Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Salvation Army Greets Its Now
Oommandeia Heartily
nnd Mr * . Carter Connlo Tnkf
of the Arm ) In
Knnti-rii I'nrt uf
At the barracks of the Salvation army last
night a welcome was extended lo Ensign nnd
Mrs. Carter , who have come to assume eharge
of the army In eastern Nebraska. After an
dpcnlng1 chorus and a solo by Captain Davy
IJnsIgn Carter began hli opening address In
a well filled hall Ho said that his siimim us
to this city was Riiddcn , taming to him In
Kansas City less than a week ago The na- headquarters , from which the ensign
takes his orders has expressed Its wish that
the work In Omaha should be extended Anew
now pest will In all probability bo established
within a short tlmo , and the present quar
ters arc to undergo renovation The ensign
expressed his approval of Captain Gregory's
record , nnd h pcd to keep the work on the
level of Its past standard
The announcement was then mndo that
Colonel Hlgglis. second In command In the
United States would spend Sunday , Novem
ber 14 , In this city The colonel Is on a
tour of Inspection of the posti from New
York to the Pacific c ast , and this Is the
only city In which he will make a public ad
Old ItcHldcnt of Oiimlin a Victim of
( lie Dl UK.
Harry Tagger , an old-time resident of this
city , was found dead yesterday afternoon In
Ills roam at 20Ti iSouth Twelfth street It
Js known that ho was addicted to the use
of laudanum and two partially emptied bottles
tles of the ding were found at his side
Tagger Is thought to have ovorjudged the
quantity of the laudanum through carole s-
ncsa. His body is In charge of th < > coroner
nnd the verdict of the Jury last night did
not Imply that Taggei's Heath was Inten
Henry E Tagger , a book-binder , was the
first to discover the body of his father
IIo Is In charge of a department In a local
publishing hou o and yesterday at noon sent
a boy to his father's rooms lo secure some
tools , the latter's trade being that of a
paper-ruler. The boy reported that ho could
arouse no one although the door of the
room wag op n A bccond tilp being also
fruitless , Tagger went himself to his father's
room and found the dead man In a curtained
Tagger states that his father was 51 ycais
old and a veteran fireman , though ho hui
not maintained his standing In tint organl/i
tlon The family has llvnl In this city for
twenty-nlno years i
Harry Tagger formcily worked foi the
Ilccs Printing company and two months ago
sold them Ills paper ruling machine for $200
Mono of this money can now be found Ilia
son does not suspect foul play however , as
ho states that $800 In ills father s po'-nesslo.i
last year disappeared just as quickly He
statca that his father was In the bcbt splrltb
and ho regards the occurrence as an acci
The funeral will be hell from the rooms of
Coroner Hurkot this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Interment will be at Porest Lawn cemetery
Vodou of the IXiioMltloii
i\ < > ciltl\ CommHter.
The labor resolutions which the exposition
executive committee has decided to recom
mend to the exposition directory this after
noon were ondorocd last night at a special
Joint meeting by the Central Labor union
nnd the Tlulldlug Trades council The ac
tion taken was un minions and harmonious ,
although coralderablo dl'ciibslon followed the
Introduction of the resolutions and a few
minor changes were incorporated In them
There was a goolly attendance of the dele
gates of the two bodies at the meeting
President Schrack of the trades council was
elected chairman , and J W. Klnney secre
tary. The icsolutlons woio presented by
President Uell of the Central Labor union
fwho was ono of the committee whlcn con
sidered the labor matter with the members
of the executive committee of the exposi
tion company.
The matter of the exposition bond proposi
tion coming up at the election was not con
sidered at all This will bo the topicof a
mass meeting of organized and unorganised
laboi that Is to bo held in Labor temple
tonight. i
T > IIOKI nili l < * n I terror.
Owing to an error of the printer Hay den
DrothcrV list of baigains In yestciday's Bee
offered 75c 10-4 mottled blankets at 39e
instead of COc , the coircct pi ice
rivi : mus roii CVSOI.IM :
Murli Than the Cllj lltix
llci-ii l'ii > iniv >
Plvo lids foi furnishing bOO gasoline strce'
lights for two years beginning January -k
, weio received by the Advisory Beard yester
day afternoon. They were icfcrred to a
commltteo consisting of City Dnglneer Robe
water , Chief of Police Gallagher and Health
Commissioner Spaldlng , with instinotions to
report In ono week Tlio lowest bid on an all
night schedule- was $11.99 per lamp pci year
The city is now paying $17 GO for the same
eervlcu. Iheeo are the bids submitted
Olobo Light and Heat Company , Chicago
1A11 night service , $1191 , moonlight schedule
of twenty nights per month , $1091
Sun Vapor Street Lighting Company , Can
ton , O AU night sc-iiedule , $17 i'J , moon
light schedule , $1044
Wolsbach Street Lighting Company , Chicago
cage All night bchedule , $32 , moonlight
BChodulc , $25.
Connolly & . Shaw , Omaha All night sched
ule , $ lfi 40 , moonlight schedule , $15
American Development Comiony , St Paul ,
( Minn. All night bchedulo , $1CJ2 ; moonllgh *
schedule , $14 4G
The bid of the Welsbach company contem
plates lamps of not less than sixty candle
) > awer 'Iho otlurs guaranteed to furnish
sixteen candle power
I'Vt-c of ( Imrnr | o MllU-rt-rN.
Cut this out and take It to your druggist
and got a sample boitlo free of Dr King t.
Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and
Colds , They do not ask you to buy bcfaio
trying This will show you the grout merits
of this truly wonderful remedy , and show
jou what can bo accomplished by the regu
lar bl/.o bottle This is no experiment , and
would bo disastrous to the proprietors did
they not know It would Invariably euro
Many of the best physlclaiiH uro now using
It In their practice with gieat rosullfl , and
are relying on It In most sevo o cases It Is
guaranteed Trial bottlis free at Kuhn .
C ' drug store Regular slzo 50 cents and
Highest Honors World's Pair ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Grape Cream ol Ttirtar Powder *
"VolrHnrly niul Oflon. "
Second day'e count shown a vote of 8St , or
ft total to date of l.Bf.1. This shown a deeper
Intercut In the ballot for the coveted honor
of queen of the Carnival than the managers
even hoped for The list shows a number
of new candidates In the field that promise
to mikp a strong and close contest for the
popular favor H also shows a changing of
iirsltlon nnd an unexpected and strong fol
lowing for the fair candidates In an elec
tion of this kind the motto "Vote early and
often" can bo followed without fear of the
rlgorouB arm of the law , and funding the
ballot boxen by coupons tl'at are authentic
In permissibly As the ctntest continues the
rivalry will wax warmer nnd the changts
In nosltlon will show snmo surp ISPS
Coupons for the billets are published In
bolh morning and evening editions of The
Dee and can be obtained In any number nt
The Ilee rouitlng room or at any news stand
In the city.
Vote for your favorites every day , nnd as
many t'mcs ' a day as jou wish , there are no
lostrlctlons to prevent youvot'ng ' often , and
female suffrage Is at least In this struggle an
accomplished fnrt I I
Tlio 'ollowlng Is the result up to C p. m.
Miss Jt-sslo Dickinson US
Miss Annette Smiley 101
M ss Birdie Anersw.ald 91
Mrs Hdward Cudahy 78
Miss Irene Ilvrne " *
M fa Lllii Towar C1
Ml s Mao nartlett M
Miss Hcrbe ti : Jiyncs K1
Mrs Din Wheeler , Jr f > 2
M'rsnna ' M Vamara 49
Miss Minna Andres 19
Miss Umma Bran 44
Miss Oooiglo KfUg 42
Mis * Viola Pratt C
M bs Stella Wllcox SI
Miss Myra Austin 31
Miss Laura M Moiso 21
Miss 1-Moy Jones 2S
Miss Nellie Gregg 2"
Miss Klorenco Vivian 27
Mlba Pauline Lowe 28
Miss Kilo. O'Conno- 2"
Ml s nisle Schwartz 21
Miss Anna Hayward 20
M'is ' Ida I'a n Weed n
Miss Clara Uastman 19
Miss Iera llartlgan IS
Mhs l aiipes Graves 17
M ss Abblc Gray 17
M ss Helen Hcagland 1'5
Ml s Sadie Stone 1 * >
Mis George I' Moore lf >
Mihs Anna Kail ! <
Miss Clara CMrkson 1 ( >
Miss Mlillc Hllmea 1C
Miss Jcnnlo Trost 1C
Mlbs .Ionic Roche-ford 16
JIUs Lillian DeLaml Terry 14
Miss Clara Palmer H
Miss nil/abcth Philips 14
Mrs H I ! Coryell 11
Miss Anna Nordvall IS
Miss L'.UMcr Llndstrom 1-
Mlss Theresa Mtilkus 10
MIPS Kthcl Honey 1"
Miss Mu.-y Michaels S
Miss Maude Kilos S
Ml s Pcail Kvans 8
Mrs Prank M Avery S
Miss Tora Llndst.o.n S
Miss Dorothy Wood 2
Miss Siible Kemp 1
Miss Mabel Rother 1
Miss Pearl McGrath 1
Miss Llllle Somers 1
The manageis are In coriospondenco with
the champion ' katers both professional and
amateur of the United States , with a v lev
to biing the best of them together during
the ice carnival , among whom are the fol
lowing J K McCulloch , the present ama
teur champion of the world , A\el Paulbon
famous Scandinavian skater who Invented
what Is known as the Norwegian skate , the
three most popular skaters of Minneapolis
Johnson , Nlllson and Rudd , the Donaghti0
brothers of Iroy , N. Y , and also two others
from the Hudson river , Moshier and Hem-
met , local champions up nnd down the
rlvcr , will bo invited to compote for tio-
"Shlntj" en the Ice a Scotch game similar
to "Slilrny on > our ovvnpldo" and "Hockej , "
has been suggested by a prominent Scotch
citizen who predicts lots of healthy spoil
for the j cuing folks during the coming win
The ballots for Queen Polaris are taken
out of the box nt The Ueo ofilcs at 5 o'clock
p m , while the Hotel Millard box is emp
tied at C o'clock. A count is made of the
whole and all votes up to the time mentioned
published In The Dec the following mor.ilng
This brief explanation is made to sitl&fy
tliobo who may drop ballots In the bo\ too
late to bo listed , but will appcir twentj-four
hourb later Parties who live at a distance
or do not find it convenient to deposit bal
lots for their favorite candidate can mail
tlnn to Managers Morris & Love , Hotel Millard -
Iho plans for the toboggan slide have
been completed and are of a novel and pleas
ing design The descent is arranged with
, i seiles of curves that will glv to the to
bogganers a wonderful amount of spead.
There will be a republican rallj In the
Seventh ward at 1312 Park avenue tonight
Hon D II Mercer , Hon C J. Cornish and
candidates will spoilt All aio invited.
Don't Poiut : : ;
The Missouri Pacific Hallvva ) la running a
I\ist Limited Tnin to St Louis , Mo , leav
ing XVobs'et St depot dall > 3 " 5 p m , reachIng -
Ing Kin&us CHj tame evening , arri'-Ing at
Gland Union Station , St Louis , 7 20 the next
morning No change cf c- of any clase
N'lght n\prc" < s leaves 9 30 p m , arrives
Kansas Cltj C 23 a in Tor furthei Informa
tion call at companj's omces , N. 13 corner
13th and Tarnam or depot , 15th and Web
ster streets TI1O3. V. GODl'llKY ,
'A G T & P A
i'riitrlifli-lil I\IIIKTIIICH Ii > v\I .
William Crutchfleld , who wasbhot l > y Tom
I.pvvis Tuesday nignt , was lestlng well
yesten'uy 'J he doctors ftato that ho
may iccover An attempt was made
to locate thebullet , but It pioved
unsuccessful , the ball having lodged
In the muecular tissues of the back Vcs-
teiday ARs'stanit County Attorney Winter
took a statement from the wounded man , In
which ho entirely exonerates Lewis from any
attempt to kill him , and attributes thu shoot
ing to accidental causes
\iiliriiHt-r-IIIINC-II'N iillt-\iltrlni-
Is the Ideal flesh-builder , pure , palatable
and Invigorating Invaluable to nursing
mothcis At all drugglsta
Object lo I'ri-olilt-iit'N I piioliiti-i- ,
ATLANTA , Ga . Oct. 27 Hewitt Hall
chairman or the IIOIIBO penitentiary commlr
elon , and law partner of Governor AtUiibou
Intioiluccd In the house of rcprobentatives
this mauiini , a i evolution condemning the
president's appointment at Hoganttvl'le as
postmaster of a nun objectionable to 90 per
cent of the property owners The resolution
patted viva voce , but division cut off the
announcement of the result , and It was re
Arnold's Uronio Celery cures headaches ,
lOc. 2.1c and EOc All druggists.
Subscribe for The Sunday Bee and real
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale. '
IMIISON vi , i > vii \ iitPIII. .
W II Pendlcton of Chicago Is visiting In
J M. Mann of Denver Is Mopping at the
G Gallagher of Kansas City Is stopping at
thu Barker
P W LavvBon of Superior la registered at
the Barker.
J P Mltterllng of Prcmont Is registered
at tin ) Barker
W P Smith and K M. Dill left for Chicago -
cage latt evening
A S Cooley , deputy United States marshall -
shall of Lincoln , Is a Barker gueat.
K A Jowett. cnroute to Chicago from the
went , made a nild-coutlnental titop in O.iiaha
J It Klcst paMenger agent of the Plorlda
Central , stopped In the city yesterday on his
way to St. Paul
Max Baehr of St Paul Is visiting friends
In Omaha. Mr Baehr was formerly a bus
iness man of this city
Nebraskans at the hotels A J Guatln ,
Kearney , A C. Mclntyrc , Hastings , Homy
Schnack , Scrlbncr , S. n Lease , Wayne , E
3 , Jordaji , Lincoln ; James Poley and wife ,
Grand Island ; Ptrchal Reuut > r and wife ,
A Bale that Comes Too Late for Profit
Making , but Not
III HIP NiMtcnt I'ruiltiftlonn ( if Moilorn
bull MnkliiK ntoiir niNiiiiHiil 'IlilH
\\i-ck at t tihcnril uf I'rloeM
i ; \t-ii at tliv Coiitlncntitl.
It Is a sale unprecedented In tlic history of
our business.
You cannot nlToril to paw It up.
„ Think of bu > lng an absolutely all wool
winter weight cheviot suit for $500
That Includea all the little "flxlns" that
Kt to imke iti | the higher-priced suits It
la ono of the very bist suit snaps ever given
out There are a number of patterns.
Such suits ase sell this week for ? C 00
} ou ECO In other windows marked $950 and
the } are worth It , but wo ilon't get It , be-
causu we should have hitd them all sold a
month ago , and a radical cut Is our most
effectivesalesman. .
Thcso tC 00 rults are perfect'y tailored , all
wool chevloto. with plaid worsted linings
the popular business suit of the season
Tl.cro Ibu't a suit In this whole city marked
$10 that can at all cornpiro with the line
wo are closing out at $ G GO absolutely al
wool goods thoroughly well made and by
far the biggest values we , even , ha\e ever
shown They cume too late for profit , but
Just In time for } ou , and we cut them to
$ cno
\Vo will so 1 jou the correct thing In nobby
box coats , with taped sc-ima , for $775 Such
fall overcoats were never known before at
thcso prices
The fine covert cloth fall overcoats , the
! usual $15 00 and $1800 high grade values , arc
going for $12 50.
Men's fine Kersey overcoats , that should
bo * H are cut to $9 75 They are blue or
I b acK otout and long sizes , and regular. A
greit big bargain
Young men's blue and black cheviot ssigo
suits cut do\vn to $ G r > 0
Young men H 30 to .13 bust measure suits
of neat Scotch chovlot , In bl.ick and brown
chocks , tailor made , $10 worth for $675
Young men's cassltncre and cheviot $12
suits s'nglo or double breas'od , heavj serge
lining * ) , perfect colorings , $750
Dojs' bailer collar reefer suits at the cos !
of thu muterla' ' , all in the new brown
chcv lots , $1 93 , $3 GO , $1 73 , $3 S5 $ ? 93
liojs' nulls , ages 5 to 15 jears , at $200 ,
$2 75 S3 00 and $3 S5
There never waa a tlmu so well sat for
> ou There ncvci was i time when you could
get clothing for o little as at this bile
N n Cor 13th and Douglas
Mllt'M ( if ( it tniilii4iimu V-iMM-s.
The PcnusvlMinli Route crosses the Alle
gheny Mountains at the highest point above
scu level , where for miles the beautiful iccii-
erj may bo viewed from the Observation
Car on the 1'eiinsjlvanla Limited It departs
from Chicago every da > at 5 JO p in , and
Is the only Obbcrvatl n Cai running to New
York Pull particulars free by addressing
n n unnniNo , A o i > Agt. 243 South
Claik St , Chicago
Sam'l Hums Is offering 1 Do/ cut Tnmb
lers $1 20.
The cectnid of E Iiurton Holmes' Illus
trated lectures of travel will be given tonight
at the Plrst Congregational chinch The
subject Is "The Yellowstone Park" It Is
said that this lecture Is one of the most en
tertaining lu Mr. Holmes' repcrtorj , anl
that the colored stcreoptlcon pictures come
as near as possible to doing justice to the
grand scenery of the nation's plcasuic
ground The chrpnomatograph , which seems
to bo the most satisfactory of all the moving
picture devices will be shown at some time
during the evening
"In Gay New York , " which scored a dis
tinct hit here last season , will uegln another
engagement at Dojd's next Friday night
Hddlo Fey Ins been engaged for the part of
the htranded actor manager. YorKe and
Adams , who give a Hebraic dialogue spc-
cl.ilty , weie prominent in the production of
"Ono Round of Ple-aeuro" at the Knicker
becker theater 11 Ne v York the past sum-
mcv lltta Gllroy Is another addition to the
compan ) . Hut few changes have been made
in the subject matter of the burlesque ; btich
as will be noted were Intended to b'ing the
performance uj > to da'c or a little beyond
Local audiences kno\ that "In Gay New
Yor ! ; " affords as bright anl original an en
tertainment as can be dcsiied and will surely
give it the glad hand of welcome The on-
gigemcnt will end with a matinee perform
ance Saturday.
"Sowing the \ Ind" is to be seen at the
Creighton Sunday afternoon and evening
Aftei enjoying a long nn to crowded houses
at London it was flr t produced In New
York by Mr Charles ITohman at 110 Em
pire theater with , emphatic success and was
played continually for many mouths It will
bo presented hero with complete cast , cos
tumes and scDnlc accessories.
Head "Simon Dale" In Tue Sunday Bee
If you don't take It. subs.c-lbo now.
t lllOll PlK-lllC
"Tho Overland Limited. "
train west of the Missouri River.
Twelve huiirs quicker than any other train
to Pacific Coast.
Call at Ticket Office 1102 Tarnam St
Tiy the Omaln Engraving Co for rinc
etchings or half-tones Don t fend them out
of the city 1214 rurnain , telephone 1824
Subserlbo for The Sunday 3eo and reid
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale "
Miirrlnurc MI-I-IINI-M.
Licenses to wed have been Issued by the
county judge to tun following turtles
N.imp nnd Address Ago
Leopold Doll , jr , Douglas county , Neb 2"i
1" ulur.i NOVM , Omaha ] S
Ous Ho'-onstlhl , Sirpy county , Neb . . . 31
Kitlo Man ih in , S.irpy county , Neb , . 21
Ar bur P nutnu , Omaln 27
( irice I. Hinubiugh , Omiihu , , . . .20
\M'llim II Dyke Oninlm 27
August i r0' , Omihii 2s
Viri'Mifil us Stihpli-lniiK ( 'Itiii-iiHi'i-N.
W II Amlrison was ictrirded ns u HUI-
plclous clmiucter last night nncl was ar-
imted In a Milcion at Tenth mid Motion
frtreeth lie was tliniouqhl ) panlioiud mid
was K idy for all comets In ono poeltft
was n IIIIM handkerchief lightly vvi.mpod
niounil a stone , nul tied with a shot string
In anothoi wan a small hnlc'iot well
giound and ready to hand Anderson hm
bf-n knovvn to tin- police on other oi-c i-
iDC vi , iiiu11 ns.
The vacant lot at the southwest coiner of
Eighteenth and Harney streets. , adjoining
the Public library building , has been trans
ferred by the Columbian Investment com
pany to William A Pa\ton Jr for $25 000
At a meetlii of the local board of direc
tors of the \mcrlcan Surety company of
New ork Mat Monday afternoon appropriate
resolutions of bympatiy and respect were
passed In memory of the late A C Powell ,
who v\as the resident secretary
HID Powers Rigulator company .of Chicago
has been av arded the contract for putting
In the hrat regulating apparatus at the new
postottlco building The appliance Is auto
matic and regulates the temperature ami
ventilation of the entire bulldlrs Thu
amount of tin contract is $2.950
Tln > Ilfiirt Mimt Nul Ilr Ti Illrtl With.
Where there are symptoms of heart weak
ness there should be Dr Agnovv's Cure for
the Heart It s a magical remedy , gives re
lief In thiity minutes and there are thous
ands who testify that It cures permanently
Mrs W T Rundle of DiintUlk Ont says
"I was for years unable to attend to my
household duties I use > J Dr Agnevv's Cure
for the Heart , ( ho result was wonderful ,
the pain left me immediately after the first
dose and a few bottlea cured , " IS. Kuhii
& Co. , 15th and Douglas ; Sherman & McConnell -
Connell Drue Co. , 1513
Thnt Yon Will Vtml on Snip Only nt
Hnrtldn llron.
Be shaker flannel reduced to 3Hc.
lOc unblr > acht > d rottbn flannel 5c.
76o 10-4 mottled bUnkcls at COc pair.
All remnants of fco ; lOc and 12'4c outing
flannel on sale ThuntUy nt 5c yard
Now patterns In roverslble cotton cider-
down on sale nt 15c > jard
Special bargains In flight or dark outing
flannel , reduced -to 80 yard
Agents for tliclluttcrlck Patterns
\V MI : > nm soci vi.
Set oral Important PIIIKTK Itenil on the
TORONTO , Oct 27. Supplementary to the
World's Woman's Christian Temperance
union convention a purity convention was
held here today conducted by Dr Mary
Wosil-Allon of Ann Arbor , Mich , superin
tendent of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union department of social purity. A
paper on "Lcgall/Pd Vice" was read bv Mrs
0 T Cole of Iowa , president of the Purity
Alliance The cssiylst dep.orcd the present
condition of affairs In India , saying that gov
ernment protection of the loathsome vice was
ono of the darkest blots that confront us
Mliis Rose M Wood-Allen of Ann Arbor ,
Mich , followed with an address , "Purity
Work for Young Women "
At the afternoon session Dr Amelia Yea-
mans presided The meeting wna given over
to addresses and resulting discussions from
the dlfllcultlea arrived and coped with In
chl d training from the different standpoints
of parents and child A mothers' meeting
with resumes of methods to bo followed In
this connection was given by Mrs Jessie
Drown Hilton of Evanston , 111 , general sec
retary of the mothers' meeting department
She was followed by an exposition of "Some
Problems of Paren's ' , " by Mrs. II H Kel
logg of Hattlo Creek. Mrs S M 1. Henry
national evangelist of Battle Creek , Mich ,
spoke on the theme of "Child Training "
"Ignorance Not Innocence" WCB the subject
of an addrcKs by Mlts Murray.
The closing meeting was held tonight In
the pavilion and was largely attended. M s
Dr Amelia Yeoman presided Dr H Kel
logg of Hattlo Crerk , Mich , gave a scientific
addicts to show that physical strength could
only bo conserved and developed In harmony
with morality
irs oiu ; VM/ I'los is vTrvcicr.n.
Illinois stPi-1 Ciiiiiinii % llcfliiriMl nil
Illi' lll Cnriiit nlloii.
M1LWUKEE , Oct 27 The validity of
the organization of the Illinois Steel com
I any was fiercely attacked In the Unite 1
States court today It wan asserted that it
: s an illegal outgrowth of two other coi
wUlons which are also alleged to have
been Illegally lncororatel | Iho steel com
pany was to mod In 18S1 by the consolldi
tlon of the North Chlcigo Rolling Mill com
pany nnd the Union Steel company It Is
contended by Mr Cole that the oig-mlritlon
of these two corporations was In violation
of the revised statutes of Illinois and it
was 1'ut ther assorted that the eonnolld itlrn
of the two companies was Illegal bec-uthc
the North Chl ago comiMiiy was organize 1
to operate n lallroad under a special act
while the I'nlon Steel con ( any was Incoi-
; > orated uncle- the general Incoipcratlon act
The contentlrn was overruled for the time
being In orJcr to allow the case to go on
The question came up In the tr'al ' of an
cv ictlon suit to enforce rights claimed \ \
the company.
\ \ usiniiPUKIM ; noon 01 rrr-i.
Killings for ( InWvelv 'Slioit ' IIKTI use
( if Mn.jFI < c riioiiHiiiKl.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 27.-Speclal ( Te'e-
gram ) The Price Cm rent says Thcro Is
quite un enlargement In the marketing of
boss Total western killings wire TOCO. (
compired with 293(00 the prctullng week
and Jrtfi.WO list year. Trom March 1 UK
total is llrvlflnw , against o.MS.OCO last ycai
Prominent places compare as follows
City > ' 1S07 ISflB
Chicago S.J'lj.fCO SCin.'XO
Kinsas City l.Slii.tiX ) l.lliOO
Oinih.i iniO'O ' ) Tlj.OO
St. Louis C iOX ) CTOOOO
Indianapolis 54 ,100 18r ( KO
Clnclnmti L5 > ' 0) )7Wi ! (
Milwaukee 4H.IW 41 ! , CO
Cleveland ' 1 ,00) 303 < KXi
Ottumw.i TtOO ! 27'iOO
Cedar IHpida 2iOtO 203 ( W
Sioux City KOtXO ] > i,00
St. Joseph 2I OH ) WO.,0
Louisville 20I.OOJ 150,000
uncovnits IHOnv iincriticir\ .
Kilisoii'N I\IMTIIICIM | ( Itli Ion Cr.idi-
Ore n MiiMM'sM.
NEW YORK , Oct 27 The Eiectilcal En
glncer will publish tomorrow the first au
thoritatlve account of Thomas A EdUon s
success In recovering by electiical means th
Iron c ntalned in low grade ore The in
ventor's expeiiments have been cairlel enduring
during the past sit ycais. at the old Ogdcn
iron mills a few miles from Dover N J
His process In brief consists of pulveil/lng
the 010 The powder Is then allowed to fall
In close proximity to electro magnets , which
deflect the Iron to ono side and nonmetallk
niitter falls to the other side by gravity
Oi : ii nl/rd lil > or , V I ( I'lldon.
Members of organl/od laboi of Omaha end
South Omaha are earnestly requested to at
tend a. meeting at Ixibor temple Thursday
evening , October 2S , to act on matters of
vl'al Importance Fly ordei Dulldlng Tiades
Council and Central Labor Union
Road "Slnun Dale" In Tno Sunday Dec
If you don't take It , subsc Ibe now ,
Ji'iif lis of n lln \ *
RICHMOND Eng , Oct 27 The duchess
of Teck cousin of Queen Victoria , sister of
tiio duke of Cambridge and mother-'ln-law of
the duke of Yc-i died ut the White lodge
hero at a O'CIOCK th' morning She was born
November 27 , 1'li and was mairloj on June
1. , 18CG , to Prince 1'iancls , duke of Tcck
( eldest son of Prince Alcxindoi of Wurtem-
burg ) , who was born August 27 , 1837 Tic
duchess of Teck was the daughter of the
duke of Cumberland , seventh son of George
III She was C" > years of age
HEBRON , Neb . Oct 27 ( Special Tele
gram ) Captain M O Leap1) ) of IMs city
died at his rpsldenre today of heart failure
Ills death was > wholly unexpected and u large
family and nnny friends mourn his sudden
decease Mr Leach was very prominent in
the orders of Knights of Py thlad and KnlgbU
Templar and G A H
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb , Oft 27 ( Spp
clal ) C H Korff , ono of Nebraska City s
oldest Inhabitants and one 'of Nebraska's
pioneers d'ed ' suddenly yesterday at his home
on the corner of rifth street and Pouith
Corso Mr Korff had beer , ailing for a yeir
or mrre , but had been glow Ing apparent ! ,
htronger While Bitting at the dinner table-
yesterday ho suddenly fell backward urn !
was dead before medical aid could be sum
moncd Mr Korff 'was born in Germany In
1830 and came to Nebraska City In 1859
having stopped oven here on his way to the
gold fields of Plke'B Peak
PHILADELPHIA , Oct 27 Mrs Sarah Al
bert Woods Perry , wife of lit Rev Will
iam Stevens Perm Protestant Episcopal
bishop of Iowa died today In this dty at
thu resilcnco of 'Her ' aunt , Mrs William
bacon Steve-ns Illshop Perry and his wife
had just returned from Europe , whither they
had gone for the benefit of the Invalids
healf ! They airivvd In New York on the
Luc.inla on Saturday nd came to this city
cu Monday Mrs. Perry was very lit at the
tlmo end a physician called but he could
do but llttlo foi the patient Services will
bo hell at the rewldenco of Mrs Stevens Prl-
diy afternoon , conducted by IIUliop Halo of
LYONS. N V. Oct 27 Hiram Gilbert
Hotchkiss , president of the International
Prize Medal IXecntlal Oil company and
known as the "Peppermint Oil King , " died
her.- > tonight , aged 87
I ) " 'IOIT. Ort 27 Dr Alex Milton Ross
of Montreal a famous Canadian scientist and
physician dlod In this city tonight at h s
sou's residence , aged 65 years Dr Ross
vvns on his way southward and had stopped
In Detroit for a > lalt During the war h
was c'mployed by President Lincoln as confi
dcntlal correspondent In Canada. He was
ono of the founders of the Society for the
Diffusion of Physiological Knowledge in 1&1
and Is widely known as the author of a
largFt number of works on medical and sclen
title subjects The remains will bo taken
to Toronto. '
Subsrlbe for The Sunday nee and read
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale , "
South Omaha News.
Yesterday a man fully SO > earn of ago tip-
piled to the major for transportation to
Ottumwa , I < x. Ho said that about n jcar
ngo his son. who lives on Twenty-fourth
street and who holds A good position at ono
of the racking houses , sent for him to vnino
out nnd make his homo with him The oilier
day something went wrong at the housp ntul
the old nun WAS turnel out Tor n das
or two he hung around the place and slept
In a neighbor's barn. This neighbor dl
covered the old man's condition and fed him
nt different times Major IJnsor , after hear
ing the story , gave the applicant n letter to
Countj Commissioner Hector , ns the city
Ins no way of tirocurlng transportation for
the neodj The old man was told bj the
nnjor to return In case lip did not get a
pass from the county commissioners and
other arrangements would bo made Major
Cnsor sail ho considered the case a descrv-
leig ono , and would do vvlat he could to pre
vent any further suffering on the pait of
the agDd applicant
During the afternoon an apparently able-
b-itllcd turn called nt the mnjo-'s ofllco mil
asked for transportation to Lcavenvvorth.
Kin The nnjor asked him If ho was n resi
dent of Nebraska and he replied that ho
was not tint he was merely working his
way south from tue mines In Dakota He
was Infoinied tint nothing could be done
for him , and ho left without a word of com
Pour Monthx- m I liu > .
Somt ) tlmo ngo the women of the hospital
abaoclatlon requested the city council to re
mit the taxes on the property now occupied
by the hospital for the jears 189 , " , 1896 and
IMI7 The disposition oC the council was to
d" all It couU for the Institution , but ns the
city attorney held that such action would be
clenrlj lllfgnl and would not bo counteinncod
bj the county commissioners the petition
was placed on ( lie Since that tlmo the
ccuntj commissioners have remitted the
taxes for IS'13 nnd 1890 upon this propoitj
with the undcistandlni ; that the ho pltal
was to receive the benefit The city domtcs
to the hospital the sum of $25 a month for
fr purpose of pijlnp the rent of the build
ing occupied , but It seems tint the rent has
not been paid blnce July 1 Nov. the owner
of the propartj Is willing to allow an > lives
which maj bt- remitted to apply on the rent
flit1 cruntj tn\ which Ins been remitted will
net reduce the rent bill moio than $25 , but In
casi- the cltj taxes for the years mentioned
along with the count * nnl cltj taxes of 1SU7
no i emitted It will come prcttj rieir to
squaring the accounts- Surprise was ex
pressed In some circles je terdaj when It
became known that the hospital was so far
behind Ir the rent , as It had been under
stood for some time past that the revenue
derived from the cltj was to .ipplj on the
tent More than llkelj the council will be
requested to pnsb a icsclntlon renue > tlng the
cointj con mlssloners to remit the 1S'I7 ti\es
on account of charltj The owner of the
p-opertj la anxious for n settlement of sonic
sort nnd he evldentlj is of the opinion that
ho stands a better show of getting ho taxes
remitted tlnn. ho docs of getting his back
Major Will M II ( "oiiru .
Ma-vor nnbar said labt evening that he
would sl n the resolution passed by the
council some tlmo ago ! reg-ml to onto Ing
Into a cont'ait with Dan Hinnnn foi lire
I all Xo 1 Ho bald that while he VMS not
nitlrelj" satisfied with the pinlsloiib of the
proposed lease the committee on fire and
ivater hid modified the original proposition
to such an extent that ho did not feel like
opposing UIP measure any Icnger The city
he slid , needed a first-class flro hall , and
li on Id Lave one For th's icason he 011-
oosed a three jearb' lease with Ilannon , but
jlnce the lease had been reduced to two
vcars , and Hannon had agreed to make ccr-
'ain ' Improvements besides keeping tin1
oulldlng 'n repair , ho had reconsidered the
imttcr. When the major signs the leas ?
Hannon will commence on the promised tin
nrovemonts The second storj will bo dl
vlded Into s'eeilng uLa'tmcnts , a work
room , a .bath room and feed room. On the
jiound floor an eUens'on ' twelve by fourteen
feet will bo built at the rear of the billd-
Ing for the accommodation of the new hook
ind ladder truck The building will then
be so arranged that while the truck will go
t the front door In responding to an ala'm
It will be driven in the rear doors upon the
retuiu to the house The monthly rent so
bo paid for the next two jcars is $10
CltCoun.ll. .
The spec'al meeting of the city council
last night devoted most of Its time to a
onsldeiatlcn of the Driscoll claim An
ordinance was mbsed under a suspension of
the rules , allowing the stock jards companj
'o operate a mill cad track across L street
nnd along Bojd stieet Calrtwoll was the
only member of the council who opposed this
The nnttcr of filling the tiouches on N
stieet , which were dug by the gas company ,
was referred to the major
Pitt C.OSKll.
Prank Terrell. Thirty-sixth and W streets ,
died yesterday fiom diphtheria
Brick laying for the addition to the exchange -
change building commenced yesterday
A son has been born to Mr and Mrs
Joseph lloqcn. Twenty-firat ami J streets
Next Saturday is the labt day of icglstra-
tlon Every voter must register thin fall.
A break occurred In the pavement on lower
N street yesterday but the damage Is bmall
The local lodge of Odd Pcllows will give
i dance and entertainment at Masonic hall
November 20
The Woman's Relief corps will give a
dime social at the home of Mrs Jeff O g
713 North Twenty-third street this evening
The young people of the Chribtian ciurch
will give u boclal this evening at the resl-
dcneo of the pastor , 1210 Noith Twenty-fifth
The Drive Whlet club has reorganised for
tie winter with Mis J G Martin as presi
dent , Mrs Hlran Hall vice picsldcnt and
Mrs J M Tanner secretary
A .special meeting of the Heard of Educa
tion will bo held this evening for the pur-
pofco of allowing estimates on the addition
'o the Drovn park school building
A social will bo given at the United Pres
byterian church this evening from 7 30
o'clock to 10 There will bo a fcliort literary
ami musical program and lefrchhincn's
Mlhg Jesblo Savage , one of Iho awistant
mlcrosccplsts at the Ilurcau of Animal In
dustry , WJb taken seriously III yesterday and
left for hci home In the western part of the
] ' J. Lewis of the P J Lewis Roofing
compiny of Omaha lias purchased a lot
COtlCO feet opposite the postolllco site and
will erec' a thrce-stoiy brick building. The
ground sold for $7,500.
August. Hotzman , the Phttsmoiith lad who
Hlolo his fatlui's team and tiled to sell It
hero , was teleabc'd by the police jet ( unlay
afteinoon and taken homo by his father The-
boy has served two ye-ars In toe reform
bchool and had no desire to return home ,
but ho was given his choice of accompany
ing his father or going back to the reform
Subscribe for The Sunday Ileo and read
\nthony Hore'a great story "Simon DJO ! "
Buy a Watch
buy as good a case
as you can afford ,
but first get a
movement which
will be accurate.
Waltham Watches
are the best timekeepers -
keepers made in the
world. The
mark is especially
For sole by all retail jeweler
ZVie.Yctt' Corner. JT-Vn-Jifiiii nntt JrV/fecnf/i.
lice , 10-27-07.
( CLAI there isn't a store in this 011-
' ' Ll/
fire I'onntry that sells orereoafs as The
does. A'ot one. Jlannfaetnrer's priees
hare been shared and shared and our i > rojlts hare
lieen shared and shared until the ordinary ten
dollar eoat ofeommeree is only < > . ? < here. That
proposition holds f/ood all alony the line. There
isn't a day that somebody do 'sn't eome Imelt and
tell ns that onr priees are a quarter fo a thirdlesn _
than the priees of other stores , 11V1 It now this fo
be true. It tronld be stranye if it wasn't true , 11V
nell the rery best dirty Chinehilla Vrereoatsfor
flt MO. There are stores where ? . > < > is the priee.
These eoats are lined half irith Skinner satin and
half irith worsted tierye and it nonldintitule your
merehant tailor to mit any more ralne info his
forty dollar eoaf. 11V sell the rery Jl nest Kntjlish
Corert Cloth eoats for . / . < > . .1 splendid Ameri-
ean Corert Cloth for $ S.f O. A mai/nijleentdressy ,
Hiretl tookiny Corerf eoat for firelre Jiffy11V also
sell a half satin lined Kersey eont with the other
half kersey lined for nine serenfy-jfire and we sell
the fen dollar Kerseys of your imagination for
tti.r dollars and a half. How do we do iff Oh.
bless yon. it's easy. ' / * / , we sell aood hand-
Home eoat made ofyood Kersey for four dollars
and a quarter. J.est than other stores would hare
to pay for the bare eloth.
yx n-fyr f ! Bft.1 . 'H Byjjtuft > ; i L"LJ < - * * < -
n\i > n
SgaspteBsff' '
The Best Stoves at the Lowest Prices
All k'iKK stjlo-i and
aJcs Stovr .imD
Home Stoves Kanuis , $1000 up.
Garland Stoves
Prices ItriliiciMl Thin Sn'ii
Vovi .f-ri.OO ami Un. and
MONITOR ) Steel Ranges
WONDER ) $23 and up.
And tbi Ii onlv one genuine
' 1 °
The genuine 97 sty c u es iso
Hound Oak Stove anl
so t C3H1 an 1 k cps lire 1 n er ine .
have It silo.
. we on
than any other oak s ov
Other Onk St vc-v-eootl ones $4 9JJ
S7 f U
Co k Stovcb wairanted >
14thintl Parnam.
Cholcj cf Jri Men Tnl ornl
Bui t all colir-i-lilu ibis
cut nevtt bcfoic- Bold lori
h -i than Uie $ ZO and $ . ! 3
to Begin
! -JTho coming season of cold Is tin
I _ I to fix more deeply all existing dh
| i casts of .ho
D Mucous Memtirane
i iIn i cai" > of raturrli , Hionclili | Th o >
Jruublr Aellimu niul CoiiUm
Cuimullutlun ut the hlitiiard Mc < lln
H InElltutc In fnc It le time Hi , ,
kurferorM fortify thernft-hin JKUIH
winter by taMtiK trcaimrnt NOW
I Ml-ai ! 313 N. Y. IMe IllJir Tl 1123
detract fiom line fiaturih J hu < l lly um of
VV oojbury R Taclul bouj , i octal et um ami
I'ltclal 1'oviiler "ill ruuler thi cotnp ixiuii clear
bolt anil Ijfjutiful A oumne us i > .h t Wood
burs racial boap racial Cream K.icial 1'uwUir
uii'i ' Utntal Cream nutll-lent for thiee wttkB ute
mailed on receipt of Vic Tlio utiului l/t toM
> er > where , 2Sc JOHN 11 VVOUUllUity Der
t , m Wen m et. , M. Y ,
Our Hi ifcdm HIM ANIi QMMM. II V I
TfiMi1 < mi Mils r i Mf linnlKifr < p
Imlr fi in fiillmi , i ui mid mill is it v * '
mull' H tin hiilr t ft mid Klu'ny 1 n o t j -
liottlo 1 or nilt by
SIIIIMI\N .v. > ONMII ( , DitK. t o ,
1'13 LOIOI < hf Mid lln of KUk
On ilia
Still ttioThiok ns are Laying
And ( jcntlcnun is ! i
Ing I3n ( . ' fo > 10i a
do/en Two loaves of
good vvhito bread fo
Sc A 5c packagi n
gutn for lo 'i plcieb
In a package \
choice line of gt c
le-s , frultb and veg
tablii. Ifitti irij ( 'at
I nlie.lulily n rum i <
nothlriK il e
We're dawn
Most of am time repalrlm ; t'fl
th it have been the caiiBo of i >
H'H urtwtae to a'low ' uch a
dltlon to t'Xls-iiH : you well knv
Of mastication' ' Let us txuin i
hllvor rU'lnirx
Oold rillliiKH . . $1 W
Gold C'ro\vn . . . $
J'niicl tin f'ro.vns . . . . t
I'.ilnliBH Kxtr.n lion *
Lady utUnOaii
New York Danfal Go ,
UK ( I KMM It .M r
Kith mid DitulnshtH