Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1897, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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Pace IB Yet Slow Dnspito a Forceptiblo
Quickening ,
finrirl | o I'liHIcft Arc \IIIIHTCIIH , " " 'I
Sctrrnl CliiirinliiK DlniuTi , Knjn-
nlilr IlfMM-itlloiiN mill PliMiiant
Unnl I'nrlli-n lliiiifii.
November day * arc drawing on apnco. and
Rllll there Is little going on In society to
aUtlngulih one week above another , or to
render the periodical chronicle cither a Ions
. The air
or a particularly Interesting one.
la full of rumors enough to nil the season
mllh gaycty , If only a part of them were
. verified and made actual. Some , of course ,
never will be A great many others will.
And In gplto ut the apparent reluctance of
ooclety leaders to take the plunge which
shall set the social waters In steady motion ,
It Is generally asserted and widely believed
that forces arc gradually accumulating and
natlicrln.s strength which will soon break
over the barrier of delay and bring about the
liveliest winter of recent year * .
At least one brilliant wedding happened
last week ; at least another will occur within
the next few days A number of nmtrlmonal
events , equally clllcacloiib , If perhaps les :
widely notul , arc taking place all the while.
.This Is unquestionably the best time of year
tar that sort of thing , aivl a Nebraska
wut n mn Is not without iU advantages either
e.3 a season for the popping of questions , a
fusillade of which la reported to he going on
ot present. Certain engagements nro un
questionably trembling on the verge ol
publicity at this moment , and more are still
locked with greater or less security In. the
toosoms of thosii Immediately concerned and
of prospective mothcrs-ln-law , who conceal
* hclr omotton < i as best they can when they
are questioned.
In oivo ot the public schools lately the
teacher asked all the pupils to bring In on
the following day questions regarding booko
One little girl , who had evidently searched
< ho scrlptuits to some purpose , arose when
Iicr name was called and recited from
JOccloslastca. "Ot making many bcoks tliero
Is no end " The tiuchcr was pleased , said
no , and wax going on to the next. "Hut
there's some more , " the little gill said ; "the
versa goes on , "and much study Is a weail-
ntss of the Ilesh " Which was rather moro
than the teacher had expected.
Ill Mi-iiicirj of llvr Motln-r.
lly invitation of Miss N'ottlo W. Collllu a
largo number of her friends called at her
liomo lost hursday evening to Inspect the
offering which Miss Collins has recently
niado to Trlnltj Cathedral In memory ot her
mother , the late CeclIKi Anna Collins. The
memorial consists of four sterling alms
basins , which were nude to MKs Collins
order by II. Oeloaler of New York. They aie
largo ainl massive and nro finished In the
most artistic manner Around the rim of
each basin Is the memoilal Inscription , en
graved In old Uonun script ' To the ever
lasting memory of Cecilia Anna Collins
Jove offering of her only child , Nettle W
CollliM. "
Mrs ! . Collins was an active nicmbei of the
Cathedral Builders , and a friend has truth
fully remarked , "Sho wa ono of the workers
of Trinity Cathedral In Ita first feeble years
and helped hi building up Us probperity anl
strength. "
The memorial will bo foimally dedicated
to the sacred use In Trinity Cathedral on tiie
llrst Sunday In No\ ember by the Vcrj
Jloverond Dean Kali , at the llrst communion
These who called on Thursday evening
tworo : Very Ilev lr and Mrs Fair , General
oral and Mrs Mjiulerson ami Miss Hobo , Mr
and Mrs. IIV Yates , Mis Kobe Yates
( Morgan , Mr. and MM. Ocoige n. I'rltchett ,
Mrs. John A llorbach , iMlss Stanton ol
"Washington , Mr and Mrs J. N. II Patrick
Jlr. Ilobcrl W. Patrick , Mr and Mrs W V
Morse , Miss Carrie Mlllard , Mrs. Harold Gtf-
lord , 'Mrs. ' Unbelt H Clarkson , Mr and Mrs
JlcKonna , Miss McKeima , Mrs n Itosewatcr ,
Jlr. Victor Kcsewater , Mr Charles II Gulou ,
air. John S Collli.s , Mr. Mgcnion S Pat
rick , Mr. and Mr G W hlnlnger , Mr and
Mra. Haller , Mr rarnain Smith , Mr. Joseph
Baldrlgo , Mr Chailcs II. Wilson , Mr. llattln ,
Dr. and iMrs 1'cabodv , rs George W. Doane ,
( Mrs. Mctcalfe , Mrs. Cornish , Mr. Udvvard
Cornish , Mr. 1'easc , Mr. ndgar Scott , Lieu
tenant B 0. C Ord , Mrs. 13 . Wnkeley. Miss
"Wukoloy. Miss IL'mlly ' Wakeley , Mr and Mrs
C. K. Catlln Mi. Sam S. Caldwell , Mrs
Frank Johnson , Mrs Heed. Mr. and Mra S
D. inarkalow , Ur and Mrs. Denlse , Mrs.
Charles m. Roller , Mr and Mrs. H. T. Claiko ,
Mr. Urogan , Mrs. Marshall of Lincoln , Mrs
Belt , Mr. White , Mrs. Gilbert und Miss
SCHHIIII'H I < "lrnl Hcoi'iillon.
The first largo reception of the season was
the charming entertainment given by Mrs
Jamea E. Dauni last Friday afternoon In
honor ot her aunt , Mrs Cnil Kunkc , and her
Bister , Mrs. Flurr of Lincoln The rooms
( were tastefully adorned for the occasion ,
'American ' beauty roses being much in evl-
< lonco In the reception parlor , red rct > es In
the library and pink losra In the dining
room. A mandolin orchestra d'scoursed
music throughout the uftcrnoon. Mrs. I )
31. Wheeler , jr. , poured tea In the reception
liall. In the dining room Mra Klrkemlall
served , Miss Hlmebaugh Ice and Mrs.
Crlttonden and Misses Alexander and Uaum
assisted. Othcre who lent their aid to the
licstesfl were Mrs. Davis , Mrs Wattles , Mrs.
lloldrego and Mis. Da\ld Damn.
A charming autumn wedding was that of
Mr. John Clarke Colt and Miss Mary Ken
nedy Sargent , which took place last Wednes
day evening 'it the First Congregational
As Is the custom at church weddings , the
Invited friends of the bildo and groom bo-
Kan to assemble long before the appointed
Jiour. and when Mr J , 13. Duller , at the
organ , began the Lohenglm wedding march In
token of the advent of the bridal party , the
auditorium was filled with expectant guests
The pulpit platform and chancel were pio-
fuscly and Usttfully decorated with palms
and foliageplanu mil the thrco fiont pews
on each side , set arvt for relatives and Inti
mate friends , vvcro distinguished tiy wreaths
of pink roses and Hinllax.
Promptly at 7'30 the procession entered
from the tower and proceeded down the north
znutn aisle. The turners , Messrs , Sargent ,
I'ratt , Allen and Wallace , came ( list , two and
two The brldesmands. Misses Tukey , Cook
tMcKolt and Morse , followed In zigzag order
They were daintily gowned alike , In white
organdie with pink tulle sashes , Ion neck ,
long sleeves , no gloves , and carried La
Franco rose. Next came the maid of honor ,
IMlss Clcavcland of Denver , walking alone ,
attired. In lavender organdie over lavender
Bilk. She cat lied bridesmaid's and brldo' '
ratios , tied with pink ribbons , The bride en
tered last , escorted by her father. She
looked oven moro charming than usual In her
( wedding dress of Ivory duchessct satin , en
train with chiffon , high neck. Her ample
Royal makes the food pure ,
n 'lolcsumo and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
veil wan caught with a diamond nd peirl 1
pin , the gift ot the groom She tarried a
pnycr hook of white \elltint , which TuloKil '
spiaji of lilies of the valley '
Simultaneously with the. e.arflrtie of the
bridal party , the groom , attended by hln
best man , Mr. Arthur J Cooley , appmrcd
from the lecture room , and proceeding to ,
the chancel , met the bride where Ilev Ir I
I1. A. Warficld walled to perform the cere1 1
irony The bridesmaids and il hcrs stood. '
lit patrn about ( lie central figure , ami the !
pliliirt thus piesented was a lurely beautiful
ono Tin full ritual of HIP Kplscopul chinch ,
wai employed , accompanied by the soft
Ktralns of the organ , the wedded pair knelt |
on the white velvet cushion to receive the j
benediction , anil the party left the ehttch by I
the south central alslo through the door by I
which It had entered. !
After the ceremony an. elaborate supper 1
wa < > served at the residence of the bride's
parent * to the wedding party and a few
relatives from out of town. Mr and Mrs.
Cell left In thp evening for St Louis , and
will visit Washington and New York before |
returning. In about three weeks. They will
bo at home Wedncsdavs after January 1 at
13" > North Thirty-first avenue.
Mrs. Colt Is the daughter of Mr. and ) Mrs
Daniel Ilartlell Sargcnl She has grown up
fiom childhood In Omaha , ami Is widely
known and universally esleemed , Mr. Cell
came from Mlrsourl Valley , la. , a tow years
ago and has nlrcady attained on enviable
prominence In the business and social world
Doth have hosts of friends who will wish
them all happiness In their married Ufa.
PI Nlirr-l ) n n in I ro.
The Omaha friends of Mr S. L KUhcr , for-
mcrly n resident of this city , will bo Inter
ested In the following account of his wedding ,
which occurred at Armourdale , Kan , last
Miss Allco Dunmlre , the handsome and ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Dunmlre , and Mr. S. L. Fisher of St
Louis , were man led at S o'clock last evening
at the bride's homo , 612 South Sixth fitreat
Mr. and Mrs Dunmiro are among the oldfat
and best known residents of Wyandotte
county The brldo IH well known In educa
tional and social circles The double parlors
woio handsomely decorated with ferns and
ixilms An Improvised altar of tall palms In
the biy window made a ' .iretty background for
the bridal party. Miss Pearl Flowers sang
"O , I'romlso Me , " after which the wedding
march , "Lohengrin , " was rendered by Mrs.
Gillian Kllppcl , the bride's sister , to the
s'weet strains of which the bridal pirty en
tered from the hall and marched through the
parlors to the altar. The ceremony was per
formed by Hov C 12 Armst'ong , pastor of
the Central Presbyterian church. lie was as
sisted by IJIdcra W. M. Dunning and H. How-
la ml Way
The bride wus attended by Miss Gioce
Floweis of Kansas City. Mo , and the groom
by Mr I > nest Dunmiro , brother of the brldo
The bride was attlrod In white satin , elabo-
ately trimmed with duchess la-e , and carried
n bouquet of white rosebuds
After the congratulations the bridal party
and the guests enjoyed refreshments nerved
In the dining room Palms and ferns were
also used to tlecorato this room , nonquota
of white ch > santhcmums and scattered car
nations and ferns decotuted the table. lly
eaoh plato was placed a white enameled wed
ding souvenir box , on which were pi luted the
names of the bride and groom and containing
yleccs of the bride's and groom's cake. About
seventy-five guests wore present.
I'i'rIlrnkf. .
The manlago of Miss Amy Drake anl Mr.
IW. . Peters took place on Wednesday evenIng -
Ing , October 20 , at the residence of the
biido's mother , 211G Sherman avenue Miss
Laura Drake , slbter of the bride , was the
bridesmaid , and 'Mr. ' George D Miner was
the groomsman The ccremonj was per-
io ! mod by Hov James Halnes , uncle of
the groom. Mr and Mrs M Peters of Deadwood -
wood , S D , father and mother of the groom ,
Mr and Mis. Vaovv of New York , Mr. and
MrsV G. Drake , Mrs. James Halnes , Mrs
Hockfeller , Mlsd Hockfellcr , Elva Uoclc-
fcller , Misses Purcell , Detlafs. Derkln ,
OllnpJ , and Messrs George- and flnrlic
Halnes were among the gJcsts The brije's
Iress was made of white eitln with pearl
trimmings The bridesmaid wore nile gieen
ciepon trimmed with chiffon The floral
decorations of the house were very hand
some , aiU the vvddlng supper was elaborate
jnd thoroughly cujojcd by all present.
\\VcIilltiux mill KnicniK'inriitN.
The wedding of Mr Louis T Pordee and
Mis Ora Pearl Shelly will occur Wednes
day next.
Announcement cards arc out for the wed
ding of Mr. F. Mendel Miller and Miss A.
Ma He O'Neal.
The wedding of Mr. Arthur Pounsford
Gulou and Mtos Grace Hlmebaugh will be
celebrated next Wednesday evening at the
rc-uldenco of Mrs Addlson L Carter.
Mr. A. W. Jeffries and Miss Helen Jose-
phlno Magarkey of Oregon , III. , will bo mar-
iled at that place next "Wednesday , and will
bo at home after December 1 at 2513 Cald
well street In this city.
The wedding of Mr. W. H. Clarke and
Miss Pearl Hartman has been fixed for No
vember 10. The ceremony , for which Invita
tions will probably be out this week , will
take place at All Saints.
Mr. 12 Sanberg and Miss Cella Olson were
united In marriage Wednesday evening , at
the homo of the bride's parents. 1320 Park
avenue , by Ilev F M. SUson. Mr. and Mrs.
Sanberg arc al homo at 3313 Jones street.
The marriage of Mr. Mathcvv Heals of
Augusta , Mont , and Miss Annlo McGarvey
of this city was solemnized Tuesday mornIng -
Ing , October 1'J , at St Peter's church. Miss
Nellie McArdlc , an intimate friend of the
bride , acted as bildesmald. The beat man
vva j Mr , Michael Samon , cousin ot the
groom. An elegant bieakfast was served at
the homo of the bride , none but the Imme
diate friends and relatives of the family
being present. Mr and Mrs. Heals left on
an early train for their future homo in Au-
gustu , 'Mont. '
A surprise larty that wis greatly enjoved
by all was given to air Ocorge A. Goodwin ,
residing at 270. South Twentieth stieet , on
Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs
Goodwin gave their guests an evening very
pleasant of entertainment. These present
weroMeshrs. . and Jlesdamcs G T Anderson ,
J. W Gross , J. W. Hood , H M Walker and
W A. Ilogcrs ; Mesdames Kato 12 Decker ,
Mvrtlo Aulthaun and Mrs. Doty ; Misses Nel
lie Gray and Maifglo Forester ; Messrs M 12
Gilbert and Mr. A. J Pogue.
On Tuesday evening a number of joung
folks gave a BUI prise party at the home of
Miss Klsle Uarnard , on Corby street , In honor
of Miss Allco Crow oil. The evening was
pleasantly spent with music and game * . At
a Into hour refreshments were served. The
invited guests were Misses Allcis Crowcll ,
12dna Dean , Nellie Fisher , Agnes Coy , Laura
Clark I ) cue Swain , Jessie Hamilton ami
ISlslo Darnard , and Messrs Elmer llallard ,
David ninkln , Adolph Helming , David Lir-
( , en. Will Dean , Harry Fisher and Chancey
Mra. James Foley , 2150 South Twentlnth
street , had a "stag surprise" for her hus
band Friday evening , It being the fifty-sec
end anniversary of his birth The company
of neighbors Invited came to a dinner at
( j 30 p in and It was a genuine surprise A
most sumptuous meal was served by the
hostcbb ; then the evening was pleasantly
passed with curds and music Among thee
present were Messrs Fred Chlttendcn ,
Daniel McPhall , James Cleary , James Folcy ,
Carl Hlbbard , James Horn , 12d Truax , John
Cleary , W H iMcCreary , Lovl Cox and
Thomas Sldwell.
Ono of the most ( > leaeaut surprise parlies
of the season was given Thursdiy evening ,
October 21 , In honor af the nineteenth birth
day of .Mr Harry ndghlll at his jealdenco , Hi
South Twenty-second streel Games and
music were enjoyed by the following Misses i
M A ndghlll , 12 I Kdehlll. Grace Light.
Hesslo Oreer , Angellno Lvuch , M Mulligan ,
Magglo rit7tiatrlek , Martha riUpatrlch Cube ,
Mary Wall. Gojitltunan and FlUglbbons ,
Messrs Ha ry Udghlll , William Kdshlll. Jr ,
William Rdghlll , sr , Verne Coy , James
Greer Alt Johnson , Hugh Delaney , Vincent
Lilly F Cuba , James Lynch , Cowan , John
Mattorn Sundblad , John Daugherty and Wil
liam Fltzpatrlck ,
Mr. Jamea B. Morton was pleasantly sur
prised at his homo. 1311 PInkney street ,
Tuesday evening , October 19 , by a large num
ber of friends , An excellent musical program
was prepared. Those present wereMessrs
and Mesdames J W , Koopman , G G , Dennis ,
Dr , and Mr * . Owens , n. E. French , I. H.
Hasbrouk , H , H Ittner , M. II. Rlsdon , W. H
Wuddoll , Q , S Hrewstcr , P C. Craig , C , H.
Oration. G W Hargadlne ; Mesdamea Hand.
T. II. Morby , H. C. Hotchkls , O. I , Cole ;
William nishop , M. Waugh , Q. Galford ;
LIllUu Amwald , I2dua Haud , Daisy
French , nerdlo Ar w lrt , Grace Tladalp. tlz-
rlo Hanker , Jessie Waugh , Wlnford Mishap ,
Sophie Ilullnhflimcr , Cordelia Gibson , ( Jcr-
trudo Gibson find Lottie Clark and Messrs
Uvron Hargadlne , 12 Morby , T Thlem Rob
ert Morton , Hugh Hotchkls , Ralph HarRl-
din * , Anon Evans , Adolph Thlem and
Chirlofl Thlem
A pleasant surprise was given to Mr and
Mrs P C , Hough last Friday evening at their
homo Oil North K'ghtecnth ' streel , the event
serving to commemorate the thirtieth anni
versary of their marriage The party WMS
composed chiefly of representatives from
Hanncr Camp , F. U of A. , of which Mr. and
Mrs Hough nro prominent members A
number of other friends also attended. The
evening was pleasant ! ) spent with games ,
music and recitations and refreshments of
fruits , cake and coffee formed an ImportJiit
part ot the evening's enjojmcnt The follow
ing were present and Joined In wishing Mr.
and Mra , Hough happy repetitions of the
same event Mr. and Mrs Reese , Mrs. Mary
A Armstrong Mrs J J Cobry , Mr and Mrs.
Oscar Peterson , Mrs LctllJ Giles. Miss Mabel
Dellne , Dr H A Worlcy , Prof. A J. Whld-
den , Mr. nnd Mrs Merges and Mr. F J.
Mr Harry ndghlll was very pleasanlly
surprised Thursday evening by a number of
friends al his home. 712 Soulh Twenty-second
street Thoevcnlngwasallnostenllrelydovoted
to music There were several well tendered
Dclectlonsonmai'dollns and guitar by Messrs
Sunblad , MaUurn and Sunblad ; piano solos.
ll.o Misses Ildghlll , Lynch and Mr. James
Grlor , were all enjovcd by a very apprecia
tive audience. Dainty refreshments were
s ° rved durlc ? the evening Those participat
ing In the enjoyments of the evening wore
the Misses Minnie Pltzglbb ns , Marie Gentle-
nnn. Mary Wall. Allco Camm , Martha Flt7-
patrlek , Angelina Lynch , Anna Gentleman ,
Grace Light , May Mulligan , Marguctlte
Fitrpatrlck , Pauline 12dghlll Grlor and
ndghlll , the Messrs. William Edghlll , Thomas
Camm , John Matlurn , Hugh Delaney , Hen-
Jamln Lynch , Vlncenl Llllcy , Vernlo Coy ,
Sunblad , Harry ndghlll , Johnsen , Warner ,
Sunblad , John Daughtrty nnd James Grler.
I'liu-ntH of .Sot'lnl Folk.
Mr. and 'Mrs. ' J. Francis were In St. Louis
last week.
Mra W 13 Townscnd U at home after a
visit In Chicago.
'Mr ' , Louis Hostwlck Is spending a few
dajH In Chicago.
Mr Fred Ferguson spent a few days In
Chicago last week.
Mra 13 R Weaver returned. Monday from
a pleasant eastern trip.
Mies Alice Andrcesen returned last week
after a summer In Kurone.
iMf. and Mrs. J. U Huchanan spent a few
dajs In St. Louis last week.
Mr and Mrs Warren Swltzler .ire enjov-
Ini ? a short visit In Denver.
Mr and Mis Gcorgo P. Mono have re
moved to 2913 Hickory btreet.
Mrs Charles A. Rutherford has returned
from a. month's tilp to New York.
Mr. A. C Powell Is slowly recovering from
a severe attack of typhoid fever.
Mr and Mrs S. H H. Clark and Mr. Ho\le
Clark spent last week In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Watklns are now at
homo at 524 South Twenty-ilxth avenue
Mr and Mrs Guy C. liarton and Mra Rol-
llro left last week for Washington D. C ,
Mr and Mrs S A. iMcWhortei and their
family have returned from their Daropean
Mr F. M. Richardson was called to Prince
ton. III. , last night by the death of lib
Miss Homier left Fr'diy for Hcatilco to at
tend the state convention ot Chiistlan Ru-
deav ore's.
Mhs Kountze returned last week from
Denver , where she has been visiting Mrs. C
13. Kountze.
M.- . and Mrs Tovvle will occupj their ren
ovated house at Twenty-fourth and Dou lari
streets this week.
Mr S. W. Llmkuv , who has been con
fined to his house for porno time , Is once
more out of doois.
Mr and Mrs J. J. Gibson nnd their
daughter , Harcl. have taken rooms at the
Dellono for the winter.
Mr. and Mis Arthur Mctz have retmned
from their wedding Journey , and have taken
apartments at the Murray. '
Mr and Mrs C H. Sumner and their fam
ily , who have been spending the summer at
Manltou , returned last week.
Mrs , Ed T. Ilejden left last week Tor a
few weeks' visit with filend.i and relatives
In Minnesota and South Dakota.
Mrs Sophia Gjger left Thursday for Phil
adelphia , wheie she will attend the wedding
of her son and remain dm Ing the winter.
Mrs. R II Newton returned home last
week after a visit of two months with
friends at Grand Ilaplds and Detroit , Mich
Mrs. Hariy Laufenburg , who has been visit
ing friends ami her sister , Mrs. Chirlcj. II
Sawjer , In Kansas City for two weeks , re
turned homo last Sunday.
Mr. George Ilelmrod left last week for
Iloston , where he will enter the Junior jear
at Harvard and , pursue his studies In chem
istry and cognate sciences.
Mrs. H F Weaver returned on Monday
after an absence of three months' visiting
Washington , New York , Boston , Cambridge
and many other eastern cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. MeallD leave to
day for Rockford , III. , to attend the wedding
of Miss nilzabcth I'enderE2s > t , a cousin of
Mrs. Meallo which will take place on
Miss Hoagland leaves today for a visit In
Kansas , City , where she will attend the ap-
pioachlng wedulng of Miss Ullen Talbot and
Mr. William Atwell of that city. Later she
will act as maid of honor at the Judson-
McCord wedding In St. Joseph.
'iilM of the AVci-lc.
The Young Men's. club of All Saints church
gave a pleasant reception last Wednesday
evening at Morand's.
Mrs Walter T Page onteitalned Informal ! )
at dinner last Monday , In co'ebratlon of the
birthday of Mr Robert Tarleton.
Mrs , Edward C. McShane entertained In
formally at curds on WeJnesda ) afternoon In
1'onor of her gucbt , Mrs lluford of Rock
Mrs. E W ChaBo and Mrs W. W. Mc-
llrldo entertained at. high live last Friday
at the rtrt donee of the latter The gues's '
wore Mesdames Van Huron , Hunter , Fred-
urlck , Hlack , Powell , Templeton , Co'e , Ne-
Ilgti , McCoy , Veno , Saerraden. Pi Ice , Nellgh.
Hoe ] , RlHley , King , Izard , HIoss , Hoc ! and
Mr and .Mrs Klrkendall gave an elaborate
and beautiful dinner last Tuesday In honor
of Miss Hlmebaugh , whose mairlage to Mr.
Arthur P Gulou will be ono of the events
of the coming week. The guests wore
Miss Hlmebjuuh , Mr. and Mn ? Perry Allen ,
Mr and Mrs A L Reed , Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Coles and Mr Gulou
On the occasion of their eighteenth wed
ding anniversary , which occurred last
Wedn ° sda ) evening , i.Mr and Mrs J. W
Hosier at their home , 3723 North Eighteenth
street , Invited In a few- neighbors to ostiat
In celebrating the event Songs , recitations
and cards were the means of amusements
and helped to vvhllo away a very pleasant
Mr and Mrs Harry C. Rhyn entertained
at their homo Wednesday evening at supper
and the remainder of the evening wab spent
at cards Those present were Messrs anl
Mesdames A H. Swcndby. G. C Valion , L
Parsen and A. P Glvln ; Mrs E G. Ilosuu
and her daughter , Irene , Miss Hilda
Swendby , Miss Hannah Swemlby ; Mr M
Cavar.aufili and Mr. Jobeph Reynolds
The Lucky Thirteen bpcnt their first
aftcinoon at cards at Mrs Rlx's homo. The
! lnt prize- was won by Mrs. Ed Cox and the
booby was won by Mrs W. C. Heyden Those
present were Mesdames Ed Cox , W C.
Hvj-deii , H. Hceelln. E Mc > er , Di R , S.
Lucke , W F Stoecker , P Wlndhclm , H.
Wolff , H. Wlndhelrn , C Conrad. E. Wind-
helm , Charles Karbacn , Jr , H Rlx.
In honor of the sixth anniversary of the
wt-ddlng of Mr. and Mrs , W. T. Wyman ,
Mr. 12 W , Dlxon gave a delightful dinner
last Tutv lay evening al the Omaha club ,
Covers were laid for Mr , and Mrs. Wman ,
Mr. and Mis Clifford Smith. Dr and Mra.
J E. Summers , jr , MUtea Wlnslow of Bos
ton , McKenna and Dewey , and Messrs
Frank Hamilton , WlUon and Dixon.
Last evening Masler James Hlack Invited
a few of his young friends to the home of his
parents , 3520 North Twenty-seventh street ,
and spent several hours In celebrating his
eleventh birthday. Refreshments were
served and when the little guests repaired to
their respective home * they voted James a
royal entertainer. Those present were :
UUsea Agues Fleming , Lucy DlesUiu , Mable
Carpet Co.
Ca Jl Your Particular Attention to Our Rug Sale for Monday.
Rugs that you can depend upon to fit any si/e room or to cover any par
ticular spot. We give you some great rug bargains Monday.
We Clean Carpets-
We make thorn over rollt tlioin. Wo
have a spi-rlal crew of wet Union for u-ry pm pose. YOU will llnd'oiirs n
Hindi more satisfactory way tliun the
old out * of hunting for n iiuin and tak
ing your elmnce-3 of getting a botch. Wo
take the ontlro ic-jponslbllltv off your
hands and do the work In a tirst-das.- ,
iti.uuu'r ut n very small cost.
Oil Cloth Stove Rugs-
Yard and n quailer itiuare , best tpial-
llkv Te. ( )
/ine binding with c'orni'r plates , 12e
per package.
Also a lot of 2-yaid square oil doth
rugs , slightly danugcd because they
were uiiishod In shipping , whldi wo will
close out at 11 very low price.
Smyrna Rugs-
Xow heiv'.s a IMso where wo havon't
exactly bought out a factory , but wo
have bought a lot of their HUN about all |
the chok'o designs they had , ami thi'.v me j
the biggest and best uig makers In the |
A lovorslblo Smyrna rug , ! > \l > foot ,
beautiful pattern , $ S.50.
Anolhor H7'foot ) ' . , for ? ! ' _ ' . (0. (
Dark gioon center , handsome border ,
Ox- ; ! feet , > 10.00.
Now these ings luu real Smyrna nigs
the very best to ln > had for the price , i
There is not a bit of wool in them. II'1
tlit-re the price would bo S25 and ifllO. ;
lint those are good rugs just the s.uuo ,
and will give excellent serfiee. Von'll
Ibid them gu-at bargains.
We also show tomoriow Hiomloy's all-
wool leal .Sinyina ings , lO'/.x"1/ ' , foot , at
ll\l ! ) foot at S2S.50.
They are about MO under price
Wo will also oiler Monday 5Oi ; ! ( Im
perial Smyrna inns , a traveling man's
sample Hue , the pi ices of which are
Usually $ ( > 2r > ; as long as the.\ last , $ . ' ! .75.
Other Choice Rugs- ,
We have a vor\ , large line of Knndhar
14f4-146 ! T418
Douglas St.
1512 St ,
Haze , Wealthy Blackwell , Hlla Kelsey and
Kdna Chapln , Masters Drina Hlack , Harry
Jones , George Ilnlrd , I'aul lUi-e Theodore
Dieslng , John Kellej , Charlej Tait , Clnrk
Johnson , Tiank Le > decker , Ilany Walling
and nimer Kel&oy. t
Mrs W W. Morsman gave a pretty six-
hand euclire paity last Wednesday dtteinoon
In the pallors of the Men him Her guests
were Mesdames Dennett. C M Morsman ,
We. sells Cotton , Shlv crick , Coutant , Mei-
rlam , 1'ritchctt , Lyraan , Colpetzer , lleldcn ,
\V F. Allen , Gates , Crtimmer , Haker ,
Kverett of Council Bluffs , Monroe. Jones ,
Lent and Catlln Mrs I'litchett , Mrs
llolden and Mis 12 M Morsmau won prl/es.
At their very pleasant home , 2121 Locust
street , on Tuesday evening of last week ,
Mr and Mrs. T C New oil entertained the
Ahamo club. Cards and refreshments were
the order of the evening. Mr. Wagner won
the men's prlzu while his wife secured the
women's prl/e , a handsome morocco curd
case. The club members are Messrs. and
Mefcilames n. C Chamberlain. T. C. Nowcll ,
J. W Ihirrls , T. S , Kelly , C. A. SherwooJ ,
Wagner and I'eiry
In honor of Miss Mary K. Sargent , Mr.
and Mrs W V Morse entertained at dinner
laal Monday evening the bildal party of the
Colt-Sargent wedding. I'lnk was the pre
vailing color of the flowers and decorations ,
A bank of roses nnd ferns adorned the
center of the tabln , and pink ribbons ex
tended tlicnco to'the ' corners Tne menu
cards suggested wishbones , Miss Sargent's
being lepresented ad broken , to indicate the
prospective attainment'or ' her heart's d lre.
Mr and ' .Mrs H C Straight of 130i. North
Twenty-fifth streeil ctlebratoil their wooden
ar.-ilversary last Mouda , , ) evening. The evening -
ing was pleasantly sjpent In progressive
high live. Much notice was ( alien of the
wedding bell shaped , ( ally and rule cards ,
cut from real birch baik A dainty lunch
was servel at 11 30 Mlas Hose Heriog won
the women's prize , .Mossre. John Stockham ,
J I' Harnlurt und. Ciiiles Phelps drew for
luo men's , the latirjvv , Inning , These pres
ent were Messrs atid iMesdames Uert Gv.ln ,
J I' . Darnhart Charles , I'helps and Mrs Do
Vol. Mlssca llesste JMid l > ollle Ciulckahank
of IJe Solo , Neb , lla Donley , Mario. Hose
and Kannlo Herzog and Nettle Soltz. Messrs.
I2d Knapp , lUvo Knox , Andrew Crulckshank
ot lie Solo , Neb , Will Straight , Harry Her-
zog. Hairy Wallace , Ben Homati , John Stock-
liani and Kddlo Walker.
On Hit * Six lul ( Jilrniliir.
The Jolly Klght Dancing club announces Its
next monthly dance for the evening of Satur
day , November 6 , at Pallet son hall.
Mrs L T Stinderland will give a recep-
llon next Wednesday afternoon at her home ,
1329 South Thirt-second street , In honor of
Mrs J. A Sunderland ; her sister , Miss
Kdserly. of Ottutnwa , la , , and Miss Thomas
of Fremont ,
Invitations are being Issued for a scries of
rxutlea to bo given by the Thuraton Hlflea
during the season of 16'JT-SS , the opening
party to be given Tuesday ovonlng , October
20 , and the balance of the parties to bo announced -
nouncod through the pri-iss from time to time.
Those fortunate enough to be favored will be
treated to a variety of entertainment during
the season , as it is the Intetitlou to glvu
Wilton. A\nilnsti r and Hoynl WlUon
ui s In tluslRiLs suitable for dmwltiR
vooiiw , iMi'luix. libraries" anil clluliiB
looms ; also Konulni1 Hoilln ( liorinany )
niatlo Sony rtt h. ranginK in
fiom ! ? vo : to SIU.
An oh'Kaut line of imttorus In tb
tiu > Knlilo uinilrnpli1 ( inallty ,
the vt'iv best .Japanese ntfjs linportt'il.
TVAltiVfii't at $10.00.
IK 11 ! f ot at S1H.OO.
Made Up Rugs-
Made from remnants of c-aipeK Some
of tlie ( imilltles In the house In
these i HAS. ( .Uti1 customers are buying
lots of them. bt'cntiM' most an.\boily ran
see the saving to be made In buying
( hum.
Wilton Velvet. 8 ft. IlMIl ft. 0 , i10.)0. ( )
Finest Tapestry. 8 ft. \11 ft. (1. ( SI..OO.
( Jood Velvet. S ft. H\10 It. li , SI7.00.
Uoxbnry Tapestry , Sit. IK to ft. It ,
! fl'-.t)0. )
Best .Mociielte. ] S ft. ! K ft. IS. ? 1 I . ' 0.
llest .Moqnette. S ft. JKVJ ft. . iSID.OO.
Tapestry Hinssols , S ft. ItxlO ft. II ,
Hotly Ilrii.s ioN. 10 ft. ( ! \112 ft. . .f'Jl.OO.
Itest Moijuette. 10 ft. t\11 ! ft. ( i , $1 1MX ) .
Ilaitfoid llrussels , < ) ft.xio ft. ( i , $ l1.0i ! ) .
Hartford ItuisseN , ) tt.xll it. II , $2 .00.
The chief part of our business Is car
pets. 1'iobably no house in the west car
ries .so large a line or so vailed an as
sortment. We pilde oui'solve.s upon hav
ing the latest designs , the generally 1111
obtainable designs , the best goods for tin-
money. Wo aie especially complimented
upon our A\iniiisteis. And then we
lm\o carpets al all sorts of pi ices. Car
pet pi lees aie advancing everv day. but
we still sell
New patterns In Ingialn.s at . " > 0e.
New path-tins In Ingialns at Chic.
New patterns in I'liions at Hoc.
ljvoiybodkv tells us we have the llnost
line of lockeis In town , because they are
new anil st.vlish , handsomely uphol-
steied ; the very nicest we could bu > .
That's what we
1 claim for the
| Wo'll filiow tills week which aie to anive
Monday What's moro , tlu-j'rc going to he
sold at a douhle-qulek price Thcio'll bo
Ku slin Hlouscs Tailored Top Coats , JacU-
ets und Mantles lots , of 'em-all tlilTereut ,
Fly Front Jacket Suits
Blacks and colors the $20 00 sorts
choice for
1CI1 ! > ( u , , , , ) .
'NA'o place on sale tomorrow another
Ini'BO lot of oil nnd cork llnoloiinw Jmt
notU'o the price , -loc wny under Its
value. Now there Is n prent illfterenee
In linoleums , 'llwe nro real oil tinil
cork , match pi-ifectly nnd nro In boun
tiful patterns. We conlil set linoleums
( so-calluil ) to sell for le < . which are made
In Unpin ml real KinilMt , you know
the trashiest Kind of stnlT.Ve dare not
buy It. We could pi nimbly sell lots of
H for : iOe , lint It Isn't worth inc. Those
linoleums are made of oil and eotk
u-al , genuine linoleums .uid the pi Ice Is
very low a I 15c.
Parlor Furniture and
Odd Parlor Piece's
About ton days a-o ( we cut our leg-
nlnr prices on odd p.ulor luuiitmo about
half and niinounecd that the pi Ices
would be go'id for just one week. We
made this plain and sold a good deal of
it , but since that so many have come In
expecting t < > get these goods at the cut
into and have been so disappointed that
rather than ii.sU Inciiirlng the displeas
ure of customers wevlll sacrifice these
beautifully upholstoiod goods Monday
and Tuesday. Now notice. Monday and
Tuesday two day.sat this cut rate.
Parlor Furniture
We aie making a closing s.ilo in par
lor fiuniluro lor this week only. Itvill
be an opportunity to buy MMIIO pailoi
fniiiltuie for about half of what It's
v01 th.
A divan upholstered in sillc tiipe.slry ,
price SlS.oO , this week $ ! > . _ ' . > .
; ipecLsuit ! upholstered In silk In oca
telle , cvtia lame si/.e , all ovoisiuflod ,
pi ice of the suit i700 ( ! , this week ? : ! S)0. ( )
A lingo arm pallor chair , iipholstoied
in silk biocatelle , price SL'O.OO , this week
Klegant ; ' . piwe pallor suit , solid ma-
Y. M.C. A. BLDG.
Cloaks And Jackets
Cloaks in Corduroy , Novelty Goods
Lambs' Wool , Eider
down , Etc. Prices
Range from
Jackets in Handsome Novelties and Plain Goods
Chan geable Brilliantines $3.50
Silk Skirts .154.25 up
In these days of Humbug1 Advertising ,
characterized by Bombast , Wind and space
and devoid of Brains , Truth , Honesty or
Common Sense it is not an easy matter to
reach the publicwith a modest and truthful
advertisement but we point with justifiable
pride to our record of the past 35 years and
state that we have a line of Wall Paper equal
in merit to any west of New York , at prices
from 3C per roll upward. Every pattern in
the house has been cut in price 30 per cent
and we will be pleased to furnish you an esti
mate of cost upon any work you may require.
Notice our pen picture on page 20 for further
particulars ,
Painters , Decorators and Wall Paper Dealers ,
privatu mask build , poverty paitles und other
novoltletj , la aildltlon to the regular formal
On the sleep of the thirtieth sun , Traveling
Moon. Mlnnehaha couuc.ll , No. 2 , will entertain
1's ' many friends by giving a hard times
dance at Labor temple. To keep up the ap-
pej'anccB of the tlmea the elsterg will BCIVO
mush au'l mlllc.
Olll ) ( ) lll > OlIHf III VI . JllllH.
'MDMl'HIS. ' Tonn . Oct ZJTho fevtr Hltu-
iitlon licro is unohangcd At noon toduy .Mc-
' was reported tonv.ilu cln0' No IIHVV
aru rc"ortca uy thouiiy
To ot from J.llibey Cut ( llasa lm-
liruvtitt Ihe llHVur of ) uur rood.
Uuiulnu IJtiljex'ut alum lia * thin '
trade mark out In.
hogany fiamp , silk damaslc , upholstered ,
handsomely- hand carved , n beautiful
stilt , price .f''t.m ) . this \\eek $11.00. !
Il-plece solid maluwiny , silk damask
tiphohteiy , bpauttfnlly hand earved ,
thoionwhly tip-to-d.\te , price $71.00 , this
week JS'.IUX ) .
An cleuant solid mahogany frame. In
laid manpietry baek on paneled venper ,
be.iullfnlly upholstered , li-pleeu , arm
uhalr , settee and small chair , pilco $70 ,
this v.\cek $1(150. (
Voiy tine solid mahogany frame , In
laid lines , two pieces , npholstptcd In silk
damask , pi lee $ J > l.tiO ! , this week ! > rilOO.
Solid mahogany , hand carved window
seat , one of our tleconitlve pleee.s ,
pi Ice 8110.00. this week $1I1.H ( ) .
l-plece ! solid mahogany , bellee and arm
chair , pi Ice $0000 , this \veek $ ; ti.OO. :
Odd Parlor Pieces
Mahogany chair , upholstered In silt
damask , pilce $11.00 , this week $7.7ii.
Very handsome .solid mahogany arm
chair , price $ U2.rtO , lids week $ tr > 00.
Mahogany corner ch.ilr. beautifully In
laid , price $18.50 , this week $11..VI.
Inlaid aim chair , price $20 ,
tills week S1I1.W ) .
Mahogany aim chair , upholstered In
.satin damask , pi Ice .S' ' ° > .0 < ) , tills week.
Mahogany arm chair , price $18 , this
Week > 12.
Mahogany arm chair , iipholsleied In
silk . $ IU..VI. this week $11) ) .
Mahogany eli.ilr , cushioned , pilco
SIS r > ( ) , tills week $12.50.
Kull TtnKI(4h Iron Irame chair , uphol
stered in best coidmoj , pi Ice $12.00 , this
week $27.50.
2 l.nge easy lockers , upholstered in
coiduroy , price $22.50. this vvccU > . " ( ) .
1'ailor chair , upholstered in silk tapc.s-
tiy , pi Ice M2..V ) , this wet-k $ S 50.
lU'.iutit'ul m.ihoganj inlaid chair , up-
holsleied , price $1000. this week SHOO.
Another pi Iced at $2000 , this week
Another in iced at $22.50 , tills \veek
SI 1.50.
Window shades all ic.idy to hang at
25c each.
d R d Htha-il
11 lard a
0rUt |
Ainoilcau ijJun , (2 CiUpur il.iy iii |
Kuiopoun pluii.ll.OOporil.iy 110.
J. 12 . aiAHKUL , Ai SO.V , l'rov .