Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1897, Editorial Sheet, Page 13, Image 13

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Jnst received the finest selection of watches , diamonds.silvcrwarc , cut glass and silver
novfltti'i In tlio west -will odor special tn\ce \ every week from now until tlio holidays ( riving nil my customers
nn oiijinrtunity to punelwso from n fine Bolcoted stock nnd nt prices lower than thb lowest , every article war-
I unttd an rnjirosontail Observe n few of our special bargains
fid i > lId -liver Iliilr 2 Eft r.Osnlld sllvorCIothos O Cf100 C.itios , solid silver I 100 t'tntirpllnsolid O flfl
llrtiihi-g , "i rlli 15 nt lUiJ llrushcs , vvcrth > 5 nt C < UU mounts , vvorth 12at . I , silver mounts , with & .K&iUU )
i. , . ni JMI. at Solid silver tup Ititlr otn'n ' , 4 style , worth $2 , nt-goo Solid woith3.0 silver , MntchSnfo ut . O li
83 FollrtslUm Mlrr.r. O frfl Holld silver Tiipu Mein-n f\n \ SMlil sIlM-r Top S Uvn -
( Solid I
silver Case
5j uMim& < > . ut . . y.UW ure. vortii W OH , at AiU&l lioxes , woith * 1 00. : u .OUC worth * 2 CO , Stamp at . I.OU
Solid -illv'-r Pockut Null I'llo
worth tl.51) ) , at 75c
Kfilhl n'lvor Hut 1'hn
Will 111 VfC , Ut
Polld silver Null I'llus- Solid silver Top Fmory
worth II Oil , ut . . . . 75c worth Jl.Ui ) , ut 50c
Solid silver Yolvot lliuoli-
wolth JJ 00it 2nfl lUl-lhirltonnet I Cn Polld silver S-
W llMishus-worlli * . ! , lit I.OU
IM E Cor 16th and Farnam
Ssucl foroiir llhlitratccl Ciitalociic of SlUcr No\cltliss.
Active Work Bocun on the Grounds for tlio
Expositiou of 1900.
Color n lid llrllliiinr > < o Hilie 1'ri--
K- \ olllo tinUiiltcil
MM I I'M U III riKiiriA
Sro 't of Tlit'iili'ivt.
PAttlS. Trance , Oct. 5 In an lnter\lew
the other day with one ot the leading au
thorltles of the International exposition ot
1000 to ho held In this city ho made promi
ncnt two essentials of the exposition. They
might be called the two keynotes , or , if the
flgmo Is not accurate , the lndl\idiml key
notes of two compositions. Onu of them Is
color nnd the other Is novelty.
On these t\\o notes will he built up the'
CMX'Hltlon ' of 1900 on them It is being built
up todnj It would pertains he disputed
\lgorously by a Parisian should one say that
the fair In Ameriei In ISO ) with Its iire-
\alllng Scheme of white , its noble buildings
hullt on a sralo of magnificence ne\cr be
fore attempted and probably never to be
ngaln equaled It would peilups be denied
that the detcimliatlon to make thu fair of
1000 an endlessness of ga > etj Is duo in any
degree to the soberer nnd perhaps muio
classic simplicity of the Columbian exposi
And yet , when a representUlve of the ex-
Doslthm nmmigement told mo that color nnd
brilliancy and display wcro nt .ill points to
murk the bJlldlngs of thlx fair , I could not
hut wonder If this decision were not the
outcome of another , and that othei the de
cision of the managers or the Columbian
fair , splendldl > iiorfoi moil , to mnko that fall
the Humming up of all hum in effort In no-
lilllty of diMimi and mignilUonro of roallw-
lliin. We iihiy look fet the mnxt hrllliiut
display of color on the buildings of the
World's fair in TJOO c\er seen In hiich an
exhibition anil wo maj lei\o It to the
Fieii-h that thtse colors he brought Into
Of the Kwond featiiio of the fair , Its nov
elty , the tAitemcnt was m.ide that It must
tontiln no special foatuies ever iwinluced be-
roii1 It must IIP unhiuo no\elty , It must
H'and ' uluiie. Tlie o IH to be no Midway
lilalBanie , no Ferris wheel , though there will
still be the tall tower of Klffel standing in Its
jici'Ustomel place at the- end of the Chumps
do Mars. Vet there will | H no dearth of
unique features , and those who love artistic
novelty will find It In I'm is in 1900
Onu of the novel featnies of the exhibi
tion will be a street of thenteix tallnd tuo
I'arls In these theaters , which will bo
Hinall nnd jet elaborately lilted up with
xconmy und nccessoilcs of nil Kinds , will bu
presented plays by living Flench dramatists
under the direction of the playwright him-
naif. This uill givu an admirable opportunity
for thu stud ) , contemporaneously , of the
present-day writers of the Frnnch play.
In ono building , which will bu quite largo ,
perhaps 200 feet scjuaiu , will he taken a trip
tii Constantinople Ily nhl of the principle
Involved In the cinematograph or the
ktnctoscopo elaborated , the visitor , sitting
In his chnlr In this building will heo passing
before him ull the main features of a trip
fiom I'arls to Constantinople This certainly
wllhanawer for novelty , und It promises t < i
ho a feature of peculiar Interest. U will
icqulre no small amount of Ingenuity to
collect the views and arrange them In con
nected form so that oiw may have something
llko continuity In this str.-inge Journey In a
chair. The building will bo called the
"Murcoraum "
In electrical matters the expoHltlon man
agement proposes to go to the limit. The
\Vhother Itching , burning , bleeding , scaly ,
cruited , pimply , or blotchy , whether simple ,
scrofulous , or herod Itnry , from In fancy to ago ,
speedily cured hy warm baths with CUTICUK/I
80 Af , gentle anointings with CliTIouitAolut ( >
went ) , the great skin euro , and mild doses
of CimcuiiA nfeuLVKNT , greatest of blood
jnirltlere and humor cures.
I ; uA-t Ihroiurhont lh world. Fimii D DO uoCnltt.
Coie. , Salt Propi , lloilou.
tt-"llo f to Curt Litrj Dloo4 Humor. " frt .
/ tui > /cvtKvuiiuAi >
< > I ( > i trlral decorations of the building will
bo voiy elaborate and beautiful , nnd here
the same note of color will he predominant.
The revolving restamant , from which pan
oramic vle\vs of Paris may bo had while > ou
cut ha-i been already noted in America.
Pei haps ono of the most ptaUlcal features
nf the exposition will be Its repiesentatlon
of thu development of Industries Not alone
in the French exhibit will this beHhovvn , hut
all nations will be asked to * o shape their
exhibits that the Mme scheme may he pre
served Take , for Instance , a piece of woolen
cloth. The complete processes by which
this cloth became wearable will he Illus-
liated. The sheep will bc there , cared for
ind tended hy their shepherds The sheep
All ! bo shorn for the visitor ; the wool will
' 10 washed , carded and spun , the garment
not only woven in thu piece , hut madu up
Into garments after the moat approved
modem methods 'Fioni ' the sheep's back to
man's back will he the course So In all
departments of life every conceivable product
of the skill nnd Invention as well as the
art of man will be In this way Illustrated.
Hvery clvlll/ed nation on the gloho save
Kgvpt has made application for space for
national exhibits , which include , of couise ,
under the i tiling of thu administration , the
! Industilal exhibits from those countiics.
I Why I'gvpt did not. ask for rupiosculation
I I am at a. loss to knon. I have cndeavoied
) to locate the exact place where the building
of the United States v. Ill be placed , but at
this writing this cannot ho told. However.
It can be stated that It will be on the nouth
the buildings is nan- well under way. The
central dome I photogiaphed a day or two
ago .1 soiry opectacle It makes In compari
son with Its stately outlines eight jcars ago
The be-iutlfiil fountain In front of It facing
the IJIffol to\ver has but little left to mark It
fuvo u few bioken and dismantled statues and
a liilf dozen dlla ( > idaled looking black
dolphins once spouters of beautltul jets of
spray. The central dome , as such , has
wholly disappeared now , only the heavy
framewoik of one-half of It lumalnlng when
I made the photograph of the demolition , and
the destruction Is lapidly going on The
connecting building between the main dome
and the long machinery hall will also be
tern down and the machinery hall of all the
buildings on the giounds of 1SSO will re
main This will be remodeled In various
uajs to suit the demands of the exposition
The Palace of Flue Arts and the Palaceof
Liberal Arls to the right and left of the
ccnlral dome facing the niffcl lower will
soon be memoiles , for the contiacts for the
demolition have already bean let , and before
snow files. 01 , to bo moie piccUe , before the
winter rains of Paris begin , the major portion
tion of tlie.vj buildings will be In ruins
The view through the vast arches of the
niflel tower looking tovvaid the central dome
Is hardly what It was In 1SS8.
The buildings to bo erected In tilace of
those torn down will bo much handsomer and
more ornate , and 1'ie brilliancy of color noted
above will be hero shown nt Its best.
The work of laving is also under way on
ff < & yvtV'uitrrxbJ-\ \ ' !
bank of the Seine between the i ; iff el tower
and thu new pjlacu of nits which is to be
erected on the grounds of llio old palace of i
Industry of the fair of 1SS There is a long
stretch of thu Seine between two points ,
which will bo given up for thu national build
ings , nnd for many pavilions of vailoua types
It la to ha hoped that tlio building of the
United Slates may he > well placed , for on
thu location no less than on the architecture
will depend a good deal the significance of
our ovhlblt No governmental building is to
ho elected HBVU under thu Inspection of the
superintending architect , Mr. llouvard. This
Is In n sense a censorship of architecture
As noted at thu outset of this letter , tht-rn
Is to be color and brilliancy at every point.
Nothing Is to ho allowed In thu way of
buildings or adornment on thu grounds of
thu exposition of 1900 which Interferes with
thu harmony of the whole. So that no nation
will bo allowed to erect Its building until
after the plans have been submitted to thu
superintending architect It Is Intended ,
however , to allow each nation the widest
possible latitude In stjlo of architecture con
sistent with the rule of harmony. And the
management of the exposition believes that
lit no way can this rule of harmony bo en-
foiced save by tin Inspection of all plans of
buildings to be erected on the grounds.
While the opening day will not Ira for
two > ears and a half April IB. 1900 yet
there Is little enough time left. It would seem ,
for the government of the United States to
make decision as to all preliminaries and be
gin at the earliest possible moment the prep
aration for uu exhibit. U can be taken for
granted that the nations of Uuropo realize
us they never realized befoio the tremendous
scope and power of America , and they aiu
going to show the United States in this
world's fair what they can do ,
The exposition of 1900 will cover practically
the eamo space as did the onu of 18S9 , though
there will ho 270 acres of ground Instead of
240 iu 1 ! > SJ. The work of thu demolition of
it the grounds of the Palace of Industry , whicl
M was one of the leading buildings of Iho ici
cvpusltlon , situated near thu Champ I21)sccs
In a dlffeteiu part of the city. Here , where
the cxhlb'tloin ' of thu old salon have heel
held these ycais , the contractor Is maKlnr
an exlilliltlun of how quickly he can pull tu
pieces the eieat Iron beams of this big build
Ing , anil tlio whole field looks as though a
cclonu had E' uck it
The grounds are Inclosed by a high boin
fence , Inside of which ) ou may not go un-
Ui-3 ) iiii have a permit. On the location o
thu old pjlaco of Industry at the point there
is to bo erected a 'pair of buildings under the
general name of the Poluco of Art. These
are to be one In reality and aiu to be pcrma
nunt. Thu sum of $4,000,000 will be tpen
In their coiiEtiuctlan The ) will bo thu re
poaltory of the IInest art treasures of France
and hero will bo held the salons of coming
) ears.
The workmen are rapidly carting away the
refuse , and great pile drivers are at worl
all over the grounds preparing1 for the foun
datlDr.o of the buildings
This exposition 'Is not going to cost the
people of Fiance , and of IMrls particularly
a tidy sum. The government appropriate' '
$4,000,000 and the city of Paris $4,000.000
more. This comes out of the regular taxes
With this sum the permanent building of the
palace of arts will bo built , using up half o
It , and It will stand an a permanent Invest
nicnt , so It cin hardly be called an expend !
turo of the exposition. Sixty million franc
or $14.000.000 will ho raised hy loltery In.
point of fact , It may be said to bo raised I
practically already , for 2 COO.OOO of the 3.000.-
000 tickets have already been sold Throe
tickets sell for 20 francs each , and they
entitle the holder to twenty adinlsdlons to the
fair during Iho exposition , participation lu all
the drawings of the lottery from date of Is
suance , participation In all the various lot
teries that will be held on the grounds dur
ing the exposition , with other prlvllefcu In
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet
The rich are few
The poor are many
/ i
Therefore it is no surprise to find us enlisted on the side of the many -and offering to
them our goods at prices within the reach of the lightest purse.
Center Tables Brass 1 Onyx Tables Ladies' Desks Carpets
The first real good bargain We hnvo a iniinufncturcr'R < mmplo Hue In oak mahogany finish $1.75. The prices miwt advance VIT.V soon.
that we know of is that we bought iiiuli'i1 value and to bo sold at Lady's De-sk , wllh shelf nd drawer Manufacturers are charging us irom 10
have a few of those lower prices than brass tables have ever $5.75. to 25 per cent mote for caipets now.
$ . center
been sold before. Lady's Desk , with Krench legs , beauti We are still selling a good all wool
ter tables left yet at $1.90. Fiench iMg Table4' , with ton-Inch onyx ful mahogany finish $ li.5. two-ply Ingrain carpet at r > 0c a yard.
They are of a good size and top $4.00 I A very dopant desk that ha.s been sold Our best till wool two-plys , which are
excellent finish , suitable for The same table , with heavy brass stnn- heretofore at $10.50 now $11.00. belter than nunl "bests" we've he ml of
most anybody's parlor. When ilimls $5.00. Combination Desk and Hookcase , with at t5e ! and 70e jard.
this lot is ' Kxtni law , HIxllMu. lop , twisted legs , 5 book shelves , fancy cabinet top , with lUvt $ makes of T.ipcstiy llnusoN ut
gone there'll be no heavy , solid biass decorations $10.50. French plate mirror , drawer , oak or ma 75e a yard.
more remember that $1.90 hogany finish $11.50. Good Tapestiy Unissels , with ot with
now. Rope Portieres Then they go up to Slo.50. out borders filV a yard.
And up to $ M.50 and $18.00 and up to Special offering of Alexander Smith &
Rocking Chairs A new and dopant assortment , 0x8 $15.00 for a .solid mahogany Combina Sons' Axmlnstor Carpets , In. some of
feet , In delft" , preens and oiicntnl col tion Uookcaso and iDesk. the most beautiful pateius ever produced
Our line is orings at SU.75 each. and the hit pest line we've ever shown ,
A new deslpn In a typhoon cord Hope Book Cases special at $1.15 and frl.25 a yard.
practically 1'ortlere , full 0 feet wide , special value
complete at at $4.25.
In solid oak open $5.00. Iron Beds
Chenlllu Ciirlalns , nil colors-l. S
this time and - $ ,
lUioKeabo , with ,
two glast doors cabinet
$2.00 , $3.f,0 , ijU.OO nnd ? 5.00. , Brass trimmed
includes net nlxive $ O.C > 0.
Tapestry Curtains in a full line of colors
either ! l fctit
We ha\e ,
\ other
bookcases , all sorts of
new . .
ors at '
'I Toot ( i inolio
shapes , styles and prcles. *
and novel
Oriental effects In Tapestiles , very or 1 foot ( i Inches
shapes. new , at $ .5.00 , $5.50 and $8.00 a pair. Book Racks \\ideut & ! . To.
We call Thieo-elphtM Inch Kxtciihlon Uods , c > x- Extra heavy
' tendlnp to11 Inches , complete with
the ladies' Suitable either to . poitu , extended
brackets. lllc. .stand or hang on
the wall. foot , brass trimmed
especial attention One-half Inch
- Intension Hods , extend-
- med beds , $ , ' 1.80.
tention to the high arm reari In ) ; to 5 feet , with piojectlon brackets ,
ng rocker in golden oak piano suitable' for lace curtains i5c. ! Down Pillows 36c Vcrv , high huiul- , hea
inish illumined leather seat vily trimmed bed , oAtondod tool ; S7./JO. /
New Tabourettes We once had Sofa Pillows for 'Me .
n green at $7.75. .Massively tt limned in all luass , au
they weie tilled with feathers but now elegant atValr at : ? 11.00.
For the men a large arm We will make quite a hit on them. we've pot down pillows down to IKie
ocker upholstered in leather When It becomes known Just how nice i as long as they last. They aie not cov Dining Tables
in three shapes--$7.75 , $8.50 they aie We have a special shipment ered. ,
and $ i i.oo. of these new Tjiboiuelteh and we'ie uro- Solltl oak , si'li-c'li'il < iuaitcr sn\\oi1 lop ,
hip to pet up a run on ( hum because Window Shades
Arm cobbler rockers $ . highly polished , lope-vvotk logt , 8 feet
$2.50 , we aie poinp to bunch them all .it onu long SIL',50.
$3.00 and $3.50. price. We just pot in a lot of 1150 dozen cloth Quiirli'i1 stivvctl ( op , Iliiti-d It-s , S fo--t .
India Stools $1.12 Each Opaque Shade.s ready to hanp. At the .VHMX ) .
pi ice they aie the host \alues ever shone K.iini' t.llilc. ( i tVi't $ S . " ( ) .
They are in oak and msihoiranj lliiMi , \\e can sell tlium Monday at Ie-s dun ; .
i\lr.i si/c table ,
laige IS-lneh
All wood , slat top ? l.riO. some plain , some handsomely deeoi.i ed , the . ' / - ( oj ) ,
Kjjyptian Flower St.nlils ? ! . " . " . all hlphly polished. each. uiamif.ielurci's wholesale pi Ice U5e lluted legs , S I'eet extension , Iho top
like those on thu ? : t ( ) tablc.s-tfKi.Uu.
: ho wny ot admission to exhibits to which
tlio general gntu ticket will not admit.
The exposition management on the GO.OOO-
000 francs of the lottery makes a cleir per
cent In Interest of 3.000,000 fiancs , 'vvhlch '
biim goes to the pilzu fund , so that In the
end the exposition will clear the whole
CftOOO.OOO francs If the tickets are all sold ,
ind , as > noted , there seems to ho little ques
tion of this , for with the exposition open
ing o\ei t\\o jeais away over t\\o-tbluls
of the tickets lia\o been dibposed of The
irbes ate nian > . runnlDK from 500000 fiancs
n a fc\\ capital prizes for some semi-annual
dialings do\\n to small sums. The offer
to any ono interested In lotteries Is aery
alluring unu and the avlditjlth which
the French people ha\e picked up 'he tick
ets Indicates how much Interest they are
takvj ( ; In it.
In addition to all this , there \\lll ho the
regular tevenue derhed ftom the geneial
udmluslops , which will go , of course , to help
pa > the largo dally expense All In all , If
jou crant the Flench premise- that the lot
tery is to ho dcolied , the scheme seems a
caplUl one , hut 1 helievo there aie few
pet/pie In the United States outsldo of the
In1 , eterate gamesters \\lio regiet that the
lotteiy bchon.e of the Columbian fair was
Taken all In all , the exposition of 1900
In I'aili promises to be of pecullat Interest ,
noiel and brilliant In the exttemo , wholly
uusi pioaohlng the Columbian fair In point
of magnificence , i plunder of aichltecture ,
scope and dimensions The one , It seems
to me , will capitally illustrate the iharactor
and traits of the one republic hi Its dash
and brillluncj , while the other stood as an
unappioichahle token of the powei and the
dignity and the po-sibilltles of the most
lepuhlic of history.
TIII : oiiri mnitb. '
Milton Harnoy of Hattlo Circle , Mich , is
Lho oldest pioneer of tlu btite and IKIS lived
In liattlu Creek for slxtj-four jcaro
Max King , the well knoun Oeiman novel
ist , ha been celebrating hh SOth birthday at
Mr 1'lillandpr Simmons , who marched
among the pioneers In Deiupr's leopnt festl-
\al , was jiiohably the oldest amutig them.
He liii.s been llxlng In that ncctlou since IS ) . ' .
ChaileH S\\nln , a hermit , who \\aa once
woith $10,000 , died In his hnvcl near Wll-
llamsport , I'a , on Sunday. Ho was aged 87
years. During the Clay presidential cam
paign , when Swain was one of the foremost
boatiuon an the Lehlgh canal , he watered all
his boats and mules , to the valuu of $10,00) ) ,
on Clay , nnd of course lost
Sljter Mary iilrn Kllln , who died at Walt-
hainston , England , the other day , hi her SJd .
jenr , was the last survivor but ono of the dc- j i
\o oj bard of Cnth > lle Sli'em who ac
companied Florence N'lghtinqulo on Her nils- >
sloii of worcy to the Cilinea , Sister Mary j
Alo\ sills hnliiir till nfhni. During the .Iu- I
bllco exercises Sister Ellis was decorated by
thu queen with thu Qider of the Kojal Hod
Cioss , In leconnltlon of her Korvlcei ,
Algernon Chniles Svvlnhuriio , the poet , hone
ono of thu most eccentric Individuals In i : in
land , lie h a pel feet mauler of Greek and
French , but It Is his delight to pretend to
be entirely Illiterate , nnd , though ho left
Oxford with a great reputation , ho never took
his degree. Mr .Sulnlinnif II\CH near I.on-j |
don , hut ho li rarely .seen. In society. Ono I
of the mcHl pleasing tialls In his character Is '
his devotion to children. '
Vihlto men made tlioir ilrest appearance In
Illllsboro county , riorjda , 300 jears ago , hut
the first whltu child born within Its borders
has just died. This wna ' 'Uncle John Hurt-
man , " aged 92 , and hilcjun All o\er the state
David I ) . Dana , a broth i ; of the Ameilcdii
journalist , Charlftj A. pana , of the New
York Sun , Is thing qilletly on a farm In
West Kuhec , Me , at thu ago of TO. Strange
to say , Da\ld Is not on good terms with hl.3
brother Charles and will not read the Sun
The last survivor of the old hand of aboli
tion ugltators Is Parker"I'lllstmry , who ll\ca
at Concord , N' II. , and la still In compara-
tUuly good health , at the ago of 88 his birth
> car ha > lng been the same as that of Lincoln ,
( fladstone and Darwin. Mr. Hll.slniry's wife ,
whom ho married In early manhood , Is also
utlll living. It In fifty-eight years elncq he
left the ministry. Jaint * Uuseell Lowell
wrote of him In IblG as "brown broad shoul
dered I'lIUbury , who tears up words lilcu
trees , hy the roots
IliicUlon'M Arnlrii naive.
The heat salve In the world for cuts ,
brulsea , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores ,
tetter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns and
all skin eruptions , and positive ! ) cures piles ,
or no pay required , It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price
25 cents per box. For bale bj Kuhu i Co ,
What Medical and Sanitary fcienco Has
Doiio in Amerlcau Oities.
- I
I '
How i ( is Vci-oniiillsliril ) > ( Vnrliiiis
Hfiilth Hum ils It. iiIlH in Miu-lrrn
I.ciiillim U ( ! < . _ TinSilinuu >
of 1'rt-M-iilU < Mcillfliif. '
Durinij the past five jeais , publicly tin-
lecorded and lost sight of In the excitement
over discoveries of new remedies and new
methods of treatment , the health of the
cities of America has been constantly Improving -
proving and the death rates dwindling. This I I
has been stiangely marked. Told in figj j
ures , this general lowering of the death
rate means the giving of 35,000 lives ) early.
To explain more fully , had the science of
sanltallon and Ihe .111 of public , or "pi ov enta-
the medicine , " ( by which is meant the
guarding against maladies before they come )
not been carried to their picsent high levels ,
and had the death rates of American cities
been allowed to lemaln where they were live
) ears ago , 'lu.OOO persons In thc-se cities alone
would have been swept out of existence this
) ear. Quietly , yet sinoly , in nearly every
municipality from the Atlantic to the Pa-
citic , the health boaids have 'been ' cleaning
up. Investigating , examining foods , buildings
'and their city's waste , and keeping an eje
ofllclall ) on communicable diseases. Dlph-
theila , tph Id and tuberculosln ( consump- |
tlon ) have been watched as they novel wcro i
before , and not only are piecautlotib taken '
against thu spiead , ever so slight , of thesi ;
diseases , but measures are constantly
adoptol to lediiLO the numhei of cases In |
ordinal ) times. 'Ihus In New Vork Clt ) | i
alone 1.000 lives are being saved ) eaily ,
from the ravages of diphtheria ( this h ) thv < I
use of antitoxin ) , and during thu past thii'o j I
) cars the number of deaths from consump-
tlon has been gradually scaled donn un.'ll
it Is now annually 500 less than It used to bo.n
In the othei cltlus of Amo'Ioa , while i.iei-
Inps not so far-reaching , the improvmcnt Is
no less evident Thoru Is hardly a disease
in which a decrease In Iho death late IB nut ]
to bo noted. The great ricatli dancer and
what chiefly brings up Iho death ( le'icentago
In uii ) clt ) Is the mortality of chlldien under
fi In London , the healthiest great city In
the : world , thu death rate of Infants ( under
,5) Is 00 In 1,000. ( London's total death late
being a trlflo less than IS ) , with the death
iato uetwcen the agea of 5 and 25 only -Hi. )
and between 25 and IB civer.iglns lens JJun
12. Thus un Immense amount of attinloii i
Is now being | .iild to the guaidlng or ) oung ,
chlldien's lives , by better sanitary legula-ln
tlons , cleaner streels and thu thoiough In-
Bpcctlon of milk. Exactly what has been jo
thu decrease In thu percentage of infant ,
moitallty thioughout thu cities of the coun-j
try cannot ho told , for no figures have been ,
made up , but the authorities give It as i
something llko 25 per cent. I
Nineteen of the most prominent American .
cities , taken so as to Include every section I
of the country , show. In every case save one ,
a decrease. In Ihls one catso the death rale
has not varied for twenty jears , except
llghtl > , from jear to > ejr. That clt ) Is i
Piovldencc. H. I. .Minneapolis fhows the |
largest decrease , her death rate having fallen i
steadily from 17 per 1,000 In 188G to 0 13
during IbUC. A table , made up from the
ofllcial health board reports of nineteen leadIng -
Ing cities and approved by medical experts ,
shows the actual number of lives waved this
year. The cilles areas follows. New Yoik ,
lirooklyn , Chicago , Doston , Philadelphia.
New Orleans , Cleveland , Milwaukee , Haiti-
more , San Francisco , Iluffalo , Denver , Cm-
clnnatl , St. Luuls , HartforJ. Prcvldeucu , Mln-
ncapolU , St. Paul and Atlanta.
The lives saved foot up 23.8C7 The total
populatloi ( estimated , 1897) ) of these rltles Is
10.725,000. Statistics show that 20,000.000
people of the United States live In cities
Drun allowing that the decrease of the death
rate has not been so great 1n thu other cities
there Is little question hut that the total
number of lives saved yearly now amount to
35.000 , end the complete figures would proh-
abl ) s'lion nearer 10,000.
Ouo thing should bo noted In regard to
thee figures. A low death rate U no par
ticular evidence of superior administration
Certain cities bcwuso of their situation or
their comparative uewnc&s uaturall ) have u
low death late Partlrulailj Is this the case
Ith the newer cities of the west , whore
thuto is no overcrowding and no looltcilcs
In a newer city tlieio nio apt to bu fewer of
Ihe veiy old and the verj > oung , and the
larger the percentage of Inhabitants In the
ap line of lifu ( between 10 nnd 35) ) ) , the bettei
aS cltj'.s hcallh under an ) coudltloim
Since 1SU2 these new scientific measmes
nnd methods have been coming Into use.
Chief among them have been anti-toxin fur
'diphtheria , the public supervision of tulx-i-
culosis , the bacteriological diagnosis of tu-
beiculcbis and dlphtheiia cit the set vice of
j. piivate ilisicinns ) , the famous blood tests J
for tjphoid , the Inspection of milk , h > which
a cot don Is formed around a clt ) and no
milk allowed lo come In' ' that docs not reach
a certain standard , the Inspection of the
cows ( within the city limits ) from which
mills Is produced , the pioper elesfilng of
stieets and of gaibjge , sanitary In
spection and the medical Inspection of chll
dien \ In schools , and Iho wholesale destiuc-
tlon of rear tenements and condemned hulld-
I' '
Pioperly Breaking , this Is the science of
"picventlvo medicine , " and It is all of these
Innovations , not oiue of which has pioved
a fai Hue , that has made this i evolution
In the health of America' * ; cities. In the
great majority of these Innovations , ln > thu
most Important of these hclantlflc meisurus ,
the Initiative was taken anil the pioct
launched under the scientific guidance of
Di H M. lllggs. bacteriologist of the New-
York Iloaul of Health , nnd under the piac-
tlcal supervision of Chailes ( ! . Wilson , Its
president Other cities have rapid ! ) follow ed
suit. Approved hy visiting scientists of the
countiy , many of whom have gome to New
York especially to study these methods , and
Indoised by the American Public Health
association , nearly all of these Innovations
have . been adopted elsewhere , gradually and
In part , ) ct enough , to show that they InvM
met with favor.
Chicago , In her health board , lias Imi
tated ; New Yoik In almost . -very pal titular , j
and , has n moie complete seiles of plants
than J , BCIJ oilier cltv outside of New York
Shu UiOiVh a reduction in hei dea'h rate 01'
as many points. ChhagoK mortollty Is mudi
lower ' ' than hat of New Yoik This Is duo
purely to local conditions Medical science
In j ] the shape of the editorial pigu of thu
lliltlsh ' MedUal Journal eaM a fuvv weeks
ago that , taking Into account the condition * *
( whlih allow for her massing of peoples of
all nations her tcvnrinrnl pioblems and the
pccnlldi tcmlencleb of her cllmatn lo throat
maladlis ) the deciuase of five polndi In Now
Yoik s dcnth rate Hlmo the end of 189.J wir (
riie best showing Hint any city In the world
had ovci made , that ( he methods far sur-
pa&sed those of London
The health of southern cities , despite their
epidemics , stands high in Iho scale , though
In noaily all of them the mortality among
negioes Is large , owing to thu filthy negro
quaitern Thu Houthein cities are now com
mencing a general "cleaning up , " however.
Oulsldu of the s'oulli , except In New York
nnd Dofiton theie are no fclunm worth can-
Hldorlng as danger hpols nor are foiclgn-
OIH , how over dlity , a menace It Is only the
two t cities mentioned that get thu worst of
them. t And both of three have set to work
upon their slums and the rlvlll/atloii of the
foreign element , Doston having just started
in | New York has nearly solved thlB prob
lem i hy her "small paiks , " dug out of the
worst of thc tenement districts , and the In
fluence of thu pure air Is commencing to ho
In certain diseases the Improvement
throughout the country Is marked Chicago
shows . It In her detreato of deaths of In
fants The New' York figures , made up In
full detail , can bo taken In evidence of this
decrease everywhere , though It must bo ad
mitted that Now York makes a bettor show
ing In this regard than most other cities
SliK'o 1812 she has i educed her dlarrhocal
death rutu fiom 211 to 149. and last year
showed . nearly KOO ] rt.s actual deaths from
' thin disease During the past summer the
record of three weeks In August showed only
one-seventh of the total number of deaths
duo to the disease , against one fifth , the
proportion In the adjoining city of lirooklyn
for the same time
Antitoxin has now come Into fairly general
use. Iloston , St Louis Chicago , Ran Fran
cisco , Washington , New Orleans and Newark
have adopted It , and Philadelphia In a meas
ure. Cincinnati and Minneapolis are now
considering the Introduction of planm The
USD of this remedy has extended so widely
that New York Ifi enabled to pay a largo
proportion of the expenses connected with
the manufacture of her antitoxin hy selling It
to other cities , using the money for research
lu connection with Infectious dlseuEUi Thu
supervision of tubeiculoslH Is being slowly
taken up all over the union , and In many
cities It ha bet n olllclnlly dcclaiud u com
municable dihcaso Disinfection plants built
on new lines alu being lapldl ) established ,
especially In the south nnd west , and uven
the smallest c'illi's of the country are begin *
nlng to tiKe u keen Intel cat in them.
\ii nr.s.
It Is announced that .Mine Colette Dumas ,
the diughtcr of the late Alc\andei Dunua ,
is about to many lr Metra.
It seems strange tint a St Louis womin
houd ! offer $1000 for a husband She
could bu ) a good doj ; for JJ and a parrot
for $5.
riev Dr. George C. Daldwln , of Troy , N. V. ,
has been maii > lng couples for over flfty
) oars , and the list Is < nld to have icached a
total of : ! ,000.
Judge Piyor of the New York City sil-
piemecouit holds that veibal cruelties , Mich
as curses and filse accusations , me BUlllcIont
to wan ant a scpiratlon and an award ot
maintenance to the nggilcved wife
Isaac Newton , In his salad das , fell In
love with a Miss Stoiey while studying at
Grantham Povcitj , howovei , pieveiilcd the
iratcli lie lemamed faithful nnd was over
her tine friend , hut she was not Inconsolable
and in.iirled twice.
A valuation II.IK been fixed nt last on a
masculine he.nt when tilfled with by ono
of Iho softer Bex In Maine a Jnrv ban
nwaided damage * amounting to $1 7S'J ' against
n young woman who disippolnted un > ex
pectant hridi'giuom at the lant minute. Tlio
amount asked was $25,000.
A Chicago couple hiving voluntarily dis
solved partnership , they have hiKMted a
raid In a dally paper announcing "dlvurco
by aihei llscineut. " The simplicity of his
niinngement will commend Itself to cvury
one It still icniains to see. however ,
whether a common law divorce will hold
Geoigo Itasmusscn nnil Mailo C'lu Ititenseu
ofmlulioii wanted to gut irairlul hut
( ! toi/i / > was not of ago Onu of his patents dead , the other abroad In order to
overcome the dllllculty ho had a guardian
appointed consent from this oindal was
ohta tied , and the inarilagu was solemnl/.o4
. .TnmcHhlkiiinb Illluy.
I.4 us lust 0111. selves a bit.
Won ) ' ' vvuxo ) our hand to It-
Kiss your llngei-llp * anil Hinllu
U faifwujl a llttlu vUillu.
Weary of the vve.iry ' .vny
We have come slnco yestord.iy.
Let us frel us not , In ilrcnd
Of thu weary way iilieail ,
While we yet look down not up
To seek out Hut lillltuiuiiu
And the daisy , whont they \\uvu
O'er the Klfcn homo of the giavu.
Let us launrh us smoothly on
LlHths.s lilllouj * of til" ln.\n ; ,
Anil ill If t out neioHH the iiiiiln
Of our chlldlxh dre'.uns iiKain ,
off , lienentli the trees ,
O'ei the Ih'ld'M cue hauled MMH ,
Wheic Ihe llllfs aiit our S.IH | | ,
And out tic.igulls , nightingale ! ) .
Whore no wilder utorin sliall heat
Than thu wind that waves thu wheat ,
And no leiiiiwvln ImiHt above
Thu old laughs vvu used to love.
Lose ull troublcH-Kaln release ,
L.ingoiir and excluding pc-aco ,
< 'rulsliir ( Idly o'er the vanl
Calm mld-oiuan of the vast.
l > t us rest ourselves a lilt
W ony ' ! 'W.i vu ) our hand to It-
Kins your llnger-tlpx and smllu
U furcAell a llttlu whllu.
"If you dumped
curt load of gold at my
( cut It would not bring
Buch joy und Kindness
into my life " So write *
n prominent in n ufter
using the method of
nclf-trvatmcnt that hua
restored EO niuny men
who bail been wrecked
by excesses over-work
or evil hatiita of youth ,
A little hook that
makes It .ill plain /nay be hud without charge
by writing jug ERIE MEDICAL CO. ,
4 Niagara .St. , Duffalo , N , Y.
No C O. D scheme : no patent medicine- * ,
jutt the book under .plain letter seal.