10 THE OMAHA DAILY ESDAT , OrTOHMK 27 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES AiltrrllNiMitrnlN for Jlipmroliitniin nlll lif taken iinlll II ! infer Ilio < veiling mill tinlll S l > . in. for i inoriiltiK "lilt sunilii ) rillliin . Ailv vrll i'i- . . , 1i > IT i | n CM ! I it K n niiin- lirrfil c'licok , fit it lime nil-morn ml- ilrcxNFil In ti my u I > rr ril loiter In rnre if 'I lie HiAn * nor * in itfltlrcmipil i nlll IIP di lUrred on iit-p-u-nlntloii > f | tinI'hfck mil } . Unti'N , I l-li ! n inr l llril Innrrllimi So n Monl tlivriMifliT. Niitlilnw tnKon fur ( CNN limn anf for 1l ' Hrnt l < 'r- tlun. Tlii'M' itilti-rtlM-wriitit imift l mil C'OIIMM'llllt I'l ) sin VTIONS \ \ Avn : . " nbATI'JN l-1 1'JlNO O1IU. TOOlllv foi uoiinl nn I r otn m > iinliiK nd evenings , niilo ) d ( lining thu ( ! a > . A.lilreici \ SI. HMS POstTlTiN WANTIJP IIY UlJMl MAN 29. Kood buln Mi oinrlctKC. Al icfsrence'- , would anvil Aildreu \ If. Hoc. _ A-MbZVJs' 7ji7NTLt.MAN : jo , itsiius : POSITION AS inaniiKor. ngenl or salesman ; line bunlneii ( luiilllicntloiw , well recommended. AiMrenj \ E ) lice. A MC21 2S YOUNO MAN 011 ! 2 WANT * \\OH1I OP AN\ Kind , In whiile-nlo store preferinl. some ox pitlcnco und Kood tcfotini-a Addr-M I. ! * , llee. A MC2J 2i * \vrin ii IMS HUM' . CANVASSUUS TO TAKi : OIUJIIIIS. NBW MN1J or noifc , no liuivj goodi to curry ; tulary or eoimnlBklon C. . T. A lama Co . 521 bo. Kill i Ht. U 515 OALISMIN : Toil noAiisTtTzTA MONTH AND oxpinrpi. oM llrm experience unnecessary In- duccinciilK to cujtumcra. U. C. lllkhvu \ . Co. , at IAIIII * . u "IC _ NUN AND " \\OMllN SOr.lClTOUd roil 11115 Nulloniil lliteivc iipBocliitli.M , the l < e t. safest unil sonndi l { internal ordil In the Held [ inlay 1 Addm I1. A. C. Sleven * ill N mil hi , . Oinnlm. " -517 . AND so- 1 in-llclnr nucl ty tlcllors for best fralernal > In III" Held , KOO ! pii > Addtt-n Supreme sec retary Star of Jupiter , MiCouU. \VANTi7iT c.uocniiY IUI.IHM\N POII norlhwentein lown , prefer pnrtj ncqunlntcil In tlilH icrrltnrj , IIDIIP but rxpfrlonccd sales- incn nicd nppl > . Letts , riclchi-r Cpnip iny. Cnrmll , In " 'M41' _ ? _ . ONK HUMHii > DOI.1.AIW IN CASH. AUso liberal roimnisslmii to ( rood di > putl < "r urKiin- Izuia Inipcrl.il Mitli Lmluti I'm pirlkii- Inia nddrtHi limn C. Alilli. siipr me ' ' McOaRiic Inill'llni ; Onnli i ll-MIII .Nii WANTHD ! AX ixi ! nuiKNCiu : CI/IAK mlosimn , only thnie with Krcat deal of tx- pcilencu in id apil | > lloiton Stoic , tl m"JJ „ -AN nxpr.itinxrr.D nnv ooons pal'cr ' , limnInit cvperlcnrod need npply. ltd li irdjinn ltoicils-ll ) rnc U. I ! * 'o . ft. Jim ph. Mo ll-MSSI Nl t POAT MAKiilS : WANTED AT O.NVfi T.HHY Ilros S. Co , rromont. Neb 11-MM5 2f IjAIIOItmtH roil I2XTIIA OANO IN WYOM1NO nnd Kouth DaKota nnd lo\va. Kramer .4 O Ilmrn , lltli nnd r.irnam U M51T il * . . „ Pllisr CI.V.KS . , give HIII li men pteadv einnlujinvnt ill cool waRcs , I pay unlun uc.de. II. C. Nutter 1)83 Molnri. In * I1-C0120' in. MIN : TO LUAHN iiAiuinii THADI : . Klven , expert teaeieis onlj elsht weeks roqulnd to KI nliiiite wille for lieo cntaloKiie Midcr'a Ilirbrr College , 11U7 Pine bt . St. Louli Mo IIMK3 30 _ \VANTIn : , PP.NV S\LI : MP.N PIHMANINT : poiltlon Hi-a on Just opened stiiple line pil- arv or commlvtl m with espi n-es Luke Ilrothem Co , ChlcaRO 11-MC2127 * \VANTnn. PA. MIY P\I1 > \\poUlj , rxperlcnrp unnpi p " a Tlrown Hiollipri Pn . flileii-o H-MI.2J 27' iv vvrniriM 100 OIItl.H Toil AM > KINDS OrOIIK. . J3 to J7 week CniiiJI.ui O .cc , 152J Duuelaa A ROOD aimrou GUNKHAI. housework Anply CCJ bo 2Cth IUPIUIP IUPIUIPC MI01 \VANTin noon onn , POII C.PNIHAI , liou-ii-ntirk. 1101 honth 10th fit C-5S1'7 \VANTln I'OMl'i : I HNT GIIII. POU GHN- crnl hoiisenoik In Pinall family , no wasli- Inff. Rood miKes Apply Immediately - < 02 1'oppleton avenue C M511 nii CAN n\vn ruin r i ; OP olllee anil tjpcwrltci to do piece \\oik In ron- Hlduratlon ( if doliiff light work each daj , Unlit salary for experienced booKKeepeiddre -ff In own writing Y 21 , lice C GH-27 \V\NTIIO A ami. rou OHNEISM. work 2010 fit Man's A\e r Aion 27' , noon Ginr , ron OI : housework Inquire J3 t > LllRHolin , tJlO S 2Jd ut. C Jll,2ii ± ) \VANTUI ) OIKTj I Oil niNKIlAI ; < lini'SIJ work 2W2 Half Howard C-JIOI7 27- WANTED C'OMl'irTENT CS1UL Ml'ST Ilfi neat lie't WIIK 1CI I1 irk A\e i o ll'iiffs Iowa. C XIC37 ! D r u HOUSES IN AM. I'AHTS OP THE PITY THE O. I' DaUa Pomp 1113 . 1503 Pninidn P 319 HOUSES. 1IENEWA S. CO . 103 N. liTIt BT I-,20 MonnitN nousns c. A STAHH 1:5 N. Y Life n-r.2i HOUSES WALLACE. IIROWN 11LOCK K.T1I nnd Donslas. ! ir''lf _ CHOICE I1OPSES AND COTTAGES AM. OVEH city , 5 to $7. ridrlltj , 1st llooi N. Y l.lfo IIOUSP.S. COTTAOES , t feTOP.ES AM , PAItTS of city llrennan & . l \c Co , 430 Paston block D " > 23 f7\noi : LIST M-CAnun. ISTII AND DODP.E < 1) r 21 T'LATS OAllvTN"11IIOS . IMS ITM KENT IIEMLS. s. J. H siinuwooi ) . < : a N Y Vfill HENT CHOICE 12-llOOM HETACHED modprn houae. Inquire 2318 Capl'ol n\.nue D tiiij (10ODS AND I'lNflS Oin Van SloraKe Co. , 151114 Pnnnm , tel 15 9 I ) u30 rwo i.M'.nn IIOPSP.S IN nujcrjcn PLVCI : , cheap C03 lUc bldB. _ n-MS83 . AT O NCIIHTWIIN KA liousen to rpnt. ureTt di'nnnd for hoiues nnt- als a rpeclalty. J II. Miervvood , 422 N V Life ONI : n-nooM iiousi : POII BMAI.L PAMILY 1315 Ca n H-376K' JIOTILS. t.ionns PXTOHLK D-M4M awe PINI : i UOOM nouses , jrsn riNi8iui > SMh nml Painam Poreelaln halh liut water , mantlPH eleitrlo lluht and Kan , fnrimoe. 1 inn- dry ele iteliKhtfiill } urransc-.l Pldclll } Tiusl Co l t lloor N V Llfn U-409 rnoml MopmiN PLAT , s IILOCKS WKS.T of court li'iiK' , vd } nlre Omihi Heal l > tate and Tiui'l Co ! 'l H iSlh nt. H-M4J3 Hioii'iMiiIOM MoniuiN iiot'si : aoon in ; . pair Inquire 1518 N IClh -tSS-"J I iTTiooM"PLVT NPW ANf ) MOOPUN l ft Parllle ht I'l .i llanlej D-MVJi 2s roTT IIINT : , UOOM HOPRI : WITH CJAS ? hath etc . era ) and k-nn ratiKo nnd mrtnlni Apply I'll piemlfea 27JJ Ciallee D-filS ! > i roil HINT 7-nooM MODKIIV COTTVOI : ivT ; O orKla iiMriie P 1) Ilrown tiei iin < r'ii cilice Pnlon Paellle D MM : so * ONI : c-iiooM IIOPSI : POH .SMVLL p\MII.Y 1315 Caua D-MCJS N2 m\Trc itMsinni noons , BTKAM IIIATII : > UOOMH so ISTII sr i : i'.j .vis I KUHNistiii : > itooM.s roil nnpriiKiii'iNO : for man und wlte , rent tal.en In board 319 N nib. i-45t : UOOM PPHNISIIIH ) 15 1 < 1 PAHNAM - * _ _ JJM-IITM TWO rt'HNiHinn IIOOMS KOH i.iaiir ilhkU15 Douglas H-MDbO Si HOOMSM > 110 MM ) . BTPAM-HIATII > UOOMS WITH HOAIID 2001 * Harnry r-fc3S Nli- NICILY ru NiHiun KUONT UOOM MODem - em cvnvfiilinicu , prtvale fumll } . "JS So Mth Si K-IW-ls I'm : MIHUIAM : uiusrCUSH PAMILY no le | iith and IXidgo Sin P-MJH 30 * KICHLY PUltNISlli : ! ) UOOMS , WITH 11OAH1) . ZIU Cats it , V-UU2 3l riHMSMKI ) IIOOMS AM ) HOAIU ) . TUB I/JW iST PO SIIILK ItATKS AND THU l - l fnrc A h m * . Sh > tiiii n nvc oni tn > < i ,1' r every fl ht minim- * Newly fitrnlhed , tew innnnK nr-nl , mil Ini I'vpo t' ' n Sarnlora Hitcl IIMKHTAINS ltd c" " " ! ' , . , . . . , Cupitolve NICi : IIOOM - : WITH HOAUO AT _ _ % PIIO.ST Hoo\ioi , WITH on WITHOUT no MID J'.M lfnrn > . fr'-MIM _ LVIKII : votrrir'pitoNT uooM ron TWO ; i thi-r idomi ; Rood board. The n ° * cij- * * < .1 r' tTruiilc6uNnn uoo i 2 < norpi.vs. 1 613 nomi rTiiNTsirin. : K i is PAHNVM I iloil MoniTiiN lilncK. HOOMS AND P.OAHD. w up 514 N. ISlh P MCI2 N2 * KOU Hi : > TIIMTHMSIIiiJ HOOMS. 3 HOOMH icrti I.IAVIJNWOUTH n-MMI si * KOU HliNTSTOHiS AM ) Ol'l'ICUS. POH HUNT , DKrtK ItOOM IN OUOtINn FIXK > It tllee , llee IjiilldtnB , water. trnin hcnt , ilectrlc IlKht ana Janllm ervlrc Apply to Snpcrln- lendent llee IttillillriR I 111 iou HINT. nu : J-KTOUY IIHICK nt' at 916 Pnrnam M Thli btilldliiR has a llriioof | cement bifeinent. water on all ll'mri ' , Kii , etc. , Apply nt the ulllce of The lice 1-W POH IIINT , IN mi : lii : IIPILIMNO : Oan InrK" eorner iiom 2d Ilior , with vault nru private ofllrovatrr , etc. One larun fiont room , 2d nooi. divided Into IWT rooms bj parllllon , vvnter. etc. . , OutInr e corner room , 2d floor , with vault. water , pie One front rxmi. divided by partition , third lloor One conn i room with vnull , third lloor. One lirKi- loom , third lloor. with p trillion dlv hi- Inc II Into tmo Inr e room and two Bnnllor prlvnlo looms water , etc Two larife Krouiul lloor ruomi , frnntlm ? litn "l > v\lth vault One litup ground floor room on Parnain ht . large vault Sevenl nnnll rooms on fourth floor with vaml < i All these rooms are hMitr-d with Jitentii. elec rlc llahts snpplli'd , vvllli llrst elans Janitor HITV Ice Hlcvatora nm di } and all nlcht. bullillnu Urlctl } ilroproof. Apply to Superlntend'-nt , Itwin 101. Hie bulldlnB 1-1" AfJHM'S \ \NTnn. . nidiu.n MNN TO it XNIM.TJ AOINT POU lelephono tihletn and upei laities , pnva $ " > 000 a > eir. enclose stamp Victory Mfg Co. Cleve land. O. J-M010 27- W\\TI2I TO HI ) VI' . WANTP.I ) IIY MAN AND AVIPi : 3 OH 4 PN- furnlRheil roomo. or small hou e for house kecplm ; . In ninth inrt of cltN , moilern Ad dress W CO. llec , giving location and terms K-.M11C27 * WVNTP.I ) . 2 OU 3 HOOMS PI HNlSIim ) OH iinfuilil heil , llqhl housekeeping , steam or fur- mice heat , central. Y SO. llec K M'li ! 27' CINTLPMAN wisiu : < ; PNPITHVI IIID isno\i In prl\ ito famllv soulh of Piirnnm liotweon liith nnd "Oth preferred , references ulv.-n \il dre s Y 31 , llee KMr.'l 2S WANTnn. IIY MAHRIHD COPPLi : T\VO Oil three pirtl } fnrnlHh.'d i t HIM pmil lential 1 i- tlon modern ( onvi nli nces and two mulls In hou e or next d ir Y S" , Iloi ? olllir K-MS27 PACIP1C S'lOUAC.P. AND WAIinilOITSn CO los-cio Jones , KI neral stoiaRc nnd foiwaidlnu. M 531 OM VAN A STOUXGK 1J111' . PAHN'M 'lULloD M-5S5 PHANK iWiitS , STOHAOi : 1211 HAHNHY Ilaudng and picKIng , cheapest ratei Tel "T.6 w v.vrnn TO IIIIY. CASH POn OMAHA SAVINOS 11ANIC AC- connts O G WallnLC. 312 ilrown llloeli lth ( ! anil Douglas. N 593 itioiiisT PIUCI ; PAID pen OMAHA SAA'- IIIKS IlinU certlllcites In au'werliiB please state iimcuntH offered Aililreis W C2 "ee N 423-N21 * WANTID. A OOOD IIOLMII TOP nisK. sic- onU hani ] A J Lan ei. WSt Polm Nib N.M-IW 26 * roil < \ii3noiisis VM > w VHONS. 1 UOP ULUOV. 1ALU ! lUIAIttMJ AXM.b , ItUll. hci tlre"own nviKe " cost $150 now Irss than ! /i , 3 Kooil pliKtniiN 1 Sn\ilet imke. 2 Culuin- bus , 2 tooil surreja Diumnioml IS Hainej l'-Ml 7 N14 rois s ii.n _ > iisriii\Mors. iipi.K ou s\CKKD ciuiiniNa ami hi K fence. C. II. Lee , SOI I > ougln > Q-537 11 oc. PI : N cr : A T.i > \v i nT : iu : F o N IA iV-fiiT livvn and ianl fence \Vlrc Works 4DJ fa lltli 509-0 IS POH S.VLC LIPD RClIOLAItSMIP IN OMM1A Coniini.li til College J J Olb on M4 Pllht National Ilink Q407 JO POIt SALK. 57500 I1CYS ri'IlIOIIT K1MHALL piano , large size , mu t sell w C7 He.1 Q-MG35 2D CIi1IIVOV 1 VI'S. IIS PAUL TIlANCi : MI.PM ! 1 3" N 21TH unites the reparaleil , changes luck , lellirs cent - t ilnlns fct imp piomptlj answeieil , ladles 0- MILS A ii COUHSIN , CLMIIVOVANT ti inco meilluio if M'nncopnll1 , hna liuateil pei- mmtl > nt 111 N 18th Ht . anil can Indm - siilteil tlillj vvlll holil a lest circle TIIPFI ! i > evening , past , present and future tnlil H M-iKi-IO" PROP WIIITNIY : ir YOU AP.I : IN NIID : of good ad\lcp learn nt once from tin worlu- lonowneil life reailer the way In which jon shoiilil tiavel , ivailx > our life fuun the umlle to the Rrave , Io\eis , hunbanils anil wl\es re- iinltetl. Spieil > in-uilage to the one of our choice Ixiht 01 stolen arllclPS recivf-roil , charms ami fill Kindt * of amulitn , Ihousan > l3 hive conxultcii ami Inarneil the liuth Unites. Mr. Call at 1122 Howaj-il Btteet , coiner IRth anil Howard Bticots , hours , 'J a in to 9 p m S-.M3M N1S" M \ss ui : : , itiTiis. r/i c. 11AT1IS. MASSAOi : LAP11A HLLIsON , CKiunHC bll ! 119 N ICth Ht , loom 12 T M-iiO 30 MRS. PR LIOii.icTi5io : M.vsb\ai : HATH pirlorn , restful and curative 417 S llln np- stnlis T-M > 2 31- MnDK-Arun HVTIIS siSULPIIPR Ms - Higc. Mine IlrlKsun , from ParU 107 N 12th st T SS7-N . ' ! MVPAjTlsMrni. 1315 DOl'cTLAS MVs.7K \ Hoam baths T-.MC11-N2' piit.'io\ V1AV1 POR PIP.IUM : TROPIIII3S 341 S IlPi : bldB , plijolilnn. cciifcultatlrn or he.ilth lioo'i tiee P-519 _ &IASSAOI : MMI : POST , 3U'4 ' s ism U-510 cpuii ) , NO DITINTION PROM no pjln , we refer to hnnilieilH of ciff cured , plk' cured b > a thiKl' ' pilnli s treatment Call in write The jmplro Rupture Cuio anil Medical Innituto , successnra tn The O D Miller Co. , 'M-i , N \ Llto lllilg , Omaha. U Sit _ ri76TTins"cLiANiD i'nissni > "AND m- : palred. ( H > or nUht , dress mlt toi hr | , Pantoilum N 13. cor Hill mid Puiiuni Tel UC3. U MM7 _ iTiTTolm OWN nnissMAKiR7 : "iNviwrf B.IIP the Joy Tallui Kjntein * c iool of ilr * 8 rutllnK , " " ' > complete bklrt n > rieni , hrlni ; jour drececu and maUe w illo learning 413 Karbach block Patterns free 'lliuredajs AKCIIIX vvuntej U-46.1 Oi _ " " WANTIII ) , Till : ADDRUSS OP MR.s" , 11DV. n Ann i II Hov.man. Mrs T C iffie Mrs N , l'i Muli ih > Mjrj Murph } an 1 Nellie Kpel'man ' on bu liii'fs c'f Interest to each of themY L .Selb > , 331 Iluaril of Trile t'-6r. MOMTO i.oNUI : \i , HSTITU. MONIY TO I/AN AT LOW RATIS ui O P DavU , Co , 1505 PariKini St \V-Ui I/3AN & TIll'ST CO , Hiilck m-ney nl low rules for choice faun lands In Iowa , northein Missouri , t'uslrni Nebi.mka MONHY TO IXJAN HHMIH , PAXTON o'K W-546 1/ANH ON iMPROV13D & UNIMPROVlfo CITY ( ironerty W I'arnam fcmllh * . Co. UN Panim MONI3V TO U1AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. llrennan , 1/ove Co , l'.iuun lilk W-545 CI PKR R13NT MOimJAOKH POII SAM : . PROP . erty of non-rtsldcnn curevl for by W 11 MolkU , First Nuticnal Dank Ulds . Omaha SIO.M3V TO I.O.\NRI3Ati KS \TI3. . ( Continued ) MON'iV : TO LOAN ON IMPROVni ) OMAHA prop rty Puncy & Tlionw . 7 l t N l. Hc bldK \ \ B SIX PKH CP.NT CITY AND PAHM Onrvln llrm . 1611 Pnrnnni St W S41 MONKVTO u7AN ON IMPHOVKD CITY pr.prrl > . S P IIMtnirk & Co SI I J * iJin HlK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIMWANDt'P P D WnVD.VJ Aj'OT'ni.A/ . MOM3Y TO I.O\N CII VTTUIA. M"ONIY TO I/\N ON rcnviTriiK PIANOS , homes , wiKfnni Pic , nl low it rat"i In city. no removal of BOO.IS. stridU cnnildentlal > otl can pay the loiin off al an > time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTOUli : I'AN.'OA. . 30i. o. ICth S. . X S5" " ) llt'.SI.NKSS OIIA > CI3S. TO GI3T 1N"CII OUT OP HttSlNKS1' OO TO J J Olbson 514 Plrst Nal'l Hank -M.651 POR SALK. RESTAURANT. Kit N STRUCT Soulh Omaha , dolnif a Rood builncss. Y M60S 27 * A NICE LITTLi : CASH nt'.SIN'P.SS IN OHO- cerle , well located , l.0i to 1,100 dollar" . Mr- Kaln ; n Rood chance for oho or two yount ; men. Apply Y W. lice Y-M630 30- L\DY WANTS PARTNUR. RP.STAt'RANT buiitni' i , new Idea , JIM recjulrpd Addrets Y 30. llee. Y-M61S K * I'OR I3XC1IJI3. . I3.\CiiLiNT : 101-ACRK PARM NP.AR OMAHA clly limits no tncmnbranco. to evcli.iiiRc for two ICO-iurp farms niljolnlng or near OIIP an other within ICO miles of Onnln llemli Pix- ton lilk _ _ _ ± 1. _ TO TII.VP13. 0001) SA1XON AND SOMU Omaha propcrt > for clear Improved nnil Ail- du s Y 21 llee X-C07-N1 * " CI10ICI3 PARM Ni\R HLMIl , V ASI1INO- ton Co , Neb , to trade for llverv und feed barn , or cattle and hoiscs. lletnls , Paxton blk / MC1G KOU SVInlti\li UhTATH. KOIJNTS5K PLACi : IlAUaAtN9. f : COO .7W TO 1C 500 J. J Olbson , 511 Plist Nat Hank llldn. HL ' - HOrsCS , IJOTS , PAHMS. I\N'IS , LOANS Oco P llemlit Heal islnlo Co , Paxlon lllock 1115 5r > 3 IIAVH SOMI : IIAHOAIN MYSII.P : , CITY AND farm Call for particular W'ni'on. Mil "ee niilK lli-9 ° , S POIl SAI.I3. ON I > ONO TIMi : . AT C PIMl C13NT Interest .two InipiovtM farmi aillolnlns City of Mlswnil Valley , la One of 1C ) acres , nn- ollicr of 24) ncrea. all In ciiltlvittlonV11I ha solil on in jeirs' time. Adiliem. l.iKk Diawor "C , " ShPllallilonh , In. nn MT83-N3 PAIIM \NI.S C. P HARRISON 112 N. Y IIAItnAINS HOl'Si:1 ? . 1XDTS A\'n PARM1 * . . tiilc or trade P. 1C. Daillng , Uaikci 11IK lli-V177fi IX HODM llOPSn AND I/T MIAJIA T. on monthh paynn-nts , will take vnrmt lot on first pa > mcnt. Si > lb > , Hoard Trade Itn 1 < 0 pan SAM : AN ORIGINAL sn vin ; op : ' . loin In IlillcMin title peifict llnquhe of W T Ilrnndon , 11CO Oeo Ave , Omaha HP US Nl VNTli > OMAHA SAVINGS 11 VNIv CPll- tltlcates foi HO acres first clnsi land foi farni- InK or grazing piupohe'i , also for sale , corner lot , vxlth I\MI four-room houses In llist-eljss condition ; city watei , rents for { 10 00 | nr month , pi Ire } COO 00 J. A. l vcisrin , 012 N Y l.lfu lliillrflni ; RU 51t 30 CIT : A 7 loom moili'in cottage , nice lilch Inentlon Will be completed Dec Isl Small eauli paj iiie-nt down , bil.ince monthl } . A M Cowle 211 S ISlh HH-SI. ) 27 LOST. I.O'.r. PART OP C.HNTh WATCH CHARM , with " .Mabel to Louis II ly 13 I'M ' ' cimrnvcil on one pie | | 1 inili i pleise return to A Manilclheru ami jret reward Ixist Mjti 57 OST , IIP.U AND WHITi : S-PIUNanil C'OW , Kovernment tnyr In ear , toward foi letmn to 1 Davis , 37th anil Clolii streets streetsList List S1B9S 2S $10 IIIVVARD pen TIIH iinrruv OP MY ilos : larse St lieiminl. llRht vcllow c iloi Kmall sere on rlRht fore le Ileslili nee 171. > I'IIFS Phone 1V > 8 Lost CIO 31" SIIOH'I'II VMM ) Tt l A C VAN RANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N Y. LIPII 534 AT OMAHA P.US tOLUOI3 1CTII .V DOOOLAS. 's ACVDIMY , ITIII .t nocot.xs OSI-NO I3 > lM33HStND ! \IITIsTS1 Sl'PPLir.S. NOTH LIST OP noonq PA or ; s nnn OPT lltli. the prhes I cannnt duplli iti eitiliuue free Alv.i J Grower. 318 South nth St Omn'n ' M127-N11 111 SIC , MIT AM ) l.\N < : r\fl3S. PHOP CHAS pnrniisoN INSTHPCTION IN punol"lln KiiH u muni Hn < zlilmr % ii | < 20 jeais c\prrle > i"e Trnis rpT'on ililc Stmllo .113 Shetls I'lock 7S3 N4 * 'i'MI.OK 'iimiMiNs. \\ANTPD TVIIOltS TO ItPY T Hi : III WOOL- i n * an I trimmings from the Pt.iim \\onlen anil Tilmmlni ; Co , 1511 lou"las ht - MiBfl N2I , \Trritiss in ovi'mnOKKS TTRn'Ssns COPCIIIN PMll.OIt Fl IINN turu inoriln , ropnitil ItilJ 1 t ivt-nvv I ) , tel Ifir , r,5 I'l IIMTI HI : P\CKII : ) . M S AVALKIN' . 2111 CPMINQ 'jni7 PI\VHITIHS. . TYPIIWHITI ns HINIID , MOO i-iu MONTH 1H2 P.irmim ht 5-s PIN \ > ci i LIPI : INS POLICIES HOT. i' HOLDIN CD VI , . in ULINOTON NPT nisTcnnvpi ; > r piuci : $ J7Jpirtun 'Plioiu 648 Iliiiiimii A. wepth ( o S23-N9 PiTIII3lt ltI3M > V\TOII WORKS. pi\Tinns : noraiiT AND TOLij MA < r- nc scs lenwntdl titnl nmli > to uidii. While Swan 1701 N 24th 'Phone 1013 MSI8 rvitus iu\ ' ; PlIT.v IOWA PAHMH POII SALP. AND 1I\ c iin.ii > alHo nn n humlUo jn I UIJJD Ili-t of elj | inupirl ) Johnston . > Kur , Council lllulfa P\WMIUOKtHS. ii \iiowi ra LOANS MONIY 4is N UST. PATENTS . .um Kt ' o . Atlonieja- nt Lavnnrt Patent 1J\ PPI In liif llulldlni ; Oinnlm N'b ( Irani h nfnce at Wath'nitton. O c Send for free AUtcp and Piitcnt Iluol * See siindny II. c f r our Mai hill Movement- , LopsilBhieif Hj Teleiihime K.2J SHIP HuuHcholdt'Oods to oil points in mixed car Ion .it cut ritua ii',1 ! ; V" " ' ' "ovlu" n"U ? plcpliona 1550 Omaha Van Et Sor@go ? t-eeonil Iliuiil Hafes-S ifo . l , ok Itopulr ' " 3. J. DERIGHT & CO. , Successors lu A L , Doaua & Co , Western Agents Tel. 353. 111(5 ( Fnrnnm , Otimli \oru r. 'to < J NOTUMl PU C'ONTIlArTOUS Sc-nltMl bid * w il InruTlMil for fiirnlili- UIK nnil drixltiK uo pninc HOICR.MUJ for foundntlon under UIP Pine Arli ItullulnR on J.MH ) Itlon Krdtiml i until ! i o'olocK | i > n , \ \ cilnc-'lny , ( ) ( t ith ; j'l.un and f > i > ci'lll i- lions on Illc ' 11 tl . tnippilntcnucnfM olll P , No. 031 I'nMnn Hlock r P KIUKKN'OAI , ! , . M'Rr nr'-lt mill HI U a Deiit > orici : . ( Shoulil bo read DAILY by nil ni I'hnngri tmv orour .it nn > time ) main for HIP wc k cndlni ? f- tob r Will 1SKJ ! will . lo e ( IMiOMt'TLY I'l n 1 CUSPS ) nt the Rcnc-ra : 1'o lollU'p HI follows : PAnCCLS PnST' MAILS CLOSIJ ONM2 HOUIl ISARLIKH than closing time shown below. .Alnll . - At 7 n.'m ( siipttletnontnry . m. ) for rruot'K. IIPP j > . . si. I'nul * . vln Southampton ( Icttcrn for Irclnnil must lo illrerteil "per St Paul" ) ; nt 0 n tn ( "iijiplpnieiilan 1030 n. in ) for KUUOIMI per i s Mnlfitipin QueciiMtown ; nt 1 n. m. for HHI.uil'M ( HrPot , per 11 s. Wcit- crnlniul vln Antwerp ( U-ttcts musl bp ill- lecli'il "perVoHtcrnlantl" ) THt'llSOAY-At In in for IJt'UOt'K. per s s Columbia * . \la PUinoutli , Clifi- uourR nnil llnmburcnt s n. in. fet NiTHiiUANIS dlttct , per . . B Werhrn- dnm , vln Aiiiiipnliuii ( lottett must be dl- rootoil "per Wi " ihonil.un" ) SATUIlllAY-\t . " 0 A in for IM'UOPU per a M Lnrnn'nln ' CJucen ilo\\n ( Int- tpr > for l'"rnni'i' Snltzeiluul. Italy , Spiln , 1'orttiBnl , TiukeKj , > pt and Hrltl'li India mu t ! > dlrcctid 'per Lucnnln" ) . at 7 n in. for rilANC'i : . SVVlT/.r.HLAN'n , ITALY. SPAIN' . POirri'OAL. TUUKKY. VK5YPT a-(1 ItltlTISH INDIA ppr s La Clmmp.iuni , % la Ha\re ( letlors I for other parts of iuioi > o must be ( llipploil "ppr LT rlmmpiKne ) , at * < a m for N-nTIUCIlLANliS ( llte.t , per w < * . Veen- rl.un'n llottPiilntn ( letters must be di rected "per Voemlnm" ) ; at S a in. for OHN'OA , per s. q. Kulda ( letterM niuat be cllterted "per ru.da" ) , at 11 a in. for NOUU'AV illroot. per s s Island ( lettera must be dlt pied "per I lnnd" ) . PIIINTED MAT ! Ell. ETC.-Oerman steamora 5illliiK on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , cti , fo : vl rn" " ' > and Specially Addressed Printed Matter ele. . for oth ( . " palls of Europe Ameil- enii and U hltc Star stenmers on Wedncsdajs , clermnn ptcimcra on llnnndn ) * and Punird , Prduh nn I (1 ( rman srt'ameis on Siituiila s take Printed Matter etc. for nil countiles for which the > nrc adxerllsed to carry imll After the clo'lnc of the Supplomentaiy Trans- Allnntlc MnlH named above additional nipple inentnri malN me npetud on tni plcr of the Amerlnn EnRlb-h Prench and Oenmn Eleain- rri and rimnln open until within Ten Min utes of the hour of pa ling of sUnnior. Miilln for South nnil Coiiirnl Vincrlcn , \Vcnl liullcN , iio. WEDNHSDAY At 2 30 .1. m. for POUT AN I ON'IO , per steainei frcm Plillinltlphlj. at II a. in lor 11HA/.1L , pel s s O.dei ariln , \l.i pprnnmbiieo and Vlotoila ( Utti'is foi Xoit.i Hia/,11 miLst be ilirfi U'd "per D.ilo- oatlKi" ) , at 12 in for OUHN VIJA 1UIN1- DAD and TOHAOO. pet s. s lii.u\add > ; at 1 p in foi Ct'HA , pel s s Cltof WashliiKli'n Himm at > p m foi POUT AN'ION'IO , pnr fluamer fiom 11 is- lon TlirilSnAY At 1 D m fni 1NAOVA nnd HAITI , pet s N'a\.ihoe FIUDAY-Al J n in for NK\VI'nrN'n- LVN'IJ , pet s. . . ! foicau , fi < nn PhMuilel- plila. SATI'IllIYAt n 10 a in ( supnlpnipiit.irv 10 a in ) fni HT THOMAS ST CHOIX LlinU'AIlP \VI.VDWAHI ) ISLANDS PIT s 9 Cnilbbec. nt 10 a in ( Mippli - nuntarv 1030 a m ) foi TOllTl NK ISLAN'D. JAMAICA. SAVANMLLA nnd CAUTIIAGHN'A. pn s a AlUslians ( Kt- tfrs foi OoJta Hlca must he dln'Pted "ppi AlleKlmnat ) 10 a in ( Mipplenipnt.iit to 30 a in ) foi HAITI , per " . s Andes , at 10 a m. ( MiDidemPiitau 11 a in ) tor CBN'IHAL AMHIllOA ( PNC pt Cistn U ca ) and SOl'TII PACIPIP POKTP. per a s rinancetrti Colon ( letters fill nuitemnl i must be directed "pei riniitue" ) . at 1'-i ) ) a m roi cAMi'inn : CHIAPAS , TA- 15ASCO and Yl'rATAN. p ° r s s Yumuri ( Iftterfoi other pa its. of Mesho and for < 'ul > a must be direr PI ! "per Yumiiil" ) , at 11 n. in far SANTIAGO DH Ct'liA , ] ) ir K s JIcs'co ( letters foi Ve'iiyueln and Colombia must b clntrl.d . "pel " \Ie\po' | ) , ats.iOp nu for ST PII2II1U3-MHJ1JEI/JN' , pet btu.une lio.ni N'oiih Sydniy. M.ills for Newfoundland bj nil to Halifax and thence b > stenmer clo e nt this olllee dills at S " 0 p m SlalN for Mlquclon brail to ! ( < > ' < - ton and thcnco by uttimei , clo'-u at this olllee dally at S 30 p m. Malls lor Cubi i lube at thli olllee dilt > at 7 00 a in for ion. at Mini ; b > steamers Fallln ? ( Mondij- ? and Thiiis.'ay1from ) Port ftinpi , I H teller mall" for Mexico City , overlain ! unless pp ( lallj ail ir. ieii for ills patch bj steinicr. clo".e. st this oillie dally at 12 m ; piper malls nt li a in Iteuls.ttieJ mall closes at C CO p m. prelous day " rniis-Pnclllc 1Iili. ! Malls foi China. Japan anil Ilitvvail , per . s HelRlc ( fiom San Pinnelsco ) , clo-o hern dnllv up to Oelobei Jlth nt G ,0 n m M. ! ! ; f t'-e Soeli-tv Islands , poi -hip tMj of Paneltl { fiom Sin ri.mcl co ) . c li -c lieic ilallj up to 11 tubrr J.tl. a- i , i ) p m Mails foi II ivvall , pei s n Austi.illn ( fiom San rnnelsio ) . close note d ilh lit ) to October JTth nt fi CO p m Mulls foi Clilnn mill .Japan | n i b Ol > inplii ( fiom Taconin ) , close here rtnllv nil to Oetobei 31 = t at ( , ' 0 ii in Malls for China ami .lap in ( specially .iddre i d onlv ) , pel s s Kmnie-q of Jap in ( ftoin Vancouver ) , close heio ilnllv up to N'ovinbpi ! ( at d ' ! ) | ) in Malls foi Australia ( f\cppt th S' foi U'est Austriila ) , vvlileh arc forwarded via Europe , NewCp.iland , H.uv ill , I''iji and Sinioin Isl'indper s s Alnmeda ( from STII I'luncisr-o ) . close ) , fre dully up | o November 5th nt 7 10 a m 11 .1 m and d'M ] > m (01 nn .11 rival at New York of M H Campania with DiltHi malls for Australia ) Malli foi An tialla ( eicent AVtft Australia ) . New Xenland , Hawaii and rijl Islands , pei < ? s. Wurlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally Tfti'i No vember * * "itli and up to November ; ISth at 0 SO ji in. Trans-Paelflo nulls are forwarded to port of "alllnc dally anil me fchcdulc of closing IH airaiiRPd on the piesumptlcn of their unln- teiuipieil over'nnd tr.ui'-lt IlCBlsloed mall < I -i s at C 00 p m prei lous d i > i'ostolllco. New York. N Y , Oetobei L 2 , COUNUIJT'S A'ANPOTT I'o tnnstor UAIMIOAI ) * ) . Arrive am TANSvS CITY BT JOMIPII r'oimrll muffs Hallioail - "llie nurllnglon Houte" Tliltel Olllep 1102 I'aimin Strict Teli phone 230 Depot Tenth and Mn on Htrietn. 'Iclo- p lone , 12S Leave Airlv * Kansas Cltj Dis i : . . . 0 03 am 5,11pm IC.nifUH cits Nlk'it ' ix. : . * 10 00 pm 60 : ! am OMAHA KANSVS CITY & DASTKUN HA1I. road Om ilia A. hi l oul llnllroad "The O K Houlu" Ticket Olllee. 1415 r.iliuun Strict lelepluine , 3.2 Depot. Tenth and MUBUII fctrceta. Telephone , U'S. Leave. Arrle Uulno Iyjc.il G 40 urn * .0:15 : pii ht Louis Neiv Limited 4.30 pm ' 11.30 nm Dillv MISOPI1 | PAC1P1C UAILHOAD -lietieral Olllcej and Tlclvel Of- lue .MenhanU Natlunul llnnh Hullillng IS.'I P.irnim f-tirot. . Plftecnth and W. bstci Ktrcitu lekphono. HOS Leave Arrive. 3C5 pm 1 ! 55 pm 9.SO pm C 00 am 4.3) j > m 9 , nm Uumla > . inc\oo Mii.WAi'KP.i : x. ST . . Paul HallwH ) Clt ) 'Jlckit In ' ,7T > f"'l ' . 1M I-'ainum htin-t. 'mlLWAUKEEl Tilephom284 Depol Tfnth - < ; . . / an I MOBOII ftrtels. Telephone , WAUL I its. Zl I-eave. Arrive Limltel U- 5 : i pm k 05 am ; " , ; ! : . IJ um ' : Mpn Dulll \ \ AHAsir'HAll.nOAn-TICKBT OPPlCi : HIS Parnain 8trt Telephone. JSJ. Dpput. Tenth and Mason btreeti Trlephon * ' , US , I jjve. Arrlu- . " Hall" St IrfuU "Cennon K > prp 4.50 P'n 11:50 urn Pally \lliHO VD.S. ( t I I pvcipiciut ovi : In ml Honte Orneml mF * N I K Coiner Ninth mil | ntnnm Streets City Tlckrt oni c 1W1 i ' I artmm Street TelfpiMnc 31 < | Depot Tenth and MI , .II Mr > cis i 'VfSfc ' T lephone , Hi , Leave At rive. "The Overl inUnilted \ ' & : ! ) am I < pm Pnsl Mnll t ln for 1'i-miM Isll l.W1 , I'm me oont and all wtMetn points . . - . ' 3 : * > pm MO M , un I.lmi'ln llenttl'-e ' and Strim btUB P.xire . . "asovm 1 M pm tr ! nd Islnnd Kxpres . 5 : pm 3 w pm , Dally "Datl > ex ept Siuidiy. I Council ninffn Uiril-l iiNe * . 5:10 n m : C So n II m , * 10 n tn , v : . , n m 10 I ! a ri ,2:1S p tit ; I 4 30 p tn f , . ,5 p mrrlics. . ( ! M n. m , 7 W n in S i m ! > 'S a m II 3 < ) n. In , , 3:10 p m , 5 40 p tn i 03 p m 10 4" , p n , CIIICAOO HOCIC I UVND & I'lflUe inllroad "Tho Oreal Hock IsHnd Honti.-Clty Ticket Olllee , 1321 Tallinn ! Ktiett IVIephone , 423 Depol Tetitn nnd Mason Streets Tclepliini' , IIS. l.eavo , Arilve Piuil . . 4:10 : pm lid pm Llnco'n 11 loindo . Pueblo Denver and w rut . . 1 : " . pm 4 ' 03 pm ClileiKr * lies Molne-t and Ilm k Minn ! . 7.00 pm S.I3 nm Allnnili 1 xpiw for Dcf M lines and en t"rii polnm 7:00 : am * " ' :35 : pm Lint * . In Palrhur unit ItelleMii , s-l'i pm "Id.10 nm Dnllj Dallj except Sunday. CIIIC'Mli nn Hallwciv CIl > 'iKkct Oillie 1101 Pat mm Stnei Telnphiuie , rrl , D.'tnt , li-ntli and Mason Slrcels Iclcplumo 128 Leave. Arrive Missouri Vallcv Sioux Cllj. 81 Paul and Minneapolis . . * < : IO nm 10:43 : pm Mlssoiill Vallev , Muiix City * 7:00 O'Oj : nm pm Dennlson , Carroll Wall Kike . 7:30 am 0:0) : pm in * > tein Pxpn ss , Des Molncd , MnrKhalltonn , Cedar Haphls , Chleimo " 10:15 : am 4:10 pm Atlantic Pl } r , CnkiiBO and Casl 4:13 : pm 4 10 pm ra .t Mall , ChluiKo to Oinalii . . . 3:10 : pm Ml iourl Valle > , HI nix Cltv , Si Paul. Minn. npolls Limited " ! : " > pm 1:3 nm Oniaha-ChUniro ( terlal B 30 pm S.li ) um Dills "Iill > exiept Sunday Illl Ai'.O ST PAPL apollH K. Omaha Kallwn > ( leneinl ollhes , NebiiitU < i Di vision , Plflcenth nnd Wcbplei Stioi-ts Cltv Tlclccl Oillie , Hill Parnain Mice ! Tilephonc Mfleenlh und Webster bit eels PlllIMONT. KLKHOIIN K. MI--SUUI ! Vallej Hnllvvnv Cm- nil Olllics , United Slates NH- tlimal n ml ; nuiming , sontii- nnni Stieels TliUet Olllee. , wist Col nei Iwclflh und P.ir- 1101 rmiiain Stint ' 11 lephone 5U ( Depot Phi enth anilcb't.r htieel" . 'leieplione. 143S Leave Arrive IllaiK Hilts Dcndwood and lint SprhiK" * 3.00 pm 0.00 pm W > 'nnlm , Carpel and ) pmS " C 00 pin HaFtliiK"iirk Dm Id Cits , bupc Iir Oinova , l.xiti r und sew nn. S 0. ) pm 5 00 pm rfo k , Wc't Po nl and 7 50 am " 10 2. a.n Pieinimt .SIOI K CITY . PAC1P1C RAIL n ad C5cnci.il OIIice , United stiles Natlonil Rink llulld- IIIK , R W. Coiner Twelfth and Parnim Stieets Tli ket oilUe 1401 Parnnin btieel T' lephiuie Zfl Ieiot | 1 iricentli and Webster Sti't ftli phone , 1138 Le iv e. Arrive SonCitv | , M inkato St Paul Mlnmupoiu. . . . c.13 pin 0 10 am U illy TIII : ( . .RIri3sT iiiiin\ i : . II IN n CIM < In ii ( nlllornlii ( III1 , vvllli Ton * of Hoiii > > . Did jou ever see a bee life with a swarm of heca around It' Well , magnify that about 10,000 times and you will have a slight idea of a natural beehive in Mendoeino count } , not far fiom _ lJKiah , i elates the San 1-ran- cL-iio Call Rut this one Is not in a tree It Is in a lift in the face ot a cliff , and tra dition Ins it that there IM a laigc cive o'l the insldu wheie the myilads of lj\is \ > In sects make their home This Krcat natuial turloslt > Is known to leildents of the adjacent country as "lice RocK" and they have Krown to look upon It as commonplace , when In icallty it is the onlj 'beehive ' of the kind in existence ; at least , the prolubllltlcs are that It Is , for no refeienco to nitth < a fioak can be found in anj scientific 01 popular work on unto- inoloKV In fact , the bees live there con- Iraiv to all accep'eJ ' theoiiei In rcgaid to their habits Theie is no clamper of u person Ruttini ; vcr > near thfc > natuial beehive without It , for at all hours of the dav a of Injects hover about sevenl htiti- dii'tl feet in ll ilircttlons An Incessant , inaddcnlns ; bu/7 fills the air that cm be hrird an elKhth of a. mile and serves as a warning not to venture 100 near Rut men do ventuie near aftei having Hrjt put on a suit of vviie scieen around thcii hat brim tnd lighted a gM > l big torch These precau tion' ai " absolutely ncLo.ssaij H takes nerve to approach close to the opening in the ro"k and the e\poilencc is i never ito-bo-forgotten one Hoes to the numliei of mllllrns and million' ! will light on the Intiudcr , humming fiendishly , and cn- dcivoilng to sting him tJ death. They foi m a pel feet cloud , and the air U tilled with a fetid smell and a line ilusl tint gcU < thiough the wire bPreen and causes an liilutlon of the e > es TJie tiny Insects really thow- sign of viciousne s , and Ily Into the llaiiic of the torch in countless iiumbei s as though they Intended to extinguish It Round and louml they il > with a deafen ing 'bit// ' , and .strong indeed Is the man who can stand the onslaught of the tiny fou for more than a few mlniiles. H is almost Impossible to unl.r out just whore the entrance to this natuial beehive is There is a fort of cavern in the cliff that neems to have a crack through the Inner walls fro.n top to bottom , but most of tlio bees hover aiound a hole about eighteen Inches wide und appeal to mike that the point of Ingress und egress Many daH It Ih iinpotnlblo to even see the cliff , HO tlilr-lcv covered Is It with Insects and Ihej roll In and out of llie opening like a stream of molasses , lighting , stinging , liu/ylng with madness. During the summer dead blrils can always be SITU on the ground around the mouth of the hlvo rhoj have been strung lo death whllo attempting to tl > through thu swann of Insects l'i ur-fooled creature's novel vcnUire within half a mile of the hire reemlng to Know that death links there. In f i out of the mouth nf the hlvo Ihcro Is a pile or dried honej Ilm has flowed from the Interior H looks like a heap of molten lava that lian heen hardened after bollig ili-'chargod from a volcano A partj of men living In tlio vicinity cl'lm to have entered thin natural beehive several } Mlb ugo They selected a cold day In win ter , when the bees HOIO lulf dormant , ami ponied coal oil and betulno around and into the opening Then they made u big lira of wood so that the whole cavern was tilled with flames Then the } poked the rcdhot umbers down Into the opning and no killed uvety hen in II Hut theio wus not much to BCO after thu men got Inside Onl > a largo tavo with the wall covered with gum and dried honey and enough of the sweetneia In pools In the . bottom to last a big city for sin oral ) wrs j Of course , the honey was unfit for u o on iicc unt of being full of dead bees and iahi'8 fiom tl'o llri The men however , did not linger in the cave any great length of time , as It v.a foiil-smclling und ftltllng Although countless millions of bees must huvu been ilcitrojed on this occasion , the HP\t Bummer the ) wore as numerous as ever and Just OB vicious Indians of the nelghburhpo'l ' say that In "tho gosd old da-,8" the bad men of their I tribe wcio bound fund anJ foot and tarriml to within a short dlstdnto of the bt'ehlvo by men wiappcd In blankets. There the help less creatures were left to BUff r the awful agony of being stung to death , \ H CURRENT LITERATURE , f l Nncinlicr The Vtlnntlc Mnnlhl > for November begins the fort > -tli > t > enr of th.it ndnilrnblo mafio- 7lne , thu hlRh standard of which bids fair to be fully malntalnej. Ir John Kluke's paper , entitled "Korty Years of the Uacon- Shakrapenro Poll } . " will bo read with un usual Interest by all Ur Pluke brlnps the resolitcrs of his wide BcholnrMilp nnd his charmltu ; lllcrnrj st > le to hear upon this ex traordinary delusion , "tells what causes brotiKht It about , upon what it has fed , and what U may lead to with InlcrcHllnR literary nnd historical parallels. " J. S. Tunison'a artlile on "The Coming Literary ItcUval" makes an encour.iRlnR forecast of the future , bawl upon abundant data from the past Timely nrtlclrs which appear In this num ber nrc ft reUew by Hamilton W. Mable of the forthcoming "Llfo of Tennjson " beliiR Iho lirst extended rot lew of this notable book ; and the story of "The Frigate Consti tution , " by Ira N' llollla , appropi lately pub llahuJ on the lenteunlal annlvcrenrj of "Old Ironsides' " InunchliiR. Another of K L Goilkln's political papers , 'Tho Peculiarities of American Municipal Government , " nml n discussion by P J Sllmson of "Demociacy nnd the Laboring Man" are Important features of this IASUC , which also contains chapters of P llopkliiBon Smith's serial , "Caleb West , " further Installments of Dean Swift's letters , edited by George lllrkbeck Hill , and of "Pcticlopo's Pt ogress. " b > Kato UoiiRlns WlRRln , an excellent slioii story. "A Game of Solitaire , " b > Madeleno Yale Wjnno , and poems by Helen Oia > Cone and William A. Dtuiii. That blight department of the Atlantic , the "Contributors Club , " ap pears once more and will bo continued at Intervals hereafter. RIclnrd Harding Dnls' article. "With the Greek Soldiers , " opens a paitlenlorl > at- tracthe number of ll.uper's Monthl } . Mr. IMvls is In his element In describing the KtlrrliiK scenes of war , and this paper Is In iiulto his best vein James Darncs dc- scilbcs "The City lo the N'crth of Town , " In a manner which will enlighten tho-v who be- lime N'ew York proper to be contained be tween the Halterj and High Ilrldse Two eminent artists appear also ns mithors In this number George Wharton IMwtnds con trlbutliig an Interesting panel on "Tho Pur- don of Salnte-Aime IVAnri ) In Hrlllnnj , " and Kiederlc Roinlngton a stoiy entitled ' Joshua ( ioidenoimh'it Old I.ettet " "The Centuij s Progress In Illcilog } ' is dlscus'oil by Henri Smith Williams , M I ) , and Tom Hoshl , the Japanese minister to the I'nlted Stales tells of "The Now Japan " W. 1) Howplls has a complete ston , etiled "A Pair of Patient Lovers , ' theteililby McLcni.un Is continued , that by Stockton Is brought tea a close , and there Is short fiction b\ Ruth L'nilerhill and Willis llovd Allen Call Selling has n paper on Daniel Webster. In the editor's study Mr Wai nor chats of some Important new novels. With the November number of the Cosmopolitan that magazine cntois upon Its twentfomth volume The Html chapter of lullan Haw thoi ne's repoi t on the Indian famine is less gruesome than sonif of HH predecessors , being entitled "Heauty and Charm in India " A suggestive article Is "A lltlef History of Om Late \Var With Spain , " which for obvious reasons , appeals anonv- mously Oother serious papers ale , "Tho Castle of the Thane of Caw dor. " bv Kllen Painter Cunningham ; "Some Curiosities cf Palming , " bj John Langdon Ileatou , and "A Glance at the Daik Arts , " bj P Wlt \ \ - patilck Mr Wells' seiial.'The War of the Wet Ids. " Is continued with such an access of liiterect that one grudges the Interval be tween Installments There aie rhaptois of Julicn Gordons .storj , "Mrs Cl > de , " ami a gicat iiumbei of uttractlvo photogiaphlc ro- piociuctloiif besides thu usual and ahvajs fruitful departments. Two features of great and special value distltiRtilsh 'he N'ovember number of Me Cluics , which stalls tint popular imgn/.lno. upon its tenth volume. The first Is the open ing chapter or Charles A. Dana's profound ! } interesting "Reminiscences of Men nnd Kvents of the Civil War , " the publication of which Is ? paiticulaily timely. In view nf Mr Dana's iceent death 'the other is the be ginning of Maik Twain's illaiy , in which are noted the dailv happening * ] to the humoiist during his trip nicund the world Theodore Wateis describes "I3illson's Revolution in Iron Mining" and the distinguished I'lench critic , Ferdinand Hrunetleic sets forth some of the "Impressions of America " gatheicii during his late visit to these sliores Steven- son'h "St Ives" is flnlsheil in serial form , and them aie short stories , by nila Higgln- sou , Robert Ilarr and Anna A Itogcis St Nicholas begins Its twenl-fifth volume with the N'ov ember Issue A new seiial by Prank U Stockton. "The nuccanects of Our Ccast , " and another , "With the lilack Prince. " by William 0 Stoddaiil , open auspiciously , nnd JJincs Whltcomb Riley , Ruth JIcHnury Stuart anil George Kcunan are found In the list of contrihutois , In Cnr-unl Llteratuio for N'ovember the elltorials lire forciftil anJ interesting and the selections , as usual , rojrespntatlio "f the month's host literal v oufmt Speciil leidiiiRs aio give'i from Mosca Cilt T.ilor's "Literary History of the American Revolu tion. " Mrs Ilurton Har'lson's new novel. "A Son of the Old Dominion , " the nn Mnnious House of Dreams " and 13 Hough's inter- estlni1 ; "Storv of the Cnwhi } . " ati'l fiom Madeleine Lncetle Rv ley's successful new play , "The M > sterloiiB Mr Ilngle " A spe- i lal fentmc is a page yf hitheito nniinbllBhed poetry by Tennyson , from Ilallam Tcnnson's new biography of his father Other writers ( liiolel are Austin Dobson , Thomas Halley Mdrlch , Joaqiiln Miller. Hliss Carman , John II Tabb , IMIth M Thomas , Clinton Scollurd , \mlrev , I/ing Giant Allen , Ilamlln Garland Ljmin Abbott , Ljfcadlo Ilearn and Pltz- John Porter. A notable number of Scribner's Monthly la that bearing the November date Coa- IInning the "Conduct of Great llnslnesE" scrips William Allen White grooli'cilly ' < lo- scrlbe-j "The Duslness of nhr.it FJIIII" Walter A Wckoff contrlhntes the foiiit ! ) chEotcr of lil bcrlal , "The Workers , " setting fortli his \iersnml experiences as " \ Kami Hand. " A Bet of beautiful pi tures b } A. II Prost shows various hunting scene. ' ! George McLean Harper Ins a critical appreciation of SalntoIlrcuvpVllli.ini II niKolow's article on "The Count y Church in America" Is pi'jfiiRely llliiHtrntcd with many pleliireH of uiral plan" ) o ? unrshlp Two piper * of M > PP al inteicsl to ( iholographprs are "Awlal PhotogTBohy. " bv Gilbert Totten Wo'jlom and "N'ight Pliotogruphv. " by Jnnies 11 Uar- ilnglon 'Iho conuluding claiJters of Mls Ulllott's hcilal , "Tho Dm li i'L Piierret , " ap pears In this number which oln > contains a brilliant shoit stoiy , "N'o Continuing City , " by Dlancho Willis Howard. The first of a scilcs of papers on the life times and ' ompattinu of Andrew latkson appiMrs In the .Vnvemhemiinlier oT Krank I.mile's Ponnlat Monthly It IH frim tho' I ocn of A Oakoy Hall and treats of the general - { i ' oral In private life The rollcso artldu this month , the twc'lfth In the Borles dcBcrlbus' | ' Columbia university nnd Is by J KroIcrlr Tli d i D f OlliL'i intervstlng things In this number are an artlclo on "Tho Mu'iui Indian Sni'Uo Dance , " by Lloutonant 13 II Plum- mo' , 3. ixippr on "Tho Pislieifolk of Sec > - - 'and " by M 13 L"lccslor Addis ; "Amidst lh Sliades of Umbrlan I'alnters " 1)y 13 C Van Slttart : "Mexlc-an Customs , " by Annetta llalllrfay Antona : "Tho Itlver I3ilcn , " by ! i Rlmlult niudln : "Some Curious Duels. " by1 I Cuthbert Had len , anil a payer on "Lord Mivor's DJ > . " describing the tpreinnnlea at- lending the Installation of linden's chief traglEtrate. Hivard Grieg , the famouci Scandinavian composer , has written a Btudy Of Mozart , which will appeaIn the November Century , In the series of aiticleH on music by the leading muslclaim of the day Itosilt ! 8omoocceecllngly exciting fiction , In cluding chapters of the nihilist story , "Ily n Hair's Ilreadth , " tbo November number of Cansell's contains a number of morn eerloua artlcliM , among which are "Women as Ani mal Palntera. " descrlptlvo of the work of Rosa Ilonhi'iir , Mine lion tier and others only ICEU famous ; "Their Hravesl Deodb. " being liipldetils in the riropr of four lltlns K mh Keneinls ninl "AH About C'liumpnKtip ihit spnrklliiK subject bclliR ireited from n r w inerelnl nml merhanlcil , rnther than n thlrH' . allajltiK , Blaiulvolnt. Tlu second liislnltiiii > nt of Ainolii-KpsliT'n pnpeis on "Cos unip anil Chnrnctrr" Is iiullo as curious nnd < nt i itn- IIIR ns ( he first. The Strand for Novombcr oontnlns inn b. nttrnctlxe in.ittor of the. llRlitcr sort iir ( Seorgo LlmlMy Johiiiion shows "Some r irl oua Optlrnl Illu'loim. " Oliver Theme llh i trates the art of "Cm pet llpdln | ' mil Prainloy SUelcroft tells of the si enn \t a Il.i' ) > Show " Tlip Klondike icclon n desi rllieil bj Hiiru iloVliull , under ( he tie of "The New niilormlo , " I. S Lewis ] i cusses "Some Peculiar Wills , " nnil the nuth.'r of "Queer Con\i > > nncoa" ihMcilbes tlipehl - elr of nil countries. Tlicro la llie tmnul ibiiiul.ince of fiction. The NoNPtnher Cenltiry will contain nn aitlc'e on "The drouth of Orent CIP | piepared by Roger S. Tracy M n This I be accompanied by nn Inserted colored n ip of Greater N'ew York , speelnlb piepirnd r i the renders of the inaRazlne , nnd KiMiia no published slntlstlcs. The Pall Mall MiRn lne for N'nun ' ei , . tains nn InstniclUo piper on ' The 11 n > ' the PenMilns of the World , " h\ \ \ U li li erton , setting forth the customs uf t'l. n stratifio birds In their haunts In die \H ( Itinrle ln'aml In the South Puille 11 r Hai one's Mncilrnild of Karns.d IT' lon'iib i e nn appreciative paper on Sir John Ma l < n i i who Is denominated "A Htilliler of the I u plre. " William O'Connor Morrl Imp a thoiiRlilfnl paper on "The CanipnlBi ) of S Vincent " anil LniiRle.it , tlie seal nf tlu tn r nllU of 11. 1 111 13 ilpMf ) Ibnil .il I , 1,1 tli It V II Mnlan Sle\enson's "St he ' IOIIUH lo < Qulller Couch conclusion , and theie ni l stories bMori It PilceVlllliuu Pl\ < ' \V. JennliiRs. Motley Itoberts J it II i ' non , Maud Dlxcr and T. Preston It it , IH'\ Tlio N'ew initiated MiRt/lin 1 < kl IP N'oxeinher nuinher with a paper on Tv" Ore.it Adventuiei. " who Is none o' ' i tlui the tlist Napoleon Julius .M Pilic I > . i A Visit to Sine SltiR Pi Nnn" Hidu' Ileoil Ropes tells of "The Crisis m Ci' n i History. " the peiloil of Wolfe s HIPMII t Quebec "Jce Ml'lnr ' the Je Iir v sa\liiK otlRlml nnd borrowed tu < > still i r lent In vat Ions dlbRUlfica , Is the suhli'i * if an article bv Roheit Hell The t mid ref of the miRa/lne Is cluelb Rhin HMI t > ti lion , of moie or less permanent uihit Heslilcs Iho usual coplou displav of tt.ilta nnd the monthly review or tji , prniiiRs which BVP ! the Mctrnpollt in - chmm In mniy eyes there .IT i < othorn IntcrestltiK and v\ol' ' i IN cuticles on "The Now York Ni\\ i by John C. Ornfl ; "Mew Yoiks lii i , Hois " 1)5 A II Palno ; "Hi i in K nicnkds" bv V l.i Plnrh n I York's Art Cnlonv , . " bv Iheodnu DI "The Cidllv , " by 13 L VoviiUh LI , - < 1 o impression of i slorj with a i m > f which the puiposc is not nltoKi'l i i A > outh of poe'tie temperament ml , disposition Iras been brought up > n H ) > f that he Is an oiphan , bv a sum v I n pic'late , who N in realllj his fill. \ combination of ciicnuibtaiices ap ri i - tie Ind of the mnnnei of bib blith a d > u of llll.il affection there springs up in I. in un ImpKunble and devastating hutri ' r the man who has deceived him Hi ii t ship foi South America , where In- a fellow of wild beasts and jet in u n t i men , Is nintilitcd and disUguri I lit ii nil tortutes , and , after tliiitmi - i r tin us to Uurupo with a btutter i M 1 inlldelity , and a e.onstltutloti.il a\ < u law and older. There nro semi n the stoo most of whom arc c lo t > nobio dccHls am ! to vsrliiKiii } ; of tlmr ni sever over the Oailllj'tf haidncss of heait 1 Gadllj hiin.suir , In his fleice endeavMr to oveithiow the cmtlro o\lstliiK M I i mo of cieation becomi" , involve'd in tu i , de'slgns nKiinst the Hall in j'overmni ' 'I is vcij piopeily shot foi Ills pain- t tliittecii jeais lee late , one Is cins ' ' J think Publ hhecl b > llenr > Unit 'I .N'ew Yoik In "An Oppii-I3jcil Crusplracy Tt puh Irtieil uj the Ilaipoi'a , M i IIov.ol a ijuiet btimmt'r stoiy of moiliin Suit < pi lj the month nf his and the lead u old filcml , Ilasil Match The Mauhcs i\h c ' WedilliiB Journi'V ' octnrrcil ever so m u j > tars ago are growing toward inildli I fo , ami nro tno.p und niino intllncd ti di i\\ n their youns fi lends for the roiran i wli i their cldcilj souls htill ciavc Ivisil v\ho Is as ii responsible and liclplehi' in in enirr Ki.'iicy aw lie was in the davs of hi" \ i i ) extends sonio 00111100" to a family of Hi e middlu ( hiss AnierlL.uis In whom Mi I , \ ills ilullghta who say " \Vc.l good ( U1 and "I want > ou choultl , " and who have como to Saratoga in tlu > lotiPliliiK hf I f "I at u is hi ii u lUHiiiunnuiu rubun r , c usIT may readily be forcheen h > habitual icuJ s of Mr. Ilowells. There Is a glilvlih the family , possessed of .ispiritloi s and p m billtlps The reluctant Ilasil 1 roiiKiru i i to bi'l eve that the lesponslhllltv 01 t u older i IB of her life Is iant upon him i I Mrs March , as "lion-minded ' as PVPI al ternatcly u bralilt > him and conspires uh him In the old familiar way Hero is HIP end of the hook. The Ma liri , In their privacy , an- talking the nn'ler nvir "AfU'nvaril , vxhtn vvo Know the onlv i init that tlie affiir could have , hhe KJ d 1 lie iirl has a powerful will I wondii wlut ( no mothci wus 111(0' " 'Yts , I'vlilcntly she didn't Ret thai \ \ I ] from her fathei. 1 have Htlll a veiiMK luustlon from it In our o.vn COBO What do you think it portends for'.ioor KPII 1 Kb ' " 'Poor Ivemlrlclts'1 hho rnjoitel I luiiKlit- fullj. 'Yea , In that sense I ui'i < ii JDI mUlit call him poor. It Isn't an | tiil tbint ? as fai as pature , ns charactt'i , K"'S l i t isn't It aha > dreadful to sue tvo ppnplu who Imvo made up their minds to KPL mui- iled'1 " 'It's very common , ' I Hiiggistrd " 'That doesn't thango the fait or U < RPII the ilsk. She Is vo y ueaiit.rul md n v ho Is In luvo with her huiutli'ul iirlhj > 1 Hut ufter a whllo the girlhood will K' ' " 'And the elrl will remain , ' 1 riald ' Since Ilret liarto cxjiatilatpd hiinsiVf on I to pahs Ills diHInlnJIMTH an i , a ponplo wlilch , more than all otln H h i found pliuauro In hlR work , ne has not nu I lo HPIII ) out frnm his London sly . - n . , i ensign of wtories of California in tin ea v dujs. Sonic of thcso have IJPIII bin fi ,11 offortB to work the Koldnn vein win yicKh 1 ircasuro a HUOU of yuars ujjo O m * a * , i liavo availed to irnow the ihrill i ? > t t > y 'Iho J uilt of Hmiln ; ; Cain ) " m rii ft - iMKts of PokeKlil " 'I hero h.p.c b > n thlrty-lhiep of then > Htor en , or null i tn - ter JudKi'd hy the slan&jri ! of Mr lianci uirller Wfik 'lurhnos "Throu Par u.-ii , ' which orruplri the laiit position on l'n ' t until Itx amrthsar Khali replace It is i'n ' > i t tiling Mr IKuto IMS done ro.eatl ) it . 'not fairly he compared with HUSP i i 4 Ural storh-h l\r It la Iho , ) iiorfnnu uc , , t a leisurely an I nucrcsnfu | KIIIIN nan haa bocnmii haliltiiHtod to an a ID it P vastly dlffoiont fiom that whh li si.r.ii I him when ho put Htiongth ami vr | j n Ills dose liiunx | ! of thliiKH whlili In < lint It lu at leaHt an | ; ooil ran lm aw which ho las maintained nlnco tin lm talncd no moro than ten or 11 do/on n No now typeH are liitrolitcud hut Hi lupptoramo of tlu Mmhlmciiheluan Jj h I liti will ha hailed with Joy by n.jny j. Published by JJouehUiii , Mllllln A ; lilMtOII. "Kulth or Tact , " by Henry M Tabi * H Jirefaco by R 0 ItidfTMill , CMIISI ID jcrles of 01 Holes which have nppcarcMi Ing the p-m f w yea's In the Kite Ti > MaKazlne It Ih made up for the IIUBI ' of the iiiotud | uttoranipB uf the on in1 ' ChrlHtlaiilty on ri'Vo'utlon , religion un lalod Btihjoc' . . Neceaaarlly frdKinniUi Batheru much Icntlmotiy | 0 ( , | | UW i , ffj-rmii of rellijlous ' hollef the ol I a " Intolerance U ) lnldlnc to more ri methods. Whllo it IB wholly oiiu ldt J * 4 in a muiituro iconuclastic , It is not tv iLuut value. I'ubllihed by I'otor Rtkler.