Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : S ATl'lfr ) AY , OCTOBER- , 1807.
Estimate of Mi oh of the Assets of the Dead
Ponca Bank.
HIM oil rr 'I I'M I II I'M UN ( it Mil- Value of
tin : Ilinlriii.trrilH ami the
Stiii'tlliiK- MIC Men \\lio
Stun Till-in.
UNCOLN. Oct. 22. ( ? j > ecl l. ) In the
Eirsoy case In federal court Mr.Vatklns ,
rdsclvcr of [ ho Ponea National bank , wes
in'nln on the stand tills morning , ilo spent
moat ot tlio time idcntltylnts notes drawn In
f'.v t of the bank arm received by Mm as
part of Ilio assets. Tlio notes wcro all en
dorsed by F. M. Doracy and were unpaid
Tlio Introduction of nit the e notes wan for
tlic pti pone ot showfng what 'llabllltlca lc-
fcnnant Dorsny ha \ and of demonstrating
to Hie Jury that Dorsey had endorsed a whole
quantity ot piper , t'ac payment of wh'ch ho
cou'c. ' not make. It ! H Intended to show later
tla.v tinny of ihcso notes wcro discounted by
the bank , but the proceeds were not turned
into ttn vaults of the bank , thus creating
the sequence that Dorssyi ) , used the
money fur which the nctcs ware sold and
had Id'jtJ the notes an assets of the hank ,
or tint ho had taken money from the ban'c
fii'd had -ctulnel the notes to account for it
The government Intcn Is to show that these
notes wen- mostly ( and ncihapn all of them )
given 1 pai'tles who were utterly Irrespon
sible innnclally and known to be fo by
Jnrsny Mr Sawyer Introduced two notes
of $2.000 each , xlgned ty a man named
Jar.ien Bowman , who formerly worked about
t'oncn IK odd jobs , but who now occupies a
cell nt the penltcntlnrj The government
nvcrti that tbla man was not worth 4.000
rct'j and that thin fict was v\cll known to
1)01,51' ) v when be endowed the notes given by
Jilm Twi > rt tcs given l.y John Kins were
nLo Int'odureil , ona of them being for $2,000
find the other for | iGOO KliiK has not been
lucstfil by the district attorney , who claims
that nobody niouod Punca knew any Hiich
man Thc-so notts , as indeed do all the
rest uf those Introdurcd , bear the endorse
ment of F M Dorhey The government
B'lowed f3 fiOO notn signed by 0 A. Thomp
son , win liver In the vicinity of I'onea but
win ) ! H sild to bo utterlj wor'hlcss flnon-
cMly Some of the other notes wore .is fol
lows , there being no evidence ns to who tlio
filKncm wire1 0 A. Toncray , i2,000 , L
'K.'VEar , $3 lOu. J n Daikur. $2TOu.
IT H 1'lckens , one of the assistant secre
taries of the State Iloa-d of Irrigation , Is
nt thu sfite house , having just returned
I'-c.m a tilu of Investigation through the Ir
iU'.ited portion of the Platte and Hepub-
Jlrun alley1 ! Ho viys trot the li.Mgited
croj , ns compar * ! with those In adjoining
I'.pldo not under Irrigation , hive an Increased
yield of at Host .10 per cent , and that the
Irrlra'ed ' grain Is of a better quality. Mr
Pickois Is a practical farmer , hiving an
lirlRatel fami near McCouK , In Ited Willow
muni ) He has Just finished cutting tlie
Jlfth crop of alf.ilfu from an Irrigated He'd
t.ll.s yeir , and thinks thu Octobe cutting
< T h" the best of the five lie sa > s that
ilov/n on the Itepubllcan , under IrrlgUlon it
'julways pofcilblo to nake Iho cuttings of
alfalfa each year The tlrst crop , cut ca-ly
In June , will yield from < i ton and a hilf
to two tons p r acre , and the cuttings made
once u month thereafter will yield an average -
ago of a ton to the acre
Frank Heller bee ottiry of the national
democratic committee , Ins written a letter
to Ihu secretary of state , In which he says
that the committee will till the vacanrv on
the ticket caused by the declination of one
of the candidates for rcgentb , and that the
ccrtlflcato will be sent In time st > tint the
county clerks will have the name printed
on tlio ballots. The certificate la promised
for tomorrow.
Gove nor Holcomb will leave tomorrow for
the western part of the state to begin active
work In the cnmpilgn.
A requisition has been made for the re
turn of rrank U. Gee , alias Edward C
Ilrovvn , who Is In custody at Topcka , and
la wanted at Oinha for grand larceny lie
IB accused of stealing a set of books from
Charles Scrlbno 's Sons , valued at $105. The
theft was committed October 1C
The following notarial commissions have
been made this weekI ) . W. Titus , Lltch-
fleld , Hobcrt II Wlndham , I'lattsmouth , C
C. McCune , Nebraska City ; C C Hlngiuest | ,
Omaha , J. A. Crowthers , Lakeside , II. J
Kills , Alliance ; G W. Uose , Dodge.
Senator Mut/ and Representative Zimmer
man of thu Investigating committee were
both at lite state house today. Mr Hlmmcr-
niiin when Interviewed said ho know ver )
little about the work , as he had been busy
with his farm duties for a month past. Ho
was of the opinion however , tint the com
mittee would have two or three reports to
urako between now and election day.
The Lancaster county republicans' mak
ing a very active campaign with meetings In
two or three places every night There Is no
trouhlo to get a crowd out to a republican
meeting and prospects arc nrighter In this
county than over before
Today Is library la > at the city library , and
the rooms are splendidly decorated with cut
flowers , potted plants and pictures. There
wore a largo number of visitors during the
IMltor Austin of the Evening Call , whb
"was " threatened with arrest by Hev. I lines ,
populist candidate for superintendent In
I'Mllmore county because of an alleged llbel-
ojs article published about nines , returned
homo from Chicago today , and his paper
this evening Invites Hluos to como along
with his warrant as soon ns convenient , as
tno edlter has proofs to support the state
ments In thn article.
Thcro will lie a game of football on the
University campus tomorrow afternoon be
tween the State University of Nebraska and
the Wesley an teams. Hach team has de
feated the Tarklo eleven this ) car , and a
lianl fought gumo Is expected for tomorrow
Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lln-
ilell J L Houston , J. W. Hirst , J. P. Coad ,
Jr , J. II Jones. O. C Holmc , J M Warren
and vvlfu. n. H. Mitchell At tire Lincoln
0. Hartman , Q. W. Garlock , K. W. Ilodle ,
1. I ) . Hush.
H < -\ok < 'N IVnnllN of
YOUK. NVb , Oct. 22. ( Special ) As a re-
ult of the complaints tiled against Drugg eta
A , J. Hyan and Mrs. John llotz of tlifc * city
for violut.riK the permits granted them to sell
Iliiuors , the city council last night rcvoUcJ
the permits of the two druggists The nutter
considerable- Interest In local
lias aroused - clr-
cliY.i , n the question of granting druggists
the right to sell Intoxicants under thu pro
visions of registration hab long been a much
Uiootid one
TliruiMi f i-o in a lla > WIIKOII.
nXirrnil , Neb. , Oct. S3 ( Special , ) Stanton -
ton I' Lester was thrown from a wagon load
of hay ) istcrday and bcrlously Injured. One
of the hon-cf hitched to the wagon v > 8ht a
joung colt , which became frightened and
c , Irrlimeil , ecslycrimed 8c lp , dr > , llilu ,
anil fall I lit ; Ilulr , cletnted , purified , and licautl-
fltU by worm itiiinpooi with CurroUBi 6o i- ,
nJ occadonsl Urculnj , ! of Curicoru , purdt of
mo'llcnti , the grialcit tlln curci.
Treatment will produce a clean , liealtlir icalp
Vlth luxuriant , luitront hair , when all elio falli.
ls > ' .J itirourhoul thj TorU. 1'oma Ona mo Cum.
C ir .Car * l'i in , ffoHoa.
I or1' 1 fruJao LuiurUnt ll lj. " milled h .
CIRC vlth CcKina Ini
.n nc > /ct ic
n XL ! > h wagon- . Lester struck on Ills bead
and was rendered unconscious , The hortti
tan lutj ( own with a portion ot the wagon
trailing behind and rnmhed a buggy belong
ing to D C llagan before they were caught.
W. S. llcnrjof llniiiiiliin , III , , IlrliiK
Itriiimlit til \ < ir\i \ In riiKlnil } .
YOUK , Xcb , Oft 22 ( Special Telegram )
The man who swindled the rirst National
bank of York out of $ IC5 last March on the
liogus draft scheme has been caught. His
name IsV. . S. Henry. Ho lives at Hampton ,
HI , where he Is a man of high standing.
Ho Is a Justice ot the peace , town clerk
and wai recently appointed to the pisimas-
tershlp at Hampton. This position , liouevpr ,
ho declined , to take a more lucrative one
as an official In an Insane as ) him. rho man
Is married and has thrc * grown-up daughters ,
and the family ranks high In social clrcUs.
Henry his confessed 1IU Identity has
been established beyond i shadow of a donbt
by the bank odlclals , one of wliom wag pres
ent at the time of his capture at Hock
Island , 111 , by a I'lnkerton de'jotlvc. Henry
voluntarily agreed to come to York with
the bank olllccr and dctcctlvo and It Is un
derstood that he Is trjlng to make arrange-
tnoiitB for a settlement.
The swindle that he perpetrated upon the
local bank was a clever one. Ho c.unu hero
as a representative of th5 Home Korurn
IliiicfH order and struck up an acquaintance
with p. It. Clark , state manager of the or
der. He gave the name of W. S. Sweeney.
Ilia letter of Introduction appeared perfectly
straight and tils credentials were convincing.
Ho used Clark's Irrllucncc and made a de
posit of a J700 draft at the bank. The day
following the deposit he drew out $10" , claim.
Ing that he wished to loan It and oven ask
ing for a blank note for that purpose. The
swindle wns not discovered until the draft
cirnc back as no good Th"ro are evidences
that he has worked the sim game before.
Ills picture was found In the rogues' gallery
und ho Is supposed to have once btcn In the
Ohio state prison for forgery.
Ill' ) iln rurtlicr KIllclillltcN ( lie Whfiit
mill Silver 'llititr .
WII.COX , Neb , Oct -Special ( Tele
gram ) About 3,000 people attended the
Ir ! > an meeting here today Hrvan t-poke over
an hour , quoting from speeches nnde by Me-
Klnley , lilalne and Carlisle In 1S78. He as
serted that wheat and silver would get to
gether again when tlio fainlnu In India Is
ovtr Ho explained that wheat was high
on account of the famine and that corn was
low for lack of monej. Shellenberger of
Alma spoke tonight There was verv little
enthusiasm d&p'ajed ' anil many expressed
AUAI'AHOU Neb , Oct. 22 ( Special Tel
egram ) \V J. Ilryan arrived here at 7-23
this evening mil was Immediately driven to
the speaker's stand In the north part of
town , vvhuro a crowd of about 3,000 people
had afbcmbled to listen , to him Mr Ilryan
said It wns more necessary to vote the fu
sion ticket than ever before and tint a vote
for the republican ticket was an endorse
ment of defuuPers and embezzlers. The main
part of his speech was devoted to the money
III.AIU Neb. Oct 22 ( ? pechl ) Con-
grs"man Greene was announced to address
a populist rail } at Rcrmanli ball here last
night lie did not appear and I J. Dunn
of Omaha spoke In his stead
CHADRON' Neb , Oct 22. ( Special )
Sen itor Allen addressed about liiO people
rVro last night , two-thirds of whom were
woirnir lie touched lightly upon the money
question Little enthusiasm prevailed.
Many expressed themselves as being disap
JIIHY riNDsTvn.suv Tor fit II.TY.
Cliururi-il ultli DlNpiiNliii ; or MorlKiiKcil
IM oii > rl\ mill V < Miiltt > < I.
DAKOTA CITV , Neb , Oct. 22 ( Special. )
Judge Kvans Is maintaining bis rcp.itatlou
for sliced In disposing of district court work
This niornlnr ; the jury In the case of I ) . W
Wllsey , charged with disposing ot mort
gaged propert } , after being out twentj-four
hours returned a verdict of not guilty. The
jury at ono time stood S to I for conviction.
The suit of C J O'Connor against DiUota
county for $ .2.300 for damages Incurred In
falling off a brldgn resulted In a verdict for
the plaintiff In the sum of $117 , the Jury
being out two hours.
The cate of Minnie Luss , a domestic ,
against Louis Ilothford Is now on trial Miss
Lass claims wages to the amount of $13 arc
duo her from Itothford
ii MX ionsix.s Tin : n\itn sou , .
I'lirnuTH Cnn Tal , < Out I InC'hlenr >
\ \ Itlioul nillliMilti.
FIIHMONT , Neb , Oct. 22 ( Special ) The
rains of last week will help the farmers con
siderably In getting the chicory out of the
ground. The soil way packed eo hard before
the rains that it was dllllcult to get the
roots out whole and there would therefore
have been quite i loss from the ends being
left In The work of getting the roots out
has been eomrnenccd and the factory will
teen start up. Tanners report the average
yield of corn ubout as estimated In The Uec.
The quality Is first class
WliiHlilc l.ocnl lliiiie | ulim's.
\VINSIDR , Neb. , Oct. 2. ( Special ) Mc-
Clusky & Necdhanr have sold out their grain
buslncbs , together with their largo elevator
here , to Turner & Drenner , who will soon
take possession of the business
Denser & Son buve just moved Into thn
new brick building : which they luve pur
chased of A. II Clarke The building has
been used since its completion as tire Arcade
1" S Tracy has been Instilled as postnraa-
tcr here anil has moved the pCtUolllce into
thu brick building wlrieh he has been using
as a hardware store.
Hcnds are Irr excellent condition for the
farmers to bring their produce to town He-
cent heavy rains were Just what was needed
Heavy frosts ejcn night and foggy mornings
have been followed .sluco Monday by clear ,
cool days.
r < illiiiK | I'niliT ' WrlKlit of Culllc.
ST. PAUL Neb. Oct 2.
, , ( Special ) -One
of the eiuns of the North Loup bridge went
down agtln last night , occasioned by the
weight of a number of cattle being driven
across , and the north part of the county Is
again cut off from communication with St
Paul Tire bridge had but recently been re-
pjlrol after having been washed out last
summer. -
York CdllfniItercUfN n Ilrijiu-Nt ,
YOUK , Neb , Oct 22 ( Special ) York col-
has received a bequest of $1,500. Presi
dent \V K Schell has 'ately been working
hard to adjust tire financial dllileultlcs of the
Institution and his success In e.e-uring this
recent bequest is evidence of hlt > zel and
ctllclency. The attendance at the college this
year Is larger than for several years past.
StirprlHi * I'lirlj nl HxcliT ,
nXCTmi , Neb . Oct. 22 ( Special ) Mr
and Mrs T H L Leo , who leave licio tomor
row for California , were given a pleasant
surprise party last evening at their home
Their friends gathered In a body at the homo
of Miss Shaub and went In a body to Mi.
Leo's residence. Trull was served during
the evening.
( 'million llrlilKi * lliirKi * Slnl.x.
DECATUH , Neb , Oct. 2J ( Special ) One
ot the barges of the pontoon bridge dank to
day while a em ill bunch of cattle was creas
ing A number of the cattle s'.lppe > d Into the
riser arrd had to Hwlnr ashore. Tire vvuer
was shallow where the best went down unJ
It was raised to Its place without great dlf-
DcilIcnlr a XIMV ClinrHi.
OHRELKY. Neb , Oct 22 ( Special ) The
dedication services of tlio Swe'dlsh Lutheran
church vvcro held here yesterdjy. The church
Is a. tiandbomn structure The serviced were
attended by a largo crowd of people
Ol.l MUM Klllt-il I. ) Train ,
SCnillNHK , Neb . Oct. 22. ( Special ) An
old man by the name of Cide was killed In
Iho railroad yards here last night by a train.
Ilo was gathering firewood.
NclirimUu > tM .NoU'u.
eighteen mouths ago NcUou had about
fifty empty tenement houses within Its bor-
d r § . Today you caa't find a hound or even
Exceptional Display of the Most Select
$1.25 Broadcloth , high grade cloth , Wool Cloth Clonks . .trimmedlth white JIEX'S FURNISHINGS AT SPECIAL
Silks Silks
regular price $1.50. Thibet , from $1.75 to $ Ut.OO. 1MUCES.
Our Slllc Department Dcmnnils j-our Inch Castor Cloth , $1.2. . ; Diagonal Cloth '
inouipl nttontloti. * Illumine , $1.25 ; Kngllsh Diagonal Tailor ? Men's
Cloth , $1.50 , $1.70 and $2.00 ; Genuine Ladies
PLAIDS , $1.00 , $ i.nri , $
Covert Cloth , $2.00 and $2.25 ; Koulo
1'lnlil Silks Imvo Just rcncliL'd us ; sucli Underwear
Cloth , $1.W ) ; Poplin Cloth , $1.75. Underwear and
extremely pretty nntl novel silks wore
never Ircforo liown In tlie o parts.
counter , throe special lots at OOc , S5u
AT $1.)0 ( ) We will sell Satuulny some ' AT 50C Natural gray , lleecod llneil
and $1.00 ; new Ideas of this season , extraordinary Children's
. and
of tliu most stylish best grade ot now shirts and dr.i\\ors , patent seams
Striped Silks at $1.00. traordinaryalno. . nicely finished.
ItLACK DltnSS SIMvS-Our vaili'ty Underwear AT 75C A lot of men's wool shhta
In this line Is extensive , Satin Dncliesso , Ladies' Autumn and Winter and drawn * that wo have sold for $1.00
and $1.25. This entire lot for 75o a gar
Paulette. Penu do Sole , Ulmdama , Ar-
liuirc , Kallle , Oios Drain , etc. Wo statt Jackets , Capes & AT ariC Ladles' heavy ribbed b.ilbrlg- ment. An unusual baigaln.
this line nt $1.00 for reliable dress nllks. ' gan lleecod Vests and Pants , all finished AT $1.00 Men's natural wool shirts
VULViri'S-Aro fashion's edict for Children's scams , H5c each. and draweis , medium and heavy \\elght ,
Wtilsts. We show all the new shadlngs. AT 50C Ladles' Wool Plaited Yosts excellent quality.
COllUnilUV N a now featnio In Cloaks and Pants , natural , best value ever of- AT $1.25 Men's natural wool and tan
. foied , only 50c each. color shlils and diawois , patent seams
skltt fabiliN , aKo for waists. We have
Now p.ttent collar elegant Kersey cloth AT 75C Ladles' ntitnuil libbod wool and line llulsh , gusst'tted draweis.
the latest tones at $1.00 for biipi'tlor
Jackets , lined with novelty fc'.lks , black Vests and Panta , Kieneh yokob.ind , non-
UMNO SILKS New fancy stilpes , and new colors , at $15.00 , $20.00 , $25.00 , shrinking , best llnNIi , our pi Ice , 75c o.icli.
$ : : o.oo. AT $1.00-"OUU UNION" Ladles' '
lill Inches wide , ( We ; best guide. Changeable Men's
Tailor Made Kersey Jackets , excellent Union suits at $1.00 c.uinot bo duplicated
In of effects ,
able Taffetas , gioat vatlety
. " finish , .silk lined , black and colors , only cated In tlio city. The Kloicnco , buttoned
7r c ; Itiocudcd , tv o or tlnee tones , S."c.
$10.00. . toned on ihouldei , til o down the fiont. Union Suits
Hlaek Pt'islan Lamli Short Jackets , Tlioso garments are a pet foot lit and
Special Features in bofiont , full silk llnoil , only $7.00. give entile satisfaction ; best Egyptian
KOI syy and Itouole Cloth Jackets , cotton , also half wool , all sixes , $1.00 The celebr.ited Munslng plaited Union
Black & Colored handsomely braided , at $5.00 , $7.00 , $ i > OD each. i suits , medium weight , $2.75 ; heavy
$12.00 to $1800. weight , $ : t.75.
Dress Goods Plain Koi soy and Double Faced Plaid For Children FANCY STRING TIES. 25C Just 10-
Golf Capos , fiom $12.00 to SI800. celved , tin assoitmont of fancy siting
"Salts" Plush and Volonr Capos , hand AT 50C Chlldi oil's heavy i limed , ties In Uoman stiipes , plain ictl anil
noC m.iek Satin llnMied Novelty somely trimmed In fur and applique 0111- lleoood , , union Milts , now patent fancy llguros. for 25c.
Dress ( leeds , usual pi ice " 5c. broideiy. from $12.00 to $17.00. dtop , all si/os , only 50c per suit. MEN'S NECKWEAU , 500 The latest
S'iC Oraulto Cloth , very hoiviceablo , Mines' Plain and Novelty Collh Jack AT liHC Hoys' o\ tin heavy , llooced novelties for tall and winter In foui-ln-
iL'gului' prlep M.OO. ets , in the latest styles , Horn $000 to lined slilits and dtauers , leinfoieed , liands , tocKs and pulls , made of the lln-
$1.1X1 Kouli > Cloth , liandsoine. Uislr- $15.00. sl/.es 21 to : U , fully vvottli 75c , our pi ice est imported silks. The best valuo.s wo
lonable and durable. Chlldien's Hioadcloth and Lamb's 50c each. have over shown in ntvkwear.
Cor. Fartiam and Fifteenth Streets.
a shed to live In. That our condition Is
Improved needs no further proof.
A co-operative company has been organized
at Ilurr to build and operate a creamery
and cheese factory.
Frank Carpenter of Sutherland Is harvestIng -
Ing his onion crop and estimates the yield
at 000 bushels He has been offered 55 cents
per bushel for them on the track at Suthe.-
land.The the neighboring
The Gretna pchools and all of
boring district schools are clooed this week
. There have been
on account of dlptherla.
two fatal cases and there are two others
which are considered dangerous
Hcglster Hlnman of the United States land
office at North Piatto sayo that many more
filings on government land are being made
this year than last. The good crops and
season are largely accountable
prices of the last
countable for the Increase In tilings.
The Illair creamery is at last finished and
early next week will be rut to work separat
ing milk Its capacity Is 15,000 poundsi da y
will Probably
and with proper management
receive a good patronage. The contractors
will commence the. . erection of a creamery
at Arlington next week.
The H and M las a force of men with
mule teams and scrapers building a big em
bankment under its bridge across tbo
Platte river south of Central City The spice
to be tilled in is some 1 COO feet , and from
the present rate ot progress It bids fair to De
an all winter's Job
The wages of laborers at the stone quarries
at Weeping Water have been raised from
$1 50 to $1 75 and it Io a hard matter for
the company to find enough men to work at
that price This is the best news about ro-
turnlng prosperity that we have bad the
privilege of chronicling yet.
A Sew arc ! county man came to Seward and
Imbibed too much liquor and when he got
ready to go home drove off a buggy which
did not belong to him On arriving home
be bad sobered sufuclently to nctlce tbo team
was not his own when he started to put It
In the barn and drove back to Seward On
arriving there he found the odlcers looking
for tbo supposed horse thief
Subscribe for The Sunday Dee and read
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale "
iivvu 1,11 ri.i : P\ITII iv I'lioMisiJS.
SouMixlilerM Illhlrnst Street Cur
Coliipniij'M Sliu-rrll > .
The extension of the street car lines to
interview park was again , the topic of dis
cussion at the meeting held by the South
Side Improvement club last night. C J
Cornish started the ball rolling liy the
statement that ho did not consider the late
piop sltion made by the Omaha Street Hall
way company as given In good faun , He
thojght that the cnange of grade on South
Tenth street demanded by th company was
merely a subterfuge to delay matters , and
Hut In the end tbo company wculd not
build to tl.e park , or at most that the line
would not extend further than Ilancrcft
st ect Taking this view of the matter he
was in favor of the club working for a fran
chise for a new company which would con
struct a line from South Omaha to the
tj n ion depot If such line was constriuttd
lu thought It would not only epen up a new
residence district for South Onial.a working
nen , but would afford an excellent means
of transportation for the people of both clt-
lei- who wlsl. to visit the park
Mr Cornish also talked for a few minutes
up n the collection of animals now betr.3
made for the r rk He said that Omaha us
the mitropolls of the middle west should
have the best collection of animal. } Indigc-
iicus to Its territory , of any city In the
United State ? A good start had been
made towards this zoological collection by
the members of the club , and he thought
the matter should bo kept warm He re
torted that the cages werei about completed
and that they would be placed therein next
Monday The gift of two elk by David Cole ,
a couple of Alaska owls by John Butler ,
aivl a wild cat by himself were re-ported
Dr Harebell continued the discussion of
s-tieet car extension along the same lines as
his predecessor He stated that ho lad re
ceived several letters from eastern capital
ists who had volunteered to Invest money In
the ne-v enterprise , and that taking such let
ters as a criterion ho thought It would be
an easy matter to float the bonds of the now
company The speaker closed with a few
remarks upon the subject ot tbo new zoo
for the park
The club then adjourned In order to take
part In the political meeting at republican
Head "Simon Dale" In The Sunday Dee.
It you don't take it , subscribe now.
Mayhcw , Hipplo and And'arsDn Appear
Ihreo Times.
incut uf IiiHiiruiii-u I' iM-H Scoiir
u ( ' | IIIIIK < * < > f VIMIIIIfriini ( lie
S. D , Oct. 22 ( Special Tele '
gram. ) At a late hour last night Deputy-
Sheriff Johnson served warrants on Auditor
Mayhcw Hippie mid Anderson , finding the
latter in attendance at Masonic lodge , and
meeting Mr. Mayhew on the strc't , where
ho was joined by the other two before the
arrests was made. The parties at once went
before Justice March , the magistral0 before
whom the complaint was made , and their ap
pearance in court was noted on nls docket
State's Attorney Kstcs then stated that on
account of the lateness of the hour bo d -
sired that the arraignment and hearing go
over until today and on his motion to that
effect the case was set for 2 o'cloek this after
When it came up this aftJi noon a nution
for change' of venue was made by tin , dc-
fenso and the case went before Jusileo Jacobson -
cobson for hearing at S o'clock tonight , when
It was aiairi further continued until 0.30
tomorrow morning.
The complaints are all sworn to by Marls
Taylor , public examiner , and allege that the
mon y claimed to have been eribe/7led Is
the property of the state of South Dakota ,
though it is for fees collected for examina
tion of Insurance companies which arc said
to be Illegally collected. The amounts
claimed to havu been embezzled are. On the
part of Hippie. $9r..r)0G7 ; Mayhew , $ l'jri7-tl ! ;
Anderson , $3,77937. H'pple's amount eoveis
a term of four years , Anderson's over four
years and Mayhcw'H for six months
Governor Lee has employed counsel to as
sist in pushing th ? criminal prosecutions ,
as well as to push the civil s.jitK In the case
of Mayrow and Hippie , which cover prac
tically the amounts claimed to have been em-
bci/led As both sides are unxioiiH to have
the cases pushed to a Mulsh as rapidly as
pcsslbl , they will In all probability come
before the November term of circuit court.
Cntlli-liien Sell OiTHliitil HniiKi'N Ire
n < * iiletril.
PIKIUtn , S D. , Oct. 22 * ( Special ) Ono
sr.nll thlpment of cali'es and yearlings linn
come Into this imrkeP'rird was picked up
In short older and tllijre | s a demand for
many more of the same , cjass of cattle The
I Iph prices which were palll for feeders by
! uwa [ arties early In the Kedson took a largo
number of c.ittlo off trig lirigcs which A'oild
not huvo gone to marljct Iha ye-ar If It had
.iot been for this demandand the high prices
lu'd. ' and there Is uu actual shortage . f
( Httlc on the range an. a ro ult Tliln shor-
aio would be filled wllji young cittle , ealves
and ycarlligs , If they .I'ould bo secur d
ivltlrl-r tie next inoiitl ) , as many of tlio
rancho.B had put up hay * to > .arry their cat'le-
tlirbtigh Iho winter ond'tnbn let them go ut
the high prices which tne/could secur . and
are willing to Invest lu yodng Etoek vvale-n
they aie lu s'-ape to handle One of the well
posted stockmen of thc'rangc , In upcaklng of
the matter laid that If they were got In here
within .he next thirty days there was a
market for several trainloads of cah a and
yoiilingn at from $1 to $2 a head above the
Sioux City price.
rii-OH Hum (111 I InItnnprr. .
S. U. , Dot 22. ( Special. )
who caino In from the headwaters of
the Moreail today rcoort that there was
about an Inch of btiqw In that region last
Friday , but most of It melted about as fast
as It fell and none of It stayed for any length
of time , They also report bad prairie iVes
In tbo country north of the More-au and a
largo section of range country burned o > er
This will tend to throw a number of cattle
from that section further south for the win
ter and a few ot those who live south ot tbo
Cheyenne river express a fear of their range
belug crowded the corning winter , especially
so If the snow should bo bad and dilve In
outsiders , as It did last winter , when they
came from Montana herds.
iitun ; VTION iv TIII : in.vcic iin.i.s.
I'miiliiy Spurt- Time In
IHli'lic'H mill Ilt'Mrrt uirx.
HA PI I ) CITY , S. D , Oct. 22. ( Special )
At the last session c < r thu Black Hills Inl-
gatlon society some Interesting facts were
disclosed In regard to this sure method of
farmrtig. In many cases farmers employ
their spare time where they have lands that
can be Irrigated In making ditches and build
ing reservoirs. During the past year some
half dozen reservoirs have becn built In Kail
Hlver county and many miles ot Irrigation
ditches made. Pennlngton county Is grnd-
ually Increasing the area of Irrigated lands
and In all cases where water has been piop-
crly appll d crops have been doubled and
tripled. Some of the finest farms In the
I state ore found along Hapld and Hot Kldor
] ereeks The Increase In tbo yield of the
I land Is especially noticed In the hay crop
which is the most Important In the Hills
Meade county has both taken out new ditches
from natural water courses and Increased the
number ot icservolrs. Hutto county has
made excellent progress lu the way of Irri
gation. Tanners In th > county who have
I done practical Irrigation work during the
I year have hud wonderful crops this fall.
j Lawrence county probably shows the best
, results of what Irrigation will do of any
county in the Hills , because It has been in
use longer and there is a betUr system of
w.iter eourses available for the purpose
The most beautiful and prospeious valley In
the Hills is Speartlsh , where Irrigation is
used almost exclusively. On every hand aic
to be seen beautiful farms and costly homes
Duiing the summer several now ditches
wore made In Custer county and good results
are repoi ted ,
( irmiil .Itio linlli'lmi-iitN.
SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . , Oct. 22. ( Special
Telegram. ) The United States grand jury to
day returned arr Indictment against Truman
Wilson of Chamberlain for fencing In gov
ernment land for a cattle range , against A.
K. Uaker of Iroquols for selling liquor with
out government license
The Indian null-Tlmt-Talks-\Vlien-He-
Walks , pleaded guilty to the chaigo of
criminal assault and w-.s Hentcnced to ene
year In the penitentiary.
The grand Jury Is still at work.
N < M\ South DnUol.i ( ' ( iriMiriilloiiH.
PIT.1UU3 , S. D , . Out. 22. ( Spec al )
A'tlclcs of Incorporation have been flled for
the Co-operative Starelr company to establish
a starch factory at Sioux Kails , with a capital
of $100,000 The incorporators are H F
Pettlgron. S. L. Tato. A. T IleattleV. . C
Holllster and C. 13 Tlckes Articles of In-
co iioratkn were also IIled for the Tlrst
liaiitlst cl.ureh of Uradley The t ustces are
I ) . M. Ilrown , W. L McKenny and M. D.
sirlKiof siinlciils nl Sluiii. FiilU.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D , Oct. 22. ( Special
Tclegiam ) A number of the students who
left the Haptttit college on Monday and de
manded the icmoval ot the president , re-
turnel this afternoon on the representation
that the * president would bo removed H once
They have since learned tl.ut this promlsa
will n t bo kept and they are all preparing
to go out and stay out tomorrow.
\rn > Ht So u Hi DiiUota OlllelulN.
I'inilUn , S D , O-t 22 State Auditor
Mayhow , ex-Auditor Hippie 2nd Clerk Ando -
son were arrented en an embezzlement charge
last night and taken before a committing
iraglsttato and their presence in court noted
Their foimal supcuranco was net for 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
Iliillillui- I'.lK Opt-in HiiiiNf ,
SIOUX FALLS , S. R. Oct. 22. ( Special
Telegram. ) The construction of a JCO.OOO
opera house was begun lieie today. The
building IB being erected by Boston capital
ists and IH patterned after the Hmulro the
ater of New Yerk City
* *
Nru Sj Alcin of I'lriAlnriiiN. .
DKAinVOOI ) , S. I ) , . Oct 2J. ( Special )
A now system of fire alarms Is being put In
the city. Four boxes will be placed In each
ward , which connect directly with the elec-
trio light plant , vvhero whistles of alarm
will ba given.
Head "Simon Dale" la Tbo Sunday Bee.
U } ou don't take it , subscribe now.
South Omaha News .
It was announced yesterday that thu or
ganlzatlon of the street car company , in
which members of the Cast Side Improve
ment club of this city and the South Side
Improvement club of Omaha are Interested
has been perfected. These two Improve
ment cluLs banded themselves together some
tlrno ago to procure better Htitct car ac-
comodatlons for the south tide of Omaha
and the cast side of this city. Olilcers of the
local club assert that all attempts to Induce
the Omaha Street Hallway company to ex
tend Its lines south on Thirteenth street to
Missouri avenue were unavailing and. In order -
dor to carry out the plans of the two clubs ,
an Independent street car company has been
organized. It Is claimed that the projectors
will have no trouble in obtaining all the
money necessary to carry out the scheme and
that the stock will be readily disposed of
The club members will , It understood ,
agitate the question of better street car serv
ice during the winter and next spiing will"
eorno before the people and ask for a fran
chise A large number ot people living east
of T only -fourth street asseit that they are
heartily In accord wltn the plans of the new
fur n Sener.
A petition for a sewer along the alley be
tween Twentieth and Twenty-first streets ,
from Missouri avenue north to G etrcet , was
being circulated yesterday. Those hi charge
of the petition reprctentcd that the people
in the territory mentioned were anxious to
have a sewer constructed which would con
nect with the Missouri avenue sewer now
Hearing completion With the building of
th's proposed sewer the entire territory east
ot Twenty-third street will bo cared for as
far as cowers are concerned , and there will
be no further need of ccsspoolu. The largo
amount of sickness In. the city lately has
celled attention to the cct > spoolf < and It Is
claimed that much of the sickness is trace
able directly to these pools The sanitary
Inspector Is iow hard at werk every day
examining these places and unless found to
bo in the best of condition the property
owner Is ordeied to have them cleaned at
According to the building permits Issued
since May 10 of this year the value of the
buildings erected during the summer and
under course of con 'ructlon now amounts
to $ (19768. ( Since the date mentioned 115 per
mits lave bean Issued which makes the
average cost of buildings erected $000 Only
a few of the permits call for a laigo cxpc * ll-
ture of mo ley. the laigest having been taken
out by the Schlll/ Drew Ing company for a
$12,000 block at Twenty-teventh and CJ
streets ,
Mil j or Vfler ( litKocdii'N. .
Mayor Unuor was engagoJ yesterday In In
vestigating the report that certain phyHlcliiiR
In this city failed or neglected to make
proper reports of contagious diseases. U
was claimed fiat ono Instance was brought
to light where a physician liul been treating
a case of diphtheria for two wed < s and hid
no' as yet reported it. The mayor Biye ho
proposes to see that the law In tlila matter
Is earned out He does not think that any
favoritism should bo shown In so ecrloiH a
matter and will nuke an effort to Induce
every doctor to report promp ly and to the
proper authorities all cases of contagious dis
c-ate. coming to their notice
School Clllerlnliiiiiellt.
The High School Literary society will give ]
e literary entertainment at the First Metli-
oJIst church Friday evening , November 5
The committee in charge follows Lena Cox.
Ucrtba Clark. Perrlo Wheeler , J A Heck.
Trod Tow I , Krnory Stanley , Christie Con-
drou , Myrtle Hobcrts , Dcssle Myers , Krcd
lirown and Prof Tavlor
riClnlt ltoi - niil/-H.
The Home Cliele High Five club has ro-
organl7ed for the winter L H. Pln-
nell as president ; .Airs C M Schlndcl , vlco
president : Mrs .1. G Martin , treasurer , aud
Mrs. A. II. Kelly , secretary. Meetings are
to be held every two weeks. Games and
amusements of various Muds are provided
for tjje members.
Iti-imlilleini VI eel lute Tonight.
Tiiero will be a republican rallv at Kout-
sky's hall In the Second ward this evening.
A number of the repub'ican candidates have
promised to bo present and address the
voters. Good speakers will be provided and
the committee In charge expects this to boone
ono of the best meetings of the campaign.
lliul < - ( It.i dissln.
Mrs J. D. H nnctt Is "onllned to her home
by illness
A II. Merrill has licit ly recovered from
bis recent seveic Illness.
Another clothing store Is to bo opened
ou N street within n few days
Tire city council will nnet In special ses
sion at S o'clock this afternoon.
Ono of ox-Councilman Conley's sons Is suf
fering an attack of pneumonia.
John Melntyro received notice yesterday
that I'o had been granted a p nslon.
H. W. Doyston of Mtrlno , Idaho , was a
business visitor In the city yesterday.
W. F. Austin of Hed Oak , la. , Is hero
visiting J. II. Austin of the Fourth ward.
The Woman's Mutual Improvement club
met with Mrs. Findlcy yesterday afternoon.
Garlleld council No 2 , KnlghtB of tlio
Forest , will give a dance at ganger hall Sal-
111 day evening , Oe'ober ' 30 ,
Aftui this the Improvement club
will meet err the first Friday In each month
at Twentieth and Missouri avenue.
The Hoard of Ilquall/atlon meets Monday ,
Tuesday and Wednesday of n xt week to
Uiiali/e | special Hide-walk repair taxes.
The Magic City circleof the King's
Daughters will meet at the home of Mis.
Ames , Twenty-third an 1 I streets , next
Thursday afternoon.
l.llirar.i llnj In ( InSilintilN. .
Thursday was tlio day olllclilly deslR-
mtcd us Library iliy In the public.schoolH
of h I'nltcd ii atcs , li. t 'he- only Indlcu lora
of UK ol Li\iinee In the Omiilm MchoolH vvuro
the llagH that were IrolHtcn over the varloim
M'l eel buildings The ocratlon Is air out-
KioAth of tne Columbian i-xuosltlon , which
K.ivc birth to the Idei of nmKInt , ' tin * Co-
liiuiliM ilny ei Io rail n a p r < m iui t feature ,
'Hie name of the holiday w IH c'lanccd to
Llbrnry day and It VVIIH rpade the occasion
for r.iHIm ; fiinilH In the KC nooH ! for nddlriK
IK u books to the sc liool Hl/r.irk'H In the
ilnriso c-ltles win io the p ibllcllbi.irlcH are
| within the reac'b of the tpunllH no effort In
this direction U nieiyHiij inl the Intended
1 oliHc-rvaucc IH largely eonllneil to thu Hchoola
In the win iller towns mill villages.
Subscribe for 'I bo Sunday Dee nnd read
Anthony Hope's great st.ry7-"Slmon Dale. "
\sr OP 'ion\\'s \\ivriuii.
I'll I r , I'ltllotvi-il li. Cooler
Siiulli V. inilh.
WABHINOTON , Oet 22-Foncast for Sat-
uribiy :
For Nfbr.iHkn and Kansas Fair ; cooler
Bitunlay night ; xouth to west waidH.
| Tpr Hoiitb U.ikota Talr , cooler ; -winds
, HhlflK \ \ to west.
I Tor low.i and MlHsouil Hair and warmer ;
i HOII111 WlllllH
Tor Wyoming Probably fair ; variable.
The only Hh Grade , D&kin Rowder
1 Offered at a moderate price ,