THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871 , OMAHA , SATURDAY arOltlNINGr , G , : i SOT-TWELVE PAGES , COl'Y PIV.1IJ CENTS. 'WEYLER IN BAD WAY Spanish Qovornmant Decides to Try Him by Conrt-Maitial , FAREWELL TALK AT HAVANA THE CAUSE utterances on that Occasion Give Umbrage at Madrid. NOT PLEASING TO THE HAUGHTY DONS Officers at All Spanish Ports Ordered to Demand Explanation , INTERESTING OELOPMENTS MAY FOLLOW Cotirl-Martlal Snlil lo He ( he Uediilt ' ut iv Hint from the State 1. Ileii-irlnifiit at Wutdi- MADRID , Nov. 5. The pantMi govern ment , as u result of the deliberation ! ot the ministers over the utterances of General IWoyler , the former captain general , has como to the conclusion to try him by court-martial , Co matter where ho lamia , If he confirms the Accuracy of the prpss rtyortt. of his utter ances. The commanding officers at all the ports of the Spanish kingdom have been In structed to demand of General Wcyler the moment ho can bo communicated with the exact tjrms if the speech which he delivered in reply lo the manifestation at Havana upon the occasion of his cmbarkaticci for Spain on Sunday The steamer Montserratt , on. which General Weyler sailed for Spain on Sunday , on Wed nesday , as cabled to the Associated Press , reached Cllbarro , on the northwest coast of Cuba , .vlth' Its engines disabled and may bo compul'cd ' to rnturn to Havana , In which case It 'Is not unlikely that there will be In teresting developments. HINT FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. The full text of tlm Spanish reply to the note of United States Minister Woodford has reached the State department In the last mail and Is now iiulcr examination by the officials. So far as can bo learned It Is not the Intention of the administration to glvo It publicity now , BO that the Interest of the people must be eatlsled at present with the moro or loss official statements emanating from Madrid ns to the chaincter of the Spanish note. H la expected that the tirwldent will make this note and the correspondence leading up to It the basis for one of the most Important chapters of his forthcoming message to con gress upon the reassembling of that body In December nxt , and meanwhile It Is not be lieved to be probable that any radical change In policy will characterize the correspondence between the two countries unless something unforeseen occurs. It appears that the determination of the Spanish cabinet to court-martial General Weyler , whllo not directly duo to a request of this government , was probably Inspired by an Information from the State department that his utterances were not calculated to smooth the way of negotiations- Is sur mised that by thus acting with promptness the Spanish cabinet has paved the way for a counter remonstrance against the publications of ix-Unltcd States Minister Hannls Taylor. The conditions In the two cases have been Bald at the State department to be entirely different. General Wcylcr being a Spanish larmy officer Is amenable to discipline for an Interference with the policy of the govern ment , whllo Mr. Taylor being a private citi zen , Is not accountable to his government for hit ) Individual utterances. AVEVI.Elt HAS A LA11CE FOIIOWI.\t ! . ThlH May Help Him to Elfeut 11 Conilii-omlNe. \ ' \ I LONDON , Nov. C. The Madrid corrc- Bpondeut of the Dally Mall , commenting on the difficulties that confront the Spanish gov ernment , says : General Weyler has a largo enough follow ing among officers of the army , owing to pro motion or for other reasons , In sympathy with him to make both the republican and Carllst parties endeavor to compromise with him In order to obtain his support. The gov ernment would be glad to give liberty of ac tion to demonstrations In his favor with a view to gauging the extent of his popularity , but It tears disturbances of the public peace. There Is much discontent among the offi cers at h6me on account of official favor itism displayed to officers who have returned from Cuba and the Philippine islands. A hundred or more officers met hero eccretly the other nlglu at the Military club to dis cuss the matter. General Borrea , the min ister of war , hearing ot the meeting , threat ened to court martial the participants If It should bo nece&iary to enforce discipline and instructed the colonels to warn them per sonally. The officers promised not to repeat the offense , but It Is bsllevcd they will con tinue to hold secret meetings. Similar meetings have been held at Toledo , Barcelona , Vlttora , Saragossa and Logrono. The Corresponded ! Mllltar published the facts and advised tlie officers to mutiny It their wrongs were not redressed. The ed itors of three newspapers which printed the news of the meetings have haen arrested and will bo court martlaled. The Madrid papers got warning and remained silent. J.IVEI.V WOHK OX .NEW VESSELS. IlriioUl ) u Xnvy Vnril In Pimhlnu I'liliiKN llniililly. NEW YORK , Nov. 5. The Commercial 'Advertiser cays this afternoon ; "Tho 'Brooklyn ' navy yard la active , and work on all the war vessels lying at the wharfs or In the dry docks U being pushed forward as rapidly as possible under orders from the Navy department. No ono Eeeir.a to understand why to much liaate Is necessari an. ! Inquiries are met with the Invariable reply : ' " 1s nothing unusual. We are obey ing orders Issued sometime ago , that Is all , Wo always finish work at this station as rapidly as we oin , Spain' * naval activities tavo nothing to doltli our Industry,1 "An officer attached to the office of tlie con.ipanilant ; of the yard repeated this timeworn - worn explanation today , but added that he believed some sort of an order had been re- cclved to urge iho completion ot the two new vessels which are at 'the yard making prep arations for their final trials under the Hoard of Inspection. " These \essels are the torpedo boat Foote ud the big battleship Iowa. SlurlH for fiilin. WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. United States Consul General Lee has returned to Washing , ton ud this morning , before the meeting of the cabinet , be called At the State depart- ' , n&4 UUr * t tbo White. Houio. M U department he saw Secretary Sherman ami also Assistant Secretary Day , 'who had Just returned to the city from Canton , The consul general la hero simply for the purpose of receiving any Instructions that arc deemed necessary to give him bcforo his departure for his pst at Havana. General Lcc , In pursuance with his In structions , left Washington early In the aft ernoon on hlfl way to Cuba. This fact Is be lieved to exhibit the confidence of the ad ministration In the satisfactory outcome of the pending negotiations with Spiln. IDEAS OF A SIMMS ! ! ED1TOH. Senor .IOKP CiinnleJnN Allorrn ItlniHelf lo lie Iiitert letveil. NEAV YORK , Nov. 5. The Herald will to morrow print an Interview with Senor Jose Canale > is , editor of El Heraldo , whose mis sion to the United States and Cuba Is ex pected to glvo him additional weight In the councils of Spain when lie returns there. The distinguished visitor soys : "I have In the first place no official charac- tcr here , but 1 have spoken and written too much on Cuban affairs not to believe It a political and moral duty to determine on the spot the truth or error of my opinions. Further , I have the responsibility of a Jour nal to which I myself contribute and believe also that the province of a Journal should not bo alone to fulfill official functions. So I came to sco the true situation , to make a confidential report to my friends of the gov ernment auJ to make use of my Information In the press and In Iho Cortea. Such ques tions must bo studied on the spot. So , after a couple of weeks In New York , I saall sail for Cuba and visit all the provinces of the Island. " "Do you believe the Cuban leaders can be bought and that gold is mightier than the sword ? " "Such a report Is absurd. " "Do you consider that the recall of Gen eral Wuyler was tantamount to a total dis approval of his acts during his captain gen eralship ? Is General Blanco likely , from what you know of his reputation , to pursue a moro vigorous and more merciful policy ? " "I think that the present government has never agiead with lue Ideas of General Wey ler ami everybody expected his recall the day after the nomination of Senor Sagasta. Mar shal Blanco and the generals who accom panied him are resolved to strike hard blows at the Insurgents , but also to follow a policy of Indulgence and not to bo 'Influenced by suspicions and denunciations. As for the position of the United States , I think that your country has the right to hold and ex press Its views on the Cuban problem , but not 'to go beyond that. It Is the expeditions and the public actions against the rights of Spain wh'lch have caused the protests of the lawyers , of the press and of various other Spanish elements. To stop them would bo a good deed and would aid the Spanish gov ernment In Its liberal projects advantageous to the development of the moral and ina- tcrbl Interests of Cuba. " IXTEHVEVriOX THE OXI/V HOPE. Tnylor WrlteH n Letter 011 Ciihiui Affair * . NEW YORK , Nov. 5. The Herald presents this morning a remarkable letter from Hannis Taylor , former United States minister to Spain , in which , after telling of his stronnous efforts to prevent a rupture of diplomatic relations between the two countries during the dark days of the Com petitor case , he asserts that the ruling classes of Spain are determined to refuse any con cessions which would be accepted by the Cubans. Mr. Taylor tells how he and Senor Castclar tried to persuade the late premier , Canovas , to offer genuine reforms to the Cubans , as otherwise Intervention by the United States must follow Inevitably. Tills was Mr. Taylor's attitude as a diplomatic repre sentative , anxious to prevent .war. For a time he believed , ho says , that the Iron piemler had yielded , but when the propcsed reforms were made public , he says , "I saw that the great man 'trifled with us as If we wcro children. " Mr. Taylor denounces "the hollowness and emptiness of the whole shadowy pretense In the royal decree of February , 1897 , " and after discussing what he believes to be the attitude of Spain's ruling classes , says he sees no solution of the Cuban problem which will end the Inhuman strife except Interven tion by this country. There are many dramatic passages In Mr. Taylor's letter , and It makes plain much that wes dark. 'Mr. ' Taylor's letter concludes as follows : In my former article I deliberately ventured to assert that I am sntlslled , after careful Investigation , that the rul ing classes In Spain , civil , clerical and military , are resolved , regardless of party , to refuse to make any concessions to their rebellious coIoiIMn aswould meet with their acceptance I cannot doubt that any minister -who dares to undertake such a perilous enterprise will bo at once dis credited and driven from ofllce , and It will bo great weakness upon our part to be misled by any false hopes and promises In that regard. Events In the future will demonstrate that I am right on that point. If General Blanco had brought with him anything Illcu autonomy ho would have proclaimed It at once. His effort , on the contrary , was to conceal the fact that he was powerless to glvo any such assurance , I am now the advocate of such Interven tion because 1 am satisfied that Is the only remaining rrcans by n\hlch peace In Cuba can ponslb'.y be secured. CIIIIAX.S WII.I. XOT ACCEPT IIEFOItMS FrlemlH of the CaiiHtllolil n 111 MIIKH MeelliiK. NEW YORK , Nov. 5. Chlckerlng hall was crowded tonight with enthusiastic Cubans , who applauded when the spiakew di > ulirud that Cuba would never accept reforms from Spain , that peace can only c.imo af.i-r the evacuation of the Island bthe Sp.mUli army and that the Uibai. patriots will right to the death for t.wir Indepundi'iico , Not a word of English was spoken during Iho meeting , over vhlh Toma-i Eatrala Pjlma presided. Among inn spcakcri were Gen eral Sangullly , Nicholas HerMla , G. M , Garcia 'Moncs ' , Dr. E , L. Deverona , Kmel Plerro , Dr. Monthalro and M. Decorcss. Between the speeches Dr. Tayamo read dls- pitchca from Boston , New Orleans , Galvrn- ton , Atlanta , Charleston , St. Louis , Chicago and Tampa. The message from the Cubans In Tampa said that In reply to Spain's offer at fiham reforms they would send another dynamite gun to the Cuban army. Dr. Tamayo also said that during the past month the Cubans of New York had contributed $27,132 for the benefit of the cause. OUTMXE OF MAXIFESTO TO AIUIY. Ccitrrul llluiu-o 'Will ' I'rire ' the Pro tection of Property , HAVANA , Nov. 5. The proclamation of Captain General Blanco to the Spanish army In Cuba , nhlch will soon bo Issued , contains the usual exhortations to the troops In re gard to maintaining discipline , etc. , and adds that property should bo respected and urges that the utmost energy be displayed lu ( Continued oa Second FaEe-1 ATTEMPT ON LIFE OF 1IOBAES Assassin Tries to Shoot the Frasident of Brazil. BYSTANDERS SAVE THE EX-CUTIVE'S LIFE of the Prrnlilciit In Wonnilod mill MlnlMer of War .Sinhheil Ho | Serloiinl- Hint He I IHi- * Soon After. LONDON , Nov. C. A dispatch to the Times from Hlo Janeiro says : At 1 o'clock this afternoon ( Friday ) a sol dier of the Tenth battalion , which constitutes part of the local garrison , attempted to shoot President Moracs with a pistol. The presi dent was Just landing at the Marine arsenal after visiting the steamer on which General Barabarosa had returned from Bahla. The bystanders frustrated the attempt , but Colonel Moracs , the president's nephew , was sftghtly wounded' ' In disarming the poldler. General Marco Bctsncourt , minister of war , then Interfcrrcd and was himself stabbed. The wound was so serious that he died soon afterward. The attack caused the greatest agitation throughout the city. lilVEIiY TIME IV IIEICIISIIATII. i Tnalii IH mi Interested Spee- latur of ( lie ProeeeilliiK * . LONDON , Nov. G. The Vienna correspon dent of the Times says : The- all night sitting was the most disor derly ever witnessed In any parliament. Some of the nntl-seiiilte expressions were of such an Improper character as to defy reproduc- slon. The most frequent Insult bandied about was the charge of drunkenness. Three-fourths of the members appeared to have gone iav- ing mad. "Liar , " "disgraceful scamp , " "drunken clown , " "your grandmother was be gotten on a dung h6ip" and similar villain ous expletives and cuggestions were common remarks. Herr Wolff called Dr. Lueger ( bur gomaster of Vienna ) , "the Vienna thimble rigger. " M. Vcrestchagan , the Russian painter , and Samuel L. Clemens ( Mark Twain ) were In the visitors' gallery. The former made sketches of various scenes , and slid he re garded them as good substitutes for street fighting and the barricades of former days. Mark Twain said It reminded him of an American lynching meeting to punish a "boss stcalcr , " adding : "I supposed somebody had been hanged , but I was not there long enough to make sure of It. " He asked Herr Lecher to give mtlce of his next twelve hours , ' speech and said he would be there and sit It out. Herr Lecher took the observation seriously and replied that ho hoped next week to repeat the performance and perhaps to Improve on It. VIENNA , Nov. 5. The Re-lchsmth , after another exciting all night session , adjourned at 1 o'clock this morning until Monday. The Relchsrath , prior to Its adjournment , adopted the motion emanating from' ' the supporters of the government , referring ( be bill to the budget committee. I.OMIO.Y EDITOItS AT IT A AI\ . ChiirneterlNtle CnnuneiitM oil Xeetl for CoilHt OefeiiNeN. LONDON , Nov. G. The Dally Chronicle in an editorial this morning based upon the resolution ot the New York Chamber of Commerce urging the president and congress to Increase the seacoast defenses , says : "No doubt If the whole British navy were recalled from the ends of the earth It might put a few shells Into Wall street , Into Brook lyn and even Into Jersey City , but It could not pass through Long Island sound and it could never get anywhere near Hell Gate. Great Britain , however , has something else to do than to clear the world of her ships In order to Indict a fine on New York. But when the Wall street bears want a pretext for a scare anything conies handy. " All the morning papers comment on such "alarmist rumors" as a Wall street dodge to send prices down. None of them believes that they should be taken seriously. PEREMPTORY OltUEIl IIY SUI/1'AX. HefiiMeN to Permit llKhtN ill Darila- lu-IICH Till Treaty IN Slmircl. LONDON. Nov. 6. The Constantinople cor respondent of 'tho ' Times says : The Sultan peremptorily refuses to per mit lights In the Dardanelles or the gulf of Salonlca until the treaty of peace betwtcn Turkey and Greece has been signed. The order of the palacs to tile Porto re garding the Bulgarian berats U to ' . "sipci izo and the Bulgarian agent hero threatens to demand his passports. ' AI'STIIIA SEEKS MOHE TEUIUTOItY. Snlil to He ItenvliliiK Out for IliiHiiiii mill HiTzeKovlnn. VIENNA , Nov. 5. Count Coluckhskl , the Austro-Hungarlan minister for foreign af fairs , after an Interview with Emperor Francis Joseph , started this evening for Monza , northern Italy , to visit King Hum- /bert. It Is seml-oinclally .asserted that the visit Is without political Incident , but In eome well Informed circles Iho visit Is considered a special mission to the Italian government with a view to getting Us opinion In regard to the annexation to Austria of 'Bosnia ' and Herzegovina. i , Inquiry Into tlie C'ulllxlou. MONTREAL , Nov. 5. The Yantlc-Cana- dlcnnc pilotage Inquiry was resumed today , Colonel Murdoc conducting the case for the Yaii'tlc. ' The lookout man In the Canadlenno admitted that when he saw the Yantlc's red lights ho did not report It. He recognized that a collision was Inevitable and ran aft for safety. Pilot Pcrrln , with Lieutenant Parker , U. S. N , , were examined , and said that If the Canadlenno had not put its helm to port when It did the boats would have cleared , A , R. Angers , who appeared for the Canadlenne , In cross-examining the wltnesn , gat him to admit that ho only saw the Canadlenno's green light , and that being e > It should be going on one of the four courses leading away from , the Yantlc. The inquiry will close tomorrow. I1U l < 'iiinlly .Mnrilerfil , MONTREAL , Que. , Nov. D. A quadruple murder Is reported from Rawdon , Montcalm county , province of Quebec , The victims arc the three daughters and one son of Mr. Nully , a farmer , who , having gone on a visit Wednesday morning , found the children mur dered when he returned home. The girls were IS , 1C and 14 and the boy 10 years old. Thrco Urge parties are hunting the woods for a tramp who Is supposed to bo the mur derer. Willet Hi' llciireNi'iitril , LONDON. N v. 5 , Great III Hair , has de clined to take part lu the Florida fisheries conference. The United States ambassador , Colonel John H y , r o lY i a polite note i from the foreign offlce today enylng that her. majesty's government Is greatly Interested in' the object of the conference' but regretted Its Inability tosend n'n olQclal representative ' to toke part In It. , Pltn.VCII COI.OX1.VI * . 1CXPOS1TIOX. HlK Shotv to He. llrlil In Connection Tvllh the Orcnt Purl * Knlr. PARIS , Nov. 6. At , the request ot the colonial representatives In the Chamber of * Deputies the governmenthas decided to liolJ a big colonial exposition at St. Cloud In con nection with the great exposition ot 1900. Arrlil l Appeal Attain. LONDON , Nov. 0. According to n dis patch to the Times from Maldan , In the Maldan valley where Sir William Lockbart'a column Is now encamped , It Is rumoroJ there that the Afrldls have made a fresn apD < Mite to the ameer of Afghanistan before snaking ' submission to the British. Itheiilnh MlMNliiiinrlpN Mnrilereil. BERLIN. Nov. G. The Cologne Volks Zcltung announces that two Ilhcnlsh mis sionaries , Noes and Hvnlc , have been murdered In. the fcouthcrri part of the Chinese province of Shan Tung. "Flrftf Horn" Proven Kiillnre. LONDON , Nov. G. "the First norn , " hav ing proved n failure. wlU bo withdrawn from the Glebe theater tomorrow and Iho whole company , after six performances , will return to America. ' \VIII SiiNiientl tiiiUr * oil Cuttle. HAVANA , Nov. -The'decree abolishing Import duties on cattle will-be enforced from November 10 to January It ) . TEST OF IIUMiET PHOOF AUMOII. I IleMlNt * ShotH from mid Wliiehc-Hter Hllli'N. NEW YOUK , Nov. 5. Apubllc exhibition was given In the Twenty-ninth regiment armory In Brooklyn tolay ( by W. Leonard Foote , Inventor of "tho bullet-proof autody- namlc armor , " and was > vltnet > sed by several foreign officials and others Interested In armor. A Winchester and a Krag-Jorgcns n rifle \\erc used In the test and a block ot the urmor about two and a half Inches thick was used. A number of bullets were flred at It , but In no case did any of them go through or leave a mark of entrance. Mr. Foote , previous to the exhibition , stated that a similar material had been used three years ago , but since that tlmo It had been Improved. It Is now perfect , according to the Inventor , who says that It IB cqua llu re sistance to a three-foui ths Jlnch gun shield of hard steel and docs not require the same amount of care to keep it Horn rusting or scaling , as steel does. It Is lighter than steel , weighing less than half -as much. Previous to the test of Jlr.'lAjoto's material a Krag-Jorgensen Tlfie was used on a one- fourth Inch steel'plate. . The bullet went throughIt , as It also did through Hfty , pine boards eight feet ' thick. lu the case , o't the In ventor's material the bulletfmm the Krag- Jorgcnsen rifle penetratecS 'butafter it did so the hole closed citt'lreMV' 'leaving an un broken surface , the bulliyiemalnlng In the shield. The WlnchesterjjlmUet failed to penotrate. Mr. FcotA ifften'tho tCBtvuaa been pronounced a success , -mated that his Invention Is about fid per cent lighter in thb ratio of resistance 'tban'stccl ' for ship's armor. When penetrated by bullets the hole close's up , thus keeping out Iwater. The material being nonmagnetic , according to the In ventor , It Js especially valuable for use on the 'bridges ' of naval vessels for shields. Count Goetzeu , a military attache at Wash ington , and General D. T. Merwago ot the Russian navy , were present at the exhibi tion. DICK CItOICEIt IS NOT DEAD YET. Simply Confined to UlH Hotel with a Ilnd Cold. NEW YORK , Nov. 5. A rumor that Rich ard Croker was dead was Jn circulation In all quarters of the city from early lu the morning until late this evening. It also spread throughout the country , and Inquiries as to the truth of the report were received from points as far distant as San Francisco. The Tammany leader simply has a slight cold and will probably bo well ' .enough tomorrow to start on a trip ta VlrgMi\la. \ He Is at the Murray Hill hotel and did not leave his room today. Ho had a chill Tuesday night at Tam many hall and on Thursday complained of not feeling well. Prof. William F. Flurcr of No. 709 Fifth avenue was ealled In and said Mr. Croker was suffering from a slight stomach ach trouble and was not In danger. John C. Sbeeban , Nathan Straugs and Andrew Frcedmau had chats with.Mr. Croker this afternoon. He Is able to sit'up In bed and and did not think It worth while to Inform his < wlfo and children of his Indisposition. At the Murray Hill hotel tonight It was post , lively stated that Mr. Croker Is recovering from his cold and stomach trouble. TEACHER IS 1IEATE.V TO DEATH. Victim of Hit * Ileveiifte of I'ujillx Whom lit * I'nnlNheil. SEDALIA , Mo. , Nov. D. James Allen , teacher In a school at Wbealland , Hickory county , was beaten to death yesterday by his pupils. As a punishment for misconduct Mr. Allen kept several boys' after school was dismissed last night. When released the youths went away iingry , and later , as the schoolmaster was on his waV homo , they uuylald him , pelting him w'ltli stones and clubs. Mr , Allen was knee-Kepi down and his skull crushed. Ho did not r galn conscious ness and died this mornlnc ? The you11m have been arrested. \E\V JEHNEY AT .YEllrt'ASKA'S .SHOW. , . _ , _ - , _ - _ _ , * * Preiuirliiic to Pnrtli-hiillf In ( he TrilllNllllNNlHHlllIll EXIIOMltlOII. NEW YORK , Nov. 6. The'commlssloners appointed by Governor Grlggs'to represent New Jersey at the Transmltalaslppl and In ternational Exposition to be held at Omilia from Juno to November , 1898 , " met lu Jersey City today and elected th'o following olllcero : President , Colonel Robert Mitchell FloyJ ; treasurer , Hon. Ellsha Gadijls , Now York ; secretary , E , C. Hazard , : of ' Shrewsbury. Colonel Floyd will visit , the Various boards of trades and manufacturers to stimulate Interest In the exposition and In tilt Now Jersey display. MoteiiientM of Oeenii * VrmteU , Aov , fi. At New York Arrived Edam , from Am- Hterdnm ; Fuerat Bismarck , from Hamburg ; Campania , from Liverpool. At Queenstown Arrived Lucanla , from Nuw York , for Liverpool. At Ix > ndon Arrived Mississippi , from New York , , At Bremen Arrived Karlsruhe , from New York. _ At Hamburg Arrived Columbia , from Nuw York , via Plymouth and Cherbourg ; Pennsylvania , from New York. At LIverpDOl Snllr-d Normadle , fro.-n New York. At Copenhagen ArriVHl Hekla , from New York. At Nupli's-.Salled-Kms. for New York. At Genoa Arrived Werra , from New York. . WATCHING THINGS IN OHIO Both Parties Keep Their Eyes Fiicd on the Oonnt. CONTESTS TO B CARRIED INTO CCUTTS IteiiiililleniiN XIMV Claim 74 Memhern , While They Conn-ile 7 < t lo the Dpiiioornti nnil Count One. , Doubtful. COLUMBUS , 0. , Nov. G. The Ohio legisla ture stands seventy-four republicans , seventy democrats and ono doubtful on the ofllclal returns received \ip to tonight , with a dozen or more of the eighty-eight counties very close. There have been no material changes except In Wood county , which Is claimed by both parties. There have been no unusunl proceedings before the returning boards of any of the counties except that of Wood , al though both parties have had Ihclf repre sentatives and attorneys In the county seats wherever the vote was close. Chairman McConvlllo ot the democratic committee has not changed his Idea of a dem ocratic majority on Joint ballot and will not do eo till the ofllclal returns of all counties are In. McConvlllo and others at democratic headquarters went to Cincinnati to confer with Mr. John R. McLean and other party leaders regarding the contests tint are to be made In the clcso counties. Chairman Nash Insists tonight that the legislature stands seventy-five republicans to seventy democrats and that the majority on Joint ballot will not be less than live. Ho eays he Is tonight satisfied with the situation In Wood county. What he feared wcs that the ofllclal count might wipe out the small republican plurality In that county. Since the face of the ofllclal tally shows a plurality of 31 for the republican representative , Judge Naeh eays he is willing and ready to have any court pass on the case. He SAJ-S that no law provides that the members of boards of election commissioners can go behind the re turns and the supreme court has held that they have not ministerial power and cannot hear evidence or use their discretion In throwing out any votes. That Is left to the courts and to each branch of the legislature In passing on the credentials of Ha members. PROTEST IN WOOD COUNTY. In Wood county today Norrls , the repub lican candidate for representative , cited a protest against the board counting the votes of Freedom township because the ballots had been tallied In blockf of five. This precinct gave Norrls 151 and Mwrs , the democratic candidate for representative , 263. If the vote of the township had been thrown out It would have tncrcBbed the plurality of Norrls by 112 , but It was counted. The republicans Insist that Norrls will be declared elected in Wood county and that the legislature stands 75 to 70. It Is learned here tonight that counsel for both itho demofcrato | and the republican com mittees at Bowling Green today expected to submit the Wood county' contest to the clr- ( cult court and the lawyers on both sides went to Toledo for that purpose. The court will bo asked to decide whether the election board can go behind the returns. Informa tion has been received at republican head quarters of protests to the Soldiers' home vote at Dayton on the ground that the voting precincts were not In the proper place. If that vote should bo thrown out the dem ocrats would gain two representatives from Montgomery county and ono senator , enough ( on the claims of the republicans ) to make the legislature stand 73 democrats to 72 re publicans on Joint ballot. Chairman Nash says there are about forty precincts In the state where these technical points on the lo cation of the polls can be raised. NUMBER TO ELECT. It requires seventy-three votes , or a ma jority of all the 145 members , to elect a sen ator on Joint ballot. With only seventy-four representatives In the legislature , the death of a republican member or a republican va cancy from any cause would leave the bare majority , and If Wood county should elect a democratic representative there would no doubt bo startling developments at once In at least two other counties. The proposed legal proceedings arc believed to bo In atatu quo waiting the completion of tbo ofll- clal canvass of the vote In Wood * county. There are ten counties in the state that give a plurality each of lese than 100 on their re spective legislative candidates , and of these close counties the parties are almost equally the beneficiaries. The republicans claim the following pluralities In three counties that have been most hotly contested : Delaware , 29 ; Noble , 85 ; Wood , 25. This te a total of 139 plurality for representatives In the three counties. A change of seventy votes prop erly distributed would have changed the Ohio legislature to seventy-three democrats apd seventy-two republicans and perhaps have changed the political complexion of the United States senate. U Is what Is at staka as well as the close shave that causes the managers of both parties to fight It out with every possible effort that can bo made. OVER A MILLION VOTES. There were over ono million votes cast In Ohio last year , and It wan estimated that ( hero were 900,000 votes cast last Tuesday , of which the deciding seventy votes i an Infinitesimal per cent. In Hocking and Vln- ton counties the democrats elect their repre sentative by a plurality of ( seventy-five and by about the same plurality In Van Wert county , whllo In Summit county the demo crats elect two representatives on pluralities that are said to bo on cloao as those ot Wood and Delaware counties. The republicans as sert that a change of less than 200 votes would give them four moro representatives In the counties of Summltt , Van Wert , Hock ing , and Vluton. The only trouble reported from the boards making the ofllclal returns yesterday were In Noble and Wood counties , and those were simply animated discussions , These ofllclal counts are proceeding In the same counties today. No disturbances are apprehended anywhere , but both sides will fight to a finish before the returning board , then In the courts , and finally In the organization ot the legislature. Since the republican plurality on Uio state ticket has approached 29,000 no Interest Is taken In those returns , COMPLICATION IN WOOD COUNTY. Information was received at the state head quarters of both parties this afternoon that the republicans claimed the election of their representative In Wood county by twenty- eight , and the democrats claimed their man had a plurality of fourteen. When the board of electors look Its noon recess at Bowling Or ecu the two democratic members of the board of elections refused to sign the ofllclal canvass of the vote ofVool county unless the vote of on > 3 precinct In Center township uas thrown out. The vote of this precinct makca a difference of forty-two votes on the Wood county representative. If It Is counted the republican representatives will have a THE BEE BULLETIM. Torfcnst for Nf Fair ; Wnrmer ; Variable Wlnils. I'BSC : 1 < Court Mnrtlnl AwulU Wejlrr'n Coming Attempt on I.lfn of TreOdpnt Mor.trfl , OliluV Count Will Itriirh tlm Court * . Cnnnda Conic * Into Hrnl Conference , Q. Hrpnrl of 1'omlon CommUfllnmtr Hum * . October Wntthrr nncl tlio I'nrmor * . 3. rimrmncy llninl Sot * i I'rpcoilont. 8nlll\An'd IMtirntlty Alioiit Settled. Tntlier of Donne College. 4 , IMItorlnl nncl Comment. A , Nonunion Carpenter * Itusy nt Work. Miuilelpat ilmlRet Step Out. Itiitlnmil Humor Cre.itei Kteltemont. 0. Council HIiifTit l.nrnl Mutter * . AiTalm nt South Onmlm. \\\K \ I'orcn of Miners nt Work. 7 , T'lniinclnl Itevlmr of tlm Week. Kow O\er Foot Hull In town , Worry About Omnlm Bridge. Tolln , H , Smyth Iteiuly for the Seeomt Trlnl , 10. HIU of Feminine ( lomlp. 11. Coiinnerclnl mill t'hmiirlil Newit. IS. "Tho .Mlnnlni ; I'rlncn. " plurality of twenty-eight , and If It Is thrown out the democratic representative will have a plurality of fourteen. The county scat ( BowJIng Green ) Is located In Centeil township. The precinct In dispute Includes that portion of the township outside the corporate limits of Bowling Green , but for the convenience of voters the polls were located In Bowling Green. Just across the prcclnrt bouridary. The voting place Is In the proper township , but not within the pre cinct , and It has been in the same phcc foi" five years without the legality of the lo cation ever being questioned before. The ofllclal returns from Delaware county glvo the republican representative a plu rality of thirty Instead ot twenty-nine , ns claimed last night. DENIAL FROM KURTZ. Hon. Charles R. Kurtz , who was chair man of the republican htate committee In 1S9G and 1S95 , says there Is nothing what ever In the talk about certain republican members of the leg'slsturo combining \\lth the democrats to elect Goveinor Ilushncll or any other man senator In place of Senator Ilnnmi , who was endorsed by tno last republican state con vention for both the short and the full terms for senator. Mr. Kurtz says no republican member could afford to bolt the caucus nom ination and he does not believe that a single republican member could be found who \\ould go Into such a combine. As Chair man Kurtz was defeated for re-election us chairman by Senator Hanaa and admits he Is unfriendly to the senator himself , this statement Is1 believed to be the 'last ' that will be heard of the combine against Hanna as the republican Eenatorlal nominee. At * republican state headquarters the reports have never received any credence. They state that If they arc assured of a safe ma jority on Joint ballot they have no doubt or concern as to what that majority will do. BEFORE THE COURT. TOLEDO , O. , Nov. 5. The close vole In Wood county on the election of a representa tive to the legislature has resulted In a con test which was begun in the circuit court hero today. The ofllclil count on the vote for representative gives Norrls , republican , 1,842 , and Mears , democrat , 4,811 , thus giving Norrls a plurality of 31 votes. Nominee Mears protested the vote of Cen ter township on the ground that voters ot the township outside of Bowling Green went out of their precincts to vote. The question was argued before the supervisors. This morning the board heard final arguments and divided politically , two and two , on the question of admitting the vote of Center township. In such an event the law provides that the mat ter bo referred to a Judge of the circuit court , so the case was brought hero , and submitted this morning to Circuit Judse Parker. Congressman G. E. Burton of Cleve land represented the republicans and Frank Baldwin of Bowling Green represented the democrats. The hearing was held at cham bers and the arguments resolved themselves' Into a mere statement of the facts and the rights of an election board to establish a voting ing booth In a convenient place. Decision was reserved until tomorrow. TAXOI.E I.V MAKYIAXII EI.ECTIOX. SerloiiH I.eKiil ControverHy ArlxeH In SonierHi't County. PRINCESS ANNE , Md. , Nov. G. There Is a scrloui legal controversy among the super visors of election of Somerset county over the vote cast on Tuesday , J. S. Stanford , the democratic member , having refused to sign the certificate of election because ot certain Irregularities In the tally shoots and ballots In that the Judges .of election lu several Instances failed to sign the former , and at least 500 of the latter wcro counted In splto of the fact that they were not endorsed with the Initial ot ono of the Judges as required by law. The republican supervisors , upon advice of counsel , decided to disregard these apparent Irregularities , whereupon Mr. Stan ford , who had 'been elected secretary ot the board , withdrew. The other two then re organized the board and Issued subpoenas to the Judgw and clerks of the various pre cincts to appear before them en Monday to make the necessary corrections In the tally sheets. Mr. Stanford thereupon entered a protest , claiming that the whole course of the board Is Illegal and the question Is likely to bo taken Into the courts , where an at tempt may bo to throw out the un marked ballots and reverse the result of tliu late election , In which event Somerset may go Into the democratic Instead of the repub lican column , ( olil neinoui-nlN Will I'emerere. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 5 , The members of the state committee of the national democratic party have determined to maintain thc-lr organization In MUsourland contlnuo the fight along educational lines. Ta this end perma nent headquarters will bo established herewith with Secretary L. R , Wlllloy In charge. H has been decided to put up candidates for every office at every election hereafter. Illuuk IIIIU COCK I'oiinllKl. RAPID CITY , Nov. 6. ( Special Telegram. ) The Black Hills has gone populist , In the Eighth circuit Moore Is elected by 350 ma jority ; In the Sovo Ui Mcfleo has 280 , with a few precincts to hear from. ShoolliiKT Allray In ArUnimn * . LONOICE , Ark. , Nov. G.-Jotnes Conley , a prominent cotton planter , and W. P. Booo of the firm of W. H. llooo & Bon became Involved In a dispute- over u settlement to day , when both of them drew revolvers and Hhot. Conlc-y wns xliot twice In the back and both lunga wcro plt-rcid. He can. not live through tliu nlg'nt. Booc U In jail. CANADA TO COME IN ' Oanuck Officials Dccido to Attend the Boring j Sea Conference. | SIR WILFRED LAURIER , P.1EMIER , IS ONE Sir Louis Davis , Minister of Fisheries , Will Accompany Him , SUDDEN CHANGE OF BASE IN THE CASE Investigation at First Intomloil to Bo Limited to Exports. WASHINGTON OFFICIALS MUCH PLEASED They UeKiiril I.nnrler'H Comlnw am . \ITorilliiK ; mi Opportunity to DUeiiNM the ( lueNllnii .Vlonir llroiuler Miie * . WASHINGTON. Nov. G.-A now phase of the Bering sen negotiations developed today when the State department was advised that > J3 Sir Wilfred Latirlcr , premier ot Canada , and Sir Louis IMvIs , minister of marine and fish eries In the Liurlcr cabinet , would como | hero early next week to take part lu the negotiations. Later In the day n dispatch from Ottawa reserved apartments for Sir Wilfred and Sir Louis and party at the Shorcham beginning next Tuesday evening. The British cmb-gsy was not advised , however - over , and It was understood that the British foreign ofllco was equally unaware of the fact that the chief olllclals of Canada would eomo to Wnihlngton to treat In person on the subject. Up to this tlmo the British authorities had stienuously Insisted that the Bering sea meeting was to be confined strictly to an exchange of "technical Information mation ) between experts , " and they have re sisted any largcr consideration of the sub ject which would Involve general principles. | Lord Sallsbmy'a letter to Secretary -Sherman . | carefully limited tlu > , meeting to one of "ox- I ( | pcrta , " and In execution of this Prof. Thompson - , son was named as the British export and Prof. Macoun as the export of Canada , 1 | | Notwithstanding this .strict limitation adopted at London , the two chief olllclals of Canada will eomo to Washington prepared ta discuss the subject from a much broader standpoint than any thus far conceded In London. How fiir they \\lll ho able to treat concerning Bering sen , reciprocity or other subjects Is a question of Interesting con jecture. The State depa-tnunt Is much grat- lllert at their coming , us It Is felt to offer the first prospect ot considering the scaling .question on broader llnfs ? than herotiJfore. LAURIER'S ADVENT WELCOME. Sir Wilfred Lnurlsr Is regarded as the head of that element In Canada favorable lo the most cordial relations with Iho Unltdd States. The liberal party , of which he Is. tlie leader. came Into power on the Issue of closer com mercial roMtlon with the United States. The conservative party reblsted this as tend ing touaid the annexation of Canada to the United States and as disloyal to the mother country. Sir Wilfred not been an annex- 4J atlonlst , but has favored the most liberal trade arrangements with rae United States. Heiotoforo his efforts and those of his party associates toward securing a reciprocity treaty with the United States have been unavailing , but within the last few days the State department has Intimated that It would view with favor negotiations for reci procity between Canada and the United States. The coming of Sir Wilfred at this tlmo IB therefore of more than usual Interest , not only In Its bearing on Bering sea nego tiations , but also In connection with Canadian reciprocity. OTTAWA , Ont. . Nov. 5. Sir Louis Davlcs. minister of marine and fisheries , said loday * It Is quite possible that Sir Wilfred Laurlcr - | | and himself may discuss the question ot reci procity next week. The alien labor low will also como up for consideration. CniuiekH Are AiixloiiH. OTTAWA , Out. , Nov. & . It Is said at the Fisheries department that the scaling counsel - sol , Prof. Thompson , has been asked from - Ottawa why It Is ho has not come hero and | J his reply was- that his Instructions- from cfl the homo government were to proceed to Washington. Great fears are expressed In ofllclal circles that Prof. Thompson has fal len a victim to the wiles of politicians at Washington and has committed Great Brit ain to a certain line of action with refer ence to the conference with which It was i understood Canada and Great Britain would , . „ have nothing to do. * WOI.COTT OX HIS > VTIVE HEATH. Colorado Senntor IletiiniH from III * Trip lo l nroie. NRW YORK , Nov. G. Senator Wolcott ot Colorado and General Charles J. I'alne , two of the monetary commlssloiieiH appointed by President McKlnley to confer with European governments concerning tlm feasibility of es tablishing International bimetallism , readied hero tonight on the steamer Campania. The other commissioner , former Vice President Stevenson , will return on a later vessel. Senator Wolcott asked to be excused from saying anything of his mission abroad , flo was much Interested In the news of the re cent elections. He'awkfd some questions about them , but made no comments. CJeneral IMIno also declined lo speak of his Hiiropean trip , Senator Wolcott will remain here for two ' days and then go to WaHhlngtoii , Charlru D. Lane , chalrnun of the national silver rn'ty. , was al o a passenger. Ho lias been tij Kurnpc on a pleasure and business trip. Referring to the trip of tliu commlo- slnners , Mr. Lane said ho had not expected anything better from Iho European govern ments. They were against hlmi'telllsm , but he was of the opinion that the people ot this country would eventually adopt It independ ently of Iho Kuropcan powers. coM'iDHxriwo MAX PUT A WAV. mien Peelc Hi-iiti-ni-c-il lo Five Venn In Prlmin. NBW YORK , Nov. C , Ellen I'cck , who'baa been known for years as the queen of confi dence women , was today hentcnced to five years In prison. She was convicted last week of the larceny of J1.200 worth of Jewelry from Christopher fllnl of thin city , AH ee- , j curlty she gave the Jeweler- $1,000 bond , which proved to be worthies * . Mrs. Peck has been In prison before , Shu first came to the notice ot the authorities In connection , with tbo swindling of Uabbltt , the soap man- i\ \ ufacturtr , out of nearly $1,000,000 , Later on eho succeeded In duping Claua Colurnbaln , * notorious forger , out of considerable money , and to get him out ot the wuy betrayed blot to the police.