Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    TTTE OMAHA DA FLY HHF : OCTOU.EK 27 , 18 < )7 ) ,
Harry Murphy , cewl and wood. 37 Main.
li. Sbrlver , dentist Merrlam blk. . rom 2 6
James Clark of Harlan was a Bluffs visitor
W. It. Douglas of Carson was in the city
J. C. Harrlgan of Imogene was In the city
yesterday ,
A. II. OouliJ of Anhlarvi , Neb. , was In the
city yesterday
Miss Lottie t'nldwcll of Oakland Is vlsltlnfi
Irlencls In the city.
J. P Ulcktl of Mlneola was doing business
In the city yesterday.
J , 13. Trcphager of Afhland , Neb. , was In
tfcn olty on buslncsa jcslerdciy.
Colonel T. J. Dunlop of DCS Molncs Is In
the city , stopping at the Ogden.
McPhcrsonnil Heed. Cut flowers. Designs.
20G Pearl street. Telephone 372.
Satisfaction guaranteed at the reliable
Bluff City steam laundry. Phone 314.
Mrs. A. Prltchard of Horlan Is the guest
of her daughter , Mrs. F. 13. Sellers of this
city.John W. Henderson IMS returned to his
homo In Miami , Mo. , after a , iea'ont ! Mslt
hero with friends.
Carlson's freshly ground cornmcal , best to
lie had : call for It at your grocer's or at C.
Carlson's Wash Avc. mills.
Flvo cases of whooping cough were re-
poitcd yesterday nt the home of Mr. and
MM. Jcssen , 230D South Sixth street.
Scarlet fever rases wore repotted yester
day at the resiliences of Fred Rapp , 1001
Broadway , and Mrs. Pope. 238 Green street.
M'B Snyder , recently the guest of Mr
and Ml-s 11. S Jones of Franklin street ,
lias returned to her homo In Durango , Colo.
Itov. U. P. Newland and wife who have
boon visiting their daughter , Mrs. C. U.
Nlchols-n of this > elty , have returned to their
home In Vlllisca.
Mrs. C. 13. Tucker has gone to Ottumwa
to attend the g.and lodge of the O dcr of ,
the Kantem Star. W. A. Hlghsmlth of this !
city Is also In attendance
Council Bluffs people can obtain copies of
the International art series , "Ireland In
Pictures , " by calling at the Council Bluffs
ofllco of The Bee , No. 10 Pcatl street.
Now Is the time to lay In your suppl > of
winter fuel U II. Williams , ir.O . Bway , will
sell you coal and wood as cheaply as any one
and will glvo jou premium btamps beside
Are > ou ever In need of laundry work'
Our well managed plant , four wagons and
Vhono 1IV7 a e at your service. We also
give premium stands. The Kagle Liundty.
Honest weight and lowest prices are what
talk In the coal business. Thomas Hlshton
guarantees cverj ton of coal ho hells to
weigh 2,000 poumlH 2400 West Broadway.
Harry Davis , who has been working In the
unnertaUng business In Oakland , has returned - i
turned to the emplojment of W. C Us'.cp
of this clt > . where he learned the business
several years ago ,
Pete ICgan , who has been hiving a lot of
trouble with the "ount > ullbers on account rf j
Ills ar ) r. i > la t Ion of a mackintosh coat wlilfh
did not belong to him , was granted a contin
uance until November C.
Carl Burrltt , the artist , suffered severe In
juries yesterday afternoon by falling from a
chair upon which ho was standing while
painting a piece of tapestry. A surgeon was
called and found several ribs had been
ibrokcn In falling he struck across the
back of a chair.
D. C. A. Holllns of Sidney , la , has been
In the city several da > s visiting his mother ,
Sfra G W Holllns , of 720 Ha7cl street. Dr.
Holllro was located in Council Bluffs for a
number of 3 cars , but has now become one
ot the leading medical practitioners of the
southern Iowa town.
In the district court yesterday the case ot
George S Wright against the Twin City Dye
works was cilllrmcd The case has had two
hearings In the district court and two In the
Justice courts. It o-lglnally grow out of a
rtlsputo over the cleaning of a child's cloak.
The costs will exceed many times the value
of tto garment
J. J. Stewatt , as executor of the estate
of the late Addlson Cochrin , secured a wilt
of ouster In Justice Vlcn's court to force
H , G. Clover and wlfo to vacate lots I , 5 andj
6 In block 14 , Cochran's addition. The ptop-
crty had been seen cd again to the estate
under foreclosure proceedings in the district !
court and the occupants refused to vacate
Nelson Allen , the Omaha negro who reprc-l
sented himself as a Pullman car conductcrl
and confldcnced Jamns Donahue out of $10 ,
was held to the grand jury yesterday by
Justice Burke Ills bond was fixed at $300 ,
and In de'ault of It ho was sent to the coun
ty Jail. Donahue , tlio prosecuting wltncfes ,
> nas lipM under $100 bonds , which he buc-
cecdcd In securing through the assistance ot
the Council Bluffs and Omaha police. The
olllcers on bith sides of the river have agreed
hereafter to set a very warm pace for all
confidence men who happen to fall into their
Hclatlvcs of Miss Ella Kclls of South
Omaha , who came to the city Monday after
noon and become bewildered , called at the
police ( Uatlon jcsterday anil recovered the
satchel that the Doling woman left on the
street. They explained that she became
frightened after she realized that she was
lost , anJ when one woman at whobo house
fiho stopped to Inquire made some remark
about the police Miss Kclls understood her
to say that she would call the police and
the thought of being detained by the police .
in a strange city complete ! } unnerved her
nnd elio ninilo an effort lo reach the street
line and return homo When she saw an
otllccr start toward her nlillo the was stand
f ing on the corner waiting for a cir , fclie
dropped her Entcliel and ran. She reached
t the Omaha line nt another point and re
turned directly to her home In South Omaha.
C. n. Vlavl Co , Inmate remedy ; consulta
tion Jreo Olllce hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to G
Health book furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrtam
N. Y. Plumbing comfmny. Tel. 250.
To us ; o ic-tliiiHl less fuel than
any under draft soft conl stove
made. T t-ive u K H ! base hunt
nnd an even never before
gccn will ) heft coal. To hold fire
perfectly and tit burn hard con
economically , With a n "d ( hu it
la cloiiu as a burner , ticc it
Tunning at our store ,
Oit-'zans Will Get a Chinco ti Vote on a
Oorporat'on '
L'ntiniiltnlion of SlneUlinlilerx
In a IH-liTMiliuillon ( o PrortM-il
Unilvr I In- \t > vv lititv for
OIiliitnlMK L'luirtiM'.i.
Petitions will he circulated today asking
Mayor Carson to Issue a proclamation calling
a special election to be held twenty days
hcnco for the purpose of voting upon the
proposition to grant the Lake Manawa Rail
way company a charter for the proposed ex
tension of Its lines via the new bridge Into
IJjst Omaha , and thence direct to the gates
of the exposition grounds. The election will
bo called In the name of the Council Bluffs ,
Lake Manawa k. 1'ast Omaha Construction
company , and the charter that will bo asked
for 1s the one passed by the council In Sep
tember , and on the legality of which some
doubts have been cast.
Under the new Incorporation law , which
wemt into effect with the new code , the I
major Is required to cell an election by
proclamation whenever a petition bearing the
names of twenty-five votci In each ward of
the city is presented to him. The petitions
will bo circulated today and the pioclama-
tlon may be Istucd tonight. The election will
bo held under the regular election law , and
all of the expenses must be borne by the
company seeking for the franchise. This ex
pense , If there are no Incidentals , In the way
of brass bands , banners and carriages and
thu i. ual ward workers , will approximate
somewhere between ? 1JOO and $2,000. >
I'mmttt T.nley , attorney for the company ,
said yesteiday that the olllcors of the two
compinles held a meeting on Mcnday after-
no n and decided that U was nccct > Eury to
icmoici any doubt that might exist cancel n-
Ing the legality of tic charter to submit the
matter to the popular vote of the city. In
his opinion thcie Is not a particle of doubt
concernlnc , the soundness of the climer
granted by the city council , but the fact re
mained that capital was fouud to be too
timid to be drawn 'into ' Investments where
there was a shadow of doubt The company
fc'l' that. It was being put to an unnecessary
expense , but It was the only alternative left
If the extension schemes were not to bo
abandoned altogether At the Monday after-
ncjt mealing a majority of tac stockholders
of the Hsst Omaha and the Manawa compa
nies voted to submit to an election and the
point was settled. In this Instance the pco-
pla will know exactly what they arc voting
on , for it will bo the fifty-year ordinance
precisely as It came from the council with
the exception of tne slight change In name.
Under other circumstances the people would
bo pcimittcd to vote upon nothing but the
piopcsitlon to grant a franchise and the
council would be lett to fix up all of the de
tails , Including its length.
Mr. Tlnley eays the company has arranged
for the disposal of Its bonds , anJ If the elec
tion ciriles the charter through the company - | i
pany will be able to complete at least its
Omaha line by a cUte early in the spring. '
Work will bo commenced Immediately after |
the election. Tae material has already par
tially been contracted for and it can be gotten - I
ten on tne ground very quickly If the
weather Is not too cold grading can progress
during the winter , and nothing but the sever
est ot weather can operate to delay the
building of the new power house that will
bo required to house the plant. This house
will bo located somewhere in the vicinity of
the Northwestern city depot , which will be
about the center of the line , and it will fur-
nlbh powci for the entire nystem.
HUH Line d > ami from ( lip lowil School
for the DiMif.
Commencing on Monday , October 18 , 1S97 ,
M. 13. Weatherbco will run a 'bus line to and
from the Institution , leaving the city at 9 a.
m , 1.30 p. m. and 5.30 p m. each and every
day , and leaving the Institution at 11 30 a.
m , 3 30 p. m. and 7 p. in. each and every
Parties wishing to go to the Institution
will meet 'bus at Atkins' drug store , Grand
hotel or Kiel hotel at times named Fare ,
15 cents. M. 13 WIJATHCHBHC , Prop.
IOVYU'H Crcnt Orator Appear * lit tlic
Oohiuijt 'I hentcr.
The republicans of Council Bluffs will hold
ono political meeting duiing the campaign
this fall and that will take place In the
Douany theater this evening , and It will
be ono of the greatest meetings of the kind
ever held In the city Hon J. P. Dolliver
will be the speaker , and he will glvo one of
his brightest , wittiest and most eloquent |
speeches. The opera house will ssat ,
between 1,200 and 1,500 people wltbi |
the extra accommodations In the way
of scats that have been provided ,
and It Is quite certain tint there will be no
scats. Before the meeting there will be a
military parade by the McKlnley guards , the
military companies of the city and the colored ( l
McKiniey guard Kvery b md in the city
has been engaged. I
Money to Loan Heduc ° d rate on first class
Improved farms and Insldo city property.
Apply to Jas. N Casady , Jr . 230 Main St.
\Voulil I'riiHiM'iitiSiiloon > lrn.
M's. Tollircn applied to the assistant coun
ty attorney yesterday for assistance- prose
cuting the salocnkocors ( who sold her 16-
yoai-old bon the beer and whisky that got
him Into trouble at the Overtoil mlsslcn and
resulted In the Imposition of a fine In police j I
court of $50 and costs. Mr. Smith took a i
different view of the law than was held by i
Jubilee Vlcn where Mis , Tollmati sought to
lodge the preliminary Info-matlon. Justice
Vlen was willing to entertain the complaint1 I
but Mr Smith was Eil'rffled the law did not
contemplate criminal prosecution for this boiti
of a violation and icfiibcd to draw the In-i I
fo matlon Ho advised a civil action to re-1 '
cover damages from the saloonkeepers. It
Is prolable , however , that Mrs Smith will I i
Insist upon Irlnglng both civil and criminal I I i
actions. Proof was obtnlned bhowing that ;
two Mloonmcn sold the boy both beer and I
whisky , permitted him t < > drink It at the
bar and sold him a pint flask to take away
with him.
Siiinliij School \VorliiTM ,
The Sunday School Worker's union held an I
adjourned meeting at the First Prcsbytcr'an j I
church for the purpjso of reviving the Sun-1 I
day school Interest of the city It was thought I
adlvrablo to defer the eloctlui or office s till i
the next meeting , when an attractive pro
gram will bo rendered and a larger number' '
In attendance Committees were ai pointed | I
to rovlso the by-laws and constitution and
suggest a new name for the organization.
The object of ( he old orgcnizatlon Is to be
letalned , but with the revision of the by-liws
and constitution , a new name and now ofncc'ra' '
the society will be practically a now one. A1 j .
deep Interest was shown by those present I
yesterday evening and It la hoped that the I
work can bo successfully carried on hera- '
Iti'iil nfclud' TrimsriTH.
The following transfers aie reported from
the title anil loan ollleo of J. W Squire , 101 ! street :
Uinlel P Tnlbot nnd wlfo to W. G.
i.iHtianil , lots 1 and > , block 11 ,
SinUHiiitin'H Si'cuml addition , vv. d. . $ KO
A W Johnson ami wife to William
Johnhon ; nei'i neVl 8i-7i-lJ ! , vv. d. . , . l.CCO
UMcii UuiK > in nnd busb.inil to Slevert
Hlrf. 3 mros In sH , neV , and i
aeio In neW n > 'l 2.1-77-S4. 4"Sl acres
In vvVt nw'i anil SbS acios In nvv'i
8W',4 3J-77-43 , w. el JCS7
Thico transfers , total ? 'i 357
TinMnrrliiB > llriMiril.
Marriage licenses ) have been Issued to
these persons :
Name nnd rtesldence. Age.
John Frost , Wcston , la js
Mary Lowe , Honey Creek , la JO
Jacob A. Bchafer , Harrison Co , la . . . . ,11
Mary K , Jungfertnan , Pottawattnmle Co 2C
II Ham , Council Bluffs . . , . , , 22
Etta J , Carter , Council iiluffa is
1'ovlnl Cirri. * ntiil 11-uiUrrx silll 'I'n 11 ;
iif ( tic ln l ItrulMi'i' Punch.
The- telegraphic announcement from Chicago
cage yesterday that the Postofllcc depart
ment had given up all hope of finding the
111,000 missing money pickngc and that the
Insurance company had paid the loss , was
read with a good deal of Interest In Coun
cil Bluffs , where It U positively known the
Postolllce department has d no nothing of
the kind , and Is mole actively engaged than
ever on the work of unraveling the mys
tery. M. C. Christian , special a 'ent of the
department whom Mr. Stuait has Instructed
to devote all of his time to the work , has
especial reasons for drslrlng to locate the
missing package ati.l catch the thief. Mr.
Christian Is generally cons.dercd tbe the
successful aspirant for the appointment to
the United States marshalshlp ( or the south
ern district of lena , and he and his friends
feel that some satisfactory and decisive
work In this case will materially Increase
his chances for the appointment. He Is en
gaged now In the closest Innulty Into every
chcunistance connected with the package
from the moment It was deposited In the
Chicago postofllce until It disappeared nt.
Council Bluffs. He has spent thrco or foul
days of careful Investigation In this city ,
and while he Is keeping all details of his
discoveries to himself , ho hns been franK
enough with some of his Intimate friend"
In this city to tell them that be has no
reason at the present tlmo to feel illscour
The Ires of the largo amount of money In
transit through the malls ban attracted un
usual attention In this vicinity for the rea
son that the bankers' convention , comprls
Ing llio members of the newly formed group
No. 1 which mot hero a few days ago , dis
cussed at some length the question of trans
mission ot money through the mallH Many
of the bankers wcro very much In favor of
It , but an attempt to get a reso utlon through
endorsing the pian failed. Some of the local
bankers are Interested In ono of the bankers'
Insurance companies organised for the purpose -
pose of Insuring against such losses , nnd they
feel r. deep personal Interest In the effort
being made to catch the thief. From some
of these men It has been ascertained that
the bulk of the currency shipments from
Now York and Chicago into tho'west , and
especially Into this frrltoiy , has been by
registered mall during the last few months
One of the causes for thta Ifi declared to ba
the Inability ot the bankers to get through
the subtreasury the benefit ot the govern
ment contract rates with the express com
panies On all thiough shipments the banks
have been compelled to pay the express com
panies the regular bankirs' rates , which aio
two or thro ? times as much ae the govern
ment contract rates The registered mall
offered a quick , convenient and cheap sub
stitute. It was found that the banks could
pay the postage , the register fee and a good
premium for insurance and stiP Rave more
than one-half of the cent of transportation
by the e\piess companies The consequence
has been that nearly all of the money that
has been shipped to country batiks lias been
sent by registered mall since September 1
The eahc however , by which a package of
filicli largo dimensions as the one lo > t can
bo abstracted from the malls In transit , to
say noth'tiK about the facilities such open
handling of large sums of ready cash affords
enterprising train robbers , has given the
bankers n shock and caused n great many
of them to return to the more expensive but
sater method of expressing It.
Ono of the local bankers In speaking of the
matter yesterday said "The insurance com
panies are doing all they can still to popu
larize the postai transmission , and I am not
surprised to note the payment of the $11,000
In question by the Insurance company that
carried the rlbk. The business has been a
most extraordinarily profitable ono to these
companies. They earn a large premium In
a few hours , or days at most , and all risk
ceased with the delivery of the money in
sured. Dvey new premium represented new
business and the premiums were paid daily
The cost of getting the business Is very light.
After a bank has been solicited and Induced
to use the mails , the applications for risks
como to the local agent without any further
solicitation , nnd as the local agent Is moht
always a banker In close touch with other
banks , but little effort has been required to
get the business In the first place. The busi
ness has proved to be so profitable that the
companies were beginning to spring up like
mushrooms all over the country Whether
or not the business will bo seriously dis
turbed by the loss of the package here le-
malns to be seen. It will be the policy of
the companies to pay promptly all such
losicfi , and then Join In the hunt tor the
thief. Thlh condition of things will make
It very difficult for the follow who stole the
package at the transfer to escape. Ho may
succeed for a little while in eluding the vig
ilance of the ofilcers and the insurance com
panies' detective , but he will bo eventually
run down and punished. "
IHsiiilsm'N mi ( Mil CIIKP.
Judge Macy yesterday dismissed two crimInal -
Inal prosecutions that have been pending
ttfnlnst C. Illisch and Henry Dcitchlcr ,
charged with fraudulent naturalization Tne
cases have been pending against the men
since 1805 They were naturalized before
Judge MoGec. The cases have never been
called for trial and the dismissal was due
to the fact tl'at Judge McGee , when called
upon yesterday , was unable to Identify the
mo'i or the witnesses who assisted them in
the effort to acquire the right to vote before
they were entitled to under the laws. It
Is said by their friends that the peijury was
the result of a misunderstanding of the law
rather than < in atterrnt to violate the laws
TIclCIiiIi'j ( Iiinril.
The McKlnley gi.ard will meet this evening
at the armory , -107 Broadway , promptly at
7 30 o'clock. All members are requested to
be present to escort Congressman Dolliver
At the meeting on M > nday evening Captain
Comijton appointed the follow Ing sergeants
ranking as their namc-s follow Thomas Hall ,
JV Casey , Harry Sackett , V , ' O Fuller
Clmor Smith These persons , together with
the commissioned officers , will report at the1
i.vmory promptly at 7 o'clock this evening
Thei'e cointrands by order of tlio certain , r.
A. Grout , sccretar ) .
H i- ! ' < > r null Ion Srrvli'i-H ,
The series of "reformation services" to be
held In St. John's English Lutheran chu'ch
southeast corner of Willow avenue and
Seventh sticel , commences this evening , nt
which time the pastor , Hov. 0 AV. Snydcr ,
will preach Hov lj Groh of Omaha will
preach Tluunlay evening , and Hov. L M
Kuhns of Omaha will preach Friday evening.
HtliitliiVi n MrMsi'iiKt'r.
The police were called upon last night to
hunt for ono of the me < = tenger boys cm-
ployed by the District Telegraph company In
Oniitm The boy was sent over here to deliver -
liver a message , and nothing wan heard of
him for several hours and It was feared that
ho had got lost In the crowd ,
I'll I nt Mr u Mccl.
KANSAS CJTV. Mo , Oct. 20 The nununl
convention of the National Pilnt , Oil nnd
Vnrnlsh Men's IIM orln'lon owned n thice
diiyH1 session hern tod.iy , v\lth over IWi
delegates present. President H D C'u'lcr
of this el'y dellevered his unniril
and iipaits of the v r OUH co-nmlttees v\rrf
road Ln'er the vl ltors were drlv n uround
tlio city anil to theCountiv club , w erc a
luncheon WPS rved. Olllcers will lie
fleeted Thursday.
InllliiirrMNIM. .
\VIMCi:313AHHi : , Pa. Oct. 2rt-Judge
Lynch , In court today , ovei ruled the ob
jection raise 1 by the counsel for the re'a- '
tlves of f * Lattlmorvictims nnd refused
to dismiss the grand 1ury on the ground
that It drivvn Illegally The grand
turyAan then snorn In The rase of
Sheriff Martin IUU' bis deputies , elrirged
vvlth murder , will como before the Jury to-
mori ow.
Illn Own A < li ] ( < .
NHW YORK. Oct 2C. In u recent article
Bishop Henry C Potter pointed out the
Imperative necessity of every citizen resls-
ttiing. He deprecated In the same article
the laxity of citizens In this respect , anil
moru'lzeil to a great length on the oubject.
An examination of the lists shows that
Itlehop Potter failvd to register this year
Ho declines to huve anything * to nay about
hlu ralluro to enroll aa a voter ,
i i
uprcms Court Docmj' Against tlio Middle-
of-the-Poad Fopulists ,
niccllon lloiinl .sn ? „ It | M Ton l.iHi *
to 'n 11 'I lil < iii | iti > k ntiil llm-i
-Not ThliiU , , tftv OnltrVI1I
nns MOlXns , Oct. 2fl. ( Sprclnl Telegram. )
The supreme court today decided the
cortlornrl case Involving tlio IcRRllty of the
oniclal tickets certified by the secretary of
state to the count'ca. The lower court had
held that the ticket vvns Illegally Issued , by
reason of containing the middle-of-the-road
ponulht ticket as the regular nominees of
the populists. The cast ) was taken up on
cfitlorarl by the mlddle-ot-tliQ-roaders , and
today decided aRalnst them. The supreme
court holds that the lower court acted prop-
orb , and thnt the case must go back for Its
final determination
The lower court will enforce Its order that
the certificates be rccat'cd and the attorney
for the regular populists si > s that If Sec
retary of State Dobson docs not comp'y ho
will bo summoned for contempt of court.
"We will push th's ' matter right up to the
last minute before election , " said Judge C
C CO'P , attorney for the regular populists ,
"iml will compel the rcca'l ' of these tickets
If It Is In the power of the courts"
The nttornejs for the election board and
the mlildlc-of-the-roadeis do not view the
matter serlouslj. They say the tickets were
certified out before the order of the district
court was Issued and thnt there Is not tlmo
to iccall them without Interfering with the
\vu.i. ( ii"nip. uo vi ) TO HUM. . "
Storms Jiirilnn In ( id liiln ( ho Saliioit
IlllNlnc.ssmiln. .
OTTU.MWA , la , Oct. 26. ( Special ) After
November 1 the traveler to Ottumwa will
flnd tlic notorious "Stormy" Jordan again In
the salo-n business.
Junlan became famous fighting the pro
hibition law. He ran a ylaco that was known
the world over as "The Head to IIoll " Abo\e
the place , In flaming red lettirs , was pilntcd
this sign"Road to Hell. " Inside were-
nutrcrous other filmis , such as "Noso Taint
for Sale Here " and the eccentric proprietor
dealt out from his place behind the tar such
sentiments an those embodied 1ti the signs
When a customer asked for the best In the
house ho alwajs set i glass of water befoie
him When the prohibitory law was passed
Jo xlrn refused to abide by It , and spent a
Targe fortune fighting It In the courts. At
last , when the court or last resort decided
against him , ho had twenty-five yesrs In the
penitentiary and a $60.000 fine hanging o\er
him The execution of thebc were suspended
by Governor Laiubbee on condition tbat be
leave the state He went to Missouri but
when the original package decision was made
he ret.irned and reopened his saloon , de-
cla ing there was no prohibitory law In Iowa
The sentence which Onvcin Ivirrabee to-
mltted was brought ts bear uion him and
he was forced to close his saloon again. \
few days ago he' ' bought the fixtures and
stock tack again , Icised the building and
will open It November 1.
niilitrn Hey Writes Home of tin-
\VomIers of ( lit * Iv loiullfci * .
ELDOUA , la. , Oct. 26 ( Special. ) Mr.
August Lamprecht of Kldora. has just ro-
cel\ed a letter from his son Hsnry , who
went to Alaska In 1S95 , and Is now located
at Daw son City. Among other things , Mr.
Lamprecht writes-
"Men are nnw taking out gold by the
pound You Know who Is writing this. It
Is not Idle talk , but fact. The newspaper
stories are not overdrawn. This Is the
laigest and richest gold discovery e\er
known. There are miles and miles of ground
that are paying thousands of dollars every
day. Wages are now $15 and board $4 per
day. I have been here at Davvson only a
few months , and own ground worth $12,000
and if I am spared health until spring I will
bo rich All the boys , dogs and Indians
from Forty-Mile , Circle City , Sixty-Mile and
every post on the Yukon are now gathered
hero at Daw son Circle City is practically
deseited and the claims there are worth
less. There are G.OOO people In this camp ,
and -1,000 of them arS lining in tents. One
jear ago this plat where Dawson now stands
was a big moose pasture and play ground
for bears. There Is plenty of salmon and
morse meat to cat , and we do not fear
hunger. "
nncmns A AI\VP TIM : mrvn.isr.
Mi priMiM"ourl MI > N He Mioulil I'so
Due Diligence ( < > 'A\oIcl Collision.
DHS MOINKS. Oct. 26. ( Special Telegram )
The supreme court todiy decided the c se
of Allen Gook against r3. Pogarty from Orcon
county. It was an action to recover for
damage1) to the person anj property of Cook
by reason of a bicycle collision. Fogarty
was a farmer who failed to glvo Cook half
the road The lower court decided that Cook
did not use duo diligence to avoid an acci
dent. The League of American Wheelmen
took the case up ay a test and It was tiled
with great care The upper court decided
that Cook was entitled to use special care ,
as. It was easier for him to bee the approach
ing team thin for the driver to see him
The decision acknowledges the cjcllsts' tlqht
to half the road , hut will be unsatisfactory
to wheelmen became It puts on them the
greater burden of care to avoid accident.
hiUlcTliclr Trimble 7Tiit iif Court.
DKS MOINES. Oct. 2 < ] ( Special Tele
gram ) The troubles between J , M. I'lerce
and Hoary Wallace , owners of the Iowa
Homestead and other agricultural papers
have been settled The dlffcrencis begin
three years ago and resulted In a remark
able tangle of litigation , as a result of
wh'ch ' AVallaco was frozen out of participa
tion 'n the management of the papers The
Eettlcment Involvct' the dismissal of all the
suits pending and turns the entire property
over to Pierce , who was practically an equal
owner with Wallace The consideration is
not stated but the property Involved Is one
cf the most valuable newspapers In Iowa ,
Mid to have earned inciro money at ono tlmo
tbrn any other
llM I'XtlKH < < (111 ( ? I CltllNI * Of PIOOllH ,
SIOUX CITY , Oft. --Special ( Telegram )
A subcommittee of the United States senate
committee on commerce will arrive here to
morrow on a toW/'flf ( examination Into the
subject of the exceaslvo floods In the Missis
sippi and Us trUvitnrlrs , The committee
consists of Senators Nelson of Minnesota ,
Herry of Arkanwk ai\d \ Oalllnger of New
Humpshlio The committee will only bo In
the city one day. ' '
lovriir \ 1 rN NolcN.
A new brewery ty | . jest $100,000 Is to be
erected at Davenijort
Carl Rlssl , ogeitj 6 years , waa given liquor
and badly Intoxicated by Tom Gap-on of
Hurllngton , who Is now under arrest for the
dime- .
Mis Nels Anderson and her daughter of
Kcokuk were poisoned by eatlns cannoJ to
matoes and were saved from d > lng only by
strenuous efforts. The poisoning was due
to ptomaines formed In the fruit ,
Friday foreroon a 14-year-old te > n of Frank
rieha of Anamosa , while out hunting , acci
dentally shot himself through the right
haid. The charge of shot entered the
palm , tearing Itb way through , completely
shattering every carpal bane , which nectsbl-
tated Its amuu'atlon just above t o urltt
Mrs Mary L Pay of Keokuk , an aged
inlfslonarj among the Indians , died at IJen-
mark Sunday night , aged DO tears. She was
married and her vu'ddlnj trtp vvns to Dwlgh'
mission among the Cherokeia , Indian terri
tory , waero she lived nine jcars. She went
to church Sundiy , then retired and never
A meeting of the trustees of Cornell college -
lego resulted In the adoption of a plan to
raise fW.OOO to pay off the floating Indebted.
nets of the colIoRC and an cnJovumni fund
of ? 300000 during the coming winter 1 , \ \
Shaw , the republican candidate for governor ,
who Is A Methodist nnd an altimium of Cor
nell college and wealthy. Is exported to take
a largo Interest In raisins the endowment
Cloyd Tucker , a 2-year-old son of Samuel
Tueker of Cedar Kails , diank a quant itj of
corrosive sublimate Saturday nljiht and died
in 4 o'clock this morning The famlh lives
at Heaver drove , and was In Cedar rails
over Sunday with the family of rrmk
Tucker , a brother of the dead boy's f.vher.
The boy found the bottle contilnlni ; the poi
son and drank Its eon ten's. A ph.vsUI.iti was
called when his condition was discovered , but
It was too late to save his life.
lf f UCM ! Mm IlKr lir Dust
In ( 'oloriuto.
KIKLi : , Cole , Oct. 26 Ilcports from the
Snake river are to the effect that Game War-
( 'en Wllcox attempted to arrest some In
dians near Kly pork for violating the
Colorado game laws , and was fired upon by
the Utcs. The ofllccrs returned the lire ,
killing five Utes. Oamo Warden Wllcox ,
with several possts cf deputy sheriffs nnd
ranchmen Is after the Indians , and a fur
ther conflict seems Inevitable. The excitement
here Is Intense.
The trouble commenced last week , when
the White river , Uncom | > aghro nnd Ulntah
Utes began pouring over the line from Utah
on their annual fall hunt The White ilvcr
Ulcs are exceptionally ugly and have been
apparently anxious to make trouble with
parties of whites with whom they have como
In contact Thejo Utes were In the Meeker
massac o and have never been anything but
ugly and waiting for an opportunity to do
mischief. There are several hundred of them
now in the etatc. dame Warden Wllcox ,
with a small party , started out to warn the
Indians that the game laws must bo ob
served. The pvno warden was resisted and
was finally fired upon by the Indians. Then
a set encounter followed , In which a number
of Indians were killed or wounded. It Is
teportcd that GHme Warden Wllcux's ' party
aUo suffered severely.
nrlgadlcr General Otis of the Derailment
of Colorado has said that If the circum
stances warranted It troops would be sent to
the scene of the conflict between the Utes
and Game Warden WIlcox's men at once.
They are ready to proceed at a moment's
UUNVEH CoK , Oct. 26. Governor Adams
has received the following message from
Deputy Sheriff Frank 13. Watson.
iinniccu , coio. cvi.i miuOct. ) . 2.1
Game Wntilen Wlloox tiled to iirrcwt
t tes on Snake river , five miles fiom Lily
pirk They icslstcnl mid tlieil on tbe Wll-
eox party No whites Injuied Several In-
il .111 = 1 killed nnd wounded Our Hiicr ft , with
POSNC , now away in vvest eml of the county
assisting Game Wnnl ns McLean ami Lytlo
General Otis should order Ouelusne troops
out at once to corral the Indians and gave
further trouble. Much n'nrm here.
The governor said he did not apprehend
any snrlcus trouble and would not nt present
order out anv state troops
Hrigadlcr General Oils was Inclined to dis
credit the report of n conflict , In the absence
of a report from the olllcers at Fort Du-
thcsne lie said there were 110 soldiers at
Tort Duclusne who could soon reach the
scene of trouble.
Lilv park , on the Hear or Y.unpn river ,
has been the scene of most of the game
depredations of the Utea ever since the "Ute
war" of to . years ago.
Wllim Kotor ( o Ito Mmlc a Sprcliil
Orilor Oiii * Ia of < 1u Con \ iMit I nil.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 26 The twenty-
fiflh annual convention of tl.e American
Public Health asb c'atlcn opened at the
Hotel Walton today. The sessions will con
tinue until Friday next. The 200 delegates in
attendance represent the health authorities
of all parts cf the United States , the Do
minion of Canada , -Mexico and several of the
countries of South America. President Dr
Henry 13. Horlbeck of Charleston , S. C. , pre-
The report of the committee on steamship
and steamboat sanitation was read by Dr.
Frederick MontUambert general superinten
dent of quarantine of the Dominion of
Tlie only paper read at this scsslort w-as a
contribution of the study of vellow fever
from a medico-geographical point of view
The paper was a Joint production of Dr
Kduardo Llceoga , president of the Supreme
Iloaid of illualth of Mexico , and bis colleague
Dr Jose Hamlrez , secretary of the board.
The paper was read by Dr Albert I. Glhon ,
medical director of the United States navy.
The object of the paper was to remove what
it claimed was the erroneous Impression that
jellow fever was epidemic in the early slim
mer along the gulf and Pacific coasts of
The paper was briefly discussed hy Dr.
William Uailey of LouUville , Dr Samuel H
Durgln of Beaten and others and it was then
decided tint jellow fever bhould be made
the special subject of dlscurslon at ono of
the Kitiloii : ; of the convention.
At the afternoon session the report of the
commltteo on sanitation with refeionce to
plumbing , drainage and ventilation of pub
lic and private buildings , which was pio-
parcd by JV Hughes of Montreal , wen , in
the ulsence of Mr. Hughes , read by Crcaby
Gray , superintendent of the Pittsburg Hoard
of Health.
A report of the commltto on car sanita
tion was read by Dr San el II Dnrg'n ' of
Hoston , In the absence of Prof S H Wood-
bridge of the Institute of Technology of Bos
ton , by whom it was prepared The same
topic vvoh treated upon in a paper by Dr
Cranvllle P. Conn , president of the Now
Hampshire Board of Health.
Interesting papers fo'lowed by Dr Henry
J Barnes of Boston on the lack of proper
humidity of atmosphere nnd by Dr F F
Wcstbrook of the Minnesota Board of Health
on the scrum diagnosis of t > phold fever
\\nito\VLV ise\i'is A M NCIIINO.
Ilurwrlnr KlIlM n I'olliTiiiini IIIK ! IN
Iliiill } llfiitc-ii lij a Mill ) .
NEW YOIUC , Oct. 26 Policeman Fred
erick 1C. Smith of the Hast Fiftieth street
station was sliot and killed this morning In
the Chuich of the Holy Redeemer on Thlr-
tj-tl'lid etrcet hy a burglar who was rob
bing the poor box. Ho was caught and give
the name of FlUmater , 1C > ears of age and
no home.
A mob of largo proportions attempted to
Ijiieh the man. Hoiindsmati Schult ana
thieo policemen had all they could do to pre
vent tbe ciowd from wreaking vengeance on
the murderer Ono hundred policemen wcro
pent out as reinforcements befoio the pris
oner was taken to the station. He was hit
on the head with atones and clulxi by several
peopln In the crowd.
Tlio murdered policemen was so near the
burg'ar that his face was badly burned by
the powder. The bullet passed Ihuugh the
Jaw and came out at the back of the head
The prlaone- was covered with blood fiom
the beating ho received at the hands of the
mnb They struck him with stones , clubs
and all soils of inUsl'cH ' It Is said th-U
several of his bones are broken and perhaps
ho has received a fiacturo o. ' the skull
though no examination has been made
Arnold's Btomo Celery cures headaches ,
10c , 2Bc and 60e. All druggists.
TIM ; UK vi/rt \nicr.r. .
INST1UJ.MHNTS p'ated on ll'o Tuesday ,
October ' _ ( ! , U'J7 :
WAllHANTY ] ) iiDS
IT. 11 Thompson to M K Hardy ;
fiiihdhlbion lot 3 In tux lot - " . ) In
4-11.13 * UCO
W J. VimAermim to W S Wrlgbt ;
lot fi , bloc it - ' , Hanscom Pl.ut . .
Annie Ourkei- and biiabnml to T L.
Wi'xon : o'th d ( ) feet lotH 7 anil S ,
block 7 , 1'a.trlrk'n Second addition 8TO
A J Liint iiivl wile to .M. W. Lunt ,
.17 feet 11 Inehib by HO feet In pouth-
vvest corner tux lot 311 In 10-1510 . 1,5no
\S' H Smith and wife to P. A. Pbmlc ,
south 1S 4 f * t of n j lot 10 , block 4 ,
How * < t H'H aillltlon SOO
C A Plunk to I , M HOSKS. Hime . . 10
c M Goodman anil miblund to if. J.
U'wlJ , lot h , lilotk t" > . South Om.ilia 7.SOO
John Htran.len ( to Maty Stianie-n ;
lot 4 , block 10 , lirown paik. . .l/'iO
i : i : HastlngH and wlfo to M T
ICciirns , nVj of 'i lot 4 , bio ; k 12 ,
Improvement At-hoclatlon addition 1,303
Columbian Invebtment > to
W. A I'.ixton , Jr , u trac-t commenc-
IiiB at northeast corner block 114 ,
Omaha 23,000
I > ni3DS.
Special master to Philadelphia Mort
gage anil TiuBt company ; 60x124 feet
in s\vU flwU 21-15-U 3.000
Total amount of transfers . , $31,2CO
Over Four Hundred Dcoapltfttions in the
Windy Oity ,
Chief ot 1'iillcr Klilc | > IKXMCH ( lie
It U lloiu * to
p Civil ! irlic
CIltCAOO , Oct. 26. Chief of Police Klplcy
today Issued an ordei discharging from the
force 434 policemen and appointing In their
place a like number of members of the "Star
league , " democratic e\-pollcemen , who had
been discharged under the previous repub
lican administration. It Is the biggest so-
called " " since ex-Chief
" order" Issued -
lladenoch ( republican ) Issued his famous
order No. 13 , In M t > , 1895 , dlschartlng 5S7
men Chief Klplcy's order drops from the
police rolls and retires on pensions throe
desk sergeants , ono detective tergoant ntid
twenty patrolmen night desk sergeants , two
detective sergeants , two patiol sergeants and
303 patrolmen were discharged outright.
Chief Klplcy sajs the changes are made In
order to put the entire department under
civil service. The men discharged , he said
owed their appointments to political In
lluence. All the newly appointed olllcets
have passed the civil service examinations.
One notable fe-ature of the order Is that
the four detectives who did the most con
spicuous work on the Luctgcrt cate are d's- '
charged. They arc Detective Sergeant Wal
ter Dean , who It Is alleged found the gold
rings in the famous mldd.e vat of the tun-
sago factory , and Detectives George Lnng ,
John Scdenbcrg and C. L. Orlebonow All
these men worked on the case under the
pcifotial direction of Inspector Schaack ( rc-
puhllcsn. ) Ono of the patrolmen removed Is
Nicholas Michaels , a biothcr-la-lavv of Inspector
specter Schaack. The order has caused much
excitement in political circles.
IMmm > .Sir | < > iiillup ; In linlhi.
BOMBAY , Oct. 20. There l.avc been forty-
two deaths from the plague at Ha'dwar
The disease Is spreading at Pootuh atil
Tv\o Klllvil nnil Kl\ < - Injiiiril.
OHKGON CITY. Otc , Oct. 2G John Mo-
Comb nnd Gcorpe Storlch wuio killed and
live othorH Injured In an accident at the
power station of the Portland General nice-
trie company nt noon today The men w 're
working on u btilkli-oul , when the tlmbus
gave way from the pressure of water Mc-
Comb , Storlch and llvo otheis were
orus'ied under the timbers. . Thiee j'-captil
SANTA BAHHAHA , C.U. , Oct 28 - United
St.ites cutter Convin biought Into port this
afternoon the crew of the ioastlng.chooner
Kl Noi.ih , which was vvreikeil off Mcn-
doclno , October 21 , by being run into by
the Ilenu Itlelimer ,
Victim of Nervous Dyspepsia and
- Nervous Prostration. *
Onnlaska , WK Per ten years I have
t c > n thu suffoihiB victim of nervous pron-
tiatlnn and neivous dyspepsia. 1 cannot
beslli to tell you or remember the reme-
CI.-B I have tnkon or the picscrlptlons I
bave tiled Take what 1 would , I trew
worse instead of better , and was wcll-
nlBh dlacouraced. Then c.ime the grate
ful chalice One month UKO on the ad
vice of my bi other , who aont me a box
I commenced taking Pr. Cbarcot's Kola
Nervine Tablets. I lm\e taken one box
nnd trained five pounds , but that is noth
ing c&mpaiod to the physical roller I have
experienced. I am bcttci and happier
than I have been for live years. If I
conic ) mnke the recommendation stronger
1 would gladly do so
solire Lulu Glc.ison.
Dr. Charcot'a Kola Neivlne Tablets are
vecotable and harmless Their stienL'th
ftmj vipol Clvhia qualities arc wonderful ,
rifty cents nnd Jt at drnnKUtR or mailed
rthcot. Knreka Chemical e Mfg. Co. , Li
Cio e , AS Is.
& Se.irles.
AI1 Privnto Diseases
& DNordcrs ot Men.
Treatment hy Mall ,
Consultation Tree.
Cured for life nnd the potflon Ihoioughly eleinscd
from thi'HjHtrm
Spcrniatorrhi'i. nominal Weakness Lout Man
hood Nltfht Kmlsslonn li c.iyisl F.icuUli'S Fe
male Wc.tkriefih anil nil dellc.ito illBoritera pouu-
liar to either sex ponltHnlj cnn-d 1'ILES
AND VAHICO KLK P orin.inrMitly nail successfully
enrc'il Method now and unfailing
by new method without inln or cutting. Call on
or addrcBH with st.iinP -
Hxiadcr &
in to
Xmprovcnienta Hnd Operate.
Smith premier Cypcwrilcr Co. ,
Syracuse , tf , 1. . U. 8. 71 ,
Omiilia DllliMI'lli nnil Kiiriiiini Stw.
dild Cure ciirm colcH In tlm hrnd.eolds en ttin
Iniici. oMcnlilMicw eold nn-1 obiitnatorolilR , m l
all Vrtm nf crip. Mni f ncetlni ; . tllschMcci fniin
tlio nn < c MM n-r * . 1'rcv ruin calitth. dhitillirrln ,
rnciinionl i , nn.l nil ttir > At nml lung t , . * . 1 IK . llttto pellets nro ntvolulclv hntnilc' * , tiava
JRVIMI tliuusniiAs ofllvcs nml lircrentcil inuctmlcl.-
nc . The Miinyon llenri'v foniiwtiy iircp n a
upmrnto euro for rnch ill At nil iTnirsl'ts-
ES roiit n vial. If > nU ncul mnllr I mlvlrowritn
rtof.Munron.lJOlAtch blnct , 1'hlludclplilft. It la
toisoluttlr free.
\VrlKeii Ounrnnlec- CV1II5 HVKUT
CASK or MO.MY ur.ri Mir.o.
Out cure In pcrminmt nml not pMrhlnnup 0 r §
trcotpillin jf nmKu n r nvriTKvnri Minplon tlnrr.
ll > fle-rillihiifyoui cane full ) we can II CM you l y mail.
nml we Rite the tame-Mivnir KUIUMIICI tocHtvorrtlwiil
all money 1lio c h tml r In conic tier * for treat
ment tmmlo no nil r will JUT milrwul IAIV loth njs
tuition I lillln while here IfweUll to > * u't.Vclm | .
knee tlir world tor ciuc IliM uur.llu lc llrmrily
lll nit cure VViltr lor lull 11.11 tlmUm > ml Krt tin
% IUrtCtf ) VV > Vliow tti il > oumt kl\TtlrklJn tl ) lotoo ,
ft * HIP tnot > t ctnltunt t.i > \ n Iftii * IIATO urrcr l-oin fttilo
to Kite iiuiip than I miirllcf 111 our ten ) t ri
- lth Ililn MimU Itrtiifily It tin * l-rcniiuiit
Siuitli-c loiupimnicili 'in jinilimtr lni-l wl mrnllfd
M-rl'Uy Hut mull r nut HIPIIB iriianiiUpjoii liouli |
hot hf'liAU lo Ti III icmcil } N uulii.iorli > iir ( > nl
lo ltt yoni nionc ) Wi ituninntio In run ? r iffuiul
I-TIM nollur snil n MC Imip n nimtntlon to pfnipcl ,
nlMi Iliutnclal buckl'itt nt .1 OO.IIOO , It In IHlttnljr
ii\rr loull "lionlll trjrtliv tronlmtnt IlrivlofKii. juii
line l > < tn vultltiK | i anil lift.MiiK out jour mono lot
< Jtiff lent ticAlini nti-iiiul Altliciuitli > ou nivtiot } rt curril
mi one h tv Ut tui-v jour moticj tin not i\Hr miv
inutinioin % unlllru 11 ; 1.9. I'M cluutilo ilirimnUil
on efi ctnrif In tliltt to nlnct } < lni > . InievtlKKlo our
li'itnclnl tAiullntf utii it | iulniliui AM tiu lncr < tuiiv
W'llto u * tor nntncK ftltd l l llf p ( if tluife we lml
ritrtillto Imve Klitu IHMIIIMIIII | | to ttfrr to tin ti.
II I'MMK rim mil \ | n in ae toiln tula It ulll MM ) o l n
Morlil -tiitcilnir ( fii-in mi ntnl Ftmlti vinlir > iui t
inaiileil whftt IIIA\ join ofUptltiK MUtiT Ilirnn h 31 ur
OMtinru'llKf tire ' U nun o ' l tntii ) . HII > pltti ) len nil Incp ,
rote llnvixt , tnuooui intilits in mouth ihrnnmtlMti In
botiei ami joint * hair tilllti * out iiui'lloii" in nj
I all of tlipliod * ferllntf ot i ftirlrtl ilrptiiiploti ] > nlniiln
iiuilor lionti * > ou hnve notlnii lo u/i ii' Tlimc ulio
nil' ronotAntlv Inklm ; meuuivnni ! ] H1tN ) > Imulil ill * *
rontlmicli Con ( mil i ot I'UMI iliuirn MIutily
bilntTftoir nml nvtlniulcetc In tin i tut Pnu t dill to
Mrtlc All cortT'-iuinitcnct i-nt inlMl In ilaln ttnct
oiicj Wolmlte llu > nmM ilxlil Inui-liKntlon tuul will
do all lu our po ci loalit iim lulu Address ,
GOOK REMEDY GO , , ' .hlcigo , III
And Snr ! icil Instilub
iritr lodwSt..OMi ) iha , .Nc-b
Chronic , Kcivous and Private Diseases
ml all Wl'AK VHSS tlr PM
ml II.SUI.ltS ! < if lUtLIS
HYlHtOOFUiaml VAUK' lOBM. iiu.mmieiitlj anil
IIU)01) ) ANUSU1N DlKt-iHi-H Sore Si > otH 1'lin
us Scinrula TIIIIIIIIH 'Utlpr Krrcnin ami llloiiil
1'otHon thorouKlilx cl.tMfpil from IhoHVHt in
NiniVOUS 1) ) < lillltv MiiTiiuUirrlii'-i Si mini
LnhHc'H Nlcht DmlHHloim I.OHH of Vital IVwuri
IK'rm.uu'iitly nnd np'riUh ruri * < l
tMU ; MKN.
( Vlt.illij VtV.ilo ninilu HO bv tooi'lnic.ippllrillon
tO \ U llH'HH Or HltllU HI-WTO I1H llt.U HI ! lit ) p
irili-f SKMUI , KM P.sslN In mlililti llf . i fiom
IK i-lTrclH or .voiiiliful folllrs ( Mil or \ \ i m ih , u
toil.iv Hoi ' 't7
Onuiliii .Medicil rd Surijicil Institute.
S W Cor ICt i ami Doilci'
Every ftlan Restored
fo Manhood
Turkish LWI -
By - Cap-ules
Tliev cute u\eiv < ase. NKVKR FUT ;
tin develop the HHAlN.uul NIJllVHS pi i-
dui IIIK Hc'hh on tin body anil not spul'ii ' i ?
tbp ' toni.ieh as most wilUineM will di \ \ o
piipiru speei.illv tor i verv e isu.nii fur
p.iitlculars TUHKISH CAPSl'LI'S will
ellie any ailment 01 weakness c by
sel'-ibuse , and we nunn It. We vv II .1 \ 1 p
and stieiiKtbon the vvorU easp of SIt \j |
nev nriii of jou 01 Itl Pl'ND \ < > 1 II
MON13Y. Don't be liumbUKReil , as we i v r
fail to cuie $1 00 box by mall Plain wi.ip-
IIIIVS I'll tIMI U \ ,
ISth ind r.nnatn S n-ets Omaha , Neb.
SiM'i'cuHors In Cilllirrl llros. , Oniiilin ,
AM )
. < < -
Mil ii u I net lire I'M of
Fur GarmaiitT , Euss > Etc.
l.-.OI IllMH , Clllllioll MlUllS , 111.
ornc i ? , MMN STUIIT ,
In I'Uitucr HulUllng.
. . . .Tolophi > iuNil. . f .
. . . .C.OM-IM1MHNT& . . . .
DR. L , E. ROE ,
: t - , Mt-rrliiin Illoi-U.
TaUo Klcvutor
Oi tc bcr 'o 1ST
ixnu HI-.VT SAM : OH JKMH : HY
i.roNAitn i\ i uirrr
I'OH JIUN'I llouipIn loinull II uffc
II'i ( W per inunthCluny Illll nnd onu u-m of
prmiml finlt nnd Knrilcn
J12 ,0 ptr Nioiilh N ( w htuie loom , 20r.CO on
JO fin p r month Ir,13 Third St C rnmiiH nil 1 luirn
Ji ! 00 pi r nionth HM > I' Irm lint nviniip C iixims.
i7 00 pi r month 112U llio.idnay , Htjic ri.uin
} ( i'0 ' pur inuntli icii Ciahiin nvcnuc , o muins.
} ' on per nn nlli rc Illdfji * rlncl 0 room In if-c.
Cfi per innnth HOIIPC on Ninth bin-it.
At'Iti : I'roi'lIUTV
< 8 31 pir month A well Imprnvpil 5 nens : mill s
fiom town will takeuni.h.iir of the unt In
w 01 k
run HAM3 f'lly rrojieity
? 400 OiHiil houi-i' , linn hhed nml tun IntH 2r.13
rifth iiv i- MIC nlfib p.ismeiits , } 7 per month
J200 tVio.l IKIUI-C nnd lot on Aviniii II l lwn
iiKlith nnd N'lnth SIK , fi per nionth
S2" ) Good liuUM' nml lot on I'lli avenue lielwm
2th nnd 2Mh HB , niuiitlilj pnymcntH , } d IICT
moil Ih
15 li IH In WrlKht'H mill for pnle at u viry low
TAIIMK roil SAM > -
121 ptr inie-240 nrre Mrm m\\fi \ \ wept of fii'H. '
v\rld riiflirn pint nt I'oli.iunllnmlo lounty
Ji' . piriiirr 40 aiiiHiir ( irail fnrmliiK land iK.ilh
of Niola
} 2i pi-r HI IP Well Iniprnvi'il r.O iicro farm enst of
I.ineund. I'littunntlnin'c ' county
I2"i pi i iicr < 4'i ' nrriH of ( trml furmlni : or fruit
land , 3 Milieu from Kidney. Prcmnnt countj
tr. pur ueri 3D IKUB of Hood fruit land with
unnll hdute , noith of Ilnmliiirt ! Krunont
ri Ullty
} 2 , ' . pi-r n < re 40 IUII-H of K"od hottorn Innd , i-omo
Inillier 2 mile * Hiiith of ity | I'mltK '
} 20 i r licit 20 IHICB ( f KI oil liollrm land Z
mllm roiiili uf Council muff *
1" line tr.utH of lund 2 mllm mintli of HoiUh
ninulia , will lnl < i' pirt | ' .i > ini-nt In dt > piop.
flrmil fiiiniH fur lent Applj to
MONAHI : ) IVIUITT. : : : K , i-eliri t , cumni
Ulurfx , lown
lands for bale or rim. IJny & Htsa fj I'eurl
The HolilriKon f'oiiRcrvHtory Coun
ill llliilfB I i < 'orreit Melhodi- I. < -
nm ro i lulu nnd upwnidrito
for proipittuu
DR. H. A. WGODBURY fft ' " .
, J1. , . I. wooUmii'y , will , , , liitvo chin UP
DENTIST the pluto VVI"11 in lllv "nico "ii(11 ( *
ZJ.UJ.1 X tkJ J.
pjvo fiitii-e
my nttcntii u to OiKM'titiv-i
Dontibtrv , Crown tint ] Uridfjo Woik
No 30 Pearl Street , A. H. WOODBURY D.D.S
Next to Grand Ilotc' . . . , . .
Noii-rcbiclcutH of lown now Imvo no oxotnptinnH under tlio tiew
Co1u which wont into offtsit Ostohor t. Wo cnti COU.IiCT HAD ACCOUNTS -
COUNTS nH of old , aRoltiHt MAIUUHD or SINttLH employcH of Kull-
ways , ExprcsH , TcIoKniph , Telephone ntid SIcophiK c r compauloH ,
NASSAU INVESTMENT CO. , Council Bluffs , la