8 THE OMAHA DAILY JJEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1807 , ART AT THE EX Contracting for Pictnrcu of High Merit to Exhibit Ilero Next Year. GREAT LUCK OF DIRECTOR G1IFFITHS JfccnrrM for tin1 i\iiiiHltliin Hit * I'niniiiiH Olil PnltitliiK , tin ? "I'llII of Itnliy- lon"urk uf WlNCiiiiHlii I ConiinlxNloii. Art Director Orimtlu notified the ex position management jcstcrday that ho lias now secured possession of the famous painting , "The Fall of Babylon , " for which ho has been negotiating for the last two months. This painting Is by Georges Rochcgrosse , a contemporary artist of the French school of Vcrtallles. Ho was a pupil of Jules Lcfcbrc and Boulangcr. He took his first medal In 1882 , and , In the succeeding year , the Grand Prix Salon. "The Fall of Babylon , " after taking n prlzo , was purchased by a syndi cate In Qhlcaga for exhibition purposes throughout the country. It was subsequently sold to n New York syndicate. The picture is a large one. fully forty feet long and twenty feet high. The figures arc life size , nnd among them nrc a score of nuJo wo men , the choice companions of a uleasure- lovlng prince. It Is owing to this fact not less than to the marvelous skill of the artist that the celebrity of the picture Is due , for an Interesting part of the long battle over the nude In art has been fought over this very painting. Twenty years ngo Mr. Griffiths secured It for an exhibition in Toronto. One of the di rectors of the coclcty under whoso auspices the exhibition was given objected so strcngly to the plcturo that he resigned his position when overborne by his colleagues. It was duo to the prudish sentiment of those op posed to the nude In art tint Rochugroaso was Induced to Introduce a wreath of roses upon the central figure. As originally ex hibited tlic painting was minus this wreath. H Is almost unnecessary to add that the wreath added to the suggestlyeness. The sto.'y which the picture tells Is morn ing In Babylon after a bacchanalian de bauch. Many of the Inhabitants are asleep , but a fe\v restless ones awake to find that the Macedonians arc battling ut the gate. It has never been reproduced as a whole. Several fragments have been reproduced , but none of them do Justice to Rochcgrosse's , w ork , Mr. Griffiths states in his letter to the Department of Exhibits that he Intends to uhow the painting In some of the eastern cities to assist In defraying the expense necessary In securing It for Omaha. Ho will forward to Omaha at once. rvviscoxsix AT 'Fin : I\I > OMTIO\ . IMiiu of < ! . . Hiillillimr ( lint Is ( o He Krootfil. Architect Clas of Milwaukee , who Is a member of the Wisconsin Exposition com mission , will visit Omaha some time next week for the purpose of looking over the exposition grounds with a view of selecting a site for the handsome building which Wis consin Intends to erect on the grounds. In this connection .Mr. Clas has expressed his views In the Milwaukee Sentinel regarding the character of the building which ho will suggest to his associates of the commission. Mr. Clas has offe-red to dceiate a plan for a Btato building , and his suggestions In that line will probably be adopted. In his InterView - View In the Sentinel he says : "I shall prepare a rough pencil sketch of n Wisconsin building , according to my own Ideas , ti bo submitted to my associates upon the committee. The building I have in my mind will bo without referancc to all ideas of the conventional club house. I would have a building of the classical order , with a wide frieze , upon which would be a series of historic pictures In has relief showIng - Ing the development of the state. In short , I would connect the building at Omaha with our semi-centennial , which will be cele brated at the same time In this state. The building could have a glass roof , and bo provided with a fish pcnd and cases con taining fish from the state hatchery , which are the fines ! In the country , and would be a feature of the exposition. I would have the space a'nnut the pond filled In with palms and flowers and trailing vines , nnd out of the midst of them i-hould come belling - ing up the famous spring waters of our Badger state. At the four corners of the structure I would have large statues of com merce. Industry , education and agriculture , end upon the pedestals oa which they are placed , In hr ef outline , I would have the history of their development In the state. Let the whole thing take upon Itself the appearance of a winter garden. What would it cost ? Not a great deal. It would be a mere shell covered with staff say $8,000 or $10,000 for the buildings , and $5,000 more for the statuary and furnishings. I till nit I could get the four figures of education , industry , commerce and agriculture for about JJOO eich. " KOIIKH3COI XTHIICS I\TI3IIK.ST1H ) . Pnvornhli * H < 'HioiiNrH lth Ilofori'iiiri * to KvionltIon | I'JvhllillM. Efforts of the Department of Publicity nnd Promotion to enlist co-operntlon at the hands of United States consuls through out the world are meeting with favorable re sponses In all quarters. Hon. J. H. Madden , United States consul nt Sniyrnn , Turkey uruler date of September 2S , writes to Manager Ilosownter of the department as follows : "I have given your letter and circular to Messrs. Hablf & Polako , the great carpet manufacturers of this city. They will write their agents , Mandcll Bros , of Chicago , nnd try to make arrangements with them to have their goods displayed at the Omaha exposition. " Hon. George N. West , consul at Sydney , Nova Scotia , writes : "I have laid copy of your letter , with prospectus before the presi dent of the Board of Trade of Sydney , and ( . ball bo pleased by any means In my power to promote and assist In hiving this section of Nova Scotia adequately represented. " W. F. Powell , attache of the United States legation at Port an Prince ilaytl , writes that. In response to Mr. RoEownter'a official request , an official communication on the uuliject his been forwarded to the governor of Haytl , asking a response to tlio Invita tion tendered by the Traimulsslsslppl Expo sition. The governor had not yet replied when Mr. Powell's letter was written. Hon. Perry M. dp Lern , United States consul general at Guayqull , writes that ho lias inado good use of the. exposition pam phlets by turning them over to parties most interested and Kays that ho will tike pains { o bring the subject to the attention of such people aa ho may deem to bo Inter ested In the mutter. Kdm-ittlniiiil Coiiiiulttff Cnnilnu- . Superintendent Pearso of the public schools expects that the members of the executive committee of the National Educational as- Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair , Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair. DR. CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pure drape Cream ol Turtar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Delation will visit Omaha within tlio next two wesVi. The visit of the committee Is for the purpose of n personal Inspection of the capacity of the city to entertain the 1S93 convention of the association. The Commer cial club , the exposition management nnil other public bodies will he expected to co operate In showing the members that Omaha Is well able to provide the necessary ae- commcdatlons. The committee will alco visit Salt I/iko City. Los Angeles and Washing ton , and the selection of the location for the convention will depend very largely upon Its comp.iritlvo Impression of th' four c tloi. Ithln on AinlllnrliiMi llullilliiK. lllOo for thn construction of the Auditorium building on the main court of the exposition grounds wore opened last evening by Manager Klrkendall of the Department of Htilldlngs and Grounds. Thorp wcro four bids for the carpenter work , and only olio for the staff work , the latter being Swift & Kastman. I' . J. Creedon of this city was the lowest bidder on the carpsntcr work , his figures being $3,818. Smith & Bns'mnn's hid for the staff work was $1,235 , making a total for the building of $11,053. The carpenter bids In detail were ao follows : I' . J. Creedon $ DS18 ; deduct for piling , $358.32 ; time , fifty ( liin. William Ooldlo & Sons. Chicago , $10.- 700 ; time , eighty days. H. Ilutkln , Omaha $10,070 ; time , eighty days. Scott Brothers , Omaha , $15,777 ; deduct for piling , $ SO ; time , ninety daja , Convention of Slrrrt HnlHMiy Moll. A campaign Is now itnrler way to secure the ISflS meeting of the Street Hallway as sociation , an association of street railway men from all parts of the American conti nent having a membership of about 2,000 , which mecta at Niagara Kails October 19 to 22. Inclusive. W. A. Smith of the Omaha Street Hallway company and W. S. Dlmmock of the Omaha and Council muffs Hallway and Drldgc company are delegates from this Ejection and both men. have expressed their determination to do everything In their power to secure the- next meeting for Omaha. I'rof. V. W. Taylor of the Department of Exhibits of the exposition Is now In the vicinity of Niagara Kails and he will render his as sistance In securing a votn tor Omaha. Ilr. CiMVicrtli\rniic | Arrive * . Dr. A. C. Cowperthwalte , professor of matcrla mcdlca In the Chicago Homeopathic college , and Also chairman of the Hoard of Transportation of the American Institute of Homeopathy , arrived In Omaha "yesterday to ponfer with the Transmlsslsslppl Exposi tion. The organization meets In Omaha In Juno , 1S9S. It Is expected that fully 1,500 -.ncmbo s will bo present. Dr. Cowperth- waltc will endeavor to secure a special rate for his colleague.gcod . fiom any point In the country. The doctor was a resilient of Nebraska City about twenty-live years ago and was ono oD the organizers of the Ne braska Society 01 Ilomccoathy. \0 < < > S of ( InF. \ | > 0ltllll. II. A. Iozlcr & Co. of Cleveland , 0. , have applied for 400 feet of space for an exhibit of bicycles nml accessories. The American Hosiery company of New Britain , Conn. , has applied for ninety-one feet of space for an exhibit. George W. York , editor of the American Ik'p Journal of Chicago , writes to the De partment of Exhibits that Chicago will make a due exhibit In the Apiary building. V. H. Newell , hydrographer in the geologi cal survey of the Interior department of the fedeial government , has written to the De partment of n\hlbits to assure the exposi tion management that every possible as sistance will be rendered In connection with the proposed Irrigation exhibits at the expo sition. The strike situation at the exposition grounds remains unchanged. No concessions have > ct been made to the strikers by Hamil ton Dros. or Parrlsh. Strehlow's force Is coiiitfcsed of union men. The rain stopped work yesterday , but an attempt was made to resume work la the afternoon. The strikers preserve their air of hopefulness and bay they have not given up the dete-minatlon to win over all contractors on the ground. Ail Hoiii-Mt lli'ini'ilj. "Wo could not say too much in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remetly. About three years ago one of our children had an attack of croup and we were afraid that we would lese him. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , advertised , we decided to give It a trial. It gave almost Instant relief and we bellevo It saved the child's life. Since then wo have never been without a bottle of this remedy In the house and we recommend It to every one as being an honest cough rem edy. " L. W. Nichols , East New Market , Md. CIII'IICII ' AM ) HOMIO IIOMIMICS. , No one can have Joy toJay who Is worrying about tomorrow. "Why don't you work ? You are an able- bodied man , " ehe asked the tramp. "I am that ! I know it well , and I've only myself to look after , but If 1 got work I might be de priving a man with a wife and children of a ' " kind-hearted wanderer 10- job , ma'am , the - pllcd. Society is what people are when they know they are watched. Ono of the now teachers In the Sunday school ( a mother of children , by the way ) , realizes now what a need there Is for good Instruction In the school. She asked her clfss of boys last S' nday : "Tell me. some of the church seasons. Silence ensued for a moment , broken at last by one young hope ful. "Well , there's the dog days , that'a all I know about. They wouldn't let us go In swimming then , " Verily wo a'e a queer pe-ole In Omaha ! Vor two weeks we have been longing and praying for rain , and saying , "How thankful wo shall bo when the rain comes. " Well , the mln 'Catno In gentle showers on Sunday mornIng - Ing , and lo ! the thankful people were not In evidence so far as church-going Is concerned. Where were * our thankful communicants on Sunday ? I.OUAI * IIIIKt 1TI13S. The other day It was reported that there was a flro In the coal yard of Isaac Lewis * It seems tlia : thin wns a mistake , as the bl.ize wns In another coal yard near by. Flie due to the circles * throwing of ashes In the bolli-r room ut the Windsor 1-ott'l called tlio lire department out at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The damage was slight. A number of the local attorneys have clubbed together nnd paid for a telephone In court room No. C for their mutual conven- lonco ns well as that of the public. The number Is 19H , J. II. McCoy , n special revenue agent with headquarters at Minneapolis , Us Inspecting the local revenue olllco. He succeeds J. II. Caison In this district , who has been trans- fened to St. Louis. The Omaha Ilrewlng association has been granted u permit to build a frame addition to the bottling house nt Its plant at 1&27 Sherman avenue. The now building will be 41x48 feet , one story and a basement. Judge Maker yesterday held court long enough to empanel the jury called for serv ice during the coming three weeks of the term. In the afternoon ho went to Dialr to preside over the docket of Washington county In place of Judge Slabaugh , Until his return the criminal court will bo out of buslnecs. Peter Stockholm , a photographer , while drunk Saturday night , went Into a restaur ant on North Sixteenth street nnd Insulted the cashier , Miss Mary Lyons. Ho then attempted to move the desk Into the street. An otllcer wus called , who arrested Stock holm. The offender was fined U and costs by Judge Gordon jesterday. CoKeetoi lloutz says the appointment of H. Q. Stewart as deputy collector was In accordance with one of the civil service rule > . Stewart h d been In the service and was let out upon a change of administra tion. Ho IK also an old soldier. He Ins Just boon rclokialcd in Ills old position and ho assumes his duties today. Morrltt Monk nnd William Hewitt , a couple of small bo > 8 of Albia , la. , beat their way to this city on a height train , arriving Sunday morning. They had been In the city hut a few minutes when they were taken In charge by un oltlcer and conducted to the station. The bo > s express a desire to return to their iwrents , who have been notified. I > OM < Ulltalietli , October IS , ! Si7 ! , aged Cl yearn , of cancer of the stomach ; wife of AuBu l Doll. Funeral Wednesday. Octo- her 20 , at 2 o'clock p. in. from her lute residence , 718 South Thlrty.tlfth street. In. terment Evergreen cemetery. BONDS FOR A HIGH SCHOOL Board of Education Favorj the Erection of aNew Now Building , SPECIAL MEETING TO BZ IIILD TOMORROW Proposition Orilcrril llruivii for ( In- Voting or ? itOII,00 IloiulN at tlio Coining ( ( nrriil iioctlnii. Neither President Lunt nor Vice President Pen told wct\j present at the regular meeting of the Hoard of Education last night , and Phil E. Winter was elected president pro tern. There was comparatively llttlo business to bo transacted , and the bulk of the evening was occupied by the discussion of the report of the special committee on the qucstlu.ii of submitting at the coming election a prtyosl- tlon to vote bonds I'or the erection of a new high school. The matter was brought up In committee of the whole , and Anderson sub mitted the report wlilch detailed the existing conditions at some length. The committee suggested that It was not necessary to build an entirely new building at this time. It favored the erection of an addition , which would eventually become a pait of the now building , and which would provide quarters to : the manual training dcar > mcnt , the scien tific laboratories , several clap.i rooms and an assembly locm. Such a building could bo constructed fcr from $73,000 to $100,000 , and the committee recommended that a proposi tion be submitted to vote bonds In that amount. Hess and Dennis declared themselves In favor of building an entirely new building , and Superintendent Danker stated that a modern stnictu.c would cost about $5OOU a room , and that If the plans could bo ready by tlio ( list of the year the entire building could bo completed without Infringing move than one month on the regular school work. SIXTY ROOMS REQUIRED. Principal Levlstou declared that It would rcqulie at least sixty rooms to properly ac commodate 'the school. He detailed sonic of the Inconveniences arising from the present crowded condition , and Sears offered a reso lution which provided that a committee of the fehould be appointed to draw UN a prop osition contemplating un issue of $250,000 In bonds. Dr. Mooto also declared himself opposed to "piecemeal" building and he emphasized the Importance of a comparatively low struc ture on account of the serious Injury to the health of pupils resulting from climbing long ( lights of etalrs. Tuc lucaa of the members enlarged as the debate continued. Hess moved t.mt the amount bo Increased to $300,000 , the addi tional $30.000 to be used to furtvish the build ing , and Van Gilder contended that $300,000 ihould be expended on the building regard less of the fuinlshlng. Amlctboti suggested that while It was all very well to become enthusiastic over a new high school , If a proposition to vote $300,000 was placed before the people It would be defeated. There were many people who con sidered the high school a good deal of a luxurj , anyway , and wnile ho would like to see a new high school iU3 well as any one be believed that It would be Impossible to secure enough mor.sy to erect the whole building at once , 11ROOIC NO DELAY. Johnson thought the bond proposition was premature at this time. While the new building was Ladly needed , there was no gro.it public sentiment In Us favor and there was not sulllclent time before election In which to properly agitate the matter. He was not in favor of submit 'ing the proposi tion until the time was ripe for Its endorse ment. He moved as a substitute that ( leal action be postponed to a special meeting to bo held later In the week , hut this was lost in the parliamentary shulilc ai..l the com- mltteo voted to report In favor of a $300,000 proposition. In regular session the report of the com mittee of the whole was adopted and the judiciary committee with the president of the board , superintendent of schools , super intendent of buildings and attorney , was In structed to draft the proposition and sub mit it to the board at a special meeting Wednesday night. G. R. Hathbun , Instructor In the commer- clal department at the High school , asked the board to select a committee of three oxp&r s to examine him In regard to h's qualifications In order that ho might not lie accused of being employed on account of a "political pull. " Hess moved that the re quest be granted , but the minority objected to the expense of a special examination at this time and suggested that the matter he allowed to lie over until the regular holi day exam'natlons. ' This view prevailed. ONLY TWO AFFECTED. The recommendation of the committee on boundaries that the petition for an addi tional room at the Davenport school be placed on tile , was referred back for further investigation. It developed that there were only two persons whose names were on the petition who had children who would bo affected by the change demanded. Appllcatlcns for positions as teachers from Isabclle Graham , Springfield , 111. ; Saida Smith , Council Bluffs ; Grace Gilbert , Kansas City , Mo. ; Nellie' G. Ha.ss , South Omaha , and Eliza Glbbs and Zclta Matthews , Omaha , were referred. The contract for new closets at the Han- croft school was awarded to J. J. Hannigau for $4C7. The High school committee reported that In accordance with authority conferred ut the previous meeting of the board It had employed J. I. Held as Instructor In Latin at $ flO a month , tad also directed the su perintendent of buildings to fit up a room for the class in mechanical and freehand drawing at an expense not to exceed $450. Its action was approved. Union Parillr. "The Overland Limited. " The most SUPERBLY EQUIPPED train west of the Missouri River. Twelve hutirs quicker than any other train to Pacific Coast. Call at Ticket Olllce. 1302 Farnam St. I'KltSO.VAl , IMir\nll.\VH.S. John S. Hoover of Hluo III11 Is a Harkcr guest. H. E. Rulon and Mr. Spelers of Philadel phia are stopping at the Harder , C. B. Crownover and D. 0. Woodrlng arc Llncolnltes registered at the Harkcr. II. H. Hclbert and P. C. Horn of St. Joseph n-o registered at the Barker. T. A. Holt , V. K. Yost and J. J- Pike arc St. lyouls arrivals registered'at thu Barker. Mrs. Jamro M. Woolworth and daughter started last night on a visit to Milwaukee , Wla. Charles E , Squires of the Barber Aophalt company le spending today In Chicago on business. Mrs. J , J. H. needy Irnves this week for Prulrlo View , Kan. , to visit her mother , who Is very 111. A. G. Hrown left for Chicago last night. A , C. Powell who has been dangerously 111 , Is slowly Improving. Mrs. H. J. Vasak of Wllbcr , Neb. . l visit ing friends In the city on her return from a tlireo months' trip In Europo. J. Krancls and wlfo left yrutorday for St. Louis. Mr. Francis will attend the conven tion of general passenger agents now being held In that city. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. MeWhorter nnd family orrlvi-d In Now York yesterday from Europe. They will arrive In Omaha the latter part of the week. A number of local PreUiyterlan clergymen were at the depot ) est May to say farewell to Rt > v. S. 11. McCormlck. D. D. , and to wish him godspeed In his new work as president of Coo college. Cedar Rapids , la. At the Mlllard Thomas Harrlgan , Now Yoik ; J. L. Rodgers. Kansas City : H. Sling , Chicago ; L. L. Dunlap. Pontlac. Mich. ; J. R Wood , Burlington : J. E. HenquenHburg and wife. Chicago ; H. T. Peters. Carbon , Wyo , ; Robert W. Fumas. Browuvllle ; George E. Scmple , Chicago ; II. Woodland , Chicago ; D. S. Warren , Edgar ; I ) , , H , Price , Halon Rouge ; B. R. Nicholson , Lemar , la. ; 0. H. Llppclt. St. Louis ; A. P. Hale , Dea Molnes ; Mrs. J. L. Aron , George B. White , J. F. Holllduy , Chicago. TIM : ATfnug \ NIIOI : STOCK. If * flic Clm in plot , i8iot Snip of iliv Whole 1'nll.n ! StntcM. IT'S AT BOSTON STORK. OMAHA. The selling of the A. F , Heinz' Atchlson bankrupt shoe * tooh It the all-abcorblns topic of the day We have put on more salespeople In all tfatfe shoe departments nt Boston Store , more Im the men's exclusive hoe department on thw main floor , more In the ladles' and children's shoe departments on the main floor and more In the new shoe department In the bmeniont. Tomorrow wo will geladles' \ \ $1.00 slip pers and oxford tics at 30c. BOO iMlrs ladles' tioth top and all kid button shoes at S9c pair , Misses' , children's and Infant's shoes will go at 3Dc , B9c , 60c. 7Bc , 89c and $1.00 , worth up to $2.00. All the warm lined shoes nnd slippers from the Heinz stock will go at & 9c , 75e and S9c pair. Big lot of men's shoes nt $1.25 pair. All these are In the basement NOW SEH THE BARGAINS ON THE MAIN FLOOR. AT BOSTON" STORE FROM THIS HANKRUIT STOCK. All Helntz' men's shore that sold for $3 00 , $1.00 , $5.00 and $0.00 , go nt $1.C9 , $2.00 , J2.-5 , $2.f,0 and $3.00. These take In everything In the wuy of men's sljosa In patent leather , kangaroo calf , cordovans , enamels , box calfs , etc. BARGAINS IN LADIES' SHOES. All Helnz'e ladles' $3.00 , $4.00 , $5.00 and $0.00 shoes go at $1.5 ! ) , $1.98 , $2.25 , $2.50 nnd $3.00. Remember , this sale gives you a chance to buy the very finest ladles' and men's shoes , that are made In the United States at Just about half price ; this wo positively guarantee. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. Selling the A. F. Heinz bankrupt shoe stocks from Atchlaon. In all three shoe de partments ; two on the main floor and one In the new basement. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA , 10th and Douglas Sts. ASSOUIATI3M OHAIUTICS. Aiirnl for ClolliliiK' mill Shorn , When the ladles of our city are now lookIng - Ing over their wardrobes kindly remember thedctervlng poor. There Is a la ue demand - mand for all kinds of clothing , especially for women and children. Wo are appealed to by several of the principals of our schools for children's shoes , as many boys and girls arc kept out of school for the want of them. Drop a postal card or telephone Ifilfi and our wagcn will call. JOHN LAUGHLAND. Secretary , 807 Howard street. nr.MA < ; oris itri.iMs THU PAUTV. CUIICUN ConlrolN (1u > I'copli-'H Party Stnli * Convention. OMAHA , Oct. IS. To the Editor of The Bee : The Nebraska Independent of October 14 sajs : "In our Issue of September SO wo said- 'The man who will stay away from the polls on election day nnd pick 'corn Is not much of a patdot. Ho Is of llttlo value to his party or his country. Ho Is the sort of man that It Is necessary to draft In lime of war. ' To this Mr. A. A. Perry of Omaha , cue of the chief lieutenants of Vandervoort , takes ex ceptions. " I desire to deny the statement that I am or ever have hee-n a lieutenant under Mr. Vandcivoort. I left the republican party in 1S72. 1 never held any communication with Mr. Vandervoort directly or indirectly on the subject of politics since the St. Louis con vention that nominated Mr. Bryan. Mr. Van dervoort , as I umlerbtand It , opposed the elec tion of Mr. Bryan. I worked day and night fo.- the success of the Hryan ticket , and on election day In November , 1S90 , voted the national and state ticket from top to bottom. Mr. Vandervoort would hartlly own me for one of his lieutenants with such a record. "He ( Perry ) wrote a letter to The Omaha Bee In which ho frankly admitted that he cared so llttlo for the privileges of the ballot and the eove'elgn right of an American citi zen that It was hls < Intention to pick corn on election day. " Perry wrote a letter to Thei Omaha Bee. > So much and no morc-of the above sentence Is true , That statement was made , as the Independent well knows , because I refuse to be a party to electing a nun to an Important ofllce. whatever his party , that had no sym pathy 'with the party to which I had been a member from the hour of Its blitn. "Ho beasts of having served In the civil war. " That's another one. 1 slated the fact as proof that the "man who picked corn on election day , " was not "the aort of man that It is necessary to draft in time of war. " "For his services In the civil war we give him honor and c"edlt , but In all sincerity we ask him if It Is not better for a nation < o settle Its dllllcultles by ballots rather than by bullets ? " You do not "give me honor or credit. " You Insult me by a slander In the first place , and by a little cheap taffy later. As to set tlement by ballots rather than by bullets. Yes , a thousand times yes ; and just here comes In the Nh.une of the Independent and the generals whom he serves as lieutenant. To have worked for twenty-live years to help financial reform nnd then see a set of hungry demagogues force a man upon the party who has not so much as one foot in the party , gives no encouragement that we can "settle by the ballot. " Certainly one can find no reasonable excuse for helping to build up a party that resisted the issue of government money and has been on the wrong side of every great question for forty years , and Is now on g ound untenable on the financial question. They claim to want all dollars made equal , and then demand the redemptlcn of paper In coin. 1Mb ! I have been many democrats driven to the necessity of admitting that money was made by law , but never one hnnett enough to ad mit that settled the whole question nnd made "sweeping dollars" a cheat and a fraud. I have scon the Independent advocate the pee ple's party platform month after month , and then favor the election of men opposed to every line of the platform. I have seen he o In Douglas county demo crats all smiles nnd honey to populists and then turn them down on election day. I have seen democrats In Doug'as county elected to the legislature and then deny their own platform. For nit > clf , I refuse to tniht them , believing a day spent "picking corn" much more profitable to the people's party , and much more likely to settle difficulties without bullets , than It would bo voting a democratic ticket. The people's Independent party nominated a man for tlio office of supreme Judge at Lin coln. That \oto has never been reconsidered , and If I am to vote. It would be for him , and not for a man nominated In another conven tion. tion."It Is a duty , almost a sacred duty , Im posed upon each and every citizen of a free republic to study the principles of government and go to the polls on election day and cast his ballot for the prnservatlon of his home , his country nnd the welfare of future genera tions , " It Is a duty , and a eacred duty , for men who have been honoiod by the people of a state , or a man editing a paper , or In other manner assuming tile ofllce of teacher , lode do his work hone&tly and for the good of all , lather than for the iboncs and fishes. It Is the duty of the pqoplo to be governed by a majority In a republic ; rather than by a few picked men to settle In conference , by a smaller number , what/ the action of a greav party shall bo. It ls.u crime when n majority shall bo defeated fiy demagogues end by wire puller * . It IS'ftj ' crime when men shall ho denied the p'lvllrde of casting their bal lots for men who 'IH' do their bidding. It Is a crime for the inlllor of the Independent to distort a letter und make the writer wiy what he never did say. Open charges are made that men professing to bo populists , traveled over the state on [ kisses to pack the convention held In Lincoln. It IE a fact appareatly , that the lall'oads would as seer < have Sullivan as Post for supreme judge. ThU letter Is addressed to The Hee that all of It may be published , rather than a garbled account , and an Interpretation foreign to the writer's thoughts given to the. public. The Indtpenuent is at liberty to make any comments It thinks pr. per , p ovlded It pub- llches the whole letter. A. A. PERRY. TRY GRAIN-0 ! TRY GRAIN-0 Ask your ftrocer today to show you a package of GHAIN'-O , the new food drink Hint takes -ho place of coffee. The child ren nir.y dilnk It without Injury na well us the iidult. All who try it , like It. GUA1N-O Ima that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but It Is made from pure tiralim , and the moat delicate stomach receives It without ' distress. ! i the price of coffee. 15c and 25a ' per package. Bold by all grocer * . is nuvornn TO ouvroitv. U'limitit'M dull ( llvo * Over n SNKIMI | to Tills Stibjocl. The Woman's club WBS out In full force yesUrdny , In spftc of the storm , ami the auditorium of the First CotiRrcKatlonnl church wns well filled to listen to the pro- Kram prepared by the department of oratory. This Is the youngest of the thirteen ilopnrt- mcnlts , save one. havltiR been organized last April , It has for Us lender Mrs. Jesslo 11. Dorward , a graduate of the Emerson School of Oratory , Iloston. Mrs. Uornard prefaced the program of recitations by a short paper Betting forth the methods by which the work of the depart ment was conducted. She described thi < progress of oratorical art which , she said , had follow od the same course as that of alt art , as colloss.il , effective , realistic and sug- gi'stlvc. Th ? first recitation of the afternoon wns by Miss Jessie Hrown , who recited very sweetly llczlklah llutterworth's "How Dot Heard the Messiah. " Then Miss Jessie Townsend - send described the Immortal small boy who exposed all his slater's shortcomings to her adorer. Another recitation wns that of a poem , "Nebraska , " written by Mrs. Ida Me- Kuovcr , Stromsburg , Neb. , and given by Mrs. M. Mnry M. I'ugh. The "Nurse's Scene" from "Ilomco nnd Juliet. " with 'Mrs. ' It. I ) . Cnld- well and Miss I ols Dorward as actors , com- plctcd the oratorical pnrlt of the program. Miss Myrtle Coon sang "Mlgnon" and "Zellna , " and responded to a very peremp tory encore by "Supposing , " Mrs. H , I1. Whltmoro accompanied , The half hour usually devoted to business wns largely given to matters of courtesy , Mrs. W. II. Clcmtnons of Kremont , secretary of the Nebraska Woman's Christian Tem perance union , expressed the wish of that body ' .hat the club unite with It and other organizations in an Invitation to the Na tional Woman's Christian Temperance union to hold Its annual meeting next year In Omaha , and the request was granted unani mously. A characteristic note was read from Mrs. Rlla W. I'cnttlo In acceptance of hon orary membership In Ithe club , Mrs. Mc- Kelvey gave an excellent report of the recent meeting of the State Federation of Woman's flubs In lleatrlcc. Sympathy with Mrs. Sterl ing In her beroivcmcnt was expresssd by ris ing.Tho The announcements are ns follows : Philosophy and ethics will meet today for reading nnd discussion of Kmerson's essay on "KxpTlenco. " French history will mcci to morrow at 4lf : > o'clock ; Kngllsh history will incut at the public library next Friday ; Ocr- mnn history meets on Friday of next week ; paillamcntary practice will meet as usual on Monday next nnd Is desirous of having Its enrollment completed nt that itlmo ; Victor Hns water will spenk before the department nf political economy next Monday at I o'clock on the "Hiso of Municipalities. " The ladles' chorus class , conducted by Mrs. Cotton , will mcctt on 'Saturday ' at 10:30 : o'clock , the musical history class on Wednesdays nnd the tlrst public musical will occur on Oc tober 2T. Bvcry penny tells You can get Salvation Oil for 25 cts. Hest liniment In the market. iitiiri Kornoi iti The Missouri Pacific Hallway Is running a I'ljst Limited Train to St. Louis , Mo. , leav ing Webster St. depot dally 3:0,1 : p. in. , reachIng - Ing Kniuas City same evening ; ariivlng at Grand Utilnn Station , St. Lonls. 7:20 : the next morning. No change of cars of any class. Night Kxprcss leaves ! ) :30 : p. tn. , arrives Kansas City G:2ii : a. in. For further Informa tion call at compnny'a ollices , N. E. corner 13th and Farnam or depot , 15th and Web ster streets. THO3. F. GODFREY. J. 0. PHILLJPPI. P. & T. A. A. G F. & P. U. I IIF. CO III M ! 1C 13 \UX1V.\I. . . I'luilH Hevi'loilMf | ? to Vnkr It tlio l < Vnturr of n M 'iiiorill > Winter. The Idea of the Ice carnival Is "catching on" and the society circles are already planning many features for the festive win ter season and the enjoyable fete that It will bring at the exposition grounds. The man agers of the enterprise , Messrs. Norrls & Love , are having the plans and sketches pre pared as rapidly as possible , to be presented In the columns of The Dee In a few days. The Indications are that the coming winter will bo a cold and steady one , and it tills proves a fact the season to come will never bo forgotten by the participants , as nsbur- ances are now given that Omaha will have features at its winter carnival even sur passing tho-30 held at St. Paul and Montreal. The uniformed clubs will iti themselves bo one of the principal attractions , and It Is hopeJ they will number Into the thousands of members , the more the merrier. The club unllorm is worthy of more than a pa&blng notice. Tnc suit itself U made from an or dinary \\oolen bed blanket of such color ns nny best suit the fancy of the club that adopts , It. While- light In weight , from four to live pounds complete , the warmth de rived from 'Its adoption for the winter's \\t\uing apparel Is far more healthful nnd ccmfoi table than can bo obtained Irom the orthodox dress. It has also the merit of being jaunty and attractive. The Doe will outline the uniforms for club members of botn sexes , and will alto give full informa tion an to material aivl cost of the dress complete , Including toque , sash , hose and footwear. It Is so simple that anj woman who can run a sewing machine can make ono at a moderate outlay. The ordinary all- wool blanket , costing from $4 to $ ri , will make as picturesque a costume as ono costIng - Ing $25 or upward , the main difference being In the color and design of the stripes In the blanket , which are used as thu trim ming. Carnival headquarters will be established In a few daya , after which all Information drt'lred upon the different features of the carnival , the organization and uniforming of clubs , the assignment of committees to act In concert with the carnival managers , the appointment of reception , entertainment , decoration and other committees , will be made and everything nccest-ary ( o the suc cess of the carnival given Its proper place , EO that there may bo no hitch in the arrange ments. It. next Sunday's Ilec the first coupon votes for the queen of the carnival will bo published , together with full particulars nf the manner of casting the ballots and counting the same. Watch for It. Cut out the coupon and place your favorite's name In the blank tpacc and cast your vote at the polls that will be them announced. BrnenT CcnRTn ATMEVT for tortnrln. . urlnif , Itctilnn , liuriilnK , oiid ecnly ikln ami icitlp dlieiiica with Ion ofbalr. Warm ballii wltliCu- TIOUIU boKCiitle applications of Cirncuut ( ointment ) , auJ full doirl of Cuncun * IU m. . T.Krealeil ol blood purifiers and Uuinor cuict mlj ihrmirhoul lh < world 1'ottia Burn * I'niu Pour. . onle I'roni H li > n BT-'Mlnw Int'urr HchlniUcIn I ) CUM , " fret. nniir'i b < in'l7lTr.V."h.1llr.id , ; : ! JTime to Begin iTJiu comlne season of cold la run I to ( lx more deeply all existing ills "leasea of the I1 Mucous Membrane J In cn es nf ( 'aturrli , H onc'il l . Th on . ] ( niitultullon t tlie hhii'urJ MolUul \ IiiHluite It. file II In hlKli time lli..t ( njffcr.-m fortlf > hpin i'l m uuiini ' I wlnlcr by uklns ticuiimm NuU MEDIC U INSTITUTE I UI-ilMlS N. V. Life Vide. Tel. 113 IDDDDDDDDDDDBj Hoe , 10 , 18 , ' 87. The \ ete Cornet ; X'arnam tint ? Card- Jtnct a Word. II V talic thin oiu > oi'tnnit/ofi > ii ? > 7Ml/ . y r ' Ni fonv flic IIHIIII7in < l trlH/ien tn < l cvjii'CHHi < ntm > fti < > < it irilf thtit fun-o tn't'n i > oiu-c < l on un in / / iifir nfoi-c. Tint * thiinftfnlncHH unctt ( H-I/OIK ! wic'iy ii'oi'itH. It'c nrc not unicti on trortf * . itiilrctln < nt cttn fo H/ioii' our f/t'tifitiufc. nnctiinilftl fail' < ft < < iliiif/ . HU itiiiiHitliif > f < - rtiltit'H. Itf/ HriiicloHcfi / up to onr incf/ioiltt ( tntt otii' iccoftloi' flic jninf tircli'c f/of/i'.v. Jly nmkintTic AW > m.s/.r ( t nfoi-c of ir/uWi nil of onr ircfl n-inlicrH tthnll lie iinli- fit ottr fittrt'if fo flct in tlte wii' ntorc tiT fti'o familiar cttHfoniH of f/ic traite a " < 'wmr Itcntot-al Sale" in tlie old nfore anil a " ( Urttnit Sale" in the neir. If ani/botlu lia felt at tltiH nnnmial in-ocecdinj/ ironltl re mind tliein that "Tlie Ifclii'tiHlta" in an iinnmtal store. There are too inani"horrible eranitleti" of { irantl Jlonoral Sale * and Grand Opening f Sale * and ( * rand ItinnJnifSalen of rarionn kinds for irhieh the jmlilie jtai/ jtretfidear. . If is onr aim fo avoid thin hind of inerehandiNiitfll'hilo ofherH are elatihiiif/ the etfinhalu and lieafinf/ the font foniH The X'tiln'tiH/su tvill jntrmte the eren. tenor of iln trau airittfi the ( fventent poHHiulo ralnen irith the least jionnilile noise. K.ramjtle the splendid hafs in one of onr fifteenth street 'N marked $ t.ftO fodai/ . WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS , USE : CIAL STOVE SALE. DON'T DELAY Cold weather will soon bz here BUY NOW" The Genuine Beckwith Radiant Round Oak Home Improved 1897. Stoves The greatest soft coal stove ever made , keeps ( ire longer and uses Use less coal nnd give more heat less coalt ban any other Oak Stove. than any other Over ft.OOO sold and are in use In Omuha and vicinity He sure and see the I 897 patterns ity aud we rof.-r you to any one with the new improvements. of them. See the improved 1897 patterns new designs prices Steel Ranges $25 and up. The Monitor The Majestic Cole's Hot Blast The Garland Quick Meal Stoves. The Wonder Holds fire Hit hours with soft cool. Even heat Economy of fuel. The best mode all warranted See the Cole Wood Air Tight prices $23 a nil up , Stoves. IN PiervR.es PART III. READY FOR DISTRIBUTION. Bring 10 cents to The Bee office , either in Omaha or Council Bluffs , Mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cenls in coin. RARE DRUGS Wo hball lie ] ilciiFcl ( o mipply clurgh'Uts or plijxlclniifi ultti any of tlie iirllrlenuinecl In lUiintlttcH to Hull their convenience. Ily raru ilrUKS we incun article * wlilch arc not readily found even In the \n-ti JIIIK stfjica anil totally unknown In rtoien of a limited putrunuKu Wo mention n few : Aclil Hnlpho-nnlllc. lilkohoKrn. Amflilo. ArRentamln. Amyloid Hydrate , Almnnol , Apnlypln. AiKonln. AKurlcln. Ilinzotol. niennoBtOKlne , new loinedy for colclf. KxnlKlne. ll > pnal. f'anio en. Antodynr. I'eptono ( for culture media ) . hod Inn VEK'Ken lodofonn Vafoscn. Kuenln Ilydronhlnrlde. Thump Tablet" , tiring ug Imrd prescrlptloni- MIPUU : OK 1.-ii : Iliulwf SI. . WOODBURY'S 1'uflal Fodp , Kucll ( . 'ream , Facial Pouder and Dental t'reom make tingrundtbt toilet combina tion knuHii for the > l.ln , null1 , complexion und teeth They arc fcohl e er > where , Jic eticii A feumple of each , cutllclent for three wttke' use , mailed on receipt of 0c. J , II. WOODUUUY , U nnutolok-l t , 12T W , : d tit. , N. TC. .BEING APPRECIATED. . . . . . . Our method of remov ing teeth and roots with out pain for 25c isaggg by Omaha people judg ing from our increased practice in the past thirty days. Logan Crowns"$4.OO Set Teeth . 6.OO Cold Fillings . . . I.OO up. New York Dental Go. , I DK. I Attendant. NEW COLLAR