Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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1 The Face in
. . .
nv j. ii. SMITH.
linhniiiiiiniiiiiiriimiiiiiiiiiiUHIIIil'llirilllllllllllll ' lllMIIIIHIIIIIIUIIllKllinillltV
Wll 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I II I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I
"Well , of all thlngsl" cried Mm. Uraxton ,
when she had finished reading tlio letter.
"What brlngn her down here at this tlmo of
lTWcll I wbu'dn't flrd fnult with her las c
eixltl Mr. nrnxton , drily. "ScemR to mo that
( ho Derkshlro hills arc not to be despised ,
cummer or winter , let a'.ono In the fill.
Wo'vo lived hero pretty comfortably , Sally ,
for nigh onto fifty years. And , besides , I
reckon wo might give Jessie n welcome , no
matter what's the Reason. "
"Now , father , " responded the good hoiinc-
wife , reproachfully , "you know very well 1
didn't mean anything of that sort. IHa you
must odmlt that It Is odd for a girl like
Jccalo Ucauchnmp to leave the city In Octo
ber and bury herself In the country. Of
course wo will give her a welcome , and It
will bo lots of company for Nellie mid Sue ,
but nil the sumo I'm bothered to know the
cause. 0 , you needn't laugh. You men are
dumb as Idloto When It comes to BtudylnR
womankind. No , 1 don't believe she la sick ,
or else fthc'd have said so. She's outspoken
as the day. "
"Then sho'll tell you the secret first thins ,
Raid the farmer with a sly twinkle In his
eyes. "An for mo , I'm going to believe that
shu In coming here just for a breath of fresh
nlr and a. gllinpflc at plain people once more. "
When Abncr nraxton met Jessie nt the
elation the next day and helped her Into the
can-jail he wrs more than ever Inclined to
think that she needed fresh air. "Handsome
an a peach , " tm he expressed It , but lacking
the bloom of the peach on her clear cut f.ico ,
If you ibrcatho a word of what I've bqon
dlro dismay. "Jcs le will never forgive you ,
hasn't told me anything ; 1'vo Just sensed
It. Hut she will tell ; glrle can never keep
that kind of a tec ret. Hut , mind you , keep
quiet. "
Mother nraxton showed her knowledge of
human nature thai Is , of feminine tature.
Only two days later elio confided to her
husband ait explanation , that shed light on
the mystery.
"Jesslo told Sue In the strictest confi
dence '
"Then how did you-know It ? " demanded
Mr. Hraxton.
"Well , Abner Hraxton , you do beat nil ! "
cxcMlmcd Airs. Hraxton. "Of course there
ain't any .harm In a girl telling a secret
that another tcld her. Now , If It wes a man
that would be different. "
"Would It1 asked Abncr , considerably
mystified. '
"Why , certainly. Hut land salccs , do yoii
want to hear the-sjory or don't you ? "Well ,
Jessie hos had a falling out with her beau. "
. "Sho ! Is that all ? Beaux ought to be
plenty cnoughUb a fine , handsome girl like
Jessie. I Wouldn't bother my head over
that. " .
"Itccaii'o jcu don't know what you're
talking nboutK You do provoke me some
times. ThlsTwaS' a. real beau , and not one
of those fllrtatl.-n fellows you read about ,
and now thatMiho has lost him she Is just
breaking her-Jieart-over it. They had same
sort of a llarc uj ) , about nothing I dare say ,
and ho wcn.f off one wny and she the
other , "
and I'm sure But there ! you never could be
so hatefull"
Abner laughed a great , good-natured laugh ,
whlcli relieved hts vlfo , If It did not
thoroughly convince her Hut she made an
llcvcd In eucli a fate ? Except , t > srh pn , Je slo
lUuuchainp. Within the past month she hud
told herself thirty llmok tbat she would
never marry at all , and her only doubts were
as to whether she would bo a sweet old
maiden lady In a white cap or fro on the
lecture stage and have "a mission. " Life
was so very dull and stale , And how people
could find amusement In It wan A wonder.
She tried her boat to be agreeable for fear
they would think she was haughty , but she
iis much relieved when the last visitor said
good night.
"Arc you going to try the charm of the
mirror ? " asked Sue , ns these two stood In
the hall before mounting the stairs to bed.
"I am I'm not afraid ; are you ? "
Before Jesilo could answer Sue was up
the Blairs and out of sight She smllc.l
faintly as she took up the candle that stool
on the old mahogany table and lighted It. As
she did so she unconsciously looked Into the
minor and sighed as she noted the paleness
of her face , .
"Ah. If looking In the glass would bring
mo back my own true love , " she cald softly
to herself , "how long would I look ! As long
as this Candle burned ? Ah , If there WAS nn >
truth In "
She caught her heart In her hand and thr
white face turned whiter. It must be 1m-
aslrat on. ttid yet surely that was a man's
fae Ve.'lcctcd In the mirror ! It was a fioalUli'
si'ijeistltlon lice nerves had been unstrung
perhaps It was a sign that her mind was
giving way from grief. No ! Surely , U was a
face In the glass , and She turned with a
scream on her lips and was clasped In the
arms erf a man.
Only for an Instant ; then she threw him
oft Indignantly.
"You ! " she cried , sharply. "How ddre
you ? "
"How Uaro I present myself to you ? " he
cald. "Uecnusc I have a perfect rlgM. I am
your true love. Jessie. "
"Frank , " she sobbed , "If I could only
think so. Hut you must know what Mrs.
Carter Eald , ahd how you acted when "
"Mrs. Carter Is old "
an busybody , ho In
terrupted , "but she Is honest enough to toll
you that she was entirely mistaken. And
I never acted In any but an honcrable way
with Miss Earlc , as you might have easily
discovered If you had given mo a chance to
explain. Hut you sent back my letters and
refused to see mo , and Jecsle , the whole
miserable affair Is a misunderstanding that 1
Baying I'll never speak to you again. She
and with something of a faded look In her
Bparkltng ojes. Uven In hei talk , once al-
ivajB brilliant , now marked by strange lapses
of alienee , her uncle noticed a difference.
"On the go , I suppose , " ho said , pitying y ,
"and dead tired of prancing around at bills
anil partlm all night and playing games all
day , Nolllu and Sue niu hankering to go to
town next year th's winter , but I dunno.
It's all vanity , I reckon. "
"They would enjoy themselves. I'm suro.
uncle , " uald she , with a llulo laugh. "You
cannot expect glrlu to bo contented without
leelng the world. As for me " She checked
lirrtelf pud began to ask questions without
number about all the folkH In the neighbor
hood with whom olio had inado acquaintance
twp years before.
"There's something on her mind , mother , "
eald Mr , Hraxton , that night , when the girls
Imd gone to bed and Mrs , Praxton was sct-
ttas the lire-ad for the next morning's bik
ing. "I declare , I never mw such a change.
Do you suppose fhaVi got anything fatal ? "
"Go long with you , you goose , " laughed
bis wife. "If jou didn't know anything
more nbout farming tlmiv jou do about girls
we'd be In the poor house long ago , "
This was ambiguous and not satisfying.
" More than once i'ncle Abncr was on tlio
point of calling the doctor on bin own re
sponsibility to visit Jtvile It did not ECCIU
possible that a girl In good hoiltli could to
go palp and ttiow such lack of Interest In her
surroundings without cause. He kept harpIng -
Ing on this strain until Mrs , Hraxton lost
her patience and b'.urted out :
"You tt'cm to have loot all the seiiso you
over had , Abner. Can't you see that tlio
girl Is In love ? "
"In love ? Fiddlesticks ! " retorted Abner.
' 'You was In love with me once , at lean you
Mid so. but I dldu't notice tbit you pitied
away any on It. "
"There wasn't any reason , I knew you
wcro dying for me , and there warn t any
chance of another girl getting you , "
"Hn ! So Uiero'H another girl got her beau ,
U there ? "
"Tlicio you go ; jumping at conclusions !
Who cald there war" another glil ? Couldn't
theru have been a tailing out without - another
other girl ? "
"Not very well. Unless there's another
fellow after her Maybe that's It ? '
"Mercy ou the man ! How ho goes on !
I'm almort sorry I told you anything , and
"And elio came down hero to forget all
about him , and she can't. That's a line
Btory , " said Mr , Draxtou , derisively. "I
could BCttlo that affair In twenty-four hours.
I'd just bring both Iheco young folks to
gether , lock them up In a room , and "
"Abner Hraxton , don't' you dare Interfere
V this thing , " cried the good dame , la
inn.inl rcbolve tliat bho would keep her news
to herself hurealter.
Meanvhllo she was pleased to notice a
sllgbt Improvement In her niece. Jesslo
was a trlllo more lively In conversation , and
. 'ot to much Inclined to go to bed with a
headache right after supper. She even
appeared to take come Blight Interest In the
visitors that wore so frequent In the Ilraxtrn
bonuetcad. Therefore , Mrs. Braxton WUH
not entirely surprised when Jctslo gave a
languid arqiilcs.Jc.sre- the project for a
Halloween narty xit the house.
"You needn't' take nny part unless you
like , " said" ? lie , who was half afraid of her
city cousin. '
"It won't hurt her to have a llttlo old-
fashlorcd fun for'cne night , " said Uncle
Abner , bluntly,1 and- Jessie mulled as-
< mt.
' HI.
When the night came there must have
been three dozen young folks In the big
kitchen , ; \it ! | Uncle Abncr as master of ceremonies - i
monies , and ho wax u , gruit success In that ! i '
line His knowledge of fsuperstitlccia con- ,
necti'd with ( ho observance of that night '
could not have been surpassed by an nuld i
Scotch glide wife , and some of the youngtr j i
I girls almost went Into hysterics over tlioi
i ghostly testa he suggested. They were quito | I
' ,
twilling to duck -or ( apples , throw the peel i
I over the lefl sfliDulOtr , run melted Iced ,
1 through a kox , walk backward three times | :
I around the room with a , mouth full or water.
but when It'camo to going out and isowliig
seed in the road , or eatioii an apple In the
cellar with only a single candle to dispel the
gloom , or any other of the "erectly" tests of
courage or credulity , It was the general
opinion that such actlcns were "Billy. "
"You are a poor lot , " said Uncle Abner.
with his tuBlrttnaryfrankness , "When I wau
jounsa boy or a girl w-atn't thought much of
unices tluyd"seen. 'of Itast one ghost on
Halloween , Now. I'll give you one more.
and I dare say ttiifc ain't a girl In the rcoin
that's got the iHiiik ( to try It , It's a euro
thing , to ? . You take a candle lighted , of
ooun.0 and when you'ro alone you stand
before a minor and t > ay :
"Heforn this candle ceases to burn ,
I'll BPB my true love ere I turn.
"And ll rou . i't > him , Uncle Abncr ? "
cried a ! mlt.Mzunl' -
"Sure , , " W. ha.tnt'avdy. "Never knew It
to fall , ' qf piftrsa. spmotimes a girl sees a
faa she didn't uxpect , but there's no going
back on fafei'and' { that's tbo man she has
just got to 'marry. "
"And U she doesn't see- any face ? "
"Sho ought' to knr < w what that nieiiia ;
sho'll die an old mulO. So you girls that
have got your doubta had better pot try U. "
There was an Incredulous laugh at this
warning Wbftt glri la bcr teens ever le-
caii cleai1 up in five minutes , and , bless your
heirt , you know that jou want it cleared up
as much as I do ! "
This time he out his arm around her with
out resistance and was about to roeak when
Uocio AbncT made his appearance from some
where In a state of great ( surprise.
"The Idea ! " said that worthy gentleman.
"Why , if It ain't Mr. Oavldge ! How did you
get here at this time of night ? However ,
you're welcome ; only as It's midnight It
wouldn't be a bad notion It you went t ,
bed , and we can show you around the place
In the morning. "
"Thank yon , " Isughed the young man.
"I'm not at all sleepy , but It Isn't fair to
keep you up , so I'll adopt your suggestion ,
If you will show me my room. Goodnight
Jessie. "
She detained him for an Instant. "I didn't
know that you end Uncle Abner were
frlcndi ? ? "
"Didn t you ? 0-yes ; he la the beat
friend I have In the world , " ho said , earn
Uncle Abner waa busy polishing his eye
glasses , and probably did not see the way
Mr. Davldge pressed her hand as he bad :
her good night ngaln.
Nor , strange to cuy , did he pay any at
tention to the many close conferences held
by JcEfile and Frank on the following day ,
and not once did lie offer to ehow him th < -
fine cows , hheep and horses of which he was
so justly proud.
Mrs. Hraxton was In high spirits over the
vkrit of Mr. Davldge , bud exceedingly mysti
fied withal. At dinner she tried to estc'.i
her husband's eye In vain , and not until1 she
bid him cornered that night In bed did she
succeed In having her say.
"I raw you and Sue winking at each other
three times today , " she declared. "Do you
know anything about this mysterious ar
rival ? You've liecii up to something , Abncr
Hraxton , and don't deny It' "
Hut the only reply he made was to re
mark , with real or assumed sleepiness , that
old men occasionally knew a thing or two
about straightening out lovers' quarrels.
And then she fancied that she heard a
chuckle but It may have been only on In
cipient moro.
Sunn * llliiNtrlniiN SltiniiiiorrrN.
A great many people do not know , accordIng -
Ing to tlio HttHburg Dispatch , that Moses , the
prcphct , stuttered so badly that Aaron , his
brothtr , did most of ( bo talking for him , I
may also bo balm for seine people who fitam
mer to know tbat Aesop , Virgin and
Demosthenes were likewise aflllcted. Ie
mosthenes Is said to have cured himself by
learning to talk with a iiebblo In his mouth.
Mrs. ItKhbd ! , the famous English actresBL
was another who triumphed o.ver a dlillcul'.y
of speech. Mora than ono of the French
kings have been stammerers , as were alwi
Claudius Michael II. emoeror of the east.
Mahoiupt-cl-HaBiser , king of Spain ; Eric , king
of Sweden ; Admiral Annebant , Tartaglla , tlio
Italian engineer ; Holssy d'Anglas , tlio ( xilnte
David , tun critic Moftmun , Camlllc Dcsmoul
crls and a host of others ,
lo Know.
It may be worth something to know ttia
the very best medicine ( or restcrlnK tlio tired
out nervous system to a healthy vigor I
Electric Hitters , Thla medicine IB purely
vegetable , acts by giving tone to the nerve
centers In the stomach , gently stimulates the
Liver and Kidneys , and aids those organs Ii
throwing oft Itr.f.iurltlcs In the blood. filec
trie Ditto s Improves the.appetite . , aids dlges
tlon und Is pronounced by those who have
tried It as the very best blood purifier am
nerve tonic. Try It. Sold for EOc or $1.0 <
per bottle at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store.
Tlu- Start ,
Harlem Life : Property Owner I don'
think you will find a better place as janlto
In tha city.
Applicant Well , I wouldn't care to take 1
unless I knew what the prospects were.
Property Owner I'rospccta ? Why , my
good man , twenty years ago I was the Janlto ;
of that building myteir ,
Applicant Is tbat go ? What Induced yo
to elve the Job up7
Head "Simon Dale" la' The Sunday Dee.
II you don't take It , subscribe now ,
- *
Snccasaful Pit-lit Waged Against ths Meas
ure by Oharlos A. Dana.
C < irrcniotiilctiN ( 't
VinitlriKciI ! > it
I llnttlo In the Coiirtx
lloirklttcatnc Aliout.
The death of Charles A. Dana recalls lethe
the older newspaper correspondents In
Washington a characteristic Incident of hlk
career , lu the .t < tgilta of 1S72-T3 congnea
passed a tow calculated to restrain what ttiu
statesmen of that.period , were , wont to term
"tho llconse of'spoclal correspondents" al
the national capltol.i This bill was Introduced
by Congressman I.uko P. Poland of Ver
mont , nnd wao kaown as "the Poland gag
law. "
Its Intent -was to.make Washington corrc-
cpoudents liable-to iprosecutlon In the courts
of the District ot' Columbia for Alleged
libelous matter written In the district and
forwarded for publication anywhere In thb
United States , by either mall or telegraph ;
also to make editors of papers all over tht
union liable to prosecution' In the Washing
ton , courts for alleged libels published dnj-
where ccncernlnG national officeholders at the
The llrst test of this law occurred In the
spring of 1871 , relates the Philadelphia
A. C. Quell , for the last thirteen , or four
teen j'cars In the employ ot Cramp , but then
Washington correspondent of the Missouri
Republican , and Detroit Free Press and an
editorial writer for Donn Plait's Sunday
Capital , sent a ppetlal1 telegram to the Frco
Press stating that Senator Kacharlah Chand
ler of .Michigan lud "appeared on the floor
of the senate In > i stale of beastly Intoxica
tion , hail been led away by Senator Malt
Carpenter of Wisconsin nnd other frlwtli. ' ,
anil put to sleep on n lounge In the room , ol
the sc'iiato committee fa finance , ' ' of which
John Sherman , now secretary of state , was
then , chairman.
. Ono of the amusing things about this , wau
that Buell did not write a line of the special
himself. Part of H was written by Ilcnrj
II. Smith , thea clerk of the claims commlt-
tco of thn house and since journal clerk ot-
thai body , and deputy resistor ot the trca. .
ury , anil part by cx-Ccngrcssinau John V.
Diiggs of the Saginaw district of Michigan
All lhat Buell did was lo file the manuscript
of Smith and Drlggs In the Western Union
telesaph ! olllce at Pcnnsjlvanla avenue and
Fourteenth street. It is said that this his
toric special was scut over the wirco by Wil
liam A. Conner , row urciager of the Asso
ciated Press in Philadelphia , then a ypung
operator for the Associated Press In its
Washington oincc.
The publication of' lhs ! dlspalch In Michi
gan was extremely disagreeable to Senitoi
Chandler , who was thoa a o udldate for re
election , and It undoubtedly contributed
largely to hla defeat the next winter , when
Isaac P. Christlancy was elected to the
senate la lib stead.
As soon as copies of the Free Press cra-
taitilng this dispatch reached Washington
a warrant for Buell s arrest on chaigc of
criminal llcclvan twora out under UK
Poland esp law. the comptuin'rig witnesses
being Senators Zacharlah Chandler of Michi
gan and Jvtn Sherman of Ohio. On this
warrant Duell was arrested at the Ebbltt
house , where lie boarded , just at > ho was
going In to supper , the -arrest being made ,
by Detective Johai Sargent of the dlstrlci j
police. '
This occurred on Saturday , between 10 and
11 o'clock p. m. , and It was the evident
Intention to jail Buell over Sunday. Uut
borne of his frlcnda General II. V. Uoynton ,
Samuel Medlll 'and Wilson'J. Vanoo Jof the
Cincinnati Gazette ; Chicago Tribune and
Cincinnati Commercial , respectively had
v.umed him beforehand , so tbat he was ready
with ball even at that late hour. His bonds
men for appearance before Police Justice
Snoll at 10 o'clock Monday morning were
Alexander R. Shupherd. governor of the Dis
trict of Columbia ; Hallett Kllbourne and
Donn Piatt.
Released about midnight on the recog
nizance of these gentlemen , Huell his
way rejoicing , l The next morning Donn
Piatt mid In the-Capital that "It was much
easier to bail IlublUout than It would be tc-
bale Zaclf Chandler-lout. "
Of course this arrtwt under the Poland gag
law was the topic i of Newspaper Row that
night and every paper of any account in
the L'ulon had all the details of it ,
Aibout 4 o'clock the next day ( Sunday ) a
special messenger from Now York found
Huell at the Ebbltt house , and handed him a
letter , of which the following Is In part a
copy :
"I have heard the story of your arrest
you stand row to represent Iho freedom , of
the press and of speech In this country. You
are destined to teat the gag law. Don't
worrj- . Appear In the police court Monday
morning. Don't trouble yourself about coun
sel. I am airanging that now. All you have
to do Is keep a stiff upper lip. * * '
Don't entertain any overtures that may be
iniyle to you looking to retraction or com
promise. Stand pat and stay with them to
the finish. I will BCD you throug'.i.
"C. A. DANiA. "
When 10 o'clock Moncay morning came
Duell appeared In the dock of Judge Snell's
police court. At the tame time appeared
General William Dirney of Washington us
counsel of record , and Jeremiah S. Black of
Pennsylvania and Montgomery Ulalr of Mary-
laud as advisory counsel. No sMii array of
legal talent had over before bcclr seen in a
police court.
General Dlrncy took an appeal "from the
police court on ground of want of jurisdiction
which Jollco Judge Sncll at once granted
and the case was certified to the crlmlna
court of the District of Columbia ,
Fiom the criminal court Judge Black conn
scloJ a writ to the supreme court of the
district , for the purpose of arguing certain
conatltutlonal questions. T.ils writ wa
giuntcd and the case \\cnt to the suprom
court of the district , nnd that court , Chic.
Justice Carter and Justices MacArthur anil
Wyllo sitting , declined to pass on the con
atltutlonallty of the Poland gag law , but die
decide that JlucH'B crime. If crime at all
was not cognizable by the police court , bu
subject to the action ot tbo grand jury , be
causa It was "a heinous offense , punlshabli
under the laws then In force In the dlstrlc
( the Maryland law adopted In hulk In 1S03.
by such ponaltleB as Imprisonment for ono
year , flno of 1,000 pounds nf.tobacco , standing
In the pillory and In cxtremo cases , In tbo
discretion of thu court , slitting of the cars , "
The grand jury not being then In session
Buell was held for the next term , his police
court bandsmen remaining holden Governor
Shepherd , Hallett Kllbourne and Donn Plutt ,
Mr. Dana then wrote him another letter ,
this time not'by special messenger , but by
mall. In It ho gald :
"Go back to St. Lulls before the grand'
Jury acts on your case , You have nw
tested to destruction the police court feature
of the Poland law. The grand Jury will
surely Indict you. If you are In St. Louis
when that occurs the district authorities will
attempt to bring you back on a requisition
through tbo Unltod States marshal at St.
Louis. That will j make an opportunity'to
test on habeas corpus the extradition or
tcndltlon feature of the Poland law. Such
a proceeding will Urlng you Into the United
States circuit court at Si. Louis , where the
matter will bo dealt with by Circuit Judge
Dillon and District ! Judge Treat , both great
and upright jurists ) I do net know how you
are situated , but if follcwlng my advice
should cause you any financial InconvenleDo ,
draw on me. "
TMs envelope enclosed Mr. Dana's persona )
check for a eoresderable turn , though he
mada no roferenroito It In the letter. Buell
remained In Washington uctll about week
before the next , term of court when ho
went to St. L-mls , 'being recalled by William
Iydc | , then editor of the Mlstourl Republican ,
who assigned him -to duty as night editor.
The first indictment returned by Iho grand
jury of tbo criminal court of the District of
Columbia at that term was against Augustus
< C. Buell for libel upon Zacbarlab Chandler ,
the complaining witnesses being Chandler ,
John Sherman and Thomas Reese.
A low days Uicreaftcr United States ]
Nowcomb of St. Louis Arrested
Huoll In 4ho business office of the Missouri
Republican on , a requisition from the
District of Columbia criminal court , under
the provisions of the Poland law
William Hyde , the editor , and George
Kndpp. the principal proprietor of tbe Re
publican , { old Huell to offer no ball but to
go In custody. .Marshal . Ncwcomb did not
lock him up , but put him on parole , which
wn3 nominally tantamount to Imprisonment
As a matter of fact , Buell was not deprived
of his personal liberty at all.
Tals event was telegraphed to tb * > prees all
over the union. The United States circuit
court for St. Louis happened to bo In BOS
slon , Justices Plllan and Treat on the bcnrh
The next morning after Bucll's arrest lion
James O. Broadhcad , then leader ot the Mis
souri bar , sued out a writ ot habeas corpus ,
which the court entertained and made re
turnable In a certain time. Mr. Francis
slnco govcrror of Missouri and secretary of
the Interbr was adv. > aory counsel.
The cato was argued within the pre
scribed time , anJ the day alter the argument
United States Circuit Judge Dillon handeu
down e. decision that will live In history and
guide jurisprudence as long as the Kngllsa
language 4s spoken , an I free Institutions cu
dure. Ho granted the writ , released Buell
denied Iho power claimed by the court of the
District of Columbia , affirmed the prtvllegc.1
character of telegraphic communication ! :
and wiped the Polnnl gag law off the sut-
utc.i of the United States.
Dillon's opinion w'as rendered at 11 o'clock
In the morning , and Duel I telegraphed lit
substance to Mr. Dana , who received < it nbout
3 p. in. Mr. IXini Instantly responded bj
wire : "If you can get It from Judge Dlllcn
please send the complete text to tie Sun
epeclal. " Itould have tilled a page.
It happened , however , that Judge Dillon
had rendered the opinion In cxtcnso extern-
pomneously. having at the moment only co
pious notes. Subsequently ho wrote It out In
full , when Mr. Daru printed It In the Sun.
The advocates of the Poland law wanted U
take the case to the supreme court of tht
United States , but President Grant said there
had been enough nonsense about 41 and dl
rooted the attorney general to discountenance
further proceeding. The Indictment In the
cilmlnal court of the District of Columblu
remained In effect , however.
When congress reassembled in December
Huell returned to Washington to resume
work as a correspondent. The first thing he
did on I'lTlynl was to go to the house ot Jus
tlio MauArthur , then holci'lng the criminal
court , to whom ho surrendered personally
This happcnuJ on a Sunday afternoon , when
tie Judge and his family , with Senator Matt
Carpenter and Colonel George H , Corklilll at
( , ues'a , were just sitting down to dlnror.
Judge Mae-Arthur Invited Buell to sit
with them.
Dutlng and after the meal the judge and
Senator Carpenter discussed the case In all
Its bearings , and they agreed It would bi
useless to pursue the procedure. In tlu
course of the discussion Jiulye MacArthui
said : "It Is not worth while to debate ilic
Poland law on Us constitutional merits , be
cause every newspaper of every party In- the
country is agafnst It ! No ccurt can alllrn.
and no tribunal can enforce In this countr >
any law which the press unanimously con
demns. "
Ho then told Buell to come into open coun
the next morning , surrender as a matter o
form and glvo bail , saying that ho would' '
fix the bond at $2,500. The bondsmen wen
General H. V. Boynton and the late Georg. .
W. Adams of the Washington Star. Buch
remained In Washington from that time until
1891' , when ho removed to Philadelphia. But
the case was never called. Four years arier-
ward , when Colonel Corklilll was appointed
district attorney , he entered a nolle proscqui ,
and that was the end of the attempt to muz
zle the American press through gag laws.
This prolonged , Intricate and necessarllj
expensive litigation gave the visible defenrt-
ant , Buell , llttlo trouble and cost him iiu
money. Whatever expense he may have
Incurred from time to time was reimbursed
to him by Mr. Dana , who throughout man
aged the case , directed the procedure ana
employed the most eminent available coun
sel. Other prominent journalists who real-
izeil th < importance , of the issue , and knew
whal Mr. Dana was doing , offered to share
the trouble and expense with him ; but he
declined. Among these was the late Samuel
Bowles of the Springfield Republican.
Mr. Dana thanked him and said : "I can
do better alone. I have a capital subject
In Buell'for such a legal clinic as this is
and that IB all I want. Buell Is young , has
no family ties , likes celebrity , has been a
regular soldier , and Is gritty. An older man
or one 'with more prudence might break the
case 'down by a retraction < 3r a compromise ,
but Buell wjll stay to the end , and that Is
the kind ot a defendant this case needs. "
Ait Honest Hi-ini.'ilj.
'Wo ' could not say too much In favor of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. About three
years ago ono ot our children had an attack
of croup and we were afraid thai we would
lose him. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy , advertised , we decided to glvo it a
trial. It gave almost Instant relief and we
believe It saved the child's lite. Since then1
wo have never been without a bottle of this
rcjnedy In the house and we recommend it
to every one "as being an honest cough re-m-
edy. " L. W. Nichols , East New Market. Md.
Subscribe for The Sunaay lies and read
Anthony Hope's great story -"Simon Dale. "
It CiiHtN , to ! ! < I/iinl 51 ay or of
, The expenditures for subscriptions and en
tertainment arc largely In excess , of the
salary and official allowances , writes the Lon
don correspondent of the New York Tribune.
It costs every lord mayor anywhere from
10,000 ( $50,000) ) to 20,000 (5100,000) ( ) to occupy
the office. The. outgoing lord mayor , Sir
George Faudel-Phlllps , has probably spent
fiom 25,000 ( $126,000) ) to 30,000 ( $150,000) ) In
excess of his salary and allowances. He ha
taken charge of the Indian famine relict
fund and many of the jubllco funds , and
has 'been the patron of all the charities , dur
ing an "annus mlrabllls" of subscription lists
and systematic codglng. He has subscribed
liberally to every fund. Ills gracious hospi
tality has 'been ' enjoyed by thousands of ju
bilee guests at the .Mansion House. The last
year has been an exceptional one , but the
olilco la always a costly one. Whoever ac
cepts It expects 'to ' pay heavily for the honor.
No lord mayor ever emerges from otllco
without being out nt least 10,000 ( ? uO,000) )
poorer for the experience , but the honor
of knighthood Is Invariably bestowed upon
him , and his wlfo enjoys the distinction ot
being addressed as Lady So-and-So. No
alderman who has passed the chair ever
returns to It. Re-election to the office never
occurs. No alderman Is willing to pay the
tolls twice. He might be , It ho could gel
a peerage for a second term ,
The election of the lord mayor Is a bur
lesque performance , with touches of me
diaeval mummery , like the November pro
cession , with Its tinsel splendors and gro
tefiquo pageantry. Half a dozen ox-sheriffs
have an Informal conference , nnd ono of'
them agues to take the olTlco and to pay
the costs for a year. The common crier , the
recorder , the common sergeant , the mace
bearers. , the sword bearers and the chaplains
apppcar for dress parade , and a small kn t
of liverymen gives assent. The lord mayor
IB elected by representatives of the liveried
guilds and ho exercises jurisdiction over a
square mile of 4crrliory with a resident popu
lation of 35,000. The Greater London , with
its 700 square miles and 7,000,000 resldcms
a world within Itself has no executive heat !
and no centralized system of government
Iti \ the center cf a world-wide empire , yet
It Is an anomalous jumble of "disjected
provinces" without unity of action or enlight
ened and progressive municipal policies , The
modern art of municipal government can
offer no more startling contrast than that
between the choice of the lrd mayor o
London by half a dozen rich gentlemen , who
have been sheriff , and the popular eleotloa
of a municipal dictator for Greater New
For Jnfanti and Children.
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ment that hut VAN cure *
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fuse * of men ,
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HUDYAN can be hnil from th Doctors of the
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velop Into nervous debility and then Into nertoua
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jou will use HUDYAN No one else can give
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potency , dizziness , railing ctnf.illont , bUe ! > ,
despair , sorrow and misery WIUT13 FOR C1TI-
Stockton and Kills St. ,
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fsaoldunder positives Written < 3unrnntcc ,
b3nntuorizcd [ ngonfj only , to euro AVcuk Memory ,
UizzinoBs , WakefiilnoBS , Fits , llj-storia , Quick-
nose Niclit Losses , Evil Dreams , lack of Couti-
tloncoNervousness , Lassitude , all Drains , Youth
ful Errors , < ir ICxcoesivo Ufo of Tobacco , Opium ,
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Intunity and Uonlli. At otnrn or by mail , $1 a
boz ; oix for S5 ; with written cunrnutce to
euro or rafuml money. Hiimplo jmck-
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n. Atstoroorbymail.
CSTIIcd Label Special
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For Icipotonry- Loss ot'
1'owor , Loil manhood.
Sterility or
rt $ 1 a box ; oir. foe SQ ,
written curm
to-ir in'Mf - /
Myers Dillon DriiK Co , , ii. 12. Cornel
Ifltli niiil Kuriiniii sis. , Uiunlin , .Nell.
a well
Man of
riionucta THK ABOVE
ltrilliti > : iolrtyi. Cares
' nil Nervoun DlioaMf. FalllnR Memory
1'artilo. Uleeploosnesii , Nightly Kinlt-
< lou > , etc. oaatad by pom , almte- , gives
* lnor uud uizo to shrunken organs. Bad quickly but
numjy restores latt Manhaail\n ol.l or jouns.
Kindly rnrrioj In Test pocket , I'rlco fl. r > a i ck ee.
Biz for fS.OUiuith a written gitaratitrc to cure or
Honey rcfumferl. DON'T nnv AN IMITATION , bul
taunt nn having IIJDAPO. If > our drugsUt hut net
lot It , we vrlllftendlt prepaid.
lU.IDUO HEaUlY 10. , rroj.n , ( 'Mono , III , or ocr i | < iiU.
uJin & to : , Cor l tli and Ioiiiliin | ( Kw und .1 A
Vllll r.l f'n Hill tfeDiluirllMHtHi OMAHA N'l'H
Anthony Hope
Author of
"Tho Prisoner oi' Zonda"
Hns completed a New Story of
Love , Intrigue , anil Devoted
Galhunry , ontltloil
For Bcrlnl in Fif
teen Installments , lu the
Sutulnv Hoc , Commenced Oc
tober 17.
Anthony Hope's mastery of
\vittv nndinimitably graceful
dlalopue , as well as Ins wonder
ful skill in Iho weaving of n dra-
niatic tnlo , lit admirably dis
played in this now stoi-y ol uitfi-n-
ions const uction ntul sustained
interest. Few ntnries , even of
Mr. Hope's , arc more replete
jvith incident , more rapid in
movement , or deal tnoro pictur
esquely with a pronp of histori
cal chnractefs than this of ' 'Si
mon Dale. "
Thn psricd is ono peculiarly
suitable to thu author's poniim.
The here movcu in the romantic
days of Cliarlos II , and his for
tunes arc tMitatiglcd with thuso
of t\io \ diHsoluto Stuart , nnd
of Louis XLV of France. A
wit oh' prophecy at his birth
has foretold that "ho will love
what the King loves , know what
the King hides , and drink Irom
the Kind's cup. " How Simon is
bewitched with gnucy NcHGwyn ,
but IR at heart faiihful to hiafi'rst
love ; how ho bears liitufolf like
an honust pcnlluinun through all
the court intriRUca ; how ho defends -
fends his lady with a wit and
with u nwoi'il ' point equally keen ,
to win her to himself at last ,
Mr. Ilopn tells in a brilliant nor-
les of vividly pieturesque scones.
Read it in
A I.L rrrtM / ; ( rncI'Milins Mem *
orv. lropotencTSlepJesne > rM'itc touted
b ) Abiue und other Iicot.ic8 nnil Iuill -
crnt.onti Tfifjt vtitrktu tttttt * r/i (
lentore Lori Yltulltr ( n clil ur joun/ . cud
tit Aiunn fnr tu'tjr. uu Inrtta or niurr/aen. /
. _ , , Trpvent lusanitr nnil ConbumptJoa If
taktmiu Hum , TJioir ut-o eliowi ImmcxiUta liuprtifo.
meat uuJ tiffectn u CUR12 where all othere ( nil. Irt
liituputi huvinc llm anulnn AJoi : Tablote. Th r
harocumd thOu ninU nnd will euro > ou'e ctt *
pofiltlvo written rtiarantno to * ffocta cumin rtirli o&f
or refund tlio mone > . 1'ilco OO contt * nor [ mckuee , * r
rflt uatkuut'j [ full trcritient ; ) ) for $2u ) . Hy mull , In
plain wnun > * r , npnn recplrit of i > rlco. Clrculnr iree
AJAX REA1EDY CO. . J"Sr ! rilM-
For sale In Omuha vy Jainco Forsytli , SO ! K.
lElli street.
Kulin & Co. , 1Mb nnd Douglas Street * .
DR ,
Private Diseases
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20 YoarBlJiporlenco.
10 Yenr in Umnhn
Book 1'rcn. t'oninlta
tlcmFroo. lox7Mol !
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U lilt 11 for uDiiaturM
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It can be given itltlioul I Uninvlviluo
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ItcK of particulars free , to le Imcl of
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ioijisi'Kuirir < . ,
Cliiuliiniid. * O.
Write for tliclr "Book on Jljiiililno Hutlt ,
mallet ] fret.
Const ! ] : -
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UMricysmid thu urinary organs nf all Imjiuritlca
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Tlia reason nufrprers are not cured Ij ) ' Doclnrti H l > irnuw ninety pc-r rent nro Irnabln. ' with
ProMntlllN. CUrllM'.NK Is ttHiomy known mni'iltijciirowlllioiilun oimrntlon. vuoicnil. . . . . . . . .
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| UO a box , BIZ for { 5.1 . by mall. Hand for KUEK clrci Ur and icallmunluU.
Address DAVtU , MKUICIHtJ C . .l > .O. luiOTO.BunI't ! uclaoCaU .FVrfiMe&u
SlytTM Dillon I ruif r , , .S. H. I i.riM-r Illtli iiml I'lii-iiiiin Sin. , Oiuiilinili. .
Are You Bearing a Secret Burden Because
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nan Buffering from the effect * of youthful follr or later ezecnei reetorc < 1 to 1UHFI > ( 1
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JJUOUDCI atid Wcaknen > ( of Man , from hatevi-rrauso , ix.rninncmly and prlvatelr cured.
UeadtuofamoUil'IIYUIUIANH * I.NHTITUTK , orc'tilcaao , aile crlr > tlon of your troulilo. wittiO
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uuripraLlo. liberal bu > liic methods , us well as our ream
baaica ethers. It olluru liupoMlblo by our mvtbod.
Tboattndi of weak men who b to become discouraged after trylnir all btbor troatmenti , liaro Def S
rettorrd to Health and 1'crfuct Manbuud wItbln a Tery tbnrt time after placing IhPrnneliei la our b mlt
f I ocruktloallon Is dangerous. l > u not uuxlvct jour cane. Wrlta us today lu ulrlct ccnddenco.
PUYS1CI&MS' 1MSTITUTB , 1946 Masonto Temple , CHICAGO , "r