Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Wheat Loses Its Two Main Props and the
Prica Drops Down ,
] ) roriiilr' Limn In Oiii-Ilnlf Cent
Corn mill Uiiln a Finnic lOaxIrr In
.s > iniiiilliy PruvlNloii * Con- ,
nlili-rnlil )
CHICAGO. Xov. 1. Diminishing receipts
ntul the ( Iron Ih , which have been the tnaln
HtipporlB of wheat for Bevernl days , both
went by the board today and there Is a de
cline of Ho In December and l4o In ' .May
for "ho dayA heavy Increase In the vl -
Iblo added to thv discomfiture of the bulls.
Corn and outs were a Blmdo easier. 1'rovl-
nlons advanced TtifClOHc ,
Wheat hud to encounter a Brent number
of illHcourngemontrt to begin with , nnd they
wore added to by one other extremely bear
ish fc.ihiro that developd during 'the ' day ,
1ho breaking of the drouth throughout Illi
nois , Indiana , Ohio , Tennessee and Ken
tucky , very heavy receipts of wheat In the
northwest. IOAXT nuotiillons from Liver
pool , world's shipments for the week
Jioavler than expected and n further In
crease In the -amount on ocean pussaRC.
That wan a formidable array of opposing
forces for the bulls to stand up ugalnst ,
und consequently th" opening ot the day's
procc'Cillnirs was at a decllnu of about lo
j > er bu. Ijcceinhcr ranged from 9fiic to U"o
at thu opening,1 with u few sales Immcdl-
ntely after a. lirc. Offerings > wcre not so
heavy as L-xpectud , anil for this reason a
Hlow recovery to 7o utipued , which was the
highest point of the day. After that prices
nagged , I he iweakness becoming very ile-
cliluU when the1 llgurea on the vlslblu were
nnnounctd , Tlioy showed nil Incrcaso of
2,3ii,000 ; bu. This was u complete surprise
and showed how llttla can be learned of
the changes In clochi In regular elevators
ot the country by taking the published
dully receipts at the principal markets. Liv
erpool nhowfd n % d decline at the opening
licre , but recovered this Inter. Chicago ie-
coljitH were 181 cars , of them No. 1 north-
crn spring. Minneapolis reported l.ttCU car
loads nnd Diiliuh 100 , " or 1.8.W at the two
places , compared with 1,610 on the preceding
week nnd 1,147 the eorrrspomllng week of
the year before , llesldes the rail receipts
ns mentioned for C.ilcago , 17KK ! > bu. were
received by canal , but tin- latter was un
derstood to be from u clearing house on the
canal In the neighborhood of Chicago. The
quantity on ocean p.iss.igo showed un in
crease of 1,120,000 bu. , the Kngllsh visible
nn Increase of 1,12U,000 bu. Total primary
market receipts today were l.tGl.OOO bu. ,
against l.'JOfi.CKX ) bu. a year ago. The statis
tical news of the day won Inil'lsh In only
one partk-uUir nnd that was llu > quantity.
of wheat nnd Hour cleared for export from
.Atlantic ports since Saturday , which wus
< > < liml to KJS.OW bu. IJy nboul 12 o'clock De
cember had dfcllnrd to We and May , which
had stijrtcd at /aft I U I ' , . < . was selling at
ti3c. During the afternoon the market
showed some Hlgns of strength. A break of
over 1V > c was tempting enough to many
Bliorts , wlho Improved the opportunity to
take prollts. This buying caused a rally In
December to 96V4c , where It closed. May In
the meantime recovered to und closed at
Voni wan barely steady , closing at a slight
recession from Satut day's price. I Vivas duo
entirely to sympathy with whfat , rather
HtroiiB statistical news preventing more
than a % f dec-line. Local slocks decreased
2i2,0lt : ) bu. Keeulpts were moderate' . 03:1 : curs.
Clearances were 2.12,000 bu. Visible supply
Increased I,1SG,000 bu. Huslness was very
moderate In volume. December ranged
from 27c to 2fc ! and closed at 2G ; > ic.
Oats was ciulet , with an easy fouling ap
parent and prices off a trlllo In sympathy
with corn. Only n limited business was
transacted and nothing In the way of fea
ture developed. The visible decreased 501-
000 bu. Local Blocks fell off Kil.lOO bu. last
week , which steadied thonnnrket somewhat.
HecelptH were 315 cars. December ranped
from 1'J ic lo IQ'/sC and closed a shade lower
nt 19Vic.
Provisions , though quiet , were firm nil
day. Hog receipts were lighter than ex-
iiectcd nnd freezing weather was reported
from , tin- fever districts. Expectations of a
lieavy decrease In stocks for the month also
caused Homo buying. Cash demand was
large. The opening was Irregular , but
pricey soon tinned up and a slow but steady
advance ensued. At tiho close December
pork was 12MC : higher at tT.fij , December
iurd 7V..C higher at $1.22 and December ribs
IdlilRhor at $ I.GO.
Kstlmated receipts Tuesday : AVfaeat , ISO
oars ; corn , DSO cars ; oats , 370 cars ; hogs ,
30.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlelca.l i lllth. | UI in3. ISatday.
Nov. . . OflM 07M
Dt-c. . . . nn 074 (
Miy. : . .
No V . . . SUM
201i (
May' ! 30)4 )
Out. . . . 18M
Due. . . . in
Mny. . . 2131MH
Pork '
Di-c. . . . 7 .15 7 nr. 7 4f ! 7 nr 7 02W
Jan. . . . 8 47 8 O''k ' B 47M ' lil ) 8 47W
Linl :
Doo. . . t IB 4 in 4 22 H 4 lo
Jan . . . 4 30 4 HA 4 30 4 : < r.H 4 : ) ( )
Deo. . 4IB 4 50 4 4C 4 r o 4 .t'JW
Jan. . . . 4law t GU 4 4'JW 4 SO 4 42 !
No. 2.
On the Produce exchanKO today the butter
market WBB nrm : creami'ry , lDM13c ; dairies , r.
< H2XCiieese ( , quiet nt 8i)12c. U BH , llrm nt
IS Ho.
OixU quuliitloim were n fullnwH :
FlXJt'It Steady ; hard ( -pilnff patents , Jl.Olff ; KOft pulentH , tl.CWI.tO ; bakers , 3. < i0fl3. ! > 0i
winter HtiulKhta , Jl.:0ff4.70.
WHKAT No. 2 cpiliiK , SSVi8P 9Vic ; No. 3 fprins ,
SlfJWi' ; No. S toil , MfCfiUc.
COKN-No. 2 , 2C'lff2'i'ie.
OATS No. Z. JDfW.ic , t : o. b.j No. 2 white ,
Z2',4ii2ie : ; No. 3 while , 220Tic.
IIYK Nn. 2 , 47 ; c ,
IIAHIJ-JV No. 2 , no'iilnal ; No. 3. 2GIf3Gc.
ri.A.\sii'i : ) NO. i. i.oi'd'i.cs.
TIMOTHY SKIM-f'ilme , J2 C5.
I'llOVISIONS PotU , mit , per bbl. , J7.0J8 ?
T.70. iJiid , ptr 100 lbn. , JI.2Mil.57'i. . lUcon ,
dhoit ribs M'l < n rliiino ) . fl.40fi4.iO. Dry nailed
ehoubU'iH ( boM'd ) . il.73tiD.DO ; tlu-rt rlcar tides
( boxed ) , $ JOOjjJ.12(4. (
\VinBKY--li llMort * ' finished t oodw , per eal. ,
St IS.
StJOAll Cut loiif. 5S-1I ; Kinnulated , J5 51.
i i > f tiltItny till ( ifllfl'lll
UtlllllllOll llll N.
NKW YORK , Nov. l.-FLOUR-KecelptB , IG.7W
bbls.i expert J. 21KS bbln. ; nmiket moderati-Ij
actlvo , but a yhade oaler ; Minnesota put-
cuts , f5.ZOJl5.M ; Mlnnetotu bakcm' , Jl.r jJ .CO ,
\vlnlcr piiirnli' , ( J.iKIJf3 ; winter htuilk'hls , II TO
( j't.Sil ' ; wlntt-r vxtrnH , t3.t04ClOO ; winter low
fiwlcs , t3.W83,15. Rye flour , dull ; fnni-y , { 3M < S }
3 M. UiK-ltwlirat Iliiur , nub't , { 1.40531 CO.
lIUCKWHUAT-Dull , 37 JSSc.
1,1 , \ Billet ; > flluw wi-stcin , COe.
RYE Qulcti No. 2 \\f ti'in , oOc.
HARl.My CJulet. 2S ! C.
DARI.UV MALT-Dull ; wcBtcrn , 57OMc.
WIIK.VT Receipt * . 331.400 bu. ; vxpurln. 35S SS7
bu. Spot , eimy ; No. 2 ml. $ l.Wi. ) OptlonB
upciiPd weak under blB norlhweiliTii ivi-elptu ,
tlUuppolntlnit t-nblvn and r ln went ; rullli-it im
-Hrcelpli. KCS75 bu. : exports , 76.2M bu
t4not. llrm. No , 2 , 3H4c. Option * cpi-npd tpndy
on IlKht recelplH , ruled firm all < ! iy on ruin
vest nnd tKood \ export trudo und rki'iillc \ ne
blu-heri November cloxvd nt 30f c ; Peimbcr
il. 31'ic.
a. 5S > I bu.i exports , 110.317 bu
Kpiit , q'llt'ti NO. - , : 't'.jf Opllonn. ijulet but
Klt-aily. rln lnK Uo net hluher ; December , ZUiW
nic : rioted. S0i .
HAV--Qui ti hlpplut ; , )1.0 < v0l.OO ; gocKl to
choice , f5.wxn.eo ,
HOI'S ttU'nJy ; utate , cnnunon to cholrp. ISDi
ori > PItT c ; lbl > ' crop , Mjtic. 1SU7 crop , llT17c { :
1-iH-lllo onuiil. I69S cixin. C6ilS"i ! crop , tlO'Jc ;
1S < | 7 rr l > . HU17C. l.'inilon mm Lot. Kiiitos ,
HIDES Quiet ; flnlvfuton , lOni'ic ' : Texat dry.
12 * l8 o. l-iillfornla , 17 a8- .
J.BATHKH < lull ; hemluck hole. Iluenos
AVIVK ' Illibt tn lii'uvy uvlijhlH , MHiJil c.
IMIO'VISIONS Ilivf , nnlrl ; family. l9.fK)5 ) ?
jnouj beef hum * . IJI.OOSiJS.W , pncliel. J8 SD49.M.
Cut ineaH , "lendy ; pk-klt'.l bellies , JO.SIHHS.OO ;
nlckled liouMcr , . > .t5 ; pickled h m , js.w. l ird ,
firmer ; nestern tenni , fl.liO ; refined. lraJy !
i-onllnent. f < .8 * . I'urk. ( | Uli-t : old mess , 8.50i >
O.W. now mess. no'i ' i9.50 ; iiort clear. flO.OO ;
1J.OOJ Mmllx. Ill.OOeitW Tallow , tmltt ; Cll >
SUP , nuinlnalt country , 3 ( 8S ir.
lU'TTKH-SlMdyj wenlwii , HSrJHo : Klglm
rJHCi factory. > lil3c.
CIIKIWK-HfcelpH. J.215 pkB . ; quleti lars
while. * Woi niidll Hhlte , 9'o : Ur . coloreJ
f ic ; < mall colored , 8lc ; purl tklmi , CV U7c ; fu !
lrin. c ,
HIC1J Qulft ; fair to t-xtni. 4 itt < ! Uc ; Japan
prime * yniiow IK. i-ctroieuin , nmnlnuli I'enn-
ylvanl * cnidt , nominally We. Hoiln , st ayj
trained , common to rood , JI.1001 . Turpen
tine , dull , I1.400I.4S. .
MI-TTAW Pl Iron , Warrant * Men.Iy ; | 7 nked ,
Copper , Uke , JlO.JiU bid unrt ill n kM , Tin.
quirt , 111,79 bid. li.M ukcd. Spoiler , quiet ,
II.IS bid , fl.JS kd. Iiu1 , exchange quiet ,
13.92 bbl , 13.MH atknl rbrokerii' stencly , 53,73 ,
Conitlllon of 'I'miltnntl O.tintnlnnn
tin Slnplr nml KIIIILJ1'rnilucc. .
KOaS-Oood etotk , He.
lltTTKIl Common to fair. lOifllc ; choice to
fancy , H8I"cj separator ctcnmory , S3o ; gathered
creamery , 21c ,
VEAIj Choice fat. SO to 124 Ibs. , quoted nt Icj
TU * < md coane. 4S5c.
1.1 VK I'OlilVrUY llenii. GHc : cocks , SRIOi
P"ns chickens , per lb. , f.c ; uuck , CB7CJ tur-
1'ItlKONS Live , 7M [ dead pigeons not wantefl.
HAY Upland , 46.00 ; midland , i.M ; lowland ,
ift.oo ; ry straw. | ij color makes the price on
> ay ; light bales sell the best , only top grailei
bring top prices.
CKI.EKY Good'stock , large , I0e ! small. } 5O
ONIONS-Per bu. . 4Ja55c.
J. ' ANS-Iiand-pickPd navy , per bu. , $1,40. $
? ? , ' , ' I'C-TATOlvS-Per bbl. . J2.25.
UAliHAaij-Humo grown , per lb. , IWttMe.
lock cJ- ° -S 'lume Brown , 400 0 ! western
9V.N'CK3-C ! Hfornla. per box. J1.2S.
AI'l'l.KSVlnler stock. J2.75iif3.00 ; Jonathans
ind fancy varieties , .2Jj California Dellc-
lowcr , boxes , $1.60 ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes ,
" ' 'At'HS-Callfornla. 11,2301.15.
M.\y YOI1K OltAPKS-Per 9-lb. basket , 130
3',4c : large lots , 12JUlJc. !
JVVJJ ? Il'nho ' nn' ' ' Oreeon , 75c5 ? I.OO.
CHANIinHIUKS-Cnpe Cod , per bbl. , J5.CO ;
\ l.icon.iln. bnxe , JI.C05J1.10.
72"oor ncl" " ' > J-W2.23 : other varieties , J1.50
. TnoPicAk FHUITS.
OIlANpns Mcxlcnn , per bnv. JI.CO.
I.KMONS Messlnns. JI.2J04.1.0 ! choice Cali
fornia , J4.00.
! ( \ ' r''AS ? 'ol'c' ( : larso stock , per bunch.
2.W f2.2o ; medium-sized bunches , l,7ft2.00.
NUTf ) Almondc , California , -per lb. . largo
! ze , 13c ; Hrazlls , per lb. . 10c : English walnuts ,
> er Ih. , fancy , soft shell , 13c ; standardi , 100
lei Illberts , per lb. . lie ; pecans , polished , large ,
WlOe ; Jumbo. lHI2o ; targe hlctcnry nuts , J1.25
> cr bu. ; cocoanutn , 4 o each : peanuts , raw , 5U
Vic ; roasti-il , cif5'in.
I''IOS Imported fai : y , 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
2c ; 5 crown , SO-lb. boxes. 13014C.
HONEY Choice whltf , lie.
KHAUT-lVr bbl , JI.O ) ; half bbl. , J2.23.
MAl'I.K smUP Pliognl. cans , each M.23 ;
Kal cnns , pure , pjr doz. . $12.00 ; half-gal , cans.
C.2S quart cam. J3.BO.
IJATKS Per 0 lo 70-lb. boxes , 5c : Pord 9-lb.
Kixes , 9c ,
DU13SSRD IlEnr Good native tteers , 7c : peed
foreituarters , steers , Cc. coed hlndnuarters , So ;
vcstcrn steers , CSJJ'.ic ; fancy heifers , fivjo ; Rood
lelfers , Gc ; Rood foreqimrter.i , heifers , BVic ; Rood
ilnUqiiartcra , heifers. S'Jc ' ; . good cows , Mlc ; fair
cows , riJ5i,4c ! ; common cows , 5Vc ; cow forequar.
ers. KRaVCc cow hindquarters. 7'/4Rfc.
1IER1' ' CUTS Tenderloins , ISc ; boneless strips.
9c ; strip loins , 7c ; rolls. SVjc ; sirloin butts , S c ;
shoulder clods , 5l4c ; rump butts , ! > ' /jc , ; steer
boulder clods , fi',4e ; rump butts , 8V4c steer chucks ,
SVic ; cow chucks , 4lic. boneless chucks. 4MiC ;
cow plates , 3c ; Hteer plates , 3'ic ; llnnk steak ,
i'4c ; loins , No. 1 , lie ; loins , No. 2 , H'lie ; loins ,
N'o. 3. So ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , 9c ; ribs , No. 1.
Ic ; rllM ; No. 2 , S4c ! ; rlln. No. 3 , fie ; stror rounds ,
"He ; cow rounds , 7o ; cow rounds shank off , 8e ;
TlmmlnRB , 4c ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains , per doz.
tit" sweetbreads , per lb. , lOc ; sweetbieads
calves ) , per lb. , 4V : kldnf-yi , per doz , 3."ic ; ox
.alls , each 4e ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearts , per
11) . . 2ir ; tonKUes , per lb. , 12He.
MCTTON I nmbs , 7c ; sheep , Cc ; market racks
( lonirt , Sc ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie less and
saddles , 9e ; lamb legs , Del breasts and stews , 3c ;
tonuue > < . each 3c.
POIIK Dressed pigs. Cc : dressed boss , BVJc ;
tenderloins. 15c ; loins , 7',4c : spare ribs , 4'jc ham
sausage bultH , fi' r : shniilders. rnu h , "c ; sluml-
ders , tklnned. 5'lc ; trimmings , lar.t.
not rc-ndeiril , "lie ; lipnilr , cleaned , 3c : snout and
> ars. 3r ; barklioiies , lV4c ; chei-k ments , 3c ; nei-k
> ones , 2c : plRs' lalfs , 3c ; plucks , rnch Sc ; chlt-
.erilnRS , DC ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. . 23o ;
HtomncliK , each 3c : tonEues. each 7c ; kidneys ,
> er dnz. , lOc ; brains , per doz , , 15c ; p'gs' ' feet ,
K-r doz. , 2."r ; livers , each 3c\
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c : No. 2 green
ildes , 6c ; No. 1 Baited hldeu , 8V4c ; No. 2 green
salted hldcH , 7V4e ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
Sr ; No. S veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs , . Ce ; No. 1 dry
lint hides , llfflS ; No. 2 dry flint hides , SHIOc ;
fo. 1 dry salted hides , OfJIOc ; part cur-d hides.
, ic per lb. le.fs than fully curea.
SHEEP PK1/T3 Green piilted , each 13B7."c ;
green salted sheatllngs ( short wooled early
skins ) each ir > e ; dry shearlings ( short woolert
early skins ) . No. 1 , each Be , dry Hint. Kansas
ind Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual
weight , 43c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska
nurraln wuol pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 304cj
Iry Mint Coloiudo butcher wool pelts , per ID. ,
actual weight , 4JI3c ; dry flint Colorado murrain
wool polls , per lb. , actual weight. Sfflc ; feet
cut off , us It Is useless to pay frelcbt on them ,
St. I.milN ( ( iicra ! MnrUi-tn.
ST. IX5UIS , Nov. 1. FL.OUII Weak , but un-
hanKcd ; patents. $4.S.@T.tO ; Btrnlghtn. J4.30J } '
4.05 : clear. Jl.15ff4.30 ; medium , J3.riOG3.73.
WHEAT Closed about 2o below Saturday : No.
3 red , ci\sh , elevator , 99lc : track , Ml'icfcJl.OO ;
No. 2 hard , cash. "JOc ; December , Jl.00 % ; May ,
iiSc bid.
COHN % { ? % o off In sympathy with wheat :
No. 2. cash , 2Oic : December , 24c : May , 27T4c.
OATS Easier ; No. 2. cafh. clcvutor. ISVfcc :
track. 10ii0oj white , 21HO2c ; May , 21 % 22c.
HYi : Lower , 46HC.
IIAHLEY-Qulet ; fample sales of Nebraska ,
COHNMEAL-Steady , J1.13.
1IHAN Scarce nnd firm ; sacked lots , cast
track. 4S T49Ho.
CLOVEH HIJKD Prime. $3.COi3,00.
HAY Active and firm ; timothy. { 8.50010.50 ;
' 'TlKTAlAS llcnd. ' easy. J3.7f , . Sneltcr. dijll. J4.
IIITTEH Creamery , I91i2lc ; dairy , 12B20C.
EC.HS lletter , 13Hc.
IIAOOINO Steady. 7'io for heavy.
POULTHY Chickens , quiet : springs. C
ilucks.3i , < .drfic : geepp. BHc ; turkeys , CO , 'Ac.
T\V1 NI * _ ! k *
PHOVlSIONS-Pork. firm ; standard , jobbing.
SS.2T. . Lnrd , higher : prime. J4.12ii : choice ,
JI.17V4. Hacon ( boxed lotH ) , e trn short clear ,
} 3.G : ' ? ; clear ribs. J3.62' * ; clear sides , J3.62H. Dry
suit meats ( boxed lots ) , shoulders , Jj.2. , ; extra.
. , . . , clear sides.
Hhort clear , J3.12H ; clear rlb J..2. ;
J3.37H. Suirar cured hams , J3.COW11.00.
UFCBIPTS-Floiir. 8.001 bbl . ; wheat. 94,000
bu. "corn. 131 COO bu. ; oat , 40.CCO bu.
SHIPMlbNTS-Flour. 4.100 bbls.j wheat , GG.OOO
bu. j com , 14,000 bu. ; oats , ll.'OO ' bu.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. l.-WllEAT-Market
about Ic lower ; low grades dull. Kood fnlrly
active ; No. 1 hard. SGtiS7c ; No. 2 , tilfiSGNo ; 3.
7J Slc ; No. 4 , 7C 79c ; No. 1 red , 91c ; No 2 , Me ;
Nil. S. ! WiJ3e ; No. 4. Sic ; No. 2 spring. 8J fk2ttr ;
cbliN-M rkc iulet. 'Ac lower ; No. 2 , 2022c ( ;
' OATS Market 4nctl\e and Mrm ; No. 2 white.
KYE-.Market ' steady ; No. 2. 4Wl'-iP.
IIIITTKII Market stronp ; creamery , 2lfl23c ;
dairy , 1M/2U- .
Kuas Market Mrm at 13'4c.
UKCRIITS Wheat , 1S7.200 bu. ; com. 83,300
sniPMEN'lV Wheat. 79W > ) bu.j com , 11,300
bu. ; oats , 3.000 bu. _
Iliillliutiri.MurUftN. .
11ALT1M01IE , Nov. l.-PLOl'It-FIrm : west
ern tl.OiMtlU ; winter wheat palunts , Jj OOUD 2j.
WHEAT Weak ; t\m \ December , ! ' 9'.i.'iii'9V4c ' ;
XIuv. 97o nsknl , receipts , 72.300 bu.j uxiwrts ,
LrOHN Steady ; spot. 311liJ'3le : November or
December , 31U 31Uc ; Btoamer mlTPd , r94W2'J'4c. ! ' !
Ilpi-clptH. 111,100 bu. ; exports. 171 , B3S bu.
OATH Plnu ; receipts , 3'J.723 bu ,
HYIi Enxler ; No. 2 wwturn. M'.JSjJlic. Ite-
t and steady : choice timothy. 113.01
HUTTEU Stendy : fancy creamery , 23fl21c.
Edns-Plim ; fresh. 17flSe.
CIIEI-SE Sleiidy ; fancy New York large , 10
JJllc. _ _ _
( ; iiirlnmifl .Mnrlci-lM.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 1. PJ/3HU Steady ; fancy ,
HYK Sltniilyi No. 2 , 47c ,
11ULIC SIKATS Steady ; JI.CO. ISacon. quiet ;
$625. Uird , firmer ; fUV * ,
WHISKY Steady ; $1.19.
lll'TI'KK Htendy : fancy Klgln creamery. 25r ;
Ohio fancy * sep.'imtor , 20rf22c ; gathered creams ,
IMHSo. fancy dairy , I2f 14 ' .
SIH5AH Dull ; hiinl refine. ! . $ l.l08j.Sj.
EllllS tjulet ; 14c.
CHEKSE Steady : good to prlmu Ohio Mat. Sc.
Ilvtritit > l rirulii mill I'rnvlhlniiN.
L1VEUPOOU Nov. l.-WHEAT-Steady , Ui
hlKher tn I'.id lower ; November , nominal ; De
cember. 7 SVii'l ; * ' > ' . 1 * ! * '
COHN NoM-mbi-r , dull. Sa Mi December , dull.
la 3d : January , S 41.
PHOVISIONSj-Hhoulder . * iuaro. 29s. I.ird ,
prlniu wpmerii , steady. Si's 8d. Tallow , prime
city , steady , lt > < . . . .
Kollowlnif ore the Imports of wheat Into Liver
pool iluilnn thi * last week : I'riini Atlantic ports ,
ltTH ! < iuurler ! fiom Pacific | rlB. 2.W ) ijuaru'ra ;
froin other ports.3iKk ) < fuarers. | Tlw Imports of
corn fiom Atlantic porla were 30.600 quarters.
Titlt-ilti MnrUi-ti * .
TOLEDO , Nov. J. WHKATulct ; December ,
COHN Active nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2(0
OATS Dull nnd kteady ; No. 2 mixed , ISVjo.
HYK Dull and Htcutly ; No. - cah , SV ,
CIXVEHSEED-Sttudyj ) prime , 83c.
OIL-Unchnngrd ,
_ _
Dt-trcK IJrnlii Murlct-t.
DUTiioiT. NOV. I.-WHKAT-NO. i white ,
83 ic ; No. S r tVpCiiq ! Pcc mber , S7S-c ; ; May ,
't-Oll.N-No. 2 mUedS' * > c.- ' *
OATS No. t while , S2U
VK No. '
I'lilluili-lplilii rroiliitiMnrlr .
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. l.-lll'TTBIl--Qulctl
prints , lo lower ; wertern creamery , 2l'4e. '
KOnB Firm : nearby. Jici ) western , ISc ,
CJIKESB filcady ,
rirnlii Itcnt-ljitx nt I'rliirliiul . .
CHICAOO , Nov 1 H' ' i-c pU t-vlny : Wl. at l f
c r : corn. BS cars ; oati. 315 can. KitlmaU-d
car lots t. . marrow : Whrat , 190 cars. corn.
cnrs. . .aTn. S70 .am. .
ST. I/Ids Nuv. l-Tl'c lpt : WhOAt. 1J2 cars.
MINNBA1-OUS. Nov. i.-ilcelpt l Wheat.
I , MO cnis. . . . .
KANSAS CITY. Nov. l.-nwHiU : Wheat. IZ
onr . . .
nrt.fTM. Nov. l.-llrctlpts ! Wheat. 1 cars.
.Sit n I'rnncUi'ii win-ill i l Unrlcy.
SAN PIIANCISCO , Nov. 1.-WIIBAT-fit irtr :
I > f nlr , $1.4 ; May , I1.47H. .
HAHLEY-rirm ; December , 8 c ; May. c.
HIcntliniM > I < i-iiiinll7.i- | ( lie Atlcnllou nt
HrnkiTN nml O | criilor .
NEW YO1UC. Nov. 1. The business on the
stock market today was very small , the trailing
nmountlnu to little more than the passing ot
holdings from one hand to the other of the
snmo person , The professionals bought stocks
strong nnd soil them In the afternoon , whll *
the changes resolved themselves Into very smalt
fractions , though the later reaction extended
n little further thnn the early rise. The sals
of the Union Pacific main line nt Omaha had
the effect ot stiffening the price of the stock.
which rose at times 1 % per cent above the low
point and saved ft part of Its aiUantage nt tha
close. The Mock was. however , without buoy.
n.ncy. Conrolldatcd Gas also fluctuated In a
characteristically erratic manner , dropping 2
l > er cent , rising 4 i tier cent nnd closing tha < lay
with n net Rain ot 2 per cent. Plttsburit , Cin
cinnati , Chicago ft St , Ixnils showed a contln-
iianco of Its recent form nnd Is higher on the
day. The grangers showed some strength during
the day , but the gains were wiped out , except
In the cases of llurllngton nnd Northern Pacific
preferred. There wajt i ome buying ot Louisville
on the showing by Its September statement ot
nn Increase In net earnings ofJlH,2.iS. l > or th
rest brokers and operators Deemed to be moro
Interested In discussing tomorrow's municipal
eloctlon und betting oa the results th n' In bat
ting on flocks. Today being ft bank holiday In
London no quotations were received from therft
to Influence results < here , but there wan llshl
buying of some stocks In this market for Lon
don account. The stiffening In the rate on call
money , which was likely to laat for some length
f time , Is attributed to operations Incident to
the November disbursement on account of divi
dends and Interest , which are estimated nt about
J30.0(0.ocn. . , „
Hallway bonds were strong In tone , especially
the Houston ft Texas , Oregon Short Line md
Oregon Navigation. Total sales. W.1,000. t.nltcd
Stales bonds were U per cent higher bll for all
Issues except the Cs , which advanced ' , i per cent.
The new 4s coupon sold at 12i % , ox-Interest
of 1 per cent. , ,
The Evening Post's London financial cable
gram says : "This Is n holiday un tne London
Stock exchange , It being All Silnts' day. The
tone of the money market was momentarily
easier , but from Indications In gDod quarters It
locks as though money mny keep fairly light for
some time to come , with only a slight go-
back In the discount rate. Today large repay
ments from the market to the Hank of Eng
land weio due , but only n very small portion
was paid off. Gold was In. Miong demand from
the continent nt 7V4c per ounce.
Thi" following wure the closing quotations on
the leading stocka of Ihe New York exchange
today :
' second assessment paid.
Total pales of stocks toilny were 164,100 bharcsl.
Including : ClilcnRO , IIurlliiKton .1 Qulncy , " 32.M1 ; .
LouisUlIe & Nashville , 3.025 ; Manhattan , 4.S72 ;
Mlsfourl Tactile , 7,390 ; Northern Tacinc prc-
feired , 9,570 ; Reading , 3,730 ; Rock Island , G20 ;
St. 1'aul , IS.CM ; Union Pacific , second nssess-
ment paid , 13,830 ; Hay State Gas , 13.S10 ; Chl-
C&KO Gas. 8,030 ; Consolidated Gas , 3,313 ; Sugar.
13.SG4 ; Chicago Great Western , 4,3U , > .
\i-iv Yurie Moiiry Market.
ICuay at IHCl'i per cent ; laFt loan , 2 per cent.
STKRLING EXCHANGE Firm , with actual
business In bankers' bills nt 14.SS1 for demand
and nt | 1.82H6 > 1.62'SS ' for sixty days ; posted j-ates ,
$ l.83 > < , nnd fl.SC5TI.S6li ; commercial bills , JI.M'.i
YlA It'SII.VKR 57 c. ' '
_ ClosJnR quotations on innids were as follows :
IJ. S. iiiwlHTr-ir. . . . 1'7HTN7 ! J. O. .Mi. . ' . 11JH
U.S. H3W la con. . .1'JSInlN. C. fli 12'JV *
II. S-IB.res ,
' ' '
U.S. 4s.coup , 'llTtH No. Pficiho I8t . . ! ! l25 "
U. H. ' 'a , rax No. I'aoltlo 3i SK
U.S. ' ? ,11491 No. l'acitio.4B
II. S. ! it. coup 1H N. Y. C. &St. It. Is..l : n5
DlHlrletH.031 , U1J ! ( N iW. Us 120M ,
Ala..olii44 A IDS N. W. Consols 144
Ala.cliHsll : .IDS N. W. Dob. 59 115
Ala.cliH-iC ! , ,1111) , ) Oro. Nav.lsts
Ala. Currency. . . Ort Or.s. Nav. 'Is 113
AtChlHOII-lH O. S. L. ( ! s. tr. . . . , .110
Atchl on au ] , 4H. . ! nn O. S. It . 'm. t. r
CanailaSo.lnila. ! . O. Imp. tHti , t. r. . . lfi )
Chic. Tonu . 43 O. Imp. Si , t. r . . . . .10
O.i O. ils ,110)1 I'.ieltlebu of ' 03. . .1IW
C. H. .t D. , .10 IK Iltuwllns Is
D. A.H { } . IHU 103 R. O.Wmt IBH. . . .
B , , t R. O. 4s SS-n St. It. , V I. M. Oj-i. 5 811
KaHtT nn. lst8..KI7 St.L. AS : . 11 . - > *
KrltiOun. Is 101) ) Stfl' . Cotmolt
V. W.&D , U. t. r. . G St. 1 > . C. .V I' . lsH..illl
'Sou. CU'O , . 'is 1(11 ( St. l > . C. &P. BH 110
O.II. , vS. A.1)8 ) 11)11 ) S.C. nonfimil. . . . 'i
U. 11. .V.'I. -JIIS..1H' ' Somhorn llv. 5s. . . . 11171
II. MT. Cant. 5s Ill ) S. II. , tT. Oa ( ID
II. AT. C. con 111..Ill I Tenn.n ' , v sot'l-4 . . " . ) '
Iowa C. Ists IIH4 T.-K. I'.ic. It G.lstl S
iv. i . ifi-N. i. r nuvi iux. i < r . i\ . .du1 * . . i/i
K. P. con. t. r 110 III. P. IHI * . . . , Itll
La. Now Con. 18. . . . II7S U. P. D. A ( ! . IsU. . Irt
U.VN.Unl U S44 Wnu. iHt.'n l)5)j ( )
MlHsourl Us 10(1 ( Wab. ' 'da 7
M. K. , VT. a.U ( ) ( ) > < Wott S'.i'ira Jl llli ) '
M. K. &T. In . > Vn. Cintiirl'ss (17 ( ! {
N.Y.U.lHU IIS IV.i. tloforr.til 1
IIONtOII SIlll-U ( llllltllfilllliH.
11OSTON , Nov. 1. Call loans , 3fjl pfr cent ;
llmo leans , 3VsU4H per cenl. Closing prlcca for
fclscks , bonds and mining shares ;
A.T.&S. P : :7. : I3H W.'Eldc iiTTS
Amurlcan Su.7ir. . 1 ll > W. Klo3. pM 0
Am.Siirir : ufd . . . 11.14 Rd. Kbn. Hi Ki'J
llav.St.ltn O it . . . . > JV | ( ion. Kloo. ptd. . . . 80
lioll T li > | ita. ! . . ' . ' " > 7 Atchlion pfd 'J05 *
llostcn.t Albuv. VI-I Atiihlmiu 44 Hil ! (
lioHton.t .M.UU3. . . 1(17 ( Oon. Klec. ftn nil
C..1I..VQ ll.IVS . Allouoz.MlnliiirO ) CD
FltchburiHB Att'intlo ' . ' 't
( icnvrul Klbclno. . ; 1.1K HoHion & M Jiitim : IH ! )
lllinolH Stun. . . -II lliiltnX Jlincn.'DM
Mexican . 54 Calnmoli HoaU. . .1.1 , %
N. V.vJ.K HI ) Coulniml.-il UH
Old Colony 181 l-'r.inklin 184
O.S. i , isi Kuir : ire IS
Kubbi-r Dili OsanoU S7W
Union Pacttla - " - > ( Quluoy lin
\\V8tKun na TninarncK 1-J8
West EIHI uia 11)1 Wolvonntt I'm
SDii PrniK-lNi-ti Mining UutilntliiiiN.
SAN l-'UANCI.SCO. Nov. 1. The ofllclal closing
auolntlons on mining stock * today were as fol
lows : " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" 10 Tiilln. . . . M
AlDhaCon. . . . , , , , . 12 Jimilc'r
Anilos VH Ko'ituck.v Con 4
liclchor , 47 Mexican 4'J
HtMtA-lljlohur. . . . 41 OcRlduntalCon , . . . Ill )
million 11 Ophlr. Hl :
Caledonm'I Ovormnn is
ChallensuCon US I'otom 67
Chollar. nil S.iv.i-'u 4 : <
Conilrtnncc 100 siorni Niivadi. , . . 71
Con. C.ll. .V V.I 115 Silver Hill S
Con. Imperial a Onion Can 40
Crawn Point. 33 UtaliUon it
KxcneoiuT , ' ! YclluwJ.iclciu IU
linulu.vCurria. . . . H.'l Stunilanl lUu
HaloJi.NoreroM. _ _ . JUJO
liver bars , t > 7c ; Mexican ilollara ,
drafts , sight. 17H'C' draflg , lelegraph , 20c.
NIMV York 'IIIiiliiK ( liuiditlniiH.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1. The following arc the
closing mining quotations :
llulwcr. . S Onfino ,10U
CliolUr f > U Onnir. . . . pJ
Crown Point. li'J I'lymoutu ) > Q
Con.Cal , .t V.i. . . . 11 Uulo ! llver 101)
Deadwood no Qiiloksilvor DM. . . 100
Could 1 Currv la Slurri Novii'la , . . . uuj
Halu.V Nomron. . I''O Staii'J.TrJ ' 100
HouifHUUo SOJD Union Con 40
JionSllvur VI ) VollQw Jaoitot . . . . 8J
Mexican 44 i
On Loiiiltiu Slock lO
Nov. L Taday la a holiday on the
slock iixi'hange.
HAH SlLVKU-Klat at 27d pr ounfs.
MONKY-S' ! . per cent.
Thti rnI u of discount In the open market for short
bills is 2H per cent ; for three mimlis1 bills , 2 %
Gold Is quoted nt llucnos AyreM today at
1M.1' > ; Lisbon. 4S.73 ; Home , 15.40.
Cilllforiila llrlt-il l-'rultH.
I-'IIUITS Sttiudy : evaporated apples , common , I
© e < - per IK , prime wire trny J'wood dried ,
ptlme. Pi. rholtP. S iB3fnnry. . 9-ja > , , prunes ,
f > f/8H < - per lb. , as to size and quality ) aprli-ou ,
floyal , " ( JS' c ; peaches , unpeeled , "Ollc. peeled ,
IfiJUc ,
SlinrtN Cover nml Help I'rli-i-x n I , It-
fit- I , nitIn the I ) nj- .
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1. The Cotton market
opened steady wlt'.i prices 1 points lower to 1
point higher. Following this was an advance of
301 points , with transactions light , the result
of local trading. Cables were l s satisfactory
and the advance was. lost. Still later , however ,
n new upward movement net In on covcrln ? on
predictions of frost on the cotton belt , lending
to fears of higher cnbles tomorrow , which will
bo ft holiday here. Shorts covered nnd the afternoon -
noon phases of the market wen ? stronger than
previously. At best the iriifVct showed ft net
advance of 4 to B | K > lnts , Mill ? total soles of
futures of ISI.SIP balef. Kpnl elfcwd quiet ; mid
dling. Co ; het receipt * , fiO lwi > ) HI-OIH , 451 bales ;
cxportn to Great Hrltaln , 2.C1 1 > Ates ; to I'T.uicc.
1.295 bales ; t the. continent , TU5J biles ; for
warded , 701 bales ; fnles , 110 hales ; till spin
ners' stock , actual , l,7r > 7 bales. Total today :
Net tecelpts. M.113 bales ; , | yijf > rts to Clrent
lirltnln , 35,501) bales ; to Franco. 15,20) halls ; to
the continent , 03.191 bnlosj'nock , f93,25J bales.
Consolidated : Net receipts ? . 1U.OCO bile * ; ex
ports torcat Ilrltaln. Gl.TiB-iKilIss ; to France ,
.40.057 bak's ; to contlnents-S4lM bales. Total
since September 1 : Net recfllptii , 2,211,930 bales ;
exports to Orcat lirltnln , K7i ) < lhes ! ; to France ,
177,459 bales ; to the continent , 4M.2i7 ! bale ? .
LIVEIU'OOL , Nov. 1. COTTON Knlr demind.
prices lower ; American mllldllrfK fair , 2 12-S2d :
gooil middling , 37-lCd ; xVpicrlcnn middling ,
2S-32d ; good ordinary. 3 3-32,1 , ; orillnary , S 23 3M.
The sales of the day were W > .OW. bales , of which
500 were for rpocufntlon nftd ijiipirt , Inclulms
9 100 American. Hecelpts , 21u)0 ; ) Tjale ? , Including
15,700 bales of American. FutiM'S opeiu'd quiet
nnd steady , nnd closed stradv. American mid
dling , L. M. C. , November , ' 3 1.r-Clr3 ( ? K-64d sellers -
ers ; November nnd December , vj ij.oid buyers ;
Dei-ember and Jnmtary , .3 lS-41d buyeis ; Janu
ary nnd February , 3 U-Ctd bnyi-rs ; Febniary nnd
March , > 3 13-0483 lUG4d buyers ; March nnd April ,
3 14-MM3 15-Wd sellers ; April and Mav. 3 IS-llfj
3 IC-Gtd sellers ; Mny nnd June 3 10103 17-Old :
June nnd .lulv. 3 1G-C4ST3 17-Gld sellers ; July nnd
August , 3 17-BIB3 IS-Wd : August and September ,
3 19-Cld.
NEW OULEANS , Nov. 1. Holidayno mar
kets.MEMPHIS. . Nov. 1. COTTON-Stcady ; mid
dling , 5 7-lCc ; receipts. C.C73 bales ; shipments ,
13.C39 bales ; stock , C7.732 biles ; sales , 5,600 boles.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. I. COTTON Mir ket was
1-lCc lower , but quiet ; middling , 50-10" ; rales ,
none : receipts , J.1W bales ; ehlpmenls , 4,677
bales ; stuck. ! 9,7S2 hnlc ,
OALVESTON , Nov. l.-COTTON-Easy ; mid-
dllni ; , C 11-lCc.
Coffer llnrltt-tM.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1. COFFEE Options
opened unchanged to C points lower ; ruled quiet
on the absence of Havre cables on account of
a holiday ; telling checked by flee warehouse
deliveries In this country : buying checked by
heavy stocks ; closed unclnnged to r points
lower ; sales , 11.250 bags. Including Novembrr at
JS.OOJM.Oo ; December , J3.S3. Spot. Itlo , nominal.
Mild , dull ; total warehouse ilelherlea from tie
United Stales , 13&.947 bass. Including 14,717
bags from Nc\v York.
HAMIIUHO , Nov. 1. COKKCn Opentil un
changed and closed \mchanged to U pfg. ml-
vnnce ; sales , 4C.OOO bags. *
HAVRE , Nov. 1. No market ; holiday.
HO Di : JANEIRO. Nov. 1 , COFFEE-Wctik ;
No. 7 , lllo , 7.foO rels ; exchttnk 7iid : ; iccelpts ,
21.001 bags ; cleared for the United Stales , 17. (00
bugs ; cleared for Eurcpe. 12,001 bans ; stock , 40i- (
noj bags. Weekly report : Coffee , wtnk ; ex-
clmiiKe standard , 7,550 rels ; receipts during the
week. 100.000 bags ; shipments to the United
States , 110.000 bags : stock. lOil.OOO bagf.
SANTOS , Nov. l.-COFFEE ( ! o3d average ,
nominal : roi-elpts. 2B.COO bags ; , mock , l.mtiCO
bags. Weekly report : Coffee , quiet ; good aver
age. per 10 kilos. 7,100 rels ; receipts during the
week , IfO.l-TO bags ; shipments to the United
States , 63,000 bags ; stock , 1.1SS.OOO bags.
JfCMV York llpy CooilN .MnrUi-l.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The maiket opened
wlthcut change from ths conditions Kovernlnif
last week nnd lust month. There Is still a
dearth of mall orders and slon- trading Is light
In the exlieme In cotton lines. In woolens
their l still a scattering demand with prices
well sustained.
The business for the lapt month has been qullo
unsatisfactory , the more so that It was not an
ticipated to be so disastrous ns It turned out.
Condition * which came up during the month
such as the low price of cotton and the decline
of pilnt cloths In the eastern market , were
chiefly responsible for this though the prevalence -
lenco of yell iw fever In the pouthurn section *
ban had much to do with It as a contributing
cnusp. In staple cottons the imrkct Is quiet.
The- situation In print cloths Is extremely unsnt-
Istactoiy , the latest repot ts being that som-
manufacturers are Inclined to shade from the
abnormal price now quoted for sixty-four Ftiuarcw.
Oil MnrkcT * ! ?
OIL CITY. Pa. , Nov. 1. Credit balances , Cc ;
certlllcntco , no bids ; shipments , 23S.9&J bbls. ;
runs , 181,753 bbls.
CHARLESTON. S. C. . Nov. 1. OILS Turpen
tine , llrm ; 2S-vc. Rosin , nrm.
SAVANNAH. Nov. 1. OILS Turpentine , nrm ;
23'Jc ; sale * . 713 bbls. ; recclpls.1,00) bbls. Hosln.
llrm ; unchanged ; sales. 5.0S2 bbl ; receipts , . 4.2S3
bblt * . . , ,
WILMINGTON , Del. , Xov , -OILS Turpen
tine , unchanged. Itosln , llrm ; Jl.2301.23. Cruda
turpentine , steady ; Jl.40gl.00. , '
W l Miirlcrilsi.
NEW YORK. Nor. 1. WOOL Steady ; neece.
24frilc : ; Texas , ISQ'Ke. '
ST. I/5UIS , Nov. 1. WOOfl Steady ; heavy nnp
in n-Mluiu cnniblmt. Missouri orul Illinois , I3fi >
tic ; Kansas and Nebraska , ' OfflOV'C ; Texas ,
VJc' 'leiritory , '
NEW YORK , Nov. l.-SUbAH Haw. nominal ;
fair refining , 3'i03 S-lBc ; 'centrifugal. OG test ,
13-160. Relhicd , dulIJJ tlahdard A. 4c ;
confec tioners' A , 4T4c ; cut" loaf , 5c ; crushed ,
5o ; gianulated , Be.
RO3TON. Nov. 1. Clearings , J13,152,000 ; bal
ances , $2.MI,300. I
HALT1MORK. NDV. l.-iClearlngs , J2,347 , 43-
balances , 1370,373. i 1
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. ' ( leal'ltus , J02.J07 452 ;
balcnces. 13.542 DI2. ' ?
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. . . ! . Clearings , J9.130-
40S : ImlancCB , Jl,304,500.
< ? MEMPIHS. Nov. -Clearings , )423.4'4r ; bal
ances , JG0.9W. New York exchange , selling nt
CINCINNATI. Nov. 1. Money , 2li0G per
cent : New York exchange , par to 25c premium ;
clearing ) * , J3.139.70' ) .
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 1. Clearings , J1.SC9.C20 ; bal
ances. Ji:9,3G7. Money , steady at 5S per cent
New Yotk exchange , par bli ) . 23c premium askel.
'CHICAGO. Nov. -Clearings. . JW.740.7SI. New
York exchange , 30c premium ; panted rates Jl ft
nnd Jl.S'i. Stocks. Btrong : South Side L moved
up on Inveptment buying ; eloping : West r-il (
cage , 101 : 'Diamond ' Match , 13SIJ ; Lake Street L
.18 % ; New York Illxcult. G2' < , : Strnwboard , 3l :
City Railway. 226 ; South Sdu ! L , C8.
I'Di-rluii E'Mnaiiulnl.
HERLIN. Nov. 1. Exchange on London , 2i )
marks. K14 pfgs. for checks.
LONDON. Nov. 1. The amount of bullion
gone Into the Rank of England on balance to
day was 621,000.
Hi.M aiiH < o Do Itlitlitt If II - Kn-H , It IH
froni iKiiiii'iiiicc or KrlKliI ,
Horses are etsentlally croaturAj of liablt ,
eays the Florida Handlst. Of gentle , confld-
liiK rtUprsltlrrs , but excpaslve'y nervous ;
timid , at tlmoi Irritable , and prone to resist
otienuously anything that frightens them. If ,
for example- you put a rope halter on an un
broken colt and tlo him to a post , the more
the ropu culs Into his tender skin the creator
will hn lia ! struggles , wlille ho will soon yield
to a halter that InfllelH no pain. Through
nervous fright horses sometimes become
panic stricken and absolutely uncontrollable.
They suffer also occasionally from what , for
want of a better name , may bo called "nerv
ous paraljsls , " when they seem to be phyo-
Ically Incapable of motion. This condition
Is almost Invariably the rcault of brutal
treatment , and the only reasonable explana
tion of It U that the first emotion aroused
In the horse by punishment la fear ; that
when ho finds that ho cannot escape auger
and a spirit of resistance are mingled with
hLj fright , and that these combined emotions
produce th'a morbid state.
The horeo la quick to take advantage of
the Ignorance or fear of thcso who control
him. AB compared with the dog , ho Is some ,
what slow of comprehension , but ho differs
from the dog In this also , that ho seldom
hecojiicn "too old to learn now tricks , " and
his memory Is so retentive that he never
forgctH what ho has once thoroughly
learned ,
It may also bo set down , as a rule , with
few exceptions , that ho meant lo do Just
right ; If ho errs It la either from Ignorance ,
pain or fright , rarely from stubbornness or
vice , Thla seeira to bo generally unknown
or at least disregarded , for of all the animals
the liorEu Is the least understood , the moat
harshly Judged and unjustly treated , and for
the least Infraction of discipline he la too
often brutally punished , ; jirmcn who train
horses would control their iemp.ers and en
deavor to ascertain the cause of the animal's
mlabchavlor they would 'hifrl ' that there Is
often ft good cause for hli actions.
The eye ! s the best Index , to the animal's
feelings , The earn are very expressive , but
they do not reveal so plainly " 1O emotions
that are dominating him , the eye does.
Therefore , study the eyot with Its varying
expressions , and when yoir''can read their
moaning you hold the key to" ono of the chief
ficcrcta of successful training.
The horse should be convinced that re
sistance Is uteless , but do not he Impatient
or harsh ; remember that success la the re
ward of unwearied patluuce , If you fall at
flnst keep trying until you succeed , Do not
be discouraged If you do not eem to make
much progress ; your task may take wocko
or even months , but If you ubraevcre you will
Weak Opens with a Pair Run and a Better
I'rlcrn for IH'cf SU-t-rn StroitK < u il
fur llult'lu-rn' Five to Ton Criila
IloKM Still OH
the Slide.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. l.-Hocclpts for the
days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hops , Sheep. Horses.
November 1 6W)5 ) 1,116 Iu73 61
October so , yis 3,51:9 : KM 1
October W 6i5J 4.0S7' 2,047 Bt
October SS 7,235 3.M1 . . . .
October 27 G.CGS 4-Utl 2,533 G
October 20 4'Jlfi CB5'J 3,113
October 25 B.SG7 l.SSI lWl 7
October 23 1.U3I 4.2SG S55
October L'2 2,937 4,003 2.2U7
October 21 3,722 4MTJ CGS 23
October 20 3.95G 5,437 6.02G
October W 4,477 2 , 25 S,3fil
October IS 6,0.17 G71 10,151 14
October 1 OB 3,3I7 ! 4,420 . . . .
October 13 2,723 3,153 S4 1
Tno olllcial mim'icr ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road -wast
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. 1 > . Ily 1
Missouri I'aclilc Uy . .
Union 1'aclllc System 44
F. , 13. & M. V. ll. 11 S7 3 1
C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. Uy 21 1
U. < t M. H. U. U Gl 5
C. . U. & Q. Hy 2
C. . U. 1. * 1' . Uy. , east. . . . . . 1
C. . U. I. & 1' . Uy , west. . . . 13 1 _ 3
Total'receipts 2:3 : 17 4
The disposition of the day's r.ecelpts was
as follows , each tnu'cr purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Ituyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oma'na ' racking Co 15 aT2 . . . .
The G. 11. Hammond Co. 122 ! > 0
Swift and Company 193 G
Tne CUdahy I'aCKing Co. SS2 iiG ) - "SU
It. Ileekor and Doy < in. . . . 7G5 . . . . . . . .
Vansant .t Co 23
J. L. Carey 7
Lohmnn & itothachllila . . 1,110
W. I. Ste/nens | 202
llenton & Underwood . . , 355
Huston & Co 14
Krebbs & Co 31
Hamilton 9-
HUM 79
Livingston l
Dennis & Well' 210
Noison Morris , Chicago . 2sl ;
Other buyers -103 SoS
Left.over 20U _ _
Total sales C..til 1.14G 1,533
CATiLK The week started out with a
liberal run of cattle , the most of them west
erns , and with the market conditions a
little more favorable to the selling Inter
There were a few loads ot cornfeii beeves
In the yards , none of them very extra in
the matter of quality. Tne prices paid
ranged from $1.40 to $1.00 for the bulk ot too
cattle , which was strong us compared with
Ilutehurs' stock was also strong and in
some cases frfiUlo higher. Good cows and
hellers met with vcady sale and a reasona
bly early clearance was effected.
The fresh receipts ot feeders were large ,
but the quality on an average was nothing
to brag about. There were , however , some
pretty good feeders among tiho olterlngs and
the best sold at an advance oC We , while
the general market was strong. The - demand
mand was Kood and the trade reasonably
active. JSepresentatlvo sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
H..1212 54 CO 3..1040 $ J HO 34. . . .1112 J4 II )
C7..12SO 440 18..1327 450 14..S2S 4 CO
19..131)8 ) 4 71) 13..1300 4 bO
1..1010 2 ! 0 5. . . . 701 290 1..12M 300
1. . . . MO 2S5 1..135J 345 ' . ' . . . . 8.S3 . 2 W
3. . . . 716 2M I. . . . MO 371) 1. . . . 81J 3M
G. . . . 878 200 7. . . . 1KH 255 4..192 J f.J
1..103J 2 CD 1. . . . 40 300 7..1181 310
1. . . . 1)SO ) 3 10 1..1320 3 15 2..1010 3 40
2) . . .1007 3 10 1. . . . C7-J 3 25 11. . . . Ml 3 3'i
1. . . . G70 3 00 2. . . . 570 3 00 19. . . .1C07 3 10
1. . . .1100 2 fiO 2J..13M 2 C > . . 1010 3 W
1. . . . 010 3 13 17. . . . SOS 3 21 . .1175 1 JO
1. . , .isio 2 s : ' "
1. . . . 2SO 5.CO . 1. . . . 130 u.73
7. . , . 911 3 Cu 10. . . . S40 3 70 . . CM 3 93
18. . . . C40 3 7T ' 11. . . . 419 I S : . . . .1070 3 TO
. 023 3 73 20..1073 4 10
3 cows 1033 2 73 2 cows .1060 3 20
2 cows , 103) 2 76 1 COWH .10CO 3 'M
2 cows S75 2 73 3 feeders. . . .1033 3 00.
11 COW8 105) 2 73 43 feeders. . . . .1052 .1 JO
2 cows ICC ) 2 73 21 feeders. . . . .1327 3 70
33 cows 1057 32) 5J feeders. .10S3 3 S3
5 cows 1070 3 20 1 feeder. . .1210 4 00
1 cow 8S > 3 20 2 feeders. . 063 4 10
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 cow 1130 3 03 1 cow 3 03
22 feeder.1020 4 i 3 feeders. . . .1M3 3 50
73 fdr.H. Tex. . 1)31) ) ) 3 50 57 feeders. . . .1053 4 10
I cx W 122) 273 2 HKH 1170 3 23
53 heifers..1033 330 C3 fUis. Tex. . 101 3 43
91 sirs. Tex. . BS3 3 50 1 steer 15S0
I cow 1130 } 3 03 1 cow . 1050 3 05
22 feeders..102C 4 00
1 cow 770 2 25 4 cow ? 792 2 CO
1 cow 1000 2 75 7 cows 922 3 10
5 sirs. Tex..1116 3 15 1 tltr 1200 3 23
Zlstis. Tex..1059 3 30 1 feeder 790 3 40
2 steers 1230 3 40 12 fteiJera. . . .U91 30"
! 1 feeders.1271 370 13 feeders. . . . 7i. 3 70
3 cows 1120 2 75 21 cow : ) 100G 3 20
1 cow. , . COO 1 HO 1 bull K901 W
1 UK. .1110 2 75 1 tls 1100 3 00
1 tiff. .1390 323 32S sir. . Tex..1023 S 50
1 feeder 1C90 3 75 12 feeders..HS.1 373
0 feeders. . . . COS 4 00 1 cow 710 3 10
3 cows MS 3 30 3 feeders..1030 3 70
1 feeder. . . . 970 3 70 9 MB 1011 3 30
i ! ) feeders. . . ,1014 , 3 70AIUXONA.
1 feeder SCO 3 00 1 < 2 feeders. . . . SC7 3 43
r feeders. . . . 494 3 10 8 cown i21 3 25
G tulllnKS..1025 3 25 2 bulls UCO 2 C5
3 talllims..U70 .1 15 1 cow ! CO 21K )
2 cows 1050 3 40 Istng U > 0 3 U )
14 steers 1115 3 6) 3 cows 1120 2 C5
21 caws 1COG 3 20 2 feeders. . .12M 3 80
14 feeders..1010 3 SO 8 feeders. . .1092 3 W
137 feeders..1192 4 00 1 tolling. . . ,1330 3 25
28 feeders..1141 3 65 2 feeders. . .1140 3 ro
10 steels 131 ! 4 03 I ! tti . .1550 3 23
1 feeder 12JO 4 CO 2 ejws , .1013 3 40
2 -deo..lOCO 4 00 30 feeders..1221 3 85
25 feeders..117G 4 00 4S steers 11CO 375
2 cows 1015 2 75 "J4 COWF 973 3 00
8 cows 1215 3 23 12 Hteers 1-00 3 75
20 cows . 721 2 75 1 cow 1000 3(0
51 caws . 53 3 10 127 fdis. Tex. . SI3 3 13
12S lielfers. . . . (03 ( 3 CO C hclt-ra 1(0 ( ! 303
32 feeders. . . . 102 > 3 80 78 feedcru. . . . U3 3 IS
105 feeders. . . C24 4 20 1 tls 1120 2 00
1 bull . 13bO 2 C3 1 tig 120 2 SO
1 row . 790 3 S3 G COWS 1012 3 i3 !
5 cows . 1001) 3 25 2 steers 935 3 4)
G tleerv . lloB 3 40 3 tlR ICOii 343
11 feeders. . . . 1C97 3 SO 14 feeders..1140 ,1 80
2 cows . SOU 2 M 1 cow SCO 2 to
1 cow . 1139 275 10 cows 1113 323
50 f.-edew. . . . ! it2 ! 4 10 72 feeders. . . . 033 4 33
15 feeders. . . . 11C2 3 CO 1 cow 1020 2 f5
1 cow . 1100 2 ( 1 bull 1300 2 85
1 tallllio' . 1310 3 Oi ) 3 COWH 1130 3 10
3 cows . 1520 3 10 1 cow 1130 323
3 cow ? . 6W 3 2i 2 cjws , I'J''O ' 323
1 ox . 1540 323 23 Btrs. Tux..1177 3 61
2 feeders. . . . 1035' 3 50 1 feeder 1110 3 SO
II feeders. . . . 1237 3 10 17 fmlcja. . . . 1035 3 SO
1 bteer . 1420 3 HI
1 cow 830 3 23 1 tolling 1100 3 00
3 cows 900 2 23 2 cowj "SO 2 15
1 tulllne IS'fl 3 50 423 ftrs. Tex. . t20 3 ID
19 sirs. Tex. . 9C7 3 50 1 heifer C30 3 2D
1 feeder 1110 3 M 0 helfcrx 915 3 20
1 feeder 930 3 BO 44 ktra , 'JVx..lO.3 ! 3 3) )
1IOQS Only rovonleen loads of lions were re-
pjrted In the yards thin ninrnliiK , hardly CIIOUK.I
lo make a market. The offerings Fold at J3.23W
3.35 , or a * haile lower than on Saturday. The
average of all tin ; sales was just 2Vi'c lower.
The boss told today the lowest of uny tlay
tlnco July 28. Representative bales :
5 < > 317 200'3 23 57 310 KO 32714
82 27S . . . 323 M 1U3 4g 380
H 318 8' ' ) 325 M 131 W 3 SO
CO 311 12) 323 03 2C1 200 3 . .0
53 310 120 Z 27H 41 333 BO 3 80
M 312 80 3 ! 7ti * > I 233 8' ' ) 3 SHi
67 SIS' . . . 3 27 $ 53 2'2 80 3 3J',4
67 3SI 40 3 27'i 73 m . . . 325
CO JOi 2(0 3 21i GO 2 > 9 80 385
1 470 . . . 223 2 305 . . . 325
4 342 40 32) 5 332 . . . 32' .
1 31) . . . S 2214 I " 3 . . . 32" >
3 334 . . . 3 2J'/i ' 4 " . 'X . . . 3 27V4
6 34' ' ) . . . 3 Z2V I ill . . 3 S2'/i
6 Mi . . . 3 22 > 4
HIIKIJI'-Thi" Bheop maiket was In very fa-
voraliln condition for the Bellern. the demand
bolus good nnd values strnnji-r. Representative
sales ;
No- Av. Pr.
5 native ewes 137 | 3 M
9 native wetherx 117 4 2r.
527 Mexlran mixed 83 425
2C3 Mexican yearlings , 78 4 80
2 native Iambs 70 500
10 native luinlw. . . . eo s no
4G atockers 81 260
3S2 stockcrs 79 Z CO
lnilluiiiipnllf * Ilvu Sluc-lf.
INDIANAl'OMB. Nov. 1 CATTLK K celpti ,
lluhl ; bhlpments , none ; no ituotable changes In
market , '
HOGS Receipts , 2,000 hend ; uhlpmento , K * )
hoad. Market , active ; 7Wa lower. Ooixl lo choice
medium nnd hc vy. $3.0) ) 3.6214 ; mixed and heavy ,
H.-'Wn.eO ; common llnlil. } 3.60fl3.CO.
SHBEf Ileqolpts llKht ; Hhlpmcnt ; . rrono.
Market , steady ; no quotable change ,
SI. LoilU llvtSliMU. .
ST. ijovia. NOV. i. CATTM : iieceiptH. 4.000
heail , uUijun-ills , too head ; market , ftron ; fair
to fancy native shipping iternt , } 4.40f(3.30. built
of sale * , | I.M4 < ! > .00 , dressed beet grades. } ( .tou
4.K , hulk of nlc > . M { MM. CO , Meets no > r l.dft ) |
round * , J3. 0ft4 lit bulk "f ( UC ! > . J3.&K9J.M ! ,
Mnrkora find f < sfrv , 2.4CKM.tV bulk of > Mr > ,
.roW3.7S : o.ow nj heifer * . U.ttCH.SS ; bulk ot
nnlfd , JJ.BOCfJ 50 ; rnnnlne raw , $ l. OtfS.M. Toxn.i
nr > , l Indian Mcor . I3.tivtf4.00i bulk ot ontra ,
J3.Cff3.7J , oown and helfrr * . IJ S3JM.M.
IIOC1Shccelptii , 4 , hcftd ; innrkft. BeUiwori I
lUht. 1 3 40ff3.S6 : ml-iovl , t3.RWS.t4 : ilienvy. J3. .
81IHKP Ucc-elpK 1,000 hfa.l ; nnrhct.
native nmttont. M.20 4.1S ! stockrro , Z. a.OOi
Di-iniiilil U Slrontr Alt Ariiiiiul mill
* " I'rli-i-M Arc Vi-ry IMrin.
CHH'AOO , Xov. ] . In cnttle the uncxpect-
oilly Biimll mipply , In connc-ctlon with ft peed ilc-
tntind , caused ft firm marKet and Rood to choice
fat beevfs uoM quickly. Common native beef
steers Bold nt from $3.90 to 14. 3 > . middling Krndo.i
at from $1.50 in JI.75 ntul the ticst Mtlpplns
cattle nt from } 5.tO to J5.40. The bulk of the
cattle went for from JI.DO to J3.10 nnd there
was n fnlr export demand for fat ftentn. Hulls
Bold nl the recent decline nnd cows nnd heifers
werp nctlvo nt Mronir ami relatively hlshrr
prlcem Calves were nctlvr > nt from 16.13 to
16.75 for1 best Rrndeii. Only about f5 Texani nr-
flveil nnd they - > ld nt Meiuly prlew. About
3,000 western ranirc cattle were reotlved nnd
they moved off brl'kly nt llrm inlces , n bl
share Rolnfr to feeders nnd cnnnern.
Tnere was nn nctlve local nnd shipping ile-
mand for hoffs nnd prlcc. < tilled Kftierally
stronger than last Saturday. Sales were larsely
nt from U.43 to J3.63 , coarse heavy packers RC | | .
IHR nt from J3.2" , to JJ.t1) nnd prime bacon IIORS
nt from J.1.CO to 53.70. Most of the plK * found
buyers nt from 13.0 t3 UJii. The market closed
stronner. with FOIHO siles n nlckol hlshtr.
There was n send demnnd for sheep nnd lambs ,
shi-ep lielnp salable at from $ iA ) to J3.CO for the
poorest up lo JI.K to Jl M ) for the bent native * .
Western rnnge shtep sold nt. from $3.00 to J4.S3 ,
feeders brlHKltiK fron ) H.RO to $1.00. I.-imbs
sold nt from JI.CO t. > 51.f > for the linort-st U | > to
Jfi.CO td | S 7S for the best , feeders brlnKliiR Item
$4.CO to tl.EO.
llccelpts ; Cnttle. 17.COO hend ; IIORS , 41 , WO
head ; s.ieep , 15,000 brad.
iiN Clly Mvc .stnoU.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. l.-CATTl.H-llocelpts ,
7,000 bend ; market steady to rtroiiK ! Texas
steers , f2.SOi3.3 : native stet-is. $3.S3fI3.03 ; nn
tlvo cows and heifers , Sl.COjf4.50 ; dtocKeru nnd
feeders , J2.50ff4.35 ; btilK J2.00ri3.50.
IIOQS Herelpts , S.fiOtl head ; market opened
weak to Co lower , .cloflnn steady nt opening
prices : bulk of nales J3 40jj3.17H : heavies , } 3.37',4
STS.fpO ; packers. $3.,0fi3.45 ; tnlxeil , $3. 1093.624 ;
llBlim. $3.S5 < g > 3.62ii ; yorkers , 13.M33.52V4 ; I'lKS ,
8HKEP Uceolpls. 2,000 hend ; market strong ;
lambs , J3.n033.COj muttons. } 2.r,0ffl.:3.
Now York l.lvi' StiK-If.
NKW YOIIK. Nov. l.-llHIJVHS-llecelpts , 3-
H3 hend : native ftrers , JI.COH1.83 ; sines nnd
oxen , J2.75fiM.GO ( ; bulls. J2.70fi'3.25 ; dry cows. $1 S )
R323. Cubles quote Aimrlcin 'beeves at I014W
llVie ; refrlKerator iH-ef ht iffS r ; expoita tomor
row , 29 beeves , 2.1SO quarters of btcf.
CAIA'ES Receipts. 1,2 3 head ; vi-nls. JJ.COQi
7.75 : cnlves , J3.00f3.50 ; we tein , J.COffl CO.
SHKK1' AND I'AMllb'-llecclpts , llC55 head ;
sheep. Sl.COIT4.COj lambs , J3.00S7S.M.
I1OQS UccvlptH , 12fS2 head ; lower nt $3.40C ?
Knn ( MlK-rly Live Sloi-k.
KAST MHHUTY , 1'n. , Nov. 1.-CATTM2
Sternly : prime , Jl MB4.95 ; common , J3.0.1jf3.r.O ;
bulls. Flaps nnd cows. 52.0C0'.1 00.
HOflS .Slow nnd lower ; prime medium nnd
best Yorkers , J3.73U3.EOr common to fnlr Yorkers
and piss , J3.70if3.75 : heavy , J3.03.75 | ; louxhs ,
J2 23W3 25.
SHKl'l * Steady ; choice , $4.205T4.50 ; eommon ,
J2.75S3.23 ; choice lambs , jr-.SOffS TO ; common to
Koul lambs , $4.001fl.20 ; veal calves , JG.COIfG 73.
1lllllHVlll ( > 1lftSlOIU. .
T.niTIS-\-ir > lJ' : . K.y. . Nov. I. CATTI.H-Hnrket
steady : unchati ( ; < il.
1IOOS Actlvinnd TH ; lower ; lsl l hi'nvv nnd
medium. $3 r > i ? 3 5 > ; IlKht. $3.35 ; jilp , f3.231f3.4i ) .
KIIKHI' ANI > IjAMLIS Dull nnd lower ; bc-st
lambs , $ I.COfl.73.
Clnoliiiintl l.ivc Sloi'k.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 1. HOOS-Steady ; S3.005J
3.C3.CATTM'Innsy ; $2 2.W5.10.
HlIKi : ! ' Stcndv ; $2,2584.00.
L.AMI1S J3.73J5.33.
.S(0 ( < - UIII
Hcord of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for November 1 :
Omaha B.M3
ChlcnKO 17.MV )
Kunfna City 7.000
St. Louis 4.000
Totals 34.493 CI.61G 19,973
Head "Simon Dale" in The Sunday Boo.
If you don't talto It , subscrlbo now.
HlH Iiifnrmiiltlr In tinOlllce nml AVliy
3I - iiVire Xi-vi-r DlNcliarjrnl.
It is a tradition of the Sun omco thnt Mr.
Dana never discharged a mnn.Not that ho
did not try ; nnd that Is a story told by E. W.
Townsend In the New i'ork Journal.
There are a number of unwritten rules in
the Sun ofllce regarding Mr. Dana's pet aver
sions In faulty or Inelegant writing. A
slip on. one of these rules , which by accident
would pass the copy reader , would cause the
only exhibitions of temper ever made by the
"chief. " At such times he would rush Into
the local room with the paper cqntalnlng the
offensive sentence In his hand and demand
of the managing cdltori "Mr. Lord , who
wrote this ? "
Mr. Lord would Inquire and Inform him
that the delinquent was , let us say , Mr.
"Discharge Mr. Jonea , " Mr. Dana would
command and retire up.
Enter Mr. Jones , and lo him Mr. Lord :
"Mr. Jones , you need not take an assign
ment today , but report for duty tomorrow ,
as usual. " Then , for Mr. Jones' further en
lightenment , Mr. Lord would explain the
Ono of the men now highly respected In
the Sun olllce was thus "discharged" three
tlmea , and Mr. Dana became very familiar
with his name , eo that when , for the fourth
time , ho was told by the grnvo nnd imper
turbable Mr. Lord that "Mr. JonfB" bad
written something the "chief" had Inquired
about , Mr. Dana said , with a twlnltlo in his
eye : "Well , tell him this ( a very well writ
ten ; very well. " Then , after a pause , ho
added : "Your Judgment s to Jonea has
turned out all right and I'm glnd ho Is on
the paper still , nut Isn't It curious I can
never secure the discharge of a man ? "
Ho was moro prone to praise than blamo.
Ho would frequently go to Mr. JCbllogg , the
city editor , and direct that the writer of an
indicated article should bo told that the
editor had complimented It.
There was a penalty attached to his praise
given In poison. Once If I may bo pardoned
a personal experience I had a proof re
turned to me with Instruction to elaborate a
brief description I had written of the danc
ing of the Sandwich Island women. A few
days after the article was printed Mr. Dana
stopped at my desk and complimented the
work. The Instant he had disappeared and I
waa endeavoring to conquer my blushes ,
every reporter In the ofllco had picked up bis
hat , and twenty of them stood about me ,
rather expectantly , I thought.
"Wo aro'waiting , " ald one.
"What for ? " I asked.
"That cal's for wine on you , " was the
rosporne. "It is a rule of the ofllce. "
Fortunately It waa pay day.
In the Sun olllco there Is no dally counsel
Stocks , Grain and Provisions
HOUIII 111 iIltiaril of Trmlti l'UlK.
{ Tel. 1U33.J
C. C. CHIUSTIK President
B. J. STREET Vlco President
G. W. iiSNNBY Senrutary
David T. I3eala , F'rest. No 3GS7 ,
F. P. Peal.Vice Pren. Union .Viilloiuil llnnli
Chas. H. V. Lewis , Cash. Capital. JCflft.OOO ,
1CANBAB CITT. Mo. , .M > rii U. U3T.
We hereby certify that the Chrl tle-fc't et
CommnsBlon Company has thin day cimimeiited
nuBliit'83 with U' by utpoaltlng I'lfiy ThumiuriU
Dnllurn ( P/.WJO.OC ) In
( Ulctuleo. ) CHARLES II , V LKYVIH ,
Telephone loan. Omaha , Nub
Direct wlreo to Chicago ami New York.
Correspondent * ! John A , Warren & Co.
01,1) COMI.VV IllHMl\ ( > , 'CIIIOAi ' ( ) .
Members Chicago Hoard of Trndu since H'C2.
drain , Provisions anJ K. Y. Slocks
Orders Cash and Kuluru Delivery Solicited ,
Oiiiuhu Olllue , Iluoiii 1 , \ . V. l.lfi ) llliltr.
, . . . 'I'liiiiiti 1)111. . . .
of the head oxccutlvo men , ns ( hero la In
most metropolitan newspaper oftices , There
could bo no "counsel" when Mr. Dana w §
there. He gave his Injunctions , briefly nnj
Informally to the different heads , n Ilkc-Ijr
going tn their desks to ilo so as la end fai <
them to report to him.
In four year * I never saw the doors ot
hU room closed when ho was there. Whlto
ho wag too good a disciplinarian < o ever ,
give Instructions over the heads of his staff , ,
there was no member of the staff who could
not K < > dlrecly to Mr. Dana without any
formality nnd s > cek his advice- about his
affair's. If he wished to do so.
When tha lighting begin In the Wilder ,
ness , In Mny , 1SG4 , the blooilleat month of
the whole war. Dam was summoned to the
War dnpartment , late one night , when ha
wasnt a tarty. Ho hurried over to thri do *
partment In his evening dress. The presi
dent was there , talking very soberly with
"D.tua , " sali ! Mr. Lincoln , "you know w
have been In the tUrk for two days slnco
Grant moved. Wo uro very much troubled ,
and have concluded to tvnd you down Uicro. j
How soon can you start ? " ij
"In half an hour , " replied Dana. {
In about that time he > had am cnglno flred
up at Alexandria , n cavilry escort awaiting-
him there , naid with his own horse was J
aboard the twin nt Maryland nventto that
was to take him to AloxamtrM , Ills only \
Imggigc was a tooth brush. Ho .waa Just ij
starting when an orderly gallopi-d up with 4
word that the president wished to wo him.
Dana roJo back to the department la hot
bit-tc. Mr. Lincoln was sitting tin tlio name
"Well. Dana , " said he. looking up , "slnco
you went away I've been thinking about It.
1 tlon't llko to send you down there. "
"Why riot , Mr. President ? " asked Dana , a
little surprised.
"You cxin't tell , " continued the president ,
"Just wlierr > Leo Is and what ho Is doing ;
nnd Jcb Stuart Is rampaging arouiul pretty
lively In between the llnppnhannock and the 4
Itapldan. It's a considerable risk , and I
don't like to cxpcso you to It , "
"Mr. President. " said Dcma , "I have a
cavalry guard ready nnd a good hoieo my
self. If it comes to the worst , wo nro
equipped to run. It's getting late , and I
want to get down to the Haprnhnnnock
by daylight. 1 think I'll start. "
"Woll , now , Dana , " said the president ,
with a llttlo twinkle In his eyes , "If you
fcol that way , I rather wish you would.
GooJ night , and God bless you , "
Don't 'bo ' without a bottle of Cook's Im
perial Champagne In your house. There U
nothing better to entertain with ,
Subscrlbo for The Sunday Ilco and read
Anthuny Hnio'a ; great story "Sltnou Dale. "
Ily I'lircliiifiliiK OootlK .ilatlint tlic I'ol-
( Successors Omaha Tcr.J unJ AxvninB Co. )
Manufacturer * tentR , uwnlnKS. Jobbem ladles'
ami KenU' inacliintoshea. 1'enli for rent. 1311
Kunmm St. , OmnhH.
Car loaj shipments made In our own
orator curs , lllue Illbbon. Hiiic lixport , Vicmm
Export and Family i\port delivered to .ill par'.j
ot tbo ctly.
1'avlne , Sewer ami liullillni :
Capacity. 100.000 per day. Odlce and yard. 2d II
nnd Hickory Sts. Telephone 425. Omaha. Neb , "I
G. K. R1MINI3T13R , COIIMCK wonics.
Mnnufacmrcr of Galvanized Iron Cornices. Qa'-
vnnlzed Iron SkyllghtB. Tin. lion nml Slntt
Uoollni ; . AKCHI for Klnnenr's Steel Cellini : .
108-10-12 Nrtii Eleventh street
Wholesale Cracls-r Mn'nufacturcrs ,
WOUICS , IT. 1 Fiiriiiini St.
Dyeing and cleaning of garments nnd fcwdj of
every description. Clennlnj , ' . of fine Earmcnts a
Flour. Meal , Feed and Bran. 1013-15-17 North
17th Street , Omaha , Neb. C. E. Black , manager.
Telephone M2.
Iron nml HriiHN Koumlci-N.
JJnniifnctnrera and Jobbers of Machinery. Gen
eral repairing n specialty 1C01 , 1SOJ end * 160J
Jaclcton stitet , Onmna Neb ,
Mnnufucturorn of Architectural Iron Work.
General Foundry. Machine and Ulackmnlth worlt.
EnRlnecrs np-J Contractors for Flic Proof Ilulld-
Ing" . Ofllce nnd woika ; U , I1. Hy. nnd South
17th street , Omaha.
Manufacturers eli ! process raw llnseod oil ,
kettle boiled Ilnseea oil , od ! process ground lin
seed cake , ( 'rjund and scrcenec1 flaxterd for
druggists. OMAHA. NT.n.
It , G. 1)MJ1 > ,
Manufacturer I/iunRcs , Coucheb , .Mattreeaet.
Jobber of Sprint ; Ueils and Kealhcrs 41M13 H.
10th alreet ,
Manufacturers of high grade MQttrc ej , 1302-1
Nlcholns Street. Omaha ,
. ClothliiR , Pants , Shirts nnd Overall * .
ExclUBlvc cuitom < ihrt ! tnllom , 1516 Farnnm.
ui : COMPANY ,
I'leced , Stumped and Jop.imied Tinware , Oratv.
Ita Iron , Hollow Ware , etc.
1003 Farnam Ht. OMAHA.HKR
Mnnaufncturcrs of Vinegar , I'lcklei , Catsups ,
Muxurils , Celery and Worcestershire Bnuco ,
For a good suhntuntlal vehicle of any dencrlp-
tlun , for reimintliie or rubber tlrea on new or old
wheels , thu be | place U 27th nnd IxmyciirortU
Diiii.imoNii OAiiiiiAui ; co.
Cheap , medium priced and tony carrlaeci.
Any thine you want , second hnnil or new.
Heudrjuarti-ru for Rubber llren , wurruntvd. 18tU
and llurncy , opposite Court Houie.
' "
A ! J. blMI'SOA ,
1 Kill , I'lll Dtiilite ,
Full line of Carriages. Jlueelei , 1'hnetun.i , Ton )
Cart" . Wheel * rubber llifd. Tbt ) ben l > tht
IIK.VI : * co.
UilBe l fncto-y In thu wf l. Leading Jrb-
bcra of Omaha , Kiinaan City , IJnc ln and St.
Joseph handle our Kuwl * . lOOi Furuum street.