Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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oil f f"-1 H
For a Straight Ticket Marie Tor u StwJ > ; lit Ticket Ulurlc For u Straight Ticket Murk For u Straight Ticket Mark For a Straight Ticket Mark For u Straight Ticket ] Murk a Straight Ticket il
Within tlil.s Circle. "Within this Circle. AVHliiii this Circle. IVlthlu this Circle. Within tills Circle. AVlthln this Circle. Within this Circle.
o o o o o o
For Judge of thu A For Judge of tlio Sunrctno Court. For Judini of th Court. ' ' 'or JtuUn of tlio Smireii.o
Supreme Court. i Supreme UourU
For Judi u of the Supreme Court. VOTE FOU ONE. For Judge of Urn Ruprorau Court. For Judijo of the Supreme Court. 'VOTK 1'OllONK
VOTB FOn ONE. VOTU FOll OXli , VOTB roit ONI- : .
ni D- 1
p. . -v.
\ For UeaunU " of Inn Unlvoralty. For Itogonts of tlio Unlvoralty. For Regents of the University. . For Hogcntg of the University , For JUeprentii of the University. For Regents of the University. For IleconMof tlin UnlvoMlly.
VOTE roil TWO.
"voru rou TWO. ' VOTE FOU TWO.
For County Sheriff. For County Sheriff.
3 For County Sheriff , '
lit la is the official ballot for stntc and county ollln-s for Douglas county. The complete ballot will be sup.
piuniciiloil at the bottom by thu names of thu candidates for justice of the peace , constable nail assessor. In Douglas
county the ballots for the Second. Fourth and Seventh wards of Omaha will also contain the names of the canili.
antes for commissioner for the First district. In other counties the ballot will be similar in form but with the named
For County Judge. For . For County Judge. ol tlie candidates nominated for counties.
VOTls FOR ONI ? VOTE County FOil Judge. ONE. NOTE FOR ONE. thu respective oltices by the different parties in those
1. Persons dc-slrlng to votn must procure tlii'lr ballots from u judge of tlio oloctlon hoard.
. They must then , without leaving the polling place , procec. . to ti compartment and prepare tlioir ballots.
. ' 5 The ballots are prepared as follows : If yon wish to vote n straight ticket , make a mark In the circle nt the top
Fc VOTE > " County roil Clork. . . For County Clerk. For VOTE County FOR ONE. Clurk. of the ticket , and your ballot will then be counted for every candidate on the ticket undue tlio circk1. If yon wish to vote
O.\E. VOTE FOll ONE , otherwise than the straight ticket , yon place a cross with an indelible ptMiell In ( he square on tlio fight margin of the
DAVID FM. II. REDFIELD ballot opposite the namu of each person for whom you wish to vote ; If yon wish to vote a straight ticket with thu
M. . . ,
. IIAVERLY. II. REDFIELD. exception of certain olllces , place u cross in I he circle at the head of the ticket yon wish to vote in the main , anil
then place a cross opposite the mimes of the candidates yon wish to vote for on other tickets , or when two or moro
J ! candidates are grouper on tlio ticket for the saino olllee , as two or more representatives , and the voter wishes to votu
for one or moreon another ticket or tickets in any group , the voter must make the cross mark after each candidate In tlio
For Count.v Treasurer , For County Treasurer. For County Treasurer. jjroup on Ills own ticket that he wishes to vote for'and also after the name of each candidate on any other ticket or tickets
vorj rou O.NK. VOTE 1'OR ONE. VOTK I'OIl ONE. grouped for the sanw olllce he wishes to vote for. He careful that yon do not mark the names of persons for whom you do
not wisli to vote. Do not make any mark on the ballot , save as above directed , or the ballot will not be counted. 1C
GEORGE HE BIRO D. FRANK B. HIBBARD. SFRANKB. HIBBARD. you spoil a ballot return it to a Judge of the election board and obtain from him a new ballot ; yon cannot get moro
than four in all take this to
; a compartment and mark it properly.
1. Having marked the ballot , fold it so as to conceal the names and marks on the face , and .to expose thu
names on thu back.
For For Register of Deeds. f . Take It to the Judge of election before leaving tha inclosnre , and see it deposited in the box.
County liogidtci1 of Duuils. For of . County
County Register Deeds.
VOTE FOil ONE. YOfE FOR ONE. VOTE FOR ONE. (5. ( Immediately leave the railed inclosure.
7. If yon wish to vote for any person whose name does not appear upon the ballot , write or Insert his full name
THOMAS S. CROCKER EVANR. JAMES. In the blank space on the ballot under the proper olilce yon wish him to hold , and make n cross mark in the proper
margin opposite tins same.
S. Do not take any ballot from the polling place ; you thereby forfeit the right to vote.
Section. 27. No person shall falsely make , or make oalh to. or fraudulently deface or fraudulently destroy any
eerti'ilcato orjiominaUoii Be receive for llllng. certificate of , nomination , knowing the
' For Coroner. - , or any part thereof ; or ( , or any
For VOTK G'onntv FOP. Coroner. OXK For County Cor&nor. VOTE County FOR ONE. For County Coroner. 'F.une. or any part thereof , lo be falsely made ; or suppress any.ccrtmcate of nomination which has been duly llled , or any
ONE. ' thereof endorsement ballot.
'part , or forge or falsely make theollieiul on any
KELSP. SWANSON. > HENRY C. WHEELER. IfllENKY Section HO. No olliccr of election shall do any electioneering on election day.
. . . No person whomsoever shall do any electioneering on election day witliin any polling place , or any building In
which an election is baing held , or within 100 foot thereof , nor obstruct the doors or entries thereto , or prevent free
ingress to or ogress from said building.
Anv election olllLvr. ht > t , constable , or other peace olliccr Is hereby authorized and empowered , and It is hereby
For County Superintendent of Publio For County Superintendent of Publio For County Suporintendentof Public For County Superintendent of Public made his duty , to clear the passageways and prevent such obstruction , and to arrest any person so doing.
Instruction. Instruction. Instruction. . Instruction. No person shall remove any ballot from the polling place before the closing-ol tlio polls.
YOIE FOR ONE. VOTE FOR ONE. VOTE FOR ONE. VOTE FQR ONE. No person shall show his ballot after it is marked to any person In such u way as to reveal the contents thereof ,
the name of the candidate or candidates for whom he has marked his vote , nor shall any person solicit the elector
EDWIN J. BOD WELL. WM. W. ELLIOTT. WM. W. ELLIOTT . W. ELLIOTT. to show tlio same ; nor shall any person except the Judge of election receive from any elector a ballot prepared for
V °
| No elector shall receive a ballot from any other person than one of the Judges of election having charge of the
ballots nor shall any person other than such Judges of election deliver a ballot to sucn elector.
For County Surveyor. For County Surveyor. For County Surveyor. s | For County Surveyor. i No elector shall vote , or offer to vote , any ballot except such as he received from the Judges of election having
VOTE FOR ONK ' VOTE foil ONE. ballots.
VOTE F'OR ONE 3 VOTE FOR ONE. charge oC tlio
No elector shall place any mark upon his ballot by which It may afterward be identified as the ono voted by him.
GEORGE McBRIDE. . . JMIL T. YOUNGFELT 03MIL T. YOUNGFELT EMIL T. YOUNGFELT j Every elector who does not vote the ballot delivered to him by the Judges of election having charge ot the ballot ! ,
'shall ' , before leaving the polling place , return such ballot to such judges.
Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall , upon conviction thereof in any court of com.
LT 'potent ' jurisdiction , bo lined lu any sum not less than ? 'J3 nor more than $100 , and adjudged to pay the costs of prose ,
Tabor Mahcs n Strong Stand , but is Easily
. Outclassed.
YlHllorx from loivii Deficient In
Ilvi-rydilniv lint ( irlt mill .So
, I'miblr ( o ! : > n ( ii > tiiir
I Illl' Clllll I.lllL * .
Yostcrtlny afternoon was Ideal weather fern
n great foot ball Ramc , but It was not Ideal
foot ball played for tlio edification of the
250 spectators -who went out to University
park. The game was between elevens rop-
rcsmitliiK Wesleyan unlvcrclty of Lincoln ,
Neb , , and of Tabor college , Tabor , la. , nnd
resulted In a decisive victory for the former
team by a wore of12 to 0.
The Nebraska team played fnlrly god foot
ball , but It was iluo not EO much to Its
strength KB It was to the weakncaj and lack
of laiowliulgo of ( hu 3:110 on thu part of
the lownns Hint miuhi the big score possible ,
As may ho infwnl from the figures .telling
tbo result , the game was ; too one-sided to bo
exciting or oven ( ( Unresting. The redeeming
features of th' Ramo were the many exhibi
tions of fiiio Individual plnylng on the part
of the Wesleynn loam , notably by Carver ,
right halfback ; llalloy. left halfback , and
Dunn , left tacklo. At times the team work
of Woaluyau was good , tbo ncc'ssary con
certed action being moro prominent In of
fensive than In defensive work. Wesloyan's
Interference wan about tha only commondu-
bio exhibition of team work given In tbo
Tlio member * of the Tabor cloven deserve
great credit for accepting an clovcnth-hour
Invitation to conio to Omaha to play against
the Wesloynn team In lieu of the Missouri
Tigers , Considering the fact that Tabor has
bad no coach , but has perfected what foot
ball It lias without any outside assistance ,
and considering also the fact that the men
ore altogether too light and ton nlMr for foot
tall material , oven If coached by Walter
Camp , their ploying Is surprisingly good.
Their pluck In lining up against a team .that
averaged ten pounds heavier per man and
was Intlultuly superior In the sclenc ! of the
game Is to bo commended. The fact , never-
theli'ss. remalrs that Tabor was completely
outclassed. Yesterday was tlio Ilrst defeat
the eleven had sustained this year , and the
points that the players picked up during
thu contest will doubtlesi cnablo them to
defeat the rest of the teams In thu vicinity
of Tabor.
Wesleyau has material for ci great eleven ,
That fact was 'easily Impressed on al | students
ot the game who sized up tli m n yesterday ,
It has been some timeglnce a better half
back has been seen on any local field than
Carver. Ho is an exceedingly hard runner ,
and after being tackled , Invariably galus
ono or moro yards before coming to a lull
( top. HU dodging It clever , but be needs
to learn to stick closer to his Interference
until ho obtains a good start. Oalley , the
other halfback of the Wcaleyan team , Is a
strciplnB big follow for a back , but gets over
the ground In good time. Wcsloyan's line
la strong , especially In the tackles. Coach
Charllo Thomas has done admirable work In
bulld'ng up this team and has evidently
had rarely good material to pick his men
from. With such an abundance of good ma
terial It would not seem absolutely noes = ary
for the coach himself to play with those
who are moro properly representatives of
\Vesleyan university. The team Is a good
one , but better work can bo got out of it.
Coach Thomas can doubtless get out this
work and when Ills team meets the States
university team at Lincoln on November 20
It's bound to be a royal battle of the giants.
The story of ono touchaown Is practically
tiio story of all. In the first linlf \Vcsloyau
players went through the Tabor line like
water through a sieve. In the second half ,
the Tabor line held Wealnyan much better i
and Tabor secured the bill on downs twlco. j
Hard line work with ono run of sixty yards |
by R-alley netted Wesleyan three touch-1
downs In the first half , from all
of which goals were kicked , making
ilio ? core IS to 0. Wesleyan kicked off and I
Tabor rushed the bull to within thirty yards |
of Wesloyan's goal and that was the nearest
Tabor came to scorjng In .tluj first half. Dunn ,
niado the first and third touchdowns and
lialley the second after his long run. Bailey |
Ic'ckcd the three goalo.
The ctienlng of the second half showed
better work on Tabor's part. Twice Wesleyan i
got the ball within twenty-flvo yardsof1
Tatar's goal only to lose It on downs. Carver
distinguished himself by wiggling through
the line for the fourth touchdown from
which llalley again kicked a goal. llalloy
ir.adu iinothcr run of fifty yards , scored the
fifth touchdown and kicked the fifth goal.
Wcaleyan tried tbo quarterback kick twice ,
but failed to c'lln perceptibly cither attempt ,
The sixth touchdown was made by Dunn ,
who secured the ball sixty yards from Tabor's
goal , when the fullback of Tabor kicked
straight Into his own line on a hurried at-1
tempt to punt , and made a run through a'
clear field. llalloy kicked the sixth goal.
The Eovenlh touchdown was made by Hrew
after a series of short rushes. Kcnagy kicked
the goal. Score , second half , 21 to 0. Total
Eocro , 42 to 0. The line-up :
Wesleyan. roaltlon. Tabor.
Kllchey-Thonios..Ueft end M. Button
unn I eft taeklo , , II. Gooilfellow
Irow ! Left tiiuird , IJay
Stull Center Hitchcock
KliiKsbury . . . .HlRftt guuid. . It. floodfellow
Gilbert ( Capt.lllcht tackle. C , Ila'.I
1,0111011 Hlffht end Stcphenson
Konajy Quarterback.Capt. ) J. Button
Tlioma.s-lialley .U'ft halfback R Halt
Carver . . . . . . . .Hlght hulftmck .Martin
Erwln . , Fullback Mather
Umpire : Fraulf. Crawford. Ilefereo : WC-
llam I'ltloy. Touchdowns : Dunn , 3 ; Halley ,
2 ; Hrnw , 1 : Carver. 1. Goals from touch-
ilown * : llalley , Cj Kenney , 1.
CrlfUft Oman i : iU In a Draw.
ADELAIDE , South Australia. Nov. 1.
The cricket match between Uhc Aiutrnllan
eleven and the English c'cvcn led by Cap-
tutu Sloddart. which begun on Thursday
last here , was ended U > 'lay ' lu a draw. The
Australian player * . In tl-elr llrst tnnlngu.
concluded on Friday , made 109 runs , of
which number ID ) w .ro scored by JJI11. The
Knpllshmen In their first innings , ended on
Saturday , made 475 runs , 1'rlnco Hanjltsln-
Rht ihnvIiiB footed 1S9 of this score. At the
close of piny on Saturday tlio Australians
lu their uccond Innings had scored 121 runs
for three wlckcta nnd when the match wan
declared drawn today the Australians had
187 runs to tticlr credit for llvo wickets
Hail AVtuUit r mill l-Vw nonil Horm-n nt
Morris I'nrU.
NEW YOniC , Nov. 1. It wan cold and
rainy at Morris I'ark today and there were
few good of high calibre on the card ,
but the attendance was very good. The fir t
race was for 2-year-olds that had never
been placed , nnd n sorry lot went to the
post , with Fotlsh as the favorite , and he
won easily all the way. Sly Fox was a
slight favorite over Flux Spinner for the
fifth race , and although they tried their
boat to win , neither -wn able to und In
a furious drive through the stretch they
ended In u dead heat and the purse was di
vided. Itf.siiHs :
First race , five furlongu : Fetish , 112 ( Clay
ton ) , 7 to n and U to & , won ; Gaspurd , 111
( It. Williams ) , 5 to 2 and J to 10 , second ;
Black Dude , 112 ( H. hewlH ) , G to 1 and 2 to
1. third. Tlrno : 1:01 : % . Hearse , Lanxjuolje ,
Crnyton and Jiliick Tea. also ran.
Second race , mlle and one-elghrh , selling :
Lobengtila won ; Ucn BJer , 111 ( Slmms ) , 2
to fj and out , second ; M. Harknuss , 100
( Clayton ) , 20 to 1 and 3 to 1 , third. Time :
1:55. :
Third race , six furlongs , soiling ; Tappan ,
101 ( H. Martin ) . 20 to 1 and 4 to 1. won ; Jted
Spider , ! ) .l ( Mackln ) , 21) to 1 and 7 to 1 , nee-
oml ; Kaiser Midwife110 ( I { . Williams ) , 8 to
1 und 3 to 1 , third , 'lime : 1:16. : TunlH , Ta-
rauto. Convention , Ten Spot , Her Own ,
Woodhlrd , lion Amlo , Detective , Lonsdale ,
Slowpoke , Kleanor Me , Freu 1-ancu und
Cooper also ran.
Fourth race , ooveii furlongs : J A Gray ,
112 ( Clayton ) , 3 to 1 and oven , won ; Premier ,
113 ( Coyle ) . to 1 and 2 to 1 , second ; Oper
ator , 105 ( Mulier ) , 3 to 1 und even , third.
Tlmo : 1:23. : Hnnwell , Hugh IH-nny. War-
runton und Hey HI Santa Anita alro run.
Fifth race , ono inll , selling : Fax | Spin
ner , 115 ( H. Martin. 4 to C. and Sly Fox , 103
( Slmms ) . 7 to 5 and 3 to C , cle.ul 'heat ' ; Ox-
nurd , 103 ( Huwltt ) , G to 1 and 2 to 1. third.
Tlmo : 1:42 : % , Glenold , Saratoga , Hairpin
and San Antonio also ran.
Sixth race , selling , ono mlle : n F Uonald ,
111 ( Sluims ) , 7 to 10 and out , won ; Knlirht of
thu Garter , 10:1 : ( Maher ) , G to 1 and 2 to 1 ,
second ; HosMfer , 102 ( Hlrsoh ) , 30 to 1 und
10 to 1 , third , Tlmo : 1:42' : : . Good Times ,
Nairn H and Collator also ran.
NASHV1UL.K , Tenn. , Nov. 1. Cumberland
Park results ;
First race , three-quarters of u mile , sell
ing : Sister Clara , 101 ( Barrett ) , G to 5 , won ;
Full Hand. IC'J ( Gllmore ) , 3 to t and G to 5 ,
second ; Plug , 109 ( Uunn ) . 20 to 1 , third.
Time : lCC'i. Miss Kitty. Vannmsa , I.ln-
iiftto , Lassie Jean , Glennlbyn , Swift. Sack-
vllle , Clnra and Uou Turblvllle a'.so ran.
Second race , Hvo-elghthH of u mlle , sell-
lug : LucVv Monday , 110 ( Powers ) , 7 to > ,
won ; Auctioneer. 100 ( lyiich ) . S to 1 and 3
to 1 , second : Mike Huverly , 103Vt ( Turner ) ,
4 to 1. 'third. Time : 1:05. : Sweet Cream ,
Fourth Ward , Sklnk. Valid , Ueerfoot und
June Hug ultfo ran.
Third race , four and one-half furlongs :
Ijuiy Ohance , 101 ( HlnUey ) , 3 to 1 , won ;
Carthugtiiiluii , 103 ( Powers ) . 2 to 1 und 4 to
5 , second : Mary Ketu , 103 ( Newcom ) , C to 1 ,
third. Time : 0MJ. : Ur < * sou. The Nau-
nhka , Relic Foster. Howler and Kxqulsite
also ran.
Founh nice , live-eighths of n mile , BI-II-
ing. Myrlam G , 101 ( C'ombu ) , 4 'o C , won ;
Mlllstrtam , 114 ( Schorr r ) . t > to ! > and 7 to
10 , second , Katie. Hutncrford , 107 ( Turner ) ,
15 to 1. third. Time : 1:03 : . King Zella.
May Clnrksoti , Dr. Coop , IJazzle and Nemo
also ran.
Fifth race , one mile , selling ; Harry
Gwynn , 101 ( Darren ) , 4 to 1 , won : Cavalry.
101 ( Poterman ) , 10 to 1 , second ; Lulu Fry ,
107 ( Hlnkey ) , 10 to 1 , third. Tlmo : IM.
Queen Sallo , Paramount , LIttIo nillee , Lady
Urltannlo and Connie Leo also ran.
OicnliiK mi the Iiiirlexltle 'I'rnelc lit
SMII I'rniiclmMi.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 1. The winter
racing1 season opened today at the Inglo-
slde track. During1 the past six months
many Improvements have been made at
this delightfully situated race course. Tne
Paelllc Cousr Jockuy club has expended
$30,000 , In beautifying the grounds and Im-
pioving the track , and this great amount
of labor was apparent to those who visited
Ingk-sldo today. The crowd , while not up
to the usual opening day attendance , .was
very fair. The betting1 was good and six
teen bookmakers had about all they could
attend to , The bettors , howovtr , seem eon-
tent to wait until they get a line on the
horses. The 'weather ' was cloudy and cool
today and the track In perfect condition.
The chief even1. ' on the eaid was the Uni
versity stakes , a swijopstuUo for 3-yrar-
oliln at ono mile , with a guaranteed value
of $1.000. A good field faced the barrier for
this race. In the first' attempt all got un
der the barrier except Nowsgatherer and
Flamolla. Thcso two. w.trro caught In the
barrier , and before .thisy could extricate-
themselves the rustof the Held were half
a furlong away. Starter Caldwcll hesitated
about calling thcm"uf1 ) ( , and before the
bell was rung for th < c Jockeys to return
they were a quarter nf u mile away and did
not hear It. The ho esA'cr& under full
way and ran for h.ijf f , mile buforo they
could bo recalled. Tlid crowd was very
much displeased at fhb' ' calling back of Un
horses , as both of thote' loft had scarcely
any following In the limiting. Heskles , In
thu llrst race , Mr. jUltldwell had luft the
two favorites , Satsijnuf + .and Summertime ,
at thu post , when , UIQ .remainder of the
field could liavo becn , ijullod back without
trouble. The horses ifrb'ro finally sent away
In the University stake * to n straggling
start , with Horatio in ttio lead. Ho run In
front to the half , whftrfli ho was overtaken
by Altamnx , and tha , Uo ran together to
the last turn. Frecnian iirouffht up Hohen-
zollern and ho was sVconl ( to AlUmux into
the fllrctoh , The later"Tesponded ( steadily
to Ilonneasy'a urging' 'land 'Won ' Imnill'.y ,
while Hohonzollern had u hard drlvti to
bent Horatio for the iplaec.
Outside of the.stake event the second
race at a mlle nnd one-sixteenth fumUhrd
the best betting. ' .MarmiUs ran a splendid
race. She was the last throe furlongs from
he my , but came around vac turn and won
easily by three lengths. Ojrlc II looked Wa
ll winner Into the stretch , but ho wiisahon
and dlt'd away.
The start In the last rare was perfect and
Mr. Caldwell was loudly applauded. Oatler
Joe was the favorite and 'waa heavily
played , but Installutor A on easily wl hout
apparent urging1. Aqu'r-ss ' ran u good racr ,
finishing clone up to Ostler Joe , who was
second. Result ? :
First raca , six furlongs , 2-year-old ;
Ufllltoso , no ( Jones ) , c to 1 and 2 to 1. won ;
Polish. M ( WliHon ) , lo to 1 nnd C to 1. second
end : Yule , 96 ( Fratitley ) , a lo 1 nnd 8 to 1 ,
third. Tlmo : 1:13 : } ; , Sorrow , I ord Marlon.
Ai'lo. KJSC-I and A'mu also ran. S.itsuma
and Summertime left at past.
' Second rare , mile and 3 sixteenth , selling i 1
Muniulse. 101Vll83r ( ) , to 10 , wan ; L ren v ,
II , 103 ( McNIchol ) , 12 to 1 and 3 to 1. < -c i
and ; Fashion Hate , 04 ( Wood ) , 3 to 1 and |
3 to 1 , third. Time : 1:49 : % . Osrlc II , Judge
Dtnny nnd Peter II also ran.
Third race , six furlongs. 2-year-olds : Cuth-
btrt , 09 ( Holmes ) , 15 to 1 and G to 1 , won ;
lllss Itemusen , 109 ( Macklln ) , 15 to 1 and G
fM 1 , second : Catavvba , 99 ( McNIchols ) , 15
to 1 and G to 1. third. Tlmo : 1:10. : Tiny F ,
McMac , Zapata , Kstero , Canonclcus , Truth ,
Los Pletros , Brambell and The Ace also
ran.Fourth1 race , University stakes , a snvceep-
stfikes for 3-year-olds , value $1,000 , one mile :
Altiimux , 114 ( Henncsy ) , 2 to 1 and t to D ,
won ; llohenzollern , 114 ( Freeman ) , u to l
and S to 5 , second ; Horatio , 114' ( PlBgott ) ,
20 to 1 and 8 to 1 , third. Time : l : Vj.
Fleur do Lla , NewssatheriT , ICtta II and
Flamella also ran. Floenella broke hur leg
at the last turn and had to bo destroyed.
She was the property of Charles Fair.
Fifth race , seven furlongs , selllnB : Her-
manlta , 101 ( Plggott ) . 7 to 1 and 2Vi to 1 ,
won ; JOB Terry , 109 tThompson ) , 1C to 1 and
G to 1 , second ; Una Colorado , 105 ( Penny ) ,
fi to 1 and 2 to 1. third. Time : 1.29Vi. Ouxa-
Iota. Gratify. Kamsln , Tholma , Paollclt ,
Frco Will , Tim Murphy , Don Fulano , Outgo
and Terra. Archer als.o ran. Start very bad.
Sixth race , ono mile : ImUallator. 107
( Freeman ) , S to 5 , won ; Ostler Joe , 112 ( II.
lirown ) , even and out , second ; Aquinas , 95
( Woods ) . 12 to 1 anil 3 to 1 , third. Tlmo :
l:42Vi. : Coda , McLlght and Parthamax also
KO Show llrenliH th < ! Iteuuril in
\IHlllMT II f KlllrU-N.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. Ten thousand cnthusl-
astlo Chlcagoans tonight eave emphatic ap
proval to their first horsa show In the beau
tifully decorated and brilliantly Illuminated
Coliseum. Society , late In arriving , ( llled
the boxes and graced thu spacious prome
nade which encircled the track. It was
fully an hour after the opening before the
places of honor were filled by many Chicago
cage notables. Among them were Mayor
Carter Harrison and party , It. Hall McCor-
mlck , General F. H. Winston , Hon. Wash
ington HcsliiK , II. O. Chatlleld-Taylor. Mrs ,
H. O , Stone , General John II. lirooke , U.
S. A. ; James U , Walker. G. F. Swift. II.
K , G. lillllngs , Arthur J. Caton und family ,
11. W. Iloleson , Samuel W. Allerton , John
Uupee. H , G. Selfrldgc , P. D. Armour and
Kyi on L. Smltli.
The United States Mnrlno band , whoso
coming1 to Chlcaco caused UK- local mu
sicians much perturbation , furnished a hU'h
class program of music , which was liber
ally applauded.
An exciting1 spill occurred during the second
end exhibit. Mr. F. C. Austin's handsomu
chestnut gcldlne Bnitan , driven to a cart
by 8. P. A tilt by. became uncontrollable and
followed by a dozen grooms dashed madly
around the track. Aftt-r the circuit hud
been mudo llireu time * the homo made a
dash for the t-xll , but wu turned from 'his '
coureo by a groom , who fulled to stop him.
The midden turn upset th cart und threw
Mr. Aahby to the ground , 1 njlng him nVout
a foot from tlio fence. Hi- was badly In
jured and the trap was crushed. After the
excited spectators had down they
weio ent ( rtulnuil between the Judging of
classes by un exhibition by Star Pointer
nnd Joe Patuhen nnd exhibitions of rough
rlillnp and ilrll'.H by I repp G of the United
States cavalry.
One thousand , homos , comprising the 1,59)
entrlfs and divided between S67 classes , Is
t'ho ' larst'it number ever entered In a horsu
T | < IIM O Meel Jllrlinvl.
NUW YOHK , Nov. 1.Frrd Titus loft for
Chicago today , wbem 'he ' lu to tuke part In
a picfil raci ut Me Ol H u n u alnst Jimmy
Lllrhael Nov mb.r 13 , T.e dHtance will bo
twenty-live miles nnd the contestants will
be paced by fifty men using all kinds of
multicycles. Michael Is already on the
ground nnd Titus , who has been rtdlns here ,
will continue to train with his pact-makers
on u track engiiged In Chicago for that pur
pose. McDulllc , who Is to race Michael In
Chicago on November 12 , will do all his
training In Philadelphia nnd Icavo for the
scene of the race with his pacemakers a
few days bpforo the contest.
1M.AY mi.IIAIU ) I.V A M5\V WAY.
Suluiffer WiliM UiiNlIx ill n
fill MIC TVllh MiiKKTliill.
CHICAGO , Nov 1. The first tournament
game of the now style of billiards was
| played tonight by Jacob Schaofcr and
i Frank Mnggioll. Schuefer won by a ucoro of
ICO to 35. The game Is IS-lnch balk line
i with ono point In balk. The wore :
Schnefer (100)015 ( ) , 9 , 0 , 10 , 3G-total 100 ;
average 1C % .
MaRRloll (50) ( ) 7 , C , 1 , 7 , 13 , 1 total 35 ; aver
age H 5-0.
Hill lo I' KoiitllTill I'layliiK.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Nov. 1. AH a result of
the fatal Injuries received by Von Gnmmen j
of the University of Georgia foot ball team I
In the game Saturday , the team will prohu.
biy disband , In the house of representa
tives today a resolution was Introduced to
abolish foot ball playing1 In universities and
other Institutions In Georgia receiving aid
from the state. Senator Allen Introduced a
bill In the scnato to prohibit foot ball play-
lilt , ' In the state ,
l Out tvltli n
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 1. "Parson" navies has
Issued a challenge to "Tut" Ilyun of Aus
tralia In bumtlf of Joe Choynukl for a lim
ited round contest , QueeiiHberry rules , con
test to take place on or about December
B. Choynskl has un engagement with a
Chicago club to meet Ityan , Matter or God-
dard. The club will give thu boxers (0 per
cent of the gross gutu receipts.
KreNliinen ConleNt In Off.
PIHNCRTON , N. J. , Nov. l.-Thero will
bo no tranui between the freshmen elevens
of Princeton nnd Yale this fall , Captain
Coabran bus put his fool down on the pro
posed contests and no reasons have ben ad
. . I'OKtlKIIUMl ,
LI3XINGTON. Ky. , Nov. 1. Tlio races
were postponed today on account of ruin.
You can't afford lo risk your Hto by al-
lowln ga cold to develop Uito pneumonia or
consumption. Instant relief and a certain
cure are afforded by Ono Minute Cough Cure
1'rexlilent Henelieit Cleveland.
CLKVKLAND , Nov. L President and Mrs.
McKinley arrived In town this morning and
were at once driven to Olenmero , Senator
Hamia'o summer homo. Hl prrlval was
unostentatious. Senator Hanna , having for
gotten to register , wag obliged to cancel his
Alliance engagement and remain In Cleve
land , and In order to bo at the polls at 3
ji , ni. Mr. Hanna will leave for Canton at 4
1/lren of n Day.
NORFOLK. Neb. . Nov. 1. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) At 3 o'clork lust night flru destroyed
the tarn of Wllley Brothers Ui this city.
Five tv.rees and harness were consumed by
tbo ftamca. Lots about $500 ; Insurance $104 ,
ItViiH a \rpcMMiiry .llornlni ; Duty ( o
ICeop Her KIIVK .Sinoiilli.
With the death of Mrs. Julia Hamilton , the
boarded woman at Orcat Falls , Mont , , her
romance It ; closed , and all debts have been
canceled. During her eight years' rcaldctico
there , according to a Great Falls letter , prob
ably not over 100 people know that Mrs.
Hamilton's first duty every inornlns wna to
shove , nnd thus a growth of beard nn luxu
riant ns man over were was kept from the
world's view. Deserted and alone , the old
woman was found a few weeks ago by her
neighbors. She was 111 , nnd bad not shaved
for several weeks , and had a beard th'rco
Inches long covering her chin and ldcs of
her face. She was taken to the county hos
pital , where Bho passed away , and was burled
by tbo county. Just before her death aho
told that during her life HIO ! had been mar
ried six tlmcfl , and each of her , husbands had
deserted her.
She came to Great Falls about eight year *
ago from Vermont. In the fall of 1888 U. C.
Adams , an old Or.ind Aimy man , decided that
ho wanted a wife. Ho advertised In a matrimonial
menial publication , and among the answers
was ono from the woman who hud Just died.
Photos were exchanged , and Adama sent
money to bring her on. On her arrival
Adams discovered that she wan not the orig
inal of the picture. "and after her long trip
had < | Ullo a growth of whlukera , Ho re
fused point-blank to marry her ;
Several old-timers , learning of the strati no
woman's predicament , went to Adams and
gave him just so many hours to1 have the
ccromony performed. Ho obeyed , and they
wore made ono at the Ulm house. A few
months later Adams jumped his claim , and
has never ttlnco been heard of , Ho left her
some property , and a few years later slip met
and married a man named Hamilton. Her
wedded life again was short , for In a few
months Hamilton deserted her and in now la
the went.
Of lute years her Income had been meager ,
and at times county aid was necetisiry. She
bad been In the county hospital about a
ICIIIeil Willie HeNlNllliK
MAUSHALL , Mo.'Nov. 1. Jim Hall , who
killed his wlfo near Arrow 'Hill yesterday ,
was shot and killed today by Constubla
Ueaa'.ey'n ( postso while resisting- arrest near
Arrow Hock. Hill killed u woman In St.
Louis six years ago.
The famous AppHanconnd lu-medlcn of
the I'rlo Medical Co. nowfor the llrst time
offered on trial without oxptnto to nuy j
honest mini. Not n dollar lu bo tmld
In advance- , Cure KUt-cta of Krrora
or Kicesu-a In Old or YounK. Manhood
Fully Itrstorcd. How to Knlarijo and
BtrcinflhcnWoak , Undeveloped Portions I
ot Iludy. Absolutely unfailing Homo .
Treatment. NoC. o. 1) . or other KOUIMIIO.
A plain otter by i\0rin of hitch standing.