12 THE OtftAirA. DAILY BEE ; WISIJNESDAV , NOVEMBER 3 , 1897. Not the Result of War Fcates , but of Goraothlng KOTO Thrilling , THE SPECTER IN A GETTYSBURG GRAVE HI * Home Sniirlril ivIUi Trrrnr nml n While ThltiK rtoxc U | > V llnlr Scrm * nml ( ho ( ( Cnp > rlKlit. 1597 , by Cy Woman. ) 'A bis black cloud that seemed to pull out at the bottom until It wan the shapn of n balloon spilled It * Hood "P ° 11 tlic wcst sl ° Pc of Marshall Pass. The flood rushed down n narrow gulch and tore away about fifty feet of the railroad track. The New Kng- land excursion train had to be backed down to Bargonts , at the foot of the hill , anil held 4hcrc until the road could bo repaired. There was absolutely no amusement for the excur sionists save what they could make for llicm- nclvc , nml yet ono heard no complaint. No. body threatened to BUO the company or send In a bill for the extra feed of mountain trout that they were compelled to take because of the washout. Wo all knew that wu should have no trouble with this party by their ac cent. "Thrnp Yankee tou'lsts , " said the old en gineer , "have moo patience an' less pocket money than any clasa of people undch th' sun. " A couple of gentlemen came over to the llttlo roundhouse , walking with their hands behind them , looking at the locomotives that etocd Hteamlng In front of the house waiting for orders. Upon the pilot of one of the engines a whlto-halrcd man In overelothcH sat smoking A cigar. "Good evening , " said or of the tourists. "Good evening , " responded the cn- Blneer. "I suppose , " sild the New Knglander , put ting a clean tan boot upon the nose of the pilot , "that you have been In a clcso place some time. " "Well , 1 can't say that I have. " said the first time In my llfo my bjood ran cold. I nr.t like ono paralyzed In the saddle and saw tho-white-thine rlno and fall. Agtln I urged my frightened horeo but fin oJtn to I brought him up tb the scratch be whirled , snorted and dashed away down the muddy lane. I could not go round aud ho would not go past the frightful object. In thl way wo worked forward an.l back , churning the mud , but getting no nearer home. At last , discouraged and dlKRiuled , I determined to pull down the hlnh fence on my right and pass through the fluM. TUB uoiiHH DAU < ID. ' 'As I reined my homo toward the fence lit1 refused to go or to take his eyes from the grave. With awild , unearthly cry , such as I had nsvcr heard from a hortc , the poor nnlmat sank trembling to the earth , I cut him with my riding whip , brought him to his feet and swung Into the saddle again. Looking over the wall I saw this thing come right up out of the grave. Them could bo no mistake now , for the moon was chining almost full. I saw It put out Its hands upon cither sldj as though It were trying to lift ' Itself up. The white arms seemed to beckon to mo In the moonlight and then It 'sank bark Into the grave again. "I was never superstitious. I had never orti , ttp to this time , A thing on earth that I' would not approach , Hut this was too much for me. It was not of this earth It was unearthly , nnd I was slok at heart. Now I began to wonder how thU story would sound when I should go borne nnd tell It. "I who Jiad faced death upon the battle- filed , day nnd night , for weeks and months , must say that I had seen a ghost In a graveyard. The very thought of It made mo atigry , and I swore then and there that I would solve this mystery or die. "Llfo , nt best , "was not a grand , sweet song to the people of the south at that time , and that thought , perhaps , helped mete to bo a little mite reckless. Taking firm hold of what was left of my once ample stock of courage , I dismounted and made my horse fust to the high fence. Cross ing the road , I looked over the wall , but nothing could ho seen. "I had never been afraid of this man In the flesh , then why should I fear his ghost , or whatever or whoever was doing duty at his open fcravo. I was now dwnro that I was shaking with cold. " 1 took a drink. A friend had given mo a bottle of brandy In the town , but I had for gotten It until now. Presently 1 felt warmer and waited for the ghoat. I began to hope that the thing had taken water at my dis play of courage. I could sec my horse over "I FIRED MY I'ISTOL , TO SIiGW THAT I WAS BRAVE. " man In ovcrclotlics. "I see that your hair Is white , unil yet you are a yoniKor man than 1 am. " "O ! " said the engineer , a little embar rassed , "I got that In the ' 60s , long before I commenced rallroadin' . " "I see , I see , " said the excursionist , showIng - Ing etlll greater interest. "At Gettysburg , perhaps. " "It was going home from Gettysburg , " said the engine driver , glancing at his right hand that had a deep dimple In tbo thick of the thumb. "t wont home , also , after Gettysburg , " Bald the Yankee , and the two nita looked at each other for a moment In silence. The llrcman brought a cushion from the oib , threw It upon the pilot , and the en gineer motioned the men to a seat. GETTYSBURG RECOLLECTIONS. "Well. than , was a good many wont homo from Gettysburg , " said the engineer , with the hard pedal on "home. " The Yankee nodded In silence. Of course each knew by the other's accent that they bad fought there face to face and not side by elde. "One of your follows did me a mean little trick down there , " said the excursionist. "Well , If It comes to that , a damned Yankee poked his bayonet through my hand , " said the engineer , for he had to swear when Lo talked. - "And seeing that you were unarmed , made you a prisoner , when , ho might have kllleJ you. " "Yes , I had been hit on the head with a spent piece of slicll or something heivy enough , to knock mo out. When I oime to and staggercdi to my feet this Yankee made a run. at me an * I had to give up. " "And how did you treat this Yankee who liad spared your life ? " , "Well , sah , I watched my chance , an' hit 3im ! a crack under th' call , grabbed bis gun , an' when ho started 'to get up I laid the barrel across his head and left him there , when I might have killed htm. " "And here , " said the excursionist , remov ing his traveling cap , "la 'tho ' scar you gave him. " | "An * hero's the ma'k of yo' bayonet , " said the 'engineer , wiggling his thumb. The two men shook hands. The tourist returned to his sleeper , but came back again presently with a half dozen friends , The Yankee produced a well-filled ciga. ' case , planted himself at the side of the engineer , and asked him to Hell how his hair happened to be white. "Well , sah , " said the engine man , "It's that dam silly that I liavo nuvah told It. " "Dut you must you could not refuse an old comrade , " said the lYankcu , laughing heartily. "After the scrap , " said the Virginian , whoso accent must now be Imagined , "I went liomo to rest until my hand could heal. Our place was a long way from the rail road , and when I left the train I hired a saddle horse and started out to tha planta tion , U was a dark , rainy night. The re sult of the battle of Gettysburg had sad- tluncd mo , but now the thought of seeing the folk and friends at homo gave mo plcan- uro that could not be marred even by the cad news of the death of one of our neigh bors. RIVALS IN LOVR. "This man this dead man and I had been playmate. ] mid fast friends In boyhood dajs , tut as wo grew older wo fell or rnthfr "grew" In lo\e with the came girl. I can't say that I blamed him for that any man with eyes would do It , but when I went away to war and saw him standing by her side upon the station platform It didn't eecm qulto an oven break. Ho was to stay there nnd listen to thu music of her voice while I heard the roir of the cannon. Ho would elt by her flldo In the summer twl'ight ' whllo I elvpt out In the rain and helped tnako history and the thought ot It put a hardness In my heart that had BOttcned pnly at the news of his death. U was pleas- fltit , however , to reflect that I had faced the enemy had walked "In the ahadow of the shell , " and lived to coma home to her , whllo be , poor devil , had been kicked by a mulu and died. "Tomorrow ho wou'd be planted and I hould be there to eeo how aha took it and cotuolo her as ho had done when I answered tny country's call , "U mutt have been nearly midnight when I entered a lonely lane that led past the principal burying ground In the neighbor- Dooil , Looking over the high stone funco I 8i\v a new made grave and doubted not that It was far my neighbor. "Tho rain had ceased. The moon fchono dimly behind tbo clouds. Suddenly my horse stopped with bis head high , gazing oyer Into the graveyard. I spurred him and lo started forward but stopped again , raised hi * head and snorted. "I listened but heard nothing ; looked and BIW nothing but the \vhlto sUl gleaming , ghcatllke , lu the night , I spurred and whipped my horse but with another wild enort ho whirled round aud headed the other way. Putting him about I looked over the low wall and saw something white rise and fall. My God ) It was front the open grave hU grave , too , 1 uiada no doubt. 1'or tha against the fence , resting quietly. A grave yard rabbit darted past , rolling the leaves and causing me * to start. "I took another drink. COLORED HIS HAIR. "Putting my hando upon the rough stone , I leaped lightly to the other side. I felt an other chill , but when my ghost remained out of sight I took courage and started for the grave. Prom mere force of habit I took out my pistol and held U in my hand as I went forward. "Unfortunately for mo a t > ig cloud swept between ? me- and the moon , and I paused , a hundred feet from the grave , to let it pass. Now up came the ghost again , and right there la where I got this hair. Defore nor since I have never known , a momeat like tbit. I was not warm , and yet I was per spiring freely. "I took another drink , but this time 1 could not tacte It , but I could feel the three drinks flow getting together and giving mo now courage. "Suddenly all sense of fear left me. 'HI , thbre ! ; I yelled. 'Co-mo out and show your self ! ' anJ Instantly up came the ghost , but Ics-tcad of frightening me it made me laugh , and I laughed loud , there In the lonely place and heard ) the echo come beck from the hill across the run. I had a vague feeling that I was Insane , and yet I knew that I wcs not , but I could not understand why I was not afraid. "I wrnted to get hold of that ghost and have it out with the thing , and dared it to come out and make a fight. I fired my pistol to show that . .1vaa brave. There was a sound from the lane of breaking rails , the snap of a hitching strap , and I saw my poor horse galloping away. "I was In for It now , sure enough , and de termined to give a good account of myself. Right there I took another drink , and to my surprise the bottle wss emjty , I ulso took a shot at the grave , for it occurred to me mow for the first time that some ono might be having fun with mo. As the emoke of the pistol cleared away I saw the whlto thing lift itself to the edge of the open grave. It had wings. I could hear them and see them beating wildly against the sides of the sepulchre. " 'Como out of that , ' I cried , 'You've got a pilr of wings , why don't you get up nnd Ily ? ' "There was no reply from the ghost , aud It seemed to me that I must end the sus pense or go mad. Rushing up to the grave I laid hold of the thing , dragged It forth , raised it high above my head an' slammed It upon the earth. It gave tt 'squawk. ' "What was It ? " gasped the New Eng land er. "It was an ol' whit Randall , sah. " CY WARMAN. IIH IIAII.H Kit OH IIAWNO.V. Tlu Fellow Who Snw WoiulorH mill lliniKori-il In Toll About T lie-ill. He answered to tbo name of Dayo Thomp son , ind blew Into Junoiu , Alaska , from the Klondike loaded to the guards no mat ter with what. As soorivo ho had shaken off a few Klondike chills and thawed his reserve ho unburdened his soul to the re porter of the Alaska Miner , revealing gnldcn wonders , that have escaped the vigilance ol Seattle's qiiir&ntlne. t. "Is there gold in Dawson ? " was asked. "Gold ! " ho exclaimed In ( ecus of con tempt. "Gold'hy. ! . there Is nothing but gold , unloi j It Is nh'tiky ' , Wheni the Alaska Commercial company was moving the con tents of its safe from the old and temporary bulldlcg at Da\\son Into Us new ono I was rnc of the five men who helped to carry Its contents , "Why , one day I was In saloon and In front of the bar was a long box tilled with sawdust. This sawdust , owing to frequent expectorations from the tobacco chewing cus tom , gets soiled. As I cay , I was In ono of thc places one day and some boya came along and said to the proprietor , 'If you will give us this old box \\o will briag you an other filled with clean sawdust. ' 'Tako It aloOK. ' was the rejoinder. The boys Imme diately put a c'.can ono In Its place and took away the old one , I was eo Interested to nee what they Intended to do that I fol lowed them , and to my surprise they com menced to pan out the sawdust , and la a little whllo they recovered $14 In go'd , "Thcro Is n total dlcrcgard of the value of the precious metal In Dawsan , Every one has eo much gold dust that the sight ot big sacks and cans of It have ceased to attract attention. "For Instance , you will eeo a woodci. shauk covered with canvas , a 'tar across ono end cf It. This Is a saloon , about as un likely a place for riches as a man. would fled on earth , and yet at any time of the day and cilght the aggregate wealth of the men In there at any ono time would reach Into the millions. " The dazed reporter allowed Dave to upread hlnieclf over two columns of similar hot stuff. Dave could have had a page Just aa easily. If ho hadn't paused la the midst ot his thrilling recital to utrlke Ux reporter ( or the price ol A drink. GIANT WARS IS FIGURES Sustained by the Troops of Fast Generations and Today. AWFUL SLAUGHTER IN MODERN BATTLES The Snlillcr -Modern Kuroitc. Xot Wlint lit * Tinn In .Ynpolronlo Tlmrn , AlthoiiRli ! ! linn Left Hrcoril of Captain Otto Hermit of-tho Auetro-Hunga- rlan grand genera. ! .staff , has. published a largo volume on "Warfare In'Figures. . " In It ho has reduced tb percentages a vast amount of Information which Jong lias been the subject of Inexact statement or mere guess work , says the New York "Sun , such as the percentage losses In .wars. In battles , and In sieges , the proportion of losses to , the number of batteries In action , and the average losses of .armies of different lands fighting under similar circumstances. All these figures cocccrn only the wara of Eu rope ; the great rebellion In this country and the Mexican and the Chinese-Japanese war arc left out of consideration. First Captain Ucrndt concldcrs the rela tive periods of war and. peace among the nations of Europe. Ills data goes back to 1800 and cover the years Up to last January 1. Turkey has the record of the moot war like nation , She has had thlrty-s > ovcn years of war and fifty-nine of peace since the beginning of the century. Spain comes next with thlrty-ono years of war to slxty- flvs of peace ; then comes France with twenty-eeven years of war and sixty-nine of peace ; Ktipjla , with a record of twenty-four years of war and seventy-two of peace ; Italy , with twouty-threo years of war aud sevcnty-thrco of peace ; England , with a corresponding record of twenty-ono and sev enty-five ; Austria-Hungary , with one of sev enteen and seventy-nine ; the Netherlands , with ono of fourteen and eighty-two ; Ger many , exclusive of Prussia , with ono of thirteen and eighty-three ; Prussia , with ono of .twelve nnd eighty-four ; Portugal , with one of twelve and'eighty-four ; Sweden , with ono of ten and elghty-tflx , and Denmark with one of nine and clghty-sevein. There was peace for European powers In the periods of 1816- 18 , 1841-47 , 1870-81 , and 1886 up to the war between Turkey anil Greece. Consequently , In the recent times of enormous armaments , Europe has enjoyed the longest tranquil period of the century. LOSSES IN GREAT BATTLES. Here are some of Captain Hermit's state ments of losses In the great battles of recent times. Koenlggraot ! ! , 220,982 Prussians against 215,134 Austrlans and Saxons ; Prus sian Iota , 9,172 , or 4.2 per cent ; Austrian and Saxon less , 44,313 , or more than 20 per cent. Woerth , 82,100 Germans against 48,500 French ; German lens , 10.C40 , or 13 per cent ; French loss , 20,100. . pr 41.1 per cent. Splccrn , 34,700 Germans against 27,000 French ; Ger man loss , 5,740 , or 14 per cent ; French loss , ' 4,080 , or 14.8 per cent. Colombcy-Noullly , 57,300 Germans against 84,200 French ; Ger man lore , 4 910 , or 8.2 per cent ; French loss , 3,670 , or 4 per cent. Mars-la-Tour , 03,000 Germans against 113,500 French ; German loss. 15,800. or 23.9 per cent ; French loss , 16,930 , or 14 per cent : Gravelottc-St. Prlvat , 187,000 Germans against 112,900 French ; Ger man loss , 21,130 , or 11.3 per cent ; French loss , 12,270 , or 10.3 , per cent. Sedan , 154,000 Germans against 90.000 French ; German loss , 8,920 , or 5.5 per cent ; French loss , 38,000 , or 42.2 per cent. In giving the highest losses suffered by In dividual bodies of troops In recent battles Captain Derndt states that at the battle of Gravelotte-St. Prlvat the Fourth Infantry brigade of the guards ( Prussian ) lost 42 per cent of Its fighting force , " the sharpshobters' battalion losing 44 per cent of Its men , nnd all of Its officers. At Plevna the Vladimir regiment lest fourteen out of Its fifteen com pany commanders , nnd the One hundred antf Seventeenth Infantry was reduced to 51 per cent of Its fighting force. The troops of the left wing , under the famous Skobcleff lost 48 per cent , and individual companies as high as 60 to 75 per cent each. For the purpose of comparison Captain Derndt gives the loses In celebrated battles of the century 1760 tci 1850. Only a few of the figures are reproduced. At Kolln , 1757 , the Austrlans lost 15.2 per cent , or 8,110 In 53,500 ; the Prussians , 33.6 , or 12,080 In 30,000. At Leuthen. 1757 , the Austrlano lost 37.2 per cent , or 20,820 In 72,000 ; the Prussians 14.4. or 6,200 In 43,000. tJCunnersdorf , 1759 , the Russians and Austrlans' lost 22.1 per cent , or 15,700 In 71,000 ; the Prussians , 48.2 , or 20,720 In 43 000. At Marengo Napoleon lost 20 per cent , or 5,600 in 28,500 , and the Austrlans 33 per cent , or 9,400 In 28,000. At Austerlltz Napoleon lost 10.5 per cent , or 6,800 In 65- 000 , and the Austrlans and Russians , 33 per cent , or 27 200 In 82,500. At Aspern Napolcor. lost 49.3 per cent , or 4J.380 In 90,000 , and the Austrlans 31.1 per cent , or 23,600 in 75,000. At Lelpslc Napoleon lost 34 per cent , or 60- 000 In 171,000. and the allies 17.8 per cent , or 53 SOO in 301,500. SLAUGHTER IN NAPOLEONIC WARS. Captain Derndt concludes that , with Feme allowances , the losses of an army arc usually proportionate to its bravery aril flgflitlng power as shown In the .field , and hence that the armies of recent timm are notup to the fighting mark of those that met In the Na poleonic days. The bloodiest battles of modern history , he record ? , were Lelpslc , where the total loss was 113,000 , and Aspern , where It was nearly 68,000 , A conclusion equally .uncomplimentary with the above to modern warriors is drawn by Captain Herndt from his figures regarl- Ing the losses of generals en the battlefield. Far instance , the generals killed on both sides at Kunncrsdorf numbered seventeen , at Marengo eleven , at Atoern twenty-five , nt Wag-.am thirty-six , at Borodino fifty-ihieo at Lelpslc ( on tbo side of the allies ) twenty- one , and at Waterloo thirty-four. Cu the oilier hand , but twelve generals were lost at .Magenta , nlno at Solferlno , thirteen at Kocnlggractz , and ten on the German side ot Woerth , Mars-la-Tour , Gravelotte and Sedan , taken together. Ccotaln Bcrndt next gives a comparls-ci , by wars , of the losses as they wore long ago and as they are under modern conditions , The table of total losses Is : Seven years' war , 23.5 per cent ; Napoleonic wars , 19 ; RusEO-PolIsh war (1831) ( ) , 18.5 ; Italian war (1818-49) ( ) , .5.5 ; Austro-Hungarlau war , (1818- ( 49) ) , 4.5 ; Crimean war , 15 ; war in India (1859) ( ) , 13,5 ; Austro-Prusslan war of 1866 , 12 ; Franco-Prussian war , 12.5. The losses In killed and wounded differ considerably from the above total losses. They Are tabulated by Bcrndt so as to give 'tlio following results : Seven years' war , 17 ; Napoleonic wars , J5 ; Russo-Pollsh , 16 ; Italian of 1818-19 , 3 ; Austro-Hungarlan , 1.5 ; Crimean , 14 ; Italian of 1859 , 8 ; Danish wzv of 1861 , C ; Austro-Prusslan , 8 ; Franco-Prus- shn first period , 9.5 ; second period , 3 , . Numerically the greatest battles of mod ern timed were : Lelpslc , with 472,000 men encaged ; Koonlggraetz , with 436000 ; Wag- ram , with 310,000 : Gravelotte , with 300,000 ; Dresden (1813) ( ) , with 259,000 ; Solforlno , wllh ? 84,000 ; Bautzen (1813) ( ) . with 259,000 ; Hero- dlno (1812) ( ) . with 251,000 ; Sedan , with 244.- 000 ; Waterloo , with 217.000 ; Llaalno (1870) ( ) with 185,000 ; Mars-la-Tour , with 170,000 , and Aspern , with 165,000 , WEAPONS AND THEIR EFFICIENCY. In the chapters devoted to the considera tion ot weapons and their efficiency , Captain Berndt remarks that , much as total losses In battle have differed in the battles of dif ferent periods , the number of klllej and mor tally wounded In battle seems to have rc- mcincd almost stationary. Despite all ad vancement In the invention of II rear ma the flro of the enemy In bittlo was not more deadly In the war of 1870-71 than In that of the dawn of the century. The proportion Is ono man dead to four men hit. Tue question then Is ; "How many shots hit ? " Up to 1860 tbo figurra showed that one shot out of 140 wounded an enemy. At Grayelottc-St. Pri- vat , however , but one shot out of 400 fired by the Saxon corps struck a Frenchman , and at Mars-la-Tour It required 452 shoia to wound one man. Ciptaln Derndt agrees with other authorities , whom he quotes , that in the mxt great war not more than one shot In 400 will be effective. Formerly soldiers fired less often , but with more care. The small caliber repeater Is not euph u vast Im provement In actual warcfaie as has been taken for granted. The very ecee with which It Is handled and fired turns much to Us ability to destroy lota tnero waste. Tbeso are some of the conclusions to be drawn RNOf Of OMFWR AGRICJtirJU'j IMPLEMENTS. T ininger & * - Hekalf Co. \VHOLUSALD DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements. and Carrlacti. Cor. tth and Pacific tit * . , Orendorff Parlin & Martin Co Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wacom and Ilueglri - Cor. tth and Jone * . ART GOODS V Picture Moldings. Mirrors , Frames , Backing nnd Artists' Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC > e@s Prmfing Co. l.VTI.YO . .V ItUOK HIXDISQ , Ele\enth nnd Howard Sts. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , meriean M'frs | Jobbers of Fool Wear WESTEKN AOKNTP FOR Tbo Joaoph Banigan Rubber Oo. Rubbers and Mackintoshes. Oninlm , Neb. Go Boots , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms 1103-1104-1106 Harney Street. T. Lindsay , S. ' . . 7 WHOLE3AL3 * RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes M orse-Ooe Skoe Co Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Office and Salesroom 11W-H1-23 Howard St. w Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Goodyear Glove Rubbers , 1114 Harney Street. BAGS Importera and Mauufncturcrs BAGS 614-16-18 Souih iilit Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. F J SYRUPS , s , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies. Alto tin cnr.s and Japanned wnre. CHICORY The { OEiicory Go. Growers nnd manufacturers of all forms of Chicory OmohFremontO'Nell. . from Captain Hermit's figures and his com ments on them. Captain Hcrndt gives some statistics which show most strikingly the decline of cavalry as a factor In war. At Kolln (1767) ( ) there were D70 cavnlry to the thousand of Infantry ; at Kylau , 620 ; in the seven year's war , from 250 to 570 ; In the iNepoleonlo wars , from 140 to 520 ; In the Italian wars between 184'J and 1859 , from 70 to 140 ; In the Austro-I'russlan war , from SO to 130 } In tlm Franco-Prussian war ) from 70 to 140. MAUCIUNG HECOIID. Finally , Captain Herndt tabulates the achievements of the great armies that have made long , victorious marches. Napoleon s great marches were : Strassburg to Hruenn , 1805 , about l.OOOkllometers ; from the Main to Tilsit 1,350 ; from Donauwoerth to Znalm , 1 600 ; from the Vistula to Moscow , 1,600. In the campangn of 1813-14 Hiucher marched 1 COO kilometers , fiom Hreslau to Paris. In 1SC6 the Prussian army covered 6,500 kilo meters , from Torgau to Marchneld. In the war of 1870-71 the Qermaaa marched from the Khlno to Paris. 6,500 kilometres ; and In ttie war of 1877-87 the Russians covered 1,200 kilometres en the march from the Pruth to Constantinople. In his running narrative Captain Herndt , as an Austrian , naturally devotes much attention to Austria's war record , He tells many things calculated to surprise a genera tion which has grown up in the Impressions left by the crushing defeat of the central European nation In 1866 , In the four cen turies since 1495 this warlike veteran of the nations has fought In and out of 273 years and been at peace but 113. It has waged uixty-tUreo uars against ( foreign toe * , twenty- CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. /Hijori r nnd 7o66ff Crockery. Chind , Glassware , Silver Plated Warp , Looking Glasses , Chan. dcllers , Lamps , Chimney * . Cutlery , IStc. 141O VAHNAM ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery and Supplies. Boilers , Engines , Feed Cookers , "Wood Pul leys , Shafting , IJeltlns. Mutter Pack ages of all kinds. 007-909 Jones St. - - - - - - COAL. j heridan Fuel Go. Office 1605 Farnnm Street. SHERIDAN COAL. C. N. Dletz , President. Gould Dlctz. Sec. & Trcs. DRY GOUPS. E , Smith & Go. Importers anil Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONa DRUGS. § 02-906 Jackson St. J. C. niCHAnDSON. Prest. C. F. WELLBH , V. Preet. T 31'frf Stnnilar.l Phurniieaulteal Prapara- tlon * . Unaclal Formulae 1'rrpartiA to Order Ncntlfar Catalog/lie , laboratory. 111 ! Howard St. , Omaha. , E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen Hee" Specialties. Cigars , Wlnra and Urundtes , Corner 10th And Hurncy Street ! . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. wolf Supply Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES U04 Farnara Bt , FRUIT-PRODUCE. Branch & Go , WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. 8. W. Corner 12th and Howard Stn. Mcmbera of the National League of Commis sion Merchants of tha United States. & Howss , JOBUEnS Fruit and Vegetables SPECIALTIES Strnwbcrrleo , Apples , Oranges , Lcmoni , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt. FURNITURE & Stone Furniture WHOLESALE Furniture - - Draperies 1115-1117 Farnam Street. TYPE FOUNDRIES. G Foundry Superior Copper Mixed Type is th > belt on tb mrrket. ELGCTnOTYPU FOUNDHT. 1114 Howard Street. M c&ard-Brady Co. * ' | 1 13th and Lcuvcmvorth St. Staple and Fancy Groceries , IEA AND COffCE ROISTERS , Etc. two ot them against France , In these twen- ty-Uo she has fought ninety-two battles of Importance and 106 minor engagements. Of the 198 engagements Austria has won 110 and Franco eighty-eight. The Italian occupied Austria's attention 'n teii wars , Turkey in nlno wuvs and I'rusela In tlvo wars , All told , the troops of Austria have fought in 7,000 engagements , great and small , since 1495 , Captain Hermit has not much that is new to toll regarding the Franco-Prussian war. Two or three ot his statements are , however , uncommon enough to merit repetition. The cost of the war , lie calculates. WSH J3,000,000- 000. The Gorman Held artillery fired during It 340,000 shots , and the Infantry 20,000.000 , The booty of war consisted of C.52G fortress guns , 1,915 field guns and rapid flro cannon , 107 eaglco and flags cod 855,000 rifles , exclu sive o what was cultured at leisure on abandoned fields. _ _ _ _ _ Head "Simon Dalo" in Tne Sunday Deo. If you don't take It. tubac Ibo naw. DeiliK-Uvi- . Atlanta Journal : "Did you see that young man ? " asked IJlobbs , as he pointed to u gen'.leman who 'was ' passing. "Yes , " I wiled. "What of lilm' " "I ni-ver saw him before In my life and don't even know his name , but he Is a steady churchgoer. You can tell that by hl shoes. " "Whut are you giving me ? " I cxc'.nlmed. "Some Sherlock Holmes business ? ' This pleased Ulobbs immensely. "You can bet your life , " said lie , "that the Holmes man Is not the only ttlcuth In the pack. Why , It's dead easy. That's man' ehoes tell the utory. You see they have pointed toes , und a short distance back of the point are deep furrows. la other words , the toe GROCERIES. Meyer & Raapke , V W110I.HHALB FINE GROCERIES I Teai. Spices , Tobacco and Clear * . 1 1403-1407 Hftrnty Sfre t > and Paxton Gallagher Go IMPOUTKHS. CAS COFKEB IIOASTKHS AND Joniiixa anoonns. T UpIione 2S1. HARNESS-SADDLERY J * H-Haney & Go. JW'/'M iiAttNKsi , SAnnr.m AXT > CO Jollier * of Leather , AmliHcrlliirdirore ) , r.tr Wo solicit your ordcrx. 131D Howard fc't. HARDWARE. Pector&Wiihetoiy Co r Wholesale Hardware , Omaha. Wholesale Hardware. Bicycles and Spot line Goods. 1219-U1-23 Har- uuy street. JEWELRY rg-SsiiethGo Wholesale Jewelry. 15th ami Ilimiey ; Om.ilm. We can snow you the Jisststask In the west. No retail. LIQUORS. loise & Go WHOLEHALE LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMERICAN CIQAIl AND GLASS WAUU co. 2H-21G South Hth St. tier's Eagle Gin East India Bitters Golden Sheaf Pure nye and Bourbon Whiskey. Willow Springs Distillery , IleV & Co. , 111J Harney Street. fnsk & Herfeertz , Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Karnaiu Street- Wholesale Liquors and Cigars * 1118 Furnuni Street. AVHOLESA7.E Wines , Liquors and Cigars. U3-U5 S. 15th Street LUMBER WHOLESALE DUMBER . . . South 14th St. WHOLESALE AND nETAlIj LUMBER Ofllc * and Yardi. . . 13lh and California KU have been bent upwdrd. This clearly Indl- cat OH that the man IH frequently on ) IH | kin-en , presumably In church. The human toes ( io not KO up Into the ranor point. Con sequently when lie kneels tlio whole weight of the feet nnd lower ! < ( ? re t on the pointed toes , and after a while It bendy and creases It. See ? " There Is no need of llttla children being tortured by Bcald head , ec/enia and sit In eruptions , De Witt's Witch Hacl tfalvu gives Instant relief and cures permanently. Iliuv SliiItroUf Mir Ice. The beautiful h'lrl came Into the room , re- latcH the Chicago I'ost , nml pulled her chair HO close up to her futher'H blir armchair that ho looked up from his newhpaper to bco ' .vhut' nuH the mutter , " .Mr. Wllklns likes you , father. " Bhu said , as noon us fclio uaw that she had hla atten tion , "Likes me ! " lie exclaimed. "Yes. He thinks a great deal of you. " "Well , I huvc been under the Impression for some time that he liked someone here , " remarked the old gentleman , "but I've no\er seen any indications that I was the one. " "Well , you will the very next time you ere ' .Mr. Wllklns , " eald the beautiful girl with conviction , "What's he going to do ? " demanded the old gentleman , "Ho'B going to ask you If you will con sent to be Ills futhi-r-lii-law , " explained the beautiful ultl. Arnold's Ilromo Celery cures headaches , lOc , 2So and COc. All druggists. The- ironmailVn * Fired. The roper was late and the make-up wan dumping nutter Into the forms et the rate LUMBER : Wholesalt Lmnbcrt Lime , Etc. Oth ami Douglas Sts. OYSTJIRS id Gob & Co , I'ACKUHS. KING COLE OYSTERS , CCLnilY AND POULT11Y. 101 ] llounnl St. OILS-PAINTS Paint Go. MANUKACTUUUU3 Air Floated iM mral Paint And Palnt nf All Kind" . Putty , Etc. 1015 and 1017 Jones Bt J. A. Jtoltct , 1st Vice Prcs.i. . J. Dralic , Oen Mjr . . . .O/LS. . . . Gnsoilnc , Turpentine , Axle GrenfC , IMe Omnlm Ilrnnch nml Agencies. John ll. Until Mer. PAPEK-WOODSNWARS. arpenter Paper " Printing Paper , Paper , Sfationery Corner 12th and Howard streets. Paper and Wrapping Paper , Stationery , \Voodeniuare. \ 1107 Harncy Street PHOTOGrJAt'riU SUPPLIED. Photographic Supplier , Fnrnnm St. SCHOOL Publishers , Manufacturers nnd Jobbers. The Inrgest Supply House in the Wcst. Corner llth nnd Harney Streets. SASH D03RS BLIND3. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc , 12th and I/.ird Sts. STEAM- WATER -.UF1-L1ES. lOM-lOKi Doticla-i .Street. Manufacturers and jobbers of Steam. Gas an < S Water Supplies of All Kinds. ifoS-uro Harney St. Steam Pumps , Engine * nnd Boilers , Pipe. Wind Mills. Steam nnd Plumbing Material. Uellln ? , Hose , Etc. 10YS AND FANCY GOODS. Hardy & Co. 'loys , Dolls , Alb-Jim and FANCY GOODS. /IOUBO Furnishings , Children's Carrlogto , Su. Ul Farnam Street. V i.v a1 - 3 v C i i. 0 n Tims Yoasf Go. Manufacturer.- * ' celebrated "On Time --ast" and German Uaklng Powder. Satisfaction guaranteed. . / ; ; / ( a / ? ? / North Twenty-eight Street. of a column a minute , Itesult : Ttio first part of an obituary had been dumped Into the form and the next ImnJful of tpo came from a galley desci thing a fire. It read llko tills In the nuwnraper : The pall-boarcrs lowered the body Into tlio grave and con signed It to the rearing flames. Hegrcls were few , for the old wreck has been an eyesore - sere to the tmvn for youi-s , The less ua * fully covered by Insumnce. All IIOlll-Hl Ill-IIK-ll ) , "Wo could not say too much in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Homedy. About turi'u years ago ono of our children had an atta K. of croup and we were afraid that wo would lose him. Seeing Chamburlaln'8 Cougn Hcmedy , advertised , wo decided to give It a trial. It Rave almost Instant relief and we beltovo it saved the child's life. Since tin awe wo have never been without a bottle of th remedy In the house and wo recommend it to every one as being an honest cough rei" ody. " L. W. Nlchola. East New Market. M 1- ' .In 111 p I M HT nl i , CoiicliiNlnn. Washington star : "I understand , " BJ J tlio popular moinlic-r or congress , "that > < "i are going to vote aealnat mo. " "Yc , " replied KannciCorntossel flrmK "that there la my intention , " "I am very worry to Icoui that I have fur- felted your confidence after serving for no many years. Is there anything In particular that has caused you to taku this stand ? " "No. Nothla' in particular. Only Jcs' a general Impression that a man couldn't Kit along as well in politics w you've done with out there bela' fcomethlq' u nlcloug where. " - , t /