Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    ( J THE OMAHA PATTjY ISvSDAT , OCTO15EI ? 10. 1897.
Furnished roomt , 02" Plfth avenue
lUrry Murphy , co-il and wood 37 Main
lh. Shrlvcr , dcntUt Merrlnm blk . rom 2C (
Smoke Olllc J Choice , 10Z3 South Mali
A , A Clark han gone lo Naahvlllo to vis
the exposition.
K , I < . Shtipnrt has returned from a hrlel
sojourn at Colfas Springs.
Mr. and Mrs James Meek have gnnc lo
Ohio for n five weeks' visit.
W. W. Loomla returned ycsterdiy from
n two weeks' v sit In the rail
Miss Ethel Evans spcal Sunday with her
sister In this city Mrs J. U Hoed
liny coal nnl wood of H. II Williams , 150
IHvay , and get piemlum stamps
Satisfaction guaranteed at the reliable
Uluff Clly stfjtn laundry Phone 111.
U. H , Williams 150 Ilway will give pre
mium stairo1' on all silos of wood and coal
iMrs. J. Hathaway Is In Iho Women's Chris ,
tlan Association hospital dangerously 111 from
typlio-mnlnrinl fever
Nellie Green left Innt c\cnlng for Chicago
for the purpose of spending some time In the
pursuit ot her art studies
Nos. 1 , 2 and 3 of ' Iro'and In Pictures"
can now bo had at the Council Bluffs ofllco
of The Ilee , 10 Pearl slicel
Peltr Haas , one of Iho capllallsts ot
Wyoming , Is visiting hla brother , Samuel
Haas , at Ills home on Sixth street.
12 II. Merrlam , who has been confined to
hla home with a threatened atlack of ma
larial fevci. Is able to resume his dullcs.
Thomas Hlshlon furnishes only Iho bcsl
grades of coal"guarantees correi t vv fight and
prices an low as anywhere In the city. 2400
West Hroadway.
Thomas Egon , chaigcd with stealing u
mackintosh coil fiom a Main sticet ris-
tainant , ecurcd a continuance from Justice
Vlcei yesterday
Prudent persons will find It a greit deal
better durli.r this wet , clojdy wcatliT to send
jour family washing direct to the Eagle
Laundry , 7J1 IJway
All members of Lily camp , Hoyal Neigh
bors , wishing to visit Ivy cimp , Onuha ,
Wednesday evening meet al Pearl and
Uroadway , at 7 o'clock
The en Ire day In the dls'rlct court jcs-
tcrday was consumed In hearing the bUlt
brought by Detlef Kruse nsalnst the Slefert
& Welse Lumber company of Ncola
Dr. and Mrs Ilorry , who have been the
guests of Mr and Mis C M. Trephagcn for
aovcral weeks , left yestciday for Oklahoma ,
where Ihey will reside In Iho future
Council Bluffs people can obtain copies of
the Internillonal art series , "Ireland In
Pictures , " by calling al the Council llluffs
ofilco of The Bee , No 10 Pearl street.
Now Is the time to lay In your supply of
winter fuel U. II Williams , 150 Bway , will
Bell you coal and wood as cheaply as anyone
and will give you premium stamns besides
DP Jane V. .Myers and Mrs Lou Blankeii-
burg of Philadelphia , the latter president of
the Equal Suffrage association ot Pennsyl
vania , are Ihe gueMs of her niece , Mia J. J.
Sleadiran , en Oakland avenue
Mrs C 'M ' Hirl and Mis. J. H. Arlhur ,
who wcio delcgales fiom Iho Bioadway
Meth-dlsl church lo the annual session of
the Dss Molncd brerich of the Woman's For
I : ' eign MJfsionary society at Chllllcotho , Mo. ,
returned home yesteiday.
Hazel , daughter ot Mr and Mrs W. II. C.
Masen , died al their residence 12IS Maple
streel , yosteiday afternoon , of spinal menin
gitis , aged 2 y ciua The f uncial will occui
trom the residence at 10 o'clock tomorrow ,
Rov. Mr. Lithe laud officiating
Mrs. C. E. H. Campbell of Second avenue
left for a brief \lfllt In Chicago on Sunday.
Upon her return she will go to Kansas City
for a fortnight's visit with her friend , Mrs.
Wcl'a , who will be most pleasantly remem
bered as a visitor hero last winter.
Otho Ingcrsool , who has becm visiting at
Iho homo of his cousins , Mr. and Mrs. A. L
Payne , for tunic lime , will return lo his
home In Galcsburg , 111. , in a few days He
will bo accompanied by Mls.3 Ole Payne En
route they will visit relallvcs In Chicago
and Springfield.
Nelson Allen , colored , was arraigned In
Jusllco Burkes court yesterday upon "the
chaigo of having confideoiced James Dona-
hoe out of $10 on a proposlllon lo carry him
to Iho Pacific coast as a Pullman , pas-senger.
Ho was nbt ready for Irlal and his hearing
was continued until today.
Judge Macy heard the testimony yester
day in the suit brought by Jennie L Chapln
against her husband , Floyd J. Clmpln , for
absolute divorce The legal reparation was
asked on the grounds ot drunkenness olid
desertion. Bolh charges were sustained and
the divorce was granted
The charge of unlawfully assaulting Cam
Free , one of the colored employes of the
Grand Plaza , which was lodged agalnsl W
C. Morris , a Manawa railway conduclor , has
been dismissed afler a great many con
tinuances. The prosecuting witness failed
to appear. This was the case that was er
roneously referred to as the slate against
J. W. Morse as hav Ing been dismissed In
Justice Vlen's court , No case has ever been
docketed agilnsl .Morse.
The firsl consignments of railway material
for the construction of the Japan National
railway paused Ihrough hero on Salurday
The consignmcnl consisted of three carloads
of steel tails. J. A. W. Waddel , brother-in-
law of Leonard Everett , has the contract
for building six or seven of the laigo steel
bridges that will bo demanded In the con
struction of the line. Ono of the bridges
will bo a cantilever. It will span a moun
tain torrent and will be ono of the highest
railway bridges In the world.
The police found what was believed to bo
a cache of stolen goods a feu- days ago. The
stuff was concealed In an excavation In 0110
of the sand banks north ot the city In the
lot was a falily good blcyc'o , a pair of rub
ber bools , some clothing and othei bluff
Invesllgalion disclosed Iho facl that the bl-
cycle belonged lo a young man whoso
brother-in-law had concluded to keep II away
from him for a few days , and hud concealed
It with a lot of his own property Ho ecu-
eluded the sand pit made a safe and conven
ient hiding p'iice and made use of 11. It was
discovered and repented lo Iho police.
C. B , Vlavl Co , female remedy ; consulla-
tlon Ireo OIUco hours , 9 lo 12 and 2 to 5
Health book furnished. 32G-327-328 Merrlam
N , Y. Plumbing uunpuny. Tel 250.
I' Siipi-ilor Court .IiirorN.
The legular panel of Jurors drawn under
the new law for the superior court was
Bt'loctud yesterday. Thos' selected vvero' C
H. G. Vnglor Gcorgo Schlndelo. W W El
liott , J. P. Mulholland , James Mlthcn. U. S
Gallagher , U. N Men lam , C K Taylor , M
A. Jones , H. A. Dolt , A C Blckford. George
Gclaler , Council Bluffs , J H Murphy
Garner township , Jilcp Brewer , descent
township ; Adam Miller , Hardin township ,
No potash no mineral no danger
in S. S. S. Tlila means a { 'ix'nt
deal to all who know thu disastrous
clk'otn of thebu drugs. It is the
only blood remedy guaranteed
8. S. 8. forces the disease out
through the skin does not dry up
thu poison to decay thu bones , like
mercurial mixtures do.
'I vyas almost a physical wreck , the result of
knercurUl treatment
forbloodpoison ; tt 83.
U a real blood remedy ,
for It cured mo per-
niinonlly. " Henry sss
KoVh , 1818 South Ninth
Btrect , Bt , Loull , Mo.
Books free ) addreu , Bwlft Specific Co. , Atlanta.
9Hht 1'oJifioations in the Statutj Made by
New Oodo.
| 'ITI'IIKH | | > I- < > f ( lit * 'IiittitMliIti Olllclnln
Hi iliic-ril llon to Marie the
llnllot Hours for Vot-
IUK I Herod.
There la a slight clash of authority between
the city nnd township officers , concerning j
who shall designate the places for establish-i
Ing the \otlng booths In the city for the ap-J
Broaching election It has been the habit
fcr imny yeais for the township t ustecs
through thu township clerk to engage the
rooms for the pirpcse bi'jt under the piesent
law , which went Into effect with the now
code , this tltltj devolves upon the major u id
city clerk In all cities of the state The old
law required the work to be done In time for
the voters to become familiar with the loca
tions The deHy In getting out the code left
the trustees In considerable doubt as to their
duties , and Ihey vvenl ahead under the old
rule and selected the locations The new
law t > 3 plain ! } assigns this duty to the mayoi
and Iho clerk lint thej had no opllon but to
ohseive It anil thcj are doing so So far as
possible the rooms alrcadv engaged will be , but In the icvlslcn of the list that
was begun yesterdaj , It was discovered tlnl
a number nf the locatlnn _ were not suitable
and did not fulfill all of the requirements of
the law , nnd the -onlnots with the owners
made by the township clcik will not be iccog-
nlml It will bo FOVE/rul days jet before the
work of selection will be completed , and Hie
locitlrns of thu boothb offlc'allj announced. >
llieie aic no raJlcal changes in the method
of voting undo by the amendments to Hie
election laws , but there aie a number of
minor ones tint should be remembered. The
chief thing for the voter to beir In mind Is
the lelnthn of the circle < it the top of the
ticket to the balance of It The instructions
uie verj simple If the voter wants to casl a
straight tlckel for his ti.irtj all that Is neces
sity lor him to do Is to iilace the cross In
the large clrc'e ' at the head of his ticket and
make no other mirks on the ballot. If he
desires to vote a mixed ticket , he must not
touch the circle at all but mark In the
squares opp bite the names of the candidates
ill those for whom he wishes to vote Under
the Hw there aic no other ways or marking
the ballot , and If marked in any other way
It will be liable to be thrown out , and certain - '
tain to be , so far as the candidates are con
cerned who are thus designated on more
than one ticket Per Instance , If a imn
wanted to vote for a candidate on the oppo
site ticket after he had placed a cross In the
circle at tin1 head oP the lepubllcan ticket , and
should mirk In the square opposite the name
of the candidate , the ballot would bo counted
for neither of them , while all of the other
lepubllcan candidates would receive the beno
nt of the ballot
The new law makes It obligatory upon the
emplojcr to give his emplojes time to vote ,
and attaches a severe ' cia'ty for refusal to dose
so The hours at which the iic-lls shall be
open have been changed under the new law.
Section 1C9G lays down the law as follows1 1
At all elections the poll * ? t'hall be opened '
at S o'clock In the forenoon , except In i
cltlirs where rtgistintlon Is rtquired , when
thf poll- shall be opened at 7 o clock In the
forenoon , 01 ! n eich case as teen there
after as vacancies In the places of judscs or ,
clerks of election have been filled In all
cua s the po'ls shall be closed at C o'clock '
in the evening- .
noHIJ OK KDirviiov MinrriMi.
MntlNtlcM Shun u Slight Onlii 111 Num
ber of Children.
The Board of Education held Its regular
monthly meeting lost evening. A representa I
tive of the United States Mortgage and Trust i 1
compnny explained to the board the plan of i !
his company to Insure municipalities against I I
the payment of forged bonds by a system of | I
issuing them on steel engraved blanks Is
sued by the American liank Note company
anl bearing the ceitlflcate of the United
States Mortgage and Trust company certify
ing their genuineness
A communication was received from a firm
of attorneys stating that .Mr Smith , Inventor
of the Smith \entllater and heat retainer ,
had placed his bill in their hands for col
lection , tlut the apparatus had flllej the re
quirements of the contract and that some
action must be taken by the board In re
gard to It in less thin a week or suit would
bo commenced to force pavment. The com
munication was placed on flic.
The bond of J C. Grason was approved
and Mr. Grason officially took his position as
secret iry of the boaid.
The finance committee reported that there
was on haul In the contingent fund a bal
ance of $8,428 77 and in the teacners' fund
a net balance of $2C,5r 8 55 In the school
house fund there Is a balance of $7,091 32
The committee reported that the treasurer
had cancelled the following bonds , together
with their Interest coupons :
Issue of Juno 1 , 1SP2 , Nos 1 to 77 Inc . . $77,030
Issue of Sept. 1 , ISD2 , Nos 1 to 23 inc . . 23 COO
Issue of June 1 , IKIJ , No 1 . COO
Iheso bonds have not been paid but have
been refunded at a lower rate of Interest.
The report of the kindergartens showed a
very satisfactory condition of affairs In these
now schools In the Pierce street building
there are foity pupils , filxty-flve In the
Hlonmer , sixty-three In the nighth street
and sixty-five. In the Washington avenue
building making a total of 241 The report
estimates that it would have cost the school
board $2CGO to have fitted up the four extia
looms needed for the accommodation of
these new pupils under the old system Un
der the klndergirten it will only cost , In-
eluding the salaries of the learners for the
entire school year , a total of $1,075 , thro
saving the district $9Sr and giving bctler In
structlnn to the pupils The report states
that the. parents are taking great Interest
In the now syslem , nnd Inllmales lhat the
Increased demand will call for nmtuilal ud-
dltlcns next year
The comparative report of the atlendanre
during tlio first month of the school year In
nil of the city schoo's shows a satisfactory
gain over last yeai , as follows-
is % 18.07 Gain Loss
Number enrolled . 3 " 4.0S1 IIQ
Av No belonging 3 MM 2 .1 77S . 2 .2
Av dal'y ' nt'nd'ee. . 3VO , o JU8 ( i 2S
No ciisus Uldlness Z S 3J1
The following statement shows In what
grades the gain of enrollment was made
1S97 ISM Gain
liolovv fourth gindo . . . 2 1 r > 2 l.r ! 10
I' tilth and fifth giad n. . 87J Ml I *
K xlli erode . . . 2S' . 2i > 7 1" )
S'vinth gride . 217 2JI 21
niclilh made . 17 ! 14S 21
Ulfah pchool . 35S J3I 21
Tota'i . 4,0)1 W 2 1JO
The general Janitor was Instructed to re
place the Etovo now in use at the Wlnlsor
1'urk school by a betlci one
Mr Moore of tin fuel and heating com
mittee unveil that the steam heating plants
In the Pierce1 street and North Hlghtli slreet
buildings bo insured for $ r > jQQO oich al the
ruto offered , 90 cents per $100 Motion
Mr lloboitaon of the committee on build
ings and grounds reported the erection of a
uscivolr at the North Eighth Btieet build
ing which gave- satisfactory results Ho
also reported that the water In thu wells
at the Gun and Clark schools was Impure
r.nd offensive to the taste and suggested that
new wells bo dug. as the old ones had been
cleaned and repaired and the water was still
bad The board concurred In the suggestion
i.h asl'ed for further tlmo on the rc'port at
the work on the 'twentieth avenue building
and It wcs granted
The lire escape that Is attach d to the
High school building vas reported U be
IneffectivearU It waa sugKcstul that it IK >
moved The matter was referred li the com
mittee with power to act
Mr Sprultt reported the appointment of
Mice Hattlo Ferrler as regular teacher In
the seventh grade. The- appointment had
been madu some time ago and had not been
reported on account of oversight. The ap
pointment was approved Ly the board and
the question of salary was referred to the
finance committee. Miss Fcrrler Is an ex
perienced teacher arid was elected to the
Position , as none of < iho substitutes arc wil
ling to undertake the work
Mr Spruit submitted a proposition whereby
the bosrd could purchase a number of drawIng -
Ing books and save considerable' to the hull-
\ltluil purchasers , but would Increase Ihe
expenditures of Iho hoard The proposllloa
met with considerable opposition and on
\otc was lost.
iMuirnii > iMs or cTrv COUNCIL.
Sullnliti * Iti-xitlutloiiM CiiiiorrnliiK < ' 'e
Dcndi ( if fitMirKc \ . Holme * .
\Vhcn the city council met In regular ses
sion last night the committee appointed at
a previous meeting lo draft resolutions con
cerning Iho death of George A Holmes re
ported a fllrong testimonial to the character
and worth ot the man who had served the
city so faithfully as Its cll > allorncy The
resolutions were adopted and ordered en
grossed on Iho mlnule books
Tno committee appointed for the purpose
of determining the mimes of the officers of
the various city departments entllled lo re
ceive copies of Ihe new ordinance hooks free
made Us reporl Thellsl as presenlcd was
approved and at the suggestion ot Alderman
Casper members of the council were In
cluded In the list.
The committee on fire and lights reported
a recommendation to ray the lighting com
pany Us balance of $24S 27 and the report
was approved.
The question of the construcllon of plank
walks on temporary grades came up for dis
cussion again and the major and several
members got an opoprltinlly to oppose the
lajliiK of an > more plank walks.
The sewer department lias purchased a
new wagon and tie bill was approved.
The repoit ot the committee of the whole
concornliii ; the change of grade on Avenue
r , between Oakland avenue and North Second
end streel , favoring Ihe petition of the prop
erty owners , was presented All of His prop ,
crly on nets affected , with the exception of
r C Lougee , had signed the petition , all
waiving their rights to damages nud the
maltcr was referred to the city attorney and
engineer to ascertain 'the amount at damages
llkclj to he sustained by Mr Lougc-e The
change contemplates the lowering of the cast
end of th * street about four feet
The pellllon of On en riarlty , asking fo a
i omission ot taxes on account of ill health
was referred to the Judlclarj committee
The Chicago , Darlington & Qnlncy Hall-
vva > companj was Instructed to build a cul
vert tinder Its tracks on Slxtecnlh avenue ,
o permit proper dialnage of Ihe street , Iho
ctilvcrl lo bo built under the dhcs'lun of Iho
city engineer.
The commltlce on bridges was Instructed
to examine the bridge over Indian creek at
th ° easlern clly llmlls and ascot lain the cost
of a now bridge.
T C Jackson asked to have the sidewalk
ordinance requiring walks on the noilh and
south side ot Twelfth avenue , from Sixth to j
Eighth stre ° t , enlarged and made to in- i
elude several olhcr trcets and avenues In
that vicinity. Ho declared that the ordl-
nancn left untouched a lot of dangciois ,
\valks In front of property owned by uch i
men and had made the poorer class of house
holders build permancnl walks Th > discus
sion developed the fact the council could nol
order an > more new vvilks unlll nexl March
A committee of aldermen , composed of
Atkins , Casper nnd Mctcalf , was appointed
to examine a number of walks in thai virln
Ity that had been repaired In accordance
with Inslrucllons , with a view of cutting
them out of the contract.
Special policemen were appointed to serve
on eleclion day. The lisls of namco sub-
mlttfd by the party chairmen were ap
proved In the following the first named In
each precinct Is the republican and Iho second
end Ihe democrallc officer-
First Ward rirst picclnct , Roberl While ,
Henrv Altrop , Second precinct , Henry New
ton , H J London
Second Ward rirst precinct , Joseph
Spiuldltifi- . A. Ro o ! Second precinct , M.
Slvtei , J W Mntlock
Third Ward First precinct , Iudnlg Wll-
H-ims , Jacob Dfitesman ; Scconel precinct ,
George Gelsler. John Allen
Fourth Ward rirst precinct , John Dickey ,
Mahlon Hrown : Second precinct , David Mot-
tu7. J. H. Kellv.
rifth Wird First precinct , Charles
Suicide , N. p nethcrs ; Second precinct , C.
Al Welsh , Xrls Johnson.
Sixth Ward Flr = t proclnot , John 1'ppor-
son , I'-inc Doty : Second precinct , Geoige
Cooper , J. II Nellson
Supervisor of Iho Poor Jackson appeared
before Ihe council and Rtated thai his ofiice
in the county building was being overrun by
applicants for aid who came from the large
class of lloallng paupers represented as
campers and railroad yard vagrants He
wanted i.o have the city take sonic actltu
In connection with his department for the
purpose of getting rid ot this large and con-
slanlly Increasing class of mendicants He
especially asked to have the police depart
ment Inslrttcted to run them out of town.
No action wjb taken upon the request.
MIMI-k VTIONii Alii : .NOT
Deinoeratle TM\HNliI | > CaiiillilaleH
Will Not Viipear on the llnllot.
Only Iho names of Ihe republican candidates
for township officers will be permitted to ap
pear on the official ballot. This will nol bo
Ihe result of any conspiracy to discriminate
In favor of the republicans and against the
democrats , but is due wholly to the negligence
ot Ihe democratic party managers to obseive
the requirements of the law.
Only two candidates ore omilted lj Swcar-
engtn , for justice of the peace , to fill Iho va
cancy causeil by Ihe death of II O. Cook , and
Paul Aylesworth , for township trustee Hoth
ot these candidates were regularly nominated
In the dernocrallc couyly convention last sum
mer , but through some strange oversight their
certificates ot nomination have not been
handed In lo County Auditor Matthews. The
law requires that llicso certificates must be
filed not later than twenty days befoie elec
tion , The lafrt day of grace expired on Octo
ber 13 The fact was not discovered until
yesterday , when the auditor began to make
preparations to get out the ccpy for the big
olllclal licket. The candidates were promptly
notified , but It was then too lateto remedy
tlio defect
The now election laws provide a slight
remedy for such mistakes People who dcslro
to vote for these candidates will be pcrmltled
lo write In thulr names in the blanks loft
for the purpose , bin no stickers can be used.
W11 linn lo < i Ho me.
Charles Morrlam , George Piper and Ed
Shcpard , lioys who ran away from the Glon-
wood Institution for Feeble Minded Chil
dren , wore yesterday consigned to the cus
tody of ono of Superlntendenl Powell's as-
slslants and returned to the institution
They ran away several days ago and the
ollicerj weio advised to look oiu for Ihum.
Sunday morning they wore found In a suf
fering and destitute condition near the farm
of ono of the local market gardeners and
wtro taken to the station. They wore ques
tioned as to ihclr reasons for running ? away
from the Institution , ami could give no othe
excuse Ihan they did nol like the rcslralnt
that was placed upon them , and being-
obliged to ask permission every tlmo they
wanted to go anywhere Their long tramp
and pilnful oxpcilences In Sunday's cold
rain satisfied thorn that they had a good
homo , and they were anxious to uturn lo II
The friends of Miss Maude Keen of rirsl
avcnur have been advised that she has re-
c vtred from a serious Illness Miss Keen
Is visiting friends In Sidney , Neb , and ex
pects to spend the winter there for her
health ,
Money to Loan Rcduc'd rate on first class
Improved farms and Inside city property.
Apply to Jas N Casady , Jr , 23fi Main St.
llM'llll-V OIIN I)0)N ) rllll'll ,
Thomas and George Ratllffe , George Wal
lace and Jay IS'tlll were before Judge McGco
yesterday at Iho morning cession of the
pollcs court to answer the charge of ma
licious mischief In connection with some of
tholr doings about the North Eighth Street
school building They hid broken off tome
of the door knobs and torn up a section of
the sidewalk on the premises The boys are
pupils of ths school and the mischief was
dona on Kriday evening After hearing the
case. Judge McGee assessed a fine of $3 and
costs , but concluded to glvo the boys an
other chance and suspended It upon their
promlso tp behave themselves In Ihe future.
This decision met with the approval of the
Hoard of Education , whoso president was the
pros cutlng witness u | g thought the prose
cution will bo the moans of ending n Rood
deal of similar mlsJiicf that has boincrot tnc
board nnd the schoSl officers.
" t < "
Heal KMuUTrinisfrr. . " .
The following truu/ers nro reported from
the title nnd lonn oftlcu of J. W. Squire , 101
Pearl street :
HelliC. . Phillips rtml busbnml to n. J.
and Annie i : Htlncotk ; lot 1 , block
4 , Hnll'-s nddltlon w. d . * * X >
Jennie 13 Shield * nnd husband to a.
II. Pay no ; east 3.G3 chains lot 3 ,
Auditor's subdivision of sW.1 svv'4 ,
and lot 3 , Auditor's subdivision ot
seU sw'i 1B-7.V41 , w d . 200
nmmn Campbell nnd nnsbind to U.
1' . Howes , lots 2 , 5 and 26 , block 3 ,
Twin City Place , vv d. . . . . 1.200
Chicago , Ilock Ivlnnd & Pnclllc null-
wnv company io Quslav Merkert ;
fc'i neVi -f7-41. . vv d . 440
Simo to Carl G Morkert , f3 { 30-77-40 ,
vv d . . 1,1 ! * )
Carl O Mcrkcrt anil wife to Hans P.
Jlerkert , ne > 4 * eU and neVi ne > 4 26-77-
41 , vv d . . . . 3C < W
Sime to tnme , f > cV4 30-77-40. w. d . 7,0(0 (
John Peterson and wife to Town of
Nenla , west 20 feet lots 2 nnd 20 ,
Grandvlcvv nddltlon , q c. il . 1
night transfers , totnl . $13,471
M Muxlenl Ollth.
The Monday Musical club met ycsterdiy
afternoon at the resldenc of Mrs Donald
Macrae , Jr H was the first formal meeting
of the season , and although the weather was
quite unpleasant , nearly a full attendance ot
the mambcrs marked Ihe beginning of the
season. The following Is the program
Duet I Would That My bove Monde ssohn
Mia. Wakoneld nnd Mrs Mullls.
Au Jlilln . U. Godiiul
Sylvia. Snydci
Solo And I . Jessie Gay nor
Mr . Wakctleld.
Paper Flrsl Octa\e Stnccito . .Sell irw Ink x
Mrs Ilnnchott.
Valse Op. 01 , No 2 . Chop n
Miss B-ldwIn.
Paper Te-ie.ilngb ot Jo 'jfj . . .
Mrs Van Ormnn
Mlgnon . Guy D'Hardclol
Miss Monlgomery
Duet Gland Opera Kaiitasla .
. Marcus I. Kpsteln
Mrs. Cory and Mrs. Halliard.
To VUenil the HiK'
Colonel T. J. Dunlop , mustering officer of
Iho Union Veteran union , and his assistant ,
Colonel G U. Fonda , left last night for
Cedar Haplds to atluid the state encamp
ment of the union , which begins loday and
continues until Thursday. General H. L
Streel , commander in chief of Ihe union , will
arrive from Washington , D. C , today and
will attend the encampment. Colonel IJun-
lop and Colonel Fonda will spend ono day
In DCS Molnes In the Interest of the order.
Colonel Dunlop has established 110 posts In
Iowa since he began the work of organisa
tion a few months ago
AVoiunii Ilrltl for Killing n llnl .
CORNING , la. , Oct. IS ( ep cal Telegram. )
An Illegitimate baby was bo n to the young
daughter ot Editor W. H. Hoxlc of the Corn-1
Ing Gazelle on Kriday evening. The babv I
was destroyed the same evening and burled In
Ihe cellar of the Hoxle home Olivers Invaded
the house Saturday evening and exhumed it. '
Mrs Hoxle Is held for preliminary trial
on the charge of killing the infant. She ad
mits killing It with laudanum , hut says It i
was accidental Circumstances do nol coi-
roborato the claim
'thousand Teaeheis \peeeil. .
CCDAR UAPIDS , la , Oct. IS ( Special )
Iho fourth annual meeting of the Noilh-
caslcrn Iowa Teachers' association will beheld
held in this city on Thursday , Frldiy and
Saturday. The program Is ono of the best
over prepared and the meeting promises to
be an excellent o.ic. The olllcers of the
association and the Ideal committees have
been hard at work for a month or six weeks
preparing for It. The indications are thai
at least 1,000 teachers will attend , and the
number rcay reach 1,300
llriiUriiuin Ivllleil at Illaiiehiird.
BLANCHAUD , la. , . Oct. IS ( Special )
T. E Pearle , a brakcman , was killed hero
last night at 2 o'clock while making a flying
switch He was caughl between the cars
and a part of his back literally torn out , and
falling under the wheels an arm and leg
were maEhed. Death relieved him in about
nn hour after the accldenl. The remains
were laken lo Stanbury , his home , on the
next train
liiNiininee Companies SiiNplelnnM.
DBS MOINKS. la , Oct. 18 The insurance
companies have been Investlgaling the death
of Jacob Posner , a leading merchant , who ex
pired September 8 , the alleged cause being
renal trouble , from which ho was said to
have suffered for several years Examina
tions for the itisuiance companies fail lo
show disease of the character mentioned.
Ills death was sudden.
The Languid Walter anil the IIiniKr >
MIIII'N U rath.
The man with the florid face and the bild
head grew more and more uneasy as he sat
at the lestaurant lable , relates the Detroll
Free Press. He Irled lo read a newspaper ,
but every now and Ihen would drop It , adjusl
his glasses and glare up and down the room
to find the waiter to whom ho had given his
order. At last he managed to deliln him , at
the risk of being scalded by the feonp ho car
ried , and Inquired ;
"How abou' lhat dinner I ordered9"
"It will bo Lore immediately , sir , " was the
The guest tried to read his newspaper
once more , but as tlmo passed his uneasiness
Increased unlll ho was glaring up and down
Ihe room as fiercely as over. Ho found his
waller again and Ihe same conversation was
lepciiled After Iwo or Ihreo more similar
attempts bo arose and went over to anolher
waiter who was gracefully leaning against a
"Look here , " said the guest , "I want to
know something "
"Yes , " responded the waiter.
"What I want to know Is thisAm I over
going lo get any dinner , and If I do get It ,
when will It \ > c" > "
The languid younir man looked at him and
"Excuse mo. I am afraid you have made
a mistake. I am only a waiter , not a
prophet. '
Two NewroeH lj ni-In-il.
ItOMR , Gn , , Oet 18. Reporls from
Sotnervllle , llilrly miles noilh of this place ,
Htnle lhat two neprois mimed I'enn nnd
Hayleton were lynched Insl night. Tno men
vvero accut-xcl of uiton and had bei n at-
lenled by llio Bheilff apd pos'e. While returning
turning- with their prlhunerH n masked mob
overpowered the > olllcus nnd disappeared
with the prisoners' ' Into- the woods Nolh'ng
has been foten or litwrU of the two negioes
rtnce. i
Case Now in the Hands of the Supreme
Sorrrlnrj Dull-toil lli-i'luri'M III' Will
.Not llrrnll tinOillllrd I'll IK-
UllU-WM SIIIM | - 11 > ( ll-llt-TCll
To lt > < lie Court.
I3is MOINnS , Oct IS ( Special Telegram )
Tl.e Iowa official ballot for tlio coming elec
tion is In a bail muddle , and there Is no tell
ing where It will cud.
It all KFOWS out of the decision of the
election hoird to plnco the mlddlc-of-the-roiil
populists on the ballot as the regular populUt
parly. The fusion branch took the matter
Into court. The Polk county Judges united In
declaring the action of the board Illegal.
When this was announced , the board fllcd
a motion to h < i\o the whole cato stricken
f om the nics nnd thrown out of court on the
ground that the ( .mint hail no business med
dling with It The board alleged that the
decision of BUcli a CUKUas outside the Juris
diction of the court , the boird being the only
authority. Today the middle-of-the-roaders
fllc'l In the supreme court an application fern
n writ of certlorarl to ha\e the proceedings
of the lowe" court rc\lc\\cd , the whole else
dropped nnd the decision of the board sus
Ilcforc the decision of the district court
against the board was handed down Sucre-
Hry of State Uobson had eel tilled the ballot
out to countj auditors as prepared by the
board. This must be done at least fifteen
daja before election under the Inw Today
.was the last day for the certification. If
the supreme court should alllrni the lower
court and decide that the middle-of-the-road
jiopullMs ha\e been gUcn the pirty inmo
wrongfully the billet would have to bo re
organised. Meantime the auditors will be
getting the ballots printed in the counties
nnd Secretary Uobson said this evening that
ho dlil not know what would bo done If the
.board should be reversed lie hhould not re
call the tickets unless epeclllcally Instructed
bj the supreme court to do so.
upiirl ANNCiuliM AN 111 litNnlulile
III More \u Tlmti One.
DAVENPORT , la , Oct. IS ( Special )
The golden Jubilee of Iowa Odd Pcllows will
bo celebrated with the grand lolge meeting
which will be held In this cltj this week.
This meeting also will mark the fiftieth an-
nUersary of Da\enport lodge , No 7. which
was orgjnbed in 1S47 by Grand Sire John
Potts In a stor > and a halt rock building ,
which is still standing In this city on the
north side of Kast SecoiiJ street , between
Iowa and Hock Island bluets The lodge
Is now one of the largest and most iiilltion-
tlal In thu state In IhC- this lodge , In con
junction with Scott lodge , No 37 , of this
city , pm chafed the tine home it now oc
cupies It Is for this rcabon tint the Odd Fel
lows of la\enport have long been atwork
/limning to make tills grand lolge meeting
the most memorable In the history of the
The program , which will bo followed b >
the grand lodge In its sessions , has been I '
handsome ! j got up in sou\cnlr form , replete I
In half-tone cuts of fourteen of the dlnstln- ,
guishcd officers of the state , as also of the I |
Davenport lodges and the bhes of the Ue-
bekah > . The names of the Ia\enport lodge
ollicers and the roster of the grand lodge
of Iowa , the grand state encampment , the
JJebekah state aEBemhly and the patriarchs
While this will be the golden Jubilee
meeting of the grand lodge , it also promises
to bo the most troublesome. The Orphans'
Home matter will come up for consideration
during the meeting Thn membership of the
lodge Is divided upon this question , which
hab been nothing but a source of trouble
from the time It was first suggested At n
delegate con\entlon of the Thirty-first district , -
trict in Cedar Itapids , at which all but two
lodges were represented , there seemed to bo :
a well defined feeling that the locating com
mittee appointed by the grand lodge In 1895
and entrusted with the duty of contracting
with Jefferson for the erection of the home
in that city , had exceeded its authority when
It disobejed the mandates of the grand lodge
and located the homo at Indlanoli This
Uew evidently was alho taken by the grand
lodge at its meeting last jear , when It com
manded Indlanola lodge to release the con
tract made with the locating committee The
action of the sovereign lodge. In Mistalnlng
Indlano'n lodge In Us appeal leaves but one
thing to do , build the home at Indlanola or
not at all The sentiment of those present
at the Cedar Rapids meeting was that they
should bo allowed to govern thcii own af
fairs , as 6t > ovvn in the follow Ing resolutions
which were nnanlmoiiMj adopted'
AVlien IK , 1 " building nnd m ilntcn inco
of u iierm uiriit institution for the c ire
protection nnd education of the dependon
vvardH oil Odd Tallows In n most exemplun
nnd meiltorious application of the humane
and benevolent principles of the order , nm The grind lodge of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellovs of the Ht-ito
of Iowa , by net and resolution of that body
has declined In favor of and entered upnr
the project of building and establishing
a homo for Its indigent and helpless waids
Whereas The attainment and accomplish
ment of this worthy and coTncndiiblo
enterprise on the p irl of the grind lodge
of Iowa , according to ltn expio = sed wll
and desltc as Indlcited by Its n solutions
nnd utterances has bion thw Tried , hindered
hanii J. delayed and subjected to public
scandal by the Intervention of mereenarj
and personal Interests to the estent of
arousing Htrlfe and bitter feeling , d ingeroiiB
to the welfare of the order , therefore we ,
the repiosentatlviH of the \arlous lodge *
of the rifty-llrst repicscntatlve district of
the Juilsdlutlon of low i now In deli Rate
convention assembled , In thu city of CVdir
Haplds , do declare and utter as the volet
and sintlment of tin Odd rillovvi of Ibis
representative district , do ilcelire and 10-
solve , that'Whllo we are In favot of a home
If located and built under not mil i onill-
tlotiM wo art firmly oppo od to Hie fnrlbi'i
piosecutlon of the homo project under the
londllloiiH which now prevail and demand
of Iho grand lodge Hint It ab union anj
further attempt in this direction at present
and that It make mien disposition of th
funds now collected for that puipose as It
In ItB wisdom Hh.ill Ihlnk proper to make.
Ues Molnes' building record for the past
season will exceed that of any year since
ISO. .
It Is not Improbable that Glldden will soon
have a curfew ordinance. The town council
Is unanimously In favor of it and the recorder
& & * , efci2WeioicWs > 2e/
opens with a vini-snap.
sparkle bubble.
i c/fs effervescent
Absolutely pure , delightful to the taste. No wonder
it is considered the greatest table water in the world.
Londonderry is prescribed by leading physicians
everywhere as the most valuable remedial agent known
Notwithstanding the advance In in casesof Rheumatism.Gout ,
price ol foreign waters , prices on etc. _ Sold
Londoqdcrry reraalp the same. Dyspepsia Everywhere.
has been Instructed lo correspond wllh other
places for Information In reRitrd to It.
A number of farmers of Webster county
ro crpcrlmcntlnR with Imported feeders < is
n speculation and < v fine lot of 00 steers have
been purchased nt Omih.i
HOR choleri Is sMll raRltiR near Hansel
1) W Molt Is probablv the licAVlcat loecr.
Ho has lost about 1 100 head Many other
farmers have lost Mftj to 303. Nearly every
farm lus been vlslied by Iho tcrrlb'o dis
The family of J. W Hamilton of Don-
duraiit was poisoned Wcdiirgda ) evening by
citttiK cabbage which wa supposed lo con-
lain pnrls green which WRS put on to kill In
sects Mr Hamilton' wife mother and Mrs
Hamilton's mother weio nil dniiRorously
sick , but the doctor now pronounces them
out of d\ngcr.
The tvvcnlv-fourth annual meeting of the
Woman's Chilstlan Temperance unleci will
beheId at Orlnncll Octobei in to 22 The
to-ird of trustees will convene Monday even-
IHK In the parlor * of the CoiiKresatloiml
church As this Is Ihe lasl Hireling of the
piesint officers , final reports of Iho different
cominltteefl will bo lead and action taken re-
Bardlng all business transacled during Iho
past vear.
The Cedar Valley .Mcdlral Boeloty vvns In
session In Independence Wednesday Over
Ihlitj prominent phjslchns with their wives
vvero In attcndmcc. The follow Ing olllccis
we're c'ectcd for tlio coming I'lesldent ,
lr IV. . Grouse Waterloo ; vice' president
Ir M lj Shane Wlnlhrop , eoerotarj and
treasurer , Dr.V 11 Snnll , Waterloo The
program concluded with a banquet at the
Slnlo Hospital foi the Insane Waterloo will
bo the next place of meeting
13 J Nevlllo was arrested at Oe'wcln Sit-
urday forenoon on a charge of hiving Hlolen
ten head of cattle fiom n farmer near Hnn-
dalla Ho broiiRht them to Oclweln nnd
sold them to Hcilh & Humphrev but hoforo
ho could get nwaj the sheriff arrested him
Mnrslnl Plckard had Just got his prisoner
Itibldo Iho jail and reimrked , " 1 will Invc lo
se-arch jou , " when Ni-vll'o ' drew a revolver
from his pocket and before- the odleei could
Inte-rfeio he- placed the murlinvei his bent
and pulled the li linger , killing himself In
An army of black bugs about the sl/e of
flies ln\ade-d Ocneva and lllt-rallv took pos
ersslon ol the town about is o clock 1'ildiy
night. Thoj came from the north In m > rlul
millions just chcul of a lamehlnek cloud
and filled the buildings before the citizens
had lime to close their doors Tialllc was
blocUaded , and It was Impossible to pass
along the sticets until n ttaln of povvdt-r
had been touched off , which scattered the
pests for a lime 1'arlj plllcrn are at a
loss to account for the pniince of the bugs
and 1me never hO--n anjlhlns like11
S. C. Leo of Jefferson IHIB ri'eclved from
Grand Island , Ne-b , the results of tin- tests
of hK samples of Greene cottnly sugar bee-ts
lately sent lliero foi chemical analvsis nnd
llirce of the icpoits are \er > Ililtoring to
Iho capabilities of Inc hell In that direction
Two samples raised byl\aron Wise In Htlstol
tested 12 .i nnd 12 9 pel cent of sugar and of
801 ami SI per cent puiltj This Is. extra
good , 12 per cent of sugar and SO per cenl
pure being the standard of excellence Mr
Chcnowoth had a sample In which was Uhted
119 and SO 2 , which Is nlso ve'rj good Mr
Lee shipped to Washington some beets raised
bj Hudulph Monthel to be Icsted
Near Slrnw berry Point a few dnjs slnco
the llltlo 3-ve-ar-o'd daughter of Ml. nnd
Mrs nverctl lost her life Mrs Kvoretl had
been cleaning house and In so doing Iho
lloor became Uttered with papeis She
stepped outside- for a few moments and while
out heaid the lllllo one si ream as If in greal
pain. Slio hastily lan to the house and was
horrified lo see her llttlu one ciuo'opcd In
tlames , which could nol bo c\tlngnlshc > l unlll
lee Htc to save Its life It B3ems that after
the mother hud ( .topped outside- the llttlo
girl thought to assist her In the house clein
Ing and had opened the steve lo put sonic
of the papers In , and In so doing her clothIng -
Ing caught tire
Arnold's Dromo Cfle-n J.-t sc-tdachcs
lOc. 2fic and ROc All druggists
f ! MUTiim Pullnnd Wariiur.llli Ilic-
AliiflK rslcrH .
WASHINGTON , Oct IS Forecast for
For Nebraska and Knnsf. c.cnprally fair
and winner Tuesday ; northwesl to fcouth-
vvont wind"
For South Dakota Pair and warmer
Ttiehdov , vve t winds.
For low n Generally fnlr Tuesdav ; po sl-
blv loc il showers In the early mornlnir ,
wet winds i
For Missouri Genci.illy fair Tuf > da > ,
lltrht vatlnlilo winds
For Wvominff Filr and sllghth
warmer ; llt'hl variable winds ,
Iex-ill Itt-coril.
orFicn or TUG WCATHDU nunruv
OMAHA , Neb , Oct. IS Hecord of rainfall
nnd temperntuie compared with the coire
spending day ot Ihe pasl Ihretvins
1S97. 15 % U13 IS'i
Maximum lemprntnre . . . . " 2 fiO fC 78
.Minimum te-mpeiattire . . . 41 JIZ 1 GJ
Averngo temperature 4S ' 4 SS ( ii
Itilnfujl 46 .03 .OJ JO
Pecord uf temperature and precipitation i
al Oinnha. for this d ty and since Jlarcn
1. 1S97.
Noimal for the day 52
Deficiency foi the div 4
Accumulated excebS hlnce March 1. . . . TO
Nornul lulnfail for Ihe day OS Inch
r\ctM : foi Ihe du ! iS Inch
Total rainfall 'In e Mnich 1. . . . 1777 inches
Deficiency Flnce Mm eh 1 10 17 Inches
IXeem for cor. period , 1SUG . . . . 1 r > > Inches
Detlclency for cor period , 1S15 . . . U 07 Inches
Ili-liorlN fiiini Sditlinii. lit H 11. in.
"Stli MerlJInn T'mc '
I'll.'M C'urcil In : t ID ( I MKiitN. _ Or.e
appllcJllon Blvcs relief , Ir ' \Knevs 's Oint
ment la a boon for Itching Hits , or Illlnd ,
IlleedliiK I'llea , II rellevcB ipilckly nnd
pcrmancnll } In Hkln eruptions U stands
without n rival. Thousands of IcHtlnionlalB
M jou vvnnl ovldcncc Sfi eenlfi 7
Kiibn ft Co , Kith < inil DOIIK'H' ' , Slierinnn
A , MrConni-ll Orutr C'o , 1111 ! Dodee Ht
on IIAINIS' noi.nKv SIMJCIPU/ iihs
It can be given without I he Uuoit IvilKo
of ( In * piilli-iil In coffee , tea 01 aitlcles of
food , will effect a permanent and sreeily cure
whether the pitlent U u moderate ilrlnKir or an
ukollulK v\ieck
Hook of paitlculars free , to be hal of
Kllllli iV , Co , , ISth anil Uouilat > Omul a Neb
i.oii i\ SIMI : ii'ic en. ,
ciiii'iiiiind , o ,
Write for their "Hook on M rtililno Habit
mulled free ,
DR. Iik E. ROE ,
Itooin , ' ! - - , MiTlliliu lllouU ,
Take Kluator
live und -
d e r a
cloud of
Atul tie-
wcai {
_ . ncsM anil
vv c a Ic
caused by
BOIIIC ailment of
their sex is llko
nn ovt'tluitiRiiitf
demon of dlsn ter
nhvaja tcatly lo
descend ti p o n
The average
doclor cannot
help them itinch.
He lias not time
to become a spe
cialist and learn
Ihe bcsl treat-
mcnt for these
delicate troubles ,
lie telies upon
"local treatment"
seldom docs any Rood , and often
does harm No wonder women get dis
couraged , but they taedn'l.
Any woman sullcrintr from these delicate
complaint * * who will vvrilc to lr H V.
1'icrccchief consulting ph > * > ician of the
Invalids' Holel nnd Kuigical Inslilulc , IHlf-
fulo , N. Y , will tccc-ivc , free of charge , n
lellcr of sound plofessional advice nnd sup.
Rcstion for hometrealmcnl IJr Pierce is
oneof the mosl skillful specialists in the
world in treating women's diseases , and his
"I'avoritc I'rcscriplion" elites Ihe most
obslinalc difficulties , when all else fails
J r ncvcrlj i : ; q ofOolHd , Oolhil Co , Tix ,
writes - Mv wile stifle ml from cold feel mm
fiilnting spells lieivlntis nnd soreness In the
lower part or the Momich nlso hcirt trouble ,
loss ol npptlite llred fccliiiKs resl broken
could nol sleep I Ine-d live doUois None of
llicin givelirr relief she sniUred
hue was help'eis could not wilL from the
bed to the fin p1 ice Mie used iwo hollies of
lr 1-ierce s rnxorilc Presiriplion one bottle
of Ir Pierces I'cllets nnil the lonl lioinc-trent-
nienl he ailvlicd Hrlorc mv wife h.ul used Ihe
iirsl hottlc of HIP mediLiiic she1 felt Ihe peed cf-
feet and siid out liottU' would be inoiii-Ii I in
sisted on her usitip t\.o hollies nnd she did - = o.
Now she is sound . well ntnl I can praise
jour medicine to the extreme"
( Oil b\PlIIUF )
A. AVrtHcn OmiiimtiT to ClHi : KVKUY
CASK i i > Mt Kiiri MMI .
Out eule IH pnnmm nt nlxl not H pnti hint ; up ( IKCS
tl rut ul l n > * ar tn IHIM IK n t eiiin MIII ) tt n > lm t
Hilt M llbtutr VLllt t nn IlllU \ > * ritltuut M u bj limit.
nnilsuvic tin uum lioiijrKUHnuUt lei uic 1 11 tunil
nil inont ) 1lii > * i \\lio iiulil Ui limit li it Inl tliat
uu nt ran do t > ii nut wt will lm > lnllli > nil Ian liollinti
uii I hold bllN uhllt line ( I HI Inll In u < . VVcilitl
Knbt ItieHJlliI tuluin e Iliot inn Illicit. Ilinttilv
will n it nin Willelur lull i iiillcutt IK tilul MI tlio
LUlll'IKe VVl Wl10\\ tlllllnllMll Kl | tlllll Jllhllj MllM > ,
ntt Itu ino t i inttH lit phjMi Inn1 , ti ixc IUM i leiliftlln
to i.l\r IIIOM llmti li iiipniQT itlkf In out IfiMinM
piaitlii nlilitlili. Muulc Itinuilj II Imn i r < n iniKt
illllliult too > GUumi. i lie i u juuli i M M * nut all 10 rnlH il
teiltk-4 | Hut tin ter inn IIOIIK ( nnuulilfe 3011 * huuM
tiut heitlAU tn > rt U Ii I ivnuil > V i u ( at e no ill tin e ol
luliiK your iiioni j V i Ktiumntit lo c UH 01 itfiuul
evt r > ilnlliu inil avc \\a\t \ \ i tipulntun to piotut ,
nl o llnnliclnl In kill" of ftfiflO.OOl ) . It IIMi | illy
mfi tojli lie in tn ll'i' ' tun mini > inn
have In i n | Ulllinrll | anil lunlliK out } Ul lllullij f r
UKlelent tu Atnaiilsuii I iltliuui.h > 111 nit nul jil i intil
no oiu ha * pnlil Im I. ur nunii ) Do not uuMt hti >
inoie niuiu v until 31 n u > I.B. uli. clnunli uii. ) nniiil
( UMx tnidl In tlilitv to nlnctv in ) liniHlcnti < IT
tl > ani jitl nfinithii ; oui n | inn tun ns lui ! > liii H null
Ulllu tl-4 for ItillKM and ndillihhe3 of tlloou ML liu\o
cuiti ! \\lio Imvi Khtn ittliiN loll ti > urtr to tin n
It eoi-ln ) on unit | < i 111:1 loilo liilii It will HIM 5 . i i
Notnl or hiiltcitnif IIIMII niiiilnl tttriilnnilirou 10
nm He I lmt niiiv JDUI oINpiini ; Miller llui uili M ur
owniir iflltmtt r' IIoin HMii toniM aio i lni | Uhoii late.
pole thioil nuicDiii latdiiH In mouth r1 tupintlHti hi
b < net nnd Jointlitlr lulllliu' out tiupllons en uny
Initorihcliolv fn lln i I pi mini iliin | f | ( n | nlii"in
licnitor hottigoti luxe no linn lorthle Tlmtt Aha
nu tim- > tnntlnklnf nieicim AIM ! joinhli hliotilil ihs-
lonUmii It ( uii tnnl UM tl ti.-i ! ; dniuK vlll ftlitly
liilliK ou nnil inline iilitr * In tin etui Pout fall to
write All ( oiuMxiiiilcmi nil Finteil In | lain tincl
ojis We Invite the niurt t irlil Intet-liKatloa niut will
do all In out poutr to aid ou In U. Aildiose ,
, , Chicago , ,
Anl : Sir-Jicil Institute.
IGnS DotUoSt. , Omaha , Neb
Chronic , Kcrvous and Private Diseases
nnil all WHAKNRSS RflCfil
mid UlbOKIIKKSor iVitlil
nYDROCnu.tnit V UUCOCl LL imminently ind
BtieceBsfnllciirtd In u\i-r > CIHI-
I DLOOI ) AND SKIN' UlBuiHLH Sere SpotB Plm-
I plcH , Seroful i TiimorB 'litter Frif-ma anil lllood
I'otBon tlioronglih ch-uiscd from tliiiH Btem
1 NKKVdUS JJcfollllj bpunn itorrlu 1 in nilml
LOBBC-H Muht hmlKHlous , Lo ia of Vital 1'owcjra
ponnaneiitl ; mill Hp.'i < \ llciiicil
i ( Vitality Wo lit ) in ulo BO by lee clOBo nppllcitlon
to biiBtntBH 01 HtntU M-Mrtj m * iil.ll Hlr.itu or
crli -5ixtJAL , KXCKSSKS In inlilillo llfu or from
InotfcctB of voutlifiil follies C.U1 or vvrlto ilium
oilij. 110X277.
Omaha Medical aid Suigicjl Institute.
rnoiUcij > Tiij A&OVE
Itittt in ftOtfait * . Ourtm ,
oil .NrtrvniiH Dlfoasos Fplllnr Mimicry >
I'iiroiiB , Hliii.'plo.ienoss , Nlclnl ) J mis- .
sionn , otp caiiMid hy pjiRt ntjtibfjH , givoa *
vigor nnd size lo pr tns. itnil quickly but
Murely rpstorCR Jjmt Mnnltotnl In nlil or jountf
I asllyonrrifl In VOB 11 ockot. I'rlcn fl. < H > n pdckoce ,
nix for fK.oltirlllt n ir > rtten ( i7iirtrnnfrn to cnre or
mmifv rrfiimlfi. IIOS'T imAN IMITATION , tint
Innmtnn liuvlnu INDAPO If jour druiiglut liu not
pot It. WH will KHnd It preifiild
illNUOO IIKHIIH III , Iropr. , llilo , o , III. or our iff nil.
Kmiii x Co , ( or IMh nnd DOUI.IIU.S 8ti mill .1 A
'nlU r A Co , Nth A , Diiiiiiliisn Ms . OV1AIIA. M'J
> | < > ( | IITM : llotli , i-Hj ! M < IM > IN ! ! !
Mr * Wlnaluvr'H hoothii.f ' , Mjrup h i > lictn Ufcd
for over EO jours lu millions of mothers for
tholr children ivhlla tfethlna- with perfect euc-
c ? , It i-nntlies Ihonili . < nfteim Ihe BUIIK ,
all us all pilti cured win I cullc. nnil Is the best
rcmcUv for ninrrliotn Sold bx drtiKKlsts In
every port of the wcrlrl Ho euro nn.l nrk for
"rMBMn lov\'H frothing Hrni" and Uko no
other kind ? ' . cinls n bottle
SlMM'l'hHOI-N til ( illllCI-l llrilN. , OlMlllUI ,
Mnmirilr < iir < TM of
Fur Garment i. Ru s , Etc.
ISO I ItMIIJ , COIIIK'H llllltlN , I | | ,
orrici : , rar. M\IN SIMIIIT ,
In I'lunicr Hmldlng
. . . , 'i i-ii-i > iioii < > \t , a.
. . . . (
mvin.u.Nos riii i r i Aii iAiJr"uVm,1.M
ilri-c".f ° r 6Ult ° r " ' " " "y & Utla- * l'"i"1
DR. H. A. WOODBURY After Ju y , st my father , D
_ . _ _ , I- I- \ \ odbniv ulll Imvo 0l.irWo , . f ]
DENTIST } ho "lattl llolk ln mv ° "lco nnd o.
i/UAM A IkJ 1 . ,
vil m „ tilJ ltt , 0
frown , , , , , i U.-hl . Wotivu ,
w onn IG.
No 30 Pearl Street
, A \s7nnnoTTr xr v >
A. H.
Nuxtto Grand Hotel. . . WOOB3URY , D.D.S
Non-residents of Iowa now have no exemptions under tlio .
CoJc which went into effort October 1. We en it COI.I.FCT nln An
COUNTS as of old , aRnlnat MARRIKD or SINiI.Iemployes ( of iii.ii"
ways , Rxpress , Telegraph , Telephone aud Sleeping Cur companies
NASSAU INVESTMENT CO. , Council Blnflfe ,