THE OHAIIA DAILT BEE : ittTESDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1807. 1J AUTONOMY IS INSUFFICIENT Oubana Not Satisfied with the Proposed Policy of f pain. BUSINESS ELEMENT.HAS LITTLE FAITH Inntiit-iii-iilc n .Movement I < enl < lnK to Aiincxiillon nl Culm to tlic ColU-ctliiK ( Miln- . loiin tit Planters. M \TA\ZAS. Culxi ( Via Key West ) , Oct , IS Tlio business element here. In Havana and eliiewher ? scorns to have arrived at tha conclusion that tlic .Madrid government cannot end Hiovir 0:1 : the basis of autonomy to Cuba , as there arc not enough loyalists among tlio autonomists to hold riuhllc olllce. At least that Is the claim tlic conservative Spaniards make. In addition , tlio latter ex press the liollef that the autonomists , even If they were plajod In power , would not preserve peace and protect life and property from the lawless elements. In view of this condition of affairs a number of Important merchants nnd sugar planters of Spanish origin , In con junction with Bcvcial Cubans of tiroinlnenco , have been ln.ldlng secret meetings and cor responding with people In various parts of the Island with tlio object of ascertaining the views of the commercial and planting com munity In 1'lnar del Hlo , Havana , Matanzas nnd Santa Clara provinces , as to the future for Cuba most likely to further their In terests and those of the Island In general. It Is expeo'ed that the majority of the replica will lie favoiablo to annexation of Cuba tu thu United States , as the Washington government alone , apixircntly , Is able to guiiranleo pcare in Cuba and the protection of life and property. Aa soon as It Is ascertained that the senti ment of the persona appealed to Is In favor of annexation u committee will be sent to the United States with Instructions to lay the oifio of Cuba clearly before the business men of prominence In the United States and lisle the latter to unite with the business men of Cuba In a petition to the Washington government asking the United States , In view er the failure of the conservatives to suppress the insurrection by force of arms and pointIng - Ing out the Impossibility of the liberals endIng - Ing the war by establishing an autonomous form of gave iiinent to bring about the an- ne.xutlon of Cuba to the Unite : ! States. FKW UBAti AUTONOMISTS. The plup of Senor Sagasto , the now Span ish minister , to give nutomomy to Cuba , far from giving satisfaction hero , has greatly Increased 'tho feeling of discontent. Tut1 aiuonomlht party , It Is pointed out , Is only In name , the actual majority of the uulono- mls's being In the Insurgent ranks , and with the exception possibly of Sruor Montero and a few other prominent autonomists , the masses of that party ru In sympathy with the Insurgents. Consequently It will be seen the Spanish government , which bus con sulted SenoiMcntero on the mibjcct. Is Hud- Ing great dllliculty In obtaining even the suggestion of names of autonomists to till thu otllces for an autonomist farm of gov ernment. It would be Imprudent , It Is added , to give such olllccrf to the party known as thu reformists ; as thu more. inl'iicntiul ' Spaniards hate them and the adoption of such a polley would possibly mean rioting and oven worje. IJesldes , the masses of the resident Upinlards are strongly anti-autono mists and there Is little or no prospect of making them change their minds. Itecogniz- Ing tl > fi j > IIlculty of the task before Senor SagitjNTu Is ciot astonishing that the busi ness community In Cuba Is exchanging views on the subject of annexation to the United States , especially as a general up rising of Hie Spanish element Is feared If the Spanish government persists In pushing Its autonomist pulley , business men believing that autonomy Is only the II rat step toward Indepoml. nee In Cuba , and the feeling of the commercial classes being that annexation to the United States and the consequent safeguards tc life"1 and property IK far prefer able to the establishment of a new republic im Cuba. The city of Dayamo , one of the most Im portant In the province of Santiago do Cuba , lias been quietly abandoned recently , Its In habitants moving , as a rule , to Vegultas , fearing a repetition at Hayaino of the in surgent raid upon Victoria do las Tunas. It is said bore that some very warm cable messages were exchanged between General Wcyler and members of the Sagasta cabinet during the first days In ofllco of that inlnls try. The recent release of a largo number of .political prisoners from the different Span ish penal settlements was due to the dls- IKUSI experienced In certain Spanish circles bore at thn extreme severity exercised to ward them , but It Is not believed that tha Spanish government Inlands to grant general - oral amnesty. UIFFKHKNCKS AS TO POLICY. Among the newspapers hero there Is con siderable difference of opinion as to the policy which should bo adopted by Svaln to ward Cuba. The IMarlo Do M Marina , In on editorial just ( inbllshed , sustained the policy of utitono'iiy and credited Senor Sagasta with inaugurating It. El Pals , organ of the autonomist party , In reply , held that the autonomist cxirty favored by Seno.Sagasta was what the autonomists In Cuba had been advocating tor the last nine teen years , and therefore , the premier could not bo credited with having Inaugurated it. At the rame time , Bl Pals Intimated that Senor Sagasta was really only following thu policy adopted by the late premier , Canovas del Castillo , and that the Cubans , therefore , were moro Indebted to Castillo than Sagasta In til In matter. La Lueha , in an editorial headed "Auton omy for the Autonomists , " claimed that no party had more right tti Inaiigurato autonomy than the autonomists themselves , who had advocated and defended the policy of au tonomy for the past nineteen years and who had remained firm to their convictions In spite of everything , preferring complete dis appearance to supporting the Insurgents , If tlui latter triumphed. At the same time La Lucha protested against thu reformists being allowed to take a hand In thu autonomist gov ernment of Cuba , Insisting that the loyal autonomists und conservatives should alone liavu this honor , adding : "In Cuba there exist In reality only two parties , thu autonomists and the conserva tives. The latter represent the wealth of thn country more than they represent a po litical party , and they also represent the sovereignty of Spain and will assist thn Spanlfih _ government hi every way to pacify the Island , and are desirous of enabling the government at Madrid to proclaim to the world that the so\vr 'ignty of Spain In Cuba does not depend on bayonets alone , but upon thu 300.000 Spanish residents In Cuba wlio represent the wealth of that Island. They nro also desirous of being able to point to the fact that the autonomists uru able to govern the Island , nnd that Spain's army and navy are only auxiliaries to that gov ernment for the purpose of preserving order and maintaining the tranquillity of the Island. " I.AXII smvivoiis oii * TIII : TIUTO.V. forty-Two Saved Out or About Tu o Hundred I'ei-xoiiH , HAVANA , Oct. IS. The gunboat Maria Crlstlna , which left this port yesterday for thu scene of the wreck of the coasting tearner Triton , bound from Havana to Hahli Honda. Plnar del Hlo , which sank yesterday morning between Dominica and Marlel , has returned , accompanied by the tug boat Suale , which went with her. The two vessels arrived here at I o'clock this afternoon , the gunboat having on board seventeen and the tug boat twenty-five of the members of the lost ship's company , of whom thirteen are civilians and tha re malmler soldiers. The whereabouts of the others of the company Is unknown. The Triton struck the rock during a heavy rain storm. Its cargo shifted and fifteen min utes later It sunk In 120 fathoms of water. A scene of tenlblu confusluu und panic ensued as soon as the passenger * realized the msinlim of the crush. In a wild HtruRgle they rushed at boats , The first boat that was lowered capsized Immediately and all of its occupants were drowned In the whirling waters , The next was struck by an enor- jnous wave and turned over drowning twenty , but the frill craft righted again ami eight who hid been thrown out re gained It. Some were good swimmers and kept them selves afloat for hours , others floated about for twenty-four hours on planks. Four soldiers on planks , whom the strong cur rents carried cast of Havana , opposite Moro castle , were saved this morning by a pilot going toward Cardenas. They declare that last evening there were many others near them on planks , but when this morn ing cimo all these had disappeared. Some of them probably became food for sharks. These who were rescued tell heartrending stories of the scents during the terrible quarter of an hour before the Triton sank. An army captain , his wife and daughter wont down together , locked In a last cm- brace. A mother with twins , 15 months old , drifted helplessly away on the crest of a great wave. All the other' women and children were drowned. Just as the Triton was sinking Captain Illcardo , Its commander , committed suicide by shooting himself with his revolver. It la Impossible to glvo the exact number of those who were lost , but It is estimated that there were no fewer than 150. No pas senger list has been found. The consignee says that the vessel , which carried a general cargo , was not Insured. The forty-two rescued persons suffered se verely from the exposure. All of them were moro or less bruised and many of them badly wounded. co\iiiATii\Tis ( TIII : < ; ovr.n V.MH.XT. I'ri'i * Cln.l to lie Itlil of the Illniftnlltc St'liri1. LONDON . Oct. 18. The afternoon papers today echo the opinions of the morning newspapers - papers In congratulating the government upon "finally disposing of the bimetallic sf-arc , " and expressing regret that It should "ever even have seemed to receive support lit high quarters. " Hugh C. Smith , gov ernor of the Ikink of England , said today tea a representative of the Associated Press : "The bank Is a private company without any government control nnd Is not responsible to the government , except In the terms of Its charier. The * government cannot Issue any orders relative to the bank's reserves. At the same time the government Is the bank's best customer , and the court of governors , being composed of law-abiding citizens , whenever the government makes a request wo do our best to comply. The government must be presumed to know what Is best for the rou n try. "Tho press has been filled with mlsstate- mcnts. The government was asking If the bank was willing to renew Its offer made at the Paris monetary conference In 1SS1 , re garding Its reserve. I replied In the same tenor as the memorandum which the bank told the conference , though moro guardedly , That Is all that happened. Tlio statement that the bank has been coquetting with the American commissioners Is pure rubbish. Excepting what I have read In the papers I have never heard of these gentlemen. " The. United States monetary commissioners have received no olllcl'il Information regarding the action taken by the Ilrltlsh cabinet on Saturday last Private advices , however , con- vlnco them that the cabinet has dealt the deathblow to their nrission. It Is exported the commissioners will shortly be Informed that her majesty's government regrets being iinablo to accede to their proposals , but Is willing to listen to any other ? ilan they may suggest. Ilut both parties to the conference know that no other p'actical scheme can be advanced. t In the event of the expected reply being received the United States commissioners will return to the United States. It is lcarne.1 the only thing tlio cabinet ofllclals dis cussed In connection with the currency ques tion on Saturday was Sir James Westland's report. Sir .Inmcs Is head of the financial department of India and his voluminous report took the strongest grounds against reopening the mints. The commissioners believe their failure means that no further effort In behalf of bimetallism will be made for many years to come. They attribute thMr failure to the opposition of the bankers und the London Times. Until these forces were aroused all signs pointed to thecootieratloii of the Hrltish government. llKMAM ) TIIH FlIliljISST liOIHlOIlC VSIIIIIT.M | | 1'l'oteHl A UTMIII Hi Sooi-i-c.v III Currency -lint ( M-N. LONDON , Oct. IS. The Dally News , In nn editorial headed "The Blmetalllst Conspir acy , " says this morning : "We do not know what authority there may bo for the state ment that the government , has agreed to con tinue the negotiations , nor can we see what the United States or any other country has to do with the matter , but there must bo an end to the conspiracy of silence In which the gov- einment Is Involved. Our financial credit Is far too serious a subject to bo bartered with foreigners or handled In the dark. " After severely reproving the chancellor of the exchequer and the governor of the Hank of England for their share In the transac tions the Dally News pointedly demands ex planations from Mr. Ilalfonr. the first lord of the treasury , and says : "There are those , Including ourselves , who regard It as a pub lic scandal that the first lord of the treasury should bo a blmetalllst. They argue that for. eign critics may Justly doubt the sincerity of our monometallism when they see a man at thu treasury who would , If ho could , destroy the whole of our monetary system. " After Insinuating that the question lies been left open with a view to Influencing the two forthcoming parliamentary by-elections In Lancashire ; the Daily News reiterates Its demand for full publicity and calls particu larly for the letter written by the chancellor of the exchequer , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , to thu governor of the Hank of England. The Dally Telegraph , dealing editorially with Saturday's cabinet council , says : "As the cabinet has separated not to reassemble until the normal date next month , and ns Mr. Ilalfour has returned to Scotland , the ministers must he in complete agreement. If there had been any dissension , other meet ings of the cabinet would speedily have fol lowed. Wo may conclude , therefore , that everything remains CH before. It Is Impossi ble that any momentous change In the cur rency system could bo settled at a single meeting of the cabinet. " The Dally Graphic says : "All the cir cumstances lead us to believe that the gov ernment will give no undertaking to reopen thu Indian mints. " Continuing , the paper says : "CJold may yet again bo current In India , If the policy of 1S93 Is boldly pursued. Then the slnglo gold standard would rule throughout the empire. That Is our Interest both as producers and lenders of gold. Wo are not going to throw It away In order to put money Into the pockets of Colorado mine owners or to help Sir. MeKlnley out of electioneering dllllcultles. " 1'HTITIOX KOIl iflOmiCKlJ IHITIKS. I'urlH Alunli'lpullt.v lte < | iieMl n ! ) < - CTIMIMon drain Tnrin'N. PARIS , Oct. 18 , The municipal council of Paris passed a resolution today asking the government .to make a reduction of four francs In thu customs duties on grain , llUimireU DIxllld-N Monroe Duel rlnc. BERLIN , Oct. 18. The Ncufto Naehrlchten of Loipslc publishes a report of a conversi- tlon which Prince Bismarck Is said to have had with a recent visitor , during the course of which the ex-chancellor Is quoted as sayIng - Ing that the Monroe doctrine Is "uncommon Yon know what wading boot * are wo'vo n bltf line of waders but tlioy'ro not very drossy while tlm < i > Russia calf winter Ian bals Pivx U. Hhooinan Is HO proud of aiv tlio dressiest shoo out Just ( lit ! kind of a shoo you'd bo pleased with this kind of weather thoy'ro In tlio now bnll dog too with the now double heavy solos a shoo that's niiidc for hard nor- vloo anil comfort nnd at the sanio tlmu a flood looker H shoo you would expect to pay $5 for and there's a ? "i value In every pair but we're not pricing them near that high only $ : t.r > 0 if you were only getting an hoiuwt $ . ' 1.50 value they'd ho a good Investment hut we're saving you $ ! . ) by giving you a regular $5 valtio for if5,50you ; can't save ? l.r.O any easier and that will liny your hey a pair of the best school shoes on earth. Drexel Shoe Co. , U10 FAKNA.M STKEKT Now full catalogue now ready ; walled for the asking. Insolence toward the rest of the world and does violence to the other American and European states with American Interests. Their great wealth , due to the soil of Amer ica , has led the American legislators to over estimate their own rights and underestimate the rights of the other American and the European elates. " _ xmvs i-iioM n.isr IMII.VX WAH. Ailvniipc AKiilnit tinAfrlill * Will llenlii Tomorrow. I-'ORT LOCKHEAD , India , Oct. IS. The advance toward Tlrah , the summer headquar ters of the Afrldls and Orakzls , will bo begun on Wednesday. Elaborate orders have been issued as to the movements of each division. The first serious fight Is expected next Sun day , when Scmpaga pass will be stormed. The brigade of General Sir Illngdon Biggs had Its first brush with the enemy today anil dislodged several thousand tribesmen from Chagru , on the Samana range. Heavy firing was In progress all day , the guns from Fort Gullstan playing on the enemy's left. Two Sepoys weiu killed and several wounded. The enemy has retired. The British forces have burned several villages. On October 17 Sir General William Loch- hart , commander In the Punjab , and In supreme control of the punitive expedition , is sued a notification to the Tlrah Afrldls and Orakzls that as a consequence of their hav ing broken the treaty engagements of 1S31 the government had determined to dlipatch a force to March through their country. Ac cording to the notification , the final terms will be announced to the Jlrgahs of the tribes on the arrival of the punitive force at their capital. Immediate submission was advised to avoid necessary damage. Otherwise , Gen eral Lockhart added , severe punishment will follow any opposition to the advance. niSMKS 1IH IXTK.v7 > S "TO HKSICV. lN nf Salisbury Slnles Chronicle Story NVltliont I'oiiiulntloii. LONDON , Oct. IS. The marquis of Salis bury telegraphs to the Associated Press from Hatfleld House , Hertford , saying there Is absolutely no truth In the story pub lished by the Dally Chronicle of this city today , saying the premier is anxious to retire on account of 111 health and anxiety respecting thu health of the marchioness of Salisbury , arid that an early reconstruc tion of the cabinet Is probable. The Dally Telegram this morning gives an unqualified denial , on authority to the rumor put In circulation by the D.illy Chronicle that Lord Salisbury contemplated retiring. It says : "Ixird Salisbury is stronger and feeling better than for many years , while Lady Salis bury has almost completely recovered her health. " Sir Kd\vln .Iriiolil'M MnrrlnKO. LONDON , Oct. 18. The particulars ob tainable concerning the marriage on Saturday of Sir Edwin Arnold , the poet and editor , tea a Japanese woman , show that the ceremony took place at St. Mathew's church , ISaris Court , this city , in the presence of Sir Ed win's brrther , Sir Arthur Arnold chairman of the London county council , the Japanese min ister and their wives. Sir Edwin and Lady Arnold will rtslde on Holler Gardens , this city. The bride was brought from Japan and was educated In England. Her name Is not mentioned. ( ; < ( ( Inn. Ilfiiily for \Vlilte Hilt ) ers. TORONTO , Oct. IS. The headquarters of the Toronto Woman's Christian Temperance union are at present the scene of great ac tivity , in preparation for the gathering of the World's White Rlbboncrs. The hospitality committee has almost completed Its arrange ments for the entertainment of the delegates. The best homes In Toronto will bo open to the visitors. Miss Elizabeth Greenwood of New York Is to preach the convention sermon In Macisey hall , as the substitute for Lady Henry Somerset , on Sunday afternoon , October 21. Oil U'clls on I'M re. ST. PETERSBURG , Oct. K A dlnpatch from Baku , an the peninsula of Apsheron , on the west coast of the Caspian sei , 'ho girat center of the oil producing region of Europe In Russia , says that the petroleum spring ai Romany , a suburb of Baku , caucht firu last night. The fire apro.ul quickly : o other springs In the vicinity mull the whole val ley was a sea of James. The losses ar ? enormous nnd the fire u s'.IIl burning. I'livi-IIIiut .lloiinnifiit to KrtMlr-rli'k. WIESBADEN Oct. IS. The emperor and empress of Germany , their four sons , the ex- Empress Frederick and other royalties and state dignitaries were present hero today at the unveiling of the monument erected In memory of the late Emperor Frederick. The Imperial party received an ovation from the largo crowds of people gathered to wltnesH the ceremony. During the evening there was a gala banquet at the castle. IliMMiiiniii'inl Iteiinoi-il Duties. PRETORIA , Transvaal Republic. Oct. 18. The report of thu subcommittee of the Vollca- r'aad on Industrial commissions has been Is sued. It recommends a reduction of duty to the amount of 10 shillings per case of dynamite- and large reduction in the railroad tariff on mining equipments. The report needs the Volkraad's confirmation and a heated dcbatu Is expected. Italian KmlliraiitN I'olNOiieil. GENOA , Oct. 18. Four hundred emigrants on board tlio Italian steamer Afordat , bound from this port for Santos , Brazil , have been poisoned by verdigris , which had become at tached to the vessels in which their food was cooked. It is expected that many of the sufferers will lose their lives as a result of this accident. CCH I'ljuivalfiit for COII < > PMNOIIN. BIRMINGHAM.Oct. . . 18. The Dally Pest , organ of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain , secretary for the colonies , announces today that there Is reason to believe that as an equivalent for concessions In regard to Tunis the marquis of Salisbury has secured an Impor tant quid pro quo In Egypt. < lnrrii Hem-ill ConllrniM Cnnllllo. MADRID , Oct. 18. The queen regent has con finned Senor Leon Castillo as spoclil am bassador to France. It was recently an nounced that Senor Castillo had been re called and that the duke of 'Maudas ' was to replace him. Ciiolcra In llrltlNh Army. LONDON , Oct. 19. The Dally Mall this morning says It has Information from a re liable source that cholera has aaackoJ a battalion of the Shropshire regiment , which Is stationed at Sltalur. nor'hwiMt India , and that forty noncommissioned officers and privates have already sticiumbeJ , Cliniit ; < In Port uuii : < * Nt > LISBON , Oct. 18. Count Macedo , the Portuguese minister at Madrid , has been ap pointed Portuguese minister for foreign af fairs In succession to Sunor Severe ! . JoiirnnllMl Killed liy nn Army Ollln-r. LONDON , Oct. 18. A special dispatch from Dantzlc says that Arthur Dlx , a young Jour nalist , was shot dead If1 a duel this morn ing by a lieutenant of b : ssars. IMi'iiliiotcntlnrleH Meet. CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct. 18. The Greek end Ottoman plenipotentiaries appointed to conclude a definite treaty of peace between Greece and Turkey Held their first meeting hero this morning , a . rointiirnti oil t'hton Pnplllo. LONDON. Oct. 19. Commenting this morn ing upon a long letter of iprotest against the Union Pacific reorganisation scheme which It has received from \V , H. Ilosenbaum of Now \ork , and which n regrets It Is unable - able to print In full , owing to pressure of space , HIP Standard , ln Its financial article fays : "The whole slory | g one of undis guised rapacity. The assessment was un necessary and the propojed issue of new stocks Is excessive and uncalled for. Nobody seems to care much 16 liMp those who seem to like losing their frony. But it might pay the market to tnke , the honest side In this Instance , for there Is enough sunshine In the railroad to make the ordinary shares worth par. Who , however. Is to lead In the matter If the shareholders sit with folded hands ? " MllKIINtll l III , MADRID , Oct. IS. Senor Sagasta , the premier. Is III and confined to his bed. You can't afford to risk your life by al- lowln ga cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. MO.M3Y l.'OH THU MISSION WO IMC. liiiNt Year Slum * mi InoriMiMC In the A in it u lit I'll n trl liu led. INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. IS. The first ses sion of the Foreign Mission society of the Christian church was held this morning at Tomllnson hall. The program of the so ciety embraces both today and Tuesday. "The Scriptural Uasla of Missions" was dis cussed by Itev. C. L. Lockhard. The an nual report of the society contained a de tailed statement of each mission which the .society sustains. The Holds of the society are India , Japan China , Turkey , Denmark , Norway , Sweden , England and Africa. There are 103 stations and 162 workers , of whom eighty-six are Europeans and Amcrl- [ i cans and seventy-six native assistants. The receipts tor the year were $100,222.10. The Sunday schools passed all previous records both In the number contributing and the whole amount given. The number of con tributing schools Is 2,810 for last year , a gain ot 203. The amount given Is $30,027.24. against $28,418.78 , < x gain of $1,6(18.46. ( Five hundred and twenty-night Endeavor societies have contributed , which Is a gain of 2i > 3 over last year. They gave $3.338. The jear was begun with $7.900 on hand. From all sources the $100,222.10 was received. The expenditures for the year were $9,193.20. ! ) The permanent fund also Increased $3,930 , and now amounts to $15,900. At HIP afternoon session Hev. C. H. New man spoke on "The Minister's Attitude Toward - ; ward Missions ; " Hov. W. C. Payne on 1 ! "Children's Hay Missions" and Kev. W. It. I I.loyd on "Taking the Offerings. " I The committee on nominations for thoj Christian Foreign Missionary society has ; ! nominated tlio following otllcers : President , i i C. I * . Laos of Lexington , Ky. ; vice presidents , ! J. A. Lord. It. C. Dewewe , W. S. Dickinson j t and S. H. Cooperof Cincinnati ; George A. Miller of Hamilton , 0. ; I. J. Splccr , Coving- ton , Ivy. ; corresponding secretary , A. McLean , Cincinnati : flnanc'al ' secretary and treasurer , F. M. Halns , Cincinnati : auditor , Josnih F. Wright. These are for the most i rt the same as last year. The convention of" thsTorelgn Christian j Missionary society was addressed this nftcr- I | nnon by W. C. Payne ot Pennsylvania. C. U. Newman of Detroit apd W. 'R. ' Lloyd of Ken tucky. About 2,000 people were present. Tonight about 11,500 attended. The speakrs were Charles S. Medlniry of Angola , Ind. , and H. W. Everest of D'es Molnes. la. At the session tonight $3,220 was subscribed for foreign missions. . . Thu mutual report pf'the .t American society Is ready to bo submitted. The report makes a splendid showing : It. states that the board has met all salaries'promptly ' , that the board Is out of debt and abalance of $2 513.93 Is In the treasury with which to begin the new year. There were employed during the year In twenty-one states , seventy-one mis sionaries. The numbeY of'jilaces ' held by mis sion effort was 291 ; during the year thirty- four chilrch'-s wore Organized and the total amount raised by missions for self-support was $4-t,3G5G9. . The work1 of the1 unification of the home mission work Is reported to be progressing satisfactorily. The majority of the state societies have made themselves ' auxiliary to the national soci ° ty. The trial , collections of the American board for the year , was $30.r > 43. < i3. Excepting the special debt collection , it shows a gain of about $8,000. ' The gain In the number of contributing churches was 108. The report of the board of negro education and evangelization shows that $11,3(14.20 ( was raised for this purpose t during the year. The total receipts of the ' Southern Christian Institute were $5,192.13 , and the expenditures $1,030.31. Fire * iif ' Day. WELLESVILLE , N. V. . Oct. IS. The forest j fires at Nelson Ilun , near Austin. Pa. , are I now under control. Twenty million feet of j hemlock and 25,000 cords of bark have been ! consumed , resulting In a loss to C. W. ' & ' F. II. Goodyear of $200,000. I AUHUUN , N. Y. . Oct. 18. The northern port of Cayuga county Is ablaze with forest' ' fires , which have been raging for the past two I days , and nearly all the timber In the vicinity of Red Creek , Lowvllle , Sterling and North' ' ' Victory has been destroyed. Many farm houses , barns , hay stacks and animals have been burned. The farmers are fighting the Aanics night and day. but an there has been no rain in the vicinity since last July the parched condition of the ground and the muck In the swamos make their efforts almost i i futile. i Aueil Couple llm-ned. j \ WINDSOR , N. S. , Oct. IS. The bodies of j j Patrick Kelly and his wife , an aged couple , j have been found In the ruins of their house , I i which was destroyed In yesterday's lire. The i I destruction Is complete , only the court house , | ] customs house and Mounee's hotel standing j Intact. No estimate of the lots can be given , but It Is said the insurance Is only about 30 per cent. There will bo much suf- fcrlng from cold unless sulllclont clothing Is speedily brought here. Want a padlock for your coal bluV wo'vo all kinds from mo very smallest to the srent blK ones from live cnnt.s tiji all kinds of granite ware that Is gran ite ware at about tinware prices -we've coal hods as low as l."ie lire shovels at Hi : pokers at . ' ! stove pipe at Oi1 thesu are only sample.s all throtuili our store you'll llntl the tilings in hardware that you need at the smallest klmi of a price W * > are solo agents for the famous .lew- ell stoves yon may lind oilier stoves with the elaim just as good but are they ? A good way to satisfy yourself is to look at themlheii eome here and compare them with thu Jewell we like comparisons for we know we sell the best stove on earth \W have the Jewell cooks Hleel ranges /mil / ban. ' burners our prices are A. C. . . , HUILDIvKS' IIA'KUWAKK IIEUK. 1514 FaVnnm St. It's not only the lVinkl ( happenings that are of , . ' , | - - news from the far away fn eiii. Klondike-South Afiica and all ovw ( he world have an Interest to the np-to-r.a'tf man or woman Tlie Jtee was never so well prepared to furnish yon wltli all the news as now special cable reports The associated I'ress reporls and our own correspond- cuts enable us to furnish you every week day morning with a twelve page paper illled from llrst to last with thu latest news of the twelve pages at the same price of eight .Sunday's paper always has twenty pages from that up ifS a year gets The Heo seven days in the week and you are nro of getting all the news when you read The Hec Tlio weekly Is better than ever only T c a year. The Omaha Daily Bee Circulation Department 17til and Farnam. Bee Building MAXIM RATE CASE WAITS Supreme Oourt Hns Not Yet Handed Down Any Decision , REARGUMENT IS ONE THEORY FOR DILAY .SMnltilInn | nn | o tlu > CIIIMO for tlir iiiiiH-urnnci-of the Kxiieolcil " ' - cNlon Talics Vnrloni 1'orinn \VnMMnutou. . WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. ( Special Tele gram. ) The failure of the supreme court to announce Its decision In the maximum frclqht rate case today Is variously con strued. Iy ) some It Is thought to portend the annoujicement Hint the case will have to be reargued ; by others that It follows In line with the practice of the court , 'not to hand down a decision upon the heels of predictions as to the court's agreement. The llrst meeting of the government board hiving In charge the government exhibit nt Omaha was held late Saturday afternoon ] , the following members being present : llrlg- ham , president. Agriculture ; Michael , State ; Ueulcmmt McCormlck , Navy ; Dcltavcnat , Fish Commission ; True , Smithsonian Insti tute ; Kemper , Treasury. Owing to the ab sence of several members , It was decided to hold another meeting November 20 , at which the olllcers of the board will be chosen. Two committees were appointed , one cin by-laws and regulations to govern the business of the board , of which lo- Uuvcnal was made chairman ; the other to apportion space nnd funds to thu various departments. ' Michael being selected as cliatr- iirin of this committee. Acting supervising Architect Kemper said today that a new perspective would be made of the govern ment building In conformity with the sug gestions of Mccingcr Hosewater of the Bureau of Publicity and Promotion. WHAT ITALY MAY 1)0. The State department Is In receipt of In teresting correspondence from Hon. Lewis Morris hiding , ambassador to Italy , In rela tion to the Transmlsslsslppl Kxposltlon. After outlining the manner hi which the Invitation of the exposition management to the king of Italy was presented , he en close. ' a reply from Honln , under secretary of istate for Italy. He In turn cites the presentation ] of the Invitation to the com- petent ' minister of agriculture , Industry ami cotnMieree. ' and says : .My honorable colleague now reports to me ' In unswer Unit with , u "illtnble circular lie bus drawn the attention of the cluini- bciv ] of oomnu'i-ee of the kingdom , In nnler tu i eneouriiKe. innnurnctureM und inorchniitM of the lespeetlvo districts to tulcu part 111 * ill exposition. Notice nf that new Inter national rivnlrv was further published In No. 22 of the llulletln do Notlszo Cjiiiini > r- cllnll , which I enclose. The royal government , though , with re gret , has to decline the courle.ius Invitation to lie ollli'lally represented nt the exposi tion of Omaha , alro.idy foreseeing that the eomi > iir.i > of domestic producers will be very limited , notwithstanding Invitations made , on account of the coincidence of the cxpo-ltluil with that of the irenpriil linlliin government at Turin and partly because the ' protiu'tlve tariff recently adopted by the t'nlted States cannot attract our mamifac- tuit'i-s and merchants to also push their conimerilal attempts beyond the .Missis sippi. Nevertheless , If there shall lie a rea sonable number of exhlbitom com peting , the royal gn\vi-nim-iit may a'no ' , without taking part olllclully In the exposi tion , nominate a royal consul , who has jurisdiction In the stnte of Nebraska as n lommlsloner for t'he ' Italian section of the exposition of Omalri , as lias been done on other lllcn occasions. Ambassador Hay. under date of October fi , from London , writes that 100 copies of the treasury circular In regard to the Omaha ex position have been forwarded to the foreign olliees for the USD of her majesty's secretary for colonies. HEGUET PADDOCK'S DEATH. Announcement of Itho death of ex-Senator Paddock was received here with feelings of sincere regret , not only In ofnY'al ' circles , but among thos ? outside of olllclal Ufa. Mrs. W. K. ; Annlii , his niece , left for lieatrlce to night i to be propont at the funeral. A London telegram to the Now Yorlc Sun states Ithat if a foreign syn.llcato has ben organi/ed to hid on the Union Pacific prop erty It Is not known In financial circles there. The telegram further says that parties re-presenting the reorganization committee have been in London for some time , en deavoring to secure European assistance In the purchase of the property nnd in floating new stock should the reorganization com mittee be successful In Its bIJ. W. R. Andrews , auditor for the Treasury department , left tonight for Nebraska , 10 le- maln ' until aflter t lection. The comptroller of the cuirency today de clared ' a third dividend of 10 per cent in favor of credltoi. * of tie ; Citizens Nai'nnal ' bank ' of Grand lalan 1 , making in .ill GO per cent J on claims pro/jl , amounting to f32- ! 780. ' 780.Tho The comptroller has approved icservt agents for national banks as follows : Ne braska Columbia 'National , Lincoln , for First National , Heatrlce ; Union National , Kansas City , for First National TIastlnps ; National Hank of St. Joseph , Mo. , for Mer chants National , Nebraska CKy , First Na tional , Wymoro , and First National , York. Iowa First National , St. Paul , Jlinr. . for First National , Lemars. The comptroller ha.3 been notified of the selection of J. L. Ud.\arrlT as cashier of the Merchants National uank of Ilurllngtan , la. , In place of 0. C. Garrett. Drs. N. McKcchle , P. A. Siinhury and F. S. Sander have been appointed member ? of the board of pension examining tiurgcons at Holdrego , and Urs. W. A. Love. H. S. Ulair and J. J. Williams at Wayne , Kcfo. William Clebiirno of Omaha Is li attend ance upon the supreme council of Scottish Itito Masons for the southern jurisdiction , now holding its biennial session In this city. -Iowa postmasters appointed : loaa , Alama- SSSL _ S 5S.5 g g 1 = 1 f &S keo county , R. E. Dlnckwcll ; MMronc. Mon- FOB countr , B. H. Currier ; Sholdnhl , 1'olk county , Ororgo Cllno. for the Army. WASin.VOTON , Oct. IS. ( Special Tele- Emm. ) Colonel Thomas M. l ! rr , assistant Judge advocate general , has been transferred from th Department of the Bast to the De partment of the Missouri , relieving Lieuten ant Colonel John W. Clous , who Is transferred - ferred to the Department of the Knst. The following transfers nre made : Twenty- fifth Infantry First Lieutenant George A. Ahem , from company I ) to company A ; First Lieutenant Joseph P. O'Neill , from company A to company D. Fifteenth Infantry First Lieutenant Samuel E. Smiley , from company G to company C ; First Lieutenant William H. Hurch , from company C to compuiy G. Additional Second Lieutenant Thomas Q. Ashburn Is rellovM from duly with comixuiy G , Twenty-fifth Infantry , and Is ordered to Fort Cuatcr , Mont. , for duly with company A , Twenty-nrth Infantry. Lea\es of absence : Captain Wllllnm Lassl tor , Sixteenth Infantry , extended one month ; Lieutenant Richmond P. Davis , Second artil lery , extended twenty days ; Lieutenant 'An ' drew S. Kowan , Nineteenth Infantry , four months ; Lieutenant Frederick 0. Liwton , Nineteenth Infantry , two months ; Captain Montgomery 1) , Parker , Seventh cavalry , one month ; Lieutenant Charles K. Tayman , Twenty-fourth Infantry , seventy days ; Lieu tenant Charles V. Elliott , Fourth cavalry , extended six months. 1 Work of Hit * I'l-nsliui Ollh-i' . WASHINGTON , Oct. IS.-The annual re port of Assistant Secretary of the Interior Webster Davis , after reviewing the leading pension cases decided during the present administration - ministration and the decisions liberalizing the adjudication of claims , summarizes the work of appeals In pensions and bounty land oases during the last fiscal year as follows : Decisions sustaining the pension olllces , 3,181 ; reversing the pension olllce , 3S9 ; eases reconsidered by the pension olllce pending ap peal , 327 ; appeals dismissed , IT I ; appeals pending on July 1 , 1,712 ; of original appeals alone there were filed In July , " 01 ; August , 488 ; September ( and uu to date ) , SSI. MIIVIlo KITH AmirchNI * Out. WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. Commissioner of Immigration Powderly has revoked the cir cular Issued by his predecessor In 1S9I , au thorizing the granting of certificates of reentrance - entrance to cattlemen crossing to Europe with cattle. The commissioner has received Information from American consuls that American cattlemen have been selling these certificates to anarchists nnl others desirous of escaping to this country. They receive from $ r > to $300 for them. Hereafter cattle men 'Who ' are not native or naturalized citi zens will have to prove their omipatlon and go through the same Investigation required of regular Immigrants. Ki-riiMCN to Siirri-ndcr Ciicrrn. WASHINGTON , Oct. IS. The State de partment has refused the request of the Mexican government for the surrender to it under extradition treaty of Jesus Guerra. who was In the celebrated Garcia raid Into Mexico In December , 1S ! > 2. The case Is of moro than usual interest , because of the strenuous efforU made by the Mexican gov ernment to secure Guerra , and the fact that It was necessary to carry the cose to the United States supreme court for construc tion of the functions of committing magis trates. TII tlio I If . \ri-lili Nli u to. WASHINGTON , Oct. IS. The annual meeting of the Catholic Archbishops of Amer ica will be held here on next Wednesday , the first day being given to the affairs of the Catholic university and the next to the gen eral affairs of the church. Among the sub jects to bo considered are the establishment of a Catholic dally newspaper. All of the archbishops are expected to be hero with the exception of Archbishop Kane , who Is at present at Home. AruiiillniWool Production. WASHINGTON , Oct. IS. Minister Iluch- anan of Argentine , In a report to the State department upon the wool 'Industry of that country , says he Is convinced from careful observation that a provable maximum of pro duction In that country has been reached. He. thinks the profits from the exports of frozen mi'tton ami of cattle raising for ex port will prevent Increased wool growing. Ir4-Nld 'iilfi ( I 1'osl mnslci-M. WASHINGTON , Oct. IS. The following appointments of presidential postmasters were tonight announced : Colorado Francis M. Tague , Las Animas. Missouri Frank U Wilson , Howling Green ; H. P. Underwood , Greenfield ; Samuel J. George , llumansvllle. Nebraska Ross L. Hammond , Fremont. Dully Trt'MNiiry Statement. WASHINGTON , Oct. IS. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $210,428,278 ; gold reserve - servo , $150,700,078. l.iii'U < - Shlpnu-iK of New Mcvlro Slit-op. SANTA FE , N. M. , Oct. IS. ( Special Tele gram. ) J. 13. Manby of Raymond , Neb. , on Thursday next will shi ! from this point over the Santa Fo route to Nebraska 10,500 head of sheep. Mr. Manby has purchased In New Mexico this season over 100,000 head of lambs , ranging In price from $1.50 to $1.75. Three Iliiccr 'I'CIIIU'NKCIPnriiiirx. . "There is In Tennessee a family of three Bisters which presents tome of the moU startling peculiarities imaginable , " said Mr. J. J. Kennedy of that state to the Washing ton Post. "Tho three sldters live together on a farm , their solo moans of subsistence , and work early and late to earn a livelihood. Two of thorn work In the field ; the third does the cooking and other housework. "There I.s but one period of the year when any member of the trio has anything to say to any other member. All during the winter , spring and summer they go about their bus iness with the seal of silence on their lips. When fall comes and the crop Is harvested they break tlio silence , and then only to AVe nro now showing tlio liuwst line or Knalio pianos ever brought to Oiiinliii our stock Is all new nnd comprises all llmt Is late In this woinlcrt'iil iii.stnnnunt rt'prostMitliitf all tin ? ( lo.slralilo styles wo are also showing sonio twelve other ( lll'l'oront inakos In rases made of Kiitf- llsh Oak .Mountain Oak American anil Kiitfllsh Ourloy Walnut Circassian Wal nut fionnlno. San Domingo MahoKtiny woods finished In the natural grain "nil color The prices wo niako on tnoso IM as attractive as the piano for wo'vo made It just as low as buying In lar c quantities will permit while our tenn.s arc so easy they ni-od no consideration while ( his lieaulirul line Is complete wo extend a cordial Invitation to all lovers of the beautiful lo call and inspect them vlsltos and buyers are equally wol- coined. A. HOSPE. Music and Art. 1513Doiig1a s Thoy'vo arrived a new shipment of tliu famous CnrhamU"i ! ! Ilno-Htorllnj , ' silver pieces wo'vo had beautiful plcce.s In these goods ( 'ot'oro now but notliiiiK like these HH an matter for yon to Kcloct a wedding present from this an- sortment anil what can bu mare appro priate than Gorlmm .Sterling Kllverwaro a line line of Jewelry of all do.scrlptlnim 'ical M kt. Dumb Boll buttons at about the prlco of 1 . . . . elsewhere speaking of weddings wo'vo thnworkmen and plant for producing the most artlstlcly engrav ed wcddlii } , ' Htalloncry In the west wo'll oiiKravo ami print you UK ) invitations for JFHI-S.'l.rW ) for each hundred after that KM ) cup-lived vlsltiiif , ' card * and copper cap'iived plate for. ? ! . . * ( ) -wo'll print 100 cards from your plate- for $1.00 .Mall orders glvon prompt attention. C ; S. RAYMOND CO. , Jewelers , 15th and Douglas Sts. qumel over the division of th proceeds. When each has succeeded In getting all that she thinks possible , silence reigns ngaln until the next harvest time , The ulsters , ns you nmy Judge , have made a nnmo for them * solves. They are known far and near us the 'deaf and dumb triplets , ' although such a title Is scarcely appropriate. " POUMIOH OMAIIAV SNOOTS 1IIMSKM\ WDM Well KiKMtti In Unlit-olid Circle * III the Wcit , 11UTTK , Mont. , Oct. 1S.-J. N Haker , formerly - merly assistant city treasurer , has committed suicide by shooting himself through the hend. Haker came hero from Philadelphia nnd Ids brother Is private secretary to Senator Pen- rose of Pennsylvania. The deceased was widely known In lallroixd circles and wai formerly with the Northwestern In Chicago and the I'nlon Pacific In Omalm. Ul-lltllN Of II 1)11) ) . WASHINGTON , Oct. IS. Surgeon Oener l N. h. Hates of the Navy department died at the Shorcham hotel nt halt past 9 this mnrnltiR of n renal trouble. He wis ap- polmted surgeon general about two week * ago to succeed Surgeon Tryon , and was obliged , on account of the Illness which finally resulted In his de.ith , to take tha oath of ofllce in bed. His Illncsd at thl tlmu was not regarded as serious , but de veloped alarming symptoms within the last day or two A ml then grew steadily worgo. He entered the navy from New York state in June. tSGl , ncul prior to his appointment as surgeon general was n medical director with the relative rank of captain , and was on duty at the Naval .Museum of llygleno In this city. WASHINGTON. Oct. lS. Admiral John 1 * Woi-den. retired , died In this city today. He commanded the Monitor during Its en gagement with the Mcrrlm.ic In Hampton ( loads during the Mtn wa'r. In ISCfi he was retired , with the full rank nnd pay of an admiral , the only Instance of thu kind. Ho also received the thanks of congress for his gallantry In the wnr. * Pneumonia was the Immediate cause ot Admiral Worden's death , lie was SO years ot age and up to laal Saturday was In very good health. Admiral Worden was ono of the few icmalnlng heroes of that old reglma which made the United States navy sn glorious In Its achievements. For nearly two-thirds of a century he was a naval of- llccr , having been appointed n midshipman from Flshklll , Dutchess county. New York , January 'JO , 1S31. Admiral Worden ren dered valuable services throughout the war , but the crowning achievement of his career was In Hampton Heads , March 0 , 1SC2 , when ho commanded the famous monitor In her duel with the confederate ram Mcrrlmae. He twice received u vote of thanks from congress. IIOSTON , Oct. IS. John W. Hague , a well known actor , died today at his late residence here , age. ! f S. He hud supported many famous stars. Including Kdwln lloolh , Mary Anderson , John McCnllougii and Charlotte - lotte Cushmaiv 19 NRW YOIIK. Oct. IS. Prof. Nehnt Slzer. Bj the best known phrenologist In Amerlci ami i member of the Fowler & Wells Co. of New Yoik. died < it his home In llrooklyn today , agml 85 years. He had been vice president and afterward president t the American Institute of Phrenoli'gy. He was a personal friend of Horace ( Ireeley , also a Ilrm friend ot John Hrown , the abolitionist. A Ill-jVICK TO S'l'OI" S.\lltl\C. ( < : iilci o CiiiixudiAiiniMtiis In 1'rr- vt-nl ( InMnrdir < if Sleep. Let no man wiiose snores disturb his boarding house at night henceforth maka the feeble excuse : "I can't help It. " Ho r-jin , for a Chlrago carpenter has Invented an antl-snorlng remedy which Is said to bo In fallible. It comes In various sizes , and will suit the palate of the most fastidious. It cannot bo "administered In coffco without the knowledge of the patient , " Ilko most untl-whlsky and anti-tobacco remedies. If swallowed , however. It Is likely that a man would never snore again , for It looks more like a block and tackle than anything olse. olse.The The Inventor Is S. Anderson , who lives In a part of wildest Chicago , Known as Pralrlu avenue. He was accustomed to surro with such energy that , It Is said , the Inhabitants of thu surrounding townships placed the ruin barrels under the "pouts every night. His was a snore , thu story goes , which rose and fell with a rhythmic measure. Some times It was dramatic In quality. It sounded like a buzz saw when the carpenter's mini ! was restless , and again It was soft and low. "Sam , " said his wife , "you have got to got something to stop that snoring. The neigh bors say they won't Mibmlt to It. " So the faithful Anderson began a scries of patient experiments. Ho burned -Ida throat with wonderful mixtures , which made him feel as though ho hud swallowed a stream of tacks. Ho slept without a pillow , and then uacd two pillows unJer his head Instead of one. He consulted several physicians. Hut all to no avail. Then ho bethought himself of his trade , for ho was a skillful carpenter. L/ong nlghta ho sat up , poring over plans with callipers and wielding the T-square over blue prints. Then peace and quiet fell upon Pralrlo uvo- nuo HKo a balm to heal the blows of Bound. S. Anderson , who bad slept so loudly for years before , sank to rest Hko a purrlnff kitten. Tao neighbors mini ; to inquire , and they for the first tlmo saw "Anderson's Snore Annlhllator. " The Invention \ not nlco to look at. It U simply a pad .secured to the end of a strap. The pad prevents the breathing through the nose from becoming audible , nnd the strap Is simply put there in the Intcrc tH of rafoty and economy. A man who has bought a newly patented article cannot 'afford to Hwal- low It. The strop prevents the pad from slipping down the throat , It Is dllllcult to administer this remedy without the knowledge of the snorer , yet there arc cases In which It Is worth trying. Most of those allllcted with the snoring habit sleep with their mouths open. If a man 'In ' the next berth In the sleeping car iinnoys you too much you may bo able to give him Mr. Anderson's remedy and spend , a calm und restful night. f\