ILHIIIILIIIMHI IBI ( BBHH "wnr w * . EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JfKE 1J ) , 1871. .OMAHA , SU OCTOBER 17 , 18D7-TWEXTY TACJES. SINUL13 COPY FIVM CENTS. The Immense Stocks we show are the best that skill and cash can bring together. With our buyers watching all the markets of the world and competent and equipped to place orders for entire stocks , provided prices and qualities are right , we have gathered into "The Enlarged Big Store" the greatest assortment of the newest and best merchandise ever brought to any store west of Chicago. Buying in vast quantities for spot cash , WE CAN GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS LOWER PRICES ON THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE WEST. THE REMAINDER OF THE NEBRASKA DRY GOODS CO. BANKRUPT STOCK WILL BE CLOSED OUT MONDAY AT A SACRIFICE. Hayclen Bros will show on Monday in their Boys' and Children's CLOTHING DEPT. The greatest assortment of the Finest Made Suits in America , at prices from 35 to 50 per cent less than any other store. Come to morrow and see how we prove our assertions. § 2.50 JUNIOR SUITS & 4 Of ; for "TV. . . . M' * " - ' 53.25 VESTEE SUITS 4 7R for At ' U $3.75 DOUBLE BREASTED KNEE PANTS , \ QR SUITS , sixes 4 to 16 , at l.v/U $4.50 VESTEE AND REEFER SUITS 9 7R for 6. 10 $5.00 DOUBLE BREASTED KNEE PANTS O OR SUITS o at & * UJ BOYS LONG PANTS SUITS TO3 $4.50 Suits tomorrow for $2.75 $6. 50 Suits tomorrow for 3.95 $8.50 Suits tomorrow for 4.95 Headquarters for plain and fancy weaves in Dress Goods Come and examine our black goods depart ment and we will convince you that we carry more black goads in fine and medium grades than any four stores in the great state of Nebraska. We will give you an all-wool French Serge extra fine , full 46 inches , worth 6gc per yard -Oo for per yard . oJ ? ; x We will give you a 36-inch all wool ladies' Cloth in black and colors worth 3gc C * cloth finish for . _ xV We will give you a 46-inch all wool coating serge and storm serge , dust proof , extra heavy and very serviceable , worth g8c per yard g our new price only , per yard . < - We will give you an English brocade and small figured wool goods , mohair finish , very firm , worth sgc per yard full 39 inches wide 11 On r 1 A fj * * jr & _ j * * * for per yard . - - All -open mail orders promptly filled and mon ey refunded in all cases where goods are not perfectly satis factory. not buy the best ? THE CHICKERING , KING OF INSTRUMENTS , Knabe Fisher and all other Steimvay , , , High Grade Standard Makes. We also have a few Second Hand Upright Pianos which will be closed out at much lesb than their actual value. Some Uprights as low as $ SS.OO. Colored Wool Dress Goods For Winter Wear We have Just purchtuiei ! 5fi3 pieces of plain iots , small broken checkn in nil shodcs of find fancy weaves of Heel winter dress mixtures ; English curls la all shades and KOolH at from 30 to GO per cciil less than any brocaded clungcable effects. These goods arc of our former - . and will place , purf-.wes of the latest designs and colors and are t sulo to well tit 2Sc for lot Monday them on of the few novelties which give good ' lot 3 anil ll'e ' for one 1 ; MIC for lot 2 ; IWu for ; . lot 4. This Is just about ono-liulf of all service and etylo at the same time and arc. 1 former ictall prlecM. ' worth 7Bc per yard ; our now price ouly SOc Lot 1 Is compost-el of checks , pluldn and all per yard. I wool mixtures , ' In ilinlc and medium , shades ' Lot. 4 embraces over 133 different styles , and worth 4'Jc for this SMSOII'H are iwcar . amt shades , all of this season's productlot I jer ) yard ; our new < prlcu only 23e per yard. Lot 2 Is composed of checks and fancy to select from ; no two alike ; nude In the , mixture weaves with nn overshot weave same styles and rotors as the $2,00 and $2.50 Mill a laieed mohair llfiiiro ; one of the. late' . qualities. The most stylish and up-to-dato i novelties , and very stylish ; worth 59c per novelties for this season's wear , every yard yard ; our now price only 29c per yard. guaranteed worth 8So per yard ; our now Lot 3 la composed of 40-Inch all wool chev prlco only 49c per yard. ain.iTS VMI Bacon 714c California lla f CHc Bait Pork Cc 1'lcklo Pork C : Corned Beef 4c l > lgB Feet ami Tripe -tc No , 1 Sugar Cured Hams SVic Potted and Deviled Ham 4c 3-poiwui cans best Lird , , . . .17V4 fj'poiuid rans best Lard. . . . . . . . 2Se 10-pcuml cans beat Lard C5c Ot'U MW I'lSU IIHIMUTJinST Kplt * Herring , each 2c Norway Fat Herring , pound Tc Cod Fish Cc Nice Mackerel , each Ee AVhiio Fish , pound Cc Rid Salmon , pound 7c Atirliovla , pound , . 7Ho Halibut , pound ICe Remember At Haydens' you can get all kind * of smoked and salt fish and the Unest line In the city. Coma here when you want all kluds of IIiu best A \VA1I/I'.UMMI PAINTS anil liltHSIIl'.S \ , / . , . _ Kino wall paper at 4c ani Do roll. Gilts at Cc , 7'/jC and Sc. Extra finish In the very latest styles and colors , lOe , 12 > c and 15c , with one band blended borders. Extra heavy 22'in enamel finlth glltf , 15e , VtVi and up. Host ready mixed paints. (1.00 gal. Carriage paints , pints , 35u ; quarts , G5c. enamel half plntw , 20c. Wood Htalns. ' ,4 pints , IRe. - In flat biding brushes , 2 c. whiten ttbh heads , 15c. xiw niiua IMULMS. : _ In the new department. Dlrnoj's catarrh euro 30o Laxative bromo-qulnluo Ibc 2'griln quinine pills per 100 ISc Menthol couch diops 3'-jC Allcock's planters 9o Glycerine soap , 3-cake box 9o 2-qt fountain syringe 53c Ayers hair vigor DSe Syrup of figs 32c cough syrup , 50c size 25c s s S p FAST p mm SIBIPE P 36 inch E BLACK E FLEECE E WHI1E flPRflti C C A I SATEEN I SUITING I LAWN A 5cYd.'L Sic Yd. A 7cYd. L 'L L ART SATEEN for Comforts , the ideal cloth for the purpose the styles and c'oth ' are elegant COMFORT CALICO , in all syles and colors Full line of DARK 36 INCH PERCALES , in every new nove ty design shown and all colors guaranteed , per yd T FLEECE SUITING for House Dresses | and Wrappers , the heavy quality and. T the nobbiest styles E Our Double Fold DRESS GOODS in Cotton , are perfect copies of the high priced foreign made goods and give splendid wear and satistaction , a yard. . . . 40-inch BORDERED APRON LAWN , the i2T\c \ quality , Selling at 36-itich SHIRTING PERCALES , clean , fresh goods ( Garners ) , well known for reliability in colors and quality , on Monday only , a yd 32-inch MADRAS SHIRTING , sold at 190 , we have 29 pieces left and on Monday the price will be. a yard Sale of © Closing out the balance of the Nebraska Dry Goods Co.'s Furnishings at less than wholesale prices.- j 475 dozen men's merino Half Hose , very fine , at 440 dozen men's fine white. Unlaundered Shirts , re inforced front and back , lined bosom , each 500 dozen men's colored bosom Shirts , each 1,000 dozen 250 Suspenders , at - Men's good strong Walking Gloves Men's Merino Shirts and . ' ? Drawers J. . Men's Woolen Shirts and ' < Drawers | . . OVC 1,000 dozen fine Sample Shirts and Drawers in- > woolen and fleece lined , worth $1.00 , at . ' . . olC Ladies' F.eece Lined Vests and Pants , ? , ' at * 1 > L . Ladies' IDC Jersey Ribbed : . Vests . . . 4sC 5 cases ladies' black Cotton Hose , worth i2.Vc , ' at , . , DC ON MONDAY , Cleaning up the bankrupt stock of the Ne- Elegant 24-ln. Tinted Canter Pieces , brjska Dry Goods Co. at one-half the regu- only ; . , , , I2c lar wholesale price. Elegant 30-in. Tinted Center Pieces , Elegant 9-ln. Tinted Doylies , only 3c ° 'gaynt'Sfi'-in. ' ' ' EI - . Tinted Table'Cover. . only 19c Elegant 12-ln. Tinted Doylies , only Cc Aj | Color of the best Wash Rope Silks , Elegant IS-lneh Tinted Center Pieces , to work these goods , only 2c per bkeln , 20c only 9c dozen. SPECIALS j COc Roman Stripe Belts , new 2iio Best Ink , per bottle > 2'/.c STATIONERY FROM THE BROWN STOCK nest Mucilage , per bottle . ! 2i/jC Atooftta " plr gg TRIMMINGS The new Frogs and fancy fasteners for i diess trlrnmlngB ami a complete line of Jackets and cloaks. The new braid sets forj fancy braid trlimnlngaon ale' ' Monday. NEW LACES - Beautiful new laces aiU footings for fancy I collarettes. handkerchiefs. Now dress laces and fancy I NEW FURS A partial shipment of elegant stone mar- fancy ribbons , now fancy linens , Chicago ten , swansdown , Thibets. minks , etc. , re- Record Cook Book , 75c ; November Dellnea- CPlved. White Tibbcts , D7c per yard. New tor In stock. : ITI.N < ; UI\IHIUAIITIIIS _ 4c for 6c Muslin , standard nuallty , bleached. 7V4c for lOc soft finish white Cambric. 0-4 bleached Sheeting , 14c. C0 < i bleached Sheets , torn and Ironed , elzo ZVt\SA * yaids , at 4Dc. IPc extra stout bleached Pillow Cases , sl/.o > l5xSG Inches , at CV c. ICc 1-4 long cloth , at lOc , MHVS VXD HOVh * HATS Monday begins the great C-day bat sale , 'Men's fur Ellk finished hats , leather sweat hand , for 65c , worth Jl.OO. Men's etlff hats from 75c up to (3.00 ; from tlio chenpeit to the best the styles arc the latest. Wo make a specialty of hats at { 1.00. Our tats tit $1.50 cannot be duplicated In the city. Prices Kturantecd to be the lowest ever made In Omaha during this great C-day bat sale. xn\v CJKOCIJUV Great bargains on Monday nt our new giocery department. Fresh , clean goods. Call and see for yourself. Corn starch , per- package , 4c , Good Jell In palls , only ISc. Evaporated alJen rospberrles at 19c. lOc packages cocoanut ony | Cc. 10 ( pounds rolled oats'kiln dried , 25c. LearPerrin's Worcestershire Sauce , 25c. Largo sack fresh com meal , lOc. Pitted plums ( very ( life ) at lOc , None-Such Mlnco Meat , per pdckage , SVSc. 10 pounds new navy beans , 2Sc. Large flat cans salmo'n Meak only 12'ic. Duko's Mixture , 28c. Dattlo Ax , 20c. TI3AS AMI VOVVKKS Broken Java and Mocha , 12V&C and 15c. Fresh roasted Santoa coffee , 17Hc and 20c. Golden Hlo coffee , L'5c. Government Java and Mocha , only 30c. , Tea slftings , new crt4 ] , lOe , Uncolored Japan tea , USc , KiiKllsh breakfast tea , 33c. Basket II ed Japan tea ( 35c. C\HI'UTS Some very special ibargalns. Monday the balance of the Nebraska Dry Goods Co. stock goes on special sale. High class brussels carpet at 60c. Best brussels. regular $1 00 quality , at C5c. Kino velvet carpet at OUc. Heavy I'nlon Ingraltui at 23c , Half wool ingrains at . " 5c. Best oil wool Ingrains at ! 0c. Kngllsh linoleum at SOc. Glazcit finished oilcloth nt luc. Good window shades at 25c. Cl HTI.S _ Good lace curtains , 33e. Full sUed lace curtains , good value at $3.00 , go at $ l.r.O. . An extra fine lace curtain , buttonhole edge , , In new brussels effects , sold elsewhere at $5.GP , go nt $3.25. Wo ha\e a number of lace curtains In one nnd two pairs of a pattern that wo put on sale at one-half of original price. No\\ Klondike drapery lOc. A bit , cut in rope portieres : $1.00 ro ; c portieres , $3.00. S" PO rope portieres , $1.50. $ ! ) 00 rope portieres , $5 00. fiOO pairs new tapestry curtains on sale at $1.98 up. .n\vioi.uv nip urmuvr SPECIAL WATCH SALE. Gents' gold nilcd full engraved hunting case wntchrn. warranted to wear 20 years , with line nickel Elgin or Waltliam works regular price $20.00 , sale price $12.fiO. Ladles' beautiful gold Illled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 20 years , with fine Elgin or Waltliam works , regular price $2000. bale price $12.50. Ladles' 14 let. U. S. assay solid gold hunting case watch , fine Elgin or Waltliam works , regular price $25.00 , sale price $1C.50. Solid silver chatelaine watches , ? 2.98. All the latest novelties In gold and silver jeweled belts and chatelaines , t > 0c up. Rogers' 12 dwt. knives or forks , $1.23 for set of six. Rogers' tea spoons , f > 9c for six. Rogers' nickel silver spoons , 29c for six. Eignt-day oak clocks , with alarm and half hour strike , at $2.C3. Nickel alarm clocks , 55c. Itlj VVICI3T j \Ii : _ The bankrupt stock of the Nebraska Dry Goods Co.'s blankets on sale Monday. This stoek , In addition to our already largo stock , gives you a variety to pick from , larger as sortment than ever found In any one house In the vest. On Monday we offer white or sil ver gray fleeced blankets at 25c each , not damaged la the least. All perfect , only 25o each. 10silvc } - gray blankets at tflc and C5c pair. 10-4 mottled and fancy striped blankets , 7uc pair. 11-4 silver gray blankets , 7Hc , 95c and $1.23 pair. 11-1 wool mixed blankets In gray at $1.95 nelr. nelr.A A special bargain in wool mixed gray blankets at $2.00 pair. 3 cases all wool gray blankets , $2.CO pair. 10-4 all wool red blankets. $2.75 pair. Fin ? white California blankets at $2.83 , $3.50 , $4.EO and $5.75 a pair. We are showing some handsome borders In our all wool gray blankets at $3.50 , $4.00 , $1.50 and $5.00 a pair. iAll wool plaid blankets at 3.50 pair. Handsome white wool crib blankets at $1 50 pair. It will pay you to buy your blankets now , and Hayden's Is the place where you find what you want and at prices to suit all. HKD COMFORTS. Big ttock , largest selection , lowest price. ! < ! . \VM2I.ii _ , All wool plaid and striped flannels , 22c , 2-p , 29c , 35c. 40c and 45c yd. Extra heavy skirting flannels , 40c yd. All wool flannel skirt patterns , C9c , S5c , ! > Sc , $1.23 and$1.75 each. White wool flannels , 12'X.c , 15c , 20c. 25c. SOc , 35c yd. Navy blue and all wool red twilled flannels at 20c , 2 : > c and 35c yd. AH colors In eiderdown flannsls , plain or faiuy , big line to pick from. Silk embroidered flannels at old prices. Ol T1NO KI.AMil.S Special bargains In dark or light outing flannels on Monday at 7' , < .c yd. Compare. Look at our extra Duality at SVic yd. Outing flannel at 5c yd. Whlto shaker flannel , 5c , 8c and lOc yd. Big btock of fancy reversible swansdown at 15c. COTTOX F i < \\\ni.s _ Thiee npecUl numbers In cotton flannels , contracted for early -in the season at i educed prices , on bale Monday at Ic , C'.c { and 8c yd. They are 25 per cent below present whole- Bale prices. Compaie them. IRON BEDS LOWER THAN EVER. Wo will sell Monday , and on Monday only , 12 dozen oak chairs , cane scat ( hand caned ) , at fine each. Wo are showing a very fine line of ex tension tables. All our tables are the best wo could get ; you will find they are well made , well finished , and tliu style and as- poitment leaves nothing wanting. Square tables at $3.23 , $3,85 , $4.50 , $5.00 , $5.50 , $ fi.OO. Wo have Just received 19 styles of ladles' desks In kolld oak and mahogany finish. The desks are the acme of duintlniHS , mid tlio ptlces are $3.95 , ' $ C.f.O. $0.95 , $7.50 , the best Is only $9.50 , with French bevel plate pattern minor. In our now addition wo are showing an ele gant line of the very latret In parlor goods and odd rockers and chairs , The abundance of light the clean , healthy look of the whole floor make It an Ideal place to see furniture , and tlio prices on all goods , parlor milta , largo rootny rockers , fancy pieces , Jardiniere Mauds , Indian seats , taborcttes , chairs and rockers Is , as usual , very low. I1AVDEN BROS.1 NEW HOME OF BAR GAINS. Makes eomo startling prices on Provisions for Monday. Reed and be convinced what you can save by buying at the Transmit ) . fclppl headquarters , IIUTTKII AM ) IWfiS Strictly FrMh Eggs . 12' c Country Butter . EC and lOc Best Country Butter . 12' c and ISc Bear In mind there is none but the best butter and eggs handled by us. CHEESE AND CRACKERS. Full Cream Cheese . 8c Swiss Cheese- . U'/jC Brick Cheese . . . lOc Llmborger Cheese . . . . . . . . . 9c Neufchatel Cheese . . . 4c Pineapple Cticeso . COc Edam Cheese . 7Cc Imported Swlbs . SOc Finest Soda Crackers . . . . . . Go Finest Ojatcr Ciackers . 2c Ginger Snaps . 6V4c All kinds of nleo fresh cakes on hand at lowest .prices , Every inducement of style , price and quality is offered you to buy your Cloaks here. 2,000 garments from Blumcntha Bros. & Co. of New York , bought for spot cash at 500 on the dollar on sale Monday. Indies' black Beaver cloth Jackets very stylish , heavy and O A Q .HlrO warm , latest cut at 200 ladies Persian wool jackets , high storm collar , body E fJ ES [ lined with heavy satin , at : * * * * * Ladies' fine English Kersey jackets in tanblack and brown fly front , silk lined , worth $17 100 jackets in Boucle , catcrpiller woolastrakhan and friezes tJ all inthe latest styles at 100 ladles' double Capos , in heavy black Ladles' Electric Seal Capes , full length beaver , trimmed wtili fur all around , actu and sweep , titln lined , worth $27.CO , at ally worth $5.00 , at $2.50. $12.r > 0. 600 Imported Kersey Capes , Empire or Electilc Seal Collarettes , thoroughly well circular back , 30 Inches long , wollh $12.60 , made mid lined , at $1.'S. for $ C.4S. Ladles Mohair Dress Skirls , 7 gores , lined , with percallncell stiffened and bound , at 25 imported Kersey Capes , braided and Jet $1.CO. ted , edgeJ with fur , empire back , lined with Ladles' Waists , 'In ' either shirt waist or silk and interlined , at $7.4S. blouse htyle , In plaids , checks , stripes and , Ladles' Capes made of silk , very plain colors , from ! ) Sc to $4.00. hanlsomely braided and embroidered all over 'An ' endless variety of ladles' Silk Waists with Jet , lined with silk and properly In In plain and changeable effects and Homan terlined , worth $12.50 , at $ G.9S. stripes , all new styles , at $1.98. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S JACKETS Misses' jackets . in plain and fancy mixtures cloaking , ages 2 to 14 at Misses jackets made of all wool heavy cloaking , Empire style , nicely trim med with braid , 2 to 14 years at Ladies' fleece lined sateen underskirts - „ o skirts , double corded ruffle , draw StrlllgsVoC All our percale wrapers that have sold at $ i 50 and i 75 , go at Ladies' heavy fleece lined wrapper with tight fitting waist lining , finished o seams , extra wide skirts , at yoC ; 2 ? < $ Lg / More silks to close out , odds and ends in every line , must positively be disposed of at once. Many rich and handsome silks reduced to make room for new silks now arriving. WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE , Both PLAIN AND CHANGEABLE SILKS , { ilain ( ,11k In light shades , dnnge- abie silk in dark shades , special at Big line of PLAIN TAFFETAS , In all the now shades , also changeable SATIN SERC3E , splendid for linings only 39c FANCY BROCADES , new and stylish designs , in the most pcyular colors 39c a splendid Mlk for NOVELTY SILKS of every description , all styles and colors , woith up to $1.00 , closing prlco 50c PLAIN CHANGEABLE TAFFETA , big assortment of good fallacies , none can 59c show ono equal to It at FIGURED SILKS , In both brocade and printed beautiful silks , worth Vl'.2tj and $1.50 , special price 75c ' ' ' ROMAN STRIPES new ones Just received with many colored broad 'b'at'lii stripes , others sell them at $1.40 and $1.60 , our prlco , only 98c BLACK SILKS PLAIN BLACK TAFFETA , $1.00 quality only 69c BLACK BROCADES , beautiful silks , in most handsome designs , < cn excep tional bargain 69c BLACK BROCADE SATINS , fine heavy quality , rich luster , deslgiih"copied 75c from best silks made BLACK GRO GRAIN BROCADE , for skirts and dresses , best llk In Ameilcu 98c for money , all now designs , now In stock at only Extia in PLAIN BLACK SATIN DUCHESSE , all pure silk and 27 Inches 1.00 wide , special , , , , . A1AIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. GRAND MILLINERY SALE An elegant assortment of new Parisian Pattern Hats just received. These , together with hundreds of exquisite hats of our own creation , will be on sale Monday , Unlimited buying in this department of every fashion-ap proved style insures a becoming hat to every customer. Flowers , Piumes , Tips , Ornaments and Ribbons , and every desirable Trimming , "The style is in the Millinery , not in the prices. " KIM : Mw\s : _ Bought where the flax was spun and woven. Consequently but one short profit from maker to you. Extra hea\y Scotch Cream Damask 25c 62-ln. full Bleached Damask pr yd . . . 39s 72-In. extra heavy Cream Damask , per yard . . . . . < 9o CO-Incli full bleached double Satin Da- matk . . , C9c Turkey red table Damask , per yard lOc , $1.75 for Win. Lldilell'u celebrated pattern cloths , size CGxlOO Inches , Linen toweling , half bleached , worth 8c , at tic. Honey Comb Morlne Towelling , worth EC , at 3c. * Towelling , fancy Plaids , worth 7c , at 4c Linen towels , Huck ami fringed , German ; Damask , el/.o 20x10 , north 25c. at IDc. I gents for the BUTTER ICK PATTERNS ,