Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Whcnt Seachcs Up Toward the Dollar
Mark , but Falls Back ,
Cnrn l.oicn : i "mull I'rnctlnn In Syni-
Midij , ( nil Onto COON Up n 1'iiiirtli
I'mvlfllnim Suffer front
lli-nvy Selllnir.
fJO. Oct. 23. Hml ttiorc t > pn nny
Vm.iiil for KJIOI whpnt toilny It Ifl prol- )
nlilc i hnl the Hrx-ctilattvo mnrkct wntihl
1 > v" rruc'u-il | i iiBiiln. An It wnS pcccm-
Iti r i-oiil up to O Hc. but hud itccllnrtl to
txi'it1 nt the flosu , or % c nnJcr ypsterilny'u
1 rice Shirts covered very freely during
the innrnliiR. Hfports of poor crop pros-
Ix-flH nhiuiid niul light rcrt-lptH were In-
Illipiilliil In the curly flrmnpHH. Corn fol-
lowuil wlicnt nnd clo.iod ' .Wi'ic lower. Oats
wi lndopndnlly atronc nnil showed Vic
ndv.-tiifc nt the close. Provisions ; Buffered
from KoUprnl Hollln nnd declined "Ifi/lOc
for rlliH to SOo for pork.
Then- wits a llttlo he ltntlon nt the open
ing In Wheat on ncrotint of the wenknocs
ut Paris , nn shown hy the early rallies.
Whi-nt was quoted 10 centimes lower nnd
flour WiSi centimes lower. Outaldtof that
news was nil In favor of higher prices. The
result \vnn tuut Ueccmher. which lufl off
ycsti'rdny ( it C'lje , started toilay at from
y 'v' to ! i7lp and \vtis advanced to SS'Ac ' In
th llrnt half hour's trndlns. Liverpool
wns i.d higher to beRln with and ndvanrpil
V4d more durlnir thu day , the latter rise
( loultle ) < 4 het-aiiHe of the additional nil-
vnnrp IHM-O this forenoon. The weather
throughout the winter whi-at country was
still niifforliiK from drouth nnd reports were
finite uminlmoiiH as to tin111 effects of the
dry writher. The domestic receipts nt Chl-
r.iKO nnd In the northwest were iiKnln much
llenvlrr. Chli-aro tot 140 curs , iiKalnst 117
tin1 last year. The tiumher of earn of con-
trat t irrmlo In today's Inspection was 10
nnd of tlieie U were from local clearlnj ;
'houses. The quantity withdrawn from the
store wr.s 212.t i l hu. Jllnneapolls nnd Dtl-
luth together rccilved 873 ciiw. iiKnlnst 1.1:6 :
n ynnr a o. Dnlutli alone on the corros-
iiondliiK day of 1S90 ot HIS cars ; toilay Otl-
lulh rci'i'lpts were only Ml t-nrs. New Vork
leported llbenil acceptniu-es of cable offers
maile to the continent last nl ht nnd 2\KO (
hu. Wftu rcpurlvd liuvlUK been bought for
tihlpnient to Krnnru early In the session.
Cli'iirnniTH from the Atlantln , IncludltiK
pome Hour from New Orleans , amounted to
K.'i.i'OO hu. After the ndvunre to ; iS"-c the
market i-ominuneiMl to deellne. ifolders
took prollls to a conslilerable extent and
I he murk- yielded to the pressure of such
sales. The deellne which the Si-IIln of this
IOI-B wheat started brotipht out short Hfll-
i-rn nnd iho inuiUet Ki'mlually ( jn-w very
weak Th short sellers were encotirn'jed
by working of another lio.O.O . bit. of Dultith
wheat for shipment to ChlciiKoanil by the
fnet tl-ut offi rliiKs of No. 2 ICunsas hard
continue to ln > pressnd from KH lisas City
In prm-tlrnlly imllmlted itiantity | nt < V un
der C'hluujo Duieaiber pr ee laid down here
Good an mints of wlnttr whent In the Holds
from Kentucky nnd Nebraska likewise
oldrd In el-eating the weakness that dc-
veli ped In the afternoon. December drop
ped In a very Irregular way to OGo nnd
closed at Whe.
Corn ruled hlph early In sympathy with
\vheaf. on the small receipts , : ) cars , and
on thi- strong i-imh position. ShortH cov
ered frrely nnd there wns fnlr Investment
buying. When wheat commemcd to weaken
K'-neral reallKliifv oeeurn-d , several ROOI !
sized loni : HIIOK helni ; llquhrited ami all the
early ndvnncu wim lest und n umall fraction
beHlde. . There was considerable chaugliiK
done , liuyliiK- .May and soiling of Dccem-
lier , the spread at times bclns o' c. Cables
were iid hlnhur. Clearanees were 101.000
liu. IDeeeinber ranged from 27c to M ! < .C ,
closliiK 3-lOe lower at 2fi'ic. '
Oats wns llm < rltrht up to the close , not-
wltlmtnndliifi thu break In the other cm In
markets. A feature was the btiyliifj ot n
prominent commission house ilrm , their
purchases ninountlnc to about lOtt,0X ( ) hu.
The biilRe In the price was the result of
this. The market sapged somewliat lute
In the session , following wheat and corn.
Cash market continued strong. Itccclpts
were2(1. ( ' . ! cars. December ranged from V.l'ki-
to l ijiljii. and closed He higher nt Wic.
, \ fairly good .business was done In pro-
vlHloii.M , but the feeling was weak. Packers
were credited with selling freely and stop
loss order * assisted materially In weaken
ing the market. Heavy hog- receipts and
a probable continuance of the same next
week was n weakening feature. At the
close Di-rvmber pork wns I0c ! lower at
$7.47's December lurd Wi 12' ' , < .c lower at
Jl.121 . nnd Dueembor ribs 7W.10c ! lower at
? ' ll ) .
ICstlmated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 110
oars ; corn , ICO cars ; oats , 223 cars ; hogs ,
r : . < xo in ad.
Lending futures ranged as follows :
Artlelm _ o'aju | ilUli. | i , nv. | uToTTTTYoit ly
Oi-t. . . . fll' ( {
Dee . . 11714
May. . . I ) 4 ! 1)3)4 ) 111
Oct. . .
Di-o. . . -'V' ' ' ! ' ! V7 . ism
May . . .
Ou IB-
Out. . . . IS' ' , .1 IS' * 18
Dee. . . . 111 1'JK HIM
Mai. . .
Dec. . . . 70 7 4 7 47 ! < 7 77M ,
Jau liU 8 IT. S 43 H ( ! 7k
La id-
Dec. . . I 174 I ' . ' 0 4 12' ' < 4 r.'ii 4 2B
Jan . . . 4 : in 4 40
Dec. . I -III 4 40 I r ( )
Jan . . . r.o 4ID 4 II )
No. 2.
Cnsh ( | HcilUlonH ; were nn follows :
KUJl'lStrong ! ; Hprlng patents. J4.90O.VOO ;
bakers' J3.B'Kj3.80 ' ; tralght . Jl.40rcl.70.
WIIKAT-No. 2 fprlng , SSiiSS ic ; Ni > . 3 pprlng ,
S7flWc. No. S led , ! ) Cf.
COIIN Nn. 2 , 2ie ! ; No. 2 yelloiv , 2Se.
OATS Nn. 2. Ill f. i ) . b. ; No. 2 white , 2.32a'iC ! ;
Nn. 3 while , 19i ( . Mc.
UYI > "Nn. 2 , I7'ie.
IIAHM3Y No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 3Hf4lc ; No. 4 ,
20fl" lie
SI3KPP No. 1 llaxiveil , } 1.03ffl.07'i ; timothy
need prime. J2.C3.
riiOVWldNrt rnik. meas , per hhl. , 7. iff7.M.
I.nd. per HM Iba. . ? 4.17't. Short rlb.i liles ( luiW * ) .
JI.3.Mr'.70. ' ilry nailed Hhaiildern ( hnTnl ) , Jl.TJlt
D.IJil : short clear lde ( lnxed ) , J.I.Wf.l.w.
SCC1AH-Cut 1 inf , J.1.S4 ; gninulatcd. f3.2l.
On the 1'roduce exchange today the butter mar
ket was tlnn. cr .unery. IJ'ij c ; dairy. I2020c.
Chei'Mi1. llrm. S'ic. ICgg' . uteadv ; frrah , 15c.
I.lve | iullry. Bteady ; turkeys , Sifje ; chlckenH ,
Co , apnngB , 7V4e ; duck * , 71i { Sc.
Qiiolillloiin of llii > ln > - oil ( ii-ili-rnl
( 'OIIIIIIOllllll-M.
NHU" YOUK , Oct. t9. KIjOHIt-Hecelpls. 3J.507
hblH. ; exixiita , 2U,97r > bhlH. ; llrm nnd fairly nctlve ,
closing uimettled with the final break In wheat :
21lnne uln patents , I'lS.Qfl .M ; Mllinecotn hakere' .
Jl.r.ffl.CO ; winter patents , 3.oil 3.23 winter
otnilghls , ll.7uOI.fO ; winter eilra . 3.iKr3.SO ;
winter low grades , )3.0)T3.1S. Itye Hour , nulet ;
fancy , } 3.Wi3.iu. | Ihickwheat Hour , quiet , } l.40
tfl 45.
lircUWIIIIAT-Stendy ; 37H3SVie.
COUNMUAIr-Diill ; yellow wettrrn , ( Oc.
KYI ! Steady. No. 2 Mestorll , COtye.
1IAUM-3Y l-'lrm. I'SiJe.
IIAHI.UV M.M.T Dull wpstrrn. 57 e
WIIMAT-lleeelplK. 2fi2,973 bu. ; export * . HS.Cf !
bu. Sp t , eauler ; No. 2 red. II. 031411 1-0371. Op-
tluna opened rteinly ami ndvan ed chrjply un ac-
tivu i-ovcilng account , iifMlsted by droiith newn
nnd email IM rthwotern leuelpts. but nradiiully
f.-uged off In the afternoon under realliliiB , cloi-
IIIK 'jo net lower nnOi l o off frcm the tup ; Oj-
tolwr cli nM at We ; Ueccmber , KIliCttil.MTi ,
closed. Wio.
COItN Itecelptn. 215.S7S bu ; exports , 7 ] 311 bu
Ppiit ra y ; Nn. 2. ! 3liC f. n. h. nlloat. Options
openeil Meady. advanced nn light receipts and
the rlie In wheat , but llnally hrolit ) under renllz.
IIIK anl clr ed uOVio net lower Novuubfr , 3'Si ?
5 * i % ; elisl. SlV'tie ; December ,
OATS Hecelpts. 220 2TO bu , ; expert' . 215457 I'll.
Spot , troimcr : No 2. 2l iC. Options were nulet
but firmer on the strength uf i-aoli property , clos
Ing ? iWo net hltlierOctober closeil at
lrceml > er rl ntd at 24'ic.
HAY -Quiet shipping. | I.OiV I.M ; good li ,
cheh-e. 3.i > 7.W.
II < I'Sl'lrm , state , common tu choice If93
cr p 4Cf < ; lf ii croii. C ) ! > e ; 1S97 crop ,
1'aclllc cniift 1'95 crcp. 4fCc ( ; 1S croti.
ifi7 eroi > , 14i 16o : I mlon market. 5 > CMc.
HIIli : * ? leady ; llalulon. . ISOlli , Texas , dry ,
j f ! " . c.llfi.rtilu. . I'tflfc.
UVATHMIl Slraily. liembx-k r"Ihienns \
A rr , lldht tit heavy wrlKhtn. lOOJlc ; arid. M
e ! % I
l'HOVISO\'F-ief ( | steady fsmllv. I9.0i > ffll < .f0 :
oxira , J7r.i > ifS.RO : Iwef hams. 3l.iViTSj.Xl. ( Cut
nii-al * . tlrm , plckl . | bellies. J .17 U.Oi ) ; pick I. , I
slnuldcrii 3.5 , nlrklnl hams. ? . , I inl , easy ;
tfin ft urn 4.tO ; rertnifd miy 1'rrk steajy
cl.l mess , t.MU .D4 ; new tilers. J9.MU9.SO. Tal-
jew dull city ; c ; country 3 > .iCf3Sc-
OII-S IV nilc m. quiet ; I'nllixl , nn market ;
renn ylvi > "la rnide. ro mnrkft. He. Itnslit ,
strained , crmnmn to cood. . . .
T rp'nlli1 SlWH.e. Cottonseed , dull
prim" minimcr JTllow. ! V ! 3Ve ; rff ummer > 'fl-
| i ? 'Hiil . iirlma summtr white , ttm '
UHT drnu-.tle. fair tu extra , 4HO
C' Jmian ) V v5Uc
MOI..VSSKS- a Iv ; New Orlnns , open kelll * .
K > -l to crw.lMi. ! < tslle.
r KlIi'lf'HTaOulrl sn.l steady. .
JIlTTl-H He * lt > ts JStt pkus. . Heady we'tsrn
cr .n < "rv iti rS'KUlns. ' . n1 ; factory. i Ho.
5,000 pkict. ; QUUt ; lorg * .
white , RHc , dmalt , while , DHe , Inrce , CTilore-1 ,
8 > 4 , smxll. CjlorcO , JUc , part tklini , 6Ji07c ( full
KQOS. llecclptu , J.S4J pkp | < , . tenrlrj state nnil
Pennsylvania , KHSO' o , western , ISSc.
MKTAIjS- Pig Imn , warrant * dull. .M t > M ,
} 7 n k il. Lake copp r , quiet nntl unchanwd ,
J10.S7H hM nn.l III iwke.1. Tin , quiet , 118.70 bid
find J1S.7S nskfil. fipelter , quiet. I4.1J bid nnd
II. K nsked. I > ail , rirhfinije Meady , ll.M',4 bl.1
and $3. 5 asked ; broker * ' quiet at U.Si'.i.
t'otiilllloii of Trnilf nnil I )
on Hliiplp mill 1'nnry 1'roittii-r.
KOOH-Oood Mock weak at 14c.
UtTTKIt-Cummon to fair , iDUllc ; choleo to
fancy. I4f17ci separator creamery , 23c ; gathered
crcdiiiery. sic.
VEAL cholCB fat , 3 to 1 Ibi. . quoted at 8c ;
large and coarse , 4(6c. (
I.IVK POUI/ntV-Hens. S'ic ; cock * . SCMe ;
sluing chickens , pcr lb. , Gc ; uuckA , 6U7c ; tur-
Ko > s , riyic. )
I'lllEONH Mvs. 7M ; dead pigeon * not wanted ,
Llp'1"1' ' * 5-w' mldlind
u , ' - ' , ; 00j lowland ,
J4.60 , rye straw. II ; color makes the price on
nay , light bale * tell the twit , only top grades
trine top price * .
* titk , lame , 40o ; imall , IStf
ONlONH-Pcr bu. . e c.
L'ii''J.i.r ' ! 1""l"l"t'Kwl navy , per bu. , 11.40.
? Mimw. ! ) TA''OKS-I'cr ' lllli2S -
h\"AlHv--HoniB grown , per Hi. , lllOUie.
rorATOKS-lIom ( frown , 40130:0 ; western
Mock , Oijfitjc.
WlNCHS-Californla. per' box , $1.23.
„ „ . ' ' ' "KS--VV Inter ntnck. : : Jonathans
and fancy varieties. 3.:3 ; California Uellc-
" " ' " ' * LR ( > Colorado Jonathans , boxes ,
II t"
NUW YOUK UltAl'RK Per 9-lb. basket. 15IP
134v ! ; large lots , IJi4Tfl3c.
' ' ' ' .7. ' , " Mill" and Oreson. "SeflJI.M.
i.IlAMIIillllinS Cape Coil , pcr bbl. . 1.1.CO ;
U IseoliHln. bones , Sl.'Oni.lO.
ifJfr ( nellls. IS.oORj.jr ; other varieties. II.M
pllANilES-Mexlcnn , per box. J4.50.
I.l'.MON.H-Messlna . | l.2J34.50 ; choice Call-
.o' ' larce stock , per bunch ,
I2.wy2.2j ; medlum- ! zed bunehes. 11.7302.00 ,
NITT8 Almonds , California , per lb. . largo
size. I3c ; Ilrnzlls. per lb. . 10o ; English walnuts.
per ib. , fancy , soft shell , I3c ; standards , I07J >
lie ; IllbeitH. per IK. lie ; pecans , polished , large.
9 10c ; jumbo , HBI2c ; large hlcnory nuts , I1.J3
per bu , , uocoanuts , 4Uo each ; tieanuls , raw , ty
o' ' c ; roaated. Cf6i ( { e.
PIOS Imported fanny , 4 crown. 20-lh. boxes ,
. , U5..Srawn' SMb' ( hoxes. 13814C.
UONKT-Cliolce whlla. lie.
kHAirr-Per bbl. , HM ; half bbl. . I2.S3.
MAl'I.n SYIlUI'-KUe-gal. cans , each I2.S3 ;
gal cans , pure , p r doz. . 112.00 ; halt-gal , cans ,
tO.SO quart cans. J3.0.
DATI.-.S 1'er W to 70-lb. boxes , 5e ; Ford 9-lb.
iKixes , 9c.
hindquarters , helfeia. S'Xje ' ; good cows , fi ic ; fulr
< le ; i . _ , , , . , _ .
' ' .if ' ' " „ „
shotil le'r clod's , iiuc ; rump butts' , SUi.pleer ;
shoulder clods , fiijc ; rump butts , 8V4c steer t-huelo ,
5\ie ; eow chucks. tc. \ . boneless chucks , 4i-e ;
row plnlp-t , 2c ; Hteer platei , 3',4e ; steak.
CHc : loins , No. 1 , He ; loins. No. 2 , HH4c ; lolnt.
No. .1 , Se ; sirloin ends. No. 1 , De ; rlba , No. 1.
lie ; rllw. No. 2 , Rije ; rlb . No. 3 , rc ; steer rounds
Vie : cow rounds , 7e ; cow rounds shank oft. Se ;
trimming. 4 ie ; beef shanks , Sc : brains , per dnz ,
3..n ; sw.'etbreads , per Ib. . lOe ; sweelbreads
( ealvis ) , | . .eiHi. . , ( Oe : kldne > s. jier doSSc ; o\
tails , each 4c ; livers , per II. . , Sc ; heaits , per
Hi. , 21ie ; toncues. per In. 12He.
Ml'TTON I/ainbs. 7e ; sheep. Cc ; market racks
( loinSo ) ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie less anil
saddles , Oc : lamb I.'KS , 9c : breasts and stews , Zc ;
toncite . each 3c.
I'lllSK Dres ed plrs Cc ; dressed hnir , Bijc ;
tenderloin13c ; Inlns. 1't.c ; spare rll , I'ic ham
snusaKi * butts. GHe ; shoulders. rniKh. Se ; shuul-
ilcri. fklnneil. CViC ; trlmmlnBs , PC ; leaf Innl ,
nut rendered , 5a4c ; bends , cleaned , 3c ; gnout nnd
ears. He ; backbones. HJe ; cheek meats , 3c ; neek
IM.IIPI. 2e ; plKs * ( nils , 3c ; plucky , eaeh fie ; chll-
lerlliiKS. 5c ; bocki ) , 4e ; hearts , per doz. , 2. > e ;
stomachs , eaeh 3c ; tonRiies. each 7c ; kidneys ,
per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. . 13c ; pigs' feet ,
per dor. . . 23e : livers , eaeh 3c.
11IDKP No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green
hides. Cc ; No. 1 salted hldiH. S'.ic ; No. 2 Krecn
salted hides , "lie ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. .
Se ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. Cc ; No. 1 dry
Hint hides. 115J13 ; No. 2 dry Mint hides. SfiHOc :
No. 1 dry salted hides. 9f10c : part cur-d hide ? ,
Wo per lb. le.w than fully tureft.
SHIiKP PKl/TS-Oreen palled , each 13W7Sc ;
Krecn salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) each Ific ; dry phearllnRS ( short wooled
early sklrs ) . No. 1. ench 5c ilry Hint. Kons- .
nnil Nebri"ka butcher wool pelts , per 11. . . actual
welsht , 455c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraskii
murrain wool pelts , pcr lb. , actual weight , 3lHc ;
dry Hint Coloiadn butcher wool pelts , per ID. ,
actual wclRht , 4/iiT.c / ; dry flint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3iI4ifeet ;
cut off , ns It Is lifeless to pay frelcn : on them.
Sf. I.onlH ( ionrnil 1Inrln-H.
ST. I-OI'IS. Oet. 23. rt.O'lt l-'irm. un-
ehnni l ; patents. Sl.i''iWS.OO ; strnlithli' , } 4.3DiJJI.C."i ;
clear. SI.1.W4.SO ; medium. S3.r,0rf3.7r , , .
\V11IJAT I/ower. cli-slne lc for December ami
lije for May lx > low yestrnlay. December , the nc
live r.ptlon. . opened * ie higher , ndvnneed ! % < *
more , declined 2Tic , leenvered Ric nnd closed i *
abov" the bottom. M.'ly numed 3c to rjie llow l
Dee.-mti-r. Sjiot , dull , higher ; No. 2 cash , el vn-
lor , 11.01 ; trnelt. ! 1.021/1.03 : No. 2 hard cash , fcSe ;
December. il.OSVl ; May. 'JS c bid.
COflN Futures followed the deellne In wheat
eloalnu ' < , W'4c In-low yrstenlny. Spot. ( Inn : No.
2 rash. 2fJ4c ; December , 21c asked ; May. 27-"iiTr
OATS Futurei wenk r.ed early , but closed
fractions nl vc vettpnlny. Spnt. hlcher ; No. 2
rnsh , eli'Viitor. 1Sie bid : Iraek , IDliWUi'ie ' : No. 2
while. 21H < ! i2mc : Di-eenibcr , 19e ; May , 21Tic.
11YK-Higher. HHtll' : .
llHAN-l'Irm , In BO..I ! d mand : enst track
Hacked. I7WISC ; enst track , this side , DOc.
I-'LAXSKIID Nominal. II.
TIMOTHY KKBD I'rlme , 2.3. ( !
HAY SI rene , trudlnit belnc conllned to the
best grndea ; prairie , J7.60SS.OO ; timothy. 17.00 ®
IH'TTKn Firm ; creamery , 1902IV4C ; dairy , 12
fl ! ! ) ' .
RCG.S Firm. 33c.
WHISKY 11.19. , ,
ron.THY Chickens , stendv nt 7c : dueks.
stearly nt GWGHc ; geese , Bteady nt Cc ; turkeys ,
rteaily nt 75TSe.
METAI S Lead , llrm , ! 3.771i.1.80. Spelter ,
nomlnnl. 14. ' ,
PHOVlSIONfi IV.rk , stemly : stnndnrd mess ,
jnblilng , $ .2"i. I.nrd , lower ; prime steam.
ebolee , 11.1214. Uiicnn. extra short clenr ( boxed
lots ) , t5.C2i.j ; ribs , : .r,2V , ; sh.irts . : . .87 > i. Dry
sail meats ( boxed shoulders ) . 13.23 : entra short
clear. J1.12' . : rllw. r..23 . ; shorts. J3.37'i.
UKCKIITS Flour. 4.00H M.N. : wheat , 42.H01
Im. : corn. 51.009 bu. ; outs I7.0i bu.
SHII'MKNTS Vlour. 4 ii bbls. ; wheat , OO.O-)1) ) )
bu. ; rorn. CCf D bu. ; oats. 7.0O ) bu.
llnllliiiiii-i- > ! nrllN. .
IIAI.TIMOUE. Oet. :9.-Ff/llK-Flrm , un-
chanKed ; lecelpts. l'J.4'J bblH. ; exports , 17.S1) ! ! )
wilRAT Easy Spot Sl.OtiyiOI.CO * ! : Oecemlwr.
ll.i-1 ( Cl.oi : steamer NK. 2 red. ! ) l < i3.'e ; le-
e-lt.lH. ( S.776. Sntithern wheat , by sample , 93cH
$1,01 : roiilliern , on grade , ( liieiflll.Ol.
roHN Kleadv Spot. 31jf31'4c ! ' : December ,
new or old. 3lfi31'ic ; meanu-r mlxiil , 21.'i8i'"J'.4e ) ;
iveeltits. JS.4I3 bu. ; experts 3I.4 'I ' bu. H utbern
while ei rn. 31W2.V ; southern yellow. 32ff33e.
OATH Finn : No. 2 white , 261ifl27c ; receipts ,
C2.7."J1 bu. : exporln. M. < VM bu.
HVi : I-'Irmer ; Not 3 western , 5lc : receipts , 32 , .
390 IMI ; i-xpnitH , 17.14.1 bu.
HAY Steady lo llrm for the best grades ; choice
thmthv. | IJ.XWI13.M. (
C.KMN FHKIOHTS Oulet. unelmnifed.
riutx Finn , iinehnnced ; fresh , Hi'ifrl7e.
Ill'TTEH AND CIIKKHI-J Hlendy. unchanged.
V MV Oi'li-iniN MnrUi'lH.
SUady ; pork. old. IK.37'1. ' Uird. retlned tierce.
14.124. Iloxed meats , div salt shoulder * . { 1.2T
Idea. I4.S7H. HHCOII , clear rllii sides. J3.75.
ll-m rholee sugar cun-d. t.5059.00.
fSFFKK-Hlo ) , ordinary to low fair. JS.751-
FIXI'1I ) Iliehor ; extra fancy , ll.70fi-l.SO ;
enls Jf. . ? ! ) . ' .
cnil > J.MKAIQillet , 11.6) .
HAY Stendy : prime , | 10.00iTll.OO ; choice. I13.CO
JViiN-Sl-ady ; No. 2 sacked , while , 30c ;
mixH. SSffJTo yellow. 3'W o.
f\TS leady ; No. 2. sacked. 2..i.flic. !
UICi : Firm ; ordinary to good ,
Cliii'liiiuill Mnrlie ( ,
CINCINNATI. Oct. 29.-FL01'H-Steady.
WIIM NT Firm ; No. 2 red. 9Tc.
cons' Steady : No. I mixed. J
OATH-Flrmer : No. 2 mixed , ni
UVB Slfiulv : No. 2. 47e.
I'UOVISIONS-Steady. Hulk ment , II. CO.
Haci'ti tit ? M. Lard. H.25.
AYHl-KY-Flrm. II. 111.
HI'TTKU Steady : farev KlRln creamery. Kci
Ohio fancy separator. ? iw22a gathered creams ,
Sl'tlHDull : hard rHIred. Il.10fl5.f3.
Fn > ] 4Klrm at He.
CIIKESI- : Firm ; geol to prime Ohio Hat. 9c.
I Ivcrmiol Uriiln mill I'mvlnlonH.
LIVKlll'OOL. Oct. S9.-l'nOVIHIONS Hams.
slii-.rt eut steady. M C < 1
CHP SK American llnest. while nnd colored.
dull < r.
WIIKAT Spot Nn. 1 rel nfr'liern snrlnit firm
7 W ; October , steady. 3 > lijd Jinvtmlttr. steady.
3a Itiid : DrcemliT. rteady. 3s 2 , > l ; spot , Anerl- |
ci n mi M , ! . ? M lid.
KIilI'll St. Louis , fnncv wrt | r. tlrm. 10s.
COHN October , steady at Is lUil.
ToltMlii lnrl 'fK ,
TOLKDO. 0-t. O.-WIIHAT-Aeth-e and lower ;
No ! rash , S7 ? c ; December. 5 c.
COHN Active and lowerNo. . I mixed. Me.
OATK DijJI and steady : No. J mixed , IKo.
HYPHigher and steady ; No : . cash. 4Sc.
CU'VKltSiEnrllve : and steady : prime cash
an' O-irlwr IJ.32',4.
I'-lnllla 1'roilllriMnrUit. .
I'M ! ' . ' .MLl'llIA. Oct.lU'TTiiJFlrm ,
Koo-l .Urn-ml. fancy wentern creamery , t'e.
IStldy Firm n.l active ; fre li nearby. SO : .
fresh western. 19c.
CUCIMB Steady , fair deman I
(3 rut n ltrfl | > t ut I'rliii-tniil Inrl.-flH.
tnilCXGO. Oct. 89. ltee lptai Wheat. 149 cars ;
com , ] M can ; oats , 201 can. EnllmiUJ re
t itnorrowi 110 corn > < w I
cars onta J2 , ru
KANSAS imrv . -teiclpt * ! I2
cam -MINNIAI'OI.13 : , Oct. W. Wheat
IH'M'TII , Oct.nerlptit : Wheat. IM cars.
HT. I/iris , Oct.ltecelpt : Wheat. SI our * .
' Co'M" ' " ' '
I'EOIHA. Oet.llwli | ! - -
onts , ZJ.900 bu. ; rye and whl'ky , none ; Wii nt ,
I.SOO tm. Shipments : Corn. 4S' ' hu. : nt . 4 .IopO
burye. . none ; whisky. 1.04S bbl * . : wheat , none.
KiiiiNit * Oily MnrU
KANSAS CITY. Oc-t. . -\Vitr.AT-lrregular.
alwtit le higher : rather slow ; .So. I hard , Sic ;
No. 2 , Sr.flWc ; N ) . S. BttJS" r ; N Jjflff'iu' ; ' : : No-
1 reil. 9V ; No. 2. nic. No. 3. WfWS'to , one car
poor , S7c ; No. 4 , 8SSS7e : No. I spring , StllSle ;
' ( niis'lANnit steady , fairly active ; No. 2
' "
"nATS-Slow , Meady No. ' while , Mffllc.
HAY Very'liriii. active ; choice timothy , ,1X50 ;
choice prairie. I7.M. . „ . „ „
llfTTKII Ahout steady ; creamery , : iQ38c ;
-TSiXvhM ? ' . 14.1,2m bu. ; corn. 6S.500 bit. ; '
eat , "fi.SOO bu.j corn , 31,500
bu.'oat ; . I.O.W bu.
I'porln .MnrUetx.
Oct. firm n nd
higher ; No. 2. 25'ic.
OATS Market firm nnd higher ; No. 2 white ,
UVE Market drm ; No. 2 , 4c.
WHISKY High proof tplrlts. 11.19.
-lrnlt nrnlii Mnrkrt.
DETIIOIT. Oct. . WIIKAT No. 1 Willie.
Wise ; No. 2 red , BfiHe ; December , OSc ; May ,
OSS.e ; No. 3 red. 93'Hc.
COllN-No. 2 mlxeil , K\c.
OATS-NO 2 mixed , : 'c.
UYB-Nn. 2 , 490.
Sun Krnm-li-t'o XVIu'itt Quotation * .
SAN FltANCISCO. Oct. 29. WHEAT Steadier ;
December , I1.4U ; May , Jl ; 1 ! ; .
MnrUi-t In Xi-ulerloil for flit * Hnkc of I'olltli-x.
NEW YOHK , Oct. 2 ? . The stock market was
apathetic nnd almost stagnant today , broken !
nnd operators apparently being taken up with
polities and the complications precipitated Into
the npproiicilng : local contest by the day
events. The recent and continuing strength In
the wheat maiket has also tended to divert some
share of speculative activity Into that channel.
Though trading was restricted In volume , the
market was quite strong throughout and only
once during the day did prices p R u , shade In-
low last night's level. Sugar RIIVO some evidence
of weakness and It was n dicllnc of nearly 2
points III till * specially which weakened the
general list. Consolidated Clan was also weak
and 2 pjlnts on the day. Otherwise there
wan no stock which manifested special weakness
nnd Sugar recoveied before the close. The
grangers wete strong on tiie HurllnRlim state
ment for September , chowlng nn Imrense for
giw.s earnings of nearly tl.250XN ( > , nnd an In
crease In thi > surplus after charges of nearly
JC30.0UO. Ileports were current also of continued
heavy earnings during the current month. Nev
ertheless , Omaha led the grangers with a net
gain of over n point. The southwestern stocks
nnd some of the southerns were quite strong on
the belief Dint thu yellow fever outbreak would
noon be ended by float. A number of these
stocks show net gains of a point. The coalers
recovered during day nil the losses which
they suffered yesterday , their net gains running
between 1 nnd 2 points , nnd In the cnse ot I.nck-
awntina extending to 3 points. Union I'nclllo
rallied somewhat from Its recent depression.
Inllueneed by London's example and by n rumor
that a large short Interest hint been cieated In
Uimlim In connection with plans for an opposi
tion syndicate to bid nt the foreclosure sale.
London was a buyer of various other stock : ) nlso
In this inatket. The exchange market held about
steady nt the teeent deellne and the money mar
ket continued easy , although with lendera In-
ellned to hold buck pending t'le completion of
the arrangements for the payment of the gov
ernment' * * el.ilm on Cnlon l.ulll.and of Its , re
turned obligations on maturing bonds. The total
sales today of all stocks were only about 173.000
shares , whleh Is a lower llgure than hns been
shown for ninny month. " . Sugar , llurllngton.'St.
Paul and I'nlon 1'acllle ab jrbed considerably
over n half of this total.
The feature of the bond market was the sharp
decline In Kansas 1'nelllc consols , which sold
at SG. a decline of 3Vi Per cent. The Union 1'a-
cilk ) Stt of 'Sfi trust receipts also lost 2Vi per
cent. Total sales , JiG13W ; . United States new
4s coupons were advanced ijc bid.
The ICvenlng I'ost'H London financial ciblegrnm
pays : "The stock malkels were Idle and Irregu
lar today. Consols were again better on the be
lief that the worst of the monetary stringency
Is over for the moment. Americans opened dull ,
rallied sbarp'y on Henry Oeorge'n death , but
closed dull on New Yoik prices. Ilrar.lls were
very Hat. It Is ImposHlble to say whether gold
will leave here In connection with the Union 1'a-
clfl" sale. Well Informed persons think not. The
London Times alludes to a possible Immense In
dian loan , but I gather that such may not come
this year , money being raUed on Indian treasury
bills. I'arls and Ilerlln markets arc dull. Iloth
bourses nte unsatisfactory nnd feeling the effects
of weaker money. There are weak i-puts at each
place. "
The following were the closing quotations on
the leading stocka of the New York exchange
today :
Atehlson ilonfd 10
ilopfd Jll St. Paul 0:1 :
llalttmorij.V Ohio. . II do pfd
Canada P.icllio 7UW St. P. , t Om 71H4
Canada Soiithurn . do pfd 140
Central I'.iolllc St. P.M. * M 121
Chra. . ( .Ohio So. Paelllc 2O
Chicago k Alton. . . . iSo. Il-illway nii (
C..II. .tQ . . . ' 03 do pftl ! H ( i
O..VK. I nt Tiixas A IMclfto. . . . IH
C.C. C..V St. L .44mlnloti I'aelllc t. r. . ' . " . ! !
ilopfd HO IM' . D. AO 7i (
1) 1. .M Hudson 1U WahUHh 7K
Del. L. .It W If.1. ! do pfd S
Oen.ft RloO UK Wheel. .V L. E. pfd ll'i
do pfil 4 I'e ! Adams Ex Ma
Krin ( nowl 1 r K I Ami-rlcun Ex 11II
Krlolstpfd SUM Unltud Status Ex. . . 41
PI. Wnvnu
' ' ' '
( ireatNorthnrn pfd. io ; ! A.Lcbt.bit'I ! !
Iloekln ; ; Villluv. , . . ( ' ' I Ani'n Spirits 10 . . . Hll'41 dopfd -7 ! *
I.aki'Urlox W. . . . I'm Am. TOJ.ICCO h''H
ilo pfd 71511 do pfd lii ( :
Laku Shorn 171 iChlcairo OaH Oil ? , ,
l.onlHvlHu & Naih. Cons. im : 'JO-J
Manhattan L . Coin , cablii Co 175
Met. Traction 101 Col. P. , V Iron aiu :
Michigan . do tifd DO
Minn. & St. L . . Oen. Eli-ntrlo 3.1J4
do iHtpfd HI IllliiolRSti-il 4:1. :
Mo.Pnclllc LaCU-de Gas 41 !
Mobile. . ' * Ohio Lead H IW
Mo.K. A T do nfd 101
do n'd Nat. Lin. Oil H1H
Chicago. Ind. & L. . . Oretrou Imp Co la
Uopfd I'aclHc Mall : m
N'.J. Cuutral I'lillniiin 1'al 171
N. Y.Centml Silver Curtlllcutu-t. . 7H-i
N.Y. Olil. .VSt. L. . . Suenr 140K
do.lHt pfd 7.1 do pfd lit' ; <
do''d pfil i5 ! T. C. .t Iron UHh
Norfolk i Western 1.4 U. a. Li-atlier V4
No. Ain r. Co l'4 do pfd 03
No. I'aelllc IH'-l U.S. Hubbcr ID
do phi do pfd Oil
Ontario i W UVsti-rn IIiilou K.s
Ore. 11. ANav ( ! lil.Ct. Wenurn. . . l.fy
Ore- . Short Line 111 .North n-nsiern I''IIH
I'lttHOiirg lur ilopfd KI-JK
llliiUrando WL'Ht. . . ' "J
UocklHland dopfd B4 ! (
St. LonlH dS. K
seeond assessment paid.
Total bales of sto'ka tolay were HI.400 shares ,
Including : Atrhlsnn preferred. S.340 ; Chiengo ,
llurllngton > t ( julney , 3.4I3 : Missouri 1'iicitle ,
8ifl ; Northern Pacllle Preferred , 8n3 ; Itnck
Island , 5.473 ; St. I'aul , 1II81W ; Union I'aclllID. .
: ' :0 liiiy Stiitc OIIB , rt')0 ) ; Chicago ( ! a , 11.170 ;
Consolidated Clas , 3.MJ ; Sugar , 2.,2i3.
\i-iv Yorlc .lloncy lliirl.'i-t.
Easy at IVtfl2 per cent ; last loan. 2 per cent ;
closed at 2 per cent.
I'lllJlM MEHCANTILK I'AUBIl Wffl'i ; ier
STEIILINO EXCIIANOE-Steady. with actual
business In bankers' bills at ! 4.S3 < ifti.8.- | > % for
demand nnd l4.t,7V and H.Wi for sixty days
posle.l rales , JI.83W4. ! > : ! ' 4 and | 4.Siifrt.COi ! ; com
mercial bills. II.MCft.81'i- '
' ' * *
HAlt SILV'Ell hJJJc.
Closing quuliitlumi on luuul.s were ai follows ;
tl. S. nowlH. "
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
II , S. iv3w IH con I N ! K VI'H' . . . . . . . . . . . , . 'l 'J'H '
U' . S.4H.I-HJ ll'JU N.O. n I'l.'K '
U.S. iH.coiip 1 iO : { No. I'.icltlo lsn..l-'D
tl. S. ' 'H. rat Oil No. I'.iclHa : is ft ! )
No. I'.iclllj 4H IIOH
Ilk ! fin. coup. . . . . . 1I5 > < N. Y. C & St. L. 1H..10I
District .1. ( Mi lir.Hf N .V , W. H 1U1IU
AU..CI.-IH4 A HIS N. W. Consols . .14 l'4 '
Ala..clans II HH N , W. Dub.Is. . , . 1175s.
Ali..clms'J ; : 100 Oro. : | . . '
Aln. Curronuy. .IH | Oro. Niv.lii ; . . . , Oil
Alatilwn IH sdliil ( ) . S. L. Us. C r .110
Atclilaona'll. 4 . . . . fls'0. ] S. L Ss. t. r oa
Canada So.-Jnds. . . led lo. Imp. Mls.-t. r..ll ) . '
Chic. 'IVrin 4,1 n. Put ) .11. t. r . . . . Ill'- ' ;
O..V O . " .s ll'JIi l'K-lljtirt : | of'1)5. ) . . lU'J'i ,
c.H. AD. mi. . . .lotw ' ' '
D..R a. un nnv H.l.kV ll 1 lit i ! ! . . .
I.V H. ( I. In. . . . HS HI. U.VI. M. Ol. i HIS
IDS 1st. UAS. F.Gjll.H.llllUj In . . . "OH'St. ' P. coniolw li. : ) '
! ' . W.&I ) . U. . r. . OS ISt. l > . O. Ac P. I His 119-4
'lun. Klrc. ; > t inp St. 1 > . C il > . Hu. . . 11CH
O. II. . * 4. A.llu. . . .1011 S. C. uoiifimd. . . '
( J. II. AS -'IU..IHL" Saiithflru I'.r. 5s. . ,
II. AT. Cunt. Ss S. n. AT. Us . . . . no
II. AT. C. con Its. . . 101 Tonu.ti4W not 14
Iowa C. IHIH T-x. I'.w. L G. Istt UU
K. I' . IxtB.t. r HUM , Tox. 1 - - - - . . „
K. IVcon.t. r. . . Ill 'IJ.P. ' Ims 10J
La. NmvCoii.4s . . . of II , P. 1) , IHIH. .
L..VN. Un ! 4. * HI Wab. Ut 107 > i
MlHHOcirl OH 101) ) Wau.Jd * 70
M. K.4.T. ads fll ! Wnat Hhoru Is . . . .lOH' * '
M. K. AT. 4s 8.1tV.i. | Cenlurlus U7 ! <
K. Y. O. iHts 117)'V.i. ( ' 4
Iilllllloil StlM-U ( tllOtllllollN.
I/3NDON , Oct. W.-4 p. m.-Clo lns :'y. lllll-IJ : St.P.UII cu 11310U. . II5H
CoiiBolH. aco't lll ! N Y. Ontril 111
Can. Paclno Hl >
Krlo 1JH
Krle lot iifa : I7 Mo t'-in. now It. III !
111. Coair.ii Him Atcliiocn IKK
McAicanurdmarv " ' \y. . . . , fill 14
27'JJ per ounc
MONKY-2V.j 2'i p r cent.
The ratu uf dlrcount In the open market for
short bllli In 24) per cent for three inoiilh ' bill * ,
3i per cent.
Gold Is quoted at IhirniM Ayrvui tn-lay at IK. 70 ;
at Lisbon , 4S i per ctnt ; at Hume , 105.40.
. \IUI-P It-ii it .Sc-urltli-K In l.onilon ,
ijUNDON. Oct. 2J , The market fur American
novurlllc * c l eaal r , Ihtn lmprj\cd , but
way Again FMUnir c \is-/l / ( he. weakness The
tl so Tins bnrtlr stendy t.ith n moderate de
tl'inliiii SlnrU ( lniliilnti .
IIOSTON , O t. . - < -all rmn , tttt per cent ;
lime loans. 3SfilV4 per rent l-l. mf ? priced for
stacks , Imnili ami itilnlhg shares :
A.T..VS. P" . 1/vTWr'BIoT iiM oT"
American . l4tm ;
pfd . . . 1 IrtHiftoii. Klaj. pfd. . . . fit )
IlavstAto O.v > . . . . a | 'Atcilftc ! > . | nhi miu
lcll ! Telephone. . . ffS.1 [ Hen Moc Ai BJIU
lloslon.V Altuiv. St"4tt'i. ; | Pent 1 :1SH :
HoMonA.JIalno. . . vtl.l . l\vU c.-ni ( Is lath
C..II.AQ l'-1. ' | 'Anohp < Minln/OJ 75
nichbiitv limlAilintU asi < Kluatno. . iUH Motion & Monl.vit 13 ' (
IlltnoH S113I. . . 4 : ! Ililllok . , . . - -
Mexican . C.lhliliflItccU. . . 45(1 (
N. Y..VN.K SO Ci-mtmnlal
Old Colour 181 Kr.imtlln IH
O.S. i , 18
Rubber HIH Osci-ola 37
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Union I'.icinc"Jl Oitliicv' . ! . . . . . . . . . . Ill )
WcfttRnil 113 T.iinaraen. 12f
Weil End titd. . . . . 1110 Wolverina 15
\V. Elec am
Sun KriiiirlniMi Allnlnic
SAN PtlAffCISCO , Oct. :9The ottlclal clojlns
riuiitntlons on mining stocks today weic as fol
low * :
Silver hnra , 57Sc ; Mexican dollars , 46J46'ie
drafts , Right , 17' ' , e ; dmfl . teleKnipli , 20e.
iv York > llnlntr ( | ii < ntl < iiiN.
NB\V YOHK , Oct. 29. The followlnR are the
closing mlnlni ; quotations : r > 3 Oiutrio A
Crown Point 30 Ootur. HO
Con.C'M.AVn. . . . Ill ) Plymouth us
De.idxvooil HO UulckHllve"100
( iould.t Onrry : u > UulcUsilvor id. ( . . 000
llnlu.VNore.ross. . 1211 Sierra Nor.vl.i. . . . 70
llomentako 3000 Standard li > 0
Iron Silver 'Jf. Union Uoit :17 :
Mexican 40 YullowJ.iekdt . . . . 41
I'Miiant-lal Vote * .
11O3TON' . Oct. 29. ClenrlnB * . liinG2SOi ; bAl.
mice ? . JI.37S.47I.
NIi\V YOUK. Oct. 29. ClearlnKS , J115.SS9.4I2 ,
balanceto.771.70S. ! .
MttMl'llIS. Oct. 29. ClearlnKS , JIK < ,4 7 ; bal-
nnces , J95.457. New York exchange , selling at
CINCINNATI , Oct. 23. New York exchanRe.
2.V premium. Clearlng.-i , J1.S23.7DO. Money , 2'jfi
fi per cent.
NKW OKI.EAN3. Oet. 29. Clearing , 11.013 , .
810. New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial ,
75c per JI. < KH > discount.
IlALTlMOIll' : . Oct. M. ClenrlnRS , J2,322,3i:0 : ;
balances. J4f8.26fi. Money , unchiuiKcil.
PIIILADKLI'IUA , Oct. 23.-ClearliiKS , J11.S39.-
153 ; bnlanciH , J2.529.7IS. Money , 3S3V4 per cent.
ST. LOL'IH. Oct. 211. Clearlmta , JI 257,403 ; bal
ances , JC92.112. Money , 6fS per cent. New Yolk
ex.ihnnKP , 25c dlircount bill , par aked.
CHICACiO , Oct. El. ClenrlllRs. Jt5,393,79S. New
York exchange , 15r25c piemlum posted rates ,
J4.S3iVr4.SG',4. StocU.i active ; South Side Rle-
vateil iimite n new high recrnl ; vlorlng : West
Chicago , 11,0- % ; Diamond Match. 135 ; Lake Street
L. 13'i ; New Yorlc Hlrcult. 02 , City Hnllunr , 226 ;
South Side L , C5
IIMIILIN , Oct. 29. HxclianKQ on London. 20m
3'jpfg for checks.
LONDON , Oct. M.-Thn amount of bullion
taken Into the of I'.tiKlaluI on balance today
was 100,000.
PARIS , Oet. 29. Three per cent rente * . ITOf
20c for the it-count. Ilxchange on London. 25f
17 > , ic for checks. _ '
CoKoii .llnrlct-l.
Livnni'ooL , oet. 23. COTTON spot in gMd
demand ; prices favorable ; Ameilcin middling ,
3 15-H2d. The sales of tU.Q-dav weiu 10,000 bales ,
of which r , ( were for ppeciltutt.n nnd export ,
nnd Included ! ) ,4UO Aimvlnio. Ilecelins , : ' .5.CO'5 '
Imles. Including 20.5CO American. Futures
opened pteady with a moderate demand and
closed easy ; American middling , L. M. C. . Oc
tober. 3 21-04(1. ( sellers ; , October and November ,
3 IS-Clil , tellers ; November and December ,
3 lil-CId , Fellei.n ; Deoemb r and January , 3 15-lilfi
3 IC-Cld. buyers ; Januaiy nnd l-'ebru.iry , 3 15-64ff
3 lC-Gd , buyers ; February and March. 3 IG-CId ,
buyers ; March nnd April , -I 17-Cld. > ellers ; April
and May , 3 I8-CI.1. sellers ; May and .lune ,
3 19-fi4d , Fellers ; June niul Jilly , 3 2)-04d , sellers ;
July and August. 3 21-rld , sellers. Following
are the ueekly cotton statistics : Sales , Amer
ican. 41.000 balm : trade t'.iklnfes. CS.OOO b.ilcs ; ac
tual e\P its , 4.1:110 : bale * ; Imtiort total. 13S.UOO
bales ; imp > rtB , American , 127.COO bales ; stock
total , 3S4.IKM bales ; stock. Amljrlciin. 271,100 bales ;
ulloat , total , 320.000 bales ; ullont. American ,
325,00. ) bales ; sales for speculation , 300 bales ; pur
chases for export. 2f uO bnles.
NH\V Oltr.KANS , Oet ; 29. COTTON Kasy ;
Kill's. 4,200 halm ; ordinary , 45 c ; good ordlnaiy ,
5c ; low middling. 5 5-lCo ; middling , . " > ic ; good
middling. 5 13-10c ; middling fdlr. C 1-lCc ; receipts.
ll.3 > 5 bales ; KtocU. 1S2.231 lmle . Consolldatnl
statement : Hecelpts. net , 3C9.040 bales ; exiwrts
to fircat llrltnln , 137.81'J hales ; Krniice , 15.700
bales ; continent. 1fi5.D82 bales ; ptock , 7IS.74I !
bales. l < -1utures. steidy ; pales , 37,2(0 ( bales ; Oc-
ti b-'r. nominal ; November , $ "i.51$7".53 ; December ,
J5.1785.4S ; January. J5.5DC3.12 ; I'Vbruary. } 5 .V ! ®
fi.57 ; March , J5.61ig5.C2 ; April , J5.CC5.G7 ( ; May ,
MEMPHIS. Oct. 29.7-COTTON Steady nml V4c
luw rf middling.5iie ; receipts , G.Oal bales ; shlp-
mentH , I,3M ) bales ; stock , 73ll.0 bales ; s-ales , 2,10i )
bales. t
.ST. LOUIS , Oct. 29. COTTOW-Uulet and 1-lGo
lower ; middling. C c ; sales. 100 hales ; receipts.
C.221 bales ; shipments , 4/J75 bales ; stock , 2Si02
T vo IIP Tliri' > liiirKi * Sales Sivvll the
Ttidil .Materially.
IIOSTON. Oct. 29. The Doston Coininerclil
llulletln will say tomorrow of the wool maiket :
The sales rjipear large because of two or thp-e
sales. Mr. lharles Fletcher took 2,000,000 pounds
of Oiegon. Id.iho and Utah wool In the bags and
the principal holder of Cordova carpet dispose , !
of two puiehases. There has been a very quiet
market. The mills are unusually well supplied
with orders , hut are not getting much new busl
ne.-s now niul consequently do nut feel Impelled
to buy. Wool hr reached the Importing point ,
as witnessed by the Htemly , though small , tide or
new Imports. The American market has already
risen to the level of October , 1SU2. The falft of
the week are 3,320,301) ) pounds of domestic and
3.H84i pounds of foreign , aitalnat 1.950.000 pounds
of domestic and I.17G.IOO pounds of foreign last
week and 3.SCO.UCO pounds of domestl,1 and 2.410-
000 pounds ot foreign for the name week bint
yeur. The sales tii 'late ' how nn Increase of 83-
032,300 pounds of domestic and m.lSS.TOO pounds
of foreign over the sales to the same date In
UitG. The lecelpts to date Fliow an Increase rf
127.103 bales of domestic and 337. MJ bales of
NK\V YORK. Oct. 29. WOOII'Irm ; tlicci. ' .
2l 31e ; Texas , 13ffl7c.
.ST. LOl'IS , Oct. 29. WOOI. Quiet , steady nnd
unchanged ; medium. 15ft2lc ; light line. ISfJ'.C' c ;
heavy line. 10 14e ; tub watheil , 223lc. |
NBW YOUK. Oct. 2) . COFFKII-Optlons
openeil barely steady , 5tf10 pnlntrt ilecllne under
Inwer Kurnpean cables , heavier receipts at
Santos , Kurupi-.m lliild.illon | nnd nbseiu-o of spot
Inquiry : furtber oaseil off In the afteinooii , under
general llqu'datlon ; cloKed steady at net ilecltii"
nC 10H20 points. Sales , ,77i > bugs , Including :
November. J5.10 ; December. J'i.S5 5.'Ji ) . Closed :
October. J5.ooiif5.10 ; Hwemher. Jj.SDff3.S5. S | > 3t
colfee , lllii. imlet ; No. 7 Invoice. JG.H'jobhlng ;
J7.12',2. Mild , : Cordova , tu.nvffiri.uo. Totiil
wniehouse deliveries from the 1'nlted Slates , 20-
730 Uigs.lncludlngl9.255bagsfromNcw York ; New
Vork stock , 4J7.9U bags ; irnlli l Klites stuck , 5iU.ssi
bags ; nllnat for the t'nlted States 2'JiIJi ! bags ;
total visible for the United State * 35.rSH hags.
against C'JO.110 bags last year and 550,392 bugs In
I1AVIIIOct. : . . COWKI3 ClnnM weak at
ID' f decline : sales , .VI.OOO bags.
HANTOS , Oct. 19. COKI'KK Oulet ; giod nver-
ngii SanloH , 7,30' ) rvls ; lecelpts , .37OD bags ; utock ,
1,180000 bags.
IlAMIII'IUl. Oet. 29. CO IT KB Openeil H'l '
lower ; closed with a net ilecllne of Wil't pfg- ;
vales. 13.IWO bags.
uiri UK jANKino , Oct. s-coKiiK-0 ) | > * npii
quiet ; N" . 7 lllo , 7.JIW ( r l ; oxehange , 7d ; re
ceipts , 25.0DQ bags ; cleaied for the I'nlteil ' .States ,
13.02i bags : cleared for Kuropa. O.OOT bags ; xtuch ,
433.00) bac ,
\IMV Yurie ! > ! ) ( iiiuilH .MnrKcl.
NI3W YOHK , Oet. 20. The dry goods nrirket
Is still dull In nearly nil division * , thu dullness
lxlng accentuated by the fact that orders for
woolen goods , both for m"i's ) wear fabrics nnd
iivercoatlnga nnd cl Hikingsuru nt present quite
light. The feelliu ; of buyers of cotton goods In
distinctly against purchases , iiUhmigh the mar
ket Is decidedly ea y In which , to trade. The low
price of cotton has nillltnteH ngalnst heavy pur
chasing' and Afllcru are net Inclined to take na
enthusiastic u view nf the market ua they were a
week or twn ugo. Print eliths remain dull , III"
lunt ten days having been * blank ones ut Full
Hlver. with , rules outside of the market on very
small size. Kxtrns are > tll ! quoted nt 2n for
up .IB and 2 7-lGc f"r futuny. hut purchasers are
very chary of operntln at nny price.
Slimnml Leiithi-r llivlt > w.
CHICAOO. Oct. 29 'Hie , Khoc und leather
Iluvlew tomorrow will * uy : The vales at iiacKcr
hides for the week are large. There was con-
Bllcrable movement of fp'eily : | nJtlve kteer hides
nt 114t'llT ) c. and the packers are told up , some
of them till January 1. The quotation * are sur
prisingly well nuitnlned , conMiierlng the condi
tion of 4he leather trade. Native tteer hide *
were soil ut ll'ic. but the branded fleer hblFB
broiiKht lOc , heavy Texas slur hides cold ut lOVic ,
with the light weights at 9 < 4c. The country hide
mrj-ket U utrong. U U atllrmeil und dvnliul that
buff hides hare void at 'J'.ie.
Sn ur
LONDON. Oct. 29.-11K1JT HUOAH-Octolxr
s M.
NKW YOUK. Oct. M.-SUaAU-Itaw. nominal ;
f.ilr retlnlng , 3 5-lGc ; cenirlfugal , SMi test , 3 M-lii
ftVe. Ilrllned. steady ; nioM A. SUc : standard
A. 4fcc ; confertlonerB1 A. 4e ; cut louf , 5c ;
crunheil. Vitv powdered , 5 13-1C ; ; glanuluUsl , 5c ;
cul > c , 5He.
NKW OHLKANH. Oct. -StlOAH-Steady ; granulated. 4UO < > c : voltes , 3 0
4v ; yellow , 3 3-l&i3ie ; rrcomin. 2S2 3-lCc.
Mo'aii'eii. utt-ndy ; < II-P kettle , ISSSOc ; oi-iitrlfu-
.141 , istfc ; yrup , 20i22c.
) liiiilu > Htrr TexllliTriulf. .
MANCH .STUH CK-I. S3. Uottut ftnd yarns
very re trlcttd of sale.
Excessive Supply at tha Local Yards Proves
Bad for Business ,
uyci-M TnUc Ailvniitnm- llrnvy lit
< - > -litn | , lint I'l n u 1 1 y Cl.-nr Ui | AU
i\l-l-pl l-VcillTK IIOKt SlOW
mill I.IMVIT.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. Sa.-Ueeelptst for
the ilnys Indicated were ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
Octohor 23 fi.M.1 1.6S7 2,017 51
October 2S 7il3,1 3.501 . . . . " 4
October 27 0.06S 4.491 2,539 6
October HI V.Ml ! UKi3 11,112 . . . .
October 25 5,387 l.SSI 1.POI 7
October 2.1 1.634 V-PW MS
October a. . . . ' 2,937 4 , 3 2.2H7 . . . .
Octohor 21 3,7i2 4.SUJ ffiS 2-1
October 20 3.V ! ' > 6,437 G.ttM . . . .
October IS 4,477 2.655 3,31
October 18 5C 7 C71 10,151 14
October 16 623 3.a)7MM :
October 15 Z.72X 3,153 Sl
October 14 B.SM 3,365 1,001 1
October 13 3,911 3.2SS 703
CATTJ..K Omnhii had more rattle thiin
either CliidiRO or Kansas City. 27. . Cars be
ing reported In nt this point. WhileUie of the cattle weio westerns nnil feed
ers , the proiKirtlon of feeders was larger
thun on a good many Cnys ot lute. The
general market was slow nnd lower.
Some of the most desirable lots of corn-
fed beeves may have sola > ; ary ! ut about
yesterday's prices , but the market as a
whole was easier In addition to bclnpr plow.
A good many of the citttle wen ; pretty fnlr
sturt and as high as $1.80 was p.tlil for some.
The on't't'lnss of cows nnd heifers were
larger than for some day , . and the market
was u little easier all round. While the
trade wns not very active the cattle kept
selling and In the end a very fair clearance
was effected.
In spite of the good buying- demand from
the country the supply of fi-eders 1ms been
so large that II has been almost . . . . .
to kiep the yards cleared. Yesterday 119
ears ot feeders were shipped out Into the
country , but there were quite a good many
left behind , and this morning the yards
were erowded again with fresh cattle. Un
der the clrcuniHlnnces It was not surprising
that the nmrket today should be slow and
easier. There seemed to ho u pretty fair
buying demand , and the cattle kept chang
ing hands , but at the fame time late trains
wi-re bringing In more rattle , so that the
day was well advanced before anything like
a i-luirance wns effected. With nil the
tle here It was remarked that choice little
rattle- were far from plentiful , and In some
eases c.Htli ? which Just suited the lilcnn of
the buver brought fully steady prices , ( jnlto
a Miring -Manitoba cattle sold at JJ.W.
Itcpresetitatlve sales :
IIKKIHTiius : :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
TO 20..1015 tl 30 C1..11SO $1 6714
20. . . . lift ) 4 33 a ) . . . . 132(1 ( 4 55 is..11 * ) 3 ro
130. . . 1153 ; t S3 23..IOG3 4 IM 30. . . .113.1 4 13
4 G : > 19..1319 4 SO
. S.V1 27.1 1. . . . 910 200 23. . . . 913 3 SO
. IfltW 2 75 4..110' ' ) 27. , J. . . . 770 3(10
. S7'i ' : l 2.1 4..1013 33.1 1..1010 340
. 9V 3 91) ) 1. . . . 7W 2 l 1. . . . fiSO 2 1C )
.1010 1. . . . S9 < > 2 60 I. . . . > 2 50
. 71D 2 hi ) 2..1000 27.1 14. . . . .US 27.1
.1:01 2 ! > < > 2. . . . 993 2 M 10..11CS 2 91
3 2) )
2..1130 321 J. . . . 655 3 2.1 15. . . . CIO 3 50
7. . . . 41" ' 3 GO 1. . . . 900 3 CO
1. . 2 r,0 1..1120 2 C3 1. . . .1720 2 70
1. . 2 S3 1..139' ' ) 275 1. . .1030 3 l
1. . 3 10 . . . 9f.O 3 23 1. . ao 3 ci
1. . , SCO i. . . . 210 i 50 . 3.11 4 C5
5. . , 310 4 : > ) 100 4 0. . ) . 110 5 M
r , . . 3 : 14. . . . 57S 4 10 31. . ! us ? 4 10
1. . , sin 3 (0 ( S3. . . . 93. 3 85 1. . , MO 3 00
16. . 093 3 CO 1. . . . SCO 300 12. . 73ii 3 40
. 49) 3 CO 1. . . . 540 4 23
No. AV. IT. Av. I'r.
1 feeder 1070 n 10 1 steer 1240 13 r,0 ,
1 liull 1320 2 10 0 cows 971 2 50
1 cow 900 2 73 3S feeders. . . . S3 ! 3 73
1 cow lOiO 3 00 1 feeder 1170 3 S2U.
2 feeders ! UO 3 00 S3 feelers..1121 ! 3 K
1 liull 102,1 300 I steer 1270 3 M'
47 cows 101) ) 3 20
1 feeder 570 3 ( n 1 Ktutt 030 3 33
2st K 1100 323 3 feeders. . . . & ) 3 f 0
27 steers 10SI 3 63 1 feeder 870 3 53
2 feeders "i'0 3 1 slat ; 1200 .1 7.1
5 feeders. . . . 733 3 73 7 feederK. . . . 'J07 3 73
U feeders. . . . 1000 S.1 1 feeder 1130 4 CO
41 ( eiders 691 I 15 1 feeder 1030 4 13
I feeders 9--5 I 15 10 fe.-ders. . . . C71 I SO
TO ycarllnRS. . Km 4 Kr helfera SS2 3 2.1
fit feeders..I0i2 3 ( T 11 feeders. . . . 1031 3
t slatf lire 15 heifers SM 3 25
5 cows ! I72 2 'JO 42 feeders. . . . SOI 3 M
I bull 1030 3 00 2S feeders. . . . 731 3 70
1SS fdrs , Tex. . 7IC J 2" .
1 cow S20 223 1 Bias 1070 230
1 bull 1010 2 GO C ' ) cows KM 2VO
1 cow 150 300 2 lnlllnjrs. . . . 8 > W 330
> )0 , < ; h ! ) .Vi 310 S3 steers 1140 .1 5
3S feeders 1005 31)3 ) 4 calves 31450
4 caves. : : : : 20.1 i. =
2 tnlllmrit. . . II ? teers 1151 3 75
1 talllm ? W 3 2.1 4S fleers l'"J3 4 10
1 cw 1-20 2 25 2 tallliiBa. . . . S'O ' 3 110
istrtB 1070 2 .10 9J feeders. . . . 781 3 30
1 bull 1010 2 IM 20 c. & ll 931 ! 3 40
Meows 825 2 C3 1 cow 1070 3 60
r'J ccws M' > * > 290 42 feeders..1020 SCO
1 cow 12.10 3 CO 3 steers 1140 3 S3
'j2 cows 1115 305 I Htcer 13M ) 375
PI2 talllllK" . . . SJO 3 03 131 feeders. . . . 6M 3 91
' .113 38 feedcl . . . .1001 393
Cl > helfeis. . S3li 3 SO 53 feeders. . . . SIS 4 10
RS helfrrs. . Kll 3 25 4 calves 342 4 M
30 heifers. . 871 323 4 cnlvca 203 473
30 heifers. . fr.l 32.1 10 cows ! > S1 2 CO
12 cows , .10M 3 10 1 bull 1340 2 r,1
C7 eowf .10.T 3 10 1 tailing 1130 3 25
77 steers 121C 395
1 staK 1210 1 M 2 tulllniH..lo5 3 2 :
3 cow ? t-33 2 00 1 feeder COO 3 K
1 heifer 810 3 15 7 feeders. . . . fSl 3 03
15 cons 1024 3 15 19 feeders..10C5 3 03
1 tiilltiu ; 1010 3 15 12 cows k. > 3 2 .SO
41 eows UJ4 3 ' . ' 0 Ibull 1310 2 55
30 feeders..1222 31:0 :
CO feeders. . . .12PO I 10 27 steers 10 2 3 GO
2 feeders. . . . 1040 3 93 20 feeders..102) ) 3 93
9 feeders ll t 3 91 2 bu'.ls 1115 2 r,0
12 feeders. . . . 10C5 3 S3 11 cows 1011 3 li )
.l.ileeig 112 ! 325 41 steers 1123 3 70
2.1 feeders. . . . 1151 4 m 19 turners..UBS 4 10
11 feeders. . . . 901 3 90Manitoba.
SIS feeders. . . . 95 3 90
lions On their llrat round this morning the
buyers bought a few loads of IIORM at about
Rtendy pliers , but the market was peen V lower.
fnlcHinen were rither ptuhhoin , while buyers
were determined upon K-curlm : the i-nnrtMntnn ,
whle.j naturally Hindered the market plow. As
the mornlni ; advanced the market did not Im
prove any. but lather grew worse , If anything ,
and the close was very weak nnd alow at the
' "
"The hens Kohl today nt l3.30'Sar,2'i. with the
bulk ill $3.rf(3.40. ( Vchterday the Rinse was
J3.32i.4y3.55 nnd the.bulk sold nt $ .1.llffa. 15 , The
nver ie of all the talcs was about Cc lower
than yesterday.
Today's decline takes the maiket In the lowest
point touched HO far this mont.i and the lowt-st
that It IUM been since the hift week In July ,
jlepiefentntlvi' '
No. Av. Sli. I'r. No. Av. Sll. Tr.
52 . 3Si ! 20 < ) 3 SO 58 , . .299 Sil (3 35
17 . 355 11V ) 3 SO 4S. . .321 M ) 3 35
11 . 319 , . . . 3 30 . .300 120 3 r
12 . 430 SO 'I 30 B7. . . .270 120 3 37H
14 . 3S ! ) SO 3 30 . .313 VI 3 371.1 ,
41 . 3S2 120 3 30 117 311 3 371 , ,
B2 . 31S 3 32 Vi 81 ! 19J
10 . 299 M 3 31".i 60 2SS "
41 . 317 10 3 32'/j 27 SSI 3 40
57 . 291 120 3 35 73 27f' 120 3 40
10 . 33S UO 333 1.1 219 2 40
45 . 3iO . . . 335 UJ 312 3 40
72 . 2 l ! 3 35 Cl 2iS 3 40
CO . ; : SM 3 3.1 tti 292 3 4' )
3 35 49 327 3 40
53 . 328 3 35 C5 243 1W 3 40
31 . 328 3J5 CO 2SI 3 10
M . 317 3 35 49 3S1 3 40
35 . Ml 3 35 BO 205 3 40
13 . 30J 3 3.1 f 1 3)1 3 40
42 . 3lil 2 33 M 312 3 40
55 . 335 3 35 57 277 3 40
3)1 ) . 312 3 35 2' ' ( 233 3 40
5.1 . 3.11 3 35 B3 210 3 40
ai . M ) 3 f- ' . 33 213 3 40
61 . 2SS 3 31 Cl 2.15 3 42'i
51 . 317 3 33 C3 213 3 45
It . 336 3 3.1 47 316 3 45
43 . 310 3 S3 72 23 3 41
02 . 2fc8 40 3 32 Cl \Ki \ 3 43
4S . 329 12 * 3 35 li'J 237 3 41
5S . 313 . . . 3 35 Gl 2H 3 IS
II ) . 32 * KO 335 B8 233 3 17 Vj
Cu . 275 ICO 3 35 1'J 1.VJ 3 00
51 . 311 fiO 3 31 71 242 3 50
14 . 311 60 333 70 231 3 fO
CO . 29 ! 60M 33 I 241 3 f.2'i '
I. . , . . .530 ro 3 550 3 21
3. . , . . .410 3 S3 7 321 3 20
Ir. . . .391) 3 00 330
1. . , . . .320 3 00 6 1 < f 3 31
1. . 3 > 1 250 3 5
27. . . . .105 3 r. 3 3M 3 31
1. . , . . .420 3 190 3 40
3 37H 7 2SI 3 40
9 131 3 45 ' ' ' ' 3 45
4 2 3 45 G..V.V.'m 3 64
HIIKKI' The. receiptn tver liberal Ililu morn
Inir. but no was th demiind , end the market
wax active und SftlOc blither. Kverylhlng kold
early , hut mostly on private terms , llepn-iienia.
lite bales :
No. Av IT.
6 bucks 'Jf
7 native ewes K4 3 iiO
119 Mexican yearlings 77 4 IS
111 Mexican yeailliiKH 77 4 15
SI , I.iiulx l.lviSliX'U. .
ST. UH'IH. Oct. W.-OATTIiK-HwelpU , 3 , W
head ; hls > menU. Z ( uo he-id , marki-t Hrun * for
natives and -Hdy t to tr : > ns for TrxaiiH , native
hljiplng and exuort teer , | I.CKi ( > ! > .10 ; bulk ot
> ali * 14 SiQt-TJ rtr * . ft litf und ImthrrV r . K. j/4 MI bulk of Mini , JI.JMH "u. i t r
under l.W ) tHim < tii , J3 Ki l Wi hum of FH > P .
11M1H o . ft , . < 'krr nnd ffrUr , 11.5081 1'
unit htlfir.i tJ. ff4.Jliulk of vown , ,
Ti xuiix xinl ItvllNn i form U.0ff4.00. caw * nnd , I2.3MU.JO.
Hlis-Urc.pli. ( | ! 7,000 hp ,1 Hilnmcntu S WO
t id. iiMiKft w > nk In 5o Inwpr ; llclit. $7 ( . 3373 ,
mltrd , J3 , vi rg.o ; lifnvy , JJjofil.s.
SlliirUcilpt : : * . l.OiH ) lu-n.l , liii'mpnt . 1 < K >
html , nmrkel Urong ; native muttons , JJ.w ' 4 1-
nto > k-r t ! .MW.OO eulls nnd bucks , Jl.JlifJ 65 >
Utnlii , JI.WttJ.30.
Cnillo nrnrrnlljStoi llun n
Mi'ki-1 l , nvrr Slicrp
OUH'AaO. Oct. J9.-Tmde In cnttlp wnsi fnlrly
ncllvn nt K'liernlly nrlccs , Ohnii'C entile
wtrp ncarco niul larsely S K' were
Ini-Roly nt from } 4.M to $3.10 , the extreme rmiKr
fur the poorcal to Ihn ! > < st HK > r tielnu from
$3.90 to JS.40. Heavy cuttle , wrlghlnR from 1.500
t i 1,730 ikiumln , were In. Incrmn'il supjily nnil
wild nn > where from JI.7J to IS.JS. nernrdlUK to
iiu.illty. Slockers ntul feeders cidd biiiel > nt
fnim W.73 to J4.10. wltlr u fpw jirlme fuders nt
$1.50. Hull * weri ? slow nnil lower , hnloKitn *
noliig at fn > m JZ.40 to M , but rows nn.l heifer *
were netlvo nnd firm. The lw l lot * of wcrtrin
ni users went for from J4.30 to $ l.4J nml tome
freilers brought the ton price.
Thcro u'nn go * ! ( tetniiml for heR trom fhl-
rngo packets nml vnMeru lil | > iiein , lull lin > 'r
BK.iln held Iliw ivltn nml they eimlly forced a
further reductlnn of nlwut Cc. Hogs sold larm'ly
at from $ J,43 to J3.7U. HIP ertremi' ninte belni ?
from J1.W to J3.W. | ' | R atrs were Inotely nt
from J3.35 tu 3.75. ItuKK nvoniKliiK li m 2i un
to ! IO pounds wild the most actively. The mar
ket closed weak.
Sheep were In nctlve demand nml prices ruled
xllRhtly higher , natives relllmt ill frum I2.50 to
14.65 nnd western nuiRerH nt from ll ; to S4.23.
I > amb * wen- less nctlve , ltli soles nt from II
to (3.00. Western lumbs brought from 14. CO t >
15.33 , nml there \\ore IIK < I | xnles of feeding Inmhs
nt from $4.30 to $5.00 nnd feeding sheep ut from
$3. ) to SI. 10.
Itecclpts : ( "nltte , 3.SOO head ; lings. 37.000 head.
Bheep , ll.OuO henil.
. KllllMils City llv < > Slinl > .
KANSAS CITY. Oct. M.-CATTUH-lleeelpts ,
O.CiW bend ; maiket steady to Kliongi Texas
steers. > : Texans , | ! .fOif3.30 ; nntlvi' onwn
and lielteis , J1.005f4.10 ; vtuckeis nnd feeder. ,
3.CIM(4.r.5 : hulls , 12.2593.40.
IIOUS Itocclutu , S.UUO head : maikel weak to 5o
lower ; hulk of sales , t3.45ij3.521t ; hcivltn , W.KIf
3.30 ; packers , t3.30ir3.4Tb ; mixed. { 3.40B3 57 > j ;
lights , $3.30iI3.37' , ; Yorkers , $ .1.531)3.374 ; Idgs ,
ailIU-i' lli-eelpts , 2.000 head ; maiket firm ;
Innilis , $3.75f5.i35 ; muttons , $2.uOil.lO. (
IMIIUIIIION | | | | l.lvc Sdii'U.
'OMS , Oct. 29.-CATTMV-neeelpt ! < .
I.Oi hend ; shlpml-nts , 5C ) bead market , steady ;
good to prlmo teers , Jl.lVi1F3.l3 ; fnlr to nifdlum
steers. t4.3M4.C3i | common to good stix-kers , $2.2.'i
HOOK Heeelpts , S.OiN ) hend ; fhlpments. 1.000
hend ; market steady , 2Hc lower ; good to ch ilee
medium and heavy , $3.753.SO | ; mixed , $ J.C'tf3.75
common llglits , $ j.11303.73 ,
fillKEI1 Hecelpts. 1.IXM bend ; Fblpmenl ! , 700
head ; tnirket fairly active ; geol to choice limbs ,
l.Wn3.40 ! : common to medium lambs , $3.508I.C5 ;
common sheep , $2.00fl.73.
XIMV York Iilvc Sliu-U.
NKW YORK. Oet. 2a.-nKKVKS Ueceliits , T..3I4
hend ; native stifrs. tl.'Vl5.i4) ' ] ) ; stags and oxen ,
$2.75U4.r > 0 ; bulls. $2.50I < 3.2J : tlry rows. $ J..mi3.17. .
Cables imoti * American steers nt 101Ml'Jc ; re
frigerator l > ef , 71ii ( 1.4i' ; no expirts.
t'AI.VKS Ilece1pt3 , 235 henil ; Vi-als , J3.7.1f5.f)5. )
SHIANU : ! : ! I.A.MIIH-llerelpta , 4,430 hi-.ul.
Sheep , S3.mi5fl.30 ; lambs. f.YO'lflO.Oil.
HOOK Hecelpts. 3.1F5 bead ; lower nt J3 li 1.20.
ICnsI Iliilfnlii llr < > Slock.
IAST IU'I--PAIX > . Oct. 29. CATTI.IAbout
IIOOS Yorkers , good to choice , $3.90 ; roughs ,
common to good , J3.405J3.CO ; pigs , common to
choice. t3.S5ffl.90.
Slim-i : > AND I.AMUS-Uiinl ) ' . choice to extra ,
$3.I5U5.50 ; culls to common , $3.50ft4.SO. Sheep
obolco to selected wethers , t3.50f3.0J ; culls to
common. $2.2513.25.
rincliiiinlt l.lvc Stoi-U- .
CI.VCIN'XATI , Oct. 29. IlOOS-IJull , J3.00IT
3.70.CATTI.13 Steady , J2.23ff3.10.
SIllIRl' Sleady , $2.2304.00 ; lambs wenk. $ ? .73itf
St < u-U In
Record Df receipts of live slock nt the four
principal markets for October 2S :
C.iltle. ! Iocs. Sheep.
Omaha ; . . . O.SM 4/S7 2.017
OlllClIKO 3W ) 37.MO 14.000
Kniifuis City i.0)fl ! ) S.WO 2roo
St. Louis 3,000 7.000 l.OCO
Totals , 19,533 50.C87 19.C4 !
( Ill .11 n i-li i-IN.
Oil , CITY. I'n. . Oa. 29. Credit iMlnnce * . C3e ;
certlllcates. no bids ; shlp.-nents , IGl.Dij'J bbls.
runs. lC7r 7S
CllAHLnSTON. 8. C. , Oet. 29. OILS Turpi-n-
tlne. market llrm. 28Hc. Ilusln. llrm.
SAVANNAH. Ga. , Oct. 29.-OILS Turpentine ,
llrm. 2 ! ) ' c ; s.iles , 1.032 bbls. j i-eceipts , fits bids ,
llwln. llrm and unchanged ; receipts. 4,012 hhls. ;
sales. 1F9 bbls.
WILMINC.TO.V , N. C. . Oct. 29. OILS Turpen
tine spirits , steady. ItoMn. llrm. Jl.205(1.23. (
Crude tiirpenllne. uulet , JI.40. JI.tD and l. ! > 0. Tar.
quiet. $1.10.
ANTAVKIir. Oct. 29. Oil , Petroleum , 15 ( paid
and pelleis.
LONDON. Oct. 29. OH * Calcutta linseed , spot ,
3q | fid ; near nt band delivery , 34s Cd ; .Manila
hemp. 15 15s : linseed cake. 6 7s ( id. Cocoanut
oil , Ceylon. 21 15s ; Sperm oil , 29 ; turpentine
spirits. 2.1s 3d.
ANTU'imi' , Oct. 29. I'ctroleum , 15f paid and
Kill I Illvi-r Print Cloth Miulii-l.
FALL KIVUIl , Mass. , Oct. 29.-Prlnt cloths.
rnlet at 21ic.
InBoltlumlor positive Written < unrniilco ,
iloncn. NorvoufliioBsLassitudenil Drains. Youth
ful lirrora , or ExeoHfivo UFO of Tobacco , Opium ,
Liquor , which letula to Misery , Consumption ,
Insanity nnil Uoalh. At Btorn ur by moil , 1 u
hoi ; aix for f3vitli ; written Ktinriiiiteti to
cur < 5 or refiinil money. &mu > > lc jincli-
HRC , contnininu HTO daya' trontniout , with full
instructions , I ! . ' , cento. Ore pnniplo only Bold to
each jiomoii. At otuio or by mail.
Rod Label Special
Extra Strcnrjlh. I
Irapotnncy , Ijosa of'
j'owor , Jjoat innhood ,
Hlcrility or narrBiii-.ossi
- ' u h zeix for S ,
Myt-r.H Dlllnii Inm On. , S , ! : . Cornel
Illlli niul li'iu-niiiu SIN. , Omnliiiili. .
JA ES . ,
Telephone JOSH. Uiiinha , Nub
IIOAUI ) OP Tl\ll' | .
Dlreet wires to Chicago and New York.
Correfpondents : John A. Warrtn & Co ,
Oll > COLONY III IMIN ( ; , CIII'A ( ( ; ( ) .
Memburn Chicago Hoatil of Triulu stlnei- C .
drain , Provisions anJ S. Y. Stock's
Orders Cash and Kuturc Hullvory Holldtt-d.
Ollliilill Ollli'f , It"oin I , \ . Y. I.IllIlldt ? .
. . , . 'I'lu.in11(11 . . . .
CAMI'lliiL MiiuiKi-r.
PIIYD J. , :
' '
Oinuhn. Net ) . , Oct. ' > . 1S97. Sealed pro-
pOHul.s , In trlplh-'iite , will bo rci-i-lvi-d hens
until 2 o'cloc-k p. m. , Nrjvi'tnber TJ. li ! > 7 , ami
then oppwil for furnUhlni ; Mlirllnl c-orn , r-
( liilred In Department of thi ) I'lutte durliif ;
lUc-ul year emlliiir Juno Su. uas. U. 8. n- ;
aurvea rls'ht to reject or ac-ccpt any or all
proposal ! * , or any p.'irt thereof. Informa
tion furnished on application here , or lo
post and tU-pot cjuartt-rniantcrs whensup -
nllc'H are nt-cdoil. 1-Jiivclomn contalnnls prn-
toBJilH will be c'lidomed "I'roposials for
Corn at . " and addrt-twed J. AI. MAU-
3i.AlU , C. O. M.
tnt'nrAN is lurenf o
he ( .tvalfit re. chame In
media - treat *
nent that hat Y A N curn
of n produced IOMO. HUD-
by any combi VAN cum
nation of phy n
. II tl U V A
Ht.'DYAN rem. : ure >
din treatment H U 1) Y A
iurri the Or. ; ure
Mlltln mul dl < lon of iipirll * ,
rnnes of men.
ItUDYAN Is K lr.ab.lity U
remedy for look rinnkl )
mfn. 1U1D- H t Hit
VAN cures of nnolher
f o .1 k n e * R. II V 11 Y A N
II tl D Y A N euro htaiUehi
cures sperma hair fa lint
torrhoea , ) ut , ( llmnn * ol
II U D T A N ilRht. nolsci In
iur t prcma > the h nd und
earn , weak memory , lu. of voice tantc or nmcll.
IIUDYAN currs sunlien eyes , Munted Krowth ,
falpltntlon , hortness of breith , i1ytiep | l.i con-
tlpatlon Hml flatulency. Iti OYAN' riires weak.
ti ( s or pains In the email nf the hack , lot * ot
muscular power , gloomy , melancholy forcbctllnn
und disturbed ulccp.
1UIDYAN can be bad from Hi * Doctors of tli
lludrpn Medical Institute. nn < l from no one eli -
You nerd IIUDYAN nhrn the nerviti witch
as I'it1 re is certain to Lie an lirltatton at their
centtrn of the br.ilu. You need IIUDYAN when
there Is n ilecllne of the ntrve force , became thli
decline shown a lack of nerve life , nml may de
velop Into nervous debility and then Into nervous
prostration. If you have hurru < d your nerves.
If you have knotted or knnrle 1 them , If yim lulv %
abused your nerves , to straighten yourself out
> mi will me IIUDYAN. No one cle can glv
you HtlDYAN except the Iludron Medical In.
tltute. IIUDYAN cuies vnilcolcle , hydrocele Im.
potency , dltzlnesii. falling scnrailcns , blues ,
despair , eonow and mliiry. WU1TIS FOll Cin-
Stockton nnd Kills fit. ,
. Call'uruia.
Made a well
Man of
Itrfii//n In IJHtltttii. Onren .
nil Norvnun Ulntaww. l-'nllinitMeinorj
1'iin'sU. aieeplpsfness , Nightly Knils-
loiis.ctc , enured bj pi < l nlnioev , ult -
tliinrundslzn to nhrnnken oruxun. nn < 1 iiulcklj bat
urel > restores J. " * Manhnml In old or jonnu. .
Ilnsllre-irrled In vo-1 iiocKet. I'lIce.f/.oon pncltuce.
Hlx fur fX. ( > with n frlllrn iiuarttnlr" ' " eurr or
Huliry rrfHliilfl. Dov'r m'Y ' AN IMITATION , but
liKinton ImvlnuINDAPO. If jour riruERlKt lm not
tot It , w nlllicmllt iirfpalil. . . .
Ilt.MlUO IIF.UKDt fll. , I'ruprI'l.liico , III. or iir Iftntj.
Viiiiu \ Co. . i'or. r-'h and Doimlahts . mid .1 A
fc'ullur < "n . lllh.t IJnugiiis' . ' - OMAHA "KH
III tin- Sprint ivlll lu * 'I'ri-nu-iiilous.
Till * Illlist lll'lllllllllllllllsllllNH tvlll lit !
In TriuiKpiirtutlnti anil > li > ri'liiiiiilI.sli > K
ami In l iirnl.slil nn1 IIMII ! nml SiiiipllrN.
< ll tllC * Illlllllllllll- ( illlll SccUlTN 111
Nliorl , n KCiK-rnI 'I rmlliinr , lli-rrnii-
tllo mill Slt-n ni.sli ii | HIMIIVNM. It VIIN
MI In ' .ID It ivlll lu > m in 'IIS.
Tlie Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
'ncot ' ! ed $5 .OOO OO"0"--
To meet this demand will own nnd operate Its
( > \ VSTIO AlllIH.S , IIOA'l'H.M ) IIAIKilCM
Cnnmn'MiiK ; % vlili ItN uvrii line < if
nml iniiKiilllofiil ( let-mi SU-miu-rM.
ipeclnlly adapted for passenger business carry
ing to that country an Immense umuunt of SUi'-
I'LIUS AND IWH'.MKNr f'.r . Hie mlneni , aa
well tin fnrnlslimg them TIlANsrOHTATIO.X
for themselves aim their coed < * und establishing
TUAD1NI ! STATIONS nt different pulnla. An
opportunity Is ulfi-ieil any person , be they of
small or large meuns , to buy "hares of Block
In this company and I'AHTICII'ATE In tha
K.Yominrs ni VID
Biire to be earned within th" next 12mon'is. :
sn.vines AIM : orFiMticn AT $1.00
par value , non-isse > sablc. and will bo offered for
u limited timeonly. .
HAI < 'l-it : 'I'llA.N SVVIMiS II A.Mi S ANU
Paying larger dividend. , . W.dle riuinerouii pav-
Inus banks and banks have suniided | , tinntpbr-
tntion and trading cumpanles were never been
la the INt of falluies. This Mock la one of thu
mod desirable Investments offered the public.
iiK'iiipiinilors and siocKhoMeis who me con
nected wllh this company arc men of wide ex
perience In similar undertnkliiKs and men whose
names are Mifllclent guarantee of the standard
of tlu company , to wit :
AIJII-3UT C. 1ILATX , Pies. Vol. Illatz Itrew. Co. .
HON. WM. 13. MASON , United States Senator
from Illinois.
D. ( J. lOinVAIlDS , Puss. Trnfllu Jlttr. C. II Ss
n. It. It. . Cincinnati.
KltANK A.IIUCHT , of Chas. Kacbtncr & Co. .
CHAS. II. IIOCKWKLL. Tnilllc M r. C. I. & U
It It. ( Mon-in Iloute ) . Chb-aKo ,
W. C. ItlNKAUSUN. Oen'l PASS Act. . C. N , O
& T. P. U. II. . Cincinnati.
II. W. IIIIIKKIT1I , Pies. Klmt Nat'l Dank.
Vlckrbuu : , Hiss.
I-'ltni ) A OTTI-3 ,' ' lijlitecn yeais with Shelby
llnnk , Hhelbyvllle , Ind.
J. M. PHILLIPS. Ciihhler I-'lI'Bt National Hank.
VIck'hurK. Mlm.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Addiess nnd make all money payable to
ItlB fl0Ka ! $ TrariSDOflflllO ! ! flOl DeWlill CO.
l''l ln-r IliiIlilliiKr , I'or. Vnn Iliii-i-n ami
DI-III-IMII-II HlH. ClllCAiO , | | , | , ,
L ( WE A
A I.I , f'rrraut IHinlirt Kill Him Mria ,
ory. Iinioli-nc | > ' , SeeplAhMii ] iHKi < lu .inuwnd
I. ) Aliuvui-i.d olliBr liiHeii : umi Inillt-
cretionn. TftfjtiHfpklH rtnit * uretii
, . - , reMoru I/iH Vl'iilitrliioliiurioun , . nnd
IvTY T/ * . . I" " mniifnr > ltid .bu ljnii.oor irnrr'iiir ' * .
Ie- > 41f ) ' I'll i put liibimlly nnd ( VinKniniilloii if
i.iKon in t.inu. 'Uielr u n HIU\VH iinintiii.ilo liniticvo-
taeiit und i-Ifot-Ua CUItKvliore all otheru tail. In
list iii-on burin * ( hi. Ktituinn Ajax Tablcta. Tl.y
hnvneiiioil Ihn'i.niiiUni.'l ' trill euro ; ou. Wii uirn n
IUMUUII written ( ; iiRrnni'ii lot.iTi vt i euro In vach cnu
or rufiiiid ibo inouuy. | 'i n-q fiO COIHH per nnckuui. , or
.11 luultiuiK ( lull tioiituiwitl fur Ol.dl. lit ni.iil.lit
ul nn wrnpfirr. iiix.ii rHeflui o ? pilnt. I'lrrii'nr ' Irn-
AJAX RHA1I-OV ro " " " ' .
I'or § ale in Omuhi oy Jniocj Konylh , 202 H ,
icth rtrt-et.
Kuhn c Co , 15th and Douitlus Slrtet * .
Private Diseases
in Vonm JCitioricnco.
HI Yearn in Omnlio.
JWxik Kri-o. ConHiilIn *
tloiil'ioo. Iiz7C4,01 )
Mth and 1'arEam Bti ,
tlonol a ( atnouMFrench physicianwill qulcklycuro yuiiof ull HIT.
votis or illx-a-ws of tun geui-ruttve oiiruiu , Biicb u * j/uatMonlKO'l.
Inwiuinfa , I'ulimln thoilatk.Kcmliml Emissions , Ncrvnim JleUllly
1'impUUulUntM to Marry , Kzhuustlnt ; Jraliu , Varlnx-i-lo
Constipation. Itntopnull luf&ri by day or nig ! , ! . 1'rim-nta iu | | ( ! [
ncFJioi discharge , whlcti li iiotcbpclted ler l toBpernutnrrlii ' ! ar > J
nn AFTER nil tliolmrrorxuf Impotency. < 'IIIIHi ; > 'I'.iJtoii.ii.-alholivir , Ut *
BH AIID Arll-l-f kidrieys and the urinary orRaus of ull luij.urltlei
ClII'ini'.NI' , utrenirtbensiinilreatorrBiimallWfalcoH'fliis.
Tha reuson nuffereri are not cured h ) ' Poctnrii l hi-cause ninety per cent nro trouble. * w
CUrfliKNKIithw only known renirdy locurawlibouluiinpi-ratlon ,
. A wrltu-n eunrnnteu El7eu and money returned If Hi tun HI dnra not uiTvci u pcruikiimt euro.
| L03aboxefxfiir(5.Ubyinnll. ) Hend for rue uclrct.lar . mid tluioiilali
Adilreu DAVOt , WHOICINK C' > . ,1'.U liojao70.0aiil1ri'.iid ; oCat
SIy < TM Dillon Druir Co. , S. U. Curlier 10IU mill Kn r mini .Sin. , Oniulia , XcU