Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Thinks He's Going to Bo Able to Pacify
Ucnrrnl Feellntr In Mmlrlil In More
HolK-flll Iff It I'eiieeflll OtilCOtllC
Under tinIllaiieo
MADRID , Nov. 2. Marshal Dlanco , the
now captain general of Cuba , lias sent a
uieMagD to the Spanish government
ho has formcil n favorable opinion re
garding the prospects for the pacification of
Cuba ,
A soml-omdal note was circulated today
Riving u more exact Indication nf the ecu-
ton In of the Span'la.i note In reply to the
communlcatlon of the United States on the
subject of Cuba tlian has hitherto been pub
lished. The first part of the reply Is a pam-
phivtRQ of the latest note of the United
Slate.i. It concludes with the assurance that
Spain Is animated by the same friendly feel
ing as cxpicsEcil on behalf of the United
The second part of t'jo reply KCCS Into
elaborate details concerning the various fili
bustering expedition. Spain , In concluding
that portion of Us reply to the United States ,
expresses the hope that this phase of the
situation will be changed and that the United
States will try to prevent further violations
at the International law ,
llopliug to the offer of mediation made
bythe United Sdites , Spain says ho hopes
'tho United Slates will "act loyally and cor
rectly In helping Slain to pacify Cuba , es
pecially lit vlow of the fact that such an ex
tended form of autonomist government la
fibout to bo sincerely granted. "
Tn.ii general feeling hero la moro hopeful
of a peaceful outcome of the situation , es
pecially since Miirnhal Dlanco's arrival at
Havana , as ItIs believed his presence will
greatly turthcr the solving of the Cuban
problem. At the sanm tlmo It Is pointed
out that the submission cf thu Insurgents
vat mot be expected unless they arc "en
tirely abandoned by the United States. "
oN Cniiii- .SeiiMimoii In ( lie
SiniiilNli ( 'ililol. (
t , ISO * , by I'renK I'ulillshliiK Company. )
MAURin. Nov. 2. ( Now York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Considerable
( surprise- and sensation was causeJ In Madrid
iby a telegram frnm America. reporting cx-
MlnlEtcr Taylor's article on Cuba , In. the
North Amnrlcan Review. Spaniards nro par
ticularly rcinoycd because Taylor has drawn
from their own contemporary data In tht
dully press and tlio utterances of their
Htatcsmen nil the Information- about the lack
of sincerity of the elections and parliamen
tary government and the notorious abuses of
their home administration even lin the cap
Thn conclusions Taylor draws from such
premises , to advocate American Intervention
for the settlement of the Cuban question ,
have given much offense at court and In
olllclal and political circles , because they are
d remod calculated to counteract the favor
able ImproFiJlon the Srofllsh note had caused
In the highest circles nt Washington , in
cluding the president mid his advisers.
According .e telegrams received by the
Madrid press and olllolal dispatches , Min
ister Oupuy do Lome has submitted to the
cabinet some Spanish paper. * which affect to
inako light of Taylor's authoritative state
ment and say It will not alter the effects
cf the Spanish note , which skillfully warded
ofi for a time- the action the Amorlcca. gov
ernment foreshadowed In the Woodford note
of September 23 , and made out so strong
n case on the grounds of International law
against toleration of filibuster expeditions
and the moral and material assistance the
InE'iirgcnts ' derived from the states.
101 Imparclal says the Spanish government
will takt > steps to counteract the effects of
the Taylor article upon public opinion and
the government la America.
XAVA1 , ' 'Olt Sl'.VIX.
Denial of Itunior tliat Ariiiainr lit is
lloiiKliI In HiiKliiml.
LONDON. Nov. 2. In well Informed cir
cles hero It Is not believed Spain has signed
the contracts referred to In the Daily ChronIcle -
Iclo today as having been concluded last
week with an Important firm of British ship
builders , by which Spain acquires some cru'is-
cra , arme.l with quick-firing guns , which the
firm mad nearly completed for another gov
ernment. It Is known that the Spanish gov
ernment recently endeavored to purchase war
shlpti from Drltlsb shipbuilders , but the ne
gotiations failed on account of Spain's Ina
bility to pay cash , and it mis understood that
her agents then began looking for bargains
In war ships which other countries were
Some of these countries are building ships
In Kngland , nmoiig them being Chile , and
it IB supposed the government of tint repub
lic Is willing to 'transfer to Spain thrco
cruisers , which have been practically com
pleted by the Armstrongs , The latter , how
ever , are only willing to sell the three
crulscm to Spain for cash.
The Thompsons finished six torpedo de
stroyers for Spain a year ago. The firm de
livered two of the boats and Is holding the
others under the pretext of finishing them.
but the general supposition Is that the
Thompsons arc really holding the destroyers
for payment. One of the foremost financiers
of this country asserts that Spain la unable
to ralso more money abroad and It Is
thought likely that tthc- can procure war
ships on the promise of paying fcr them
by money she may raise later on by In
ternal loans. This refers to the statement
of the Dally Chronicle that when the ques
tion of finance was raised by the con
structors of the cruisers which Spain would
llko to purchase thu Spanish minister of
marine said that In the event of war the
Spanish government could count upon rais
ing a largo Internal war loan.
AinliiiNMiiilur ( < > Ccniinnylrn HN |
VilMVH III Vll'llllll ,
VIKNNA , Nov. 2. The Tageblatt today
publishes it report of an Interview with the
United Stnttti ambaHsador to Germany , An
drew I ) , White , on the subject of Cuba , In
which Mr.Vhlto Is quoted ns saying that
the Americana do not dealro the annexation
of Cuba , but that humanity and commercial
It'terrstH will compel them to Intervene.
The recall of General Wcyler , Mr. Whlto Is
nald to have afllrmed , has madu n favorable
Impression In the United Statrn , "where
1'remlcr SagHsta has many sympathizers. "
"Tho United States , " liu la quoted as say-
lug , "will patiently await the realization of
autonomy , and when accomplished the re-
latloim between the two countries will return
to their normal condition. "
IleitnrlN Unit HiVk'iiH Demi Circulated
In \ > - v York.
LONDON , Nov. a. The gravest rumors
wcro In circulation today on the stock ex
change respecting the health of Cecil Hhodre.
South African magnate , former premier of
Cap * Colony and director of the llritlsh
Chartered South African company.
It was reported that Mr Uhodcs was dead
and South African securities were Hat In
consequence The secretary of the lirltlali
Chartered South African company was ques
tioned concerning the report of the death
of Mr. Rhodes and he expressed the opinion
that there waa no truth in the atonies cir
culated ,
I.OIIllotl 1'JIIMTN llllcrClltCll.
LONDON. Nov. 2. The afternoon papers
hero publish columns of matter today de
voted to the municipal election of Greater
Now York. The
gossip and predictions gen
erally express the oplnlrn tbat Judge Van
Wyck will win The charge frequently made
that thu htigHsh newspapers do not devote
enough attention to American affairs la un
tenable In the present case. Tlio St. James
Garotte ' thla afternoon points out that yes-
twily' municipal eUctloiu In
qulto nverahsilowcd by the Now York elec
tion. Thousands of En IIihmcn ( who are
quite famlUnr wtth. the persanAlltles of
McMrt. Low , Vnn Wyck nnrt Tracy re en
tirely Ignorant ol the fact that thslr own
local rulers were changed In the coursa of
yesterday , as the account of these English
elections Is only to bo seen In obscurd cor
ners of the Kngllsh newspapers.
More Alipiiliiltni-ntH lijIII nil en ,
HAVANA , Nov. 2. Another list of ap
pointments by M.irrtial ntonro , the now cap
tain gpner.11 of Cuba , was Issued from the
palace today. Ilrlgadlcr Qcnprnl Louis Vcl-
dc-re has been ordered to assume command
nf the central district of the Havana , Ilrlg-
ndler General DMs do Clvolla nssumrs com
mand of the eastern district of this province
and Brigadier General Andrea darolo will In
future command the weitern district cf
Havana province. The nouthern district
command M done away with. Stnff Colon" !
Jtllos Alvcrcz Chalcon Is appointed Marshal
Hlanco'a second chief of staff and Lieutenant
Colonel Lewis Fontana has been made chief
of staff of Havana provincedivision. .
\ < -rv I'niinilliinit Klccllnnx.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. . Nov. 2. Returns of
the general election have ben received from
all but two legislative districts. They show
that the- opposition party headed by Sir
James Winter has carried twenty-one scats ,
th government candidates holding only thir
teen. 11 , Bond , colonial secretary , has been
re-elected In the Twlltlngato district , but
bin majority may be greatly cut down. The
result for the remaining two districts will
probably bo known tomorrow , but In any
event the Wlnterlto opposition has won a
sweeping victory.
AlKer VIxllH Montreal.
MONTUBAL , Nov. 2. Secretary of War
Alger cnmo In'o town quietly this morning
and went to the Windsor hotel without reg
istering. Ho came to have a quiet talk with
Messrs. Van Horn and Shaughncsny , the pres
ident and vlco president respectively of thn
Canadian Pacific railroad for the purpose of
settling dome detail.4 ; about his pulp Industry
nt Grand Merrill , which he and Warner Mil
ler are Interested In. Th'n afternoon the
necretary visited the United States oteamer
Van tic.
Will Alteml Seal Conference.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Nov. 2. Sir Wilfred Lau-
rlor atvl Sir Louis Davis will leave on Mon
day next for Washington to attend the con
ference between Great Britain and the United
States of experts regarding seal life In Be
ring sea. J. H. iMcCouii , the Canadian expert -
pert , and R. N. Vcnnln , chief clerk of the
fisheries department , will accompany the mln.
Trllie.inteii Are Active.
SIMLA , Nov. 2. The 'Insurgent tribesmen
In Maiden valley were very active all day.
They made fierce attacks on the British
pickets , reconnoltcrlng parties and transports
detachments. Two British officers were
wounded , six Sepoys were killed and thirteen
Sepoys wcro wounded.
Two A'enrs * Penal Servitude.
COPENHAGEN , Nov. 2. Cashier Sllfver-
berg of the loral branch of the Mutual Life
Insurance company of New York , who was
arrested September 28. charged with em
bezzling 44,000 crowns and with falsifying
his accounts , was sentenced to two years'
penal servitude. .
liiMiiriinee A Kill list Strike * .
BERLIN , Nov. 2. An Insurance eoclety to
ba called Industrla Is being formed by em
ployers throughout Germany to Insure
igalnst Ices arising from strike. The so
ciety will have a capital of 5 000,000 marks.
\nrweKlnii Iliirk AKlinrc.
LONDON , Nov. 2. The Norwegian bark
Whlto Rose , Captain Aaroc , from Tacoma for
Green Rock , Is ashore at Samoa.
SIIELTON , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) At
the Presbyterian church Sunday morning
preceding the regular services Mr. J. J.
Lelght and Mlsfl 'Anna WootJ were- united In
marriage. The groom Is ono of Shelton's
young business men. They will make their
homo here. A reception was held In tholr
honor last evening at the ihomo of the groom's
LA CROSSE , Wls. , Nov. 2. Hon. William
R. Klnch , recently appointed envoy extra
ordinary and minister plenipotentiary to
Paraguay , will bo married this afternoon , to
Mies Lillian lo.\v , daughter of the late ex-
mayor. They will Icavo at once for South
DentliH of u Day.
DENVER , Nov. 2. James II. Jordan , post
master of Denver , died nt midnight from
the effects of an overdose of morphlno pills
which ho had taken last evening , supposing
them to bo cathartic pills. Mr. Jordan was
born at Shreveport , La. . In 1847. In New
Orleans ho became actively Identified with
democratic politics. In 1891 ho came to
Denver. Ho was appointed postmaster here
through the Influence of the Louisiana inem-
bers of congress. His administration had
given general satlsactlon. His term would
have expired February 20 , 1SOS. Mr. Jordan
was ono of the moyt enthusiastic promoters
of the annual Festival of Mountain and
I'l-'ln. ' The experience he had gained In
Now Orleans In. arranging for Mardl Grns
was Invaluable and many of the pleasing
features of Denver's greet festival -were
originated by him.
LONDON. Nov. 2. John Reuse Merlott
Chard , V. C. , the hero of the famous defense
of Rorkes Drift , South Africa , In January ,
1879. died at Taunton yesterday evening.
ATLANTIC , la. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) Prof.
Carl Weldner , an only child of Dr. William
Weldner , prominent In educational and
church work , graduate of 1S91 , died hero Sun
day after a lingering Illness. The remains
wcro taken to Monroe , la. , today for Inter
ment. The last two years ho has held a
position an assistant principal of the Ma-
rengo , la. , High school , and was tendered the
position for this term at an Increased salary ,
but declined , as ho had arranged to attend
Harvard. Ho was arranging to leave for
the east when ho was taken alck and having
a weak constitution never recovered.
LONDON , Nov. 2. Sir Rutherford Alcock ,
who In 1S7C was president of the Royal Geographical
graphical society and who In 1892 presided
over the health department of the Social
Science congress , IB dead at the ago of 89
Thirteen Klreinen Injured ,
PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 2. During the
proprcHs of a lire at Hornet's dyelnir ami
acourlng establishment todny a Inrgo.caii
of benzine exploded. Thirteen firemen wcro
so Herlously burned tlmt they hud to 'je
taken to H hospital. It Is fen roil that some
of them may lose their eyesight. The loss
by tire waa light.
_ _
MovcuiicntM of Ocean VcNNelx , Nov. - .
At Now York Arrived Nordlaml , from
Au''werp : Alien , from Genoa. Sailed Saule ,
for Uri'inen ; llovlc , for Liverpool.
At Antwerp Arrived Kensington , from
At Moville Arrived Anchorln , from New
At Southampton Arrived Kaiser Wll-
helm < ler Grosse , from New York.
At Queenstown Arrived Majestic , from
New York.
HO'K ( 'ono Drox U Shoonmn's HOK
jroiKi sure t'lioiiKh If you HO a stray ilo
that looks lllso his bring him to the
Mori' anil wo" 11 n-ward yon by Klrlng
yon u pair of misses' shoos at $1.50 a
missus' school shot1 Komilno I'.ilf siin
shou with Ihu heavy solos In coin toun
cither I a oo or button Thin Is not a
heavy clumsy shoe but a neat drossy
ideal winter school shot1 Wo know
tlu\y'n > Ki'iiiiliH' calk skin and wo know
they're worth more than we ask Misses
sizes , \V/j to : . ' , Jfl.fM-ehlld's sizes , ! ) to
11 , ! fl. ' _ ' . " but that's the way wo do busi
ness always ; ivo more value for the
money than any ono ulsc Sumo price If
you don't bring the dot .
Drexel Shoe Co , ,
1410 Farnum Stixct
Nrw fall catalogue now ready : maileJ
for the uskluj > .
KenVuofeians Qct Their Quna and Make
Usj of Them ,
Attempt of Dptnoernla lo Prevent Xe-
Kruen from Vullnir tlio Cmme of
tin- Trouble Kurtlier
HloixNIiLMl Knireit ,
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Nov. 2. Election day
was ushered In by a bloody encounter on trio
[ streets between republicans and democrats
I at 1 o'clock this morning , resulting In the
death of three men and the wounding of two
more. The dlfllculty began by Frank Egbert ,
republican , organising a party to head oft n
party of democrats under the leadership of
Ilcn Marshall , who , Egbert asserted , had
taken a number of negroes to the country to
prevent their voting today. Egbert , It Is said ,
with his party awaited Marshall's return and
fired on him from nmbush , wounding htm and
Smldh seriously nnl slightly Injuring Alex
ander Grahnm , u negro.
Deputy Sheriff Dcakins then organized a
posse and attempted to arrest Egbert iind his
party. The latter appeared on the street ,
brandishing their revolvers. The two parties
met and began firing. Fifty shots or moro
wcro fired and Egbert was Instantly killed ,
whlb ) Doiklns was mortally wounded. How
ard GJore , ono of Egbert's men , was also
killed , and Walter Gains , n negro , severely
hurt. It Is reported that ho 1m * died.
Mayor Julian today organized a largo body
of special policemen In view of the excite
ment , ns ho fears further trouble at the
polls , owing to bitter feeling between , the
workers of the two parties and the friends
of the men killed and Injured. The merest
trlllo of a quarrel would bo likely to result
In a resort to firearms.
The doid :
FRANK EGBERT , republican politician.
HOWARD GLORE , republican member of
Egbert's crowd.
JOHN SMITH , driver of the democratic
wagon lu which the negroes were hauled to
the country.
The wounded :
Charles Graham , colored , occupant of re
turning wagcn.
Walter Gains , white , bystander.
There Is no confirmation of the rumor tint
several negroes are dead and concealed about
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Nov. 2. A special to
the Evening I'cst from Mount Veriion , Ky. ,
says : A number of tough characters created
n disturbance at the Crooked Creek precinct
In this county D'.ils afternoon. Sheriff Mul-
llns attempted tn restore order when a gen
eral shooting nffmy took place between the
sheriff and his deputies and the disturbers ,
three of the latter being killed. The dead
are : '
TlioiiNimilH Invented Xotv Where Iol-
IHI-.H Were u Your Alvo.
RAPID CITY , S. D. , Nov. 1. ( Special. )
"It will bo hard to recognize the Ulack
Hills country In a few years , " said a
wealthy mine owner recently , "providing the
present prosperity continues. An examina
tion of the books of the registers of deeds
for the past few months In the different
counties shows thousands of dollars Invested
where dollars were last year. Ono good
feature Is noted this year In the purchases
they have been made by capitalists who
have money to not only pay cash for the
property hut also have large amounts with
which to make thorough developments of the
property which means the distribution of
thousands of dollars among the laboring
classes and the business men of tlio cities.
It Is an astonishing thing , this paying out
of over $200,000 a month In labor alone by
the different mining companies In the north
ern hills. This money is nil spent at home.
The wages of the miners and day laborers In
the Illadc Hills arc higher than In any
other mining district In the United States ,
Alaska cxcepted. Moro mineral land has
been bonded and sold this summer than ever
before for a like period of time. FarmIng -
Ing land has Increased In value by from
10 to 15 per cent and some sales have been
made this fall that equal down-east
prices , A few years ago farming was
abandoned almost entirely but since the Ir
rigation question has been thoroughly In
vestigated and put Into practical use there
has been a general revival In the demand
for farm lands. Real estate men report
numerous Inquiries for farm lands and other
kinds of properties. The Black Hills Is see
ing the best times since the 'Iron Hill' days
In 1S81 when everything -was on a boom.
There Is no boom In the hills now but every
thing Is being built on a firm financial foun
dation and Is being built to stay. "
Tom O'llnr niiil Wnltor riiiney Ile-
eaiiliircil lij ( ( lie OIIIeerH ,
DEADWOOD , S. IX , Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tom O'Day and Walter Putney , two
of the escaped bank robbers , were recaptured
this afternoon on Falsa Hottom creek about
twelve miles northwest of Deadwood. The
men were unarmed and rnado no resistance.
The Jones brothers and the negro , Moore ,
accused of murder , are itlll at largo , hut
are being closely followed by a large posse
and tholr capture Is but a matter of a few
XIMV South llnlcolu CorpurndoiiH.
PIERRE , S. D. . Nov. 2. ( Special. ) Arti
cles of Incorporation have been filed for the
Crescemt Gold Mining and Milling company ,
with hoidquartors at Ouster , and a capital
stock of $3,000,000. There la a long lljt of
Incorporators , with John W. McFadden at
the head.
The state secretary's office has granted au
thority to C. H. Lion to start a state bank
at Summit , Roberts county.
g Down. : in Ar'toolim Well.
CHAMDERLAIN , S. D. , Nov. 2. ( Special. )
WoVk on an artesian well at Stephen Mis
sion , a Catholic Institution located north of
hero on the Missouri river , Is nearly com
pleted , The drill has reached i depth of
moro than 850 feet and U Is thought water
will bo struck at 1,000 feet.
llolillni ; HevlviilN at Kilfjiiioiil.
EDGEMONT , S. D. . Nov. 2. ( Special. )
Rev. Ilyron Doall , an evangelist from Lin
coln , Neb. , lately closed a scries of meetings
lie re. The attendance was good and some
twonty-fivo expressed a desire to lead a ne'V '
llfo. Ho has gona from hero to Gordon , Neb. ,
to begin a similar service ,
OliI l.uiiilinnrk llliMrii lliMvn.
NYAOK , N. V. , Nov. 2. The 1770 stone
house at Tappan was blown down by the
wind this morning. This Is the bouso where
Major John Amlro was Imprlnoncd and from
which he was taken JtoJJs execution on Oc
tober 2 , 17SO. It war owned by Dr. Stephens
of Tappnn and has iboea visited by people
from all over the
Meeting1 of MotlioitUt IINliopn.
BALTIMORE , NopTho bishops of the
Methodist Episcopal hjirch , who have been
meeting In ecinl-annual session , computed
their work last night ' , ind the meeting ad
journed. The nrxtrmt'-etlng will bo hold
at Alh'on ' , Mich. , May 1 , 1S08. The princi
pal business that ciw } d the attention of
the bishops was thn .arrangement of the
program for the crn op.u visitations to
the spring or eastern conference. Today
the bishops went to-'l'h\ladclphla \ , where a
meeting of the Goi/enfl / Church Extension
society will bo held. - Next week they will
attend n meeting of : the Freeclmen's AIJ
society In Urooklyn- . Y.
The assignments for the spring confcr-
cncta are as follows : . Arkansas , nt Slloim
Springs , February 3 , Bishop s , M , Merrill ;
central Pennsylvania , nt Danville , Pa. , March
1C , IJIshop E. G. Andrews ; St. Louis , at
Springfield , Mo. , March 9 , Bishop II. W.
Warren ; Missouri , at Hannibal , Mo. , March
10 , niahop II. W. Warren ; central Missouri ,
at Topckii. Kan , , Mnrch 23 , lllshop H. W.
Warren ; upper Mississippi , nt Elllsvllle ,
Mtas. , January 12. Bishop w. X. Nlnde ; Mis-
slfislppl , at Okalona , Miss. , January ID ,
lllshop Nfndo ; Louisiana , at Franklin. La. ,
January S , Bishop Nlnde ; gulf mission nt
Cowloy , La. , February 3 , Bishop Nlnde ;
north Indiana , Hartford City , Ird. March 23 ,
Bishop C. H. Fowler ; Lexington , Terre Haute
Ind. , March 30lllshop Fowler ; North Da
kota , Cassclton , N. D. , April 27 , Utahop J.
W. Joyce ; Mexico , Pueblo , January 19 , Bishop
J. H. Fitzgerald.
Kansas Lawrence , Kan. , March 2 , Blohop
Earl Cranston ; south Kansas , Ottawa , Kan. ,
March 9 , Bishop Cranston ; soub'iwest Kan-
ras , Lynn , Kan. , March 16 , Bishop Cranston ;
northwest Kansas , Minneapolis , Kan. , March
23 , Bishop Cranston. The assignment for
the foreign conferences Is as follows : India
nnd Burmih , Bishop Cyrus D. Foss and J. M.
Thohurn ; Europe. , irlno conferences. Bishop
J. 'M. ' Waldcn ; 'Africa , two conferences ,
niahop J. C. Hartzell. Thcro were no us-
Blgnments for the conferences lu eaatcrn
Asia nnd South America.
Situation I * Iteiiorteil nii
lit XOTV OrleiuiN.
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 2.Tho fever situa
tion tonight Is very encouraging. Board of
health physicians say the backbone of the
fever Is broken and should the weather * re
main as It Is for several days the disease will
bccomo non-Infectious acid almost entirely
stamped out. Deaths John Grasto , Arthur
Barlllcaux , J , T. Johnson , Leopold Plucua ,
Mary Plcorndc. New cases , thirty.
MOBILE , Ala. , Nov. 2.A long list oC new
cases cams today to show that the cold
weather had not made any Impression on the
fovcr. The death rate remains low , how
ever , there being no deaths Sunday , Monday
and Tuesday.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Nov. 2. Three now
cases and two deaths are tctilght's fovcr re
port. The dead are : Mrs. B. F. Mason , C.
A. Jordan.
KIres of u lny.
FLORENCE , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) W.
F. Barker's house burned tonight with all
the contents. H was . Insured for ? 2,000.
Several relics were burned , among them an
old piano thatl had beenIn possession of the
family for fifty years. '
MARYVILLE , Mio. . .Nov. 2. ( Special. )
Twelve buildings In the business portion of
the town of SherirtUnrwhIch Is on the Nod-
away-Worth county line , wcro destroyed by
flro yesterday evening , Thn total loss
amounts to about . , $15,000. The fire
originated In Sewell & Co.'s drug
ttoro and a high wind was blowing nt the
tlmo and the people were powerless to
check It. Already n 'low enterprising gen
tlemen have mndoinrrangenipntH to rebuild.
HASTINGS , Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The largo bam of Dave Holman was
burned to the ground , this morning. Ten
head of horses anil a lot of harness were
burned with It. The-Joss Is about ? 1COO ;
small Insurance. .
Subscribe for Tlio Sunaay Hoe and read
Anthony Hope's s/dM'ory "Simon Dale. "
SnniziuirloH of ItnuoN Hint on Eleotloii
ln > .
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Lake Side results :
First race , live furlongs : Lorninln , 3 to 1
and even won ; Verdi , 2 to 1 , second ; Scorn
ful , 3 to 1 , third. Time : 1:03.
Second race , mile nnd seventy yards : Ar-
rezxo , C to S nnd 2 to r > , won ; Gaston , even ,
second ; Nero third. Time : 1-IS : > 4.
Third race , six furlongs : Hen Frost , 7 to
10 and out , won ; Jim Lisle , 4 to 1 , second ;
Clinton Park .third. Time. 1:1CW.
Fourth race , ono mile : Boanerges , 3 to 3
and out , won ; Ulysses , 7 to 10 , second ;
Laureate third. Time : llVi. : !
Fifth race , six furlongs : Oath , 3 to 5
and out , -won ; Abuse , out , second ; Empress
Josephine third. Time : 1:14K' : .
Slxh : race , mile and seventy yards : Ban-
ijuo II , 8 to 1 and 2 to 1 , won ; Nannie L'a
BlHter , C to 1 , second ; lloger U third. Time :
1 : .
NASHVILLE , Nov. 2. Results :
First race , seven furlongs : Russella , 8
to 1 and 2 to 1 , won ; High Test , 1 to 2. second
end ; High Noon third. Time : 1:32. :
Second race , five- and one-half furlongs :
Myrlam G , 3 'to S and out , won ; Bucksaw ,
3 to 1 , second ; iBon Jour third. Tlmo :
Third race , six furlongs : Harry Duke , 1
to 2 and out , won ; George B. Cos , 3 to 5 ,
second ; 'Mazarine third. Time : 1:1C : % .
Fourth race , ono mile : Truxlllo , evpn and
1 to 2 , " .von ; Traveler , 4 to 1'second ; Ttunby
third. Time : 1:40. :
Fifth race , six furlongs : Whaterlou , 7 to
10 and out , won ; Pouting , 2 to 1 , second ;
Takanesso third. Time : 1:161 : $ .
NRW YOUK , Nov. 2. Morris Park re-
sul-.a :
First race , seven furlongs : Swlftmas , 7
to 10 and out , won ; Merlin , 2 to 1 , second ;
Longacro third. Tlmo : 1:3' : ) .
Spnnml r.iro. sltf nnil nnn-hilf furlnntrsf
Lady Disdain , G to 1 nnd 2 to 1 , won ; Whist
ling Coon , even , second ; 'Mldlan third.
Time : 1:21.
Third race , mlle nnd a half : Don do Ore ,
1 lo 3 and out , won ; Bannock , out , second ;
Bernardino third. Tlmo. 2:40. :
Fourth race , six furlong-s : Hand Set , 8
to 1 nnd 3 'to 1 , won ; Sensational. 3 to 1 ,
second ; Great Bend third. Time : 1:1U& : .
Fifth race , ono mile : Semper Ego , 8 to 1
nnd 3 to 1 , won ; Hastings , 1 tn 3 , second ;
Howard Mnnn third. Time : lH2-i.
Sixth race , live furlongs : Wasteful , S to
li nnd 1 to 2 , won ; The Cad. 3 to 5 , second ;
Rlla Daly third. Tlmo : lOHi. :
Seventh race , two miles : Forgc-t. 1 to fi
and out , won ; Valorous , out , iiccond. Time :
'LEXINGTON , Ky. , NOV. 2-iipsuits :
First race , six furlongs : J H C , 2 to 5
nnd out , won ; Im.p Skate , out , second ;
Iloynl Dance third. Time : 1:19. :
Second race , five and one-half furlongs :
Ma Angellne , fi to , r > , won ; Miss Florlde
to 1 , second ; Conceal third. Time. l:14''i. :
Third race , woven furlongs : Momus , 3 to
1 nnd even , won ; Myth , out , second ; JIc-
Farlund third. Tlmo : 1:33. :
Fourth race , mile land n quarter : Per
formance , S to 5 mn ) out , won ; Simon W ,
out , second ; Wlnlwr .third. Time : 2:10. :
Fifth race , live runongs : Samlvel , 8 to 1
and 3 to 1 , won ; Connri Doyle , out , second ;
lil Chlco third. Ttmtfr 1:07. :
.lltMNiiurl ciWJiiH a Game.
COIN , la. , NOV..J 3Speclnl ( TVlegram.- )
A hotly contested foot ball game was
played at College Springs this afternoon
Between 'the ' University of Missouri iind
Amity college. Score ; , Missouri , S ; Amity , 4.
Wo have KnnidtliliiKH liPHlilofl tlio I'rI-
iiuiH Oil nnd Jcnvol Stovi-.s AVliy , wo
curry the 'cnniplote line "f hardware -
ware , tinware , 'cooking utensils , etc. ,
fl-ou'vo won for 'litany ' n day our store
tloswn't cover a hlocli , but everything In
our line Is Ihore' , fr'oin a padlock to a
Van Hotel Halite speakhu ; of padlocks
have you ono for your coal bluY
Wo'vo nearly a carload from the lit
tlest hit of a one at a nlclilc to one lar e
ciionnh for the bl Iron irate at the exposition -
position Kt'onndu wo make u specialty
of InilliUTft' hardware , aml while wo
don't wive It away wo make such prices
that you'll wonder If wo buy or steal
It. Intimates promptly furnished. ,
A. C.
. . RAYMER ,
1514 Foriiam St.
have wondered why your
handsome tailored gown did
not present the result you
sought. Ask the
Corset Authority at our store
the sort oT corset your figure
requires 'she will tell you
quickly with no expense at-
tached. She will also demon
strate the various lengths and
shapes of corsets as adapted to
this or that figure. The au
thority on Redfern Corsets at
our store tomorrow only.
. J. Benson ,
Y. M , C. A. Bldg.
Tniuinexe I'liiniiliiK < < > CllnUe Life
I'leitMiint lor Foreign Visitor * .
The largo number of tourists who In re
cent yenrs have visited Japan have added
considerably to the revenue of the country.
It has been calculated that every visitor
spent In his travels not less than $500 , and
the aggregate result of the arrivals from
foreign parts meant between $2.000,000 and
$3,000,000 to Japanese brcadearners. Most of
this fell Into the hands of curio dealers , who
palmed oft Inferior goods to Ignorant west
erners , and of the guides who acted as their
agents. i
To remedy this abuse a. society was formed
In 1S93 , on the Initiative of u number ol
Japanese noblemen and gentlemen , assisted
by several tallueutlal foreign residents. It
called the Kl-hm-Kat and its
was - - , objects
were to extend a welcome to foreign tour
ists and to render them every assistance
during their stay In Japan. It alms nt
bringing within , the tourists' reach moans
of accurately observing the features of the
country and the characterlctlcs of the people
ple ; visiting public buildings arad places
famous for scenic beauties ; seeing objects
of art , both ancient and modern ; entering
Into social and commercial relations with
the people ; In short , affording them all
facility and convenience toward the accom
plishment of their alms , thus Indirectly
promoting , In however small a degree , the
cause of International Intercourse and
trade. Arrangements are made for the pro
vision of trustworthy guides and facilities
given for travel and sightseeing. Entrance
la obtained to all the government estab
lishments and to places of Interest In differ
ent parts of the country. Introductions
are provided to manufacturers and mer
chants , so that , although the main object
of the society Is of a. social .nature. It maybe
bo of great service to these who go to In
vestigate commercial nnd Industrial condi
tions. Accordlnig to the rank or personal
record of a tourist the society wlil Intro
duce him at his request to any Japanese
nobleman or gentleman , If the circum
stances seem to warrant such an Introduction.
In the case of a distinguished tourist the
society might make arrangements at Its own
cost to entertain him , so that Its members
and frlentlo may make bis acquaintance.
Read "Simon Dale" in Tne Sunday ESQ.
If you don't tale It. subscribe now.
Secretary Viimlerllji Rni'M lo Xcw
York til ArrniiKe DetnllH.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Assistant ( Secretary Vanderllp has
gone to New York to ascertain the manner
In which the reorganization committee of
the Union Pacific contemplates meeting the
payments growing out of the sale of that
property. As much as possible It will ha
his aim to have the money redoposlted In
the government depositories In such manner
as to cause the- least possible disturbance
In financial circles.
Dr. Alonzo 13. dough has been appointed
pension examining surgeon at Madison , S.
D. , and Dr. Georga A. Cassldny at Har-
lan , la.
The following South Dakota postmasters
were appointed today : Clear 1 < ake , Deuel
county , W. C. Arnold ; Irene , Clay county ,
II. P. Hartwell ; AVlnfred , Lake county , J. M.
Johnson ; SIsseton , Iloberts county , C. Ken
XIMVH for Hie Army.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The following transfers are made In
the Fifth artillery : First Lieutenant G. W.
Gatchell , from battery I to battery C ; First
Lieutenant Georgs L. Irwln , from battery
C to battery I ,
Colonel John I. Ilodgcrs , Fifth artillery ,
has been granted ten days' leave of absence ,
Triple TriiKecly ill AVorei'Nter.
WORCESTER. Mass. , Nov. 2. Ward Ham
ilton , employed at the Worcester National
bank , killed his wlfo and daughter nnd then
shot himself today.
'tT ICilletl.
SRDALIA , Mo. , Nov. 2. A mixed passen
ger 111111 freight train rolled down n 40-foot
umb.inkment on the Scdalln , Warsaw &
Southwestern road at noon todny , three
miles north of Warsaw. ICnglneer John
Atlnnlor wns Instnntly killed. Fireman
ChiirleH 'McComtiH ' hail a leg broken anil
Hrakemau William Price , Conductor W. I *
Haws and Fred Scbwettmann , u puEHeiiRcr ,
wcro badly hurt ,
\IMV .Illll for I'l'lil'lH ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. The Chronicle tomor
row will say ; James H. Kclcels , comptroller
of the currency , has been elected president
of the Commercial National bunk of Chi
cago. Mr. KcUi'ln will enter upon bis now
duties January 1 , 18)8. ) The Commercial Na
tional Is 0110 of the larK'.st banking Institu
tions of this city , Its deposits amounting' to
nearly JlO.WO.OOa
run HAWU.VS UOI.D-II ; > .
A Xervy Attempt at Trnlit Itoliliery
I'olli-il liy the Ill-ill.emim.
"An old railroad man who has seen a
good deal of service In the west , " as ho Is
described by the New York Sun , whllo chat
ting with a reporter of that paper about the
New York Central wreck , related a revised
story of the attempt to hold up the eastbound -
bound Overland Flyer on the Union. Pacific ,
near Rawllns , Wyo. , In the fall of 1SSS.
"It was undcrstocd , " ho says , "that there
was about $250,000 coming east In the ex-
prctss car of the Overland Flyer that day.
Overland Flyer No. 2 , as she Is known on
the train schedule of the Union Pacific was
tlio biggest train on the road , the only fast
through passenger from the Pacllle coast.
She usually carried from nine to eleven
coaches. Including the sleepers , and was al
ways heavily londcil , o that road agents at
tempting to rob her had to reckon on holding
up or standing off a gco.1 many men , and In
that country , where nearly every man
carries a gun , It was a risky piece of work ,
"Four-miles this side of Hawllns there was
a tank where No. 2 used to stop every night
for water. She reached there about half
past 2 In the morning. The night on which
this attempt at robbery waa made was a
clear starlight night In August. No. 2 pulled
up at the tank and the engineer jumptd
down to oil around , whllo the fireman
climbed out on the torjder and turned on the
water. There were two baggage and ex
press cars , a smoker , two passenger coaches ,
and four sleepers on the -tialn. As the train
stopped the head brakcman dropped off , and.
with his lantern swinging on his arm , walked
over to the engine to gossip with the en
gineer. Just as ho set his lantern , down be
side the engineer two men rcee out of the
ditch with rifles. One commanded the en
gineer 'to threw up his hands and the other
covered the fireman , who was standing upon
the In the tender. Hut there was no
body to cover the brakcman. He was the
unlooked-for chance on which the nlans of
the train robbers went to pieces. Incidentally
It demonstrated the foolishness of endeavor
ing to pull off a holdup with rlllcs Instead of
revolvers. With a gun. as western men call
the revolver , ono man can cover several
others , but with a rifle ho can cover only
one , because anybody ean always tell whether
the rlllo is pointed at him or not.
"As 'these two men covered the engineer
and fireman the rest of the gang scattered
along down the train wcro beginning prcpi-
ratl'ins for the actual work of robbing the
express car. When the brakeman took In
the situation ho ejaculated softly to himself ,
'Well , this Is no place for me,1 and stooped
over as If to pick up his lantern. It hap
pened 'that right beside the lantern lay a
big lump of coal. The brakeman saw It ,
recognized his opportunity , and took It. Ho
picked up the lump of coal Instead of ths
lantern , and , as ho straightened up , swung
round , and with all his force hit the fellow
who was covering the engineer on the head
and staved In his skull. The man fell with
a groan , and the other 'bandit let go at
the fireman standing up on the tender.
"The engineer took In the situation In an
Instant. Ho dropped his oil can and jumped
Into his cab , and , with his heavy torch ,
smashed his cab lights. The fellow win
had been covering the fireman shot once at
the engineer and then 'turned to the 'brake-
man , who , Instead of following the engineer
Into the cab , had started to run , back to thu
front platform of the ilrat baggage car. Just
as the brakcman climbed up on the car a
bullet from the train robber's rifle caught
him through the hip , but ho hung on.
"At the first shot from the man at the en
gine the other fellows along down the train
opened up Indiscriminately , shooting
'through the car windows. The engineer
wasted not a second. As soon as his lights
were out , so that ho save the robbers no
mark , ho tipped over his rovcrso lover and
opened thp throttle. He realized It
was possible that 'the robbers had placed
some norl of obstruction on the track ahead
of him nnd the best thing for him to do
was to back ; besides It was nearer to Raw
llns than 'the station ahead. So back bo
went ns hard as he could go , with the train
robbers tiring as long as they thought they
| had any cliinco of hitting anybody.
\ "When the train pulled Into Ituvllns the
) bralteman was found banging to the first
platform of the baggage car. The liremnn
I had crawled down ovi-r the coal Into the cab
before they got to Rawllns. Ills right wrist
was broken , and the brakemnn's right hip
was 'broken. ' That was practically all the
damage -that wan done , except some bullet
holes In the cars. U Just happened that not
n passenger was hit. They were a mighty
frightened lot that got to Rawllns. It It
hadn't been for the coolness and qulcknesii
of the brakeman the probability Is that the
thieves would have got money In the cx
press car , as well as the valuable * of the
passengers. That was Just about ns nervy
a It wvnild have been 'to try to wreck and
rob the Ihiffalo special. "
Valuable Mium liu-l urliiir I'rneeNxca
Siiri-eiilllloii.Hly Ohlaliieil.
In days gene by the proprietor of a
chemist's shop close by Temple Dar , In Lon
don , enjoyed the monopoly of making cltrlo
ncld. llo employed no workmen ; the mystic
operation by which he- grew rich was con-
lined to himself. Ono day , having locked the
doors and blinded tlio windows , the chemist
went to dinner. A chimneysweep , or boy
disguised as such , wldo-awake on chemistry ,
was on the watch. Following the man to
Charln.R Cross , to make sure that ho woulit
not return that day , the sooty philosopher
hied 'rapidly back to Temple liar , ascended
the low building , dropped down the flue , saw
all ho wanted , and returned , carrying with
him the mystery. The monopoly of the In
ventor was gone. A few months after the
price of the article was reduced four-fifths.
The poor , man was heartbroken nnd died
sl-ortly afterward , Ignorant of the trick by
which ho had beenvictimized. .
The history of cast steel prcssnts a cu
rious Instance of a secret atealthlly obtained
under 'the cloak of an appeal to phllan-
throphy. In 17CO there lived nt Attcrcllff a
watchmaker named Huntsman. Ho became
dlssatlslled with the watchsprlngs In use
and sot himself to the task of making thorn
homogeneous. Ho succeeded ; his steel became -
came famous and about 1770 a largo manu
factory of this peculiar steel was established
at Attercllff. The process was wrapped In
mystery , faithful men- were hired , largo
wages paid 'and stringent oaths administered.
One midwinter night , ns the tall chimneys
of the Attercllff steel works belched forth
their smoke a traveler knocked at the gate.
It was bitterly cold and the stranger
awakened no suspicion. Moved by motives
of humanity , the foreman let him In , Feign
ing to bo worn , out with cold , the fellow
nank upon the floor and BOOH appeared to bo
asleep. That , however , was far from his In
tention ; he saw workmen cut bars of steel
Into bits , place- them Into crucibles and
thrust the crucibles Into the furnace. The
flro was urged to Us extreme heat until the
steel was melted , and then drawn out and
poured In liquid form Into molds. Mr. Hunts ,
man's factory had nothing moro tn disclose ;
the secret of making cast-steel had been ,
AVnler .11 llIii IliirnlH.
A largo "water main nt Thirteenth nnd
Doufiias Htrcetn gave \viiy last night with
riitbcr serious results to thu surface. The
water forced Its way through the pave
ment and a column of It burnt into the air.
A flow of mud and water reached from
curb to ourb and stopped tntlllc for a ,
half block each way. A gang of men
worked during1 tire nlfc'ht ' on the break nn4
this mornlni ; the pipe IH In working order.
Wo arc ImrliiK n jjrait sale of second
hnnd pianos and organs scnuo used
lint a short time HOIIIO used a
loiitf Hint1 all in j'ood condition but
yon have a blj ; lot to choosu from anil
wlmlevor yon pick Iho price Is rl ht
Some of them arc :
Upright Woser Hros. ' piano ? 7-I.OO.
I'lipi'lKht Hale & Co. plaiio-8r. . < )0. )
Upi'lj-'ht Hush piano $1)11.00. )
I'prlKht Halo & Co. plano-l".0.00.
Upright Hlnzp piano $ H5.0l ) .
rprlKht Klmlmll , npilnht Mason &
llainliii and 1'arlor Grand Klinlmll , half
Ksly or an , walnut case $18,00.
Storey & Clark , line style $ : il > ,00.
Kdna piano case or an and Klmhall
parlor oak case half price ,
Kasy payments they're KOII | fast.
WCQIKlnfl. 1513 Douglas
Wo have Just received our holiday
stock of watches and It Is an elegant
line more watches than we've over had
before Watches for the yoniiK and old
ladles and Ki'iillemeii they're such
\valches an yon would like to tflvo and
receive as a ChrlslnuiH present and wo
wish yon to consider this a special In
vitation for yon to come and see the
liiindsoiiH'st and most reasonably priced
line of watches In the cltv'e know
t\uy \ will please yon 100 engraved cards
with copper plate for $1..V-100 ) cards
printed from your own plate for $1.00
Wedding Klatlonery engraved In the
latest and up-to-date styles $10.00 for
the llrst HHM.fiO per 100 after that-
Mail orders solicited.
Jewelers ,
15th and Douglas Sts.