Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OttAITA DAILY BJ3.fiJj Tinman AY , NOVEMllEIl 4 , 1897.
Lagoon at the Exposition Gronmls in n Fair
Way to Win ,
ArHiltrct ICciiippr DcM-rlen n U'njIn
Whleh ( InAlum - } - for ( lie Sin *
( Inn ( Jnn Hi * .Sernreil from
the Ai > | iroirlntliiu.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. ( Special Telo
nram. ) There Is still hope for the life-saving
norvlco to be uliown at the Omaha Exposition.
Aichltuct Keinpcr , who has Just returned
from Nashville , said today that ho saw a
way In which the llfe-savltig station might
bo built at the head of the lagoon. ly his
calculation there will bo J2.500 remaining of
the government appropriations , which he
hope * la utilize for the purpono of con
nlructlng the Matlon that will reflect the llfo
of the service along the Atlantic ; coast. Bids
for plaster casts will not exceed $2,500 and U
la asserted liy the Treasury department that
the oxpcimen will bo entirely within the ap
proprlutlnn ot $50,000.
A cablegram from the ambassador to Ger
many says that country declines to take part
officially lu the Transmlrslsstppl Imposition ,
but that the minister for agriculture has re
ferred the Invitation of the TransmUsIsslppI
nnd International Kxposltlon to the several
boards of trade of the umpire , Inviting them
to inako exhibits , It In , their judgment they
cared to do So ,
Hon. Charles Don by , under date of Sep
tember 15 from Peking , writes that ho has
addressed a letter supplementary to the In
vitations of the Traimmlsfllsslppi Exposition
to the emperor , expressing the hope that the
government of China might find Itself In a
position to send a representative to the ex-
lilbltloit In 1898.
K. B. Landon haa been appointed postmas
ter at Burr Oalc , WlnnnOitck county. la.
Charles W. lloguo of Nebraska has been
reinstated as storekeeper In the Internal
Tcvenuo olllco at Omaha.
Kdwln H. Hcichcstcr of Iowa has been ap
pointed to a $1,000 clerkship In the War de
- t
Hiiprnr frill.i | li < - .Vetlirrliunlfl.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. Assistant Secre
tary Howcll gave a hearing today to the
Netherlands minister on the question of the
assessment of a countervailing duty against
sugars Impoitcd from the Netherlands. Some
wuokH ago the department advised , collectors
of customs that the Netlicrlamla government
paid bounty on sugars produced In < uul
o.xportod from that country. The1 final liqui
dation of entries against these sugars was
directed to bo suspended pending a final de
termination of the question. The Nethor-
laiidn minister , at the hearing today , stated
tlmt his government paid a bounty on all
sugar produced In the country , but It did
not place any specific bounty on sugar ex
ported. The producer received the ramo
bounty on sugar sold for homo consumption
as on that which ho exported and hence the
bounty must bo held to be paid on produc
tion and not on exportation.
li-fliriielty ] wllh Ciiiuuln.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. The government
lo now favorably considering the question of
recurring to the sjslem of reciprocity for en
couraging our commercial relations with
Canada. It Is known that Mr. Katson , who
Jms been specially charged with the arrange
ment of reciprocity plans under the new
tariff net.'ls friendly to such a course of ac
tion. The last reciprocity treaty which gov
erned the relations of the two countries was
terminated by act of congress on the assump
tion that the benefits were not equally
divided between them and that Canada had
the advantage.
I'JeUelx Will Aei-eitt.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. James II. Eckels ,
the comptroller of the currency , will accept
the presidency of the Commercial National
bank of Chicago , to which ho was elected
yobturday. Mr. Eckels' term of oflico docs
not expire until April , 1S98 , but owing to
the urgent solicitation , of the directors of the
bank ho will arsuino his new duties on1 Jan
uary 1. During his term us comptroller Mr-
TCckels has won a national reputation as n
financier and his odmlnlstratlon Is generally
regarded as exceptionally able. It is under
stood that his successor will be C. G. Dawes
of Illinois.
Heiport iif ( iriieml Merrlnm.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The icport of
General Morrlam , commanding the Depart
ment of the Columbia , was made public to
day. The abandonment tat Forts Spokane
nnd Walla Walla , Washington , Sherman and
Jiolso barracks are recommended. In view
of the fact that the new military post at
Spokane will nil all requirements , although
Walla Walla and Boise might be used for
administration and Instruction. The gen
eral had not .time to visit Alaska nnd quotes
largely from | the report of General Otis on
that subject , which was made last year.
.Moiirlnry CoinnilNaloii nt Work.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. The monetary
commission resumed Ita sessions tonight
after a recess of some days , President George
P. Edmunds presiding. The consideration of
the preliminary report of the committee on
banking , of which Hon. Charles S. Falrchilda
in the chairman , which was under considera
tion when the committee last adjourned , was
resumed and probably will bo continued for
several days. The members ot the commis
sion decline to discuss for publication the
recommendations of the committee.
Sherman at HIM Irnlc
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. Secretary Sher
man arrived In Washington early this morn
ing and was at hU desk , busy with the af
fairs ofl state , looking as fresh as If ho had
not voted yesterday at Mansfield. O. , and
diiadu the long trip back to Washington over
night. The secretary had not received any
prlvat.0 advices , but said ho was satisfied
from the condition of affairs na known to
Mm last night that the republicans had car
ried the state ticket
and the legislature as
, well , ensuring a republican senator as a suc
cessor to Mr. Hnnnii.
liivrMdKatliiK Hie ItprlnliiK- .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. The War depart
ment Is making an Investigation of the re
cent reported uprhlug of the Utes of Utah ,
with u view to securing all the facts pos-
ulblo for Ita Information , It also has been
practically decided to send on Inspector from
the Interior detriment to Investigate and
report on the trouble.
\i > WM for tin * Army ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Leaves of absence : Lieutenant Mark
Ii , Hcrsoy , Twelfth Infantry , four months ;
'Captain Robert I ) . Head , jr. , Tenth cavalry ,
extended ono month ; Lieutenant Hobcrt L.
Dullard , Tenth Infantry , twenty days.
JVetv .Valliinal llanU. . ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. The comptroller
of the currency has authorized the San
FrancL-oo National bank of San Francisco
to brgln business. Capital $500,000.
llnllv Tri'iinury .Slnteiiient.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3 , Today's state
ment ot the condition ot the treasury shows :
Available each balance , $205,228,774 ; gold
reserve , 1151.024.702.
Head "Simon Italo" In The Sunday Bee.
II you don't take It. subscribe now.
KlriM.or . , it Day.
HEimON. Neb , , Nov. 3. ( Special. ) The hotel barn was discovered on
Uro about 11 o'clock last night and the hack
taim could not be taken out. This team has
been driven to every train coming In for
nlno ycara , and the horses could do their
work almost without a driver. The fire -was
undoubtedly ot kiccudlar ) origin , the other
barn having been buruod about three monthi
go.IIBATRICB. . Neb. , Nov. 3. ( SpecUl Tele
gram. ) The barn and outbuildings and four
jiorsca belonging to Albert Stoll. four mllea
eouthwcst of Beatrice , were destroyed by
jlre early this morning. Last , $1,600 : Insur
ance , $1.000. The flre vrai of Incendiary
unknown tueu baring b a IMU hur
riedly driving trom the p1 C6 h moment before -
fore the fire wan discovered.
MILAN. Mo. . Nov. 3. < Specl l Telegram. )
Klro destroyed Ihb big lumber yards ot
J. 0. Ilctllehelm of nrookflcld thli morning.
causing a $20,000 Ices. A big livery barn
and thirty head of horses near It burned.
I/oss , $10,000.
\VIM , M.VICU TllirjJtJriMUrulC ACM ) .
South Dnltotiiiin llo Not I'mpoMto
I'njf PrclKlit from Xovn Srotln.
HAPID CITY , S. D. , Nov. 3. ( ? pcclal.- )
There Is a probability that In the near
future a new enterprise will bo ootabUshed
In the Black Hills. Slntb the establishment
of the chlorlnatlon plant for the treatment
ot ores In Dcadwood , hundreds of tons of
sulphuric acid and chloride of llmo have been
shaped In from the cast to be used at the
plant. There Is every condition found In
the Black Hills for the successful manufac
ture of these two products and others re
lated similarly. There are enormous veins
of Iron pyrites almost within the limits of
Dcadwood that contain at least 45 per cent
sulphur. Sulphuric acid U one of the most
common agents used In the chlorlnatlon pro
cess. It requires twenty and one-tenth
oounds for every ton of ore treated. The
market prlco In New VorV In $18 a ton and
when laid down In tno Hills It Is an expensive
article. It 1s estimated that It can bo manu-j
tacturcd In the Black Hills foi $11 a ton. The
pyrites which are Imported Into the United '
States contain an average of 35 to 45 per
cant sulphur and from $300,000 to $300,000
are annaully Imported , & largo portion ot
which comes from Nova Scotia at a coat of
$5 a ton. With the sulphuric acid , Is mixed
twelve- and two-tenths pounds ot chloride of
llmo with every ton of ore , which costs $40 ,
a ton laid down In the Hills. A large per-i '
ccntage of this comes from the British
makers , and It Is estimated tlmt It can bo.
manufactured In the Hlllb for $1C a ton. I
Mining men are especially Interested In
the subject because by reducing the cost of I
treating thu area at the chlorlnatlon plants
they will receive the direct benefit. Thcro. .
arc a number of m.lncs m the Hills that
could bo worked at a fair profit It the price
of ere treatment was slightly reduced. Those J
who nre Interested In tun enterprise believe I
that the several articles would come Into close
competition with those Imported when
shipped to the western mining states.
.Moll Ijloniriit Olijectn lo IIltvlliK .Meat
Killed for Turin.
HAPID C1TV , S. D. , Nov. 3. ( Special. )
A few days ago a new slaughter house was .
burned at Pine Hldgo agency and Investlga- I
tlon rovcals the fact that the fire was started j
by a rough set of Indians who object to hav- j I
Ing their meat slaughtered for them. At the
time of the Wounded Knee affair a number I
of disgruntled Indians from the other agen
cies asked that they might remain at the I
Pine Hldgo ngcncy Instead of returning to ] i
their own agencies. They have since been [
a mob element , of which old Two Sticks was ,
a leading figure. Some time ago the gov- '
eminent began Iteming beef already slaugh
tered Instc-id of on the hoof , as formerly.
Slaughter houses were built wherever needed
and a malaritv of the Indians took to the
now way all right. This disgruntled set
from the outside agencies refused to cat
slaughtered meat and as the house Just
burned is near their camp. It Is suspected
that they wcro Instrumental In Its destruc
tion. H Is generally understood that the
government will Insist on making the
rofugcie eat slaughtered meat or go without.
Ati-lnvcstlgatlou Is In progress to ascertain
how thu building was destroyed.
Hey Aeiiiilttt'il of a Serious Glinrec.
MITCHRLL , S. D. , Nov. 3. ( Special Tele
gram. ) William. Slater , aged 14 years , who
was charged with attempting- criminally
assault a young girl In this vicinity a week
ago , was found Innocent of the charge today
before Judge Powers. An Immense amount
of evidence was produced , on both sides , but
the dcfenso"'w.-w sulllclently strong to clear
the boy. The case has caused great excite
ment ID the city and the citizens wore much
exercised over the result. Judge Power's
decision seems to meet with general appro
Will H x-e \\Vatln-r , Mni .
HAPID CITY , S. D. , Nov. 3. ( Special. )
By direction of Prof. Willis E. Moore , chief
of the weather bureau , a dally weather map
will bo Issued by the weather department aj
this city. Morning telegrams will bo ro
celved from Bismarck , Miles City , Wllllstci ,
Huron , Valentino , Omaha , Helena , Salt Lai ! ,
Cheyenne , Moorehead. Minn. , Baker Clt > ,
Ore. , and Calgary , B. C. Tills action has
been taken In consideration ot the Importance
of the station and especially for the cattle
lleatliH of a Hay.
RALEIGH , N. C. , NOV. 3. General Thomas
L. Cllngman , ex-United States senator , died
at Morganton Insane asylum today. Aged ,
poor and Infirm , the state gave him a homo
there. General Cllngman was born In Yad-
kln county In 181G , elected a whig member
of the legislature In 1835 from Surry , and n
state senator in 183G from Asheville , became
d leader of the ) whig party and was a mem
ber of congress from 1843 to 1858 , excepting
the Twenty-ninth congress. In 1858 ho was
appointed to the United States genato to
fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Asa Biggs and was re-elected. His spacch
on Clay's defeat led to ) a duel with William
Vancy of Alabama. At the outbreak ot the
civil war ho entered the confederate army as
colonel of the Twenty-fifth North Carolina
regiment and soon became brigadier general ,
and was wounded at Cold Harbor and Peters
burg. Ho served as delegate to the national
democratic convention in 1SC5 , but has
avoided politics tlnco. Ho was never mar
LONDON , Nov. 3. Thomas Qulnn. who
represented Kilkenny In the House of Com
mons from 188G to 1892 , died In London to
PALLS CITY , Neb. , Nov. 3. CSpecial. )
Dr. P. W. Hays died at .his homo here Tues
day of pneumonia , aged 49 years. Ho leaves
n wlfo and thrco children. The funeral was
hold Wednesday afternoon.
Eonor alvini of Madrid Oomai to the
Front with a Etatimjat.
Snj * tin- Former MliiNtor lo Snnln
HUH UliniiKfil UN Opinion * Since
the Date > f n Former
, Interview.
MADRID , Nov. 3. Senor Salvlnl has writ ,
ten a letter to newspapers hero In reply to
I the article on the Cuban question Hibllshed
In an > American magazine , of which article
{ Haunts Taylor , the former United States I
[ minister to Spain Is the author. The Senor
gays :
"I am astounded at Mr. Taylor's article. "
Continuing , ho then proceeds to tell the fol
lowing story : "I met Mr. Taylor last fall
, In a street ot Madrid , and though out of
' prudcnco I asked him nothing , ho said :
J 'Spain must not suppress the Cuban tnsur-
I rectlon by force of arms alone , she must
carry out reforms. ' lie did not mention a
word about autonomy but , ho added : 'peace
will then follow Immediately. Spain has a
, friend In the White house whose powers are
cci the eve ot expiring. She ought to profit
by the opportunity to obtain peace speedily ,
for whoever succeeds him. ho Is certain to be
less favorable to Spain than President Clevo-
land. '
"I recognized the Importance of the fore
going declaration nnd I hastened to com *
munlcato with my friend Canovas , ( the for
mer premier ) , who warmly thanked me In a
letter which I haveretained. . Shortly attor-
wards the reforms ot Canovas began tobo
talked about and 1 was commissioned to ex
plain them to Mr. Taylor and to tell him
they would be published within a fortnight !
as actually occurred. Mr. Tnylor embraced
me , saying : 'You and I will bring about
peace In Cuba and thus powerfully contrlb-
ute to the good of humanity scid uphold the
great Interests of civilization by ending the
war , the prototype to crime , and the return
to barbarism. '
"I then hastened to communicate thcso
words In the proper quarter. Just prior to
these events Mr. Taylor , at lunioh In my
houce and In company with Castcllar and
others , toasted peace , warmly portcstlng his
admiration and love for Spain and expressing
the deslro to see us succeed In the work of
' 'Shortly after the election of President
McKlnley , when It was mooted that Mr.
Sherman would bo made secretary of state ,
I asked Mr. Taylor If Spain would not have
reason to fear a man who In a speech In
the senate had displayed such hatred ot
Spain. Mr. Taylor replied : 'Don't notice
that , for Sherman as a responsible minister
will chance his opinions. Spain has nothing
to fear in. this reaped. '
"These Ideas and sentiments differ greatly
from those attributed to him now. "
HUM u Great llecoril us 11 Criminal in
the Kaxt.
POONAII. Nov. 3. The trial of Damodar
Chapekar , the Brahmin lawyer who was ar
rested October 4 last charged with being
connected with the murder of Lieutenant
Aycrat and Commlealoucr Rand June 22 last
by shooting them from ambush as they were
leaving the reception given by the governor
nt Greensklnd In honor of Queen Vic
toria's Jubilee and who on the day of arrest
confessed having murdered Coin mis-Jon or
Hand with the aid of an accomplice and also
committed by the authorities for tarring the
queen's statue at Bombay , was commenced
In the court house here today. The building
was strongly guarded in order to prevent
any demonstration upon the part of the pris
oner's friends. Chapekar adhered to his con
fession , but declined to make any further
statement. A number of Incriminating arti
cles , Including antiquated swords , pistols ,
anouH , slings and false bears , wcro placed
on a table beside the presiding magistrate.
Tim latter , after the usual formal proceed- , adjourned trial until tomorrow.
Damodar Chapekar , the Brahmin , and ad-
. oca to of India who has confessed to thor
r urdcr of Health Commissioner Hand In
June last , and who Is accused of being con
cerned In the murder of Lieutenant Ayerst ,
Is no ordinary criminal , as the following par
ticulars regarding his crime and career will
show :
The prisoner Is about 28 years of age and
Is pronounced to bo well educated. About
two years ago ho established a club or read
ing room at Poonah and after a while he pro
posed that the members should , BO far as
possible , collect all the arms they could.
) When a certain quantity of arms had been
collected Chapekar began teaching the mem-
' bcrs to fcnco. When questioned as to his
j motlvo in collecting the arms ho said they
would prove useful In the event of further
disturbances with the Mohammodans. But
being twitted about his valor. Chapekar grew
I angry and In the dispute which followed the
I club was broken up and all the arms col
lected were taken to his house whllo ho was
nbucnt at Bombay.
On his return Chapckar burled the arms
and shortly afterward applied to the British
military authorities at Simla to be enlisted
as a soldier. Hut the reply he received was
that his application could not bo granted , as
It was Impossible to enlist a man of his par
ticular caste , the companies bolng all ot ono
caste. Then Chapekar offered to ralso a
whole company of Deccall Brahmins , pro
vided he was given eomo rank In the com
pany. This offer was also declined and from
these facts seem to liavo arisen Chapckar's
hatred ot the British and of the Indian gov
ernment , which first led him to cover with
tar the statue of Queen Victoria at Bombay ,
which ho followed up by going to Poonah
and committing several assaults on people
Now will you be good The dog came
back nnd Drex LShoonmn Is well
pleased with himself Today's papers
will be full of jKilltlcal news and If
you're looking for it in tills space you
better stop right here for we have some
thing else to 'talk ' about Ladles' ? 2.00
box calf shoes shoes made especially
for wet weather new coin too and a
heavy sole they liavo spring heels or
they havti heels Just as you like the
price is $ ii. < )0 ) These are the ideal shoes
for wet weather as they do entirely
away with the need of rubbers and kei'p
tlie feet nice and dry and warm price
? 2.00.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
11 ! ) Fiirniun Street
Now fall catalogue now ready ; mailed
for the asking.
We've pulled through elections liavo
come and gone two or thnw of them n
year for Ihu last thirteen years and wo
still contlnuo. to do business at the old
stand always doing the best dental
work wo know of until now our woik
Is acknolwcdged to be the acme of per
fection wo liavo a way peculiarly our
own of mending broken teeth we build
them up to their natural appearance by
beautiful contour fillings of gold we've
iniulu a study of teetli Illllngs and when
wo do the work yon can di'ppnd upon It
bolng there to stay small gold Illllngs
$ L'X-silvor ( ) and gold alloy Illllngs Si
Teeth extracted without any pain either
with or without gas a full het of artlll-
clal tov'th $5.00 wo guarantee them
Lady attendant.
13 Ycnm Od Floor Piixton IIIk.
KxpvrU-nee. 10th uud Furitnu.
bolonglr-R to the ntforped party , who wcro
opposed to the Arthotl pirty.
Liter ChapeUr CLtJltncl to Ilombay nnl
there failed to pas * an examination which
he lad entered. ; T3 > n he went back .j
Poonih again , At ( > vtch ] | place the plague
operation * had be ui.f In iho mldit of the
excitement which 'prevailed there on ac
count of Iho alleged harshness of the health
measures adopted , It-la-nlK-Rcd ho remarked :
"So many people arc. ilylns of the plague ;
ore none prepared lo lilo putting n end to
the author of this tyrAnny ? "
The police regard 'fh'ls as hiving been a
direct Incitement to kill Commissioner Hand ,
who was directing' th tf work of preventing
the spread of iho disease. In any case
Ch.ipekar and anotner man began to pro
cure anus and succcctlc > ! In getting more
swords , firearms and ] Wordstlcks. In his
statement made toj the police after his ar
rest Chapckar admits Jhat from that time
on ho began to systematically follow Com
missioner Ilnnd wlth'"tho object ot killing
him on Jubilee day. He went to St. Mary's
church on that day , saw the commissioner
there , but was unable to accomplish his
purpose on account of the crowd prcucnt.
Liter during the day ho again saw Commis
sioner Hand In the council hall , but as
there was a large force of police present
he once more postponed action.
On Jubilee night Chapekar and his ac
complices went to the Gancshklnd road and
loitered thct'a until after 11 o'clock. Ho saw
the commissioner drlvd away trom the
governor's reception and quickly followed
the carriage until It came to a spot which
ho believed offered him the best opportunity
of ojcsyc. Chapckar then run up behind the
carriage and , thrusting a pistol close to the
commissioner's side , he shot the man ho had
in-irked as his victim. While Chapekar and
his accomplices wuro still on the spot they
saw Lieutenant Aycrst's carriage close upon
them and thinking ho had witnessed their
crime , they shot him through the chest and
then made off , leaving their swords In n
neighboring culvert. The next day , fearing
that the pollco might ocarch his house ,
Chapckar put nil the arms Into a bundle and
threw them Into a well. He then escaped
to Ilombay and remained In that city until
arrested thei-e by the police. After his con-
losslon Chapckar took the pollco to the won
Into which the arms had oeen thrown. lie
was then formally examined by a magistrate
and committed for trial. '
Ilniilc of Spnlu nt1 llnvnun Will
Ilo It.
HAVANA , Nov. 3. According to a dis
patch from Madrid the Spanish government
Intends to enter Into a. contract with the
bank of Sraln at Havana under which the
bank will undertake the management of the
Cuban treasury , the lottery and other public
financial concerns of the Ishnds. It Is under
stood that the bank will nmko a now Issue
of gold notes to the amount of $500,000,000
and thcao notes will bb received by the
government in payment of taxes of every
class. Including custom house duties. The
Government silver bills , under this arrange
ment , will bo withdrawn. It Is expected that
Senor Martcs Garu will bo appointed
governor of the province of Santiago.
XtvFoimillmiil Hlrutliiti Ili'MUlti. '
ST. JOHN'S , N. R , Nov. 3. Further returns
from the general elections show that the op
position party has carried the Burgess dis
trict , thus winning twenty-two seats as
against thirteen held by the government. To
day Sir James Winter , , the opposition , leader ,
walled upon Sir Herbert , Harlcy Murray , gov-
cinor of the colony , < Q arrange for taking
over the control of public affairs. Sir Wil
liam Whlteway ami his colleagues In the
present ministry will probably resign within
the next ten days. ,
I'lTuvluu'cnli'lm-t CrNls.
LIMA , via Galvc ton , Nov. 3. The premier
and his colleagues In the cabinet Insist on
the acceptance of their "resignations " tendered
last week , oti account bf a vote of censure
the senate proposed to pass on the govern
ment because of Us failure to promulgate
various measures enacted by the special ,
session of congress last year. Whllo the I
president's final dcdtJ16n has not yet been '
made public. It Is believed In well-informed
quarters that ho has- accepted the resigna
tions. < > i" j
On-lit Mortality 1" Hnviinn.
HAVANA , Nov. 3. During the last thrco
days 130 persons have died In the city of
Havana. Over 50 per cent of the people
gathered Into Matanzas district as a pre
cautionary measure against the Insurgenla
were without meat today.
M ri > niHorilrr 1" < li - Kolfl
VIENNA , Nov. 3. Whllo the municipal
council was engaged today In discussing
the recent obstruction In the Rclchsrath , two
members wore suspended for disorderly con-
\Ve are not very good politicians
we'd make a very slow run but when it
comes to getting up a run on stoves we
are right in it The Jewell steel range
Is compact operated entirely from in
front no grate frames to warp or break
linings heavy and durable ventilated
ovens top cast In sections Warranted
not to crack a steel range that we are
nimble to say too much for. We liavo
them .for ? 21 from that up. You should
see the 1'rimus oil stove blue llaine
combination heater and cooker no wick
and non-explosive burns any grade of
kerosene lias no odor and Is smokeless.
We have them 1 three sizes at § 15 ? 8
nnd ? H > . Wo Invite you to call and see
these stoves In operation.
1514 Famam St.
Did the bonds carry yes Indeed we
are looking for-the votes that were cast
against them but that's not our busi
ness looking is ami we claim to know
n great deal about spectacles and eye
glasses we imvo over -1,000 lenses each
one can be sot In 180 different angles
which give us 720,000 lenses surely one
of these will be what your eyes need-
lint If they're not we'll grind them for
your case you see we're manufacturers
we make a thorough and practical free
test ami charge you only what fust
class work is worth should yon order
from'us yon know \vhere wo aw right
opposite tliu Y. J l. ' & . A .building.
l ! I
Columbian" Optical Co
1C19 Champa , 211 S. j ! ( fit. 515 Main.
duct. Dr. Longer , the burgomaster , ordered
them to retire , but they refused , Thereupon
ho closed the ncsslon , declaring that ha
would communicate -with the public prose *
it i , A. N co is COI.ULV unrmvKu.
HIIVPo Conllit ( < nt < > In HU
Aiiiiotincri ! Policy ,
HAVANA ( via Key Weat ) , Nov. 4. Mntnhal
Ulanco's reception has been marked by cold
ness en all sides. This Is due to the great
dissatisfaction mused -by his proclamations.
They have disgusted all parties. A former
director of the boatd ot autonomist party
said today to a representative of the Asso
ciated press :
" \Vo sltjccrcly hoped that wo would have
autonomy , but now wr > feel that we nrt not
to have It. Ulanco's policy of anKilgamatliii ;
all parties will not result as ho expects. We
will have only n eeml-nutnnomy , which will
serve to Increase the general dissat
isfaction , lly Insulting us In hl
proclamations Marshal Illnnco has
placed the question of surrender
on our part out of the question. There Is no
public sentiment In favor ot Illuico's policy.
Everybody is dlcsatlsllcd nnd annexation
seems to be the only solution of the problem.
The conservatives charge the government
with placing the rule of the Island In the
hands of autonomists and rebels and predict
there will be a return toVcyler' policy
when the government Is convinced that
autonomy la a failure. The autonomists are
disgusted at not being recognized by Blanco
In splto ot having supported thu policy hs
represents. Finally , all sympathizers with
the Insurgents openly declare that they will
refuse any and all overtures from the govern
ment. "
"A Cuban whrt recently returned from the
Chaffarlnc Island , where ho hod been de
ported for connection with the Cuban Junta ,
said today :
"Wo might accept autonomy It it were
given to na , but It Is simply ridiculous to
believe that wo are so foolish and mean
as to accept autonomy given to the autono
mist party , our eternal pnomy. Wo would
rather die with the conservatives. "
Kl Dlar dc la Marina , lr a leading editorial ,
attacks General Wtylcr for having ie-
fused to resign ft ml charges him
with having Incited public sentiment
In his favor , and with having solic
ited that the political parties should demand
his retention here. .
El Dlarro also violently assails Unnnls Tay
lor , former United States minister to Spain ,
saying : "Mr. Taylor , chagrined by his ro-
moral from oulce , now Insults Spain through
the press , although ho had always received
courteous treatment at Its hand and always
professed to bo Us friend. "
\r\v Yitlciiiio In Mexico.
CITY OF MEXICO , Nov. 3. An oniclal re
port from a district In the state ot Guerrero
In which is situated San Cristobal mountain ,
says there are many Indications that a new-
volcano Is about to appear , as the aides ot
the mountains are Uully fissured and sul
phurous vapors are continually arising from
them , while noises as of distant explosions
nre hearj from Inside the mountain. A great
spring of water has begun to Mow from ono
llssurc and yet close at hand are Indications
of a tremendous force of Interior fires. Some
of the fissures measure 900 feet In length.
There Is much interest shown In this case
and scientific men are vlsltlrg the place ,
which Is In a very sparsely populated dls-
Will \V ' (1 nil American ,
1.ONDON . , Nov. 4. A dispatch to the Times
from Cairo savs :
It is asserted hero that Prince Moh.imme.l
All , the brother of the khcdlvo Is engaged
to bo married to an American woman whom
ho met In Europe. He has offered to 10-
nounco the succession to the khoJlvntte in
order to obtain the consent of tin ; Ithedlve.
who , > \lth his mother , Is strongly opposed > o
the marriage.
/.clnyn's lllrllnluy.
MANAGUA , Nicaragua , Nov. 3. Yesterday
being the anniversary of the blrth'day of
President Zelaya , he was , the recipient of
numerous congratulations. But ttio pleasure
of the event wat ; changed to gloom In the
evening by the sudden death from a paralytic
shock of his brother , himself an Important
citizen. Hundreds attended the Interment
this morning.
To Auili-cc'H ICfllcf.
BERLIN , Nov. 3. The Local An/.L'iger an
nounces that a steamer fitted out by the gov
ernor of Tromsoe , under Instructions from
King Oscar , has left Tromsoo Island In feean-h
of Prof. Andrec , the aeronaut. It will go to
Spltzenbergen , from which Andree's balloon
sailed. It la provisioned for Bevei months.
Ailoiit ( lie C < iId Currency.
LONDON , Nov. 4. A dbpatch to the
Times from Singapore , capital of the colony
Say dis Ickslniji htencss makes mo
tired de way de'HJoecker n-ueiit cigats
go any time is fait ) .enough but ilu way
di'y Iwp mo liustlin luiuly make my dad
give out an onliy jat dis kid nuuit
smoke a pipe I11J < )6y ) get ahead some
more so'st do boyjl .wont ho dlsap-
poIuttMl ( ley are In everybody's moiit--
fur when d-cy can git a ten-cent cigar
I'nr a nlcklo Its de cigar lor tie to do
Icaiurs tell my dad dat dey sull more
Stoeekers dan all do odder cigars put
together and dais what makes dein MJ
good di > y are always fro.ih don't huvu
timu ter get old and dry-If you hav
never smoked de Stoecker Just buy one
from your deali'r an Ht-e what a good
ting de live-cent Sto cser cigar Is.
, Sofa Pillows
1 here is clown and clown the "extra" down
is clown pure and simple the "special" clown
is clown but not perfectly pure These pil
lows are filled with "special" down There
are no pin feathers , no rough points just as
soft as any other down pillows You will
never know the
difference so far as usage or
wear is concerned $1.00 would be the price
of the down were it the "extra" kind These
arc 36c ,
Down Pillows
Down Pillows co\ored with line uropo
In a number of natty put turns on sale
tliia wcuk at OSc.
Stand Covers and
Grope Stand Covers IJOx'JS Inches
with fringe -Me.
Cri'pe stand covers , yard sijuaro , wllli
fringe , ; ! ; ic.
Crepe I'lano and Mantel Scarfs with
fringe : ' 5c.
Our sale or rather calling Hpeclal atten
tion to our Linoleums last week has opened
the eyes of Linoleum buyers and hns con
vinced them that Linoleum , real genuine
oil and cork linoleum cannot be co d
for less than 45c. Kngllxh "Linoleum" Is not
even "oil cloth" In value , and therefore
worth whatever It will "fetch.Vo liavo
another carload now new patterns am ! we
bought It as low as Linoleums can be bought
but we can't sell It for less than 4Cc
and that's a very low price lower than can
bo had anywhere ebo' ! .
Douglas Street-
of Singapore , one of the straits settlements
off the southern extremity of the Malay
peninsula , says that the committee on cur
rency of the chamber of commerce rccosi-
mcnds the adoption of gold currency for the
straits settlements and the Malay peninsula.
AFC Itcll'llHOll.
MADIHD , Nov. 3. A dispatch from Bar
celona says 112 persons Who have been con
fined In the fortress ot Montjulch for a year
on suspicion , of being Implicated In the
anarchistic and other outrages were released
lllniifo Iteeelvi'N ( lit * ConsulH.
HAVANA , Nov. 3. Captain. General
nianco tofiiiy received the consuls of the
foreign powers , who on this .occasion paid
their first official visit.
Ciiiinillaii I'm-lllc
MONTREAL , Nov. 3. Canadian Paclllc
Oil Cloth Stove Rugs
Best quality 1V { yards square BOc.
Brat quality UJ yards square 75o.
55Ino Binding complete to match IVfi
yardu , 12c 1J yards , 15e.
Matting Rugs
Japanese Matting Hugs 2 yards long and
a yard wide 35o n whole lot of different
designs cholca 35c.
Coco Mats
To prepare for the suro-to-be-muddy wcath
er wo placeon < -alo a lot of Coco Mats at
0c each.
Hrush Coco Main at 45c , C3c nnd S5c.
Extension Rods
% -lncli extension roJs , extending to 41
Inches complete with brackets 13c.
Vj-lnch i\tenslon Hods extending to 5
feet with project Ion brackets sultablo foe
laeo curtalus 25c.
earnings for the week ending October 31 ,
? sr.3.100 . ; Enino period last year , $700,000j
Increase , $03,000.
liouiiil' llvrr for Mui'dcrciiiH ANxaiilt.
MILAN , Mo. , Nov. S.-r-Oil'oclal Telegram. )
Tl'o preliminary hearing of Thomas and
Henry Wilson for the murderous assault on
Postmaster Klliaon at Pollock two wcokl
ago was concluded hero last night. Defend.
ai/ts ! were bound over to thu grand Jury undo !
Loud of $5,000 , which they cannot furnish.
You need not bo afraid or the twlngo ol
rheumatism when you have. Salvation Oil.
I'rrsMriil OtV for U'llKlililKloll.
piTTsmma , NOV. 3. At n o'clock to.
night the president and party hoarded thcll
i-peclnl train at Shndy Side atlon nnd lef |
for Washington where they expect to an
rive about ' . > o'clock tomorrow morning.
American Lady Corsets are iho Hunt.
Now that wo know whether wo nre a
foot or a horseback let us set back to
business We are full of business at our
store with one of the greatest piano and
organ snli's seen in this city slnct' our
wholesale clear up last spring Now it's
second hand and slightly used organs
and pianos all in good condition
.Some of them are priced like this Up
right AVeser Bros. ' piano , $71 upright
Halo & Co. piano. tfSri.OO-upright
Hush piano , ? ! ) ( > upright Hale & Co.
piano , ijillK ) upright Iliir/.o piano , $ .l-l. >
upright Kimball Mason & Ilaiullii and
Parlor Grand Kimball , half valno Ksty
organ , walnut case. $18 Storey fc Clark
line style , ? IW ICdna piano case organ
and Kimball parlor oak case half price
ICasy payments tiiep're going fast.
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
The voting Is over wilh and the
unanimous verdict Is in favor of Gor-
hnm's storllng sliver every ounce of
which Is as reliable as the sun Itself
Today we call especial attention lo Gor-
hain Sterling Sliver Toilet articles for
ladies. Tile finest line wo have ever
Hhown mirrors , brushes , combs , powder
boxes all kinds of manicure articles
new designs such as only the Gorhani
company can design and at as reason
able price * as you have to pay for good *
not neaily as handsome or perlV'ct in
other make Let us show you and judge
for yourself.
Jewelers ,
15th and Douglas St.s.
If you're looking for wall paper and
wish to know to which of the dealers
you ought to go why I would ad vine
go at once to Hoard Urotlicrs wliero
you'd see a line line far ahead of all
others Wo are not "great shakes" on
puotry but we have a stock of wall
paper so oxlenslvo In variety and low
In pvlco as to lie able lo accede to ( lie
universal demand for "homethlng very
nice for n very llttlo money. " You know
of the old axe about th proof of the
pnddlngV Follow thu crowd to our store
nnd be convinced.
Beard Brothers , Cnoic SELECTION
1410 Douglas.
Tdephonu U55 for an estimate.