Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE OMAHA DAILY IJI5H : ifl'XDAY. OCTOBER 17 , 1807.
, * *
IT '
W. II , Stecn of Ilraltlwoocl. III. , royal chief
Of tlio Order of Scottish Clans , lias submitted
the result of tlio Investigation of tlio books
nml accounts of Into Uoyal Treasurrr Arrlil-
Imlil McLaren of Cleveland , 0. The shorUKo
in the funds amounts to $15,165.74. The
statement which Hoyol Chief Stecn has sub
mitted Is as follows :
Cnflh b.ilnnco In lieiiuonthment fund
June ) . 1S97 . lll.SMtK )
Cnsli bulancc In Keneral fund June
30. 1.S97 . 3.KO fO
Colfcottd on nK3CH mi'tit 211 * , July. . . . 4.20(0 (
Collect ! d on nmoflitnont 247 , August
( catlmalul ) . 1-OOM )
Totnl . .J2VSOO )
Cn h tnken to Montreal . $3.00000
Clif 'ks turnf d over to Mr.
Hill . 2fO SI
Cash In banks . 1.S93 31-C 1SI 20
. ; .ics 74
The security to the order for the nrtxircnt
shortage Is a bond of J.r.,000 , sooured by a
fraternal society , and a mortgage on Mrs. Mc
Laren's property , with the consideration
nntned as $5,000 , but conditioned to cover
all loss the order may sustain to the full
value of the property niortRttRed.
At least a portion of this shovlnKC Is on
dcvoslt In blinks In McLaren's name ami
can bo drawn by no one but himself. Checks
were then prenarcd , and the olllcers. accom-
lianlcil by Mrs. McLaren and a son. went to
the ex-royal treasurer , explained their mis
sion and asked him to slRii the checks. This
lie refused to do , "nnd he acted like a man
who had lost his icairii or was playing a part.
Every mcann was tlse < l to get him to say
where the money was. tint he only continued
to Insist that he had the money and would
settle with the order when he got oblo to
attend to liuslncfn. "
The shortage was discovered at the late
session or the clan , decanting this
lloyal Chlof Slcen says :
"When the treasurer was called i : ( > rn tu ex
plain why his report not uc ninp.inled
with the certificates , he pleaded Illness when
leaving homo to attend the session , but as
sured the Hoynl Clan that ho was ready to
settle with his successor as soon as he would
return hump to Cleveland. When the Royal
Clan adjourned Its scBslon Hi-other Mcl/irun
"was sick In bed. Moas left In the care of
Brother Krascr , delpgi'.c cf Clan Grant , Clc -
Innil , 0. . who attended to him to his home In
Cleveland , where ho remained under the care
of a physician until the Sth of September.
In thu mcantlmo demands had been made
on him. through hi. ) wife , to turn eve till his
books and money to John Hill of St. Louis ,
Mo. , who had been elected to succeed him as
royal treasurer. On the date mentioned his
wife wrote to mo to come , or send Mr. Hill ,
'to get what belonged to him , ' as Mr. Mc
Laren's successor. I at once notified Mr.
Hill and wo got to Cleveland on Sunday ,
September 12. "
. The result of this visit Is Indicated hcreto-
fori .
Ill < l < - | > < -iiili-ii ( Drill f ( ioiiil Triiuilitr * .
The annual meeting of the Nebraska grand
lodge adjourned at Lincoln last Thursday
, nlght after a session of two days. The ses
sion was attended by 125 delegaUs. South
Omaha was selected as the place for holding
.next year's meeting.
Hoports of oillcers showed that there has
Jbcen a small dccrejse < ln the membership of
.the lodges during the last year. There arc
now 3,000 Templars In the state , with twen
ty-five lodges In good stan.ling. Notwith
standing the dropping elf of thimcmbershlp
.during the bard times there Is more money
in the treasury than at any time In the his
tory of the order In Nebraska. Lodges are
} n good condition.
It was decided that the Nebraska lodges
.should take the Initiative In a step to place
A window In the temperance temple In Chl-
cabo In honor of John II. Finch , The Lincoln
' .lodge took a prominent part In Inducing the
Brand lodge to take up this work'and father
the proposition.
The District Templar of Cozad was ordered
enlarged anJ denominated the olllcial organ
of tcmplary In Nebraska. Its name will
probably bu changed , and It may be removed
.to a larger place.
. The following olllcers of the grand lodge
, were elected for the ensuing year : Grand
chief templar , Hev. J. O. Staples of Omaha ;
grand counsellor . II. Hamilton , mayor of
Albion ; grand vice templar , C. K. Hedges of
.Lincoln ; grand superintendent of Juvenile
tcmplare , Annie Kllermeler of Swanton ;
, grnnd secretary , Kmmn .1. Hedges of Lin
coln ; grand treasurer , Hurton Illcc of South
pmnha ; past grand chief templar , J. JJ.
Jlughca of Cozad ; grand electoral suncrfn-
.lendent , Judge 0. It. Chase of Klwood ; grand
.marshal , J. M. Doweese of Swatiton ; grand
.deputy marshal , B. Rowland Smith of South
.Omaha ; grand cluplaln , Mrs. Arthur Itennet
.of Lincoln ; grand guard. Miss Shlvcs of
JJIoomficld ; grand sentinel , 'S. Korshner of
/Blue / Hill ; grand assistant secretary. Miss
Vlnnlo iPursley 'of Lincoln ; grand messenger ,
It. O. Westcott of Swanton.
Hev. J. O. Staples of this city delivered a
couple of addresses during the session. In
teresting remarks were also made by Mies
Annabel Saunders , right worthy grand vice
.templar of the world , recently elected at
Zurich , Switzerland , who Is here. Slip Is a
Ncbraskan , but is now temporarily locateI
In Missouri.
< ( PvllilMM.
On Turnday and Wednesday of last week
the statu grand ledge was In session at
Lincoln. There was no very great attend
ance of delegates , as there were no matters
coming up that promised strife.
The reports indicated a fair condition of
the order. There are now 155 lodges in the
state , one less than last year. Three lodges
were reorguilzed during the year and four
lodges surrendered their charters. The teal
membership in the state on Juno 30 , 1897
was E.778 , Subordinate lodgca had a balance
of $15,880 on hand Juno 30 , 1897 , and owned
property and Investments valued at $69896 ;
total cash on hand and Invested , $85,782.
The financial statement of the grand lolge
shows receipts during the year amounting
to $5,022. Total expenses were $5 827. Cash
on hand October 1 , 1897 , was $1,033. The
board of trustees estimate's that expenses for
the ensuing year will amount to $7,773. The
Board of Trustees includes the grand chan
cellor , grand keeper of records and seals , to
gcther with F. A. Miller , S. S. Ungilsh and I ) .
Two nulto Important matters were de
cided. Tlio Initiation fee was reduced from
$20 lo $15 , This matter has been up before
the grand ledge at previous sessions. Tin-re
lias been a general demand for a reduction in
Nebraska slneo In the states on all sides the
initiation fee is only $15.
Tlio grand ledge also abolished the pay
ment of compulsory sick benefits. The iiiat-
. tcr was left so that each subordinate lodge
, nay decide this matter for Itself and need
not pay the sick benefits unlcE It wishes
to do so.
The following officers were c'lected : Grand
chancellor II. M. Doydston , Nebraska City ;
Krand vice chancellor . N. Young. Stanton -
ton ; grand prelate , ( Jeorgo B. French. North
I'lutte ; grand keeper of records and seals.
"Will Love ; eraml master of the exchequer.
John II. Wright , Lincoln ; grand master-al
arms , G. W. Wlltse. Randolph ; grand Inner
guard , 13. II. Grist , Tecumseh ; grand ledge
trustee , S. S. English , Uagle ; supreme repre
sentative , Will L. ScUm , Omaha.
liiiliii < nili > iit Hrilpr uf I'orcxIi-i-N ,
Court Omaha , Independent Order uf For-
reters , has Increased Its membership CO per
cent In tlio last ninety days and some stiHlli-r
courts have done even better. All anticipate
a genuine boom during November and De
cember becauro of Iho supreme court's having
anted a dispensation to Initiate at charier
rates during the aforesaid months.
The members of Court Omaha sprung a very
complete nurprlso on T. L , Combs , their
court deputy ; also high secretary of Ne
braska , at 1432 North Nineteenth street ,
Tuesday night , and presented him with a
magnificent upholstered parlor chair ami ele
gantly prepared card of congratulation on
Ills recent marriage. Mrs. Combs received
a htndsomt * Foresters' bouquet. The party
was entertained at cards and cigars , with
light refreshments ,
Fraternal I'nlon of America ,
At the last meeting of Mondamln ledge ,
No. Ill , the entertainment committee ar
ranged for a public entertainment to be
teld on October 27 In Patterson ball , Seven
teenth and Farnam itreet * . A Urge t-
: tendance is desired at the next regular meet.
I IIIK on Wednesday night , as there will bo
I thirty or forty Initiations , after which the
i entertainment committee will Introduce some
new features. The lojgo has ordered the
altar flag , Jewels and badges and has bought
a complete outfit for serving refreshments ,
etc. , from another organization.
Manner lodge , No. 11 , met Thursday even
ing , and after disposing of a tot of general
business , pissed the evening In the different
aimiRor.icnts the entertainment committee
provided. This ledge will endeavor In the
near future to give on original evening , each
member on hte program playing , singing ,
acting or reading something ho himself has
composed , The ledge Is arranging for a
grand entertainment , the dale of which will
be announced next week.
Fratcr Howard of Omaha organized a
lodge of 125 members at Beatrice two weeks
OHO. and one at Wymore last week with
fifty members.
Miss Maud Z. Thompson organized a lodge
at Blue Hill Tuesday evon'ng.
The advisory board of the supreme ledge
will meet In regular session next Tuesday.
Supreme President V. V. Reese left Friday
evening for Denver to bo present at this
crN or Id-volution. .
Omaha chapter , Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution , held the first meeting of
ho season at the .residence of the regent ,
Mrs. II. S. Jayncs , last Monday afternoon , .
A pleasing feature of the occasion was the
[ ircs"iilatlnn to the chapter of a very hand
some gavel by the regent. The gavel was
i gift to her from Mrs. Philip Hlchborn ,
vice president general , In charge of organlza-
tU n of the National Society of the Daughters
of the American Revolution , and the wife
of Chief Constructor Hichborn of the Un.lted
Slates navy. The head of the gavel is made
from a piece of wood from the old frigate
Constitution. The handle Is of wood from
the Hartford. The gavel Is beautifully
carved anl polished , and the mallet and
landlo bear silver plates engraved with the
names of these famous ships , which were
known as 'being singularly lucky. An In
teresting program followed the regular busi
ness meeting. Mrs. B. L. Alexander read a
brief paper on "Krly Explorations , " and
Mrs. Anna Fitch Skinner followed with an
entertaining account of the first settle
ment. Miss Bllenore Dutchcr gave the hls-
toy ; of Paul Jones' starry flag , of which
a photograph has been presented to the
chapter by Mrs. Harriet Perry Stafford of
Cottage City , Mass. , who has the original
llrst stars and stripes In her possession.
It Is Mrs. Stafford's Intention to place
th" old Hag In the Smithsonian Institute
this fall , as she has grown too old to longer
feel safe in retaining so priceless a relic.
It Is the first American flag saluted by a
frrelgn power. It floated from the mast
head of the Bon Homme Richard during the
engagement with the British ship. Serapls.
During the battle the Hag was shot away
aivd fell Into the sea. A young lieutenant
on the Richard. James B. Stafford , leaped
overboard and recovered It. When the Rich
ard was sinking. Paul Jones transferred
the flag to the Serapls. In recognition of
Lieutenant Stafford's service the marine com
mittee In 1781 presented him with the Hag ,
together with Paul Jones' sword and a mus
ket captured from the Serapls. Relic htinters
have clipped away two yards of the old flag.
The flag was exhibited at the Centennial
exposition and at the World's fair.
The annual meeting of the Omaha chap
ter for the election , of olllcers was held 1-n-
day evening at the residence of Mrs. A. I .
Wood. The following olllcers were elected
fcr the ensuing year : Mrs. 11. S. JW"
regent ; Mrs. A. P. Tukey. vice regent ; MUs
Ellunore Dutcher , secretary ; Mrs. AC.
. L. U .
Tronp. treasurer ; .Mrs. Lyman are.
registrar : Mrs. N. F. Crane , historian , ; Mrs.
A. P. Wood , Mrs. M. B. Lowrle and Mrs.
C. W. Lyman were elected to serve on the
advisory board. _
Order of llfrtiiien.
The big war dance given by the tribes and
councils of these hunting grounds on the
sleen of the twelfth Sunday , traveling moon ,
their expectations.
was a success beyond .
They succeeded In raising almost enough
wampum to defray the expenses of enter
taining the great council of this reservation ,
which convenes hero on the sixteenth sun.
traveling moon , In Redmen's hall Continen
tal block. The Drexel hotel has been se
lected as headquarters for delegates and vis
itors. The tribes and councils of these hunt
ing grounds will entertain the visitors In n
way that will reflect credit to the city of
Omaha and still add to the reputation of our
fair city as a desirable pace ! to hold con
One of the pleasant fraternal features of
'ast week occurred on the sleep of the ninth
sun , traveling moon. A runner from the
tepee of White Fawn council , Degree of
Pocahontas , brought an Invitation to the de
gree team of the Atfaretla council to meet
with them In their wigwam and conduct five
palefaeeH Into the mysteries of the order.
On receipt of this invitation the team took
the trail for the tepee of White Fawn. The
Alfaretta's degree team is easily the banner
degree team of this reservation and their per
fect team work did not suffer any on this
occasion. The sisters of White Fawn coun
cil arc capturing palefaces for adoption at
a rate that Is very gratifying. The visitors
were given a very pleasant reception. An ex
cellent lunch was served after the work.
The last hour of the ninth sun was given over
to dancing.
KiilprlilM of MIC Mil ecu IM-CM.
Arrangements have been perfected for a
grand time among the Maccabees of this city
end vicinity on October 2C , the occasion of
thelrgrandballatMetropolltan club and of the
entertainment and dance November 11 , when
Supreme Commander Markey will bo in the
city and favor those who attend with one of
his noted talks. His record as an entertain
ing talker has proceeded him and ho will bo
well worth hearing. The tickets of admission
to this entertainment have been limited.
Mrs. Louise M. Ilouk has been appointed
deputy supreme commander of the Ladles of
the Maccabees for this state and will prob
ably visit all the hives of tlio state.
Gate City tent No. CO gave the first of a
series of winter socials last Thursday even
ing. Mr. Bouk read a very Interesting ar
ticle , while Hewitt and Hayes did the "coon"
turn , to the admiration of the audience.
Prof. Hubbard told a few funny Jokes and
Mr , Kully of Minneapolis related Ma cxpe-
rlcncu In Omaha the past week. Dancing
and refreshments followed.
It Is the Intention of the Maccabees of
Omaha lo make the November entertain
ment the banner one of the unison.
Commander Kelly of Minneapolis has been
giving the Omaha tents good instruction dur
ing hlti atay here. Ho Is to bo presented
with a gold-headed cane.
Orili-r of I InWorld. .
The social and dance given by Myrtle
lodge No. 399 on Friday evealog last was a.
grand success. The attcndenco was large
and all report having a pleasant evening's
On Thursday evening last the members of
Teutonic ledge No. 202 entertained a largo
icmany ; of friends In a social given at the
cluso of the business meeting. Refresh
ments were Eervcd by the female members.
On , Saturday evening , October 30 , a grand
ball will bo given by Myrtle ledge In Myrtle
hull , Continental block. The committee o |
arrangements will endeavor to mcke this
one cf the most enjoyable events of the sea-
The members of Myrtle lodge No. 399 will
hold a sociable on Friday evening at the rest
dcnco of Mrs. Rocktlcld , SOB Soutli Eight
eenth street.
HnilirnY < iii < liiii-ii of Aincrli-il ,
Hebrew camp , Modo'n Woodmen of Amer
ica , gave a reception last Wednesday night
that was attended by representatives fron
all of the Oraaka. Council Bluffs and South
Omaha camps. The address of welcome was
delivered by Venerable Consul Schoenstadi
of Hebrew camp. Mayor M cores re
sponded and stated that he was pleased to
bo numbered as one of the guests of the
svenlnc. He said that ho regretted that ho
could not be an active member of the order.
Thu mayor has passed the age limit and con
sequently ho cannot become a beneficiary
member. J , W. Houdcr , Mr , Muller anil
others delivered interesting addresses , A
line musical program was rendered. Martin
Calm wcslilotl at the plaao and Miss Lillian
Knslle sanu and roflted. Refreshments were
served during the evening , the reception
rnncludlnc with a dunce.
B. & M. camp , No. 2722 gave an Informal
"stag" party at Labor temple last Friday
evening. A largo crowd was present , In
cluding many Woodmen from other camps
In this city and Council Bluffa. Refresh
ments and cigars were liberally served , and
with Fongfl , Instrumental music , stories and
speeches , a most enjoyable evening was
Slirliirrn Co to Pri-inon < .
Tangier temple held one of Its most suc
cessful ceremonial sessions at Fremont on
last Friday evening. The ofllclal caravan
started from Omaha at 3:30 : p. m. , accom
panied by the Twenty-second Infantry band ,
which played the lively air , "Tho Girl I Left
llehlnd Me , " as the train pulled out from
the station. On arriving at Fremont the
calovan was largely Increased by the prcs-
; nce of the local nobles , who escorted It to
ts headquarters at the Masonic hall with the
assistance of the traditional rope. At 7:30 :
: hp Arab patrol. In new and elaborate cos
tumes , preceded by the baml and accom-
xuiled by the nobles , paraded the streets of
the city amidst n brilliant display of fire
works. After the parade the ceremonial ses
sion began and fifteen sons of the desert
were conducted across the burning sands.
Whllo the nobles were holding their secret
session the Twenty-second Infantry band.
entertained the people of Fremont at the
opera house with a number of Its choicest
selections , which were listened toby a highly
enthusiastic and appreciative audience.
At 11:30 : about 250 nobles sat down to n
sumptuous banquet , which was thoroughly
enjoyed nnd relished by the nobles , but more
( specially by the novices , whoso appetites
boomed to have been Increased by their long
ourney over the sands. On the production
of the cigars Illustrious Potentate H6nry
Hardy Introduced In a happy manner Noble
S. Wright Butler , toastmaster for the even-
ng , who In turn called upon Ntiles Matthews
of Fremont. Brcckcnr'.dge of Omaha , Vaushan
of Fremont , I. R. Andrews of Omaha , F. H.
Sanderson of Omaha , and on behalf of the
lovlccs N < bles C. M. Williams , J. C. Cleland
wl A. R. Olcson , all of whom did ailplo
ustlco to their various subjects.
This enjoyable meeting was brought to n
close with great enthusiasm at about 2 a. m.
The caravan then returned on n special train ,
irrlvlng at Omaha about 4 n. m. , thoroughly
ileased with Its entertainment.
The following novices furnished the food
for the Initiatory work : Andrew R. Oleson ,
William C. Kvnns. B. N. Morse , A. B. Little-
child , David 'Franklin ' , J. M. Kraedcr , C. M.
Williams , J. C. Clelaml , J. A. Shank , H. J.
Uitler , 0. B. Lamberson , Arthur Truesdell ,
'remont ; N. J. Johnson , Ames ; N. C. Scars ,
Wlsner ; George T. Kennedy , Long Pine.
Secret Siii'lrty Xoti-H.
Union Pacific council will give a dance
and card party at Metropolitan hall on the
evening of November 24.
At the last meeting of Nebraska lodge 354 ,
L 0. B. B. , n committee consisting of C.
arandels , S Bloom , 0. Hochman , H. Roth-
holtz , A. Kalieh and John Mcrrltt were ap
pointed to arrange for a ball to take place
on Sunday evening , October 17 , In celebration
of tlio tenth anniversary of the organization
of the lodge.
The twenty-eighth annual session of the
grand lodge of Pennsylvania , A. 0. U. W. ,
will convene In Philadelphia during the com
ing week. Some 250 delegates will repre
sent the 201 lodges nnd 14,000 memberu In
the state.
i ; ii Inn VclormiH' Union.
The department officers of the state of
Nebraska were duly Installed last Friday
evening by Colonel Dunlop of the national
commander's staff. This order Is rapidly
Increasing in the state , there being now
eight commands. As It is the intention and
duty of the national corps to take especial
Interest In the matter of pensions and cor
respondence of the old soldier nnd sailor , the
order promises to become very popular and
liave a large membership.
At a session of the high prudential chiefs
at Aurora last Monday the resignation of
J. L. Rose as most illustrious protector was
accepted , and W. E. Sharp , supreme deputy ,
was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy.
Arrangements were completed for the or
ganization of the ladles' auxiliary and other
matters of business were transacted.
Instantly Klllcil Wlill >
Through tin Alley.
A couple of horses belonging to the W. J.
Lemps Brewing company were electrocuted
In the alley back of the Continental building
yesterday. At the time stated Driver
Plottcnberg urged his team up the slight
Incline leading from the street Into the alley
and as he did so , one of the horses shied
slightly. Thinking little of this , the driver
forced the animals ahead and in an Instant
one of them dropped to the pavement. H
was followed an instant later "by " Its com
panion. Jiot : about the same time Plotten-
berg received a shock which nearly threw
him from the wagon. Ho , however , recov
ered sufficiently to get down , discovering the
agent which had wrought havoc with his
A piece of the heavy wire which carries the
power currents of the Thomson-Houston
company had fallen from the network over
head nnd had como into contact with the
. The horses did not move after they were
struck , their death being Instantaneous.
Plottcnberg telephoned the electric light
company and the current was shut off.
When the horses were removed , It was found
that great seams had been made In their
sides where the wire had come In contact
with their skin.
The linesman whD Was sent to repair thrt
wires stated that the one which had .broken
loose had been 'torn from Its support by the
wind. Jt was of the alternating current and )
was charged with 2,000 volts. The horseo
were valued at about $300.
HA \I\VM , IS < llITi ! : ( JK.MCHAI , .
Fully an Inch of MolNturc All Over tin-
All the railroads In the state yesterday
reported colder weather , general rains
and some snow along their respective lines.
The Union Pacific reported a cold , drizzling
rain throughout Nebraska , from Omaha to
Cheyenne. West of Cheyenne clear through
to the west terminus of tlio line at Ogdcn
there was snow ranging from one to three
Inches In depth. The Enow from Cheyenne
to Rawllns was light.
The greatest fall of rain In Nebraska along
tlio line of the Burlington In the twenty-
four hours ending at 8 o'clock yesterday
morning was at Plattsmouth , uliero a little )
more than one Inch of rain fell. There wa
an Inch of rain at Schuylcr , a heavy rain at
Hastings. Throughout the state the fall
averaged about three-fourths of. an Inch.
The temperature at Nebraska paints rangud
frm 3(5 ( to 48 degrees above zero. In the
western division there was snow , the heav
iest being near Denver. In the Wyoming di
vision there was light snow also , and the
temperature at several points fell to 20 dc-
Iho Missouri Pacific , the Hocl < Island and
the Bllthorn roads also reported good rains
In thu eastern and southern parts of the
Elate , with snow and oxtrumcly cold weather
In the western and northern sections of the
state. The rain , Friday ajid Friday evening
was general all over Nebraska , and varied
from one-half Inch to ono Inch in depth.
MTH , DerrlnKton'H ( 'oiiillllini ,
The dot tor In attendance upon Mr . Nellie
Ujrrlngton , the woman who attempted her
lift ) Friday by taking n dose of strych
nine , stated yt'Mtcrday that his patient
was steadily improving. He said that bar-
ilng accident * du > would recover , although
the chock to her nervous syutem had been a
terrible one. It Its now Raid that the nt-
finpted suicide of Mrs , Perrlngton wn not
due to sorrow canned by the death of n fa
vorite undo or upon the iiiipronelilnf ; mar
riage of her llrst husband , but that she had
been suffering from nervous prostration
cau-ed by overwork.
All IIOIIl'Hl Itl-lllt'll ) ,
"Wo could not say t'o much In favor of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. About three
years ago ono of our children had an attack
of croup and wo were afraid that we would
lese him. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy , advertised , wo decided to glvo It a
trial. It gave almost Instant relief and we
"believe it saved the child's life. Since theiv
wo have never been without a bottle of this
remedy in the house and wo recommend it
to every one as being an honest cough rem
edy. " I * Wi Nlcholn , East Now Marlset , ild.
f iff 1K 1 , < . * : lff Ifi
The past week , like several of Its prcdc-
cossors slnco the reasonable expectation of
cooler weather began , has furnished no crl- '
terlon of what the normal attendance at the ,
local theaters Is to be this year. Managers i
and public , after raore than ono distressing
season , took heart of grace from reports of
abundant harvests nnd approaching material
prosperity , and expected at last n remunera
tive nnd enjoyable period of theatrical en
tertainment. They should not be cast down
by the rather untoward beginning which has
been made. 'The public can find little fault
with the managers , who have certainly pro
vided attractions which rank with those of
fered during a similar period In any past
season. Neither can the managers Justly
contemn the theater-goers for their nonattendance
tendance , for the cause Is beyond the control
of either public or manager. Some people
will go to the theater In hot weather , as was
abundantly demonstrated last summer dur
ing the long Woodward engagement. But
the $1.50 folk will do as little of It as possi
ble , preferring to spend the enmo amount , or
more , In a cool spot , if such can be found.
Wherefore , It Is unquestionably the weather ,
and nothing and nobody else , that has been
chiefly responsible for nn apparently apa
thetic opening of the theatrical season In
3maha. Given cool nights , people will not
hesitate to avail themselves of the excellent
opportunities afforded them to go to the
play. The weather bureau , with a shameful
record of prophecies unfulfilled , has shown
itself utterly Incompetent to deal with a Ne
braska drouth. But signs are not wanting ,
which ordinary laymen may read , that cool
weather has come to stay ; and this being
the case , managers should not bo discouraged
until the Improved climatic conditions have
a chance to do their beneficent work.
This week some very good entertainment
s offered to theater-goers , especially at
Boyd's , H is difficult to say much that Is
low or complimentary about the nt-
ractlons announced to appear at the
Crelghton. but at least two notable
nvents will occur at the other house.
The coming of "The Heart of Maryland" has
jcen long delayed , but it Is not unlikely
that the Omaha public will flock to see It
with that charming unanimity which It Is
wont to display both In going to the theater
and In staying away. Many have seen the
day elsewhere and are aware of Its merits
and Its weaknesses ; and almost every one Is
'amlllar with Its story , nt least by hearsay ,
through the exertions of the Indcfatigiblc
ircss agent. Such familiarity might furnish
excuse for ft suspension of The Bee's un
varying rule against criticism in advance ;
jut as n comment , favorable or otherwise ,
would have tlio least possible Influence In de
termining the action of tho. public , It Is as
well to let "The Heart of Maryland" beat
unaided and unhindered.
As to Madame Alodjeska , there seems little
doubt that Omaha may look forward to n
; enulne artistic treat In her two appearances.
She has ever been , a prime favorite , here as
elsewhere , and there Is no reason to expect
that her long absence from this city and
from the stage has In any way lessened her
popularity here. She lias surrounded herself
with an excellent company for the brief tour
which she contethplatra. ' Joseph Haworth ,
John T. Malone , Wailsworth Harris , Anna
Proctor. Anna Dally nnd others nro In It.
Madame Modjeska'heioolf ' seems to be In ex
cellent health and spirits , and It Is belloved
.hat she has been entirely restored to her old-
time strength and activity. There was ta'k
at ono time of her Joining forces with Otis
Skinner , who was so long her leading sup
port , and this would seem to be an admirable
arrangement. The scheme contemplated a
sort of joint starring tour , with the time
divided between the' two luminaries as chief
attraction. Perhaps this may still be ac
complished , although nothing has been heard
of It recently.
Madame Modjcska will be seen hero in
"Magda , " which has never been presented In
Omaha , and In "Mary Stuart , " with which
and her Impersonation of the Queen of Scotts
local theater goers are familiar. It Is learned
that a movement Is on foot to effect a sub
stitution of "Macbeth" for the latter , in
the Interest of certain young Ideas which
are being trained to shoot at the Shake-
sperean target. It Is not likely that such a
change can or will be made , but In case
there are students of Schiller In sufficient
numbers. It Is suggested that a counter
Dotltlon mav be useful In securing the reten
tion of "Mary Stuart" in the Omaha reper
E. Burtan Holmes of Chicago , who has
calncd an apparently well deserved celebrity
as a lecturer on the characteristics end
beauties of foreign lands , will give a scries
of lectures next week at the First Congrc-
sational church. "The Yellowstone" will be
the subject of Mr. Holmes' first address , to
be delivered on Tuesday evening , October
20. This will bo followed on Thursday and
SaturJay nights by lectures on "Cycling
Through Corsica" and "The Cities of the
Barbary Coast" respectively. Mr. Holmes'
lectures ore Illustrated with original colored
moving pictures and are thoroughly enjoyable
to eye , ear and artistic taste.
James Whltcomb Rlley , the Hoosler poet ,
2-ho has not boon seen and heard in Omaha
for several years , will glvo ono of his unique
and Interesting readings from his own works
hero somewhat Inter In the month. Mr.
Rlioy and his poems arc so universally known
nnd admired that detailed description of
cither Is unnecessary. More definite Informa
tion as to time , place and program of this
entertainment will be given next week.
The Bee has seldom found occasion to
criticize the nrograms or bills of the plays
provided bv the local theaters. There was
a time when they habitually contained ad
vertisements of lotteries nnd of various drugs
and medicaments which were batter left undo-
srrlbcd. All this has been changed , partly i
through the modest efforts of The Bee and (
the pamphlet offered at present to i > lay goers , |
althouKh by no means a model of artistic
beauty , is handy , useful nnd generally unob
jectionable. It Is n question , however , whether
any of Its good qualities are enhanced by the
oerslstent nonearanco of the wood cut of a
bearded monstrosity which embellishes one
of the Insldo pages. The advertisement
which accompanies this horror Is Icgltima-o
enough , but It Is not believed that any one
will buv the nostrum which It holds out
any the more readily after a contemplation
of this whiskered freak. It certainly Is a
shock to all except bearded ladles to find It
always before their eyes , Immediately below
the cast of characters.
Co in I UK Hvonl * . '
This afternoon Primrose & West's min
strels nro to begin a short engagement of
two nights and ono matinee at Boyd's. Prim
rose & West have been regular visitors to
Omaha for a great many years and on nearly
every occasion they have had some novelty
to present. This year they are to have sev
eral new features.
In the first place they have secured the
services of one of America's most popular en
tertainers , Ezra Kendall , of whom every one
knows. HI a specialty consists of a mono
logue , In which he treats In humorous style
of the general topics of the day. Another
popular comedian now with Primrose &
West's company Is Carroll Johnson , who has
been styled "Tho Adonis of Minstrelsy. "
Wo arc promised that In addition to a lot
of new jokes that iMr. Johnson is also well
supplied with the very latest of comic eongs.
Of the other members of the company there
are Trovollo , a ventriloquist , who will pres
ent a novelty 'In the Introduction of life-size
automatons , that not only appear to possess
the power of speech , but arc also able to
walk about In human fashion. Falkc and
Scmon arc a pair of musical comedians who
may bo remembered by some of our theater
goers. The Schrodo brothers , acrobats nnd
pantomlmlsts , have been seen In Omaha with
one of the Hanlon productions. A new style
of dancing , called note or mclophrase danc'
Ing , Is to be Introduced by George W.
Lewis. The Freeze brothers will bo seen In
an exhibition of tambourine spinning Raid to
be of a very novel character. William H.
West's latest production , "The Zouave
Patrol , " 'Is to be one of the features of the
performance. The vocalists are Charles
Kent Alex Cameron , Lewis Prltzkow , I TW-
renco Diamond , Joseph Garland and others.
The minstrels nro to arrive today about
noon on a special train from Denver and will
glvo their street parade , starting from the
The announcement that the Hanlon
Brothers are to come to the Crelghton theater
for four nights nnd two matinees , opening
with a matlneo today , should be received
with pleasure and anticipation by nil classes
of theater-goers , for such Is the quality of
the entertainment that nil will be Interested
In the announcement of Its appearance. Since
the iHanlons' last visit they claim to have
gotten up , under the old title , a complete
" " which will be
new production of "Superba ,
given , here In Its entirety. Fresh from the
artist's brush but a few weeks since all
the paraphernalia of the piece was sent out
on the road aJid It will therefore be seen
hero In spick and span condition. All the
tricks and Illusions are said to be new ; the
ballets have been specially composed and
will be seen for the first time In this city ,
and the costumes which clothe a score or
more of charmingly pretty girls should be
In the nature of a surprise to those even
who know the prodigality of the Hanlons
In this regard.
Chief Interest will perhaps be aroused In
a number of new mechanical tricks Intro
duced. One of the cleverest Is where sev
eral valises are transformed Into a demon ,
who chases the clown with such rapidity that
ho Jumps into the mouth of a cannon , from
which he is exploded a second after Into
space and his dlssscted body and limbs
caught on the 'bayonets of the surround ng
soldiery. Notwithstanding the fact that the
audience sees him In six or eight pieces he
turns up a mrmont or two after , sound In
boJy , wind and limb , and fresh for a new
David Bclasco's latest popular and critical
success as a dramatist will bo given its first
performance in this city at Boyd's theater
on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week ,
when our play-goers will have an oppor
tunity to Judge for themselves whether there
Is any exaggeration In the liberal praise so
universally bestowed upon Its performances
"The Heart of Maryland" Is cleanly In ex
pression , the characters are typical of the
living humanity that forms the social sur
roundings and the theme of the story never
"overreaches the modesty of nature , " nor Is
the story Itself , cither In Incident or action ,
other than possible.
In "The Heart of Maryland the author
has sought to give dramatic emphasis to that
Quality of dauntless courage and heroic self-
sacrifice with which love Inspires woman
when danger threatens the one upon whom
she has bestowed her affection.
The company Is said to be one of the
strongest In artistic reputation that has been
included in the east of any play at present
on tour in this country. Mrs. Leslie Carter ,
who represents the heroine and central fig
ure of the play , Maryland Calvcrt , It Is said
gives a boldly drawn virile realization of the
author's Ideal. She has the advantage of
a graceful , attractive presence , mobile fea
tures , an alert mimetic Intelligence , a force
ful , Independent method In her conception
of her task. Involving nothing of staginess or
conventionalism , and withal possesses the
charm of personal magnetism. Other mem
bers of the company are James E. Wilson ,
Frank Mordnunt. Theodore Roberts , Orant
Stewart , Henry Weaver , Jr. , J. H. Hazelton ,
Ho fcert. Millward. Helen Tracy , Angela Mc-
Caull and Virginia Tracy. The advance sale
of seats , from present Indications will be
largo and bring to the theater throughout
the too brief engagement a series of numer-
OUH and fashionable audiences.
The return of Madame Modjcska to the
stage after her retirement caused by serious
lllncbs two years ago Is an event of which
all those who take an Interest In the poetic
drama will be delighted to learn. It Is said
that she has completely recovered her health
and will play a limited niimbcof engage
ments between now and the holidays. One
of these will bo In Omaha , where she ap
pears on Thursday and Friday evenings , Oc
tober 21 and 22. It la announced that she
will hereafter pay ! but short seasons and
hence It Is not unlikely that this may be
the last opportunity to see this gifted and
distinguished actress. She will be seen on
the opening night here In "Magda , " a play
which * he presented few llmrs before
she last left the stage- , but whi h has never
been done In this country In English by anyone
ono else. Duse and Ilernlmrdt have both
played It nnd It Is ranked among the g-eat
Italian artist's most remarkable Impersona
tion. The drama is by Herman Sudcrman ,
and Is snid to be a powerful and most Inter
estltiR play. The stiry is that of Magdalln.i
Schubert , a 'Willful and Independent young
Klrl who refuses to marry n man chosen for
her by her stern and tiarrow-mlnJcd. but
loving old father. She leaves home and
twelve years after returns to the humble
village a great and famous opera singer.
The unrelenting parent refuse * lo see her.
but at the solicitation of the village rector a
reconciliation Is about to bo effected \yhen
the father hears of an event In Mogda's city
career , which according to his stringent
Idens , has cast an Indelible stain upon her
character and ho again closes his doors nnd
his heart to her. The real nobility and sub
limity of Magda's character , however , are at
last made clear to the old father , who dies
with forgiveness on his lips. On Fflday
evening "Mary Stuart , " a play which Mod-
loska has made peculiarly her own nnd a
"lav of which her auditors never weary , will
be given. Joseph Haworth , an actor of excel
lent ability and flno reputation , plays the
leading roles with .Modjcska on this tour and
In addition to him the company contains n
number of other comyetcnt legitimate players ,
among them being John T. Malone , Lester
Lonergaii. Wndsworth Harris , George Syl
vester. F. It , Kendrleks , Anna Proctor , Anna
IXilly , Oracc Fischer , M ? E. Northam , Mrs.
H. J , SarKcant and otho's.
Stumn ( < .
Robert Taber will remain In London this
Lottie Collins Is expected to arrive In
Now Yorkt this
week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
John A. Blister , the veteran manager nnd
actor. Is 111 In Now York.
David Henderson has leased the Great
Northern theater In Chicago.
Joseph Jefferson opinoJ his short season
In Portland. Me. , last week.
Rudyard Kipling Is said to bo writing a
play based upon life In India.
Francis Powers' Chinese play , "The First
Born , " made a hit In New York Itmt week.
James F. Hoey , a brother of the late
"Bill" Hoey , Is seriously 111 In Sayvllle ,
L. I.
Frederic Worde produced hia now romantic
play , "Iskandor , " tin Lancaster , Pa. , last
May Irwin has Just closed a very suc
cessful engagement In Boston In "Tho Swell
Miss Fitzswell. "
Thomas Whlffcn , one of the brightest and
most able comedians on the American stage ,
died last week In London.
Mabel Eaton Is giving good satisfaction
to Denver theater goers by her work with
the Broadway Stock company.
E. J. Rntcllffo and Edith Chase Spragm > ,
granddaughter of the late Chief Justice
Chase , have taken to vaudeville.
Scl Smith Russell Is still delighting large
audiences at the Garden theater In New
York with " ' "
"A Bachelor's Romance.
Mrs. George S. Knight , after an absence
of several yeans from the stage , is ap
pearing In vaudeville In New York.
E. J. Henley , who was last seen hero as
leading man with Margaret Mather , has
opened a school of acting In Now York.
W. J. Scaiilrm , the manager of "Lost
Strayed or Stolen , " Is a cousin of the un
fortunate Irish comedian of the sime name.
It Is rumored that Sol Smith Russell , W.
II. Crane , Francis Wilson and Nat C. Good-
w'o will combine to acquire a New York
theater of their own , and to divide Its time
among themselves.
Julia Arthur made her debut October 1
In Detroit In "A Lady of Quality. " On the
night of the 7th the theater was completely
destroyed by fire , inflicting a heavy loss upon
Miss Anthur at the beginning of her stellar
"Secret Service , " which Is now playing a
long engagement In Chicago , drew $1,530
more during its first ten performances In
that city than during its first ten In New
York. $1 827 more than in Boston , end J535
more than In London.
Chauncey Olcott was married n fortnight
ago to Miss Margaret O'Donovan of New
York. He has persistently denied the ru
mors of his matrimonial intentions , and now
excuses himself by stating that the rumors
concerned the wrong women.
Tim I Mull from Chli'iiuo.
OMAHA , Oct. 15. To the Editor of The
Bee : I have noticed In your paper several
charges made against Mr. Geraldlnc. criii-
tlslng his method of letting contracts , and
other trifling charges brought forth against
this eminent man from Chicago. Don't you
i' < now ho Is the great man who so successfully
planned and executed the World's wonder
ful exposition in Chicago ?
Perhaps you nro not aware that the world
Is indebted tg the 'brilliant ' genius of thi.s
wonderfully great man from Chicago for
the landscape beauty and magnificent archi
tectural display of those great buildings.
All the beauty and grandeur of conception
originated In the mind of this wonderful
man from Chicago. This great genius has
condescended to come tJ this Insignificant
city and has offered his services Ini order to-
secure the success of the exposition. All
that is necessary is to give this great man
from Chicago full power to transact all the
business connected with the transmisslsslppi
bhow and success Is guaranteed.
There is no need of a board of managers.
-Ml that Is necessary 'Is to furnish the money
to pay the bills , Judging by the contracts al
ready granted. You can relle on his econ
omy.Vltness Ills puylng $4 per day to his
frierU for picking up chips. Suppose he does
glvo employment to his relatives , uncles and
aunts and wife's relations , they are all from
Chicago and that Is enougn to Insure their
competency for picking up chips or anything
else lying around loose.
Now 1 hope you won't Interfere or criti
cise the acts of this Chicago genlu.i. I hope
you won't be offcn.led with mo for differing
with you In my views In regard to the con
duct of this Chicago a rara avis ,
Mcctluu ; of ( InKliiK'H SuliJrclN.
There will be n general mettlng of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-ISen In the rooms of the
Omaha Commercial club onMonday evenIng -
Ing next'to consider matters of great Im
portance concerning the future cxl-trnee of
the association. Before taking any steps
for the future the board of to\vrncr. < de lieH
to consult with the knights themrclvi-s.
for tlt 'i o column *
will Itf In It trii until 11 ! m. for l e
cVrnliiK mill until N P. ' ' " " "
inornliiK nnil Nuiuliiy < * illlon .
Ail vert Inrrn , by rciiirnlliiR | tiiim-
lirreil check , can hnv an wcrn atl-
ilrcNNi-il a iniiiiln-rc-il letter In care
of The lice. Answer * KO aililrcNNcil
will he delivered on yrcnenlnUoii of
the eheeU enl > >
Hnten , I t-ilc. a word llrM litNcrtloii !
Ic it word Iherenrter. .Nothlniv ( iiKeu
for II-NN limn Uoe. for the tlr ( Inser
tion. These iiilverllitemcntN muni ho
rim eoiiMuentlvely *
InJy rtr-nosriilipr | ; references Riven. Inquire
nt II1H cif Trmlr. A-MISfl
wnnts n 1'opltli'ii tip p > vrrnc ! > s to young chil
dren , mlnry not rcitiyMeriM us much no iii-eu-
iwitlm nil jilcnmnt hi inc. AddroM W 47 ,
lire. AM2M 19'
\\iMHMii wants i'in | > l < i > uu'iit. AilOrrKi W * > , l'c
oftU-o. A- : \r
of work ; no licnvy KO ' II > t entry ; rnlniy or
commission. C. F. Ailnms Co. , 121 S. IMn M.
SAM-SMI-N : : i-'bit noAiis , sT:3 A MONTH AND
cxprnrcsi old llrm ; rsin-rkncr uniu--i'n.ury In-
iluccinrntH to cuMumcm. ( ? . C. Itlrhop 'o. ,
St. Uiuln. II 516
National HcnrveirtiHlnllnn ; HIP bo l. Mfeit
nna Huumlrrt frnterimi nr.lrr In the tli-M tmlny.
Adorers P. A. C. S'.tovi-im , 511 N. IHh Kt. ,
Omnhn. It 517
llcltois for lirM fraternal lienollrlnry Fmloly
In Iho Hold ; K" < ul pay. A Mrc Supreme Src-
rctnry Star of Jnnlttr , MnVmk. Nilirnnkn.
11-M 41 NT
WANTKIl. SAliSMi.V : TO11HY A noop-
K'lllin : Hide line to HIP sroecry trailo ; lllicinl
rnmmlvlon. AiMtOJS Krcil It. Patten , llnrlv He ,
111. 11 M1W 17
NVlirnsUn for liesl nM line Kr.-iteinnl Innir-
iuice Co. , with liirno surplus. Salnry or rin-
mlB lon.V . " . . lli-o Olllco. IIM17 17
rnplicr , typewriter , collector : one rnniiietent
niul experltnt-eil , with references.V 3 ! * . Iti-e.
mill lirnril ; lay luUircrp , tl.TS per ilnv ' "n 11. &
M. Kramer A. O'llc.lin. llth nn < l Kuinntti.
11MIU7 17-
Io\\u ; extin K.-ing wnik ; K" " " ! luiki'r. Kramer
& O'llearn , llth nnd Knrnnm. Il-Mrx , 17 *
office ; mil ! " ! write iooil Imnd. lie nently ilrs.pil. .
Well mnnncroil ntul live with iiaientH. AiMn-sa
In own hntiil writing , RlvliiK UKP. resilience ninl
weekly tuilaiy pxpecteilV 41. Omnlin I lee.
11-213 17
\\-ANTir > . COACHMAN TO TAKI- : < * . \un 01i
horse nnil cow ; must have rcfeience. Apply nt
once. Xntlnnnl riothlnif l"i > . , cor. 14lli ami
HoiiKlns Sts. , 11-210 IT
wmk. SICO IIPI- month salary , with Illu-ial lul-
illtlonal commissions. It. O. Kvims & Co. .
Chicago. II Hit 17 *
either hex at Riiml wanes. I'or full Inf , nnutmn
ailihess I.-ibaillo Art cumpaliy. Kaluii.iz : i.
Mich . 11-217 17
nii i\s AXH CAititiKits rcm TIIK OMAHA
INistntlicc. l xnmlnatlon soon. 3,000 appoint.
mt-nt In pnstoltlce seivlcc last year. Full par
ticulars alKiut all K vernment positions ,
les , dates nf examinations .etc. , free. Nathiiril
Correspondence Institute , Dept. 11Yimlilnc -
ton , I ) . C. H-
AcrmSAIKSMIN. : . TO sm.i , TO DRAI.KHS.
1Cto ) $17. , monthly and expenses. JSxrcileni-e
nnnecessaiy. Acme ClRar Co. . ClilenRii.
11-210 17-
\vAXTkn. Yorxn MKX TO KKAHN nut-
hertiiR ; only elKht w-vk mjnlred ; catal > tao
mailed free. Moler SjMom Harher Schools ,
Clark and Vtin Hnren Sts. , ChlcnRo.
II M ! 2i 22'
Good reference. Seneca Whitf , Harvard , Xelt.
lt-21'R 17 *
iNTiitisTi-n : : IN TIIK oi'it'M.
m-trphlne or whisky hahlls In end for mv Imolc
on these diseases , free. 11. M.VDolley , M. ! > . ,
Atlanta , Ciu 11-22717'
side line. Small samples Mioni'ii | slon. Write
Immediately. Smalley & Co. , 401 Denrli irn St. ,
Chicago. 11-220 17 *
per 1.000 ; particulars und samples , 4e. Cres
cent Chemical Co. , C9 Dpiulxiin St. , Chicago.
ll-2 : > . - , 17'
edKe Klondike shares , for a lesponslhlo com.
pany ; pav larRe commlss'ons. ' 311 Ili'inoko
lildt ; . , ChlcaRo , 111. 11-221 17'
WANT si"fm-\vi : > OKNTI.KMKN IN KAcfr
town ; Jlo.COcrk nnd otllce expenses ; HD luaf-
ers ; send Htamned addiepsel envelope for full
partlcnlaiK. Wllday and Mutton , I'hll.idf-lphla ,
1'a. H-22217'
dealers : salary , ti > l f to J201.00 per month and
e\p-ns ( ; exp-ilence unnecessary ; pennanent
position. The Do Mora ClRar Co. , SprhiRtleld.
O. 11
erywhere , to represt-nl leadliiR nmnnfaclnrer.
OoodH sold to iclnll mm'hantH only. New line.
Immense seller. Salary and expenses or Illn-inl
commission to rlRht pally. Address Mer
chants' Dept. . 323 IMirlMin St. , Chlcatro.
II JIB 17 *
for a fraternal Older , llci'in-nl In Nehraska.
Oieatest xclentlllc plan of sl''k , accident. iU- !
ahlllty nnd death lienelllK extant , i\erllent :
InlnccmentH. exclusive tprilti rv. Wrllp iinlckly.
J. J < \ Keyno'.dK. ' KxchanRc HulldliiR. llolon.
Mass. U-2H-17 *
lar ; no experience necessary.Vrlle for
iiKent'x outfit. Address The Catholic News , f >
Ilarclay St. , New Yolk. II
every town to woik for us day or evenliiRH at
their homes ; pleasant employment the year
round ; n > canva'HliiR : we pay JO Id (18 Wi-Pkly ;
any one who can read can il > the work : you
will find this a splendid oppoitnnlly ; t.end IIB
your address ; we will send you full explanation
and start vou to work Immediately. Addresn
Standard MfR. Co. . Dept. 30 , 142 W. 23d St. .
New Yolk. II
Rood pay : Hxcelhlor Advertising Co. , 213 W.
12 : > tli Kt. , New York. II
weekly ; experience iinnecosary , | if mimic nt.
Ilro\vn Brothers Co. , Chicago. II
WANTIID , riooi ) i.iviKiitn : INSCIIANCI :
Hollcltoin as dlstilct nKPiitH for this state ; must
clvo liond. Apply Mutual Insurance , Seward ,
Noh. II-.MWI ! ! !
for the poilolllcp or other vlvll service examina
tion without teeliiR our Illustrated rnliiloRiio
< if Information ; sent free. Columbian Corre-
tpwidcnco CollcRe , WaFhliiRti.n , I ) . C.
IIM2H3 17 *
Apply 813 North ICIh m. ll-2iT ! 17
\VANTHD , 110 VH , AT Mt7uFffv WAHlY &
"n.'n , 32nd and Spanldlm ; . II-2S3 )7 )
ness. Lincoln , Nell. , pp-iii'inent position to
limit parly ; salary. $ SO < a year : referenceH anil
$ | IIH cash iciiulred AddresH "Iinmedlalelv "
Ili.x 2'G , Omaha. Noli , 11-20017
milker ; state experience ; apply < | tilck. AddresH
W CO , Iee. ! 11-317 17
WANTI3I ) . KOIilt lli-4THAI : , " > HMiNTKOMAH\
to travel 111 Nth. anil K. Dakota. 429 I'axlon
Mock. 11325 17
Vntn I < 'I < HIlK IIKI.I1.
17 wetk. Canadian Olllco , U22 Douglas
housework. Apply 1(3 K. 20th 11 venue.
C Midi
_ _ _
WANTII ) . A nooi ) HIOND oTuL wrnt
'Ity rc-ftrc ticca. Mrs MarHi , c-aiit of llnntmU
hall. 0-.MIH IJ
Hrk. , Mr * . William Ilciry , 1414 North tdli
hire.Koiitli ! Omaha. ( MlbO 17
WANTKI ) . KOIl COnT < IN I.'AMl7V 0 > TWO
In tmall vlllURo on I'nlon I'aellle Ity a tli' '
'uithly eompetiDl und experienced woman
wane * $2000 or M M per mo. It it , \u-n
Anifi".NU _ _ ( jiS'iS ,7 ,
prcp-ircT * In millinery depaitment. lloBt-u
Klore. Omaha. < _ Mj9g 1S
IruvelliiK pofcltlon with old vituMUhcd firm ,
liprinnni-nt ! $40 per month nnd i-xpt-iwn / .
JUix 734 , ChlciiKo , III , C21017
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