Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Loss Number of Settlers Are Taking Up
Homesteads ,
A nit ! u ( I mi-n In Inrlil I.niul l.nvr Sce-drd
I'fTorli to Mop Ilciirt-ilnlliniK on
' 1 liiilii-r Imill Hi-lniiKlnH tu
( lie- Cnurinitc'iit. . ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. 26. Commissioner of
the General Land Ofllco Illngcr Hermann has
submitted his annual report to the secretary
of the Interior Compared with the previous
yar It shows a dccreaae of 3 29S original
lioinrKleml entries , aggregating 378,025 acres
In the ontlro disposals of public land there
was a falling off of 5,370IOi > acies The areas
cold for cash reached I1D.052 acres , and mis
cellaneous entries aggregating 7,3UG5t acres
The receipts from disposal of public land
amounted to $ t,5riG.1SO , and from disposal of
Indian lands $438 710 There wore 32087
agrlrnUuril patontn Ismicd , approximating
fi 131120 acres There were pitented or ccr
tlfiprt vvl'h lh effect ot patenting for the
benefit of rallroid companies under congrcs
slonal gnntfi C.101 3C9 arris , a decrease of
over 10 nee 000 acres from the previous year
An apptoxliiidtp estimate of the number of
nons of vacant pnb'le ' lands In the seviral
titales and territories at the close of the fiscal
yeir Is Alabama BlilTl , Arlrona , 51,100-
2lt , Arkansas , 3922,012 , rallfornla , 11SH-
014 ( 'olniMita 40017,201 , Ploilda , 1797002
Idiho r..1C2sr,5 , , Kansas , 1 04S 6S1
Louisiana 815020 , Michigan fi2m : ! Min
nesota BLMOS29 , Mississippi lll.L''O ; MIs-
Rouil I977fil , Montana. "I H2917 , Nebraska
lOfiilTi.l , Nevada ( ! l,57s5Sb , Mew Mexico
rrt98JO7 ! North Dakota 213SS 291 , Okla
homa 8HH21S , Oregon T. 8SJ11S ; South
Dikoit 1 21071S , Utah , -II 20r , 070 Washing
ton . Wisconsin 451 107 , Wvomlng
40T11BSS Al-fika 3G'.ri29 ) bO'l ' irres The
figiirt-s above glvrn do no' 'noludi' ' the varant
land iiiilnnced In mllltiuy , tlmhoi and Indian
TPM vatlnrs resuvolr silts tracts covered
liy si Ipr tions tilings lallro id grants etc
Touching the fiimous lliii'on surve/s In
rallforinn f'nmmlsslnnpr llermnnn says six
wiruving partlts utnli-r Mi Benson's direc
tion arr tow In the ( IfId rnnecting the eut-
7eys UP lor the recent agreement.
Tbo report oills attention to the npccislty
for some further legislative emptnu nt either
orlginpl or amendatory of the Carey act
whlif should tend to mil.e1 "eptire the capital
investeil in reclanntion of the arid linds
OwliiK to the recent flnanclil depression , es-
peclnlly fplt In the arid land states but com-
parativtly lltllo advancement has been made
toward reclamation but now the report
haul with the revival of Industries gener
ally an 1 the more ready supply of monev
for iivpstnunt purposes there also Ins been
a revival of the former Interest In this sub
Tim mining Industry imchod Its lowest
no nt during the past but Is now on the
1nr i i t in view of the expected filing if
nnny loci'lons Incident to the opcnliiR up of
the UPIII r Yukon district the < ommlsslniu
fivers thr > establishment of another Hnd ills
tr' ' < t inliska Noting the faet that numer
ous mining svnillntes are1 ilrr-idy coii ( > etlni ;
far the title of nnny individual locations
nviiTn - > on the > ri'h mineral dlscoveiies In
Ali-jki it Is rec'immended that the > livv bo
so amended ns to mohlblt the Including of
more tlnn one lodi > Pialm or mote thin sKty
anes of placcT ground In a single application
or ( nl y
There were 170 oases Of dcnrodatlons on
puhlli tui'hor lepoitod Involving a value of
jfi"0il ( recovonble to the government
V-iily 100 riormlts have bci 11 issued to cut
p rllc timber sinro the pissige of the permit
V w with an e&tiniatcd amount of timber
thus .itlnwod to be cut of 100000,000 feet
OnmnilfcMonpr Ilfiiinnn eavs " [ jargo co -
f irat'ons ' and comranles hnve secured < > ci
mils at different times to cut tinny millions
t f r ot nntably the Big Hhtkfoot Milling
c mi inv Illtlor Root Developing company
and Auiinndt Mining compiuy , ll of Mon-
tinn Slnr-o my Indiutlon I hive refused to
II iw nnv licensee to use > to pxreed one
jimitor s-vtinn ind any further quantity
un'll sh wing of the real necessity
At the pro'ent timber dralers yearly s\vip >
va--t innntUlos of timber firm the nubile
lands In the IntiTrats of spcculitlons without
pivlng n dnllir to the govornnipnt and con-
Ik Kiati ins i mo thiongh the public forests
without e-overninent effort to check destruo
HTII * l IIP tliibei loss yeaily from those
STIT os conservatively runs if ) Into the mll-
11 > ns 0 ! dfillirs It Is linpi'actledblp to pro-
toot and admlnlstei the forests upon the
puhlli iloinoivvlthnut provision for the niiln-
teniiui of , i full looil force to supervise the
tliibrroil litnlfl and exoouto these1 lawh "
Among the recommend itlnns are for piompt
action bv cnngioss to teimlnilo the suspon-
slou of Aikanvis land clilms , a change In
the couri-t1 of rirocoi-Jings fo- the adjustnitnt
of iii'ninl ' lands modlllritian of the invv
Impcisiiiff peniltlos for depredi'lons on public
timber and ample appropriations for collect-
inc an 1 idmlnlsteiing evlstlng and pros-
peolho foriiit reservations
Ilepurl of iiKliMTi-l n-Cliii-r ConrKo
U. Mcl III.- .
W \RIIIVGTON , Oct 2ii rho gradual 10-
plaeempiit on war vessels of the fimlllar
cylindrical bollei by various forms of the
water tube boiler constitutes the most Im-
poitant fact In mirliui engl'iecrlng tit this
time ( ucirdlng to llngliueiinchief ( Jeorgc
\ \ Melvillu , who has Just published his an
nual ronrt | to the1 secrediry of the uivy
I > r torpi lo brats ho s > ays the advin-
taros of these boilers WPIP so evident that
they ( ( tiliKly < Il pI < iced the1 old tyyes and
have now boon used for se cial years e\-
clusivilv fo this kind of craft
Touching llriulil fuel , with which many
nntlcim aio exporimentlng , as a substitute-
for coal , the report glvs an Interesting hls-
toiy of those made In this country Included
in this list Is the test miido by the * I'c-nnsvl-
vu n ki iiillroid company about Ion years ago
which , whllo proving the practicability of
using coal oil foi fi ol for hirers di'imnstmtcd
that the Pennsylvania lallroad Itself would
conmnno more than one third of the
output of coil oil at that time If It were
used for furl Instiad of coal Nevertheless
thu l > ilames of advantage arc so gioatly In
favor of tlu > liquid fue-I for snnll craft tlut
the btiuau o\piessos the Intention of making
iiso ooo il oil on tottiodo bcxits
C'onimodoro Melvillu maUos a otrong argu-
mi'iit In favor of building our ships In future
in classes BO as to secure the great adv m-
tagca tint follow tun trainlmof men , for
whole classes of ship ? Instead of for one
vckhil. and also the ability to use1 duplicate
parts of machinery It Is recommended that
tlu > maihlnory of ships laid up In reserve
with sUcliton ciitwb bo subjected evoiy six
months tu a ilut-K tilal with full sUvim pieo-
> iu > to make1 tuio they alu rcidy for use at
short nutlci
Thu huieaii has been making tifmio Inquiry
ft , to the piitslblllty of in quiring large mer-
ohani vessels In an tmergency to servo as
machine shops of Heels and having obtained
n list of Hiiltablo vessels , now submits au
o tlmau of $ JJ. 000 for macliino tools to bu
laid iisldo for fitting ono of tin in out when
The engineer-In chief has a good deal to
say In his upurt on the subject of personnel ,
and ho Insists that heIs warranted in uig-
Ing after m my years of careful observation
and study , two things as necessuy to the
Jllghe t ifllcloney of the englntei corps
Flret An Increase of numbeis of the corps
from U5 olllcers of all glades to about 300
ao JhUlul au to thu various s as to give
fulr propi > rtlcn
Seciiiid Tin- conferring of actual rani ; and
tltlis ( with the names of tbtt corps attached )
us Is thu casa for the staff olllic rs of the
So nil i\in-rt In VOIIKIIIIIIT | | > .
VVASniNOTO.V , Oct 20 Surgeon Carter
of the Marine hospital service has been or
dered to Montgomery by the surgeon general
to couftr wiih tno locjl authorities in dc-
vinns rcotrlctlvo measures to prevent the
Eprrad of ye-liuw feve'r In lUt city and Is
them for that purposei today Surgeon General -
oral Wyman has made Inquiry o ( the chief of
the Wiuiher bureau of the dates at which
frost may bo expected at various places lu-
fettod hy yellow fever , and U Informed that
the average date of the tlrnt upui-arunco of
trout at Mobile Is November 22 , at MontRom-
ciy November 12 and at Oalveston December
IS. Tha earliest dto at vvMch frost has been
Known at Mobile la November 2. at Mont
gomery November 1 and at G.ilvcston Novem.
btr 18
niMJis { tiiiiic : .NT'rToNv VHH \ > TH.
( lot uriinifiit Ulll .NoI lo o Vn > ( liliiK
liy tinI'raiul. .
WASHINGTON. Oct. -Government offi
cials are at a loss to know on whom will
full the less b > the IDOOOO worth of bogus
warrants on account of the Creek Indian pay
ments which are now- out The government
will not lose nti ) thing , but the monuy on
all theec warrants has been paid out In an
Intermediary way. Whether the Creek na
tion , which Is said to have paid sonic of Urn
money on the wurrunti , or outside parties ,
who are known to have cashed at least a
part of them on a premium as brokers , or
others , wilt bo the ones to stand the loss M
not known Secretary Bliss stated today that
whllo theio weie about $110,000 vvoith of
bogus warrants out for the Crc'ck payment
they had not Ixc'ti paid Who holda the
warrants cannot be learned he sjld , but the
government would not lose a cent Further
than this oincltls refuse to talk
I'lutiK for thu payment of the Indebtedness
wcro about consummated and the payment
of thn monuy was about to be made , when
the discrepancy was discovered The war
rants were on the United States sub-treas
ury at St. Louis and tbe arrangements for
the1 payments ucro Immediately suspended
pending thu Investigation. Special Agent
Seeveily , who practically worked up the
case' , Is expected hero before the end of the
week Ho will then confer with Secretaly
lllis.i , laying betoro him all the facts gained
In the Investigation which has been on dur
ing the last three weeks , and submit his re
port. The advices so far received have been
of a preliminary charactei Pending his ar
rival the definite facts as to many of the
points In the case will not bo known ,
llorcptlmt lo NIIIINIMI.
WASHINGTON. Oct 20 Dr Trldtjof Nan-
sen , the Aietic cxploicr , was given a recep
tion tonight at the Arlington hotel by the
National Geographic- society The pirlors
and banquet room of the hotel were appro
priately decorated with plants and flowers
and the Norwegian and American Hags The
guests were introlucod to Dr Nansen by Dr
Div id Day of the Geological survey and Hon
Gmllncr Hubbard , and assisting the ex
plorer In receiving were General Grecly of
the army and Chlif ttnglnter Mulvlllr of the
t.avy Those who called Included Stcretarles
Long and Algor , Assistant Secietiiles \ n-
derllp ami Roosevelt , Associate Justice Ital
ian of the supiome court. Hon. John W Fos
ter ami booietary to the1 President Porter and
other dlntingulshed public men After the
reception ( funeral Qrecly made a few re
marks compllmentaiy of Nansen and his
work I'nginepr Melville intioluccd Ntnsen
as the grandest hero who ever rode the
Arctic sea
Piosident MtKlnlcy today received Dr
Naifen , the Aietic explorei , In the blue room
of tr-o white house \\lth him were foui
members of the cabinet. Secretary Sherman
Somtaiy Qipe Secretary Long ami Secre
taly Wilson Dr Nanson was accompanied
to tbe white house by the Swedish minister
WASHINGTON , Oct JC The session of
the cabinet was devoted to the forthcoming
report of Secretary Gage1. The secretary went
nver the entire scope and character of his
loport , giving in considoiahle detail the sub
jects which would be treited and something
of thu m inner In which they woull bo dls-
ousbcd The Spinish-Cubin question was not
brought forward It was stated tint Minister
Wood foul had not yet cibltd the reply of
Spain and also tint there was nothing new
in the situation
ViioliitniiilN | ItIlio President.
WASHINGTON , Oct 2C The president
has made the following appointments
William II Sorsby of Mlsstasippl , consul
nt San Ittin del Norte ( Greytown ) Nicara
gua ; William K Vain Haypen surgeon gen
ual and chief of the bureau of medicine
and surgery , United States navy ; Wilson II
Giy , United States attoiney for the district
of Washington
Konod ih H Thompson of Oklahoma ,
mir&hul for the dlbtrict of Oklahoma.
Sclii ( iptlt-r Cusp.
WASHINGTON. Oct 26 In the absence of
HIP papal delegate , Mgr Martlnelll who Is
at Homo. X V , It cinnot bo learned that j i
any ofllelal communication has been rp-
oolvpd fiom the Vatican leivlng the Schroeder j
case1 entirely with the American bishops , as j I
Indicated by dispatches from Home It is
the general opinion however , among high
ecclesiastics , tint this will bo the ultimate
litsl ) Without MiirlmIliinil. .
WASHINGTON , Oct 2G Hccause ot the
protests of the labor unions , which fear the
competition of tlw Marine band , the sccre
tary of tbo navy has revoked the permission
which ho gave the organization some time
ago to go to Chicago to furnish music for
thu horse show next week.
M < > \ onii-nlM of AIM ill VOHHI-IH.
WASHINGTON , Oc' . 26 The Lancaster h s
sailed from Saint Lucia for Hampton Heads ,
and the Kssex fiom Gibraltar for I'unchal
It Is reported from San Pranclbco that the i
i rulsor Hiltlmoie will be ready to sail for I !
Honolulu In tlnee or four days
Hiiutor l.oos lo ( iiiiilPMinln.
W \SHINGTON Oct 20 Dr. Godfrey
Hunter ot Kentucky , It is unJcrstood , has
accepted the mission to Guatemala and will
bo appointed soon after the election In Ken
\ ] > IH > luf mi-ill III 1'iiHliil Srr > tec.
WASHINGTON , Oct 2G Iho postmaster
general today appointed John I" Cluni of
California chief of the mull depiedatlons
division In the postolllce-
Dull * 'I i-i-iiNiii > Slutciiioiil.
WASHINGTON , Oct 2fi Today's stale-
mont of the condition of the treasury'shovvs
Available cash Iwlance , $210,000,142 , gold re-
boivo $15. ! 171 OSI
( iie \ \ nil 1111:1.1:11 : nunr.u i\ri.oiis.
Supi-i Inlt-iiili-nt Kllli-il anil I'lw-
Oilier * \r - liijiiri-il.
HVANSVILLK , Ind , Oct 2G The holler
on lle'dford , Wolkel & Nugcnt's gravel digger
blew up this morning , killing one man and
wounding live others The dead nun Is.
JACOB MAZEIl superintendent.
The injured mo
James W O Connor.
William Mender.
Henry Closp
Jacob Heeler.
Charles Jones
The body of .Mazer was blown Into the
liver and has not been recovered. Of the
Injuied , JOIIPS' condition Is berlous 'Iho e\-
plcslmi broke' the boat In two anu It Bank' I
where It wan anchoied , lu about sl\ feet of i
water. |
OutliiM ( iiM-M I'll ' fur l.lfo. I
.M'PONOl'OH , Oa. , Dot Eu T.iylor Delko ,
the ) fiunous Ciuoi la out. . - \ \ , pleaded guilty
to miirile1 ! and was beiiteticcd to priaon foi
One Point in Which the Local Exposition
Association Might Hurry.
CJem-rul I'rpnton i\lilnliii H tr nn
inrl : > llpclslon U III Hi'ln < ' ' '
Work < > l Hli Il ' | ii 't1 --iit
( 11 ( .rent
WASHINGTON. Oct. 2G ( Special Telegram -
gram ) GPI eral Preston , director of the
mint , U especially anxious that the Trans-
nilsslsslppl ami Internattonat Exposition as
sociation shall Indicate to the < lcpirtmcnt a
design for the rnctlal which Is provided by
congress to 'he ' presented to exhibitors Ocnr
eral I'rcstcn Is desirous of giving the exposi
tion n medal tjplcal of the country and In
dustries represented , and Is also moved to re
quest the design for the medalette which
shill be struck during the period of the ex
position Speaking of this feature of the
show In Omahi next year General Preston
said "We are still manufacturing medals
for prize winners at the World's fair , due In
a great part to the failure of the director !
of the Chicago exposition to adopt a design
for the medal until nearly the close of the
exposition It requires considerable time for
the engraveis to properly prepare a modal ,
and hi ordei to avoid delays I would most
cnrnestly urge upon the people having the
Omaha Imposition In cluugu a measure of
speed In submitting their ideas as to what
the modal should contain I belle\e In the
t > plcal character of medal Should the mat
ter bu submitted to the bureau here for de
sign It would naturally tuke a national
character , which to my mind IB not what H
wanted by the Omaha people I would have
It so arranged that the medals could be pie-
sented during the last month of the exposi
tion , thereby saving an emlloss amount of
worry and heartburning ut the same tlmo. "
The report of the commissioner of the gen
eral land olllco for the fiscal year ending
Jutis 30 last was made public today H
shows that thii Union Pncldc Railroad com
pany iccelved patents during the yoir for
US,455 ! ) acres of land in Nebraikn AH this
land had been sold to bon i lido sattlers , and
patents were Issued In accordance with
orders of Secretary rnncls after pi oof of
bona fldes had been filed The ropnit says
tint there aie 10 CGI " > 3 acres of sinveycl ,
unoccupied public land in Nebraska In
South Dakota the area ot vatirt land em
braces 11,151HO acres that has been sur-
\oyed and 2 OT7 2S8 acres unsurveycd The
Grand and Hooker county suivoys In No-
biaska were approved They embraced 111-
tjU acres
'Hio report of the suveyor general of South
Dakota , which accompanies the comniLslon-
er s repoit. sny < - < that no surveya were nude
in tint state during the year The sur
vey 01 general devotes considerable spice to
uigent need for a survey of the Dlack Hills
where mineral locations are being made
ra | idly He siys that there is great need
foi an cxdinlnatlcu of mlneitl sni\eys In the
state and for connecting mineral monuments
with regular suiveys Ho urgM an In-
ciease In the allotment for biirveys on this
An abstract of rt ports of twenty-seven
national banks in South Dakota , showing
theli condition on October 5 , was made
public by Coniptioiler Ecklos today The
principal Itema arc ab follows Loans and
discounts , $3 OSO170 ; value of stocks and
securities , $ Glr,12J , due fiom banks , national
and states $4rt > 700 , resolve in banks and
deposited with leservo agents , $1.030,200 , of
which $2S3 999 was go'd , total tebouices , $7-
, .3hGlu. Llibllities Capital stock , $1C95-
000 ; biirplua fund and undivided ptoflts , $15--
22S ; duo to banko natioml and st.ite ? 3G2-
r > S9 , deposits , $ IGf I \ 194 The average reserve -
servo held was 19 < > 7 per cent
Henry A HasKell , superlntendint ot The
Ileo mechanical dcptitment and deputy
thirty-becond degree Scottish Hltc of the
United States jurisdiction , is In the cily ( n
attendinco upon the supreme council of the
rile He is a guest at the Jefferson hotel
and will remain during the session of the
A pobtofllco has been established at Sutton -
ton , Waiten county , la , with Nathaniel
Coerzat as I tmaster
M \v M1:11 in : Titumnviv
I.iit'iKi'rt MIM Not ! ! < I'liK-i-il 111 J < - < > -
llfirily 11 * M-C-OIII | 'I lull * .
CHICAGO , Oct. lfi ! Within the past
twenty-four hours we have received informa
tion that may make anothei tiial of Luc-tgcit
unnecessary , " trUl Attorney Albert Phalcn
" 1 will not reveal the name of my Inform
ant , nor the location of the city In which ho
lives at preocnt , but it Is within 200 miles
of Chicago , and the man Is an ex-official of
the place He lb positive absolutely posi
tive that ho 1ms seen Mrs Luetgert within
a few davs The information , together with
hit , Identification , is startling In its direct-
lie" * ! Hut wo 1me been bUrtlcd so many
times by slmllat reports only to bo eventually
disappointed that I will not believe the re
port until I see the woman ho says is Mrs
Luetgert Wo are Investigitln the story of
this informant We haveleaincil that he is
u cool-headed and reliable person , an I his
story may at least solve the mystery Hut
I will bellevo the woman whom he has Iden
tified as Mrs Luetgert is she when Luetgert
says so and hoi family corroborates him , and
not before "
H Is believed that the Information cornea
from Davenport , la , 1S3 miles west of Chicago
cage Soon after Mrs Luetgert f > disappeai-
ancn a tepoit reached Chicago that she waa
seen In Davenport and also In Hock Islind
111 , across the river from Davenport , but In
vestigation proved the teport untrue
Attoiney I'hilcn called at the htato's at
torney's ollleu todiy to consult with State b
Attorney Doneen and \sslstant State's At
torney Mcnwan with icferenco to the Luet
gelt case .Mr Dencen , however , was not ut
htn office , a his heilth has been somewhat
affected by the long stialn of the trial , Mr
I'halen said tint he would much rathoi have
the ease continued for awhile but if nuces-
x.iry , ho would as soon be in tomorrow an
any time No steps lool.Ing toward an appli
cation for hall for Luetgert have been made
nor will any bo until after another confei-
cnco between the state's attorney and the
lawyers foi the defense.
\Nsnull n n \\oiiiiin. .
An assmlt was undo list night upon
Jim 1'hllllpi , thi wife of a po'orod
jiitMdur at 11122 North Tvvinty-llfth stieot
She hud lit on alone during the evening ind
illicitt 10 o'clock A J Hoiinniim caini to
the house and a ° keil admit ! xnre He wlHhed
to MO her hush mil mil Mp 1'hllllps al-
Jcwc'd him to eiiti'i Shn st itul thnt Houn-
nem Ihc'ii mndu advamc-s tow ird hei , and
when she it pulsed him ho threw hci to
thi > floor A child of Mis Phillips hoard
the nolMi ami 'ippi ned at the door , vvhlih
ho terrified Itounnum th it ho sprang up
and bullied away. He has not luen ip-
'irohtinleil , lint he Is known to the polli i > ,
s hu on ended In a. similar way about two
ago ,
Oiev U Shooman Keeps Krlndlnj , ' away
mtiKiiiK life blighter and beltei for all
who Know him xlvbitf them .shoe value's
that he alone can tfive ; he has lots of
shot * \alue , but we don't believe any
c.m the value jiveii in the Hey * ' and - . . - , , , ,
Vontlih' iinilled bottom Hhocs he Is of- \ ' < < * * * .
feiliiK at W and W.'J5 theie'n wear in
eveiy p.ilr of thcM * quilted Mioes thu
Miles will outwear two pair ol uppeis
and the nppei- . will outwear two of the
otdlnao Klntl It'h the best vveailni ; .shoe
ever .sold for the monej a uvular everlasting -
lasting shoe the boys' ni/ps , sit , to ( I , aie
! > _ " _ ' , " ; the joiiths * st/cs , n to i1 , nro,00
lie\ Shooman doesn't mlMcpic.scnt
that'.s whj a uistonier once a customer
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
1 < H ! ) Ftiriiani Sttxct
Now fall catalogue now ready ; mailed
' '
for the
OOIIDOV l'HOIM ) lrt 4 TO 1101,1) 0V.
Ulll riirlit nil Vtttmnjt to Otixt lllni
from , (111100.
In connection with the proposed candidacy
of Prank Heller for thp position of police
Judge , the present IncumWnt. S I Gordon ,
sabl yesterday :
' I cannot understand Mr Holler's ittltude
In springing his camllJuy at this time , for
the position which I now hold I hoird'thls
morning tlut a writ at mandamus on City
Clerk Hlsby hud bcpn/sccurc ! by Mr Heller
for the purpose of forcing that city ofllclal
to place Hellers name upon a city ticket I
am not awato at the' prenlit time that there
Is ti city ticket In the flrtel or that a city
election will be held this fall Many In
terested people have asked me what my
course will bo after tbo first of the ycur
From the decision handed down by the su
preme couit on the city charter It appears tome
mo that the law Is on my side It will be
found that both the constitution and the
state statutes provide thnt 1 can hold office
until ft successor is legally elected and has
qualified for the position As there cunnot
bo a city election until \prll , inoo , I sec no
way for another man to take my place' I
shall , therefore , bo guided entirely by the
laws as shown In the constitution , both as to
demanding my salary of $2.509 per year , and
also as to continuing In ofuce until It shall
become legally vacant and until my suc-
ceiaor Is elected.
1 The last commtinlritton from the com
mittee specially appointed by the city council
to Investigate my case aud in which it is
requested thit I stalp my position In the
nutter will bo Ignored by me1 I do not
think thnt City Attorney Council has the
right to demand knowledge of my future
couise , so consequently 1 shall not make any
statement to him I shall , however , hold the
city for the amount of silary which has
been held back during the labt six mouths
Judge niler , as attorney for I'ollco Judge
Gordon , has filed with the city clerk a
formal protest against p'a-lng the iwnio of
Frank Heller on the olliclal billet ns a can-
dldito for police judge Clerk Hlgby has set
the protest for hearing nt 11 o'clock this
YcstotiHy oftcnioon Judge Dickinson
hoard mgutnonts on the nutter of Issuing i
wilt of imiidamus to compel the city clerK
to place the name of Prank Heller on the
city ticket as candidate for iwillee Judge'
Ho took the matter under advisement until
this morning
The city clerk was represented by City At
torney Council , who in god that the rlllco of
oollco Judge would become vacant at the
end of the year , but Insisted that under the
clurtci it would be filled by the nnyor and
city council Judge Gordon was also pieseut
and was leprcsonted by his attorney. Ho
Insists that he will hold over
When In want of a good liniment , buy Sal
vation Oil , which costs only 2"etuts
si VVIJMM ; 01 i < THI ; IKK. < v.
Vlll-.MIIll. < l > IClllIll 'llll.CH Slops (0 1'llM-
SwIlU' llf DlNC-llHP.
A decided Innovation has Just boon an
nounced by the freight department of the
Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul lallway Ills
the establishment of "a hog cholcia buieau "
The company has been so KUcressftil In Its
recent experiments looking toward the effect
ual checking ot this dreid disease among
swine that U W. Keycs , . assistant gcneril
fi eight agent his decided to establish a per
manent buicin for this purpose Othei rail
roads .IIP watching the experiment , and If
the Milwaukee f , bureiu for checking the ho
choleri Is feuccetteful It will bo adopted by-
other i oids
The Milwaukee Ins established the bureau j !
for its own piotectlon and that of the pub
lic The spread of hog cholera has sc'iiously
h'terfircd with the traflle of the toad the
lieMlth authorities at numcious stock vards
and other points along the railway stopping
the tniiis of stock and taking out the cais
containing diseased sniue. In this way u
greit deal of time1 w is lost In transit , the
cars taken out lost to service for several I
weeks and the shipments grcitly roduccu I i
\sslstant General rrolgit ) Agent ICeycs 1
studied the problem i long time and finally
made up his mind that the only way to solve
It was to oJucite- the farmers to methods ,
that would ataiiii | out the disease1 U < cpen I
mints have been conducted for a long time
and now the Milwaukee Is about to establish
u bureau to disseminate such knowledge ! is
will piotcet the swine fiom the cholen Mr
Keves says that It his plan of remedy had
been In use last year In Iowa over 2,000,000
hogs would have been sived there alone
MIIH VSK v toiimssioN 111:1:1 INK.
lin | ii > Hii a I ItiiHliioNH IN i\pi-e-loil to
C nine I | > 'I oilnj .
Tae Nebiaska Imposition eommlnslon held
a regular ses&ion at Its headquarters last
night all the members being present Noth
ing but routine business was transacted at
the sosslou , the other business of the meet
ing being deferred until today
The committed appointed weeks
ago to icport upon the apportionment of
funds which ohould bo made for the purpose
of. providing space for the various interests
In the state which have applied lor abslst-
anco from thu commission , will probably
make a leport to the commission today
The commission will meet with the' PX-
ecutivo committee of the exposition it noon
today to confer regarding coitaln details In
the contiact for space for the Nobiaska
building to which members of thu commis
sion lalsc objections
I'rofesboi Jackson , state siipeilntoudent of
schools , is in the city and will appeir before )
the commission today to ask that 5 000 feet
of space bo prov Uied fqi an exhibit by the
public school i of the stile
Ol.Jcot t < i llt-iii- > ( . \ VluilcTrnrlnu
Tlu-li Mullet- .
A complaint was filed lust night against
Homy C Whealoi , fusloulst candidate for
county coroner , charging him with wearing
jiid exhibiting in uu unauthorised way the
olliclal badge of the Giand Army of the He-
public It is said , that Wheeler has printed
their symbol en his card for the furtherance
of his candidacy
John r Henderson of Ouster post , No 7 ,
is ono of the complainants He states that
It la the purpose of the Grand Army of the
Republic to remain out of politics and to
endorse no political fjctlon There is both
a federal and a state statute , protecting the
old soldiers' organization from the misuse of
Its name and the warrant will probably bo
served upon Mr Wheeler this morning ,
\rn-Hi rniul > oiilliH.
Half a doyen dotcotlves mule' nn at
tempt to break up a , mng of south-side
youths yostcrday who hive boon bohavlug
thomselvis foi sotno Im | In nn iinlli tiifil
way Tno Imys vveiq found on the viieant
piopeity nt Twuntil ill nml I'oppleton avi-
niio and they Htaitid nt full speed nt sight
of tbw ollloeiH. JIIIIIPS AMlefoid and youni , '
MeVev , u biothii of tie loocntly oonvlitnl
highwayman of that tmuiii. ran west and nt
' 1 VM iitv-fourtli and Ciistnllai douh'ed link
to I'livtnth and 1 u n e. n inn of live mil s
.Mi Voy. n young ! follow of groit speed ami
lining , sprang ever a With f < HOP and down
a IVfoot bink and ( HOMJiod Astloford IH
In custody , as Is nls-il Ooorgo UridHlmw ,
who bad c noseii the dlioftlon tow ird Tenth '
und William .slicets ,
Surplus of Water Docs Unmngo iu the
Island Kingdom.
MIIMJl.Hcs , llmi-ivs "iirrli-il
mid IliillriiniN lliullj
l l.iitc Illi'f Crop
I Morlj Uoitruy oil.
TACOMA. Oct. 2G Orli-ntit advices , per
steamer Olympla : September SO heivy
rilns'orm spread all over Japnti , and tip to
the time the etcamcr Olympla left Yokohama
hama reports wcro coming In of terrible
havoc done. The government railway was
washed away In places between
Hodogjya and Kambar. A part of a tunnel
between Hodogaya and Totsuka collapsed
and fell on flvo trucks of a triln which
was passing through at the time I'arts of
the line between Ozlo and Kedseu , ntid
Milsula Yamaklta nnd Oyama , ind Okltsu
and 0.inn , and Okltsu aud were
submerged and the railway people' are now
busy repairing damage-s. A Kobe dlcjpitch
says that numerous Hoods have occurred In
that vicinity , Akashl being under water
with seven houses swept away and tialllc
has been stopped on the Sam Yo valley
Miny bridges and embankments have been
sne-pt away and enormous damage done.
Many people were killed iu this district
At Mu-rals twenty-two houses collipsed. At
Akashl twenty houses were destroyed mil
twenty-two bully damaged The Malnlchl
states that 03,000 houses are flooded nt Nagoya -
goya According to an olllclal report from
Aychl prefecture , there ere forty-two vll-
hges altogether contitnlng 10000 houses ,
still submerged In the Kaito KalHil. Nalkl-
shlnu and Halgurl dlslilcts , whllo ( iO.lOO
pensnnts arc at present dependent on the
rations issued by the gov eminent The dam
age' to the rice crops Is estimated to be not
less than 1 500 000 yen
The * Tokaldo railway was blocked by the
collapse- the Snttatoge tunnelt Ashl-
garl , Shimogeri , a land slip occurred and
water gushed out from tbe hillside and
swept awav eleven houses besides dimag-
Ing some others At anothei place Kajlya
\lura , on the Arakawa river seven houses
were destroyed and the whole dlstilct was
under water The FuJIkl river was In flood
and eairled away fourteen houses at Uga
wara bc'sldes damaging numerous others
and the well known mineral springe * there
have been burled and have totally dlsip-
peired fiom view Along the Ataml load
bridges wore wnMiod away is well as other
damage done but fortun itely no loss of life
Is reportc'd Hie late I Ice crops are re
ported to Invo been completely mined In
nnny districts
An olllclal report from Hlogo st-Uos that
the Tikdiad Cuka liith house' , well known
to mobt of the foreign tosldonts wis w U'hcd
away There were twenty deaths In Arlnn
Two persons v\ere killed live houses wnslud
aw ly iilnctcon houses destroy el and ICC
houses partly dcstioyed In KaKgug
l.ofl Destitute !
Not of worldly goods but of ill earthly
comfort , Is the poor wretch toimented bj
malirli Iho fell scourpio is , hovvevpi , shorn
of Its thong In advance by Hosteller's
Stnu ach Hlttois Hb only sure- preventive and
11 pined ) Dvspepsli biliousness , constipation
ibeuimtlsin ncivousncss and kidney com
plaints are- also among the bodilv afflictions
which this benefit out medicine overcomes
with ceitainty U o Us bystematleally
Ii oinotlon III Cm Her Ser\ lei * .
Owing1 to thi ? doith ot Ch irlos G Fllnk
and Iri W Smith , letter c-irrleiB In this
c'lty , Chirles I ) Newton mil Jicob .Ton-
son hive1 lieen promoted from the substl-
tuto list to fill the v > omoles The civil
sorvlco list will le drivvn upon In a few
diys to upleiilsh the biibstitutes.
lake l/i\fitho Ilromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure 25c.
MIL M , iuti\ : rns.
Hurglars broke Into the Carter White Lead
works In Cast Omaha Monday night and
secured twenty pigs of lead
Senatoi Thurston has been scheduled to
speik at i meeting or the G irfleld club which
will be held at Washington hall Krh'ay ' night
Decrees of divorce liivo been glinted Otto
Uayeisdorfer from Anma nayeibdorfer , and
to Willie. Tstello Shaw from George M
Next week Judge S II Scdgwlck of York
will take charge of Judge Taw celt's docket
In room No 2 Judge I'awcett is at presentl
holding court In Ourt county.
There are no criminal cases In this county
reuly for trial at the piescnt time but an
attempt will bo made to call up some of the
appeal cafecs from the' police court today.
Judge Hakor has cleared up the court
docket of Washington county over which
ha has been presiding in the place of Judge1
Slabiugh for over a week , and has returned
to the city
The rin > t National bank has transferred to
the Franciscan sisterhood a lot at the south
west corn1 ! of Tenth and Martha btiectH , the
consideration named being $10.000 A mortgage -
gage for $7.000 of this amount Is held by the
A permit was Ibsuod yesterdiy to John
Dale to build a two-story frame residence
at Twenty-eighth mil Hickory streets It
will cost $ T 000 John A. Larson will hulli ]
a frame dwelling at Twentieth and Lilrd
A description of Kmlly Caribou , a young
girl from Odeboll , la. , has been given to the
police wit i instructions to try 10 locate her
Miss Cuilson Ins been living wlta the family
of Otto \ndorson 2502 South Twentieth
street , fora few weeks pist , but disappeared
a couple of day ago She was last seen at
Sixteenth and Chicago streets
A $10,000 damage milt Inbtltute-d by Peter
Olsen against the Omaha Street Hallway
company has been compromised for $100 , and
has , therefore1 been dismissed Olfcen hiud
In the interests of his srn , No's ' who wab
thi own out of a buggy at Forty-second and
Hamilton streets on July 31 ar * a result of
a collision with a street car The boy's
mental faculties were Impaired
TJio plc-ctrlc light company has located one
of the new alte rnatlng current arc. lights at
Thirteenth ami Farnam streets This is In
the natuie of an experiment anl if thn new
light Is an Improvement on the old ones It
will piobably supersede them altogether
The alternating current lamp Is the most
modoin idea In electric lighting and many
advantages aio claimed for It
Gooigo Thurston , a colored barber who Ins
until lately occupied un old frame building
at Tenth and Jackson E trie is , was arraigned
in police court yesterday on two Infer
mations chaiglng trespass and threats with
Intent to do great bodily harm 'Hie com
plainant Is John KUfjer The trouble arose
over ejectment proceedings brought by Kuger
against Thurston 'Iho case was i ontinued
For ImKliiK It IIIIH no ( ]
ovi'ii bottom innilc l Mm1 sin'tlonsvltli
ll.injje . filths ilvoti'il tfl ytlien in.uK' i'M > ' -
dully for oxjunhlMi ttml eonti action
[ ili-js and thin layer eiiKci cannot be prop-
t-rly IwUi'd on an uneven bottom tins
Mei'tlniuil bottom ovi'ii positively -will not
VVMII > tlniH assuring perfect b.iKIni , ' the
Jewel r.iiiKe itself is nude of the liljhent
n'ldde' of open hearth < old i oiled btet'l
no olipc't lion used steel of Iho ilfjht
< Ai > lihl nd IhkKiiess to lust U may IMJ
lianuneieil It ma.v be bent while ! heated
wtlhunt bieakliitf a coinpleto line of all
hat dw. ire necessities at satl.sfactory
pi lc es Kstimak a fin nlbhed
1514 Farnam St.
Physical Culture Lecturer Endorses
Paiiie's Celery Compound
Miss Lucy H Hltcncoik , lecturer lepirt-
ment of phyhieal culture , Woman b ChilsHin
Tcmporauco Union , Vcimont , vviote on Miy
10 libt
' It ulfords mo pleasure to add my testi
mony with otheis repirding the heillng ef
fects ot 1'alno's celery compound upon an
exhausted nervous system"
Aug U , 1S17 , hhe wrote"As a lule 1 do
not cneiorbo nicdlclnes , but I believe I'alive's
celery compound to bo of a different order
from the oidlnaiy medicines Pacts cannot
bo disputed. I have derived so much benefit
fiom the compound tl'at 1 am glad to heartily
lecommend it hoping other * similarly allllct-
ed may be relieved Any medicine that will
rollevo suffering humanity lb u blc-iblng to
tbo world "
A blessing to the world' ' ,
I'alnp's celery compound has boon proven
to bo the ODC great remedy that really makes
pcoplo well ' 1Mb estimable woman , whose
Christian work is eainestly directed toward
thu betterment of otheis , and whose emi
nence lu the W C T U makes her advice
of greit value , plainly Indorses I'alnu's celery
Iho amount of poor health on ovciy hind
Is something shocking to eveiyono who slops
to think Hundreds of men and women in
oveiy neighborhood are today carrying about
with them a needless loid of ailments Ihat i
thorough refreshing of theli nerves a puiify-
ing of their blood more sleep and more
regularity in the bodily functions would com
pletely do away with I'uino's celeiy cum-
II\HI.IS roil 'i in :
Milder HriitiKliI lo Ult-iilion of ( ' 11111-
lllerellll Club Cum mi I lee.
At ycsteidayh meeting of ( ho Com
mercial club's executive committee a com
munication from A J Vanlaudlugham , sec
retary of the St Loulo Irat'lc buieaii re
garding the new line of light draught stce'l
barges to lun between St Louis and New
Orleans was received and read It was sug
gested that as the barges will draw but
eighteen inches of water they could ply on
the Missouri river from Omaha , to St Louis
between May 1 and August 1 of cich veir ,
carrying wheat and other ccroal pioducts
destined for southern export The pnoont
f i eight rate on wheat ls > 15 cents from licio
to New Orlcins Hy the steel barge" * it
would bo 1 cents to St Lnnls and i cents
more to New Oilcans , or 7 cents a bushel
for the thiough shipment Iho milter was
referred to a subcommittee , and will reecho
further consideration
Notice of the estiblUhmont of a
club at Grand Islind was ipcoivcd The
members of the new club will he Ixmqupteil
by tbo Onnhi Commercial club early In
December Other commercial clubs of 'ho
state will hosimllaily entertained later Tli
quarterly dinner of the club will bo given
on November 8 , at whiih tlmo addresses
will bo made hy Senatoi I luirston and Con-
gic'ssmcu Mercei and Sutherland 'Iho foi-
pound will do all this for sick and ailing men
and women
A 'hearsay" leputatlou imy do for ether
lemedlis , 1'iine's celery compound Is best
Kmnvu fiom the mouths of men and women
whom It hat , made- well they are In every
city , town and villige in the country
Nn ono cm piss the nevviijpei bulletins
without being reminded by how slight a
tiiicad the best of men hold on to life The
Blight ii | > b and downs In health from which
peoplii locover nuke them forget that there
Is a limit to the body s elasticity and endur
ance Iho habitually exhausted nervous
bvstem nt last loses Its powet of recovery
and offers no leslstcnce to disease
'Prevent disease' , " la the watchword of Iho
lMt medic il thought of to lay Caiefnl men
and womcMi do not wilt until they are flat
on their backs as people once did The moro
'Intelligent pirt of evc'iy community ban
found out the inibtinnblc bencllt to bo de
rived fiom I'.ilno s ce'liry compound , vvlicn.
ono Is worn out , ncrvo-tlicd ami "out-of-
sorts "
The litto ills , the beginning of neuralgia
and ihcumatlbin , the "all gi tie" and tired
feellixs show the Immod'oto ' need of purify
ing the1 blood and re'ficbhmg the nerves. The
direct and energetic 1'ainos
wiy celery com
pound oveicomoa sick niil ueivoun head
aches , dyspeisli and heiit troubles , as it
ilop-i all othei mervous dlsoiders , 1ms com
pelled the admitatiun of the mc'dlcul world
fiom the stait
Head ichob , rheumatism , neuralgia , Ilfeloss
feelings and debility ciniiot persist when In
telligently met and collected by this gicat-
est of ncivo mil bialn stiongthouers No
leiuody ever kept thc confidence of so largo
a body of inquiring men and women Try It.
lowing conventions were reported .is secured
foi Omaha next yen since the last meeting :
National Detoitlve ass olitlou Funeral 1)1.
re-ztom of the United Stites and the Liberal
Congress of Religions
J W Illrat the now president of the. lln-
sccd oil works , was unanimously elected to
niPinbi rshlp
A lettei regarding the handling of national
conventions was received fiom W C Burck-
hart , convention repoiter of the Detroit Frea
Press It W3b placed on file
The following resolution was adopted
"Resolved , That the executive committed
of tbo Omaha Commeiclal club favors tha
voting of bonds by Douglas county In aid of
the Transmlssl'slppl Imposition , and recom
mittals to memhuH of the club mid frlemla
tint they vote 'yes' on the bond proposU
tlon on November i "
An HOIK-MI ! ( < i > .
"Wo could not siy too much in favor of
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy About three
ycais ago ono of nm children had an attack
of croup mil we wcie afraid that wo would
lese him Soelng Chaiubei Iain's Cough
Homody , advertised wo decided to iIvo it a
trlil It gave almost Instant icllcf and wo
bollovo it s-ivod the child's life Since ) -them
wo Have nc'vor been without a bottle of thla <
remedy In the hotirte and wo recommend It
to ovoiy ono as being an honest ( ough rem
edy " L W Nichols , Kast Now Market Md.
Wo aie now bhowintf all thalV new In
cut tfl.iss some of the mo-,1 e\iiiNlto ]
pieces ever shown In Om.ih.i-\Ve now
have this i nine stock opened .ind leady
ot join Inspection You tan well alloid
the time lot Inspcctln ; ; this beautiful and
sp.iiKlIiig cut l.iss dlspl.i.v and we coi-
dlilly invite .von to do so some elegant
pleccH stilt.ibe for weddlii ) , ' pieseiiLs
We i.'it 'i.ivi1 and pilnl all our own pl.ite
and iMiibossed woiK KM ) cuds % \itii top.
per plate lor M 50-100 c.uils piloted
f i oin jour own pl.ite tor M < ) ( > Wuldin , ;
ht.itionei.v enni.ived In tin1 latest ,11 tisile
elleils V10 lor the Ills ! lOO-fr. ! T.O pel
UK ) alter that Yoni mall older will te--
teive 0111 most ( aieful and piompt at
Jewelers ,
loth and Dnuulns Sts.
Wo have leeelved and aie iceelv In dai
ly ( lie new Mjles In Knabe IMunos this
j ear's pioductloiis by this famunt. fnu-
toij ate * even MipiTlnr In tbilsli and
woiKmanshii ) to any of their foimur ef-
fortH havliifj taUen the htato agency for
these Insttnmunt.s and biijln In lat e
( inantltiiH , we aio able to sc'll to tlm
dealer and to jou at in Ices me lower
than you've ever been quoted before 1C
you can't come to the stoio wo will mall
yon a catalogue , whldi will aid .vou In
belectliiK a piano but we would bo aw
fully pleased to have jou call and look
at the pianos we Know jon will enjoy
them bilng your friends with jou
KulCOOfl $ ( ] [ | . 1513 Douglas