Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1897, Image 1

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Pate of Adolph Lnctgctt Now Rests in
Jury's ' Hands.
At Midnight No Word Had Oorno from
Thsir tccret Chamber.
Luotgcrt Makes a Great Iffjrl to Put on a
Bold Front ,
Information , from ( In * .Inrj lloiini
TliU M < ItiK IiiillratfH
( lint tli.Ui'Miill Will lie
a UlNiiKrcvnicnt. , i
CHICAGO , Oct. 18. The fate of Adolph L
Luetgort , accused of murdering his wife and
dissolving her body In a vat iilled with
caustic potash , is now In the ha.Ja : of the
Jury. Judge Tuthlll tlnlsheil his cn.irm1 to the
juiy at 1 15 p. m. and live minutes later the
Jury filed out and was locked in tdn jury
room. Supper was H nt iti to 'hem a stunt
time later and after it had b en dispose 1
of , they set eirueslly to wotk on the c\I-
dcnre Judge Tuthlll took up .iiuiteis ncai
the criminal court building in ordoto be
wl'hln rasv call If a verdlrt should be
rcadiel during the night At midnight not
n word at any sort had ( omc from the juiy
room and the chauies of an .ill night ' . .lit
for tha veidlct seemed excellent Ilumois of
ten to two for com Id Ion and later of ten
to IVVD for acquittal floited around , but there
was no authority for either story. The at
torney : : on both sides were confident at mid
night of a verdict favorable to their side ,
while the opinion of the public was tuiulug
toward a disagreement.
At 1 30 Information direct from the Jury
room was to the ceffct that a disagreement
had taken placu , both sides being obstinate
and the chances for an agreement before
morn'ng ' being ver ) slight 'Ihe majorlt ) of
the jury is w itli the state and desirous of
conviction Just how the jury stands could
not bo leat tied but It Is now generally
thought that the final outcome will bo a dis-
ogi cement
A telephone message ha been received
fiom Judge Tuthlll saying that , verdict erne
no verdict , he would not come to the crim
inal court building tonight. There lt > no
chance of a verdict being announced before
Tuesday morning at 0 30 o'clock.
The ninth week of the famous trial
opened this morning with the greit-
cst ciush ) ct Been tit the cilmlnal
court building. It was known that
today wculd be the closing day ot the great
trial and that State's Attorney Deneen would
make a s.ieech. Thousands of persons formed
In line before the criminal court building as
early at 7 o'clock In the morni'ig. To add to
the ciush ot the crowd , eight other couits
In the building evened their terms this morn-
ins ? and the October gland jury began Its
session Jnnrs called to serve upon the pra d
anil petit juries and hundieds of witnesses in
cases In the dlffoienl courts crowded the cor-
ildors and the court bailiffs had much trouble
In keeping the throng in order. It was a wild
mob and theie were numerous unplcasuit
collisions between thu bailiffs and the turbu
lent people.
Luetgert came Into court smiling and ap-
parcntl ) In a pleasant fiamo of mind. He
shook hands witli a number of his ti lends and
took hl. ucciiHtomed scat
Slate's Attorney Dpnecn promptly began his
closing aigumcnt. Ho opened with a defense
of HOVO id of the leading witnesses for the
"After.four or five days of oratory on the
part of Judge Vincent and Attorney I'halen
what have wo to answer ? " asked States At-
toincy Deneen in quirk , emphatic 8tIc.
"Simply ridicule. I shall not waste time
answering the assertions of orators who as-
eall the reputation of men of teaming whc
are rccognl/cd authorities upon the subjects
upon which they were ca'led to testify. 1'iof.
George W. Dorsey , i Harvard professor whc
has charge of a depirtment of the Field
Columbian museum Is refeired to contemptu
ously as a bird stuffer. And that Is all the )
eav In icnlv to the evidence of one of the
most expert osteologinln In the country.
Prof. Halle ) , a graduate of Cambridge and a
man of brilliant attainments. Is dubbed a
mechanic ; Mrs. Christine Fold , who told how
Luetgeit had bouovved money from her , and
who Identified the rings , Is designated as the
woman with the alabastci nock , 1'rof. Howse
1 snccrliigly referred to as a Janitor.
"This Is the mode of argument adopted by
the defense Rldlculo ! usuall ) the weapon
of those who have not fact to support their
contention. Prof. Dorse ) did not eomo Into
this case voluntarily He was summoned by
the people ot the Btato of Illinois. And ho
WUH one of the best witnesses among thn
experts. Prof. Del a Fontaine Is called an
owl by the defenses Thl mode of attack
upon the witnesses for the prosecution par
took of billingsgate In which I shall not In
dulge. "
The state's attorney then proceeded with
his argument promising that It would bo
"There aie three matters of vital Impor
tance which are deserving of discussion In
this great trial. First , the theory of s'ap
Second , the evidence of the Schlmpke sisters
Third , the mjsterlous woman at Kenosha. I
will take these points as my text nnd ma )
also discuss some collateral matters The
theory that Luetgert desired to scrub his
factory In order .o sell It to a syndicate
has betn exploded If It were true , vvh )
should ho desire to make eoap at nlghf
It has been shown that the sausage factor )
had not been In operation for eeveral months
Luutgert was not busy during the day time
Why sbculd ho m Ke soap at night ? It wan
shown that the middle vat In the basemen
wan scrubbed the day before "
"Hold on , Mr. Dcucen , that statement la
Incorrect , " Interrupted ex-Judge Vincent
"The scrubbing did not occur thu day before
Mru , Luetgert disappeared , but sevuial da > b
before , "
"Well , we will not discuss that point fur
ther there are other things to consider ol
more Importance. Hut 1 want to ea > a word
right here with reference to the police de
partment. The defense heaped abuse
upon Inspector Scluuck and the policemen
jvho bav * ( or tuoctlu bttu connected with thli
case. They have been called perjurers. Gen
tlemen , thrrc are 6,000 capes and more tried
In thin court each year and the police are ,
the prosecuting witnesses In all of them. I
Are they perjurers all the time ? Ridiculous ! J
Dlcdrlrh Illckncsc has also been abused
Ho Ix the original man In this prosecution.
It wf.H his sister who was killed. Filial duty
Umpired him to avenge her death. He has
rested neither day nor night to bring the
slayer of his sister to Justice. He Is dc- .
serving of praise and not cruel and dishon
est criticism. "
Mr Deneen next devoted his attention to
the bones In the vat. "Prof Dorsey , Prof. '
Howse , Prof Del a Fontaine Identified some j
of these bonce as human nictacarpo'n , human ;
femurs , human phalanges , human tempor- |
nls , " he shouted. "What Irs the defence
done with thcso bones' Dr Allport , the
chief osteologlst for the defense , said he
could not tell. Ills mind was In a mental
equilibrium. Dr. Men Illlat said nothing Dr.
Hughea said nothing. Dr Hlreo said nothing.
In fact , the Identification of the experts of
the prceecutlon was not disputed except by
the unsupported ridicule of counsel for the
defense. I tiling ex-Judge Vincent , when ho
heaped abuse upon Prof Dorsey. stooped be
low his dignity. The latter has been sent
to South America and Alaska to procure the
bones ot extlnst races for the Field Colum
bian museum He was selected because he
know bones , their nature and to what family
they belonged ,
"tlut I do mot care to discuss the experts
further , " said State's Attorne ) Deneen "I
am through with them , also the bones , but
that barrel of bones will not get out ot this
case , I mean the one the defense brought
here. William Charles Luetgert's partner ,
perjured himself to get that baircl In. Now
wo will keep It In. Charles ought to be
Indicted for. trying to cover up crime with
crime Gentlemen there Is absolutely no
doubt In this case Luetgert killed his wife.
All this talk thut the woman left her home
while suffering an attack of Insanity Is the
veriest bosh , cunningly devised and sup
ported by perjure 1 testimonv "
State's Attorney Deneen criticised Mar )
Slemmcrlng in cutting tones. He also paid
his respects fuitJier to William Charles anil
inld a glowing tiibute to the memor ) of
Mrs Luetgert , whose last da > s on earth , ho
said were fraught with sorrow and anguish.
The state's attorney suddenly turned to
Judge Tuthlll and said that his tin oat was
tore and that he also felt ill and dizz ) . "I
would like to stop here temporarily , " said
the state's attorue ) .
"Very well , couit will stand adjourned for
an hour and a half , " said Judge Tuthlll.
States Attorney Denecn said he would close
li a brief speech , after wbi h Judge Tuthlll
will 10id his Instructions The case is ex
pected to go to the jury about 4 o'clock.
The court had not adjourned fifteen min
utes befoie a f .v , ' of the favored spectators
had returned and pre-empted front seats.
They wmo In rapidlv after tals. Soon the
court room seating capacity was packed and
a doen or more people , who had fought their
way through the boisterous crowds in front
of the buildings , were admitted to standing
room along the walls. Judge Tuthlll , accom
panied by a half dozen women friends ,
reached the room shortly before court
opened. The three raps of the bailiff an
nouncing that court was in session had hardly
died away bcfote the prisoner , his face
wreathed In smiles , entered by the side door
passed down before the Jury and took his
accustomed seat. Considerable disturbance
was caused by ( lie constant arrival of spec
tators In the already ovotprowded room , and
It was nearly five minutes , during which
tlmo about thirty people were ordered out of
the room , bcfoic the state's attorney , ap
parently much refiebhed by his rest , re-
cumed his ren.arks to the jury.
State's Attorne ) Deneen continued to dls-
uss the evidence for two and a half hours
Us voice grew stronger as he proceeded
Just befoie the InnJs on the dial of the
couit loom cl-ck Indicated the hour of I ,
State's Attorney Deneen tested his elbow
on the rail before the jurois Running his
eyes along each of the twelve men , he said
"Gentlemen , It has been said that As
sistant State's Attorney McEvun did rot ask
he lulllrtlon of the death penalty. Tint is
rue. I do not think It Is usually within
he province of a states attorney to ask
a Jur ) to return such a verdict Hut this
crime Is hcnlous , so cruel , so wanton , that
! feel perfectly justill'd In asking at join
lands the extreme penalty of the law In the
case of Adolph L Luetgert. "
A biuz of comment ran through the court
loom as the state's attornc ) finished his ad-
It'ss and was congtatulatej b ) a few friends
who sat near him. The Judge granted on
.mptomptu recess and the jury left the loom
Luetgert got up and went out also for a
drink of water. When ho returned , passing
Inpi'ctor Schaac'k , who was leaning against
a pillar Inside the elide , he cast upon him
a look u'llch combined malice , scorn ant
disgust In unspcakible quantities In lei
minutes the jury had returned and cour
was again In order. Judge Tuthlll swunt ,
around In his chair until he faced the juiy
and dellbuately picking up his notes on the
chaige , ho began the reading
Judge Tuthlll instructed the jury as fol
lows :
lief ote a conviction can be had In this
cane the state must prove beyond reasonable
doubt and to n cortalnt ) , fli.-n , tha
Louisa Luetgert IB dead ; second , that who
came to hei death on the 1st of May , 1897
In the county of Cook , pt.ite of Illinois
third , that Adolpli L. Luetgert , the defend
ant , willfully , maliciously , feloniously and o
malice aforethought , killed and murdorc <
the' nald Louisa Luetgert by pome of the
various mean.s churned In the Indlctmen
or by means unknown ,
The burden of proof icsts upon the prose
cutlon to make out and piove to the Hitl.---
factlon of the jury , beyond all lennonabl
doubt , every material allegation In the In
dlotment , and unless that Imn been don
the jury should llnd the defendant no
Millty. It Is not Incumbent upon tbo de
fendunt to prove that Louisa Luetgtrt 1
alive , or \\hcicuboutu , or what be-am
of her. If It In possible for } ou to ri'concll
the facts In this ease upon any reasonabl
theory consistent with theInnoicneo of th
defendant It 1 ) our duty to do HO and (1m (
him not Kuiltv.
You me Instructed , a * * ti matter of law
that If > ou believe from the- evidence be
) oml u riMionable doubt thut the defc-n ian
atwuulti'd and killed Mutea Luetgert , a
chintu'il , under clrmmti unrcs showing n
eoiiKlderablo provocation , but Knowing n
abandoned and malignant Intent on the par
of the defendant and a total dlFiegaul of
human life , then the livv pronounei-B such
killing to lift murder and a jurj should llnd
HO ; It matter * not thut sui-li evidence \ ? cir
cumstantial 01 made up fr.mi fu-tn und fli-
oumstnnces provided the- jury believe : hat
nueh facts and circumstances pointing
to the defendant aa guilty , have
been proved vo that from a con
sideration of all ( he evident t ; In the cine
mere Is no rtfasjnablg doubt In the mind * of
the Juiy aa to the guilt of the defendant.
Direct and positive testimony is not ucc < u -
"nry o nrove the Intent : It may be Inferred
from facts und ilrcunrnnnccs shown by the
ev dencc
No man may be convicted of n crime until
what Is known as the corpus delicti has
been rstabllnhed by the prosecution. And
unless you are convinced by the evidence
In this case , beyond a reasonable doubt
tmt Loul'A LllPtgcrt died lit the time
charged In the Indie ment , nnd also that she
cutno to her death In manner and form as
charged In the Indictment In such ca = e U
Is your duty to acquit the defendant. To
prove the corpus delicti the state Is required
to produce only such legal evidence as es
tablishes In the mind of the Jury , beyond a
reasonable doubt , n conviction that the
murder charged In the Indictment has been
In fict committed , In manner and form as
charged and that the defendant li guilty of
Its commission ; and It matters not that the
proof of such corpus delicti consists In i
hole or I. part of circumstantial evidence , |
rovlded It Is xufllclont to satisfy the minds
f the Jurors , beyond a reasonable doubt , of
10 commission of the offense charged.
While the statu.o of the state provide"
hat the person charged with crime may
estlfy In his own bchnlf , he Is not under , i
ny obligation to do so , nnd the statute ex- '
rcssly declares that his neglect to testify
lall not cieate any presumption against ,
im. I
Silence as still as death pervaded the
packed court room while the Judge was read
ing his Instructions. Ills voice was clear
and strong and even the throng which was
wedged Into the corridor outside the court
room heard every word. The Jurors stood
and listened to every word attentively.
When Judge Tuthlll ceased reading and
eachcd for the different forms of verdlcUs
hat had been prepared there was a move-
ncnt In the court room. Men and women
wael back and forward anj In a minute or
\vo every person In the room was standing
on a soil. Ihe bailiffs did not attempt to
mKe them take their seats and for once
he rap of the billllt's hammer was unheard.
jUe'geit sat looking at the court , with h's '
Ocbrows wrinkled and his face settled Into
he scowl which has marked It fiom the
) eglnnlng. In couple of minutes the crowd
iad become quiet. Then Judge Tuthlll read
he different forms ot verdicts , which lu-
luded one for murd ° r providing for the
death penalty , another fixing the penalty at
Ifo Imprisonment , a third provided for a
erm of Imprisonment of not less than four-
cen ) cars , and the fourth was for "not
guilty. "
As Judge Tuthlll finished the reading he
ooked up at the jurors and said : "Gentle-
nen , ) ou may retire and consider ) our ver
dict. "
Immediately there was an uproar In the
court room People who had been sitting
aioso to their feet and the shouts of bailiffs
ordeiliig everyone to "sit down" availed
nothing. The crowd surged forward and
ook up ever ) Inch of space to where the
circular fence barred them fiom the attor-
ncS. Women almost fainted In the crush
and their costumes and headgear suffered
The crowd seemed to want to get neatLuet
gert. All wanted to sec how the big sausage
maker stood the final ordeal now that his-
case was in the hands of the jury. AVhlle
ho tumult was going on Bailiffs Connor and
Wolcott were sworn In by the clerk to take
charge of the Jury.
This ceremony over , the two men turned
nd took < : harge of the jury. When the
wclvo men inarched out of the room , a
noment later , to the jury room adjoining , a
Igh ot icliet went up from the excited
lirong. Judge Tuthlll ordered the room
learcd and announced that he would adjourn
ourt until S o'clock tonight , but that he
vould be within easy call of the court room
uring his absence in case his presence wa ?
eslred. State's Attorney Deneen , Assistant
State's Attorney McEwen , ex-Judge
nd Attorney Phalen retired to the private
L/imber of Judge Tuthlll and consulted with
his honw v 1th reference to waiting for the
crdlct of the Juiy during the night. It
va's soon ag'ecd that Judge Tuthlll would re-
naln at the criminal court building until 10
'clock at least , and be within a few minutes'
talk of his court loom all night.
Luetgert stood up near where he had been
sitting most of the time for more than eight
veeks , after the Jury retired , and with his
ittle golden-balled son In his arms , received
a few friends Ills son Atuold Luetgeit , and
Vlll'am ' Charles , pressol forward and warml )
shook the hand of the pilsoner. Luetgert
mlled and ga/ed about him. Ho tried to look
calm and unconcerned , but behind the mask
of Indifference those who have watched the
arying moods of the stalwart sausage maker
could trace suppressed ne'vousicss He soon
returned to his cell , wheie he ate sparingly of
"Tho Instructions of the court were fair
to both sides , and showed unusually careful
prepaiatlon , " said State's Attorney Deneen ,
as he left the court room. "I don't believe I
ever heird Instractlons more fair " Ex-Judge
Vincent was not so well pleased , however
Judge Tuthlll refused to give a number of In
structions for the defense , which were vir
tually , It Is said , an attack uion the police
department. Ex-Judge Vincent considered
them fair , but was deepl ) disappointed that
they were refused , and said so.
For more than half an hour after the jur )
letlrcd , they did nothing but breitho freer
air and stietch their aching limbs. At 0 30
o'clock dinner was served to them from a
neighboring restaurant Soon afterward they
began their deliberations In earnest.
Judge Tuthlll did not appear until 9 o'clock
and then he went into tbo private room ot
State's Attorney Deneen , where ho re
mained waiting for the verdict.
Up in the court room where the trial has
dragged Its weary length for so many weeks ,
a crowd of newspaper men , detectives In
plain clothes and court bailiffs filled the
apartment from wall to wall. State's At-
toine ) Deneen sat In a corner surrounded
by a group of friends , with whom he dis
cussed the trial. Ho was quiet , but confident
of \erdlct for the state and at 10 o'clock
he was of the opinion that the longer the
Jury lemalned out the less chance there was
of an acquittal. Attorneys Vincent and
Phalen , for the defence , ivere not less con
fident than the counsel for the state. A
rumor was current In the court room shortly
after 10 o'clock that Jur ) stood ten for con
viction and two for acquittal. Attorney
Phalen admitted that he had heard the
rumor , but did not seem greatly worrlcc
about It.
Over In the Jail Luetgort was given more
f'eulom than IE usually accorded to prls
ours. He wa liable to be called at an )
moment and In consideration of this fac
Jailer Whitman Kid given him permission to
walk In the corridor. His. pockets were
Illltd with stror.olgars and ho kept one
nngtantlv between hlt > lips tending ou
quick little jots of smoke as he walked to
and fro He was making a desperate error
to appear at ease but the attempt was by
no means sumrsful He was greatly dls
turbcd and his rirvct were w taught to their
hlchest tcanion Every few moments , as he
walked bcik and forth , ho would stop In
frc.1-t ' of his cell and say to Nick Marten , his
( Continue. ! on Page T < vo. )
Fifh Ward Mass Ifectinp Calls for the
Ditm'ssal ' of
ItpxiiliitlniiH 1o Thin P.IVi'ot tlniiiit-
iiioii l > \ < ln | > t 'il iiuil Munj' l'nii-
or ( > tl ii T Orltlrlrr ( lie
Director ) for Itn Vetliui.
Fifth warders last night expressed them
selves In some very certain1 terms about
Dion Gtraldlne.'tho autocratic tupcrtntcndcnt
of construction cf the Transmlsslsslppl Kx-
pcsltlon. In one of the biggest mass meet
ings that has been hold In the ward for a
good many months they passed first the
following resolution :
llesolved , That at n maps meeting of citi
zens held In lulling hull Monday ovL-tilnu' ,
October IS , we piotest ngalnst the letentlon
of Ulon Ger.ildlne a > superintendent of con
struction of the Transmlsslsslppl ISxpo'lllon.
The remarks that led up to the passage of resolution , which went through unani
mously , iniust have made Qeraldlne's ears
tingle. Hut the rosilutlon did not fully ex
press the sentiment cf the ncctlng and It
was supplemented by another as follows ,
which also passed without a negative vote :
Ilesolvcd further , Thlit It la the sense of
| this meeting that tlm retention ot Dion
Gcr.tldlne as superintendent of construction
of the Tran mll l > lppl exposition jeopard
izes the securing of the $103,000 bonds for
the aid of the exposition limited for at HIP
coming election.
Cven this latter resolution was not com
pletely Indicative of the feeling of the mcet-
ng. The sentiment was still better e\-
iressed bj another , which was not put tea
a vote because a more conservative element
protested against It1 on the grounds that
t was not nn appropriate expression of a
cllberatlvo body and was something like a
hreat. There Is no doubt that It it had been
put to a vote It would have been passed
vlth but Tew votes against It. This reso-
utlon was as follows
Ufsolved , That we hereby servo notice
on the exposition dliectors that unless the
aid Dion Geraldlne Is Discharged from the
mploy of the exposition company at once
ve will u e our best endeavors to defeat
he exposition boiuH on dltctlon diy.
When this latter resolution was Introduced
few objected because they thought that It
ookcd too much UKo a threat. They desired
rather that some resolution would be passed
hat would only imply that the meeting would
ombinc agilust the bonds. At the same time
lie very men who made the objections said
utrlgut that it Geraldlno waa not tired they
vould do all they could to defeat the bonds ,
s they would not \ote for raonej for him
o fritter away. To eattafy the feeling thus
xpressed , the second resolution was Intro
uccd , and was passed without a dissenting
As already ( stated the muss meeting at
vhlch the resolutions were passed was one of
ho biggest that 1ms gathered In the Fifth
vard for a consldeiable longlh of time. More-
ver , It was a sort of body that has to be
stened to , as It was composed almost wholly
f , the taxtjajers of the ward. Laborers of
11 degrees , merchants , contractors , city ofll-
lals , and other piofesslons were leyresenteJ
n It. A good many spoke , and enl > one maa ,
. O. Cor'iy , said anjthing In favor of Ge'al
inc. ant. he only did so because ho feared
hat the whole thing was a "Ro ewater
chemo. "
The meeting organizes ! by electing Council
man Lobeck chairman , and F. A. Kennedy ,
dltor of the Western Laborer , secretary. The
alter Intioduccd the resolutions and spoke in
aver of them. He said that he had been
umbfounded at the action of the exposition
Irectois In supporting Geraldlne and driving
losewater out of the dlredtory. Renewater
ad originated the idea of the exposition , had
given it unlimited space in his paper , had
worked unceasingly for It , had secured appro
priations In the east that no other man could
KIVO gotten. Yet he had tieen turned down ,
vlicn not a vvcrd had been said In defcnso of
Mr , Kenned ) troke of the latteas an ad-
entuier with not a straight hair In his head
vho owned not a cent's worth of property in
he city , had no Interest here and would not
lire Omaha men to do the work on the expo
sition ground. He said he had been investi
gating Geraldlne'B career and record for four
months , and knew that ever ) thing that has
been published about him was true. He sail
n conclusion that K Geraldlne was fired he
would vote and work for ( he bonds , but I
ic .was retained , ho would do everything in
il/s power to defeat the bond preposition ,
unan LI. Anurous , supeiimenueiu over me
working force In the establishment of Farrell -
roll & Co. , was also outspoken In his utter
ances. Ho said that many worklngmen , In
cluding those omplocd under his direction
liad pinched themselves to subscribe to stock
to the exposition for the purpose that men
out of work might secure- employment on the
grounds. Since then It had become notorious
that Geraldine would not allow anono to
wo k theie unless he was f-jOm Calcago This
fact , together with his overbeailng manner
and the way ho was allowed to expend ex
position money in a reckless manner , had dc
tcrmined the men In the Karrell establish
men at least to pay no jnoro of their ex
position stock subscriptions and to vote
ag'alnst the bond proposition If Geraldine wa
retained. Mr. Andrews ijtatcd that he In
tended to vote against the proposition I
Gcraldlne was not ousted'
J. 0 Redman sald that , politically ho wa
all the time against Koscwater , but In thl
Instance ho was with Rasewater becJUB
Hcsevvatcr wag unqualifiedly In the right
It was a business * proposition to fire Geral
dine and he was In favor of-isajlng so In n
unceitaln terms. Ho stutpd that the expos !
lion directory had not discharged Gcraldln
because they were afraid of public opinion
He wanted to see the ri'solutl&ns go throug
with a whoop in order to put some backbon
Into the directory ,
W. C. Flndley said th even the cash bo )
in downtown citabl'shmcnts had been so
liclted and had subscribe. ! exposition st c
for the purposa of bringing work to the city
but that all thu expected good had been un
done by Geraldlne , who-peislBtcl In Import
Ing labor He said that mmy worklnginc
In the city would now be employed If th
places had not been given to men who hai
been br.ught hero. He said he had careful !
Investigated public opinion and found that
uae almost unanimous ! ) tor Gcraldlne's dls
chaige He sahl"emphatically tlut he wou !
work against the bond proportion If Geral-
dlne was retained , but be was one who Intro ,
duccd the compromise resolution that was
pag < ed In order to satisfy the more tcnerva-
live element of the meeting.
. Assistant city Clerk Holbrook gave It aa
I bli opinion that the retention of Qcraldlno
What the Papers Are Saying on This Very
Important Subject-
\\V renrol t < i H-nrn tlini Hon. K. lloMMMitrr of The Hco
lias rvtlriMl from tin * itlrrctiiriitt * of < li ' TrititNinlNNlMfiliittl
IXlioxltlon. IU > IM uordi more tlutii a ( lioiiHiinil Dliui
( JerilIilliU''n fur tliv NIIOOONN of tin1 I'llU-rprlne.
Killlor Itnirotiti'r linx rcMluriiril from tlio oxi-rntU i-com-
lulUcf of the TriiiiMiiilHNlMxIiMil l- lie H toll. llr it III K lio-
< 'IIII4O tilt * OOlllllll t tOO lllftlNtlMl ( III UtM'lllnl ? Illl lllOIIIIIIOtOII | t
olllolal niiiiioil Cornlilliuou Ilio 1111 } roll nt n Niilur > of
tf , > ( IO per nioiitli. The committee mil } not lie ivUli Itoxe-
MnU'r , lint ( He people aro.
It IM ( o lie hoped ( hat ( lie committee n lit oh linn oliarKc
of Ihe Omaha IHpoMltton 111 not neeep' Mr. Unsown tor' *
rcNl iiiitlon , lint perHiimlo him to remain. It appear * that
he nnoiirtliril a colored man In ( honoil pile , unit the
linrtlt'H iv ho maile the IIIA cHlluntloii IiKcrt anil oil It oor ,
In-nee | IN reMlKiiallon. Mr. ItiiMcuntor IM too liiHnoiitlnl a
man to ho allowi-il to Ithilraw , and If he InslslH upon
it thi > t'MiiiNltlonvlll miller UN a result.
Mr. i : . ItiiNowiitcr , the main npole In I lip Avhoel of the
TrtiiiNinlMNlHNliil | i\posllloll , IIIIN toniloroil hit resignation
as a nicmhei- the executive hoard , anil no helle\e he
( lid the proper thlnn. Mr. It OOM liter IIIIM NIIMMI to the
illrootors , oliarKos , trite hoj onil a ilonht , that ono tJor-
alillne. i > ho IN employed as a superintendent of build-
in MTN iiml K roil ml H , has hooti Kiilll.i of iiarllnllt ; ( o con-
trad urn , n illNrcKiiril for the liiloroitM of the exposi
tion , anil of expensive liieolupctciiej . ( ioralilltio Is
ilriMvlnp ; ? r > ( ) O per month for such performance , ami Mr.
Uosoii atcr IIIIM hceil a hnril n inker for two > eais ,
urn ( Is , for ( lip success of the exposition. Kor the ill
rooters to "vv liltewnsh" \liiitloato Coialilliie In the
Milixtniillal oharucM anil illsroKtii il Mr. llosow liter , must
ho a lirm o inlstaUo , when aid IK bolni ; Niillclted to con
tinue the enterprise. The exposition directors will
IIKclj hour something drop It the > do not listen to the
faotN offered la the tcsllaionj lioforo their foinmlttoo.
Director Itosowator anil The II PC arc worth mau > times
as much to the Tra iismlsslssl ppl Imposition as Dinn ( icr-
aldlne anil the former works without | in > , mill Ihe lat
ter not oiilj draws u noiul fat salarj , lint IN said to make
ooiitraetorH and others pa > him "a commission. "
I. VIItIliili
Ml the Hoscwatoriiholila ( hat crouUx , faUIrs nail po
litical Klijstei-H oaii lalse cniinol di\orce ( ho support of
the solid people of Omaha from Tinlloo or ls ( editor
when tlii ! > Unow UN ( hey now do that hi ? IN lKhttiiK | for
their interests and an Inmost administration of their
" "f"ritt'i- # ' ' * " " * * * *
meant undoubtedly the defeat of the bond
iroposltlon. He said that Gcraldino's record
n Chicago and" other places ought to be
alon" sufllcient to bring about his discharge
Frank P. Gould ot the contracting firm of
Rocheford & Gould said that 'there was
something decidedly lank about the manner
n which contracts were being awarded.
He Intimated pretty strcrigly that some in
side tljis weriJ being given by Geraldlno to
favored contractors which shut out legitl-
nate bids. He spoke from experience , be
cause he had made ono bid ,
Chris Dietrich , the liveryman , spoke very
emphatically against the importation of a
nun at a salary of $300 a month , in return
for which ho did nothing except to act the
iart of a car. He Insisted that there were
dozens of men that could fill the position
with a great deal more satisfaction to the
general public.
George Smith , better known as "Doc"
Smith , the old time civil engineer of the
city , told about the snub he received at
jcraldlne's hands In connection with sur
vey Ing work on the grounds. Ho also
stated that Geraldine was playlag too many
favorites for the good of Omaha people.
G C. Dassett of the contracting firm of
Uassott & Perclval was another ot the con
tractors who was of the opinion that it
would be better for Omaha and the exposi
tion If Goraldlne was fired ,
Councilman Lobeck was In fa\or of get
ting Geraldlno out as soon as possible , and
also of Intimating to the exposition directory
by the second resolution that the ) would
get but little support for the exposition
bonds If h'o was retained.
A good many other similar expressions
were given utterance to in the course of the
meeting When the sentiment was thus ex
pressed the two lesolutlons were put to a
vote and were unanimous ! ) passed. They
ll be presented to the exposition directors
at their meeting today.
The meo Ing also censldcrcd the matter
of musical director for the exposition and
passed the following icsolutlons , which were
Introduced by G W Holbrook'
Whereas , The chairman of the committee
on ways and meaiiH of the TransmKslfflppi
and International exposition has recom
mended as inimical director one of our own
townsmen , who lias always been Identified
with every movement for the prepress nnd
advancement of our city , who is well qn ill-
fled to 111) ) paid position ; and
Whereas , The walectlon of .in Omaha mini
as .such director will be ti compliment to
this city and help establish UH reputation
as n musical center ; therefore
Resolved , by the citizens of the Fifth
ward , Thut we endorse the recommendation
of Thomas J Penncll as musical dlerotor
and uige hlo election.
TO I.OCVTi : ILLINOIS 111 11.1)1 N ( ; .
Commissioners from the Sucker Mate
\ Islt Omaha Tnilii ) .
CHICAGO , Oct. 18 Illinois commissioners
to the TransmlsslEslppl and International ix-
p-sltlon Hill leave for Omaha tomorrow after
noon at 5.50 o'clock on a tiieclal train over
the Hurllngton route for the purpose of se
lecting a Bite for the Illinois building. Nearly
all of the twenty members will go. The com
mission will use $20,000 of the $45,000 appro
priated b ) the state for the erection of a
Vint cincntH of Ocean Vessels , Oct. 18.
At New York Arlvcd Kcuttrla , from
MaiR'lllcH. Anehorla , from CUafgovv ;
Georglc. from L'verpool
At Lont'on Arrlvea Michigan , frJm New
At Olbialtar-A'rlveil-KjH > r \\lltem II ,
from New York , for Nap'-es and Oenoi
At Queers own Arrived C p'lalon'a ,
from lioston
At Glasgow Arrlvtd-Clt > of Home , from
New York.
Weather 1'orccast for Ncbriska
Clpnernll ) Talr , Wnimer.
1. J.iiotKi-rt'H Case In , Iur.v'H Unmix.
rifth Wnnlorg After < } unililhut'H Scalp.
llohoinh'H Ide.i of Itond Surutlcx ,
"A , Ciivornor lloleomh Kxpliilnv thu f.uvr.
Hull of the Mltdiell Conferuiu o.
3. Entries for li illot Cl < no.
Uiihin I'uilllcIlirforoiiius Settled.
I. I'dllnrlil anil C'ominiMt ,
5. CiihiiiiH Axk More Tliiin Autonomy.
Minimum Hate Canes Walt.
0. ( , ' < iiuill lilnnN I.o:1 it MitliirH.
louu iictlon llnllot Muddle.
7. Opening Dnj of the I.oulsvlllc Trots.
8 , Art I'liuiH for tint nxpojltlon.
Onmhii Ma ) Have .i > eu High School.
W. Work of the Hint Daring u Y < r.
SiiK iHtloim for the tlal > n Pii-Hln Silo.
Ilrldgit Contract Coatrovcmy Up Agiilu.
I'olhu r rru C.IHO lluf iri ) , liidto heiitt.
1 ( > . Kato Murk's ( iiinic of I'oUcr.
11. Co mnerri il and I'ln 1111 lul > 'i ) n.
lit. Itosnlt of thn Wroi k nt Itohhluiiii.
Him hooiN Am Scnttoroil.
More rain came jcstciday , the total pro
clpltatlon being 0.4G of an Inch. The tem-
peiaturc , however , was nome warmer than
on Sunda ) The weather prophets bay them
will bo tali weather today.
i\lclons ( In Woxl Virginia U'llln -
urratutc the .Situation.
CHARLHSTON , W Va. . Oct 18. Serious
trouble Is aiitlclalod | with ecu ! mlneis in
the Kanawha valley , within the next three or
four das. Papers were prepared heio today
In nearly 400 suits for the eviction of mlneis
li'Jin company houses , and OH soon as these
cafes can be tried and evictions begun , which
will bo about the last of this week tioiiblo
Is looked for. An attempt wan made ted ly
to begin work at several of the minis , but )
men were afraid to go to work The hi Ik- ;
crfl met at Montgomer ) and formed In a pro
cession of100 , with two b ( iss bands , and
marched along the rlvci front to Mount Car
bon , passing a number of mines where they
expected to force out all the men whom they
might find at work. They found no one at
woik , however , and returned. The strikers
are growing ver ) bitter tou.n.l the operators
and they fccem to be dcicimined to cause
Congress ill' I.literal Itellulons ,
KASHVIMJ : , Tenn. Oct. IS A large
number of dclfgntcn from many otutr * .110
alreatly In the city to attend the temlnnir
of thu Cungress of Llbeiul IteliglonH and
tomoiiovv many moro will arrive A bml-
ne K Besi-lun will bo held tomorrow after
noon and ut night will be held the Hut
public meeting Hcv. Illrain W ThomaH ,
D. D , of f'hlcngo will ilellvtr the opening
u < l < lrp/p Governor Taylor will reply In be
half of the state , Hennin Jiicll In hcluilf
of the exposition. General Sccietury JcllUyn
Lloyd JoneH vvll reply for the congres-i. The
kusslons will rontlnue for live da/u ,
lllnei-h1 Strll.e Settled.
POMHROY , O , Oct 18-The coal mlncrH1
strike In the I'omcro > bind hus been set
tled at J-12 per KO biuhelx which In highly
batlsfaetory o the miners All thv mints
und salt works will imume opcrutlona at
one * . >
Governor HolcomVa Idea of Vnluo of
Sureties on Official Documents ,
Nnuies Rejected on Ono Bond Are Promptly
Accepted on Another ,
Promises to Protect the Etato Money by
Adequate Depository Bonds Unfulfilled.
History of Some Uceont
in ( lu > Approval of Olllclul
JIllllllN llj ( JOMTllOr
LINCOLN' . Oct. IS. ( Special. ) While hti
approval of the Dartle ) baiul without ro-
( | Ulilng a cubh settlement Is giving Uovrrnor
llolcomb considerable causei for worry , It la
not the only boml complication In which ho
luiH Involved himself slnco ho assumed the
executive otllcc. Uoxcinor llolcomb started
out with n ptofessed Intention to userotao
thn most scrupulous rare In the nppioval ot
nil olllclnl bonds. It was In accordance with plan that he hesitated about pacing on
the olllclal bond llrst picEcntod bj Treas-
uter Iluitlo ) , and insisted bcfote approving
It that It bo strengthened b ) the addition ot
two or thico more names.
In icqulring additional security from
Hartley Governor llokomb nuiat have been
prompted bj the lilei that the names already
on that document vveio nut to be token as
Kilt edged for the amounts for which they
had signed. In this coiinectlun It may bo
Intonating to loeall the mines that appear
on Dai tie'a olllrlat bond and the
amounts for which they signed respectively
Nntlnin S Haiwood $ :00OM
T. M. Cook IWMXO
A. n. ciaik soo.oco
John II. Ames LXW.OOO
Clmiles A. llniiim fiO.tOO
.Maiy Fitzgerald 30'JtO '
Kd J. I-ltS'Reinlil a > J,0 0
C C McNIsli 12)COO
K. U Iro\\n ! LW.HO )
Thomas Swobo 100.WO
Cadet Tuyloi IV ) 0
\V. A. rn\ton SvO.CCO
It seems , however , that Governor llolcomb
did not o\nct the same loqulromcnts In ap
proving bonds subsequently submitted to
him , and that It made considerable difference
whether the bond wab offered by republicans
or by populists or men to whom tha populist
olHccrs were under obligations. Ills Incon
sistency In this respect Is tdiovvn most glar
ingly In his action In refusing to approve a
bond offered to sccuio funds In a depository
Imnk nn whlnh tlm sureties worn Identical
with thobo on the Hartley bond which he ap
proved , and then again omloislug the ve-iy
same sureties when offered on the bond of
the present populist btato treasurer.
It appears that on November 28. 1890 , a
bond In the sum of ? 400,000 was offered by
the rirst National bank of Lincoln to secure
state deposits The governor , as ono of the
tlneo members of the board vested with Its
appioval , declined to hlgn It on the ground
that It did not offer' e fcccurity. The
signatures on tills bond are :
N. S. Hun A oed $1000.0
A 13. Clnrk 1050,0
.Mary Klt7gor.ilil 50,000
John II Ames 100,1)03 )
Claries A. Hanna 50OJO
Refarilag to tills transaction Governor
llolcomb , In his special message on tbo
troasui ) situation , sent to theleglslatuio
February 17 last , said :
"I desire , also , in till.- , connection , to say
to the legislature that shortly prior to the
expiration of the term of olllco of the treas
urer preceding the present one , certain de
pository bonds were pitscntcd for approval
to the state olflceih constituting the ap
proving boa id 1 deemed it unwise and not
In the interest of the state to establish any
other hanking Institutions as depositories so
near the time the tieasurer would bo ex
pected and required , under the law , to make
a llnal account to his successor and deliver
to him all funds In Ills hands belonging to
the state. The other two members of the
board puiMied an opposite course and ap
proved these bonds They wcio under con
sideration by the mcmbeiii having the ap
proval of such bonds during most of the
month of December , and wcio not finally
filed with the auditor of state until January
C. An examination of the ticasnrer's report
discloses that each of these banks had on
hand November 30 , the c'os.e of the blen-
nlum period , laigo sums of mccioy belong
ing to the state and for which credit wan
given R though the } vveio then state de
positories. I think it quite piobablo tint
the mone ) was placed In each of thcso
banks pi lor to the approval of their bonda
us state deposltoiles , and that slnco the ap
proval of such bonds b ) two only ot the
three state olllceis required to approve them ,
no mouths have , in fact , been deposited la
these banks wider llu > depositor ) law. "
winmis TIM ; NAMIS AIM : GOOD.
In thu Interval , howevoi , It devolved upen
the governor to paps on thn ofllelal bond of
Treasurer Meseive The bond wan presented
to and approved b > Goveinoi llolcomb an
Jamiar ) 7. 'Iliu biuetlcs who qualified for
mime of $40000 or ovu ate as followo ;
Ocorw II.Khmll. ItH Willow Co. . $100,000
V Kiank'.ln , It d Wl low UW ) )
N S. llaivvood , Linuixter 2CO.O 0
11 n Urov.n , Laiua.Hter IM.'XO
C. M Cr.iv.foid , I/inciiHtor . , 50AO
J. W Fullerton , Lanrn-ler 40,000
Charles A. Ilauiia , Lancaster 40,0V )
J , 11. Ilvans , pjiMlns , 60,0-0
George U. Il.iiku , UotmluH , r < nfxv , )
A H. Clark , Lancastoi lOO.OfO
M.iry Fitzgerald , Lanranter 150,000
IVank Koudele , Kniritlern CO/00
W. C. Klrchimm Hiumilfra fXJ.OCO
P JI I'iniicico , f.ina , , , , . KH01
Ij M. Paltiifco-i , C'.it-H 4000
; Amos CJaliH. Huip.v , . , , , 40 , < M
! L , U. Hakei.'j , . W.WXJ
II. L Hrnitli. I-a n axtor , ' ,0,0/J
William A. Wolf , Clugo M.0.0
| W. A. J'axton. I > ouf.las U0. < 01
i The significance of this lint of names in to
be found In the fjct that It contains Bonio
1 of the iuim < names which appear first on
' the original Dartlo ) bond which the governor
Insisted on having tin n tliencd before con-
rcntlng to appiove It ; and Kccond on the de
pository bond of the Kirn ! National bunk of
| Lincoln , which Govcrnoi llolcomb posl-
i lively refused to approve For example , N.
Is Han.ood Is on the Ilartle ) bond for $200-
OOU , la also on tlii Flrvt National bank bond
If or $100,000 and again uo MtberU''a boud ( or