6jdfcf * 10 TUB OMAKA DAILY BEE : RATUKDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1807. IAL NOTICES Ailvrr < litiiriitN fnr Mirno nlll lie InUrti tinUI 12 in. ovptiliiir ninl iinlll 8 | t. m. mnrnlnir nml HtimlnjnlltliMix. . AilvcrllncTN , 1i > - rcfitirntlitK n mini- licroil ctircl < i cnn Intvp IIIIBMITH ml- li'Hur In cure ilrrxMcil t < r u iiiiinliorril of The Hcc. AnnwiTi * n niltlrrimcil IIP delivered on iironentiilloii of . . Itnti-N , J ! - ! ! < Miiril llrnl Innrrtlnii ) Jo n wor l tlH-rciiflor. Jiiillilnit liifcon for ICNH ( linn ll.-.c for I In * flrnt Inti-r. ndvertlnciiienln niimt l c tliin. ThCNf run ( ' ( inncriitl vcly. srrrTIO.S WA.vrnn. POSITION WANTKI > BY YOf.vo MAN \ \ mt Rood butlnwn ciunlincntlona and icell nt iff- relnll buMneBii ; woiiia c n In wholesale or * travel. Aildrrrt Y W , lice. A M911 _ r m CTKNT MAT'NtJuSi : WITH 11KST city references wnnta sllunllon In hospital or to lake care Of InvnllJ. Inquire. ial * ' : nttfliNEss MAN , MAHUUJU , on- siren trillion Doc. 1 In wholes-ale nr rot-ill btulncmi ; C yenrs In the nml bunlnwui com petent iKttkkecper ; experience * ! rnlnman ; can furnish A No. 1 references. 1 M , Heft wivnan 111:1 ; CANVARSERH" TAKE ORDKRSJNKW UNI : of wotlt , no heavy Koods tb carry : salary ot commission. C. I' . Adams Co. , 524 So. t"1- SALESMEN FOII CIGARS , jin A MONTH AND expenses ; old llrmi experience unnccejsary. Inducements to customers. C. C. Blfhop A Co. , Ht. l l'Q' l _ ilEN AND WOMEN OIICIANIHBRS AND SO- llcltor * for best fratenml binollclary society In the field ; Rood p.iy. Address Supreme Sec- tctary Star of Jupiter , McCook , Neb. C MS41 N7 I ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN CASH , ALSO liberal commissions , to Rood deputies or orRnn- Icrs. Impnlnl Myftlc LcKlon. For > irtlcu- lam nddre s Henry C. Akin , supreme resent , MfcCnuue liulldlng , Omaha. I1-M1I4 NH _ WANTK1) , CARPENTEIIS , TO KEEP AWAY from the Exposition grounds until matters are settled. Carpenters' Union. B MIOO YOUNO MEN WANTED TO LEAR BARBER trade ; splendid opportunity ; constant practice , expert Injunction * , lecture * , xvagei In ( hops Saturdays before completing outfit of tools donated ; new catalogue Juit out mailed free , Mrtler System Barber School , Clark nnd Van Iluren 8H. , Chicago , 1" . 11 ME90 ' riGARMAKERS. INQUIRE of Q. K. Godfrey , Fremont. Neb. 1I-M9TJ 11 * WANTED. AT ONCE. A COAT MAKER. Steaitv work. Address The Friend Tnllnrlmt Co. , Friend , Neb. B M113 C * WANTED. TAILOItS ; FOUR COATJIAKERS ; cull on IL Cclien. manager ' 211 N Ifith st. , Omnhn , B Jl"49 C * WANTED. Bl'SIIELMKN AT ONCE. NI > braska nothing Co. II 9HS 5 WANTED. AGENTS : fSO TO A WKKK SUKI ! to workers ; no capital nec-ded : new Roods : ne-v pltin : rrlls nt BlKht ; pxeiy family needs It. II. S. Co. . box 424. Cincinnati. Ohio II WANTED , rirxV GOOD SM.ESMFN : PER- nmiiPnt position , co.Tion Jn t oppnod : staple line ; nulnrv or cnnimlsslonxlth pxn n"t < . I.iiko Ri-othnrs Co. , Chicago. B MPW 6 MEN WHO WILL WOR'C rnu SI.IM DAY. Bftlary < ir ctmin'F ) ' lon , cnnva" lnj cnnium r and d < > nlnni. niflon Snap & Mfir On. Pln- clnnnt' . O. B M5S3 i.n III-M , ! ' . 100 GIRLH FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ; J3 to $7 week. Canadian Olllce. 1")22 DOUBT ! ? . C 703 WANTED. GIRL FOR OENEUAL HOUSE- xvark. Apply nt C20 South 2Gth AcnuiC \ C MC72 WANTED , COMPETENT CX > OK AND LAUN dress ; ol o peed ipconit Rltl ; referenees re quired MIF. E. E. Hart , 1C4 Park ave , Council Bluffs. C 822 5 WANTED , COMPETENT GIRL FOR OENERAL housework 1113 Georgia nxenue. C MOW 7 * WANTED , A GOOD GIRL ( NO OTHERS NEED apply. ) 191S WIrt St. ( w c * LADIES WANTED TO TIIAVEL AND AT- polnt accntH fcr nM cJlnhll'SliPd house : per manent position : Sli ) per month nnd nil P\- Z , box 751. Chlcauo C MD S 6 * WANTED. GIRL FOR fiENEltAL HOUSE. work ; family of three Call 2JJS N. ISth st C M9SI 10 FIVE DClLLARS A WEEK TO A GOOD COOK nnd laundress Apply at 161 Park axi > . Council Bluffs. . c M037 8 FOR RR.\'TIIOUSICS. IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1503 Farnam. D 700 I. HOUSES. BENEWA ft CoTTlOS N. 15TII ST. . . I > 707 IIOUSKS. WALLACn. BROWN BLOCK. IfiTH and Douglas. D 709 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER city , 13 to 173. Fidelity , 1st llnor N. Y. Life. D-703 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES. ALL PARTS of city. Rrennnn , < t I VP Co. , 430 Paxton block. D-7,0 LAROF LIST. M'CAOUE. 15TH AND DO HOE. D-7I1 HOUSES , PLATS. OARV1N BROS. ' 1C 13 FAR-M D 712 HOUSES FOR RENT. BEMIS PAXTO.V BLK. D 713 HOUSES. J. II SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. I.JFE. - D 71 * FOR RT5NT , CHOICE 12-ROOM DETACHED modem house. Inquire 2348 Capitol Ax-pnn . D 715 MOVING HOI'fRHOLD OOOHS AND PIANOS. Om. Van & Storage Co. , 13im Farnam. Tel J37) . D 71S TWO LARGE HOUSES IN DUNDEE PLACE : cheap. CO" Bee Mile. D 717 HOTELS , STORES. UEMIH. PAXTON I ILK. D-M100 C-ROOM lldllSE MIAMI STREET > 10 ; NEW , Ill-room hiMi .p , Park avuiuf" . J33 ; brick ; modern. W , ! . Belby , 331 Chamber Comnnvcp. D-MJS1 S30 NORTH r.vni AVE. . r.TGHT.ROOM HOUSE In first Plnis repair , with furnac * . bit ! ) nnd burn. Apply nt room 7 lloaid of Tiailp. D-M678 d-ROOM FLAT. ! I03 LEAVEN- xvortli St. D-SS3 N28 7-TOOM 'BTEAM-TITMTED FLAT. HOWARD Itanpl ; . AKt , . 1 10 ChlenRO St. D-1SI DWFlt.HNO FOR RENT 10 ROOMS , ALL niod rn Ijnprovmpnti' S2d nnd Fnrnam , 522 : also S room c"ttnup , tO.Cflr rlly wnter ; or , ror line. DpMcr L. Thomas , 401 life. D 1.1 . f-ROOSr fODERN FLAT. 111 ! SOUTH 11TH. D-M770 FINE TEN-ROOM llltlUK , WU H. 2STH , I'Alt'l" ly furnished If desired , or mine furnlsliliiKS for sale. F , P. Wead , 16th nnd Douglas. . . _ . , D-029-S 22.PO. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE : NICK yard. 1507 N. 10th St. D-917 S BTX-I1QOM MODKUN COTTAOB ATt \ Norlli 19U ! St.r > 20 M n month. Applx- W. B MelUle. l t Nnt'l Bk , HUlnic. D-M957 7 ' HOUSE 5M FO. 2STH ST. . 10 ROOMH"xTo" 7 crn , $40.00 per month. Byron Reed Co. ' D-970 FOR RENT. PLKO\NT 8-nOOiI HOUSE. WITH nil " "dern Imprnvi-inrntii : tlrnt.plasaj No. 406 , ' . ? , rt 1'"r Infmmailon call nt National Clothln Co. , cor. 14th and Douglaii st. 1 > MOW S FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS" nlcelj' furnlKliod , InrludliiR piano. Call nt nnco at TOO Lolhrop st , D M9S3 10 FOR iin.vi' I'uiiMNiir.n noons. STEAM HEATKD ROOMS. 001 SO. 13TH ST. K 352-N1 ? THREH FURNISHED ROOMS , HOU8EKWP. Insr. * 11I3 i Qiitli Klex-enth. K 773 T ELEGANT SOUTH FRONT ROOMS ; Mnr > ERN ; rcfciencen. 1922 , Chicago. E MM3 " S FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKKEPlNfi for man and xvlfe ; rent taken In board. 31 N. 17th. K 8C7 ROOMS. 1410 FARNAM. E 971 7 WAUM. I'LKASANT HOOM. CHEAP TO RIRIIT partlea , ax)7 ) Ca t , K M > 73 7 ELEGANT FUUNIKHHD KOOMS 1011 HKN'T. MO North iiU i-MS75 ! ! ixn ) ONn on TWO on.NTLKMKN. a AS , roiT. celaln bath , hot uatrr , Viteani heat : licatlun central. Addreta Y 63 , Ike. t M)3J ! POU HBNT. FWHNIBTlEn FlOOM : ALL CON- near1'High school 24S1 flndec sU 1J-1UT3 ! TWO LAUGH FllONT IIOOMS. AI OVK. HAY ' - ' -v ; steam heat. 411 North l t' ' > . E-113S1 ROOMS v\n HOARD. STEAM HEATI3D ItOOMB WITH ROAIUX STQ Ilnrney r ! J5 N-12 * ri'RNISHKt ) ROOMS. MODERN. 11J . IJTII St. F-CIJ LARGE S. E C'ORNEIl ROOM , 2 Vi DOI' L\9. F13 I'TIR RENT-FUHNISHED ROOM , WITH tioard ; sultnblff for one , 2013 California 8 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. JiO ? Doiielao. F M120 C * ROOMS WITH BOARD ; STEAM IlEAT. UTO- ola. 1751 Davenport St. f M8SS 8 * Newly , neatly fiirnlnhert n > f > m , nil moJem con- \pnienccs. xvlth or without lionrd nnd only fixe minutes xxnlk from the pfwtofftcp ; coni lder d best furnished private bonrdlns hou e In the oily BhTl ropeclfnlly renu > t In-pectlun. a line home for profefslonal mpn. tCBCher * . clerks , PIC. A first cinM tnblo : nm In ft position tn five cheaper rate * nt this time thnn any one f\ff \ In the city ; nppllrnnls must furnl'h references - ences ; only ft few rccms left ; cnll nnd KM my prices nnd Inspect room * nml yon will undoubt edly make n change , Mrs. II. LPdlnshnm , 19U Datenport fit. r QM 8 MODERN BRICK. ROOMS AND BOARD , 3 50 " up. S14 N. 11th. P-M90" ! ! HANDSOME SUITE PARt.OR3. FURNISHED or unfurnished ; alfo other room xvlth board. The Rose. 20M Hartley. F M93I NEWLY FtrRNl ilKD ROOMS WITH BOARD. Hot vnter heat. 2f)2 CH-H , F-M331 10 * _ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , MOD- prn conx-enlenc , ' prlx-nlp family. 702 s. 3th t F M9il 9 * K23 NOllTH 19TH ST. ! FURNISHED ROOMS. B.-is. bith , furnnre. F in 6 * hTRNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT board. 2310 Dnuula ? . F 972 3 * _ IN PRIVATE FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT lioard. 1919 Dflge. F-M88C . ' _ LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD. 2nli DoUBl.is. V M99 * S FOR un.vr wxi'MJRMsiir.n ROOMS. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS , $ C.CO. 1N- aulre 100 South 20th St. d-MH.,9 i FOR RKM' STOHKS AXD OKI-'ICKS. FOR RENT-IN THE BEE IIUILD1MJ : Onu InrKe comer ro'om , 2d floor , with \nult nnd pilx-atc olllce , xrnter , etc. Onei Lirpe front room , 2d UDOI- . divided Into txvo rooms by paitltlon , wnter , etc. One larRe corner room , 2d lloor , wllh vault , xvnter , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third Door. One corner rom with vault , third floor. One larce room , third lloor , xvltb paitltlon dlxld- Inir It Into one law room and txxo smaller prlx-nto rooms , water , etc. Txxo large ground floor roams , fronting 17th St. , xvlth vault. One large ground floor room on ramam St. . large x'nult. Spxeral small rooms on fourth floor , vxlth vnu'ts ' All thesp rooms nre heated xxlth steam , electric lights Hupplled , xvlth first class Janitor rervlc- . Elexatois run dayi and nil nlqht ; bulMIng strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 101 , Bee building. I 198 FOR RENT DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR oltlri1 , RPP building ; xxatcr , steam hcnt , eleccrlc light and J iiltor service. Apply to Surenn- tendtnt , Bee building. 1 197 FOII RENT Til K 4-STORY BRICK BUILDINC nt 916 rnrnnm St Thla building has a fireproof cement basement : \\ati > r on nil floors , gas. Ptc. Appl > at the olllcp of The Bee. 1 910 TO RENT. DESK ROOM 1N CIGAR 'VTOUE , 130 > Farnnm , best central location In cltv , lai e vault. I SIOIS 7 A K\TS WAXT-IJ. AGENTS MAKE 100 TO TOO PER CENT ; EX- eluslxe tenltory ; Me sale on Its merit to ex cry horse oxvner , no talking. O. Hunter Co , Ilnclne , Wls. J M091 C * \VANTED. AGENTS , LOCAL AND OENERAL ; ne\x < article , good seller ; excellent profit ; male or female ; cnlnry xxhen proxen clllclcnt. A. L Giny & Co , St. LouH , Mo. J M971 D3 AGENTS MAKING J40 TO ISO A WEEIC ; grcnte t agent * ' seller pver InxPnteil , both cnn- xnsilnB and general agents needed ; full par- tloulnra by mall. Monroe Mfg. Co. X 10 , I-a Crosse. Wls. J M9 < 9 7' AVAXTI3IJ TO RUNT. WANTED , BOARD AND TWO NICELY FUR- nlshed modern rodms for a family of three xxlthltt nve blocks of city hall. Address Y C4 , Bee cilice , stating price for board nnd rooms ; no attention paid to ansners not stating price. K M912 WANTED , COTTAGE. FURNISHED , WITH 3 or 4 rooms , nt once , cheap. Address Major Lexvls , general delivery. K MPC2 7 * TH R EE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS heated , xvlth baard , xvest of 27th nnd south of Farnnm ; references exchanged. A 2 Bee K M9S6 6 STORAHi : . PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 90S-910 Jones ; general storage nnd forxx-ardlng. M-719 OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1311' , < , FARN'M. TEL li5S M 720 FRANK EWERS. STORAGE. 1214 HARNEY. Hauling and packing , cheapest rates. Tel S36. M 721 nTO IHIY. CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS BANK Ac counts. Wallace , 312 Brown Uk. ! , 18th & Doug- . N-722 HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR OMAHA SAVIngs - Ings bank certificates. In answering please state amounts offered. Address W 63. Bee. N 423-N-21 * OMAHA 8AV1NG3 ACCOUNTS PURCHASED for pa h , II. II Harder. 1st floor Nexv Yoik Life BldK. N 83S WILL PURgilASE OMAHA SAVINGS BANK certificates. J. T , . Clarke , 219 Board of Trade bids. ' N-M977 7 FOR SALIHORSnS AXD WAGOXS. SECOND HAND CYVTWIAGES ALL THE TIME nt Drummond's , mir nnd Harney , nnd the largest stoclt of reliable new carriages nnd har ness In the city. Pleased to have you call. P-M1S7 N-I4 FOR SAI.jn MISCKLLAXKOUS. SAWDUST , BULK : Si SACKED-CIUBBING nnd hoe fence. C. R , Lee. 90t Douglis. ' Q 723 2ND-HAND BICYCLES OMAHA ' - , BICYX'LE CO 732 | FOR SALE , TERRITORY AND RIGHTS ON one of the latest and greatest money-making patent noveltlri cxer Issued. Address H. R. Harris , Michigan City. Indiana. Q M790 7 FOR SALE , DAIRY IN GOOD SHAPE ; CHE\P for cash. Address Y 119 , Bee. Q M913 6 I AM OBLIGED TO SELL MY TYPEWRITER Smith , In "good order. A 1 , Bee , Q MJ9 c CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. WHITNEY tF YOU ARK IN NEED of good advice Uarn nt once frpm tha xuirld- renonwned life reader-tha xvay In xvhldi x'nu should trnx'el ; reads year llfo from the cradle to the grave ; loverH , JiuMinndH nnd xxlx s re- nulled Speedy ninrrlnsr to the one of your choice. Lost or stolen articles. recoVpiPd ; cliaiim and nil kinds of amulets ; thousands havu consulted and Iparned tlvo trutlw Ladles. 50c. Call nt 1522 Hoxxard street , corner 10th and Howard streets ; hours , 9 a. m , to 9 p , m. m.SM3C3 NI9 * JUST ARRIVED-PROF. APGO , THE ORE VT7- ont living Orl'ntal palm and skin render ; niflca Bushman block , 16th and Douglas ; otllco hours , M a , m. to t pi-ni. and Buiukiys ; teea. Me an < l 11.00 ; letters cantalhlne Jl.OO promptv | nn- wcrcd. S-M978 7 MATHS , UTC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAU. MASSAOE Btejm baths , T M919 9 * MEDICATED BATHS. SKA. SULPHUR , MASsage - sage , Mine. Bilsson , from Paris , 107 N. ll'ih st. T-ES7 N24 BATHS , MASSAGE. LAURA ELLISON Crounse blk. . 119 N. ICth t. , room 12. T-M8IJ3 6 MRS. DR. IK N , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curatlxe. 417 B. nth. up stairs. T MS7C 7 MADAME AMES. FORMERLY OF ST. I/DIUS glxes mats ge and niugnellc treatments , mcdl ! cntea vapor bathif expert operators. ! 03 N , 16th St. , upitalrs , T M99I 7 1T.RHOXAL. VIAVt OR UTERINE TROUBLES. SIC-g HER b'.de ; phy 'Clan , con uluUon or l.exltli hook free U-7. * _ t _ UATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , Z191J B. 16TH u-ra _ RUITUHB CUI5ED : NO DETENTION FROM buslnenn ; no iwlnf x e ifer to hundred * of cuite * cured : pll cme-l by A.olnKlr , jutnlesa tr * tment. Call or write Thu JJmpIre Rupture Cure and Medical Initllute. urcK ori 13 Tha O. E. MUU-r Co. . SK-3. N. Y. Life IMdi ? Omaha. U TO rntuoxu * ( Continued. ) CLKANMO. PIIESSRD AND tin- paired , day or nlRhtj drew ull for lilre. I'nnlorlum , N n. cor. Kill nnd Kiunain. Tl , ' MS47 1' W13. fnK Jov TAiTTou sYHrnxT FCHOOL OF dress cutting. 403 Karbsch si-n DKATII TO cocKMOACinir YOU send your name nnd nddrcf I will call and I KtinrnnUo to rid your hotife complHely , Hotel nnd rontnuninti n specialty. II. llelnscliroiu-r , 1911 South 10th ft , U-9W 9' IIOMY TO LOAN HKAL KSTATIJ. MON1IY TO LOAN AT LOW HATKS. TUB O. T IJavl * Co. , 1503 Fnrnam St. \V-727 ANTHONY I/AN A TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y , L. : tiulok money nt law tutrs for cholc * farm InmU In loxvn , northern Missouri , enstcin N lirn ki , W-733 LOANS ON IMPROVUI ) * tTNIMPHOVKIl CITY property. W. F.unam Smith At Co. , 1320 Farn'm W 7.T ) MOXHY TO I/AN. I1KM1B. PAXTON m.OCK. i3 TO I/IAN ATO 1'BU CUNT. ! ' T ) . WHAD , ICth nnd DoiiRlas. W 3JJ-S MONHY TO 1.0AN ON IMPUOVIJO OMAHA rml estnto. nicnnan , Ijuve Co. , Pnxton IHk , MONBY TO IXAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly. Pusey & Thomas , 207 1st. Nat. Uk. blilR \ > "i32 TPEU f BNT MORTOAOnS TOR SALT3. PltOP- erty of non-rtfMentn cared for by A\ . " Melkle , First National Bank bids. . Omaha. BITJ l-KIl CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Onrvln llros. , 1113 Fnrnam at. W-731 tlOO.OO AND UP. T. D. WEAD. 18 & nOttOLX.fi. W S30 NC .MOXI1Y TO LOAN CI1ATTI2LS. MONT. YTO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horset , xxnuons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no remoxal of Roods ; strictly cfinfldcntlal ; you can pay the loan oft nt any time or In uny amount , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 500 S. 10th St. X-730 iiii.sixnss encics. . TO GET IN OR OUT OP 11USINUSS GO TO J. J. Gibson , 514 Flist Nnt'l Hank. Y 737 RETAIL OIL I1USINESS AND TEAM. A DAR- Baln. J , J. Gibson , 611 rirst Nat'l. Y-CI6 N5 U'ANTUD. MAN WITH J2.000 OR J3.000 TO talce nn Interest In n large lirlgatlon enterprise ; would prefer paity who cnn take position nnd nmnnirtment and not nfi.itd of v.'ork ; to such ft Hrst-classl opening : Is oltered. Address Y 3S , Hee olllce. Y M071 N7 PLANT , STOCK & GOODWILL OF A PAYING wholesale , mfg. & Commission business for sale ; present nnd prospectlxe Increase of the buslnesi tenders It Impossible for present managers - agers to Klve It Milllclent attention on account of other business : rare c'.iance for a couple of hustlers , f3.000.00 takes it. W. E. O. . 311 Paxton - ton Illock , Omaha. Y MS14 FOR CLEAR LAND. I STATES , FOR OMAHA IMP. prc/pcity , will Gssume lucumb.W'm'son. ( ,04 Hoe bldR. 7. MS 17 WILL EXCHANGE , CLEAR FARM LANDS and T , nnd 10-acre tracts near Oma in , far Omaha property or Saxlng * Hank certillrutes. J. T. Clarke , 219 Hoard of Trade. 2-.M97C 7 FOR EXCHANGE. CLEAR FARM 1XJR GOOD vacant lot or icsldence property. Call 1507 S SCth St. 7. MDS2 7' FOR SALE 1113I < I3STATG. KOUNTZK PEACE 11ARGAINS , J2.500 $3.750 TO J6500. J. J. Gibson , 614 First Nut. Hank bide , RE 733 HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS. Geo. P. Hernia Real Estate Co. , Paxton Illock. RE 739 _ _ FARM LANDS. C. V. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. L. RE M16.1-N1C- _ BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. K. Darline , narker ink. RE 741 _ FOR SALE. AN ORIGINAL SHARE OF 23 lots In Hellevue : title perfect. Enquire of W. T. Brandon , 112D Georgia Ave. , Omaha. RE 44S-N5 _ LARGE 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , jsicflo" , easy terms. Inquire on premises. tM S. 2Sth Street. RE M449 BEST 200 ACRE FARM NEAR SOtJTH OMAHA at % valuation. A. Pierce , 2302 Iilondn St. FINE ACRE NEAR FORT OMAHA , $600. CottnKi ! and lot. 27th nnd Budrette , $630. 33x140 feet. 21st & Clark , JOM. S-room house , modern , \\atcr , corner , a great snap for all cash. F. D. Wead. 16th ind Douglas. RE 920-5 WILL EXCHANGE CLEAR LOTS AND CASH for equities In vacant lots nnd Improved prop. erty. Hastings. 212 S. 14th Rt. RE MtIV , FIFTEEN HUNDRED FOR 640 ACRES IN- appelle Valley , As-lnlboln ; crown deed ; must be sold ; a snap. W. Jamleson , Merrlton On tario. RE M992 6 * s'n ARTISTS' SUPPLIKS. NOTE LIST OF GOODS , PAGE 8 BEE. OCT. llth ; the prices I cannot duplicate : catalogue free. Alva J. Grover , 318 South 13th St. Omnha. M 127-N11 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS RENTED , J4.00 PER MONTIL 1013 Farnam St. 743 SIIORTIIAXD .VXD TYPBWRITIXG. A. C. VAN SANT'3 SCHOOL , CIS N. Y. LIFE. 742 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS 743 M'CA1 WHY'S ACADEMY , 17TH & DOUOLw\S. S81-N8 H. II. BOYLES. COURT REPORTER , PRIVATE lessons ; day and evening. 407 Hee Itldg ; MSS4 LOST. LOST , FREIGHT RECEIPT HOOK ON DOUO. las Ht bctxxeen 17th and 20thf suitable reward to Under A. Hospe. Ixjst M932 11 LOST. IRISH SETTER HITCH , LIGHT COLOR cms ; reward for her return to 13)1 Harney HI. Lost MU37 6 * TAILOR TRI1MIIXOS. WANTED , TAILORS TO BUT THEIR WOOLens - ens nnd trimmings from the Eastern Woolen and Trimming Co. , 1514 Douglas St.MD36 MD36 N20 PAWXIIROICURS. H. MAROWIT55 LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 1C ST. 747 COAL. 11URLINGTON NUT , BEST. CHEAPEST PRICE J3.75 per ton. 'Phone 843. Harmon & Weeth Co. 823 N9 FKATIIKIl RI3XOVATOR WORKS. FKATHERS BOUGHT AND SOLD MATtresses - tresses renovated and made to order. White Swun. 1701 N. 24th. 'Phono 1043.MB" SEW1XG MACHIXICS AM ) SL-PI'LIHS , NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD * WHITE SEW. ins machines & supplies. 1514 Cap. ave. Tel"1VT4 Kim.MTURE PACKED. l , H , WALKLIN , 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. 1331.744 -744 HORSES Wtl.\TEHKIJ. HORSEs"wiNTERED , BEST OF CARE ; RATES J3.W per month. W. E. Owens. 3607 Center St. t -jlSSi 30" WANTED. HORSES TO WINTER ; I1E8T OF cum ; ratctf Jeasonatle. Address P , O. Box 45 Creactnt. Iowa. 927 D-2 * PATENTS. Attorneys- Omaha , Nib. D ranch ufnce at Washlrnton , D , C. SenJ for free AdvUa ami I'atvnt Book. See Sunday Bee for our Uachin * il-jvcncnt , Telephone .623. .NOTICE. ( Should IIP read DAILY by nil Interested ( is changes inny occur nt nny time. ) 1'orelgn mulls for the xvrek ending Novcm. tier 6th , lR9i , will close ( I'KOMPTI.Y In nil eases ) at the Oencrnl I'oitolllce nn folloxvs. 'AHCBLS POST MAILS CLO3R ONB HOtm EAHLIBIl than closing tlmo shoxvn bcloxr. TriiiiN-Atliintlc Mull * . SATUnOAY At fl n. m. for OHUMANY , UHNMAUIC , 8WKUKN , NOHWAY ( Olirls. , , . . ' - ' " _ . . I I n i lni r * .1 tiVTnri * > 11 i- ! Aller" ) ; nt 7 SWITX- n. m , for PUANCR. KULANO , ITALY/SPAIN. I'OHTtiaAL , TUUKBY. KOYI'T rlml imiTISH INDIA ! per R. B. La ToKralne * . vli Havre : nt S a. m. for NHTHEIIUANDS direct , per H. s. Spnnrndiun , via "Itotitrdnm ( letters inuut bo dlrecled " .Sp/i.iriidiini / , nt S n. m , for ; GKNOA. par R. , * . Augusta Victoria ( letters must bn directed "per Augtisto Victoria" ) ; nt IQl n. .111. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Futliesslu , via Glasgow ( letters must bo" directed "per Furncs- sln" ) ; at 11 n m'i ( julpplementnry 12:30 : p , m. ) for Kimoi'K 1 , t , & a. s. Ktrurln * , via Qucenstown. " ' rniNTED MATTraV tJTC.-Oermnn steamers for Mutter can nn arntunmrrs on enesays , German etennters on Thursday * . and runard , Jrenoh nnd Oprmim stenmers on Saturdays take Printed MatterJ * tc. , for nil countries for which they nre nilterltecil to carry mnll After the clo lnir ofi thiii Supplemenlnry Trnn- Atlantic MalH named flbo\e , additional gtipplc- nicnlnr ; malls nre , , ppfned on t.ie piers of the American , LnRlIsli , French and Oermnn steam- n-8 , nnd 'remnln open 'until within Ten Min utes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mull * for South nml Central America , \VfHl IlllllcN , KIC. SATURDAY At 10 n. f.iupi-.lementary lOiHO n. m. ) for FOUTUNK ISLAND , JA MAICA , SA VANILLA and GUKYTOWN. nor SH. Alenc ( letters for Costa Hlca must bo directed "per Alone" ) ; nt 10 it. m. ( sup. pleinentary 10CO : a. m. ) for HAITI and SANTA MAUTHA , per B. s. Kitty ; at 10:30 : a. in. for CAMl'UCHE , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. H. Con- oho ( letters for oth-r parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Concho. " ) . Malli for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , nnd thence by steamer. clo e nt this office dally nt 8:30 : p. m. Malli for Jllqnelon , by rail tu Itoa- ton and thence by steamer , closr nt this oince , dally nt 8:31) : p. m. Mnlla for Cuba close at this offlee dilly nt 7:00 : u. m , . for torxraMlne by steamers Millnp ( MontUys nnd Ihwai'ays ) from Port Timra , Kla. loiter mnlln for Mexico City. overland , unless specially nddrcfscd for dls patch by steamer , close ct this otllco dolly at 12 m. ; paper mulls nt il a , m. "noslstoie. ! mall clones nt C:00 : p. m. previous day. TriuiK-I'iit-lllo lalln. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Olym- pla ( from Tacoma ) , close hero dally up to October * 31st at 0:30 : p. in. MnIN for China and Japan ( specially nddiessed only ) , per s. a. Kmpiets of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to No vember " 1st ut GCO : p. m. Malls for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Pent ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to November 3d at G:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( ex cept these for West Austnlhi ) , which are forwarded via Europe , New VCeaHnd , Ha waii , Fiji and S.imoan islands , per s. s. Alameda ) , ( from San Fnnclsco ) , close hole dally up to Nov -mber * * . " > th , it 7 T > a. m. , 11 a. m. and fi0 : ! p. m. ( or on urrhnl nt New York of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia ) . Malls for Australia fnx- cept West Australia ) , New Zealand. Ha waii anil FIJI Island ? , per s. s. Warihnoo from Vancouver ) ; close here dally aftei November * * uth nlid up to November 15th nt 0W n. m. MalK for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from San Francl.sco ) , closp hcrp dally up to November 2-Ith at fiSO : p in , Malta for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from Sail Franrlsco ) , close here daily up to November 2llh at C:30 : p. m. Trans-Pacinc malls are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of closing .It arratiBOd on the presumption of tlielr unin terrupted oxerlnnd transit. * * nesl > tciea mull closes at 0:00 p m. previous day. Postplllce , Nexv York , N. Y. , October 29 , CORNELIUS VANCOTT , Postmaster. UA1LHOAUS , HtmLINGlON & MISSOURI Hlxi-r Hallroad "The Huillni ; . ton Itoute" General OHlres , N AV. Corner Tenth and rnrmun Streeln. Tlc'tot ' Olllce , 130J Farnum Street. Telephone 23) Depot ; Ti-nth and Mnsriti Telephone. 1M Leave. AnlVe 8:35 : am 9:33 : am 4:3" : pm 1:0' : pm 7:0j : pm 7 43 pm 2:33 : pm 11:30 nm CUlCAttO BUHLINOTON , < t QUIncy nallroad "The IJurl- InBton Iloute" Ticket Ofllce , 15u2 Firnuin Street. Telephone 2 0. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , J2S. Arrix-c. 7:35 : am 4 15 pm 7:55 : am 5:40 pm 2:00 : pm Sunday. tANBAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH & . , Coqucll Dluffa Railroad "The llurllngton Route" Tlcft'el Office. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Kx. . . ! ) :05 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas city Night Kx. . 10:00 pm GMO am 3CIliCACG if NORTHWESTern - ern Railway City Ticket Onicc. 1401 Farnam Stnet. Telephone , 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul and Minneapolis 5:40 : am 10:43 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7:30 : am 9:05 : pm Dennlsoir , Carroll , Wall I ake 7:30 : am 9:03 pm Hastern Ixpres8 , Des Molnes. M.irBhalltown , Ced.ir Rnpids , Chlcaso " 10:15 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flytr , Cnlcngo and Haat * 4:43 pm 4:10 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : Pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St , Paul , Minne apolis Limited 5:53 : pm 9:23 : nm Omaha-Chlcauo Special. 0:30 : pm 8:10 : am Dally "Dally except Sunday. CLKHOnN & Missouri VnlUy Hallway Gtn. eral Ofllccg , United States Na tional ianit isulldlng , boutu- nam Streets Ticket Office , xvest Corner Txvclftli nnd Far- 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 14'S. Leax'e. Arrlxe. Black Hills , Deadwood ami Hot Springs ' 3:00 : pm f > :00 : pm Wyoming. Cueper nnil DouBl.m . . * 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Ilnntlnus , YorK. David City , Supeilor , Otnova , Hxetvr and Sexvura. . . 3 : < W pm 5:00 : pm Norfo k. We t Po nt and 7:50 : am " 10.23 nn Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd 7:50 : am " 10:23 : am ' " ' ' ' ' ' Fremont Local. . . . , . . . . . " 7:50 : am Daily " Dally except Sunday. ' "Sunday only. " " Dally except Saturday. "Dally except Monday. aCHICAap. ST. PAUL. MINNH. I upnlla & Omaha Hallway General ofllces , Nehnmka Di vision , Firieenth and \Volister Streots. City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tilephone MI. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster Street. , Telephone , 1 < 58. Leave. Arrive Sioux City Aocommodn. " 8:50 : nm 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accnmmod-i. " :5 : > nra 8SM pm Ulalr. Kmerson. Sloui City , Ponca , HnrtlnK- ton nml liloomrlelil. . . . 1:00 : pm " 11:53 : am Sioux City , lluiiKalo , St. J'aul , Mlnneurtolla . . . " 6:15 : pm 9:10 : am Emerson Passenger . . . . 5:10 : pm S.4a am Dal'y. Dally except Sunday. " Kunday only. " This train stops at stattoni Florence to So. Dlalr , Inclusive , bundaya only ; on week days So. lllalr only. , "TJX CITY & PACIFIC RAH * . road-Ueneral Olllcts , United States National Hank Hulld- ine. 8W Corner Txvclfth and Farn. n Streets. Ticket - , Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street , Tilephone. 551 , Depot. Fifteenth ana Webster Street * . Telephone , 1458. * Ve' Arrlx e. Sioux City. JIankata , St I'aui , jflnncapolli , . . ! . :15 pm 0io : am Dally. i . . „ RAILROAD Qenral Offices anil Ticket Of- fid * . Mfrchants National Hank HiHljlrtK. 1:24 Farnam Street , lelephone , 104. Depot. Fifteenth anj WVluter Streetn , Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrlx-e. . . . -COOom Nebraika Local . - * ' * 3 ( > pm 6:15 : am Dally. Dally Kx. OunJay. Will ASH HAJIJIOAI ) TICKKT OFPICB. H14 Ionium StrrtL Teleiihone. 322. Depot , Tenth and Maeon Ulrtct * . . 'f tUphoii . Ui. Leave. Arrlte. BL IXHIU "Cannon Hall" Cipren. . . , , . . . , . 1:31 : pen HOT am Dally- BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. A most remarkable and clover woman. YttiiR Frtt Olann Johamisclottlr. now In Amprlcn. Is nn ncknowlcdKcd lender of the "woman's movement" In Iceland. "Miss Olivia , " as her American friends have como to call her , Is assuredly the newest woman of her country In the best sense of that term. Horn of a line of nolcil patriots , she Inherits n high-keyed temperament , which Is combined with nn equity of Judgment and kindliness oC disposition. She Is but 33 ytats old. She Is n liberal In rellRlon and politics nnd a socialist of the Tolstoi type. He.1 courage Is as daring as are her concep tions , and her education Is broad , "Miss Olivia" Is entirely frco from that taint of masculinity that ome people fancy to bo a necessary characteristic of all women who appear In public life. Her chief charm Is her perfect womanliness , she Is never too busy to bo kind to the meanest person who may approach her. She Is de voted to the plain life of her homo people , and says It xvould be her choice to be al ways thoroughly domes tic. When axvay from home she frequently finds pleasure In shar- In ? the household duties of her hostess. Ilulng an adept In sewing and knitting , her lingers often ply the needles automatically while she reads or her brain Is busy evolving some needed reform. She has a wonderful capacity for hard and continuous labor which she attributes to alxvays having lived a natural llfo and to her poxver to sleep xvell.Miss Miss Johannsdottlr will spend the winter In America studying our national llfo In all Its phases. She xvlll probably go west from Toronto and hopes to visit the Icelandic colony at Winnipeg In the Interest of the Woman's Christian Temperance union. Her knowledge of English Is good ; she Is a mag netic speaker and a fluent writer. The night schools of Nexv Orleans , which are not under the auspices of the school board , are founded by Miss Sophia n. Wright , xvho Is the principal of the Homo Institute , on the corner of Canip and Robin streets , In Nexv Orleans , says Mrs. Henrotln , la the New Yoik Sunday Journal. Miss Wright graduated from the public high school xvhen she xvas fourteen years old , and Immediately began to teach. She com menced with one pupil at fifty cents a month , H-AILROAUS. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" Genernl offices , N , E. Corner Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1303 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 310. ' Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Lcavt. Arrive. "Thfl Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt LJke , xvestern points. . . . . . . , 6:20 : am 4:43 : pm Fast Mall train for Denver. Salt Lake , Paclilc coast nnd all xvestcrn points . , ' 3:30 : pm 10:20 : am Beatrice and 44I1IVU1II . .tfc. tv * .u Stromsburg Express. . . . S00 ; pm 12SO : pm Kearney Expreis tww it 5:00 : pm 12:10 : pm * Dally. Dally 'except Sunday. Council Bluffs Local Le.ues5:40 _ : fl. m. : 0:50 : a. CHICAGO , ROClt ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City Ticket Ofllce. 132J Farnam Street. Telephone , 428. Depot , Tenth and Miison Streets. Telephone , 128. Leave , Arrive. and 8t . Chlcagu VeMIUuled Express . . . . . 4:50 : pm 1:41 : pm Lincoln , Colorado bprlngs , Pueblo Dciner and . . * : M " 4 M pra weit. . . . Chicago , Des Molnea and Rock Island . 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Express , for Dea Molnes and eastern points 7:00 : am 5:55 Pm ' . : Pm " 10:40 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. I'aul Railway-City Ticket Ofllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. 284. Depot , Tenth and Mison Streets. Telephone , 128 Leave. Arrive , 5:45 : pm 8,05 am Limited Ex- " Chicago Ex 11:00 um 1:50 : pin Omaha anil Chicago Dally. KAN'BAS CIT * EASTEUN RAIL- iS ' - a , St. Itallroad--rU " 1415.turnam Street. Route"-Tlcket Ofllce. 1415. Telephone. 3SJ. Depot , Tenth and Mawn Street. . Telephone , ib. Dally. hut soon had n llttlo school of about twenty pupils About her Mnny of the pupils this year wcro married men over forty. Some of thr c wcro .iccom- panlrd by tlielr sons , nrfl one gave ni his rca- ton for stnrtlnR hU oilucatlon so late In llfo tl'at lie did net wish his son to be nshamc-il of his father's Ignorance. Among the men nro many xvho do not know their Alphabet. Miss Wright estimates that 30 per cent of the pupils nro from eight ot twelve years of nge , another 30 from twelve to seventeen , ami about 40 per rent from seventeen to forty. i Of the sU hundred pupils nt least 25 per ] eent nro foreign born , And this fact may i nccount for the largo percent of Illiteracy ' which exists In Louisiana. All nationalities arc represented Cubans , French , German. Polish. Uulgarlnn , Scandinavian American nnd lullan. I The schrol hours are from C to 9 , although In many cases the bo > a do not nrrlvo before 7 o'clock , as the stores < lo not close until after 0 , and 'Miss ' Wright says : "You find In this school many heroic lives , for In some rases the bays are the only supports of fam ilies , and make great sacrifices. ' .Many ot the boys come direct from xvork xvlthotit first having supper , and many walk three and four miles to get the advantage of the night school. In one case I know ot a home where BRAIDED CLOTH QOWN FROM HARPER'S UAZAR In many of the goxvns this season the waist Is so short as almost to give the effect of a belted prlncesse goxvn , and this , bays Harper's Dazar , even xvlth cloth costumes which have usually been made with somexvhat of a coat effect. While the style Is one that , is peculiarly becoming to a tall xxoman , It can easily be so arranged af to look xvcll on a short figure , as the lines are long and slender , and the belt can be adjusted to make the xvalst line long If so desired. The goxvn Illustrated above Is In one of the new rfiafies of brovxn , made to nt closely over the hips and with all fullners thrown back ; the skirt Is cut to flare out around the bottom ; the front breadth has a graceful pattern In braiding , In xvhlch three kinds of braid are used black xvlth a touch of xvhlte , gold , and a flat black > brald that runs from belt to hem , giving the effect of the skirt opening at one side. The waist fastens at the left side , and the braiding Is put on to give the effect of a pointed yoke. Directions for cutting the slilrt , walat and sleeves are given' xvlth the tissue-paper patterns of the goxvn sold by Harper's Bazar. Iluflles at the wrist and a belt of gold-colored taffeta carry out the gold ot the braiding. The hat has a stiff brim , but the soft croxxni of shirred broxvn velvet takes axvay any hard lines. Around the crown Is a roll of dark broxvn velvet ; a long black ostrich plume adds height , while the touch of color In the cerise rosette , under the brim at the left side makes the hat much more becoming. a boy had splendid alvantages offered him but by accepting he xvould have to leave hla mother xvlthout support , eo ho nobly refusal the position , and la moxv supporting his mother. This Is one of the many cases In which these boys have sacrificed their per sonal Interest. " The condition of their clothes does not keep the boys from attending night school ; many of them come almost In rags , but their earnestness In securing : an education makes them forget appearances. The hoys are given a thorough training In reading , xvrltlng , arithmetic , mechanical Oraxvlng , stenogiaphj and typexvrltlng. In this way every giade ol society and occupation 1R reached. In , many cases letters of recommendation are given to the boys and positions secured for them , riio merchants of the city send notices to the school -when positions arq vacant , nnd dn- serving boys are cffus given a chance Only txvo questions are asked of the applicants First , are you a working boy ? Second , are you able to pay ? If the nhsxver to the last question Is In the afllrmatlx'o he Is not re ceived. Miss Wright Is president this yeor of the Now Orleans Women's olub , and under the auspices of that club night schools for wo men are to be organized on the same line and for factory girls xvho desire to secure- good business training and thus secure better positions. This Is the time for activity among women who organize clubs and classes , and those who Join them , All through the summer 'dea.s have been germinating which will noxv mature Into xvell-groxvn realities. These xvho undertake the task of organiz ing niUHt bo ready to xvork hard and receive but little iccognltlon of their efforts -until , perchance , eomo of the present apathetic contemplate become originators. Flat re fusals to Joint the class or club are not as trying as undecided ansxvcrs ; but the most ( soul-wearing process ) Is trying to Imbue an other xvlth enthusiasm xvheu she lacks all de- wire. The profits , the pleasures , the altruistic Joy of the enterprise are all shown to her without eliciting one IIcull of appreciation , She absorbs llko a apongo and responds like putty ; yet , If she Joins the clam , she may shoxv more fnlthfuliut-ri to dues and attendance - anco than thct > o who take the butt quicker. The organizer has another tioublo which may give her annoyance the subscriptions. It In clllllcult for one person alone to be busi nesslike when she has a ( sensitive aversion to dunning and others forget or avoid obliga tions. Thu xvotnan xvho can manage a rlactt xvlthout having to pay delinquencies from her oxvn pocket Is both fortunate and tal ented. This only applies to these OIBCS xvhere the dues and expenses make equal Bums , Those about to Join organizations for the coming season have one Important matter to lemember. As the xvlntcr advances cares and distractions Inevitably IncrcafcO , therefore It Is burdensome to find one's time already mortgaged by a multitude of regular en- gagemetitH. The success of Illta Wlldxvood , a one-time Htenographer In a Iloiton law olllce , as a coffee-planter In Hawaii will probably lead many more young xx-omcn to follow In her stops. iMlsa Wild wood la 23 years old , and Incidentally Is the rloheit xvoman coffee- planter on the Hawaiian Inland * . Two years ago tiho XVBO xvorklng OH a atcnoKrapher xvlth no capital except a thousand-dollar legacy that ulie Was Having- for burial expenses , as spinsters tonictUncs do. She hoard of Hie coffeo-plantnllon possibilities In Ha waii , nntJ she decided to rlM < the tune al nnj Invest her capital She Induced her brother , \xlto had nn equ l capital , to Jell * xvlth her. In Ilnxvah they took up 2CO ncrt.i of land at J4 nn acre. A friend of theirs xvlth some experience In coffee-groxvlng J.ilned tin Within txxo > cars they hav nil innilo the venture pay. Miss WIIdwxKl experts to bo earning n nivuial Income ot $10.000 at the end uf four years. Madame tie Navnrroxho Is none ether thnn our beautiful American actress , M , ry Anderson of n former day , ttcc.itl ) parti ' tinted as n vocalist In a concert at the sleepy old KngllMi village of llrovlxxiy. In the Cotsxxolds , xxhcre she ll\cs Hctro t < o rumor , \xholly unsubstantiated , ot her In trillion to re-enter public llfo as n Fiti T At Hroadxv.ty Miss Amlormn has a co-i- genial friend and neighbor In Miss Mau'o Valeria While , the composer , who has taken Kteat Interest In Iho development of the actress' singing voice a full nml dei contralto , flexible and of fine timbre. Wh. t .Miss White organized her concert nt ll-o LyRon Arms an antique hostelry with menu rlos of King Charles nnd Cromwell Mlsa Anderson readily consented to assist. The brilliant croxxdi of country gentry , loyal UroadwAyltrs and enthusiastic America > j xvho attended expected to make due nllnxv- nnco for nil amateur , but the fnlr singer treated them to n genuine surprise. "Here , " sajs the London Sketch , reporting the event. \xas dramatic fire , variety of exprc nlon , nnd , aboxo nil , n decpi sense Ct musical pro priety. The npplnuso xx-ns as aluccro as It scorned grateful to the singer. No nonl ti ask whether Mxid.imo de N'avnrro xvai pleased. Her fact ! told tlu < tale , in hep dress of pAlo green silk , graceftil and II ni as ot yore she looked as young as xvh n she llrst captlxatcd Uiis-land's heart as I'er- dlta or Juliet. The face of the successful artist Is seldom entirely pleasing xvhcn 1,1 repose ; there Is almost Invariably a tpollrd , selfish look , some suggestion of pettlshnem or regret. IJpt Miss Anderson , Is unspoilt 1 by her succor , .1111 one may verily liclicvo ll.at her sclf-lmpossd spclmloii has brought with It no heart-burnings. She lives bttucoi her domestic cares , the delights of social llfo and the consolations ot the little chapel xvhose altar slitIs ns proud to iidorn as she was that of the Ursulluo convent at Louis ville In her girlhood da > s. " Mlrs Louise Pound , ot Lincoln , Neb who bey hi r defeat of .Miss Craven of Evanstc-n In the recent tourruiinunt on the courts of the Kcuxxood Country club , became the xxoman tennis champion of the xxest , xvas , until that event , unknoxxn In Chicago. She had won many horn rs at home , liox > over. As early as 1S90 she hnld the championship of her state. M'ss Craven , who had defcn.lcd . the silver cup for one season , xvas regarded by her friends as the sure winner and they considered the trophy practically hers. Whrn , however , they saxx this unknown girl from the xxest d-frat Mas ! Atkinson , ho'der of a triple championship , they began to fear that their favorite would have to struggle drsper- ately to retain her hi nors Tlielr feiM we n xxcll giourdel , ns the exo t prove 1. W c h r Miss Craven < Td her best Is not ci-rtapi. bin certain It Is that fhe xxau fairly niitpli > i I at every stave ; of the game. , xvlth the O\IM i > - tlon of a brief Irterval at the hoglniiiiii ; i f tbo last set. Miss I'ound has hardly a m il in 'her ' native place in the art of' U-iting , nn 1 1ms xxon many prizes In blcyclli , { The commonplace xxill Insist on intiudlii ; Itself at the m st Inopportune moments. The best riders In Maryland" recoitlx as sembled at the Confederate ? ol'lrrs' ( hn.,1- , in that state , for a riding tournament i u ivnnhoc. While the Joints xvcre li prng c - and the xxhllom knights xvero tryl.ig to i ) rings instead of cue another xvlth tn r lances , the branch of an apple tree , oxer- 'oidi > d with small boy \\Mtehers gaxoxav , and the cargo of urchins XVJB precipitated c i top cf a carriage load of ladles Thin th < mediaeval play was suspended until a couple of the xxomen who had hopes of lu'in ' croxviicd "Queen of Love and Hcaiity" vn carried cff In a very modern ambuliiui- f > bave very nnromintlc bruises , scratches an i dislocations attended to. I'rof. Max Miller lolls , In the ruTent Cosmopclis , a delightful story It c t < - cernrf a party of antiquarians. While vi i - Ing the coin room of the British Mnsmm it xx-as dtscovpied tl.ut H iarc and piartleally 'unique Sicilian/ piece had x'anlahul. 'Iho antiquarians xxcro told that they xxould hive to be searched , and all consent ! d except one. Ho said he xvouU die llrst. The others de- pal ted ; 1io xx-as detained , llofore proceeding to violence the floor xvas axvppt , and there in x crovlce the ron : xx-as found. Apologies xxe o in ordc-r , explanations , too. It then appp.wd that the suspected paity , the party \xtio xxould not bo boarched , had In his pocket t duplicate of the coin that had vanished mil had only come to ccmpare them. If the e'h' ' ' r coin had not turned up. xvhtre xvould he li'ivo been ? N'oxx that is a very go.d story. 1'iu here , perhaps , Is a better one. In the prt < - once of some of the German grandchild ! ui rf the English queen a man one day ex hibited a troupe of fleas Through xx h , t mar vel of patlcri- and Ingenuity he had sm - cccded In tiainlng them Is , and xvns. a mxs- tcry. They did all sorts of things xvrestl I. daur-ed , played bdfce tall , for all I knoxv to the contrary , and xvero generally , if mlep- scopically , a grand siiccehs. Suddenly olio of them hopped up and vanished. The shoxvman asked that the clothing ot th < > children bo examined , mvl on the frock of n little girl there xx'at the Irseet. Or , rather , nn iiiM-it The slr-wman lo k2d tt It through his gl si a and lemarkcd , with a dlpgust xvhidi , xxi.en you consider It , xx'as quite natural T.ih U not my flea ; give It back to flic ptlncMs , " At last the women of Japan are beglunl g to got their Inning. The empoior hlm > clf tt Interested In thtlr advancement. He hopts In tlmo that they will attain the same portion tion enjojed by the women of Europa ail America. The /Irst step he toolc ( nxxar 1 this advancement nas to abolioh stained tn i and shaded cjcbrows. Next , on the txxentv- flfth anniversary of his marriage , ho intro duced the Idea of the celelmUinm of a uilver xveddliig Into his country. On that occib.ou fie guvo a big feast anl ipcelvcd counlle'5'j picscnts. Ills fern-ale subjecls were do- Ilg-ited at this , and said that no empre a had ever been so honored. The empress of Japau , Fusaka , Is by no means kep' in t.o background by her husband. She nhar t MU throne and Is consulted on matters of na tional Importance. More than this , rh < > p ' - sides at his table , and this Is an honoi < - corded to none of her predecessors T. ompres.1 , from all accounts , Is quite an 111- to-date xvoman , and has prove 1 h < ra > f worthy of all her prlvllcgca. She Is a i active patroness of the Toklo Woman's hos pital , xvhlch Is conductej on the most mod ern scientific prli > = IplCH. She Is also rjmto an atlilele and bas a model gyimusliiin erected .solely for her benefit In the 1/iUic. She practices them every day , and is alu' ) fond of riding. Who knoxva buf that ,11 tlmo she may take to the bicycle ? Tno em peror has dedicated to her many of mi beautiful poems , which slio.v that the bravi t deeds have been Inspired by femlulno bcaut > . Klio Is even more Interested In , the udxauce- inent of her M'X than lie IB. Two young women of equal strength anil skill started out one diy nn u bicycle rldu , narmtcs the Illustrated American. When they relumed after a Judicious amount ot rlillng ono was eompatatlvely freah , while the other was evidently done up. Whem iay the difference ? Merely iri thla that ono wore tight clothes and the otaer had tiensl- bly loosened her belln. It IH acknoxvledgcd that the greatest fctralii ? lven to any put of the sjstem In bicycling Is given to the heart , the extra exertion ai well as the iiobltlon which Iho arms a < il liody uro held stimulating It to Its higher Dfforts. If Hu action U reatrlcted by tight , tlothlug the entire syiitem feels the dole'MI- ' DIM result. It Is llko binding a wieMM' land and foot and expecting hint to xvln m the contest. Tha heart ran inaku no voial uxposiulatlon , but makes its distress ful through fatigue of the' entire body * Bvery women xvho rides a xxhcel with h"1 skirt Bagging below the holt and the back t her slilrt vxalst bagging alxivn It Is a xvirni. J to other xxomen and an urgumcnt In favor uf tight belts , hut a little earn In dresalns nnd a rexv pins skillfully Inverted to hold the nklit and waist together will enable the wearer 10 dress loosely and with tidiness. "I'nliil.-xH nml lli-KlHu | | Cii'liiri-li l.'inr.l } " is the good word which JoMi ilaclnnos , WathaUck IJrldgo , N. S. has to my of Dr. Agnow'g Catanrnal I'o vder aft -r tiavlng uuffe-red from Cotorrhal Ueafncws for Kcars. In 10 minutes from the first apjui- : atlon ho had relief , and after unlns but one jottlo his hearing xxas restored In all I s latural acutenew. Not un exquso for dt- ipalrlng of a euro with ueh remedy within each of you. 18. Kuhn & Co. , 15th and nouglant Sherman & llcConiiell iJru * Co. . 1S13 Uodge §