varlcolcle , hMlrocelc 1m-
poiency , dlulncss , railing scnsntlcns blues ,
despair , sorrow and misery. W111T15 POIl PITl-
Stockton and Kills St. ,
Ban Pranclco C lfurn | -
( OU SYrillLlH )
\Vrlltcn diuii iintru In TUlin T.VT.KV
CASK sio.M'.v > r.i .
Our cure Is pernmiiont nnd not R pntchlnR up Cn ct
trcntcil tt n 7. art * DRO havi > ni\d Mill n sjluiilun &lucc.
lly ilt.H.illilnp your uise fulljucnutltat you bj limit ,
xmtve lvu tluituvnieHtioiiKKUHlfttileu tOLUlitoi reluml
nil niunty rhost' who nitl u to celtic hell * tui tltnl *
ineitt inn do so and wo will ntv inUrond tnre both \\uya
mid hold bllN while hcie If no rail In i'u'0 VVecluil-
Mmc theuoild lorncnso that our Ilii lu Itcinvily
\\lll n > t cui VVilttt lor lull pnllicnlui * and I.PI llu
Lldrncu \ \ knowthati > uniii > l > i ] tlinl ju-tlj" holoo ,
riH tin inont eminent iilijt-iiliins lime icvir httn nbta
to Kl\u inoii ) tliAti teinpornrv ullcl In out triit.rara
pl.nthu wltli thl < Jlimlc Btelni llj It ho ticcll lilii't
dlltlctilt loo\citonie Iho pKjmlcpH ! Ki > li > * l'rl.1l * . .oAllrd
'leclllLt. Hut mulct out stloii iri iitiMllto jou llu1lld
not lit'ltntL 1o ry IH letmd ) . V utl Inki'no thntut. ot
, .
un\i uvtil imiuui ? up neil liajiiijf iub juui IIMIIICJ iw.
Uliloiint tuatinentHniul althot t.h > ou nu not 3 it tun a
no ono lias pilil back vour mom \ Do not waste nnv
nioieinuiiv iiii'lljou iryut. Old chronic mt | rniiil
cnrin until In thhty lo ninety 'la > s. lmc1iiate { out
11 innrlal tniulhiK , our njmtniloit ns tiut.nehi | nitik
IV rlto u * for mums an ) iiildioFti of th io \\c htira
cum ] , uho Imvt Klvtn ncrmls ion lo itfrr to then
It ccwtiM
ROIW iniiai , mu"om lalthtM in mouin , int'-iiii'ii'iii u
buncsiind JuliiU hnh ril'liif ' ; out unptlorw en HIT
pai tor Ilia Iio ly , TptlliiK or KI iKlnt dtpiitplun 1 nliHln
h udoi 'JOIILS , yoxt hi\e no tlmo lo wuttt 1hu chu
conlanll > tnUliiK inoltiii ) un 1 itlloillil u. .
conllnlii 11 I'ont-tunt. ii'-t if t'itt > e ilrugii will tuitlv
biintf soiuiuiKl tatlnir ulter * III theentl Poll t lilKu
urlto All cmre mniilemo n-nt maleil In | ilaln inrel
o ] > et \V Iniito Ino in > > t rltrl 1 liiuistipvtloli aud will
do nil in our power to aid you In It. Addict ,
Q00K REHEDV 00 , . Chicago , III
And Surgical Institut )
100jllod obt.Oiiiiha , Neb
Clnonic , rcrvous and Private Diseasca
niidnll . PjfCM
i : Hid
BtieocHSfitlb eurrd hi cv i'ij erne
1IU Ol ) AM ) SKIN DlBiMBiH Sere Spot Plm-
CH Seioful i liimorB Titn-i I.c.i-in.1 .mil Illooi
I'ntBiin tlini ntifhlt ele umcd fioni tlioHyatem
NIJKVOUh Dnbllllj siKimitoiilii't. Suinlni
I.ossi-s MB'lit l.nilusloiiH , loss of VI t d 1'oweis
liuimjiiuiitly and Hi > L < i < dIlv CMIIIH !
' ' '
( Vltillly Wi ) , ippllcitlon
to biiHltiL'ss or HttidT Hi'vins mnilil Hlrilii or
( 'tlef , SIJXtJAL KXCr.bSKS III mlilillo HTd or fioul
llusfltectsuf votithfitlfolllcH C ill or vviUothoii
tuilaj. llox 277.
Medical and Surglcil Institute.
S \V. Cor. ICth and Dodge
Dr. Oiadj'H nuiulciful IrUli
ImiK'JUitur ' tin. Kieitent-
rtllHdi lot l.obt Manhuod ,
oveiiomes inemutuieiRuj
nnd vtops n I unnatural
drilns nnd lo ei All unull ,
v > nil < OIK 111.1 enl.iiKC'il and
BtienKthrned rtulfneii ) , by
rctnlttiiiK tl i scull d pick-
ugo contain ! ! ! , ; 5J jdlU , c ire-
full ) conipoiiniied , will bo
fcnt by mall frr n out laboi *
ator > 0 ! \\u \\llt furnlnh llx
_ _ . . _ pHckiiuen for J3 , wltli a
Olil III. i.inil > uii VIt\N1ii : : to cuio or
SUCCOPS for CO jema inone > refunded All lelteia
iOOOOO iuied coiilliIintluV und KOiitlatilt
vvllh lull Innlruatlonu frep fiom I liForvullon
Addres" . OVUSTAb MiD TO . t > iwil | . Mass.
.1 I.I , frriium llUrnfta I ullln Mem.
ory ImpotiiiiHi ! * j > lpf-not < , ftto .n-unud
by AliiixH I.IM ! oilmr I xiit ! ii nnd liullsi
irrtlotiH IfifiulrAr ; itn I xunlto
riotorii Ixiil Vliullt ; In ohl or jouiu , iinn
III a limn for Mit'ly biult.o or inurrlnt * .
- . I'rpvunC Iiiminlt ) find < 'iin > uiuilloti | It
taken In IIIIIH Their ui-n HIOWH ! Inimeai no liunrGffo.
nienl mid HlIactK u CUHH whore nil others mil la
itHulun hnvinn Ilia i-unulnn Anx Tiililoto 'Ihnf
Imvecmeil thoiunniliuiiU will turn > - oui < KITH | n
; iO4tthn wrltton BUnrunlHo to i.tTert 3 cm In fitch tn > i *
orrn/und tliw raonoy 1'rlco fiO cnnfn i tr 11 ikiiuit , or
li imili.u" . ! ( full ticiitiiioutl for : / < > , lly mull , In
pl/ifn wr iniM-r iiimn tocelpi of i rlc.t ' ( rc'ihir frei
For sale In Omaha oy Jamei il-'cruyth , 202 M.
IGtli street ,
Kunn tt Co , inth and DouElas Btrtet * .
t > oie
-jollifr. - . ,
f ttontand tmitillont
Mo hUtur * ro * iartletil ri , . - - _
"Irllcf for I.ullr HM ( ' . - , 1.7 rrlur
( / Mall. 10 , OIITr 'Mil li A it/-
T-li * ntn f hrmli-HlVa , Ma.lU n " f >
! I'IIIJ.\I !
HlgO for unualurtl
Irrllatluni or . . . .
.01 u iiM.ior. . of uiuruiK nieubranix ,
| rn ou cantMioD I'a'aleii , anil nut i
H > r.t or polnonuus.
Mat jn sian | wrppr
br ii > ro i , prctalil , fof
II o. or 3 ooltlM , IVJS.
Clrcul f MM MI
UTbls greet Vesc tttbl *
VlUilU rluci re-M.rl | > -
tlonou fanioiHircncb phyelclaii , nil ) quickly cure-you < > r all nir.
veils or rllaiaAvs ol the generative urvani , such an Loot Manhood.
Insomnia , I'ulimln tbo JHcUbvmln l j mluloiiH , N ( rvnus Drblllty
1'impld , llrilHncw tu Marry , rxhutiitlng Prxlm. , Vurlcoreln nm |
Constipation. Itstopiall losses byday nr nlff k I'levcrim qnUk *
DIM of dlsclinrzH , wblcli K not checked Jciulu to Bperimitorrba-it an J
all tlio horrorsuflinpolnncr. ( ( l > II > i.Mtleuu : nUul4verl tun
kidney s anil thu urinary nrxongu ] till Impurities.
. : utrcnetberra anil restores small weak orpana.
Tnu reason nufTerer-i are not cured b ] ' Doctors H himuse ninety per rent ftro trouble , with
I > r03lallll . CUl'l DENE Is the only known remed j to cure without unoiiration. . UJiUnmlrnonU
iln. A-wrlUeocaaranteoclvpnamlinoney relurnwl II six boxenilota not tllect a jieruiiuicnt cura ,
| LyOttboteifTir501bymall. ! H ndfornttkiclrcvlnrnndttbtlnionlu'j.
Address WAYOfc KI > ICIWK CO. , 1'.O. UQX3378.BanFrmdsco.Cal i\n-Butct
31) em Dllluu Utuif Co. , S. U. Curiti-r llilli unit l-'ariium Si * . , Iliiiulia , .Neb.