Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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An Unauthcntioatod Story of the SinRular
Lifo of a Woman
Cntlirrlno Cooiiilicn , lll-Trcntril ) > r
llrr IliiNlinnil , nnrncit Her
liir an u I'nliiler Her Mcco
Wim Her "Wife. "
The very brief account which has already
appeared of Mrs. Catherine Coombcs , who
tor the past forty-three years has dressed
and worked as a man , gives but the barest
outline of a career tint will nurcly take
rank with the ( wo or three historic exam
ples of thoiio of the sex who have served
In the army and navy without their secret
bco.'inlng ' known. Hut the story , even In
Its baldest form , relates the London Tele
graph , was rcmatkablo enough to be Inter
esting to any woman , and It was In the
hope of gleaning Home further particulars
from the lips < it the heroine herself that I
wended my way the other afternoon to the
West Ham workhoiuc , In which the erst
while "Charley Wilson" has been unfortu
nately reduced to seek a temporary shelter.
The matron to whom , of course , I had to
nxplaln the object of my quest , was only
ton ready to assist It , for , as she sympathet
ically remarked the morn that could bo
known of the case the better would be the
e.hanco of securing some practical assistance
for a woman who hio fought lier own , battle
unaided , In her own way , through life ; and
slio Mndly nalj she would bring Mm.
Coombcs 'to her own room , where she could
talk more freely than In the women's day
Dressed In the slmplo uniform of the West
Ham union of blue linen. vwlth white apron
and cap upon her abort Iron-gray hair , Mrs.
Coombcs entered briskly nnd alertly , and
would certainly not have been eot down as
moro than GO yearn of age , though she Is
over C.I. She Is by no means tall , and In her
masculine garb must have appeared both
uhort and slight. Her volco sounded unus
ually deep for a woman , hut , as she explained
In nubscniicnt conversation , she had culti
vated ! ! s lowest register till she had come to
uao them habitually ; rnd oho also expresses
herself with n terseness and vigor not quite
characteristically feminine. She was not dis
posed at first to speak fully of her life , sayIng -
Ing , modestly , that to seme It might not
scum a very edifying one ; but by degrees ,
nnd with the help of a leading question or
two she unfolded her extraordinary history ,
nnd p.a she talked It became evident that she
had enjoyed considerable educational ad-
vantnges. To her possession , In fact , of
these lo due the unhappy beginning of her
life. As ahe explained , she was born at Ax-
brlJge , In Somersetshire , of comfortably clr-
cuniRtunceil parents , who aent her to the
Cheltenham Ladles' college , which , half a
century ago hold , ns It does today , a leading
T nco among girls' schools , and while there
aho was far better taught than were the ma
jority of glr ! at that time. It has open
stated that her husband was a curate but
that Is not the case. Ho wcs a schoolmaster
and n cousin ot her own , considerably her
stinlor. Thinking that her knowledge would
bo of psslstanc' ) to him In teaching , he
pressed for n very early marriage , which
proved a disastrously unhappy one , until his
efforts to live upon her parents nnd his pcr-
nonal violence to her compelled her not only
tn leave him , but to take steps to prevent
his ever finding her again.
Then It was that the problem of existence
prcBnntc > J Itself to her In Its plainest form.
There were not the "openings for women"
five-and-fcrty years ago that there are today ,
and , to putItIn lier own words , shn tuxv
thai the cholcq lay between a man's clothes
and labor nnd destitution. She elected the
former , and but for an accident would prob
ably have carried her secret tr > her death bed.
She succeeded In effecting an outward trans
formation In humble lodgings at a nirmlrs-
liam coffee house. Her next step was to find
work , and she started as a learner Inf the
bouse painting trade at 4 shillings n w'eek.
IIor aptitude soon showed Itself , and after
three weeks this modest remuneration was
ra'acd until In a few months sjho 'Was ' able
to earn "a living wage. " In the earlier days
of her career she worked n great deal In
Yorkshire , and bore her part In the Internal
decorations of many of thefinet , mansions of
the landed nnd tilled people there. I Inter
rupted her narrative to ask If she haJ never
felt afraid In these times ot some gesture
or Inadvertent speech that would 'betray ' her
to her "mates , " and ber answer showed how
well Hho turned the power of observation to
account. "I Knew 1 must never lapse Into
carelessness , " she said , "and how little tt
would take to give mo away , from a very
small episode.Ve had had our luncheon
wl'llo.we were ilecoratlng a fine house , and
the gardener , thinking to glvo us a treat ,
brought In a basket of choice apples. Ho was
In a hurry , however , and to those at the
further end"of the hall he threw the apples ,
anl a young boy sitting down , who , I sup
pose had been In the habit of wearing aiv
apron at his work , extended his knees apart
lo make lap Inwhich to patch the fruit.
There wao an old Yorkshire foreman close
bcsldo him. who at once laughed nt the boy
nnd said , 'Yon lad's learnt how f wenches
play. ' I had played cricket , so t know how
to catch mine , but I did not forgot the les
son. " "Charley Wilson"went twlco to Paris
on special Jobs for "his" employers , ard had
an exceedingly good offer on ono occasion to
go to America.
Perhaps the most remarkable fact of this
woman's business capabilities was her em
ployment for over thirteen years by the
Peninsular nnd Oriental company. It Is with
considerable pride that she mentions that ,
with the exception of the last two or three
ships built , there la not a vessel In that
stately Heet which cannot show her handi
work. She had a largo share In the redccora-
tlon of the saloon of the Homo after the big
alterations that were made In her hull for
her Improvement. Tlio ornamentation of the
music saloons of the Victoria , the Ocoina
anil the Arcadia , which are especially elab
orate and rich , was almost entirely carried
out by her In enameling , and thla , It should
bo added , Is rather a distinct branch of the
painter's craft , for , as she eays , "a ship's
painter may paint a house , hut a mere house
painter cin't paint a ship. " During her en
gagement with the linn who did this work
for the company , and subsequently when the
Peninsular and Oriental company did Its own
painting , she enjoyed a particularly good
character for her punctuality In arriving at
her work In the morning.
"Hut how did you bring yourself to talk
as men talk when they are alone ? " I asked ,
"Well , ycu see , " she answered , "I never
mixed with them. From the first I saw my
safety would llu In maintaining a rather
proud , rather 'stand-off' demeanor. My work ,
I may wy without vanity , was ao good that
that uos my claim to the master's notice ,
Tlio men wondered a little who I could bo
that clicao to keep BO much to myself , and
BO they dubbed mo 'the gentleman painter. ' "
Aa Mrs. Coombps talked It was easy to see
that Bbe held strongly religious and devout
opinions , though without any oatontntlcii or
tendency to obtrude them , and In this way ,
ton. she could favo herself from ofTenst * .
"I have often , " eho continued , "had to speak
my mind out straight when a mm working
under mo has been lazy or careless , but 1
can safely lay I have never used a blasphe-
tnoiiB word or an expression that would be
Jirrlng on a woman's lips. And as far as
talk about mo went , I never hesitated lo
show that I dUllked coarse and Irreverent
and vulgar language. My mates soon learned
this , and would often siy , if It seemed likely
Til hi'
0 !
to drift offensively far In that direction-1
'Kre , stow that. Charley Wilson's by , and
'o Vites that sort o * stuff. ' " learning such1
good -wages ns she did she could llvo In
comfort , and had a nice llttlo house In Camden -
den Terrace , near the Victoria docks. Two
psople , however , know her secret , coo being
her mother , who , though bitterly regretting
that her daughter should have regarded It
noccasary to assume the disguise , never said
an unkind word to her on the subject ; and
the other was a niece , who for two and
twenty years kept house for lier , and was
believed by all the neighbors to bo "Charley
Wilson's wife. " It was a very quiet and respectable -
spectablo street , and her little garden and
several cage birds were her chief recreation
and pleasure and a constant source ot ad
miration In the district.
"Again , as you say you were sent often
to the country on Johj , how did you manage -
ago for lodgings ? " I Inquired.
"Now that I look bick , " nho answered , "It
docs ficoni remarkable that I have never
once found It Inevitable to sleep In the same
room with a man. I used to go to fcottagca
rather than to public houses , for , though
I have never been a teetotaler , the accom
modation ot the village Irci U often very ob
jectionable. Ono time when I was on some
work In , South Kensington , I met a man I
had known , and ho said , 'Charley , old chap ,
there's a first-rate thing pome of us are
going down to. It's near West Grlnstead
the whole ot Sir William Uurrcll's mansion
to bo decorated , and there's a vacancy still. '
I hesitated a little , but It seemed a good
thing , so I offered myself and went. We all
got down there , nnd while they were sitting
round their lunch I strolled out , saw a nice
old fellow smoking over a gate , and said :
'Know where I could get room ? I'm hero
for the painting of the big house. ' 'Ucn't
know as we couldn't do with you ourselves , '
and ho took mo In and showed mo a clean
and comfortable room , which I Immediately
engaged , and , fearing lest any ot my com
panions would want to share It , I said I
would have 'my wife' down also and my
niece ; and I bad as healthy and comfortable
n summer In the country as you could have
wished. "
About two years ago Mrs. Coombcs' niece
suddenly left her , and , womanlike , she fretted
very much In private over this. As she said ,
her llfo was a strangely Isolated one , nml
she loved her young relative very dearly. It
was altogether a biowl to her to bo deprived
of this ono bit of family affection , and she
lost heart nnd nerve In consequence. WorkIng -
Ing nt Kingston In the summer , she fell from
a scaffolding and fractured some ribs. She
made a good recovery , but no suspicion oven
then was tulsed as to her sex hy the doctor
who set them nnd attended her , any more
than It had been when &ho fell down a ship's
hatch and fractured her kneecap. On this
occasion , however , the doctor had said one
day : "What curiously small hands you have
for a man , Wilson. " Looking , too. at them ,
well formed , and even white. It Is almost a
wonder that these never did raise any In
quiry. Hut her savings were soon exhausted ,
and , for the past few weeks , work was un
obtainable. For two days and two nights
this brave-hearted woman tramped the
streets with no more than a halfpenny roll
to cat , and at last she was fain to seek the
shelter of the workhouse. She clung to u
hope that somehow she might evade the
compulsory stripping , hut It was Impossible ,
and feminine modesty revolted even to yield
ing up the secret she had kept S3 long.
"Hut I ihope I shall not have to stay here
long , " she pitcously slid. "My eyesight is
not as good as tt watt , and I fear I shall not
bo able to undertake high-class painting
work again ; but I could act as caretaker , I
could keep a lodge , and should be very thank
ful If I could hear of any position ot trust.
I am doing my best while I am hero , nnd
the matron Is very kind to me , giving me
only some stockings to dam and sheets to
hem , Instead of sending mo to scrub or
wash. And I feel very uncomfortable In
these clothes , though you would not find me
wanting any Jialf-and-half 'bloomers' it I
can't bavo my old coat nnd trousers , " ehe
added , with a bright laugh. "Yes , " she
said. In answer to a further question still ,
"I have friends among the men I've .worked
with whom I've helped when times have
been good with me and bad with them , and
I really wish you could have seen my meet
ing hero with that man , " pointing to n
painter who was busy with brush anj pot
at the front door of the matron's quarters.
"IIo could onlyi gasp , and say 'Charley Wll-
eon , aa I'm alive ! AVell , that beats all ! nut
If you'd come to me and told mo how It was
I wouldn't bavo said anything outside , only
shouldn't have In hero ' "
you como to this.
Is It too much to hope that sonio kind hand
will bo stretched out to help this remarka
ble woman to end her days in quiet and
away from anxiety , or that some gentle lady
may find her a. post after the storm and
stress of more than forty years of Isolation
from the friendship and the sympathy which
women hold so dear ?
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money It It falls to
cure. 25n.
.V Itculini of I'l-nimylvnilla KxcltccI 1 -
a Story of 11 lllnHiilioiiit-r'N Kate.
A number of newspaper reporters la the
Schuylklll valley have been busy for the
past week trying to discover the origin of < \
story which hundreds of country people
have 'bcca ' repeating In various forms and
with entire good faith. The story turned up
first whom It , was brought to Flcetwood , Pa. ,
by a reputable and trustworthy man , wlfo
LMIUO down from Schuylklll county to have
his thresher repaired. Ho said the ctory
was told to him by trustworthy people four
miles above Tamaqua.
The ntory was this : A gunner and a com
panion went to the mountain In search of
game and It began to sprinkle. The rain so
angered the gunner that ho 'began to blas
pheme angrily , cursing the Deity , and finally
threatening to shoot the Almighty. In the
lielght of his profanity ho was suddenly
C'lrlckon rigid on the spot. For days and
daja tlio dead msn stood there , his body
being propped up by the gun which rested
on the earth , the muzzle being clutched In
the gmsp of the nun. who had held It con
vulsively In hs ! death throes. The man's
companion experienced a tremendous heat
and rushed away just In tlmo to escape
suffocation. The story added that no ont
could get near the stricken gunner owing
to the heat which still prevailed. This ) story
was repeated over and over again la a terri
tory extending twenty-five miles , and hun
dreds of persons were finally Inquiring about
It. Many Insisted that It was true. A half-
doztni persons started for the coal regions
at once to look at the stricken man , and
people are still talking about his fate ,
Another version of the tile csmo from the
bleak hills near Iloyertown , below Reading ,
U wao to the effect that a farmer was about
doing some outdoor work , but was retarded ,
owing to the rain. This so angered him that
he seized n gun , ran out , took aim , and fired
two thola skyward , excMlmlng that no'd
shoot the Almighty If dear enough. The
story went that thcr man was Instantly
turned Into red hot stone and stood there
as n monument of warning to all blasphem
ers. The story wao circulated over an arja
of fifty miles by farmers , truckers , huck
sters , and nwrket people. Inquiries came by
the hundreds asking If It was true. PeopU
would not take any ordinary denial on gen
eral principles as definitely settling the mat
ter. Finally reporters on bicycles and on
foot covered the hills from end to end and
brought back the news that there wao noth
ing In the story , and that nothing had oc
curred cm which to found It. The story was
simply r tale told la the gloaming for want
of something better to talk about.
Read "Simon Dale" in The Sunday Dee.
If you don't take It. subscribe now.
Tlif rrocmB ttf Kllmliintlon.
Washington Star : "I have Just seen the
man you are looking for , " sold the excited
citizen to the detective.
"Where ? "
"In the suburb where I reside. "
"I am much obliged to you. " replied the
defective , us IIP took out n. map ami crossed
off a space on It.
"Are you not colnt" to send a man out
there ?
"There would bo no use of thnt. Ho la
top Binart to stay In the sumo plnco long.
Still , your Information helps some It
points out n pot where wo can be pretty
suru the criminal Is not. "
IlrtllHli "Hull. . "
An English newspaper has collected some
amusing typographical crroru. Mr. Asqullh
once referred to the government's "pique 01
temper ; " the reporter wrote "peacock tern-
per , " A speaker at Exeter hall , replying
to n ttck. s d It w g a double lle ! n
the shape ot bill -truth. . " wUlcb. by the
; Ingenuity of the reporter , appeared an n
j "double eye In the nhapo of half a tooth.
Lord Russell , the thru canon of Whidsor ,
had bscn trying , bo said , for forty years to
cure drunkards by maklnB them drink In
moderation ; the local newspaper hud It that
ho had been trying for forty years to drink
In moderation , but had never once suc
ceeded. Sir Jamw Grant , tn a ppeech In
the CanadUn House of Commons , once re
ferred to a man's thorax ; when In print It
read "a man's pickaxe ; " nnd on another
occasion his reference to "food for tha
gods , " appeared "food for the cods. " In
setting up a speech of Sir Henry Irving
the compositor made "many journeys In
small boats" read "weary journeys In small
boote. "
Many flint Are \Vortliy of a Sonnet
Tlu-lr I'M ft In IIM i' .
"Though net , porhape , directly concerned
In the expression ot love , " says Henry T.
Flnck In 'the Detroit iFreo Press , "tho eye
brow Is not to ho underrated. "
On first thought It aooms ridiculous wor
ship of unimportant detail to write , as
Shakespeare makes the lover , a "ballad to
his mistress' eyebrows , " but there nro
many eyebrows worthy of a Bonnet , though
literature bo uadly deficient In praise ot
them. Dark , silken curves , delicately pen
ciled , are as necessary to beauty and as
worship-worthy ns flno eyes ; Indeed , flno
eyes are often spoiled by coarse , misshapen
brows , while ordinary oycs are redeemed
from ugliness by flnoly shaped ones. The
haunting expression ot Ellen Terry's face
would be Impossible unaided by the won
derful Individuality ot her eyebrows.
Realizing their power to change the facial
appearance , the Chinese shave their brows
to a thin , oblique line , which glveo their
small , dull eyes a more wideawake appear
ance and the Japanese women spend as much
tlmo and thought upon curving , scenting
and blacking their eyebrows as an artist
upon Inlaying the border of a cloisonne vase ;
while such treatment spoils the Individuality
of the eyebrow It produces a uniform beauty
of shipo which has become a national char
Orientals have Indolently curved , volup
tuous , dark eyebrows In keeping with their
thoughtless natures , whllo the Germans have
light , bushy nnd low brows , befitting n na
tion of profound thinkers.
The heavy black brows ot the women of
nrlttnny nro serloun detractors of beauty ;
such brows , denoting n ruggcdncss of ni-
turo nnd a passionate endurance , must be
admired more for the characteristics they
portray than their loveliness.
Persons with refined , high-strung , emo
tional natures usually have elcnder , iirched
or curved brows. The eyebrows of the poet
Shelley were delicate and highly arched.
Such brows are Intensely feminine , most
women having arched brows to a greater or
less degree , nnd they Indicate the lack of
practical powers and the absence of deep
thought. They nrc hieroglyphics of charac
ter and temperament as well ns .things of
beauty. Those of Mine , do Pompadour were
exquisitely curved ; the extravagance of her
nature and ber pleasure-loving disposition
were Indicated by the sweeping up of the
Herder calls arched eyebrows the rainbows
cf peace , because If they are stmlghtened by
a frown they portend storm. Some eyebrows ,
however , appear to frown continually , though
they portend not storms , but Indicate mental
Straight brows are masculine and when low
and projecting denote discernment and less
directly reflection ; ns- certain muscl'es arc
used In order to adapt the eye to the object
examined , the eyebrows ore thus depressed
when any object Is closely examined , and
hence persons reflecting are by association
led thus to employ the muscles of the eye
brows when no particular object Is before
them. Soldiere , physicians , scientists , nat
uralists and mechanics have low , bushy ,
straight brows and women with such eye
brows have masculine traits of character ,
with thoughtful , practical minds.
Uougueroau paints on his women purely
feminine eyebrows , those gentle arches portraying
traying moro heart qualities than mental
once and a tolerant disposition. Too sharply
arched eyebrows are Indicative of an Imperi
ous nature and a willful disposition ; such
brows are never painted or found on women
whose characters ore Madonnallke.
Actors and actresses make uj ) and use
their eyebrows to great advantage ; Mine.
Dernhardt uses hers OB powerful aids to the
expression of fear , surprise. Intolerance nnd
displeasure. In repose her brows have Ori
ental tendencies. Wo nil use our eyebrows ,
unconsciously , In talking ; they are fraught
with meaning like the writing on the wall ,
and so long as they are so prominent It
behooves TIS to train rebellious ones and
make them as ornamental as possible ; in
deed , with a little care , they may bo made
lovelv as a rainbow In a summer sky. Men
think attention to the cultivation of their
eyebrows an affectation , but for women
who wish to look well groomed nnd more
attractive the following cosmetic hints from
"Romantic Love and Personal Beauty" may
be of service :
"As modern lovers disapprove of eyebrows
meeting over the nose , superfluous hairs
should be removed by a llxteur. Among
harmless dyes , pencils of dark pomatum or
walnut bark steeped In cologne for n week
are recommended ; or , for a transient effect ,
a needle smoked over the flame of a con-
dlo may be used. "
Another authority says : "It Is not well
to trim the eyebrow generally , as It makes
it coarse. When It Is desired to thicken or
strengthen them , two or three drops ot oil
of cajuput may bo gently rubbed Into the
skin everj- other night ; but hero , nnd always
when wiping them , the rubbing should bo In
the direction of the hair from the ncso out
ward and never In the reverse direction. "
And when ono realizes the value ot the
eyebrows as an aid to the character and
pleasing appearance of a face what can be
h.Uil of those Africans who eradicate them ?
The effect must bo moro startling than
pleasing ; It Is a fashion fittingly followed
by savages and barbarous as that custom
of the Paraguayans which prompts the removal -
moval of the eyelashes , because "they do
not wish to be like horses. "
Thousands sink Into an early grave for
want of n bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
This great remedy would have saved them.
\Vonld HIIVI- Kern 11 Ili-Hlnll I'OMNC-N-
Nloii lint for ( lie Hi-nut' * Inxtliirt.
Dr. Marcus Whltman'0 horseback ride ot
moro than 3,000 miles from Oregon on his
way to Washington , D. C , , to Insist upon
our government taking possrcalon of Oreg&n ,
to prevent It from falling Into British hands ,
Is graphically described In the November
Ladles' Homo Journal by George Ludlngton
Weed. "Moro then once , Indeed frequently ,
during that Journey In the winter of 1842-43 ,
a v/lnter of unusual severity , " writes Mr ,
Weed , "Dr. Whitman leads the way through
rivers whoso waters are frozen on elthei
side. Buffeting the waves ot foaming cur
rents ho plunKiw with bis horse completely
under water. Blinded by storm In every di
rection ho Is compelled to remain ten days
In a gorge. Hope dies even In his cour
ageous heart , One thing seems Inevitable
the snow must bo his dying bed and windIng -
Ing sheet and the moaning winds his dirge.
Believing that his llfo'g journey 1s ended
with that toward Washington unfinished , he
dismounts and kneeling In the snow ho
prays for Oregon and for her who In lone
liness Is praying for him , unconscious of
thto special danger.
" 'Man's extremity Is God's opportunity. '
man was not repeating when It was verified
In a way suggestive of sudden transition
from the solemn to the almost ludicrous. A
mule , with stubbornness stiffened by the
cold , yet with Instinct preserved pointed
with bis long ears In ono direction , then
another , as If seeking the way , and at last ,
plowing through thu snow , became a unique
guide where the human had failed , leading
thu despairing company through drift and
canyon to. the camp of the previous night ,
That mule also saved Oregon to the United
States. "
Subsrlbe for The Sunday Bee and read
AnUiouy Hope's urcat story "Simon Dalq. "
At III * ( 'Ulli-Kt * atVI ( .
Chicago Port : "The rules for the manu
facture of humor , " said the professor , "are
very simple that 1s , of course , some kinds
of humor. Ordinary comic paper humor mty
be made by taking a plain sMt-inent of
fact or a plain statement of some
thing that Isn't fact In fact , any o'.d
statement and misspelling It , It's the
uimplett thing lu the world. If you refer to
Consumption No Longer Incurable
A scene in the Slocum Scientific Medical Laboratory , New York City , illustrating
to Medical Men and Students the value and power to cure of his New Discoveries Sketched
for The Bee.
the man In the moon , and spell It that way ,
It Is Just plain ordinary dull prose , but It
you make It read 'tho mann In the muno'
tt Is nothing lesj tbni bright scintillating
wit. "
Shortly thereafter the professor was promoted
meted to the department of magazine humor ,
where nothing but ago counts.
Disfigurement , for life by burns or scoldi
may be avoided by using Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo , thegreat remedy for piles and
for all kinds ot sores and skin troublrn.
mmuiiss vou\c > IAHIIIID I'
It IN n Sml lllHlnki- for Tlu-iii tii IH-Rlii
Iilfc In u lloitrilliiiur HOIIHI * .
Kdward W. Hole , editor of the Ladles'
Homo Journal , always a staunch nnd un
compromising advocate of the home , as
serts In the November Issue of his magazine ,
that a home , however humble , Is a million
times better place for young married couples
to llvo than Is the most luxurious hotel
or beet boarding house In the land. "It
Is always a sad thing , " ho nays , "when a
young married couple begin llfo In a boardIng -
Ing house or hotel. Sad because they start
llfo practically outside of themselves. The
furniture around them Is not their own. The
young wife may bring with her all the trifles
she chooses ; nho may add a touch of her
own hero and another''touch ' there. But the
things In the roomiare not theirs , and sooner
or later she rcal es It.
"During the day , the wlfo is alone. No
duties call her. Nothing Is there In her
llfo to exercise her Ingenuity nor develop
her womanly talefits. She cannot prepare
any little pleasure , for , her young husband ,
for things are prepared for her. When her
husband leaves her for his office she turns
back Into the rooip , and wonders what she
can do during the day. ; how she will employ
herself , where she . .wlll.go. There Is nothing
In her room to appeal to her to stay there.
No home duties confront her. She goes out
and shorts , perhaps , , , for a while ; runs
around to her mptUer'siuCAlla upon some
friends ; goes back , toqher room to practice
a little. If eho Is musical and has a piano ;
or , If she Is fond of books , she reads. There
la nothing In her life ; two-thirds of herself
lies dormant. She Is glad when the time
comes for her husband to come home ; glad
to feel that she has some ono to whom she
can talk ; glad of company. And he ? What
can he do to express himself to his young
wife ? Nothing around him Is his ; every
thing Is by lease , his for a time , for so
much money. And after he la through payIng -
Ing for It ho leaves It behind. The end ! s
the same as the beginning. That Is why
boarding house or hotel llfo is so Injurious
to young married people. It makes Uiem
practically homeless. "
Read "Simon DJO" ! in the Sunday Bee.
It Is an Idea. Ingrained Into the mind of
man that If a woman Is married she hao
all that heart can wish and her financial
troubles are forever at an end , says a writer
In the New York Tribune. A father not long
ago , having had unusual success In busi
ness , decided to glvo Ills children some
money. To three able-bodied , unmarried
eons he gava ? 150 apiece. To his unmarried
'laughters , both earning over $1,000 a year
clear of expenses , he gave the same amount.
The married daughter ho coolly dismissed
with the remark that she had a husband to
provide for her. It seems .never to enter the
brain of a man that a woman may have a
husband nnd yet bo as noeJs. comparatively
speaking , as the beggar who asXs alms on
the street corner.
In the case above mentioned $150 would
have been a godsend. Owing to an In
sufficient salary and much sickness , the
family were on the verge of actual suffer
ing. But the fact that this daughter was
married and the others were not seemed to
the father ample reason for giving money
to the latter and withholding It from the
former. The self-supporting young girl can
draw at will on the sympathies of men , but
there Is small sympathy for the woman who
has a husband.
Yet If one would find the most heart
rending need , the moot pathetic form of
poverty , ho need not go to the ranks of
the unmarried wage-earner nor to the
squalid quarters of the submerged tenth , ,
Ho will find It In the comfortable , respect
able , well-furnished homes of the women
who haven't had a dollar to spend as they
please since they left their father's roofs ,
gave up tholr positions In the public school
or the office , and Joined the army of pa
tient , worn-out women whoso labor has no
money value attached to U. The detractors
of woman who are constantly weighing her ' i
brain and pronouncing her the mental Inferior - I i ,
ferior of man might spare themselves a '
great deal of trouble. ,
There Is one undcnjablo tact which proves ,
and will forever pr6vo , that women have
not as much sense1 as'men. It is this : that
In nlcio cases out ot ten a woman will glvo
up ono honorable profession In which she la
well paid and not , overworked for a posi
tion which makes her , , cook , a housekeeper ,
a nurse , both wet 'and dry ; a seamstress ,
a chambermaid , a governors , a klndorgartner ,
a laundress on special "bccaslona , and all this
for her board and l" few clotheo. There
Isn't a mm In tlip universe outside of an
asylum for the feebleminded who could be
coaxed and wheedlea > iand caressed Into such
an arrangement. '
A national federation of women's musical
clubs appear * to hi an assured fact of the
near future , oais Darter's Bazar. The Ides
has been discussed' HJIICO the World's fair ,
during the coiftlnuancrf of which , as Is well
known , a very highly successful congress of
ouch clubs was held. The occasional at
tempts , however , since 1S33 , to crystallize
thee clubs Into a national body have not
been successful In themselves , though they
have stood for good pioneer work. At the
meeting last Juno , In New York of the .Na
tional Association of Music Teachers , the
woman's department of the convention , moat
c-lllclently developed by Jlrs. Sutro as preslj j
dent , seemed to offer the needed opportunity ,
for the furtherance of the federation plan.
One of the teven dlvlslonH Into which MM.
Sutro divided her department wea that of
Women's Aluslcal Clute , with Mrs , Charles
S. Virgil ot New York as chairman , Mrs. j
VlrgH , In conducting her work , appointed a
chairman from each state to report on the
women's musical clubs from her sta'o as ,
part of the exhibit of this work at the New
York congress. The marked Intercut which |
wss taken In thu matter , and Iba respoute
within a fortnight from over 200 cluba , rekindled -
kindled the enthusiasm { or the national
i body. This was further accentuated by au
admirable paper read by Mrs , Chandler Starr
of Ucckford , 111. , on "A Review of the Con
gress of Women's Musical Cluba at the
World's Kalr. " llcloro the reading of Mrs.
Starr's paper It was realized by some of the
prominent club women In attendance at the
convention that thla paper would reopen the
situation In a most suggestive way , and It
was decided to make the effort at once , at
the close of the day's program , to ascertain
the feelings of the women present In re-
card to n national federation. In pursuance
of this design a call for a meeting to discuss
the matter was Issued. Some of the women
specially Interested , besides Mrs. Sutro , Mrs.
Vlrgtl and Mrs. Starr , were Mrs. Hussell H.
Dow , president of the Schubert Club of St.
Paul. Minn. ; Mlra Marlon P. Unloton , of
the Tuesday Musical Club of St. Louis ,
Mo. , and Miss Amy Kay and many others.
Mr. 13. II. Krehblel , the musical critic nnd
writer , wcs alee present , nnd In a pleasant
llttlo speecli warmly advocated the matter ,
which ho considered of great Importance. In
the enthusiasm of the afternoon It was voted
to organize a temporary federation , which
would be a working basis from which might
spring later the permanent body. This was
done , and Mrs. Sutro was made president ,
Mrs. Chandler Starr first vice president , Mrs.
Uusscll II. Dow second vlco president , Miss
Marlon I-1 , llalston secretary and treasurer.
An executive board , assistant treasurer ,
auditor and ono or two other minor ofilccrs
R'oro nlso appointed. This temporary body
has of course no corporate status. The clubs
_ which would naturally form the federation
were by no means all represented , It was 1m-
possible to draft a constitution , and alto
gether , as has been said , -the work was
merely preliminary. Circulars , however , set
ting forth what has been done , and calling
for an expression of opinion upon the matter
as to the advisability of further effort , have
been sent out by the secretary to every club
that It was possible to reach throughout thu
country. The csponses received indicate a
strong and widespread Interest. There will
bo a second meeting about the first of Decem
ber at some point not yet decided.
To amass sufficient money with which to
endow a college has been the lifelong aim
of Mrs. Lydla 'Bradley ' of Peorla. 111. With
this purpose In vlow she has economized all
her life end hoarded up every cent that was
not necessary to support llfo In her body.
In time economy became her passion. Her
only pleasures have been making money and
saving money. Inside of thirty years she
Increased her fortune to ten times the orig
inal amount. The passing years only seemed
to Increase her natural nhrewdness. She has
an almost Illimitable capacity for business.
She now owns property that can be con
verted into $2,000,000. Her husband died
thirty yearn ago , leaving her $200,000 , which
ho had made In whisky distilling and In real
estate. She wanted to found a college where
the hands and minds of young men and
women might be trained. 'She was told that
her fortune was too small to carry out her
Ideas. She said she would make It sufficient.
Mrs. Bradley has been for many years a
director of the First National bank of I'oorla.
Her property Is In that city and thereabouts.
If the city grows as Its enthusiastic frlcndi
believe It will she will turn 600 acres of
farm land city lots. She owns thousands
of acres along the Illinois river , more In
western states and has largo amounts In
vested In Improved farms ot central Illinois.
She has decided to found her college in
Peoria and also to glvo her property during
her lifetime , so that she can see her money
being expended In accordance with her
wishes. She has appointed a board of trus
tees to make the arrangements for the uni
versity , and to carry out the work after her
death. She gave them $150,000 to bo used In
electing tlio buildings nnd turned over n
tract of twenty acres of land on the west
bluff In ono of the most desirable residence
portions of Peorla , valued at over $3,000 an. .
acre , which Is a part of her holdings of fifty
acres In that part of the city , to be used as
the campus. She also made a contract with
them to furnish suUlcIcnt funds for the
maintenance of the school during her life
time and to devote practically her entire
fortune to the endowment of the school at
her death.
Her Mlxliikf.
Detroit Journal : "Willie , " she said with
severity as she cnmo out of the pantry , "you
have been sticking your fingers Into that
lemon pie. "
"No'm I haven't either , " answered Willie ,
shaking his head vigorously.
"True enough , " she said , after looking at
} him again ; "It was your nose. "
As a matter of fact , she was Inclined to reproach
preach herself for not realizing at first glance
the way lie had gone at the ] rte.
It MnUs ti
Chicago Post : She was so happy when her
engagement was announced that her friends
could not refrain from commenting upon It.
"You used to assert with great emphasis , "
they said to her , "that you gloried In your
Independence. "
"Yes , " she replied. "That was before I
had the privilege of being dependent upon
the right kind of a man. "
There are lota ot people who like to give
the CAilnlon that a necessity Is a privilege.
? ( ) orl mcti about Mlsuoula are complaining
of the scarcity of birds this month , and
they all report Indifferent shooting all over
the county. In the Clearwater valley , which
has always been one of the best regions for
duck , there are not many this year and
there nro twlco as many hunters.
The Mayflower , In Madison county , ls show.
Ing up better than over , the ore body now
being five and six feet wide and assaying
$120 to $1CO to the ton. The mother lode
Is reported to have 'been struck nt the White
Clou it mlno In Oranlto county. The lead ls
of gold and shows largo and rich.
For two years work baa been going on at
the porphyry dike where $1SO,000 has been
expended In the purchase and development
of the properties and the milling of the aim
extracted from them. The dike Is eighteen
miles sotithwrat of Helena and Is 10,000 feet
long and GOO to 1.200 feet wide. The ore Is
almost perfectly free milling but extremely
low grade.
The report of David HllKor , sheep cominls-
signer cf Fergus county , la a concise and In-
tcrcatlng exhibit of the sheep Industry In
Fergus county , M > B the Argus , It will be
tern ttnt the number of sheep has iac t > d
the half million mark by 14,000 head. The
number of sheep sold this year up to date ,
Includ'MB ktmbu , yearlings , ewes and wethers ,
Is 180,007. at an average of $2.C5 per head ,
making a total of $38 ,597.07 received from
sheep alone. The wool clip Is given at 3,605-
557 pounds , at an average price of 13.09
cents , amounting to $412,721.41. Total num
ber pounds ot pelta shipped , U3fif > 5 , at 5TA
cents. $8,434.41 , the total receipts being
The principal owner ; of the Highland Boy
Mining company , which has Just completed
nnd placed In operation a 100-ton mill at the
company's properties In BluRham , have se
cured a iMind on the Stewart No. 2 group In
the ixinio camp. The latter properties are of
much the simo character as the Highland
Boy and give great promise aa producers of
silver , gold atvl copper. The amount of
money Involved In the deal has not been
made public , but It Is a good round sum.
Work has > ! > etn suspended for several days
on the seepage dam In Ogden canyon , and
the Indications nro that It will not be ro-
oumcd right away. Neither the company nor
Contractor Gediles will discuss the matter ,
but It Is an open secret that there Is trouble
between them. It seems Ooddcs say * he can.
not go any deeper unless ho gets extra jay ,
the value of the work Increasing with the
depth. The differences have not been niV
Juott-d and a big lawsuit nwy bo the out
A picnic party had an experience In Beat
Ulver gorge n few diys ago. They had
awaited the southbound passenger , and then
started to go through tlio tunnel , which was
piactlcally filled with omokc , not knowing
that a heavy freight was following closely
behind. They had barely emerged and were
Just debating whether or cot to try the
trestle , when the trackwalker saw them ,
gave a warning , and males and females
clambered to safe places with more speed
than elegance. A mtnuto longer In the tun
nel and there would have been n tragedy tn
stead of a comedy to chronicle. There were
six In the party.
The Goiham drjer which has been run
ning at the Colllster orchard some miles
below Boise has closed for the scison. There
have been in the neighborhood of 12.COO
Vioiinila of prunes dried during the short run
made , and they are said to bo of a very
superior quality.
Way up near the headwaters of Hast
Eagle crock in what has been supposed to
bo the heart of the Coeur d'Aleno gold belt ,
a nice body of galena was struck last week.
By air line It would bo only six or eight
miles from Murray , and yet nothing was
known of the kind of mineral to bo ex
pected there.
It Is estimated that the gross output from
the Coeur d'Alencs this year ( from both
the sliver-lead nnd gold belts ) will reach
515,000.000 , of which , approximately , one-
third will go for ths transportation and treat
ment one-third for labor , repairs , mateilal
and now machinery , nnd one-third as profits
to the mine owners. There Is no other oc
cupation In which one-third of the gross
product can be divided as profits.
Thu surveyor general of Idaho reoorts an
Increase of over 50 per cent In mineral lo
cations In the state , as compared with the
preceding year. Idaho , ho says , now stands
forth In the list of gold producing states
The influx of settlers continues. Many nrc
lost , however owing to the absence of sur
veys of lands eligible for location. Their
survey would be for the best Interests of
the people , the state and the government.
The Seven Devils smelter plant is now
almost ready to blow In. A Urge hoist cal
ls nt the Welscr depot and a largo boiler
nn > d donkey engine passed Welscr on teams
Sunday. The boiler und englno were
brought from Portland to Huntlngton and
there loaded on wagons , going to Seven
Devils via Weisor. The engine will he put
on the wagon road summit above Helena
ami the ore from Peacock drawn to the top
of the hill by cable and car and then loaded
Into \vago"3 and hauled to the mncltcr.
The old Berry Mlno near Strawberry
Valley , Yuba county , recently bought by
Chicago men , has been thoroughly pros-
pecloj by them and they ai-a so well pleaseJ
with the results that thuy will erect suitable
reduction machinery at once. At a depth t > f
110 feet the quartz voln has Increased lo
three feet In width , much of It allowing free
Six new bulldlncs will be erected at the
Whlttler Reform school , near Los AngulCH ,
In order to provide for the segregation of the
different classes of boys. The present mam
building will bo used for administrative pur
poses , and new buildings for do.-mltories and
shops. Tito now structures will bo In the
mlMlon renaissance gtylc and all will be In
closed by a high fence , while the grounds
will bo laid out In a ( lark. For a time this
school did excellent woik in maural train
ing , but lately It has been so overcrowded
tlut much demoralization has followol.
California mineis met Mat week In anuiial
convention and dlncusscd ir.any questions u'
great Importance to the development of tlio
mining Industry In the Elate. The levant ;
subject was the best method of bringing
nrcssuro to bear on cccigrrHS to create the
ofllco of secretary of mines and mining. Cali
fornia miners hold that ar. occupation which
yielded nearly $700,000.000 last year ought
to have representation In thu cabinet ,
especially an It constantly bring. ) out prob
lems which demand tlio oveivi'cht ' of spocMl'y '
qualified experts. Such oversight , it 13 uan-
ti-ndcd , cr.nnot bo given by a minor bureau
of the Interior dcpaitmeni.
Postmaster IlobcrUon of Turner , In Mar
lon county , says of the free rural mall do.
livery now being tried with Turner as n
central point : "We have three carriers , each
covering a distance of about twcnty-flvn
miles dally. They leave the office each mornIng -
Ing about 8'o'clock and leturn as aoon as
the mall can bo distributed and collected
along each route. The carrier on routu No.
1 , which takes In the reform school , dcat
mule HCluol and asylum farm , returns to the
office for the mall after the Rosoburg local
passes south and thereby catcheu all dally
papers. All persona icqulrlngtheir mall de
livered but who do not llvo on the Imme
diate route of a carrier , are icqulrcd to place
a mailing-box on the route for thu carrier
to deposit the mall In and to rcrclve fio.u
for mailing. Carriers may take orders for
stamps , collecting the money In advance and
delivering stamps on next trip , etc , "
The delinquent tax roll for 1SPG In Lane
county showed $10,613.33 di-llmiucnt. To this
wjs ailJrJ undi'r-asicKjmcnts made by the
sheriff , JJi. ,97. On this there has been col-
looted end paid 'to the treasurer $12,140.13.
Corrections made on double assceamcnts and
other errors on the delinquent tax roll
amounted to J357.97. At the tax sale prop
erly tu the amount of $1,130 was sold to
the eoynty and private parties bid In prop
erty to the amount of $219,72 , leaving the
total amount returned unpild $2,572.12. Of
thU amount of unpaid taxes fully $1,000 Is
due from estates In course of settlement and
will be paid In duo time.
Consumption and
LungTroublcs In
Any Climate.
An Eminent Now York City
Chemist and Scientist
Makes a New Discov
ery and a Free
Offer to Our
Correspondence Advice Free.
Tlio Met has been established tlmt the
honored anil distinguished chemist , T. A. Slo- >
cum , of Now York City , has discovered < \
rcllnblo euro for Consumption ( Pulmonary
Tuberculosis ) and all bronchial , throat , lung
ami chest troubles , stubborn coughs , c-
tnrrlial affections , scrofula , general dccllno
and weakness , loss of flioli , nr.ul all coudl <
tlons of wasting away , and , to make ltd
wonderful merits known , ho will send three
free bottles ( nil dlrtorent ) of his Now Dla
coverles to nny nfllictcd reader of The Bc
who will write for them.
Already this "now scientific system of
treatment" ' has , by Ite timely USD , porma *
ncntly cured thousands of apparently hope-
lesn cases , and It seems a. necessary and hu
inann duty to bring such facts to the atton
tlon of nit Invalids , that they may bo bene-
filed thereby.
Chemistry anil science arc dally astonish
ing the world with new womlcru , The re
searches and experiments of thin Brett chem
ist , pitlently carried 01 * for years , have cul
minated In results as beneficial to humanity ,
as can bo claimed for any modern genius
or philosopher.
Thi ) medl&tl profession tliroiiRhout Amer
ica and Europe are about unanimous In Uia
opinion that nearly all physical ntlincnta
naturally tend to the Kcneratlon of consump
tion. The afflicted dlo ln > the short , cold
days of winter much faster than la the lone ,
lint days of summer.
The Doctor baa proved the dreaded dlscaso
to bo curative beyond a doubt. In nny cllmata
and has on file In his American and European -
pean laboratories thousands of letters of
heartfelt gratitude from thcao benefited and
cured In all parts of the world.
Consumption , uninterrupted , meccis speedy
and certalni do.vh.
No ono having or tbrcatedcd with nny
dlscaso should hesitate a day. The Doctor
considers it his professional duty a duty
which ho owes to suffering humanity to
donate a trial of his Infallible cure.
Simply wrlto to T. A. Slocum , M. C. , 98
1'lno street. Now York , giving full address ,
end three free bottles ( all different ) of Ills
Now Discoveries will bo promptly sent , with
full Instructions to nny reader of The Bi-o.
There Is no charge for correspondence ad
Knowing as wo do , of the undoubted effi
cacy of the Slocum Cure , every sufferer
should t.ilto advantage of this most liberal
A system of medical treatment that will
euro lung troubles mid consumption la cer
tainly good for and will cure nlnioat nny
dlscaso that humanity Is heir to.
Please tell the Doctor you saw bis gon-
crown olter In The Dee.
( Oil BYl'IlILIE )
O. "Written OimrimU-o < < > CUKK IJVEUTT
H or MO.VUY Ji
Ourcitio IsperniMipntnnil not i\ttclilniiii > . CflffB
tlcaletl ten > car aK lia\n ueiri KU. tin bliitlon | plnf-i- .
llyilefcCkUiliiirjoui rate lully wnciin tliat jullLynmll.
HIM ! we Rive IhoiimoMronKKUarjnlot : tuculvorivllinu
all money. Thpte wlto nri-f ir lo come hero for tirat-
liltllt can ito mi and u < > will ply fall I nail Iftlo bolh wnja
unilholrl hills while licio IMic-lnll li > ' 'I't' ' . Wuclial.
ItMiKr Hie woiM lora CUHC lliat our ? Injlu llenirity
Nlll Dli-tiio Wiltu lor rull rank-ilium unit KCI tlio
eluVnrc Wi-Unuwllmt jminlufcKfitkal.JUKll | } toluo ,
an ! ! moot i-mliicnt | . ! iji-lc luiu Imio never liefn nblo
tu clve more limn leinpuiaiv icllel. Jnour len tniv
JM.K-II with thin .tluulu Iloiifily It tins hei-ii m < t
iltnk-ull louteivomisihu pioJuilU-eaHtrnlnst all ( KM-iUrii
HlorlUei . Kill iiwl.r outHumi ; cmirntco 3011 Mioult !
not lip'limcto T ) tl'lKicincily. outnkiMiorl umuol
lo liill jmir inoney'o Btiaunlcu ti > cuio Or iitunu
ocrv ilollar uml a wo lm\o n reputation to pinliit ,
nlso iinanclal tncklntf or tjtffOO.uoo. It In | ipilicljr (
uilulouli ulioulll tiyilio ticiumeiit. Ileiciufoibyuu
him- bran pnlUnir up mul iiajliiK nt your money for
illlH'U'll ! llc.itn.ellMnil'l . iltlioUKll ) on "I ' ' > " > * } ft cm oil
no out lias paid hack vour money Do not uacto any
more mui ry until > MI try us. OIlchionle.ilci-i-H | niril
C IHC cuicil In thirty to ninety < lny . InrextlKato ou
O'janrtal iitnnillnf ; . our loimta.luu ng buMncAH nitik
Wrltu u for nimcfi KCC ! n < FM'J of thowi o Imta
enifil. wlio hivu Klven iiennliiJloii to refer to then.
It co t > on only | .u..lnce to > Ji > tills l It lll raxpyo IK
woililnf Milteiln/rinm mental utialnj initiryou n
niiiiifil what may your ollciirlnit nutfer Ilirnuiili yi ut
ou n nrpHirciKu ' If jour iiyniptonis ni u iilmi.lei * on Incn ,
soi o throat , mucuun iialcl.e In mouth , riiti'inatUni la
bone anil julnti , lialr falling out , urlliloni | | en nnj
t of IhoTto'ly feeling of peiitinl Ucpiciflon. palnv In
lead or ltoicxou ! liam mi time lowatitp. Tllurc rtho
ale comtantly taHiiB mercury unit ) > nta > li flmulil illn-
c nllniitlt Cuntt'int nt > i of thrim ilniKi * H'll ' tuuiy
bilnir iouMi.nil ealln > r ulcem In ttiecnd. I'ou't fall to
write. All coiienimiiilcnco rent < le < l In plain tnrfl-
opciVolnvllr tlie moht rltrhl Inrfsticallon aoauui
do all In our jKjwer to aid you In It. Addiena ,
& Searles.
All I'rivata Uitzn.ft
tt Disorder * * of Mcu.
'I re a ! me nt hy Mill.
CctiMiUntioti Free.
Curi-il for llfo nml tlio poison tliorouiihly clminod
from llio ynliin ! ,
Sliormalonlii-ii. Sonilnal WualtiieHi , Lost Man.
, hood Nlnht KnilHHloiiM Dr-c.-iy-il I-'acilltlHi , li'o-
! mnlu Wraltm-ns anil nil ilellu.ito illKtmlurn p-uu-
i liar to olllicr MIX , pndltlioly ciirwl. I'lf.KS
ANII VAHICO'JEI/iJ ponii.-iii'-nlly .md MiicoosudilJ/
i riin-il. Mcllioil nuw an it niif.-illlnir ,
' '
iStrietareandBleet.S'j.'S . . , .
by nu > v initliodvltlioul pain or cuttlnj. CAll on
, oradilrcBS wllliBtttnil >
! DRS. SERIES 8 Ml ( [ ' "
Anil Surgical hslltut )
1(105 ( nodxo.Si. , Dm ilia , Net )
Chronic , ! crvous anil Private Disuses
mid all WRAKNH.SH I' . , KM
nml DI.SOIlDlillSof li.fuiy
IIYDI'.OC'KI.K.UiU VAUIO laUTiTu liu.-m.inuiltly nui
Hiu-c-vH-ifully uiin-il
In uvi-ry IUHB ,
JILUOU AHDBKIN UlHMHtn ) . Bore Spots. I'lni-
c. ( . HcrofiiU.Yiiimirii. THIIT. Ki-zr.n.'i .mil llljol
I'olMin tlioroiiKlilr c-li-.iiiHinl fiom tlio iy lin. .
NKUVntly iicblllly hpi-riiialirilii > i. friiiilnik
Lcmhrt ) , l.'lflit KnilBHliiiiu , ] .o * of Yltitl I'mvcr *
luiiinuiiciillr uiul Hii-iltlv | uurml.
' '
( VllnlllyVtaHi , nmrto MO ny'io'o oloni npnllc.'itlou
to liiiHliH-HH or uUidy : HI-VCTU muutul nlraln or
Ki'li-f ; HKXIML KXfKSSKS In mlilcllu lit < or from
llmiifTi-ctH of unilliful folllo'i. ( ' .ill or writu ilium
today , llox ' _ ' 77
Onialia Jlcdidl and Sur&c ; ! Institute.
H.V. . Cor , Kill anil
i-ciiioily lielnt ; In
jected directly to the
went of thnno elln iiHfH
of the Guiiito-Uriiiury
Oritntin , rontiiroo no
clinngo of diet. Onrn
Runrantoeil In 1 to 8
ll > rrDIIIon Drue Co. , a. E. Cor ICtti and
nara StiteU. OaiakiL ,