E OMAHA DAILY BEE JUNE JO , 1871. CXMAIIA , TUESDAY IMTOIW * IN G- , 2 , 1807 TAVELTVE. PAGES. . OOl'Y FIVE UI3NTM. CLAIMING T1IE EARTH Greater Hew York Politicians Reach Out After Everything. * . CONFIDENCE SHOWN AT HEADQUARTERS Each Party Assorts that Its Candidate Will Bo Elected. BETTING IS FAVORABLE TO VAN WYCK Rtatcinenta Is&ned by Leaders of the Respective Partita. GEORGL S SUPPORTERS MAKE AN APPEAL ClONIOf < ) ! < JIllHt Sl-llNlltlOlllll I'ollt- 1'nl Cl'lllllltlKII KVIT Kllimll 111 the HlNtory > ' Hi- ; ( Mi'trojiollH , * . YOHK , Nov. 1. Tlio most sensa- Sional po ) < , i4al campaign lu the history ot KJW Vork emlcd tonight. Not a day for the ftKl mM'ib has benn do.old of exciting incident ! * , Months n-jo It scored aa though ther < | v'Mld no u straight fight between the republican and democrats , -vllh the odds Jit * , i\or ot iho latter TJn aus.uct of opposi tion to too Raines liquor law , \cmibllcan ir.eanu'e w'lJsh requires tiaioons to pay n high llcenso ant1 rblnaln'clcscd from 1 to 0 u. m. and to remain closed on Sunday. The law Is highly unpopular nmonu the foreign boru Inhabitants of this city. Four events have occurred which have In turn upset 'thp calculations of the political Aider , The llrst tJaa the formation ot the Oltlzci ' | union , which drew Its strength cMo'ly 'from the republican party , and' whose leidoi.i were no fiercely hostile to Senator Pint' a .d his methods ot directing the reg ular republican organization that u coalition ot All the anti-Timmany forces nud that Mr. I'laJ * repeatedly declared ho desired , was Impossible. The Citizens' union leaders as. sorted that 'ho regular republican organiza tion and Us manager were quite as offensive to good citizens as were those of Tammany The PL-cord startling event was the return from Europe of Tammany's old leader , or rather his Inur.eJiato assumption of the management ot Tammany hall. Ho swept asldb opptMlifcta and dictated the nom ination of rtobcrt A. Van Wyck for major i. vl carried matters with such a high hand as to lead to serious defections from the wigwam. GEORGE'S CAMPAIGN. The third epoch of the campaign began at the call of Henry George to the democrats \vhr. betlaved In Thomas JcTorson lo Join him In a tight for hotwat government. His vet erans In the campaign of 18SO , when he polled 05,500 vottnflooked to his standard as the sold lei s of France did to the tanner of Napoleon returned from Elba , and In a few daya Henry George , lacking none of the resources of war , -was waging a fight that amazed all the political parties. From the Ilattcry to the -Bronx , from Staten Island to Uockaway , he preached the rights of man , nnd denounced the so-called party "bosses" with a fierce energy that electrified the city. Last Thursday night the tldo seemed to be flowing Irrcs'stlbly to George. On Friday cnmo his death , an event that moved Nesv York as nothing has since the civil war. At the campaign headquarters tonight each party expresses confidence In winning tomorrow. The betting favors Van Wyck , the Tammany candidate tor mayor , Seth Low ranking next. Old politicians are quoted as eaylng the vote for young George will not lie large. large.FOUR FOUR POTENT CANDIDATES. The potent candidates for the office of major arc four In number , al though there are two additional can didates for the people's suffrages Uccjemln F. Tracy , secretary o ! the navy in the cublnct of President Harrison , Is the republican nominee ; Robert A. Van Wyck , chief Judge of the city court , Tammany I ' democratic candidate ; Seta Low , president of Columbia university and twice mayor of Brooklyn , tha candidate for the citizens' union , and Henry George , son of the late advocate of the single tax theory , the inde pendent or Thomas Jefferson democratic nominee. Besides the mayor , comptroller and presi dent of the council , the officers of the muni cipality that are to be chosen there are to bo elected members of the state assem bly , county officials , borougn officials and members of the judiciary. In addition there Is to bo elected a successor to Francis II. Wiison , who resigned his seat as a repre sentative In congress of the district to be come postmaster. The nominees are Wil liam H. PrcuilerKnat , republican ; Edmund II. Urlgg. democratic , end Horatio C. Lang , In dependent democrat. In the state there will bo an o'ectlon for chief Judge of the court ot appeals , the leading candidates being Wil liam J. Wal'ace , republican , and Alton II. Parker , democrat , P.UU'V ESTIMATES. Chairman Qulgg for the republicans says the county committee confidently expects the election of General Tracy and fccU ) absolutely confident that Seth Low will not carry a single assembly district Jn the present city ot New York. Accord ing to Mr , Qulgg , "Tho ratio of votes as between Low and Tracy will bo 3V4 to 1 , " nnd ho expects Tracy to poll a total of 200,000 votes. Ex-.Ma > or Hugh Grant , who IB Judge Van AVyck's manager , Ihtnicd a statement Irv which ho estimated Iho democratic can didate's vote In Greater New York at 240- 000. Of these he expected 148,000 In the ] ireEcnt city of Now York , 84,500 In llrooklyn and 8,375 In the boroughs ot Queens and HlchmopU , Mr , Grant , In his forecast , places the Henry George vote at from 20.000 to 25- 000 , and gives Tracy aud Low 235,300 to divide between them. Churlea Sleekier for the citizens' union cl a I ma a plurality of 27,000 for Low over Vail Wyck in the present city of Now York , and In support gives figures from assembly districts which ho says are based on actual canvasses made by citizens' union workers. Ho says that vouchers and certificates , signed In all cases by the men who made the canvass , are on file at Low headquarters. At the George headquarters a detailed etatcincnt by assembly districts was given to show that George will have 97,000 votes In the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. No estimate wus made of the Brooklyn vote , but unless an extremely largo George vote Is expected from that quarter It would appear from the 97,000 estimate that the Jeffereoulan democratic leaders do not claim the election ol their candidate , John C. Bheehan , leader of Tammany hall Us lesucd tbe following statement ! > "Tbo great municipal politic * ! wntwt U about to close. U will bo memorable In the history of American politics. It will re sult In a great democratic victory. As in the dnys of Thomas Jefferson the democratic party In this contest has been arrayed against the party that believes the masses ot tbe people have no voice In the selection ot tbclr ofllclnls. It has had to fight against the greed of the party of monopolists with the federal administration at Us head. For the past three years the city of New York has been governed by the party which has for Its motto 'I am holler than thou , ' anil which has given us the most wasteful , rx- travngant and corrupt administration that the city of New York has ever experienced. Unquestionably the result tomorrow will bo a crushing defeat for the enemies of the democratic party , and the enemies ot the common people and the triumphant election of Hobeit A. Van Wyck and the rest of the democratic ticket. " GEORGE'S APPEAL. The executive committee of the Jcffcr- sonlan democracy today met and Issued the following address : "The spontaneous and pathetic tribute of : hc people of New York , paid to the dead Tribune of The People , has demonstrated juyond the shadow of a doubt that Henry George , the father , would , had God spared lilm to us , have been elected to the mayoralty of our great city. More than this , It fore shadows with equal certitude the complete victory ot Henry George , the son , who now | leads the hosts his father marshaled. We I call thu attention of the democratic voters I wh3 halo and scorn the Ignoble and corrupt ' men who hive seized the machinery ot their ' l > arty to make It serve selfish and venal finite , that that life-long democrat and val iant fee of bosilsm , Charles W. Dayton , still leads In the democracy of Thomas Jefferson against the democracy of Ulchard Crokcr. 'To worklngmen who , with heavy hearts and bowed heads , saw the body ot their j bravest chairylon borne to Its resting place , | we declare this work Is not ended , his prlncl- j lies survive , aud In contributing to the tiiuinph of all that Is contended for they | servo themselves and the city. We point to , Jerome O'Neill , as a iron nobly qualified to | represent In public station the worklngmen ' ot the city and wo urge that the political I strength of the laboring masses bo measured ' liy his voto. This Is still , as It has been , the struggle of the people against bosses chosen and auroortod by the choseci classes. It is still , as It has been , a battle for real democracy within the democratic party. The deith ot tbe great leader no more closes tlio ' contest for equal rights and the attack upon meclal privileges than did Warren's fall at \ Hunker Hill end the domination ot our land by a British king. " TAMMANY HALL DARK. Tammany l-all was flark and deserted to night. The lieutenants had received their final Instructions during tbo afternoon and the lines were closed up for battle tomorrow. From Chief Croker to thn humblest worker of 4he lot Tammany Hall was confident of a sweeping victory for every candidate under Itn standard. Tlio Qeorgo headquarters were deserted to night save for the presence of several mem bers of the campaign committee. The general feeling Is one of confidence. "It Is our belief , " said a member of the campaign committee , "that our candidate will poll all the votes that would luvo gone to bis father and many beside. I do not think Mr. Low will profit much , If at all , by Mr. George's death. Wo arc not making predictions , but from that confidence gained by close touch with tbo plain pecple , we feel that this city will glvo tbo politicians a big surprise. " In the Hoffman house lobby tonight the betting was 3 to 1 on VanWyck , whose surporters seemed to have money to bum. Wbllo republicans were accepting bets occa-j slonally they made none. Low men were | on hand acid placed several wagers. Demo cratic Chairman Danforth tonight left for bis homo to vote. Only the members of the press staff In the Van Wyck quarters remained. The workers were out in their respective vlnejards. SOME SAMPLE BETS. The Herald gives the following as thp bet ting upon the Greater New York municipal election : 1 to 3V6 against Van Wyck. 3'/6 ' to 1 against Low. 15 to 1 against Tracy. Even mccicy that Van Wyck's plurality exceeds -10,000. Even money that Low docs not get more than 165,000 votes. 1 to 8 and even money that Low carries Brooklyn. i Even money that Tiaoy's vote exceeds 100,000. Even money that Van Wck gets 200,000 votes. MMCIXLI3V TALKS KHOM HIS 1'OItCll. Comnii-rcliil TrnvHtTM mill \Vnrlc I mi llion I'ri'Ni-lil Him an AiUIl-CHs. CANTON , O. . Nov. 1. The" " people of Can ton turned out In large numbers to welcome President McKInlov on his arrival at homo this evening. Ho was escorted to his resi dence bv the Canton troop , where ho was waited upon bv the Commercial Travelers' association and a large delegation of workIng - Ing men from Deuber Heights , most of them from the Deuber watch works. In response to an address of welcome the president said : Qcntlcmen of the Commercial Travelers' nff-oclutlon nnd the employes of Deuber Heights and my fellow citizens : It glvs ino great pleasure to be back at my old homo again and to receive nt the hands of my fellow citizens the warm nnd eorJlal , nnd , I am sure , heartfelt welcome with which they greet mo tonight1. I am glad to bo assured by the ppokesman who nan ad dressed mo that those for whom be spoke guvo approval of the national administra tion with i.vblch I hiive bet'ii associated by tbt- partiality of j'our suffrages given last year. ( Applause nnd cries of "Clocd ! Good ! " ) I assijro you , my fellow citizens , ih.it when I entered upon my public- duties I hnd but1 one aim , but one purpose the good of my cdintry and the wt-lfaro of my countrymen ( applause nnd "Good boy ! " ) , nnd nothing roulil be more encouraging to me , nothing ccuHl Htlmplato mo to greater effort than to bo assured by my felloA citizens , as 1 have been ussuied by them tonight , that 0-ey are now employed and have steady work. ( Prolonged cheering. ) I am deeply Interested In the prosperity ot my homo city , nnd the greater tbo prosperity the ( fruiter will bo m > ' satisfaction ( npplaust ) I will not detain you In this Inclement weather ( cries of "Go on ! " ) , only lena enough to assure you that from the bottom of my heart I thank you for this generous welcome homo tonight. ( General cheering ) Simultaneous meetings at two balls were held. The speeches were made at both by Senators Hanna , Burrows and .Mason and Afcslstant Secretary of the Interior Davis President and ' .Mrs. McKlnley remain with President McKInlcy's mother. The president will leave for Plttsburg Wednesday morning. Iltih H Hunk In Ontario. BUHLINGTON. Ont. , Nov. 1. The prlvuto tank of It. Q. Baxter waa broken Into and the vault and safe wrecked by dynamite early Ihlg tuorolBg. About | S,000 was taken. ON THE EVE OF ELECHON Prognostications ai to the Outcome of Today's ' Balloting. TICKETS BA3LY MIXED UP EYtRYWOE Mmilcliuil Contextx lit NOTV York nnd Ohio l.lUfly lo Have Coi Iiillnrncc on Cciu-ral | ItCHIlltM. AM1ANY , N. Y. , Nov. 1. In every municipality ' pality In thu state a vigorous campaign Is being prosecuted for municipal control , uM < the blanUct ballot Instead of proving a dc- | torrent to thu Independent nomination has { led , seemingly , to thu creation of more par- j tics than have ever before bad a place In I the elections of the cities. These thlngSt j enough In themselves to claim all Uic atten tion of the voters , are further multiplied by the addition of a camp.ilgti for judge of tbo court of appeals that has slarteJ the two great parties to very active efforts In the en deavor not so much to gain the candidate a place as to demonstrate In this off scar of politics that the party of one or the other Is dominant. The democrats hope to demon strate that they are- getting back to a. normal state and recovering from ti'.ic landslides of the past few years , and the republicans seek to show that such 'Is ' not the case. The. stt'to contest IcnJs sonio more flavor to the local contests , although there are no expressions from the democrats that would lead to the belief that they would expect to control the lower branch of tbo legislature , but only to reduce the overwhelming majority tuat for two years has given the republicans so much power. Tbo contest for the chief Judgesblp ot the court of appeals Is a very cloao one la the opinion of those who should be well Informed. The republican candidate , Judge Wallace , has the prestige of the republican party for the past two years , which It would seem al most Imposalble to overcome , but , on the con trary , the democrats claim they will show their purty Is regaining Its strength In the state and that from that source alone their candidate , Judge Parker , will poll a largo vote. In addition to this the democratic candi date has the advantage of being at the head of tno colunms on the blanket ballot , and of having the support of several of the great New York City dallies that do not support the regular municipal democratic candidate , The republicans concede many of thet-o ad vantages , but Insist that their party sticngth has not materially failed during the last jcar and that success for the democrats is not to 'bo ' thought of. FIGHT OVER ASSEMBLY. The contest for the control of the assembly Is Influenced In a great measure by the bitterness of the local campaigns and fore casts of some months ago , giving great gains for the democrats , are not In effect now. Particularly Is this so In the Greater New- York district , where the splitting up of the various party votes has led 'to complications that in many democratic districts will lead to the election of republicans , and In the re publican districts will give democrats a chance. To attempt to forecast the result with any degree of certainty would bo im possible , but It is claimed that In the en tire state the democrats will gain about thirty members over the number last year. This would glvo them elxty-flve votes In the next session , as compared with thirty- five last , and would leave the republicans with c. vote of eighty-five , as compared with 115 last year. Some democrats claim that the bouse will be closer than this , but the best obtainable figures do not seem to call for any greater gain , and the republicans say the democrats will not have a gain of over twenty at the utmost. In Albany county the democrats claim that the fourth district will be democratic , In. Green county they claim to have a chance for gain , nnd Chemung and Clinton , counties they have hopes ot changing to democracy. "In Erlo county tbo democrats claim they will gain two or three more and the republican fight In Cortland gives them some encouragement in that county. The gains , In tbo state will , how ever , be very small and such large gains as are made will bo In tbe Greater New York territory. CI.OSI1 OK THIS IOWA CAMl'AKJX. Itrpiilillcaii Clinlriniia I'roil ! < ' n Vic tory liy KorlTlioiiMiinil. . DBS MOINES , Nov. 1. Thcro has been no change In the political situation here during the last twenty-four hours. The headquarters of both parties were practically closed today. A largo number of speeches were made to night In various parts of the state. Chair man McMillan of the republicans Is In Ilock Haplds to vote , and Chairman Walsh of tbo democrats is In Ottumwa for the same pur pose. The republicans fay they can lose 5,000 votes compared with last year , count 25,000 only as the democratic loss and they will still have the 40,000 plurality claimed by their clialrman. Chairman Walsh Is claiming that his party will lose no votes , but will gain some from the gold democrats. He says the republicans last year polled 70,000 votes In excess of tbcr | normal vote , which was 220,000 at high water mark until last year. He th'.nkn those 70,000 votes were urgely gold demo crats and that those will this year mostly votu for their party ticket. Messrs. Shaw and White , the two standard bearers , closed their campaigns tonight , In- s'stlng that free stiver and the gold standard are important Issues In Iowa. Tbo gold democrats are claiming 15,000 to 20,000 votes. The prohibitionists have como forward to claim 20,000 , their highest heretofore hiving been 10,000 votes two years ago. Tbe fad Is tbit no one caci tell tow HID ballots will bo - st tomorrow. After tbo high tldo ol last year there Is no telling by politicians what will H&tpcn this your. IVri.BMH.NT WUATIII3II IX OHIO. Colil II n 1 11 rallH mill I'nllllciil Mfft- IIIKH Aru Aliiiiiilnnril. CINCINNATI , Nov. 1. The last day of the Ohio campaign has been so Inclement that most of the meetings were abandoned. A cold rain set In Sunday night and continued today all over thi > ntate without cessation. The Indications are that It will ccntinu tonight and there will be clear and ccld weather tomorrow for the elec'.lan. Al though there has been a long drouth throughout the Ohio valley ths smaller streams ar ? high tonight , and there will bo bad roads In the rural districts tomorrow. Some predict that the ra us will jircvcnt the farmers from working and thus secure as largo a vote as though fairer \\cather prevailed - j vailed , This Is what Is known as an "off year'1 In Ohio , The ytars following presi dential elections are called "off years. " Fal lowing tbe election ot Hayes in 187G the democrats carried Ohio In 1877 for BUhop lor governor and a Icgltlaturo that made Ocorgs H. Pcndleton democratic senator. Following1 theelccllon of Cleveland In 18S4 the republicans carried the state In 1SS5 for Forakcr for fiovcrnor and , Slicrman for senator. Following the election of Harrison In 1888 the democrats In lSSS electoi Camp bell governor nnd scoured a legislature that made Brlco senator. Following the reelection tion of Cleveland In 18d2 came the great triumph ot McKlnley for govcrnor and the return ot Sherman to the' senate. And the democrats now say that following the elec tion of McKlnley In 189C history will repeat Itself on the record of "off years" bslng against the party that Is In power. And to night they are also talking of "oft weather. " The democrats are claiming Hamilton county by a largo plurality , and on account of Us fourteen members of the legislature they also clnlnr a majority In that body for the election of a United States senator. The republicans claim a Inrg ; plurality on their .state ticket and that they will have a ma jority In the legislature without Hamilton county. The republicans hero today arc ot- fo'rlng bets on electing their candidates for the legislature in Hamilton , but they con cede that the result for the county offices will be close. 1NTKXHH PKKIil.Vf : . IX KI5XTUCIC Y. CiiiniinlKii IN Oiuof the IlHtrri'iU LOUISVILLE , Nov. 1. The campaign In j this city has c'osed and though the bitterness - j ness which marked the fight last year Is In i a great measure absent the /feeling1 / Is In- j tente. The only state office to bo filled Is tnat of clerk ot the appellate court , for which there are four candidates : Samuel J. Slnckelford , silver democrat ; . J , L. Hind- man , national democrat ; 'J. 5Hal'ey , re publican , and J. O. Parker , populist. A gen eral afpembly , composed .of 100 representa tives and thirty-eight ( senators' will also be selected by the voters In the respective dls- trlcta. Much interest Is being taken In tbo local municipal contest , Charles P. Weaver and George D. Ted being the democratic and republican candidates respectively. Mr. Ted Is the incumbent and-the race has been the hottest hero In years. The fight has jcen conducted entirely on local Issues. Ex-Senator Joseph C. 6. Blackburn and other posslbla candidates for the United States senate in 1SOO when Senator Lindsay's term will expire , are taking the greatest pos sible interest In the election of members of the legislature , each seeking { o gain an ad vantage. In many of the country races the democrats and populists have -fusion tickets , while In others the republicans and national democrats have made fusion agreements. On account of these1 fusions Iho idemocrais arc claiming that they will holt ! most of the populists In line for their candidate for clerk of the court of appeals and , are also , It Is alleged , attempting to convlnc.e the populists that J. A. Parker , their nominee for clerk of the court of appeals , Is runnlng In the Interest of the republicans. They also claim that another element In their favor Is that the national democrats are raaljng a great effort to bring out their full strpngth on Hlnd- mau and that this will bo tj Shackclford s advantage , as otherwise the democrats figure a great part of the gold democratic strength would go to the republican numlncc. On the other hand , the republican * "claim that .they have 'twice broken the ranks "of the demo crats In Kentucky and say | hat the same causes that made this possible In the last two elections are still In operation. They hope to carry the state .by 'from 8,000 to 10,000 plurality , which is about the plurality claimed by the silver democrats. Some prac tical politicians seem to think that the na tional democrats will make such a showing of strength as to demonstrate beyond a doubt that they hold the 'balance ' of power In the state and this will enable thjsm to bring to terms the regular democratic organization. KI.ECTIO.V WEATHER VOHI3GAST. I'roinlNc of Cli-iir Wenthor liy Hal n. WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. Chief Moore of the Weather bureau has Issued the following election day weather bulletin and forecast : A storm of marked enprgy'ls ' central this morning In western Tennessee. Radiating from that center It will embrace the whole Mississippi valley and the region eastward to the Atlantic with dense cloudiness and rain. rain.The The storm center will move- from western Tennessee northeastward , causing- drenching * rains all over Ohio today and'tonlght , 'but It Is practically certain that Itswlll pass Ohio early in. the morning , leaving Tuesday clear and fine overhead , with coil , brisk , west winds and muddy roads. The storm center will pae to the north ward of Maryland oa , Its easterly course , causing heavy rain to continue at least un til the forenoon of Tuesday In that state , but with a probability of clearing during the day ; muddy roads. The storm ccoter will probably enter the _ lower St. Lawrence valley Tuesday morning , doubtless causing In New 'York state and city brisk southeasterly to southwest winds and heavy rains during the "greater " part of the day , wttb a probability , of clearing In the afternoon. " ' 'i In Kentucky the prospects are for heavy rain today , but surely clearing before Tues day morning. Tuesday clear , fine , cool day. For Iowa , clear and fine Tuesday. For Massachusetts , heavy tain tonight and Tuesday. ' IIAIH.Y MIX HI ) W IV COI.OHADO. ( Twenty-Two County "TIi'UitlK In tlie I'Mi'liI nt Itnir. . UENVEIi , Colo. , Nov. J.-riAlthough there are but three candidates/ / for Judge of the eupremo court , the only-state oflico to be fi'led at the election tomorrow , the ballot to bo voted In this cltysconcalri ! twenty-two different tickets bearlngfthe'minics of nomi nees for county offices/ Parties with no standing , without formality * ot convention , forced their emblems upon I bo , ballot but for ono purpcse to confuse the voters. Msny voters disgusted with" the 'state ' of affairs , declare they will remain ' 'away from the polls. The contest between Charles n. Hayt , re- * pub'lcan , and William II. Gabbert , demo crat and populist , for Judge of the supreme court appears to bo very close , Eveu money Is being wagered on tbe'rc-sult In tbe pool roorrr tonight. In IUU county the "real fojht Is between the silver republican 'ticket , most of the candidates on which arq alno on the tax payers' ticket and the civic'.federation ' ticket , wbic > i was endorsed by tbe democrats , From presiiit appearances soqio of the candidates upon each of tlirao tlckctu will be e octcd. Tom .loliiiiiiiii I'lnclK H I'ulr. CLEVELAND , 0. , Nov. 1. Thomas L Johnicn will not come home from Xew York to vote. He hen succeeded In arranging 3 pair with William L. Hlco , a lawyer living here , and will bo enabled tn stay In New York and r.oe the finish of Iho campaign. ( MONO Coiitfhti. lii Itliixlt * Island To us PROVIDENCE , It. I. , Nov. 1. Munich * . ! elections will be held In all tbe five Hhode ( Continued on Second Page. ) PREPARED FOR THE BATTLE tixth Wnrd Republicans Oloso the Campaign with a Big Meeting , CONFIDENT OF WINNING TODAY'S ' CONTEST .Intine Ki-jHor ToUc-t Sonic nf the Tlnm-1 from ( tinoC ( litl KlIKlllllltlH III tllU I Statu. The republicans of the SUtb ward brought the campaign to A cloa > last night by a big and et.thualastlc rally In a hall nt Twenty- fourth and Lake streets. Although It has been generally considered that the repub licans were resting upon their arms this year after the magnificent victory of last fall , the meeting seeme l to demonstrate that tbUi \ In reality a mistake , nnd that the republicans of that ward , at "least , are de termined to do all In their power to wrest the etatc from the grasp of populism at to day's election , . The hall was crowded to Its very fullest capacity and the big majority of the crowd remained to the end , at an hour that was very cloro to midnight. Not only was the attendance large In size , but It was of a very enthusiastic nature. The patriotic sentiments of the speakers were cheeied to the echo. There was plenty of opportunity for the enthusiasm , as a dozen different speakers addressed the as sembly. The program of addresses was em bellished with music from a good baud and with vocal selections from a quartet and other singers. Immediately after the meeting , wns called to order Chairman Hlcli Introduced as the first speaker of the evening Judge SlabauRh. Judge Slabaugh said that after considerable meditation he had como to the conclusion that the- only Issue the fusion element bad raised during the past campaign was one of abuse. They had no principle to advocate since the free silver Issue was killed last fall. He did not believe that they would over find another , because , being ono thing tcday nnd another tomorrow , they have proved themselves to be without consclcrce. He predicted tlat just as the free silver cause wns laid away In last year's election , the Idea of fusion would this year be for ever burled. As the shortest and quickest means of bringing about this desirable re sult he advised republicans to vote for the republican ticket straight today. 11ETURNED TO THE FOLD. William Mulhall , a republican who had been led away by the free silver fallacy last year , tnnounccdi that be was only too resdy and willing to como back Into the repub lican fold once more. Ho stated that In his brief experience with the fusion element he had run across more rottenness than It bad been hlo lot to witness In the sams space of time before In his life. Ho reviewed the popullstlc administration of the last year , beginning with the legislative steal of the Dcuglas county republican seats In the house and fc'enate , down to fusion corruptness In the present campaign. Ho was one of the officials at the fusion primaries In the Seventh ward when twenty-one fraudulent votes were counted in to scat the Hordman element. The ballots were taken out of the ballot box uncreased , thus Indicating that they had never been properly voted1 and put Into the box through the hole. When ho protested against tbo counting of these bal lots the other judges and clerks threatened to smash his face and put him out of tbo booth. The fraud and corruptness was latei upheld by a convention and from that moment Mr. Mulhall said that ho had bad enough of the fusion party. Mr. Mulhall then went over the different tickets In the field and urged that the republicans were Immeasurably superior to the outfit put up by the opposition. The speaker spoke from the standpoint of a union laboring man , who had taken to the free silver fallacy In tbe hope of bettering his own condition nnd that of other laboring men , but had found from Inside knowledge ot the party that wao ad vocating It that It was being used tut as a screen to cover rank political corruptness. JOBS FOR SILVER MEN. Judge W. W. Keybor was the next speaker. He congratulated tbo republicans In being given another opportunity to vote for their party candidates , and also congratulated the free silver forces for the defeat of last year , since many of them have secured Jote that they would not have had had they won. .114 ah'O ' failed to find any Issue upon which the fusion element was standing this jcar except ono of explanation of their acts slnco they have been In power. The paity had plenty of reasons to explain and tbe speaker set forth a few of them. Judge Keysor in the first place touched upon the manner In which Attorney General Smyth conducted the maximum rate case be fore the supreme court , placing It In jeopardy for political purposes. It was known to the attorney general that It was the practice of the supreme court to allow no more than two attorneys to argue on any ono sldo of a case. Ho and John L. Webster were lookIng - Ing after the maximum rate caoo. When It wes up for hearing Attorney Webster made the opening argument. When It came for him to clcso Attorney General Smyth , who was elected nnd was paid to look after the state's Interests , gave way to Bryan , who "knows no moro about law than hetdlil about money. " Bryan made no attempt to controvert the arguments ot the attorneys on the other sldo of the cnse. When the attor ney general nrcHo to refute the arguments ho was prevented by the rule of the court from doing FO , Slnco that time the attorney general has admitted that the capo was lost and has spent a portion of the time In trying to "explain" the condition and to throw the blame upon others. The fact remains that ho sacrificed bla duty for political objects. Judga Keyeor a'so devoted a considerable portion of his remarks to Governor Hoi- comb's connection with the Hartley bond. He said that not half tbo story had yet been told , The evidence In the civil case brought out the feet that Hartley held as part of state funds over ? 400,000 In alleged certifi cates of deposit which be carried about with him and of which there was no record on any ot the books In tbe office. The evi dent : o of Governor Holcomb himself was that without Investigation nnd after spend ing not moro than an hour In looking over these certificates ho bad dec'ured that they were all right and approved Hartley's bond In fire of the explicit section of the statutes which piovtdcs that state funds shall be pro ilucril In cjfih. Au a lawyer and a judge Governor Holcomb must have had know- ! iJgo of this statute as well as of the other which made 1 * mandatory upon him to ap- nrove Hartley's bond on the day ho entered office. The supreme court had des'ured that this statute was mandatory , but Governor Holcomb violated It by approving tlio bond four days afterward. The law also ex plicitly stated that tbe bond could not be filed until U was aoDrovcd , In the face ol THE BEE BULLETIN Wcnthtr rorecnsl for N Knlr : Warmer ; Westerly Winds. 1. OutlooU In tlfrutrr Now York , On tlui i\ii of Stuto r.U'ctlciiH. UI M < of tlm l.ncnl 1'olltlr.il Cntiipntgn. Union I'aclllr llo.til Sold at Aiirtlon , 2. Contract for ( lovrritmcnt ttultilliiK I.pt. Hclmnm to Suspend Polnslu Selling. 3 Ni'briiskii News anil lliiitioiilnjs | , Criicltli-s Practiced by 7.rlnju. Cattltt t'liiirtcrs for Hnropo Oornercil , 4 , IMItnrlal mill CoiiuncMt. n , Itimril of IZdiirnlloii on CHI1 ! Service. Mri'tlng of IlicVoinin'n Oluli. AV. O. T. II. WOIIUMI Wrunglit. U , Couurll llliirTt I.or.U .Mnttrri , 1'Uo rrlHiinrri llrcuU , ln\l. 7 , M'i" lojnii Itpiit * Tiihnr lit I'oot Unit , U. l'u l < ) iilitM ruon n Scrloiu . Mutiny. Oni.iliii'H ItesUtrutliin Sbii\v n Sluiuii. 0 , Money for tlm Otiiiihi InilliiiiH , Alining Progress In tlui Illuck Hills. AYorlc UlMiiiuril on Kxpiisltlon ItnUilliiKii , DoposUors ( ! rt a Siniill Slice , II ) . Ill tlm Fluid of Klcrtrlclty. 11 , C'oiiimnrclul unit flmincliil MUUB. 1U , "Tlm r c III tlm < llim. " D.IIIH'H 1'lglit Agnlnst ( lug ! - . Tclilicrntilr < - ill ( liiinliiii Hour. DTK : . Hour , Urn. 11 * n. ill IIS 1 | i. in ! tS it n. in : tit ii. in : ti > ' ' ' ' ' ' ' s . 111. . . . . . it ? -i i > . m ! as it a. in. . . . . . : i7 . * > 11. in : i ? 10 n. in its o 11. in : iu 11 n. in : is 7 11. in : in la in a ? H p. in : tr it 11. in : i i such a law Judge Powell coutd not decide otherw'so than ho did. Judge Keysor stated further that Attorney General Smyth had conceded that ho had not properly brought the CCGC when he caused It to bo dismissed with the costs taxed up against the state. SOMETHING YET TO HE TOLD. Judge Kovsor Intimated that there was | Eomethlug more behind the governor's con- | nectlan with the bond which would never bo i known until the hlstorv of the certificates i was disclosed. The governor knew that I when , ho failed to approve the bond on Jan uary 3 , 1895. the ofilce of state treasurer j became vacant and there was something stranco In that ho did not sslzo the oppor tunity of displacing a renubllcan with a pop ulist by aiipilntment. The explanation that the governor made was enthely Inadequate. In fact Judge Ke > ser considered It a de cidedly startling procedure that a governor , cnorn to uphold the laws , should "explain" awav and excuse his violation of them by saying under oath that ho considered them a sham In the presence of a court that wcs sworn to see that the law was In every way obeved. Judge Kcvsor also referred to the arraign ment Judce Scott recently made lu open court and from the bench of the State ' Board of Transportation , whose members were selected by his party. Judge Scott had said that they were In office for political purpses solely and were devoting none ot their time to the duties which they should perform. Judge Keysor said that the ar- ralgnm at wa8a | Uqt 6n'n.for tbe board had been appolntecl under1Ja'"promise that tbo as sessments ugalnst railroads should be made moro equitable but had done nothing In this direction ns Juilso Scott said. Harry Easton. a laborinc man who has been Identified with the populist party since Us Inception , also announced that he was disgusted with the fusion corruptness and was from henceforth a member of tbe re publican pirtv. Ho said that the populist partv had started with good principles , but that it had been nrostltutcd by members for their own personal aggrandizement. Tno party was now joined with others that were as corrupt as itself. They last fall com bined and succeeded In being elected .to of fice in the state. The Douclas county rep- iescalation , with Ransom and Howell nt the head , nnd ridden Into power with the as sistance of organized labor on their promise that they would help organized labor In re- urn anil , would make appointments from It. Yet in the face of this promise they had re peatedly appointed men that were n t mem bers of unions. ' , FRIENDS OF CORPORATIONS. Mr. Easton referred to other similar In stances of broken promises. He also made mention of the fact that the Douglas county contingent In tbo legislature had passed a bill taking awav street car passes from po- llcomen and firemen , but were tcday them selves riding on ttreet car passes. From this he Judged that while oiftenslbly working against corporations , they were really workIng - Ing In their interests. He therefore urged his hearers to no longer allow the wool to bo pulled over their eves bv being Induced to vote for the "conglomerate mass of noth ing" on the fusion ticket , but to vote the icpubllcan ticket straight. Jacob Hauck discussed tbe tickets In the field In detail with considerable detriment to the fu'slonlsts. Ho particularly spoke of the fact that In 1800 Anderson , the fusion candidate for county Judge , had taken the stump for the piohlbltlcn party. Other sneakers of the evening were K. J. BoJwcll , Dorsey U. Houck , George C. Cock- roll , Frank nurgesa , A. W. Johnson , George Holmrod , George McUrldo and Tom S. Crocker , In tha course of the meeting resolutions wore adopted strongly supporting Frank Hurgcbs and A. W. JohiiHJii , candidates for the school board from the ward. . lt f IIUYA.V WI.M1S Ul1 THU O.VMIMUiN. Aililrt-HHfH VuinoroiiN AiiillrnrrH oil ( lie Kvc of KliTlloll. Promptly at the time announced by his managers , W. J. Bryan starteJ In last night to revive the drooping spirits of the local fuslonlsts , In spite of brass bands , singing societies and , In two Instances , the generous distribution of numerous kegs of bcor , the entire number of people addressed In nx ! halls , It Is estimated , scarcely footed 2,000 people. Many of those who did attend were there merely for curiosity. Bryan gave practically the tame speeches which ho has delivered before Omaha audi ences many tlmcu before. Starting In at Blum's hall In South Omaha , Mr. Bryan , accompanied by a &ma'l party , conslbt'ng' of Tom Hector. Dick O'Keefo , Prof. II. E. Diwes and Judge J. L. Carr , commenced the evening's business with an audience of about 200. The hour-was 8 o'clock and there were five other places of crcater Importance to cover so the epcakcr'B uddrecs was neceii- uarlly made brief. Turner hall at Nine teenth and Vlnton streets was next visited , Here the tuidleoce had been amused until Iho arrival of the South Omaha contingent with speeches by J. H. Grossman and Tom Flynn. The llttlo auditorium , at no time capable of holding more than 200 people , wvs comfortable filled , although It was quite noticeable tbt m Inconi-hlcfaUIo portion of tbe crowd conutBtcd of boys and beardc : youths , while a gang of loungers from tbo saloons nearby helped to fill out. Upon the arrival of Mr , Bryan and party a email show ( Continued oa Third Pau GREAT PUBLIC SALE Government Closes Out Ita Lion on Pioneer Western Ihi UNION PACIHC IS PUT ON THE BLOCK Bought In by Bcorgnn'zUiou CommSttea at $58,005,749 , , 29. JUDGI CORNISH ACTS AS AUCTIONEER Property Ofiaicil and Sold on the Only Bit ! Miule. NO OTHER PURCHASERS ARE IN EVIDENCE Ovrrlninl SjKlciu Sell * for tlio KnH Amount of CovuriiiuiMit Clnlnij MlniiH Ai'ortHMl liilcrcHl Since of DfcrevN. The foreckfiuro sale of the government's , Hen on the Union Pnclllc railway took place at the Union 1'aclflc freight bouse In thla ! city yesterday ehortly before high noon. I The government's Interest In the railway waa purchased by General L-nils Fitzgerald ot ' New York City , chairman of the Union Pa cific reorganization committee , and Alvln W. Krecb , secretary , as purchasing trustees , fop tbctio amount ! ) of money : $3,883,281.S7 ! ) , blil for the railway property ! ? l3,045'jriO.S3 , bid for the bonds , and $4f > 30,21C53 , the amount In the sinking fund , ngsregntlnK ? i > 8,06 ! > ,719.29.t Although It was ho greatcut auction sale over held in this L nitry , perhaps In the jl world , It was attended by absolutely no sen- < | entlonnl or oven exciting sccneo. There waa no competition. Hut ono bid vim made , nnd that by General Louis Fitzgerald , for him self and Alvln W. Krccb , as purchasing j trustees. As had long breli anticipated , no i blddoiH appeared against the reorganization i committee's rcprescntatlvta and not the . slightest trace of the phantom Sago syndicate of New York or of the mjs'.lcnl Coata syn dicate of England wns discernible. None but the reorganization committee appeared inxlous to bid the full amount of the govern ment's claim , us Insisted upon as a provi sion of the sale by William McKlnley , presi dent of the United States. /v FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The full amount accruing to the United States from tbe sale Is estimated to be $58- 065,748.40. It was Impassible to dotcrmlno the full amount at the time of the sale for the reason that tbo monthly statement made by the secretary of the treasury to the man agement of the Union 1'aclflron the 1st of every month was not available yesterday. - " As the statement due on November f could not be obtained yesterday It was necessary to estimate some Items. The amount duo to the government Is made ur as follows : Principal of debt J27,230.512.00 Interest paid by the povernment to September 30. 1R17 . 30S30SS3.37 Interest accrued by September 30 ami still unpaid 2S8.147.CS Interest accrued In October . . . . D5,3S2.58 Total duo the Rovornment. . J5S.44S 928.C1 Apalnst this nro the following credits : Cns i nnd bonds In slnkliiK fund from September 30 $18,182,468.53 Estimated credltH for the nu.ir- ter ending September 30 nnd , Including- October , Including government earnings an.l the Interest on bonds In sinking fund , amount not yet credited. " 83,180.21 Total $ lSr.Gd,610.74 Total debt of railroad to gov- crnmunt $ T > S , 118,828.01 Total eredlt oC rallrovl with the government 18riC5CIG.4 Amount bid by rcorganlza ion committee J3flSS3,2S1.87 The sinking fund bonds sold for 13,015,2 )89 ) Total bids by reorganization committee $33,528,53270 The amount earned by the road during tbo quarter ending September 30 and during the month of October Is estimated but la believed to bo practically correct. As tbe government will Rlmply retain tbo cash , crediting the amount on the bids of the committee , the amount to bo turned over OB a consequence of the sale Is $58,005748.40. After the solo had been concluded General Cowln , the gov ernment's epeclol counsel , WCB assured by the reorganization committee that If the amounts when accurately figured should differ from the figures given above what ever may bo lacking will be paid by the commlttoo to the government. The reorgani zation committee assured General Cowln that no confirmation of tbo sale would bo sought unless tbo exact amounts required were transferred by the committee to the govern ment to the complete satisfaction of all the , governmcnt'ii claims. General Cowln ea'.d. ' that this course would bo perfectly satis factory. STARTING THE SAKE. The proceedings of tbo sale were com menced at ono mi mi to after 11 o'clock , when William D. Cornish of St. Paul , the special master for the sale appointed by Judge Wal ter Sanborn of St. Paul , appeared on the front steps of the Union Pacific freight bouse , on Ninth sticet just a llttlo south ot Jones street. Ho announced that tbo foreclosure sale of tlio government's lien on the Union Pacific railway would bo held without fur ther ceremony. Ho wild : "I shall now read thu published notice of this sale , As It la qulto lengthy I shall not attempt to read It In fliich a tone HO as to bo heard throughout the crowd. " Some one In the vant crowd , unmindful of the dignity of the court , crlcj out : "Oh , read It out , that's what you're paid for. " Hut Iho master had already be gun to read tbo voluminous notice of pule. Out from Iho board covers of Ills documents ho drew the copy of the advertisement for tlio Bile. It was u clipping from The Omaha Dee of October 21 , and had been so clipped that It showed tbo advortlecmenU of com peting railway lines. The matter bad taken his-placet on the north sldu of tbe big double doorway , and alongside of him stood William T , Canada , the superintendent of the Uiil.n Pacific's special department , who helped to keep tbo unruly crowd from Jostling against the court while It was conducting tbfl sale , About three minutes after Master Cornish bad. begun reading the three-column udvcrtlau- mcnt from The lice , Lawrence W. Grccr , on ulstant to tbo counsel of tbo reorganization committee , raino out with a ( py of a Itn vcr paper of October 14 containing tbo name advertisement of sale , and followed the jnaq- tcr's reading with a watchful eyo. It re minded ono of a proof reader and a copy holder at woik In the open air. The master read hastily and In a monotone , th.t > e stand ing a dozen feel away not being able to hear a word. HH hurried an rapidly as pas- . Bible , but the beat time ho could make with the reading was forty minutes. Hut the crowd thought It was an unusual procecdlue , and the 300 spectators crowded arouud ,