Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1897, Image 1

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\ ,
Grand Old Party Wins Oat in the Buckeye
Republicans Oan Easily Organize the House
. Without Fusion.
Ono Hamilton Oounty Tns'on ' Senator May
Vote with Republicans.
Humor linn It Hint Governor lltixlmrll
Will Comrt Out IIH n. , HII -
utorlnl Cnmllilnto A
I Hnrlc llniiiin.
COLUMBUS. 0. , Nov. 3. This has been a
day < > f anxiety with the Ohio politicians. It
opened with the republicans and democrats
tooth claiming the election ot their state
tickets .and a majority f the members of lha
legislature. Before noou the democrats con
ceded the election of the republican state
( ticket by larger pluralities than \vcre given
last night In the earliest ot these dispatches
as the claims ot the republicans. Tonight
the democratic state committee announced
no definite claims on the legislature anil the
republican state committee raised Its claims
to a majority of five on Joint ballot as fol
lows : Senate 17 republicans , 19 dcmocrata.
House 58 republican , . , El democrats. Total ,
7C republicans , 70 democrats. Woods county
Iiad been conceded to the democrats until
tonight when the complete returns caused
.tie republicans to claim It.
On the returns complete at republican
Ktnto hcajquancra the democrats \vll ! have
n majority of two In the senate and the
republicans of seven In the house. Jn the
claims the fuslonlsts from Cincinnati are
oil counted as demo-Tats. The republicans
can organize the house without fusion.
.There Is only one ot the four senators
elected on the fusion ticket In Cincinnati
who is a republican and he now becomes a
factor. If Senator Volght of Cincinnati , who
is a republican elected on Jho fusion ticket ,
should vote with the republicans on the
organization of the senate or on anything
CFO ! that body will be a tie with Lieutenant
Oovcinor Joucs , republican , having the de
ciding voto. If the democrats had secured
a majority of the legislature or the fuslon-
Ssts held the balance of power It Is said
that the fuslonlsts would have voted with
the democrats. The republicans now ex
pect two or more of thn fusion republicans
to vote with them for senator , In which
went they claim a majority of seven on
Joint ballot , with seventy-seven republicans
and sixty-eight democrats. Nona of the
fusion votes for senator were counted on by
the republican managers in the event they
would be needed by the democrats to elect
their nominee , but now many speculations
are made about the fusion votes.
When It was thought today that control of
the legislature might depend upon ono vote
tbcro was apprehension of trouble In some
counties. Emissaries were sent out from
etate headquarters to close counties to watch
( ho counting. The Ohio law provides that
"not lees than ono nor more than five dajs
from the date of election the deputy state
supervisors in each county ehall begin the
ofllclal canvass of the vote and continue from
day to day till completed. " In the event of
a protracted contest In the close counties , the
ttusponse of today might have continued til'
tbo legislature met next January.
SInce the change of the claims at dem
ocratlc hcadquartcro tonight on the complex
Ion at the legislature two Important rumors
have been vigorously circulated. Ono Is tha
John It. McLean will bo pressed by the Ohio
democracy for the democratic nomination
for president In 1900 , and tlmt Senator Hanna
.Will have opposition in his own party to
election to tbo senate. It Is claimed by these
advocating McLean for the presidential nom
Inatlon that ho deserves credit for the re
ductlon of the republican plurality to Ics
than half of what It was last year , and o
tbo rcpubllcin majority In the legislatur
from SO on Joint ballot to 5.
The democrats claim that the majority o :
Joint ballot would bo five the other way 1
they had an equal chance on contests. Then
are thirty-six members ot the state scnat
and only ono or two of those districts arc e
close or doubtful as to admit of contests o
which republican senators could bo unseated
On tha other hand , there are 109 members
ot the house , In which the republicans clalr
a majority * of seven , while the democrat
have a majority ot two In the senate. An
there- are several counties so cloeo on th
vote for representatives that several seat
could bo changed In that boly. In the eel
tlemcnt ot contested scats the republican
Mould have such an advantage lu the lions
over the democrats In tbo senate that It I
not likely that the latter will bo aggressors
in that matter. And this may allow the
close margin of the republicans on Joint bal
lot for senator to go uncontrsted In any of
the close counties or before the committee
on elections In the general assembly.
ThereIB another alleged movement which
( a causing much more comment , and that
Is the rumor that Governor Iluslinell will
bo brought out for senator against Marcus
'A. ' llatina , Allen 0 , Myers , one ot the
managers at democratic state headquarters ,
announced tonight that Senator Hanna would
never bo elected to the senate on the close
Joint majority that Is claimed , although !
Hanna had been endorsed for senator by the
last republican state convention , the same as
Forakcr was endorsed by the republican
etato convention two year * ago. Mr. Myers
aid If the close call on the legislature went
apUnst the dcinocmts In the oillclal count of
ho cloio counties , that the democrats In the
legislature would Join with o dozen or more
republican members of that body In electing
Uualinell instead of Hanna to the senate.
Governor Uushncll and all others Involved
in this movement deny any knowledge of ij
or that they would have anything to do
.with It.
At both the republican and the democratic
headquarters tonight figures ore being eub-
itttulcd for the claims of last night and to-
day. Chairman McConvllle of the democratic
state committee concedes the defeat of his
ttato ticket , hut statet they have reduced
tne republican plurality of 61,000 of last
year by oy r one t U. AlthouBU others at
cmocrntlc state headquarters concede that
.ho legislature will bo republican on a close
majority of ono or more , Chairman McCon
vllle does not concede the control of that
iody to the republicans. After 11 p. m. lie
ccclvcd the claims of the republicans on the
eglfilaturo. Mr , McConvllle said the rcpub-
Icano claimed the legislature by 75 to 70.
to struck the representatives from Wood
and Noble counties from their Mat , also the
icnator from the Marlon-Logon district und
aid these three changes would make the
cglslaturo stand 73 democrats to 72 rcpub-
Icans , and he would never give cither of
hcso thrco doubtful members up until the
official count was completed. He also con-
cots the election of two of the twelve mem
bers from Cuyahoga county , which would
make the legislature stand 75 democrats > ind
0 republicans. Chairman McConvlllo says
ho believes the democratic representatives
ivcro elected In thrco other counties which
10 does not \\ant to name pending Invcstlga-
lon of alleged frauds. He charges frauds
n Noble and Wood counties and In the
Marlon-Lopin district.
ID the event of the republicans securing
lie legislature on as rlcse a margin as is
now claimed by them and not conceded by
he dcii'ocrats , Chairman McConvllle predicts
hat 'Senator Hanna will secure the caucus
nomination but fall ot election , as did Dr.
Godfrey 'Hunter ' at Frankfort , Ky. , last win-
er , and that the session of the Ohio leglala-
urc the coming winter would break the
cccrJ for factional fighting and disturbances
f the scrslon nf the Kentucky legislature
ast winter. There are reports tonight that
crlaln antl-Hanna republicans and demo-
ratio managers have had conferences for n
ornblno to bring out another man If Gov-
nsor Hushncll refuses to allow the use of
'his ' name for senator.
At republican state headquarters tonight
he list of the districts arc given , ln > which
t Is claimed that the republicans have 17
11(1 ( the democrats 19 ; The only district dis
puted by the democratic managers Is that
nhlch Includes Marlon and Logan counties ,
and which would make the senate stand 1C
cpubllcans to 20 democrats. The republicans
concede that the democrats will have two
majority IPJ the eenato and that no "ripper"
bills reorganizing the cities or any municipal
loarda can therefore bo passed. The rcpub-
Icans claim that the organization of the
senate depends upon the attitude of Senator
Vclght of Cincinnati , who Is a fusion repub-
The republican state committee claims that
ho two representatives from Summit county
are the only ones in doubt tonlv'i : and that
ho returns show the house to stand fifty-
eight republicans , forty-nine democrats mid
wo doubtful , and that in their claims of
5 to 70 , with a majority of five on Joint bal-
ot for senator , they have so far conceded
Summit county to the democrats , although
hey expect the ofllclal count to give them at
cast one of the two representatives from that
The republicans clalitt the election of
representatives from the following counties :
Adams and Pike , Carroll and Harrison ,
Qcauga and Lake , Ashtabula , Athens , Belmont -
mont (2) ( ) , Champaign , Clarke (2) ( ) , Clinton ,
Columbians , Cuyahoga (9) ( ) , Delaware , Erie
Fayettc , Fulton. Oallla , Greene , Guernsey ,
Hancock , Highland , Huron , Jackson , Jeffer
son , Lawrence , Loraln , Madison , Mahonlng
(2) ( ) , Medina .Mclgs , Miami , Montgomery (2) ( ) ,
Morgan , Musklngum , Noble , Portage , Preble ,
Ross , Scloto , Stark (2) ( ) , Trumbull , Union ,
Warren , Washington , Williams , Wood ; total ,
The following counties are conceded by
the republican state committee to the dem
ocraU : Hocking and Vlnton , Marlon and
Morrow , Allen , Ashland , Auglalze , Brown ,
Butler , Clermont , Coshoctcm , Crawford ,
Darkc , Defiance , Falrfleld , Franklin (3 ( ; Ham
ilton (10) ( ) ; Hardln , Henry , Holmes , Knox ,
Licking , Logan , Lucas (2) ( ) ; Mercer , Monroe ,
Ottawa , Pauldlng , Perry , Plckaway , Putnam
Richmond , Sindusky , Seneca , Shelby , Tusca-
rawas , VtnWert , Wayne , Wyandotte. Total
SPRINGFIELD , 0. , Nov. 3. Governor
Bushncll arrived homo this evening. On
learning ot his return an Impromptu parade
was Immediately formed and headed by a
band marched to the Bushnell mansion
Hero a thousand citizens crowded on the
lawn and were addressed > by the governor
from the front porch. Ho thanked them for
their cordial greeting and said the victory
was significant as It Is the second time In
thirty years that Ohio has gone republican
on the first election after a presidential
election. He believed the result wll Increasi
confidence and glvo greater activity In bus
tness. Ho concluded by paying that Ohio wll
sound the keynote of national politics for
the next ten years. After tbo speech a dls
play of fireworks was made on Fountain
The republican state committee has com
plete returns from eighty-six counties to
night on the vote on the state ticket and th
other two counties of the state , Stark am
Vlnton , are estimated. In giving the plural
Itles by counties the plurality for Bushnol
for governor and the rest of the republican
state ticket la placed at 26.S20. The plurallt
In Ohio last year was 51,109 , Hamilton coun
ty gave McKluley last year a plurality o :
19,740 , and it gave Ilnshnell , republican , till
year a plurality of only 1,510 , a republlca
loss In that county of 18,230 , while th
republican less In the whole state o
pluralities la 24,589. Chairman Nash say
thcro wcro factional troubles In other cltle
I than Cincinnati , notably Columbus and Tolo
| do , and that the rainy weather and otlie
reasons caused an unusually large stay-at
homo voto. He states that the ofllclal coun
will show that the vote was much smalle
In the rural districts than expected , an
withal that the republicans carried man
counties than were carried' last year on th
presidential vote. Whllo the republican
carried Hamilton county by 1,510 on th
state ticket they lost their county tickc
Including fourteen members of the leglsla
turo. by several thousand ,
The republicans clajm that their leglslatlv
ticket suffered defeat In Hamilton county bo
cause of the fear by the reform republican !
or the fualonlsts that a strong republlca
legislature would reorganize Cincinnati 01
to me of Its municipal boards and take from
Mayor Tafel , democrat , recently elected a
a fuslonlst , some of the powers of his cilice
The democrats state that the result In Cln
clunatl und other cities was duo to the feel
lug against bosses , of whom Senator Hann
was considered the chief , and to factloua
fights that will bo carried Into the next ses
slon of the legislature on the selection o > f
senator atid other matters , Free silver '
freely discussed by Bryan and others In th
campaign , but neither national nor etate Is
BUCK cut much of a flgure. The most prom
luent USUD waa Hanna.
CINCINNATTI. Nov , 3.-Thc four repub
Heap * selected Oq the fusion ticket for th
( Continued on Second I'age. )
London Editors Siza Up the Situation in
Greater Now York.
-Mont ( lf Tlioni SIM > Nothing Hut Kill
In ( lieItiMiirn of Tnnimnny to
. Power In the Me-
, , tronollN. I
( Copyright , 1897 , by Press Publishing Company. )
LONDON , Nov. 3. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) It la no ex
aggeration to say that London has been
more alaorbed In Now York's mayoralty
election than It ever has been In the choice
of Its own iJrd mayor. Tammany's victory
having been consistently predicted by New
York correspondents of London papers It
came as no surprise and the event was
made the occasion of preaching Innumerable !
homilies on the degradation of municipal
lite In Now York.
| As usual , Mr. Astor's paper takes the
loftiest British attitude ot all Its rivals. It
saya : "Under the circumstances It Is per
missible to say that we manage these af
fairs In a more satisfactory manner In Lon
don. With us such an organization as Tam
many hall could not exist and a man or a
body of men who had once been proven
guilty of corruption could never return to
power. Tammany , under the leadership of
Richard Crokcr , has done so In a manner
that must afford food for serious thought
even in a city so accustomed to bad gov
ernment as New York is. "
The Westminster Gazette says : "This
victory for unprincipled government ob
tained by unprincipled methods Is , it must
bo confessed , a grave disappointment to
all who believe In free Institutions. New
York , from Its cosmopolitan character , Is
hardly typical ot the United States as a
wh le , perhaps ; but we could have wished
that the greatest city of the greatest re
public had shown a keener sense ot whal
civic life should mean. Having made Its
bed New York will for the next four yearo
have to He upon It and 'the only thing for
us to do Is to wish Seth Low and his 150,000
supportcis better luck next time In .their
campaign against a system wMch , to us out
siders at least , seems absolutely Intolerable. "
From Inquiries made In business and
financial circles I gain the Impression that
Tammany's regained ascendency will react
Injuriously on International commercial re
lations. The opinion seems to widely pre
vail in the city of Londn that when New-
York consents to again place Itself under
the yoke of Richard Croker there Is no rea
son why , In 1900 , free sliver may not gain
the day , causing financial chaos and devasta
tion. Tammany's victory , In fact. Is re
garded as a symptom of the general unrest
In the United States , apprehension of which
has so signally checked Investment In
American securities.
The Sun of this city , of which newspaper
Harry Marks has editorial control , says :
" The dog returned to his vomit , ' Is the
text wo recommend pious New York to hang
on parlor walls. The chief city of a great
people must see its municipal offices filled
with men who should be filling cells In the
penitentiary. New York hao fallen like rot
ten fruit into the hands of the boodlers , but
New Yorkers may console themselves with
saying that every city as every land has the
government it deserves. "
The Evening News remarks : "Croker has
brought off his tip and won the race , show
ing that he Is more to < be feared in hla rut
ural arena of politics than on the race course ,
The population of the second greatest city
In the world has elected Its ruler and the
morning after election the problems occupy
ing his mind did .not relate to the govern
ment of the city , but rewarding his support
ers. The experiment ot democracy as seen
In New York seems to have its drawbacks
as well as Its advantages. "
The St. James Gazette thinks : "Tho rea
son Americans allow themselves to be donv
inated by a clique whose leading members
would on this sldo ot the Atlantic sooner or
later find themselves In the criminal dock ,
lu that American politicians indulge In poll
tics solely for what they can make out o
them , pad until America finds time to pro
duce a class who will give their time to pub
lie affairs , as here , without expectation o
pecuniary reward , Tammany will continue It
victories In New York. "
Commenting on the allegation that th
"best classes" hold aloof from politics , th
Globe says : "It leaves the government of on
of the greatest of countries In the worl
at the mercy of a mob and of an unscrupulou
demagogue , who knows how to bend th
mob to his will. The effort upon the forelg
policy of the country Is often deplorable. Tha
largo numbers of decent , sensible people ari
utterly vithout sympathy with the brus
queries of Olney and the fatuities of Slier
man , we all know , but unhappily they utterl
fall to make their voices heard above the dl
of the New York slums. "
The Morning Post says : "Tammany'i
enormous majority leaves no doubl
that ( ho rumor of an arrangement bo
twecn Croker and the republicans was wcl
founded. The Citizens' union deserves al
sympathy for Its splendid fight. Mr. Lou
gave the republicans an opportunity the ;
may never bavo again. History abous tha
one party Is qulto us unscrupulous as th
other , and what Is still more Important , I
shows there Is considerable public spirit I
the new community. "
The Dally Telegraph says : "Mr. Croker
may sleep better unbaunted by the nlg'ht-
mare of Indictments and prospects of the
penitentiary. It Is a great victory for the
most corrupt organization In the .world , and
we hesitate to except even Turkey , 'But an
analysis of the figured and the statements
tend to show that It belongs to that class :
of triumphs of which Pyrrhus said ; 'Another ;
such victory and I am undone. ' The election (
of Mr. Low would have been decisive. The
election of Judge Van Wyck la only on epi I-
sode jn the campaign that Is Just beginning ,
The Citizens' union. Is indeed beaten , ' but
Its defeat la of a nature that promises vic
tory In the not remote future. "
With reference to Mr. Croker's manifesto
after the election , the Dally Telegraph's
editorial page says : "How pleasantly theeo
delicate euphemisms will sound to the saloon
keepers and the proprietors of dliorderly
houses. "
The Globe ays : "When the fortunes of the
wigwam arc In the ascendant shameless cor
ruption reigns supreme. Judge and police alike
ewe secret allegiance to to authority with
far greater power * of making or marring
their fortune ) ) than the government ot the
United States. "
Sketching Iho history of the Tammany
society , tbo Globe adds ; "When Croker be
came boss It had regained njueh of Its lost
nflucncc. Crokcr Is perhaps the most notable
Yimmany product of our tltrje. A splendid
Tganlzcr and an IndomitnBlo worker , he
osscssos to a marked degres'tlie taciturnity
nd aloofness which mode Porncll eo success-
ul a leader. Steering clear 6 ( the personal
cnalttlcs of Tweed , Crokcr has revived the
thcr traditions of that worthy regime and
ins made Tammany onto more a political
nglno of the first magnitude.1'
BERLIN , Nov. 3. The Taggeblatt , com
menting on the New Yorjc election , deplores
he victory of Tammany , as "It places the
undesirable elements of the Irish on top , "
rwl concludes : "The ( Victory In Greater
Mew York will have a sinister effect throngh-
> tit the country , for It means that the
iWakcnlng desire for municipal reform has
erched a terrific setback. "
The Vosslsche Zcltung says : "It cannot be
lenleJ that corruption has triumphed. "
The Lokal Anzclger courts that It sym
pathizes with "all honest people on the side
Tammany's adversaries. "
Thu National Zeltung 'gays ' : "It Js small
ivonder that the republicans were defeated.
George's adheroDts evidently re-flocked to
ho Tammany banner. The failure to defeat
" 'ammany Is a point scored .against thoWash-
ngton administration. "
PARIS , Nov. 3. The Temps In Its com
ments on the Greater New York municipal
election says : "The result of the election Is
deplorable for Now Yorlf [ and tbo cause of
democracy. "
i.onn MAVIS enisiicr * 6..M3v vouic
) r. I'nrUliiirnt I2nttatcH | on tinI.tick
of .Moral Cc.nlUN.
.Copyright , 1S07 , by PreHH 'iSttillshlns Company. )
PARIS , Nov. 3. ( New York World Cable-
; mm Special Tclegram.'i ' Dr. Parkhurst
made the following ( statement on Tammany's
rlumph today : ' V
"If New York has not moral genius enough
to keep out of Tammany's clutches after
: iavlng been once rescued from them may
: ho Lord havb mercy on New York. Rcpub-
Ican votes have restored Tammany to power
and upon the men who castUhem will devolve
he responsibility for jobbery and vandalism
n the next four jcars , and don't let us
forget It. New York will not become a re
spectable city until Us clergy are so pos-
ised of the spirit of the old prophets as to
bo prepared to put governing pressure upon
secular events until the press becomes BO
distinctly and unwaveringly 'the ' exponent of
unmarketable truth as to command the confi
dence of the reading public until reputable
citizens ara sufficiently wedded to righteous
ness as to bo willing tosacrlflco political
fetiches to the Interest of general decency
and Integilty.
Sny tin * .V vrv Yorlc Election HitH Xo
NDW YORK , Nov. 3 > y7leturns from the
state and city elections veceived today do
not change the result anr/j ced by the As
sociated press early last nttfat. < . Returns from
all the icountles In the utate'tndlcate a plu
rality of more thal < 58.000' foK"Alt6nlD.
Parker , democratic candidate for chief Judge
of the court of appeals , i His plurality In
Greater New York Is 133,053.
Van Wyck- Tammany 'candidate fop mayor
of New York , has 81,548 plurality over Seth
Low and 118,401 over General Tracy. The
state legislature remains republican. The
senators , holdovers and the now house of
assembly stands 85 republicans to CS demo
crats. Ten of the newly elected republican
assemblymen are said to bo antl-Platt. In
the present senate the republican majority
is 30 ; In the house , 78.
The special election In the Third con
gressional district , Brooklyn , resulted In .1
victory for Edtnond H. Drlggs , democrat , over
William A. Prendergast , republican , by nearly
2,000 majority. Last yearrFmncls Wilson ,
republican , was elected in this district by
more than 7,500 plurality. Ho resigned to
bceomo pcfltmastcr'of Brooklyn. Prcndergast
suffered because of the bitter fight between
the republican factions' lu Brooklyn.
Chauncey M. Dcpew , > who supported Tracy ,
said today that the election ' resulted just
as he feared It uould.rc made the best
possible fight , but the hope of victory against
Tammany with the anti-Tammany forces
divided Is almost futile. The wonderful
showing made by Mr. Lojv Is surprising , to
say the least.
"Those who are Inclined _ to view this elec
tion In New York city as being of national 1
significance are away 'oft' ' In their reckoning.
New York Is a cosmopolitan- . The Inhab
itants of London are neariyall English , the
people of Berlin arc German ; solidly , the
people of Paris arc nearly all French. New
York has only about 20 per cent of Amer
icans that Is American 'born people. The
re > st are from Europe and all parts of the
world. And they retain the habits , lan
guage and characteristics of their native
"The election Issue in New York has no
national significance , but with an alarming
falling off of the republican vote In the
state , with heavy losses In New Jersey , Ohio
and other states , the republican party la
confronted with the Incontrovertible truth
that Dryanlam and bimetallism are not dead.
It warns them that thYsymust take steps
at once and emphatically to settle this cur
rency question beyond any hope of reopenIng -
Ing It. " _ ' , (
j _
at cjiuuttu siniumi nxiiiiti-
' lion of Tluiuxdlvi'M.
DULUTH , Minn. . Nov. ? Captain Alex
McDougall , general mariagijr of the Ameri
can Steel liargo company , Is In receipt of 't
letter from Cnp'ain L. Larerg , master of
the iwbaleback steamship falty of Everett ,
which sailed last summer'from San Fran-
J cisco for Calcutta with o cargo of food for
I I the famine sufferers of 'India. The letter
Is a long one and Is dated fat Calcutta Sep-
j tember 18. In It .Captalnf'Laverg charges
| that English officials at Calcutta received
| the famine supplies without enthusiasm.
. The pilot came aboard thq'Glty of Everett
i when It approached Calcutta , told the cap-
tain that ho would have' ' done better < o have
Ibrought a cargo of rapid flrjng guns with
which to kill off the Indian .population In
stead of food.
Captain Laverg says the City of Everett
was treated ehimefully 'a ' ( Calcutta by the
government and that the treatment seemed
especially out of place , | r > view of the pres
ence of the vessel as representing the gen
erosity and humanity of the American people.
There was oothlngon _ whicha _ claim for
dues could bo exacted ( bat was pot enforce ,
and the offlclils finding , after ransacking the
papers ot the ship , that the officials at Sing
apore bad exempted | heblp from some light
dues , promptly enforced them. The claim
was made that tbo governor at Singapore
had no authority to exempt the ehlp from
paying any dut . Before Iwvlng Calcutta
the English official * even looted on the pay.
meat of due * ( or the s'Hp's tore ,
Returns from the Etato Indicate Borao
Startling Changes.
.Sulllvnn 1' Klrctcil , tint 111"
Iicntl Over 1'oit IN ( irpntly Ho-
ilnccil from the I'lnrnll- I
tli-n f 1HIIO.
Returns from the state are still delayed ,
but those nt hand Indicate that the rcpubllcar.
candidate for supreme Judge has made ma
terial gains. It Is not likely that these will
be sufficient to wlpo out the lead of nearly
22,000. but Judge Sullivan If elected will
have to be contrnt with a plurality very
much smaller than cither Mr. Uryan or Gov
ernor Holcomb had In J896. Forty-six
counties In which the count has been com
pleted exclusive ol Douglas and Lancaster ,
glvo Sullivan a plurality ot 6,300. The
changes since 1S9G shown by the vote are
startling. Thd returns received by wire up
to the hour of going to press are :
Stilll- lineHoi -
County. 1'ost. van. Coll. comb.
Hlnlne ! > SI " 7 < >
Uoone 'l.OTfl 1,2)5 ) 1,012 l.ISl
Hoyil .MS 512 471 CU
( Huffnlo l.Go' ' ) 2.1TO 1C' 7 2.4M
Hllller . , ; 1,253 l,8 a 1.15S 2,277
Cass 1,744 1,737 2.411 2,417
Cedar 250 S3 1,470
Cheyenne 475 40 ! 407 Sll
Clay 1,491 1.SI7 lr.3 ( ! 1.7TO
Cumlng l.O.'U 1,597 1,151 1,760
Dakota 57. ! CGG B7.1 S63
D.lWHOIt 1,120 1,473 1,063 1,418
IJotlno l.r.Gl 1.79S 2tfl8 2,203
Uouglns 9,010 7,877 11,474 12,071
nilliclv 247 252 268 2S
Franklin 751 1,010 .02 1,048
Frontier Ki 82ii 749 1,010
Hall 1.CS4 1.5S1 1.S20 1 S74
Hnrlan 717 1 , . ' 6 797 1,142
Hitchcock 41.2 529 400 491
Howard 73J 1,114 C41 1,231
Kearney 371 811 11G3
Kcya Pahu 241 . " 02 174 291
Knox fi71 1,245 9Vi 1,591
JfrfTcrson 1,52.1 1,502 1,517 1,531
Johnson 173 1,343 1,223
Lancaster 4.C9D 42i 5,810 5,3.18
Lojran 57 S3 07 12S
Madison 1,375 1,561 lC5i I.73C
Merrlck 857 951 895 1,051
Nnnco 09.1 912 C90 937
Nemaha 1,382 1,769 1.390 1,934
Otoe 1,877 2,174 20C8 2,703
Pawnee 1,310 1,141 1.40S 1,170
Parkins 140 213 147 247
Plntto 1,0 % 2.0CO 1,186 2.206
PollJ 663 1.34S 751 1,510
Phrlps 7SI 1,106 864 1.26S
Hod Willow S91 916 915 1,003
Rock Til 231 311 212
Saumlera 1,725 2,43. ! 1.S50 2,769
Reward 1,412 1,789 1,510 1,951
Sherman 440 620 .11)1 ) ST6
Washington 1,179 1,210 1,334 1,494
Wavno S51 037 931 1,055
Valley 674 826 641 9r
Totals 53,748 60,133 61,457 74.613
I1ANNER COUNTY Wright and Harrisburg -
burg precincts give : Post , 47 ; Sullivan , 22.
DOONE COUNTY Ofllclal , complete gives :
Post , 1,079 ; Sullivan , 1,245. Last Year : Mac-
Cell , 1,012 ; Holcomb , 1,283.
BOYD COUNTY Complete , "gives : Post ,
C48 ; Sullivan , 242. Last year : MacColl , 471 ;
Holcomb , 633.
'BUFFALO ' COUNTY Complete , but not
official , gives : Post , 1,650 ; Sullivan. , 2.170.
Republicans elect sheriff. Judge and couu'y
clerk. Last year : MacColl , 1,097 ; Holcorib ,
I1UTLER COUNTY Complete : Post , 1,253 ;
Sulllvao , 1.S89. Last year ; MacColl , 1,158 ;
Holcomb , 2,27V.
CASS COUNTY Complete , gives : Post ,
1,744 ; Sullivan , 1,737. Last year : MacColl ,
2,411 ; Holcomb , 2,417.
CEDAR COUNTY The complete fusion
ticket was elected with the exception of
county clerk and commissioner. The demo
crats received five of the olllces and the
populista one. The vote Is as follows on
county ofllccrs : County clerk , Jenal , repub
lican , 1,270 ; Ankeny , fusion , 1,132 ; treas
urer , Suing , fusion , 1,295 ; Reese , repub
lican , 1,119 ; sheriff , Urown , fusion , 1,343
| Qulss , republican , 1,072 ; supeilntcndcnt ,
Ward , republican , 1,068 ; Hanabakcr , fusion ,
1,341. Sullivan cairles the county by 250
votes. Last year : MacColl , 985 ; Holcomb ,
CLAY COUNTY Complete gives : Post
1,401 ; Sullivan , 1,847. Last year : MacColl
1,536 ; Holcomb , 1,770. -
COLFAX COUNTY Schuyler , Rlchbnd
Shell Creek , Wilson , Stanton , Granf , Rogers
Maple Creek and Lincoln precincts give
.Post , 651 ; SnllUan , 1,009. Same last year
[ gave : MacColl. 528 ; Holcomb , 850.
CUMING COUNTY Complete , gives : Post
1,037 ; Sullivan , 1,697. Last year : MacColl
1,151 ; Holcomb , 1.760.
CUSTER COUNTY The ten following pre
cincts , Broken How , Custcr , Douglas , Grove ,
Garfleld , Hayes , Kllfoll , Lillian , Victoria ,
Westcrvllle , West Union and Berwyn , give
Post , 737 ; Sullivan , 772. These precincts lasi
year gave ; MacOjll , 694 ; Holcomb , 1,155 ,
The republicans elect J. A. Armour county
Jndgo by 260 majority.
DAKOTA COUNTY Complete , gives : Post
572 ; Sullivan , 666. Last year : MacColl , 573
| Holccmb , 863.
DAWSON COUNTY Complete , ghcs : Poit
1,120 ; Sullivan , 1,473. Last year : MacColl
1,063 ; Holcomb , 1,418.
DODOE COUNTY The city of Fremont
North Bead , Ragan , Pebble , Webster ,
Pleasant Valley , Ridgcley , Nlckerson , Hooper
Plattc , Cotterel and Union precincts give
Post , 1,561 ; Sullivan , 1,770 , The three pre
cincts to bo heard from will t > robably add
about thirty to Sullivan's plurality ,
The result on county officers Is mixed. J.
M. Kreader , republican , Is re-elected byjover
400 majority for sheriff ; C' , A , Manvllle , re
publican , Is also re-elected county clerk by
a good majority ; George Looschen , democrat ,
Is re-elected register of dced.i by over COO
majority. The other officers elected ate
county Judge , Waldo Winterstecn ; county
superintendent , C. 0 , Hoc ; treasurer , V. F ,
Basler ; surveyor , W. J , McVlcker ; coroner ,
Dr. M , B. Croll ; all democrat. The city
ofllcers-elect are : Supervisor , S. W. Doyd ;
aascrsor , I , P , Gage ; justices of the peace ,
A , K. Dame acid A , B , Nlnman ; constables , J ,
II. Showalter and J , F , Buckley , Winter
stecn for county judge ran way ahead of
bis ticket In this city In eplte of the strccig
light made against him. Last year ; MacCplI ,
2.098 ; Holcomb , 2,203.
DUNDY COUNTY Complete , gives ; Post ,
247 ; Sullivan , 252. Last year ; MacColl ,
266 ; Holcomb , 286.
FRANKLIN COUNTY Complete gives ;
Post , 751 ; Sullivan , 1,010. Republicans elect
country treasurer by twenty-six majority ,
populists electing the balance of the ticket by
130 majority. Last year , MacColl , 802 ; Hoi-
Comb , 1,048 , t i
FRONTIER COUNTY Complete except
Plum Creek precinct , gives ; Post , 706 ; Sulli
van , 826. Last jcar : MacColl , 74 ! ) ; Holcomb ,
FURNAS COUNTY Fourteen out of
twenty precincts give : Post , 810 ; Sullivan ,
FJLLMORB COUNTY Fourteen voting
precincts have sent la return * tbowins tbt
W nthr rorfCA t for NVbrnnkn
' . Partly cloudy ; Colder ; Northerly Winds.
1. Iltpubllrnni Win Out In Ohio.
Knglluli Comment on tlio r.loetlnin ,
Ncbrnnkit llrpubllcnm Mitke Dnntl Onln * .
DotiRlnn County llcpuilUtm rtinlnn.
S , ClmiiRcn Coming In the School llnnril.
D. Ijtnrnitrr County Indulge * In n Hlunip.
4. IMllorlnl ninl Comment.
B , l.lfo Sn\liiK Crown fur the UxponUlon ,
llntinlft T.ilor ( llTcn the Mo.
0. Council muff * Loral Matters ,
Shuxr'H Mrtjorlty In Innn 88,000.
7. llnrvnnl Itcntft Wcnlryan nt Font Unit ,
8 , Dliin Ocruldlno Again In Kthlnnco.
YrUcrVlin 111 * Telephone CnsO.
P. .Hrnmitlotml South Dnkotn Suit , t
Union 1'iiclllo niut ( lovrrnmriit Trnlllc.
llhitT TriirI Site Agiilti Iliulornnl.
City Ordered Out of It * .lull.
It. Commercial und I'lniiiii'litl NCMVK.
I' ! . ' Tire lnjn ninl u lloglo. "
TiMUlH-ruliiro tl ( o mil Inn
Hour. n.K. Hour.
f n. m IU 1 p. in 117
< > n. in It u p. m 70
7 n. in IU ; i p. m 7
N n. in II . | p. m 71
! > n. in rIM n p. in II ! )
10 n , in. . . . ' . . r.It ( I p. 111 ) | 7
11 n. m nn 7 ii. m ( ii :
m tin s n. 111 Ill
t ) p. m < W
'ollowlng vote for judge : Post , 1,121 ; Sulll-
win , 1,391. Five precincts to hear from
which will Increase Sullivan's majority to
over 300.
GOSPER COUNTY Hlghlarfl , Elk Creek
and East Muddy precincts give : Post , 69 ;
Sullivan , 129.
Union , West Muddy , Harrison and Robb
precincts give : Post , 110 ; Sullivan , 197. These
last year gave : MacColl , 122 ; Holcomb , 206.
HARLAN COUNTY Complete gives : I'oal ,
717 ; Sullivan. 1.026. Last year : MacColl ,
97 ; Holcomb , 1,142.
HALL COUN "Y Complete gives : Post ,
1.6S4 ; Kaley , 1,616 ; Dryden , 1,602 ; Sullivan ,
1,581 ; Von Fori.ll . 1.546 ; Keuower , 1,519 ;
Swltzlcr , 6 ; iMorton , 14 ; Leas , 6 ; Strong , 21 ;
Sperlock , 23 ; Whitney , 18. Last year : Mac-
Cell , 1.S20 ; Holcomb , 1,874.
Post , 402 ; Sullivan , 529. Last year : Mac-
Cell , 400 ; Holcomb , 491.
HOWARD COUNTY Complete : Post , 733 ;
Sullivan , 1,114. Last year : MacColl , 641 ;
Holcomb , 1,231.
KEARNEY COUNTY Sullivan will carry
this county by about 300. Last year Hoi-
comb's plurality was 254.
KEYA PAIIA COUNTY Unofficial , com
plete : Post , 214 ; Sullivan , 302. The re
publicans elected county treasurer and su
perintendent. All other county ofllccrs close.
Last year : MacColl , 174 ; Holcomb , 293.
KEARNEY COUNTY Sullivan's majority
371. Last year , MacColl , 911 ; Holcomb , 1,165.
KNOX COUNTY Official count , complete ,
Ivcs : Post , 971 ; Sullivan , 1,215. Last year : ,
, MacColl , 933 ; Holcomb , 1,591.
LINCOLN COUNTY : Twenty precincts out
of forty-one In Lincoln -county glvo : Post ,
79p ; Sullivan803 ,
LOGAN COUNTY Complete gives : Post ,
57 ; Sulllvdn , 90. Last year : MacColl , 67 ;
Holcomb , 128.
MADISON COUNTY Complete , gives :
Peat , 1,375 ; Sullivan , 1,564. Last year : Mac-
Cell , 1,655 ; Holcomb , 1,736.
NANCE COUNTY Nance county complete
gives : Post , 693 ; Sullivan , 942. Last year ,
MacColl , 690 ; Holcomb , 937.
NEMAHA COUNTY Complete , gives :
Post , 1,382 ; Sullivan , 1,709. Lost year : Mac-
Cell , 1,390 ; Holcomb , 1.931.
OTOE COUNTY Complete : Post , 1,877 ;
Sullivan , 2,174. The entire republican county
ticket Is elected with the exception of treas
urer. Last year : MacColl , 2,068 ; Holcomb ,
PAWNEE COUNTY Complete and of- !
clal , gives : Post , 1,340 ; Sullivan , 1,141 ;
Strong , 46 ; Swltzler , 2 ; Kaloy , 1,371 ; Dryden -
don , 1,366 ; Von Forell , 1,097 ; Kcnower ,
1,099 ; Splnlock , 45 ; Whitney , 44 ; Morton , 5
Last year : MacColl , 1,408 ; Holcomb , 1,170.
PERKINS COUNTY Complete , gives :
Post , 140 ; Sullivan , 213. Last year : MacOoll
147 ; Holcomb , 247.
PHELPS COUNTY Complete. official
gives : Post , 781 ; Sullivan , 1,106 ; Kaley , 806
Dryden , 794 ; Von Forell , 1,059 ; Kenower ,
r,049. Last year : MacColl , 864 ; Holcomb ,
PLATTE COUNTY Complete gives : Post
1,096 ; Sullivan , 2,060. Vote on regents oin-
not bo given before Saturday. Last year
MacColl. 1.186 ; Holcomb , 2,206.
POLK COUNTY Complete gives : Post ,
60S ; Sullivan , 1,348 ; Swltzler , 3 ; Strong , 2 ,
Last year : MacColl , 754 ; Holcomb , 1,510.
RED WILLOW COUNTY Complete gives
Post. 891 ; Sullivan , 936. Last year : MacColl
915 ; Holcomb , 1.003.
ROCK COUNTY Complete gives : Peat
354 ; Sullivan , 231. Last year : MacColl , 339
Holcomb , 212.
SAUNDERS COUNTY One more preelnc
to hear from , which will not material !
change the result , gives : Sullivan , 2,432
Post , 1,725 , The fusion county ticket I
elected by majorities running from 400 to 800
Last year's MacColl , 1,850 ; Holcomb , 2,709
SEWARD COUNTY Unofficial , gives : Sulll
van , 1,789 ; Post , I,4l2. For county treasurer
Redford , republican , 1,476 ; Remington , fusion
1,732 ; clerk , Work , republican , 1,478 ; Suj :
plger , fusion , 1,738 ; sheriff , Remy , republican
1.664 ; Wise , fusion , 1,657 ; Judge , Hlller ,
republican , 1,441 ; Thomas , fusion , 1,7C5 , _ Th
fusion Is to secure a majority of the hoar
of supervisors and elect most of the ton
officers throughout the county.
SHERMAN COUNTY Unofflelal , complete
gives ; Peat , 440 ; Sullivan , 620. Last year
MacColl , 391 ; Holcomb , 87C ,
VALLEY COUNTY Complete given :
671 ; Sullivan , 826. Last year : MacCol
641 ; Holcomb , 917.
WAYNE COUNTY Complete , gives : Post
851 ; Sullivan. 937 ; Strong , 10 ; SwlUlcr. C
Laat year ; MacColl , 931 ; Holcomb , 1,055.
Creek , Ilatln and Guide Rock precincts give
Post , 268 ; Sullivan , 315. Elm Creek an
Pleasant Hill precincts give Post 16 ma
jorlty ,
Ha mo
1 Precincts
SulllMao - Hoi.
Ccunty. Precincts. Post , van. Coll. comb
Adania B out Of 20 CIO CIS 657 K' '
Antelope . . . ,19 out Of 27 743 ! < OQ C9I id
Box Uutte..2 out of 12 71 IOC 74 11 :
Hurt 2 out of 17 198 M 20S 10
Hrown 4 out of 9 224 207 210 23
Chase 12 out of 15 184 JW 201 19
Cherry out of 20 W 103 101 9
Colfax out Of 12 239 OIS 2G5 tt
Cusler out of 27 a > si G2
Dawes . . . . . . .6 out of 18 340 326 373 3d
Deuel out of 12 3 31 62 21
Kurnaa . , . . , , out of 20 77 78 82 6 !
dage 6 out of 33 6SI 311 K'J 35
Garfleld . . .1 out nt G 68 SO 70 9
GoBper . . . , , ,6 out Of 11 2.i8 351 260 3S
Orunt 1 out of 3 ) . . . 63 6
Hamilton , .S out of 20 VU 439 M3 43
Halt 5 out Of 31 160 223 1U 31
Johnson . , .4 out of 9 619 37 CH [ ft
Klmball . . .2 out of A dl 21 49 61
Mcrrlck . , .5 out Of 12 367 458 4CO 41
Kuckolls . . ,6 out of 15 419 416 438 4
( Continued oa Second pgge. )
Locally the Election Was an Overwhelming
llobnko to Fusion Politics.
Bigger Majorities Thnn Have Been Awarded
the Party in Ycare ,
John McDonald Gives Tom Hector a Lesson
in Campaigning.
Whole Itciiulilloiiii Comity ami Cltjr
TlokrtN Kluctfil liy llnmlnonio
Vote i\iionttloti Iluuil *
Snfrly Currlrtt. , ,
.Mn Jorlty. .Majority.
isii : 1,1)41
llnxter. . . . a , Ul ( ! ( aior :
Ilnvrrl } ' . . . 1 ! till .M.llrl.lt2U.t " :
llftinroil. . 1 at llnrlo 81O
The republicans of Omaba and Douglas
county are congratulating tncmsolvcs on one
of the most dcclslvoavlctorles that linn over
been won by tliclr party lu > this county.
The entire county and city ticket has been
elected by tremendous majorities and even
the precinct olllecrs liavo been carried on th
triumphant wave with one or two possible ex.
ceptlons In strong ftmion localities. Wards
and precincts that have always been held as
strongholds of the fusion clement have been
successfully stormed and carrlrd bv tbo re
publican forces and nothlnc Is lacking to
make their triumph complete. The unusual
number of straight tickets that wcro voted
Is evident" In the comparatively slight varia
tions In the majorities of the republican can
didates. John McDonald IcaJfl the way with
a majority that will not be less than 3,000
and the others range from 1,400 for Helm-
rod to 2,300 for Dodwcll.
While the majority In the county for tbe
etato ticket Is excqcdod by the majorities of
Koino of the local candidates , It represents at
least 1,600 more votes than wore received
by the fuslon'caiidldates on the state ticket.
The returns Indicate a decided falling off In
districts that were supposed to bo strongly
democratic. This Is especially true , ln the
country \vbere prcclriita that gave liberal
fusion majorities last year are now on
record with clear majorities for the cntlro
republican ticket. In Omaha the ( Second
ward was the only ono which remained In the
dcmociatlc column , and even here the usual
large majority was cut down to alnitist noth
ing. Hector only carried the ward by six
teen votes. Thu republican Doaul of Educa
tion ticket ran very close to McDonald lu
this ward and even on the state ticket the
best that the democrats
could secure was a
majority of about 200.
The feature of the day was tbo manner
In which Jchn McDonald fairly walked away
with the alleged strength of his opponent.
McDonald carried every ward In the city
except the Second , every country precinct
but one , and came very near defeating Iloc4
tor in South Omaha. His victory la the moro
remarkable from the fact that every energy
of the mongrel machine had been expended
In a desperate attempt to elect Hector , no
matter \\Uat might 'become ' ot the rest ot I
the ticket. McDonald secured the full
republican vote and also those ot many
populists who refused to mvallow the dose
that bad been prepared for them by the
dark lantern deal between tbo democrat *
and silver republicans.
Mel. Redflold was also tnrcicd down moro
emphatically than his most sanguine op
ponents expected. His expectation of rcpub.
llcan support failed to materialize and be
was repudiated by hundreds of decent demo
crats. D. M. Havorly'B clean personality
and dignified campaign was endorsed by *
majority of more than 2,100 votes , * -si
The other republican candidates read their
titles to assume the duties of their respective
olllces January 1 by big majorities. Qeorgo
Hotmrod , Judge Ilaxtor , Superintendent nod-
well and Surveyor Mcllrldo wcro re-elected
just llko falling off a log. Tom Crocker
will bo register of deeds for thu next four
years , and NclsP. . Swan on will hold tbo
Inquest on the fusion corpse , A. C. Harto
will bo county commissioner from the First
district by a vote that'very narrowly es
caped being unanimous.
The republican candidates for thn Board
of Kducatlon were elected by the biggest
majorities that have been known In years.
It was a significant fact that tbo men who
had been singled out to bo defeated by a
secret combination of Individuals uho wanted
to retain their control of the affairs of the
board received the biggest majorities , H.
J , Penfold was elected by moro than 2,809
majority and Dr. Moore waa close behind
Aim. A. A. Iluchanin , J , F , Durgess. , U , F.
Thomas , for full terms , A. W. Johnson for
two yojra and Andrew Klewlt for one year
were elected by majorities that will not fall
below 1,600 in any , whllo the average
majority for the twvcn candidates wag 2,055.
The entire list of republican candidates for
justice of the peace and countable was suc
cessful by majorities that closely approxi
mate those received by thosu higher on tbe
ticket. The justices of the peace-elect are ;
Doreey D , Houck , George C. Cockrell , A. B ,
Ualdwln , William A. Foster , George A ,
Prltchardand Eben K. Long. Tue countable *
uro A. R. Hensel , William R. Learn , Wllllira
A. Hardy , Fred W. Mcdlnnls , Wllllain R ,
Adams and William P , Snowden.
The returtia ou the two bond proportion *
are not yet complete , but It U practically set
tled ( tut tne xpoiUlou bond * t&YO