Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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    . flMAfe& H
LwiMRpnM m
I am not r rtiln My attention hns been
cail'd to thit pnvlslon nf the statute It
wns with the desire of finding out the
( i'lto ' of the uti'trcasnrj at that tlmo that
le I me to dohv 1 ill it
ijYour attfntlrn had been called to that
provision of the Minute before joti did this ,
lud If A I could not si } thu It Imd.
( ) Well thrn , pro you acmralnted with
UIR ; proxhlon of the statute ut the time ,
on the Sth , when you went In to make thit
examination ? A No , sir. 1 cannot ity that
I was
Q Can yen say ? A I think I knew In a
KMera ) ] way that the law contemplated that
I should be th rc aliotild bo an accounting
by a prrn n who holds public funds when ho
Birccceds himself , or when ono term ends and
ancthrr < i e begins
Q DM jorr before going In to examine the
accounts of the treasurer examine the
utatuTs with respect to whit your duty
waa In that regard'
Mr Smith Ot Jrrtprl to as being imma
terial and not p-opor cross-examination.
Objection sustained
Q Governor Holeomb , when you wont In
to'ne ' these ace tints of the state treas
urer b'foro approving thli bond did yru know
It was > our duty to see that the treasurer
produced the funds or accounted for them'
Mr Snnth Objected to as being Imma
terial , Irrelevant Incompetent , and not
proper cross-examination ; and for the fur
ther rcainn It assumes that he went Irr
there before the approval of the bond.
Question withdrawn
A. Ycfl , sir , I conceived that to bo my
duty and I required It of Mr Hartley
Q What did \ou conceive It to bo your
duty lo 'In at the tlmo tint you went to ex
amine thtic aorounts as to compelling the
treasurer to produce all money which was
not lu depository Junks of the ctsh account'
A I understood It to be my dutv to re-
qulro him to account for the actml condi
tion of the stile treisnry , and that If that
d'Bclosed that ho had rrot the funds v hlch
ho was properly charge.iblo with then some
other action would bo required.
Q What did > ou conceive It tn be jour
duty with respect to compelling the ntate
trcasutcr to produce In cash exhibited In
jou of all fumln In the troisitry of I ho cash
account not deposited in state depositories1
A. I it III not understand that to be m >
duty ami regarded It as a farce and a sham
That him b > eir my etpo'lence , rapeclallj
with Fount ) treasurers I had nothing to dc
with the state
Q TliPti to requite Urn stite treasurer
who microf-cH himself to piodilco the money
the cash with which he Is chargeable other
than that In the state depositories jou con
sidered a farce and a Hiram , did you1
A The nay It had been done I considered
It BO , and considered It could bo dons the
same waj In any Instance.
Q Did > on consider that with you tak
ing hold of the reins ot governor , hatIng
abooluto control of the executive depart
ment , It being your duty under the consti
tution to sec thit the laws were enforced ,
that jou could not got on icrn'mtlng from
Hartley by making him pioduco the money
that he should produce w ithout the proceed
ing being a fareo and a sham0
Mr Snt ) th Objected to as Immaterial , Ir
relevant and Incompetent , and not proper
crcRB-cxainitial Ion
The Court I think tint question Is a lltUc
outside of the scope of proper cross-examina
Exception taken by the answering surety
Q DM > OM decline to require Mr. Hartley
to produce tlin cash In tlio cn.ilr account
other than stale depositories for the reason
that \nu considered It would he a farce and
a slum to require him to do .so1
A I did not dofllno It was not reiulrod
Sir Hartlc ) did not pioduco to me the cash-
that Is , the currency tint his books called
for.Q Do 5on siy tint It was not required !
a matter of law tint Mr. Hartley should pro
duce the cahh In the cash account other than
that It was In the state doposltoiles ?
A I do not so understand It Yes sir.
Q You say that it is not the law ° A.
That Is not tlio wa > I understood it
Q 'Did vou urulerstind on the Sth day ol
January , 1S9' , that the stite trcasuiei had
a light to use the permanent school fund
of llio state piotoctod by the constitution
by scattetrng It around in banks not deposi
tories or loaning It out to Individuals'
Mr. Simth ObjeuJ d to for the reason that
It contains several proposition ! of liw which
are immaterial and Irrelevant In the question
propounded to the witness and arc thrown
In for argumentative puiposes , and other ef
The Court H Is sustained on the ground
because of the words In tha question "Pro
tected by the constitution "
Exception taken by the answer Ing suretj
Q On the Scb day of Iimrary , 1S9"i , Gover
nor Ilolcomb , did you consider that the ntatt
treasurer of the stito had a right to use the
permanent school fund in such a way as
to hcattor it around In banks that were no :
state depositor ) hanks' A lie could
not under the decision of the supreme
premo court deposit It In depository banks
The court Mill It was unlawful to do It I
conceived It to be Ma duty to prote-H It
Q Did ) ou consider that It was nropcr foi
tlio state treasuresiy on or bp'cio tin
Sth day of Januarj , to piotect the depositor )
of the permanent sc'rool ' fund by scatloihif
It around In hanks not state deprsltorlea'
A. Ho could not have pi clotted It an )
other way without keeping It In the tretsur )
vaults , and tint was unsafe
Q. Where does the law provldo It shall
bo kept. ' A I do not think there Is any
specific provisions of law leg-mllng It
Q Then ) ou say that there Is no specific
provision of law which requires the funds
of the treasury department to bo kept In the
state treasury ? A Not that I now remem
Q Then ) our Idea Is that the stite treas
urer may take the permanent school fund
which is not subject to deposit In deposit-r )
banks and scatter It around In other banks
If ho wants to do no' A 1 do
not siv tint I approve of that
method of keeping the slatf funds Thu Hw
contemplates that It shall all bo Invested
Jt has 'been ' allowed to accumulito in this
htato until It has assumed enoimous piopor-
tlons , and for the tlmo
nuiwnoiiY LAW DKNIP.D
Q That is not an answei to inj question.
My question Is I am not going in , Gov
ernor Holeomb , to a discussion or a tuppoit
of the action of anv officer of any party I
am simply asking you , governor , whethci
jon thought the trcasuier on the Stir day
of January , Wj , or an ) time before , after
the depository law , could Irwfully take the
permanent school fund In eish that Is , the
cash part of the permanent school fund-
arid hcatter It aiounil lu hanks'
A I undertake to say that the depository
law has nothing to do with It under the
decision of the supreme court
Mr. Cow In I move to MrIKo that an-
ewer out.
The Court The answer may stand.
Exception taken by the answering hiiroty
Q. Conceding then so that I may bo oblu
Aru nmi'li m little , ahvavs
re.vdy , rfllclcnt , satisfac
tory.prpu'iitaeoldnr fever
cure nl | Ihir Illi , rlik lii.ul
clip , Jaiinrtlro , OOIIM | iitl n rlr I'rim 'S lenj
Tim ouly J'illi to taku with JJuoU' * bsrsqurllla
' lo get an answer that the ilcpjsltory law
has no hlng what vcr to do with any of
, the funds of the state oilier than the current
, fun Is which nuy be dppo lteit under thu
I law , do you , notwithstanding that , think It
was Iwl on the Sth of January , 1S95 , or at
any tlmo before or after , to take the per-
' mancnt school fund the cash permanent
schn l fund of the treasury department ,
and scatter It around In banks throughout
the state or elsewhere'
Mr. Smyth Objected to for the reason
that Ihp question calls for a legil know ledge
of the wltupRS and not for a fact.
Objection Is sustained as n'klng for the
legal cot'cluslon of the
Exception taken by tire answering surety
Q You hesitated n while as lo whether
or not > ou would make him produce the
cash (111 jou not ? A I do not think so.
I considered the matter , however.
Q Whpn you nnd Mr. Hartley made this
examination who was present besides you
two. A I remember no onp except Mr.
Q. Was Mr Wlxson present' A Well ,
he v.ns In the mice. Whether he was pres
ent at the accounting or not I am unable to
say.J. J. Now , how long wcro you ami Mr.
Hartley making that examination , ? A. I
should think about two hours , as near as 1
can Judge now.
Q DO jou remember now the
amount tint"Mr. . Hartley was chargeable
wlth ln cash' A. No. sir ; only In rcund
numbers I kept no memorandum of It
whatever ,
Q The amount with whlr-h Hartley was
chargeable , Governor Ilolcomb. was about
$1"S,00 < i7r > 1' A I think ibout that. It was
$713,000 , something llki * that of loose money
That Is , Here was $211000 that was tied
up In susperfled banks
Q That was depositories ? A Depository
bank" The Capltil Nad rial bank of Lin
coln and the Lincoln County Huffalo Na
tional or Keirnoy
Q The tetil In depository banks Including
Ihls broken bank , the Capital National bink
and ttv'other.wasabout$4fl,11076 ! > wa8lt not ?
A Ihorrid ( think about that.
Q And there was about $47,009 In cash"
A I was under the Imprcfslon that It WPS
about $ o7,000. It might have been only
Q That would lca\o about $ HGT ! > 7 99 that
Hutley was chargeable with In easlr left ,
wou'd It not' A. Yes , sir , It would be
about IIOu'OOO of educational fum's alto
Mr Cow In I ask that that bo stricken out
as not resporolvc.
Iho Court That last Is not responsive. It
Is fiiistalnod as to that.
Exception taken by the plaintiff.
Q Now , ho thin produced a pocket book ,
did ho not * A No , sir , not Unit I saw.
Q Ho did not produce a dollar of that
$4 ! ! 157 81 In cash , did he' A. There was
about that amount that he had coitlflcatos
of deposits in different banks for.
Mr Covvln 1 dak that that bo strlckcrr out
us not responsive
A H wa t not cash I said
Q Of the $14ii1i7 19 he did not produce a
I dollar of that In cath , did he' A Well , he
Iliad $17,000 to $57000 In cabh , and the bal
ance was In state depositories and In other
I Q So that jou rnav understand my ques-
i tloir It jim do not , after deducting the $17 000
ho had In cash , that left about $ IIG)3ti19 ! )
after ghing htm credit for the cash Now ,
of tint balance ( question withdrawn ) .
Q 1 think Governor Ilolcomb I now have
the exact figures The total amount with
whkh Hartley was chargeable In csab on the
2d of January was $ ' ) : > SOGS 75 was It no"
A I am unable to sa ) , but I do not wish
to bo understood as disagreeing with jou
I Q Car , you siy thit It was about tint
'sum' ' A Including the money In thoio two
suspended depositories I would think It was
Q Including the mono ) In the suspended
deposltoilcs and the live depositories there
was in all Irr state depositories $4Gl > 197f > ,
was there not ? A. Well , I am unable to
\erlf ) It.
Q Was tint about It ? A Yes , sir.
Q That would leave to bo i rodueed by the
troasii or and examined by you of the
account. $ ! ' ) HIS 99mid it not ? A Yes ,
sir , If jour statement is correct.
Q Of the sum of $4 % rlS 99 ho only pto-
iluced $17,000 , that is right , is. It not ? A.
Yea , sir.
Q Now of the bilanco of $ il1..r > lS 91 he
dlil not produce a cent of it In cish , did bo'
A No sir , not excluding the cash that ho
hid , $17,000 , or whatever amount It was , or
Q Now ) ou say that he produced paper In
lieu of cash ? A I siy certificates of deposit
in almost ever ) m&Uincc.
Q Now , then , ho p-cdiicetl certificates of
deposit , and where did he where did ) ou
first see those certificates of di ioslt. ' A
My recollection now is It was in something
liKe a ti ar box.
Q A cigar box ? $119,000 ? A. A little
Q Ho opened the cigar box , did ho' A
I do not remember that it had any cover on
Q And he took out what jou cill certifi
cates of deposit ? A. Ho took out certifi
cates of deposit.
Q What do jou morn by a coftlfrcaiO of
deposit. ' A. I mean a ci'itificaio 01 an offi
cer of a bank , tint tha.o Is s-o mil'h mo'iey
on deposit there bulow.lnj ; t > Mr. Dar-ley
a. ? btatc treasurer in this Instance.
Q Da jou know how many of these cer
tificates ( hero were' \ - Well , my Judg nein
Is now that the nunov was deposited In
Q. Just answer tin * q > : c3ton ! A In fif
teen lo twenty Innki , an 1 tlio certificates
of deposit were not drvilol ip very much
in the diflcrent binks There was ono cer
tificate or two or mor" , but mostly ono
or two ccrtillcitcs of deposit would < v deuce
the entire arm rnt In that particulir bank.
Q. Do jon" know abort how nnny cer
tificates of depj-ilt flii'-j wi-r" ' A I would
dislike to say 1 tanaot state v.'ry auniratclj
becau&o I kent no nioMo.aiUum of It.
Q Did ) ou at that time make a memo
randum of the binKs on 'vhleh thiso cer
tificates or by which these certificates pur
ported to be issued ? A. No , Mr ; I did
not.Q When did jou first sec these ceitlll-
catcs at that time. A. At that time ; that
Is the only time.
Q You never saw them afterwards. A
No , sir.
Q Now , did ) ou know the signatures of
an ) of the ofliccrs of any of the banks that
purported to Issue these certificates of do-
poilt' A Aorv few of them.
Q Then with respect to these few jou
do not know whether these1 cortlficitcs wore
genuine or not except those few ? ( Ques
tion withdrawn )
Q Now , fiovernoi. ) ou say that with the
exception of a ver > few jou did nH Know
the slgnatuics of the officers ot any of the
bank : ) that purported to 'JRMJ Itsueil these
certificates of deposit ? Then , with the ex-
ccotlon of tlicEo few ) ou do not know whether
the certificates were genuine or not , ilo ) o '
A Tin ) lad ever ) appearance of genuine
ness , They may have been fictitious or
fiandulent It la a posslbill'y , though I am
satibllod thpv were not.
Q You do not know youraulf whether
they were or were not , do jou'
A Nothing except from the appoatanca
and oxanilnation I did not know the slgnu-
Q Now then , jou sa > that all represented
school funds' A No , educational funds
Thorn are torno three or four fumr !
Q Hut all , educational funds ? A. Yes ,
( J - \nd now , Governor Ilolcomb , didn't
) ou know at that time tint It wab Illegal
lit the state treasurer to have any of the
. .
Queen of the Ice Carnival
Itnllut Boxes located nt Millnn.1 Motel and Itcc Office ,
NOUIUS & I.OVK , Cnrnlvnl MnnnL-ort , .
OCT. 25.
This bullet miHt-bj iluji j lluU \ \ llliln tbruu il iy frenu iliito'
fnmli of M' o tate o'her than In two
thi siato treasury ami the stale depositoiles
tlip cash funds'
St.Smyth Objoc-trd to as Immaterial Ir
relevant ami Incompetent.
Objection nuiHlneil.
Kxcfptlon taken by the answering suretj
Q When vou iv , Governor Holroml/ , tint
Hutlp ) aecountel for the eish bilanco nfter
ilcludlui ! the $17000 that Is. $149,51809 ,
JDII mean that hi' produced tliesu certlnrutes
that 5011 speak of ? A. I mean
ho accounted for the funds In
Uo way of the production of the ccrtlllciles
ns an ovldeiicc of the money In the different
banks upon which the certificates \\erc
Q. And accounted for them In no other
way ? A No , slrj ho accounted for thorn In
no other wty.
Q Governor Holeomb , did you not know
on the Sth day of January , 1S9. > , thai the
supreme court had held tint the Uking the
inori'j of the ticasur ) of the state by the
atito treasurer ami depositing It In Innka
was fl eonveTsloti of the funds and that
the treasurer was Kullty of felony ?
Mr. Smyth Objected to for the reason that
It Is not proper cross-oxinilnntloa , Imma
terial , Irrelevant , Incompetent and cillltiR
for n lepal conclusion , and further that the
supreme court has not so decided.
Objection sustained.
Thinks to the Introduction of Salvation Oil ,
blcjoleis need not fear a fall. 23c.
Subscribe for The Sniula ) Ilec and relil
Anthoti ) HoiVs great story "Simon Dale. "
MI sic vr 'i in : ( Hixnv ciirncur.s.
llrnilK Inn < if n \t-\\ Si'iM lee lit Ml
Sul u IN 111Hiilloi'M Oruilii lleclllll.
Yestcrdaj morning at All Saints' church , anew
now service by C. Vllllera Stanford , the
wall known Irish composer , was performed
in n way to rellcct great credit on Organist
and Choirr.iaster Slmins and his corps ol
sinners Stanford Is claimed by England
M ono of her forenrost composers Ho Ins
written a number of cantatns and pieces for
orchestras and his ilramntlr oratorio ,
"Hdpii , " hai boon given lu this country , nl-
thouglt It Is a thankless \\ork to produce ,
\ury dimcult , and , afler all , hardly worth
the trouble The "To Deum" clone jesterday
Is a fine work and In It the composer suc
ceeded In being both original and natural ;
an unusual thing for him It is Intricate
and taxes the Independence of the Ringers
more than the avor.iRc choir can tand , but
once learned , It Is effective The "Jubilate"
Ifi another Illustration of the unforttimtc
fact that It takes a genius to wrlto n fast
mo\cment and avoid triviality. Mr. Stan
ford hni written a Jig for the llr l hilt
of tlio number , the rest is dignified and
churchly. The \ery close ( set to the amen < t )
reminds one of "Parsifal " The service as
a whole IB good music and will bear manv
At Trinity eatlredral yesterday afternoon
Mr J n llittler ga.\o his first organ recital
of the season In the pt ( nonce of in audi
ence tint would have been a credit to nn\
artist Sunday afternoon recitals have been
opposed by the musical department of The
Uee hcciu'e the people who attend them
srem to think tl-it they are free and so do
not contribute to the collection It is eon-
tended that free shows are depraving to
arth and aitlsts but rapeclall ) to the pub
lic , vvhlrh is accustomed to vnluo things at
their actual cost , and when rnusto costs
nothing Is prone to pcrsuidc itself that It is
worth nothing
Mr Dirtier presented an Interesting pro
gram made up of numbers by llaff. Saint
Siens. Sutorlus ( whose little I'reludo wa
found to bo sweet and tuneful ) , Handel ,
Ciiilltmnr and Gounod As a technician Mr
Hutler was a Mtrtirlse His scales were
smooth , bis legato unrsually oven and con
nected , his registration at tlmrs novel but
alvvnja Interesting , and his choice of tempi
approprlito and satisfactory Ills rendering
of the "Pauht" fintaslc arranged by the
great organist , Clarence IMdy , was masterly
and exhibited rare good taste
Homer Moore hang two songs In hits usual
Ilcioiis ii Vrtliiiililt- Dot ; .
A viltnble I'nglish setter was lost In the
crowd at the depot las' week ti'i it > * owner
was pissing through the eitv Tlio Kilter
was D Clarke , for.-ni rly police commis
sioner of Dc-tiolt. on bis w i ) to Hill City.
S D Ho Immediately offered a reml
of $10 fos tlio do-'s n-eovers ami a dozen
l)0\s started In inn suit The dog was not
ovcrtaUecn , thougli the bovs s oed to the
chisphalf way to South Om ihir A fen
elis ago tire dog roturrud to thi biggigo
room mud-eovoieil and lnimble. Mr Clarke
was notified and yostcrdi\ rived from
South 1) ikot i and took the truant home-
The dos isalueil it $100
Ills * < \ m pit HiVsi > i\M'iisl\ | .
Yeslenl.iv S II 1'iont of Clilppcwi Pnll" ,
WIsawi not into the heart ot tiling- and
parted with pnod mono to an unknown
nrjn on a Lincoln tnrln The . " ( ranger had
suffer ul the usrul b'reavoment of u
brother , whose lernalns wenIn the oii"tody
of an unrelenting Piont lot him
ha\e J.T and sns he will hett after real
death notices with mine attention.
American Lady Corsets are the Host.
I'HItSON . IMl \ < ; H VIM1S.
Samuel Recs is spending a few days In
J H-irrlson nnd wife of DCS Molnes are
at the Ilirker.
Prank Murphy started yesterday on a
business trip to Chicago
W. A I'axton and wife left > estorday to
spend a week In Chicago
Mr and Mrs. IMward Porter Peck arc
visiting friends In Chicago.
D M linger and W M. Onane ot Fremont
spent Sunday at the Barker
Mm Thompson and children of Now York
City irrc stopping at the Darker.
W L I'aiK superintendent of the Union
Pacific at Plattsrr.juth , I * an Omaha \lsltor.
Misa Kato CVllkins , the famous horfo
and cattle woman of Mountain Home , Idaho ,
Is in the clt }
Will H. Muncll , traveling representative
of tlio St Louis Post-Dlsiatch , Is a business
visitor In the city.
Janu'b McCorniff , Prank M Saw j or , J. C
Jones and W H Hebe- are Kansas City nr-
rhals stopping at the Parker
ndwin C' Hvan of Chicago was In the
city ) ptorday on a business cnarrd for lire
Rtiiii Plre Insurance company
Thomas S Clark of the Union Pacific en
gineering corps will return from Hold work
lu Wjomlng the Htter part of this week.
General Superintendent Illtt and Dhlslon
Superntendenla Hobbs of Jowa and Jjires of
Kansas , all of the Itock Island railroad ,
spent ) usterday In Omaha.
.1. T. Andrews , chief clerk In the auditor's
office of the Oregon Short Line , with his
wife went east jesterday after \Isltlng
Jpscph iMcConnoll of this city ,
Mlw Stella Majhow , Mlhs Madgo Malt-
land , Harry Hond , l > trl CVa > ami tweho
members f the "Pulsp of New York" corn-
pan ) a'o quartered at the Darker.
P R Hiker , minager , Mrs St George
Hussey , Miss Jeannette Lewis John I/iwhon
mil ten members ol' the "Ole Olbon" com
pany aru domiciled at the Darker
Assistant United States Attorney Hush
spent Sunday In Omaha Ho thinks the Lin
coln term of court will run un to the day of
the opening of the November term in Omaha
Judge W. II Mungcr was In the city for a
short tlmo yesterday on his return from
Kooktik , la , wliero ho has been holding
United States court for Judge Woolson. The
latter has been presiding at the Dorsey trill
In Lincoln for Judge Mungor
At the Mlllard- Frank Hssham and wife ,
Denver ; J V Sbeley and wife , AtcliUon ,
Den Ilemlrlcks and wife Harry M Dlakc ,
Now York , J S hrodcr , Chicago , J It Wood ,
Durllngton , Charles Durguson , P J Solden ,
ChlLago , C W Gllmore , I'rovldenco , Charles
Hnlcr i : II Dlock and wife , New York , 11
M Smith and wife. Spokane , Wash. ; John
I ) Hollli'ay , Gaheston , Tex ; Mat A. VeJ-
iler , Hong Kong ; Kmest Welso , Joplln , Mo ;
Thomas Warnack and wife. New York.
Take Laxative Drorno Quinine Tablets All
drug lbta refund the money If Its falls tc1
euro 25c.
Subscribe for The Sunday Dee and read
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale "
DAI'GHTONMary , agcl 2 j years Funeral
Tuesday , Oil M at 'i II u m from family
idililtnce 1119 North Soveirteenth St , to
Holy Piiinlij church Int-rment Holy Stp-
ulchre cemetery ,
State Christian Endeavor Union Session at
is Over.
, / i i
I'leiiMint anil I'rnillnlilc Cum cut Inn
CloNpt M'llli'tl'tM , Niitnltli * "Mini- !
-Moolltit-B.i' llnlliililrosxoil
l > > "Knlioi- ( ( * lm-k.
' >
nnATKlCn. Neb. , Oct 21 ( Special Tel
egram ) The state Christian nmlo.ivorcrs'
union c'.oscd Its twelfth annual session
torlRhl wllh iwo meetings which completely
flllci ! tlio largo auditoriums of the Presby-
lerlan and Centenary Mothodlsl church
buildings' . Secretary Tucker ami others of
Iho oxccitllvo boil d nro profuse In Ihelr
prnlso of Iho manner In which Deatrlco people -
plo caicd for Ihe 100 present. Mr. Tucker
said : "Our wishes In everything wcro nnllc-
Ipaled and carried out promptly. H has been
Iho host meeting In the history of the' un
ion. "
Invitations for the next meeting vvoro made
by Hastings and Kearney , the former gelling
The day opcnulwith n 7 o'clock prajor
mooting led by Mr Jacob Longnockor of
Indlanola. Man ) of the visiting paslors who
occupied Iholr eily pulplls adopled Iho
theme MiRnested and pleached from the sub
ject , "The Christ Mind " At 2 15 the pro
gram was continued with Miss Sar.i .1.
Hushnell of Hastings presiding. After a song
service , Mis ? Maude AtMnson of Pawnee
City mailo an address on "Mission Clubs
nnd Stud ) Classes In Chilstlan Endeavor
Soclelles " which was follow oil by n talk on
the "ttlblical Ilasts of Missions" by Mr.
J L Marshall. Jr , of Lincoln
In prosonlillon of binncra both wont
10 Omaha lo tln > Knox Presbyterian soclely
niici the Plrst l'iesbtijrlan thurch.
A inilot half hour was led by Pnthcr
Clnrk Tlio J'iniors then ropaltcd to Ihe
ChrlEllaiB chinch , where an Interesting rally
watt held , presided over by Hev II A. Car-
nuhan Among the uvoiclscs was an ad
dress of we-lcome by Ho > Sheldon of Hcat-
rlco , response by llessio Marsh ot Pawnee
City , snug by Juniors of Christian church ,
Hcatrlce , recitation of commandments b )
Miss Klile Uecdy of Ileatilce Tim Prcsb-
lerlan Juniors also look put in a Illblc ov
erdue , the rally closing wllh an address
b ) Hev. T L Ha ) den of Keirney , subjecl ,
"Tho Place aril Work of Ihe Juniors "
At the Presbyterian church tonight Presi
dent A. D Harmon presided. W Krncst
Johnson of Omaha leel in what was sought to
bo miido a model Christian nmli'ixvor meetIng -
Ing , the topic being , "Confessing Chi 1st He-
fore Men Why and How " The song service
wan conducted b ) Clark Oborlles of Lincoln
and was followeJ b ) a splendid nddiess h )
Pa'her Clark on the subject of "The Christ
Flllocl Life" Ttie meeting closed with con
secration services led by the rethink presi
dent , A D Harmon.
The mcctliic at the Methodist church was
pie-Elded over b ) past secrotar ) now Presi
dent Tucker , i the eame exercises being ob
served as at the Vresbterlnn chinch Hev
11 II Allen of Holelroge acting us leader
Pathor Clark divided Ills time and spokeat
both churched The consecration meeting
heio was led by the president-elect.
un TO i , v\v o1:11 v
I'rtcc nf ( In * Viilmul TIMI Dollni-t inn ]
Costs T n lliiiuli-cil.
HASTINGS Oct. 2) ) ( Special ) In the
district courtiI3en Clard ) and Gcorgo Haltco ,
both of Juniata , aired their troubles over
the purchase of a horse About four months
ago Hen Clardy owned a hoi so which he
valued at $10. ' George Haltie wanted to buj
the animal. 'After ' considerable talking It
was agreed that 'Haltie should take the
horse and pay1 $10'for ' It on the instalment
plan Two irfohtlis passed without Clard )
recclv Ing any pay Ben demanded the money
o.- the horse but fail'd to get either Claid )
then went before a Juniata Justice and re-
plevined what he considered his property
Hut somehow Clardy got his dates mixed
and OP , the da ) on wl Ich he understood his
case was set for trial he and his attornej
appeared , but were surprised to learn that
the defendant had appeared the day before
at the correct tlmo , tried the case and had
obtained a judgment for tlio return of the
hoi so or the value thereof The case was
appealed to the district court and came up
this week The jury decided In M Haltle's
favor , giving him the horso. The costs and
expenses , which in all amounted to $180 ,
woio loft for Hen Clardy to pa ) The cijst
will probabl ) bo taken to the supreme court
MOVi : KI.OIHIMl ! I , I , TO \ltV\Illl. .
IviinsiiN linn IH I2r < * < * ( iim n I'lrsf-Cliisr *
MCIIIII I'liint.
HAUVAUI ) , Neb . Oct. 24 ( Special ) A
short time ago J H Sheror of Hcclam , In
Washington county , Kansas , made the people
ple of Harvard a proposition to move a
flouring mill to Harvard In consideration ot
$2,000. A committee was sent to Hadim
to examine the propertj , and acting on tha
strength of their report , the$2,000 has been
pledged by contribution of cltl7ens and the
offer accepted
N II I'ontlcus , a local contractor , has
been to Hadam to ns.ijst In preparing the
mill and machinery for shipment and the
first consignment of four cars is daily ex
A favorab'o location has been secured
and the ground Is being nude ready for tli"
foundation , the intention being to push the
mill to completion as soon as possible When
completed the mill will be of 100 barrels
capacity It Is a first-class eteim mill.
I'mNiM-iilcH ( ari'li-NX | ) IIIKIHH. |
GUAND ISL\ND. Oct 24 ( Special ) A
W Huchhelt of this city , chairman of lire
committee on violations of the pharmacj
law of the State Hoard of Pharmacy , has
been up In the northwestern pirt of the
state this week and has prosecuted several
druggists who have been operating store. ,
In violation of lire slate law-1 This law pro-
vldcs that any proprietor of a pharmacy who ,
not being a regular phirmaclst , shall fall
or neglect to place In charge of such phir-
macy a registered plrarniacls-t. or any such
proprietor who shall b ) himself or an ) per
son permit the compounding or drspenslng
of prescriptions or vending of drugs , medl-
ilues or poisons In his store or place ot busi
ness or any person not bolng a registered
pharmacist whp hl.aH take charge of or act
as manager of such pharmacj or Btoro or
who , not bolng a rigl teied pharmacist shall
lotall , compound qr dispense drugs shall bo
deemed guilty of mVdemeanor and shall be
subject to a fine of $10 to $100 The cases
referred to were prosecuted and found guilty
amMr. . Huchheit states that thu board will
push the violator" of the law In the Btato to
the limit.
t | |
\\VlIllllli ; llllllil I-I'MIIO OllhlT\ .
NORTH 11END'Nob , Oct. 21. ( Special )
About 100 ntlRhbors anil friends of Mr
and Mrs Erncs ( item with well filled
basket-j stele aruiarch on them last night
and Invaded their liQino to remind thorn tint
they had passed , tbo , fifteenth mlle sioniIn
their wcdde'd llftt , and ihoy had to come to
rolp them retie.mhqr ) that eventful day.
Fifteen years vUi.'n > they stood before th"
man of God anl ( promised to take each other
for better vr wwrw.iiIn weal or woo. After
all the crowd got settled and had passed a
i > lcasant and enjoyable evening , Hev G , W
Martin was called on to pieserrt the couolo
i beautiful sllier pitcher , after which
Uon Peter Glllls proceeded to retlo the
knot that was tied fifteen jeara ago Ho-
freshments were served.
Clili-f CnlrlH'M ii llurKlilf.
GHAND ISLAND , Oct. 21. ( Spt-clil )
Chief of Pollio Meier ran down a burglar
anl the fc'Hou Is already awaiting trial in
the dUtrlct court , waiving prellmlnai ) exam
ination yesterday afternoon anl being place ]
In the county Jail to await the next term of
the district court Thn follow hart entered
the home of Emll Harth , a printer , and
stolen some clothing ami a little jewelry
The goods taken were found In the poshia-
blon oil the prisoner j
SulliTK TliroiiKli I't'Uj TlilcM-N. |
DECATl'H Neb. Oil 21 ( Spei lal )
: arlj last week James Neil ) a resident
firmer , had from his barn a verj fine
ilr.vlnjt biKilc. Often thicu * 1 l
from his 'in u'lbs wheat ai ' , 1tl > s
The list few nUhls he has i.- , n U , i > mg
watch and at 4 15 ) < v < tordav i"orn rhr gn\
n man walk from his corn crib \M u , , , , ] (
of corn Neti ) located the thief In thp h > use
of Will llamer. but Is unable tn llontly
him , as there a e two families o uipvin t'ic-
hulldlnt ! Ncnry went lo miner ml ask"d
him who II was that Iwil Just siirpPi , ina )
thp houre at thit lime of the rnoruinu but
IIP didn't seem to know. Neary will continue
the nlghl watelr.
Ciuil MUM Ctrl' Kllli-,1.
GUAND ISLAND , Oct. 21. ( Sp < Hil )
Last night at 10 SO Just after loading an
engine tender with coil. Jack Laub , tlio
shovclor , fell off the tender onto the track
and the tender passed over him , killing him
lti"tantlj It was very dirk at the place.
The work of loading had just been com
pleted nnd the hustler had started to baik
the engine up , when ho heard Mill ) glvo a
cry The hos'ler ' stopped the engine at once ,
but It was too late. The tender lud passed
over the body In the middle and hid cut It
In two Laub leaves n famllj of four chil-
dicli He had some life Insutanco
Mil-tint ; for Tui'Uillonlli * .
HEEMEll , Neb , Oct 24 CSpeclal ) Sim
T. Wlllson of liovnl Oik , Mich , left his
homo November 1 last jcar to come to
Heemrr and has not been seen since. His
patents and friends supposed he was hero
until a few ago , when lilt ? mother wrote
hero refloating him to come homo as his ,
fathei was dlng. The missing man Is about
sK feet high and has deep blue ejes nnd
auburn hair Ho Is about 30 jears of age
Ho had several hundred dollais with him
when he left his homo a year ago.
Dlit.ollt Cell n ( > , lur > DlNinlxHi-il ,
DAKOTA CITY , Neb , Oct. 21 ( Special ) -
The case cf Miss Minnie Lass against Loiil
Uithfonl , on ti al before Judge Evans yes-
torda > , was the last Jury easa to be tried at
this lorm of district court , and upon the re
turn of the veidlct , which was In favor of the
plaintiff lo Hie amount ot $4 , the Juiy was
dlsmlssol fiom further altenditue al Ihh
lei in of courl and court was adjourned until
Mondcy morning , when ciiulty cases will be
rixssrs UN n I'iMMlliiK I'olnl ,
ULYSSES , Nob. , Oct. 21 ( Special ) One
bundled and fifty cars of feeding catllo have
alrradv been pi iced here for feeding , and as
n any more are expected William and Hen
Sp lts have handled over 100 cars for U
Hockcr * Dcgan Twenty-seven ilouble-
derked cara of sheep hive already arrived
nnd are being fed Tills Is more stock thin
has over been fed In this vicinity.
In Hit > i.iM Miiiin i-nii'itl.
GUAND ISLAND , Oct. 21 ( Spcchl )
\11 the prclimlmiy arrangements have
about been completed for the change in the
management of the loial brewery , the Lingo
Hrothcrs retiring and the Glair I Island
Plowing association taking the mamgemcnl
The lattei companj Is composed of several
of Ihe most solid business men of the clt ) .
1'iirli'p mill .liMx'll
ST. EDWAHD , Neb , Oct 21 ( Special. )
Socretar ) of State Poitor and Expert Ac
countant Prod Jewell addressed a small au
dience hero Priday night ot | or haps 150
half of whom were lopiiblicans Most of
their tlmo was devoted to heaping reproach
upon the republican party foi the Jlooro
and liar tic ) stejls
\i-nrnsl.n % ( Dili's.
The new flour mill at llartlngton Ins been
completed and is now In operation
Ed Plikius of Durvvcll lost one of his
fingers b ) getting It tangled up in a feed
gi inder.
The Haitlnqton Herald has started In on
its fifteenth ) car with ovei ) evidence of
Miss Stella Louderbach of Antelope coun
ty had ono band so badly mashed in a
sorghum mill that amputation was ncccs-
.sai ) .
L. S Loonier has unloaded 100 fcedeia
at Hiadshaw which he purchased at Townsend -
send , Mont E A. WclK and Dan Graves
also unloaded a carload each
Tw cut ) -seven ralseis of beets in Wajno
have receive1 1 orders foi lift ) -ono cars , to bo
delivered before November 0 Hans llansen
sab this will practically absorb the Wairo
count ) ciop
The feeding ranch at Honanza lecelved ten
cais of cattle Ed Cunningham received
1,000 head of sheep and Tim O'Hiien 500
head. They will help to maiket some of
the coin and oils
Paimc-is near Arlington are bus ) haivcht-
Ing thcii line crop of apples The ) leld In
most orchards Is hc'BV ) and the apples niu
a fine vailcty and rcailllj disposed of for
50 cents per bushel.
The ( list set of County Treasurer
Korth's bondsmen will have a meeting at
Pierce on Saturday , October 10 , to see what
uin he done toward efTccting a settlement
of the suit of the county against them
A special sheep train was inn to Lori otto
the 10th lust T. A Hunker and 1
II Mears bought 1,000 head , J D. Dimes fi
Sons 1,000 head , Pat Cunningham 1,000 head ,
Tim O'Riii'ii 1,000 head and Ed Cunning
ham 1.200 head They will all bo fed hcio
this winter L II Kllborn near Potcrsbuig
Is also feeding finite a largo bunch.
TuesiKi ) afternoon Mail V < oinsman'a little
eon , Henri , aged 7 years , while helping his
fafn-r gather corn , near Cedn Uluffs. acci
dentally fell under tlio wagon , the tornr
stalled up and ran over one of his legs.
fracturing H In two places between the knee
and hip Dr Hadley reduced the fraclure
and the little fellow Is doinj nicely.
Another flowing well has been made In
Erina , Garfield county. This lima H G.
Kingslanil Is the luck ) man. HU well Is
125 feet deep and tin ON s an Inelr-and-a-
lirartor stream of pure- , cold water tvventj
feet above the surface of the ground , the
surplus water forming a pietty little lake
Those who have seen the well report It
i wondir and of an Inestimable value lo
ho ranch.
homo time between closing hour a Sitiir-
ilaj night and Monda ) mornli. ? W. C. Galla-
way with a force ot men took possession of
the Oakddle mill , lefusing to turn over the
properly to E. W DeWitt , Ihe lessee Judge
Macomber of Omaha wan notified b ) lele-
Siapli of the situation and started for Ne-
lish Mondaj. Ho was met at Norfolk b ) '
Judge Hoblnson , who ionuod a temporary In
junction restraining Mr Gallaway fiom In
tel feting with the lessee In the operation of
[ ho mill Heforo tire notice- was served the
jiartien In poi-session of the proper ! ) signified '
their willingness to yield peaceiblo possesj j
lion of 'ho proport ) , and upon the arrival I
] f the sheriff at Oakdale the emplojes of
Mr. DoWltt were found In undisputed pos- (
josslon As the case Ih generally understood
there was no di'ilro to Inteiferc with tho' '
right of Mi De-Witt , but possession was1
: aken of this property to protect legil rights
iihlch wore In Jeopardy and to force to an
ssuo Die question of what dlsprbitiou was !
: o bo made of the rental of the mill. j
Dii N IIOMI SflilnUlrli'iloiiinl ,
NEW YOItlC , Oft 21 Ailo'ph Llpmiin ,
ate sollf Itor foi th ( TiaVflerV Life Insin-
ince comrmiiy , who whet hlmi-olf whll-
leatod ut bis dc-sU In the Hank of Com-
neiro building lure Hilunliiy morning ,
Hi il ted i ) at the limit-on Btieet hospital
IK Imd In i'ii despondent on ai count ol
msinibs > < i tb ii'kH ml furtuenlly tinea -
iruil lo kill himself.
Prof. Lawronpo Bruner's Wor'c en
Qrasslioppor PoU in South Anurica ,
HUM Ili-rn Slum ii SIIM < | II IMIH of ( ! ru < < f
| MIIITN | | Ncnrlj four Inolu-M I.on Mr
Unit Cnliso limit ! > < nstu-
tlou lo \ C
LINCOLN. Oct. 21. ( Special ) The world
of sclettco has waited with Interest to heir ol
1'rof , Lawrpnce limner's success In his
inlssl n to ArgentInu to stay tlio grasaiuippei
pest. Prof. Hruncr of the chair ot ento
mology left she university last spring on n
leave of absence , he having been selected
among all the entomologists of the tnl-eil
Slates for Iho Imporl.uil mission retorted to
He Ins bce'ii lee busy ti pieparc any
leports. The pi ogress of hK work ran bt
gathered , howevei , from his Interes'lng Ut
ters to his family. He wrllos : "In i\vc
months I have traveled more than -I.oot
miles l have been up to Tuetiman twloe , tc
Solti once , U Cordova twlco , down to Uitenos
Ayres three tlmp , and in Hoa.irlo eight 01
ten times , and up neatly to Paraguay 'three
times "
In August he was planning to KO tip tc
ANsunrian and Conc pelrn , and then gc
to Hollvla before hot weather commenced ,
1-itcr he was to go south and west to visit
parts of PatagonU nnd Chill 1IU roforonees
to Ihe propli- and their customs are enter
taining He says :
The men wear bloomers rmde of vvlilti
cotton i'lo h. Tu > v are a little lomji'r tlmr
lilii'lo bloomer * , hi cause they oome dovvi :
to 'tlio ankles un Suiutiijs , 01 when tuj
come to town , they went black ones , il
they have them 'tt lion it I * i-ohl tlievttoai
n. poncho , ot kind at Mhnwl , around tlu > li
legs and over their bends , uid shou'.dei *
Tno poncho , whlei is worn over tin1 pints ,
Is fistened to a bolt. H luiiigs , oos , - < c
they can walk TI.e little p.oplo ilo not
wuir much of anything The liovs hive a
thin cotton whirl ami pints that come n
little In-low the knee The girls hive a
calico dress and tint 1 * all. Somi-tliiies
t.iov line stockings and boiiie-miulo y'.ocs ,
Inii not often , even In w Intel
The ipoor houses In Mexico are quite' M > od
ivvbin wo see some of 'lie bouses 1.1 Ai-
gentlno Hint peoplilive - In. I'oui posts
stuck In tlio ground , a few stU'klaid
ncuios tin- top , and pi i haps a little dirt
tin own on them' to kri-p them from blowing
off The- homos mo too pool tor our pigs
to livi in In NebiiuKii Some ot ti.e pocucl
houses b id rni'tiiB itilunts H oed up on eau
01 two sides , iiiul otuf vvi'ic pro'c-cli'd l > >
wills of liiush Even In the el tits
of the houses arenuulo with Ilieplncca 01
cblmneyo , so that HIPV enn bo wtirmed
People , like the nntmiK xhlii-r until the
Weather becomes wnim In lhi > count ! )
nunibc-i of ehil-
near Tucuni in 1 s-iw a
ill on and men standing wifi tin ir IMC-K-
humped towaid nowind tl.ving to ket'i |
v\ inn Time was lots of wojii Hi it conM
have bun nsod foi fiio. buti lelt 1111
illslinbed Thov stood hunipeii .iioand th <
tieo 01 post while- the worn in w is Celling
bonic-thing foi them to ent
The birds lire vcty Inti le-stl.iet and will
make a tine colic i lion to rn' ' ig 'loinu ' leu
the nuiieum at the univcislt , Afte-r a
wliilo trie leptlles ami lin-fcs will btln ;
to leive theli wintcjquaitrs innl I will
in iken c-ollectlon of them , im T'ic pi in > ,
too , me pi-i nll.ii Nt.iily evosv line , wluthei
tiee ot bush , Ims tlioins. l ve-n Hie t'l
pods of man ) , Ilk. . ' Hie aind linns at bo.m ,
me full of stlcKeis
1 In countiv IB vc-iv Hat , inueh Ilittei
than nnith'ng ' even lietween L'ncaln and
Penvni , un 1 Iheio mo gient stictches ol
.sail beds and alknll in sa < in
Til" h. s 1'c'on n ve-rv co < \ wl til In Iho U-
gentlm Hi public It is now ( Align l 22) ) , "
K.nulni. to - - howome little1 signs ol ppiini ;
The weeping- willow tieo in mji jnnl ! b1-
fiinnlng to tnin gieon and n few In > v.ts
coino out din ing tiie davtlmo when tinun
* hlncs | jrl,4iillv and the wlml blows fiuin
the ninth Here the fcoiitli winds aie eoi 1
siul the noi th wlnls aii- warm In a'imtt
.inothei nirntli the we-athei will be niiil
vvixrni mil llovicis will be In iilooin 1 in > in
Ihe llowti-5 rn tin pniiiennd In llu > woi s
HIP wild How PI" Then1 hn\e been .1 it v\
tame Il > weirf all winter in the gardens 1'a
P in-.le uio nice , but veimiill , no lu -i
than onll nryviolets , piob.ililj junt like ire
wild pansv Tncie me also two 01 ll-ipt-
othoi kiium of llt.wei * ) in tlie giiden- , one i
.sort ol innilnOlil nnd the otliei a cnndluif
Liter there w'll ' be si niinrbei of otlic-i
kinds , but they will not bloom for a full
Ms man Ins lust bronchi a box of KI n -
lioppci. * lioinifiom the station Thi ) Inv
been sent to me in oulcr to find out viheliui
01 not thi-y aie ' nan liableto li\ etis 1
locelve a lol of the iiiM'rts over ) dav 01 , w J
from fome locallt ) vvlieie the-v just make
llioii npiieiininee 1 can now lie-gin to sop .1
little more c'lfiiili the line of prjieiluio
that must be used in de-nliiiR with the pest
I nuvn found i ill pii e heic > In tbel countiv I slnill tiv to ntllUcacinus' tlie p'-'gtie
It se-cni" lo be onllo ill'tliut fiom the lo-
cu l ili e.i o In North Ami'ilei nnil ninth
moir- fatal In Us natur > vcr ) s-lmllir to t o
eliini h-biiK fungus .it home I mull sold
-iniple.s of It to Prof He o f r hi- opinion
I also hope to u e both the Noitli Amc-rleii'i
innl tin- African funfiin In inj exji-rim n's
lionin Cm i,11 ana Of rourre I shall aK )
ii'lvofiitp the ilPK'iuctlon of the Iio"t3 of
theiiiuguc beveiv other mount ) and pie i 1
foi flip jiiotictlon and i-noouia.'i inant rf
Its n-ti'ial ' cncni ! " ' of sill k'nds ' In Hil-
w.iv ) ' hope" to get the lii'-cot nrdpi control
Villhln thp ) cir , 01 at Inithest b ) another
The commission fjienka of sending me
homo bv way of Eiiffluul I am thinking
some of trjlng to so ariungo It that 1 cm
go by vvuv of ? onth Afilc.i and tn rough fie
Sin / pinil. If poisllilp and If It c-in bo
niado Allliout too miiih c-xtin time Tln-v
he-em to be hiving n food donl of "ouli'i- '
111 Aflic l VVltll Kl llOliTelS | , .lllli KIOllI UK
to newspiper iiiiountH thei uuKlllm
tlie'm oft tl'C'iibj' inc-iinH of fungus il ! < -
oascs If I can got 1115 cxpriiH'i [ , ilil In
o thercv a couple of weeks to study in th-
ods and e-olli'ct , tin- fungus I would like toile
ilo it befoio coming home
At a bier date thu piofcssor wrl'es from
Crur. del EJo
I was In Cordova and cpittiln laige gin n-
hc.pc'ia | ) weresrovvn to me licppe-n ) nt.iilv
or quito as long as tiew Id h of a m > t of
note pipc-i mil ho person who sho-v < l
till-in to mo said HIPV < ame fiom * i u/ il < !
I'ji- lie said then- was a Hvvann of h m
th io nnd that tlioy h.ul done much dim
Hgo Tnp Inject , -i nii'S"oii I ? a Milellv
tropic il anllniil Mini ll- > ni iv < - IK/HI > . ai-
i-oiillng to thehooU.s , I- , l/c u ulu. ' nul ' ,
tin it-foil , I came it once lo 'li's ' place to
BPCfoi myself Hi n I am and tlu-re , ir <
now no largiKni'xhopii > is to be Co in 1
This pal t of the conn < y U the inoft Ii i
lorn looking region fill I luv th'in 1 , i
liecn ohllged , o n in liu In I was out VPS
lirday marly thp n Ire Inv .mil mil )
found il > oul thirty Ulids of 'ii--- ' ! , ami
loiluy uualn , ami aiM d ii'H , ib.ui liu
DtheiH Tie-sp 1 foinnl und-I thp'bill ot
iluiid tries , nuclei' "tones anil e nil A I
sesteida ) weio found in al theilvei nel
-no the1 rivet , foi there l bin lllilevv un
Some p.irts of the provlnci-H of
iniirca , Rloju , Sin La's ' and .Mi mlo/.a , n
vvtill us o1' Tiiciiinun ulta and Jaliiv , n
I fitilitHt cm thecontln nl. the ilr oft" i
ontainlm ; much Ions inolHtinc than II nil
, n NibiabKi tmd KIIISIH duilng the twu
1 lys when KO inueh Injiny is dente |
oin HPViial c ihorm ago In Hev < ral puts
I v1'i'd thit on iluvs when Un ilrv
LVlllels IlloA thepelpie hbllt tllrlllh. ' , , i ln-
loorH ami tbiovv wate-i on tin \vallr. anil
lluom10 they i un Ineithe llv storing Hie
iv a it tint fulH dm ing Hie rainy hca-on In
"Any old thing"
do to clean with some women think. Anything
is good enough for them if they can
get a lot of it for little money. This
is unwise , surely. Isn't it worth while
" " " to find out which will do the most
work and do it without harm to paint
and woodwork and fine surfaces ? Pearline
is the best cleaner. Pearline saves rub
bing saves work and wear , Nothing is
too good for it.
It will wash and clean everything that
water doesn't hurl w
summer the people niv cnnWut to wnlir tht
liml over Hniltre ! nnm siillU lenil ) ' to ril- >
cropn , ninl In SHIIIIO plnces even lo mnko
thinks look eboery At < x I'olnt Ivvdvo or
llfteen miles west of Conlov i Ibcr , ' IR a
dam nero n pxnon ( but Is nt t < "u too
fee-t hlRh ami lhal forms a like thr , c dv
seven miles In extent when full V \o \
below this ilTin an Immense el T > i' > .
lion Is belli } ? erccteil to furnish | > wrr m
Thu October number of them < i in11 \ -
torlcxil Hc\lpw conlalna an nrtlili li i
Kred M KIlnR , the < irofp < nnr nt r. irim m
history ftt the iinlvc slty , i.Oon Mirn'u ' i i n
victim of the' Mitres do Cviehet The , i i m
Is an Illustrallon of Ihe results that imv < H
obtalneil by the use of the sour 01- ' i
The professor Ins made use of the m \ \
Authorities In Trance The o'ulv PI j y
sentences not only gives Inform it n " s.
pensable to the understandlni' of M >
cureer , but offers also n dcllnlto Kn > , >
of ono of the most char-tele 1st It in i
of il.e am-lent reRlnie\
There are others but none "Just as Kn 'l" '
ns Pr DnvlAntllloidache
Subscribe for The Snitlix Itec m l rr > d
Anthem ) Iliiie's Rreil sttirvsinum Palo '
The lhOlo Olson' lield Ibo 1 > HI is
the Ciolsliton ( honor for two \w \ M tiiu
.vestrieia ) and bnth wore witness , I i > \ o
houses The pi i ) runs along e \
simo lines as In the jxist , but hi '
bolllstied with now Bongs nn 1 m > n
which proved to bo as fcatlifumn
audiences as Hen llondilcks' s\\ , ii ' i
Ililh performances met with an e x i
eoption from Ihe s > v > oi'tators \ n i
produced In connection with tin
is a bicycle r.uo on homo train , s i
Law son , "tho Torrlblo Swoilo , Is i' >
ntt action upon thp machliio , hut p It M
Call of tills eitv and W P < ? ig , , n , .
wont agaltmt him ) estoieMv 'Hie il\i \
agilnst the ipcord of 4S 1-5 s > ce n ' , n i \
mile Al last nlghl's portmman i M
and Sager both undo this lime bm 1 u\
cut 11 down lo 0 17 The lattn a
against h's ' tlmo of 0 23 1-5 fm die ( | 1 1
ami elicv-pert thai down to 0 22.
"The Pulse' of Now YolK" b the nixt t-
Iraetlon al the Ciolgliton , poniiii- , . i
( hico nights ? e'ligagomont tonlnln 1 <
pan ) Is headed bv Stella Mavhow mil \ \ i
Ham \ Lang , Into princlpil i--mi Itiui w > t
Hinloii's 'huperLa " A snoc' ' il u ituie - .
imulo of the vaudeville1 portion eif Hi , , < n
and twelve hlnh-cl.ibs spppUltus u > in
diiceil duiini , theseconel act
You cin't afford to il K ) oii'- ! , bv al
low la gix cold to Jpvi-lop luito pi i HI i i i
( oiMUinptloti. Instant lellof ind i t i
euio are afforded b ) Oh" Minute i u 'i ' c n
\VITII v KM , vi IM. i\ \ .
Bullion Iv oi-i-r-4 Virrslt-il for lvii-tin |
Uicnllir | IIInrs.
Sundi ) mcTiiing , shoitl ) wifir " . <
Jack Norton , who Konv * a siln M u * J" -
Ko'iitoonth stieet , was fntnnl in I. . u
an unlawful number of boms a In n >
to be violating the Sabbath. Hi v\ i i
and clnrged with n double In'i ( i n
John Snyilor was also overnilu--
his place , at 2201 Ciiming stuet in ! i
Suiu'iiv motiiing had given no s - \ \
ing Ills establlshiuont 'Die = inn i
wcno entered against him also I 'i '
were- admitted lo ball In the . nm
Dr. I avls' Antl-Ucadoi'-i * Hiup'i
ever ) v > , u lo nil renie.lics : cn lieadei Hi
"Slmen Dale" in 'I ins ni . I e
If ) ou don't tnl e It. sub p ilje n i\ <
I iiltlnv. 'I vi e > 1-iei.-lcN !
A meeting of the XcbradKi hi i v
Sons of theAniprlian Uevoluti.m
Satnril.iy aftoiiiooii at the Comnn i
for tilepiup se of iallfing Jio u
illilnn idoptod at the lec-ent COIIKK--
nation il sooiet ) lie-Id nt Cliuinni'i '
IJtli Whtii a majorit ) of thes ,1 e
hive ratllleel the action of ciii"ii--
will ceahe tinilvali ) vlilcli lias
existed belvvpcntile1 two KH
tinnal sopletks for theio w
lie but onp soc-iot ) , vvlilcli will In K
tlie Societ ) f the Amerli an Uevolu
Small p'llafo pill , nest I.IM DC \ \ " 'i
l.lttle Uariy Ili'-ers cir.e billou-ne-s > . i ti-
patlon , sick bendache
i.ll-l HIM VlM- | .
A vaileo WTS taKen from I n m I'a if'1
tialn No , ! between Council III ill\ i ! \
le ) ) este1idav which Is Klvlnp ; J \ \ i'l ' i
nnicli trouble It u ) ellotui d sut n l
ind eontalned papers of value to the n i
enl ) Ilo otfers i re.vard of * 2j f r i s
tutu to him at tile Iliown I'alaee hotel P
know Ir Davis' Anti II'd
ache is best of nil headaches rcnuil n1
VVIilU' Sijiiiiilriin nl Ni tv V urli.
N11W YllHK Oct 21 Tie vvhi. . MIM
ron , ( onslHtliiK of the ornlson N , v\ ill
mil liron'tlvn innl the luttl ilp Mi
ehnsett1' Texas nnd Iowa , uriiviil h i
day from in e\i ndc-il vl-ll in i
vvatertt TinNv \ } oil < I up
Iny to tlie navy vnd while tin tin i if
battleships .UK ! Ihe ciuNii Hroulilvn n-
choreil olt TompKinsvllle , S 1
/ / , . /
Pf NS t'1 slow liivlnu-n Hi k ( v
'I"1 ' "fivi's In vii > ( iiiiis ait i > n
an' ' Pfi'i'i'ii'i.'iilly ' ' binUl n | 'he '
> s ' ' " . iinkim , ' Hie ust-r Mil
I'irvt" with "iiu neui's1
N i' "f I"M f of cilin V j , |
" -11' * lljniir ilnii.i i I js ii it
col II , m icnel lr >
Eureka Chemical ami Maiuir.icluitin > Co.
l.j l i , ws VVi ,
' ' ' "
'IOM.IIT VI Ml.- , !
PULSE OF NKW YORK. ; UK. si ii ; j \i , i ii. s
in ii.r 10vii si .
\ i-iviuni : : s
I'JIIC | > . ' c Oi " , ( il l-l )
MA1IM i : 1' , , S-i fle- )
f : . HUKI ON nouifs ,
Jllti&l ni
I'irstoiiKi' ( - ' n iHloiuil ( .lniroli
Cllli H r Hi Ilirliiit I'nisl Til ml , ( , , i , it ,
Velll.WKU , I rill.lHllj ( VI jUll , , , l !
lllOIUll ( M l Slllllll I ( Jll ' 0 H I , " ,
. . ' , " " . ' " , . ' " " IH l" " f""l.le . * 1 , „ , , ,
i IH 7 > e-
Aini'ikun pluii , ibu pur il.iy MM
runt i KI.VI n A.M ) .IOMS .STIIMUS.
Hu rouinn Latin tteaiu licat unit uli intac n
.j..iilrncm lljltx 1)1,0 ) urn ] } . > CO 11 >
i tiexcelleJ bui. u | mrutei r it Jl