TIIIC OMAHA DAILY lUfllS : "WEDNESDAY , KOVKMHICR ISt \ ) , TOM AND Till AT DRAW POktR Millions at Elalco in a Kcnutkab'.o Qnmo Between Mnn and V/ifc. OOMiSTIC TUSSLE LASTING TWO Y.ARS A riiiiiiirr of 1,1 fp n ( IliiCtr , Mnn ( . ( In \Vlilch Tim Win * Out nnil llronl < N Toin'n Mimlit fur Gil mitt I n K. "One of the wealthiest men In my town linui't got a cent to his name , " said George Wltherby of Unite , Mont. , In a liotel cafe In \Ynshlniton ; a few night * ngo. The men In the party eyed Mr. Wlttaorby. "Fad , I assure you , " ho wont on. "The man has the use of the money , ho uses It In lin ! tig operations lust as freely as It It be longed to him , and ho la rated A No. 1 for the whoc ! pile hy the commercial agencies. Moreover , he made every dollar of the money himself , All the same , ho can't call a sou- martin In of It hi * own. Ho told me him- nolf tcily the other day ( hat ho didn't have the | > rico of a nccktlo In cash th.it belonged to him , and that If he happened to be called upon to piy In. coin of his own for the half- BollnB of lilfl show , ho'd probably have tote to baicfoot , " Some of the men around the table , relates n correspondent of the New York Sun , were DPRlnnliiK to regard Mr.Vlthcrby with tnrnlfcstly distrustful looks , but he went on : " 1 guess about a million Is the figure this man has accumulated and has got the use of , although he doesn't now own any of It any moro than you fellows do. It belongs to his wife. No , ho didn't transfer It to her In order to avoid the piyment of debts , or any thing of the tort. He's a dcad-siuaro man. end Ms word has always been ns good as his bond. And ho didn't mnrry a wealthy woman , cither , for , as I've already said , ho earned every peseta of the pile himself. It Is Dimply this : During the Itot four years thU man has been playing poker with his wife , anil she has been cluanlng him out from the go-off. She broke him In less than two yoirs after they started the game , and BIO ! has kept him flat broke ever since. Ho hasa't got Ifi cents worth of stock or bondn In 'tho world ; he's got no personal property except his clothes and his watch and chain his wlfo has won all 'the rest of his Jewelry , though she lets him wear It ; he dcesn t row jiotsesii so much ns nn 8x10 rough-board shack nut at the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of real estate that used to Etnml In his mine. Ills wlfo ban got It all. Yet they are the happiest couple In thu northwest , go everywhere together , and arc genuine chuma and swccthcarta It Is a ( | iicer bus'ners. 1M nu'mlt , and I'll have to glvo you tiio uetalls before you'll be able to understand It. A WIDE ) OPEN TOWN. "I'll to about four yenra ego , as most of you probably know , nutto was probably thu warmest gambling town 'In this country. Them wcro lulf a dozen games on every block and they weren't smothered up on the 1op floors , cither , nor perforated with pcnp- Jioles with a house man at every hole to Elzo up the proper people or the dangerous ones t'jat ' tinkled for admittance. They were run full blast on the ground floors , and the clatter of the chips and the rattling of the wheel marbles were Just as common sounds In the cars of pedestrians on the main streets of IJutte as the mom of the tamalu man la ontho streets of San Francisco. All of the join's were called clubs , and there was a very wldo gamut between the best and the worst of them. "At faro bank you could get anything you wanted In Ilutte , from two-bit limit to no limit at all , and all the rest of the games , from mustang to fly lee and stud poker , worn run on the same scale to accommodate the purstM of both punters and performers. There was no municipal supervision of the games at all. The only exaction was that every layout should be run strictly on the level , anl this was not a municipal exac tion , but was a rule that proprietors of the big Institutions took 'In hand and enforced. If thu manager of a punting game pot caught In the moBt venial sort of crooked work , or even an attempt at crooked work , his place would bo closed up In jig tlmo by thu chlel of police , and no explanation would be given why this was done. But the big bank pro- prlotom would know why it was done. HK UKED TUB GAME. "Well , this wealthy man of Uutte , now without a cent of his own , was one of the mcst profitable patrons of the high-class iamcs until the reform administra tion came along , about four years ago and swept about eight out ol ten bankti out of existence and forccil the surviving Institutions , the leading once 6t the town , to carry on business strictly on tbo iiulct. He made most of his money In working Montana's gem fields , and ho was a shruwd Investor ami a rattling good 'business jnau. Hut he was one of those follows the ] lko of whom you occasionally run across with an Irresistible mania for gambling In all Its forms , yet altogether locking In the temperament , skill and experience required tor succccrful gambling. Ho went against oil the heavy games that were running In Bntto under the old regime , and he got nil bard by nearly all of them. Ho lacked the will power to lot the tables alone , however And after n whllo his steady louses began to prey on his nerves and to Injure his health. Although he never encroached upon hlo capital , ho sloughed away the major portion of his very large Income on the green cloth and If the reform administration hadn'i happened around just about when it dh there's ivo telling how far ho might have gone. Although he kept at It for a fo\v weeks after the beginning of the reform he was too upright to to able to stand for sneaking up back stairs , to ho Inspected through a peephole by hangers-on for faro hells. Hut his wife wan chiefly instrumental In his giv ing the banks the complete go-by. "Ho had gone hack to New Hampshire and man-led the nweethcart of his boyhood after liu began to pile up money In ' .Montana. Ho got a prize , too , and he knew it , and ho did everything In the world for her but the one ( hint ; that t > ho most wanted him to do , and ( hat was to iiult gambling. " 'After a whllo I'll let the banks go , fTlminy. ' ho'd say to Jier. 'I want to give ' 0111 one good , hard welt , and get at Icasl Komo of It back , and then you and I'll spend our evenings playing checkers and you won'l .worry any more. ' "Well , you all know how It goes when a fellow stacks up against another man's game for the iiurprao of getting his money back , The player plays with desperation and Im becility , unil he gets worse mired all the time. That was what was happening to this man when hH wlfo got Into the game. Site /was / and Is a pretty level-headed and accom plished woman and clever enough to keep thu smartest men on their mettle on any ubjcct. , AN INSINUATING BLUFF. " 'Tom , ' Ettld she to her husband very early ono morning when ho reached home " with a worried look on his face , 'you know "I'm ' no Mrs. Caudlo and that I haven't sat up to lecture you. You've been at the bank , haven't you , Tom1 'Tom owned up , " 'And you look ta If you were Jilt pretty bard. I suppose you wcro ? ' " 'Middling hard,1 says Tom , " 'Well , now , ' fho went on , 'I'vo been hearing today that the llrst-rato man don't play bank any more , slneo they've been compelled to go about It In a skulking kind of way , Anil , otter having had the honor of jrour acquaintance and your regard ever since I was a llttlu girl In short frocks , < it Is clear to mo that you belong to thu tribe of first- rate men. ' "Tom smoked his cigar and kept his mouth elotcd. " 'Tom , ' Mrs , Tom went on. 'I believe that you Just naturally love to gamble ; that you voro born that way ; that you liavo a pzaslon jor venturing your money just for the excite- jncnt. the mental stimulus of It , Am I right ? ' "Tom ( licked the aelies from his cigar In I way that said 'yes , ' but he kept still , " 'Well , ' said she after ' ' a pause , 'I've got "Tom told mo afterward that he though ! it the tlmo that his wife was delirious from inxiety , and thit ho looked at her pretty bard. " 'You needn't taro at mo In that way om , ' she said. 'I'm not cruty and I havcn'i Wet hysterics. I kuow Just what I am talk- Jog about and I mean every word I say. BUy borne and gamble with me ! I like to gamble , too , although I'vo never told you I'm pwf ctljr certain Ut J c n ylay Ji.st OB K ' ! ft p-mr of < lr. w pj'tcr n y i r n V-j'i might as well ki'pp all this money you arc wnstinir at ilir public tables In ilu1 jomily mid let me have ionic fun out of u ; " 'Tlmmy you're lonti y , % Bay Tom. " 'No. I'm not , either. ' replied Mrs , Trm. 'Vnu know I'VP R.it a lot of innney In the bank that I really IIAVS no use for. You gavn It In me flat , ami It's rrally and truly inliio. Isn't It ? Well , thiii , too. am I not entitled to a one-third Interest In everything you hive ? I've nlways understood It that way. All right. I'll play the money I've Already got and my one-third Interest in your estate. You enn advance mo Install ments on It. Then , Tom , I'll 'bust ' you' Isn't that wh.it they call It ? ' " 'Well , Tlmmy , ' said Tom. 'I'll RO you. ' " 'It was such a novel sort of preposition , ' he said to me afterward , 'nnd It was no nslmiatlngly put , besides , tl'at I just couldn't tiolp but agrco to It then and there , and to sUnd for It afterward. ' HEOINS'INO THE OAMB. Well , this couple started their two- lianded panic of draw on the very next night , and Tom told me that from the very go-on lie never had so much fun playing card a In his life. Not that his wife didn't know the game. He had taught her the game of poker soon after they wcro married , and on hla evenings at home they had often played a quarter limit game for the fun of the thing. Hut It was so queer to bo playing with his wlfo for really Immense stakes , ns they did In nil eatnestneBs play when the game waa well under way , that this Dutto man relished the play enormously. Ho quit the faro banks altogether , and devoted all of his apart ! time to HIP attempt to brat his wlfp. " 'If I succeed In breaking her , ' he said to romc of us after the nm few weeks , 'of course I'll hand back to her nil of the deeds nnd securities constituting her one-third that she has solemnly made over to me. Hut she doesn't know that I will , and Is playing her keeps , nnd so my fun Is not diminished a particle. ' "Ho Mnn found that his attempts to boat his wife's game nnJ her luclc were not pan ning out. The whole truth of the matter Is that she wns n better poker player than he , but what man would over own. up , even to himself , that hla wife could beat him at the game of draw or any other kind of a game of cards ? In the first place , she was about 100 per cent more cool-headed than he ; In the place , she hail a keneer appreciation of the value of hands ; In the third place , she was a bluffer ; and In the fourth place , she knew her husband llko a book , nnd could figure down pat from the expression of his face just what his handa were worth. When you throw Ir. with all of these advantages the natural Intuition of a woman , and the Instinctive 'hunch' she has to do the right thing Just nt the right tlmo , you can per ceive that this man I nm tolling you about didn't have such a show as he thought ho luil when ho talked to his friends about re storing nil of his winnings to his wife nt the wind-up. "The little woman wns not loser a dollar from the very first night they started play. .VI the end of n month , as Tom told me hlm- rclf. It scorned to bo no longer n question as to which of the two would come out uhcad on a night's play , but simply a question ns to how much he would lose. At the end of olx months his wlfo hnd $200,000 , worth of his securities In her comiurtment of their safe deposit vault. " ' ' about this tlmo. 'Lose ? said Tom to me 'Holy smoke , she doesn't know how to lose ! She'll havemo a pauper before I know whore I am. And bluff ! Say , she bluffs me out of my own jackpots on eight or ten high when there are thousands of dollars In the pot. Then when I conclude to put a stop to this binning and raise her up to the cell- Ing by betting whole slathers of money on really good hands I happen to hold , she holds fours or a straight Hush. There's no way I know of to got a line on the way a woman plays poker ; but she's got me HO deep in the hole now that I've got to bee the game through. ' "Well , nt the end of n year this nervy Httlo woman had not only captured all that jortlon of her husband's Income that ha.l forrr.erly helped to enrich the green cloth men of Dutte , but she had gathered In about an oven halt of bis capital. * H was all his to manipulate and do business with , ns I've told you ; but it was in her name. It took her another year to break him. but she mndo a mighty slick job oil It nt the end. It was almost exactly two years to n day after they had started the game when the Inevitable night cimo on which this IJutte man had to sail the sponge nnd acknowledge that ho wns nil up. Each of them had on a corner of the table a list of securities , stocks , bonds and other properties , with the money values noted , that they Individually owned , and they hnd devised n system of checking this list oir with a pencil as the securities were wagered In the pi-egress of the play. Then at the end of each week they would have a settling day , and on these settling days , nlno times out of ten , the securities and real estate deeds would bo transferred wholesale from the husband's to the wife's side of the safe deposit vault. On the night that she broke him flat she had been bluff ing so persistently that he concluded he would call a halt to that sort of thing as soon as ho got a good hand. His opportunity arrived when ho gave himself thrco Jacks and then another Jack on the draw. Ills list of securities beside him was pretty well checked off by this time , but ho thought ho had a. good enough hand to do n double or quits turn , and so , when ho saw that his wlfo was Inclined to raise him In the bet ting , ho Just fired the whole list In the mld- dlo of the table. " -If I haven't got you beaten this time , Tlmmy , ' ho said , 'I might as well go broke. ' " 'Well , that won't break you. you know,1 she replied , sweetly. 'You've sot your diamonds mends yet. haven't you ? ' " 'Oh , I'm too strong this tlmo to let you bluff mo out that way , Tlmmy , ' said ho. 'It you have the audacity to think you've got m < > beaten this tlmo and will stand for Hid raleo hy checking off an equal value on that little list of yours over there , I will put Into the pot everything I own In the world except my duds rrid this watch and chain that was given to me nt home when I was u boy. ' " 'And the value of what you've got left ? she Inquired , cool as a cucumber. " 'Well , ' said Tom , 'I guess my rings nnd pins are worth $10,000. and you can ap praise my wardrobe at about $1,000. ' "Tholittle woman calmly took the pencil nnd checked off $11,000 worth of securities on her list. - > ' " 'I call you , ' said ohe. "Tom smiled as ho spread out his hand. " 'Too bad. Tlmmy , ' ho said. 'Four Jacks. ' " 'Too bsd , Tommy , ' said nho , spreading out her hand. 'Four queens , ' " OK 'FlAV' ( Wi.VTlIKH. I'alr lit NcliriiBUn , ivllli I.lKliI .Smith \VillllK. WASHINGTON , Nov. 2.-Forecast for Woilnt'Fday : For Nebraska , Kansas nnd South Dakota Fair ; llht ( poiitli winds. For Iowa ami Missouri Fair , variable " " ' "l"dr'\Vyomlngl-Fiilr ; variable winds. 1.oi-u I llfonril , OFFICE OF WICATIIEH JUJHKAU , OMAHA , Nov. 2. Omaha record of rainfall iiml temperature comp.iroil with the cor responding tlay of the last three years : Maximum temperature , . 01 48 CO 40 Minimum temperature . . 27 37 41 33 AvewKH temperature . . . . 44 42 f 4 40 Hnlnfull 00 .00 .00 .00 Hcoonl of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for this tiny nnd since March 1 , HU7 : Normal for the clay 42 Hxeess for the day 2 Accumulated L-XCCHH since March 1 401 Normal rainfall for the day O."i Inch Deficiency for the tliiy 05 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 17.S7 inches Oefli'U'ncy ainco March 1 10.37 InchCH Kxct'ss for cor. period. 1S3G 4.41 Indira UellclfiKT for cor. period , 1833. . . . 10.00Inches from .Sliilliiiix nl H i > , in. , 75th MerlJIan Time. Time.&l & BTATIOK3 AND STATE OF . , 3 : g - ajj ! S 3 Ornahu. rUur 10 , ,00 North I'lalle. cleur . . . . . . 72 ,00 Halt I < ake City , cloudy CS .00 Cheyrmie. cleur 70 .00 llniilil t'lty , part cloudy 70 | .0) Huron , clear . , , ( S , .00 Clilrngo , clfar 60 | .CO Wlllliton , cleur SO , .04 Kl. lmil > , clear Bt , 1'uul. clear .00 Davenport , clear .00 Helena , cloudy , , , .00 ICunsoH City , clear , .00 Havre , cloudy .00T lUnmarck. clear .0) GaUetton. clear C2 . (0 ( T Indicate * trace ot precipitation. J * A. WELSH. I/XiU Forecast Official \ TO HAVE A DATE FIXED Hartley's Attorneys File n Motion in the Supreme Ootiit. WANT A DAY SET FOR THE IIFARING II > ' thr Hnlr * OpinliiK | CiiiiMNct llnvc Ttvonty llnj'n 1'llcllrli'f * Ucdilicr UO , Wlii'ii Hnrlli'j-'n llrlrfN Wcro I'Mlt-d. LINCOLN , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) The at- torneje for cx-Stato Treasurer Hartley have filed a motion In the supreme court asking the court to set a day for the hearing and argument of his case and to fix a time In which the state's attorneys shall serve and fllo briefs. Hartley's briefs were filed Oc tober 20 and the rules of the court allow the opposing counsel twenty days In which to fllo reply briefs. Attorney General Smyth has appealed the Home for the Friendless case to the supreme court. The case was brought In district court some time ago upon mandamus pro ceedings commenced by Mrs. C. S. Jones , the newly appointed superintendent , to gain pos session of the home. In his decision dis missing the writ of mandamus Judge Holmes said that the state had entered Into a con tract with the society. I'll ? I IT IX A I'd IIINC llllOTtt. l Simple In n Conlrovorny mill Ilir Scrap lliTumcM ( Ji-iifrnl. nKATItlCB , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) An exciting encounter between prominent citizens occurred at the Second ward polling pl-ico tonight. The room was packed with watchers aid In a controversy over a ballot , Frank Norcross olrnck Judge J. E. Hush , who had a few moments before 'been ' engaged In a controversy with Nor cross' father. Charlie Hush , a son of the Judge , who was on the board when his father was struck , attempted to take a hand In the affair , which resulted In a general scrap. As soon an quiet had been restored , young Until , who hid stepped outside with the crowd , took up the iiuarrcl hy striking young Norcross In the face. Bystanders again In terfered and further trouble was averted. Previous trouble between the two families \\as largely responsible for the .affair. Kiinrnil of Itlt-hnril Can mm. T12CUMSEII , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) The funeral of Hichard Cannon , who was killed at Alliance , Neb. , last Saturday , was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cummins In Tecumseh ycsterdaj. lift. T. U. Davis of the Unptist church v.as In charge. The Interment was made In the TccuniEph cemetery. The young mini was but 2G years of age , was single anil hla parents ore not living. lie was a switch man at Alliance and In attempting to cross the track In front of a moving locomotive frll and was run over. He lived three hours after the accident. Mr. Cannon formerly resided here. IIIiMV Open n .Stiff. BDGAU , Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special. ) The Clay county hank of this city was broken Into last night and the safe blown open , but before the robbers had tlmo to secure the money James McNally , editor of the I'cot , who happened to hear the explosion , came upon the scene and the robber fled. He aroused Stout and Voorhces. the proprietors , and returned with them to the bank , but no trace of the robbers could be RCCII. There was about $2,000 outside of the cash reserve drawer , most of which was still In the safe. It Is not known yet how much cash the rob- bere secured , If any. Hull nil A. O. I' . W. Tri-HHiiror. UED CLOUD. Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) The safe In II. E. Grlco's drug store was opened last Saturday night and about $50 taken. The robbers drilled Into the eafo door with a common brace and steel bit and blew It on with a charge of powder. Mr. Grlce Is financier of the Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge and as it was the last of the month It is thought the robbers counted on getting a large sum of money that Is paid In on assessments at this time. The gang la supposed to he the same that robbed a saloon In Guide Uock Friday night. lllHlorlriil Iliillilliit ; TiiUfN Pin- . MILFOUD , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) The building that was kpown In the early history of Mllford as the Frlsbco house caught flro yesterday from explosive stove polish. The lire was soon gotten under control and the damage was Htt'o moro than nominal. The Frlsbco house was built In 1SG7 and was orglnally sixteen feet square , with a small lean-to for a kitchen. A host of Ne braska notables have eaten and slept In the building In the early days. Hnllriiiiil Itcct-lptN An * l.nrKc. SHELTON , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Spectil. ) Re ceipts for the month of October at tibe Union Pacific station here are almost $32,000. This is a large increase over several years past and Is In part accounted for by large ship ments of stock to this point for feeding. NVliritNliiiIMVH \ntcH. Corn , huskers are scarce In the western part of the state. A school near Shclton has been closed on account of whooping cough. Members of the Christian church at Beaver Cl. ; ' are building a house of worship. Farmers In Hitchcock county lost several head of stock during the recent storm. Farmers near Battle Creek are. buying sheep In lots of 2,000 and lesa , for winter feeding. Ewlng has a mad dog scare. Several heaO of stock have been bitten by a dog supposed to have been mad. Dr. U. C. Talbot of Broken How got tangled up In a runaway , and sustained the fracture of a collar 'bone plus two rlh . The ministerial cosoclatlon of Holdrege district. Western Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church , will bo held at Alma. HUhop Scanncl of the Omaha Catholic diocese , assisted by Hev. Father Flood , con firmed a clsss of fifty-four at Broken. How recently. The 10-year-old eon of E. H. Heskltt of Sidney was thrown from a cart on Sunday last and both bones of his right forearm were broken near the wrist. Emll Anderson , ago , ' ! 13 , of Mason City , with several lads , was digging a "dungeon" when the ground caved , burying him com pletely. When rescued his only Injury was found to bo a broken leg. The Battle Creek Republican has on exhi bition an car of corn that beats anything seen In that line In uhat vicinity. H weighs nearly two pounds , has twenty-two rows of corn aril over 1,200 grains 1n all and meas ures ten and one-half Inches In circumfer ence at the butt end. George Humphrey , formerly a resident of I'lerco county , la charged with the murder of his wife's brother , the. act being committed near his old homo In Marlon county , Vir ginia , while under the Influence of liquor. George , with a party , was out hunting and got on ono of those sprees ho was noted for while In Nebraska , striking Cils victim with a rock. The boy lingered for several weeks before dying. Tuesday night of last week fifteen head of cattle disappeared from the ranch of the Beaver Creek Cattle cotiiiony near Valen tine , They were missed the next morning and E. 0. Perkins , foreman of the ranch , atartcd In search of them but could not find their trail. Every indication points to the fact that the cattle did cot estray from the ranch but were driven away. Among the bunch were cows , Btccrs , belfera and calves and two or thrco of the missing cows had calves In the herd , Ono of three cows went to the farm of Nelg I'oleu the next day twenty five mlk'a cast , going there from the north and had evidently left the other cattle on the Indian i enervation to go to her calf. That the cattle weru rustled there seems to be uo doubt. Harry Cole , a mulatto who hag a small barber shop at Chancery and Hanover streets , Trenton , N. J. , U turning white. Two years ago ho noticed white sfola ou hla right arm , I : Restored to Health And Hundreds of Dollars Saved by Dr , Miles Restorative Nervine. \ G. STAIIH , liimlwnixs dealer UptvU. FUANKL1N MILKS , LU U. , nnd iiro.slilunt of the lloiu'oyi1 BHcommenced active practice more Kails Water Co. , of llonroyo than twenty years ago , directing Falls . . " . Ids energies especially to the nervous , N. Y. , writes : "I have taken Dr. Miles' Uestorativo Nervine , imieh to my system ou the theory that u derange ment of the cells of the brain nerve exerted benefit , having HUiTered for years pant erted a wider Influence in the production from nervous prostration , dizziness and tion of disease than was supposed. Dr. a weak , tired feeling. I have bseii tivatL Miles' theories have been gradually od by a number of plyslelans , but receiving adopted the world over and the wonderful ceiving no permanent benefit , I tool ; ful results attained by Dr. Miles' system Dr. Miles' llestorntivc Nervine and can of restorative remedies , directed especially only speak of It in the highest terms , ially to the nerves lias led to many Imitations as it restored mo to health and saved itations , some of which have been widely hundreds of dollars Jh doelors' bills. 1 ly advertised , but none have equalled have also recommended the Nervine to the elllcacy of Dr. Miles' scientifically many of my friends and take pleasure prepared remedies. They have gradually in telling the public of the permanent ly , but surely , grown in popularity. benefit I received from it. " Those who 113 them are their best ad Dr. Miles' Kestonillyo Nervine is with vertisers , i out doubt the grainiest restorer to Itev. W. H. Baldwin of Oak CHIT , health , from nervous'lustration. It is Texas , says : "For years I suffered with the great cure for the nervous , weak , facial neuralgia , especially In the eyes. ' . A plain story of my paiu > would read tired out In body and 'spirit. For the like exaggeration. No tongue can toll sleepless , the dyspeptic , the rheumatic , what I endured for twenty yeais. The the sufferer from fear and melancholy. Texas Baptist Herald advertised Dr. It strengthens the memory and the Miles' Remedies. 1 took the Nervine mind , and Imparts to the listless and and its effects are wonderful and scorn discouraged the impulse to IK > up and to bo permanent. I have no fear of that the will to do. Dr. Miles' Nervine is an dreadful enemy and say to everyone , absolute nerve tonic thatmakes , the step do not suffer with any nervous disease elastic , the disposition cheerful and the when you can obtain Dr. Miles' Itestorn- spirits buoyant. It is 'a ( strengthening tivo Nervine. " nerve food that rebuild ' the decayed Dr. Miles' Itemedles are sold by all and destroyed nerve .tissues , replacing druggists under a positive guarantee the worn-out weakened nerves with flrst-bottle benefits or money will bo re new , fresh and vigorous life , and sends funded. Hook on diseases of luiirt and men anil women about their dally du nerves sent : free on request by the Dr. ties .with renewed energy and vigor. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind. e Restore Health. It is true that exclusive furnishing goods houses are severely hampered by the competition of merchants who sell caps and gloves only as adjuncts to their other lines , and who in order to attract custom ers offer them at the lowest prices Test the power of a small outlay in jthcse de partments of ours Jor example- A black cloth or mixed colors cap in golf style with ear protection Silk lined golf and square crown , all wool caps , the exclusive cap and hat house 75c article Satin lined Scotch wool , all colors and styles , for cold weather wear Extra heavy caps of plush , melton and beaver cloths Oil tanned calf gloves ( lined or unlincd ) . . . . Heavy cashmere gloves 2f&sf ( self lined ) . . . * -J * * s Street and ' 50c driving gloves Undressed kids , " ! ' 60c ( castors and rt ochas ) Heavy woofeii'mittens ' , mittens tmde of hide , sheepskin backs patented domfort gloves and mitts , kid gloves for dress wear only , and gloves for the school boy , all are here. , , gs , Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts , Mail order department for outsiders. which grow until hla arms were nearly while. Similar spots began to appear on other parts of his body until he U now two- thirds white. The spots when they dm made their appearance wcro no bigger than a pin head. Ills face etill remains yellow , but the small whltu spots ore beginning to make their appearance. Cole figure * that within the next sixteen months he will be a white man. Where the black fades away tbo tkln Is of the color of that of the Caucasian race. No other members of Cole's family have been similarly affected. They are all dark omo of them very black uegroes. JI.-IN nn. A Cleveland man who has been In London brings back a story of two costermongers. They had made a bet of half a sovereign and the drinks as to which could cJtcli the most flan. Accordingly , wlih the drinks taken be forehand , they had repaired to the river and cast In their llnca. They sat there for some thing like four or five houra without cither jf them getting even a bite. Klnally one or them Imagined thai he felt a nibble , and In his excitement ho fell Into the river. "net's off ! " cried the other coster. "It'a no fair dlvln' fer 'eml" HERE IS AN Extraordinary Offer A chance to secure a valuable addition to your library at very small expense IN PiervR.es n Prepared in anticipation of the Centennial demonstrations to occur throughout Ireland dur ing next year. This work will be welcomed by all who con template a visit to the Emerald Isle during 1898 and by tour ists who have visited the islander or who anticipate a journey to its beautiful and picturesque sections. To those who are familiar with the scenes em braced in this splendid series of photographs the views will possess particular interest. . . The descriptive sketches ac companying these views were prepared by OF CHICAGO. These illustrations are not con fined to any one locality in Ire land , but include every section of the Emerald Isle from Lif" ford to Bantry and from Dublin to CaBway. The Round Towers , Vine Cov ered Abbeys , Crumbling Mon asteries , Shrines , Churches and Cemeteries , the BattBe Fields and Eviction Scenes are all faithfully portrayed in this great word . Til . Bring 10 cents to The Bee of fice , either in Omaha or Coun cil Bluffs. Mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in coin.