12 TJlJfl OMAHA DAILY BEM-SATrHDAY , OOTOBBK 80 , 1807. RIGHTEOJUS ) VERMIJCH L , By IAN MACLAUKN. Jl W * . .dr _ n W ? ( Copyright. 1 7 , liy John Wntmn. ) I. "Do you like this kind of thing , Cra- nhnw ? ' for the drawing room was full and they were standing In the linll. "Those religious conversations In evening drtKS , nllh Mippcr following , arc rathrr a vailety entertainment , even without Tootle on 'Amiucmontn the Dry Hot of the Christian Church. ' Wasn't that the title ? " "Moro or ) Ices ; It couldn't bo much worse. at any rale , and for my part I'd rather du an hour In the treadmill than listen to that talk Just hear him , Jack ; he's In his glory on dancing. " "Io not suppose , my friends , " nn oily volco was heard within , "that all dancing Is flnful , for David danced with much'ac ceptance. It Is only what may ho called , If I hu permitted such a word , promiscuous dancing between rexes that Is condemned , not the Joyful movements of a spiritual man. Many , Indeed , would like to see again the separate maledance. . " "Isn't that good , Jack. And yet they say these people have no sense of humor. How our host can stand Tootle parses me , for ho mutt know his record , " \\hat was It ? 0 , he had Tiuslnesg baby linen or something Hko th.it and failed for 18 pence In the pound. Then ho was secretary ttTsome Institute or other , ami got Into dllllculty with his accounts. Now our host and a few other excellent men keep him to lift religion rather nil Irony.yo " " \yo \ you see the smllo on his face ? That' Is one of his points , and Is much admired. Ho has got bi ! > whole expression arranged to a rollglatfa grin , and I'm told that they aclvcitifio him as 'The Smiling Kvangcll.it. ' " "How In the world , Crnshuw. Is a man Him Arkwrlght taken In by such a trans parent humbug ? ArkwrJght Is narrow rod blgo'td , but he's as straight as the day. You remember how ho paid up his failure , with G per cent Interest ? " "That's so , but you know his nlory , a self- made man who has had no culture and doesn't read' anything beyond his hlblo and the 'wool spinner , ' so he's just a prey to the whole race of Tooth1. There , lip's at It "A dear sister present asks whether I Know of any edifying Sabbath gumo for young pi-oplc. My dear friend will excuse mo If I suggest that exercise would be n better word than game. Young people's Sabbath 'exercise , ' let us say , " which was received with sympathetic murmuis. "Well , you must not think It presumptuous -it t mention a simple , but J hope not un- inotltablo Httle exercise which a dear child of my own invented , and which has been found helpful by many parents. We call It scripture quartets , and It Is , I think , In- gcnloiM. Each card has a bible character on It , and four make a set. You ask about till you gel 'Abraham , Isiac , Jacob and Jo sepli , that la , the patriarchs. Then there ore I lie. babies of the bible and the beasts , quite a nice variety. " "What brought me to listen to such twad dle. Crashaw ? Writ , 'we do business with Arkwrlght , and he has no quartet nonsense when he's on wool. One has many sochl trials , and has It ever occurred to yju liow much Mrs. Awkwrlght has to endure living "n Jhls atmosphere and paying homage to Tootle ? " "Iy ) the way , Jack , people say she Is a very hanclinnip girl , and a lady. How OKI eho ever marry Arkwright ? Was It religion taking the veil , you know , as a I'rotiu- tant ? " "I bcllovc It was her mother's doing , no : lior own , fc-r my conviction Is that though nho keeps up a fair show , Mrs. Arkwrlght Is not much troubled with religion. Hut tin- old woman was pious and poor , nnd when Arkwilght , who had been to busy with wool nnd blbc ) readings up to the age of 70 that ihe had never thought of marriage , camu forward , she grsapcd the chance. Talked of It as a providence that her girl shnild bo committed to the charge of such a good man. "For my part , Crashaw , " he went on In o low tone , "It scema to mo a crimp against nituro snd God to sacrifice a young woman to a hard. blro-Jless old Puritan like Ark wrlght. who will not all < w her to go to n centers , or a dance , or to ride , or anything else that she would like , and would him self rather attend a conference , or what ever they call It , and hear a succession or Tootles than be with his wife. " "This Is the first time I've been In Ark- wrlgh"s house. Jack , and I camp too latr to be presented to my hostess , hut I'm quite O'nvjnced from your enthusiasm that Mrs Arkwrlpht Is extremely good looking. Gen eral rumor has evidently your hearty ap proval. " "Ccaso from Impertinence , old man , * and I'll lot you judge Tor yourself. SOP , there on Tootle's left , against the curtain. Isn't she beautiful ? " " * ) / . nn jilnpdnn" ' ! prlm'n1' ' ' " " * m'hi > 1IC llAD NEVER SEEN HER SO 11EAU- FUL. of hers was , " after a pause of silent ad miration. "Why , Jack , that woman ought to I'-avo been o countess and leader of sacl In town , Her toco is the most po feet vleco of Grecian beauty I over saw nose , oyca chin , mouth perfect , forehead the Bllghl s "bit " high , perhaps , and that glorious hair broun shot through with gold. "What a set the other women lire , She Is like a goddess umctig a lot of peasantti : ncc > bow she holds her head and her proud gravltj "SOUP-not liquid ! " A Screw Loose ! The queer nitntal attitudes we take are simply mild Insanity nervousness. S . \ Dr. Charcot's speedy remedy for unhealthy fancies. They renew and strengthen the nerves and impel theme ( o vigorous action. They tighten "loose screws. " Dr.Cliarcot'sKoln Nervine Tablets lave no "alter effects" they produce permanent good.Write Write far proofs of cure * . oOc and It a package. Ocl them of your drucgul , or Eureka Chemical tnd Manufacturing Co. , Vi'tt. whllo Tuatle drivels along. Just the right aitlitido since It Is he husband's hunse. and Toitle ic their guevit. she will not smile nor despise , hut hr-r majest'11 in-Jlfferenoe' I siy , himdo thpy fie-t on together ? You visit them. " "Yov hut It's hard to ay , for his heart Is withered , Although he Is most just and gener ous to her. AnJ ha ? Well , she could not Iwe loved him , hut Mrs. Arkwrlght respce-ts herself too much to give any sign. People thlhk her good , but cold. I don't think her good at all.la the A'kwrlght sense and I am certain she Is not cold. " "Very likely you have hit tjio mink , " and Cnashaw hcgan to glalicc around the room from his vantage ground hy the door. "Who Is that JHTBOII sitting hctldc Mrs. Arkwrlght ? Ho Is rather good-looking. " "O , that's Egerton , Arkwrlght's minister , nn Inlepcndcnt or Haptlst , I can never re member the difference ; they Bay he's a well . lead man nnd a r.ipltal preacher , imfcl. 1 broader than his lot , but very fanatical ' lrln life. " "They would make a handsome pair as they nre standing now. " "They might , " salil his friend , "but Ark- wrlp.ht Is a tough old gentleman. Hush ! Tootlo has finished , and no\v wo shall have Jellies and lemonade. " II. "You have come quickly , Mr. Egerton , and that waa well done , " raid Joan Arhvyrlght , looking very white nnd worn , propped up with pillows. "I have much to say , and I'll toke a sup of brandy ; them that never touches drink when they're well get thn good when they're 111. "That gives mo thn strength I need for the time , and my work Is nearly clone. Don't go away. Laura ; 1 want you to hear what I say to the pastor. "Tho doctor says 'at ma-days are few , mayhap only tomorrow , end It's befit to speak when a man's bead Is clear , and I thank God mine is that , though my body bo lemnuul by this sickness. " His wife stood on one sldo of the bed now and then icarranglng the pillows at his ) bark and bathing his forehead with vinegar for scent he would not have and Egerton 3tood on the other , refusing to ait down while she stood , and watching her strong white hands at their service , but only once did he Took her straight In the face. "You're young , pcstor 30 , did you say ? and I'm owd , 72 this month , and I havena known you long , but there's no mon I've Iked better or could trust more. " And he Irokcd steadily at Egcrton with' certain softening of expression. "You've besn very kind to mo and to the fhapel. Mr. Arltwrlght , nnd I hope. It may u God's will to spire you nnd'raise you up gain , " and , although the words were formal , the accent was temlt and moving. "No , no , lad ; oui times are In his hand , and I have received the summons , and so we 'ill go to business. And ( list about ma affairs. I wish yo to understand everything that yo may be ab'.o to do your duty by mi widow. " Egerton was conscious that Mrs. Ark- wright straightened herself , and could foal the sl'dice In the room , but the dying mm was not ono to appreciate an atmosphere. "It may be that I was too owd for marry ing , and ma ways too old-fashioned. Ma house has not been very bright for a young wife , and ma conscience did not allow mo liberty In worldly amusements. But accordIng - Ing to my niturc I can say before God that I loved ve. Laura , and have tried to do ma part by ye. " "You married me a poor girl , and have 'icon most kind to me , John. Why speak of sucl1 things ? " and her voice was proud and pained. "You have been a faithful wife to me , " he went on , ns one fulfilling a plan , " and have put up with my peculiarities for I know you do not think wl' me In things , and do rot like some of the men 'at came to the house. O , I .said newt , but I saw nal , " Mrs. Arkwrlght laid her hand on her hus band's , nnd It occurred to Egcrton from n slight flush on his fuco that she had never clcno this before. "Ma will has been made for a year" it was plain that Mr Arkwrlght was to go on to the end , and Egerton could not have I.fled his eyes for a riniom "and I have left all to my wife without any condition , with Just ottti legacy. It Is to you , Egcr ton. and I hope you'll not refuse It Just something to remlnl you of me and get you books. " "It was very good of you , sir , and I am most grateful , but I really can't accept your kindness. It U > cnot likely that I will ever marry , and I've got enough for myself. " As ho spoke , Mrs. Arkwrlght ehook up the pillows hastily , and then went to a side table for a glass "Well , If you will not , then there's an end of It. but you will grant mo another favor which may bo banter , " and for a minute Arkw right seemed to hesitate. "Ma wlfo will bo left young and rich'and although I hive never said it to you , ma las. * , she Is beautiful. " "John , this Is not seemly. " Her voice was vibrant with passion. "niamo mo for not saying this once , and If another be present , ho Is our friend , and I am coming to my point ; the brandy again , and I'll soon bo done. "You havn no brother , and I hnvo no per son of my blood to guide you , ma lass ; ye might be persecuted by men 'at would bring you newt but trouble and vexation of heart. You need an'honest nun to be your guardian and glvo you advice. "Yo may never want to marry again , for It may bo ye have had little Joy UIPBO years , or ye may peace , laps , till I be done , Ivie ever rough and plain caul someone must see that your husband bo a right mon. "So I turned It over In ma mind , and I sought for a friend 'at was sound of heart and faithful. This speaking Is hard on me. but It ' 11 teen be done. " And as Mrs. Ark- wrlght stooped to glvo him brandy once more. Egerton saw that her cheeks were burn'rig. ' "An older mon might have been better , but > o'ro old for your > rars , pastor , and have parted wl' the foolishness o' youth. You have seine notions I don't hold with , for I'm the owa sort believe and be saved , believe not anl bo damned but yc'ro no a man to w > - yea and do nay. Naa , naa , I have seen more than I sild , and though he have the true doctrine and dees some folk good , that chaap Tootle Is ehoddy stuff. "Goorge Egerton , as I have done good to you and not 111 these yeara , will yo count Laura Arkwrlght as your sitter , and do to her a brother's part , as ye will answer to God at the laaet day ? " The wind lifted the blind and rustled In the curtains ; the dying nun breathed heavily and waited for an answer. Egerton looked across the be. } , but Mrs. Arkwrlght had withdrawn beblud tbe curtain. Arkwrlght's eye * met the mlnloter's wl'h an cnrnesf searching glance. " 1 will be as a brother to jour wife while I live. " As ho spoke Arkwrltrbt srnsped hM hand nnd gave A sigh of content , but when User- ton left ( he room hiura refused to touch hu hand , and her face was blazing with anger. lit. "You have been very generous to the chapel anl we thank you very much for keeping up all Mr. ArkwrlRhl's subscrip tions those three yearn. The work of Gcd would have been much crippled had It not been for your llbrrnllty. " "Do you know , Mr. Egerton , that when you talk In that grave , approving fishloh , ns It I were one of your dcvrjut women lke ( paor Mrs. Tootle , who Is really n good creature , although her husband ! n f-ancllmoiilous IJIot , I feel a perfect hypocrite. " "Why do you always ilcprcelitio yourself ? " "Uo not Interrupt me , for I am determined to settle this matter 6Ke foV nil , and not \vclk about In a vain show , as If I were n saint. You think me good , nnj so do the dispel people , I suppose , because I glvo to foielgn missions and bible women , nnd go to the pmycr trie'3'lTit ! ? ; 'nnit attend 'the Bpefcldl "mlsfcloiis. r > o you k'troft'1whV I. do thrso things ? " "Yes , 1 think so. " said the minister , "but I will .hear your reason. " "Hecauso' Mr. Arkwrlght believed In mis sions and evangelists , and he was a better husband to me than I was d wife to him , and because It would bo dishonorable not to tiio his money for tho- objects he approved. " "And the scrvlcw ? Is that the reason > ou are always prcstnt nnd sot such a good example ? " And it was plain the minister did not tnko Mrs. Arkwrlght At her value of herself. " 0 , this Is because because " "Yes ? " And Mr. .Egcrton smiled ns one who Is giving checkmate , "Hecauso you were John's friend and the only man he loved , and because , although wo have quarreled several times , and I have been very rude to yon once or twice , still " anil a smllo brought Mrs , Arkwrlght's face to perfection "we are friends also , " "You liavo been angry with me , " said Egcrton , "when I could not understand the reason , but I never doubted your friendship. If I were 'In serious trouble I would come to you rather than tc any man. " "Would you really ? " Then her ton" | > ' _ V C _ K - ' iiX' ' * V * y | . ( W'Yfl ' b / 1 KOER.TON WAS CONSCIOUS THAT MRS. ARKWRIGHT STRA1GHTENKD HKRSELP AND COULD FEEL. THE SILENCE IN THE ROOM. changed. "I don't believe you , for you would go to some snuffy , maundering old minister. " "And you are gcoj , " he Insisted , taking no notice of her petulance. "You are honest , and brave , and .high-minded , and loyal , and " "Pious , with a gift of prayer , you" had better add. How blind you are , for all your , knowledge and other qualities. You forgot to add sweet-tempered , but perhaps you were coming to that. " "No , I would not say that , and I am rather glad you arc not gentle " the minister was very bold "for you would not be your- j self. " "You had your suspicions , then , and are not sure that I am "ready for canonizing ? j Do you know J feel immensely relieved ; sup , pose we celebrate this confession by tea ? ] 1 Would you ring the bell , Mr. Egerton ? " "There Is something I want to talk about , and as It's rather Important , would you mind , Mrs. Arkwrlght , giving me a few minutes first ? Tea is rather distracting. " "Composing , I find it but as you please ; Is It the District Visitors , or the Nurses "Home , or the Children's Ho'.IJay , and Is It money-Mrs. Arkwrlght for some reason was very gracious. "No , It la nothing to do' with the chapel. I wish to speak about yourself. " "Yes ? " and she looked curiously nt him. him."You "You remember that day when Mr. Ark wrlght committed you to my caie , and I gave my word to " ' 'Do your best to look after a very troublesome woman , " Mrs. Arkwrlght In- terposcd , hurriedly ; "It was a risky task , j eind J thought you were far too hasty in i undertaking It , but you've been a very I lenient guardian for your age. Have I done anything wrong ? " "No , and you could not at any time In my eyes" Mis. Arkwrlght made as thouph she would curtsy "hut others might do wrong to you , and I have been anxious for some time. "Mr. Arkwrlght was afral-1 lest some un worthy man should admire you or de sire your wealth and marry you. and your life bo miserable. And he wished mo to save you from this , and I promised to do my 'best. ' " "Well ? " and her voice-had begun to freeze , "I remember all that. " "It Is < lllllcult to speak about such things , but you know that I would do anything to save you pain" "Go on , " and now her eyes were fixed on the minister. "It came to my ears and I siw1 for myself that one whom I knew slightly and did not Hko was paying you attentions , and It might lie , as I also heard , * -as favored by you. So It seemed my duty to make In- qillrle.t about Mr. Crashaw. " "And ? " i " ' 'There IB nothing- against * him , nnd I have heard much god of him ; personally wo could never bo friends for various reasons , hut ho Is not unworthy to bo the husband of n good woman. That is all I have to say. " ami the saying c/f It was plainly very hard to the minister. "You recommend mo to marry Mr. Cra- shiw , If that gentleman should do mo the honor to ask my hand or do you propose to suggcBt this step to him , so as to complete your duty as guardian ? " Mrs. Arkwrlght was now standing and regarding Egerton with fli-rco ecorn. "My information seemed to mo reliable" ho was also standing , white and pained "and I thought It would help you In that case to know what I have told you , when you came to decide. " "If I know who old you such falsehoods I would never speak to thpm again , and I wculd make them suffer for their words. Mr. Crathaw ! and It was to that cynical , worldlv tallnr'R block you were to marry mo What 111 have I done you ? " "God krowg I dI3 not deslro. I mean do you not tee that I tried to < lo what was right at n cost ? Why ho so aniry wth ( mo ? " "Hecauso I do not care what any person In this town or all Yorkshire says about me , hut I do care and cannot endure that you should turn against me and be content to sen mo Crashaw'e wife rr any other man's. " And she drove the minister across the room In her wrath ho had r ver seen her so beautiful till ho stood with his back to the door , and eho before him as a lioness robbed of her cubs "It has been my mistake , for I understand not women , " he eald with proud humility. "I beg your pardon , and am more than ever yrur servant. " She looked at him stormlly for ten Gcconls ; then she turned avvjy , "If that la All you litre to say , you need not come galn to this house , " IV. "You 'Will excuse me Bending a verbal message by the doctor , for , as you see , I am past writing , and the time Is short , I wanted to apeak with you , Mrs. Arkwrlght , once be- AGIUCULH1 < ALIM PLEMENTS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. GROCERIES. \ imger & eyer & Raajike , eoJi Ho&gland * " Co. linjiorltr and Joltitf . WIIOLUSALB WHOLESALE UKALUHS IN Crockery , Chinit Glassware , FINE GROCERIES Lmnbcr , Silver Plated Ware , Looking Olnpses. Chan. Agricultvi'a ! Implements. dcllers , Lumps 1410 , KAH.VAM Chimneys , Cutlery ST. , Etc. I Teaci , Sploea , Tolmccc nd Clears. Lime , Etc. nugElcs nnd Carriage ! . Cor. th and Pacific Sts. 1403-1407 llarney tiereet- Oth ami Douglas Sts. CREAMERY SUPPLIES and rr The n Sharpies Eomnany Gallagher \ . - - - Dvil * Cole & Co , Jobbers of Farm Creamery Machinery IMl'OHTKUS. Machinery. . CJAS COITKE 11OASTI311.H PACKHHS. nnd Supplies. Wacons ana Ilugclc * - Cor. 8th and Jones. Hollers. Knglnes , Kccif Cookers , Wood Pul AM ) JUlllllNU KING COLE OYSTERS , leys. Shafting , Ueltlnc. Uiittcr Pack Telephone 2S2. ages of all Kinds. CULIJUY AND PCHJLTUY. 807-909 Jones St. - - - - - - ART GOODS 1013 Himnrd St. HARNESS-SADDLEHY - COAL. OIL -PAINTS Hospe P icture Moldings. Ofllco 1C05 Farnam Street. it.titp.'Ki9 , HAitnr.'s .txn COI.LAHS asid Paint Co. Mirrors , Frames , Hacking nnd Artists' SHERIDAN C OSL. Jobbers of Leather , Aocfclrrllantieare / / , Ktr , Materials. Wo solicit your orders 1316 Howard ft. Air Floated M ncral Paint C. N. Diets. President. On-ild Dletz. Sec. & Trea. . . And Pnlni ' in Kil Putty , Elo. 1015 nnd 1017 Jones St BOOKBINDING , ETC DRY GOUDo. HARDWARE. > e@s Printing Go. E , SsiiiSSi & Go. 'ector ' & Wilhelmy OQ Importers and Jobbers of J. A. Model , 1st Vice t'u-j. It. J. Drnltc , Ocn Msr /.niWUlt.ll'UIXG , J'RtXTlXU .I.VW HOOK JllXUIbO. Dry Goods , Futmshing Goods . . . . OIL s. . . . Wholesale Hardware , Otifo.lnp , Tuipcntlne , Axle Grcav. Ktc. Eleventh nnd Hnuard 3tB. AND NOTIONS. Omalm llrnncli niul ABencle * . John II. Hulli Mcr. Ouiiilia. B JOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , DRUGS. Papar Go. M'frs | Jobbers of Fool Wear 902-006 Jackson St. Wholesale Hardware. Printing Paper , Illcycles nnd Sporting Goods. 1210-21-23 Hnr- Wrapping Paper , Stationery , WES1EHS AOKNTS Kill J. C. RICHARDSON , Prest. nuy street. * The Josaph Banigau Rubber Co. C. P. WELLKR , V. Prtut. Corner 12th and Konanl itrccta. JEWELRY SCHOOL SUI'HLIHS. Supply Go. ' ' Stand trl-J'liiri jcntlcal ' . 'f'ri - > n < 1'resiira- Rubbers and Mackintoshes. ttont. ftpcttul Formulae 'rc/xriwl to Order Arm ! fjr t'alalugiir. Wholesale Jewelry. Pulillihcrs , Jlnnufnctiircrs and Joliliurs. Oiunlin , Neb. laboratory. 1112 Howard St. , Omaha. The largest Supply House In the \ \ > st. 15th ana Harncy ; Om.iliu. Corner 11th anil Hartley Streets. Wu can show you the ! > ust suck In the west , No lulall. E.Brtice 6gCo. _ _ LIQUORS. Druggists and Stationers , Wrapping Paper , Stationary Boots , Shaes and Rubbers "Queen Bee" Specialties , , Cigars , Wlrmi and Urnnilles , & Oo Woodenwarc. Salesrooms 1102-1104-1106 Harney Strut. Corner 10th and Hurney Street * . 1107 Hainey Street- PHOTOGrfAPrilC SUPPLIES. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMERICAN CIGAR AND GLASS WHOLESALU WAIli : CO. T 214-21G Snutll 14th St. Supply Go RUBBER GOODS WHOLESALE : AND RETAIL tier's Eagle @in Photographic Supplies , Owner of Chief Brand Mncklntosher ELEC7RICAL SUPPLIES IKH Farnam St. mis Fnrnnm St. East India. Bitters FRUIT-PRODUCE. SASH DOJRS BLI D ) . Golden Bheaf Pure Ilye ana Bourbon Whiskey. Willow Springs Distillery , Her & Co. , 1112 Harney Street. Boots S'/ioes Rubbers , , , , WHOLESALE AT WHOLESALE. Commission Merchants. .V.annfacturirs of Onlco and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard St. S. W. Corner 12th and Howard Sta. Sash , Doo'-s. Blinds , Etc , Members of the National league of ComrnlB- elon Merchants of the United States. Wholesale l2th ! and Iz.ird Sts. Liquor A/crchants , STEA'tf-WATER ' APPLIES. ighf & Howss , 1001 Kurniim StrcoU Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers JOIIHEKS Western Agents GooJyeor Glove Rubbers , Fruit and Vegetables ° 1014-1M6loiigins ( Street. lilt Harney Street. SPnOIALTIES PtranbcrrlfB , Apples , Orangey Lemons , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt. Wholesale Manufacturers ami jobbers of Stenin. Gas and BAGS FURNITURE Liquors and Cigars , Water Supplies of All Kinds. 1118 F.irnaru Street. States Importer * aud Manufacturers I'M WHOLESALE iioS-n TO Harnev St. BAGS WHOLESALE Steam I'umpB , Engines nnd Boilers , Pipe , Furniture Draperies Wind Mills , Steam and PlumbliiK Material , ISeltlnir , Hose , Etc , 614-16-18 South nth Street 1115-1117 Farnam Street. Wines , Liquors and Cigars. ANJ KANutf 413-415 B. - ISth Street TYPE FOUNDRIES. BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. LUMBER N Hardy & Coy real Western " y F Foundry htaago Co. 'Joys , Dolls FANCY , Albums GOODS. and SYRUPS Superior Copper Mixed Type Is th beet on /louse Kurnlrhlngs , ChliJreii'B Carriages , Eto. , the iijrrki-t. U19 rurnum Street. ELECTROTYPE FOUNDHY. WHOLESALE MCABCS : , , etc. , Preserves ar.J Jellies. * Sorghum Ill * Howard Street. YEA > T-BAUNG : POWDER. DUMBER . . . Al o tin cans and Jnpnnned ware. GltO < EUIHS 814 South 14th St. CHICORY ManufnelurniH' celebrntNl "On Tlmo Yi'ii't" < md Get mun linking Powder. HutlHfuctltm Chicory Co , 13th and Lcuvumvorth St. WHOLESALE AND nETAII- . guaranteed. Staple and Fancy Groceries LUMBEI to 2 1 North Growers nnd mnmifadurers of all forms of ' ICA AND corrct RCHSTCR ; , etc. . 'Iwenty-eight Street , Chicory Omaha-I/rfcmont-O'NeU , Offlc * ana Yards 13th and California tit fore J died. " And RKerton thought of the day she had stood by her husband's dcath- bei as now she stood by bla , only that the nurse had left tbo room and there was no tlilid person to be an embarrassment. "Do not suppose I forget your words to me the last time we met In private , " ho continued , as she did not speak nor Icok at him , beyond one awlft glarce as she came into the room ; "and believe me , I would not have forced rojself on you , nor would I have asked this favor , had It not > been that I have wmiethlng of which I must de liver my Eoul. " "You nro not dying ; you were a ( strong man , and a few days' Illness couldn't bo fatal , " she burtt out , and It seemed as if Mrs , Arkwrlght for once was go'o ? to lose control and fall a-wccplng. Then the mastered herself , and said almost co'dly , "I'jd I known you WQTO so ill I would have called to Inquire , but vothlng waj said of pneumonia , only a bad cold. " "You forgive me , then , that Ill-judged In terference , Mrs. Arkwrlght , and anything else in which I have offended you or failed In my brother's part ? " "Du not spoik like that to mo unless you with to take revenge ; It Is I who ask your pardon for my evil temper and Insolence that day , and other times ; but you are too good , else you would have understood. " "You did .not , then , hate me , as I sup- pcsed ? " and his volco wao strained with eagerness , " \Vben you were prepared to approve my engagement to Mr , Crashaw ? Yes , I did , and I could have struck you as you bore witness to his character whom you detested. Conscientious and unselfish on your part , very. And yet at the Kame time I did not hate you ; I could have you are a dull man , Mr. Kgerton , and I am not a Mint. Is It milk you drink ? " And when she raised his head , her hands lingered as they had not done bcforo on her husband s. "Aro you really dying ? " She sat down and looked * at him , her head between her heads. "You and I arc , at least , able to face the situation. " "Yes , without doubt ; "but " I am not a martyr to overwork , or anything else ; do not let any one speak of me In that fashion ; I simply caught a cold and did not take care ; It's quite commonplace. " When he puilled his face was at Its best , the dark blue eyes having a rouglsh look , as of a boy.Mrs. Mrs. Arkwrlght leaned back on her chair and bit her lower Up. "Thlr IB goodby , then , and our frlendthlp six years Icog. Isn't It ? Is over. Had I known It was to be so abort well wo had not quarreled. " "Not over. " and he looked wistfully at her ; "this life does not end all. " "Ah , you have the old romantic faith , and oae would like to thare it , but no one knows , tht ) life Is the only certainty. " "In a few hours , " ho went on , "J shall knew , and I expect to see my ft lend John ArkwrlKht. whom I loved , although we only knew ono another for three jears , and ho will ask for you. " Mrs , Arkwrlght regarded Egerton with amazement. . . "He will ask how I kept my trust , and I will be ashamed , unless you hear ray con fession and forgive me. For I have sinned against you and your hut band. " "In what ? " she asked , with a hard voice. " ( loci knows that I had no thought of you ho might not liavo read white he was here. And afterward for a year I was In heart your brother ; and then O , how can I say 't and look you In the face , who thought mo good and a faithful minister of Christ ? " and his eyes were large with pain and sorrow. "Say It , " she whls.icred , "say It plain ; you must , " and she stretched out her baud In commandment. "I loved you as a man , till It came to pass that I ir.ado excuses to visit you , till I watched you on the street , till I longed for the touch of your hand , till I O , the sin and sliamo thought of you In the service and at my prayers. " "And now ? " She liad risen to her feet. "I have finally overcome , but only wltbli : these few days , and my licurt Id at last single. You are to mo again my friend's wife , and I fchall meet him In peace , If you forglvo mo. " Kor a few seconds nothing was heard but his rapid breathing and liiun ! iu spoke with low. passionate vol"e. "Your love needs no forgiveness ; your sllenco I can never forgive. " He lived for two hours and ho s'poke twice. Once ho thanked his nmve for her attentions and just before ho passed away she caugnt the words , "through much tribulation enter the kingdom 0od. " You can't afford to rl k your life by al- lowln ga cold to develop Into pneumonia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain euro are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure Head "Simon Dalo" in Toe Sunday Deo. It you don't take it , EUbscrlbe now , ( Oil HVI'lin.li ! ) A.1Vrltlrn Oiuuiili - to fUUH r.VKMV r .MOMV li-iancjal tKiulliiK , our iciululUm an l > u > lm-n > i WrICu u * fur iiuiiien arU uddurkvj of UIOMI we ha curiil. uliu havit nlvcn | H.'IIIIU Ion to rtfrr Co in > It co.t > } oinnjy | .U.IUK > J Ioilo lnl i a will Mitt > wurliliir nutrvrliiKfiuiii nu-niul nialru imlir married what may louc * , iilK rii.r . . . .tr , . , . , i i/h juu . - c' itjoi taleU In i > lajpu'lalt , AUdicw , COOK REMEDY GO , , Chicago , III.