Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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K. nOSRWATEIl , Editor.
Dally Itro ( Without Sunday ) , One Year . 10 01
Dully life unit 8umly , One Your . . . . . . . . M
BU Months . 4 00
Three Mantln . ' 03
Bumlay tire. One Year . . . 2 0
Bntunlay lire , One Year . . . . . . . . . . 150
Weekly lift. One Year . M
Omahai The Iloe lUilMlnK.
South Omahn : Hlnser lllk. . Cor. N and Nth Bti.
Council IJlulTn : 10 I'carl Street.
ChlcnKo OIIIcc : 317 ChnmLcr of Commerce.
New York ! Iloomi 1J , 11 nnd IB Tribune IlMc.
Woshlngton : Ml Fouitccnlli Street.
. * * * f All cntnmunlcntlonii relating to new * nnd edito
rial ninttcr should be addretred : To the Kdltcr.
All business Idler * and remittances should be
dtlremea to The Ilee 1'uhllMilng Company ,
Omahn. Draft * , checkn , expres und pocloftlce
money nrdrri to be made payable to the order of
the company ,
lilnlc of Nebrankn , Douglas County , vs. i
Otaree II. Tz clitick. secretary of The lice Pub-
Hulling Compnny , being duly nworn , nays that the
actual number of full nnd complete copies of The
Dally , Mornlnic , Kvenlnjt nnd Bundny Ilee prlntca
during the month of October , 1807 , was as fol
lows :
1 . 19,079 17 . W55
2 . 19.811 H . 1VJ13
3 . 19.704 15 . 11.M7
I . 15.731 M . 19.801
6 . 19.710 21 . za.ail
C . 19.793 13 . 20,211
7 . SI.IOl 23 . SrtSM
R . 22. OM 21 . 2i > ; OM
. . 25 . SO BIO
10 . 19,810 26
11 . 19.S71
] : . 1J.91J 28 20.7CI
1.1 . ID. 033 29 -20.S.V )
It. . . . . 20.0:9 DO 2)711
13 . 2 > .OW 31 , M.SOI
1C . 2)tSO )
Totnl . 6MS1 :
Ix-si de < 1uctl ni for returned ndun o1d "
copies . , . 9,217
Net total unles . . . CI7.106
Net Oally average . lil.507
OKOUOI3 11. T/.SClltlCIC
Sworn to before me nnd piibsctlbcj In my pros.
cnce this 1st day of November 1R37
( Seal ) N. P. 1'Elli , Notary Public ,
All rallritnil mMV l > oy nrc
iMl M'lth PitmiKli Ilucii
lo itccninmnilntc every imn-
nciiKtr who ivniil * ( o rend it
II < MV 1 > " 1 > T. IllHlMt II 110 II llllV-
IIIRT The lice. If you uniiiiot
PTft n Ili > < ni 11 trnlii from tlie
ti < tvft ! ! ( ; < ill , pli-iiMi ! rpiiurt
tlie fuel , HtutliiK tli < > trnl ii unit
rnllronil , to tin- Circulation
Dennrtnifiit of The lire. The
lice IN for mile on nil trjiliiN.
Turn tlio turncoats down.
Do not fill : to vote early.
Did you hear that 358,000,000 hnminer
fall ?
Put your cross mark in tlie circle
iitulcr the
Vote for the bonds. They mean
progress and prosperity for Omaha.
The ThanksslvliiK turkey had to read
his death warrant before he could read
the election returns.
McDonald has made n Kood sheriff and
that is all the point at Issue in his can
didacy for re-election.
The otllcer who draws two salaries at
the same time while posing as a re
former only shows himself to he a
If democrats must vote for repub
licans why not vote for republicans who
arc not afraid to sail under their own
colors ?
Vote early. Don't take chances of be
ing crowded out of your vote by delayIng -
Ing voting until the last hour of the
election day.
The fact that it is an off year will be
readily visible tin the slump in the total
vote polled as compared with the total
of Ji year ago.
Kvery man who Is registered should
make sure of getting his vote in. liven
then 'the vote will be remarkably short
of the total of la t year.
Ono year since the election of Me-
Klnley and a pretty good year at that ,
taking an all-around view of 'the ' im
provement * made In that period of time.
After over thirty years of more or less
happy wi-dded life the Union I'aclllc
nnd the United States government have
fit-cured an absolute and unconditional
One thing The Hee never did do , and
that \vas to proclaim a man to be honest
after he had admitted himself an em-
besw.Ier because of any telltale memo
randum slip.
During the entire campaign not one
word has been said by anyone deroga
tory of the character or ability of David
M. Ilavorly , republican candidate for
county clerk. ,
It takes unlimited gall for a candidate
whoso name already appears three times
on the olllclal ballot to have his iiiiniv
inserted all by Itself In a fourth col
umn as a petition candidate.
The Tennessee Centennial exposition
lias passed Into history. The next great
event on 'the exposition calendar Is tlie
Transmlsslsslppi Exposition , which will
be held In Omaha commencing .June ,
This year the people will render
thanks on the special day set apart for
that purpose for having known what
they were doing when Iliey gave thanks
u year ago for the assurance of coming
prosperity. ,
Judga Scott says the three 3'2,000-a-
year fusion secretaries to the State
Board of Transportation are useless and
expensive Impediments 'to ' redress for
the people. Judge Scott hit's the nail
on the head every now and then.
Constiintlne .T. Smyth , the popocratic
attorney general , has not yet explained
why the legislative journals of 1SS7
tihow him and John J. Sullivan , now
popocratic candidate for supreme judge ,
recorded on opposite sides of every vital
question. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
As a representative Swede , In every
way tuullticd ] for the position of coroner ,
for which he has been nominated on
the republican ticket , Kels 1 * . Swunson
ia entitled to the votes not only of re
publicans , but of all citizens who want
the olllcu capably lilted ,
The paramount Issue of the campaign
about to close Is not whether the United
.States shall open the mints to the free
and unlimited coinage of gold and silver
at the ratio of 10 to 1 without the aid or
consent of any other nation on earth.
That Issue has been relegated to the
rear just the same as has been the aboli
tion of slavery , the greenback agitation ,
or the repeal of the Wilson law. All
these. Issues have been settled one way
or the other and cannot be resurrected.
The paramount Issue to be decided by
the voters of Nebraska and especially
the voters of Omaha and Douglas
county Is whether cardinal party
principles arc to be subordinated to the
thirst for spoils and honest political con
victions are to be sacrificed , for
mercenary ends. The cry of reform-
which has been raised by the apolls-
mongers and political mongrels In order
to hold together 1ho 'masses ' Is merely a
decoy to trap the credulous. Behind
this masquerade Is the most un
scrupulous political machine ever or
ganized in any state. While proclaim
ing hostility to corporate monopoly It Is
linked with the managers of the rail
roads , express companies and other
corporations. From the governor down
to tllo railroad commission the state
house machine Is making a farce of all
the pledges of reform so far as they
relate to the restriction or regulation of
corporate rapacity. Kor this Inaction
the corporations arc reciprocating with
free transportation and more sub
stantial favors. lu Its desperate at
tempt to extend Its power the spoils
machine has bartered away not only the
patronage at Its command , but hawked
out every Job It hopes to control.
The adage that It Is a wise child that
knows Its own father , is strikingly
Illustrated In the mongrel ticket of
Douglas county. Never was there such
an exhibition of shameless political
prostitution and such rank disregard of
the decencies that govern political or
ganization. It forces upon the people of
this city and county the question
whether gooil government can be hoped
for where turncoats and renegades are
rewarded and a pwmlum asked for
political apostacy. The duty of all
citizens who desire to repress and
stamp out such spoils combinations Is
plain. The seal of public condemnation
must be branded upon the mongrel
olliceseekers and the bargain re
pudiated bi * which they secured the en
dorsement of parties with whom they
have nothing In common.
K noums.
Mr. Charles II. Cramp , the well known
shipbuilder , recently .addressed the New
York Hoard of Trade and Transporta
tion on the subject of American shipping
and among other things gave some llg-
urss showing what foreign countries
pay in subventions to their merchant
marine , lie stated that England has
been subsidizing her ships engaged In
foreign trade from the infancy of steam
navigation , naving paid out in tins way
from IglU ! to 1S05 about ? 2-l5,000,000. It
is this liberality of the British govern
ment that has given Great Britain its
great merchant marine and the policy is
still maintained. Germany also fosters
its shipbuilding interest by liberal sub
ventions and some other European coun
tries do tlie same.
These examples , however , which have
been frequently cited , have not exerted
very great Intlu.'iicc in this country ,
where popular opposition- direct ship
subsidies has always been strong and Is
probably quite as much so now as It has
evqr been , fl'lie most that can be ex
pected in the way of encouraging ship
building is the granting of liberal al
lowances for carrying the mails , but
there is strong hostility even to this.
The popular opposition to subsidies is
what makes the problem of building up
a merchant marine so perplexing. It is
quite obvious 'that we cannot success
fully compete in this matter unless we
adopt the policy which has given Eng
land its enormous shipping interest ,
but there is no prospect of doing this.
It Is stated that among the recom
mendations of the secretary of the treas
ury in ills annual report IK > will urge
the passage by congress of a law pro
viding for the extension of the national
banking system so as to permit the or
ganization of banks with only ? 'J."iOf0 !
capital In towns of1,000 Inhabitants
or less. Tills Is not a , new proposition ,
but the fact that It has the approval of
the secretary of tlie treasury , himself a
practical banker , will probably
strengthen It. A bill was passed by
the house of representatives of the 1'Mfty-
fourth congress authorizing the estab
lishment of smaller banks , but It re
ceived no consideration fioni the senate.
This is an exceedingly Important mat
ter for those sections of the country
which do not now have sulliclent circu
lation. It Is the general view among
llnanclers and well-hiformod business
men that a better distribution of bank
capital and circulation is not only de
sirable , but absolutely essential. Repre
sentative Itioslus of Pennsylvania , who
Introduced the bill that passed the house
of the last congress , presented In con
nection with It a series of tables show
ing the baiiMiig situation In all sections
of the union. It was shown that the
states which voted for McKlnley con
tain 75 per cent of the total number of
national hanks , while the states that
voted for Bryan contain but t-Ti per cent.
Of the capital stock the McKlnley states
liavo SI ! and the Bryan tates 17 p.T
emit of the total. Of bonds deposited
to secure circulation the McKlnley
states have Si ) and the Bryan states 11
per cent of Hie total. Of bank note
circulation the MeKinley states have t&
and the Bryan states VJi per cent of the
total. These llgures show how unequally
bank capital and circulation tire dis
tributed ami while the explanation is
perfectly obvious It does not weaken
the demand for leglslaUon that will im
prove the situation. Of course It I.s not
to be expected that communities compar
atively weak In the material resources
which must precede banking facilities
can malntalft a banking system suitable
to stronger , more developed , wealthy
and populous sections. Banks cannot
bo maintained Avli're there Is no bank *
liitf to du ; credit money is unavailable
whcro credit docs not exist ; but these
will grow up in every community Just
as fast as material development , capital ,
wealth nnd business require them.
It Is a fact which will surprise most
people that there arc portions of the
south where currency Is almost un
known and where the old system of bar
ter obtains. AVe have scon the state
ment that oven In [ Virginia a four-days *
search failed 1o llntl change for
a fifty-dollar note. Perhaps banks could
not be maintained In these sections , but
there arc other portions needing better
bank facilities where banks could be
maintained If permitted to be organized
with less capital than the law now re
quires. There is another proposition ,
which Is to permit , national banks to
establish branches , a plan similar to
the Canadian system , but this does not
appear likely to receive very strong
support In congress , though there Is cer
tainly n good deal to bo said In favor
of It. Its advocates urge that the Cana
dian system has worked most satisfac
torily and they can see no reason why
the plan of branch banks would not
operate well in this country.I'lio plan
of establishing Independent banks , however -
ever , Is to be preferred , though the de
sired relief might come more slowly
under this than under the other plan.
It Is undoubtedly safe to say that the
house of representatives 'can be relied
upon for the needed legislation , but It
Is not so certain that-the senate can be.
The democracy of Douglas county con
tributed not less than 8,000 votes to the
Bryan column last year. The mongrel
county ticket for which democrats are
asked to vote has only one democrat on
It. The eight other candidates come
from other parties nnd have never been
known before to alllliate with democ
racy. Two of these candidates arc
converts to populism from the repub
lican party. One \ & a prohibitionist and
four are republican turncoats who
wedged themselves into the fusion
ticket with the avowed purpose of
squeezing Into an olllce.
Can any self-respecting democrat cast
his vote for such a mongrel aggrega
tion ? lias tha democracy of Douglas
county become so Impoverished in com
petent and trustworthy men that It
must load up with mountebanks and
renegades spewed out by other parties ?
Is It not an Insult to intelligent demo
crats to place their party emblem above
a ticket made up of men who have been
fighting democracy in tlie ranks of Its
opponents up to within less than forty
days ? Will the honest democrats of
Douglas county stultify themselves by
helping to elect dark-lantern fanatics
into olllce who have no other use for
democrats than to get their support ?
Is It not high time for decent and con
scientious democrats to repudiate the
bargain and sale by which their party
has been delivered over to olllce brokers
in the employ of the state house
machine ?
The connection between the govern
ment of tlie United States and the Union
Pacific corporation , maintained for
thirty-live years , was yesterday severed.
The government's interest In the rail
road was sold at auction to representa
tives of the reorganization committee ,
who bid the full amount of the govern
ment's claim. As told In our news col
umns , this greatest of auction sales. In
the amount of money Involved , was de
void of any sensational features or ex
citing incidents. It was a simple busi
ness transaction all the conditions of
which" had been settled in advance of the
sale. Tlie whole time occupied was less
than an hour and nearly all of tills was
taken up iln the reading of the advertise
ment of the sale.
Nevertheless it was inn event of very
great interest and importance. Its im
portance consists not only In the large
amount of money that will go into the
national treasury over ? 57OU'0,000 butte
to quite as great a degree In th3 fact
that it gives promise , if not absolute as
surance , that this great railway will be
managed In the future under moro fa
vorable auspices for the development of
Its bu'iiness. The capitalists who have
Invented their money In it may reason
ably be expected to supply whatever
further capital shall be found necessary
to improve the road and to attract busi
ness toIt , They are paying an enor
mous price for the property , but It must
be presumed that as practical financiers
they have no doubt of their ability to
make the Investment fairly profitable.
It is to be expected that under the new
control there will be more liberal and
progressive methods , witli resulting ben
efits to the region through which the
Union Pacific passes.
No railroad In the world has a more
varied and Interesting history than the
Union Pacific and perhaps no other rail
road In the United States has played a
larger part In the development of the
country. Jt will not bo questioned that
the wisdom and foresight of . . .i original
promoters have been Justified by results.
These might bo much greater If the road
had always been .managed honestly and
on sound business principles. There Is
reason lo think that now these will pre
vail and that the Union Pacific will be
conducted on some such broad snnd
sound basis as the New York Central
ami the Pennsylvania railroad are man
It Is gratifying to note that the re
ports of the Wyoming state banks < show
Increased deposits , Indlnitlng that Wy
oming Is participating along with the
other western states In the revival of
business prosperity and tlie reestablishment
ment of confidence , Whn people put
their money In the banks they are con
vinced that the threat of financial din-
aster is long since removed and expect
the banks to find profitable places for
the Investment of their funds. Increas
ing bank deposits are almost Infallible
signs of Improving Industrial conditions.
The mongrellte \ikcry I asserts that
The Bee has waged vicious war upon
the candidates upon the fusion ticket
and the exposition bonds. One Is just
about as true as the other. The Boo
has not said ono word against the bonds ,
but on the contrary has imitlu It possi
ble for the bonds to curry by forcing
the rctlrttrjMit or Gernldlno and workIng -
Ing for a\l \ Wmlcablo adjustment of dif
ferences between organized labor and
tlio exposition , The Bee baa waged no
vicious vfni < - ngalnst the candidates on
the imlch'qiillt ticket , but It has simply
punctured their false pretenses of re
form and..Qxhoscd their acrobatic per
formance's Iff the three-ring political
circus. -
The rumor tset afloat by parties who
are opiwsed to the exposition bonds that
Dion Gcraltllno Js to resume his posi
tion as superintendent of buildings and
grounds Is unfounded. The managers
of the exposition are pledged upon
honor to entertain no proposition look
ing to the reinstatement of Geraldlne
on the exposition pay roll , nnd our citi
zens can ix-flt assured that the pledge
will not bo broken.
The populist slate examiner of county
treasuries has certified to tlie compe
tency of George Ilelmrod and the ex
cellent condition of the books and rec
ords In the treasurer's otllce. That fact
should count for more In Mr. Ilelmrod's
favor with taxpayers than the unsup
ported charges of the. Fake-Mill that
Ilelmrod Is Incompetent.
The armor plate business may have
never paid , as Andrew Carnegie con
tends , but It lias served to supply Klon
dike finds for numerous promoters and
congressional lobbyists. The business
may not have paid everybody who In
vested In Hi hut It has paid many who
have not Invested in It.
President McKlnley does not have to
take nn olllclal reporter with him under
special Instructions to dish up his re
ceptions and speeches with a surround
ing of stage thunder. The spontaneous
ovations accorded President McKlnley
in Ills home stale speak for themselves.
Election o Ulcers who want to expedite
their work will go at the counting sys
tematically. ' By counting all the
straight tickets first nnd than going
down the list with the scratched bal
lots they will get through In half the
time otherwise required.
"Tlio song of prosperity continues , "
says one of the local trade reviews.
And it might be added that the sung is
no longer a , solo nor a duet nor a trio ,
but a great chorus Into which new
voices are pouring as the song proceeds.
Two Iiliportimt Knhvnlliil * .
New York Mnll and Express.
Undo Sara Is preserving admirable self-
control during this animated shake-up with
Spain. Therq Is , ample ground for believing
that Incidentally , ho la also keeping his pow
der dry. ,
4 Hi-lil KMtnte Deal.
MlnpenpaUs Journal.
The reported ' 'general uprising of the In-
dlnnn" in lUtah. and Colorado meniiB just
what It has alwaya meant an unjustifiable
and lawless attempt of the whlto settlers to
1:111 oft the Indians and get their lands that
is all.
Kilting mill ClliicliliiK the \nll.
NcW York Mall and 'Express.
What notiseiiim It Is for 'the local cam
paigners to'say'that Wllliaifi JV Urya'n Is'In
favor of Vari'Wyck or ol George , or of any
other city candidate ! Everybody known per
fectly well that Mr. Bryan Is for himself
and for nobody else.
"A 'WcKtorn Klsli Story. "
New York Hcrnld.
A ftaaernina while digging bait near Clin
ton , la. , unearthed an iron box containing
$50,000 in gold and paper money , so a dis
patch says. In most instances the "flcfa"
story Is told after the fisherman re
turns from his expedition , but It may bo that
this ono ! a only a "bait" story.
U'l.Sl'OllMlll Will 111- ltLrt'HCIllCll. .
JIarlnetto ( WIs. ) Star.
The commissioners who arc lookIng -
Ing after tbo Wisconsin exhibit at
the Omaha exposition , to be held next
yrar , are- sending out circulars appealing to
the people of the state for subscriptions to
make Wisconsin's exhibit worthy of the state.
The legislature made no appropriation for
this purpose , and whatever Is done must be
through the liberality of the people. Every
county In the state should make an ap
propriation for this purposa through Its
county board , and In this way the required
amount would soon be raised.
Moriljt > lxiiri' XnVr In Orilor.
Minneapolis Times.
Are wo not entirely too fast ? Is speed to
bo the end of our efforts , or only a means to
something vastly better ? It Is well to do
work quickly. But Js It so It wo nro only to
keep on working ? Wo Hhouid say not. It
is nto through booms nnd dmls and record
breaking alone that the kingdom of heaven
Is to como to man. If Increase of speed ena
bles us to achieve moro In a given apace of
time it should also enable t'n to have more
leisure for the enjoyment of that which wo
have achieved , ff It mean moro wealth It
ahould mean more rightful HBO ot wealth.
If It mean moro work. It should also mean
moro play.
No I'rlviiey In SIi'i'itliiK Oirn.
Iluffnlo Uipresa.
Mr. Pullman did much , but he never made
an Ideal Bleeping car. No ono has. Prob
ably ho pondered the problem of constructing
a car that should bo well ventilated , ao ar
ranged that Us space should bo profitably
used , strong , luxurious ; but there la little
evidence that he or anyone else ever seri
ously attacked the problem of providing
comfortable sleeping coaches for travel and
at the same time of ensuring decent privacy
for the sexes. The spectacle of a scarcely
clad man , jtwt arisen from sleep , passing
through the Male of a sleeping car or com
pleting Ills toilet In sight of women Is not
an uncommon one In American travel , lint
It Is not partlcuahly creditable to our civili
zation. Hcflnvmcnt calls for a different
sleeping onrithannny now in use ,
Tin ; .ViMV OniimilNitlonrr of KillIroailx.
, l lUI deIphla Times.
General Lohitftreet has been ap-olntcd , a
expected , cqmjnlfzloner of railroads to fill
the vacancy.ijau'jfed by tlio resignation of Hamp.tcm. n'fhe appointment will be
fnvorably rcculved , the only criticism to be
offered boldi' that his advanced ago will
probably limit'hla'usefulness. ' That General
kongstreot rT'ST"every other rcopect well
qualified for tlKJ/flutles of the position will
not bo disputed , dncl that lie will administer
his onice In alt JusticeTnd fairness cannot
be doubted. T-hru Is especial nines * In his
selection as a 9Rricsfntatlvo ° f the couth , the
spctlrn in .whip there U more rallwa >
bulldls.s ut prpfW tha-ni elsawhero. Ho was
ono of the bravest'of ' the confederate soldiers
while there "wss'a'soutlierri confederacy , nnd
ono of the nrwt'ito ' accent reconstruction wherf
the war was over.
.SlrrnjTtli of Hie AloiiroiDoctrine. .
, Jloxlran Herald
nUmarck finds the Monroe doctrine an
"Insolent" one. Well , he Is a past master
In diplomatic bluff and Iniolence , and 'ho
knows as well as any man that the .Monroe
doctrine stauda for the perpetual Independ
ence of the now world. Tlio statesmen of
thu ncw'world from Washington to Santiago
and Duc-nos Ayrcs kDiw that , If the cabinets
of Europe had their way , they would carve
Latin America up Into "spheres of Influence"
just as they bavu Africa. Illsrnarck , when In
power , coveted a Naboth's vineyard In lirazll
and bad an eye on other regions as well ,
Japan , when cue- gets a tig ravy , Is likely
to pick a quarrel with some of the west
coatt republics of South America just to
provoke war nnd win territory for coloalza-
tlon. Hut the Americas , adopting President
Dlaz'a enlarged Monros doctrine ? , will stand
together against grued aud land-grabbing.
Choice Olinnkd of the "Hot" Turned
Loouc In Ohio.
Chicago Tribune.
Bryan tells the Ohlonns. whom ho Is trying
to rope In to veto the frco sliver ticket , that
"events hftvo vindicated our course ot Inat
year. " How so ? Has his prophecy that
prosperity could not como without the frco
coinage ot silver proved true ? Not at all.
" \Vo denounced the gold stnndard OB tin-
American. McKlnley confessed that the gold
standard was bud when he sent ft commission
to Europe to ask other nations to help us out
ot n hole. "
And ho nssorts also : "If the cold standard
Is a BOO. . ! thing why Is McKlnley trying to
get rid of . blessing ? "
The short and slmpto answer Is that Pres
ident McKlnlpy thinks the gold standard a
blessing and la not trying to got rid of It.
Ho has done nothing to show any such wish
on Ma part. Ho sent a "bimetallic commis
sion" to Europe , but not to agitate the aban
donment ot the gold standard or ask other
nations to "help u out of a hole. " Bryan
not having been elected , wo are not In a
hole.There are republicans who bcllevo BOIIIO
kind of an agreement could bo entered Into
with foreign nations by which n. largely | ni-
crcaspd use ot silver could b < j secured. That
Increased use , they bcllevo , would advance
the price ot that metal ,
President McKlnley , willing to oblige these
members of the party , sent Senator Wolcott
nnd ills colleagues to Buropo to eeo what they
could do. But ho did not send them to get
other nations to help this country to get
rid of the gold standard. It is a good thing.
It Is something which this country will stick
to through thick and thin.
Then Bryan , with ono band on his heart
and the other pftlntlng to the sky , erica out
"Well , I wnnt to cay that I love my coun
try so well that , eo help mo God. no English
financiers shall ever force n policy upon mo
nnd my children !
"I nm such an anarchist that I will allow
no London banker to dictate the financial
policy of my country. "
This is the same rant and fustian that ho
Indulged In last year , when ho was per
petually hurling defiance at tbo London
banker. But how comes It that ft man who
will not allow o. London banker to dictate
the financial policy of this country is so eager
to allow its financial policy to bo dictated by
Slcxlcan peons and Chinese coolies ?
What Is it the London banker * arc trying
to do In the way of dictation ? Nobody
knows but Bryan and he will not tell. Thej
are not ordering this country to adopt the
gold standarcj. The United States has hail
that standard for many years. Great Britain
has had It for elghty-ono years and has
prospered amazingly under It. It Is easy tc
understand why a London banker should
benevolently ndvlso a poor , benighted sllvei
standard country to change to gold. But Uu
United States needs no such advice.
The London bankers are not urging the
pectilo of this country to reckon In pounds
shillings and pence. They are not urglnp
Americans to adcnt English weights am !
measures , or the commcn law , or the Engllst
language. Americans already have those
things and do not propose to surrender thorn
But If tbo Mexicans should suggest thai
this country should adopt their weights anil
measures , and , language , and law , and have
nothing In common with an odious gold
standard country like Great Britain , Bryan
would declare that it was an admirable propo
sition and ought to be carried out.
Bryan talked such unadulterated stuff and
nonnensf as that minted above all last sum
mer and 'fall. Ho has been repeating It thle
year In Ohio and Iowa , and yet ho still has
audiences , and they applaud him. The con-
clislcn : to bo drawn Is that there arc n grcal
many fools In the United States outside ol
the Idiot asylums. Otherwise such miserable
balderdash as that Bryan pours forth would
not have a hearer.
Xn F.ITnrt < o Ho Spnred to Millie n
Cr.-.IKnMr IliulKcr Slate I2\hllilt.
Kan Claire Telegram.
The Wlsconsln "comralsslon. Transmits-
slppl and International Exposition , propose *
to ralso by Individual subscription the monej
necessary to erect and maintain a Wisconsin
Btato building at the exposition to be held in
Omaha for flvo months beginning June 1 ,
1S98. It proposes { o make the Wisconsin
building tlio meat attractive on the grounds ,
a fitting Illustration of the greatness of the
Badger state In its semi-centennial year.
The Wisconsin legislature has had no oppor
tunity to consider the matter of a state ap
propriation for this yuriiose , although at the
special session held last August It adopted
n joint resolution giving Its hearty approval
to the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition and au
thorizing Governor Scofleld to appoint a state
commission to prepare a suitable representa
tion of the state's 'esaivrces.
It Is estimated that the proposed building
and its maintenance ) will cost from $1G.OOO tc
$20,000. which , it apportioned to the various
counties , would fall very lightly upon any
community. As the benefits of such a build
ing will accrue to the state at largo , the com
mission has decided to appeal to all well-to-
do and patriotic citizens to contribute to this
fund according to their ability and inclina
tion. Their interest In this matter Is re
spectfully solicited.
Of ail great expositions held In recent
years none has aiciealcd so directly to the
attention and Interest of Wisconsin people
as doe's the Transmlsslssippl Exposition. It
fully deserves , and the Wisconsin' commission
hopes to secure 'for ' It , the active co-operation
of all citizens who are proud ot the history
of their state and hopeful of its achievements
of high destiny In the future.
Wisconsin inttuencD bra been a potent fac
tor In t."io marvelous development of the
transmlssissippl country which the exposition
will exemplify. Our state lias furnished
United States senators , members of congress ,
governors , judges and of lesser degree In
largo numbers ; and has supplied a largo share
ot the bone and sinew which has created
the now empire ; and the state Is now bound
to the great west by Uio strongest ties of
commercial as well as political relationship ,
for our manufacturers find their best market
The United States ban grantoJ its official
approval to the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition ,
together with a $200,000 appropriation for a
government exhibit. Many sMtcs , north ,
Eouth , east , and west , have voted appropria
tions for lesser amounts , while those in wblch
no public funds weru voted are raising money
by priMito liberality.
The proposed Wisconsin bulidln.i will be
designated with special reference to the eeml-
centennial anniversary of the state , which
comes in ISM. It will be constructed upon
classic architectural lines with appropriate
statues and decorations to Illustrate thu im
portant events of the half century of the
state's history. Among the proposed features
are exhibits ot the Wlscomln fish commis
sion and fountains of Wisconsin's purest
spring waters. Probably other portions of
the building will be given up to historical
relics of peculiar interest , Inhibits of Wis
consin manufactures will not ha made in the
state building , but wilt bo shown under ( ho
proper classification ) in the largo exposition
buildings. Particulars regarding the making
of exhibits can bo obtained by addressing the
secretary of this commission.
The great st'to of Wisconsin cannot afford
to lag behind on this occasion. Our showing
at Omaha must bo commensurate with our
state's Importance.
TinSoulli Coining < o ( III * Siiiutnrt of
till * Tl'lllll llll KiMXIl'l | l f | IOHUI1.
Atlanta Constitution ,
As the Tennessee Centennial exposition
draws to Its clcoo after a. brilliant and suc
cessful career of nearly six .months , tha
splendid industrial enterprise which the
; copu ! of Nebraska are attempting loams up
In bold outlines against the horizon. This
enterprise , which bears the name of the
TransmlKjiBSlppl x.nd International Exposi
tion , bids fair to repeat on the plains of the
great west the phenomirvil success which lias
crowned tlie enterprito of our slater state
during the past few months.
When the Transmleslojlppl and Interna.
tlonal Imposition throws open Us gates to
the world on June 1 , 1898 , It will possess ,
among other original and striking features ,
the cnhiuo distinction of beln'g the first In-
dustrlal enterprise of Its kind ever held
weot of the Mississippi river. Fifty years
ago the great western half of the continent
was , for the most part , wrapped in iprlmeval
solitude , and only la Isolated place * hero
and there could the signs of advancing civili
zation 'bo detected. Today , however , the
great west Is the home of enterprlilng and
Industrious mllllrns of our fellow citizens ,
ani is fraught with possibilities which ut
terly defy computation. In proof of the rapid
trtdoswhich the west has rnaelo In recent
years whul bolter evidence could bo fur-
o4 hed than that which the TrunnmtastsUppI
and International Kxposltlon Itself prcsontst
The Idfa ot holding this magnificent en-
torprlso originated some two years RO when
the TransmlssUslppl Commercial congreee
mot In Denver , representing twenty-four
otatca. Since that time the movement h s
steadily grown Into Its present unique pro
portions. In addition to Ito capital stock
the exposition la assured of sulTlclcnt revenue
to aggregate something over $1,000.000. Under
a recent act of congress the enterprise !
given national recognition and ono of tha
features of the exposition will be a national
exhibit for which the sum of $200,000 has
bcm appropriated. Irr order to Interest for
eign countries the secretary of the trcasurj
has Issued official orders covering the regu
lations under which foreign exhibitor * may
participate. Various states , tuch as Illi
nois , Montana , Colorado , Utah , Iowa nnd
Nebraska , have provided for handsome ex
hibits and other states are expected to fol
low suit within , the next few weeks.
Everything seems to Indlcato that the ex
position will bo a pronounced success from
a financial , as well ns from un Industrial ,
point of view. Omaha , la situated In the
center of a thickly populated section , of the
west , tind besides the fact that the exposi
tion la the first enterprise of Its kind ever
held west of the Mississippi river , Is sure
to draw largo multitudes from dItint states.
Georgia extends her most hearty congratu
lation and gooi wishes to Nebraska on the
gratifying prospect which Is held out by the
Trar.nmlsolsslppl and Kxposl-
( Hobo-Democrat : Henry George , like
Horace Grccley , went to pieces physically ! ci
a campaign of ovcr-excrtlon. Amcrlcin
politics at tlmcH is too much like a continu
ous game of foot bail.
Brooklyn. Ragle : The hand of God has
been laid upon the plans of men. The
pulses of Henry George have been stilled
by death. He died for a cause and hi battle
on Its 'behalf ' , a cnuoa for .which ho was
willing to lay down his life , and did lay it
Minneapolis Times : He was In. all respccto
a model citizen , devoted to n great Ideal nnd
to Its preachment. His love of man was
doap nnd real. Those who stood nearest to
him arc able to speak in all glnccrlty of the
sterling qualities of his character , the thor
oughness of bin knowledge , the clearnciM ot
his judgment , the llncnofn of his tastes , the
completeness of his faltli In the people , tbo
deep pad ratlonil nature ot lila confidence in
frco Institutions nnd the tenacity of his
moral courage for what ho conceived to be
Boston Globe : A multitude who did not
agrco with Henry George's frco trade Ideas
or Indorse his single tax theory rallied around
Ills candidacy In New York , largely because
they admired him as a man , and had abso
lute confidence la his Incorruptible integ
rity. Nor was It in the metropolis alone
that ho was counted a notable leader of the
ttrno. His -tragic death has brought !
cero grief to thousands on thousands of
hearts not only In tills country , but In the
landui beyond tlio sea. Ho was not only a
citizen of America , but a citizen of the
Washington Star : George was In many
recpects a strong type of the American civili
zation , largely pelf-educated , selt-rellant anil
energetic without sttat. Ills intemperate use
of his energies In. the campaign just closing
undoubtedly caused hla death. As he passes
away ho will bo sincerely regretted not only
by tboso who followed him to the limits of
his doctrines , but by many others who ad-
mIru originality , courage and persistence.
The purity of his life and of his political
methods , his hatred of corruption and his
defiance of bosses In politics all combined
to make him a striking personality. appealIng -
Ing to ardent temperaments.
Minneapolis Journal : Perhaps Henry
George himself would have , preferred to die
as ho did In the harness , In the heat of the
battle contending for what ho believed to
b' > the right. Whatever else may bo said ol
George , ho was sincere In his convictions.
He had promised to bis followers UK * over
throw of bosslsm. as the main object of his
candidacy , and , no doubt. If lie had lived
and been elected ho would have made n
strong effort In that direction ; but ho stood
for theories of society and economics and
finance which caused a gravitation toward
him of a certain revolutionary clement which
vtould have demanded of him more than ho
could safely seek to give. Had he lived nnd
won on the simple issue of abolishing
bosstem , he would not have stopped at strik
ing a blow to spoilsmen. His program was
very radical and that is why the property
owning clement in New York lookeil askance
at his candidacy and his motley following.
Louisville Courier-Journal : Henry George
was born out of his time. He could right
fully claim to be a spokesman of the com
mon people , and yet he accomplished llttio
for them that was tangible. Had he lived
under the reign of the Sixteenth Louis ho
would have been another Housseau. Falling
short of the genius of the immortal French
man , from whose Intellectual loins , as Lowell
expresses it , sprang the father of
our own democracy , ho was yet
a man of exceptional talents , gifted
with much tbo same power of style
and with the same feeling of sympathy with
the poor and the lowly. He came on earth
In a tinio when , universal freedom did not
supply -the Ttatrlctlvo force wblch held
Rousseau's Ideas in check until , like the
steam In nn overheated boiler , the explosion
shattered thn ancient founJatlon of society.
His heart was aswarm , his courage as
great , but mankind did not ncedi an apostle
of freedom In the nineteenth ceiiitury. A
hundred yearn ago It might have been far
different , and In Henry George's glowing
imagination 'tho wrongs of -people might
have found their redress. As It was , ho
must pass into history as a dream , the
advocate of an eloquent , but Impracticable
Mr. Huskln has written , some sixty-four
hooka nnd his publisher pays him $20,000 a
Kvery time a foot ball team wins a game
without losing a man it counts u double
An underground railway to thn Klondike Is
proposed. But the Klondike Is on British
territory and the British have a horror in
ternational tunnels.
Prof. Lawrence Bruner , tlio Ncbmeka
scientist ; who went to Argentina to study
the grasshopper plague there , writes that he
fin-Is great swarms of Insects fully four
inches long.
The report itliat Denver city officials are
harassing a corporation in order to make it
sell out to tlio city does not seem to bo re
ceived with that attention which its high
novelty demands.
Thirty cousins of a woman who died in
New York and left ? COO,000 to denominational
charities appeared In court last week to
break the will , and testified that tliolr do-
eeuscd relative bad a "whisky breath" 'and
nworo like a trooper.
The Kansas ttato board of printing has re
fused to print tlio address of William Allen
Wl.lto ot K'mporla. which 1m delivered at the
opening of the state university , probably bo-
canau Mr. White has said to many severe
things about popull lH.
Chess players often dlo of brain disease
and tbo latest example ! Is Borthold Kngllsch ,
tlio Austrian champion , who was famous for
bis proficiency. Since 1879 , when ho first became -
came widely known , ho has engaged in fro-
qucnt contests with masters in tbo art.
Governor McLaurln of Mississippi wea re
cently reported forblJclcn by the health au
thorities to enter Jackson , the state capital ,
and thus prevented from doing lib official
duties. It has now been discovered , how
ever , that ho was not only not forbidden ,
but was oven offered a railroad pass to
enable 11 in to go to thn capital , but his
fear ot the fever kept him away.
13. J. Whlto of Bernldjl , a pioneer trapper
and hunter of Minnesota , stakes his reputa
tion on the prediction of a cold winter. Ho
says the wild animals , deer particularly ,
have especially > thlck coata this year and
that t'ho ' muskrats are building their houses
l-.lgh and with thick -walla signs which , ho
says , have Mver failed within lib experi
ence ,
Greater New York ia bound lo Justify its
name In-mono ways than one. Although the
city lias now an abundance of parka and
drives , several moro are to bo secured In thti
down town districts , and eleven public play
grounds for children. Four million dollars
will be expended In securing the ncceisary
ground , When present plain are carried
out , It will bo In order to Dtrlko out the
" " "beautiful. "
word "greater" and uubstltuto
Chicago Times-Herald ; President McKi. .
toy l . Indeed , happy In the fact that .
ttnio for Issuing his first nro.Manullin s
coincident with the Rpncnil rcallz.itmn tl i
better times nro nt hand , It U five j\ . . j
since the whole people have felt like JL
Ing In any general thanksgiving for ' b u.u \
received , "
Chicago Post : President .McKimoy'a fl t
Thanksgiving proclamation will meet \ \ > h
a heartier reception at the Imn.'s of tln >
people than any similar document which In .
preceded It within recent years. The procla
matlont Itself Is couched In plain languai ;
and In reverent terms calls upon all tlio
people to observe Thursday , the 25 h
.proximo , as a day ot tlmnk glving mid
prayer "In remembrance of God's goodiHtt
to us during the past year. "
Chicago Inter Ocean : This Is not the time
to go Into anything like a det.tllcsl compilera
tlon. of our causes of thankfulness , but U
may bo s.ild without exaggeration that no
simitar proclamation ever found the country ,
the whole country , so keenly allvo to occa
sion for gratitude as now. Bountiful crops
and good prices prevail all over the land ,
and before the crops were seeded , even , the
better times ibcgan to bo experienced
throughout the country , and It wns evident
that Iho expected prosperity was surely com
ing. The truth Li that this whole year has
been ono of thanksgiving.
Philadelphia Times : Thanksgiving day
has by common consent and long observance
become ns distinctly an American holiday
as tln < Fourth of July , U Is thu day ot
family reunions and ot general felicitation ,
and Iho American people will have as good
reason for giving thanks , tills year BH In
any former year of their experience Blessed
with abundant crops , freedom from fatal
epidemics , peaceful relations with till the
world , and the return of buslnos. * prosperity ,
no other people on the face ot the earth
have more abundant cause for thankfulness
limn our own , and the day should be ob
served with more than usual dovoutocss.
Springfield Republican : Spain Is politely
Intormed by powers that In the
Cuban affair she can expect only tlielr diplo
matic support. Now what is diplomatic sup
port ?
Chicago Tribune : The execrable * Woylcr
is gone. Cuba la at all events well rid of an
Infamous wretch who had threate'iied to make
the island a "desert" before ho would unit.
Ho gous boasting that ho leaven It "so re
duced ns to guarantee Spanish sovereignty "
He admits In hls'parting proclamation that he
IB "rudo and concise" that Is , that his
method of waging war has been brutnl ami
diabolical. He boasts that EH the result of
ills "vigorous measures" peace will "short'y '
bo re-established In the Island. " So far as
there IB any truth In the boast. It Is tlio
kind of peace which Abdul Hamld cnlabllshed
In certain parts of Armenia. At any rate the
monster Is gone.
Philadelphia llceord : That Spain Is con
tinually In need of money , nnd is contem
plating the Issue of a new loan , ahou'd cause
no surprise1. A perpetu il demand for cash ,
as the pcoplo of the United States know by
experience , ! n the Inevitable accompaniment
of war. It would bo absurd , however to base
prophecies of the imminent abandonment of
Cuba by Spain upon the fiscal cninplli-Htlona
of that country. Spanish finanivs may not
bo so sound as thcco of Knglnnd or Germany ,
for Instance. The- Spanish treasury however ,
In splto of the drain of war In Cuba. IB now
In a much better condition than It wno In
1S77 , at the end of the ten years' Insurrcc
tlon. It should not bo forgotten that In tlio
decade ended In 1S31 , and up to the tinio
of the outbreak of the present rebellion ,
Spain made great strides In the deve'opmen'
of her Industries nnd commerce and in the
accumulation of national wealth.
Cincinnati Enquirer : "Thoro , " mild thu
lady , pointing to thu woodpile , "how doi-s
tlint strike you ? "
"Madame , " responded Mr. IVrry I'atctlc ,
" 1 never HUW the like. "
Indianapolis Journal : Srhomln Iti Y it ?
You take a bath efcry day ? \ .u tor'
llrown Oh , It maltos n follow fi I IM. . r
"Ohmt because it mil } ? * you viI I ; > u V
You must pe von of. dem ubblcurus. '
Chicago Tribune : Funeral Director ( to
gentleman ) Are you one of the mourners ?
Gentleman Yes ; be owed me J500 ,
Detroit Free * Press1 , Jlnka How delight
ful Is rest1 after world
Winks Yes , so delightful , in fact , Unit
men don't aUvay.n wait until after tnc wotlt
to Eel it.
Cleveland Leader : lie What a bo w 'y '
girl that Is. over there In the corner
She That IB my ulster.
He IH It p-posslble ! Still , I'm i > ot
surprised. You muat lhave been er.intea u
monopoly of tbo beauty that was at t apart
for your fanillj' .
New York Journal : He ( IndUnantly )
Your father said that I was as i ome y an
your puppy !
She ( also Indignantly ) Why , bow ran
father say that ! My puppy Is anything but
homely !
Detroit Journal : "Tbo newspapi-rs say
'tho ' book Isn't lit for a. woman to r < i' "
"Then I suppose you will inakt1 all luisto
to read It ? "
"Certainly not , " she replied , and It aoi-mcil
to him that her flgimi fairly dllntr-il with
the access of womanly dignity "I don t
believe all I se-o In the ncAsp.ipi is. \ \ ull
I should say nit ! "
Dora KlKcrson In the IJnniimm.
( All Souls' Day , November 'i , IB a day on
which prayers are said for tlio squls vf
the faithful dead. )
I cried all night to you ,
I called till ilay was hero ;
Perhaps you could not come ,
Or weru too tired , dear.
Your clmlr I Hot by mine ,
1 made thu dim hearth HOW ,
I wblsprrod , "Wlicm 'he ' > comes
I shall not let him go. "
I closed tbo shutters tight ,
I fc-arcil the dawn of ilay ,
I slopped the busy clock ,
That timed your hours away.
Loud howled my neighbor's dog ,
0 ii'lad was I to hear ,
Tim dead urn going by ,
Now you will coniu , my dear.
To take tbo clmlr by mine
Until tlm cock would crow
O , If It be you came ,
And could not let me know !
For once a shadow passed
llclilnd 1110 In tbo room ,
I thought your loving eyes
Would muut nilno In the gloom.
And once I thoiipht I hounl
A footstep by my clmlr ,
I mined my eager ImndH ,
JJut no Hweiet ghost WUH there.
Wo were too wlilo apart
You In your spirit lain !
I knew not when you came ,
1 could not iimlemliind.
Your eyes perhaps mot mine ,
Hepruaclicd met through thu glrwn ,
Alas , for mo alone
The empty , empty room I ,
The dead were passing homo ,
The cock crew loud nnd clear ,
Mavnurnceii , If you cainu ,
1 knuw not you weru hero ,
Uuyal inakea the fooj pure ,
v.'ieileionio end dtllcloui.
Absolutely Vuro