THE OMAHA DATLV BEE : TlinSDAOOTOHEK US , 18J)7 . 11 I'ou ni/vT STOIIP.SM orrirns. ( CommueJ j _ i m 1 1T 1 I' nno.M IN onot-Nn rt/x > n ' 'II < I r > lull Una : , viaier , steam heat , electric I /i ' iJ jimtor .be APJHV ' " Mf-tln- ' t | , „ . J building _ 1 7n irTsi ini : rpTniiiirTiiiiK m II.DINCJ n * tl , t irn itn * J | Thin Inillrlln * bus .Ircprnof - it . . n. ni. wniT fin nil llwirs , gni" , Jto. . All j > Mix efnVe of Th * II * * 1 010 usnvrsvNTnn. . v.T' ' i AOPNTS POR MARK TWAIN'S n i .It Pillowing lh IViiint-ir The Stir- ln-i w ni Abnitxil , " now read * , for cnn- . ) lultpirllnrx. . nells t" ew'rxlHtdy. \ I lr f i nRemy nnd terrltorx N D. Th , , j n Publishing Co. , St I/nils M. . , I-M V ) M * \vrr.M TO itrvr. onvri i M\N UIMIIS : PN'PPRNISIIID ROOM In prlvit fnmll ) . south "f rnrnnm between P > th und "ii'h preferred , referemes ttlxcn Ail dtvrs V il Hie K-MICI 11 \ \ \vTi7i. , IIY MAittuni ) COPPLK , TWO on tlirr pinix fLrnlshed rooms irood central loc.i- tlun , m dirn < nnx eme-ncc * nnil txvo tumid In house or next iloor. Y 27 , Ite olllcp. K-MC7 K * \ \ \NTHD v Yoi'NO MAN i.Mi'ioYin. : during the dn > . ix place tn t > orirl nnil lodne In exehnnrp for work about t.ip house nut- Bide or xxoiklnR hours. AdiRpf W r. , Her. K-M7-50 * STOII.UJI : . I'AC'IKIc STOR.UIi : AND WAllKlinitStJ TO. . Ms 0)0 ) Jom-8 , Kcnprnl nloriKennil forwnrdlnR. M-ttl OM VAN A hTOHAOn. P.11V4 PARN'M. TP.L IW > M-EK PRANK iiwi'iiM. RToiiAnn 1211 IIAHNIY. : Ilntillni ; and packing , cheapest rntes Tel 9".0 M-7W w\vnnTo IHTV. cm POR OMAHA SAViNrm HANK AC- ourts (1 O Wallace , 31 ! iirmvn Illock 16th nnil liniiRlnn N 1'13 1 1 Ii III t.T I 'It l < 'i : PAH ) ell OM Al ASAV lims lfinl < I'irflllcalps In nnsxxrilnK please stale iniiomil" filTi'ieil Address W fi > , lice N 41-NSt A flnon ROLLPH TOP PKSK SKC- tid A .1. LltlRel. Weil I'.ilnl S l > NM 43J 2C rouiiiintnsns AND \v\t ; s. 1 TOl Kl'Uin ' HAM. I1KAKI.NU A.M.KM , KUII. bi > r tlrts ' n innKe , " rnnl J',50 now lc than ' 4 , 3 Kooil phiptnni , 1 Kn > ilcr innki * , ! rulum- liiiii , ? Bioil surieyK. Druninioml. is * llnrney. P-.Ml > 7 Nil , \xiojis , iii'i.ic on sACKH nnil liorf feniu C. It. Lie. Oil iJ Q-537 _ _ _ _ line ' I'M i : AI.IJ wniT : . IIIIST ON iLumiT lawn and yard fince. Wire Works 4ni S. HIM 509-O SS inn s-\ti-iifn sfiioi.Ansiiii' IN OMAHA College. J. J. ailifion 511 TlrU Nn'iituil Itink. Q 407 30 i'ouM : j-.oo nttYs rrnioin plann l.irKf sl/e. inuit i-ell. W 07. Ilee. Q-MOT , 20 Cl.lltVII VAM'S. MilTM'U TIlANPi : Mil : > II'M. IS'S" , X 2ITM iinlli' tin hin.iriittil , cliuliKCs luck , letters cnn- talnlnK htninp proiniitlj uti8\\eied , ladles' , fO S-J1772 N4 * MI1S \ It fODIlHIIN. CI.VIHVOYANT AND Irnme ineitluni of Mlnnpapollp , IIIIM Ineati-d per- iiiintU nt 111 N IStli ht , anil rm ln > con KiilliMl laity . IH I'1' ' ' ' a test tlrole TtiPwU ) p\vnlnK PT > ' . I'le'wnt mid fiitine told S M51B0 * ruoi'niTNnYir YOU AUI : IN Nio nf uiidd ndvlce lenrn at onee fioni the \\orld- ruiiwtieil H'0 frtnlei thevn > In which > ou dliinilil tru\el , roads jour life fnun the cradle to tinrae , loxers , liiHlianiN nnil lM-a le- tltllt 1 Sl > "tintrrlaKP to the one of jour choice. l.ost or Molnn nrtli IP * * rei iM'ied , rharms and all MnN of aniuletH , thousand * * 'live consulted ami l > urned the truth Undies We. Pall nt 1 ' 2 Hi ward Hlreet , COTIUM Ifth and Howard Htieitn , hiMir.i , V u. in to U p. in. S 1I3W N19" M\SSACn ! , \T1IS , iri'C. 1IATI1S MASSAOR LAURA KLL1SON , Cniuiise Idle. , 11 ! ) N. llith B ! . loom 12 T SI ISO 30 mmi I.I.ON. iu.crnic : MASSAOI : HATH tmrloiK H'stful nnd ciiratlxc. 417 S. llth , up- HtaliH T-M-.S23P- MPDICATii ; > HATIIS. SHA SPLPlTpH , SIAS- H.IKC Mnie llrlMson , from Paris. 107 N12th S | , T 5S7-N 24 * MDA.M SMITH , 1315 DOPULAS. MASSAOK ft PI ill b ithn T-MU11-N2 * M. . VIAVI rou uTniiiNE Titorin is 315 s mi : IjldK ph > lilan , ionult.itlon ur health hook ltee U 53a MATHS MASSAGE. MME PC3T. 31' ' ! S."lFfllT U 5IJ . NO DITINTION : : PIIUM IniHlin-h1 * no pain ; \\c nfer to hundreds of , ases Hired , piles cured hi a sliiKle , lioatni nt. fall or write The Hmplre Iluplure C'uie and Meillcal lin-tltute. successors to The (1 u MllUr Co. , W2-J , N Y. l.lfe llldn. , Omul a U 641 < 'I.OrlliS CLEANED. PIIESSEI > "ANlT mr pall til dav or nlKht , dnts hulls for hire I'aiilorlum. N. E. coi. llth nnd Tanuim Tt-1. iCJ U SISI7 \1\'T\N 'IW OP JOHN ItoitltOW ( I E i'ill. Ii iril mlllli'tlllnB to J.iur Inteleiit h\ n.l I eilii ) , ' Y 3 > . Dee. U > IOMY TO i.o \Niii\i , nvrvrn. MONETO LOAN AT l.t W HATES. THE O T l > i\l . t-o. , I'M Tain mi Kt W-u AN rill IN V 1.0N & THUsT ( O. 113T Y T. nun K m ml at low I iteifuf iliudu farm lands In low i , iiuiihern .Mlssuuil , ea tein Nchnihku W . .IJ MON1.V ' 1O LOAN. III.'MIH , PAXTON IlLOC-if W 3 < 0 1.0NS ON IMPROVni ) A IWIMPKOVrci ) CITV propert > . W. Kninmn ( Siiiltli .v Co. . MM p.un m \V 541 MONIY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA tout i'tiif Iiienrmn , I/no Co , Paxton Illk W-513 MONIY : TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMXIIA ) I'lmej .X. Tliunus , :07 Ut Nat. HU. blilg W-5IS SIX Pl.'ll CENT PITY AND 1'AIIM I.OAN8 Onr\ln lima. , 1CU I'i mini St \V-549 MONEY TO UAN ON LMPItOVED CIT\ pnpeity : P. llotwiuK .V Co. . 311 Puxton W M71I3 J100W AND HP ! ' . D. WEAD , 15 A DOIJOLAS. \Y MO N C I PKIl CENT MOIITtMUES roll BAI.K PIIOP. i-rty of non-it Uli'iilH i intl fir lis W. II Melkle , 1'ir.l National Hank Illds. , Oiiiulia \ \ 547 M MTO iiOi > uu VTTIJI.S. MONEY 1O LOAN ON riJIlNlTfllE. PIANOS , hurnfx , urfon , ete , at luuesl rites 111 illy , no mmiMil of BIIIKIH. trlitl > ci niUeiitlnl , jou can nay the loan off nt am ilmo or In un > omount OMAHA MOllTllAUE IAJAN CO , JOG Hi ICtIi , nt > N-550 IIUSIMSS : enNCIS. : . 10 oin IN tm OPT op HPSIMSS : no TO J UUiscin 14 PltarNuri Y-M.U1 A NICK LITTI.iXSII ( HPSlNiS : IN ORO- .ories xvt-11 located. UH to l.MO doll.irs : bar- Kalni a Kocid tliancv for one or tx\o > otin > ; men. API'1 > Y It ) , 1'ec. ' Y-MCOSO * RIJTAll" OIL HPSINIIsS AND TIIXM A HAR- iValn J J Hllisxni 511 Klrat Nafl Ytln 5 KolT HALlT CHUVP. II' MLD NOW , CASH only- * * * ) ( ) > nieichandUe and flxtuim III tioutli- 4 < rn NeUruska KO > H ! biii.lni' a. i. t.ibllslied tistde , I'JcW rctiulred Y SI , life Y-MM731' rou I TO TIIADE HOOD 8AIXON AND ( SOME II Oman prop'rly for clfar Imiirmcd land. AJ- 11 tlresiij S3. He V.-W7.N1 * \ \ tllOICH KXRM NEAilLAlH , ton Co , Neb , to tr de for Ihery ana feed liarn , or ratlli unj homea. llcniln , Paxton bile Z-M61S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BHICK MlU * MAPIIINEIIY KIIAME KLKVA. tor , f or Unj oulhfa t N bra ka Ownrr > net Dilllrri. ; briicv a imap. Clarenc * Ii. Hmltti , Te- umub. N u. rou s\i.i : nnvi , IJSTITH. KOfNTZE PkAi'K 11AIIOA1NS. 12 IW > , I3.7M TO JC.RO , J J Uibson , 514 IMrat Nat. Hank Illdf. UB-Mf HOt'SKS , I-OTfl. TAIIMS. T < A > fDS , I/ANS. ( Ifo P. Ileinls llcnl Ettale Co. , Paxlon lllock. 11K-9M IIAVK BOMB HA110AINH MVSr.I.r , CITY AND farm Call for partittlar W'mixwi , C 4 itee tiiilr. UK-MS KOIl HAI.K , ON IX1NO TIME , AT 6 PEIl CENT Interem , lwo Improved fnnn mlntnlnic ) City of Mloomirl Valley , In , One of 10) ) ncrn < : an other of 1H acrwi , all In ciiltUntlnn will rol.l . on 10 yi-nrn' time. Addreo , Uxsk Drawer _ "C. " Shtnandi.ali , In. HE M7W-NS PAIt.M I.VNDS O. 1" . HAUIltSON in N. Y. I * UK MIIB.NK * I1AUOAINS , ItOl'SES. I/ITS AND I'Atl.MS ; nle or Irnde P. K Oarllni ? . llarker Illk HE-M77 sr.v UOOM iini'si ; AND 7 > T. MIAXIA ST. , on monthly pnytncnts , will Inkc vncint lot on Hrsl pnyment Sellij , Ilonrd Tr'ide. HE 3SO KOIl HALE AN OHKlINAr. SIIAHK OP 2' lots In Ili-llPvue. tltl perfect. Enquire ofV. . T. llrandon , ll Oe < Axe. , Omaha.UK UK 4M N5 WANTED. OMAHA SAVINdS llANK CKIlT tlflcnlei for IB ) neren nrsl-cla i land , for farm. Inn or Kni7.liiK imrpnfim ; al'o for n le , corner lot. with two four-room hou es In flrst-ela s rondltlon ; city witer ; rents for $1000 per month ; price. IfOOOO J. A. Lo\eiren. 94J N. Y. Life IltilldlnR. HE 513 30- OET A 7TOME. " -room modern cottnRe , nice hlRh location. Will hcompleteil Dec 1ft. Small cnMi imyment down , lialnnce monthly. A. M. Cowle , 211 8 Hth HE-ITO 27 WANTED- Knrm for llnnsrcin PI linn e. Half Innd , hilf rn h for JM.flOt lieu e. Jin ( IIHI hou p for Dlxon Co land. lliiflnesn propelt > nnd cnilr for Inrge farm. c'hlciKo property for B.roo ncres In Ion a. Oinnlui prnperty for Iowa farm. HiiflnefH property fir clear residence. To liny , } 2.Oio liniino nnd lot. Tn buy , Dundee Phice lot cheap. Jl" > mm HUhurhan property for farm Two iiiarters | for unall fmm nenr Omaha. j omiha for Los Aneelen proportj' , LiiKir hon p for one near the park. Hanxrnm PI. house for clear lot nnd cash , ll.ineh for smnll lmu e near park. < 2.0nil ftivk tiiPicinnillre for cash. I Meichnndlse for Hurt county land. I.nrirp raneh In t'allfornln for Iowa land. I/mil and caoh for JIC.COO merchandl'e llaineHs Htorn for farm In Hurt county. Parni for Rood hardware stock. Knrm for line rents ! Mock. Pur cash , 4) n < r ( In DiiiKlnn county , 10 in re < near So Omnlm for each OutFldn property for hoti- . . near HlBli school. Small farm for fee Otoe Co Omaha home for U ec In lown Ijind for hni'lnesH property on N. 21th , TrarkiiRindapted to Implement liuslness. To rent , rln c for Implenipnt l > ii lneF . Per C.IKII. pinall trad of ncieaRp Per each , M acres near Onnhn , lmpro\ed. Stork fmm In lown for casi. Sl.otX ) ncie.s Neh ( rrnrln ? Innd for cish. Omiha piopertv for RIO acre inneh. l ind for lirii > lju ltioM propertx. 14ind fur Jiro ooo chUmro property. Lind for JS'lO ' W ) Diilutli property. Land for clock In a ( rood huslncrs. JlO.noft hnine for mall h > u--e and ri h C.tiod resldi'nce for clear houpe nnd cash. Nebraska farm for Illinois fnnn. Iliislness piopprtv for euttli. ranch nnd cash. To bun , Jl.cin' on land To lio'row , JI.VO on n residence. To lioiron , on n lealdence. Pirm fir clear hoiiFe nnd cnsh. HoiiKe for ncreiiRe and cash. Parm for acieiiKe mid c-nsh. POll SM.E-t.AND "i , < W ni res In one b-idv In lown , .10 acres In lown , $1 nn acre . fl In Iowa , J2 ino ICO In lown. tin nn acre. 210 ncres In lown ti un acr ( . , "I near I.lnAiln , tl.COO. 32) Hurt Co . $20 nn neie. Iw ) Iluit Co. , $2.1 an ncro IDO Plalli' Co . $ . ' 0 an ncre. flO Howmd Co , $7 an ncte. mo Din-fun Co , J5 nn ncie. BIO Daw ton Co , jr nn ncre , 320 one Co , HO nn acre. vo 8nrp > Co . J3nno . FO Douulai Co , $1 000. 4'1 ' DouKlas Co , $1.400. iVt ai ri's liiiuKhta Co , $1 WV ) . SI acres Douglas Co , $1 000. 21. n tes DoinilnB Co , fW nn ncrp. 170 DoiiKhix Co. f,7 an ncre. l'i ' nenr Cotinrll Illuiis , 5. ) nn ncre. 120 Blunders Co. . J3" nn acre. tfo Yolk ( "o . $10 nn ncre 040 Cumcr c-o . $ io an acre. 210 ne ir Neb City , $ r. nn ncre. POH HALE-CITY PHOPKIITY I it N 21th Bl $ , ! I it frintlntr IInn com paik. $2,750 I it neir Cudahy's new lesldence. $1SOO Pair of luts Dunilee , | 1OJO I it near Hnnsrom paik , $1.200. House nnd lot fin Init the park. $12,0)0 Two lotH 33tl ( and Dodjje. $1 ! r,00. IIou e and 2 lots. (2nd nnd llnrney , $1COO. House mid lot. 40th nnd Sewnrd S2 COO Hou p nnil lot 42d and Izatil , J2.COO. Sf feet oit Painam. $20 fioi Rih-siro on liouk\nnl , $1,300. Cir Q and 2ltli. So Omaha $ -i.OOO. Ixit near 21th So Omnli i , } CT,0 Ixit 2" th and P So o. . jr Ix > t Patteison's 2.1 So Omaln , $100. Fine buMnesq blork $ t. > 0 efO. Pine business block , $121,000. Hue lni. lni'SB block , $100 nro. Pine hotel pinpcity , $123,000. Iin-C1s-7 NOTIIINO IS At CHE\P AS 51 PHET EAST frnntnife for $ .0) on Ixiwi- avenue , almost op. posltp tlio beautiful mounds of Mr Jo l > n John W. Hobblns , 1SOJ Parmm street HE-MO-.I 11 t-HOOM MODEIIN HOPSlnH , ) ea y terms IiKiiln | > on premises no'i s 211th HE LOST. LOST. HE1) AND WHITE SPHINOEIl COW. Koternment tan In ear , reward fur return to J. Dav Ui , 37th and ( < old ktreuts Lost MMS 2S LOST. DA III ! IIHOWN IIOHSE , SMALL STAH on fouhead , reward 213 S. 4jh ( ( Mrett I ) st MC1S 2S iiMI \ \ TVPi\vn c. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIKK 554 _ _ _ AT OMAHA I1US COLT.naE , 1CTII & DOUOLAS G'r. _ M'CAHTHY'8 ACADEMY. 17TH & Im iT7\S 8SI-N9 Miinr\ii. LUMPS' CHlClIKSTini'S RNCILISH Pi\'NY- loxal Pills ( Diamond brand ) me the hc'it. Sife tellable Take no othoi Send le stamps fir p.iitUulaiH "Hi lief for Ladlm , " In letter by ii'linn in ill At druKKlstK. Chh li.'Hi , , Chun- leal Co , Philadelphia , Pa. Muitl.m . He * * Mra : s > i \TTIIISS m ovTno UOIIKS. MATTHESSES , COPCHES. PMILOH PI HNI- tuio to order , repaiied KJ Lcaxenw h. til 1 H' . SJO KUHMTI IIH \CKii ) . M S. WAI.KIN. 2111 CPMINO. TPL. 1331 MIS1MJ VHTISTS' HI PPMKS , NOTE LIST ( IP C.OODH .PAOR S DPE Ol T llth. the piKes 1 cannot duplicate , cutili uo fiee. AU.l J iliovci , Jli S"Uth lith St Omuha M1J7-N11 MITM > l.\Mil'\fiiS. PIIOP. CIIAB. PETEHSON. 1NSTUPCTION IN piano \ lolln. KUlt.u , man Inline , zither \ > iie Si ) yenia experience Ti-rnu rvimunjlile Studio , 613 Sheely Illock. 7S3 N ' \n.on TitnmiYcs. WANTED , TAILOH-4 TO I1PY THEIH UOOL. fii * nnil triininlnKs from the Eaitern Woolen and TrlmmliiB Cu. . 1014 Doun-la SIMC30 MC30 NC TYPEWIIITIHH HENTED , $100 PEH MONTH 1C1 ! Piirnnm ht. 5M ! ' ! > VX'IM , . LIFE IN8. POL1C1E.llo T. \ \ P. HOLUEN CO A I , . I1PHL1NOTON NPT. IIEST CHKAPEST PIUCI } J 75 PIT ton 'Phutm SIS Ilannon .V Weeth < o 9JJ-N9 riTHKII HDNOV vroii won u si PEATHKH8 I1OPOIIT AND SOLD MAT- trri e * renuxated and made to ordnMiiin Swan 1701 N ; 4th 'Plione 1011 M\ | , I'lWMinOKCIIM. II. MAHOWrra LOANS MONEY. 41 $ N. 16 8T ' MS i'ATK.Vrs. PATPWTQ ' § * ' ' ° i A 1l / \ 1 O b.u' - * ana - - Patent Attorney. Bi. Om.ha. r. P , C Rtnd for fres AJ\li > o anj Patent Hook I'OSTOI-TICH .NOTICE. ( Should bo reful DAILY by nil Intircs'cd , ns ehnncca tmy orcur nt nny time ) I torelRn mnlN for inn e U fnilln.t , ° p : ' 'lob r autii iw , xxlll dKod'l OMPTIt\li n l i nines ) nt HIP nt'ticm. Poslolllcp m fell ° ' * 'PAUCELS POST MAILS CLO3I1 ONM5 I HOtJIl UAHLIKU than closing time shown below. Trnni-Atliiiilli * THl'IlSDAY-At in. m. for nt'Iinri ; . ' I'li mouth , ( her- \ierf \ MI Coltimbln'ln ImtirK nnd HninliurKi nt s n. tn. for NiTHiiU.ANl : tllrcot , pfr s. s WerUen- Inni , via Ams > U > nlnni ( loiters must be 01- rci iHi , -p. \Verkcnilim" ) . . , , . , , , , MIS SATfUDAY-At lO n m for nfllOPP. , per R i.urnnlala ytiei-iwiown ( lot- t"r < for Prnnoe. Swltzorlatnl. Iluly , Suln | , I'ortiiRtil , Turkey , t : j't | anil Hrltl li Itvlla mu-t dlrectril "tier l.urnnln ) . nt 7 n in for rilANCi : . aWIT/KHLANn. ITALY. SPAIN. I'dllTI'OAL. TrilKBY. KOYI'T niil IIIUTISII INDIA nor s s Lt ClinnipnBiie * . via Hnvro ( letter for oilier pnrts of ISuroiw must be ( lllectnl " | i ° r Li Champ iRiie'1) ) : nl s u. in. for N'KTllICHLANliS illrc t , ] > or f t > . VPCII- il.un , v'n Hotterdnm CletterH tnti t be (11- rectpil "per Verndnm ) ; at S n. tn for O12NOA , per s . i. Kitlila ( letter intHttf \ illrt-eleil "per Kulda" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for NORWAY dlrcet , per * . Itlatul ( letters must be directed "per Island" ) . PP.INTED MATTEH , P.TC.-Ciermnn ilratncrs inillltiK on Tuendnyu take Printed Matter , tie , for vJcrsiany and Specially Artilrcssed Printed Matter , etc , for othi pnrti uf Europe Ameri can mid White Star steamers \Vednnnlays. . Oertnnn stenmers on Thui&da > r > nnd Cunard , Prenth nnd Oermnn steamers on Sntuidn > H take Printed Mntter , etc . for all countries for which they are ad\ertrsed to carry mill After the iloslint of the Supplementary Trnns- Atlantlc Mails nnmed nbop additional supple mentary tnalla me opened on tnu piers of the American Kngllsh , Prench and Ocrman Bteam- eis , mid remain open until within Ten Min utes of the hour of sa ling of Ftcnmer. fur Soiilli nnil Cc ilrnl A ito. TI1UHSDAY At 1 p. in. for IXAOUA ami HAITI , per t , Nnvnhoo. I-MIIDAV At 2W n in for NnWKnrNn- LAXI ) , per s. H. Coreiitt , from I'hlladul- .phl.t. SATfllHAY At n.W n tn. ( supplementary 10 n. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST CUO1X , i.nnu'Aiin nnd wixmvAuo ISLAXOS per s < . Cnilbbee ; at 10 n. in. ( supple- nipntiiry 10:30 : n. tu ) for roilTVNlJ IPLA.N'D , JAMAICA. SAVAXILLA ami OAUTIIAQKXA. per s . . AllcRhany ( Icl- tora for Costa Hl'M miisl be illrected "p T Allcshanv" ) ; nt 10 a in ( upplemont.iry 10:1 : } ) n. m. ) fet HAITI , per c. . Atnlrs. nt 10 a m. ( sunpli mentnry 11 n. m ) for CKXTHAL AMHI11CA textpt Cn .ln It ca ) ami SOUTH I'ACMKIC I'OHTS , per s. Finance , vh'j Colon ( letters for rjtiitemnl i must be directed "per rinuncp" ) ; nt Tl "fl a. in for CAMl'KCHn. CIHAl'AS , TA- HASCO and YUCATAX. per s s. Yumnii ( li'ttor * for other paitn of Mexico and for Cub.i must 1m dlieeted "per Yumurl" ) at 11 a. in for SAXTIAOO HP. Ct'MA , pi < r S w Mexico ( letters for Venezuela and Colombl.i mutt bi > ilnrrtril "per Meslco" ) ; at S:3I : p in. for ST. PinitltB-.MIQI'KL'J.V , per sttMinei ftom Xuith S > diu > y. Malls for NewfoundHnd. by rail to Ilillfax nnd theticiby steamer , close nt this olllce dtlly ut S-,0 p in Mails for Mlnuclon , by roll to llos- ton nnd thence by steamer clone nt this olllce. dnllv at S.W p. m. Malls for Cuba clie at this olllce dally at 7 00 n in. for by steamers silting ( MoniHjo and 'Ihuisiny ) from Port Timpn. Pla. letter malls for Mexico City , unless pei Inlly adureiscd for dls patch by steamer , close "t this ollli c dillj at 12 in. ; piper malls nt U n m "ItpftlbUieJ mull closes nt 0.00 p. in. prelous day. Traiis-Pnrlllo II : ; Us. Mullt for China , .Japan nnd Ilaxxall , per n. s. Heinle ( fioni Sail Kr.inoNco ) , clo-e ben1 Unlh up to Oi-tobi'i lilth nt t ; " 0 p. tn 7tiiU ! fcJi" Sorli'tv Islanils , pel lilp City of P.meltl ( fioni San I'VancKc-o ) clic' bete dally up tn O io ! > .r LVt ! ; at 10 p in. Mnlls for Huxxall , per M n. Austrnll.i ( fiom San Francisco ) , cloio here dally tip to October l'7th .it -.0 p tn. Mulls for China and Japan pur s. s. Oljiupiu ( from Tacotmi ) , close hete dallv tin to October * 3Lst at ( i.0 ! p. in Mulls for China and Jap in ( specially addressed onlv ) , PIT s l2mpreof Japan ( from Vnticouxer ) , cli-se hendallv up to Xoxembar ! ( nt Ca ) p.m. Mails for Australia ( except th s- for \\ Aus'mllahlrh ate forum did \In Kuroiie , N'Xenlnnd. . Hnxx.ill. Fiji and Simoin Inlands , ju-r s s. Alamed.i ( fiotn Sin Francisco ) , clo e heiednllv up to November 'Vitli nt 7 TO n m . 11 a m and Bii : : ) p. in. ( or on ai rival at XPW Yoilt of s. Campania with nrltl"h malls fet Australia ) . MaIN for Ati-tialla ( except \\'t nt Ansti.illn ) , Xexv Xealand , Ha\v ill and FIJI Islands , per s. \Varrlmco ( fiom Vaucouxpr ) , close here dally after Xo- \ember * * "ith nnd up to Xovember 13tb ut C0 : p m. Trans-Pacific nnlls nre forwarded to port of pnlllnp dally and the fcheilule of closing IH nrransed on the presumption of their unin terrupted o\erlnnd Iran-It "Heglsiired mnll clones at C 00 p m previous diy. Postplllce , Xe\x Yotk , X. Y. , October 22 , 1831COnXHLIUS COnXHLIUS VAXCOTT. Postmaster. UAII.HOAIJS. Ill HLING PON & . . Rlxer Ilnllionl "Tin * lluillni ; . ton Rnuti * " ( lencnl Olllies , N W Corner Tcnih and Sticels. Ticket Olllce. ro. I'atnmn Stieft. Telt phone 2 > ) Hi put. Tenth and Mason Telephone , 128 Anlxe 9.30 am I 01 7 Ti pm 11 30 .mi CHICAOO. IlUHLINCiTON f. Qulncj Il.illi nail "The Burl- Ilontu" Tlcktl ojlkc. Pnrnuin Strict 2..0 Depot. Tenth mid Musoii btrtets. Telephone , J28. Leave. 5.05 pm 9 48 am 7:5) pm " 11:40 : am Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH AT Council Illuffs Rallioad-- "The Ilurllngton Route" Ticket Olllce , POJ Parn.iin Street. Telephone 2 , " > 0 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , 'lee- ! p lone. 123 Leaxe. Arrlx Kansns City Day Ux . . 1 C3 am 5 10 pin Kansas City NUht ix . " 10.00 pm 6M ; am OMAHA , KANSAS CIT'IIASTURN RAIL- road-Omaha , C St I iuls Itnllroul "The O K. Route"-Ticket Ofllce , , 1115 Pallium Street. Telephone 32J Di pot. Tenth and Mason btrtets Telephone. l.'S. Arrhe Pittont-liuri ; Kliksxlllo , Qulncj | yi. al . 5:40 am ! 0:45 : pm St Louis New York ' ' ' " ' . ll:20am MKSOPHI PACIP1C RAILROAD -Ocncral Olllcca and Ticket Of- Hie Minhants National Hank Hulldlnc I''Jl Karnam Street. Telephone , 104 Depot , Plfteenth and Webster Strccta. Telephone , I.eaxc. Arrive. KatisaH & Nebraska L tnitel 3.CO pm 12.53 pin ! Cltj " ' "Lxirn , , . . 9:50 : pin C 00 am Nebraska I cal . . . . 4:30 : pm li:45 : am Dall ) Dallv Hx. Oundn ) PNION PACIFIC-'TIIE OVERland - land Houlfc" Oencrnl olllces. N E. Corner Ninth nnd Parnam htreets City Ticket Olllre. UO. Parnam Ktitet Telephone , 316. Depot. Tenth and Maacn Mrecte. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive , "The Overland Limited" for Denxer , Salt Lake , western pcdnlt ) 8:20 : am 4:43 : pm Kant Mall train for Denxer , Halt Lake , P.I. I Hi : coast and all wenU'in polnlii ' 3:31 : pm " 10.20 am Lliuoln Heatrlce and rltruniburt ; Uxpre n 3:10 : p-n 3:50 : pm Orand Itland Express 5 35 pm 3:50 : pm uan ) "uaii } cxctpt Sunday . Cuuiull llluffi Ixual 1-c'HM-s. 5,40 - a m : 0:50 : a. m , 7 30 a m . 25 a. in . 10.43 u m.,2:15 : p m : 4 SO p in , 5 55 p. m. Arrliei. C N a in ; 7 20 n m , 8 u in tl . ' 5 a .in . 11 3) a. m , 3:10 : p. m . 5.49 p. m . 9.-05 p m. ; 10 45 p ni CHICAOO , ROCK ISLAND , < ; Paring Rul'ruad ' "The Great Rock I Unl IlouU" City Ticket Oirtce , 13W Parnnm Strtc't Telephone , | 2S. Depot , 'Ifnt.i und Miuon BtHftu Telephune , 111 l. 'a\c. Arrive. Cliliuuo jnd . . , „ \estlbuled i ; rr - 8 . 4..9 pm ll5 ; pm Lincoln. Cclurado S-pilns . Puehlu Denxtr and xxebt . . . . l.Ui pm 4.05 pm Chin KU , Den Mulnci and Ruck Islanl 7.00pm S.15 am Atlantic Cmireis. for Dr Molnes and euilcrn points 7:00 : din -35 ; pm Lincoln , Pulrbury nj l.ili.\llli- . 313pm " 10:40 : am Dull ) Dully except Sunday \VA11AS1I IIAILHOAU TH'KKT OKK1CK , 141 } I'arnam Strict Teleplionv iii Deput , Tenth gnd MU TI Jlievta Tttephcnt I2S l avt ! . Arihe St LonU "Cannon lull" Pxprr i. . . . . . . 4W pm 11.50 am ItMllM n \it.ito\no. ICHICAOd ern Pnltnuy _ citj Ticket Ofllep , 14)1 Fixrtnni Street Telephone , ffd Depit , Tenth nml Mason Streets Telephcne , . , Irfaxe. Arrive Missouri Volley Slotir city. St I'mil and Minneapolis . . . . 5:1) : ) nm 10.IS Pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7:90 : am 9:06 : pm Dennlson , Carroll , Wall Like 7 : am 9:05 : pm linstern Kxpress , Des MolnpK , Marshniltoxtn , Cedar Rnplds , Chlcngci 10:15 : nm 4114pm Atltntlc Plycr , CnlcnRO nnd Past 4:15 : pm 4-ID pm Pusi Mnll Clilcngii to , Omnlm ' ' " 3tlO pm Missouri Valley , SI nix Clly St Paul. Minne- apolls Limited S-S * . pm 1-25 nm Omaha-f hltnmi Special. lirSO pm 8.10 am Dally Dnllj except Siihdnx- . ( ItlCAUO.ST , PAPU MINNII. npolls R > Omaha Uallxxny Oenernl qltUvS , Nebraska 1)1- xlslnn. Plflpcnth and Webster Streets < Clly Ticket Olllie. 1411 Parnant , 11 pet. Telephone ' 561 Iepot , Plftecnlli und Webster Streets Telephone , 1133 Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Acceimnioem. 8,51 mn O-ZJ pin Slonx City \cconimoda. 19:5) : nm 1.M pm lllnlr. IJmerson. Sioux City , Poncn , Hartlnc- ton nnd Illximlleld . . " ' 1:0) : ) pm " 11:41 : am Sioux Cltv Mnnknto , SI. Paul , Minneapolis . . (1:15 ( rim O-in nm nmerson Passenger . . . . EtMVin S 45 nm Dal x Dally oxccp' Hunttuv. Sunday onlv ' This train stops.nt Millions Florence to So lllalr , Inrltislxp , Sundays only j on xxeek < ln > 8 So lllalr only jPRI.MONT1 , P.LKHORN & Missouri Valley Rnllway Uin- eril Odlccs , Pnlted States Na tional name HuildliiK , t-outn- nam Streets. Tlckel Olllce , west Corner Twelfth mid Kar- 1401 P.unatn Street. Telephone. 6(11. ( Depot , Plfteenth nnd Web tcr faucets. Telephone. 14SS Le.ixc Arrlxo. Illnrk Hills Dendwood and Hot Springs . . . 3:00 : pm 5CO : pm Wyoming. Carper nnd Douglas 3.00pm 5CO pm Hasting' . York , David City , Supo Irr , Otnovo , i\eler : and Sexxan. . . . 3CH : pm 5:00 : pm Ni rfo 1Vc 1 t Po nt and 7.50 nm l.2i am Premoiit Lincoln. Wnhoo and 7:60 : nm " 10:23 : nm Premoiit Premonl Local 7 50 am Duly Dally except Sunday. Sunday only Dally except S.Ui.rday. Dally excepl Monelnx IOPX CITY Jt PACIFIC 11AII * . road lleneral Olllcc , United States National Rank llulld- Ins , S W Coiner Twelfth und Parnnm Street * . Ticket , Otnce. 1401 Parnam Street. Telephone , 511 Depot , fifteenth nnd Webster Sirens. Telephone , 1158. Lejxc. Arrlie. ' 'loux City Mnnknto , S-t Paul , Minneapolis . 6:15 : pm 9.10 nm D.illj OllICARO , MILWAUKEE , t ST. Paul Itnllxvn-Cllx Ticket Olllce , 1SOI Putnam Slteet Telephone , 2 < l Depot. Tenlh nnd Mason Mrects Telephone , 128. _ _ I.caxe. Arrive Chlcaijo Limited Ex. . . * 5:15 pm b.05 um Onia la a id Chicago Ex. 'ILOO am 1:50 pm Dall > Government Subsidy Mort gage Foreclosure Causes. Notice Is heieby clven tint pursunnt to the Decree cf Poree.leisure * mid Sale 11 ide mid e n- lend lij the Circuit Couit of thePnItrdStatrH for the District of Nebrnskn on tbelull day of July. 1M(7 ( in a certilu cause lu cnulty penillng In snld Court , entitled "The I nltoel Sin tm of Vmerlen , Complnln- nnts , against The Pnlon Pacllle Rnlluny Com- pnny. S II II Clnrk. Olher \ \ Mink. P. . Hllery AnderMiii , John \V Doatie and Predc- rle It Couili'it , Rcceheih , P ( ieiidnii Dexter mid Ollxer Ames , HH TniKteiK , Pnlo-i Trust Company of New York rs 'Inictee * , .1 Plor- pont Moigim and Hdwtii P Atklux. UK Trns- te s , mid ' 1 he * Cential Trunt Compain of New York , ns Trustee , Dcreiiilantn.1 nnd ceitnln other dtcrcoH In causes llkewls * * so entitled In Ihe Circuit Courts of the Pnlted htnles for the fnllimlng dlHtrlclH intend on July 211th 1MI7. In the Southern District of lonn : on July 'llflt. 1SU7. In the Districts of Colorado mid Wyom ing nnd on August -nil. ltU7 , In the.- District I , WILLIAM D CORMMI. as Speelnl Mm- ter , will sell nt public' nuctlon to the high est bidder or bliblc-rs at tlie trelght > .tallon of The Pn'on ' Paelll * . HalUvsvrntMnintulheC' * \ - of Om ilia. In the Slate of Nebraska , on Mon- dax the tjrst bex of N ixembeK J-H7 , at e'lexen oiTiKU ln IboToronoon" . nit tl.i * rnllrond , rnll- Ing-stock , telegrnph. franchise * * * , rlglits , func tions , Imniunltlcii. mid ntipurjciimicc s to Ho snme belonging , nnd also ? he estate mid proi * erty of ocry kind and description mentioned In snld electees mid embrnrcd 111 mid co- veied by the * Mihsld mortgnge and Hen to the tlnlteel Stntes nnd all secnrltlen lu the United Stntes Pnlon Pacific Sinking Puud. The rnlhond and othei property eni- brnced In snld Mibsldy riortgugi' mid lien nre the whole line of rallrond and telegrnph , together with the rolling stock fixtures mid projH-rtv of every kind apd desiTlptlon mid 111 coiislelerntlon ofvhleh sunsldy l > oniU of the L'liltrel Stntes were IsRiicd formerly be longing to 'Iho Union Pacltlc Hnllrond Com pany . xvlth nil tl.e rights , functions , Imtnii- nltlta , nnd nppiirtennnces thertunto belong- In : : , mid all the property irstiite , rights , nnd frnnchlms of every kind mid description nrnnti'd or conveyed by the I idled States to the snld The Union Pacific nallronel Coiupnnv. mid nlm ) 113 nnd to the extent provided hy law * , all the estate nnd property , real , per sonal , nml mlied , cssets , ami Inconie of tba snld Ihe Pnlon Pncldc Rnllroad Compnny. from whatever source dcrlteil subject to nny lawfully prior mid paramount mnrtcoge , lien or I'lntm thc'reon , Incliidlng all estate , prop erty , mid iiEBPts derlvi'd by The Pnlon Pnclnc Itnihvs } Company , from the paid 1 hP Pnlon Pnclllc llnllioid Corapanj by xlrtue nnd force ! of the consolidation between The Pnlon Ps. * clde Ilnllrond Compmiv. the Knusiis Pncltlt < Rnlhvtiy Coinininy. nnd the Denver Pacific ) Ilsllnny nud Telegraph Compnny , and Includ ing nil the rnlhond mid property embraced In the first mortgage of The Union Piielfio Itulliond Com pony , clnti'd November 1st , ISM , us In snld decrees found , nnd xxhlch sHid Init mentioned mil rood slid propertr Include ) the rnllrond , right of xxny , nnd r.allroad property of The Pnlon T'nclfle Iliillway Company ex tending from the ensti'ru ternlnus of 1 h9 Union Paclnc Rnllrrny on the csst line of the * snld Ilnllwny Conipnnv'g proper ! ) btUvcen Twelfth Avenue. nnd Thirteenth Axeiiuc * In Council Illuffs lonn In n xxcsterly ellree- tlon to Twentieth Street In Omaha , NehMS- Un. Including Ihu rnllioad ni'.l rnllrond hrlJga nc rcss Hie MNhourl River nnd extending from the Inlllil imlnt of construetlmi of the lulon Pnelnc Hiillroud ni'iir the nothrtmt corner of mid xvlthln section ID , Towiuhlp 15. rnngc PI , emit of the 01 h pilnclpal meridian In Omaha , Nebrnstca , In n nnulherly and xcsterlv direc tion thiough the city of Oiinli.a to Twentieth Street In tnld city of Omnlm ut n June tlon with Hint p.irt of HI Id railroad from Council muffs nforcsnld. mid p&trmlluK thence In n xvesterly dirtrlIon through the counties of Dunlins Sartn. Doc'.ze. Colfnx. Pintle Mer- rlck Hull. HulTalii. Dnusiu. Lincoln Keith , Dem I Cheyenne , mid Ixlinbnll In the- Stain of N'clirnnkii nnd S'dinlcl , Cou-ity. In tto Stnlu of Colorado nnd HIP Coiiutles of Lnra- i.ilp , Albnny , Cmtmn Supetxxatcr. mid L'ltt- tnh In tlio St.ate of Wyomlpg mid the Coun ties of Summit Morgan , Daxls nnd Wet er In the Stnte of I'tnh. to a June tlon xvlth the Cen tral I'm Hie Ilnllrond nt a point five miles xvost of Ogden In He * Slnto of I'tnh. n ells- lnnce > of 1 (142 ( 41 nilliR of msln line ml I road : and also the rights of war , rnllroncls , und rullrond trnckH conxtltutlng spurs or brnnch lints of r.illronel cxleiiillng from polntu of Junction nlth the mid m iln limn ( D nt i ixilnt about (1 of n nib * xxSt of xxhst l kDoiin ns Transfer D p. t nt Cnuncll IlliiiTs , In a northeasterly direction to what In knnnn ns th Hrondnsy Hi pot In snld cltv a ill"- tsncc of 1 7J mlle < In Hie ; city of Council Illuffs ; (2) ( ) st Almy Junction , Wyoming , In a northerly direction to n teinilnus at Mine NO. Keren. H dlstnmu of n 8S ralUs ; Cl ) st Chey- fiitu * , Wyonlng , In n northx\e terly dlreetlon to a connection xtlth the tracit of the Union Pnelflc , Deiixer and Oulf nullvrny n dlstnnco of 204 milts. ( I ) at a point on nil I'l ninln line In Orualin , Nebrsskn. northerly < nd easterly , a dlstsnre of 18 O'M ' fert to certnln Ice-hounes and Industries on what Is known as Cut-off I.nke ; ! so lots yards , terinlnnl grounds shop grounds , streets , mid alleys. In nils mid tricta of lind , teiiicine'its nnd heredllmjients , ensf- menu , nml rlftita of uiiy oivned or iieoulred or spprnprlnted ly or for The Pulou Pnclfln lulliood Ctnnpsny , The Union Pucltlc Rnllway Compiny or the Itccelfers of lhe > propei of SBI | | lint nuiued Company , for tbe ruriioi of ( aid linen of rollrosd , ( Deluding all I lids so nccjulreei or apiu-ciprlsled Yho IHTe to xvhlrli standi tn the names of ( mite-en for said The llulon Psrlflc llnllnny Company , und also all lands ncqulted foi or uiet ) for stations or for terminal purposes , and also all rUhtu and < * s- tslts legs ! and equitable , of The Union Pi- clllc Rnlltvar Compnny In nnd In til station ! , depots und In mid lu all union depots upon or conntrltd with the line of IIS rnllnny or uncd In eomiectlon ther - fth. nnd Including nil the lands und other property i ! icrltxel In the reports nf the Special Mnrter fled | n ii'd nl cans a rrsne'ctlrclv und referred to In raid elcor.Hi mul In the Scjtdul < > - In said r - purts cent .liieel and ttcriln niiriticrcd 1 , 2 .1 , 4 Mid . ' ' . oil the said property belni ; prop * trty owned itciiilred ] or iipiruprlated ) atnl in1 * rc arr to the life mid oiierstlon nf the said railroad , aim the rhi ps frrlzht depots ? lifrul oB'ie bulldlnroniiil liousri depots , inrln-'hoiisi i mrluiiri'K stullou-hoiifps , CIS * cblnffslvt i , work-shops , rallii cnltchefl , tnrii * outi i.uir rlile-tractcs , pMlnji. rnd other structurcu end farllltlcs npim .said mortcufd prci ! > ts cotiitructed , acepdti'd , or owned fur the puipcuit if or In cnnncrtlcn with ald lines of rnltuuy : alia tta lands , Intern ! ) , mid raseiuint * In Ur.dl. n'p-i pump IIOHM-I , ctrtirtuns. plpn-llnrs , appltnces , facilities , Biidiasvri'ntscifsjIdfuuitiarjiidrtalnlDX to thci waursu ) plyuiioiinriiloiu'iialdllroii of rnllreixd , nnd the t toll , appliances , rtitincs n'lerl l . rid ki-pplln o r..d tr peqihc , ) for the pur. poirg tlirnof , ultj tra laiin.a .11 vi 1 asrenRT can Pullaiin leplns-fai : , dlnln .csra , frtlint-cats , rnd lhcr cun , opel nil olnT < " ] iil | , jnut nnd rollnij-H'iik inrt ly Tl.o I'nlcii Psclfi' Itullnny -iiurr rnd r'l ' la * tcrosl of vnhl Tb Irt'V 1" I'c. R-i'rtr ru umr IH n i.ili r cuLiccirut or stivli tn thfl utent thai isld nlpmrnt and rilllre stc. K no ov nnl , or In wliMi t e Mid railway company ba.s nny Inttrnt x\as sc. milted or proTldKl for or hr isld rail- itny rornpsny for Ihi * rntn ses nf anld rnllrosvl nd raorlcnReil prrnl < or Is n ce ry for the running and tpetatlon thireof tt" > ssmi t'elns the nndlTldecl etrnty j > er cent if nil the rolling utoi-V or Kiult'mi'nt nnt.ed by The .Pnlon Pacific llallnay Compnnj or In whleh s1d rotnpsrr him nnr Intrrm , nl n all the ( li ines of telegraph , telegraph material Inntru- ents flttnrrti , nnd nrpllnnccs holonclnit to Ibe snld railway cotapinjr an I localol upon or titfd In connection with snld tnortgiecd prc * tnl esi al o all furniture flxtnrrs appllancca , apparatus , tumdlrs ninl material owned , ac * tiiilrisl. r pti'tldeel tiv said Company for use In connection with said railroad and premises. located In the rnrlons olllres of salrt railway cftroiviny upon or remote from said rallroatlt Ineluillngtlieonlcesofsaleloitnpiti ) Inthc cities cf Omaha , N'ehrasXa , and Iloston. Massarbu- tvltB , and al n all the pro'rty | of said The Pnlon PaelnV nallwsy Coinpntiy mid all Its rlchta and Interest In and to property f srcry kind nnd inture , whether of the character herein described or otherwise nnd the corpo rate rlcbts nnd franchises of asld The Pnlon Pacific Hnllrond Coiupany or Its successor 1ht > Pnlon Paclllc llsllnny Coinpnny , an far as such property rlsht Interc ls and fran- chl es p.nt.aln to thesnld railroad , telegraph , and preml'ps ; also all the moneys , cmllti , tnd property not herein otherwise siwlfled , In the t > os , < sslon of or under the control of tbo snld Ilecel ers , or to which Mid Heceliem arc or may be entitled , which havc < been or mnr be derived hy snld Receivers from or on account of said mortgaged premises , or fronj tlie sale. > r other deposition of nny of said Property/ from the operation of tb'aid tnotlgnRed premises by said lleeelvcrt "juri- Jecl to the charges of the Receivers In rests - sts > ct thereof ; snld lands nlxxte referred to an standing In the nnmes of Trustees for the said The Union Pacific Hallway Couinntiy Mot described * follows ' ' "OTTA WAlo'xiVlV'lJllL NT Y , IOWA . r Acres , Coiuinenclng si n | lnt 471 , ' . ft South iiflliouiiitlivastiiiineriif the NW Hot SKVlof Sec 34 , T 75 N. H 41V. . of th * Mh P M , thenc'p ItiiLIng the 4(1 ( acret line for due north & south line ) K 57 cleg. 3P W .160 S3 ft : thence \Yc t tn n point 07(1 ( r. ft smith mid .IL'il.ll ft. cast of the i enter of snld See. H4. ! thence south patullcl xvllh tl-e North ft South center Hue of s.ald Sec ,14. TOO ft to n imlnt 111 the present North Right of Way line of the Uincn Pai i illlo Hy Co : thrnce I'ast on snld II. O W. line 1)13 ) HI ft : thence North * ! esstetlr Ml ft In n jxdnt In 40 ncre line ( VI ft more ur less North of thn SI ! corner of the N\V V , of SE H "f said Sec 14 , thence Noitb on said 4i ) ncre line 7M ,1 ftet In the place of be ginning , rontnhilni * nn area of . . . 15.42 Atkins , linker .V McKnrlnnil , Trustees. A tr.act In the NE V , of SP H of Sec. .11 T 7 ! > N It 41 \ \ of nili P M of lown described us follows : Civnmcnc- Ing at n point IS'i.1 ft Smith from th ) linst ipimter section corner of mild Srr. 31 running Ihcucn ninth on Si'rtltm lltti ) .1MI 2 ft or tn Kniunds ns now nnnpil by Pnlon Pae Rnll n } Co thence South westerly on Nnrlliirly line of slid crounds 1ISI feet toYcst line of snld NE \ , of St : i < 4. thence North on said line insn ft : theme Ilnst 1323 feet or to plnce of beginning liicipt tract sold ti > S II Pluney , de- icilhctl ns follows : Cnmnieiiclin ; nt a nilnt M7 feet witith from the Enst 4 Section corner of snld Sec 31 mid running thence south MH ft to Pnlw Pncltlc H" irriii.inls. thence southwest- erlr on northeilj Hue nf snld grounds 270\ feet : thence N .10 dee W. IWi ft : thence 1 ast 3.1,1 ft ti > plncv eif he- cliinlng Contnltiliii ; 0 7.17 of nn acre hereby come } I UK to snld Trtntccs . . . 111.50 Atkins. Tinker S Mel nrland , Trustees. SW I 4 of MI 1-4 mid NW 1-t of N'O. 2 nnd nil Sec. .1 , nil In Township 71 , Range 44 We > t . 701.10 Dexter. Atkins A Mink. Tru-tees A tract of Land In the SE i , of SE > l See 34. T 7.1 N. R 44 W 111 1'nttnn.l- tomle Co. Inn.a , described ns follows : . Commencing nt n point IM7 ft south ) | fiom the East V4 Section curlier of / i slid se-tlon 34. and running thence ( viiuth ill" ; feet to P P It ) ground : ' thence southMpsterly on tiortherl > Hue or saw Erouinls 270' ) , feet , tbenri * north 30 tleit West 1SS , , thence P.nst 31,1 feet to place of bt ginning , con taining un mea of . . 0-71 Dextrr , Alklns ,1 Mink , Trustees. . The East 44 feet ot Lot 1 , the East 41 feet mid the went 22 feet of Lot 2 , and all of lots 3 .X. .1. nil In Illock U III lirlmcs Addition to Council muffs . 0 GO Dexter. Atkins \ Mink Tmatecs. Part of 1 ots I mid ( < In llloi k t ) In tiilnn.i Ai'dlllon tn Council Bluffs not lu I nlotienue O.-i * ' Deiter , MUlns & Mink , Tttistees. Tlint portion of I/it 7 In Illoek U In Crimes Addition to tlie Cll > of Council Ilufls ! , nut tuken nnd used fur tlio Right of Wny of "Pnlon Avrnin0.02 Atkins. Hiker A. MePnrlnnd , Trustees. Part of I-ols i. 2 1 4 , V . ' In Illock 1.1. In Ila j lies tdilltl.iii to Council Hluffd rot In Union \v < nue . 0 57 Dexter. All Ins i Mink. Trustees. An undivided hnlf of Lots 1. 2 & 3 In ISlock 11 lu the Silb-illvMiill of Riddle Trnct In the fit ) of Council Illuffs All the Interest of 1 S Cmcinent , Mar ) Lockxvocil Cnsenient , Hubert L 0.30 ) Casementmid Dinlel Wedls C.iBcmcnt In and to Lots 1 , 2 Ac 3 In Illock 11 I'l Klc'ille's Sllh- cllvlslon of tie City of Council Itluffs , limn . . . . . . Atklus. Uaker iS. Mi I'arlnid. | Trustees. All the North IS 1 3 feet of I/it 11 mid all of Ixits IT. nnd 10 In Hlork 11 ; all In the Suli-dlxlslon of the Riddle tract , City of Council niiilTa 0.32 Atkins , Hiker & MePnrlanil. Tiustees. AH of Lot 17 In Illock 11 In Suli-dlxlsloii of the Illilcllc tmct. City of Council llh.ff . 0.12 Atkins , Hiker .1 5li I'arland Trmlees. All of I/it No IH In ISlock 11 In Siil > - * division of Hlildle tract , City uf Coun cil Hlurfs . . . . . 0 12 Atkins. IlnLei & Mcl'nilnud. Ttur-'ecs. All of fat 1'J In Illoe-k 11 In the Si. . - cllxliloti of tbe Hlildle tract lu the City of Council Illurfs 0.1.1 Atl.liH. lUkcr .t MePnrlnnd , Trusteei. All of I/it 20 In Dlock 11 In the Sub- dlxlulon of the' RliMIc trnct In thn Cltv of Council Hluffs 0.12 Atkins. HaLci A Mi'l'nrland. Trustees. All of Lots 1 2. tl & 10 In Illock 12 ; nlso the North 22 2-3 ft of I/it .1 In Illock 12 and the North 2J 2 J ft. of I/it 11 In llloi-k 12 and the North 113 I 3 ft of lot S In Illk 12 ; nil In the Hub division of the Riddle tract of Council liluffs . . . . . 0.70 Atllnj. linker .1 Mc.Tar.und. Trustees. All Lor 1 In Illock 33 In the Sub- dlUslun of Ho Illdclle tr.act In the City of Council Itltiffs , 0.23 AH of I/t Nu. 2 111 I'.lock No 31 In Suh-dlxlslou of the- Riddle tract. City of Council UlufTs Atkins , lUker & McParlanil. Trustees. AH I/it 3 In Illock 11 In Sill ) eilvltlon 1 nf tht > Illrtdle trnct In tie City of . . 0'-3 Council Bluffs f ' - All of Lot 12 In HIocl : .11. Kiddle M Sun-1 dlvUlon of tbe City of Comie-ll Hluffa ) Atkins , Ilalier .V McFarlnnd , Tnutees. All nf l ts PI S. 14 In Illock 33 In Sub division of Hldclle tract. City of Connell - ell Ilhiffs . . . 0--3 Atkins , linker & MePsrlnnrt Trustees All of I/it 13 Illock J1 In the Siib-cllvl- slon of Itl'MIii trcct. City of Couucll lllufTs All I/it 1(1 In Illock .13. In thi * .Siib-dl- 0.20 vlslon of tbe Riddle * tract In the City of Council Ilhiffs . . Atkliis , linker * McPsrlund. Tnnlccn. All of I/it 1 In nioeli 34 In the Sub-1 division of the Hldclle trnct. City of , Courcll I'.lurfs I/t 2 and . ! In lllnik .14 lu the Sub0.37 division nf ( re Riddle trnct III the I , City of Council llliiffs J Atkliis Ilnl er k MoPnrlHiul Trustees All of Ijits 12. 1.1 i14 In IllotU .14 In Sub cllxlidoii of Hlelillo tinct , City of CouiHl hiffn 0.33 Atklnn l ! kt-r k Meh'ailnnd Tiuitees J/t n In Illock 'II lu the Huh division if 11.1. HIJillft tiuct In tin * City of Cmncil r.lnffa . . 0.10 Atkins Ruler & MePurland. TMIIIPM AH I/it Hi hi Hlo-1 , .11 In Hie S'ltidlvl- ulun of tl.o Itlcicile tinct In the city of Collll.Ml Hllllft . . . 0,10 AtlliH Hiker , V McPailmnl. Tnulees. AH of I/it U In tl" lib > ! . 37 In > 'ul > . division of tLo Hleluli * tract. Cltj of Council Ilhirfs 0.13 AtUrs , Hiker S. MeParlincl. Trustees. All of I/its t. 'J ia In Illock 38 In Sub division if the IlliVlle Unit , C'.ty of Council Illuffs 0.37 Atkins llaliir ti MoPailmul , Tnuti'fS All 11 In niick IS In tU Heli-tllil- slnn of the Itldcllo tract In the City of Council muffs . . . . 0.12 Atkluv , Haker & . MiTarlmid Truitccii All I.ols 12 13 \ II In niock oS In ti'ei Siib-dlxlhlon of tlir. Hlildle trnct In the Clt > of Coimcll llliiff- . . . 0.37 Atkins Halter . ' : Mcroilund TruXeca All of I/it HI In Illnek US In i-iihdlxl-l slim cf tbe Rlclillo tract , City of I Council IHatfs . . . . . I All of Lot 111 In Illock .IR In Sub dlvl0,13 slon of the Middle tract 111 tlio City f of Cou.iell IJIiitls . . . J Dexter , MUim fc Lane , Trustees , DOUG ( .AS COUNTY , NEIIRASUA , City of Omabn. ( .olii 2 and 3 In Itlocli 20S In tbo City of Oi.aaba as surveyed mid lllho * graphed , subject tu the tnies thereon for Hit year 1RSO 0.40 Atkins , HaLi'r > x. MtTarlHnd , Tiusteef t/it I In lllcick 2US In tl'o City of Oma ha , aa suivoyed nnil ulnltrd 0,20 Atkins , Hiker ft MeKsrland , Tiuitees Lut D In niock 208 In tbe City of Oma bn , ns surveyed nnrt putted 020 Atl.liH. nalirr X MePnrlnnd Trutlecs I/it U In I'.lock 08 In Ibo City of Oma ha . . 020 AILIns , Ilaker fc MeParland Truitees. Lot u In Illorli 215 lu Ihu City of Ouu- Atkins , ' linker A Mc-Karland Trnttpeii' ( it 3 In Illuck 215 In the CH > of Oma ha . . . . 0.2O Atkins. Raker A McVnrluinl Trtmtcea I/it 4 In Hlnck No 2IS In tl.f Cltv nf Otnann as surrnyed mid | | jtled Sub- IMCI to Ibe fidlowliiK lini-es xvblcli huvo lieeu thli elsy aeslgre'd b ) Ibe said Grantor tn Jehn II ManebeHlpr , In trimt for the Union I'udflc Railway Cu , nud the tiurs of 18H1 / Lv it.t.H' Pron Jacob Ptluir In Ja- rch S'ldeiHe' ilnli'd AUR 8 , IM , for 4 v 8 njn fnn : tinte Prom Juroli PiliiK l" Prederlrk Kraut * * dsled ,1i Ii H ) Ihso , for & j. from date and rxt. 3 y. I'rura J nb Pllu : tu Muleora Chris- tcr.ien. dated Apr , 1 , l&SO , fur 3 } r - from dntc Ptoui Jncuh Tflug to JoiupU Hehlerbtrr , dated April 2 , l fd. for J yr frum dat . Pro'Ji Jnti.h Pllug t Henry lirucli- rer , dated Apr. 1 , IfeSQ , fur J } rs fiom dalt. Prom Jacob PPut Pnlrlck Murphy , t'etcd Apiil IS.SO , for 1 ) r froci tlalo .030 Mklni. Paler A Mcl'nrlancl Trmtepii Pert of Un 2 .tielnz 2 KH c i ff I. In Klcck Vn 2'Jfl. l-i tl.c * C ly of 4)maba , ktil" . ! t > t re * < irdtl pl-st tberrof Ucitir it Line , Trtutgeii Ornmenelne t a. point 84fl feet nnrth f trip SL miner i > ( the S\\ ' tf 111" SW Vi of > ( tlon 2.1 In T 15 N of R 13 K of th * Cth P M ! thenc * cant 410 feet , trienc * Sonth 8 ft t thenc writ 210 ft ; tbencp north M ft , ; thenep est 170 feet ! thence north S2 feet to the place of ts-glnnliiR containing 2fl.JV ( ) sijnare feet 0 Ct Atkins llaVer A MeFarlnnd , Trusteeci I/it R 0 A 7 In Illnck P . . 0 CO IHitrr , Atkins * MlnV Trustees It 1 In Itlock ITS In Ihe City nf Omi. ba , as surveyed nnd llthogrn plied sub ject to the taita thereon for the year 1SM1 . . . .050 Atllns , Ilaker A McPnrland , Tnutees All I/its numbers 2 and 3 In Illock Nc' . 17 $ In the Cltv of Omahn 0.40 Atkins Ilaker A MeParland. TrnMees. All the following described Heal Estate , situated In tbp City of Omaha. County nf Douills nnd State ( if Nebrn > kn. di- wll- Lots R , n , 7 & S In Itlock I7S ; Ix > ts 0 , 7 , , 8 In Illock 170 : exo.'ptlnn ; however from Ibis conveysncp all tha Inletesl heretofore aenulred hy Thf Union Pnclllc llallwav Company for Illelil of Wnv In nnd to I/its , 7 A S In Hleek 171) and the Interest under n certnln verbal lesno heretofore inndo of I/ila n. 0. 7 A M In Hlk 17H to Jihn A Wnkelleld. xvhlch expires Pcb 1. 18S7. The xxhole nf snld descrllied premises Is hertbv conveyed sublect to all tnxts a e ed and levied thereon for the rear I-1 ? ! . Ac . . 1.53 Alklm , Raker St MrKnilnnd , Tnuleca Lot A In Illock 1711. na survevcd and platted bv the Council Itluffs ami Ne- braiiiia Ferry Co . 020 Dexter , Atkins A Mink , Trustee * . Lot No 5 In Illock 1W in the City of Ouilii . . 020 Atklna , Raker A Mcparlnnd. Trmtees I/it Nos n nnd S In IllockM \ In the City of Omahn . . . . . 0.40 Atkins , Raker tl McFarlnnd , Trustees. Lot 4 In Rlock 181 . . 0.20 Dexter , Atkins k Mlnlt. Trustees All lots 1 A 4 In Illock IKS In the City nf Omaha Also n parcel of land fid- Joining snld I/it 1 cm the Knst , com mencing nt HIP Nt ! corner of snld I/it 1 1tl tllork 1SS aforesaid , thence Smith 1.12 feet In thn SP. corner of snld lot 1 , thence. P.nst 20 feef thenep North 133 ft : thence e t 20 ft tn plnce of tieirlniiltig Containing "iHO * < pinr feet . .040 Atklna , linker A JlePsrlnnd , Trustees All Lots 2 nnd 3 111 III ick 1SS lu the City nf Omnhn . . . . . . 0 40 Atkins , A McPnrl.ind. Trustees All of I/its 1. 2 A J , Rlock IK' ) , South of Illslit of Way of the P P Ry . con taining 1 3 n of a reitiilnr City lot 0 32 Atkins , linker tMePnrlaiid. . Trustee" * . All that imrllnii of I/it I In Htoe-k 1M ) In the City ( Omaha not Included In n certnln grant fur HUht of Wny undo to the Pnlo'i Pnclile llnllnwil Coiiuiiur by de eel dnled Mnrcli 3 , 18U nnd re > - conlril en the 21st dn ) of the same mouth lu Hook "P" of deeds nt Pnge 301 of tlio rrrordn of snld Douglas County . . . O.OS Atkliis , linker .x MePnrlnnd , Trustees. Purt of I/it 2 ( helm ; d.MI " ' 1 ft 1 In Illock 22H In tbe City of Omaha , ne- cordluc to the Recorded Plat there- I/its 7. i PA 10 In block in nnd frnc- tlotinl Illock 17 In the Town of Mlllnrd 033 Dexter , \tklns , V Mink , 'liuslees I/its 7. s. II * In In Hloik 2J In the TOHII of Wnterlmi . 0.75 Dexter. Atklim A. Mink. Tru tees DODCi : COI'NTY NI tlHASlxA. I/its 1 tV. 2 III Illock C In the Clt ) of ] North Rend . I/it .1 In Illock M In the Cllx of North \ 1.43 Rend , the * l.nst 15 fett of lot Deiter , xtklns , v Mink Tnistees 1 I'LAITK COPNTY. NCRRARKA. City of Columbus Trustees. . Si : ' . uf NW i' , her. 20 171 1 W . . 4ll ( hi " " HALL COUNTY. Nnilll XiilCA. City of ( Iriind Island Trustees. Lots.1 , 0 , 7 , ASln DlockS ! ) .0 ID Dester. Xtklns A Mluk. " B , (1. ( 7 iX. S " 40 0 SO " " " n , 0 , 7 A H " 41 0 si ) " " " 3. 4 , 5 A ( t " 42 II Ml " " Plrst Addition to ( liiind Islnnd. Trnc. I/it 7 In Illock Hil 001 " " DUPPAI.O COUNTY , NUHRASKA. Kearney Junction. Tnistees. Lots M ) , C02 , 710 . 040 Deiter. Atklna tc Mluk. ( Tark ) " 1.1S ! ) , 1.100 14ftO , 1401 , 140.1 , A 1400. 0,0 ! " " " 1477 . 0 15 " " LMtAMin COPNTY. WYOMING. City of Cheyenne rrnrtlonnl I/it No 1 lu Illock 811. Also I/its 1 , 2 A 3 nnd frac I/its I. 5 0 , 7 & 8 111 Illock S34 Also I/us 1. 2. 3. 4 , 0 , (1 ( , 7 fc 8 In Illock K15 AH In Sec tion .12 , T. H N. It . Cil W ; Also lota 1 , 2 , 1 , 1. fi , n 7 A S In Illuck .ISO ; Also Lots No 1. 2 , 3 , 4 5 , (1 , 7 A 8 in Illock 837. Also Lots Nos 1. 2 , 3. 4. n , 0 , 7 A a In Illock No S.H ; Also Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 ( i. 7 A S In Itlock 83(1Ml ( In Sei-tlon 32 , T 21 N II ( id W . us designated on the oCtchll pint of Tmxnsllt" of snld Clt ) of Chfjtiine 083 Atkins , B.iker A McFailand. ' 1 riwtees. Lot 22 In Illock 1 22. City of Lnrnmle . 0.72 Dexter. Atkins A Mink. Trustees. .Soda Lukes , near Lurumle , WO. SW of NW of Ni : VJ" NW of SW of NT H i ! y , of NW v , S "j of NWof S'U NK of SW of NW U N w of v\v of s\v > ; r. M N-7.1 NE of Nil 1,4 of an > i c 14 N 7.1 w. hi : of SP of SW ' ' , M 15 N 75 W. Also nil claim In and to other portions of SI-C'H I A 5 T UN 11 75 W ami In and to other portions of hec .It T. 15 N R 75 , xxblcli may have Iwen at nu ) time * , cHtcd In tUoso through > thoni nliim * property wna obtnlned 'MO 00 Defter , Atklm A Mink Trustees. ir'in : coi NTY. i TMI A pint of lot 0 lu Illock 4 In South Cg. cli'it Survc ) . beginning nt the noith- xx eat eoriier of mild lot C and niniilni ; theuce south 20 rods , thcnte r/st lu rods , tbenco north 2' ' rods , theticn east 2 loda ; theucc ncuth 17 > i rods ; thence nest 12 rods to place cif he- Elnnlm ; . . . . . 1.47 Atkins , Dexter & Lane , Truvlees In nccoidunce xvlth the terma and provisions of said di'crcfs , snld premises mid property ntKixe discrlli'd lll be sold , mid the pur- thniii'r tbeieof unl take the rmme subject to mid snvlng the title of Tbe Ainerlinn l > inn and ' 1 1 list Company , mi Rhoun bthe nipilp- iiunt 'liurt Iiidunture of ' 1 In * Pnlon P clile Rall\Mi ) C'ouipiiny to the Rnld The Auierle'un Lomi and Trust Cunipauv , iluted Ocl.iber 1st , 1HS7 to the extent and no fnr 119 He mid In- eientiue affects tbe noitlou of the equipment therein enibinccel , wl Ii h Is ueHiir'geil In suld deciecii to piituln lo the prcinbicn embraced In mlil subsld } moltl.-iiKJ mid lira , and to Ibn extent of u , e. um. t < < . , on the 5,107. ( ) ' ) of bnnils In said iliiiei./ t mil to be outstanding tbereiiiidc r , mid fiihjui 1 to and taxing the llt'ii of the < Jmiilia HrleU'clort.ingi' of the I nloii Pac'ltlc Riillroud Company to Ji hn IMgnr 'llioui- ion , John 1'liTpolit Murgmi mid Kllalm Atklus , as tniiitteii. iliili'd tbe 1st day of April 1.S71 , mul thu llt'ii uf ttie Indenture tlieretu. duted Hie 27lh cla > of Septeriln r. 1H7I , mid ll.e Hi n of the Ornulia Hridge lleiiunnl Moitc.ige i-serutud b ) Ihe Union j'.iir.e Kail- XMi ) Coni | > utiy to the Ceutrnl Trust Cciuiiitny | of New urk ns tru&ti'i' , dnltd the 1st Uuy of ( Ictolvr , IbSS. upon lo the extent , mid In re Niiect of thn ininuliies embraced In mid covered by said brlJ e ino't nKHN and to the * extent or thu Indi'ble iluvss tberi'by he. cured us In snld decrees found to be out- sluiidlng mid mipahl , vl/ upon $ It/- . r w of Plmt llrldgH bonds nnd $731 UOO of Re newal bnnils and sublect to mid Hnvlnx thn lieu of the Plrat Morluagi- f The Union Pa- cine Rnlliond CompMiiv In P.dttln D Morgan and ( lakes Muei , us Iruntefs dnted Noiuni- lur 1st , 181.5 , upon , tu tin * extent , and In ID- siM-ct of Ibe premises emhrnied In mid eov- end hy said Pint MnrUnsii ns In snld dee rees desc'rlbe'd and deODed , and In the eiteut of the Ini'cliledntffis upon tt u J27,22Ut" ( ( ) of IKIIII'J" K Hired therebj , OH found In be out- Isiiclln mid unpaid , mid ruhject lo uni mivlng Ihe debt of Ihi * ( Juvernimnt to lnvfi tbe pief > renie at nil tinea In Hie use Ht fair and i iisoiinble rates of comicnuntlon , not to pieced tlie nmuuuls paid by p Ivale { virllcs for Ihe sntnc * kind of servbe of the said le- leKinph line mid railroad foK tie Irnv-nili- lion uf despatcbes over bald tclcraph linn Hid the transportation of nails troops muni- lions ofiir. . ruppllfn , and public ilnri. " upon laid rnllrond fur Ibe Ommiuiont. xtlifuvtcr loqulrt'd bv any Dviiartmtul tl.cTiof Aa tirovlried by auld decrees hsld prnperty covered by and m.ihraced In in Id subahly moitenie ami Hen "III bo sold a mi entirety and In one parcel Tbe Special Mailer has tbe pmttr and rlghl to ( kostpunt * ( he said siil from time to time , nnd m y. nltbuiit further notice , procee > d nltli the ssld i.lle un any day to tvhlrli the sale may lave been adjourned The ( Special Mas. ter will ircelve no Mel from any one otTerluj to hid xvbu shall lint liavo deimsltsd wllli him , at his oDlre In Oiaahn Nvbranka at leaat mo elays before tbu date of the sale rarn- lloned lu this notice , us n pledge that h will make grxid ) d > bid lu casti of Hi ucceptuucct. the sum uf 12 000.000 In rmb Tbe hptrlsl Master ulll atcept nn bid fnr aid ratliuad. franebUtra and propeity leis than tbe sum of J 21,000 OO ) In cakh 1'ixm tbe ncci'pluncn of any till the pers ui or persons matin ; tbe same shall forlnrtlth dt > - poilt vrltb Ihu Kpeclal Matter un atruunt ( berfuf a further autii. Hi caib , vtbleh tuguther ltb the ainuuut wblrh In ol tbey bavi < al ready deposited na a nledgt ( ball it ] nil fif teen per cent (15 ( % ) of lh oeetptcd bid In rate uny blddi r shall fall tn make good bis Mil upon Ila acceptance by tbe Speclnl Mai ler by miking within live days after such arreptanet aald adclliiial ! | drpoalt with Ilia Master ai hereinbefore ipeclutd , or. after Ibe contlrmitton of aald sale shall fall tu pay an hereinafter iprclned tbe balance dun m u hl § said bid In rostmnimntton nf Ids iiur- tbi > then tbe suiui In ratb in tlepuilteel by luch hldiUr or will be forfellrd si i itenall ) for such failure and ulll be applied toward ! payment of ttmejvi > riof nrmla. ami loiroriU uiaklni : vorvcl any deficiency or toss In caie the urvtierty sball b ' Id at a l n prlco ulun siirfi resak * . and lo any otber and fur- Iber purioiei | xvhlch ttm Court mny direct Any purty tn said mustm or any bolder or sold * vl any of. t ld Fin * nny Mel xnd { sirens st men isle If any salt * forwMehn depodl hnti rsen rntilo Itilll not In * connttnnt hy the Court , tnrh de posit will bp returned to the NOder. siM tha Jeposll of nny nn ucces fnl MiMcr xxlll be : r turned to Mm xvben s. bid b l cn accepted The purchaser xvlumr Mel Hinll h ve been accepted by the Special Muter nt ald s l shall in ike pnvments In rssh of the inn re mntnlng due upon Ms snld bid nfter the np * > llnn theieto of the amounts inrrclflfni-A Kllri bv him. ns follows Twenlv ovp ISM ) per rent of said amount s < i remaining cine on ssld bid shsll be psld nlthln thirty days nfler the confirmation of trn salo. n further twenty five ( S.v. i | > er cent , of .al < 1 e moil nt shall In * pnld wllblii forty daxs after such eotiflrmallon , n further twemv ( He ( Wl-l per rent of MlI amount shall N * psbl nlthln lift ) tlnys nfler such e'emflrnistlon. and s. fm > Iher twcntv tlvp ( S.vtl per pent of salj s mount shall te pnld within slxtv days after such ponflrmstleMi Provided , however , Hint the purebnser shall hnve tlio rlthl to antici pate nil or c-lther of mid payments by mak ing tlir mine or nny nf them , at nn en tiler time , or emllcr Hmis than herein stated The Mutter may nccrpt n certlfed cheek upon or a cerllflcsle of ilrposll of uy tin- tlonnl Imnlc or trust company xttilcd It satis- fnctiux to him s n payment or n deposit of cash , luttend of money. In rniy ens. * Inuhlch he l , by the lerirs of said tlec-rers. rcipilretl to dblnln r.ash J > Upon payment of the r-urvlusp price , tb Bpeclnl Mssler xvlll execute nnd deliver it good mul sntnclent deed , conveying * ll the premlnes putrlissed. siiblret to the prior lien * nnd exceptions In said decrees found mid here- lnlcfor > * staled , tu mich purchnser or l' r- rlinners. or his or their mcftssors or nolgns ; md 111011 connrmnllon of the sain and con- xeynncp of HIP premises sold , the putcbAsei or purchnseis , Ms or their successors snd as sign * , shsll , subject to HIP possession snd tUhts of said Rtcelters , mid subject to the Hens mid rights snvid and pxreptrd as toro- said thcieupnn le entitled In hold nud rnjoy Ihe snld premises so conveyed Thp purchaser at purchnsers. or Ids or their sue-renton or assigns , shall , ns part consideration anil purchsse price of the cald pnipprty nur- chnnitl. mid tn nihlltbm to the sums rupilreci to K * psld ns nforrsnld , tnKe Ihe snme , a ml rccclu' the deed theiefur ilium the t'xpnss con- dltlen Hint he or thev , or hl or their sue- cefsors or nsslcns , shall pny sntlsfy and ills- chnrte the obllKntloiis , Iliibllllles nud charge * In sjld seveinl decicts spcclne-d ns fcdlowst "Plist All the proper c > sts of this cniiso nnel of the expenses of the snip hcrcundcr. Including the compensntloti nnd nccessary t- penses of Hie Special Master npoliitcd | In innVe He sale "Second Tbe chnrgcs , compensnllon , al low mice s nnd disbursements nf the C'oiuplsln * nuts , nnd nuy of Hit * other pnrtlts to tbls cjiise entitled thereto , Ihrlr solicitors nnd ctillfsel " Kiieh posts , rnnipeiisallnn , allowances nml illxburFcnients shall lt > paid by tins purrhnsert xxheti thev lire tired hy the Ccurt. The pur- chnrrr , Ids tuccesiori or ssslgns , shnll puy ny ol tl e clniius described In said decrees' x\hen bv tl'o Court ifiiiilieil , or shall par tit the Mniter or In Court the moneys ri-oulred tit ellschiigi * the same from tlmo to time ns thn Court lain dliect. And the dun I rrservcn the tlgtd mid retains the turner and Jurliilte. tlon to take buck nud rcneil the said pinporty In cnie the pint Inter. LIs sncressnrs or n signs , fall to piy miy of f.ild clniius xvliin by It rniulicd. mid lu ciisf he or they tnll to pay nny other fnrt of tlio purilmio price of Ilia propel ty . As provided In salJ decrees1 The IHimls I eld In the I lilted Stntes Pnbin Pneir.c Sinking Pund will In * fold nt Ihe tlrio u d pl.uc * nfoics.ild us nn entirety nud In ana ' " ' Hie boi ds In the said Pnlte-d Stntes-Pnlon Pneltlc Sinking Pund nre those shown lu tLa following tabulited Mnlenieiit , which slnie- meiit nlso ( . .liouslilili of the l uid < In said sinking fund nn * not due , whleh of nab ) lom : < i me nud the inlm of Inlerent , dales or nritillltl. dales when Interest Is inyable , mid elntcH of lnt payment of Inteiefit as to cnch cbiss of bonds ciubtncc-d In said nlnklug fund : hi i - . ' - ! ! = M : | i-\ \ i MM V \ ' , i ! ! i ! ! i . ! . i 1 : t i i t i i : Q ti ' T ' : : ' i i 1 i I " 3 . t- > l-i U X X1 * . X ; X I X " ' * 33 "a'3 33 B 3 ? 35 ; : l . - ! ! . ' = : r-1 il : I-S-T.I : : * i i . i- c ! ! | -f ef j ' Ih : i ! ! i ! n 1 : \ : ! ' " | ! . - * - rH rl"- . . - , - - , . 6JX- XX-lC3i t > * - * - 1sg'sig 'i- i : . . -,1-1-1 . i g . .i ; ° a SSSSSs 'rS5 WmT . iiia * ; . , * , ! ! - - ! - * fa . . , - j i-Li MM , * . " * 5 * 5 " " - - - SB T Ilin Special Master has tin ) POIUT mid to postpone Ilii' snle of s.ald hlnklng Pnnd iHimls from lime lo time , nnd m ly , ullhoiie further notice , pioc'ced with the1 snip on .any day to Mlikh the smile iu.a ) hnte bet n ud- journnl. 'Ihe Sptclul Mnstrr will receive no bid fium nny bidder for Ihe sicurlllis In suld Milking Pund ube sh.ill imt hn\ii paid to him , at his olllce , In lh City of Om.iha , NebrasKa , at lenst lire days bcfoie the suld chile for bald sail' , minoiinciil In this nutlet1 , Ihe sum of at least tell per cent. ef the nggiegnle. par xahiu of all the. houiU In the sield .SlnLIni * Kund , inimely , the sum of f 1.3rlGl'f , , as n pledge. that he will mule icnod his bid In cnsa uf lls ntccptmice. 'lhc > { Special Master wlu ncci'iit no bid for mild Milking Fund bonds less Hun a cuji tipta ! lo the * ng regste pnr xulim of nil of the bonds In said .Sinking Kuan as In Raid decrees found ns of tbo ilnte " * April Juth , Ib'JT , ii.iiiul ) , II f mini of $ l.l.i < l.- 2.MI N ) Ihe punlinser shi'll , wllhln tlfl"en dns i.fl.'r the cotilhinittliJii of the sale , b ) the ( otirt , of aulil Sinkln , ! Pund Inimls , mule kurh IHI ) mi lit 01 p ) inent In tnnli IIH Hlinll IJB neieiiiar ! ) to complete , utth the then * * tofoio iiiiiile by him the piiiiient of the HIIIII bid b ) Idni at such sale , und such pn ) iiient i-liall be Hindu lulu the Tiens'ir ) of the United Sliiles or to Hiich otllcial of the Tieiisui ) Dn- paitment of It.o Uidtid States in deihtHlt try ns thall be b ) the Secielni ) of Ihe Tri'miirjr ill felKlMled to receive such iinjnietll ill bibnlf of lliu I uteel SUtiu , luotliliil , ho eter , mi ou > l ) nlih nidi p.ijimnt. ami as it ronilliioii the n of , the mlil iiiiiclinsei shall bo entitled to iictlvn and hnl ) reielte from Dm h crclnr ) nf 11. " Trrtisiny of the I'nltrd Wlntt- . . mid mlil Siiiilniy of the Tieuiiir ) slmli at the time of sut h payment HV nfort-Ksh ) clellfei * to riieh punlLiser all the buiuts In HIP said I nltiil hinds I idon Pacific Sinking Pund , ehlly undiiriiicl by Iliti hicrttar ) of tt.e I'tc.linif tu UK la tITcrluiilty liuntlel thn same mid imike the same KCHM ! In the hands of eitber hohleis Ihnn Ihe iiulil Srcretar ) 'Jlie Spielil Musttr "III hold any HIM ilepn. tlliilIHi him ii a iili'ilse to hLiuiii any hlii whhh ehiill luuu htpn uici'iiicd , subject to tlio older of tlie Stcrttnr ) of Ihe liiistir } of tint I lilted Mutes nt nny Iliiie ulitn the bahiucd of suih hid f.ljoll l.uvn In I'll pnld aid Ihv lie- Ilvil ) of th" snld lu > ii < li to thu puii'lmscr hh.ill have been niude us In hald dec.ivs ptorlded or riiblect to lliu ipiiulmnriit of tin. lurehxer innilu ut nn ) tluia within tiflce.ii iUs uflcr the cunlliinitlnii of thn said siilo Hint Ihu maount H. > drnoslleel fcliull tm paid over b ) fl o ssld Special Mnttcr lulu the Treasury of lha Unltfl States , or to null olllclul of the Trea sury Depnrtme'iitor elepunltnry as in iv bed < fflf- ) n u I I'd by lliu mid Seciutury of llin Tien.iliylo receive sue h payment 1 he Mnster mayricct'pt a rirllllid tluck iipon or u t frllf.cntt' of ilc | * lt of Btiy national b.uik or tin.I tomiuy | whlcu Is uniutuc'toiy to liln , as u p.imrnt or a de posit of cusli fnstVnd of tiioni ) , In miy csui in which he Is rnulml | to iihUlii c' If any surplus over the snld hubulil ) debt of Inn Union Psciric luihvuy Coiiipnuy tn the * Unltm htstrs khall icbtilt lioui tliei proieeils nf thii ale of Ibo rail rou d and other proper ! ) em braced In tald tiubslcly riorltu.'isini Ib-n and fium lha mln of tlie bumla bild In thn PnltPiI htates I Lion I'm Hie 1'iiiid. uflrr lliu sipllcntli > n of the In nald Hlnkln - Puul tu snld Suhidily Inile I linlne ss , tueii such cur- c/lut s'l ll be puld lulu ( nun In case any luelder of punhuser .lull fall , xrituln tiftteii diin nfier roiiniiiullon of | h > aid fab' of rnld MluklnK Kund bonila lo pay , us hereinbefore l | < ' It.e baliccp due * upon hit bid In ci iiciiiiiiuiillon of Ids purchaie , lien Ibn sum ileLositfd by such piiichnmr i > hsH be furfeltfd oa u penally foi nacli failure , and ulinll l > e npiilled touurc-1 ! the piyinnit nf tlio etpciises of u itsule , mid to nl m.ikliii KOOI ] mi ) lUriclenry or lots In C-JHH Ihu tauiu hall pniliiie a tecs price upon tuih lessi" , mid to ni ) rtbri and further purpiut ) wblclj the ( uiirt may dhec I. If any Kiln for nldih n clu | has been made nl.ull not be tniilliined by Ilici Cc'iirl , such il | Ki < lt .bill | , rrlnrnrd In Ihe bidder , and Ibe drpnill of nuy unsucftoful bliicler iliall ha relnrni-d to hlia irlivu a bid ba. l > e n Jir- rejitiul Per further pnrllrulars referrnre in msde tn Ifco aliovt ) menllonrcl deciee * of ssld Cnurni and to Ibe re | rls of thx Xprelsl Matter ftli'd lu slid muici nod rcffircd Hi In aald docrtti. Haled August 2llh IMn WILLIAM D COIIMSII sieiiai Mstfer Joseph McKenus , Atlorury I.e-nnsl of Hie Pull- ( d Hlnles Oeorin llonillv Spi'rlul Asilnlsnl to Hie * At- liirn y ( .eneral nf Ihe I uiinl Ktalea , Nu SI Ullllam Stirct , New lork N Y Jdbn C l envln Special Cnuniil for Ibo Pulled Klilcs Oriaha Nebraska / Jotl ! Vuiie. Sixli' ' I i.iuiu-l fg ; tue ( in tt hulta , lllurf CulMi cju , ( i